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Principles of speech therapy work. V.42.Basic principles and methods of logopedic influence. Department of Social Psychology and Psychosocial Technologies

2 The main tasks of speech therapy

4 Speech therapy classes in elementary school

5 The main activities of the student-trainee

6 Calendar plan for the passage of educational pedagogical practice

7 Visiting classes of a speech therapist

7.1 Speech therapy lesson on the topic: "Sound l"

7.2 Speech therapy lesson on the topic: "Automation of sounds [P], [P"] in syllables, words, sentences and coherent speech"

7.3 Speech therapy lesson on the development of speech for students of the 1st grade of elementary school on the topic "Prevention of colds"

7.4 Speech therapy lesson for the 2nd grade on the topic "Formation of words with the help of diminutive suffixes"

7.5 Frontal speech therapy lesson on the topic "Sounds and letters [s, s", z, z"].

7.6 Speech therapy lesson with students of the 2nd grade, "Differentiation of sounds and letters Zh and Sh"

8 Lesson notes

9 Examination of schoolchildren


List of used literature

1 Content of speech therapy practice

My speech therapy practice took place at school No. from “---” to “----”.

The first week - acquaintance with the institution, with a team of teachers and children, observation of the corrective work of a speech therapist and a joint analytical analysis of all types of classes, a consultative analysis of the most interesting cases of speech pathology, acquaintance with the anamnesis of children and other medical documentation. Examination of children: together with a speech therapist and independently, filling out speech cards, getting to know the variety of speech cards depending on the structure of the speech defect. Preparation of students for an independent two-week practice: selection of speech and visual-illustrative material, consultation of a speech therapist-head of practice on planning, distribution of children into subgroups, taking into account the speech defect and their compensatory capabilities. Joint discussion of the plan with the head of practice, approval by the administration of the school institution. The plan is certified by the signature of the head of the practice.

Tasks of the first period

They include:

adaptation of students to an educational institution, establishing contacts with children, parents, teachers;

actualization of knowledge gained in college, university, through self-education in correctional pedagogy, pathopsychology, anatomy, physiology and pathology of the speech organs, neurological foundations of speech therapy, speech therapy, the basics of defectology;

mastering the skills of prolonged observation, methods of collecting and analyzing material, the ability to isolate and analyze, correctly evaluate pedagogical phenomena, develop the ability to introspection and self-esteem, overcome the psychological barrier - fear of coming into contact with children and adults.

The second and third weeks are characterized by a test of strength in the examination of the child, in the independent conduct of fragments and full lessons, both individual and sub-group, frontal; carrying out individual corrective work in everyday life, using sensitive moments; collection and accumulation of practical and methodological material for the correction of speech and personality of a child-logopath, taking into account the compensatory capabilities of each individual; promotion of defectological knowledge among colleagues, parents: designing stands, wall newspapers, speech therapy corners, holding parent meetings, etc.

Tasks of the second period

The objectives of the second period include:

mastering the skills of selecting speech material, choosing the optimal forms of its implementation, mastering the skills of planning, maintaining documentation of a speech therapist, compiling a report on work;

mastering the skills of the correctional and educational process;

Formation of skills for preparing, conducting and analyzing classes; Improving the skills of introspection and self-assessment.

The student-intern's documentation is made up of: a diary of observations and analysis, notes of the observed classes and classes conducted by the student independently for evaluation.

2 The main tasks of speech therapy

The main tasks of speech therapy are as follows:

Determining the prevalence and symptoms of speech disorders in children of preschool and school age;

study of the structure of speech disorders and the impact of speech disorders on the mental development of the child;

· development of methods of pedagogical diagnostics of speech disorders;

study of the patterns of special education and upbringing of children with impaired speech development;

· development of evidence-based methods for the elimination and prevention of various forms of speech insufficiency;

organization of a system of speech therapy assistance.

The practical aspect of speech therapy is the prevention, detection and elimination of speech disorders. Applied tasks of speech therapy are solved in the development of specialized programs for children with different structure and severity of speech disorders; when creating methodological systems of speech therapy classes and exercises, didactic manuals, recommendations for parents. Theoretical and practical tasks of speech therapy are interrelated.

Overcoming and preventing speech disorders contribute to the harmonious deployment of the creative forces of the child's personality, remove obstacles to the realization of its social orientation, the acquisition of knowledge. Therefore, speech therapy, being a special branch, at the same time participates in solving general pedagogical problems.

3 Basic principles of speech therapy work

Speech therapy is among other special sciences: deaf pedagogy, oligophrenopedagogy, tiflopedagogy, education and training of children with motor disorders; it has a methodological basis in common with them and a common special task: the maximum overcoming of defects in children (and adults) suffering from a violation (in this case, speech), and preparing them for work.

The complexity of highlighting the basic principles of speech therapy impact lies in the fact that people of various ages (preschoolers, schoolchildren, adults) need speech therapy help; speech disorders are very diverse, just as diverse are the causes of their occurrence, their role and significance for the usefulness of the communicative function of a person’s speech, for his general development and education, character formation and for his participation in work and social life.

As a pedagogical discipline, speech therapy should be guided in its practice by general pedagogical principles, in particular the principles of didactics.

The system of speech therapy influences can be formulated in the form of the following provisions.

1. Speech therapy work should be carried out taking into account the personality of the speech pathologist, both its negative sides, which must be re-educated, and the positive ones, which must be used in the compensation process; in particular, taking into account the interdependence and connection of the activity of all analyzers, the involvement of healthy analyzers is used to compensate for the activity of inferior ones.

2. The speech of a person as a whole is involved in speech therapy work: a speech therapist must create a dictionary, grammatical structure and the sound side of speech (motor alalia) even with the mildest speech disorder, when there are defects in the pronunciation of only some sound groups and individual sounds, he cannot limit his work only by creating the correct isolated sound, and from the point of view of the pronunciation of this sound, rework the dictionary (not a bow, but a hand, not a scythe, but a cat) and the phrase I don’t want to bite, but I want to eat). The speech therapist must not only achieve the correct pronunciation of soft and hard consonants or voiced and deaf, but also distinguish them, that is, prepare the basis for correct written speech.

3. The focus of speech therapy work should always remain the most affected link in this disorder (primarily impaired speech component). So, for example, with dyslalia and dysarthria, this will be sound pronunciation, with alalia, a dictionary, with stuttering, a calm, smooth flow of speech, etc.

One movement to another, to keep in memory a certain number of movements. CONCLUSION Our work is devoted to the actual problem of using corrective and educational exercises in speech therapy rhythm classes with children with stuttering, since the correction of this speech defect is limited only to speech therapy help, but an integrated approach will be more effective...

Outside the walls of the university. The game is also a kind of practice, and the experience gained in it is quite close to professional activity. Chapter 2 Educational business game "Stages of speech therapy impact on a child" Goals of the game The game has different goals: 1. Didactic 1.1.1. To consolidate the knowledge of students about the phased speech therapy impact on the child 2. Game: 2.1.1. Possibility...

Errors in replacing consonants similar in articulatory and acoustic features: b-p, v-f, g-k, d-t, s-s, w-w, as well as ch-sch, ts-s, ts-h, m-n, r-l. 4. Features of speech therapy work with children suffering from mental retardation The modern and promising aspect of considering the structure of a speech defect in children with mental retardation is determined by the close connection between the processes of development of speech and ...

Children noted shallow breathing, rapid in three children there is no differentiation of oral and nasal breathing. Exhalation is short, weak, rapid exhaustion of expiration during speech. 2.2. Speech therapy work on the development of the vocal abilities of children of four years of age. Thus, 4 children were involved in the corrective work to eliminate the voice impairment, which was expedient ...

Principles of analysis of speech disorders(development, systematic approach, consideration of speech disorders in the relationship of speech with other aspects of the mental development of the child) help to establish a natural relationship between various speech and non-speech processes: auditory perception disorders and deviations in the speech motor sphere, between defects in pronunciation and phoneme formation, between active and passive speech; reveal the systemic interaction and interdependence of the disturbed components of speech in the process of pathological development of oral and written speech in children.

In the process of organizing remedial education, great importance is attached to general didactic principles: educative nature of training, scientific character, systematic and consistent, accessibility, visibility, consciousness and activity, strength, individual approach.

Speech therapy also relies on special principles: etiopathogenetic (taking into account the etiology and mechanisms of speech disorders), systemic and taking into account the structure of speech disorders, complexity, a differentiated approach, stages, ontogenetic, taking into account personal characteristics, an activity approach, using a detour, the formation of speech skills in conditions of natural speech communication.

In individual lessons, the skills of correct sound pronunciation are formed. The pronunciation teaching method is characterized as analytical-synthetic, polysensory, concentric ( M.A. Povalyaev) .

When eliminating speech disorders, it is necessary to take into account the totality etiological factors causing their occurrence (external, internal, biological and socio-psychological factors).

So, with dyslalia, malocclusion predisposes to distortion of the articulation of sounds, underdevelopment of articulatory motility. In this case, speech therapy is combined with orthodontic intervention to normalize the bite. Dyslalia can also be caused by insufficient attention of others to the child's speech, i.e. social factor. In this case, speech therapy work is aimed at normalizing the child's speech contacts with the social environment, at the development of speech motor skills, phonemic perception.

The content of speech therapy influence depends on mechanism speech disorder. With the same symptomatology of speech disorders, various mechanisms are possible. For example, substitutions of sounds in dyslalia may be due to inaccuracy in auditory discrimination, indistinguishability of sounds by ear, or replacement of these sounds due to underdevelopment of fine articulatory movements. When eliminating dyslalia, the main thing is the impact on the leading violation - the lack of formation of auditory differentiation or underdevelopment of articulatory motility.

The principle of a systematic approach implies the need to take into account the structure of the defect, determine the leading violation, the ratio of primary and secondary. The complexity of the structural and functional organization of the speech system can cause a disorder of speech activity as a whole, even if its individual links are violated, which determines the significance of the impact on all components of speech in the elimination of speech disorders.

Speech disorders in most cases are syndrome, in the structure of which complex connections between speech and non-speech symptoms are distinguished. This determines the need for a comprehensive (medical-psychological-pedagogical) impact, that is, an impact on the entire syndrome as a whole. Especially significant is the complex effect in the elimination of dysarthria, stuttering, alalia, aphasia.

Logopedic influence is based on ontogenetic principle taking into account the patterns and sequence of formation of various forms and functions of speech, from simple to complex, from concrete to more abstract, from situational speech to contextual, etc.

Of great importance in the implementation of speech therapy work is corrections personality education in general, which takes into account the features of personality formation in children with various speech disorders, as well as age characteristics. Speech therapy impact on a child with speech disorders is associated with normalization social contacts with people around.

It is especially important to take into account personal characteristics in the correction of speech disorders associated with organic lesions of the central nervous system (alalia, aphasia, dysarthria, etc.). character of secondary layers.

Correction of speech disorders is carried out taking into account leading activities. For preschoolers, it is carried out in the process of playing activity, which becomes a means of developing analytical and synthetic activities, motor skills, sensory sphere, vocabulary enrichment, assimilation of language patterns, and the formation of a child's personality.

Taking into account the leading activity of the child in the process of speech therapy, various situations of verbal communication are modeled. To consolidate the correct speech skills in the conditions of natural speech communication, close communication is necessary. communication in the work of a speech therapist, teacher, educator, family. The speech therapist informs teachers, parents about the nature of the speech disorder in the child, about the tasks, methods and techniques of work at this stage of correction, seeks to consolidate the correct speech skills not only in the speech therapy room, but also in the classroom, during extracurricular time under the supervision of teachers and parents.

Logopedic influence is carried out by various methods. Teaching method in pedagogy is considered as a way of joint activity of a teacher and children, aimed at mastering children's knowledge, skills and abilities, at the formation of mental abilities, education of feelings, behavior and personal qualities.

Speech therapy uses a variety of methods: practical, visual and verbal. The choice and use of methods is determined by the nature of the speech disorder, the content, goals and objectives of the corrective speech therapy impact, the stage of work, the age, individual psychological characteristics of the child, etc. At each stage of speech therapy, the effectiveness of mastering the correct speech skills is ensured by the optimally successful selection of the appropriate group of methods . For example, when eliminating stuttering in preschool age, the effectiveness of speech therapy work is achieved by practical and visual methods. At school age, verbal methods are predominantly used, combined with visual ones.

To practical methods speech therapy impacts include: exercises, games and modeling.

Exercise- this is the repeated repetition of actions by the child when performing practical and mental tasks. In speech therapy work, they are effective in eliminating articulatory and voice disorders.

Exercises are divided into imitative-performing(respiratory, vocal, articulatory; developing general, manual motor skills); constructive(construction of letters from elements, reconstruction of letters); creative, involving the use of learned methods in new conditions, on new speech material.

Widely used in speech therapy speech exercises (repetition of words with a set sound, etc.), gaming exercises (imitation of actions, animal habits), which relieve tension in children, create an emotionally positive mood.

When exercising, the following must be observed conditions:

Awareness by the child of the purpose of the exercise;

Systematicity, which is realized in repeated repetition;

Gradual complication of conditions, taking into account the stage of correction of the age and individual psychological characteristics of the child;

Conscious implementation of practical and speech actions;

Independent performance, especially at the final stage of correction;

A differentiated approach to the analysis and evaluation of performance.

game method involves the use of various components of gaming activity in combination with other techniques: showing, explanations, instructions, questions. The leading role belongs to the teacher, who selects the game in accordance with the intended goals and objectives of correction, distributes roles, and organizes the activities of children.

Modeling- this is the process of creating models and their use in order to form ideas about the structure of objects, relationships and connections between their elements (graphic diagrams of the structure of a sentence, syllabic and sound composition of a word).

Visual Methods- these are forms of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities, depending on the visual aids and technical teaching aids used in teaching. Visual methods include observation, viewing drawings, paintings, layouts, demonstration of dia- and films, listening to audio recordings, as well as showing a sample of the task, a method of action, which in some cases act as independent methods.

Observation associated with the use of paintings, drawings, articulation profiles, layouts, as well as showing the articulation of sound, exercises.

Visual aids must meet the following requirements: be clearly visible to all children; be selected taking into account the age and individual psychological characteristics of the child; meet the tasks of speech therapy work at this stage of correction; be accompanied by precise and specific speech.

Benefits can be used for various purposes: to correct violations of the sensory sphere; for the development of phonemic perception; development of sound analysis and synthesis; to fix the correct pronunciation of the sound; for the development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech; improving connected speech.

