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Dream collage - wish maker. How to create a collage of desires or what are the dangers of visualization practices? How to visualize a collage

If you smile
all dreams will come true!

Wish Collage

he is "Wish Poster", she is "Newspaper of Happiness", she is "Treasure map" or Visualization is a collage your desires and dreams are depicted.

Imagination is the main tool of any person, because we can only do what we can imagine! Since our brain receives most of the information through the eyes, real pictures and photographs become the most effective elements of self-programming. IF YOU CAN IMAGINE IT, YOU CAN MAKE IT! Dreams Come True! Otherwise, nature would not have endowed us with the ability to dream.

Collages happen annual affecting all areas of our life and Thematic, called improve some specific area for example, to get a desired job; go on a trip, improve family relationships, etc. In this article, we will talk about the compilation of the Annual Collage of Desires, because the Thematic Collage is just one of its components, and it is made according to the same principles.

Annual and Thematic collage can be individual, i.e. intended only for you and reflect the aspirations of your soul, or family. The latter takes into account the interests and desires of all family members and is produced by joint efforts. You can attract even the oldest and smallest family members, because there are no age limits for creativity and dreams!

When is the best time to start making Collages?

My answer is right when you feel the desire and are ready to start! It is very good if the desire and ability to create will fall on:

  • the period of the growing moon, the most favorable are from 1 to 5 lunar days;
  • your birthday (a favorable period a month before and after your birthday);
  • the lunar day on which you were born, even if it is a waning moon;
  • New Year holidays: calendar new year, old new year, Chinese new year, etc.;
  • depending on your religion for various religious holidays, for example, for Buddhists - these are 9 and 21 lunar days - the days of Dak and Dakini, respectively; full moon, the most powerful - May full moon - the birthday of the Buddha;
  • your choice;
  • but the most important day is the one when you just want to create!

So the stars have aligned, now it's time to decide on collage structure. For the Annual collage, it is best suited. Why is she? Because it includes all areas of our life: Health, Family, Love and Relationships, Children, Creativity, Career, Success, Wealth, Wisdom/Knowledge, Helpers/Protectors, and also Travel. To build a harmonious and happy life, it is important to set the vector of the desired development in all of these areas.

Collage Making Methods:

  1. Draw by hand / with paints / pencils / felt-tip pens on a clean sheet of paper in A1, A2, A3, A4 format and for this it is not necessary to be an artist, but the main condition must be met - you must VERY like your collage!
  2. Stick pre-assembled pictures and phrases from newspapers and magazines on a sheet of paper in A1, A2, A3, A4 format. You can also download and print from the Internet the pictures you like in the form of photographs, pictures on a color and even black and white printer.
  3. Print in A1, A2, A3, A4 format a Collage drawn in any of the graphic editors, made up of pictures and photos uploaded to the Internet or drawn by yourself.
  4. A combination of the three previous methods.
  5. Your choice.

Step-by-step instructions for making the Annual Collage:

In our example, we are using the Ba Gua grid structure of the Feng Shui system, you can use any other system you like, but the one you create yourself works best!

USAG 1. Desires should be crisp, clear and written down on paper.

We take a blank sheet in paper or electronic form, the desired format. Whatman size A1 is best suited. We draw it into 9 equal parts, give the name to all sectors:

1. Wealth, welfare

2. Glory, success

3. Love, Marriage

4. Relationships with loved ones, parents, friends

5.I, Health

6. Children, Creativity

7. Wisdom, knowledge, travel

8. Career, life path, new projects.

9. Helpers, Significant people, Protectors, Patrons

To get what you want out of life, you must first determine what you want. Therefore, in each sector we write down our goals and desires for the next year or more:

  • The desire should be clearly and clearly expressed in a few words in the affirmative form and present tense, as if you ALREADY have what you want;
  • Without a particle "NOT";
  • Desire should bring pleasure to you and your loved ones;
  • The desire must be safe for you and those around you;
  • Consciousness does not need to be expanded, just stop limiting it. Dream, write, achieve and do not deny yourself anything for the joy of you and your loved ones!

