Fire Safety Encyclopedia

A project on what it means to protect the surface. Information project “To protect nature means to protect the Motherland. How to use the surface at your edge

Ivanova Daria



Municipal budgetary educational institution

Russian-Payevskaya secondary school

Insar municipal district of RM

Information project

"To protect nature means to protect the Motherland"

Completed by: Ivanova Daria Nikolaevna

11th grade student

Head: Gordeeva Olga Ivanovna

Biology teacher

With. Russian ration

year 2013

Introduction 3

Environmental education 6

Forestry activities 10

Forest protection activities 11

Environmental activity 11

2. Results 14

3. Conclusions 14

Conclusion 15

Literature 16


Tree, grass, flower and bird

They do not always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet.

These lines become a bitter truth for all mankind. And we must speak about it at the top of our voice!

The earth is our common home, we live here, drink this water, breathe this air. Everything on this earth should be dear to us: a small stream, a curly birch tree, and a lark at its blue zenith. And around there is so much cruelty, indifference to nature. Forests, rivers, meadows are on the verge of death. And the task of the younger generation is to prevent this.

2013 was announced by the President of the country V.V. Putin Year of Environmental Protection.


In our time, the relevance of the topic of nature conservation is clear to every sane person. But today it is also noteworthy that almost a hundred years ago, among the functions of the state, they singled out primarily environmental and only then financial, that is, the problem of environmental protection was relevant in those distant years, although at that time there was no Chernobyl , no tragedy of the Aral Sea, no sick agricultural lands, no problem of clean water and air. It turns out that people who lived in past centuries have already seen and understood the problem of protecting the environment and showed ways to solve it.

Currently, in the age of global environmental problems, we are inhabitants of the planet Earth, we realize that our life takes place in an ecologically unfavorable environment. But at the same time, we often blame enterprises, exhaust gases of passing cars and much more. At the same time, we see less of the reason in ourselves, in the lack of our personal interest in solving these important problems.

Nature is our wealth: it is our task and duty to preserve this wealth for future generations. Think about the content of the appeal of the writer Mikhail Prishvin to you: “Fish need clean water - we will protect our reservoirs. Various valuable animals live in forests, mountains, steppes - we will protect forests, steppes, mountains. Fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest, steppes, mountains. And a man needs a Motherland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland ”.

Practical significance.

The famous writer M. M. Prishvin said: “Take care of nature! Forest...".

In past centuries, when the number of earthlings was small, and the industry was poorly developed, people rarely thought about the consequences of gross interference in nature. And gradually, with the development of scientific and technological progress, the attack on nature led to the depletion of soils, the shallowing of rivers and lakes, the death of vegetation, and the formation of deserts. In recent years, the ecological situation has sharply deteriorated, many species of plants and animals are disappearing and becoming rare, many corners of nature are losing their value. Many people began to worry about the deterioration of the ecological situation on earth. And then they began to create entire territories in the world, on which they began to protect whole natural components, including in Russia. In 1916, on January 11 in the history of the Russian state, the first Barguzinsky reserve was established. Currently in Russia there are already 100 nature reserves, 35 national parks and 68 nature reserves.

Humanity has been living on planet Earth for almost a million years, but people at the present time do not think much about the fact that all the riches of the earth are not eternal, that they need protection, replenishment and careful handling.

Target: Everything that surrounds us, we must learn to love, cherish and protect.


  • Learn to collect information from scientific literature and periodicals about the problems of human environmental pollution. Use it for practical, research work.
  • To study the rules of behavior in nature and measures for the protection of nature;
  • Learn how to correctly assess situations in the environment, make the right decisions and actively participate in nature conservation.

Hypothesis - " I believe that all people can provide all possible assistance in the protection of nature "


  • formulation of the goal and objectives of the project;
  • hypothesis advancement and its solution;
  • systematization and analysis of the practical activities of the school forestry "Berezka".

Description of the project

Project type - educational and practical, collective, long-term.

Executors - the collective of the school forestry "Berezka".

The nature of the project is informational.

The dominant activity in the project is educational and practical, creative and search.

Project stages

1. Preparatory stage.

Collect information from scientific literature and periodicals about the problems of human environmental pollution. Use it in practical, research work.

2. Organizational and theoretical. Practical.

Formulation of the goal and objectives of the project, hypothesis and its solution, systematization and analysis of the practical activities of the school forestry "Berezka".

Questions guiding the project.

Fundamental question“Who, if not we, will protect nature?

