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Student holidays throughout the year. Holidays in quarters. Who sets school holiday dates?

For schoolchildren, the holidays are a long-awaited time of rest. Finally, you don't have to get up at 7 am, go to school and do homework. Already from the first of September, many students are counting the remaining days before the holidays in the hope of spending them fun and interesting. Therefore, all schoolchildren are looking forward to the holidays. Teachers and parents of students will also not refuse to take a break from the educational process. But in order to properly plan your vacation, you need to know the schedule. school holidays in the 2018–2019 academic year.

Why are school holidays needed?

Studying at school is intense intellectual work during the seven to eight hours that a student spends in an educational institution. For some children, close communication with classmates and teachers is a huge psychological burden. The reason for this is the following: parents sometimes themselves prepare their child for school and do not send him to kindergarten. Such children experience a number of difficulties:

  • difficult to get along with classmates;
  • cannot build relationships with teachers;
  • They are stressed by being in an unfamiliar place for a long time.

Therefore, the educational process for such children is a considerable stress, which vacations are designed to relieve, helping to solve a number of important issues:

  • Rest the child’s body from psychological stress.
  • Restoring your daily routine with proper sleep.
  • Organization of the correct fractional diet.

An oversaturation of information and communication requires the opportunity for a child to be alone, read, watch his favorite films or TV shows - to switch only to himself and his interests.

Quarters or trimesters?

The school administration can vary the start and end dates of the holidays at its discretion, guided by the curriculum. Some schools, for example, in Moscow, study not in quarters, but in modern modular system, providing training in trimesters. For them, the Department of Education provides additional guidance regarding the holiday schedule.

Thus, the school itself decides how to study - in quarters or trimesters - and, in accordance with this, sets holidays for students.

If the school is on a trimester form of education, then the academic year is divided into three trimesters, each of which lasts from 10 to 12 weeks.

If the school schedule provides for studying in quarters, then this involves four quarters, different in duration:

  • 1st quarter – 8 weeks.
  • 2nd quarter – 8 weeks.
  • 3rd quarter – 10 weeks (for first grades); 11 weeks (for grades 2–11).
  • 4th quarter – 8 weeks (for grades 1–4, 9 and 11); 9 weeks (for grades 5–8, 10).

Thus, within these deadlines, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation recommends holding school holidays in the 2018–2019 academic year, and many principals of Russian secondary schools will adhere to it.

Holidays in 2018–2019 according to the trimester system

In the trimester education system, there are only six study periods (each trimester is divided into two parts) and six rest periods - vacations. The duration of each trimester is five to six weeks, the duration of the holidays is a week. The exception is the three-month summer holidays.

Approximate vacation dates for the modular (trimester) education system:

  • October 8–14.
  • November 19–25.
  • December 29, 2018–January 8, 2019
  • February 18–24.
  • April 8–14.
  • June 1–August 31.

Completion dates school year On May 31, 2019, for grades 1–8, 10, and for students in grades 9 and 11, the school year ends in accordance with the State Examination Schedule and the school curriculum.

We study in quarters. When are the holidays in 2018–2019?

Every day of the holidays is amazing and unique. The whole question is to organize children’s leisure time in an interesting, entertaining, creative way, to captivate them with useful practical activities.

School holiday table (by quarters)

Holidays Dates
Winter 26.12.2018–9.01.2019
Summer 1.06.2019–31.08.2019

For first grades, additional days are provided during the longest third quarter from approximately 02/11/2019 to 02/17/2019.

But LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky called for extending the summer and moving the start of the school year to October 1:

Our country is so huge that it is impossible to create a unified school holiday calendar. Each area has certain situations that affect the length of school days. These include:

  • quarantine;
  • very coldy;
  • other weather conditions (floods, squally winds, etc.).

If such force majeure periods take 2–3 days, then many schoolchildren and teachers are able to “catch up” with the program. But if such “absences” accumulate for a week or more, then the school administration has the right to independently change the vacation calendar or transfer some days off to the category of school days.

The academic year cannot begin on Saturday or Sunday, so if September 1st falls on a weekend, then classes begin with the ceremonial line only on Monday.

For almost the same reason, school holidays cannot have fixed dates. They are assigned in accordance with the features of the calendar for a particular year. In our case, in accordance with the 2018 calendar.

How the dates and duration of school holidays are set in Russian schools

Vacation periods in Russian schools are regulated by certain laws that provide different ages students and climatic location schools However exact date the beginning and end of certain holidays does not appear anywhere. Thus, each individual institution, be it a school, gymnasium, university or lyceum, draws up a school holiday schedule in accordance with its characteristics and needs, which is approved together with.