IMPORTANT!!! In the process of filling, one sector is left empty. What - you will see for yourself. This sector is still closed from you and the Higher powers themselves determine what kind of surprise to arrange for you in it. In terms of their fullness, the Sectors for men and women will differ, because a man is realized in achievements, and a woman in relationships.

For example:

1. SECTOR "Wealth, welfare":

  • I/our family owns a house in the Crimean mountains, with a fireplace and a swimming pool;
  • I have a ring with a large dark blue sapphire and diamonds;
  • I easily attract money into my life;
  • money comes to me easily and often;
  • I have a large wardrobe of beautiful dresses, shoes and several fur coats that make me look amazing;
  • I am the owner of a new red Range Rover Jeep;
  • my monthly income is $10,000;
  • etc.

2. SECTOR "Glory, success":

  • I am the youngest member of the Forbes rating;
  • my husband and I are the perfect couple;
  • I am a magnet for love, luck and money;
  • I won $1,000,000 in the lottery;
  • etc.

3. SECTOR "Love, Marriage":

  • the man of my dreams proposed to me;
  • my wedding is the most beautiful;
  • my honeymoon on the islands;
  • I am a beloved and loving wife;
  • I am happily married;
  • etc.

4. SECTOR "Relationships with loved ones, parents, friends":

  • my parents are healthy and happy;
  • my husband likes to give me gifts;
  • my husband and I often spend time talking by the fireplace with a glass of wine and sweets;
  • we often pamper each other by bringing coffee to bed;
  • my husband likes to spend time with our children, they play together, fool around, read books and make things;
  • etc.

5. SECTOR "I, Health":

  • me and my family - we are healthy and happy;
  • I have a beautiful, slim figure;
  • stable weight of my body - 47 kg;
  • I am healthy;
  • I have beautiful thick hair;
  • I have a flat tummy;
  • etc.

6. SECTOR "Children, Creativity":

  • I gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby;
  • I am a happy mother, a beloved and loving woman;
  • my son grows up obedient and smart to the delight of his parents;
  • I easily and joyfully express myself in my work, embroidering beautiful pictures with a cross;
  • etc.

7. SECTOR "Wisdom, knowledge, travel":

  • I successfully defended my PhD thesis;
  • we went on a trip around the world as a family;
  • etc.

8. SECTOR "Career, life path, new projects":

  • I am a successful leader of my business;
  • I am the best seller;
  • I am constantly professionally growing and developing;
  • etc.

9. SECTOR "Helpers, Significant people, Defenders, Patrons"

  • my Guardian Angel is always by my side and taking care of me;
  • The universe takes care of me;
  • Vladimir Putin assists me in the implementation of my project;
  • etc.

STEP 2. We draw our own world!

Let's start sticking/drawing pictures, photos and slogans. By cutting out the images we like from magazines, we materialize our desires, which are sometimes difficult to imagine in reality, and even more so to keep these mental images for a long time ... And here are some simple secrets on how to get what you want into your life as soon as possible:

STEP 3. Charge the collage with Magical power

When the Collage is completely ready, and you feel satisfaction, fullness and joy, it's time to launch what you want into life. Unleash your creativity, you can:

  • first of all, to voice aloud to yourself, to others, to the world everything that you understand by each image in your Collage;
  • inscribe in the corner in the director's handwriting: FOR PERFORMANCE, I APPROVE, SO BE IT!;
  • put the date, your name and signature;
  • certify with an electronic, physical seal or fingerprint;
  • having covered the hand with paint, leave an imprint of the whole hand and say: “This is my will! Let it be so!";
  • sprinkle with magical golden pollen (sparkles) for the fulfillment of desires;
  • do a collective meditation and charge with magical power;
  • place for charging with magical power in electronic form on the forum "Dancing Wizards" in the Heading "Magic Collage - Amazing Technique!";
  • Your choice.

