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Why were the Jews exterminated at all times. Reasons for Hitler's hatred of the Jewish people. The population was turned against the Jews

The point is not that Hitler hated the Jews, the point is that the Jews were hated by many inhabitants of Europe, including Hitler, or maybe he simply took on the shield of the ideology of fighting the Jews using anti-Semitism for political purposes.

Hatred of Jews is based on a number of reasons 1) Evangelical - the crucifixion of Christ by the Jewish Pharisees 2) Settlement in Europe of strangers who refuse to assimilate, preserving their traditions, sometimes relating to the local population "haughtily" 3) Strengthening and enrichment Jewish communities against the background of a sharp decline in the life of the population. There are probably other factors, perhaps better formulated or even different, but I will characterize these.

Anti-Semitism is an ineradicable phenomenon in most of the European and Middle Eastern world, periodically, for socio-political purposes, fueled by someone.

The times were like that. Even before the First World War, it was customary to hate the Jews, to invent all sorts of stories, and then to believe in them together. And there, it would be someone to hate, but there is a reason. In the case of the Jews, these very reasons were many. They are different, they refuse to believe in Jesus, they constantly bathe (because of which they get less plague and other similar diseases), they refuse to work once a week, they are too rich, they live in their own communes, they killed Jesus ...

So hatred has survived to this day. The difference between the Nazis is that they raised this hatred to a new level. If earlier Jews could save themselves by changing their religion to the correct one, now such tricks do not work. Jews began to be hated for belonging to the Jewish people. And it doesn't matter what god you believe in, where and how you live, the important thing is that you are a Jew. The Nazis convinced themselves that a Jewish nose can be found in any crime, the Jews want to take over the world and the Jews want to destroy the Aryans with their damned blood.

Germans, and even more so veterans Great War, accused the communists of having “stab a knife in the back” at the most crucial moment of the war, because of which the Germans lost the war. But before that, for four for long years, they fought (and quite successfully) on two fronts. But as soon as the communists tried to make a revolution, Atlanta approaches the walls of Berlin, and the Kaiser abdicates the throne. Well, who is our leader of the Communists, his most ardent followers and, in general, the creators of this philosophy? That's right, Jews!

And on all this beautiful soil fell the seeds of Darwin's theory (which was transformed into social Darwinism) and the thoughts of Nietzsche, who believed that the Aryans, like shepherds, should lead all peoples to a happy future. This whole salad gave what happened at the end: the Holocaust and the extermination of six million Jews only (not to mention many others, including "inferior" Germans with bad heredity).

At that time, the sociologist Werner Sombart was very popular in Germany. He even has a separate book about how everything bad in the economy arose because of the Jews and their damned religion. It is called "Jews and Economic Life". After reading this book, it is very difficult not to hate the Jews.

I especially like one argument from there. Its essence is as follows. The Jewish religion requires Jews to work hard and hard. It would seem that this is a plus. However, it is further explained that this raises a curious problem. Normal people who work not for religious reasons, but for pragmatic reasons, cannot compete with the Jews in almost nothing. After all normal people I want to take a break sometimes. They are not inclined to devote to work all the time. And the situation in which the Jews, thanks to their hard work, always turn out to be the best in everything, is completely unacceptable.

Nowhere in the book does it explicitly state that the Jewish question requires final decision. But the problem is described in such a way that there seems to be no other solution.

Of course, Hitler read this book. But that's not the point. This author was very popular anyway. Hitler simply managed to take control of the energy of the broad masses and direct it to the implementation of a specific political program.

Hitler promoted vehement anti-Semitism for political purposes. Perhaps, deep down, his anti-Semitism was no stronger than ordinary household German. However, nothing unites the masses like a common enemy, which, according to many Germans of that time, were the Jews (in particular, the Jews who were sitting in the German General Staff were accused of losing in the First World War). Germany was embittered and humiliated by the defeat in the war. Hitler, as a corporal who fought in it, understood this very well. He groped pain point Germans, promising to deal with her. Around his racial theory, he was able to rally the nation. He also hoped to rally around him other European peoples, among whom anti-Semitism was also widespread.

