Encyclopedia of fire safety

When to feed tomatoes. How to spray tomatoes in June and July. Tomato diseases and their prevention

Tomatoes are a very picky vegetable crop, especially if they are grown indoors. In this case, for the full care of them, it is necessary to feed the tomatoes in the greenhouse with mineral fertilizers. And here they will need both organic and complex. In order for you to do everything right, in this article we will answer such questions - what exactly do tomatoes need, how to use it all correctly, and what should be taken into account.

Necessary micro and macro elements

In order for tomatoes to bear fruit well, they must be fed with various macro- and microelements. The most important here are nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. With a lack of the first, the development of the vegetative system slows down or stops altogether, productivity decreases, leaves turn yellow and roots weaken.

If the plant lacks phosphate fertilizers, then it does not tolerate cold well and does not resist various pests. This is especially noticeable during the period of growing seedlings.

An important role is played by potassium deficiency, which occurs mainly during fruiting. Tomatoes need this element much less than others. It is necessary to improve the taste properties, strengthen the root system and stems, accelerate the formation of ovaries and leaves. Magnesium and zinc regulate photosynthesis, the process of chlorophyll formation, and it depends on molybdenum and calcium whether the leaves will curl and wrinkle.

You also need to feed the tomatoes in the greenhouse with preparations with sulfur, iron and manganese, with insufficient intake of which the stems become thin and brittle, the leaves become stiff, begin to wither and dry. Very often on tops you can find bright yellow streaks that are somewhat reminiscent of a viral mosaic.

In closed ground conditions, the need for tomatoes in chlorine and calcium increases by 2 times. These micro and macro elements are intensively absorbed by the plant in poor light and high humidity. In case of their deficiency, the leaves are characterized by a mosaic yellow-green color and the top of the plant bends unnaturally, which may indicate the development of late blight.

Table of sources of micro and macro elements

Name Mineral fertilizers
Potassium Potassium chloride, potassium sulfate, potassium salt
Phosphorus Double superphosphate, superphosphate
Nitrogen Ammonia water, ammonium sulfate, urea, ammonium nitrate
Calcium, zinc, sulfur, magnesium Dolomite flour, furnace ash, eggshell, zinc sulfate
Bor Boric acid
Iodine Iodine solution
Manganese Potassium permanganate
Molybdenum ammonium molybdate
Copper blue vitriol

All proposed fertilizers can be used both individually and in combination with each other. For convenience, ready-made inorganic compositions are sold - "Master", "Nitroammophoska", "Ammophos", "Tseovit", "Valagro Benefit", "Kelik Potassium" and many others. others

When to Use - Fertilization Order

It is necessary to divide the work into 4 stages:

  1. Before planting in the soil, it is abundantly watered and fertilized with a mixture of ash and manure. Then, when the earth dries out, it is well dug up. A week later, the first feeding of tomatoes is carried out after planting in the greenhouse under the roots. At this time, you can use urea and ammonium nitrate. Dissolve 2 tsp in a bucket of water. each component.

Ammonium nitrate is an essential component of foliar and root dressings

  1. The second time fertilizers are applied 2 weeks after the first feeding. Potassium sulfate diluted in 10 liters of water will be useful here. After another 5 days, the following composition should be poured under the roots:
  • 15 liters of cooled boiling water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate;
  • 2 tbsp. l. wood ash.
  1. After the start of flowering, it is recommended to spray the bushes with such a solution:
  • 10 liters of water;
  • 2 tsp sodium humate powder;
  • 2 tbsp. l. nitrophoska.

For 1 sq. m will need about 5 liters of the composition. Then a break is made until the time when the first fruits appear. At this point, you should use "green" organic matter - an infusion of herbs. To prepare it, pour comfrey, ranunculus, dandelion or any other plants with a total weight of 1 kg with boiling water and let them stand for 2-3 days. Stir the mass every day, and when it ferments, strain it and pour the solution over the wells.