Usage verbal methods is determined by the age characteristics of children, the structure and nature of the speech defect, goals, objectives, and the stage of corrective action.

The main verbal methods are storytelling, conversation, reading.

Story- This is a form of learning in which verbal presentation is descriptive. The story involves the impact on the child's thinking, imagination, feelings, encourages verbal communication, the exchange of impressions. The retelling of fairy tales and literary works is also used.

Conversation depending on the didactic tasks, it can be preliminary and final, generalizing. The use of conversation in speech therapy work must comply with the following conditions:

Rely on a sufficient amount of ideas, the level of speech skills and abilities, be in the "zone of proximal development" of the child;

Take into account the peculiarities of the child's thinking;

Questions should be clear, precise, requiring an unambiguous answer;

It is necessary to activate the mental activity of children in a variety of ways;

The nature of the conversation should correspond to the goals and objectives of the correctional work.

In the process of logopedic influence, various verbal tricks: explanation, explanation, pedagogical assessment.

Explanation and Explanation included in visual and practical methods.

Pedagogical assessment the result of the task, the method and course of its implementation contributes to the effectiveness of the correction process, stimulates and activates the child's activity, helps the formation of self-control and self-esteem. When evaluating a child's activity, it is necessary to take into account his age and individual psychological characteristics.

Logopedic influence is carried out in the following forms of education: frontal, subgroup, individual lesson, lesson.

Main tasks speech therapy impact is the development of speech, correction and prevention of its violations. In the process of speech therapy work, the development of sensory functions is provided: motor skills, especially speech motor skills, cognitive activity, attention, memory, the formation of the child's personality with the simultaneous regulation or correction of social relations, and the impact on the social environment.

Efficiency speech therapy impact is due to the following factors:

The level of development of speech therapy as a science;

The connection between theory and practice;

The nature of the defect and the severity of its symptoms;

The age of the person, the state of his health;

Mental characteristics of a person, his activity in the process of speech therapy correction;

The timing of the start and duration of speech therapy work;

Implementation of the basic principles of correctional and speech therapy work;

The skill and personal qualities of a speech therapist (11).

Thus, the professionalism of a speech therapist, his choice of adequate means and methods of speech therapy influence, taking into account the structure and nature of speech disorders, the age and individual characteristics of a child with speech pathology, determine the prospect of the process of eliminating speech disorders.

3. Formulating the tasks of an individual lesson in accordance with the leading areas of work.

The tasks of an individual speech therapy session are formulated depending on the stage of the correctional impact, the form of dyslalia. With rhinolalia, depending on the preoperative or postoperative period of work.

With sensory functional dyslalia, the features of the work are as follows:

1) the predominant development in the preparatory period of the function of the speech-auditory analyzer in comparison with the speech-motor (work on the auditory differentiation of sounds);

2) focusing on the work on the formation of phonemic processes in children;

3) purposeful work on the elimination or prevention of letter substitutions in writing;

4) an obligatory stage of differentiation in the presence of mixed sounds in the child's speech.

Overcoming motor functional dyslalia also has its own characteristics.

1. During the preparatory period, priority attention is paid to the development of the child's articulatory motor skills, the development of sufficiently clear and coordinated articulation movements in him. As for the development of auditory perception, it is important to teach the child to distinguish the correct sound from the defective one (for example, the normal pronunciation of the sound [w] from the interdental one).

2. As a rule, there is no need for a special allocation of the 4th stage of work - the stage of differentiation of mixed sounds.

In case of sensorimotor functional dyslalia, depending on the prevailing symptoms, in different versions, the methods of work used to overcome motor and sensory functional dyslalia are combined.

Based on the goals and objectives of speech therapy impact, it seems justified to single out the following stages of work:

preparatory stage; the stage of formation of primary pronunciation skills and abilities; the stage of formation of communicative skills and abilities.

Speech therapy for dyslalia(E.N. Russian, L.A. Garaninina).

1. Preparatory stage.

2. The stage of formation of primary pronunciation skills and abilities:

sound setting;

Automation of sound in syllables, words, sentences, texts;

Sound differentiation.

4. The stage of formation of communicative skills and abilities.

In parallel with corrective work on the development of articulation in children, they improve phonemic processes.

On preparatory stage use exercises that contribute to the development of speech hearing, activating the attention of children to the speech of others and their own speech.

At the stage staging sounds and their automation, work is underway to form the correct phonemic representations. Along with the articulatory characteristics of sound, its acoustic features (sound duration, pitch, presence of vibration, etc.) are specified.

At the stage differentiation sounds using a variety of methods to distinguish sounds.

1. Reception of demonstrating the articulation of differentiated sounds (forms: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, tactile).

2. Reception of phonemic analysis, which traditionally includes three language operations:

Phonemic analysis (singling out a sound against the background of a word, determining the position of a sound in relation to other sounds, etc.);

Phonemic synthesis (composing words from a given sequence of sounds, composing words with a given number of sounds, etc.);

phonemic representations.

3. Reception of the connection of sound and letter.

The formation of phonetically correct speech in children with rhinolalia is aimed at solving several problems:

1) the creation of a long "mouth exhalation" when pronouncing all speech sounds, except for nasal ones;

2) mastering the articulation of all speech sounds;

4) differentiation of sounds in order to prevent violations of sound analysis;

5) normalization of the rhythmic-intonational aspect of speech;

6) automation acquired in speech communication.

Correction of speech disorders in children with rhinolalia must be started in the preoperative period (these classes are most fully considered Ippolitova L.G. and Ermakova I.I.). Before surgery it is necessary to form the prerequisites for the correct sound pronunciation:

4. release facial muscles from compensatory movements;

5. prepare the correct pronunciation of vowels;

6. prepare the correct articulation of the available consonants;

After operation corrective action becomes more difficult. Their goals:

4. develop the mobility of the soft palate;

5. Eliminate the wrong way of the organs of articulation;

6.prepare the pronunciation of all speech sounds without nasal connotation (with the exception of nasal sounds).

1) normalization of "oral exhalation", i.e., the education of a long oral air jet when pronouncing all speech sounds, except for nasal ones;

2) mastering the full articulation of all speech sounds in accordance with the program;

4. Selection of didactic and speech material

To technical means

When teaching pronunciation, special technical tools and teaching aids are widely used.

To technical means include devices that convert sounding speech into optical signals (devices of the type I-2, VIR, vibroscopes); devices that convert sound signals into mechanical ones (vibrators), etc.

The skillful use of these technical means provides a more complete perception of the phonetic elements of someone else's and one's own speech, which makes it possible to assess the quality of one's own speech and make the necessary corrections. Vibrators are used both in frontal and individual lessons. Devices that convert sounding speech into optical signals are used mainly in individual lessons.

To teaching aids include: textbooks on teaching pronunciation; tables; illustrations (demonstration material, handouts); toys (sounding toys, sets of doll furniture and utensils, dolls with a set of clothes for them, animal toys, balls, flags, a set for playing in the sand - a bucket, a shovel, a scoop, etc.); games (lotto, dominoes in pictures, Up and Down, Circus, etc.); special equipment (mirror, speech therapy probes, spatula, alcohol as a disinfectant, cotton wool).

Visual and didactic tables, illustrative material, games are usually made by teachers with the help of parents with their own hands. Textbooks, tables, toys, games, illustrative material are equally suitable for both frontal and individual lessons.

Mirrors, probes, a spatula - belong mainly to individual studies. If the desired articulation is not obtained on the basis of auditory-visual imitation, then the teacher resorts to developing intermediate articulation (for example, fricative p), showing the position of the speech organs in front of the mirror, or to other techniques using the mechanical assistance of a probe, spatula.

Basic principles of speech therapy work

Speech therapy is among other special sciences: deaf pedagogy, oligophrenopedagogy, tiflopedagogy, education and training of children with motor disorders; it has a methodological basis in common with them and a common special task: the maximum overcoming of defects in children (and adults) suffering from a violation (in this case, speech), and preparing them for work.

The complexity of highlighting the basic principles of speech therapy impact lies in the fact that people of various ages (preschoolers, schoolchildren, adults) need speech therapy help; speech disorders are very diverse, just as diverse are the causes of their occurrence, their role and significance for the usefulness of the communicative function of a person’s speech, for his general development and education, character formation and for his participation in work and social life.

As a pedagogical discipline, speech therapy should be guided in its practice by general pedagogical principles, in particular the principles of didactics.

The system of speech therapy influences can be formulated in the form of the following provisions.

1. Speech therapy work should be carried out taking into account the personality of the speech pathologist, both its negative sides, which must be re-educated, and the positive ones, which must be used in the compensation process; in particular, taking into account the interdependence and connection of the activity of all analyzers, the involvement of healthy analyzers is used to compensate for the activity of inferior ones.

2. The speech of a person as a whole is involved in speech therapy work: a speech therapist must create a dictionary, grammatical structure and the sound side of speech (motor alalia) even with the mildest speech disorder, when there are defects in the pronunciation of only some sound groups and individual sounds, he cannot limit his work only by creating the correct isolated sound, and from the point of view of the pronunciation of this sound, rework the dictionary (not a bow, but a hand, not a scythe, but a cat) and the phrase I don’t want to bite, but I want to eat). The speech therapist must not only achieve the correct pronunciation of soft and hard consonants or voiced and deaf, but also distinguish them, that is, prepare the basis for correct written speech.

3. The focus of speech therapy work should always remain the most affected link in this disorder (primarily impaired speech component). So, for example, with dyslalia and dysarthria, this will be sound pronunciation, with alalia, a dictionary, with stuttering, a calm, smooth flow of speech, etc.

4. Depending on the stages of speech development, a speech therapist must change his target methodological settings.

5. In a properly constructed speech therapy process, the regularities and sequence of normal both speech and general mental development should be taken into account.

6. The organization, the form of work, the material involved should correspond to the age of the speech pathologist: it is desirable to quickly include program material in work with a schoolchild and conduct classes in the form of school classes, and with a preschooler to use mainly game forms, but still build your work in the form of organized and planned classes.

7. The difficulties of speech therapy work and its timing will depend on the nature of each speech disorder and on its degree. For example, the gradual development of sound pronunciation in dysarthria is associated with a gradual complication of the articulatory structures of the sounds of a given language and with a gradual transition from less affected movements to more affected ones.

With motor alalia, the gradual development of speech can be schematically characterized by the following main directions: a) from onomatopoeia and babble words to words that are increasingly complex in their verbal structure; b) from the most specific words and grammatical categories in terms of their semantic content to more and more abstract ones; c) from the simplest sentences to more and more detailed and complex ones.

8 All the work of a speech therapist should be imbued with psychotherapy, which is based on an understanding of the difficulties of a speech pathologist, on the understanding that the majority of poorly speaking people are having a hard time with their speech insufficiency - ridicule of others, failure in school; many of them already doubt that they will be able to overcome their difficulties.

9. The upbringing and re-education of speech takes place under the targeted influence of a speech therapist, largely on the basis of imitation of a speech therapist, therefore the personality of a speech therapist and, in particular, his speech becomes very important. Painstaking, thoughtful work is possible only if a speech therapist sincerely loves his work and children.

All behavior of a speech therapist should be even, benevolent towards his pet; his emotional background should be colored with joyful, but calm and businesslike revival. The speech therapist should be demanding, but at the same time, his exactingness should be reasonable, understanding and taking into account all the difficulties of the speech pathologist. from the environment (a stutterer again begins to stutter when strangers appear, confuses already practiced sounds when required to retell an article that is difficult for him, etc.).

All disruptions and failures of the speech therapy process should be considered by the speech therapist primarily from the point of view of the feasibility of the requirements for the speech pathologist.

The credibility of a speech therapist is very important both for children and for their parents and caregivers, since the relatively short work of a speech therapist should be supported by additional work at home or in a children's institution.

Authority in the eyes of the child is achieved by the general manner of behavior, the clarity of their tasks and requirements; in relation to parents and educators, the speech therapist must also be even and patient, conduct a qualified, but accessible explanation of his requirements and his tasks.

A speech therapist must be able to subtly observe in order to know well those with whom he works, especially since in the process of work their speech level changes all the time, and in connection with this change, the difficulties and tasks of speech therapy work change accordingly. (So, in working with motor alalik at the first stage, it is most difficult to overcome its speech negativism, at the second and third stages, difficulties in the field of vocabulary and grammatical structure increase and there is a danger of stuttering.)

A speech therapist should be well aware of the main speech disorders and their course, should be familiar with the modern understanding of their mechanisms, should know the methodology for the initial teaching of literacy and mathematics, since it is he who has to start teaching children with severe speech disorders (dysarthria, alalia, rhinolalia, etc.). ).

Initial training for many speech disorders has specific difficulties, in addition, it is very often an auxiliary means of correcting defective speech.

The insufficiency of uniform programs, manuals requires a creative attitude of the speech therapist to his work and careful preliminary preparation for each lesson.

Speech therapy classes are conducted with specially selected groups or individually.

The organization of small (from 3-4 to 5-6 people) selected groups (by the nature and severity of the disorder, by age, by intelligence) provides more opportunities for various games and exercises, for educational and psychotherapeutic influence on both the most timid and shy, as well as on disinhibited and negative ones.

For successful work in a group (preschoolers, schoolchildren of different grades), there must be discipline, which is best ensured by a clear, thoughtful work plan for the entire group and individual requirements for everyone in the group.

Group work does not exclude the need for individual work, which is carried out either temporarily (as the preparation of the most "difficult" children for work in a group), or in parallel (in addition to work in a group of individual children), or entirely (if the speech therapist does not have an appropriate group) .

The speech of a speech therapist should be a role model in all respects: in its pace, diction, euphony, correctness of expressions and pronunciation. Thus, a speech therapist cannot be either stuttering or tongue-tied, he must be able to speak fluently and expressively.

In speech therapy, special methods have been developed to overcome various speech defects.

The work of a speech therapist should be well equipped with various benefits. Toys, pictures (subject, plot, series of sequential pictures9), board games (such as loto, dominoes "Who is faster"), books (primers, books for reading, fiction, textbooks for different classes) serve as aids in speech therapy work, tables in Russian. The speech therapist uses all these benefits depending on the immediate task that he sets for himself in connection with the nature of the violation, the stage of work, the intellect and the general development of the student. In this regard, toys, pictures, texts should be specially selected and grouped.