It is difficult to say anything for sure, but it seems plausible to me that Hitler's dislike for Jews at the everyday level originated in the 2000s when he worked in Vienna. In what was then Vienna, relations between Germans and Jews, who enjoyed much greater rights there than in Germany, were generally rather hostile. Especially in the artistic environment, where the Jews had a large representation and played a relatively significant role in comparison with other areas.

Well, of course, Hitler was a patriot of Kaiser's Germany, a hero of the First World War, and he perceived the November Revolution as a tragedy. At the same time, he accepted without hesitation the legend about the "stab in the back" that was quite common at that time and became a staunch anti-Semite.

When Adolf Hitler was unable to enter the art academy, he was left in Vienna without a livelihood and was forced to live in bunkhouses. As a rule, the owners of these establishments were Jews. What he saw and experienced in these places forever made him an anti-Semite. Version with a Jewish prostitute - has no evidence.

Pathological anti-Semitism was not invented by Hitler. It is found much more widely than it is customary to say in a decent society, including among the participants in this project. Moreover, a significant part of anti-Semites with Jews never met and did not intersect in real life. Vysotsky sang it well - "Why should I be considered a thief and a bandit? Isn't it easier for me to become an anti-Semite? True, there is no law on their side, but the love and enthusiasm of millions."

The Jews have long been the universal scapegoat, the eternal answer to the question "Who is to blame?" And this question was acute for the Germans, after the loss of the First World War. So the answer suggested itself.

They say Hitler's anti-Semitism acquired a chronic form after he picked up something extremely unpleasant from a Jewish prostitute in Vienna.

There is an opinion, one of many, that Hitler's Judeophobia developed thanks to Ludwig Wittgenstein. With him, young Adolf studied at the same college in Linz. Wittgenstein was three-quarters Jewish, but that was not why he was not loved. In Mein Kampf, Hitler wrote:

True, in a real school I had to get acquainted with one Jewish boy, to whom we all treated with a certain caution, but only because he was too silent, and we, taught by bitter experience, did not really trust such boys.

From a review of Kimberly Cornish's The Jew from Linz in the Berliner LeseZeichen almanac with the ingenious title "These two whistled together":

Cornish is convinced: "Without any doubt, it can be considered that it was Ludwig Wittgenstein who became the reason for turning Hitler into an implacable anti-Semite."

It sounds, of course, strange, but what just happens to the human psyche, especially in the first decades of life.

It is difficult to look for an internal enemy, but you need to fight with someone in order to blame someone else for your failures.

Jews perfect option, they are successful, they have a different religion and language, hence the anti-Semitism. Now imagine what you are told every Sunday Kiselev-Soloviev tells how the Jews want to burn Russia, in a week you are smashing the synagogue.

Hitler by by and large it was spitting on people, a Jew is not a Jew to deal with the case a little.

The history of Hitler's anti-Semitism is long. To begin with, Hitler, like many Germans (by the way, he was an Austrian) fought on the fronts of the First World War. He rose to the rank of corporal. He served as a messenger, that is, he delivered the order of the command to the trenches and sometimes to the front line. Even was presented to the iron cross. During one of the gas attacks, he almost went blind and was sent to the hospital. He met the defeat of Germany in the hospital. Some researchers believe that even then Hitler wondered who was to blame for losing the war. Defeat in the war German Empire And

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There are at least two versions of why Hitler did not like (to put it mildly) the Jews. One version is the opinion of historians who have studied his personality. Specialists who can honestly examine the life of Adolf - this is an objective view from the outside. The second version is the opinion of Hitler himself, who outlined the reasons for his hatred in the book "My Struggle". In it, Hitler describes in detail the many factors that provoked such an attitude.

Hitler's biographer Joachim Fest believes that Adolf's hatred for everything manifested itself in his childhood.. Hitler's comrades claimed that he constantly entered into conflicts, felt hostility for no reason. Raging anger found an outlet by focusing on anti-Semitism.

