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Shade-loving winter-hardy perennial flowers and shrubs. Make your shadow white: an overview of shade-loving colors. Plants and shade

Each owner of a garden or summer cottage wants to see it beautiful and blooming throughout the warm season. To decorate the plots, you can combine various ornamental plants.

Flowers that grow one season are called annuals or "annual". They are used to decorate flower beds, balcony boxes, parterre and carpet flower beds. You can plant annual flowers in the garden with seedlings or seeds.

Types of annuals

In order to choose the right letniki, you need to know information about their size, flowering period, light requirements, etc.

Annuals can be:

  1. In relation to the world:
    • shade-tolerant;
    • photophilous.
  1. Height:
    • dwarf (up to 15 cm);
    • undersized (up to 40 cm);
    • tall and curly(from 50 to 500 cm).
  1. According to the color of inflorescences and flowers:
    • white;
    • pink;
    • yellow and orange;
    • brown;
    • blue and blue;
    • purplish violet;
    • red;
    • two-color and multi-color.

Shade tolerant annual flowers

You can change the color of areas in the shade of trees every year.

Such shade-loving annual flowers for the garden can decorate any corner of the earth:

  1. Nasturtium is wonderful flowering plant, growing strongly. Decorative flowers can be orange or pink.

If you plant nasturtium in the sun, the leaves will turn yellow and quickly fade.

  1. Petunia is a widespread annual with pink, white and purple flowers. There are low, high, small-flowered and large-flowered varieties.

  1. Fragrant tobacco is a shade-loving plant with large leaves. The flowers are very fragrant, closed during the day, open in the late afternoon and in cloudy weather.

Sun-loving annuals

Sun lovers include:

  1. Godetia - ideal for decorating flower beds. The flowers are pink, white or red, bell-shaped, strewn with bushes of 35-40 pieces.

  1. Ageratum - unpretentious flower, drought tolerant. There are different colors depending on the variety. In appearance, the ageratum is delicate and original.

Dwarf letniki in the garden

For and sites, annual garden flowers of small height are ideal.

These include:

  1. Purslane is a low-growing plant with white, red, yellow and double flowers. Planted outdoors in a sunny location.

  1. Daisy does not require special care. It can be transplanted, even during flowering.

  1. Lobelia is a creeping plant, 10-25 cm high. The flowers are often blue, rarely snow-white and purple. Lobelia loves heat, light and moisture, blooms until frost. The instructions on the seed packaging will help you choose the right time to plant the lettuce.

Low-growing (medium-sized) annual flowers

The most beautiful and popular among undersized flowers:

  1. Pansies are very exquisite annuals that bloom until the first snow. Flowers with a wide variety of colors. Amazing beauty makes them indispensable in any flower garden.

  1. Marigolds are very famous, everyone knows about them. And not in vain. Marigolds do not require special care. Bloom until the first frost.

Unpretentious flowers for the garden - annual marigolds

  1. Eschsholzia is a medium-sized annual, 25-35 cm high. Orange, yellow, pink and cream colors.

By planting medium-sized letniki in do-it-yourself flower beds, your garden plot become original and unique.

Tall and climbing annuals

Tall letniki give any garden a certain uniqueness.

Among them are the most popular:

  1. Mallow is a beautiful annual plant with long stems. Depending on the variety, mallow inflorescences are the most various colors- cream, yellow-orange, pink, red and purple.

Malva often suffers from rust.
If spots appear, all diseased leaves must be destroyed and mallow should not be grown in this area for 2-3 years.

  1. Amaranth is an annual tall plant. The flowers are collected in reddish spike-shaped inflorescences that bloom in August.

  1. Kochia is a very spectacular ornamental plant, reaching 1 meter in height. Kokhiya is resistant to drought, but is not able to survive temperature changes.

Attention! Cochia seeds need light to germinate, so do not cover them with earth when sowing, but press them into the soil a little.

Among tall plants, climbing annual flowers for the garden are no less popular. They are very easy to care for, and their original gazebos are always delightful.

The most popular curly:

  1. Kvamoklita - the most beautiful annual flowers for the garden. love sunny areas and do not tolerate transplants. Blooms all summer with bright red flowers.

  1. Kobeya is a creeper of amazing beauty, the stem of which reaches 6 meters. And its bell-shaped flowers bloom all summer, reach 7 cm in diameter and come in burgundy, purple, lilac and cream.