  1. After the start of fruiting, the application of mineral fertilizers under the roots remains relevant. You can see what exactly is suitable here in the table a little higher. To strengthen the plant and increase its resistance to diseases, it is useful to use iodine (40 drops) 2-3 times a month in combination with 1 liter of serum and 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide. This composition and sprayed bushes.

How to feed

Ready-made preparations help well for watering the soil during the growing season. One of these is "Fitosporin-M", designed for soil disinfection. Such top dressing of tomatoes in a greenhouse made of polycarbonate and other materials prevents the development of powdery mildew, root rot, black leg and other diseases. For this purpose, 3 tsp are diluted in 10 liters of water. powder, the resulting volume is enough to process an area of ​​\u200b\u200b50 square meters. m.


In case of boron deficiency at any stage, spray the bushes with water (10 l) in which 2 g of boric acid is diluted. With the same composition, you can wipe the leaves and water the soil, before that it is heated in the sun. For additional nutrition and protection against phytophthora, iodine is suitable, 10 drops of which are added to 10 liters of water.

Iodine can also be used in the following way - hang vials with it over plants - the vapors of this drug destroy microbes in the greenhouse. In order not to suffer yourself, you can not stay in this room for more than an hour in one visit.

During flowering, it is useful to spray the bushes with an infusion of wood ash, it (250 g) is poured with hot water (3 l) and left for a day. The next day, the precipitate is filtered off, and the resulting solution is diluted with water (1:1). 1-2 such procedures are enough before fruiting begins.

For leaf feeding, a solution of:

  • boric acid (5 g),
  • zinc sulfate (3 g),
  • copper sulfate (2 g).

It is used to wipe the leaves with a cotton pad. It is quite possible to spray the bushes with the same composition. The number of such procedures should not exceed 1 time per month.

For the active development of shoots and leaves, top dressing of tomatoes in the greenhouse with urea is necessary, but it is possible only at the flowering stage. Bushes are treated with a 0.5% solution (50 g of fertilizer per 10 liters of water). This volume is enough to spray 100 square meters. m plantings of tomatoes.

With a lack of calcium, calcium nitrate is useful, 7 g of which is diluted in 10 liters of water. Ready-made fertilizer can be used to wipe the leaves or spray the tops before the fruit appears; one bush requires about 1 liter. Usually 2-3 treatments during the flowering period are sufficient.

After planting seedlings, it is advisable to spray it with ammonium nitrate, diluted with water at the rate of 40 g per 10 liters. In the flowering phase, the concentration increases by 0.2%, and during the fruiting period it is already 0.9%. In total, 3 such procedures are required at the specified time, it is recommended to combine them with the introduction of chicken manure into the wells.

VIDEO: Simple and inexpensive recipes for feeding tomatoes

Root top dressing

For this, both ready-made preparations and mineral fertilizers are suitable.


It is produced in dry form and is relevant only in the first month after planting seedlings. Application rate - 25 g per square. m in a greenhouse. The granules are placed around the hole, sprinkled with earth and watered.

  • Fertika Lux

The preparation (20 g) is dissolved in 10 l of water. To help him, it is enough to water the soil with them once a week. You can not combine this method with the use of organic!

  • Fertika Crystalon

Consumption rates - 25 g per medium-sized bucket of water. This volume is enough for top dressing of tomatoes in the greenhouse to be carried out on 20 square meters. m of landing area. It is carried out throughout the growing season with an interval of 10 days.

  • Good Power #2

It is used in its pure form for spraying and watering the soil. The composition contains boron, iron, molybdenum, manganese and other macro- and microelements, due to which plant growth is actively stimulated. Don't use it more than once a month.

  • Aquarin vegetable

The first watering is carried out with a 0.05% solution 15 days after planting the seedlings, and the next, two more, with an interval of 3 weeks. Here the concentration should be increased by 2 times.