Why did Adolf Hitler look with hatred at the Jews:

  • Uncleanliness and untidiness. According to the Fuhrer's personal observations, the Jews do not like to bathe. They do this very rarely, so they are easily distinguished from other people by bad smell. If we take into account the constant untidiness in clothes, then the prejudiced attitude towards the Jews on the part of the neat people becomes understandable. Adolf s early childhood was taught to treat personal hygiene responsibly. For him, all those who ignored cleanliness and tidiness became annoyance factors.
  • Moral dirt. Hitler devoted considerable time to studying the activities of the Jews in the most different areas life. The conclusion was clear: all these people are involved in certain "unclean" deeds. In his book, the Fuhrer compares an unpleasant nationality with worms or nasty larvae in an abscess. The activity was culturally equated with the plague. The worst thing is that their worldview spread with great speed and was not cured by anything, penetrating into every corner of consciousness. The constant thirst for profit was mixed with the absence of moral restrictions on the way to achieve the desired result.

  • Split personality. The strangest thing is that on one issue the Jews could express completely opposite thoughts. The answer depended on the circumstances and surroundings. Such duplicity could only cause negative emotions. Even in historical terms, there were many negative moments. For example, the leaders of the Social Democracy belonging to a given nationality showed hatred for their own people. Such behavior dishonors the history of the country and its great figures. For Hitler, this situation was absolutely unacceptable. Leaders reflect their people, so the chosen path of development casts a black shadow on all representatives of this nationality.
  • Fight against Germany. It was the Jews who ensured that the neutral states became members of the anti-German coalition. It was created before the World War. It is difficult to say whether the Jews really had a hand in these events. What purpose could they pursue in this way? The destruction of the German patriotic intelligentsia would lead to the complete subjugation of Germany, after which the whole world would open up. At least that's what Adolf thought. That is why he decided to enter politics. Only in this way could the country be saved from the interference of the cunning people.
  • A quirky and rich mind. Hitler rightly considered the Jews very smart people. Their intellectual properties have been developed over thousands of years. Sharpening the skills of politics and trade was absorbed literally with mother's milk. Not without reason among the Jews, the family line is transmitted through the female line. They say that a smart man learns not from his own mistakes, but from others. Most often, Jews did this, carefully observing what was happening around them. The resourcefulness of this nationality caused the Fuhrer a mixture of admiration and hatred. How could they act so low with their global capabilities?
  • The spread of syphilis in the country. The Jews, who penetrated into the area even of sexual life, promoted commercial marriages without feelings. Accordingly, they allowed the satisfaction of love instincts elsewhere. A similar approach to intimate relationship led to the rapid spread of venereal disease. Why did Hitler not like the Jews in their promiscuity? Where there is room for dirt, you cannot build the future of the country. Sick people can infect quite healthy neighbors! Therefore, it is easier to “remove” a possible source of problems in the bud.

    Which version is more objective: the revelations of the person himself or a view from the outside? Everyone decides for himself. Most experts agree that the cause of hatred is the obvious mental disorder. There are no flaws that make it worth killing tens of millions of people. Moreover, not only Jews suffered.

    The persecution of the Jews

    played a role and attitude towards Jews in society. The fact is that they represented not only a national, but also a religious minority:

    1. Forced to wander the world, people did not have their own homeland.
    2. In the new lands, thanks to intelligence and perseverance, Jews often occupied leading positions and lived quite well.
    3. Separate areas were completely occupied by Jews, representatives of other nationalities somehow survived from them.
    4. In a sense, the first migrants in history were depriving the “living space” of the natives.
    5. This was especially noticeable in crisis years when inflation, unemployment and poverty came.
    6. But at the same time it was necessary to blame someone else for their troubles.
    7. The first ghettos for Jews appeared in Italy in the Middle Ages.

Anti-Semitism is a shameful phenomenon. Actually, any oppression, and even more so the physical destruction of people according to nationality criminal, especially if it is initiated by the government and carried out on a national scale. History knows cases of mass genocide against representatives of different peoples. Hundreds of thousands of Armenians were destroyed by the Turks at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Not everyone knows how cruelly Japanese soldiers dealt with the Chinese during the occupation of Nanjing and Singapore in the late 30s. Mass executions were carried out during the war by the allies of Nazi Germany, the Croatian Ustaše. By historical standards, recently, in 1994, terrible purges along ethnic lines (Hutus were killed by Tutsis) shocked Rwanda.