Problematic issues:

2. Is it possible to survive in modern society without environmental knowledge?

4. How can I help nature?

Together with the staff of the school forestry "Birch" I try to preserve our nature, do good deeds, help wildlife.

A brief history of the school forestry "Berezka"

We consider 8 February 2012 to be the birthday of the school forestry "Berezka" of the Russian-Payevskaya secondary school. On this day, order No. 6 "On the organization of the school forestry" was signed, guided by the agreement between the MBOU "Russian-Payevskaya secondary school" with the Ministry of Nature Management of the Republic of Mordovia on December 22, 2011 in order to educate schoolchildren in an ecological manner, to form a respectful attitude to the natural resources of the native land ... At the school line-up, the school students received information about the creation of a school forestry. The school held a competition to approve the emblem, motto, anthem of the school forestry. 16 students of the school voluntarily wrote an application to join its ranks. In February, a general meeting was held, at which the students were admitted to the members of the school forestry. They chose the Council of the Forestry Department, developed a charter, a regulation, a plan for the further work of the forestry. Students unanimously voted for the name of the forestry - "Birch". Indeed, namely, an alley of 25 birches, meets each student at the gate of the school. This picturesque corner always gives children and adults a lot of joy and extraordinary beauty at any time of the year, as well as a living corner for phenological observations.

Brief description of the school forestry "Berezka"

School forestry "Berezka" Russian-Payevskaya secondary school was formed in February 2012.

In 2012, a regulatory and legal framework was developed: the Agreement on Cooperation between the MBOU "Russian-Payevskaya Secondary School of General Education" and the State Institution of the Republic of Moldova "Kovylkinskoye Territorial Forestry", an order, regulation and charter on the school forestry, the main forms of direction of work, symbols were determined. All this made it possible to transfer the activities of the school forestry to “legal work”.

The school forestry "Berezka" is assigned the territory of the forest area: block 80, allotments 5 to 20, with an area of ​​39 hectares of the Insarsky site of the Kovylkinsky mezh-forestry of the Insarsky district. The forest is located 6 kilometers south of the school, and students have the opportunity to regularly ride bicycles or school buses for forestry and conservation work. In the first days of the work of the school forestry "Beryozka", the symbols of the school forestry were approved. At the moment, the school forestry has an emblem, anthem, oath, charter, regulations on SHL, a work plan, as well as a uniform with the logos of the school forestry. The form is provided by the State Institution of the Republic of Moldova "Kovylkinskoe territorial forestry".

Motto: In the name of life, beauty, harmony, love.

Normative base

Agreement of MBOU "Russian-Payevskaya secondary school" with GKU RM "Kovylkinskoe territorial forestry"

Director's order on the creation of a school forestry

Regulation on school forestry

School forestry charter

2. Is it possible to survive in modern society without ecological knowledge?

It's no secret that our world is on the verge of an ecological catastrophe. The state of nature begins to threaten the existence of man himself. For violation of the laws of the biosphere, a person is already paying with his health. But the worst thing is that future generations will have to pay for this too. The only salvation is to hear the voice of nature, to obey its laws, to abandon the consumer attitude to the Earth and its riches. The only salvation is in ecological culture. And the most important sign of environmental culture is knowledge and implementation of environmental laws. Unfortunately, many do not know these laws and pollute the Earth, upset the fragile ecological balance in nature.

Environmental education activities

As you can see, nature punishes very severely those who do not comply with its laws. And yet there are only four of these laws. They're so easy to remember! So, the four laws of ecology. They were formulated by the American scientist Barry Commoner. We are trying to comply with these laws, and every member of the school forestry knows these laws.

The first law: "Everything is connected with everything." One fisherman remembered the lesson of ecological culture, which was given to him by the old Even, the inhabitant of the Kolyma taiga, for the rest of his life. They were fishing on the banks of the river, but there were clouds of mosquitoes in the taiga. "Eh, there would be a scientist who would have exterminated all this" evil spirits "!" - the fisherman exclaimed in his hearts. Even, who was sitting next to him, without saying a word, took the newly caught grayling and cut open its fat belly with a knife. The fish's stomach was filled with ... mosquitoes. If mosquitoes are eliminated, the fish that feeds on them will disappear. And if the fish disappears, people will starve. In nature, everything is in balance, everything is connected. Nature is very intelligent. She herself regulates the number of all living organisms.

The second law says: "Everything must go somewhere." Nothing disappears without a trace, including garbage that is buried or burnt. From one substance, another arises, while the air is poisoned, the climate changes, people get sick.

