Encyclopedia of fire safety

Is it possible to fertilize raspberries with ash. How and what to fertilize raspberries in the spring. Autumn top dressing of remontant raspberries

To feed in the spring or not - that is the question. Let's see what exactly spring care is, and what exactly you need to fertilize raspberries in spring to increase your yield.

What is spring care

Early spring has come on the calendar, which means it's time to start working in the raspberries. During this period, comprehensive care is performed. Let's take a closer look at exactly what actions should be taken.


It is used in liquid form, water is added to it, the proportion is as follows: 1:20, respectively. Feeding raspberries in spring with chicken manure will enrich with nitrogen, magnesium, phosphoric acid, it also contains useful trace elements - boron, cobalt, zinc and sulfur.

The effect of this method of top dressing is fast and long-term - after 2 weeks, and a good level of yield will remain for several years.
Similar effects - and after use as fertilizers and rotted. Has proven itself well. It is used both in dry form and in the form of solutions. Also, feeding raspberries in the spring includes the use of various tinctures for feeding. Consider the most popular folk remedies:

  1. Tincture on. After eating a banana, do not rush to get rid of the peel. Follow the proportion - 1 banana per 1 liter of water, let it brew for 7 days. The finished tincture needs to fertilize the roots. Fertilizer on a banana peel saturates with potassium, which, in addition to additional feeding, will make it easier to endure winter frosts.
  2. Tincture on. With the same story. Change only the proportions - 50 g per 10 liters of water, leave to infuse for 7 days. Further . This solution also helps fight.
  3. Tincture with and comfrey. The proportions for fertilizer are as follows: 500 g, 500 g, 10 liters of water. Leave the sun for 2 weeks, periodically stirring the future tincture. Use diluted 1:10.

A drug or Bordeaux liquid will help protect against gray rot. Branches can be treated with these solutions even during the period

" Raspberry

Every gardener knows that raspberry bushes grow well and give a rich harvest in chemical-rich soils. To create favorable conditions for this plant, it is important to choose the right fertilizers.

Feeding raspberries in the fall helps increase the yield. Organic and mineral substances introduced according to established rules are used as top dressing.

Not only the raspberry fertilizer calendar will help determine when to fertilize. The plant itself will tell you what exactly it lacks, and what fertilizers are already superfluous. And you don’t have to be an experienced gardener to be able to identify the problem.

It is necessary to carefully examine the shrub, paying attention to the change in color of the leaves., stem thickness. Having detected the problem in time, the owner will have time to solve it so that the lack / excess of fertilizers does not affect the yield. So, how the bush signals the problem:

  • if the plant's shoots are weak and thin, the foliage is small, this indicates lack of phosphorus;
  • the appearance of yellow leaves with green veins indicates an iron deficiency;
  • leaves do not grow well, turn yellow, starting from the middle - add magnesium to the soil;
  • the shrub looks burnt, turned brown - there is little potassium. In this case, the plant may not survive the winter;
  • small, yellowing leaves indicate a lack of nitrogen. At the same time, the plants do not grow or do it too slowly, they look drooping;
  • leaf color is very dark, shoots grow quickly - too much nitrogen. This leads to early shedding of berries, a decrease in yield.

Fertilizers for raspberries are needed annually, every season (except winter) - only under such conditions can you get a rich harvest of large berries. If the soil in the raspberry area is clayey, fertilizers should be applied one and a half times more. If the ground is saturated with sand, fertilizing is required more often.

What to fertilize in the spring before fruiting?

Before carrying out spring dressing, it is important to prepare the bushes. First of all, cut off the lower shoots. Pull the weeds by hand, gently loosen the top, 10 cm layer of soil. This must be done so as not to injure the roots.