If you have followed all the recommendations when making a collage and looking at it your heart rejoices and sings, you will attract everything you want into your life within 1 year from the day you charged the collage to fulfill the magical power of your intention; or within 3 years if any of the conditions were not met; or never- if the desired is the desire of your Mind, and not the Soul, or can harm you or others.

After the "Approval" of the collage, do not add new images and pictures, as this will change the starting point in the realization of your desires.

You can place the finished collage, with full confidence that the Universe has already started its execution, on the eastern wall of your house, apartment, room according to the recommendations of the Feng Shui masters or in any other suitable in your opinion.

The main thing is that you can look at it as often as possible, admire it and become infected with the magical energy of accomplishment in order to attract what you want into your life as soon as possible. It is good to arrange such sessions in the morning in order to be charged with positive energy for the whole day and before going to bed, so that our subconscious during sleep contributes to the fulfillment of our desires. Carry a small A4 copy with you, watch and be inspired; make a screen saver on your computer monitor, etc.

You can safely show your collage to absolutely everyone: friends, relatives, family members, so that they know what you want and know what to give you. Know that those who like your collage sincerely love you, and those who “not really” means “not very”. The main thing is not to brag about your desires, but sincerely share them with your loved ones!

You can put dates on the pictures as they happen in your life.

Old collages - they are our children, loved ones and relatives, they are part of us and our path; it is not necessary to part with them, you can, for example, gradually glue the wall in the room instead of wallpaper, etc.

Dream, Wish, Create and Realize!

© www.antrana.com.ua

Surely many of you have heard about the big collage of wishes, called the wish card. On the Web, you can find many descriptions of this psychological technique and some similar ones (such as the visualization board).

Initially, the wish card was directly related to esotericism, feng shui and astrology. However, it is based on nothing more than indirect manipulations with one's own unconscious. Therefore, I propose to consider this very interesting visualization technique from the perspective of psychology. The information will be relevant and useful to those who have not heard about the wish card at all, and to those who have heard about this technique or even practiced it.

What is a wish card?

The wish card is a big collage of your happy future. To create it, you need whatman paper, pictures, paints, a lot of patience and inspiration!

The map is divided into nine sectors, which are responsible for certain aspects of life. All of them should be on one sheet of drawing paper - this symbolizes the harmony of all spheres.

In the center is the “Health” sector, which is not surprising, because only with good health, you can invest energy and resources in other areas of life. In this sector, you will also need to stick your happy photo. That is, in the very center of the map - you yourself, and around - your life.

On either side of you are the sectors "Hobbies and children" and "Family".

Above and below - "Career" and "Glory", respectively.

Diagonally - "Travel and Helpers", "Wealth", "Love" and "Knowledge".

System approach to life

Looking at the structure of the wish map, it becomes clear that the life of each of us is multifaceted, which means that in order to be happy, you need to take care of all nine sectors. Drawing up such a collage teaches us to look at our own life as a whole and, if there are problems, solve them comprehensively.

How often do we think that, for example, to be slim, it's enough just to take care of your body: sign up for fitness - and you're done. But we don’t understand at all that excess weight is provoked by the lack of favorite activities, vocation, or problems in relationships with a loved one. Maybe you have a discord in the family - that's why you are so addicted to cakes. Or maybe life has become monotonous and it's time to dilute it with travel in order to feel energetic, contented and "alive" again!

"What do I want?"

If the first level, that is, the level of awareness that the problems in our life are of a systemic nature, has been successfully completed, a natural question immediately arises: “What do I want if I am not satisfied with what I have?” This question, as it turns out, is very difficult and problematic to answer. The answer must be sought somewhere in the depths of one's own soul.

To facilitate this process, the technique of drawing up a wish map was invented. It turns out the following interesting thing. Until we know what we want, we don't get it. The map makes us think closely about what we would really like.