The third law: "Nothing is given for free." Everything that we have won by taking from nature, she will take from us in other ways. They destroyed the sparrows - the pests ate the entire crop, shot the birds of prey - the partridges disappeared. You have to pay for everything.

Fourth law: "Nature knows best." Man, presumptuously desiring to "improve" nature, disrupts the course of natural processes. Nature has no waste: for any substance in nature there is an enzyme that can decompose this substance. Well, man has created and continues to create a huge number of chemicals and materials that, when entering the natural environment, do not decompose, accumulate and pollute it.

In order to convey knowledge and implementation of the laws of nature to schoolchildren, their parents, and village residents, we study literature, armed with knowledge, conduct environmental classes in the junior and middle grades, organize environmental actions in our village, promoting the ideas of nature conservation through performances of our events. The main theme is nature conservation, and the main idea always remains: nature protection is everyone's duty.

For a short period of its existence, our school forestry "Beryozka" has already developed its own traditions. This is a holiday of autumn, birds, quizzes, drawing competition, excursions and educational trips, monthly advice from foresters. The guys also started research activities with the subsequent development and defense of projects.

Forestry activities

Unfortunately, today few people remember that the forest is the green gold of our country. Everything that makes up the forest today needs protection more than ever.

The forestry activity of the school forestry this year was minimal, due to the large number of snakes in this forest area. The students of the school forestry "Berezka" carried out only the care of the forest, on an area of ​​1 hectare of forest. The forest area has been removed from dry forests and debris. The hands of schoolchildren planted trees and bushes for landscaping the streets of their native village, school site.

The collection of hardwood seeds was as follows: after learning about the collection of birch seeds, the students were divided into three groups. The first group collected seeds in the village of Russkaya Payevka. Place of collection of seeds: forest plantations and birches growing near houses. Queen Victoria in charge. The second group is the village of Kulmierz. Responsible Alina Inozemtseva. The third is the village of Yamshchina. Responsible Sukharkova Tatiana. We collected birch seeds from the school birch allele.

Action "Clean Forest"

We carried out the maintenance of the assigned forest area and biotechnical measures aimed at attracting and protecting birds. It is gratifying to note that there is less garbage in the forest. The most common trash in the forest, which is sometimes left behind by numerous vacationers during our research, were: plastic bottles, plastic bags and cans. The situation is worse with forest plantations, where there is much more garbage: food waste, various rags, metal scrap is found. This can be explained by the complete indifference of some people to nature. We plan to treat this "indifference" in the new year by explanatory work about the dangers of garbage among the population. The trash found in the forest was dumped into holes: plastic bottles, plastic bags and cans.

Forest protection "Green Patrol"

Ecologically clean areas of our forest serve as a source of medicinal raw materials, and the craze of people for the treatment of all kinds of diseases with wild medicinal plants will lead to the fact that many of them will be simply destroyed. Oregano, St. John's wort and many other medicinal plants break out, branches of flowering linden break. The disappearance of plants will have a detrimental effect on the animal world, since plants are at the very beginning of the food chain, and oregano in our area is already becoming a rare species. It is necessary to direct all efforts to preserve the natural wealth of our region. We are conducting educational work among the younger generation and the local population, in order to preserve the biogeocenoses of our area, and this great work on the protection of forest cultures was carried out by the Green Patrol - a faithful defender of plants, watch forests, saved more than one plant.

Environmental activity.

The work of the school forestry "Berezka" provides for the nature conservation activities of young forest lovers. They promote certain rules of behavior in the forest, organize a widespread study of nature, the forest community, which instills in every schoolchild a sense of responsibility - to stand up for it.

Operation Anthill

Operation "Anthill" was carried out in early spring, within the framework of which we identify anthills on the territory of the forest area assigned by us. The research carried out by the guys was mainly of a search and educational nature. The operation was carried out with the specialist G.V. Tyurina.

This year we found 5 anthills. All the anthills turned out to be giants, the height was more than 70 cm. But the most important thing is that we fenced off 2 anthills to protect them from destruction by forest animals and humans.

A living stream runs, carries leaves, insects, needles. And all these are our red forest ants, forest orderlies, hard workers. They work day after day, build their own mansions. But the trouble is, too often forest animals tear apart anthills. Then schoolchildren come to the aid of forest ants, they fence anthills, protect them from ruin.

Promotion "Our wintering birds"

Winter is the harshest time for birds, since the food available to them is becoming less and less, which means that almost all birds go hungry in the harsh season, and some of them even die of hunger.

It is a good tradition of our school to hold the campaign "Our wintering birds". Every year we make feeders, hang them up and help the birds with pleasure.

