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Complete guide to industrial craft 2

Greetings, dear readers. Today I would like to bring to your attention a series of entries, after reading which you will be able to create your first drill in Industrial craft, and in the future also extract many resources without even thinking about leaving your magnificent home!

Do not forget that the modification itself is not as big as you might hear. This is only because a huge bunch of addons are often installed to it, which at times increase the list of recipes for this mod, and also make it more complex, or even simpler. Also, do not argue with other people about how this or that object is created. Why? The answer is simple - there are modifications that drastically change all the recipes present in Industrial craft. And the most popular of them is, I think, Greg Tech mod.

So where does the amazing adventure of Industrial Craft begin?

As in regular Minecraft, this modification has a list of certain items that are basic and necessary, if not for all, then for most items. There are only 3 such items in Industrial - copper wires with insulation, microcircuits and batteries. But the third item is used much less frequently than the first. It's even crafted using the first item, which makes you wonder if the battery is even the base item for this mod.

So how do you make this very wire? First we need to find rubber. It comes from the rubber tree. Some modifications add even more rubber trees, which make it easier or harder to get rubber. You can see what these trees look like and how to extract rubber from them in these screenshots:

On the left is a modified rubber tree, on the right is the original rubber tree.

In order to get rubber from the first tree, it is enough just to cut it down, and with the modification of the Tree Capitator, it becomes simply easier than ever:

With the second tree, things are a little more complicated. Of course you can just cut it down and get a certain amount of rubber, but it is possible to get rubber from it in much larger quantities, with a little more expectation. The fact is that when such a tree grows on it, some sources of rubber appear:

From such veins, you can get rubber using a faucet - an item, the creation scheme of which you can see a little below:

After using this item on such a vein, you will receive 1 piece of rubber, lose 1 of the 17 points of durability of the faucet and empty the vein for a while:

After a while, you will again see the rubber in this vein and you can get it again using the faucet. Don't forget that we need 6 rubber to create a wire, so before leaving the rubber forest make sure you have enough material to create the required amount of wire.

The second item needed to create a wire is copper. Copper is mined like iron, or gold - in mines. Again - different addons add different copper. On the screenshot you can see 2 possible options of what copper looks like:

Digs industrial craft copper with any pickaxe other than wood pickaxe. Do not be confused - the Thermal Expansion mod has its own copper, which can only be mined with an iron pickaxe or higher.

So, after receiving these two ingredients, we must carry out another simple operation with the cost of coal - overcook them. Moreover, you need to overcook both copper and rubber.

The first ore (which is on the left), when used in a furnace, gives us this result:

The second one (the one on the right) is like this:

Rubber from the first tree is roasted as follows:

Same with the second one:

Also, if you need less than 6 cables, you can get the required amount by doing a couple of simple actions you see in the screenshots:

Well, I think it's enough for the first lesson. We have taken the first step necessary for the development of Industrial crfat. In the next lesson, we will learn how to make microcircuits and, possibly, multiply all the resources received by half. Thank you for your attention and see you soon!

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Hello everyone!) Today I want to show you a good guide!
Step one.
We chop some trees, craft ourselves a stone pick and look for coal, iron, copper (Copper) and tin (Tin). Then we craft an iron pickaxe and look for red dust (redstone). We are not in a hurry to smelt the excavated ore into ingots in a conventional furnace, there are more efficient ways of processing. For now, just put it in a chest.

Step two.
Not a single mechanism works without wires, and wires are shocked. We will need isolation, so we go in search of latkes, or rather, a new tree Hevea. Greatest Chance find it - in the swamp biomes, and we are looking for them. Before going into the forest, take an ax with you and faucet.

As soon as we find Hevea, we look for streaks of latex on it and collect them with a faucet.

Latex streaks are tricky and can hide behind foliage, so it's better to cut it (the foliage) first - at the same time, if you're lucky, you'll get a hevea sprout. After collecting the latex, we pick up an ax and cut down a tree at the root - you can also get rubber from its logs. Having collected 3-4 seedlings and a certain amount of latex, we stomp home.
Rubber can be obtained in three ways:
1. kiln firing latex (1 latex = 1 rubber). The most not effective method but we don't have any other options.
2. latex processing in the extractor (1 latex = 3 rubber). Our ideal.
3. processing in the extractor of hevea logs (1 log = 1 rubber). Nice bonus.
While we do nothing, we put it in the chest.

Step three.
We start crafting the mechanisms we need. It is better to craft in this order in order to save money.

0. Basic crafting components.
Mechanism (machine block)


tinted copper wire


1. Generator - without it, not a single mechanism will work, it produces 10 EU / t. Let's start with him.

In total we will need:
1 copper wire
1 rubber
4 tin
2 redstone
8 hardened steel (obtained by re-firing regular steel)
8 cobblestones

2. Extractor - in the early stages it will solve the problem with rubber, in the later stages - it will be needed for spare parts for a nuclear reactor and not only.

20 boards
9 hardened steel
6 copper wires
6 rubber
2 redstone
After crafting the extractor, we process all the remaining latex and hevea logs into rubber at a favorable rate.