The choice of benefits and the method of using them are determined by the target setting for its use; the same manual can be used both for the purpose of examination and for the purpose of exercise, the creation of certain skills.

Special benefits include a speech therapy mirror, in which the practitioner can see both the face of the speech therapist and his own.

2 The main tasks of speech therapy

6 Calendar plan for the passage of educational pedagogical practice

7.1 Speech therapy lesson on the topic: "Sound l"

7.5 Frontal speech therapy lesson on the topic "Sounds and letters [s, s", z, z"].

9 Examination of schoolchildren


My speech therapy practice took place at school No. from “---” to “----”.

The first week - acquaintance with the institution, with a team of teachers and children, observation of the corrective work of a speech therapist and a joint analytical analysis of all types of classes, a consultative analysis of the most interesting cases of speech pathology, acquaintance with the anamnesis of children and other medical documentation. Examination of children: together with a speech therapist and independently, filling out speech cards, getting to know the variety of speech cards depending on the structure of the speech defect. Preparation of students for an independent two-week practice: selection of speech and visual-illustrative material, consultation of a speech therapist-head of practice on planning, distribution of children into subgroups, taking into account the speech defect and their compensatory capabilities. Joint discussion of the plan with the head of practice, approval by the administration of the school institution. The plan is certified by the signature of the head of the practice.

Tasks of the first period

They include:

adaptation of students to an educational institution, establishing contacts with children, parents, teachers;

actualization of knowledge gained in college, university, through self-education in correctional pedagogy, pathopsychology, anatomy, physiology and pathology of the speech organs, neurological foundations of speech therapy, speech therapy, the basics of defectology;

mastering the skills of prolonged observation, methods of collecting and analyzing material, the ability to isolate and analyze, correctly evaluate pedagogical phenomena, develop the ability to introspection and self-esteem, overcome the psychological barrier - fear of coming into contact with children and adults.

The second and third weeks are characterized by a test of strength in the examination of the child, in the independent conduct of fragments and full lessons, both individual and sub-group, frontal; carrying out individual corrective work in everyday life, using sensitive moments; collection and accumulation of practical and methodological material for the correction of speech and personality of a child-logopath, taking into account the compensatory capabilities of each individual; promotion of defectological knowledge among colleagues, parents: designing stands, wall newspapers, speech therapy corners, holding parent meetings, etc.

Tasks of the second period

The objectives of the second period include:

mastering the skills of selecting speech material, choosing the optimal forms of its implementation, mastering the skills of planning, maintaining documentation of a speech therapist, compiling a report on work;

mastering the skills of the correctional and educational process;

Formation of skills for preparing, conducting and analyzing classes; Improving the skills of introspection and self-assessment.

The student-intern's documentation is made up of: a diary of observations and analysis, notes of the observed classes and classes conducted by the student independently for evaluation.

2 The main tasks of speech therapy

The main tasks of speech therapy are as follows:

Determining the prevalence and symptoms of speech disorders in children of preschool and school age;

study of the structure of speech disorders and the impact of speech disorders on the mental development of the child;

· development of methods of pedagogical diagnostics of speech disorders;

study of the patterns of special education and upbringing of children with impaired speech development;

· development of evidence-based methods for the elimination and prevention of various forms of speech insufficiency;

organization of a system of speech therapy assistance.

The practical aspect of speech therapy is the prevention, detection and elimination of speech disorders. Applied tasks of speech therapy are solved in the development of specialized programs for children with different structure and severity of speech disorders; when creating methodological systems of speech therapy classes and exercises, didactic manuals, recommendations for parents. Theoretical and practical tasks of speech therapy are interrelated.

Overcoming and preventing speech disorders contribute to the harmonious deployment of the creative forces of the child's personality, remove obstacles to the realization of its social orientation, the acquisition of knowledge. Therefore, speech therapy, being a special branch, at the same time participates in solving general pedagogical problems.

3 Basic principles of speech therapy work

Speech therapy is among other special sciences: deaf pedagogy, oligophrenopedagogy, tiflopedagogy, education and training of children with motor disorders; it has a methodological basis in common with them and a common special task: the maximum overcoming of defects in children (and adults) suffering from a violation (in this case, speech), and preparing them for work.

The complexity of highlighting the basic principles of speech therapy impact lies in the fact that people of various ages (preschoolers, schoolchildren, adults) need speech therapy help; speech disorders are very diverse, just as diverse are the causes of their occurrence, their role and significance for the usefulness of the communicative function of a person’s speech, for his general development and education, character formation and for his participation in work and social life.

As a pedagogical discipline, speech therapy should be guided in its practice by general pedagogical principles, in particular the principles of didactics.

The system of speech therapy influences can be formulated in the form of the following provisions.

1. Speech therapy work should be carried out taking into account the personality of the speech pathologist, both its negative sides, which must be re-educated, and the positive ones, which must be used in the compensation process; in particular, taking into account the interdependence and connection of the activity of all analyzers, the involvement of healthy analyzers is used to compensate for the activity of inferior ones.

2. The speech of a person as a whole is involved in speech therapy work: a speech therapist must create a dictionary, grammatical structure and the sound side of speech (motor alalia) even with the mildest speech disorder, when there are defects in the pronunciation of only some sound groups and individual sounds, he cannot limit his work only by creating the correct isolated sound, and from the point of view of the pronunciation of this sound, rework the dictionary (not a bow, but a hand, not a scythe, but a cat) and the phrase I don’t want to bite, but I want to eat). The speech therapist must not only achieve the correct pronunciation of soft and hard consonants or voiced and deaf, but also distinguish them, that is, prepare the basis for correct written speech.

3. The focus of speech therapy work should always remain the most affected link in this disorder (primarily impaired speech component). So, for example, with dyslalia and dysarthria, this will be sound pronunciation, with alalia, a dictionary, with stuttering, a calm, smooth flow of speech, etc.

4. Depending on the stages of speech development, a speech therapist must change his target methodological settings.

5. In a properly constructed speech therapy process, the regularities and sequence of normal both speech and general mental development should be taken into account.

6. The organization, the form of work, the material involved should correspond to the age of the speech pathologist: it is desirable to quickly include program material in work with a schoolchild and conduct classes in the form of school classes, and with a preschooler to use mainly game forms, but still build your work in the form of organized and planned classes.

7. The difficulties of speech therapy work and its timing will depend on the nature of each speech disorder and on its degree. For example, the gradual development of sound pronunciation in dysarthria is associated with a gradual complication of the articulatory structures of the sounds of a given language and with a gradual transition from less affected movements to more affected ones.

With motor alalia, the gradual development of speech can be schematically characterized by the following main directions: a) from onomatopoeia and babble words to words that are increasingly complex in their verbal structure; b) from the most specific words and grammatical categories in terms of their semantic content to more and more abstract ones; c) from the simplest sentences to more and more detailed and complex ones.

8 All the work of a speech therapist should be imbued with psychotherapy, which is based on an understanding of the difficulties of a speech pathologist, on the understanding that the majority of poorly speaking people are having a hard time with their speech insufficiency - ridicule of others, failure in school; many of them already doubt that they will be able to overcome their difficulties.

9. The upbringing and re-education of speech takes place under the targeted influence of a speech therapist, largely on the basis of imitation of a speech therapist, therefore the personality of a speech therapist and, in particular, his speech becomes very important. Painstaking, thoughtful work is possible only if a speech therapist sincerely loves his work and children.

All behavior of a speech therapist should be even, benevolent towards his pet; his emotional background should be colored with joyful, but calm and businesslike revival. The speech therapist should be demanding, but at the same time, his exactingness should be reasonable, understanding and taking into account all the difficulties of the speech pathologist. from the environment (a stutterer again begins to stutter when strangers appear, confuses already practiced sounds when required to retell an article that is difficult for him, etc.).

All disruptions and failures of the speech therapy process should be considered by the speech therapist primarily from the point of view of the feasibility of the requirements for the speech pathologist.

Authority in the eyes of the child is achieved by the general manner of behavior, the clarity of their tasks and requirements; in relation to parents and educators, the speech therapist must also be even and patient, conduct a qualified, but accessible explanation of his requirements and his tasks.

A speech therapist must be able to subtly observe in order to know well those with whom he works, especially since in the process of work their speech level changes all the time, and in connection with this change, the difficulties and tasks of speech therapy work change accordingly. (So, in working with motor alalik at the first stage, it is most difficult to overcome its speech negativism, at the second and third stages, difficulties in the field of vocabulary and grammatical structure increase and there is a danger of stuttering.)

A speech therapist should be well aware of the main speech disorders and their course, should be familiar with the modern understanding of their mechanisms, should know the methodology for the initial teaching of literacy and mathematics, since it is he who has to start teaching children with severe speech disorders (dysarthria, alalia, rhinolalia, etc.). ).

Initial training for many speech disorders has specific difficulties, in addition, it is very often an auxiliary means of correcting defective speech.

The insufficiency of uniform programs, manuals requires a creative attitude of the speech therapist to his work and careful preliminary preparation for each lesson.

Speech therapy classes are conducted with specially selected groups or individually.

The organization of small (from 3-4 to 5-6 people) selected groups (by the nature and severity of the disorder, by age, by intelligence) provides more opportunities for various games and exercises, for educational and psychotherapeutic influence on both the most timid and shy, as well as on disinhibited and negative ones.

For successful work in a group (preschoolers, schoolchildren of different grades), there must be discipline, which is best ensured by a clear, thoughtful work plan for the entire group and individual requirements for everyone in the group.

Group work does not exclude the need for individual work, which is carried out either temporarily (as preparation of the most “difficult” children for work in a group), or in parallel (in addition to work in a group of individual children), or entirely (if the speech therapist does not have an appropriate group) .

The speech of a speech therapist should be a role model in all respects: in its pace, diction, euphony, correctness of expressions and pronunciation. Thus, a speech therapist cannot be either stuttering or tongue-tied, he must be able to speak fluently and expressively.

In speech therapy, special methods have been developed to overcome various speech defects.

The work of a speech therapist should be well equipped with various benefits. As aids in speech therapy work, there are toys, pictures (subject, plot, series of sequential pictures9), board games (such as loto, dominoes "Who is faster"), books (primers, books for reading, fiction, textbooks for different classes), tables in Russian. The speech therapist uses all these benefits depending on the immediate task that he sets for himself in connection with the nature of the violation, the stage of work, the intellect and the general development of the student. In this regard, toys, pictures, texts should be specially selected and grouped.

The choice of benefits and the method of using them are determined by the target setting for its use; the same manual can be used both for the purpose of examination and for the purpose of exercise, the creation of certain skills.

Special benefits include a speech therapy mirror, in which the practitioner can see both the face of the speech therapist and his own.

4 Speech therapy classes in elementary school

The main form of organizing speech therapy classes in elementary school is individual and subgroup work. Such an organization of correctional and developmental work is effective, because focused on the individual characteristics of each child.

Main areas of work:

Pronunciation correction

Development of skills in analysis and synthesis of the sound and morphological composition of the word

Enrichment of vocabulary

Development of coherent speech

Pronunciation Correction:

articulation massage

Articulation gymnastics

Sound staging

Sound automation in syllables, words, sentences, texts

Differentiation of mixed sounds

Development of sound analysis skills:

The development of sound-letter analysis and synthesis is the basis of competent writing and reading. Various exercises and games are aimed at strengthening the ability to hear various sounds in a word, understand that they are arranged in a certain sequence, highlight the place of each sound in a word.

Syllabic analysis:

Closely connected with sound-letter analysis is work on syllabic analysis and synthesis. It includes dividing words into syllables, clarifying their sequence, highlighting stressed syllables, composing words from different syllables, etc.

Vocabulary work:

It is important to draw the attention of children to the meaning and shades of the meaning of the word, the ways of word formation, various groups of words. Children learn to listen to words, compare them, link changes in the sound composition of a word with changes in the meaning of a word.

Development of the grammatical structure of speech:

The objectives of this section of corrective work are as follows:

teach children how to build simple and complex sentences correctly,

observe the connection of words in phrases and sentences,

Distribute proposals by secondary and homogeneous members.

In the process of learning, students master the skill of correctly using the main grammatical categories in speech, the skill of practical inflection is fixed (by gender, numbers, cases, tenses).

Development of coherent speech:

The development of coherent speech is based on plot pictures, series of plot pictures, retelling, essays using various drawing techniques, dramatization games, exercises for the development of expressiveness of speech.

Prevention and correction of writing and reading errors:

All types of work described above are aimed at preventing and correcting writing and reading errors, but specific speech therapy exercises are also used in the work. For example, working with syllabic tables of varying complexity, reading with a frame, reading with repetition, reading with a herringbone, composing words from letters of a split alphabet, inserting the desired letter, correcting errors in the text, etc.

Development of hand-eye coordination:

A very important stage of correctional work is the development of visual-motor coordination, i.e. the combined activity of the visual, motor and tactile analyzers. The success in this work largely depends on the prevention and correction of writing and reading errors associated with mirroring, the replacement of letters similar in optical-spatial features.

Communication between a speech therapist and parents

Individual consultations (showing exercises of articulatory gymnastics, speech breathing, speech therapy massage techniques, discussion of the dynamics of corrective work)

Lessons with children (viewing and discussing individual and subgroup lessons)

Homework (articulatory gymnastics, fixing the correct pronunciation in syllables, syllables, words, phrases, sentences, texts)

5 The main activities of the student-trainee

No. p / p Kind of activity Activity content

about the implementation


Acquaintance with the team, children, with methodological requirements, etc.

Acquaintance with personal files and medical records of students.

Drawing up an individual work plan for the entire period of practice

Individual speech therapy work Preparation for the survey, its conduct and processing of results, drawing up conclusions and recommendations, familiarization with the characteristics of students
group work Preparation for the survey, its conduct and processing of results, drawing up conclusions and recommendations
Pedagogical Conducting lessons, extra-curricular activities, compiling the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students, holding a parent meeting, studying thematic and lesson plans, studying and selecting teaching aids for planned lessons. Conducting individual work with students
Consulting Counseling for teachers, parents and children; drawing up recommendations for solving psychological and pedagogical programs

6 Calendar plan for the passage of educational pedagogical practice

No. p / p










the conference

2 Participation in the conference. Introduction to rights and obligations. Clarification of practice tasks. Choosing the school where the internship will take place. class profiles.

Ensuring the distribution of students to the school. Familiarization of students with the features and location of the school.