How? We begin to select pictures, for example, a picture of the desired apartment, and we realize that half of the apartments and pictures do not suit us at all, what we would like with a sea view / two-level / Scandinavian style, etc.

The situation is very similar to shopping. You need a sweater, just a sweater. You head to the store to buy it quickly. But you came and don't know what sweater you need: color, style, material? There is no idea at all - you just know that you need a sweater. In this case, there is a high probability of getting something wrong or not getting anything at all. It is the same with global desires.

Accordingly, the whole task comes down to ensuring that your desires are as specific as possible. Imagine that you are making an order in a restaurant - they will bring you exactly what you ordered. We ordered pancakes with caviar - so don't expect pancakes with cottage cheese to be brought to you. Or that the waiter will guess for himself that you will have both cottage cheese and caviar at the same time. This is what allows you to be as concentrated and serious as possible in the process of creating a map.

Rules for compiling a wish map

The wish card has several important nuances:

  • A collage is made for 1-3 years, and nothing can be glued / re-glued there. As a result, we get a colorful plan for our filled and joyful future. Ideally, it should be hung in the most visible place, where it will constantly motivate and inspire you, reminding you of what you generally get up in the morning for.
  • It is categorically impossible to glue other people into it, even a spouse. You can’t wish for other people (“I want my daughter to go to Moscow University”).
  • You can not write non-ecological desires.
  • Each sector has its own color, and each desire must be expressed in the correct verbal formulation.

All this allows you to make your card "yours" - closely connected with your unconscious, with the desires of your soul. So, the transformation of life will begin immediately! Most people already at the stage of drawing up a map already receive the fulfillment of their desires, and in the most unexpected ways!


A wish map is created in order to visualize in detail your happy future. After all, no one wants to consciously strive for the bad. But often, having achieved our goals, we are disappointed. Why is this happening, considers in his book "Stumbling on Happiness" Daniel Gilbert: .

Success - what is it? Prestigious work, recognition of society, love of loved ones? Everyone puts their own semantic connotation into this concept. On the way to this success, it is so easy to lose yourself and become unhappy ... How to avoid this, says a famous psychologist Alain de Botton: .

When compiling a wish map, you may be faced with a choice problem: where to stop and why? Psychologist Lyubov Avramenko explains why we are so often overcome by the pangs of choice and what to do with them: .

Having set a goal for yourself, you still have to deal with the desire to “shirk” every now and then. How to deal with self-sabotage, the psychologist will tell Oksana Yusupova: .

A treasure map, an album of desires - but I personally like the DREAM COLLAGE more.

Because a Dream is something high and grandiose, and desires can be mundane and small. And what do you call a yacht - so it will float ...

But that's not the point. The main thing is that this way of fulfilling desires and making dreams come true is incredibly effective. Its realizing power has long been tested by millions. And to achieve the materialization of their goals without the use of this miracle remedy is an unforgivable mistake.

dream collage— a super-powerful accelerator of the fulfillment of desires of all times and peoples! No more and no less.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams

- Eleanor Roosevelt

The principle of a dream collage is very simple - you just need to place on any surface an image of what represents the fulfillment of your dream. And very soon you will see how your desires one by one will begin to come true, as if by magic!

The whole point here is in, which says: "like attracts like." By regularly looking at images, we launch a powerful mechanism to attract what we want into our lives. We concentrate mental energy on the dream object and direct it in the right direction.

When we look at a collage, then we dream intentionally, connecting the creative force to this process. Weaved from the energy of our thoughts and thought forms, the desired objects of our dreams take shape first in the Subtle World, where they are just as real as everything else on Earth, and then in the physical world, where it takes only some time to materialize them.

But this is all, as they say, theory and it is time for us to move on to practice.

How to make a dream collage correctly

To make a collage of desires correctly is to make it with your own hands. Now there are many services where you can create a dream collage online using online designers for this. It’s convenient, fast, practical, but… nothing will ever replace the magical power of your hands!