In order to have reason to expect a rich harvest, mineral fertilizers are required in the spring. What fertilizers to apply in the fall under raspberries:

  • superphosphate- this fertilizer contains a huge amount of substances that are most useful for plants: sulfur, potassium, magnesium and others. This fertilizer leads to an increase in the yield of raspberries, an acceleration of development, an increase in resistance to various diseases;
  • potassium salt- Nutrient. An excellent substitute for this fertilizer will be custom ash, which, apart from other benefits, does not contain chlorine, which adversely affects raspberries. It is recommended to apply dry or diluted;
  • nitrogen fertilizers. Urea and ammonium nitrate.

It is better to fertilize raspberries with minerals in a complex way. The best effect is obtained when using a mixture of 60 g of superphosphate, 30 g of ammonia sulfur and 40 g of wood ash. Mix all this in a bucket of water. Apply to the soil in two doses, and do the second top dressing in the first month of summer.

It should be borne in mind that not every land will benefit from any fertilizer. Therefore, it is better to do an analysis of the agrochemical composition of the earth before making it. And only by its results to draw conclusions about the introduction of specific types of fertilizers.

How to feed repair raspberries in August?

How to feed raspberries in August, especially after fruiting? In the summer, at least a single fertilization is required during the ripening period of the berries. Many gardeners recommend doing another additional bush fertilizer - in June.

The plant should be saturated with nitrogen, potassium or phosphorus. In addition, bushes are sprayed with an aqueous solution of magnesium sulfate and boric acid. You can’t do this in sunny weather, but it’s pointless to spray before the rain.

If desired, they can be replaced with infused wood ash. To do this, 500 ml of ash is poured into 10 liters of hot water. It is not worth fertilizing with nitrogen during this period - this will reduce the frost resistance of the shrub.

Fertilizer for raspberries in September

How to feed remontant raspberries in the fall after pruning? It is very important to fully feed the plant in the fall, because during the period of growth and fruiting, it spent a considerable amount of nutrients. The lack of these elements leads to inhibition of development and reduced yields next year. Thoroughly rinse and loosen thoroughly before application.

In autumn, organic matter should be added - it contains the necessary trace elements. The shrub easily absorbs such fertilizers, so it will meet the spring healthy and full. More often in the fall, the following fertilizers are used:

  • rotted manure. Gives strength to the shrub during rapid growth in spring. In cold weather, it will help to warm and keep the roots intact. Use 6 kg of manure per square of land;
  • rotted compost. In no way inferior in efficiency to manure. In addition to saturation with valuable substances, it disinfects the soil. A good solution is the use of foliage, leaves, waste from vegetables;
  • peat. Slightly saturates the soil, but its value is different - it improves the structure of the soil;
  • bird (chicken) droppings. Use an aqueous solution, evenly watering the raspberry area.

It is very important to start processing raspberries in September and correctly calculate the amount of fertilizer. The dose depends on the appearance of the plant and the quality of the crop. If the shoots are thick, the height of the shoots is up to two meters, while at least 1.5 kg was collected from the bush, it should be fed in the prescribed manner. If the shoots are thin, grow poorly and the harvest is not enough - it is recommended to increase the amount of fertilizer applied.

Giving raspberries the necessary amount of nutrients in autumn and spring can both improve the quality of the bushes and improve yields. It is important to observe the deadlines and feed strictly according to the schedule.

Is nitrogen necessary in autumn?

Nitrogen stimulates plant growth in the long term, which interferes with the maturation of shoots and greatly reduces the frost resistance of the shrub. Therefore, it is believed that even at the end of summer it is not worth fertilizing raspberries with nitrogen. That's a moot point.

Secondary root growth begins in August. Nitrogen is the main ingredient in this process. Therefore, nitrogen should not be applied in the fall. At the end of summer - perhaps, but more often the small amount of fertilizer that was applied in the spring in early June is enough for the plant.

Most plants are able to use the nitrogen deposited earlier in the foliage for the growth of the root system.

Preparing for winter

Begin preparing the bushes for winter should be before the onset of negative temperatures. Raspberries overwinter in a state pressed to the ground. However, before bending the bush, it is necessary to prepare the shoots.