  1. Azarina is a fast-growing vine, the stems do not require strong support. The plant blooms until frost, drought-resistant. There are many types of azarina with different colors.


You can plant annuals yourself, it is not necessary to buy seedlings. It is most reliable to plant flowers yourself, however, you need to be sure of the quality of the seeds. Compared with purchased seedlings, the price of self-grown ones will be 2 or more times less.


Annuals are ideal for gardens and gardens. You can grow different compositions every year. Choose an annual that you like and plant in your yard. You will definitely be pleased with the beauty in the garden and the absence of problems with caring for them.

The video in this article will help you get acquainted with planting seedlings of annuals.

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On any suburban area there are places that are constantly in the shade - behind the house, garage or under fruit trees. Often gardeners wonder how to make sure that these territories do not gape with black holes of black soil, but please the eye with colorful colors. And then there is a problem, since most of the colors and ornamental plants still prefer to grow under the sun. However, there are a number of shade-loving plants for summer cottages, planting which you can create beautiful flower arrangements. In this article, we get to know ornamental perennials who prefer to grow in the shade.

Important! Before planting plants in the country, it is advisable to investigate country cottage area for the presence of a shadow in a particular period of the day and highlight the following categories: 1) areas with constant shading throughout the day; 2) areas with partial shade (only during a certain period of the day); 3) areas with a scattered (sparse) shadow (from other taller plants).

If you are only looking for information on which garden flowers are suitable for partial shade, we advise you to take a closer look at Astilbe. This herbaceous plant of the saxifrage family unites 40 species and over 400 varieties. It grows from 15 cm to 2 meters. Blooms in June-August with paniculate inflorescences of red, white, pink, purple flowers. It has large leaves that form a lush openwork bush. Lives an average of five years.
Growing conditions. Prefers scattered shade. It grows well on any soil, however, long flowering can be achieved by planting astilba in the ground with a close location. ground water. Unpretentious in care. Likes a good watering. It tolerates winter well, only sudden changes in temperature can be fatal for it.

Reproduction methods. Propagated by seeds, division of the bush and shoots.

Application. It goes well with bergenia, irises, lily of the valley, podophyllum, hellebore. It is used in mixed flower beds, on rocky hills, in discounts.

Aconite (wrestler)

In a review of plants for partial shade, aconite (Acónítum) cannot be dispensed with. This is a perennial herbaceous flowering plant of the buttercup family with a stem height of 50-150 cm. It includes several dozen varieties. It blooms from July to the end of October with racemose inflorescences of blue, white, purple, yellow color. The plant is considered poisonous because it contains alkaloids.

Did you know? The poisonous properties of aconite have been known for a long time. Different peoples used it to poison predators and enemies, poison for arrows and spears.

Growing conditions. It grows in moist places in soils rich in humus. However, it can also tolerate different soils, except for sandy and stone. Does not like stagnant moisture, strong waterlogging can destroy a flower. Feels good both in the shade and in partial shade. Does not require special care measures. Frost-resistant.

Reproduction methods. Propagated in several ways: seed, dividing the bush, tubers, cuttings.

Application. It looks spectacular next to peonies, astilba, irises, rudbeckia. It is used both for mixed flower beds, flower beds, and for wall decoration, it can serve as a screen to cover any unattractive building or outbuilding.

You can not ignore one more flowers for shady places - brunners (Brunnera). it perennial Borage family with beautiful large leaves and forget-me-not flowers in inflorescences rightfully bears the title of a long-liver, since it can live up to 10-15 years. It grows as a sprawling bush, reaches a height of 40 cm. It blooms in May. It is beautiful from the end of April until the first frosts. In culture, two types are used.
Growing conditions. Grows in clayey, moist soils. You should not plant this plant in full shade - in this case, it will lose its decorative effect: the stems will stretch. When planting it in the sun, regular watering should be ensured. Brunner is easy to care for. The plant is very frost-resistant - it can withstand temperatures down to -29 ºС.

Reproduction methods. Propagated by division of the rhizome, root shoots, seeds.

Application. Hellebore, primrose, female fern can become her partners in the mixborder. Brunner is also planted in borders.