In our school, work consists of three stages. The first stage is the "Bird's Pantry" campaign. We collected rowan berries, seeds of various plants, watermelon seeds, pumpkins for feeding birds in winter. Children bring pieces of unsalted bacon from home - a treat for titmouses, unroasted seeds, millet, sunflower seeds.

The second stage of the "Feeding trough" campaign is the manufacture of troughs and regular feeding of birds in winter. On the territory of the school, feeding of birds is carried out on 10 feeders according to the schedule drawn up by the asset of the Beryozka school, starting from elementary grades, ending with 11. Frequent visitors to the feeders were sparrows and tits. We flew to school birches and bullfinches, waxwings were also seen. The guys watched the arriving birds and took pictures of them.

In March, the final stage is held - the action "Birdhouse". Schoolchildren make and hang artificial bird nests. In total, we hung out 21 houses and 3 titmouses. Conclusion: the students of our school, actively participating in actions, saved more than one flock of forest dwellers.

"Clean Spring" promotion

Work on the study and preservation of the springs in this area is currently relevant. Rational use of water is one of the most important modern problems of nature protection for all mankind.

The guys from the school forestry "Berezka" this year studied the history of the appearance of the spring on the territory of the village of Zasechnaya Sloboda, made an excursion in order to familiarize themselves with the location of the spring, study its taste. They also cleaned the springs located in the territory of the village of Russkaya Payevka. During the excursion, the children gained knowledge about water purification, a charge of energy in communication with nature.

4. How can I help nature? Educational research work

Artem Korolev conducted research to study the fauna of nearby woodlands. Purpose of the study: to study the features of the animal world of our region. On the investigated territory of the forest, Artem discovered traces of a wild boar, fox, hare, badger and its burrow, a population of hazel grouses. He also took pictures of forests, forest landscapes.

Takazina Tatiana studied the waste product of bees - honey. Tanya conducted many experiments to study the quality of honey. Her research work was called “At Grandfather's Apiary”.

Zarubina Irina in her poems glorified the beauty of her native nature, her small homeland. In the research work "Chelmodeevsky Maidan, dedicated to" in the nomination "Pen test" Irina presented poems of her own composition.

Students of our school are active participants in the regional and republican competition - "Protect the Forest", the All-Russian competition - "CHIP", school and regional Olympiads in biology and ecology.

Project result: Our students have not yet solved big problems in nature protection, but we were able to: plant trees, take care of the forest, make feeders and feed the birds in winter, make artificial nests for birds - birdhouses, take under protection an anthill, a meadow, medicinal herbs ... We did all this from the bottom of our hearts in the name of preserving our Motherland. School students have an idea of ​​environmental protection work, about ways to protect the environment, learn to take good care of the natural environment, keep the streets of our villages and cities clean, and in natural conditions.

The work of our school forestry "Berezka" was awarded a diploma of the Ministry of Forestry, Hunting and Nature Management of the Republic of Mordovia, in the republican competition of school forestries, which took place on March 25 in the city of Saransk and a gift - an e-book.

Conclusion: My project has brought to your attention specific cases in the field of nature conservation. Each step to preserve nature is our indicator of love for the Motherland. And such steps are within the power of all people. It can be a variety of actions: save a meadow flower, protect the forest from fire, not destroy bird nests, pick mushrooms and medicinal herbs correctly, just don’t throw garbage anywhere, thereby we will preserve and preserve our nature, and therefore our Motherland.

And the hypothesis in the course of the project is confirmed: each person can make all possible assistance in preserving nature and the Motherland.

My project is the voice that calls on all of you to create a favorable living space around you from childhood, learn to plant trees, flowers, follow the rules of behavior in nature, in a word, understand and love the world around you, and therefore protect the nature of your native land - Homeland.

What needs to be done to protect nature? Our recommendations.

1. Study and comply with environmental laws. Observe and follow the rules of behavior in nature.

2. To draw the attention of the villagers to environmental problems.

3. Carry out ecological actions, create ecological trails.

4. Carry out activities that instill a respect for nature.

5. To create and organize the work of the school forestry.

6. Green areas: plant trees, shrubs, flowers.

7. Help wintering birds and meet migratory birds.

8. Make hikes and excursions to wildlife.

9. Protect the forest and observe the rules of conduct in the forest.

10. To hold ecological holidays.

11. Everything that surrounds us, learn to love, cherish and protect.


In the future, we will continue the work of the school forestry, thereby making a feasible contribution to the protection of nature.

So let's take care and love our nature, increasing its natural resources, everywhere, at every step, all together and each separately. Another, we, and not given.