Pruning raspberries involves removing old withered and thin young branches. As a result, only new thick stems remain, which are cut at the top by 15-20 cm. A distance of 60 cm is maintained between the bushes. If shoots have sprouted between them, remove them.

Leaves from the shoots are removed carefully so as not to damage the buds. If the leaves are left, they will become damp, rot and can burn the buds. After cleaning, the bushes are bent, securing with wire staples. The bushes are placed as close to the ground as possible so that in winter the entire raspberry bush is covered with snow.

After the snow has fallen, you can’t forget about the bush - if there is not enough snow, you need to add it to the bushes. The resulting crust is knocked down so that the raspberries breathe.

Residents of the northern regions in the fall should additionally cover the bushes with straw.

If everything is done correctly in the fall, the raspberries will rise in all their glory in the spring. If some of the shoots have died, they must be removed so that they do not spread the disease.

Fertilizers - pests

Raspberries should be fertilized with caution, since top dressing can both accelerate the flowering of the plant and ruin the raspberries.

Thus, nitrogen cannot be used in large quantities, as raspberries will grow constantly and not "sleep" in the winter.

Fertilizers with potassium, which include chlorine, are harmful. In autumn, shrubs under which such fertilizers were applied become ill with chlorosis.

So, before you start fertilizing, it is important to find out which ones will specifically have a positive effect on the plants. At the same time, no matter what the soil turns out to be, it is impossible to leave raspberries without top dressing. In order for the plant to develop correctly and give a rich harvest, you will have to find a "golden mean".

Fertilizing the soil for raspberries and feeding the plant itself is the main factor in a good harvest. The shrub loves mineral and organic fertilizers, like all plants. If you want berries to grow in your garden plot, and not bushes, you should take good care of the soil. In the article we will consider how to fertilize raspberries correctly and in a timely manner (in spring, autumn), what types of dressings.

Types of fertilizers for feeding raspberries

Any fertilizer has its own specific composition and has a special effect on the plant. Thanks to various nutrients and beneficial elements, plants grow better, and the soil becomes more fertile.

All fertilizers are divided into mineral and organic. Minerals include:

  • Phosphoric;
  • nitrogen;
  • microfertilizers;
  • potassium;
  • complex.
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For organic:

  • bird droppings;
  • green manure;
  • manure;
  • slurry;
  • wood ash;
  • compost;
  • bone flour;
  • straw.

In addition, you can add local fertilizers, which are taken from industries. It:

  • Sapropel;
  • dolomites and limestones;
  • phosphogypsum;
  • phosphate slags.

Mineral fertilizers for raspberries

Tip #1 In the form of mineral fertilizers, it is advisable to use superphosphate, potassium salt and nitrogen fertilizer for raspberries. The best time for such applications is spring.

The best fertilizer for raspberries is complex.

Raspberries will yield a crop after top dressing in the form of potassium salt and superphosphate. If there is no potassium salt, then use wood ash. Ash can be diluted with water or poured dry. Its beneficial properties have a positive effect on raspberries. Nitrogen is also introduced in the spring. Urea and ammonium nitrate can be used for this.

All these mineral fertilizers can be applied individually or in combination. With a complex introduction, they should be divided into two times. For the first time, top dressing is done in the spring, the second - at the beginning of the summer period. If desired, it is allowed to combine mineral and organic fertilizers.

If the dosage is calculated correctly, then the yield from one bush will be equal to one or two kilograms. The bushes themselves will be about two meters high. If the figures are too different, then increase the amount of fertilizer when feeding.

Approximate rates of application of mineral fertilizers

Item No./ Item Fertilizer name Norm Application time
1. Potassium salt 60 g/m2 Spring
2. Ammonium nitrate 12 g/m2 Spring
3. Urea 10 g/m2 Spring
4. In complex:
Potassium salt,
Ammonium nitrate
40 g/m2
60 g/m2
30 g/m2
1 time - in the spring
2 times - at the beginning of summer
5. Combination of organic and mineral fertilizers:
2 g/m2
3 g/m2
1.5 kg/m2
3 g/m2

Organic fertilizer for raspberries

Peat improves soil quality.