3. Crusher - will increase the number of metals by 2 times and not only, plus it will make it possible to craft some interesting things.

[i]2 cobblestones
3 silicon
9 hardened steel
6 copper wires
6 rubber
2 redstone
After crafting, we process the remaining ore into dust (1 ore \u003d 2 dust, 1 dust \u003d 1 ingot, total 1 ore \u003d 2 ingots instead of 1 in a simple furnace)

4. [i] Bat box - the very first and smallest energy storage. Why is it needed? So that the generator does not work at idle and the excessively generated energy does not disappear, but accumulates. The scheme is simple: Generator - BatBox - Mechanisms. Only this way and nothing else.

4 rubber
4 copper wires
12 tin
6 red dust
5 boards

Summarize. For initial crafting, we need the following resources:

10 cobblestones
25 boards
12 red dust
26 hardened steel
16 tin
17 copper wires (9 copper)
17 rubber

now we have necessary minimum for a normal life. But that's not enough for us, is it? Let's go further.

Step four.
We have energy, a mini-ore processing plant too. What are we missing? That's right, the ore itself. But it’s not for us to dig it with a pick, having at hand high tech, so let's start crafting a drill. This device, in terms of its properties (read: mined ores), corresponds to a steel pickaxe, i.e. can mine everything except obsidian. It charges in a bat-box, but can also work from a bat-pack (more on that below).

We will need:
6 tempered iron
4 tin
7 copper wires
7 rubber
4 red dust
Well, if you are very lucky, and by this moment 3 diamonds have accumulated, then you can get the drill right away upgrade before the diamond drill, the spent diamonds are worth it.
So, we have a drill, but it can only dig out 200 blocks without recharging (and in the case of a diamond drill, it’s only 120), so let’s start crafting bat-pack. A bat-pack is a backpack with batteries, which is worn instead of armor on the chest (more precisely, the back), holds 60,000 EU.

For crafting we need:
12 copper wires
12 rubber
25 tin
1 hardened steel
14 red dust

Step five.
A conventional coal-fired generator is quite gluttonous, and the energy produced is barely enough to feed the main mechanisms. In addition to the base (coal) there are 5 more energy generators:
1. Windmill . Produces from 0 to 4 EU/t. It does not require fuel, but in order to get an acceptable amount of energy, you need to build a lot of them, and this, due to bugs / curvature of the developers, causes wild lags on the server.

2.Water Mill. In passive mode, it does not require fuel and generates 0.01 EU/t for each adjacent block of water (maximum 0.25 EU/t). In active mode (using buckets / capsules of water as fuel), it produces 2 EU / t. Not the most efficient generator, but like a windmill, it can run without fuel.

3. Solar panel .Produces 1 EU/t. It does not require fuel, but it works only during the day. Of all the fuelless generators, this is the most efficient, but also the most expensive to craft. 20 pieces will be enough for the first time.

4. Geothermal generator. Produces sweat 20 EU/t. Powered by lava buckets/capsules, quite effective if you have a large supply of lava.

5. Nuclear reactor .Produces from 10 to 40 EU / t for each urS. It runs on uranium and requires constant cooling in order not to get a second Chernobyl, but it is very effective. At right approach can produce energy (in a smaller amount) without the risk of overheating.

Obviously, it is more efficient to use a geothermal generator or a nuclear reactor. What exactly to build - decide for yourself, depends on the accumulated present moment resources.

Hint: you can put a lever on the generator / reactor through the shift, which will turn it on / off, this will allow you not to waste fuel when it is not necessary.
And that's probably all. Thanks to all)

Industrial Craft - according to many players, the most extensive mod for MineCraft "and Thanks to it, the player will be able to diversify game process several times, thanks to this mod, a huge number of various items and things are added to the game.

IC2 is a logical continuation of this mod. Due to this mod, the player will be able to feel not like a caveman, but a resident of the industrial era. Stop doing routine mining, install the mod and experience all the delights of energy for yourself. AT IndustrialCraft 2 mechanisms developed to such an extent that it is quite difficult to distinguish them from real ones. For example, the same nuclear reactor works almost the same, the only difference is minimalism and small block sizes, but in everything else everything is very, very similar to real life.

With technological development, the player will be able to forget about such ancient tools as axes and picks. Indeed, in this fashion there are more convenient devices - a drill and a chainsaw. At the same time, you do not have to make such tools anew each time, and the speed spent on the block mining process will be much less than with conventional tool. All this will help you stay in the mines almost without getting out. The only drawback is the need to recharge these devices, but this is quite a solvable task.

Like many other industrial mods, IC2 adds several types of new ores to the game - copper, uranium and tin. Some of this may seem insufficient, in which case you can install additional mods specially created for IC2. These ores are used in a variety of crafts, and uranium, moreover, is a very profitable source of energy. In fact, there is nothing special about this, but thanks to this you will be able to extract much more resources in one trip to the mine, which means that the mechanisms obtained from the extracted resources will be faster and easier.