From mineral fertilizers, once a month it is recommended to use mullein, which (1 l) is diluted in water (10 l), mixed and poured under the roots of the bush. After that, you can water the earth the very next day. Dry manure also helps, it is evenly distributed over the beds and left to decompose.

To strengthen the root part, accelerate photosynthesis and improve the taste of fruits, several different fertilizers can be combined. Here are the best recipes:

  1. In the mullein infusion (1 l), add nitrophoska (20 g).
  2. Combine 8 g of potassium sulfate, 15 g of superphosphate and 0.3 l of chicken manure infusion.
  3. Mix 200 g of wood ash, 0.7 l of liquid mullein and 20 g of superphosphate.
  4. In 1 liter of infusion of any herbs, add 5 g of copper sulfate and 250 ml of ash.

The prepared compositions are poured directly under the roots of the plant using a ladle in the morning or evening. It is extremely important that when the tomatoes are fed in a greenhouse made of polycarbonate or other material, the day is not very sunny, but it is not expected to rain either. The number of procedures - no more than 2 per month.

The number of applications of root dressing can be increased up to 5 times in 2 months if the bush is affected by aphids and other pests.

Special attention deserves the feeding of tomatoes with yeast, which can be carried out no earlier than 10 days after transplanting seedlings into the ground. To do this, follow this recipe - combine dry yeast (10 g), chicken manure (0.3 l), water (8 l) and sugar - 25 g. Since this composition cannot be used in its pure form, dilute it 1 to 10 with water and using a watering can with a strainer, pour the fertilizer in a circle. It is a great growth stimulant! If necessary, repeat the procedure after 2 weeks. This time, double the amount of chicken manure.

Fertilizing yeast and sugar for tomatoes can be even more beneficial if ascorbic acid is added to the mixture - only 2 grams per solution

And the last option is to drop dolomite flour near the bush. For 1 weave with an acidity of less than 4.5%, 20 kg is enough. Fertilizer is distributed around the plant and immersed to a depth of about 5 cm. Note that the more acidic the soil, the more it is needed.

Now you also know how proper feeding of tomatoes in a greenhouse should be carried out, what is needed for it and how to combine it all correctly. Such a procedure should definitely be included in the care of greenhouse tomatoes, because growing them in conditions of low light, high humidity, lower temperatures, they need much more of your attention and care. This is the only way to please yourself with a truly good and tasty harvest!

VIDEO: The secret of productive tomatoes

Properly preparing the soil for planting, growing healthy seedlings does not mean that you will have a good tomato crop. During the season, tomatoes go through several stages of development at each of them; tomatoes require their own set of nutrients.

Signs of a lack of nutrients in a tomato

Not always weak tomato seedlings are a consequence of infection or the presence of insect pests. External symptoms may indicate a nutritional deficiency. Knowing these signs, you can help the tomato with the help of timely top dressing.

With a lack of nitrogen, old leaves turn yellow in tomato bushes, the stems become thinner and stretched in length, the leaf plates are small, their color is not bright green, but pale, almost white. To eliminate nitrogen deficiency, mineral or organic fertilizers containing it are needed.

When tomatoes lack phosphorus, a bluish tint appears on the stems and leaves, if you look at the underside of old leaves, a purple tint is clearly visible. With a deficiency of phosphorus, the roots develop poorly, the plant lags behind in growth. The problem is solved with the help of any fertilizer containing phosphorus.

Symptoms of potassium deficiency:

  • young leaves curl;
  • old leaves turn yellow at first, then dry up;
  • brown spots appear on the leaves.

The deficiency is filled with potassium nitrate, the dosage is taken from the instructions for the drug.

With a lack of magnesium, the leaf plates are curled up. If the tomatoes lack zinc, then gray-brown spots appear on the old leaves, the young leaves almost do not increase in size and become covered with yellow dots. Spraying the bushes with magnesium nitrate (5 g per 10 liters) eliminates the problem.