The list of shade-tolerant perennials also includes dicentra (Dicentra) - a herbaceous plant that attracts attention with its heart-shaped flowers. Another name for dicentra - "broken heart" - came from the legend of the unhappy love of the French girl Jeannette. Perennial has about 20 varieties. The height of the flower varies from 30 cm to 1.5 m. The flowering period is May-June, the duration of flowering is about a month. Flowers bright pink or white color collected in drooping arcuate inflorescences. Leaves - green with a bluish tint, give beauty to the plant even before flowering. "Broken Heart" has a high immunity to pests and diseases. The flower is frost-resistant, but requires shelter for the winter.
Growing conditions. It grows well in moist soils with drainage and with a sufficient amount of humus. It can be planted both in a sunny area and in the shade of trees, however, it blooms earlier in the sun. Requires good watering, regular loosening of the earth for oxygen access to the roots and weeding. It is also necessary to remove wilted flowers in time.

Reproduction methods. Propagated by dividing the bush, root cuttings, less often - by seed.

Application. It forms interesting flower compositions with daffodils, hyacinths, tulips, brunner, saxifrage. It is used in mixborders, on an alpine hill.

Easy shading loves doronicum (Doronicum) - a perennial from the aster family. The genus includes 36 species. Blooms big yellow flowers, shaped like a camomile. Flowering occurs in May, lasts about a month. It grows rapidly, forming lush bright bushes. Differs in high frost resistance. The recommended duration of growth in one place is three to four years.
Growing conditions. When planting doronicum, it should be borne in mind that it only tolerates partial shade, in absolute shade it completely loses its decorative effect. Becomes unattractive after flowering.

Important! When planting plants, you need to clearly understand the meaning of agrotechnical requirements for illumination: what is full sun, partial shade, shade and sparse shade for plants. "Full sun" means the plant has been out for more than three hoursin a dayunder direct rays; "partial shade" - about three hours under direct rays in the morning or evening, with a shadow in the middle of the day, or good illumination without direct rays throughout the day; "shade, shady areas, full shade" - three hours of direct daylight in the middle of the day and limited light throughout the rest of the time; "sparse shadow" - partial penetration sunlight during the day (for example, through the crowns of trees).

Doronicum loves well-drained soils and abundant moisture. Blooms longer on light, loose, slightly acidic, fertile soil. Feels good with moderate and uniform watering.

Reproduction methods. Propagated by dividing the bush and seeds.

Application. Doronicum belongs to the plants of the second plan. It should be planted in company with plants that have a long period of preservation of decorativeness, for example, with aquilegia, hosta, rogersia. Also combined with daffodils, tulips, irises. AT landscape design it is planted in mixborders, rockeries, rock gardens.

Volzhanka (Aruncus) always attracts attention - first of all, by the size of its sprawling bushes, abundant flowering white inflorescences-panicles and a delicate aroma. Arunkus stems can reach a height of up to 2 m. The duration of flowering is two months: June-July. In one place it can grow for 15-20 years.
Growing conditions. Volzhanka equally can grow as on open areas, as well as in the shade. However, under direct sunlight, the bushes do not grow well. For planting aruncus, light, moist soil with good drainage is selected. The plant is very unpretentious, needs minimal care: regular watering and pruning of faded inflorescences. Resistant to cold (requires shelter for the winter), diseases and weeds.

Reproduction methods. The division of the bush, green cuttings, seeds.

Application. The flower looks beautiful both singly and in groups. Volzhanka is usually planted next to undersized plants. It looks good with astilbes, hosts, spireas, barberries, shield trees. It is very good to hide unsightly buildings behind lush aruncus bushes.

An excellent plant for a garden in the shade is sponge (Mimulus). In the homeland of mimulus - in America - another name for this flower is common: monkey flowers (monkey flowers), due to some similarity of the flowers of the plant to the face of a monkey. The genus of sponges includes 150 species. The stems of the plant grow up to 60 cm. Depending on the species, they can be different in shape. Flower color - plain or leopard. It has two flowering periods - spring and autumn.
Growing conditions. Mimulus must be planted in slightly shaded areas in a fertile, loose and wet soil rich in peat and humus. Pinning is recommended.

Reproduction methods. Propagated by cuttings and seeds.

Application. Used in framing borders, rocky slides, mixborders with lobelia, phlox. Some species are suitable for planting in window and balcony boxes.