But there is a people who have been subjected to the most intense ethnic persecution in the twentieth century, known as the Holocaust. Modern Germans cannot unequivocally explain why their grandfathers, who grew up under the influence of Goebbels' propaganda, exterminated the Jews. It is possible that the ancestors themselves would not have found a clear argument for their actions, but in the thirties and forties, in most cases, everything was clear and understandable for them.

Woe from the mind?

When asked why the Jews were exterminated in different countries(and this happened not only in Germany of the twentieth century, but also in other countries at different times), you can most often hear the answer from representatives of this people: “Out of envy!” This version of the assessment of tragic events has its own logic and truth. The Jewish people gave mankind many geniuses who shone in science, in art, and in other areas of human civilization. The ability to adapt, a traditionally active position, an active character, subtle and ironic humor, innate musicality, enterprise and others, of course positive traits characteristic of the nation that gave the world Einstein, Oistrakh, Marx, Botvinnik ... Yes, you can list for a long time who else. But, apparently, it's not just envy of outstanding mental abilities. After all, not all Jews are Einsteins. There are people among them and simpler. The sign of true wisdom is not its constant demonstration, but something else. For example, the ability to provide a friendly environment. Such that it would never occur to anyone to offend the representatives of this people. Not out of fear, but out of respect. Or even love.

Revolutionary money grab

People seek power and wealth different nationalities. Anyone who truly wants to taste these attributes of an earthly paradise is looking for ways to achieve his goal and sometimes finds them. Then other people (who can be conditionally called envious) have a desire to redistribute the benefits, in other words, take away the values ​​from the rich and appropriate them, or at least share them equally (or fraternally, this is when the eldest has more). During pogroms and revolutions, successful owners of fortunes of different nationalities, from Zulu kings to Ukrainian high government officials, fall under the scrutiny. But why were the Jews exterminated in the first place in almost all cases of mass robbery? Maybe they have more money?

Aliens and xenophobes

Jews for historical reasons from ancient times until the middle of the twentieth century did not have their own state. They had to settle in different countries, kingdoms, states and move to new places in search of a better life. Some of the Jews were able to assimilate, merging into the indigenous ethnic group and dissolving into it without a trace. But the core of the nation still retained its identity, religion, language and other features that determine national characteristics. In itself, this is a miracle, because xenophobia is inherent in one way or another in almost all indigenous ethnic groups. Otherness causes rejection and hostility, and they, in turn, greatly complicate life.

Knowing that the best reason for uniting the nation could be a common enemy, Hitler exterminated the Jews. Technically, it was simple, they were easy to recognize, they go to synagogues, keep kosher and Sabbath, dress differently and sometimes even speak with an accent. In addition, at the time the Nazis came to power, the Jews did not have the opportunity to effectively resist violence, representing an almost ideal ethnically isolated and helpless victim. The desire for self-isolation, which determined the survival of the nation, once again worked as a bait for the rioters.

Hitler's "My Struggle"

Did the Germans know about Auschwitz and Buchenwald

After the defeat of Nazism, many Germans claimed they knew nothing about concentration camps, ghettos, high-performance crematorium ovens, and gigantic ditches filled with human bodies. They did not know about soap, and candles made from human fat, and other cases of "useful disposal" of the remains. Some of their neighbors simply disappeared somewhere, and the authorities did not hear about the atrocities committed in the occupied territories. The desire to disown responsibility for war crimes of ordinary soldiers and officers of the Wehrmacht is understandable; they pointed to the SS troops, which were mainly engaged in punitive operations. But there was also the “Kristallnacht” of 1938, during which not only attack aircraft in brown shirts acted, but also the most ordinary inhabitants. Representatives of the sentimental, talented and industrious German people with sweet ecstasy destroyed the property of their recent friends and neighbors, and they themselves were beaten and humiliated. So why did the Germans exterminate the Jews, what are the reasons for the sudden outbreak of fierce hatred? Were there any reasons?