The only thing that needs to be taken into account from the law on school holidays is that for the entire school year, autumn, winter and spring breaks in total should not be less than one month. And the holidays between each quarter should not be less than 7 days. According to the law, at least 2 months are allotted for summer holidays.

School holiday schedule 2018

School holidays for first graders

Children who study from first to fourth grade are awarded one more week of vacation. They rest in February (last Monday). 02/26/2018 – 03/04/2018.

*The vacation schedule may differ from the above, depending on the specific educational institution or region of Russia.

Vacation dates are coordinated not only with legislative norms, but also with the opinions of schoolchildren and the vote of parents themselves. For certain reasons, vacation dates may be postponed, shifted, increased or decreased.

It often happens that early quarantine can affect the cancellation of the next vacation. Unplanned repairs, events, emergencies and the like may also affect the transfer of vacations to other dates.

September 2016

Mon VT SR Thu PT SB Sun
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30

October 2016

Mon VT SR Thu PT SB Sun
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

November 2016

Mon VT SR Thu PT SB Sun
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30

December 2016

Mon VT SR Thu PT SB Sun
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31

January 2017

Mon VT SR Thu PT SB Sun
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31

February 2017

Mon VT SR Thu PT SB Sun
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28

March 2017

Mon VT SR Thu PT SB Sun
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31

April 2017

Mon VT SR Thu PT SB Sun
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

May 2017

Mon VT SR Thu PT SB Sun
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31
  • Weekends and holidays are highlighted in red on the calendar.
  • Vacation days are highlighted in green.

There will be a total of 157 school days and 106 days off during the 2016-2017 academic year.

  • September 2016: total days - 30, school days 22, weekends - 8.
  • October 2016: total days - 31, school days - 20, days off - 11.
  • November 2016: total days - 30, school days - 18, days off - 12.
  • December 2016: total days - 31, school days - 17, weekends - 14.
  • January 2017: total days - 31, school days - 16, days off - 15.
  • February 2017: total days - 28, school days - 19, days off - 9.
  • March 2017: total days - 31, school days - 17, weekends - 14.
  • April 2017: total days - 30, school days - 20, days off - 10.
  • May 2017: total days - 31, school days - 17, days off - 14.

Please note that the academic calendar for 2015-2016 is a recommendation. These dates may vary and are subject to change.

Vacations in the 2016-2017 academic year

  • Autumn holidays in the 2016-2017 academic year will begin on October 29, 2016 and end on November 6, 2016. Duration autumn holidays 2016 will be 9 days.
  • Winter New Year holidays in the 2016-2017 academic year will begin on December 24, 2016 and will last until January 8, 2017. The duration of the winter holidays will be 16 days.
  • Spring break in the 2016-2017 academic year will begin on March 25, 2017 and will last until April 2, 2017. The duration of spring break will be 9 days.
  • Summer holidays in 2017 will begin on May 27, 2017 and will last until September 1, 2017.

Additional holidays for first-graders may be introduced from February 18 to February 26, 2017. In addition, students in Russian educational institutions will have days off on February 23, 2016, March 8, 2016, May 2, 2016, and May 9, 2016.

It is also necessary to recall that vacation dates are only recommended by the Ministry of Education, and final decision the timing and duration of the holidays remains with the teaching council of educational institutions.

Additional holidays or rescheduling of holidays in schools and other educational institutions are possible for the following reasons:

  • Low air temperature- minus 25 degrees Celsius for primary school; minus 28 degrees - for high school; minus 30 degrees for students in grades 10 and 11.
  • Low temperature in classrooms. When the air temperature in classrooms is below +18 degrees, it is prohibited to conduct classes.
  • Quarantine and exceeding the morbidity threshold. Quarantine can be declared in a separate school, a separate district, city or region if the epidemic incidence threshold of 25% of the total number of students is exceeded.

Vacations for students in the 2016-2017 academic year

There are significantly fewer vacations at universities, namely, students rest only in winter and summer. It is difficult to find out the exact schedule, since each university assigns them depending on the sessions. If we talk about winter holidays, then the holidays begin at the end of January and end in the second week of February. In the summer, everything also depends on the session and practice, which can be scheduled for June, which is why it will be possible to go on vacation only in July. Also, the practice may be postponed to August, and the holidays will begin in mid-June. Everything depends on the specific university, therefore, in order to carefully plan your vacation, it is better to first ask representatives of the administration of the Higher Educational Institution. The only thing that can be said for sure is that the holidays should not be less than 6 weeks.

According to the provisions Federal Law No. 273-FZ “On education in Russian Federation» dated December 29, 2012, school holidays are planned periods provided to students for rest. This time is also recommended to be used for various activities (excursions, hikes) and children’s participation in educational programs.

