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The best student essays. Modern fashion. New directions Fashion direction Laissez-faire

Stylist, style coach

We all noticed that over the past ten years, fashion has changed a lot - the approach to creating things has changed, a new interpretation of styles has appeared, categorical "yes" or "no" no longer exists, fashion is focused on the individual, and this allows it to constantly change.

Without knowing it, we have become participants in the media revolution. A hundred years ago, information spread very slowly, in order to appear in a printed edition, a text about fashion went a long way of statements, and only after some time the reader could see it.

In 2008, when social networks gained wide popularity, information began to spread at lightning speed. Man became its main carrier - opinion leaders appeared, the masses began to produce fashion for themselves.

Today I want to talk about how the way of presenting information has changed the vector of fashion development. The fusion style embodies a new way of looking at fashion and a new way of adapting what we see around us.

Factor 1

The woman leaves the stage and becomes closer to real life. More subtle methods of self-expression become available to her. The perception of a woman in fashion can be easily tracked by the most popular faces of different eras. The most popular top model of recent years, Cara Delevingne, set the trend for direct, easy and accessible charm.

Factor 2

Modern fashion has moved away from the idea of ​​originality and the idea of ​​creating something completely new and unique. The same solutions (in this case, a combination of delicate pink with dark skin) are used in different situations, whether it's an Instagram picture or Rihanna's evening look.

Factor 3

Two directions have been established: things are divided into art objects and practical clothes that are easy to wear and mix with each other. In order to attract attention, clothing should be slightly exaggerated. Exaggeration, which is not applicable in real life, looks natural on a computer screen. It becomes the promotion of new ideas.

Factor 4

Fashion begins to live in a real environment. When choosing an image, it is important to focus on how it will look in the place where you appear in it.

Factor 5

Bright eclectic combinations, sometimes even very bold ones, are another way to declare the individuality of a woman.

Factor 6

The new standard of the human body has the fewest complaints. The most popular ideal of the female figure, most cited in the media, is a tall, athletic silhouette with long legs, narrow hips, broad shoulders, and a disproportionately small head. It is impossible to make it exaggeratedly rounded and fragile. There is nothing to emphasize in it either, because it is neutral. And one more thing: in most cases, clothing does not fit the body, but becomes a kind of shell, a convention.

Factor 7

The main style directions have acquired a new concept. A woman in sportswear impresses with brightness, energy and strength - not quite feminine qualities that have now become very attractive. For the same reasons, the masculine style does not lose ground, and military clothing is actively friends with femininity.

At all times people were interested in fashion. In Russia, by appearance it was possible to determine which class a person belongs to. Times have changed, fashion has changed, it has become more convenient, practical.

Almost every person who is not indifferent to his appearance, the opinion of others about him strives to look beautiful, dress fashionably. You can look modern at any age. The main thing is that the clothes fit the lifestyle of a person, be, as they say, to his face. It is important to skillfully use the details of the toilet, skillfully select a wardrobe according to the color scheme.

Modern fashion is alternative and diverse. Fashionable is what a person is comfortable in, what emphasizes his individuality and originality.

Psychologists say that 25% of students indicated that, in forming an attractive image of a teacher, a special role should be given to his appearance. “They are greeted by their clothes, they are escorted by their mind” is a well-known proverb.

It is important for a teacher to look modern, to follow fashion trends.

Modern fashion, in my opinion, should be elegant, comfortable, practical and always emphasizing individuality. It is also important not to look pretentious, too extravagant. In fashion, everything is good in moderation.

Composition on the topic: WHAT SHOULD THE MODERN FASHION BE?

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For at least ten years in fashioncasual luxury casual clothes made of expensive materials, well-cut and well-tailored. The aesthetics of clothing and appearance follows the path of simplification: from rigor to everyday life. At the same time, scientific and technological progress is advancing, which allows you to create better fabrics, better accessories, more perfect cuts and, most importantly, makes all this accessible to millions of people. Thus, it turns out that the forms are becoming more and more simple (casual), and the execution is more and more expensive (luxe).

Fashion direction Laissez-faire

Laissez-faire- means "going on as usual, without interference." This is where the modern goes fashion. The “I woke up like this” look will be most appreciated in the near future. Of course, it takes a lot of effort to wake up like this. The figure, skin, hair, teeth should be perfect, and only natural and very high-quality materials should be used in clothes. And so, when you wake up with good skin, beautiful hair and white teeth, put on the latest jeans, a cashmere sweater or a silk shirt and good shoes, you are who you are. laissez-faire relation.

is the future of all fashion. At all times, there was a signal in fashion: “it is available to me”, only desires changed depending on the circumstances. In different periods, silks, fur coats and the like, inaccessible to the majority, were “desirable”, now it is health and a way of life that allows you to be beautiful without putting much effort.

In the last two years in fashion a new direction Athleisurewear- even more casual than casual, because it's just sportswear made from non-sporting or new materials, such as neoprene. It is quite possible to work out in this clothing in the gym: it is elastic, wrinkle-resistant, comfortable, with traditional elements in the form of drawstrings, hoods, elastic bands and hairpins. But it is not for the gym, but just for life, including work. This trend has been caught by many sports giants such as Nike, Adidas, etc. They hire famous designers, like Adidas hired Stella McCartney, and release new lines of semi-athletic or completely non-athletic clothing and shoes. Conversely, traditional fashion houses are hiring new designers to create more sporty pieces, such as Dior Fusion Sneokes. When these two directions met, in the middle arose Athleisurewear.