This is my deep conviction. Your personal energy invested in creating a collage amplifies the realizing power of your intention a hundredfold! I have this experience - several times I made a collage on the computer, but I never got what I wanted. While the self-made collage began to fulfill my dreams in a couple of weeks.

So, let's get started ... We need:

  • blank paper sheet
  • markers or colored pencils
  • pictures of your dreams
  • glue

The first thing you need to decide is how to create. There are two options - according to the Feng Shui system, that is, broken down into squares or placing pictures in random order, as they say, where the heart will tell. Then it will be a visualization board. I prefer Feng Shui and I recommend this method to you. But the choice, as always, is yours.

Feng Shui dream collage

Making a collage according to all the rules of Feng Shui is not difficult. To do this, you just need to apply the Bagua grid (the sacred Feng Shui octagon) on our paper sheet - divide it into 9 sectors, as shown in the picture:

  • Each sector is responsible for its side, for its sphere of human life. And in each of them you need to place photos or pictures of your dreams. It is convenient to cut them out of glossy magazines, or you can print them from the Internet. In general, you need to look.
  • In the central sector of Health we paste our photo. A dream collage is a magical world that revolves around you. Therefore, you must be in the center. Find your best photo where you really like yourself!
  • Look carefully at the names of the sectors and think for a moment - what do you want, what do you dream about for each of them. After all, the Bagua grid covers all areas of our lives - from career to family relationships.
  • Choose the pictures that are most relevant to each direction. For example, put photos of the places you want to visit in the travel sector. A good choice for a zone of love and marriage would be the image of intertwined pairs of hands as a symbol of tender relationships. If you already have a loved one - paste his photo. Choose colorful and bright images that "burn into memory" and will give impetus or impetus for its speedy implementation. They should cause you strong emotions of happiness, joy and improve your mood!
  • Next stage - . These positive affirmations reinforce our desire pictures in the collage and anchor them in our subconscious. They should only be in the present tense and not contain negatives. For example, in the wealth sector, you can write: “I am a money magnet,” and in the family zone, “I have a strong and friendly family!” etc.
  • Setting deadlines for the realization of desires. Some recommend determining the specific date of the desired event and prescribing it for each of them. But it seems to me that this is incorrect, since by doing so we limit the Universe, imposing our own time frames on it. I recommend that you either don't give specific dates at all, or make them vague, like "in 2015". Better yet, do as I do - write: "The implementation period is at the discretion of the Universe."

After creating a collage, you need to start working with it, and work correctly.

  • The main condition is regularity. This activity should become your daily ritual, should become your good habit. Looking through the dream collage is the best thing to do before going to the realm of Morpheus. Or in the morning right after waking up. At this moment, our subconscious is most open to all sorts of suggestions, it absorbs all our emotions and wishes like a sponge. And then it gives out in the form of realized events or objects.
  • Another important note is your emotions. The stronger, richer and brighter they are, the higher the chances and speed of fulfilling the desired. Work more with your feelings, get used to the role of your already fulfilled dream, experience emotions of joy and happiness, feel drive and light euphoria, enjoy the possession of the object of your desires - and your cherished dream will certainly and certainly come true!

What if the desire has changed?

It's okay, it happens. The main thing is that this does not happen very often. Just replace the picture in the collage with a new one and add a suitable affirmation.

Where is the best place to put a collage?

It is recommended to place in the south and southeast of your apartment. It will be ideal if your bedroom is located there. It is best to hang it on the wall so that you can look into it as often as possible. But if you want to avoid prying eyes, then put the collage, for example, under the bed and take it out as needed.

  • Published: October 17, 2012

Hello dear friends! Another unusual post today. Surely out of the corner of your ear you have heard about the books that are popular today " Reality Transurfing» The author of this creation is Vadim Zeland. Whether he's a fictional character or not, I honestly don't know. About 2.5 years ago I became interested in his books and read them all from cover to cover, at that time there were only 6 of them, and now, as I know, there are already more.