In organic matter, there are many macro- and microelements that a plant needs during its growth and development. For fertilizing raspberries use:

  • Manure;
  • bird droppings (especially chicken);
  • compost;
  • peat.

Most often, manure is used, which can be rotted and not rotted. It is advisable to pour bird droppings into the soil in the autumn, so that during the winter it enriches the soil with all the nutrients. It is desirable to introduce compost rotted. Compost is made from tree leaves, peat, garden weeds, corn cobs, straw, peat, chicken manure and manure. Some gardeners add peat to the soil, it makes the soil of better quality.

Approximate norms for applying organic fertilizers

Item No./ Item Fertilizer name Norm Application time
1. rotted manure 7 kg/m2 Spring, autumn
2. chicken manure 8 kg/m2 Autumn
3. rotted compost 10 kg/m2 Spring, autumn

Spring feeding raspberries

Do not pour a lot of concentrated chicken manure under one plant.

In the spring, complex fertilizers will be the best for raspberries. They should include organic and mineral fertilizers. Their number depends on the harvest of the previous year. The complex may include:

  • peat;
  • compost;
  • manure;
  • superphosphate;
  • urea;
  • wood ash or potassium salt;
  • superphosphate;
  • ammonium nitrate.

Each gardener decides for himself what is more suitable for his soil and in what quantity. But we must remember that organic matter saturates the soil with various elements, thanks to which the plant grows and bears fruit. Peat is introduced not only in spring, it improves the structure of the soil.

Tip #2 If you just planted raspberries, then for the next three years you need to use only fertilizers that contain nitrogen.

They are brought in as soon as the snow melts. When planting, it is necessary to saturate the soil well with all the nutrients. If nitrogen fertilizers are applied under old bushes, then do this before loosening the soil.

You need to start feeding with mullein or slurry. These components are diluted with water to a mushy consistency. Pour 500 ml with a bucket of water and this should be poured into 2 m 2. You can replace this top dressing with urea and mullein. 10 g of urea, 2 kg of mullein are diluted with 10 liters of water.

Chicken manure is an important and mandatory spring top dressing. It is diluted in proportions of 1:20. Infused for 5 to 10 days. Do not use a lot of this fertilizer, as it is very concentrated.

At the first top dressing, ammonium sulfate can be applied. Sprinkled under the bushes in the amount of 15 g per square meter. With all mineral supplements, wood ash is added with nitrogen, it removes excessive acidity. If the bushes are already 5 or more years old, you can feed them with such a complex: nitrogen, phosphorus, manure and potassium salt or superphosphate, potassium salt and ammonium nitrate.

Tip #3 Raspberries should not be fertilized with potassium chloride. Chlorine has a negative effect on the plant.

Autumn feeding raspberries

In order to have a raspberry crop, fertilizer should be applied rationally

Before fertilizing in the fall, you need to determine the condition of the soil and pay attention to the raspberry variety. Read also the article: → "". After that, proceed to the calculation of the norms of the fertilizer itself. It is advisable to use organic matter in one year: chicken manure, rotted manure and compost. And the next year, mineral fertilizers: potassium, ammonium sulfate and phosphorus.

There are several options for such dressings.

  1. In a barrel we mix 300 g of wood ash, 300 g of sugar, 200 g of manure, 3 crayons, the fourth part of the barrel will be occupied by hay and grass. All this must be filled with room water. The composition should be infused in the sun for 8-12 days. After we breed in the ratio of 500 ml of infusion: 10 l of water. Pour three liters of one bush.
  2. Dilute 50 g of superphosphate and wood ash in 10 liters of water. Use on m2.
  3. We mix zinc sulfate, in an amount of 3 g, with 5 g of manganese sulfate, per m2.