Briefing on compliance with the charter of the school and labor legislation.

Clarification of the list of students going to practice at the school.

2. Going to work to school 6

Participation in a meeting with the school administration, speech therapist, psychologist and class teacher.

Acquaintance with the conditions of professional activity of young specialists at school: workload, wages, prospects for professional development.

Communication of the school with higher educational institutions and public organizations.

Familiarization with the rules of the school.

Acquaintance with the office of a speech therapist.

Schedule of study time: the beginning and end of each lesson.

Diary of pedagogical practice

Ensuring the attendance of all students to the workplace.

Notification of the school administration about the arrival of the group to the destination, the goals and objectives of the practice, the timing of its implementation in this school.

Participation in the distribution of students by class.

Requirements for keeping a practice diary. An example of recording activities in the diary on the first working day.


Attending speech therapy classes.

Familiarization with the general, demonstration and frontal equipment of the speech therapy room


Lesson analysis.

Studying the equipment of the cabinet using the equipment data bank, accounting books, methodological literature.

Discuss with the teacher the features of his program.

Diary entries.

Carrying out lesson analysis together with a speech therapist.

4. Familiarization with thematic planning of primary school teachers 4

Study thematic planning and determine the place of the topic on which the lessons will be conducted. Identify the content of the educational material that preceded this topic.

Prepare lesson planning for the topic, indicating the types and number of lessons.

Diary of practice.

Discuss with students on an individual basis lesson planning, features of the formation of knowledge, goals and objectives of the lessons.

Control of entries in the diary of practice.

5. Attending classes in various subjects 6

Coordinate with teachers of other disciplines their presence in the classroom.

To study the team of the class, the motivational features of the activities of students in different lessons.

To identify the features of educational activities characteristic of the chosen profile, and take them into account when drawing up the plan and notes of lessons in this class.

Diary of practice.

To draw students' attention to the psychological and pedagogical aspect of students' activities.

Coordinate with the teacher and psychologist the day and time of the meeting with students at school.

6. Development and protection of an individual plan of student's teaching practice 4

Present the developed individual practice plan. In it, indicate the types of lessons and activities, the day and time of the conduction, the content of the work.

Diary of practice.

Individually coordinate student practice plans, paying special attention to the preparation of software and other tools, methodological literature.

Preparing for the first lesson


To study the educational material for the lesson, to identify continuity in its study.

Write a lesson summary.

Diary of practice.

Assist in writing a summary, selection of educational and methodological literature.

Preparing for the first lesson.

Presence at the lessons of fellow students and a speech therapist of the school


Coordinate with the teacher and leader the conduct of the first lesson: abstract, experiment.

Diary of practice.

Review prepared lesson plan.

Control of entries in the diary of teaching practice.

9. Conducting the first lesson 2

Conduct a lesson. Participate in the analysis of the lesson together with a speech therapist, a primary school teacher, a head of practice and fellow students who were present at it: note the comments made in a notebook in order to work them out and further eliminate errors, point out special difficulties that emerged during the lesson.

Diary of practice.

10. Preparing for the second lesson 6

Write a lesson summary. Coordinate with the teacher and supervisor to conduct the second lesson.

Diary of practice.

Control the selection of literature.


Conduct a second lesson.

Attend classmates


Participate in the analysis of the lesson together with the speech therapist, the head of the practice and the fellow students who were present at it: note the comments made in the notebook in order to work them out and further eliminate errors, point out the special difficulties that emerged during the lesson.

Diary of practice.

Analyze the lesson with the teacher and students. Listen to the opinion of students, form the knowledge of students in the analysis of the lesson.

Pay attention to the preparation of notes for the following lessons.

12. Conducting a survey of two students 6

To study the features of the documentation of the speech therapist of the school.

Prepare methods for examining children.

Diary of practice.

To assist the student in the selection of methodological literature for the study.

Preparation for the third lesson.

Conducting a lesson


Study study material. Write a summary.

Coordinate the readiness for the lesson with the speech therapist and the head of the practice.

Practice Diary

Check the lesson outline. Point out inaccuracies and help correct them.

To form students' experimental technological knowledge and skills.

Control of entries in the diary of teaching practice.

25. Final conference at school 4

Summarize the work done. Prepare all documents for the practice report.

Diary of practice.

Together with a speech therapist and students to sum up the results of the practice.

Celebrate the positive achievements of students.

Evaluate the work done.

7 Visiting classes of a speech therapist

Stage: automation of sound in words.

fix the correct pronunciation of the sound l in words;

development of phonemic processes (the ability to determine the presence of sound in words, the position of sound in words; the skills of sound analysis and synthesis);

development of attention, memory, thinking, perception, speech and fine motor skills;

education of consciously correct pronunciation of the sound l.


flat figurine of Cinderella;

subject pictures, the names of which contain the sound l;

Card with superimposed images;

elements of a ball gown for Cinderella;

· a card with the image of a clearing for the technique "Labyrinth".

Course progress.

1. Organizational moment.

Hello! Sit comfortably. Listen carefully to all my tasks and you will succeed.

2. Articulation gymnastics.

First, let's set up the tongue to work.

Performing exercises: “The frog smiles”, “Elephant”, “Snake”, “Swing”, “Delicious jam”, “Painter”, “Sail”, “Brushing teeth”, “Steamboat is buzzing”, “Catch a mouse”.

3. Reporting the topic of the lesson.

Today we continue to learn how to correctly and clearly pronounce the sound l in words.

4. Refinement of correct articulation.

Let us recall and show how the organs of articulation work with the correct pronunciation of the sound l.

What do lips do when we pronounce the sound l? Where is the tongue located?

5. Isolated pronunciation of sound.

Let's imagine how the bell sings a song.

We depict a bell with the hands: the backs of the hands are turned up, the fingers of both hands are crossed. the middle finger of the right hand is lowered down and the child freely moves it in one direction or the other. Let's say a poem:

The “fat” bell sang a song and the bass player rang very loudly - la - la - la ...

Biting the tongue, at the same time we pronounce the sound “A”, receiving - la-la-la. Then we slow down the imitation of the ringing of the bell la-la-la and just start buzzing - lll (without the vowel “a”).

6. Work on the topic.

1) -Today a guest came to our lesson. Let's guess her name.

Put the letters in order according to the numbers.

(A flat figurine of Cinderella is exhibited.)

Do you remember what kind of work Cinderella did?

Complete the sentence by adding words-actions that are appropriate in meaning so that they have the sound l.

Cinderella floors ... (washed, swept, rubbed), linen ... (washed, ironed), oven ... (drowned), dinner ... (cooked, cooked), dishes ... (washed, cleaned).

2) Work on the development of phonemic processes (determining the position of sound in words).

Remember where Cinderella wanted to go?

Can we help Cinderella get to the ball?

Before going to the ball, Cinderella must clean up the pantry - put the items on the shelves, taking into account the place of the sound l:

objects with the sound l at the beginning of the word she will put on the bottom shelf, with the sound l in the middle of the word - on the middle shelf, with the sound l at the end of the word - on the top shelf.

Subject pictures: skis, spoon, light bulb, magnifying glass, chalk, pencil case, glass, saw, needle, ball, bottle.

3) Work on the development of visual perception, syllabic analysis skills, fine motor skills.

Recognize and name the objects that the vacuum cleaner sucked up? Circle the contours of objects with multi-colored pencils.

Name words with one syllable, with two syllables, with three syllables.

Superimposed contour: saw, table, boat, shovel, mirror.

4) Work on the development of thinking, syllabic synthesis.

The fairy asked Cinderella a task - to rearrange the syllables to make words.

Read and write these words.

5) Repetition of the tongue twister.

Cinderella loved to sing a song.

Come on, let's learn it. You just need to add words with the sound l to the rhyme.

Al - al - al, Cinderella hurries to ...

Ol - ol - ol, sweeps deftly with a brush ...

St - st - st, he won't sit down on ...

Yl - yl - yl, the prince is fascinated by her ...

Il - il - il, her to dance ...

Words: ball, floor, chair, was, invited.

6) Work on the development of fine motor skills. (Assignment using reusable stickers).

But how does Cinderella get to the ball without a ball gown?

Make a beautiful dress for Cinderella.

(The dress consists of separate parts.)

7) Work on the development of visual-figurative thinking.

Exercise “Labyrinth” (1, p.50).

Help Cinderella get to the castle. There is a clearing in front of you, paths and castles are drawn on it at the end of each of them. You need to find the castle correctly and glue the Cinderella figurine there. To find this house, you need to look at the letter that the good Fairy left. The letter shows how to go, which way to turn. You need to start moving from the arrow. Be careful.

8) Work on the development of phonemic hearing (selection of words with the sound l from a poem).

So Cinderella got to the ball with our help. There she will have fun, dance.

And now let's go to the forest ball and see how the inhabitants of the forest spend their time.

Now I will read a poem. Listen carefully and remember who it says.

Forest ball.

The squirrel cried - she is at the ball

Paws stained in yellow chalk.

The moose took pity on the cute squirrel:

He stroked his paws - and the chalk flew around.

Squirrel put on a satin dress

With a long hem and a white belt.

Oh, how magically she danced -

She flew from tree to tree like a fluff.

The paws of the spruce squirrel shook,

The woodpeckers pounded a cheerful song,

The beaks of the hollow hollowed out on the trunks.

It's a sweet thing to fly around the balls.

What is this poem talking about?

6. The result of the lesson.

What sound did we learn to pronounce correctly today.

7.2 Speech therapy lesson on the topic: "Automation of sounds [P], [P"] in syllables, words, sentences and coherent speech"

1. Consolidation of the formation of an articulation structure in reflected pronunciation by a speech therapist, independent pronunciation in syllables, words, sentences and coherent speech.

2. Formation of phonemic hearing and sound analysis.

3. Development of spatial orientation and coordination of fine movements of the hand and fingers.

4. Development of attention, memory, thinking.

5. Development of self-control and mutual control.

EQUIPMENT: individual mirrors, pictures with sounds [Р], [Р "), number cards, word cards, word scheme cards, traffic light cards, ball, chips for sound-letter analysis, soft toys.


I. Organizational moment.

You can sit down to someone who comes up with and correctly pronounces a word with the sounds [P], [P "] (at the beginning, middle and end of the word).

II. Repetition of the past.

1. Guys, let's remember what exercises helped us learn how to pronounce the sounds correctly [P], [P "].

Children's answers: “Horse”, “Painter”, “Automatic”, “Machine gun”,


Children perform these exercises in front of a mirror.

2. And now let's show how we learned how to pronounce the sounds correctly [P], [P "]. Let's start the “motors”.

Children pronounce the isolated sound [P] in chorus, in a chain, individually.

3. Guys, now remember, please, with the help of which organs of the speech apparatus we learned to pronounce the sounds correctly [P], [P "].

Children's answers: lips, teeth, tongue, palate, alveoli.

Children pronounce the sounds [P], [P "] in front of the mirror and at the same time observe the position of the organs of the speech apparatus:

mouth open;

The lips are open

The tip of the tongue is raised to the alveoli.

III. Main part. Theme announcement.

Guys, as you may have guessed, today we will talk about sounds [Р], [Р "]. The topic of our lesson is “Automation of sounds [Р], [Р" ] in syllables, words, sentences, coherent speech.

1. Development of phonemic hearing.

And now, guys, let's check if we can determine by ear the place of sound in a word. Let's play a game with you. I will show you pictures with sounds [P], [P "], and you must find the place of these sounds in the word and raise the card with the corresponding number:

rocket (1),

pencil (3),

rabbit (2),

tomato (7),

matryoshka (4),

drum (3),

cucumber (4),

computer (9).

2. Sound characteristic.

And now I suggest you talk a little about the sound [P].

Let's try to characterize this sound. What is he?

Children's answers: The sound [R] is a consonant, voiced, it can be both hard and soft.

Before which vowels is the [R] sound hard?

Children's answers: A, O. U, S, E.

Before which vowels is the R sound soft?

Children's answers: I, E, Yu, I, E.

Now let's play the game "Traffic Light". I will show you pictures with sounds [P], [P "], and you will “turn on the traffic lights”. If the word has a hard sound [P] you “light up” the blue light. If the word has a soft sound [P"] , you "light" the green light.

PHYSMINUTE. Performing movements with pronunciation of words:

Every day in the morning we do exercises

We like to do it in order:

Have fun walking (walking in place)

Hands up (hands up)

Squat and stand up (squat)

Jump and jump (jumping in place).

3. Connection of sound and letters.

Guys, we talk all the time about the sounds [Р], [Р "].

Can you tell me, please, what letter denotes these sounds in the letter?

Children's answers: The letter [P] (Er).

Correctly. And now let's find the letter "P" on the tape of letters and talk a little about it. Please look at this letter and tell me what it looks like, let's try to dream up a little.

Children's answers.

Now, guys, please answer this question:

“What is the difference between a sound and a letter?”

Children's answers:

The sound I hear, I pronounce,

I see, I read, I write.

· And now we will try to write the letter "P" in the air. First we will write it with the shoulder, then with the elbow, then with the brush, then with the finger.

4. Automation of sounds [P], [P "] in syllables. Ball game. Game conditions: I throw the ball to you and at the same time pronounce an open syllable. You return the ball to me and pronounce a closed syllable. And vice versa. (syllables with sounds [ P], [P "]).

5. Automation of sounds [P], [P "] in words. Sound-letter analysis of words.

Find in sentences words with sounds P], [P "] and pronounce them correctly. Determine the place of the sound in the word.

Choose one of the three words for the given scheme and explain your choice.

· Make a scheme for a given word (work with chips).

6. Automation of sounds [P], [P "] in sentences (tongue twisters, tongue twisters).

Children pronounce tongue twisters and tongue twisters with sounds [P], [P "] (homework).

7. Automation of sounds [Р], [Р" ] in a connected text.

The story is my favorite toy. The children were given the task in advance to come up with a short story about their favorite toy. Condition: the story should contain as many words as possible with sounds [P], [P "]. Children talk about their favorite toys and at the same time do not forget to correctly pronounce words with sounds [P], [P"].

SUMMARY OF THE LESSON: The speech therapist sums up the lesson.

7.3 Speech therapy lesson on the development of speech for students of the 1st grade of elementary school on the topic "Prevention of colds"

Purpose: To provide knowledge about colds, their treatment and prevention, to replenish and enrich vocabulary, to exercise students in building a coherent statement.