If you want to cover shady areas with a carpet of flowers, then the saxifrage (Saxifraga) is for you. This is a ground cover plant from the saxifrage family, with 250 varieties. Saxifrage stems reach a height of 5 to 70 cm. They are annual, shoots are perennial. The flowers are small: 1.5-2 cm in diameter. They are varied in color: white, pink, red, etc. The flowering period begins in May and lasts about a month.

Did you know? Latin name saxifrage comes from the words "saxym" and "frango", which are translated as "rock" and "break". This is explained by the fact that in nature this plant is most often found in rock crevices.

Growing conditions. Planting, growing and caring for saxifrage will not cause difficulties. The very name of the plant suggests that it is not demanding on soil and watering, it can grow on poor soils (necessarily with good drainage) and does not like waterlogging. Does not tolerate direct sun rays and dislikes the full shadow (may affect the decorativeness of the leaves). It is characterized by high winter hardiness. Young plants require shelter in winter.

Reproduction methods. Propagated by seeds, division of the bush, rosettes.

Application. In decorative culture, saxifrage is planted between stones, on slopes, artificial rocks, in rock gardens.

One of the most unpretentious perennials for penumbra is a bathing suit (Trollius). In addition to its unpretentiousness, it attracts the attention of gardeners with large bright yellow and orange flowers. The genus of bathing suits has 20 varieties. The stems of the plant grow up to 90 cm. It blooms for about 20 days, starting in May. In one place, a bathing suit can decorate a garden for 10 years.
Growing conditions. The “Troll flower” (as the bathing suit is also called) can grow both in the sun and in partial shade, although in the latter case it somewhat loses its decorative effect and loses growth. Fertile moist soil is suitable for planting a plant. Although it can grow in poor soil. The only thing that the swimsuit does not like is the stagnation of groundwater. Can winter without shelter.

Reproduction methods. You can propagate the swimsuit by dividing the mother liquor, sowing seeds.

Application. A beautiful neighborhood is obtained at the bathhouse and catchment area, muscari, delphinium, blueberry, magnolia, bluebells.

The well-known lily of the valley (Lilium convallium) is also suitable for planting in the shade. This low plant (20-25 cm in height) with dazzling white small flowers in the form of bells and a delicate aroma delight their owners in May-June. The leaves remain green until July.

Did you know? Wild lily of the valley is listed in the Red Book.

Growing conditions. The flower loves moist, organic-rich soil. It grows well in the shade of neighboring trees or bushes. Stops flowering in full shade. Does not require maintenance proper fit can grow on its own over several years.

Important! When working with lilies of the valley, it is necessary to protect your hands with gloves, since all organs of the plant are poisonous.

Reproduction methods. Propagated by division of rhizomes and very rarely by seeds.

Application. Plant a lily of the valley next to aquilegia, fern, lungwort and you will get a beautiful delicate flower bed. This flower is also used as a groundcover and for forcing.

At the beginning of summer in the garden you can admire the flowering of bright candle brushes of the perennial lupine (Lupinus). This plant belongs to the legume family. It is popularly called "wolf beans", because its name comes from the word lupus - wolf. The inflorescences of some types of lupine can reach a size of 1 m, and the plant itself grows from 50 to 150 cm. The flowers come in different colors: red, white, yellow, purple, pink, blue; are tricolor. The life span is five or six years.
Growing conditions. The flower is very drought-resistant - its wild counterparts grow even in deserts. It can grow both in the sun and in partial shade or under diffused lighting. The soil for its planting should be loamy or sandy with low or neutral acidity. It does not cause any special difficulties in care. It is desirable to periodically loosen the soil and remove weeds. For the winter, bushes should be spudded and covered.

Reproduction methods. Lupine is propagated vegetatively by cuttings or seeds.

Application. It can grow both alone and in a group planting in a flower bed in the background next to irises, lilies, delphiniums, hostas, astilbes.

The rows of flowers growing in partial shade and shade are supplemented by spectacular perennials Rogersia (Rodgersia). These ornamental deciduous plants of the saxifrage family are remembered at first sight for their very large and beautiful palmate or feathery leaves, which turn red or bronze in autumn. Rogersia blooms with a high (1.2-1.5 m) panicle of pink-white or cream color. The flowering period is July.
Growing conditions. Rogersia is unpretentious to care. by the most the best place for its landing there will be a site located in partial shade. The plant is undemanding to the composition of the soil; it can grow on any garden soil. Likes frequent watering.

