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Green lawn - for the entire country season. Learning to effectively water the lawn. How to avoid mistakes when watering the lawn in the morning or in the evening

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Then (better on the same day) Pour the land where the lowland, drink the seeds (the remaining kilogram can be useful to you!) In the lowland and where they are properly, plucked the earth from above and roll. Thus, we are undercut the lawn. The next day, adopt the lawn with a full mineral fertilizer of Kemira (better Finnish production) at the rate of 1.5 kg per 1 weaving, then inspirate a layer of 1-1.5 cm with a mixture of 50% peat + 50% of sand and roll. Grass seedsThe consumption of seeds during landing should be approximately 35 g / m 2. For more uniform seeding, the seeder is used, which can be used to enter fertilizer into the soil. The size of the sowing holes is determined by the variety of seeds. The seeder during operation should move so that the crossing of old and new seed bands to avoid voids between them.

Pouring in the evening, soft sprinkle, so that the seeds are not washed away, it is abundantly, so that the moisture penetrates into the ground to a depth of 10 cm, but do not allow the formation of pomp and long water stagnation. In dry hot weather, hopes for rain can turn into the death of seeds, if you leave sowing without watering for several days. The seeds at the same time will swell and sculpt, and then dried, not having time to germinate.

Second class - garden-park lawns.

Aligned, purified from weeds, the site must be slightly tumped. It is necessary that it is necessary to sprout to the roots of the lawn to absorb moisture and nutrients from the soil.

If the ground, watering and climatic conditions will not arrange a plant, it will not grow up on your lawn, no matter how you wanted it.

At the same time, the external signs of plants that are part of the lawn mixture should be obtained in such a way as to obtain a fairly homogeneous, even and beautiful coating. Here it is necessary to take into account the growth rate, and the width of the leaves, and the height of the plants, and the color of foliage. In addition, of course, all selected plants must correspond to the soil-climatic cultivation zone.

But to plant the lawn in front of the house is not enough, it is necessary to know not only how to grow the lawn correctly, but also how to care for him.

Flower arrangements will help to give the lawn, which look much more interesting under a slight inclination. In addition, during the rains and watering the water will flow naturally, without lingering and not swinging the root system of grass.

Greetings you, dear friends!

My expression "lawn will dry up" should be understood so from above it ventured, and inside the ground is wet. The first haircut in the spring is very important, after the lawn, it is necessary to put the lawn! , I must learn what kind of soil in the part of the garden, where we will arrange the lawn. This will determine what and how quantity to make it to make the lawn grow well. And only then you should choose seeds.

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Shoots appear on July 7-21 after sowing depending on weather conditions. On average, for germination of seeds, it is necessary for 2 weeks. They must be decorative, long-term, shadowless, resistant to mechanical damage, as well as under certain conditions and drought-resistant. In this case, the herbs need to be chosen with durable turny and various types of bunnies. Dispel seeds on the surface of the site. This can be done manually or using a mechanical seeder. With manual crop, it is important to try evenly distribute seeds. Seed consumption should not be less than specified on the package. Otherwise, it will have to wait a long grass for a long time.

Now many firms offer to choose any seeds: under different names and with different compositions. There are sets of seeds, where field flowers, small or large ones with green grass on the lawn will grow. Lawns with such grass do not need a haircut, their whole beauty in meadow greenery and constant flowering of herbs.


Popular lawn herbs, which are part of most herbal mixes: Mattik meadow, wildflower thin (selection), various oatmeal (sheep, red, reed), Pasture rags. They are resistant to adverse climatic conditions, including having a high winter hardiness; well resist diseases and pests; undemanding, but at the same time they grow rapidly and develop well.

You need to feed the lawn twice a year: in spring and autumn. Synthetic, and organic fertilizers are required here. Also, in no case is it not recommended to mix these types of fertilizer.

How to grow a beautiful lawn? Definitely, any of them will be beautiful, but to all other coverage should still meet your requirements. Will the lawn be performed a purely decorative function or you plan to use it as a place to relax.

We choose and prepare the area for the growing lawn

In our retail, the lawn has to pick up its personal presence, carefully reading the composition of the grass on the package, as under the guise of "Gnome" or "Park", each manufacturer facilitates its own composition of the seed. A more accurate coincidence with the name of lawns and quality, offer English and Dutch agrarians, whose packages can be purchased in hypermarkets and garden centers. About

The whole season is a lawn

It would be nice to acquire any thorough book on this account - for example, "all about the lawn" Dr. Hessayon, it will come in handy in the future.

At the same time, together with seeds in the soil, fertilizers must be made. They should have in their composition nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. To sowing seeds was uniform, it is recommended to sow half the seed along, and the other half is across the lawn.

We choose the type of lawn

In the middle of the twentieth century there was a revolution in the science of lawns: special varieties of herbs were derived, highly efficient pesticides were created to combat pests and pathogens of disease, they began to use complex mineral fertilizers for lawn hormones, the main processes were mechanized when caring for herbs.

Third Class - Meadow Lawns

Sowing lawn.

Design drainage

The most common lawn grass in Russia is a creeping pool. This is a grass with long shoots to a half-meter, which are stealing on the ground. The plant will quickly grow up with timely watering, and is restored when playing on the lawn, which makes her beloved grass for children's playgrounds. For the rapid creation of lawn, rooted shoots are used, which in two months will create a carpet from the greenery, where you can play with children. Sun shoots of this lawn grass in spring at a distance of 10 cm apart. The lawn needs frequent watering.

Actually, sowing includes several consecutive operations.

How to grow a lawn without weeds? If the grass will cover the plot with a dense layer, then weeds simply do not break. You can also use herbicides:

  1. If the main purpose of the clearing is beauty, then a great selection of a partare lawn. This type of coating is characterized by a homogeneous surface of herbal carpet, low grass and uniform color around the perimeter of the square. For children's games, the parter lawn is not intended and requires the perfect surface alignment.
  2. How to plant lawn
  3. Following
  4. Before you buy seeds, find out when they are grown (on the package there must be a stamp with the date). For sowing it is necessary to buy 6 kg of seeds for a weaving: 5 kg for sowing and 1 kg for repairing lawn for the next year. Between the time of growing seeds and their sowing should be no more than two years! Do not open the package from curiosity to sowing, because The germination of seeds depends on the humidity, and it, in turn, from the tightness of the packaging.

Sowing seeds how to do it right

  • At the end of the work on a lawn device, seeds and fertilizers, it is necessary to neatly close in the soil. With lightly soil to improve the contact of the seeds and the earth, it is easy to rot. In the perfect version, the seeds should be deepened in the ground for a distance of about 2 mm.
  • To content
  • . They are created by improving the existing grass, superficially processing the turf and the sublipping appropriate grassmes.
  • After sowing it is necessary to make the ground with seeds. You can do it with a rink. Also for this purpose you can use the usual board and own weight.

There are other lawn herbs.

Technology landing lawn

Used in front of the spring germination of the lawn (once a year);

It will be speech today.

. I especially want to stay on two plants - clover and daisy. Clover and garden-park lawn are incompatible things. To arrange a cheerful flask from the pink clover on the playground and the garden lawn in front of the house you will not succeed, because Clover "dust" and will soon appear as an uninterested guest in your home. If a joyful white-pink daisy appeared on the lawn - urgently bother to the shovel and dig it with the root, otherwise this "joy" will quickly go throughout the lawn. I do not like all sorts of herbicides and do not apply them.


The soil of lawn requires constant watering, especially for the emergence of the first germs. Watering is produced every day about 10 minutes. So that it is uniform, use special nozzles. Since planting seeds until the first germination appears from one to three weeks. Typically, high-quality seeds germinate more than a long time.

In the first year, do not let the lawn with a large load, try to walk on it as less as possible. Try to protect it and from domestic animals, first of all from dogs.

Lawns were known for more than 3 thousand years ago. The first mention of the herbanity we find in the Bible - both in the old and in the New Testament. In Persia, the so-called carpets made of herbs were created in the gardens before the new era. A hundreds of years before the new era in the Chinese Imperial Park, one of the first lawns was created.

Lawn care rules

The last stage of landing is a rich watering. Before shooting herbs, the site must be watering as the land drying.

For the first two years, a thorough care is needed for a meadow meadow meadow, then he himself begins to actively grow up, crowding out weeds.

It is easy, but requires accuracy and accuracy. First prepare aid aid. You will need two boards, or wide (hunting) skis - so you will avoid traces on the ground. To achieve a uniform distribution of seeds, if possible, use a special seeder. It still takes a manual roller, which seeds are pressed into the soil, and facilities for watering.

  • Applied when weeds have already sprouted (suitable for getting rid of dandelion, star, raying, oatmeal and mint).
  • If we talk about how to grow a lawn, which would serve for many years, then without the structure of the drainage system can not do.

Lawn landing requires preliminary preparation consisting of several works. First of all, they prepare the site under North in advance - it is necessary to do it since autumn. The designated land plot should be switched, without breaking the breasts and leave for wintering so that the soil was more crumbly and saturated with moisture (see the article "Autumn soil repack"). If there was no possibility to prepare the soil in advance, then after the rescue it is necessary to wait a few days to soil donkey, helping him to reach the desired consistency daily irrigation.