The lack of calcium during fruiting contributes to the appearance of vertex rot on the fruits, a border similar to a burn appears on young leaves, calcium nitrate saves. With a lack of boron:

  • the color falls off;
  • growing points die off;
  • the plant forms many stepchildren;
  • there is a deformation of the tops of the central and lateral shoots.

Iron deficiency begins to appear with a change in the color of the lower leaves. They first turn pale, then begin to turn yellow, while the veins retain their green color.

Iron deficiency leads to slower growth of tomato bushes. Eliminate the deficiency with iron sulphate.

Types of feeding tomatoes

When growing a tomato in open ground and in a greenhouse, it is necessary to properly organize the nutrition of tomatoes, use two types of dressings:

  • foliar;
  • root.

Foliar top dressing is carried out by spraying tomato bushes with nutrient solutions. Fertilizers, falling on the leaves, are absorbed faster. It is advisable to carry out foliar top dressing in certain cases:

  • bad weather;
  • the plant is weakened;
  • obvious nutritional deficiency.

For foliar top dressing, it is worth purchasing an industrial sprayer with a volume of about 8-10 liters. Plants are treated in the evening or early morning, this helps to avoid sunburn on the leaves.

Important! Make no mistake, do not feed tomatoes at the root if the weather has been cool for more than 3 days. Nutrients are absorbed when air and soil temperatures are above 15°C.

All summer residents are engaged in root dressing. Any liquid fertilizer tomato bushes are watered under the root. A prerequisite: the tomatoes must be watered the day before, this will protect the roots from burns.

How to feed tomatoes folk remedies

Consider popular folk recipes for dressing tomato seedlings after transplanting to a permanent place.


Many summer residents do not believe in the benefits of iodine for tomatoes and in vain. Iodine helps plants absorb nitrogen in the soil, which stimulates the growth of green mass of tomatoes. From sowing seeds for seedlings until the end of the growing season, no more than 3 top dressings with iodine are carried out:

  • the first time - seedlings in the phase of 2 true leaves;
  • the second time - during the formation of flower ovaries;
  • the third and last top dressing - during fruiting.

The main benefit of feeding with iodine during the formation of buds is an increase in the number of flowers, they form much more.

Important! Plants can be fed with iodine both under the root and along the leaf.

Watering with water with iodine during the fruiting period guarantees:

  • accelerated maturation;
  • increase in fruit size;
  • increase in the sugar content of the pulp.

Preparing water for irrigation is easy. 1 drop of iodine is dripped onto 3 liters of warm water and fertilizer for watering tomatoes under the root can be used. For an adult plant, 1 liter of liquid is consumed. Do not water the soil before fertilizing.


Ash is a universal remedy that protects tomatoes from pests and diseases, making up for the lack of nutrients. Top dressing with ash is especially useful in cool weather, which in our northern latitudes occurs just after transplanting tomato seedlings into the ground (greenhouse).

When the soil is cold, tomatoes do not absorb potassium well, so in cool weather it is better to carry out the first top dressing with instant ash infusion. After transplanting seedlings, at least 10-14 days should pass.

The sequence of quick preparation of ash infusion for feeding tomatoes:

  • we take a container with a volume of up to 80-100 liters;
  • fill it with water;
  • for every 10 liters of water, pour 0.5 liters of wood ash;
  • mix everything well and top dressing from the ash is ready.

Important! There should be no chlorine in the water. Ash is only wood or made from grass. Ash obtained from the combustion of other materials (cellophane, wallpaper) is not suitable.

It is best to prepare an infusion from rainwater. The solution can be used immediately after preparation. On one root you need to pour 0.5 liters of infusion. The benefit of feeding with ash is that tomato bushes receive and quickly absorb:

  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium.

These are exactly the elements that tomato seedlings need to adapt and grow after transplanting into the ground (greenhouse).