Reproduction methods. Rogersia can be propagated by dividing the rhizome, leaf cuttings and seeds (rarely).

Application. Rogersia will become an exotic decoration in a mixborder, discount, rockery. It will add unusualness to your pond. It looks very nice in combination with fern, bergenia, hosta, bluebells.

Even novice gardeners can grow another unpretentious, but very beautiful and fragrant shade-tolerant perennial cyanosis (Polemonium caeruleum). This plant reaches a height of 40-120 cm. Its inflorescence is quite high, collected in a panicle of blue and white bells. Flowering occurs for a long time in June-July. The blueberry has healing properties.
Growing conditions. The soil for this plant is better to choose light, moderately moist, slightly acidic. Although, in principle, the perennial is not particularly demanding on soils. It is resistant to frost, diseases and pests. Loves moisture.

Reproduction methods. The flower is propagated by division of rhizomes, green cuttings and seed method.

Application. Since after flowering the cyanosis loses its attractiveness, when planting it, care must be taken that it is next to plants that have a longer decorative period. It coexists well with hosta, iris, bergenia, primrose. It is successfully planted in flower beds and in mixborders.

The genus (Symphyandra) includes 10 species. In nature, these are perennials, in culture they are grown as biennial plants. This flower is interesting primarily for its inflorescences - drooping paniculate or spherical with purple or white bell flowers. Blooms in June-August. They reach a height of 15-30 cm.
Growing conditions.
Basically, symphianders prefer sunny areas, and only two of its varieties - drooping and Asian - are able to put up with partial shade. Prefers loose soil with good drainage. From care, she will be satisfied with just watering in drought and removing faded inflorescences.

Reproduction methods. Propagated in two ways: by sowing seeds and cuttings of basal processes.

Application. Landed on Alpine rollercoaster, for curb plantings, in rockeries and mixborders.

Another unpretentious shade-tolerant plant is the host (Hosta) or funkia. This decorative and deciduous plant is able to decorate any suburban area and garden. Its main attraction is the leaves: large, often two-colored, with borders, of various shapes. Hosta flowers are also beautiful - simple and double, white, blue, pink, purple. The height of the stem is mainly 60-80 cm, but there are dwarf (15 cm) and giant (1.2 m) species. The flowering of the hosta is usually inconspicuous, and the more beautiful the leaves are, the more faded the flowers. This perennial belongs to centenarians - it can grow without a transplant for up to 20 years. To date, about 400 hosta hybrids have been bred.
Growing conditions. The choice of site for this plant depends on the variety that you prefer. Among the hybrids, there are both sun-loving and flowers for planting in partial shade and in full shade - it all depends on the color of the leaves: the darker the leaves, the more shade-loving the plant. The composition of the soil for planting this perennial is desirable rich in humus, slightly acidic or neutral, well drained. On sand or loam, the host will not survive. Loves moisture.

Reproduction methods. Hosta propagates in three ways: cuttings, dividing the bush and seed.

Application. Hosta is an excellent backdrop for flowering crops. Suitable for borders and flower beds.

When planting plants that prefer shade, consider the fact that often their beauty lies not in flowering (for most of them it is modest, unlike light-loving relatives), but in foliage. In addition to the fact that properly selected perennials can decorate your garden, they are also an excellent way to control weeds.

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In the gardens of any dacha or house, there is no certain amount of sunlight. It happens that the whole garden or garden is in the shade or vice versa - in the sun. Shade in the garden can create great fruit trees- apple trees, pears, plum trees, vineyards, etc. They mainly create shade in the lower tier. And any gardener wants the dew to be beautiful greenery in these places - and almost nothing grows there.

In such cases, only shade-loving flowers or plants can help out, whether they are perennial or annual. They can germinate even in places with a lack of sunlight.

Shade-tolerant flowers and plants for the garden are those that also love the sun, but they only need about six hours in the morning or afternoon. But long flowering can not be expected.

Shade-loving plants love grow in nooks and crannies where the sun is almost absent. They differ from other plants in rich in green leaves.

There are many varieties of shade-loving flowers that can be safely planted in a shady area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden or vegetable garden. In hot weather, it will be very pleasant to relax in the shade, where shade-loving flowers have blossomed.