Simply put - this mod will be of interest to those who want to add zest to the game modern technologies. In addition, all this can be supplemented with even more technologies, all this is available on the official website of the Industrial Craft 2 modification.

However, even here it was not without drawbacks. And the most significant of them is that after installing the mod, the player will have to start re-comprehending the world, learning new recipes. At the same time, you will have to forget about the old world, which has already been inhabited by the player.

Where to start in order to quickly develop in the new world? Everything is very simple here, first of all you will have to start the game the same way as without this mod. Indeed, in order to use all the benefits of civilization, you will have to sweat a little in the mines, wielding an ordinary pickaxe. After you have access to the creation of the simplest mechanisms, or rather a generator, immediately proceed to its creation.

Another help for a beginner is crushers - these are mechanisms that can destroy some objects and ores into crumbs. With their help, you can get more items from ordinary ore.
They operate according to the following principle - you throw, for example, ore into this mechanism (do not forget to connect energy to it), and at the output you get a crumb that can be smelted into ingots or used in other mechanisms. The result is typically twice as much ore as a normal ore smelter.

by the most important element modification, which allows other mechanisms to work, is the source of energy. These sources are different, the same as in the real world - windmills, hydro generators, nuclear reactors, etc.

At the very beginning of the game, only ordinary sources of energy - generators - will be available to you. After, when you have accumulated enough resources, it is recommended to start creating more advanced sources, such as solar panels and geothermal generators. And for even more high level development of your technologies, you will be able to create the most powerful source of energy - a nuclear reactor.
Many recommend that beginners not focus on sources of energy that can provide the player with a large amount of it with little effort to provide them with resources.

But let's think logically - the time it takes to extract resources for a conventional generator is comparable to how much energy a solar panel produces in a day. But you still have to wait for the device or mechanism to charge. It is also convenient to use various energy storage devices - these are devices like rechargeable batteries in ordinary cell phones or in cars. Thus, the generated energy solar battery per day will be sufficient to recharge the drill or feed the crusher.

But it's up to you to decide how best to proceed. Practice shows that uranium is the most profitable source of energy, but before creating it, the player will have to spend a lot of time mining resources and crafting mechanisms. The main thing - do not forget to create energy storage - they can greatly facilitate the gameplay.

Also, do not forget about advanced mods that improve the solar panels in IC2, with their help the player will be able to generate energy even in the daytime, while its amount will be higher than that of ordinary panels during the day. What is closer and more convenient to you means that it is better.

Obtaining and properly distributing energy resources is the most interesting activity in Industrial Craft.

Let's take a look at the main tools

At the beginning of the article, as an example, were mentioned - a drill and a saw. These tools are also required and should be created as quickly as possible.

They can be used indefinitely, the main thing is to charge their batteries in time. For this you can use portable battery- Bat-Pack and Energy Runner.

In addition, the drill can be improved - make it diamond, i.e. even more efficient and faster.

The action of the saw is similar to that of the drill, however, it can only be used to mine wooden blocks and nothing more.

All this is quite well-known among the players. However, this item has other, non-official uses. Have you watched the old horror movie Evil Dead? In this film main character wields a chainsaw, destroying zombies. Perhaps this is what prompted the creators of the mod to add another characteristic to this item - the power of impact on mobs. The creeper can be killed with two hits.

AT IndustrialCraft 2 mechanisms play a very important role. In addition, they differ in the complexity of creation. For example, to create an energy crystal, you need to get a diamond. From it you can make other items, from which, in turn, even more complex mechanisms are crafted.

Miner's laser - just refers to such items. It will not work to create it at the beginning of the game, for this you will have to go a long way from a conventional generator and a simple energy storage to an MFE.
This device has many modes, in addition, with its help you can not only destroy blocks, but also kill annoying mobs and players. At the same time, the blocks are not destroyed - they fall out, which is why it is called miner's.

In no case do not knock out blocks of mechanisms with a fist, pickaxe or drill! In this case, they will break. But, you ask, how then to knock out already installed blocks? To do this, the game provides such a tool as wrench and its modernization. This key is crafted from bronze. This way, you can always get your item intact and undamaged.

Another important advice will be the creation of all simple tool bronze or, even better, stone. Because in this fashion, iron is always enough, such an approach will significantly save on this valuable resource. You can also do without these items altogether, because they can be replaced with a drill.

For lovers of nuclear reactors, there is also advice - create a rubber protective suit, because. without it, you will simply die and may lose some or even all of the resources. Yes, this mod has radiation that mercilessly kills players. In addition, it is often used for other purposes - if you throw a piece of uranium on the ground (in network mode) near the respawn of the players, then they will be "pleasantly" surprised by such an unexpected gift. But do not abuse this, because the administration, unless it is she who does it, can ban the merry fellow.

Finally, let's add that energy is an indispensable resource in this mod, you can't do without it, you can't replace it. Therefore, try to provide yourself with this resource in abundance. Indeed, with development, you will have to create even more energy sources, occupying all the free space with them.

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