How to determine the appearance of a lack or excess of fertilizer?

  • If the plant does not grow well and has yellowed leaves, then it lacks magnesium.
  • If the leaves are brown, as if burned and the plant disappears in winter, this is a lack of potassium.
  • If the leaves turn yellow and have green veins, this is an iron deficiency.
  • If the plants are small, faded and do not grow well, this is a lack of nitrogen.
  • If the shoots have become thin and weak, then the plant should be enriched with phosphorus.
  • If bushes, leaves and shoots grow excessively, and fruiting is at zero, nitrogen should be reduced.

Fertilizing raspberries in folk ways

An infusion on a banana peel is used with a lack of potassium in the soil.

Folk methods mean the introduction of organic matter and vegetable fertilizers into the soil. Many gardeners prefer to prepare infusions for fertilizing raspberries.

  1. Nettle and comfrey tincture. For cooking, take an equal amount of weeds, with a total weight of 1 kg and pour ten liters of water. The container is placed in a sunny place and stirred regularly. This composition should be infused for two weeks. The finished fertilizer is diluted in a ratio of 1:10. Pour 2 liters to the raspberry bush.
  2. Infusion of mullein, bird droppings, wood ash, manure and nettle. In a large container, mix 2 liters of bird droppings and 3 liters of mullein, Add 3 kg of manure, 250 g of ash, 1 kg of nettle. We fill everything with 20 liters of water. Leave in a warm place for a week. We dilute the solution in a ratio of 1:10. Pour 500 ml under each bush.
  3. Banana peel tincture. Pour the peel of three large bananas with three liters of water and insist for a week. Add 1 liter to the roots. This infusion is rich in potassium.
  1. Infusion of onion peel. Protects against pests and promotes the growth of raspberries. 50 g of husk pour 10 liters of water, leave for a week. We filter and water the plant.

In addition to these dressings, infusions of potato skins, sugar, egg shells and coffee grounds, manure and ash are used. A good harvest always depends on the right fertilizing and good plant care.

Before applying any fertilizer in the spring, remove all weeds and cut off the shoots on raspberries.

Raspberries bear fruit well with minimal care. But if you treat it like a weed that grows on its own, then you should not count on a rich harvest. She can give you large berries in the first years after planting, and then crushes. Farmers who are seriously engaged in this crop, be sure to feed even during the growth of berries. If you need large raspberries, then follow their example. Don't want to spray chemicals? There is an alternative - organic and folk remedies.

How to feed raspberries during flowering and fruiting

The period of flowering and filling of berries is the most responsible and difficult for raspberries. To increase the yield, you need a lot of nutrition, which should consist of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements: boron, manganese, magnesium, iron, calcium, etc. A deficiency of any of these elements leads to a weakening of the bushes, diseases, and a decrease in productivity. Our task is to make the diet of raspberries balanced. And you need to start with choosing the right fertilizers.

Video: fruitful raspberry, caring for it

Mineral fertilizers

The simplest fertilizer for this phase of raspberry development is nitroammophoska. It contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in equal proportions. Consumption rate - 30 g per 1 linear meter of a row. Spread evenly and pour over. You can dilute this amount in a bucket of water and pour it over the same area. Feed at the beginning of flowering and twice more with an interval of 10 days. But in such a fertilizer there are no necessary trace elements, therefore, in addition, raspberries need to be sprayed with one of the preparations:

In total, three root (nitroammophos) and 2-3 foliar top dressings will be obtained. If you have no time to approach raspberries so often, then choose a simpler option - use complex mineral fertilizers that contain both macro and microelements. An example is the BioMaster granular water-soluble mixture for fruit and berry crops: 25 g per 10 liters. The solution can be applied both under the root and along the leaves with an interval of 10-14 days.