Jews of the Weimar Republic

To understand the reasons why the Germans, their recent neighbors and friends exterminated the Jews, one should plunge into the atmosphere of the Weimar Republic. Many historical studies have been written about this period, and those who do not want to read scientific tomes have the opportunity to learn about it from the novels of the great writer E. M. Remarque. The country suffers from unbearable indemnities imposed by the Entente countries that won the Great War. Poverty borders on hunger, while the souls of its citizens are increasingly seized by various vices caused by forced idleness and the desire to somehow brighten up their gray beggarly life. But there are also successful people, businessmen, bankers, speculators. Entrepreneurship, due to centuries of nomadic life, is in the blood of the Jews. It was they who became the backbone of the business elite of the Weimar Republic, which existed from 1919 to There were, of course, poor Jews, craftsmen, working artisans, musicians and poets, artists and sculptors, and they made up the majority of the people. They basically became victims of the Holocaust, the rich managed to escape, they had money for tickets.

The Holocaust reached its peak during World War II. On the territory of occupied Poland, the “death factories”, Majdanek and Auschwitz immediately began to work. But the flywheel of mass murder on a national basis gained special momentum after the Wehrmacht invaded the USSR.

There were many Jews in the Leninist Politburo of the Bolshevik Party, they even made up the majority. By 1941, large-scale purges took place in the CPSU(b), as a result of which the national composition of the Kremlin leadership underwent significant changes. But at the grassroots (as they say, "on the ground") levels and in the organs of the NKVD, the Jewish Bolsheviks still retained quantitative dominance. Many of them have experience civil war, their services to Soviet power regarded as indisputable, they participated in other large-scale Bolshevik projects. Is it worth asking why Hitler exterminated Jews and commissars in the occupied Soviet territories in the first place? For the Nazis, these two concepts were practically identical and eventually merged into a single whole definition of "Jewish Commissar".

Anti-Semitism Vaccine

National hostility was inculcated gradually. Racial theory came to dominate almost immediately after the Nazis came to power. On the screens of cinemas there were chronicles of ritual sacrifices, during which rabbis killed cows by slitting their throats. sharp knife. and women are very beautiful, but the Nazi propagandists were not interested in such. For propaganda videos and posters, "walking manuals for anti-Semites" were specially chosen, with faces expressing brutal cruelty and stupidity. So the Germans became anti-Semites.

After the Victory, the commandant's offices of the victorious countries pursued a policy of denazification, and in all four occupation zones: Soviet, American, French and British. The inhabitants of the defeated Reich were actually forced (under the threat of deprivation of food rations) to watch revealing documentaries. This measure was aimed at leveling the consequences of twelve years of brainwashing of deceived Germans.

Himself like that!

Talking about geopolitics, preaching the ideals of the racial superiority of the Aryans and calling for the destruction of peoples, the Fuhrer nevertheless remained, paradoxically, ordinary person suffering near psychological complexes. One of them was the question of one's own nationality. It is difficult to figure out why Hitler exterminated the Jews, but one of the clues may be the origin of his father, Alois Schicklgruber. The father of the future Fuhrer received the infamous surname only after an official statement of paternity, certified by three witnesses and made by Johann Georg Hitler in 1867, for reasons of inheritance.

Alois himself was married three times, and there is a version that one of his children from a previous marriage tried to blackmail the "leader of the German people" with information about the semi-Jewish origin of their common father. This hypothesis has a number of inconsistencies, but due to chronological remoteness it cannot be completely ruled out. But she can explain some of the subtleties of the morbid psyche of the demon-possessed Fuhrer. After all, an anti-Semitic Jew is not such a rare occurrence. And Hitler's appearance does not at all correspond to the racial standards adopted in the Third Reich. He was not a tall blue-eyed blond.

Occult and other causes

It is also possible to try to explain why Hitler exterminated the Jews from the standpoint of the ethical and philosophical base that he laid under the process of the physical destruction of millions of people. The Fuhrer was fond of occult theories, and his favorite authors were Guido von List and In general, the version of the origin of the Aryans and the ancient Germans turned out to be rather confused and contradictory, but with regard to the Jews, the policy was based on the mystical assumption that they, identified by Hitler as a separate race, supposedly represent danger to all mankind, threatening it with complete annihilation.

It is difficult to assume that an entire nation can be drawn into some kind of global conspiracy. With a multimillion-strong population, someone would surely blabbed about the inhumane plan, in which everyone participates, from the shoemaker Rabinovich to Professor Heller. There is no logically substantiated answer to the question of why the Nazis exterminated the Jews.