1. Educational

· Give the concepts of "medicinal herbs", "folk medicine", "decoction", "prevention".

Form a coherent speech through an exercise in building a coherent statement.

2. Corrective

Correct the shortcomings of the monologic form of oral speech through the construction of sentences.

3. Educational

· To develop the vocabulary of students by clarifying the meanings of the words they have and to enrich the vocabulary by accumulating new words.

· Develop and improve the psychological prerequisites for learning through the development of cognitive activity and multisensory form of presentation of material.

4. Educational

· Develop communication skills through answering questions, using learned terminology in coherent statements, drawing up coherent statements with elements of creativity.

Type of lesson: Taking into account the individual and age characteristics of students in this class, a combined lesson was chosen.

Form of conducting: Heuristic conversation.

Place in the system of school classes: This lesson was held in accordance with the thematic plan of work with a group of students in grade 1 with a diagnosis of "NVONR" ("Unsharply pronounced general underdevelopment of speech").

End result: Knowledge about colds, their treatment and prevention, replenishment and enrichment of vocabulary, an exercise in building a coherent statement. Completion of a creative task: making a recipe.

Equipment: Object pictures with images of Pinocchio, doctor, thermometer, pills, medicine, syrup, chamomile flowers, linden, raspberries, rose hips, onions, garlic, honey, lemon, vitamins. Tables with the words: “doctor”, “thermometer”, “temperature”, “flu, fracture, caries, tonsillitis, runny nose”, “drugs”, “folk medicine”, “decoction”, “prevention”, rose hips (sold in pharmacy), a teapot for brewing fruits, a magic bag, jars of honey, onions, garlic, lemon, a scarf for blindfolding, paper tablets with task numbers, recipe cards, vitamins for distribution to children.

Teacher: Guys, hello, sit down. Today I will give you a lesson on the development of speech. Pinocchio came to visit us. Look, he's very sad. It turns out he got sick.

Teacher: We will treat Pinocchio, and during the lesson we will get acquainted with new words, learn about the treatment and prevention of colds. We will write the words that we will learn in the lesson in a notebook.

Teacher: Someone knocks on the door. Guess the riddle and find out who it is.

Who in the days of sickness

more useful than all

And cures all of us from diseases?

Children: Dr.

Teacher: Let's write this word in a notebook. What did the doctor bring us? Solve the riddle.

I'll sit under my arm

And what to do - I will point out.

Or let me walk

Or I'll go to bed.

Children: Thermometer.

Teacher: Let's write this word. Guys, what do you need a thermometer for? Let's measure the temperature of our Pinocchio. This is a critical temperature - 37 °, it indicates the onset of the disease. Let's write the word "temperature" in a notebook.

Highlighted words on the tablets are placed on the board, under them is a subject picture

Teacher: Let's make sentences with these words orally.

Teacher: So, guys, let's talk about what colds are. Our doctor was in a hurry and scattered the pills, they got mixed up. We will help him collect them and complete tasks.

On the board are circles (tablets) with numbers-numbers of tasks.

Task 1 "Guess the name of the disease"

On the board is a table with a list of diseases, students choose from them the names of only colds.

Teacher: Our first task: "Guess the name of the disease." Guys, let's read the names of diseases and choose from them only colds: Influenza, fracture, tonsillitis, caries, runny nose.

Children call the words "flu", "angina", "runny nose".

Teacher: What names of diseases do not fit? And who knows what kind of disease? Completed this task. Let's write down the names of colds in a notebook.

The teacher gives pill number 1 to the doctor so that he can treat Pinocchio.

Teacher: And what to do if a person gets sick? Need medical help. How are diseases treated?

Children share their knowledge of how diseases are treated.

Teacher: Of course, you can be treated with medicines, or you can use folk remedies.

On the board is a table with new words:

Medications ethnoscience

Teacher: What medicines do you know?

Children name pills, medicines, drops, syrups. The teacher shows prepared samples of the above preparations.

Teacher: And what folk remedies?

Children name herbs.

Subject pictures are placed on the board under the words "drugs" and "traditional medicine".

Teacher: Let's make sentences with these words.

Children verbally compose sentences.

Task 2 "Guess the name of medicinal herbs."

The teacher takes a tablet and reads the assignment.

Teacher: Our second task: "Guess the name of medicinal herbs." Now the doctor will tell you riddles about medicinal herbs.

The teacher, on behalf of the doctor, reads riddles, the children guess.

White basket.

Golden bottom.

There is a dewdrop in it.

And the sun is shining.


Takes from my flower

The bee is very tasty honey,

And everyone hates me

The thin skin is torn off.

Red beads hang

They are looking at us from the bushes.

Love these beads

Children, birds and bears.

Teacher: And what kind of thorny medicinal plant grows in our forests, and its fruits are very tasty?

Children call rose hips.

Teacher: It's really a wild rose. Why did the plant get its name? (because of the spikes).

On the board are subject pictures depicting chamomile, linden, raspberries, rose hips.

Teacher: Now we will brew rosehips in a teapot, and then we will try its broth. When we brew grass, fruits, this is called a decoction. The decoction is used for treatment and prevention. We will drink a decoction of wild rose for prevention, so as not to get sick. The word "prevention" means the prevention of disease.

On the board are tables with the words "decoction", "prevention".

The teacher gives the doctor pill number 2 for the treatment of Pinocchio. Brews rosehip in a teapot.

Teacher: Let's write the words in a notebook. So, herbs, decoctions are used to prevent diseases. Orally compose sentences with these words.

Task 3 "Magic Handbag"

The teacher takes a tablet and reads the assignment.

Teacher: Our next task is "Magic Handbag".

The teacher takes out a bag containing jars of onion, garlic, honey and lemon.

Teacher: Who wants to play a game with me?

Children go to the blackboard, the teacher explains the rules of the game: with closed eyes, guess by the smell what is in the jar.

Teacher: Now with your eyes closed you will guess what is hidden in the jar, and then you will carry it along the rows so that all the children can also determine it.

Children follow the instructions of the teacher. On the board are pictures with the image of the listed products. (Figure 8)

Teacher: Well done, all these products have a healing effect, they are good for health, they are used for prevention so as not to get sick. Let's make sentences with these words.

The teacher gives pill number 3 to the doctor for the treatment of Pinocchio.

Teacher: Soon our Pinocchio will recover. The last task and the last tablet remained.

Teacher: So, we have learned what colds are, how to treat them. Now we will apply the knowledge gained - we will write out a prescription for our Pinocchio, as all doctors do.

Who can explain what the word "recipe" means? The doctor writes out a prescription with the name of the medicine and how to use it.

Task 4 "Cure Pinocchio"

The teacher takes a tablet and reads the assignment.

Teacher: Our last task is to “cure Pinocchio”. Write down the new word "recipe" in your notebook. I will now give you the leaflets on which the recipes are written. Your task is to choose a recipe suitable for the treatment of Pinocchio. Choose a prescription for the treatment of colds.

Brew 1 teaspoon of chamomile in 1 cup of boiling water. Add 1 teaspoon of honey. Drink at night.

30 drops of corvalol in ¼ cup of water for pain.

· 1 glass of milk, 1 teaspoon of honey, drink at night.

Children choose recipes, discuss in pairs.

Teacher: Let's check which recipes have been chosen. Well done, chose the right recipes for colds.

Teacher: And now let's try a rosehip broth and treat Pinocchio.

The teacher treats the children with a rosehip decoction.

Gives pill number 4 to the doctor for the treatment of Pinocchio.

Teacher: Our Pinocchio took all the medicines and rosehip broth, now he is healthy. Look how funny he is!

A picture depicting a cheerful Pinocchio.

To summarize: what should be done in order not to get sick?

Children answer that it is necessary to go in for sports, hardening, take vitamins. On the board is a picture with the image of vitamins.

Teacher: Now the doctor will distribute vitamins to everyone. Always take them when the number of colds is on the rise.

The teacher on behalf of the doctor distributes vitamins.

Guys, what new concepts and words have you met?

What is health prevention?

What can be done to prevent the disease?

What can you tell parents about health prevention?

The children answer the teacher's questions.

Teacher: Please come up with your own recipe for the treatment of Pinocchio with your parents. Our lesson is over. Thank you for your work.

7.4 Speech therapy lesson for the 2nd grade on the topic "Formation of words with the help of diminutive suffixes"

Class type: learning new material.

1. Educational:

Introduce students to the concept of "suffix", teach word-formation skills using diminutive suffixes;

· Expand words knowledge;

2. Developing:

develop auditory attention, phonemic perception, associative thinking, mental operations (analysis, comparison, generalization);

Develop coherent oral and written communication;

Develop interhemispheric connections;

Improve the skill of correct expressive reading;

3. Educational:

to cultivate love for the native land;

to cultivate love for oral folk art;

Develop self-confidence;

To cultivate the ability to rejoice in the success of comrades.


Speech therapist: tables of diminutive suffixes, a diagram of parts of a word, task cards, a drawing of a hedgehog, a tape recorder, a disk with music for a dynamic pause.

Students: task cards, ruler, pencil.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment

Speech therapist. Hello guys. Today we have guests, let's say hello to them.

And now the one who will correctly name the root word for the word "cold" will sit down.

Children. Cold, refrigerator, chilly, cold, get cold.

Speech therapist. Well done! So, who's to say what topic we've been working on for several previous sessions?

Children. Related or related words.

Speech therapist. So what words do we call cognate or related?

Children. Words that have a common (same) part and are close in meaning.

Speech therapist. What is the name of the common part of related words?

Children. Root.

Speech therapist. How is the root indicated on the diagram? Show.

II. The stage of preparing students for active and conscious assimilation of new material

Speech therapist. Read the tongue twister "On the aspen, the dewdrops sparkled mother of pearl in the morning."

Reading tongue twisters to yourself, then aloud, highlighting each word with an interrogative intonation.

We find out that mother-of-pearl is a valuable substance with an iridescent color, which makes up the hard inner layer of some shells. Mother-of-pearl is used to make jewelry and buttons. We showcase these items.

Speech therapist. Find and name the affectionate words that you met in this tongue twister.

Children. Dewdrops, on the aspen.

Speech therapist. How else can you say it?

Children. Rosa, aspen.

Speech therapist. Now read the same tongue twister, but with changed words.

Children. On the aspen, the dews sparkled in the morning with mother-of-pearl

Speech therapist. Which option did you like best? Why?

Children explain that the first version of the tongue twister is more beautiful.

Speech therapist. The words "osinki" and "dewdrops" are formed using parts of the word

"-k-" and "-ink-".

Speech therapist. Who already knows what these parts of the word are called?

Children. Suffixes.

Speech therapist. Where are the suffixes?

Children. Behind the root

Speech therapist. Now listen to the story.

Suffixes lived in one fabulous city. And they had a school there, where they learned to build new words. One rule in this school was followed by everyone without fail: suffixes were allowed to stand only behind the root. The rest of the rules were considered not very strict and allowed everyone to make words in their own taste and way. And since all the suffixes were different from each other - and the words they got were different.

Speech therapist. So, who guessed what topic we are starting to work on today?

Children. Formation of new words with the help of suffixes.

Speech therapist. What is a suffix?

Children. Part of a word.

Speech therapist. Where is the suffix?

Children. behind the root of the word.

Speech therapist. What is it for?

Children. To form new words.

Speech therapist. Today we will get acquainted only with those suffixes that will help us form affectionate words and words denoting small objects. These are diminutive suffixes. There are several of them, their spelling must be remembered.

III. Stage of assimilation of new knowledge

1. Speech therapist. Introduce your name. The most euphonious for a person is his name. Remember how affectionately your mother calls you.

Children. Dimochka, Svetik, Irishka, Zhenechka, Masha, daughter, son.

Speech therapist. With what part of the word received affectionate names?

Children. With the help of suffixes "-points-", "-echk-", "-enk-", "-ik-", "-ishk-" "-ochk-".

Speech therapist. Now listen to how the old names sounded: Elizabeth, Barbara, Euphrosyne, Zakhar.

Let's call affectionately old names.

Children. Elizabeth, Varvarushka, Efrosinyushka, Zakharushka.

Speech therapist. What suffixes helped us form these words?

Children. "-ushk-", "-ushk-"

Speech therapist. Write the new words in your notebook, highlighting the suffix.

2. Speech therapist. And now let's play. I name the word, and you change it, calling it affectionately.

Chalk-chalk garden-kindergarten frame-frame bench-stool berry-berry
Oak-oak house-house fairy tale fairy tale watering can raspberry-raspberry

On the board there is a record of the formed words.

Speech therapist. Highlight the suffixes with which you formed new words.

3. Read the words and form new ones from them using diminutive suffixes.

Soup, tooth, con, oak, mushroom, angle, tooth, forest.

Write them down in 2 columns.

Highlight the suffixes of the words in the first and second columns. Find words with the same root. How are these words different? Come up with a phrase for each.

Children. First tooth. A clove of garlic.

4. Speech therapist. Let's do test 1.

Read the words. If the word has the suffix "-ok-", put a "+" next to it, if the word has the suffix "-ik-", put a "+" next to it.

Speech therapist. What words do the underlined words come from? Make up phrases with them.

Children. Fairy-tale house, a small sprout, soft lenok, a familiar dead end, summer rain, a funny nose, a small carnation.

IV. Fizkultpauza

Exercises for the development of interhemispheric connections are performed to the music.

V. The stage of consolidating new ties

Speech therapist. Let's do test 2.


After the rain there will be sunshine.

A small pike, but a sharp tooth.

There will be flowers, there will be berries.

Fluff to fluff will come out perinka.

Why are these sentences called proverbs?

Children. A proverb is a short folk saying with an edifying meaning.

Proverbs teach us a lot.

Speech therapist. Read the proverbs and explain their meaning.

Find words with a diminutive suffix. Underline them, highlight the root first, then the suffix.

Where is the suffix? What is it for? What suffixes are used to form words?

Try to change the words by using them without a suffix. Read the sentences with the changed words. What did you notice?

Children. Words with suffixes decorate our speech.

Speech therapist. Can proverbs be called sentences?

Children. Yes, because proverbs, like sentences, express a complete thought.

A gray hedgehog went for a walk in the forest on a dark night. I saw red berries and pricked them into gray needles. I noticed a yellow leaf and also pricked it.

Read the text. Find words with diminutive suffixes. Name the suffixes with which these words were formed. From what words these words were formed.