BioMaster water-soluble granules contain nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and a complex of microelements

Natural nutrition for raspberries

This category includes organics and wood ash. It is advisable not to use mullein and bird droppings, they contain too much nitrogen and few other nutrients. The infusion of weeds or only nettles is much richer in composition, and this fertilizer acts softer, it is impossible to burn their roots. Grass, preferably with roots and the remains of the earth on them, fill with water and leave for 5-7 days. Dilute the resulting liquid with water: for a 10-liter watering can 1 liter. Add a glass of ash there, shake and pour. It can be applied from the budding phase to the beginning of the ripening of berries every 10-14 days.

Video: instructions on how to prepare an infusion of herbs

"Green fertilizer" is useful to water not only under the root, but also on the leaves. The fetid smell of the infusion will scare away pests, and the alkaline environment will destroy pathogenic fungi. Ash can also be added separately: sprinkle 1 glass per linear meter and loosen or shake this amount in a bucket of water and pour it under the bushes.

Wood ash can be used as an independent fertilizer, it contains all the elements necessary for plants, except for nitrogen.

Organo-mineral supplements

For those who cannot decide which is better: organic or chemistry, they produce ready-made organo-mineral mixtures. They contain humus and mineral supplements to make the nutrition of raspberries complete and balanced. Fertilizers of this category are produced under the brands: Fertika, Agricola, BioMaster, BioHumus, Bionika, etc. You can make every 10-14 days, alternating watering under the root with spraying on the leaves.

Organo-mineral fertilizer for all kinds of plants

Folk remedies

In addition to the already mentioned “green manure” from weeds and ashes, there are other recipes that are passed from grower to grower:

  • Yeast wort - dissolve 10 g of dry yeast in 10 liters of water, add 5 tbsp. l. sugar and leave to ferment for 2 hours. Dilute the must 1:5 with water. Such top dressing can be given 1-2 times during the period from budding to the beginning of berry ripening. Pour under the root: 10 liters per 1 linear meter. At the same time, the temperature of air and soil should be above +20 °C.
  • Ammonia - 40 ml per 10 liters of water. The drug not only repels pests, but also supplies nitrogen to raspberries. However, it will not replace a full-fledged complex fertilizer. You can water the entire bushes in the budding phase or when the first flowers just bloom.
  • Boric acid in powder - 2 g per 10 liters. Spray directly on the flowers. Boron increases the fruit set, the yield will be higher.
  • Potassium permanganate: add it to the recipe above to make the solution turn pink, and you will get an almost complex fertilizer from trace elements. Manganese contributes to the accumulation of sugar in fruits, helps plants fight various diseases.

Video: feeding raspberries with yeast

Raspberries need top dressing not only in spring and autumn, but also in summer, when it blooms and pours berries. Moreover, during this period, a balanced diet containing all macro- and microelements is necessary. Root top dressing alternate with foliar. Gardeners have come up with and tested many interesting recipes, but if there is no time to create different infusions, then buy ready-made complex mixtures. The main thing is not to leave raspberries without support, and in gratitude they will definitely give you large and tasty berries.

Probably every gardener contains a corner with raspberries on the site. This plant is rarely given attention and caring care. Why feed her, because raspberries grow like a weed? And only attentive gardeners know what berry crops can be obtained from a raspberry bush with good care. Feeding raspberries in the spring lays the foundation for a bountiful summer harvest. Consider when and how to feed raspberries, what fertilizers are best to use.

Raspberry plantation requires top dressing three times during the season:

  • in the spring, at the beginning of the growing season of the bushes;
  • in summer during flowering and ripening of berries;
  • in autumn - at the time of laying the fruit buds of the future harvest.

When you need to do spring dressing of raspberries, it is easy to determine. Dates depend on climate and spring weather. In the middle lane, the soil thaws and warms up in April, at this time you need to inspect the berry, cut out broken and dry branches, remove fallen leaves, and weed the weeds if necessary.