We leveled, the soil prepared, now it must be sealed - or the reverse side of the robber (if a plot is small), or a rink weighing 100 kg. Further water and leave for 3-4 weeks. All this time, periodically watering the earth, correct irregularities (in the pits we will have a mixture of earth with sand), the fields appearing weeds and select the landing time of the lawn.

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Haircut of lawn

  • To content
  • Plant the lawn parts or sectors is not worth it. After the pest of the seed, the shake of the sectors is formed, which will not be overgrown for a very long time. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare and plant all the platform immediately.
  • Mattik meadow - a capricious grass, requiring careful care for the lawn in the first two years: we need a weeding of weeds and watering. But then she herself begins to actively grow up and crowd out all the weeds. Prefers light sandes and loose loams. It is best to sow this grass in August to the prepared lawn, carefully purified from the roots.

To determine the consumption of seeds, a number of conditions should be taken into account. First, this is the season: with autumn seed landing take half the smallest than with a spring. This allows you to achieve the formation of larger and strong plants, better prepared for winter cold. Secondly, approximately sheltered seeds will need in the future for subsection; This reserve you need to take care immediately. The seeds of herbs will retain the germination for a long time, and to get a really beautiful lawn, you will need more than one year. Sowing standards, therefore, can differ significantly: from 25 to 50 g of seeds per square meter of the Square of the Future Lawn.

To mow grass needs as often as possible and only well-sharpened blades. Frequent haircut make the grass is more thick, which will not allow weeds to grow.

After the site is selected, you need to do drainage. This stage is especially important if the site is located lowered with high humidity. Of course, the drainage pillow is not a mandatory component, but it will not be superfluous.


The second phase of preparation is the breaking of the ground layer with simultaneous supply, calculated for the next 3 years of lawn life. The platform is plowed to a depth of no more than 40 cm and fertilize the loose ground with a vegetable compost mixed with azophosqua or super phosphate with a shared layer of 15 cm. Composite composition makes from long-decompanying organic matter, mixing animal waste with straw, branches, bark, wood chip and newsprints . SubordinateThe day for the landing should be madless, without rain, and the earth is wet inside, and at the top of the edged, so as not to stick to the legs and the rice. The best plot under the lawn is to prepare from autumn, but sow spring. Later, on August 20-25, the lawn is undesirable, since the grass grows 3-4 times slower. Chose landing day by

When sow lawn

The whole period of growing grass over the lawn carefully cares - watered, miserably, fertilize.

Not only supports its appearance, but is an excellent means of fighting weeds. Most of them do not tolerate haircuts, and through two or three such procedures you say goodbye to them forever. Skinking also helps plants to close on the surface of the soil, forming additional shoots, create a dense turne, raging the rhizomes.

First of all, carefully removes garbage from the site (stones, bricks, plates, boards and sinters, foil, plastic bottles, packages, film). In no case do not break the garbage into the ground. By this you will create unfavorable conditions for the growth and development of herbs. Plants in places of such burls will lag behind the growth, poorly overwhelming, root.

What to sow

As the practice of the rambling of seeds and land shows, as described above, it gives not good results. Since part of the seed manage to eat birds, and the part simply does not boil. To avoid this to sprinkle the seeds of the earth. Meadow is a grass, having rude leaves and a short stem. It does not cherry very well, forms greens. With 100% use of this grass, the lawn is obtained with properly. Loves rich loams. Before boarding, you can additionally add mineral fertilizers with a high content of nitrogen. You will need to one hundred and a half kilograms of fertilizer. It is also well prepared to prepare peat or humus for use as a mulching material; The amount is determined with such a calculation so that the area of \u200b\u200bthe lawn was covered with a layer of mulch about 0.5 cm thick.

How briefly need a lawn? It will depend on the type of grass, which is planted by the glade. The main rule is cut off at no more than 1/3 of the total height. If the grass has grown, it is necessary to scroll and bring it to the desired level in two or three receptions. Never mow a wet lawn.

The drainage structure looks like this:

The next stage is the leveling of the plot of robbles, the removal of weeds, garbage and stones. With poor performance of these works, the care of the lawn will be difficult, the likely occurrence of "gallis" and visible height differences in the height of the green mass.

How to sow lawn

Must be carried out systematically due to the rapid consumption of the root system of herbs. From spring and in the first half of the summer - 1 time in 2-3 weeks of Kemira Finnish production. From the second half of the summer, twice feed the hackless phosphorus-potash fertilizer. Last subcortex 10-15 August Cemira. You can feed only when the earth is wet! Lunar calendarSo, after the lawn rose, she needs care. It consists in watering, haircut and fertilizer. If you follow the rules for the care of a lawn, it will be great and becomes a business card of the owner of the country site.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that every mowing is a big stress for plants. They are easier to recover if no more than 1/3 of the stem is cut off at a time, no matter how much height is.

The soil for the lawn should be sufficiently moisture, so that the plants do not have lack of moisture. At the same time, water should not accumulate on it, as this leads to the fallout of plants.

Proven method of planting, giving excellent results, but more time-consuming as follows:

Oatman Red forms a dense derm only for the second year, but does not require watering, perfectly tolerate drought, shading. Loves fertile light soils.

If you are sowing manually, divide the seeds into two equal parts and sow two receptions in two mutually perpendicular directions. A little bit of seitte grass around the edge of the site and along the path. Seeds should be pre-mixed with sand or soil; One part of the seeds take 1 - 3 parts of the sand.

After the mowing, there is no need to remove the cutting grass. These particles are easily absorbed by the soil, which will only go to the lawn.

From the purified platform, the top layer of soil is removed to a depth of 40 ... 45 cm.

After completing the preparation, you can begin to sow a lawn. The lawn is chosen in accordance with the weather conditions of their region, as well as the appointment of the future lawn - for games, rest, lawn, simple carpet for greenery, flower meadow or English manner.


Watering First, after each haircut, secondly, as it should, depending on the weather. You must remember that the earth must be wet, so that the roots do not swam.

First condition: Preparatory work

Gardener. What does this day have to have? Seeds, seeder, rakes, buckets, rink, Loutrasil, brackets, shovels, wheelbarrow, sifted land. Think in advance, in which direction you will sow. How to mix the seeds in the bag and do it periodically, pour into the seeder (the seeder must be adjusted in advance) and sit down the width of a little more than the width of the rink. On a small area, the lawn can be sowed by hand "Motion of the Sewer". Slightly pour this strip of the prepared ground with a layer of approximately 1.5-1 cm and roll the rink. Approximately the meter of the lawn along the tracks and the scene must be in 2 times ground: these places, firstly, most of all are pulled out, and in winter it is dropped here. Close the sown plot with Loutrasil and pinch it with a length of 15-20 cm. Loutrasil overlap the flashes and fix with studs after 1-1.5 m. Less frequently - the wind will raise the shelter. What is it necessary for? Firstly, the birds do not sparce the seeds, secondly, so that heavy rains do not knock them out and did not blur them (after all, it is very important that they are evenly distributed over the surface!), Thirdly, that pets could not harm the future lawn. . After everyone was closed, paint with water through the sprayers. It is impossible to water the lawn with chlorinated water!

The first rule is to prepare the site. Applying the correct fertilizers and reinproving the area to the appropriate depth - approximately 20 cm, the soil fertility can be achieved.

The first mowing is usually carried out in the period when the soil and herbs dry and the last will reach a height of 10 cm. For the first time, the most tips of the grass are cut off, no more than 1 cm. The knives of the lawn mower must be sharp. During subsequent haircuts, knives gradually lowered even lower and lower.


After the land on the site is prepared to remove approximately 1 cm of soil and pour it into a plot, where the grass is not being sisted.

The second condition: watering, in which your lawn will be thick and beautiful

Pasture rags - temporary lawn for one year. This is a moisture-loving plant that freezes during cold winters. Requires shelter for the winter. Does not tolerate even spring frosts. Open it after the threat of frosts has passed. The best soil for its landing is well-drained loam. The plant quickly boils and after two weeks completely covers the lawn with young shoots. Requires regular feeding with complex fertilizers and watering. For the second year we needed crossing herbs. Seed consumption - 14-15 g per 1 square. m.

Weather for planting need to choose a windless. After distributing the seeds along the surface of the soil, they are shallowly close with the help of robbery, and then evenly roll the entire territory of the rink, increasing the area of \u200b\u200bcontact with the ground from the earth. This procedure allows for 2 to 4 days to speed up the emergence of shoots and stimulates the growth of herbs.

Third condition: Earth without weeds

The main error is too frequent watering. It becomes the cause of too active grass growth, as the root system remains almost at the surface of the soil. That is why artificially created cleans rarely, but always abundantly.

The bottom of the broken brick layer is laid out, rubble or gravel.

1 year.

Fourth Condition: Landing high-quality and properly selected seeds for the terrain

We water the lawn depending on the weather and from the soil: if there is a heat, then every day; If sandy soil is 2 times a day. It is necessary to water either up to 10 am, or after 18 hours, it is better not to water better - more harm than good. The soil must be wet to a depth of 8-10 cm, and watering must necessarily be uniform. (Put the jar where watering is - it should be 10 cm of water).