Military is committed when people refuse to think for themselves, relying on their leaders, and without a doubt, and sometimes with pleasure, carry out someone's evil will. Unfortunately, similar phenomena are still in place today...


Now they will criticize mercilessly, but I will try to answer as simply as possible.

So, as VASILY ZHUKOV noted - the Nazis and their henchmen (not only Germans, but also many representatives of other nationalities).

1. the existence of any totalitarian regime is possible only in the presence of an enemy, and, therefore, the regime purposefully constructs the image of the enemy;

2. Jew - "universal enemy" - he is the founder of communism (social democracy) (K. Marx, ....), and the communists were the ideological enemies of the Nazis (why is a separate question). But a "Jew" is also a "plutocrat" (sorry for the terminology) - look at the nationality of the leading rich men of the interwar period. It was the universality of this image of the enemy that became the basis of animal anti-Semitism among some (not all) Nazi leaders.

Anti-Semitism is an ancient phenomenon (there was also a pagan one (there are some of its adherents in the Russian Federation even now), Roman, ... Christian and everyday life have survived to this day), but only racial anti-Semitism, which appeared at the turn of the 19th - 20th centuries, did not assume the ability to move from the "THEY (enemies)" group to the "WE" group. The enemy is possible and, excuse me, it is necessary. (Look - L. Polyakov - History of anti-Semitism - http://jhistory.nfurman.com/shoa/poliakov00.htm) At the same time, no one is immune from anti-Semitism. For example, there are actually no Jews in Japan, but there are anti-Semitic publications (http://www.webcitation.org/66n9eZEIV)

Further - the Nazis created a unique education system, in the center of which were holistic aspirations, and a boy in "short pants" having passed it from 1933 (34) to 1939, became a killing machine in which the principle of "madness of rationality" dominated (read more - H. Arendt "The Banality of Evil" http://www.e-reading.club/book.php?book=1004585 This is not The only job, but you can start with it).

National Socialism was popular not only in the Weimar Republic, but also in Great Britain, the USA, etc. Adolf Aloizovich Shiklgruber (Hitler) received power not so much thanks to, but rather in spite of. Why? The "Great Depression" affected Germany to the greatest extent, moreover, the Nazi ideology (although I myself doubt the existence of a coherent system thereof), which operated towards revanchism and "getting up off your knees" among normative (very) burghers and Bauers was understandable and popular. Here, that's who the enemy is - the Telmanists (communists) and the capitalists, who are pumping out the last forces and means (see paragraph 2.).

By the way, for some regions it would be more correct to say that the Nazis created a system that was aimed at the total destruction of a separate ethnic group, and the inhabitants of the territories they occupied (unfortunately) became implementers or a silent majority (Bystanders - or, - standing nearby).

Well, in the end - if there were no Jews, they should have been invented for the convenience of politicians for all time (Israel Zangwill).

Adolf Gitler- talented artist. His wonderful paintings attracted a lot of attention, they were admired by people of different social strata. But, as we all know, the artistic career has not been very successful. Hitler is better known to us as a cruel conqueror and exterminator of entire nations than as a famous artist. I wonder why Hitler killed the Jews? Let's figure it out.

Founder of Nazism

We, perhaps, will not dive deep into the biography of the famous conqueror of the twentieth century. But it is worth saying that perhaps not everyone knows - Adolf Hitler is the founder of the theory Nazism, the foundation of which is racial hygiene. Main principle- the impossibility of mixing races. This suggests that marriages between people of different races were not allowed. The goal is to achieve the dominance of one single race - the Aryans. Hitler decided that Aryans should "stand at the head of the entire planet", since he considered this race to be the highest. In no case was it allowed to mix with lower races, for example, Asians. Undoubtedly, the struggle between representatives of different peoples is the most powerful engine of history. But Adolf believed that it was worth stopping.

According to one of the famous historians, Hitler considered the white Aryans the purest, strongest and smartest. There was not a drop of doubt in him that this particular race was the most civilized. The tyrant hated not only the Jews. Under the string of negativity were both blacks and Asians, and gypsies. But the only certainty was that it was the Jews who were the root of all evil. This served to further extermination of the people.

Adolf Hitler misunderstood the term "race" a bit. For him Jews they just belonged to a separate race, which is trying, let's say, to "get through" to the Aryans, mix with them and thereby destroy them, leaving no purebreds.