Yes, the information contained in the books had a stunning effect on me and for a person who is looking for something unusual in this life, but the problem of people interested in transurfing is that they get hung up on it. I don’t want to somehow denigrate the author, because I know how much he has fanatical fans, but nevertheless, if you analyze the chronology of books, then with each new edition a gag is invented like the world is complete chaos, there is no karma, there are no laws, do what you want. And there are only some mystical forces of balance. It smacks of a totalitarian sect, to be honest.

There is no karma, but there is a balance force. So balance is karma. There are a lot of such similar inconsistencies in the book, so if you read transerfing, then absorb the information selectively, as I have already said, the book contains a lot of gag. But nevertheless, from transurfing, I learned a lot for myself, including the visualization technique.

Wish collage. What is it?

Have you ever heard of wish collage? The first time I learned about him, when at the age of 15 I came home to one of my very good friends, his parents were businessmen and they lived very richly, not like us. Once, when I was at their house, I noticed a large hanging drawing paper on the wall, to which various pictures were stuck. On one was a big house, on the other the sea, on the third a lot of money, on the fourth car. I asked a friend what is it?

She said that his mother was fond of Feng Shui and in some book on this Feng Shui it was said that if you want to achieve material values, then you should do it, it was convincingly written in the book that everything that you can’t draw comes true. And so it was, everything that they drew and pasted there came true. But the problem was that the house burned down in the future, they had an accident with a car, the money corrupted them and made them very proud people. In my gut, I suspected that something was wrong with this visualization technique.

But nevertheless, being from a very poor family, I had a lot of material desires and I wanted to have a lot of things, and as a student at the age of 19, having read transurfing books, I created my own collage of desires. By the way, it is also called a visualization board. Oh my god, I still have it on my computer:

Once I created it after a few months ( after about 3) in my life, global changes began to occur. I moved out of my dorm to an apartment, met a girl, and found a small movement of people dedicated to personal growth. Oh miracle, I thought. It all came crashing down on my head.

I’m not going to pull the cat for the sausage, I’ll say right away, after half a year with the guy with whom we rented an apartment, we fundamentally did not agree in character and fled again to the hostels, we broke up with the girl because of my underdevelopment ( then I was still completely irresponsible), and this movement turned out to be a sect. What do you think I have learned from all this? Right! Everything that you should get will come to you by itself and you don’t need to shout about it and draw all sorts of boards =)

Why not practice the visualization method?

I decided to look into this issue and find out why all visualization techniques work this way, that is, first nectar, and then poison. And found... In one of the lectures, the popular doctor and psychologist Oleg Genadievich Torsunov, based on many years of experience, shed light on this problem. Here's what he says:

You may or may not believe it, but most likely it is true. I say this because I have realized experience in the practice of visualization. And now I understand that with a longed desire a person pulls out his pious karma and uses it to achieve his material desires.

Some people have enough karma to keep what they have received, while others do not, as, for example, happened to me. The only problem is that if we use pious karma for material desires, we will not be able to recover from a serious illness in the future, not get into an accident, help our relatives, since there will be nothing left. So it's up to you to decide Wish collage in your life or not. That, in general, is the whole philosophy about this visualization technique.

Photo collage maker

Okay!!! You need something vital or you have been dreaming about something for a long time, no problem, start the path to achieving this goal by creating dream collage. Let's see what programs exist for creating collages from photos.

  1. Adobe Photoshop- classics of the genre. On the Internet you can find a bunch of professional tutorials on how to create collages, but if you are not a Photoshop monster or do not want to spend a lot of time licking each picture in a collage, then I advise you to find a program that is easier.
  2. AutoCOLLAGE is a powerful program. It automatically creates curly collages, and with it you can simply coolly arrange photos for printing.
  3. collage maker- a small program is just right so as not to waste time and quickly throw some kind of collage, but keep in mind that you won’t be able to do something really worthy here.
  4. photomix- A program for applying effects to photos. Suitable for pre-processing photos before imposing them on .
  5. photocollage- but this is generally power. This is what we need. What can this program do? Yes, anything ... thematic collages, greeting cards, invitations to celebrations, posters, wallpapers for your desktop and the design of printed publications such as posters.