The birthplace of lawns is traditionally considered to be England. But there is a completely different climate. Therefore, it is best to apply domestic seeds of different varieties. It must be done in order for them as if improved each other. If one grade falls out of herbage, then the other will get strength. The most common mixtures are meadow and red oatmeal, pasture rags, ordinary and meadow and others. Applying the various ratios in the mixtures, can be obtained by lawns of various species. For example, a sports lawn is distinguished by sustainable qualities for pulling, the parade has a beautiful emerald thick grass.

The density of grass, its resistance to pulling is largely dependent on the root system of plants. The more often we put the lawn and go to it more, the worse the herbs are rooted, the mass of the roots decreases. To save and restore the root system, let the grass of rest periods. This is possible if the ground part grows to a height of 12-15 cm.

Mandatory in those areas where water is stared after the melting of snow, rain, watering. It is suitable as follows.

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After that, the plot is mounted with a humor or peat, protecting against the rapid evaporation of moisture and the effects of ultraviolet rays for shoots. If the soil on the plot is heavy, sand is added to the mulching mixture. It is important that the material used for mulching does not contain weed seeds.

It is possible to determine that the lawn needs irrigation, on the following features:

The next layer is sand (at least 10 cm). It must be carefully tumped.

To put the lawn correctly, you need to know what weight of the seed should be taken to a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe plot. To calculate the mass of seeds sufficient to sowing the flat territory, are guided by the following data: per square. The meter is used 25 gr. seed material. To sow the slopes to use more dense sowing.

We have already told about the first and second haircuts earlier. The third and subsequent haircuts are 1/3 of the height of the lawn. It should grow no higher than 9-10 cm, i.e. After the haircut, the height of the lawn should be 6 cm.

Five Condition: Compliance with Sowing Technology

The most dangerous time for the lawn is the fifth-seventh day after sowing: the seeds were dry, they were poured - they absorbed moisture, Nobuchly, and if at this time there is no watering, they dried.

All season behind the lawn you need to carefully care for: rinse, water and fertilize.

Next time we will tell how to protect the lawn at the cottage from diseases.

Sixth Condition: Timely feeding

Remove the fertile layer. A layer of gravel (10-15 cm) is placed on a non-fermentation subsoil and tamper it. Then pour the sand layer (10 cm) and also seal. From above, fertile land (10-15 cm) are plugged, rolling with a roller with a mass of at least 100 kg. The rink can be replaced with a barrel, the bay of water into it.

On top of the seed seeds should be pouring a previously remote land. After which it is thoroughly tumped.


Lawn in the country with your own hands: soil preparation, landing, care, practical advice

The lawn should be covered in the spring when positive daily temperatures occur.

Soil preparation for lawn landing

One of the most important and responsible stages - watering. Perform by watering with mild spruce, seeking a uniform distribution of moisture in the soil to a depth of at least 10 centimeters. Watch that the water is not stood on the surface of the site.

If you stick a screwdriver in the ground, it will come in with a little resistance;

  • Next, the layer of fertile soil is stacked on the sand layer. The minimum thickness is 15 cm. If you plan to break the parter lawn, then the layer of the Earth should reach 30 cm.
  • It is necessary to sow manually, trying to scatter the seeds evenly throughout the plot.
2 year.

Shoots can appear on the fifth - seventh day. When you see friendly shoots, Loutrasil can be accurately removed. Before the first

This is the golden rule of lawn care. The feeder is best to lead liquid fertilizers, for example, a cow. Lawn needs not only to feed, but also to ensure his breathing, that is, "combing" the old grass with robbles and produce aeration of the soil, piercing it with a fork. These two operations are combined in a lawn mower equipped with a punch aerator.

Modern landscape design is impossible without a beautiful lawn in the form of an excellent emerald carpet. It serves as a magnificent background for flower beds and shrubs, harmoniously combining the area of \u200b\u200bthe area in a single whole.

On severe clay soils, 14 to 15 kg / m2 of sand are made from 10 to 15 kg / m2 of sand and, swinging, stirred with soil. On light sandy soils add 4-5 kg \u200b\u200b/ m2 peat.

Landing a lawn

Such an approach will save the seeds from the feathery and will give them all the good to climb.

Order landing lawn

Before planting, the seeds are soaked for a day in warm water, adding potassium permanganate and means for stimulating seed growth. After a day, the seeds are recking into the gauze, the water is fixed to the state of the flow of seeds, and as soon as they begin to pour, begin to land. Touch the lawn in the spring, when positive daytime temperatures occur, from about 10 to 15 April. During the sowing, they check the ground to the humidity, squeezing in the hand of a lump of the earth. If the soil sticks out, then the earth is sufficiently moistened and the seeds abandoned to the ground are not dried. Squeeze the grass with squares, m per m, while making marking by pegs. Seeds are sown arbitrarily, first spending arm along the garden, after - across. Seeds can be sprinkled with sand, chernozem, but you can leave and so, you just need to pat on the Sovic shovel and press them into the ground. You can take advantage of a special roller, but if it is not, then the whipping of the shovel is also quite tightly pressed the grass seeds to the soil.

Floating lawn in the evening; Before the appearance of shoots, this procedure must be performed daily. If you sew the lawn in the summer, in dry and hot weather, it will have to water twice a day. Autumn sowing can save you from these hassle: frequent rains will provide a sufficient level of soil moisture. On average, the seeds of lawn herbs ride over two weeks, but this period can both shrink and increase, depending on the selected grade of herbs, temperature conditions and humidity.

Grass begins to acquire a bluish tint;

Prepare, a couple of wide boards, for which you will walk on the site so as not to leave traces;

A snowy lawn is treated with rakes, leveling the entire landing, then perform the dump of the soil with a special roller. If there is no such tool - you can use conventional sweaty wide boards, which alternately fill on the surface of the site, confrontation of their legs.

Observe the same rules.


Well maintained lawn decorates any country area.

  • Lawn on the plot is beautiful and modern. Lawn looks great between flower beds and other plantations, harmoniously zoning the space of the site.
  • Pumping soil
  • About two weeks after the landing, the first shoots will be, and in a month there will be a young lawn.

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What to do after shooting herbs?

© 2011, Sale garden. All rights reserved.

If you go on the lawn, the grass is no longer rising back.

Seeder if it is available;

It is important in the initial growing lawn of lawn is its artificial watering: it is unacceptable deep breathing and on the contrary - the formation of puddle. The appropriate means of ensuring the moisture will be the sprayer with fine water scattering, if you use larger nozzles, it will leash the seed material. Ne.

How often to water the lawn?

The height of germs should not be higher than 10 cm. If weeds appeared, then they must be loose before the haircuts. We still need to stand on the plywood and very careful not to damage the young gentle searches. At the first haircut, we cut only 1.5-2 cm of the height of germs, i.e. Sut up the tops to suspend growth.

Consider in detail how to plant himself, grow and then carefully care for the lawn on your summer cottage. The article is deleted about the types of lawns as well as planting and year-round lawn care. All existing types of lawns are based on their two groups: sown or natural.

Landing a gas-insulated stage in the device interior of a country site.

- One of the most necessary and hard events in preparing for sowing. Time for Pumping Plot Dictates Weather: Soil must be a little wet, not dry. During the rescue, it is necessary to carefully choose and remove from the stones, the roots of trees and shrubs, perennial weeds, break wagons.


Lawn do it yourself: what lawn grass to buy, how and when to sow. In beds

Shoots of lawn grass.

Behind the lawn must follow. Before the emergence of the first germs, the soil is not allowed. When the lump of land from the lawn is crumbling and is not formed in a lump, the lawn should organize abundant irrigation. The first feeding of herbs is carried out after the first haircut of the lawn. With an excess of fertilizer, the grass can burn. A good fertilized grass has a dark green color. With a lack of nutrients, the grass will be salad.

A mixture of earth from peat, sand and turf; any complex fertilizer; Seeds of lawn grass at the rate of 12 g per 1 square. m.

For watering, you can use the usual sprinkler.Manual roller to press the seeds into the soil;

It is recommended to water the lawn during the day, as the moisture is long not delayed in the soil. The optimal time of watering is up to 10 hours and evening. In the first half of the summer, it is having a height of 5 cm, and in the second - on a height of 4 cm. Released on the original height ...

The lawn mower must be sharp!Decorative sown lawn

Typically, a square or rectangular lawn, but it can be round or any irregular shape.

The Earth is compacted when she will dwell and get dry after the rescue. With the help of a long (2-3 m) of a flat board, tied at the edges of its rope and dragged on the site, check whether its surface is sufficiently aligned. Stop sleeping on the site, go through small margins. Whistling, do not release a rake from hand: jump up the ground, collect stones, roots, garbage. In addition, it is advisable to walk on the ground roller.

Lawn do-it-yourself: Preparation of the site

However, weeds will come together with lawn grass. Weeds need to be deleted. One month after landing, the earth is still soft and loose, so weeds are well removed along with the root.