Probably our God was an artist,

Since there are so many beauties on the planet.

He created millions of miracles for us

And we are responsible for all this !!! ..


  1. Visiting nature. E.I. Lemanskaya. Mytishche. JSC "Print-express".
  2. A book to read on the conservation of nature. Zakhlebny M. Education, 1986.
  3. Organization of research activities in the classroom. M: School press. 2003 r.
  4. Internet resources.

Sections: elementary School

Class: 4

Lesson type: Learning new material lesson .

Lesson objectives:

  • Educational: To form in students an idea of ​​the surface of their native land.
  • Developing: Develop the ability to work with a geographic map and other sources of information. Develop cognitive activity, observation, the ability to compare, analyze and draw conclusions. Develop critical thinking.
  • Educational: To educate students in the need for knowledge, to ensure a close connection between learning and life. To foster patriotism, responsibility, initiative through the formation of their own judgments. Contribute to the cultivation of a culture of behavior in the classroom.

Teaching methods: verbal, visual, practical.

Forms of educational activity: frontal, individual, group.

Lesson equipment: textbook, computer, multimedia projector, presentation for the lesson, atlases, physical map of Russia, cards with assignments.

During the classes

1. Stage Call.

Teacher: Guys, consider the physical map of Russia. What are the main landforms that you see? (On the territory of Russia there are: mountains and plains).

Teacher: Using the atlas map, give examples of mountains in Russia. (Ural, Caucasian).

Teacher: Remember what mountains are in height? (High, Medium, Low).

Teacher: Using the atlas map, give examples of plains. (East European, West Siberian).

Teacher: How do the plains differ in height? (Lowlands, hills, plateaus).

We will systematize this information. We use the "Cluster" technique.

Exercise. Make a cluster in a notebook, fill in empty cells ... (Learners independently complete the task in the notebook).


One student builds a cluster on a board.

Checking the completion of the task.

Teacher: What color are used for mountains and plains on the map? (The mountains are brown and the plains are green.)

Teacher: What color is the territory in which we live is indicated on the atlas map? (Mostly green, but there is also brown).

Teacher: So what is the surface of our edge? - This will be the topic of the lesson.

1. Stage Comprehension.

Learning new material.

Teacher: So, we determined that the territory in which we live is mainly indicated in green.

Make a conclusion, what kind of territory is this: mountainous or flat? (Plain)

Teacher: Using a physical map of Russia, find the name of the plain on which our district is located. (West Siberian Plain)

Referring to the scale of heights of the map, we determine that the West Siberian Plain is a lowland. The height of the lowlands is 0-200 m, of the hills - 200-500 m, of the plateaus - 500-800 m.

Teacher: Compare the East European and West Siberian plains on the map, how is their image different? (The West Siberian Plain is all green, and the East European Plain is green with yellow spots)

Teacher: What does this mean? (Children's assumptions: it means that the West Siberian Plain is all flat, but there are elevations on the East European Plain)

Teacher: Quite right. The hills in the plain are hills.

Guys, hills are elevations. And the mountains also rise above the earth's surface. Can we conclude that they are one and the same? (Children face difficulty)

The technique "Pivot Table" is used. Children are offered a picture of a mountain and a hill on presentation slides. Exercise. Consider mountains and hills and compare them with each other. Enter the comparison results in the table. ( ).

Teacher: Make a conclusion: What are the similarities and how are the hill and the mountain different? (Similarity: they rise above the earth's surface, have the same parts: the bottom, slopes, summit. Difference: the hill and the mountain differ in height, the mountains are higher than 200 m, the hill is up to 200 m.)

Teacher: Guys, let's turn to the physical map of Russia again. What mountains are located in the west of our district? (Ural mountains)

Find the Caucasus Mountains on the map. Compare the difference between the image of the Ural Mountains and the Caucasus? (The Caucasus Mountains on the map are depicted in a darker color than the Urals)

Turning to the scale of heights of the map, we determine that the Ural Mountains are low. Low mountains - up to 1000 m, medium - 1000 - 2000 m, high - above 2000-3000 m.

Let's systematize the information received. We return to the cluster started at the call stage (we supplement it). ( Students independently complete the task in the notebook). One student complements the cluster on the board.


Checking the completion of the task.

Physical minute.

Raises his hands the class is once,
The head turned - that's two.
Hands down, look ahead - that's three
Arms spread wider to the sides by four,
Pressing them to the shoulders with force is five.
All the guys sit down quietly - that's six.

Continuation of the discussion of the new topic.

Reception "Fishbone" (fish skeleton).