Come up with your own end of the story (2-3 sentences) and complete it.

VI. Debriefing stage

Speech therapist. What part of the word did we learn in class today?

What is a suffix?

What is it for? Where is it?

What suffixes help form affectionate words, and words denoting small objects?

Thanks guys. Everyone did a good job today.

Evaluation by a speech therapist of the work of each student.

to achieve from each child the correct and clear pronunciation of sounds [s - s], [s’ - s ’];

The ability to distinguish sounds [s - s], [s’ - s ’] by ear.


subject pictures: (elk, zebra, hare, fox);

items: (umbrella, curtain, basket); Mystery grandmother;

color symbols of sounds, sound locks, letters.


1. Organizational moment.

Mimic exercises. Relaxation.

Speech therapist. I am turning you into little vegetable seeds. Sit down. The warm sun warmed the seeds, the rain watered. The seeds grew and grew and became plants. Slowly raise your hands, the plants reach for the sun. Feel the tension. The sun was hot and our plants withered. Relax, drop your head, arms, lower your shoulders and torso. Get down on your oaths. It began to rain, the plants came to life, the sun stretched.

Repeat relaxation.

Wonderful vegetables have grown in the garden. Depict vegetables - "fatties", turn into vegetables - "skinny".

2. Reporting the topic of the lesson.

Speech therapist. Hello, my name is Mystery Grandma. Why do you think they call me that?

Children's answers.

Speech therapist. Correctly. And now we will play the game “Who is attentive”.

Subject pictures “Pump” and “Mosquito” are exhibited.

Speech therapist. Who knows how the air whistles when it comes out of the pump?

Children's answers. S - s - s.

Speech therapist. How does a mosquito sound?

Children's answers. Z - z - z.

In front of the mirror: Grandmother - The riddle shows that the sound [c] is pronounced quietly without a voice, and with the sound [z], the voice rings. Lips with [h] and [s] smile, the tongue is behind the lower teeth.

3. Fixing sounds [z, z ', s, s '] in words.

Mysterious grandmother makes riddles:

What kind of forest animal -

He stood like a column under a pine tree.

And stands among the grass

Ears are larger than the head. (Hare)

She has a fluffy tail

The fur is golden.

She lives in the forest

He steals chickens in the village. (A fox)

What kind of horses

On all the vests. (Zebra)

Touching the grass with hooves,

A handsome man walks through the forest

Walks boldly and easily

Horns spread wide. (Elk)

Subject pictures are exhibited: a hare, a fox, a zebra, an elk.

Speech therapist. What is the sound at the beginning of the word hare?

What is the first sound in the word zebra?

What is the last sound in the word moose?

Where did you hear the sound [s] in the word fox?

Children's answers.

Speech therapist. So what sounds are we going to get acquainted with today?

Children's answers.

4. Development of articulatory motility. Fixing the correct articulation of sounds [s - h].

Speech therapist. Mystery grandmother invites us for a walk in the forest. And in the forest there is a stream in which green trees are reflected. Let's go to the green brook (imagine that the mirrors are our brook).

Let's sit on the bank and do our articulatory gymnastics.

Children sit on the floor and do articulation exercises.

1. Inflate both cheeks at the same time.

2. Inflate left and right alternately.

3. Retraction of the cheeks into the oral cavity between the teeth, the lips are extended forward.

4. Alternation “Proboscis” - “Smile” - “House opens”

5. "Punish a naughty tongue."

6. "Shovel".

7. "Swing".

8. "Watch".

9. “Delicious jam”

10. “Bite the tongue”

Speech therapist. Guys, when the Mystery Grandmother came to the stream, a cold breeze blew in her face. Let's do the "Cold Breeze" exercise.

The children are doing the exercise.

5. Differentiation of the concepts “syllable”, “word”.

Speech therapist. Mystery grandmother offers to play a game where you will depict only actions with the help of facial expressions.

Children imitate knitting, playing musical instruments, drawing waves, driving nails with a hammer. Movements are accompanied by repetition of syllable combinations:

Sa - for - sa - for




Speech therapist. What did we say?

Children's answers. Syllables.

Speech therapist. Now help me finish my speeches.

Sy - sy - sy - sy, the fur is soft at ... (goats).

Se - ze - ze - ze, we will give hay ... (to the goat).

Axis - axis - axis - eats aspen ... (elk).

Axes - axes - axes - roam the forest ... (moose).

PS - sy - zy - sy, the tail is fluffy at ... (foxes).

Speech therapist. Did you suggest syllables or words to me?

Children's answers. Words.

6. Pronunciation of sounds in words. The development of phonemic perception. Sound analysis.

Speech therapist. Look around - there are many objects with studied sounds in the office. Name the objects that Mystery Grandmother thinks about.

In the word, the first sound is [h], the last [a].

Children's answers. Curtain.

Speech therapist. What studied sound did you hear in the middle of this word?

Children's answers. Sound [s].

Speech therapist. In the word one syllable, the first sound [s]?

Children's answers. Table chair.

Speech therapist. In my basket there is an item in the name, the first sound of which is [h], the last [t].

Children's answers. Umbrella.

Speech therapist. “Scatter” the sounds of the word umbrella. How many are in this word? Circle the sounds. Where is [h]? Make up a word plan.

Children make up a diagram of the word umbrella.

The children are presented with a diagram of the word fox.

Speech therapist. Indicate the animal in the name, which has vowels [i], [a].

Children's answers. A fox.

Speech therapist. How did you guess it was a fox?

Name the animals whose names contain the studied sounds [s], [s '], [s], [s '].

Children's answers.

7. Physical Minute.

Carrying out the game "Carousel".

We rushed to the carousel. (Children become in a circle facing)

Did everyone make it? (Children tilt their heads to the right, spread their arms)

Everyone made it. (Children nod their heads)

Did you fly? (Children tilt their heads to the left, spread their arms)

We flew. (Children nod their heads)

And the merry-go-round carried us to distant lands. (Children run in a circle, holding hands)

But the earth is calling back, albeit nice in the blue. (Children slowly walk in a circle, holding hands)

After space, they will pleasantly fall on the grass. (Children lie down on the carpet)

Breathe in, breathe out, stand up.

8. Pronunciation of sounds [s], [s '], [s], [s '] in sentences. Analysis of the verbal composition of the sentence.

Speech therapist. Give me a quick answer, does it happen or not?

Autumn has come, the gardens are in bloom.

Snow fell, swallows flew.

Ripe strawberries on the birch.

Apples grow on an apple tree.

Children's answers.

Compilation of riddles - descriptions.

Pictures are exhibited: strawberry, pine, snake, donkey.

Speech therapist. Tell about the subject without naming it, and the Mystery Grandmother will guess its name.

Children make up a description of objects, make riddles.

9. Solving problematic issues.

Speech therapist. Mystery grandmother offers you a live bunny, toy, clockwork, which one do you choose? Why did you make this choice?

Children's answers.

10. Reading words with missing letters.

Speech therapist. Mystery grandmother brought you tablets with written words, but they are missing one letter.

Ont, va__a, __om, __ito.

The letter is completed, the word is read.

Speech therapist. So what sounds did we meet?

Children's answers.

11. The result of the lesson.

Learning the "Green Song". Children imitate all movements.

In the green, green, green forest

I carry a green leaf, like a flag.

The green cone under the tree is silent, Green music sounds somewhere

Green grasshopper in green country

Plays green music to me.

Speech therapist. Let's imagine that we are in a forest in a clearing. We lie down on the grass and listen to the sounds of the forest. Close your eyes, relax. We got up.

7.6 Speech therapy lesson with students of the 2nd grade, “Differentiation of sounds and letters Zh and Sh”

Lesson Objectives:

Clarify and compare the articulation of Zh and Sh sounds, practice pronunciation Zh and Sh in words, phrases and sentences;

develop phonemic analysis on the material of words, phrases and sentences;

Clarify and expand the vocabulary on the topics "Fruits" and "Berries";

· to develop grammatical skills in the course of exercises on the agreement of adjectives and nouns, on the use of the genitive form of nouns, the formation of high-quality adjectives and prefixed verbs;

develop coherent speech in the course of making sentences and full answers to questions;

develop spatial representations, emotional stability;

nurturing positive motivation.


game characters

Individual mirrors

syllable table;

subject pictures of fruits and berries;

magnetic drawing boards for each student;

· computer: spreadsheets, electronic game "Scattering";

4 boxes of juice (pear, cherry, gooseberry, blackberry);

natural blackberries, soft fresh pear;

pens and notebooks.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment:

1. Greeting. Activation of positive mood.

· Greeting, turning their backs to each other.

· Greeting, facing each other, but in a sad tone.

What was your favorite greeting? With such a mood, we will work today.

2. Introduction of game characters - two sisters Zhenya and Tanya. They brought a lot of interesting tasks and surprises.

2. Message of the topic of the lesson:

The older sister's name is Zhenya. What is the first sound in the word Zhenya.

Describe the sound J.

Name the paired sound according to the sonority of the sound Zh? W

What do you think the name of the younger sister is? Tanya. Call it kindly. Tanyusha.

Today in the lesson we will work with the sounds and letters Zh and Sh.

3. Art. way of sounds Zh and Sh: (work with individual mirrors) the lips are pushed forward by a mouthpiece, the tongue is in the form of a “cup”, the teeth are brought together, a warm air stream goes in the middle of the tongue. The vocal folds are closed and vibrate with the sound Zh, and open with the sound Ш.

Pronunciation of isolated sounds.

4. Differentiation in syllables:

Ball game: shu, zhi, seam, zhna, seam, zhev, bench press.

5. Letters Zh and Sh.

Electronic didactic game "Scattering": various written and printed letters are scattered on the monitor screen.

Find among them those by which we designate the sounds Zh and Sh.

With what letter will we write the name Zhenya.

What letter will we write in the name Tanyusha?

6. Reading syllables:

Didactic game "Who is faster?"

· Zhenya's task: who will read the syllables with the letter Zh faster?

· Tanya's task: who will read the syllables with the letter Sh faster?

Who will read the syllables in 1 column faster?

· Who will read the syllables in the 2nd column faster?

Who will quickly find the 2nd syllable from the bottom in the left column?

· Who will quickly find the 3rd syllable from the top in the right column?

What are we reading now? (mark those who read without errors)

7. Phonemic analysis and agreement with the adjective in gender.

Look at the blackboard. The dolls brought you pictures. Name them. (apple, gooseberry, lemon, pear, cherry, blackberry)

What groups can they be divided into? (fruits and berries)

Name those fruits and berries that are yellow in color. (yellow apple, yellow gooseberry, yellow pear, etc.)

Select for Zhenya those fruits and berries in the name of which there is a sound Zh, for Tanya - with the sound Sh. (gooseberries, cherries, pears, blackberries)

Which of these berries are unfamiliar to you? (blackberry). The guests brought you some berries to try.

Determine the place of the sounds Zh and Sh in words. (Working with drawing boards: 3g, 3sh, 4sh, 2g).

Check your notes with the notes on the computer monitor. Who did it right?

Physical pause: Zhenya and Tanyusha have prepared surprises for you. They just need to be found.

· The first surprise is to the right of the door on the top shelf of the cabinet, between the squirrel and the cheburashka.

· The second surprise is on the bottom shelf, between the yellow bucket and the cube.

Third - to the left of the door behind the lower right cabinet door.

· The fourth one is behind the right column of the computer.

What are these surprises? That's right, juices.

8. Formation of adjectives.

What is this juice from? (from cherry). What shall we call it? (cherry).

What is this juice from? (from pear). What shall we call it? (pear).

What is this juice from? (from blackberry). What shall we call it? (blackberry).

What is this juice from? (from gooseberries). What shall we call it? (gooseberry). (Children read the names of juices by syllables on a spreadsheet).

Our guests love juices from their fruits and berries. Why do you think? (They are very tasty and healthy, because they contain many vitamins). Name their favorite juices (according to the presence of sounds w and w in their names).

Tanyusha loves cherry and pear juices.

Zhenya loves blackberry and gooseberry juices.

9. Formation of prefixed verbs.

How are juices obtained from fruits and berries? Squeeze out.

I will perform actions, and you name what I do. (I press, I press, I press). Repeat after me the names of the actions.

10. Drawing up a proposal for the picture.

Zhenya squeezed pear juice.

Draw up a proposal.

How many words are in a sentence?

In what words did the sounds Zh and Sh occur?

They clenched their fists tightly, relaxed.

Write the sentence in your notebook.

How do you write the beginning of a sentence?

Underline the letters w and w.


11. Relaxation exercise "Swinging tree".

Let's get up. Let's imagine ourselves as a tree. The roots are the legs, the trunk is the body, the crown is the arms and head. The wind begins to blow, and the tree sways smoothly - it leans left and right, back and forth. The wind subsides, the branches gently fall, and we calmly sit down at our desks.

12. The result of the lesson:

What sounds and letters did you work with in class?

What new berry did you meet today?

The girls say goodbye to you, thank you for your active work and want to treat you to their favorite juices.

8 Lesson notes

1 lesson

Warm up

Goal: establishing contact, creating a positive atmosphere.

Exercise: Compliment

Throw the ball with the words: "I like you that you ...". Having received the ball, he throws it with the same words.


Purpose: Studying the state of non-verbal mental functions, intellect, volitional sphere

Exercises to identify the lateral organization (leading hand, eye, ear, leg). Training is carried out by repeating words, dictation, selecting words according to given sounds, analyzing the sound-letter composition of words.

Correctional and developmental speech therapy work

Purpose: - training of speech hearing and letter vision; stimulation of speech, development of the ability of perception.

Work in notebooks (hatching, stroke)

Strikes out the letter A in the text ...

"A squirrel is sitting..."

A squirrel sits on a cart

She sells nuts


Sparrow, titmouse,

Bear fat-fifth,

Mustachioed hare.

Mind Eye Exercise

The meaning of the exercise is to help the child imagine a piece of cake on his hand or an object that he can easily imagine with his eyes closed. With the help of various questions about the shape, color, location of the object, the specialist determines a clear mental image of the object on the child's hand. For a more figurative representation, the specialist, as it were, places the child's vision in his own finger. By moving the finger, the child can move his mental vision and "examine" the object from different angles. By the end of the lesson, the child can be distracted from the type of object that he sees with his "mental eye" and restore the original view of the object, mentally examining it at the level of his own eyes. He can imagine that the object disappeared from his left hand and appeared in his right, changed shape or size.