Be sure to join the lawn, not allowing the opportunity to ripe the seeds of weeds. For example, the winch saves his germination for a long time. It will take a long time on the lawn, if it is allowed to save it to fall asleep. The main thing when creating a lawn is the correct ratio of soil.Never water the lawn at night. The grass should never go to the night wet. Before turning on watering, make sure the grass will have time to dry until the evening. Excessive moisture contributes to the development of various diseases.

Hose and special splashing nozzle for watering.

To achieve a uniform carpet of lawn, it must be drawn in a timely manner. If the disk is performed for the first time, it is better to use a braid, it minimizes the bursting of green vegetable mass with roots.

And now - a few words about natural (it is also called "wild") lawn. This is the lawn, which grows in the Garden "By itself", it cuts out every week from year to year, it is good. And if you also care for, you will get a green trouble-free carpet. On my site it is such a lawn. Do not forget that it is impossible to mow on damp land (more plants are pulling out)!

- Beautiful, emerald green, thick, but labor-intensive performed and worse winter. The main types of decorative lawns are partner, garden and park and meadow.

Before planting the lawn, you need to determine its purpose and configuration. This is affected by routes by which people will allegedly move around the garden. Usually the shape of the lawn is rectangular or square. But its correct form can sometimes look somewhat boring, so the lawn will look very original. We should not forget that too complex shape of lawn with acute angles and all sorts of bends requires more thorough, sometimes very difficult care.

Recommended after steps, seals and alignment to withstand the area under the ferry and for several (4-6 or more) weeks to destroy weeds, sleeping seeds or pieces of rhizomes that will gradually germinate. To stimulate the germination of weeds, the plot immediately after alignment is watered. These procedures occupy a lot of time, but very effectively purify the site from weeds.

After some time, lawn grass will grow and try to give seeds. In the first year of the growth of lawn, the insemination is not desired. It is important that the grass is well rooted, so it follows it.

Lawn Herbs, Landing Lawn Hipoliv

Green thick lawn will be decorated with your cottage. The cottage plant, planted with lawn grass, can be a place to rest for the whole family. In addition, the lawn will protect the Earth and keep moisture in it. To put and care for the lawn in the country is not at all difficult. If you follow the rules of landing, then in a month there will be a result.

To create a green lawn in the country, it is necessary to determine the place. Before starting land in the country, you need to make a border of stone, brick or concrete with your own hands. It will give the opportunity to save the soil of the lawn from the flush during the flood and storm rains. It is also necessary to take care of drainage by making a small tilt to remove excess water from the lawn.

We need to water the lawn either early in the morning or at the beginning of the evening. Humidated watering will not bring any benefit, since the water will evaporate very quickly and the root system will not have time to walk. The consumption of seeds is determined by a number of conditions:

I will be glad if the articleSoil plants

Herb never leave!


It must be remembered about the illumination of the lawn. After all, every plot, in accordance with the rules of planting lawn grass, at least for some time should be in the sun.

In Europe, lawns appeared after the crusades. Since the XVI century began to arrange lawns for different games. First in the Netherlands - for golf. Then this game (and for her and the lawn!) Widely spread in Scotland and England, and later in the United States. At the end of the XIX century, sports lawns appeared in Russia. The first car for mowing the lawns invented Edwin Badding in 1830 in the UK. English landowners can be considered and the pioneers of the lawn laying: it was in the first half of the XIX century that the types of herbs were chosen, giving the best results when sowing.

You can mow the grass with a trimmer or lawn mower. Trimmer is convenient to use for small sites. For large sites, it is better to use a lawn mower. The lawn mower has advantages she has a grass collector (you don't have to collect bevelled grass), unlike the trimmer, the lawn mower cuts exactly.

Soil preparation problems for the lawn are two: alignment of the site and removal of weeds.

Care Zagazon: Haircut

In compliance with the entire planting technology of the lawn and, subject to timely irrigation of the grass, two months after the sowing will please their greens and demand the first haircut. The main thing is that you need a beautiful lawn made with your own hands - this is the right ratio of soil.

When the preparation of the site for the future lawn is completed, the time of sowing occurs. And here it is necessary to find answers to three main questions: when to sow? What to sow? How to sow? In order for the result of painstaking work to create a green lawn, pleased with the eye, it is important not to miss a single essential detail. For autumn, fewer seeds will need than in the spring (about twice). In this case, planted plants have time to form a strong root system and penetrate well.

- Alternative to the lawn.

After a haircut lawn right away!



The manufacture of lawn involves the presence of the soil of the corresponding quality. To do this, first must be cleared the site where the landing of lawn grass will be carried out. In order not to take moisture at the lawn, you need to target the weeds and shoot trees and remove all the garbage.

The main care for the lawn is watering. Lawn grass loves moisture. For watering the lawn use spins. Any type will suit. It is important that the area of \u200b\u200birrigation corresponds to the area of \u200b\u200blawn.

Purpose and form

Align the plot in two ways:

For the seeding of any seeds, a mixture of sand, a delicate earth and peat in equal amounts is suitable. Instead of peat, you can take a black membrane, sheet humus or overwhelmed manure. Surrous land must be sorted out and clean from all sorts of roots. After removing the turf from the site of the Earth's set, relatively clean soil remains. All these components should be mixed and put on a cooked, fenced border with a smooth layer of 15-20 cm. The laid ground must be thoroughly shedding with water.

Lawn landing do it yourself

Be sure to leave the reserve about 0.5 kilograms. This stock will be required later, for additional sublex grass.

It will help you get a beautiful green carpet on the plot. See you!

Preliminary work on arrangement

At first there was a field of dandelions. Began to mow every week, and the composition of the grass began to change - weeds that do not like weekly haircuts, began to disappear, and the cereal herbs grow up. Dandelions did not completely disappear, so the remaining had to dig. Having made the analysis of the soil, conducted lime under the winter.

The second haircut is carried out with the observance of the same rules: the height of the lawn is 10 cm, 1,5-2 cm with a haircut, i.e. We pinch in order for the root system in the first year. Every 2-3 weeks it is recommended to bring mineral fertilizers throughout the growing season. It is advisable to use special fertilizers for lawns.

It is created on the main nodes of the composition, in front of the facade of the building, near fountains, water bodies, monuments. Herbs should be lowered, giving a closed herbs, bright green color. For these purposes, a red-haired oatmeal, an ordinary field, a meadow (100% of only one species). Monogaze in this case is best. If you use the mixture, then you need to trust the firm whose seeds you buy. The mixture itself is undesirable for themselves, since the seeds are selected in many respects, including the painting of grass. You can not walk on the parter lawn.

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How to make land fertile?

For sowing, it is used, as a rule, a mixture of herbs, and not separate species. A mixture of several (3-5) types of grasses is easier to adapt and survives on the site under various weather conditions than the lawn grass of one species.

Watering the lawn should be regularly. It is not permissible to leave the lawn without watering for a long time. In the hot months, it is necessary to water 2-3 times a week. If the weather is cool, then it is just once a week.

Strip the bugs and fall asleep the pits, after which it is to throw the plot. This method is good if you have a free land, or the land of broken from the bugs is enough to swell the holes.

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Requires thorough knowledge and compliance with technology.

Use feeding

Before putting a landing, mineral fertilizers must be added to the soil. Make them to contain a large percentage of nitrogen. Consumption: Overweight - 1.5 kilograms of fertilizers.

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The greatest job was to equalize the surface - where there were small irregularities, fell asleep their ground mixed with sand (see Fig. 3). Where there were big irregularities (see. 4), we cut by Dren with squares, pulled it out, folded into the shadow, leveled the earth and returned to the place. Then they were afraid and how they should have watered.

The last haircut of a young lawn is September 10-15, the old - September 15-20. But if autumn warm weather is worth a long time and the lawn continues to grow, then you can mow and later. In a dry autumn, at least once the lawn must be shed good.


Garden Park Lawn

The soil under the lawn is equal, remove all the pits and bumps.

The mixtures usually include the following types of herbs: oatmeal (red, sheep, cane), wildflower (thin, or conflicting), meadow meadow, Pasture rags. They are unpretentious, possess a slight speed of growth, high winter hardiness and drought resistance, actively oppose the pathogens of diseases, pests and weeds.

We looked at everything you need to know about the lawn, as well as possible ways to land and their features. To plant a lawn in the country with your own hands forces to everyone. However, so that the lawn always pleased the eyes behind it must be regularly careed.

First swing the plot, and then lay down with rakes, thereby aligning the site. This is a rather time-consuming, but a universal way. Strong watering of the lawn compact the soil. Just do not forget before it align the whole area with long teeth with long teeth. This will help with deficiencies of the relief, eliminate all irregularities and, adjusting the thickness of the soil, make a small bias toward the drain of water during watering and storm rains.

Lawn herbs can be sown almost anytime: the spring, and autumn, and summer sowing are practiced; Sometimes the lawn is sown even before the snow removal, right on the ice crust. Therefore, the answer to this question must be found individually; It depends on a variety of factors, among which: climatic conditions; Type of soil on the plot and its condition; Ability to ensure sufficient watering.


The site after landing should be closed. To do this, you can use either peat or humus. The soil must be covered with a layer of about 0.5 cm.