Teacher: For farming, people use the surface of the earth. Continuing the work in the lesson, we will fill out the diagram. (Work in a notebook). Write in the upper triangle (head) the question: What are the consequences of human use of the earth's surface? On the left branches we will write: how a person uses the surface of the earth. And on the right: what does it lead to.

Demonstration of photos on presentation slides (ravines, beams, quarries, dumps, waste heaps). Working with the text of the textbook, talking with students. (In the course of work with the textbook and in the process of conversation, the formation of concepts occurs: ravine, ravine, waste heap).

In the course of work, students enter into the diagram:

Left twigs:

1. Extraction of minerals

2. Construction of houses, buildings

3. Plowing of plains (slopes)

Right branches:

1. Quarry, waste heap

3. Destruction of soil, potholes, ravines, beams.

Teacher: How does a person use the surface of our edge? What are the consequences of the development of oil and gas fields on the territory of the Okrug? (Answers of children)

Teacher: What conclusion can be drawn after filling out the diagram?

Output (tail) formulated by learners: By using the surface of the earth, people are damaging to nature.

Teacher: It turns out that the surface must be protected and as carefully as water and air, plants and animals.

What does it mean to guard the surface? (Answers of children)

How can you participate in this? (Answers of children)

Teacher: I really hope that when you grow up, you will try to do everything to make our native land even more beautiful, and there were no places that cause pain and resentment in your soul!

2. Stage Reflection.

At the stage "Reflection" we organize group work. One group receives drawings (or photographs) depicting the earth's surface.

Task for the group work:

  • Determine which picture shows the surface of our edge. Explain your choice. Indicate on what grounds you determined it.
  • Another group receives drawings that show examples of positive and negative human impacts on the Earth's surface.

Task for the group work:

  • Consider the drawings. Divide them into two groups. Explain how you divided the pictures.

Report on the work of groups. (If the class is large, then several groups can be formed)

3. Homework.

Teacher: Guys, answer the question. How should a person use the surface of their edge? A creative task is offered as a homework (this will be the answer to the question posed by the teacher): Write an appeal to the residents of the district on how they should use the surface of our land in order to preserve it for future generations.

Remember: What is the lithosphere? Earth's crust? What rocks by origin does the earth's crust consist of? Give examples. What minerals do you know? How and where are they used?

Keywords: crust, minerals, protection of mineral resources, land reclamation, waste heaps.

1. Protection of the wealth of the lithosphere. Every year, a huge amount of a wide variety of minerals is mined on the globe. USEFUL ISSUES- These are natural mineral formations that lie and are mined by people from the earth's crust. Among them are combustible, metallic and non-metallic. Mineral resources are essential for human life, the development of industry, agriculture, and transport.

Nutrients are not always fully extracted from mined minerals. So, for example, at some enterprises, copper was extracted from the mined ore, and the remaining rock was considered unusable, empty and thrown away. Upon analysis, it turned out that in addition to copper, this rock contains a significant amount of zinc, gold, silver, lead and other valuable metals. The introduction of new methods of processing minerals will make it possible to extract valuable substances from ore with almost no loss.

Each of you will agree that you need to take good care of minerals. However, how can this be done if a huge amount of them is extracted from the lithosphere all over the world every year? The surface of the Earth is cut by large quarries - huge foundation pits, rock workings. The quarry is like a huge wound in the body of the lithosphere. The wind carries dust from here, which covers the fields for many kilometers. Around mine workings, such as coal mines, large cone-shaped mountains are often formed - waste rock dumps, which are called ter r and k about n and m... In Belarus, examples of such human activities are the wastes from the extraction of potash salt in the Salihorsk region and the production of phosphorus fertilizers in the Gomel region. Millions of hectares of fertile land are occupied by such dumps in many countries. Dumps of mine workings are filled up with arable land. What to do? Maybe stop mining? What would you do?

The underground treasures should not be treated wastefully. It is necessary to use this wealth in a businesslike manner. Mineral resources are not renewed, like, for example, forest after felling. This means that the time may come when the deposits of oil, coal, ores of various metals will run out. Indeed, according to experts, now oil reserves all over the world can last for about 50 years, and coal - for 500. There is something to think about.

It is necessary to carefully extract and economically use minerals. When oil is extracted, for example, in the bowels of the Earth, up to half of its total amount remains. A lot of coal and various ores are also lost.

All rocks should be used in the development of deposits. In the dumps of quarries, for example, a lot of clay, sand, chalk is lost. Therefore, the laws of many countries oblige enterprises for the extraction and processing of minerals to conduct production in such a way as to extract all the useful substances contained in this type of natural raw material.