For nature, any weather is a manifestation of love for the earth, which is why there are many flowers, including shade-loving and shade-tolerant ones. Thanks to these flowers, the garden plot can be decorated under any tree, near the house on the north side or under the crown of a large tree.

Shade-loving flowers - types

Several kinds popular shade-loving colors for garden:

  • oak anemone (anemone) - "herald of spring". It blooms for 20 days - from April to the end of May (depends on planting it in the ground);
  • lily of the valley (goes well in planting with anemones);
  • large astrantia - a perennial plant (its height is from 40 cm to 1 m, flower up to 5 cm);
  • crested hollow - flowering occurs from the beginning of spring;
  • dicentra - reach a height of up to 1 m, flowering begins in May and ends in early June;
  • foxglove - a two-year-old flower, beautiful from June to August, the height of the plant reaches one and a half meters;
  • geranium (geranium blooms from one to one and a half months);
  • liverwort - a low plant (from 5 cm to 15 cm), in the form of flowering it resembles a human liver, hence the name;
  • hosta - a long-liver in the garden, can grow up to 25 years, grows slowly, and blooms in August;
  • fern.

Also, in any shade, they bloom perfectly and for a long time. all primroses grow. They can be sown immediately under the tree, and if there are seedlings, immediately plant bushes.

They love the shadow of the ifia. Violet is a low fragrant flower that blooms twice a year (April-May) and in autumn.

Shade Tolerant Beauty - bought(fragrant, graceful) very rare plant in our gardens and orchards, and she did not deserve it. This is a very beautiful flower that blooms in the first half of summer with white bells. And no flower can kill its smell. Advantage: It can grow and reproduce in full shade. Reproduction occurs by seeds or roots. Moisture-loving plant. Propagated in spring by root cuttings. As soon as the flower fades, the aerial part dies off.

Astilbe is suitable for shady corners. It blooms from the beginning to the end of summer with small inflorescences of different colors - cream, white, pink and all reds. Moisture-loving plant, in dry weather requires abundant watering. For the winter, the stems are cut off, and the roots are covered with dry foliage. Its growth buds are located close to the soil surface, and therefore it should be protected from frost.

Daylilies and hemerocalis withstand a small shade. They love fertile soil and moisture. Currently, hybrids have been bred with their multi-colored color - from white to almost black.

annual shade tolerant plants

Of the annual shade-loving plants, they fully feel themselves - fragrant tobacco, nasturtium, lobelia.

Greens and herbs

  1. Fern. Most shade plant. More than 50 species of this species grow on the territory of Russia. ancient plant. They have been around since the time of the dinosaurs. In the garden, gardeners usually use common fern, in which leaves resembling feathers can reach up to 1.5 m in height. They do not tolerate drought, so they should be watered more often.
  2. Shade-tolerant creepers. This is Actinidia - kolomikta, Schisandra chinensis. They always have good flowering, even in heavy shading. Also very popular with gardeners is girlish grapes (triostrennaya and five-leaf decorative culture). Excellent curly annual plant is impomoea, which has large bell-shaped flowers of different colors.

Conifers and shrubs

A lot of shrubs, including conifers, are adapted to the lack of sun. The most popular of this type are rhododendrons. In the wild, they grow on forest edges. In the shade, you can plant a creeping form of evergreen boxwood - they will add shine to the shade. Holly mahonia will look very beautiful in the shade and will beautifully bloom and bear fruit with blue berries.

Feels great in the shade hydrangea. it the most luxurious bush, which can winter with us.

Feels very good with northern exposure yew berry. Its color varies from yellow to almost black. There are quite a few varieties of this plant, even some that do not grow large.

There are many more shade-tolerant coniferous plants- this is larch, fir and a huge number of varieties of juniper.

When fruit trees grow large in the garden, flowers and shrubs should not be neglected. Nowadays there are quite a lot of them: shade-loving and shade-tolerant. And this is just salvation from a dull desolation. And you should never bury your dream of blooming flower beds.

Shade-loving flowers for gardens

In any garden with fruit or ornamental trees there are areas that are in the shade most of the time. Some of them are permanently shaded, so the grass and flowers are deficient in sunlight. To the delight of summer residents, there is a large category of plants that develop perfectly in an unlit area - these are shade-loving perennials for the garden, with which you can create beautiful flower and herbal compositions.