Now the most conservative shoppers are learning to walk the streets in sneakers, sweatpants and sweatshirts. Yes, for such a price as these things are sold, just few people will buy them for the gym. Athleisurewear- this is where everything is moving fashion, therefore, it is pointless to be indignant and say that "I will never wear such a thing." It is better to think about which elements and details of this style to include in your wardrobe. In a similar style, there can be not only sweatpants, but also dresses, blazers, coats and skirts. And about the price: we must remember that these are pseudo-sportswear, not made for running in the morning. The element of luxury in it is no less important than style. It cannot be replaced with tracksuit pants and regular sneakers. And it requires accessories, jewelry, the right color combinations and everything else that a regular wardrobe requires.

Fashion is a changing concept. Today, more than ever, rules and canons, color ratios and texture combinations of materials are changing at lightning speed. Perhaps the general criteria of modern fashion are the absence of any boundaries and a wide range of styles. The sources of purchase of clothes, shoes and accessories also differ in variety.

The study of fashion trends and the search for your own style have long ceased to be dictated by television or periodicals. Today, by going to any fashion portal, you can get acquainted with the fundamental trends of each season.

Modern fashion trends

Everything that is happening today in the fashion world can be safely combined under the general trend of eclecticism. It consists in mixing styles, eras, the purpose of wardrobe items and accessories relative to the floor.

A striking trend in the development of modern fashion is the rethinking and use of the achievements of previous generations. After all, as you know, the development of fashion is like a spiral: the trends of the past return again and again in a new look, becoming the fashion trends of our time.

A distinctive feature of modern fashion is the variety of forms of self-expression. After all, all people are different. And it is impossible to subordinate everyone to the general rules and canons of beauty and style.

Stylistics and principles of modern fashionable images

The main principle of the formation of modern fashion is the complete freedom of choice of color schemes and stylistic searches. The timeless classics of antiquity never cease to be in fashion, as evidenced by the exquisite images of Hollywood stars on the red carpet. Oriental motifs are also relevant. Among the colors are popular bright and rich colors of the 70s. In dresses and outerwear, intercepted sleeves, popular in the Middle Ages, are again in fashion. The trend is a harsh and courageous Celtic. Do not go out of fashion jackets and disco-style jackets with decorated shoulders.

Such a wealth of combinations of styles are full of models of fashion shows, as well as everyday looks. Among the variety of fashion styles and trends, it is difficult to choose the dominant trend. Today, looking fashionable and stylish means skillfully combining wardrobe details and choosing from the whole variety of current trends only those that best suit you.

Modern ways to purchase fashionable clothes, shoes, accessories

Today, you can buy fashionable things in stores, expensive boutiques or online stores. There is an opinion that ordering via the Internet threatens to purchase low-quality goods. However, it is not. Fashion is one of the most progressive fields of activity and constantly keeps pace with the times.

With the development of network resources, most brands have opened their virtual representative offices where you can purchase goods from the manufacturer. But these purchases are not cheap. Today, there are more democratic brands that offer to purchase no less beautiful and fashionable clothes at affordable prices via the Internet.

Purchasing goods in online stores has a number of advantages:

  • significant cost savings;
  • quality assurance of products by the company store;
  • convenience of choosing goods;
  • detailed information about the goods with indication of materials, fittings and manufacturer;
  • a wide range of products.

Thanks to the development of modern technology, everyone can look fashionable and stylish. Numerous fashion portals are happy to share information about current trends, and online stores provide a wide selection of trendy wardrobe items in various price categories.

Modern styles in fashion are very diverse. And modern fashion is much more democratic than the fashion of past eras. Fashionistas of our days can afford to choose an individual style, taking into account individual characteristics and preferences.

Let's look at the main current trends in fashion.

History of modern fashion

Since the middle of the last century, fashion began to develop rapidly, one style of fashion was replaced by another.

In the 70s, the hippie style was gaining popularity. itexpressed in a free and comfortable style of clothing. Bright, variegated colors prevailed.

In the 80s, the hippie style was replaced by a sporty style. Girls began to wear fishnet tights, sports style outfits, sneakers, leggings became popular.and sports headbands.

By the end of the 20th century, unisex began to gain great popularity. Girls began to prefer comfortable clothes.

Since the beginning of the 21st century, fashion trends have become more and more diverse. Fashionistas have the opportunity to choose trends to their taste. The quality of the fabric and cut are becoming more and more valuable. More fashionistas prefer not only a bright style, but also look at the quality and convenience of clothing.

Modern fashion trends

There are many modern fashion styles, among them 10 main trends can be distinguished.

1. Classic style- this is restraint in colors, simplicity in lines and shapes, conciseness.

2. Casual style is the most popular modern style. A distinctive feature is convenience and comfort.

3. Sport style- characterized by comfortable, non-restrictive clothing that is designed for sports.

4. romantic style- This is a gentle and sophisticated image. Delicate shades prevail.

5. Business style - a combination of restraint and elegance. Unlike the classic style, the business style is more subject to changes in fashion.

6. folk style- the use of elements of national costumes in clothing.

7. Minimalism is a laconic style, nothing more.

A variety of styles allows fashionistas to create their own unique style and be individual.

In the online store Damoda24 you can find different styles of clothing for every fashionista. The clothes presented in our catalog combine fashionable design and high quality cut.

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