For cooking, we take a plastic bottle with a volume of 5-6 liters. Pour warm water into it.

Important! The water temperature must not exceed 38 °C. If you use hotter water, the yeast will not work.

  • water 3 liters;
  • 1 pack of any dry yeast;
  • sugar 10 tablespoons.

We mix all the ingredients, close the bottle with a cork and put it in a warm room for 4-8 hours. It is worth preparing the solution in the morning, because it is worth feeding the tomatoes in the evening.

For root and foliar top dressing, a non-concentrated infusion is used, it is diluted with plain water:

  • 3 parts of the mash;
  • 7 parts water.

Tomatoes are pre-watered, after which 1 liter jar of yeast water should be poured onto each bush. Under the root, tomatoes can be fed 1 time in 14 days.

Important! Feed your tomatoes in the evening. There will be no sunburn on the leaves, nutrients will be better absorbed.

Yeast foliar top dressings are useful for tomatoes. They serve as an excellent prevention of fungal diseases. The working solution is used in the same concentration. The frequency of treatments is not more than one in 2 weeks. You can feed tomatoes with yeast throughout the season.

chicken manure

In chicken manure, all the nutrients are in a form that is convenient for assimilation by tomatoes. If you want to get a rich crop of tomatoes, then make the first top dressing after transplantation with a solution of fresh chicken manure.

It does not need to be insisted, you can use it immediately after preparation. We prepare it, strictly observing the proportions:

  • 1 part liquid, fresh chicken manure;
  • 10 parts rain or settled tap water.

Water the tomato beds well the day before. Mix the chicken manure solution several times and pour no more than 1 liter into each well. Exceeding the concentration of the solution or dose during irrigation has a bad effect on seedlings.

Reference. Do not throw away the thick remaining at the bottom, pour it under any fruit-bearing tree or shrub.


Mullein is a fertilizer that benefits all types of plants, especially tomatoes. It is a fertilizer complete in composition of micro- and macroelements. The list of what you need to prepare a solution of mullein:

  • plastic bucket with a volume of 10-15 liters;
  • cow cakes (fresh);
  • pour ¼ of the total volume into a bucket of cakes;
  • fill the rest of the bucket with water;
  • cover the bucket with a lid and leave for a week to infuse.

The present solution must be mixed. In a bucket (10 liters) add 1 liter of mullein infusion and mix well. Use the prepared fertilizer immediately, spending 1 bucket per square meter.


We are learning how to prepare original nettle fertilizer. Nettle as a fertilizer is used precisely after transplanting seedlings into the ground. This is the plant that contains the maximum amount of nitrogen. And nitrogen, as you know, is needed for tomatoes to quickly build up green mass.

For cooking, we take a container (bucket) of 10-15 liters, fill it with 70 percent chopped nettles. We also send a decent dose of any jam there. Many will have a question, what is it for. The answer is simple - lactic acid bacteria, which we want to breed in our infusion, love sweets.

Important! Add 1 cup of nettle infusion prepared in this way to a bucket of water.

Add water and 0.5 l of Baikal EM solution to the container. For the bacteria to work well, we tightly wrap the bucket with a film, it must be removed 2 times a day and the contents of the bucket mixed. A week later, a fertilizer rich in nitrogen and beneficial microorganisms is ready.

The specific smell and decomposed remains of nettles indicate the readiness of the fertilizer. This fertilizer can be applied before the flowering of the tomato, later other plants containing not nitrogen, but potassium are needed.

When to Feed Your Tomatoes

During the season, 3 root dressings are carried out. The first, very important top dressing, is carried out 10-12 days after transplanting tomato seedlings into the ground. There are many fertilizer options. You can use mineral fertilizers. For example, nitrophoska: 1 tbsp. l per bucket of water, consumption of 1 liter of solution per 1 bush.