According to the provisions of Federal Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” of December 29, 2012, school holidays are planned periods provided to students for rest. This time is also recommended to be used for various activities (excursions, hikes) and children’s participation in educational programs. The long-standing practice of establishing 4 types of vacations - for each season - continues to be successfully applied today. At the same time, amendments regularly made to the Education Law as part of the ongoing educational reform may be intended to somewhat change the established system.

Today in the Russian Federation the practice of establishing school holiday periods by educational institutions themselves is being tested. At the same time, attributing this issue to the competence of schools requires officials to provide advisory deadlines. Thus, legislators plan to evaluate their own methods of calculating and establishing optimal timing study and recreation, correlating them with modern learning conditions. Thus, Russian schools do not receive a mandatory school holiday schedule, and paragraph 6 of Part 3 of Art. 28 of the law allows managers educational institutions independently set their deadlines (with the exception of Moscow schools).

It will be possible to talk about the pros and cons of such an innovation after a while, but one serious drawback is already being actively discussed by both parents and the expert community: the lack of a unified schedule for all schools makes useless the activities carried out by the traffic police and aimed at reducing injuries to schoolchildren (formerly the Attention program , children!” were traditionally held on holidays common to all).

School holidays in quarters and terms

Experts from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation annually bring recommendations on vacation dates to the heads of educational institutions. For the 2017-2018 academic year, the following schedule is proposed for schools operating according to the traditional quarter scheme:

  • autumn holidays – 10.28.2017-11.6.2017;
  • winter holidays – 12/25/2017-01/9/2018;
  • spring break – 03/24/2018-04/2/2018;
  • summer holidays – 05/25/2018-09/1/2018

The Ministry recommended supplementing school holidays for first-grade students with another 9-day period - from 02/17/2017 to 02/26/2017. As in the case of the main schedule, schools have the right to independently make decisions on establishing the main and additional dates for school holidays.

The increasingly popular modular teaching mode, which provides for a “5+1” schedule (five weeks of study, one week of rest), is mostly practiced in metropolitan schools. For them, officials also developed their recommendations and proposed establishing rest days during the following periods:

  • 10/7/2017 - 10/15/2017;
  • November 18, 2017 - November 26, 2017;
  • December 30, 2017 - January 9, 2018;
  • 02/17/2018 - 02/25/2018;
  • 04/07/2018 - 04/15/2018;
  • May 25, 2018 - September 1, 2018

When drawing up a vacation schedule, specialists adhere to several unspoken rules that are designed to create a more convenient schedule for study and recreation. As a rule, the last Monday of the month is chosen as the first day of the next vacation, which allows:

  • “seize” weekends, thereby increasing the rest period for schoolchildren;
  • do not “break” weeks and do not allow short-term (2-3-day) study periods;
  • provide teachers with a more comfortable schedule for writing curriculum.

Autumn holidays 2019

In the current academic year, schoolchildren from most educational institutions in the country will be offered a holiday in the fall from October 28 to November 6. This period includes 4 official days off, which will provide excellent respite for teachers.

New Year's winter holidays in 2019

In the 2017-2018 academic year, it is recommended that schoolchildren be offered 2 weeks of rest during the New Year holidays. Moreover, thanks to the inclusion of weekends, this period will be not 14, but 16 days and, as is customary, will cover not only the New Year, but also Christmas. This period also coincides with the long “vacations” provided for by the official production calendar, which means that parents of schoolchildren will have the opportunity to relax with their children. Let us remind you that additional holidays should be provided for first-graders this academic year - approximately from February 17 to February 26, 2019.

Spring school holidays 2019

Similar to the autumn holidays, in the spring schoolchildren will also be able to rest for 9 days in a row - from March 24, 2018 to April 2, 2018. In addition, the total number of school days at this time of the year will be reduced due to additional days off caused by public holidays. As a result, you will not have to attend school:

  • March 8,
  • 1st of May,
  • May 8-9.

Summer school holidays

Summer is traditionally completely at the disposal of schoolchildren, and in the current academic year, most of them will go on vacation from May 25th. For some, the first days of summer vacation will be associated with exams, or even with graduation celebrations. But one thing remains the same: students in grades 1-10 will have to start studying only after 97 days of rest - on September 1.

Autumn holidays for schoolchildren in 2019

The recommended dates for the autumn holidays of the 2017-2018 academic year will be communicated to the heads of Russian educational institutions in the spring of 2019. Following the generally accepted method of establishing the autumn holiday period, it can be assumed that the holidays will last from October 28 to November 5.