With deforestation, destruction of natural vegetation, soil washout increases and the formation of ravines begins. They cause great harm to agriculture, therefore, a fight is being waged against them.

2. Cultivation of disturbed lands. To restore lands disturbed by human economic activities, special work is carried out - rekul t and in and yu. So, the surface of the dumps formed during open mining of minerals is leveled. Soil is poured onto the leveled surface. After that, bushes, trees are planted, herbs are sown, agricultural crops are grown. Sometimes the slopes of waste heaps are landscaped.

In open pit mining, quarries are dug. After the development of minerals, large quarries are flooded with water, turned into artificial reservoirs - ponds, their banks are greened. Recreation areas are being created. In addition, fish and waterfowl can be raised in the reservoirs.

The rocks that make up the waste heaps are used for the manufacture of building materials, for the production of fertilizers. Until recently, mountains of slag rose around metallurgical plants, which occupied large areas of land. Now from metallurgical slag they produce an excellent building material - slag concrete.

Protecting the earth's surface means waging a constant struggle against ravines, economically allocating land for the construction of cities, factories, factories, railways and highways.

    1. What should be considered when mining and processing minerals? 2. How is the domestication of dumps, abandoned quarries and waste heaps going on?

Landforms Highlands (500 - 800 m) Highlands (500 - 800 m) Uplands (200 - 500 m) Uplands (200 - 500 m) Lowlands (0 - 200 m) Lowlands (0 - 200 m) Low (up to 1000 m) ) Low (up to 1000 m) Medium (1000 - 2000 m) Medium (1000 - 2000 m) High (above 2000 m) High (above 2000 m) Mountains Plains

The Novgorod Region is located in the northwest of the European part of Russia. Most of the territory is flat, in places swampy Priilmenskaya lowland, in the center of which is Lake Ilmen (the largest in the region). In the southeast of our region there is a hilly surface.

In the mountains there are rock outcrops on which nothing grows, and the hills always have soil and are covered with vegetation. The mountain also has a sole, a slope, a peak. What's the difference? The mountain also has a sole, a slope, a peak. What's the difference? Height up to 200 m Height over 200 m

There are ravines on the plains. They have steep, crumbling slopes. There are usually no plants on the slopes of the ravines. A ravine is formed with a small pothole, a groove on the soil surface. Streams of water erode it and the ravine gradually increases. Ravines destroy large areas of fertile soil.

1. Carefully read the text "Should I protect the surface" from the textbook. 2. Fill in the diagram "Consequences of the use of the earth's surface by humans"

To fill up the quarries and at this place arrange a field or plant a forest. Convert a quarry into a pond and breed fish in it. At the dump site, you can plant a garden or arrange a playground. Plow only across slopes. Steep slopes cannot be plowed up at all.

Panova Oksana Vladimirovna primary school teacher, Gymnasium 4, Veliky Novgorod Personal site:

Lesson type: combined


- the formation of a holistic picture of the world and the awareness of a person's place in it on the basis of the unity of rational-scientific knowledge and emotional-value comprehension of the child's personal experience of communication with people and nature;

Characteristics of student activities

Understand educational tasks of the lesson, strive to fulfill them.

Describe according to his observations of the shape of the earth's surface of his native land, find on the map of the region, the main forms of the earth's surface, large ravines and beams, extract from the local history literature information about the surface of the edge. Discuss measures to protect the surface of their land. Formulate conclusions from the material studied, answer to the final questions and evaluate achievements in the lesson

Planned results


Know the concepts of "ravine", "beam".

Be able to show mountains, plains, rivers on a map, globe, distinguish between objects of nature and products, objects of animate and inanimate nature.

Metasubject (Regulatory. Cognitive. Communicative)

P. - to build messages orally, to analyze objects with the allocation of essential and insignificant features.

R. - to take into account the reference points of action selected by the teacher in the new educational material in cooperation with the teacher. Learn to make your guess.

K. - ask questions, seek help.

Personal results

A feeling of love for your country, expressed in an interest in its nature.

Skills of cooperation in different situations, the ability not to create conflicts and find a way out of controversial situations.

Basic concepts and definitions

"Ravine", "gully".

Preparation for assimilation of new material

Based on your observations, as well as with the help of a map of the region and local history literature, describe the main forms of the earth's surface in your region. Remember that the plains are flat and hilly, and the mountains are of different heights.

Learning new material

You already know that on the plains they meet ravines. They have steep, crumbling slopes. There are usually almost no plants on the slopes of ravines.