Greetings to you friends on the site Tips for gardeners. Many daches and just owners of private houses are interested in how to grow a lawn with their own hands. It is also necessary to act if you have a return bias (remember, the slope of the lawn should be from home!). After two weeks, the lawn must necessarily bore (and before that it is necessary to water).

Before leaving in the winter (before the last haircut this season) - Read the lawn, ride a turin, spend. Grass must have a beautiful bright color. These must be shadowed perennial herbs, resistant to pulling, with a well-developed root system. For such a lawn, mixtures of herbs are used: matsticks (ordinary and forest), oatmeal (sheep, oriental, wandering), rags (multicolor and annual), Lena (Siberian and comb shadow) are added to the above-mentioned above.Further, the territory of the future lawn needs to be smoothed and remove all the depressions and bumps. In accordance with the rules of landing the lawn, the site for it should not be perfectly even. Landscape design specialists are recommended to perform a small slope to the lawn center in order to provide stock of excess water and prevent its stagnation. To eliminate extra moisture, the rules of the lawn device suggest a device of the drainage system.

What amount of seeds is needed for sowing?However, as for most plants in the country, the basis of care is regular watering. If the country does not live constantly, then it becomes a big problem. You can solve it by making an autonomous irrigation system based on the programmable watering timer.

Preparation of a landing site.Back to the category

Preparatory stage of the creation of lawn

With the autumn crop, it is important that up to the first frosts remained at least one and a half months. Optimal weather conditions - cloudy warm weather, regular moderate precipitation. In the middle lane, this is usually the second half of the summer - the beginning of autumn. For the central part of Russia, the most favorable deadlines are considered to be August 25th. How to grow a good lawn? To do this, you need to properly land. If you have to search the grass with your hands, then the following scheme will suit: divide the entire volume of seeds into two parts and seit in two approaches. Moreover, seeding should be held in 2 mutually perpendicular directions. Each part must be mixed with sand in the ratio of 1: 3.

How to grow a lawn with respect to the haircut must be observed the same rule - compatible only 1/3 of the height. If you have not been able to cut the lawn on time and it is convertible - go as shown in Fig. 5. With regard to watering and feeding such strict rules as for gardening lawn, no: focus on weather conditions, your desire and state of lawn. Aeration


When the lawn device, you need to constantly fight with the occurrence of weeds, which simply "score" decorative grass, and its appearance will look pretty unattractive. To remove weeds, use drugs specifically for this purpose. To date, the best is considered to be Roundap and Regolon. But the landing of lawn grass after applying these drugs should be carried out only after the expiration of 2 weeks.

Sow 40-50 g / m2, or 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bper 1 weaving. When buying seeds, consider that in the spring of next year, for the subsection and repair of lawn, it will be necessary additionally from about 0.5 to 1 kg of seeds per hundred. When stored during the year, the germination of seeds decreases, but slightly (by 1-2%). Mastering a new country area, many plans a lawn device. If the land is a diverse place, some grass grows on it, you can simply start regularly to mow - and the green lawn will appear. But if there was a forest at the site of the site, or the Earth needs Popile for other reasons - you will have to go landing lawn for all the rules. We will tell you how to make a lawn in the country with your own hands, what a lawn grass to buy, how often I need a lawn watering and haircut.

Landing a lawn

Remove weeds from a landing site for planting the most difficult, almost no possible matter. With industrial landing, lawn is applied as follows. Special solution spray the platform so that all weeds died. After that, it is broken by 10 cm of the upper layer of land impregnated by chemistry. Next, the new specially prepared soil is poured, or the rolled lawn is placed. So that there are no weeds, the land is covered with spunbond.Summer sowing is not applicable in hot and arid regions: the straight sun rays are delicious for gentle shoots, and even regular watering often do not save the situation. Here preferred spring landing, and in the case of autumn, a preliminary abundant irrigation is needed, which allows to impregnate the soil moisture to a depth of 50 cm and more.

How to water the lawn

After the seeds are scattered, it is necessary to close them into the soil with a robber. After that, around the area of \u200b\u200bthe entire site you need to walk the rink. It will provide seed more dense contact with the ground, and also accelerates the germination of seeds for 2 ... 4 days.

And so that the quality of the coating does not differ from professional lawns. Nothing is difficult in this, it is simply necessary to strictly implement the recommending recommendations.

Lawn haircut: several important rules

Before the winter it is necessary to cut it, pour and collect all the leaves and rubbish, so that in winter he left clean. In the spring, the lawn must be composed, to feed, to roll, if the earth exhausted heavily, and then ... however, you already know what to do. , Then tube and pour. This includes bean herbs - red, pink, white, lidennet, lucerne yellow, blue, sowing esparcet. Such lawns are cut from 1 time per month to 2 times per season depending on how much the weather is worth it.

  • Back to the category
  • Best time for sowing lawn
  • What is a lawn? This is a specially arranged, lined platform, snowdown by various rock forming or flutter low-growing plants. Lawns can be sports, decorative and special purposes.
  • If we are talking about landing lawn, on the usual dacha, the industrial method of the preparation of the Earth is unlikely possible. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to another method, may not be as effective as an industrial, but accessible to everyone.

If the lawn is created in the native land of the country area, then it is best to prepare the land for a year ahead. When early spring and soil comes, it will be necessary to start to pull the plot so that the roots remain in the sun, and the greens went down. Two or three peops will destroy all the vegetation at the crooked plot, and the irrigation roots will give nutrients to the Earth. To protect the land from sowing seed by weeds, at the end of July it is put on a black film - spunbond. In the fall, the rested plot is covered by spunbond, and in this form it is experiencing winter. Film will protect it from sowing other people's seeds.

Lawn - in winter

The final stage of landing is irrigation. The effect of soft sprinkle is suitable here. It is important that the moisture does not delay in the surface of the soil, and evenly missed the deep layers. Water planted area only in the evenings. Until the first shoots appear, watering is carried out daily. First of all, you need to choose and correctly prepare the platform for the future lawn. It must be released from any vegetation: weeds growing here shrubs and trees.Natural

It is very good to cover the lawn for the winter: point from above with a layer of 1-2 cm with a mixture (peat + sand + garden land) and roll.

Let's stop at the Garden Park Lawn

The soil under the lawn fertreal and fall asleep with grass seeds.

- Spring (May) or the end of summer (the second half of August), when the soil is warm and enough moisture. You can sow throughout the summer, even in the heat of the heat, if we regularly water the plants and protect the crops with underfloor material (Loutrasil, spunbond). Purchase materials will be able to protect the lawn from birds and winds.

Sports lawns create in stadiums, hippodrols and other sports grounds. The special purpose of lawns is necessary at the airfields, sleeps of highways and railways, hydraulic and other structures. Decorative lawns are decorated with gardens, parks, cities boulevards, household and summer cottages. Depending on the location and composition of growing herbs, they are divided into the following classes.

Lawn care during the year

First you need to switch the plot under the lawn. It is advisable if earlier on the site the land did not dig a couple of years. If the land is loose, it is enough to pull the weeds and go to cultivation. With a peroxide, it is important to remove all weeds and root elements. The work is not from the lungs, but gives a good result. If the lawn wants to fall on the same year, you will have to sweat. You need to drag the ground with your own hands with small sections, carefully moved every rome of the earth and choosing the roots. Ready for sowing the Earth must be treated with herbicides (for example, "Roundap" is well suitable for this). In front of the sowing add complex fertilizers, which can also be dissolved in water, watering the Earth before planting. According to the technology of landing laws, seeds are sowing in spring, but there are some types of herbs that can be planted in August. This is a meadow meadow. Lawn landing

If, after planting the lawn, hot and dry weather is saved, then you need to water the plot twice a day. But in the fall, the function of irrigation will be rained. Ideally, the lawn field should have a completely flat surface, but in reality it is impossible to find such a plot. That is why the surface of the platform should be aligned how to do it here. ("Wild") lawn

In the winter, in no case do not raise salt on the tracks! In March, scatter the snowflows on the lawn, which were formed after cleaning the tracks and paving. If Ice Cork was formed somewhere, then scatter, otherwise the lawn there is nothing to breathe.

Lawn haircut diagram by year.

. It is believed that in our climate the optimal ratio of open and closed space as 2: 1 ("open" is considered to be part of the site planted below the eye level), in this open space, of course, the lawn is included. You must estimate what area to take to it, assess the illumination of the place. It is desirable that the lawn be the same type - or solar, or half-blooded. When preparing a plot under the lawn, special attention should be paid to the fertility of the Earth. If the soil is clay and heavy, the rational solution will move it and add a certain amount of sand. To increase fertility, you need to add fertilizers and peat into the soil. Fresh manure to feed the Earth can not be used, as it may contain a large number of weeds or seeds. When planting a lawn, it is recommended to use boards, short, but wide skis or plywood leaf so that there are no footprints from foot on the loose soil . First class (highest) - Parterial lawns. After kopki, it is necessary to treat the plot of a cultivator. The cultivator charges the remains of the roots, which will increase the chances of the destruction of weeds, and burst the soil. Return to the table of contents

Natural (wild) lawn

It is advisable to use herbs mixtures. This makes it possible to provide greater resistance to changes in weather conditions than when cropping the grass of one species. When compiling a mixture take from three to five types of grassy plants having various characteristics and preferences. The average period of seedlings is two weeks. The term can, how to shrink and increase. Everything will depend on the selected grade of grass, air temperature and humidity level. It is not necessary to achieve a completely smooth surface. The main thing is that there were no obvious crystrine and local irregularities. Just perfectly, if in the end, the playground will acquire a small slope.