With high-quality soil preparation before planting using the whole complex of organic and mineral fertilizers, it is enough to fertilize the seedlings:

  • potassium sulfate (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water);
  • potassium magnesia (1 tsp per 10 liters of water).

From organic fertilizers, at the first stage of development, herbal infusions or solutions of mullein, or chicken manure are used.

The second time the tomatoes should be fed during flowering. Take a solution of mullein (10 l), add to it:

  • complete mineral fertilizer 1 tbsp. l;
  • copper sulfate 3 g;
  • potassium permanganate 3 g

The consumption of the working solution for dwarf tomatoes is 1 liter, for determinant-type bushes - 1.5 liters, for indeterminate plants - 2 liters.

In order for the fruits to be better tied, root dressings alternate with foliar ones. On the bushes there is an active formation of ovaries after spraying the bushes during flowering with a solution of boric acid. For 10 liters of water, you need 1 gram of boric acid and magnesium sulfate.

The third dressing during fruiting should be carried out with ash infusion. How to cook it was described above. It is effective to use superphosphate during this period. Prepare the solution according to the instructions on the package.

The table shows the cases when foliar top dressing is needed for tomatoes.

By controlling the condition of the planted seedlings, applying fertilizers on time, you can grow strong tomato bushes with excellent immunity. Healthy plants always please with a good harvest, which is distinguished by its presentation, good taste and a long shelf life.

  • The growth of tomatoes in a greenhouse depends on the right variety. For greenhouses, varieties are selected that are characterized by resistance to diseases, easy tolerance of temperature changes and some lack of lighting. For small seasonal greenhouses, undersized plants are suitable, and for spacious rooms - tall varieties.
  • Soil preparation is carried out in advance. It must be warmed up, in the absence of heating, the doors and vents are tightly closed, and the earth is well loosened. The soil temperature for planting is +10 degrees.
  • Seedlings are transplanted 50 days after seed germination. Holes are made in the previously watered earth, a tablespoon of mineral fertilizer is thrown there, watered with potassium permanganate and tomatoes are planted. Before planting, the lower leaves are removed from the seedlings.
  • The appropriate temperature is 23-26 degrees, timely nutrition and regular watering are the basis of care for this crop. For irrigation, it is convenient to use automated systems: rain, drip, subsoil.

The need for special substances

How to recognize the need for foliar feeding?

The lack of each element has its own characteristics.

To compensate for the deficiency of nutrients

  • Ordinary yeast is suitable as a growth stimulator, they saturate the tomato with useful substances and strengthen the immune system. For the solution take:
    1. a small bag of yeast;
    2. 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
    3. some warm water to dissolve it all;
    4. the mass is diluted with 10 liters of water, each plant takes half a liter of liquid.
  • Once or twice a season, tomatoes are fed. For 100 liters of water, 40 drops are needed, the bushes are sprayed abundantly, 2 liters each. on the bush
  • It is useful to do foliar treatment with ash at any stage of growth, the consumption of the composition is the same as in previous cases. The solution consists of 10 cups of ash per 100 liters of water.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that regular and timely fertilization of greenhouse tomatoes is also necessary, like watering and weeding. In addition to purchased complex fertilizers, compositions prepared from improvised means are also used. Of course, you need to know the measure, since an increased amount of mineral fertilizers leads to a deterioration in the taste of tomatoes.

Useful video

From the video you will find out what top dressing tomatoes need and when they need to be applied:

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In addition to watering tomatoes need regular top dressing. During active growth, liquid top dressing is used. The composition and amount of fertilizers regulate depending on the development of plants.

Basic Rules:

  • Tomatoes begin to be fed after planting, a week after the seedlings have taken root.
  • For top dressing of tomatoes, root and foliar top dressings are used. Their composition depends on the stage of plant development, fruit size and weather conditions.
  • Root dressings are combined with watering, foliar dressings are produced as needed.
  • The favorite component of a tomato is potassium, and the least favorite is chlorine. Therefore, potassium chloride is not suitable for top dressing, and potassium sulfate or ash is just that.
  • At least tomatoes need 3-4 top dressings for their active growth and generous harvest.