To create a collage, I will use "photocollage". Do not forget that all software must be downloaded exclusively from a torrent in order not to catch a virus from some kind of warez. You can download the software. This is a link to the torrent tracker, if you don’t know how to download from it, then I wrote an article about it. By the way .

And so we go into the program and press the button “ Create new project

Page templates are basically the same as collage templates, but collage templates initially already have a colorful background. Look here:

Choose a template with the background you like and click next. Now you need to select the page settings, I recommend setting the resolution of your desktop, for example, I kept my collage as a picture on the desktop and it was constantly in my mind.

The tools in the program are very easy to use. On the left side, select the pre-selected pictures with desires and drag them into the frames. Moreover, also on the left in the toolbar, you can change the template on the go, add text, change the size of the collage and apply effects and frames to photos.

When you save the collage, the image parameters window will appear, I recommend setting the quality to 100%, as well as increasing the anti-aliasing by 3-4 points. Next click save!

That's the whole principle of the program.

Now you have two options to put the picture on your desktop, this is the first option, and the second is to go to the nearest printing shop and print your collage on whatman paper. That's all for me!


As I said, it's up to you to create a collage of desires or not, I already have experience with this esoteric practice. Well, if you decide from a photograph photocollage help you. Do not forget to subscribe to blog updates, there is still a lot of tin ahead. Damn, at this rate, my blog will be directed to esoteric topics, and not to seo =)

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Now more and more often you can hear about reality transurfing - the theory of the possible control of your future with the help of thoughts, directing them in the right direction, building their course and acting in a certain way. And one of the elements of transurfing is visualization - a representation of your dreams in detail. And here comes the collage of desires. How to make it right is a very important moment for bringing your dream closer to reality.

Appointment of a collage of desires

A collage, photo collage, poster or newspaper of desires is a bright composition of images of what you want on paper, surrounded by motivating inscriptions around and compiled according to certain rules. To some, this may seem stupid: they say, why make some kind of “collage of desires” if you can just get down to action. But getting started is not so easy.

It is important to feed your desire, motivate yourself, firmly believe in the importance and necessity of what you want.

How many times can you start and stop learning English, going to the gym, eating right or quitting smoking? People think that the reason for this is laziness, but in reality it is a lack of motivation. Perhaps someone noticed that you don’t need to force yourself to do what you really want, which means that the essence of the question is how to save this spark and turn it into fire, which will then bring both heat and food.

Design features

A collage can be made for different periods, as a rule, this is a year. Or perhaps you need to achieve success in a short period of time or, conversely, to carry out some kind of long-term event, achieve something during your studies at the university, etc. The date by which you need to achieve what you want can be indicated on the poster or on each desire to establish your own. Then, as it becomes obsolete, it will be necessary to replace already irrelevant desires.

Some believe that it is impossible to limit their messages to the Universe in terms. In this case, you need to write on the back: “I leave the implementation period to the discretion of the Universe.” But it is recommended to do exactly what the person who makes up the collage considers best for the realization of the desired.

There is a point of view that it is desirable to make the so-called treasure map at certain time intervals: around the New Year or birthday, holidays, on the growing moon from the 1st to the 5th of the month, etc., etc. But this not quite right. You need to adapt only to the really important events of your life, when the readiness for change and the desire to really start changing your life are expressed.

Before you start, you should decide whether the map will be thematic or universal - you need to answer the question of whether you want to achieve something in a particular industry or at the same time in some. A collage can also be a personal or family work - the common activities and aspirations of a couple or family can strengthen the union, and it is much easier and more pleasant to realize something large-scale in this way. But the person with whose aspirations the collage is connected is simply obliged to participate in its creation.