"This is the one that grows in the garden" By itself ", it must be cut over the first few years every week, then - less often, it is thick, beautiful (but not emerald green!), Easy to care and good.

After the snow, the lawn is well. Then, when the grass snacks, aeration is needed - poking the pods or special slippers to a depth of 10-15 cm.

Before purchasing

The growth of lawn grass depends not only on the soil composition, but also on the quality of seeds used for sowing. When landing lawn, a mixture of several grass varieties is usually used. They have different properties and mutually complement each other. To choose seeds you need to approach with full responsibility. They must correspond to the one where the lawn is located - in the shade or in the sun, and the composition of the soil. Only using high quality seeds, can be achieved by lawn, which will not subsequently require constant haircuts. Landscape design specialists recommend using seeds that are adapted to our climate, that is, domestic breeders.

Before sowing, the seeds are thoroughly mixed, adding sand or dry ground (1: 1). The mixture is divided into two (or more) equal parts and one part is distributed over the surface of the soil, passing along the site, another - across. Places along the tracks and on the edge of the lawn are somewhat thicker. Seed seeds close to the ground slightly close - it will protect them from drying out.

They are created in the main parts of the architectural composition of the garden, near fountains, sculptural groups, decorative water bodies, etc. The main requirement when making the parters: The area of \u200b\u200bthe main background should prevail over the square of flower beds and other parts in the composition. If the flow of flower beds is equal to the area of \u200b\u200bherbal base or prevails over it, the impression of fragmentation and varnish is created, there is no integrity of perception of the whole picture.The lawn should be planted in such a way that it can be time to have time to take it at least 2 times. In other words, the lawn is good to plant until the middle of the summer.The field of creeping quickly grows with a thorough watering, it grips on the ground, thereby creating a carpet from greenery. Than Fucking tomatoes after landing drip watering with your own scheme

Maintaining a lawn in a healthy state is a complex task that includes many events. The most important of them is irrigation. But if we water from the lawn of the Namaum, plants can be harvested.

The frequency of watering depends on a number of factors:

  • purpose of watering;
  • soil type;
  • weather;

For the purpose of watering there:

  1. landing. It is carried out after or daily within 7-14 days by small doses. Freshly saved soil in need of watering: having a black color, it is well heated by the sun and therefore quickly loses moisture;
  2. vegetative. The main type of irrigation. Are carried out throughout the warm season with a frequency once every 3-10 days;
  3. podcornaya. Lawns are watered after making fertilizers;
  4. supportful. Applied after;
  5. refreshing. It is resorted to it as needed at low humidity;
  6. moisture profitable. It intends to drink soil moisture. Mainly carried out in the fall, but sometimes it is also required in the spring;
  7. anti-crosac. It is used in the spring per day before frosts.

The weather is taken into account as follows:

  • roast arid: The lawn is watered daily;
  • moderately hot: with a frequency adopted for this type of soil (vegetative irrigation) - every 3-10 days;
  • in the cool period, for example, in the fall: once every 10-15 days.

Approximately a week before frosts to water the lawn stop (usually in October).

How important it is to adhere to the right scrapement - depends on the type of grass, here are a few examples:

  1. red, sheep and cane oatmeal, Rights Perennial: Able to transfer arid conditions for a long time;
  2. plenulated, Mattik meadow: average endurance;
  3. white woodwoman, minting ordinary: tolerate without consequences only the shortest arid periods.

The plants of the first group - drought-resistant (with complete drying, the above-ground part and the roots do not die, flowing into anabiosis). With moisturizing the soil awaken and go into growth.

The fact that the lawn time to water is evidenced by signs:

  • cropped or wheels of grass, restored more than half an hour;
  • the leaves are minimized and bent;
  • the color of the lawn became a dark green or bluish-gray, faded shoots are noticeable.

An important criterion: the ground between the irrigation should have time to dry. The need to extract water from depth causes the root system to develop.

Best time for watering

Determine the best time for watering plants will help the following analysis:

  1. middle of a day. Watering the lawn during the day in clear weather leads to unpleasant consequences. The grass suffers from burns. Like glass lenses, water droplets focus the sunlight, concentrating its energy on a small area. A lot of water is consumed. During the day due to heat, a significant part of the water evaporates and if the meter is installed on the water supply system, the lawn owner bears extra cost;
  2. evening. Although the sun is no longer baked, evening watering is still undesirable: the green carpet remains wet all night, which leads to the development of diseases. So that the grass managed to dry, water is fed from 16-00 to 18-00, no later than;
  3. morning. The perfect option completely devoid of flaws.

Late evening watering is allowed only in severe heat, when the temperature exceeds 40 0 \u200b\u200bs, and at night does not fall below 28. Water will not give plants to burn and at the same time they heated by the sun quickly dried.

Norms for different soils

In addition to the frequency of irrigation, the amount of water supplied is of great importance.

Deviations from the norm lead to undesirable consequences:

  1. lack of moisture. The water is impregnated exclusively the top layer of the soil, therefore the roots are developing only here. Deeper the root system will quiet, because of this, the plant weakens and loses the ability to transfer drought. On average, the roots of herbs reach a depth of 10-20 cm, some representatives are plunged up to 50 cm. Therefore, it is recommended to maintain the humidity of the soil at an acceptable level to a depth of 30 cm;
  2. excess moisture. The puddles of water on the site contribute to the development of fungal diseases, rotting herbs, the lawn is blurred. Therefore, attempts to pour the plants are invalid.

Stagnation of water on the section with excess watering is not always observed - it depends on the type of soil. All types of soils are essentially a mixture of sand and clay taken in different ratios. The higher the share of clay inclusions, the worse the soil absorbs moisture (low filtration).

Accordingly, there are puddles in the clay plot at the "overdose" of watering, whereas through sandy, water is simply leaked (high filtering) and go deep into. Last, although it does not harm the plants, but also undesirable, since it carries the overrun of water.

Puddles can appear in normal irrigation if the site is incorrectly planned. In this case, eliminate irregularities or organize drain.

Types of soil

Watering rates are determined not so much as the soil as a climate:

  • cool wet: water is supplied at the rate of 25 l / sq. M per week;
  • roast dry: 50 l / sq. M.

The effect of the type of soil on the watering method is displayed in the table:

Characteristic of soil The filtration rate of moisture Watering method
Clay soil (share of or high particles) Low Vegetative irrigation is carried out every 7-10 days. At the same time, water stagnation is avoided by applying a fractional scheme: water is served with small portions several times a day
Suglinted soil (the proportion of orst particles slightly exceeds the fraction of large) Moderate Watering is carried out 2-3 times a week. At the same time, the duration of irrigation increases. The weekly rate due to the type of climate is divided into the number of polishes. For example, in a cool wet climate at irrigation frequency 2 times a week, water is supplied in the amount of 12-13 l / sq. M. The condition is observed: the minimum amount of water for one watering is 10 l / m 2. With a smaller amount, only the surface layer of the soil is moistened, which does not allow to develop roots at the depth
Sand soil (high proportion of large particles) High Lawn watered 3-4 times a week, stretching watering time to the maximum possible

On a plot with clay soil, it is useful to arrange a gravel-sand pillow: the soil is chosen to a depth of 40 cm and fall asleep into the recess sequentially layers of gravel and sand with a thickness of 10 cm. Each layer is tram, on top of the pillow swell extracted soil.

Means and systems

It is impossible to water the lawns of a jet of water, the more submitted with a significant pressure: the roots are taken out due to the washing out of the soil, there is a risk of damage to the stems.

Apply such methods:

  1. sprinkling: Water is sprayed with a nozzle on fine drops falling on the plants from above. The preferred method, since in passing the grass is cleaned, and the lawn from this attractively looks. And when driving cold water, small droplets have time to warm up during the fall, and the plant does not suffer from temperature shock;
  2. drip polyin: moisture is supplied through the drip ribbons laid along the site (essentially perforated hoses) directly to the base of the stems. The method is used in narrow sites and others, where the use of the significant area of \u200b\u200brainy sprinkles is unprofitable or impossible.

There are several types of sprinklers:

  1. oscillation. Construction: short tube with multiple holes. Installations are designed to maintain the lawns of a large area;
  2. rotor. Sprinkling is carried out through the rotating head. Advantage - custom irrigation radius. This makes a rotary sprinkler universal. It is suitable for the lawn of any size;
  3. fan. Like rotary, allow you to adjust long-range. Easy to use and are intended primarily for smooth horizontal sites;
  4. pulsating. Throw water stream. Often are used in combination with other sprinkled installations. Pulsating devices are more suitable for compact lawns. Advantage: The angle of watering is set by the user, which allows the device for watering the angular zones of the site;
  5. micro-stranded. Most gentle way. The water supplied through nozzle is divided into a lot of finest jets, unable to damage even the thinnest and tender plants. Micro-refinery are indispensable on lawns with.