Purpose: development of hand-eye coordination, graphic skills.

Game: Who is doing what? Imitation of movements: we wash our hands, we stroke a cat, we wash clothes, a bird flies.

4. my life is wonderful.

6. I love myself.

7. I do everything right.

Summarizing. Reflection. Parting.


Answers on questions.

1. What did you like about the lesson?

2. What did you learn in the lesson?

3. What did you find interesting?

4. What would you like to repeat?

5. With what mood do you leave the class?

2 lesson

Warm up

Purpose: to create an atmosphere of trust.

Solve riddles.

I show off magnificently in a flower bed in the garden.

If you want - put me in a vase ...

But with the letter K I won’t go to the garden,

And if I find cabbage in the garden -

Cabbage will get right away. (Rose-goat).

She cuts the grass with the deaf,

With a voiced - eats leaves. (Scyth-goat)


Purpose: The study of visual-spatial perception, spatial representation

Exercises on

Recognition and comparison of subject images

Recognition of numbers

Letter recognition

・Performing a drawing

· Making a copy

1. Recognition of the numbers written on the back.

2. Recognition of the letters written on the back.

3. Drawing execution.

4.Perform copy.

Purpose: - training of speech hearing and letter vision, stimulation of speech, work in notebooks (hatching, tracing).

Games and exercises with fingers to train fine movements of the fingers. With the help of the left hand, the fingers of the right hand are bent in turn, starting with the thumb.

Strikes out the letter O in the text ...

Writing a dictation with a pencil. Do not correct errors in the text. Mark in the margins with green ink. The child erases his mistakes

Slow reading with pronounced articulation and writing off the text.


Girls and boys are friends

(fingers are connected in a “lock”).

We will make friends with you little fingers

(rhythmic touch of the fingers of the same name on both hands).

One, two, three, four, five

(alternately touching the fingers of the same name, starting with the little fingers),

One, two, three, four, five.

(arms down, shake hands).

Physical culture and health work.

Purpose: to reduce the tone of the muscles of the hands.

finger pool

We mix the cereals in the container and select the grains on command

Correction-developing psychological work.

Purpose: Teaching positive thinking techniques.

Learning the phrases of positive affirmations.

1. My life is full of joy and love.

2. I am getting better every day.

3. everything is easy and effortless for me.

4. my life is wonderful.

5. luck and happiness accompany me.

6. I love myself.

7. I do everything right.

Summarizing. Parting.

Purpose: summarizing the lesson.


Answers on questions.

What did you like about the lesson?

· What did you learn in class?

What did you find interesting?

What would you like to repeat?

What mood do you leave the class with?

3 lesson

Warm up

Purpose: to create a friendly atmosphere


Greetings Come up with your own magical greeting for the Gnome, Malvina and Karabas-Barabas.


Purpose: Constructive praxis

Exercises on

Reproduction of figures from sticks

· Reproducing letters.

Drawing up figures of their Cubes Scythe

· Reproduce figures from matches

· Play alphabet from matches

Assemble figures from cubes

Correction-developing speech therapy work.

Goal: increasing the activation of brain activity, training speech hearing and letter vision, stimulating speech, improving sound-letter and syllabic analysis of words, developing attention, preventing dysgraphia

Exercise: manual manipulations.

Quickly rub your palms together.

Rubbing the left palm with the right, and vice versa.

Stroking the face: put your palms on your forehead and, as you exhale, hold them with a slight pressure down to the chin. As you inhale, move your hands from the forehead to the crown and back of the head, from the back of the head to the neck.

Self-massage of the head and neck with stroking movements.

Games and exercises with fingers to train fine movements of the fingers. With the help of the left hand, the fingers of the right hand are bent in turn, starting with the thumb.

Work in notebooks (hatching, stroke). Work with prescriptions.

Writing a dictation with a pencil. Do not correct errors in the text. Mark in the margins with green paste. The child erases his mistakes

Slow reading with pronounced articulation and writing off the text.

Exercise "House and gate"

"House and Gates"

In the meadow stands a house ("house"),

Well, the way to the house is closed ("gate").

We open the gate (palms turn parallel to each other),

We invite you to this house ("house").

Didactic game "Dunno"

Game progress. 1 option

Dunno is exposed to consonants.

Vowels are added to consonants. Need to read merges

Physical culture and health work.

Purpose: normalization of muscle tone.

Compression-relaxation exercise "Snowman"

I.P. - standing. The body should be tense, like frozen snow. Then the sun warmed up and the snowman began to melt. First, the head melts and hangs, then the shoulders drop, the arms relax, etc. At the end of the exercise, gently descend to the floor and lie down, completely relax.

Correction-developing psychological work.

Purpose: Teaching positive thinking techniques.

Learning statements about health.

1. I am healthy.

2. I am healthy and strong.

3. I feel good.

4. I feel great.

5. I feel great.

6. I feel great.

7. I am calm and relaxed.

Summarizing. Parting.

Purpose: summarizing the lesson. Reflection.

Answers on questions.

What did you like about the lesson?

What did you learn new in class?

What seemed interesting?

What would you like to repeat?

How do you leave the class?

Analysis of the lessons

The conducted classes provide an opportunity to help children who find themselves in such a difficult situation as problems with writing.

Goals and objectives.

To develop the child's ability to correctly write the text.

Help children cope with experiences, restore normal emotional well-being, create conditions for full-fledged mental development.

Reduced emotional stress

Creating a positive emotional mood

Teaching positive thinking skills

Formation of writing skills

Development of visual and auditory attention and perception

Development of the sensorimotor organization of the body

Development of fine motor organization of hands

Development of fine hand coordination

Development of emotional-volitional regulation

Work technology.

Work is carried out individually or with a group of up to 6 people. The group is closed and has a permanent membership. The influx of new participants at each lesson is not allowed. Classes are held at least 3-4 times a week for 40-60 minutes a day.

Classes have a flexible structure and can be changed taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of the child and the severity of the defect.

The structure of the correctional-psychological-pedagogical process includes several blocks. Each of the listed blocks has its own goals, objectives and content:

1. Warm up.

During the warm-up, the child is tuned in to the lesson and a positive atmosphere is created. During the warm-up, the child is tuned in to the lesson and a positive atmosphere is created.

2. Diagnostic.

The purpose of the survey is to determine the possible mechanisms of writing disorders, to identify the structure of the dysgraphic defect, the nature and severity of the disorder.

the study of the state of oral and written speech in children,

The study of non-verbal components that make up the functional system of writing and reading.

sensorimotor and graphic tests requiring auditory and visual differentiation of elements,

distribution of attention

features of the memory

Features of the organization of the movement of the hand,

features of orientation in space and time,

diagnostics of the state of cognitive functions and intelligence,

features of the state of attention,

features of arbitrary regulation of actions,

definition of modality (auditory, visual, kinesthetic)

The diagnostic block plays the role of an indicator of the effectiveness of the health-improving, correctional-developing and educational-educational impact on the child.

3. Physical culture and health.

The purpose of the classes: health promotion. The proposed block will help to solve the following tasks:

development of small muscles of the limbs;

development of the ability to navigate in space;

development of general motor skills, dexterity, coordination of movements;

development of emotional-volitional qualities, attention and perception;

To solve the tasks set, general developmental exercises, sports and outdoor games are offered:

games with objects: balls, sticks, jump ropes, hoops; games for orientation in space, for the development of the eye.

Exercises to develop a sense of rhythm (rhythmic gymnastics, jumping rope),

exercises for the development of "manual skill" (finger games),

elements of musical and rhythmic compositions, games and relay races with objects, game compositions with exercises for fingers.

You can use physical education minutes for the indicated purposes. Physical education as an element of physical activity is offered to children to switch to another type of activity, increase efficiency, relieve the load associated with sitting. If you do finger gymnastics while standing, approximately in the middle of the teacher’s classes, such gymnastics will serve two important purposes at once and will not require additional time. General developmental exercises, sports and outdoor games can also be included in physical education minutes.

4. Correction and development speech therapy unit

Purpose: preventive work of violations of written speech; development of fine motor skills of hands, graphomotor skills, correction and prevention of writing disorders.

development of visual and auditory attention and perception;

Development of fine motor skills of hands;

development of clear hand coordination;

Development of memory, thinking, imagination;

development of sensory functions;

formation of the personality of the child.

Methods of correctional and developmental work:

finger gymnastics;

articulatory gymnastics;

Speech and movement

calligraphy, prescribing elements of letters, syllables, words;

copying from printed and handwritten text;

dictation letter

· Painting;

methods of kinesiology;

didactic games;

· relaxation;

Sensory room sessions.

5. Correctional and developmental psychological block

Classes are aimed at developing the emotional-volitional sphere of the child and the formation of positive personal qualities. Classes are also aimed at improving adaptive mechanisms, regulation of activity and behavior, preventing school maladaptation, forming a psychological basis for the full development of the personality of each child, developing positive thinking and teaching creative self-expression techniques.

Positive thinking will help control your thoughts and feelings, get rid of fear, self-criticism, guilt and resentment, anger, envy and arrogance. Through creative self-expression in the future, the child will learn to cope with personal difficulties.

6. Summing up. Reflection. Parting.

9 Examination of schoolchildren

Surname Tyulkin Name Elena

Age 7 years Class 1 "A" School No. _______

Home address, telephone __________________________________

Development Data:

within the age range

■ Vision (within the normal range; impaired: farsightedness, myopia , astigmatism).

■ Hearing ( within the normal range ; lowered).

■ Early speech development ( within the age range ; lagging behind the age norm; bilingualism).

Characteristics of oral speech:

speech utterance ( formed

violated word order (completeness, sequence) , intonation).

■ Vocabulary (within the age norm; limited ; poor; inaccurate (in nominative, predicative, adjective vocabulary).

■ Sound design:

violated : skip, distortion, replacement );

Phonemic perception ( not violated; impaired: hardness-softness replacement, sonority-deafness);

not violated

violated: tempo (slow, quick); rhythm (arrhythmia); voice (strength: loud, quiet, fading; height: tall, short; timbre: hoarse, hoarse, nasalized).

■ Writing (not violated; violated: errors in sound-syllabic analysis; phonemic perception, lexical, grammatical design, optical, spelling ).

■ Reading (not violated; violated: language analysis errors (at the level of a sentence, words), phonemic, semantic, grammatical, optical).

Observation characteristic

The articulatory apparatus is normal. Lack of speech: there are no sounds r and l (r - throat, l - ua). Hissing sounds - buccal-labial, whistling - interdental. He knows how to pronounce sonorous sounds, but in speech he mixes with deaf ones. In a letter, he replaces voiced voiceless voices, makes mistakes for mitigation, mixes m and h. Reading hastily, frequent mistakes of a guessing nature, he pronounces words indistinctly. Hearing is normal.

In general, speech is "blurred", unarticulated, illegible. Does the arithmetic.

In the dictation, she made the following mistakes: lived - sewed, children - aunts, buzzing - buzzing, birds - bees.


■ Phonetic disorder (PNR). Phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech (FFN ). Phonemic underdevelopment of speech (FN). Unsharply expressed general underdevelopment of speech (NVONR). General underdevelopment of speech (OHP).

The main areas of work on the development of speech in a child are;

Formation of full-fledged pronunciation skills;

Development of phonemic perception, phonemic representations, forms of sound analysis and synthesis accessible to age.

As the child advances in the indicated directions, on the corrected speech material, the following is carried out:

The development in children of attention to the morphological composition of words and the change of words and their combinations in a sentence;

Enriching the vocabulary of children mainly by drawing attention to the methods of word formation, to the emotional and evaluative meaning of words;

Education in children the ability to correctly compose a simple common sentence, and then a complex sentence; use different constructions of sentences in independent connected speech;

The development of coherent speech in the process of working on a story, retelling, with the formulation of a certain correctional task for automating the phonemes specified in the pronunciation in speech;

Formation of elementary skills of writing and reading by special methods based on corrected pronunciation and full phonemic


It is important to note that the formation of elementary skills of writing and reading is one of the most effective ways of developing oral speech for children with FFN.

Date of_________________

Surname Bueva Name Christina

Age 8 years old Class 2 "A" School No. ________

Home address, phone number _______________________________________

Development Data:

■ Early physical development ( within the age range; age gap).

■ Vision ( within the normal range; Violated: farsightedness, myopia, astigmatism).

■ Hearing (within the normal range; lowered).

■ Early speech development (within the age norm; lagging behind the age norm; bilingualism).

Characteristics of oral speech:

speech utterance ( formed; not formed: semantic content, integrity (logical sequence, structural coherence).

■ Grammar (not violated; violated: inflection (management, coordination); word formation (noun, ch., adj., compound words); use of official words; word order (completeness, sequence), intonation).

■ Vocabulary (within the age norm; limited; poor; inaccurate (in nominative, predicative, adjective vocabulary).

■ Sound design:

Sound pronunciation (not broken; violated: omission, distortion, replacement);

Phonemic perception (not disturbed; violated: replacement hardness-softness, sonority-deafness);

Phonetic synthesis, analysis ( not violated; violated: skip, insert, repeat, permutation).

■ Intonation-melodic side of speech (not broken; violated: tempo ( delayed, quick); rhythm (arrhythmia); voice (strength: loud, quiet, fading; height: high, low; timbre: hoarse, hoarse, nasalized).

Characteristics of written speech:

■ Letter (not violated; violated: mistakes in sound-syllabic analysis; phonemic perception, lexical, grammatical design, optical, spelling).

■ Reading (not broken; violated: errors of language analysis (at the level of sentence, word), phonemic, semantic, grammatical, optical).

Characteristic according to observation

The articulatory apparatus and hearing are normal. There are no sounds s, p, l (r = l, l = l). A mixture of whistling and hissing, hard and soft sounds. Whistling s, s - soft. Hissing w, w - labial. He knows how to pronounce the sounds h, c, u, but in speech he mixes them with other sounds (s s, t). In general, speech is slurred. One and the same sound can replace several others.

In addition, the girl has a tonic-clonic stutter. I began to stutter along with the development of speech. Traumatized by her speech deficiency, she practices with great desire.

Sound analysis is poorly developed. Cannot find the place of sound in a word, finds it difficult to divide words into syllables, and syllables into sounds.

Poems memorize with difficulty, and stuttering is very disturbing.


■ Phonetic disorder (PNR). Phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech (FFN). Phonemic underdevelopment of speech (FN). Unsharply expressed general underdevelopment of speech (NVONR). General underdevelopment of speech (OHP).