The formation of a ravine begins with a small pothole on the surface of the soil. Streams of melt and rainwater wash it away, and therefore the ravine is gradually increasing. In doing so, he destroys large areas of fertile soil.

Over time (after many years) the slopes of the ravine become gentle, overgrown with grass, shrubs, trees. The ravine stops growing. So it turns into beam. A gully is a depression with gentle slopes overgrown with plants.

If you saw a ravine during the excursion, tell us about it. Are there many ravines in your area? Are there beams in your area? Tell us about the one you saw on the tour.

Comprehension and understanding of the knowledge gained

Think about where it is easier to build cities, villages, lay roads, cultivate the land - on the plain or in the mountains. How do people use the surface in your area?


Perhaps this question will seem strange. It is necessary to protect plants, animals, purity of air and water. And the surface of the edge? .. Is there anything threatening it? Let's speculate.

During your excursions, you probably paid attention to the beauty of the surrounding area. How do you feel when you go out into an open place from where you can see far around? Probably, you feel joy and pride in your native land. How beautiful she is!

But it also happens that instead of these feelings you experience bitterness and resentment. For example, at an abandoned quarry. Once upon a time, sand, sap, clay or coal were mined here. Now the quarry is a wound on the surface of the earth. But people had to fill it up and plant a forest in this place or turn the quarry into a pond for fish farming.

Elsewhere, builders erected new houses and left a large dump. There are beaten bricks, shards of glass, and much more. The people who worked at this construction site violated the law, which prohibits throwing garbage anywhere. And how many such landfills disfigure the surface of our earth!

The tractor driver does not behave like a business if he plows the land on the slope so that the furrows go down along the slope. After the first rain, streams of water will flow along these furrows - this is the beginning of the ravine! Plowing can only be carried out across the slopes. And steep slopes cannot be plowed at all.

To stop the formation of a ravine, small ruts are buried and grass is sown at this place. Across a small ravine, there are low wattle fences made of willow stakes and twigs. Over time, the stakes will take root, and a reliable living barrier for water flows is formed. Trees and shrubs are planted along the edges and slopes of the ravine.

Correct and incorrect plowing of slopes

You, too, can participate in the protection of the surface of your region. Explore, together with adults, the outskirts of the city, village. If you find an abandoned quarry, an illegal dump, plowing along the slopes, a pothole that can turn into a ravine, report it to the Nature Conservation Society. Take part in garbage collection, in the fight against ravines

So it turns out that the earth's surface must be protected no less carefully than water and air, plants and animals.

Let's discuss!

What cases of irresponsible attitude of people to the surface of their land do you know? Is it possible to compensate for the damage caused to nature in these cases? How to do it?

Self-application of knowledge

test yourself

1. Tell us about the surface of your edge. 2. How is the surface used at your edge? 3. What does “guard the surface” mean? 4. What kind of participation in the protection of the surface of their land can schoolchildren take?

Mountains that shouldn't be

In some regions of our country, where many minerals are mined from the bowels of the earth, mountains - waste heaps have grown. They did not grow by themselves, they were poured by people. Mining minerals, processing them, dumped all waste - waste rock - in heaps. The heaps grew, grew ... And it turned out that people, living on the plain, ended up ... in the mountains.

Waste heaps are not at all harmless. After all, under them were huge areas of fertile land taken away from agriculture. The waste heaps themselves spread clouds of dust around them, which pollutes the air. It happens that ter-ricons ignite, spreading corrosive smoke. And the polluted water flowing from them after the rains poisons the soil and water bodies.

People are fighting with waste heaps. Somewhere they are leveled, soil is brought in and plants are planted. In some places, they learned to extract valuable substances from the waste rock of waste heaps. So the mountains created by people are gradually disappearing.

Yes, these mountains did not exist before. You need to try very hard so that they will not remain in the future.

Waste heaps


Doing housework, people use software. the surface of its edge. This must be done carefully, so as not to violate the beauty of the native land, to prevent the formation of ravines and illegal dumps.

Homework assignments

1.Add to the dictionary: ravine, beam.

2. Draw what the surface of your edge looks like. You can sculpt a model of some part of it (hill, ravine, mountain ridge) from plasticine, clay or raw sand.

3. If there is a ravine in your area, ask adults whether it has existed for a long time, how it has changed during this time, what people are doing to stop its growth. Think about how you can help adults.

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hidden treasuresVyatka - Podchurshinskoesettlement

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Sources of information:

A. A. Pleshakov textbook, workbook

"Education" 2014

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