Automatic watering

In the passport of the irrigation unit, its performance and radius of action are indicated for different pressure, which allows you to calculate the required watering duration. The performance of the drip ribbons is made in l / h, sprinklers - in l / min.

Consider an example:

  • the lawn is located in the region with an average temperature and humidity of the climate: irrigation rate is 40 l / m 2 per week;
  • soil - loamy: watering is carried out 3 times a week, therefore, at once, the required amount of water is 40/3 \u003d 13.3 l / m 2;
  • a rotary sprinkler is used with such characteristics (with this pressure): maintenance area - 80 m 2, productivity - 20 l / min.

The duration of watering in minutes will be: T \u003d (13.3 * 80) / 20 \u003d 53.2 min. When using homemade sprinklers, their performance is determined by the arrangement by the area of \u200b\u200b0.5 l cans, followed by measuring the height of the water accumulated in them.

The transition of the height of the water column into the specific volume is carried out simply: if an hour in an hour, water was obtained by 10 mm, it means that the specific volume of irrigation was 10 l / m 2. Along the way, this test allows you to determine the uniformity of watering.

The most convenient to use automatic irrigation systems. They are equipped with a programmable controller and sensors of two types: weather and humidity of the soil.

The participation of the user is required only once: it makes data on the frequency, time and duration of watering. Next, the system functions independently, tracking the degree of soil moisture and canceling watering in rainy weather.

The most expensive models are equipped with retractable sprinklers: in a non-working position, they do not interfere with the lawn, and do not spoil his appearance. The automatic watering system saves not only the time and power of the owner, but also water, spending it with maximum rationality.

The most durable systems with polyethylene tubes on compression fittings. The irrigation systems GARDENA, HUNTER, CLABERRAIN BIRDTORO, METZERPLASIRRITROL have proven well established.

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How to water the lawn:

With proper watering, the lawn will be healthy and attractive. If the recommendations given to neglect, it will immediately affect the appearance of the lawn. To spend the minimum amount of water, it is advisable to purchase an automatic watering system and do not cut the lawn too often and briefly.

Each owner of a juicy green lawn will fight the scorching sun for every blade. We all saw enthusiasts with hoses and buckets trying to save their plot from drought and irrigating the lawn with their own hands and only on their own. But there is a great news - this work can be easily simplified with the help of a lawn. What is automatic irrigation lawn and how to make a system of automatic irrigation of the lawn with your own hands on its site? Let's deal with!

Rules and requirements for high-quality irrigation of lawns

If you want to grow a thick carpet of green grass on its plot, then regular watering is the most first rule. Observing certain norms irrigation norms, namely water consumption, measured in L / m2, water temperature, watering time and its frequency, you will achieve the desired result.

Water consumption

Unfortunately, this parameter cannot be voiced as a single rule for all lungs, because the number of water consumed is the factors that all owners of the country area with a lawn will differ. This is: the type of soil, the type of lawn grass, the lawn shadiness and weather conditions. Agree, a fairly wide range of parameters. But this does not mean that in this matter you have nothing to help. On the contrary, the experience of many lawn puddles are assembled in this article to facilitate your life. For example, it is known that heavy soils (clay, loam) are not very willing to pass water into a deep layer of soil. And light soil (sandy soil) does not delay water in itself.

Water consumption depends on the type of soil

A generally accepted is the norm of 10-20 l / m2. Spending water in such a quantity, you have a 15 cm deep into it. This indicator is easy enough to check in practice if you water the lawn manually. Using an automated approach, simply leave a transparent jar on the lawn for watering. When 13 mm of water is scored in it, then your lawn has 10 liters of water.

By the way, if we talk about the shadow, then everything is not so unambiguous, as it may seem at first glance. Well, it would seem that the more open area, the more you need to water. And the larger the shadow, the less you need moisture. But not everything is so simple. After all, if we are talking about the shadow of the trees, do not forget that with the shadow you get also big roots, sucking all the water from the soil.

Water temperature

Lawn grass is a fairly tender plant, so water is lower than + 10 °, will negatively affect its development. It is advised, in order not to damage the leaves and roots, use the water of the same temperature as the air with the soil. If the fossilization of the lawn comes from a well-pierced well or well, then in this case you will water your lawn with undesirable and cold water. But this is the task is solved: just get the tanks or barrels, in which you can warm up the depth water.

Polishing time

So that the water has a good soil, and the roots managed to get drunk, it is better to water the lawn in the evening or in the morning. Well, it has long been known that the day when the sun is the most roast and active, watering will not benefit, but rather harm.

Frequency of watering

Everything is simple: with cloudy weather to water enough 1-2 p / week; When drought - daily. It is observed that more benefits brings abundant, even if not so frequent watering. If you are often, but you will slightly wet the lawn, it just annibtes it, but will not bring the desired benefit. You will only get a crackle crust on the surface.

How to water the lawn

Select the system for automatic watering

As in any other area, in the field of landscaped equipment there are several types of watering systems for lawns. After reading all the options, you can make your choice.

Nowadays, two ways of fueling the lawn lawn are presented. We are talking about a sprinkler and drip watering method.

Sprinkler watering

The method of splinker irrigation is an irrigation system, which is very close to natural irrigation in nature. The usual name of this method speaks by itself - sprinkling. The refining method lies in the fact that through the entire lawn lawn the pipeline system is divorced. Water is supplied through splinkers (nozzles) and dissect in the air with small drops, as during the rain. Splinker watering helps to reduce the temperature of the soil and increase moisture in the air.

Sprinkler watering

The device itself, which supplies water on the lawn, is called a sprinkler and, depending on how it is installed, the sprinkler is divided into retractable and non-sensitive.

Retractable sprinkler

The retractable spinner is immeasured when it is in a non-working position, because he is hidden in the ground. But in the process of supplying water, the pull-out sprinklers go to the surface by approximately 15-20 cm and the range of their fragmentation is 4-7 m. In turn, the retractable spins are:

  • Rotary. This sprinkler consists of a fixed and rotating part. On the rotating head of the sprinkler there are blades that spray water in a circle. Unfortunately, very few people can boast crystal clear water not that for watering, but at least for food. Therefore, if you do not install the filter (or not check it upon purchase), then your system will often be clogged by impurities that are in the water. Rotary sprinklers can be adjustable in which it is possible to independently set the radius of irrigation, and the unregulated describes the clear specified circle (360o).
  • Fan. Their design is very simple: the plastic housing, the retractable rod, the unwilling nozzle and the retractor spring. Water sprinkles on 3-6 m. In some areas with height drops or thick high shrubs, only equipment for irrigation of the lawn with a fan sprinkler can be effective due to its method of water supply, something similar to a funnel or an inverted umbrella.

Labor sprinkler

The unlikely sprinkler is installed in the ground and when water is supplied, it does not leave it. Depending on the principle of operation, the non-extinguishable spins are divided into four main types:

  • Pulse. Such a spawner serves water portion and smoothly changes irrigation range.
  • Pendulum. This sprayer is simply Mast Have for owners of rectangular sites. At the heart of pendulum sprinklers there is a pipe with a hole that swings from side to the side, watering the lawn without spaces. The range of water splashing is 6-20 m (can be adjusted to the corner of the scattering of the tube).
  • Circular. The installation consists of a platform with a rotating head with nozzles. The range of 3-10 m is regulated by water pressure.
  • Hose sprinkler. We can say that there are relatively previous installations, the sprinkler hose is relatively new autopolivation system. The design is very simple: the hose (can be put on the base to lift) with small injectors for spraying. How many nozzles are such watering and will (thick or rare).

Drip irrigation

The drip type auto peer is to use perforated hoses laid out on the lawn. They are connected to the water intake, but water in this case does not arrive under pressure, but it enters small portions directly to the roots, which significantly reduces the amount of water received, and the plants get exactly so much moisture as they need. In order not to spoil the neat appearance of the lawn, the pipes are hiding under the ground. Holes through which water is supplied is not clogged due to the layer of agrovolok.

Thanks to modern technologies, you can independently calculate water consumption. This is done using a customizable controller. You can also set preferred settings. For instance, install the valves so that the auto oppression is turned on when heat and did not turn on after the rain. Also using frost sensors, you protect plants from supercooling.

Video overview of the drip hose underground watering

Project and development of a lawn iris

To establish auto parking for the lawn with your own hands, start with the scheme of your territory. The scheme of the auto paragraph should include: the lawn lawn itself, trees, shrubs and those zones that should not be watering.

Scheme of autopolying

When calculating the ability to skip the water from the feed pipe (with the help of Table 1), you can correctly select the necessary diameter for the entire auto-poly system.

Now the time to decide on the place where sprinkles will be installed. We wrote above that on the site not all objects need watering, therefore, based on this, as well as from the fact that some spiners can supply water on 25 m, we set the right amount of spins in the right place. It is possible to calculate everything correctly with a circulation on the prepared scheme. When applying spins on the plan, do not forget that the system still has some errors in the radius during operation. Knowing the water consumption of one sprinkler, you put the desired amount of watering devices, based on the pump performance data.

One section of watering accounts for one electromagnetic valve. Do the branching of the pipeline in one place, then it will be easier for you to repair and maintain valves, as they will be all in one place.