Depending on the location of the flower garden, its significance and degree decorative design Plant groups can be divided into three categories:

  • classical compositions;
  • natural areas;
  • accent flowers.

On small edges, along paths and fences, that is, in places with an open perspective, there are classic compositions created to decorate areas not lit by the sun. This is a range of varieties herbaceous plants with decorative foliage, as well as developing and gaining color over several years.

Natural areas are on the periphery, their main purpose is to fill empty spaces and prevent the emergence of weeds. For natural growth, planting periwinkle, Siberian brunner, lungwort, May lily of the valley, shchitovnik.

In slightly shaded conditions, the brunner develops and blooms beautifully - a beautiful plant with blue or blue flowers that look like forget-me-nots

In addition to shade-tolerant flowers, plants with decorative leaves, which are ideal for simulating wild, natural cover

Garden centerpieces and seating areas are also often located in areas hidden from the sun, so there is a selection of accent plants specifically for them, which differ beautiful flowering and decorative foliage: elecampane, Japanese anemones, Rogers, black cohosh, astilbes.

AT shady places flowers usually grow with pale petals, but there are exceptions. Multi-colored anemones are an opportunity to create a bright flower arrangement in a dark area

Shade-loving perennials by season

In early spring, primroses appear, tender and modest, which delight with their beauty for a month. These include European kandyk, various varieties snowdrops, blueberries. A little later, doubtful Jeffersonia, liverwort and oak anemone (anemone) hatch.

Primroses actively reproduce by self-sowing, therefore, during the flowering period, new foci should be identified and their distribution in the summer cottage should be controlled.

At the end of spring, ruby ​​corollas of the common lumbago and tiny flowers of soldanella appear. Against the background of low shrubs, uvularia looks great, similar to a bell with yellow buds and silvery foliage. The yellow carpet also creates spring celandine, blooming in small rounded bushes. It is usually alternated with a fern. A bright composition can be made up of saxifrage, hybrid primroses and phlox, creating a dense flower cover.

To create a spectacular flower garden, a round-leaved saxifrage is suitable - a bushy plant with small white flowers and bright green decorative foliage

The summer period is marked by the flowering of martagon (curly lily). At the initial planting, it does not differ in luxurious buds, but in subsequent years it will look more and more beautiful. Among the lilies there are varieties that reach one and a half meters in height - this factor must be taken into account during planting. Areas under low-lying tree crowns are not suitable. The company of lilies can be made up of a dotted bell and a corydalis sinuous, which also chose the warmest summer period for flowering.

The first colds do not like perennial shade-loving flowers, so only a few of them open their buds at the beginning of autumn. An example of late flowering is palm-shaped kirengeshoma with large decorative leaves and bell flowers.

Three flower garden ideas for a shady garden

With the help of plants different heights and coloring can compose original compositions. Of course, they will not be as bright and lush as, for example, rose bushes, but still they are able to charm with their modest charm and delicate shades.

Option # 1 - a combined flower bed of 11 plants

This is an example of a non-standard sample composition. For planting, plants are taken, different in height and color scheme, and planted in a flower bed with dimensions of 2 m x 3 m. The flower bed takes its final form only after 2-3 years, when the plants reach full development and gain maximum color.

1. Oak anemone. 2. Astrantia. 3. Lily of the valley. 4. Corydalis. 5. Dicentra. 6. Foxglove. 7. Geranium versicolor. 8. Geranium is magnificent. 9. Liverwort. 10. Hosta. 11. Shield

Plants are planted depending on their size: higher flowers in the background, border and integumentary flowers in the near

Plants bloom at different times, one after another, as a result, the flower bed looks presentable throughout holiday season. Suppose the flowering time of anemones and corydalis is the end of April, lily of the valley - the beginning of May - June, astrantia - July and August. Many varieties of geranium actively bloom buds throughout the summer.

A special role belongs to such plants as the shield. They decorate the flower bed not with flowers, but with leaf plates. The decorative foliage of the hosta has a bluish tint and a unique “waffle” texture, while the feathery leaves of the shield tree have a scaly texture.

Option # 2 - perennials with bulbous

Well-known varieties of bulbs - daffodils, tulips, hyacinths - can be used as bright accent in natural areas shade-loving flowers for the garden. They will decorate the site at a stage when perennials have not yet bloomed. So that the faded bulbs do not spoil the picture in the future, they must be carefully dug up, and planted again in the fall for wintering. Another option is also possible: hazel grouses, tulips, daffodils, crocuses perfectly tolerate winter without a transplant, and the next year they delight with even more violent flowering.