The first dressing of raspberries

The first feeding of a valuable berry is combined with loosening the soil in the raspberries. In early spring, it is advisable to apply nitrogen fertilizers: urea, ammonium nitrate. It is useful to add superphosphate, potassium salt or wood ash.

Feeding rules are simple:

  1. Mineral fertilizers should be added to well-moistened soil. Dry soil should be shed with water before top dressing.
  2. The soil is loosened carefully and shallowly so as not to disturb the root layer and not damage the fragile roots.
  3. Try not to get solutions on the leaves and stems and do not overdose top dressing.
  4. It is better to carry out the procedure on a cloudy day or in the evening.

After applying inorganic fertilizers, mulch the soil with organic matter: humus, compost, peat, tree bark or sawdust. Mulch attracts earthworms - the creators of soil fertility, retains moisture in the soil, improves air exchange in the root zone and serves as additional top dressing.

How and how to feed raspberries in the spring?

Adult bushes that have been growing in the garden for more than a year have used up the supply of food laid down during planting and need to be fed in the spring. Gardeners use mineral and organic fertilizers or a combination of both to increase yields. Feeding methods are very diverse, and each gardener can choose the options that are suitable for themselves.

Spring feeding must necessarily include nitrogen fertilizers. Fortunately, you can feed with nitrogen in any form - both mineral and organic.

Mineral fertilizers

To obtain high yields, raspberries require salts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. You can enter them individually or in combination. In this case, top dressing is divided into two parts and produced twice - in spring and early summer.

Early spring top dressing with urea or ammonium sulfate improves shoot growth. Under adult bushes, 10 g of urea or 12 g of saltpeter are applied per 1 sq. m. Top dressing is done when loosening the soil.

Superphosphate is a source of water-soluble phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. This fertilizer activates the growth of raspberry roots and stems, increases yield and improves the taste of berries. Under the influence of phosphorus, raspberries become more resistant to fungal and bacterial diseases. The amount of superphosphate applied during spring top dressing is 30 g / m2.

Potassium salt strengthens plant tissues, stimulates productivity, and increases plant resistance to winter conditions. The dosage of potassium salt is 40 g per 1 sq. m.

Attention! Potassium chloride can not be used to fertilize raspberries.

Feeding raspberries with wood ash can replace potassium salt. Ash contains many important trace elements, raspberries respond well to ash top dressing. Ash can be either dissolved in water or applied dry when loosening. The amount of ash is 1 glass per sq. m area.

It is convenient to apply complex mineral fertilizers containing a mixture of substances - Kemira, Azofoska. Fertilizers are applied according to the instructions. Three tablespoons of Kemira are dissolved in a ten-liter bucket of water, raspberries are poured with a solution in a volume of 1 liter per bush.

Old raspberry bushes are fed with a mixture of organic and mineral fertilizers.

Approximate fertilizer consumption per 1 sq. m is:

  • 3 g superphosphate;
  • 3 g of potassium salt;
  • 3 g of urea;
  • 1.5 kg of humus.

organic fertilizers

Raspberries are very responsive to the application of organic fertilizers. These top dressings will be a good help for you if you do not recognize "chemistry" in your area.

Slurry is prepared from fresh mullein. Manure is poured with water in a ratio of 1 to 10 and left to ferment for a week. The solution is watered with raspberries at the rate of 1 liter for each bush.

Infusion of chicken manure. It is a powerful organic fertilizer. Litter is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20 and aged for 5-10 days for fermentation. Litter should be applied with care so as not to burn the plants.

Herbal supplements - herbal infusions are prepared in a similar way. Cut grass of weeds, nettle and dandelion is poured with water in a bucket or barrel, fermented, then diluted with water at a concentration of 1:10.

There are also very specific fertilizers. Some gardeners successfully feed raspberries to increase the yield with food waste: vegetable peels, yeast, onion husks, eggshells.

Attention! Household waste should not contain chlorine and other unhealthy chemicals.