If you incorrectly plan the pipe laying, that is, the risk of pressure loss, material overruns and the small efficiency of the watering process. Try less often to overtake the pipes and lay them to sprinkle on the shortest path.

Check out again. The circuit of the automatic irrigation is designed to make sure that spinners cover the entire zone, and the pump has enough power.

Mounting auto park for lawn (video)

Installing a lawn irrigation system with your own hands

Now all the time has time to transfer from paper to the lawn lawn itself. Make a place for the pipes, spinners and everything else. Under the printed lines, cut the trenches to lay the pipes in approximately 1m depth. You can lay them as half a meter, but then be sure to create a bias and drainage at the lowest points of the system. It is necessary to painlessly drain the water in winter. Now connect the pipes with each other and laid in the prepared trenches. Before falling asleep all the earth, make a tightness check. Screw sprinkles, pour the earth, adjust the direction of sprinklers and enjoy the result of your work for a long time!

Land watering system

But since the entire system is hidden underground, it is not always possible to notice malfunctions. To this not happen, listen to the councils of caring for the system of autopolivation:

  • Watch out and clean the nozzles from the mud as often as possible;
  • Add the soil in the places where he asked (meaning soil in the roser area);
  • Do not forget to charge the controller battery;
  • Put the system for the winter - drain the water, blow the valves, hide the sensors into the building;
  • Watch out the filters.

Gardening the territory of the household site or near the house, of course, engraves it. Juicy and exceeds, fading the lawn grass looks great, however, it requires care to itself. Due to such a state of affairs, many owners of private houses or country cottages arise a huge number of questions about how to properly water the rolled lawn, at what time of day it is optimally done and how to understand that watering is already needed.

Watering the lawn is tremendously important not only in terms of maintaining freshness and aesthetic attractive in appearance. Sufficient volume of moisture in the upper soil layer gives grass the opportunity to resist a number of negative factors, among which diseases or rapid growth of various weeds. A sufficient measure of a moistened lawn will look presented and give the entire territory near the house or cottage well-kept and pleasant to overlook the appearance.

Can you water the lawn at any time of the day?

It is optimal to engage in watering the lawn when the straight sun rays are no longer falling on the lawn surface. This will help avoid plants burns. Evening watering herbs, contrary to popular opinion, is not so good. In the evening or at night, the average air temperature drops somewhat, because the moisture that fell on the edge will not completely dry. As a result, the risk of infection of the lawn with various fungal diseases increases, which is extremely undesirable.

Ideal time and volume of irrigation of lawn

It is best to produce herbs in the early morning. Ideally, if in time it is in the morning, between the 6th and 9th hours. Soil in this case will be mostly moistened, but at the same time, droplets on the edges will be completely dried literally by noon.


At the same time, to leave our lawn for a long time without watering, it is definitely not good. Then the grass tritely dries, and its beauty will disappear irrevocably. If the lawn lacks moisture, it gradually becomes bluish-gray in color. The dried blades will dry, and then twist. There is no speech about any external beauty in this case. And in order to avoid such trouble, the lawn should be water.

An equally important sign of drying should be considered a reduced elasticity of grass. After all, the juicy and well-powered blades will be faster to restore the form if they suddenly be blown away. If you come on a normally moistened lawn, then remove the leg, then it will quickly acquire his original appearance. But the corded grass should do this can no longer. If more than 30% of the lawn looks like a rush and after it has been stealing, it should be done immediately and necessarily.

A very important aspect is the water temperature. Hot water from the hose must be drained before watering. Otherwise, grass burns will be inevitable. Watering waters will also need a lot.

Abundant irrigation of lawn

The rains are not always fully coping with the task of watering grass. It requires additional moisturizing, while quite abundant. It is necessary to make the water penetrate deep into the ground and have a good root. Only then the lawn will look healthy and beautiful.

And even if the weather forecasters in the near future promised rains, it is not necessary to delay the grass very much. The dried upper layer of the Earth forms crust, through which moisture is very hard. Waiting for natural precipitation, it will be better than the time t of time a little moisturize the earth, then the rain will be able to make watering better.


From the correctness of the irrigation of the lawn directly depends on its appearance. It seems very simple matter, however, requires a deep understanding of when and how often, and in what volume it is necessary to moisten the lawn grass so that it is healthy and externally attractive.

How to water the lawn

Those people who finally implemented their dream and turned part of the site into the zone
recreation with a beautiful and properly sown lawn, should not relax - their
These concerns are just beginning.
Good quality lawn depends largely on how it was sown correctly, but the main
Work begins immediately after that. Already next year it is necessary to start
to lawn care events.

The care of the lawn during the summer mainly consists of the following events:

  1. swing;
  2. watering;
  3. feeding;
  4. fighting weeds, pests and diseases;
  5. repair and seal;
  6. aerial.


Making sure the spring is that the lawn was safely overwhelmed, it is necessary to harrow (to enrich the soil by air), under which it is worth making some fertilizers. The harrowing can be carried out with rakes, with their help you will not only give access to air, but also remove the garbage and plant residues.

Haircut of lawn

And already in May, it is necessary to start the summer (and you can say the main) lawn period. It will begin with the fact that when the height of 8-9 cm reaches the height of 8-9 cm, it is necessary to spend the first mowing. To do this, use a lawn mower, which is configured to the height of the cut 5 cm, or the trimmer, when working with which it is also necessary to observe this height. Skilled grass needs to be shirting and used to prepare composite or feeding livestock (if any).

Cutting is usually carried out on average every 10 days. But here it is necessary to look at the weather conditions and the state of the lawn itself - if it stands the heat, then the grass will be weak, and too frequent haircut will drag it. The criterion here is the beauty of lawn.

Forming lawn in the summer

Next need to make comprehensive fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Throughout the season, you can use small doses of nitrogen fertilizers, which during watering and precipitation will be washed out of the soil. Phosphorus and potassium is enough to be added twice a year for the winter for the best overwhelming (30-40 days before the onset of stable frosts) and in the spring after overcoming. It is worth noting that now there are specialized comprehensive fertilizers for lawns. These mixtures are complied with the necessary proportions of both macro and trace elements.


After the pan and fertilizer makes it necessary to conduct watering. At the same time, it is necessary to follow the rule - rarely, but apt. The task of watering the lawn is to impregnate the ground to a depth of 15-20 cm so that the moisture is actively used by the root system. Make sure that the puddles are not formed, in the place of which the grass will turn yellow and can, as they say, fall out - to die. Frequent watering can only harm the lawn.

Literally for the first season, you will easily learn to determine the eye when you start watering and how much to spend water on it. In order to avoid rapid evaporation moisture, watering is best done in the evening. Despite the recommendations on the timing and number of polishes, it is necessary to focus on weather conditions and the water regime of a particular area.

Fighting weeds

With the correct laying of laws and use for sowing high-quality seeds, wearing serious problems are usually not occurring over several years. But sooner or later they will have to face these invaders. Weeds for many years of evolution adapted to spread their seeds with all sorts of ways - by air, with water for watering, on the wool of animals or clothing of people, and drinking - that can generally be rooted underground to two kilometers.

A good help in the fight against unwanted vegetation will be regular boiling - this will allow you to destroy one and twilight weeds, without giving them time to interfere. With the appearance of wild plants, you can restrict ourselves to the manual lawn first, but if they began to gain strength, you will have to turn to chemistry.

Here it is necessary to take into account the Botanical composition of the herb: If the bean lawn (white clover), then gramistides can be used to suppress cellane weeds (for example, the "Fuzzid" herbicide), with a cereal lawn, you can use drugs that suppress dicotyledonous weeds (for example, "agritox" or " Lintur ").


If it happened that the lawn became too dense (thickened sungs and excess fertilizers or many years of use), and the turf does not allow air to penetrate the root system, then it is necessary to conduct aeration. The essence of this operation is simple - create a kind of channel for the specified purpose. To do this, they are usually pushed by thin pins. It is best to produce a special device: to fill in the old wooden mop long thin nails and to pierce the turne into the old hedgehog.

Although it should be noted that recently special electrical or gasoline machines appeared, called aerators and verticutters (some manufacturers call them more scarifiers). In the first working tools -protted teeth, which pierce the soil and loosen it. In the second - blades, cutting thin deep deep grooves in the soil. And the one and the other aggregates simultaneously with the enrichment of the soil by the air are removed, the old coupling grass is called "felt".

Pests and diseases are affected by weak

The lawn may have problems associated with pests and diseases affecting grass. Here, the struggle measures should be symptomatic - pests to interact recommended poison, and diseases to treat fungicides treating. But it should be remembered that the lawn, like any cultural plant, the likelihood of damage to malicious objects is minimal under optimal cultivation conditions. Therefore, it is worth spending a little time for timely care to avoid problems with the elimination of the consequences from the violation of technology.


Closer to autumn it is necessary to conduct an audit of the lawn, and if there are places that have fallen out, which for one reason or another fell, on this small site should be repaired. To do this, carefully cut this piece of spoiled lawn and sustain the same lawn mixture that was used when landing.

Interesting video - Lawn do-it-yourself: Personal experience and reviews

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