Along with perennials, tulips get along well in gardens, copses and parks, despite the minimum of sunlight and planting density.

Together with tulips, blue forget-me-nots look great. With the help of several varieties of tulips and forget-me-nots, you can create a multi-tiered composition; against the background of decorative shade-loving perennial flowers, they will look most impressive. Do not forget about marigolds: they perfectly tolerate shade and have a protective phytoncidal aura, which is also useful for tulips. and a sports lawn, but the presence of fescue in the mixture will come in handy. There are numerous varieties of fescue, therefore, for each region, its own, most suitable species are recommended.

For example, hard red fescue tolerates a lack of sunlight, but does not like even short droughts, so it should be planted only if there is frequent watering. In addition, it is prone to fungal diseases and restores the root system for a long time if damaged. Long-leaved fescue, on the other hand, tolerates droughts easily and is not afraid of diseases, so it is good for sowing in hard-to-reach places requiring minimal maintenance.

Red fescue is ideal for creating a lawn base in shady areas: it is unpretentious, grows quickly and can replace other types of lawn grasses

Creating flower arrangements for a shady garden is a real art that requires knowledge and patience, but the result exceeds all expectations: blooming garden, and in the farthest corners there are amazing flower beds.

Today on sale you can find a variety of flowers for a shady garden, but there are several of the most famous species, distinguished by their "good health" and beautiful appearance.

  • Hostas are considered to be the most popular plant. First of all, they are distinguished by development in low light, as well as flowering until mid-autumn. It is thanks to them that your garden will remain bright right up to frost. These shade-loving perennial flowers for the garden will be able to please you for more than one year, the main thing is to follow the conditions for care.
  • Ferns, which do well without sunlight, are also ideal. Their rich variety attracts, so you will not have problems with the selection of fern in shape, growth, shade of leaves and other parameters.
  • Perfectly fit into the overall composition of the garden and European spruce - unpretentious, able to survive in wetlands, these plants will be a real gift for your garden. With their help, you can create both hedges and a variety of green sculptures, but they also look interesting in single plantings.
  • It is impossible to lose sight of such a plant as astilbe. Bright, blooming almost all summer and autumn, unpretentious - it is these features of astilba that make it so beloved among gardeners.
  • Another wonderful plant species is bergenia, which also tolerates shade well. Like many other ground covers, it is unpretentious in care, grows rapidly, and due to interesting shade of its flowers can give your garden extra originality.

Less well-known shade-tolerant flowers for the garden are perennial and annual: mallow, fragrant tobacco, begonia, petunia, forget-me-not, lilies of the valley, daffodils, fuchsia, periwinkle.

A flower bed in the shade - how to solve this problem?

Important not only selection of flowers and plants, but also the very design of a flower bed or flower garden in a dark place. For beginner gardeners, this sometimes becomes a real problem. But if you know the rules and tricks that experienced professionals use in their work, you will not have problems with organizing a flower bed.

So, if you decide to plant flowers in the shade and trees, it is best to choose primroses, hyacinths or other primroses. They bloom before the leaves appear on the shrubs. This will allow you to become the owner of a beautifully blooming flower bed from the very beginning of spring until the onset of cold weather. When the flower garden is close to the fence, it is best to plant wild grapes, ivy or others. This is what will allow you to create an incredible beauty hedge. The main thing is to water the flower bed abundantly at first.

Shade-tolerant perennial flowers for the garden - planting and care

Almost all shade-loving flowers for the garden breed vegetatively, and therefore they are planted in the form of bulbs or tubers to a depth of 15 cm in the ground. When it comes to cuttings, it should be remembered that they should be planted so that the buds are located just below ground level. The most important thing is to respect the landing dates. The best time for shade-loving species is late summer or early autumn. It should also be remembered that one of the most important conditions growing such flowers and plants - abundant watering, especially in early spring.

Pleases and their resistance to pests and diseases. So, most of the fungi that develop in wet weather in the summer bypass them without causing harm. If your site has several shaded places, do not be upset. Approaching this matter with intelligence and care, you can create magnificent flower beds and flower beds in the garden, even more beautiful than those that are in the sun.

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