After the end of the war, there were rumors that Adolf Hitler suffered from some kind of mental disorder. Allegedly, it was not possible to explain his actions otherwise. But in fact, according to his close associates, there was simply no evidence of mental illness or insanity.

Historian Ricky Peters states with absolute certainty that Hitler in psychologically was healthy. Perhaps some small manic syndrome was still present. However, nothing surprising, because it is precisely such a diagnosis that psychologists make to many modern people.

In fact, if the tyrant had visited a psychiatrist, he would have easily identified some personality disorder in him. An evil and cruel character in some incomprehensible way helped the conqueror find a common language with people, while skillfully manipulating them. Of course, few people can succeed. In the first place were political affairs, and then there was family, happiness and similar human feelings.

Rise of antisemitism

A deviant and dissocial personality is not the first reason for the appearance of hatred towards the Jewish peoples. Adolf Hitler only "fit" into this trend. At the height of his power, the conqueror was not the only one who did not like the Jews. antisemitism existed even before his birth, but the heyday, of course, fell on the years of the rule of the “mustache”. In general, Jews at all times were subjected to persecution and extermination, so they were no strangers to such an attitude towards themselves. But Hitler managed to go to new level extermination, killing thousands of people a day.

Another answer to why Hitler killed Jews in particular is the fact that the latter tried to "take over" the world. Such information appeared from the intelligence protocols created on the territory of our country in the nineteenth century. If you believe them, then there is a real conspiracy of the Jewish estates.

“Adolf Hitler had no doubt that the Jews had created a certain global network, their own habitat. There they develop ideas for dominating our world. Hitler, with the help of written protocols, tried to legitimize the genocide, which, however, he did quite well, ”says Klaus Christensen.
During the First World War, Hitler stood in the ranks of the soldiers of the Bavarian regime. When the war ended, he made the bold statement that the Jews were the main culprits in Germany's defeat. This conclusion was due to the fact that it was they who occupied leading government posts. They simply betrayed the German army by stabbing a knife in the back.

The Nazis are 'glad' at the brewing crisis

In the early thirties of the last century, every country was plunged into a great depression. Of course, Germany was no exception. Due to this crisis in the field of the economy, huge unemployment reigned in the world, accompanied by various troubles in the social strata. At such a time it was most convenient to form views on the "careless" Jews, which Hitler did. He became head of the National Socialist Workers' Party.

“The Germans believed that such a party would help improve the quality of life, therefore Nazism is accepted without contempt of conscience. At that time, racial aspects were found only in Hitler's composition called "Mein Kampf", which translates as "My Struggle". Consequently, until the mid-thirties, little was known about racism. Only after Hitler was at the helm did anti-Semitism become widespread.

In 1932, party elections were held, in which the German Communists, along with the National Socialists, received the majority of the votes. Adolf Hitler is now chancellor. This served to ensure that the future conqueror and his associates actively advertised anti-Semitic views and beliefs. Special campaigns were created that simply humiliated the Jews, considering them an inferior race.

main slogan "Germany for the Germans!" flitted around every corner. He called on the Germans, which is first of all necessary for the preservation of the purebred Aryan race. Other peoples, and especially the Jews, must be weeded out.

Of course, there are also back side medals. In addition to supporters, there were also opponents. They believed that it was cruel to destroy entire nations for the sake of purebred people. Everyone chooses his own destiny. With such people, Hitler dealt with radical methods.

crystal night

One of the well-known events of the extermination of Jews was the so-called Kristallnacht, which took place in November 1938. In just a few hours, shops belonging to a hated people, cemeteries, synagogues, and so on, were wiped off the face of the earth all over Germany. Of course, the most diverse methods were used: from the usual execution to destruction by gas and burning of premises.

Some Germans rebelled against the actions of Adolf Hitler, but this did nothing for them at all. Persecution and extermination continued, each time gaining greater support from the population. A few years later, the close military commander sent millions of Jews to camps, where they were dealt with with the most cruel methods. Even after the war ended, huge investments continued in the construction of camps and murder weapons for the Jews. Although the money had to be spent on more necessary things and simply save resources, which were categorically lacking.

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