Potato peels contain plant-friendly potassium. They can be brewed with boiling water and water the bushes with the resulting infusion. Cleanings can also be laid out under the bushes as mulch.

Yeast accelerates the decomposition of organic matter in the soil. A kilogram of fresh yeast is diluted in a bucket of warm water with the addition of sugar. For irrigation, take 0.5 liters of solution per 10 liters of water. Fertilizing with yeast is done at the end of spring, when the soil in the raspberries is warm enough.

Recipe for dry yeast: Mix a 10-gram sachet with 5 tablespoons of sugar, dilute in a 10-liter bucket of water, soak for 2 hours. For irrigation, the solution is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 5. Yeast infusions are used only fresh.

An infusion of onion peel not only feeds raspberries, but also repels pests. For a solution of 50 g of raw materials, they insist for a week in a bucket of water, filter and water the raspberries.

Mulch as fertilizer

Many gardeners believe that raspberries are best kept under mulch to improve yields. Indeed, in nature, raspberry roots grow better under a layer of fallen bark and tree leaf. Mulch is also a good top dressing for raspberries, releasing nutrients as they rot.

  1. Manure humus is a good mulching material, contains a lot of organic matter. The manure must be well rotted.
  2. Compost, leaf humus is also a convenient material for mulching. A layer of mulch can be brought up to 10 cm thick.
  3. Peat is a loose material that improves soil structure. Peat acidifies the soil, so ash or lime is often added to it.
  4. Straw, cut grass is also often used as mulch. Since it rots quickly, mulch should be added throughout the summer.
  5. Wood debris. Do not be surprised, raspberries love mulch from plant residues. Sawdust, bark of coniferous trees, pieces of branches after pruning the garden, rotten boards will be used. All this garbage should, if possible, be crushed and sprinkled with a raspberry bed. The only condition is that you need to make sure that the wood mulch does not cake.

Raspberry fertilizer when planting

To plant raspberries, the bed is dug up to a depth of 30-40 cm. All weed roots are removed.

It is believed that if the soil is fertile and is being dug up for the first time, it is not necessary to apply fertilizers. In other cases, you need to fill the bed with organic matter: raspberries will grow here for several years, actively consuming nutrients.

Approximate fertilizer consumption per 1 sq. m. beds:

  • humus - 6 kg;
  • compost or peat-compost mixture - 10 kg (1 bucket);
  • superphosphate - 80 g;
  • potassium salt - 25 g.
  • wood ash - half a liter jar.

Feeding in the planting hole

Planting raspberries in the spring is convenient in the northern regions, where there is a risk of seedlings freezing. Raspberry fertilizer can be applied directly to the planting hole.

The best combination of organic and mineral nutrition:

  • humus or compost - 1-2 shovels;
  • superphosphate - 2 tablespoons;
  • wood ash or potassium salt - 2 tablespoons.

All components are mixed with soil in the planting hole. Acidic soils before planting raspberries must be limed by adding slaked lime (1 cup) or dolomite flour.

Raspberries planted in well-filled soil can not be fertilized for the first 2-3 years.

How do you know when it's time to fertilize raspberries?

An experienced gardener will determine by the appearance of a raspberry what substances the plant lacks.

These symptoms indicate a deficiency in the soil:

  • nitrogen - the leaves of plants are pale green, the growth of shoots is slowed down;
  • phosphorus - young shoots are thin and weak;
  • potassium - the edges of the leaves turn brown, as from a burn;
  • iron - the presence of yellow leaves with green veins;
  • magnesium - the leaves turn yellow from the center to the edges.

Add the right fertilizers in the spring if your raspberries signaled a lack of elements in the previous season.

By fertilizing raspberries in the spring, you will make sure that your garden bed has become much more productive, and the berries are larger and tastier. Go beyond spring feeding, fight diseases and pests, remember about proper pruning and other care elements - and you will be proud of your productive plantation.

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