The first dressing of tomatoes: after planting in the ground

When? For the first time tomatoes most effective feed 15 days after planting seedlings in open ground or a greenhouse (budding, beginning of flowering).

What to feed? If the soil was poorly fertilized before planting, make:

Infusion of bird droppings or mullein with ashes added, or
Herbal infusion (fermented herb),

Mineral fertilizers:

"Nitrophoska" - 1 tbsp. spoon for 10 liters of water. Solution consumption: 1 liter under the bush.
Any other complete (complex) min. fertilizer.

If the soil was generously fertilized before planting, make:

Potassium magnesia - 1 teaspoon per 10-liter bucket of water, or
Potassium sulfate - 1 tbsp. spoon in a 10-liter bucket of water.

What should not be done? Apply nitrogen fertilizers at the first feeding, which will only cause rapid growth of greenery.

Second top dressing: during fruit set

When? The second time, tomatoes are fed 10 days after the second brush begins to bloom, when ovaries 1.5 cm in size appear on it (during fruit set).

What to feed? In a ready-made solution of mullein or bird droppings (10 liters), put 1 tbsp. a spoonful of complete mineral fertilizer, 3 g of copper sulfate and 3 g of potassium permanganate. Solution consumption: 1 liter - under undersized bushes, 1.5 liters - under determinant, 2 liters - under tall ones.

Top dressing for better fruit set:

  • At the stage of active setting and pouring of fruits, tomatoes are fed with an aqueous extract of superphosphate at a dosage of 1 teaspoon per 10-liter bucket of water (superphosphate is poured with hot water). Watering plants under the root with such a solution accelerates fruit set.
  • Improves fruit set and foliar feeding: 1 g of boric acid and 1 g of magnesium sulfate are dissolved in 10 liters of water. The resulting solution is sprayed with plants at the stage of active flowering.
  • Stimulates the formation of ovaries on tomatoes, a very affordable remedy - ash. It is simply scattered on the surface of the earth under a bush or a solution is prepared: 10 teaspoons of wood ash in a 10-liter bucket of water. The solution is insisted for 7 days, and then the tomatoes are watered. The solution prepared according to the recipe also accelerates the growth and ripening of fruits.

Third dressing: during fruiting

When? At the beginning of the removal of fruits, that is, during fruiting.

What to feed? You can use the solution of the second top dressing, increasing the dose for tall varieties to 2.5 - 3 liters per bush.
If tomatoes are fattening, that is, greens are formed in excess, but there are no flowers, nitrogen-containing fertilizers should be excluded and fertilizing with wood ash infusion (100 g per 10 liters of water) or superphosphate (its water extract).

Foliar top dressing of tomatoes

Foliar top dressing is done as needed.

  1. Nutrition for growth

It happens that even before flowering, tomatoes do not grow well, the stems of plants are thin and weak, and the leaves are light. Foliar top dressing with a solution of urea at a dosage of 1 teaspoon per 10-liter bucket of water will help out. Foliar top dressing of tomatoes is often combined with treatment against pests and diseases.

2. If the flowers fall...

This means that due to overheating of the air in the greenhouse, the pollination process was disrupted. Foliar top dressing with boric acid at a dosage of 1 teaspoon per 10-liter bucket of water will help out.

3. If the lighting is not enough...

Spray the leaves with a solution of calcium nitrate at a dosage of 10-15 g per 10-liter bucket of water. Top dressing will also help out in case of twisting of the upper leaves, it will also be useful for better pouring of tomatoes.

4. If the plants are weakened and thin ...

After root dressing with nitrogen fertilizers, the leaves are sprayed with a solution: 10 g of urea and 15 g of calcium nitrate per 10-liter bucket of water.

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