■ Violation of writing and (or) reading, due to (phonetic) phonemic underdevelopment of speech. Violation of written speech, due to (HB)OHP.

Date of_________________

Surname of the teacher-speech therapist __________________


Working with students has its own characteristics.

1. The type of leading activity is changing; the main activity is learning, although elements of play activity coexist with learning.

2. The game form of classes is replaced by a lesson.

3. If for preschoolers all work is carried out through the family of educators, then at school age speech therapy is carried out by a speech therapist in collaboration with a teacher.

4. At preschool age, all elements of speech are brought up on the basis of imitation of a speech therapist in the process of playing activity; at school age, the focus on consciously overcoming a defect, on independent exercises on speech, becomes more important.

Stuttering is eliminated in the process of passing all subjects at school.

5. Along with indirect psychotherapy, types of rational psychotherapy are more widely used.

6. Speech material and types of speech therapy classes are close to school practice.

In the elimination of stuttering, the role of the school teacher is great: he creates in the class an atmosphere of respect for the stutterer, gradually leads him to independent answers at the blackboard. The teacher maintains close contact with the speech therapist and the family of the stutterer. In moments of depressed mood of a stutterer, he should encourage him, switch his attention to the positive aspects of the personality, to the activity that interests him. The teacher involves the stuttering class in the social life, and then the school, in circles. It is the primary school teacher that arouses the main interest of the stutterer and contributes to his development. Corrective work on speech should not be limited to formal exercises. It is necessary to talk not only about the system of speech classes (correction), but also about the rehabilitation education of a stuttering student.

In speech therapy classes with stuttering schoolchildren, methodological recommendations are currently used, proposed for work either with preschool children (for younger students), or with adolescents and adults (for older students). For example, N. A. Cheveleva proposes a system for correcting speech in stuttering schoolchildren of grades I-IV in the process of manual activity. Fundamentally, this technique differs little from the previously proposed system of speech therapy classes with stuttering preschool children. The choice and complexity of crafts that are offered to work with schoolchildren are mainly changing. According to the academic quarters, the author identifies four periods of consecutive speech therapy sessions: 1) accompanying speech; 2) final speech; 3) preliminary speech; 4) strengthening the skills of independent speech.

N.A. Cheveleva considers it possible to conduct classes to correct the speech of stuttering children in the process of manual labor at school and polyclinic speech therapy centers, in special schools.

The system of speech therapy classes with stuttering schoolchildren in the conditions of a speech therapy room in a polyclinic, a specialized hospital or a sanatorium, proposed by V.I. Seliverstov, also does not fundamentally differ from the above complex methodology of classes with preschoolers. Changes in it are associated only with the older age of children, the increased level of their development, which requires the speech therapist to rely more on the conscious activity of the children themselves.

In the system of speech therapy classes by A. V. Yastrebova, three periods are distinguished in the education of students.

In the first period, stuttering schoolchildren refine and expand their knowledge in the field of language both through targeted observations of the sound side of speech, and in the process of active exercises to streamline its pace and smoothness.

In the second period of classes, the knowledge gained by students in the field of language is activated and the skill of smooth, rhythmic and expressive speech is fixed on more complex speech material in order to further expand the vocabulary, language representations and concepts.

In the third, final period of classes, work continues on the sound and intonational side of speech, the requirement for the conscious use by students of knowledge in the field of phonetic-phonemic, lexical-grammatical and intonational composition of the language and the skill of smooth, expressive speech in any life situation is realized.

Thus, the state of oral and written speech of stuttering schoolchildren with elements of general underdevelopment of speech determines the following main areas of speech therapy work: a) purposeful and comprehensive development of the main interacting components of speech (phonetics, vocabulary, grammar) in the process of working on its pace and fluency; b) a close relationship between the speech material of speech therapy classes and the content of the Russian language program in elementary school; c) development of children's speech activity.

Seasonal (summer) speech therapy sanatoriums and sanatorium-type camps for stuttering children are organized in our country. Corrective-pedagogical and health-improving work with stuttering schoolchildren is carried out in their free time from school and is combined with rest. At the same time, climatic and natural factors are widely used.

The staff of health educational institutions (summer health institutions) is faced with the task of general improvement of children, strengthening their nervous system, preventing and eliminating mild forms of stuttering and its relapses.

The indication for referral to seasonal specialized sanatoriums is the presence of stuttering in children of varying degrees, up to the most severe, as well as stuttering in combination with other speech defects. Children are sent to the camps: after a course of treatment for stuttering; with mild forms of stuttering; with other forms of speech fluency and tempo disorders (bradilalia, takhilalia).

A seasonal sanatorium and a health camp for stuttering children complement each other.


Speech therapy practice helps students not only to adapt to the conditions of real correctional activities, but also to establish business contacts with the administration, teachers, parents, and children with speech disorders.

Practice has shown what can be obtained from teachers' lectures, what from books through self-education, and what only from live communication with children, future speech therapist colleagues. Its organization requires a more serious attitude, establishing close contacts with basic institutions, training qualified specialists for them; removal of the maximum number of practical classes within the walls of educational institutions, which should be provided for by the curriculum and included in the estimate. Ignoring this issue causes serious problems. It is necessary to provide for consultations on preparation for continuous practice, introductory and final conferences, the absence of which drastically reduces the effectiveness of the training of qualified speech pathologists, speech therapists of educational institutions.

The conclusions drawn on the basis of successes and mistakes will not be in vain. Even the great classical teacher K. D. Ushinsky, whose authority no one doubts, repeatedly emphasized that the teaching method can be studied from a book or from the words of a teacher, but one can acquire a skill in using this method only through active and long-term practice.

List of used literature

1. Akimenko V.M. Speech disorders in children. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2008.

2. Bolshakova S.E. Speech disorders and their overcoming. Collection of exercises. – M.: Sfera, 2009.

3. Volkova G. A. Methods of psychological and logopedic examination of children with speech disorders. Issues of differential diagnosis. – M.: Detstvo-Press, 2008.

4. Krupenchuk O.I. Poems for the development of speech. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Litera", 2005.

5. Lopukhina I.S. speech therapy. Speech, rhythm, movement. – M.: Korona-Vek, 2008.

6. Lokhov M.I., Fesenko Yu.A., Shchugareva L.M. Stuttering. Neurology or speech therapy? - St. Petersburg: ELBI-SPb, 2005.

7. Makarova N.Sh. Correction of non-speech and speech disorders in preschool children based on logopedic rhythms. – M.: Detstvo-Press, 2009.

8. Norkina Yu.B. Home notebook for speech therapy classes with children: A guide for speech therapists and parents: In 9 vol. - M .: Humanitarian Publishing Center VLADOS, 2003.

9. Polyakova M.A. Self-instruction manual for speech therapy. Universal guide. – M.: Iris-Press, 2009.

10. Pyatibratova N. The speech therapist answers. - M.: IF "Uniserv", 2009.

11. Sedykh N.A. Education of correct speech in children. Practical speech therapy. – M.: AST, Stalker, 2004.

12. Sikorsky I.A. Stuttering. - M .: AST, Astrel, Transitbook, 2006.

13. Solomatina G.N., Vodolatsky V.M. Elimination of open rhinolalia in children. Methods of examination and correction. – M.: Sfera, 2005.

14. Florenskaya Yu.A. Selected works on speech therapy. - M .: AST, Astrel, Keeper, 2007.

15. Fotekova T.A., Akhutina T.V. Diagnosis of speech disorders in schoolchildren using neuropsychological methods. – M.: Iris-Press, 2007.

practice report

3 Basic principles of speech therapy work

Speech therapy is among other special sciences: deaf pedagogy, oligophrenopedagogy, tiflopedagogy, education and training of children with motor disorders; it has a methodological basis in common with them and a common special task: the maximum overcoming of defects in children (and adults) suffering from a violation (in this case, speech), and preparing them for work.

The complexity of highlighting the basic principles of speech therapy impact lies in the fact that people of various ages (preschoolers, schoolchildren, adults) need speech therapy help; speech disorders are very diverse, just as diverse are the causes of their occurrence, their role and significance for the usefulness of the communicative function of a person’s speech, for his general development and education, character formation and for his participation in work and social life.

As a pedagogical discipline, speech therapy should be guided in its practice by general pedagogical principles, in particular the principles of didactics.

The system of speech therapy influences can be formulated in the form of the following provisions.

1. Speech therapy work should be carried out taking into account the personality of the speech pathologist, both its negative sides, which must be re-educated, and the positive ones, which must be used in the compensation process; in particular, taking into account the interdependence and connection of the activity of all analyzers, the involvement of healthy analyzers is used to compensate for the activity of inferior ones.

2. The speech of a person as a whole is involved in speech therapy work: a speech therapist must create a dictionary, grammatical structure and the sound side of speech (motor alalia) even with the mildest speech disorder, when there are defects in the pronunciation of only some sound groups and individual sounds, he cannot limit his work only by creating the correct isolated sound, and from the point of view of the pronunciation of this sound, rework the dictionary (not a bow, but a hand, not a scythe, but a cat) and the phrase I don’t want to bite, but I want to eat). The speech therapist must not only achieve the correct pronunciation of soft and hard consonants or voiced and deaf, but also distinguish them, that is, prepare the basis for correct written speech.

3. The focus of speech therapy work should always remain the most affected link in this disorder (primarily impaired speech component). So, for example, with dyslalia and dysarthria, this will be sound pronunciation, with alalia, a dictionary, with stuttering, a calm, smooth flow of speech, etc.

4. Depending on the stages of speech development, a speech therapist must change his target methodological settings.

5. In a properly constructed speech therapy process, the regularities and sequence of normal both speech and general mental development should be taken into account.

6. The organization, the form of work, the material involved should correspond to the age of the speech pathologist: it is desirable to quickly include program material in work with a schoolchild and conduct classes in the form of school classes, and with a preschooler to use mainly game forms, but still build your work in the form of organized and planned classes.

7. The difficulties of speech therapy work and its timing will depend on the nature of each speech disorder and on its degree. For example, the gradual development of sound pronunciation in dysarthria is associated with a gradual complication of the articulatory structures of the sounds of a given language and with a gradual transition from less affected movements to more affected ones.

With motor alalia, the gradual development of speech can be schematically characterized by the following main directions: a) from onomatopoeia and babble words to words that are increasingly complex in their verbal structure; b) from the most specific words and grammatical categories in terms of their semantic content to more and more abstract ones; c) from the simplest sentences to more and more detailed and complex ones.

8 All the work of a speech therapist should be imbued with psychotherapy, which is based on an understanding of the difficulties of a speech pathologist, on the understanding that the majority of poorly speaking people are having a hard time with their speech insufficiency - ridicule of others, failure in school; many of them already doubt that they will be able to overcome their difficulties.

9. The upbringing and re-education of speech takes place under the targeted influence of a speech therapist, largely on the basis of imitation of a speech therapist, therefore the personality of a speech therapist and, in particular, his speech becomes very important. Painstaking, thoughtful work is possible only if a speech therapist sincerely loves his work and children.

All behavior of a speech therapist should be even, benevolent towards his pet; his emotional background should be colored with joyful, but calm and businesslike revival. The speech therapist should be demanding, but at the same time, his exactingness should be reasonable, understanding and taking into account all the difficulties of the speech pathologist. from the environment (a stutterer again begins to stutter when strangers appear, confuses already practiced sounds when required to retell an article that is difficult for him, etc.).

All disruptions and failures of the speech therapy process should be considered by the speech therapist primarily from the point of view of the feasibility of the requirements for the speech pathologist.

Authority in the eyes of the child is achieved by the general manner of behavior, the clarity of their tasks and requirements; in relation to parents and educators, the speech therapist must also be even and patient, conduct a qualified, but accessible explanation of his requirements and his tasks.

A speech therapist must be able to subtly observe in order to know well those with whom he works, especially since in the process of work their speech level changes all the time, and in connection with this change, the difficulties and tasks of speech therapy work change accordingly. (So, in working with motor alalik at the first stage, it is most difficult to overcome its speech negativism, at the second and third stages, difficulties in the field of vocabulary and grammatical structure increase and there is a danger of stuttering.)

A speech therapist should be well aware of the main speech disorders and their course, should be familiar with the modern understanding of their mechanisms, should know the methodology for the initial teaching of literacy and mathematics, since it is he who has to start teaching children with severe speech disorders (dysarthria, alalia, rhinolalia, etc.). ).

Initial training for many speech disorders has specific difficulties, in addition, it is very often an auxiliary means of correcting defective speech.

The insufficiency of uniform programs, manuals requires a creative attitude of the speech therapist to his work and careful preliminary preparation for each lesson.

Speech therapy classes are conducted with specially selected groups or individually.

The organization of small (from 3-4 to 5-6 people) selected groups (by the nature and severity of the disorder, by age, by intelligence) provides more opportunities for various games and exercises, for educational and psychotherapeutic influence on both the most timid and shy, as well as on disinhibited and negative ones.

For successful work in a group (preschoolers, schoolchildren of different grades), there must be discipline, which is best ensured by a clear, thoughtful work plan for the entire group and individual requirements for everyone in the group.

Group work does not exclude the need for individual work, which is carried out either temporarily (as the preparation of the most "difficult" children for work in a group), or in parallel (in addition to work in a group of individual children), or entirely (if the speech therapist does not have an appropriate group) .

The speech of a speech therapist should be a role model in all respects: in its pace, diction, euphony, correctness of expressions and pronunciation. Thus, a speech therapist cannot be either stuttering or tongue-tied, he must be able to speak fluently and expressively.

In speech therapy, special methods have been developed to overcome various speech defects.

The work of a speech therapist should be well equipped with various benefits. Toys, pictures (subject, plot, series of sequential pictures9), board games (such as loto, dominoes "Who is faster"), books (primers, books for reading, fiction, textbooks for different classes) serve as aids in speech therapy work, tables in Russian. The speech therapist uses all these benefits depending on the immediate task that he sets for himself in connection with the nature of the violation, the stage of work, the intellect and the general development of the student. In this regard, toys, pictures, texts should be specially selected and grouped.

The choice of benefits and the method of using them are determined by the target setting for its use; the same manual can be used both for the purpose of examination and for the purpose of exercise, the creation of certain skills.

Special benefits include a speech therapy mirror, in which the practitioner can see both the face of the speech therapist and his own.

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