Steps to create a photo collage

It is preferable if the creative process is gradual - this eliminates the possibility of false desires. And with firm conviction, you can not hesitate and start moving towards the realization of your dream.

Preparatory stage

When there is no desire to create, you should not start creating or it is better to temporarily suspend the creative process.

When the readiness for creativity comes, a good mood and inspiration - you can start working.

creative process

For creativity you will need: whatman paper, scissors, felt-tip pens, pencils, paints, drawings, newspaper clippings, glue and everything to make the card as bright and colorful as possible. It can be sequins, and stickers, and rhinestones - anything! Images and phrases must necessarily be relevant to the object desired.

If the collage is supposed to be universal, the next steps will be to think over the structure and sectors. The most suitable would be to divide the collage according to feng shui - on 9 semantic sectors:

Each sector has its place, color and element. If it is important for a person how to make a feng shui collage of wishes correctly, then certain rules must be followed.

  • Place in the middle health sector : a photo of you where you really like yourself. Its color is terracotta and its element is earth. You can write next to yourself a wish like “I am collected and attentive.”
  • Career sector arrange under your photo. Its element is water, its color is blue, cyan or black (no need to be afraid of this color).
  • Glory Sector place above you. Element - fire, color - red.
  • On right placed sector of children and creativity , whose element is metal and whose color is white. You can, for example, post photos of your children and sign wishes for them for the future.
  • Left photo - family sector , its element is wood, its color is green. Here you can stick a happy photo of the whole family, paint major purchases and plans for joint leisure.
  • Over the family situated sector of wealth and money, green and purple are its colors, and wood is its element.
  • Sector of wisdom and knowledge - under family. Its color is brown and its element is earth.
  • Over children and hobbies placed sector of love and relationships , whose element is earth, and whose colors are earth tones. Here you can characterize the features of the desired partner or wish something in an existing relationship.
  • Under kids and hobbies - sector of idols and assistants . Element - metal, colors - corresponding to metals (platinum, copper, gold, silver).

The collage of Feng Shui wishes must be completed with arrows going from the sectors to the photo - this is how the desired will be projected onto the person depicted in the picture.

Compilation rules

If the collage is thematic, then the division into sectors loses its meaning and composition, the color scheme is completely at the disposal of the imagination and according to the degree of priority. But you still need to adhere to some rules that will increase the chances of fulfilling what you want:

How to energize desire

It is not enough to learn how to make a collage of desires correctly. After the creative process has ended, you need to endow your creation with magical powers.

You can do this in various ways:

After these finishing touches, you can hang the collage. Preferably in a prominent bright and spacious place, so as often as possible to meet his eyes. If the place is boring - move to another. It is necessary to exclude the possibility that ill-wishers will look at the poster, as this will become an obstacle to execution. Some believe that the card should be kept in the strictest confidence, even from close friends. But this should already be left to the independent discretion of the one who did it.


It is not enough to create a so-called treasure map, it still needs to be implemented. And this is a daily job. It consists in looking at the poster when there is free time, unencumbered by everyday duties. It is desirable to do this in the morning - when the consciousness is cleared and open to perception, or in the evening, in order to transform your dreams into a dream. Looking at, you need to dive into the details as much as possible and visualize plausibly. You can also say affirmations out loud.

In no case can not be indifferent! A dream should bring pleasure, even if it is not realized.

In addition, every day do something that could bring you closer to your dream. And "gazing" is definitely not enough here. As an ancient Chinese proverb says, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." But it’s not enough to take one step: you need to take another small one, and another, and another ... Every day you need to ask yourself: “What did I do today for my dream? Has anything moved me forward? Have I gotten a little better?

To get closer to implementation, you can develop recommendations for action, a variety of plans. The main thing here is not to give up and firmly believe in the feasibility of the plan.

As you progress, you can put dates with signatures next to the corresponding desires or ticks. It is undesirable to delete.

Attention, only TODAY!

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