Additional materials on the topic:

Vacation Law 2019 Benefits, benefits and pensions for single mothers from January 1, 2019 Early elections of the President of Russia in 2017: news
How to obtain a permit for a traumatic weapon 2019: the new version of the weapons law

School holidays are a time of long-awaited rest for any student. Both first-graders and future graduates count the days until the start of the holidays literally from the first days of the school year. After all, the 2017-2018 holidays are not just days free from school, but also a time filled with games, communication with peers, and vacation trips with family.

The vacation schedule for 2017-2018 is of interest to both students and their parents, and here’s why: they need the vacation calendar for 2017-2018 to plan vacations at work in advance.

After all, many of them prefer to travel and relax with their children during their vacation. In addition, this is a great opportunity for the family to be together.

And every student is looking forward to the holidays, and parents are preparing for the fact that children will be left to their own devices: parties, get-togethers with friends, going to the movies, spending time on the Internet. When can we expect these days to arrive in the 2017-2018 school year?

Vacations for students in 2018: who makes the schedule, start and end dates of the vacation period

  1. Drawing up a vacation schedule is the prerogative of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation;
  2. Dates are adjusted every year;
  3. The ministerial act establishing the start and end dates of the vacation period is not mandatory, but advisory in nature;
  4. The final decision is made by the school leadership;
  5. IN New Year and in the summer, students spend the same number of days at home in quarters and trimesters;
  6. Schoolchildren studying in quarters have a rest 4 times a year, in trimesters - after every 5 weeks of study - a 7-day rest;
  7. First-graders have an additional 1 week of rest in February.

See also:

Scholarships in the 2017-2018 academic year: amounts, types, conditions for receiving increased scholarships

The competence of the Ministry of Education and school management is the preparation of the holiday schedule

Drawing up an annual vacation schedule is the responsibility of the Russian Ministry of Education. The federal level, after setting specific dates, transmits information to regional educational institutions.

The scheduling work is annual. This is a necessary measure: every year holidays fall on different days of the week. But it is not advisable to start resting on a Sunday or a holiday. Accordingly, adjustments are required every year.

The timetable established by the Ministers of Education is advisory information. The final dates are fixed by order of a specific educational institution; intervention of other educational organizations, such as FIPI, is also possible. It is not uncommon for schools to have different dates.

The Ministry will publish the advisory document for educational institutions six months before September 1. For the 2017-2018 school year, this will happen in the spring of 2017. You can find out the start and end dates of the holiday periods yourself.

Vacation schedule for 2018 for students with a quarterly study schedule

If an educational institution conducts quarterly studies: 1 year = 4 quarters, the 2017-2018 vacation schedule is as follows:

  1. Autumn. They begin at the end of October and go to the beginning of the 11th month of the year. November 4 – National Unity Day – is an official holiday. In 2017, the Saturday holiday is moved to the 6th. Approximately: October 28 – November 6. School starts on November 7;
  2. Winter. Starts at the end of December, includes the first 10 days of January. The duration of the winter holidays does not depend on the method of study: trimesters, quarters. New Year holidays are considered official, but schoolchildren begin their holidays earlier than the country - on December 25. They start studying like everyone else - January 9;
  3. Additional winter rest for first-graders. 1st grade students are just starting regulated school life. Additional rest is a necessity for them. It starts on February 19 and ends on February 25 - first-graders are given exactly a week;
  4. Spring. Falls in the last days of March - beginning of April. Spring holidays for schoolchildren in 2018 begin on March 26 and end on April 1. Start of studies on April 2;
  5. Summer. The standard duration is June 1 - August 31.

See also:

Residency in 2018: Official standards and latest news

Video: first-graders went on vacation, an extra week of vacation for kids

Vacation schedule for students with a trimester teaching method

The principle of constructing a schedule using the trimester method of training is that 5 weeks of training are followed by a week of relaxation. And so on several times.

School holiday periods are as follows:

  • Autumn. 2 breaks from studying. 1st– from 9 to 15 October. 2nd– from November 20 to 26;
  • Winter. 2 periods without school. 1st– standard – December 25 – January 8. 2nd– February 19-25;
  • Spring. Students have a rest from April 9 to April 15;
  • Summer. 3 months: June, July, August.

Video schedule of school holidays for 2017-2018

Force majeure that changes the timing of the holidays

It’s not uncommon for schools in one city to let schoolchildren go on vacation earlier than educational institutions other cities. Why is that? The Ministry of Education is one thing, the recommendation information of the Ministry is the same. And schools in the capital, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities date vacations in different ways.

The reason is the course of the educational process. Lag from school curriculum implies a delay in holidays. Advancement allows students to go on vacation earlier. There are force majeure events that change the timing of the holidays.

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