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What is the normal vocabulary of a person. What is active and passive vocabulary and how to increase them significantly. Ways to expand your vocabulary

A person may well serve as a very objective indicator of his intellectual development, high level of culture and good education. Society, as a rule, perceives such a person as intelligent and creative. It is initially easier for such a member of society to find a good and more promising job, he moves faster and more successfully up the career ladder and has a reputation as a person whose advice and recommendations should be listened to more often and more carefully.

What does the concept of human vocabulary mean?

Simply put, it is a set of words that a person owns. According to modern scientists, a person's vocabulary is of two types: active and passive. The first consists of words that are used both in writing and in speaking. Passive, in turn, is the set of words that is recognized and understood, but not used by a person. As a rule, the latter is several times superior to the former.

What is the vocabulary of the Russian language?

According to recently obtained statistics, our language has almost 500,000 words, but only 3,000 are used in everyday speech. An average student uses 5,000 words, and an adult's vocabulary is 8,000.

In other languages, the situation is almost the same.

Can the set of words used be increased?

Very often in everyday conversations one hears about the tongue-tied language of one or another common acquaintance. Often you can also find the opinion that the gift of oratory is given to us at birth and subsequently a person's vocabulary (as a predisposition, for example, to some bad habits or diseases) cannot be corrected. This is nothing more than a delusion! Can! Can be supplemented, corrected and improved! And this is not so difficult to do, the main thing is to set a goal.

How to improve a person's vocabulary. List of simple tips

  • Make a list of the words that you will surely use day in and day out. Keep this list as long as possible. Ready? Now, using the explanatory dictionary or the dictionary of synonyms, write several of its alternative variants in front of each word. For example, “interesting” is remarkable, entertaining, curious, noteworthy, interesting. Try to remember them and use each of the written options at least once during the day. Only in this way can they be deposited in our memory.
  • Read as much as you can. Start with books by those authors who are close and enjoyable to you. And only gradually it will be possible to move on to more serious literature. If an unfamiliar word is found in a work, it is recommended that you look at its meaning in the dictionary, and if you want to remember it, read it aloud and repeat it mentally several times. Why is it so? - Modern scientists have proved that what has been uttered at least once is better deposited in human memory.
  • Write. If you have no one to write long, warm and filled with positive emotions letters, use the example of Demosthenes: rewrite other people's articles, your favorite works of art, write out poems or sayings of the greats that have stirred something in your soul into a special notebook.
  • Crosswords are also quite useful for developing vocabulary. But in this case, I would like to warn you - the publications that print them must be known and verified.
  • If you have to spend most of your time on the road or behind the wheel, and there is simply a sorely lack of free time for the aforementioned, you can resort to using audiobooks, the choice of which is now quite large, and the quality is quite decent.

With these proven methods, you can gradually increase your vocabulary: English, Chinese, French and any other. But we should not forget that without making efforts, you are unlikely to be able to make your speech more melodic, informative and expressive.

How many words are there in English? The Oxford English Dictionary contains about 500,000 entries, excluding specific scientific words and expressions (of which there are about 500,000 more). What do you think, what is the average vocabulary of a foreign language that high school gives you during your studies? The correct answer is about 2500 words. Is this set not enough? Here it is already necessary to proceed from your goals. To communicate with foreigners on business topics - definitely not enough. For reading simple texts on the Internet - more than enough. To be more precise:

400-500 words- active vocabulary for language proficiency at the basic (threshold) level.
800-1000 words- active vocabulary in order to explain; or passive vocabulary for basic reading.
1500-2000 words- active vocabulary, which is quite enough to ensure everyday communication throughout the day: or passive vocabulary, sufficient for confident reading.
3000-4000 words- in general, it is enough for practically free reading of newspapers or literature in the specialty.
About 8000 words- provide full-fledged communication for the average European. You practically don't need to know more words in order to communicate freely both orally and in writing, as well as to read literature of any kind.

The well-known Swedish polyglot Eric Gunnemark, founder of the International Association `Amici Linguarum` (` Friends of Languages`) came to these data. Moreover, he compiled a set of the minimum number of words and expressions that you need to know for the threshold level of language proficiency, calling them Minilex and Minifraz.

Interestingly, what is the average level of vocabulary for an ordinary network user and for you personally? I'll talk about this further.

A study by a joint US-Brazilian group has produced interesting results. For example, the graph below shows how vocabulary increases with age in native speakers (in this case, English).

The survey was attended by 200,000 people, which indicates its high accuracy. The graph shows that between the ages of 3 and 16, our vocabulary grows at the rate of 4 new words per day (more precisely, 3.8 words). At the age of 16 to 50, the growth rate decreases to 1 per day (more precisely 0.85). And finally, after 50, vocabulary remains at about the same level.

What is the average English vocabulary of non-native Internet users? The diagram below will answer this question.

It does not include users with vocabulary below 1000. As we can see, the majority of users who study English (4.7%) have a personal vocabulary of 4500 words. You can check the level of your knowledge in just a couple of minutes (link at the end of the article) and compare it with these indicators.

Let's take a look at some other interesting takeaways. The following diagram shows the activity of students in the classroom (answering questions, communication) from the level of vocabulary.

As expected, the students with the best word skills are the most involved in the lesson, but this is not a fundamental factor.

The following diagram answers the question: how often do you use your knowledge of English in life (when watching TV, traveling, listening to songs, etc.)

Again, as vocabulary grows, learners are more likely to start using the language in everyday life, and those who come across English often have twice the vocabulary.
If you have traveled to English speaking countries, how long have you been there?

From the diagram, we can see that people with a stock of 7,000 to 10,000 words have been abroad for a total of less than a year. Each subsequent year in an English-speaking country, on average, adds 850 words to your original vocabulary, which equates to 2.35 words per day (compared to an American teenager, whose vocabulary increases by 0.85 words per day).

Exercise regularly. Better a little every day than once a week for several hours in a row.
Carry the printed word cards with you or use the appropriate mobile applications.
You read as much as possible, even if the text is poorly perceived (I recommend reading the book by Nikolai Zamyatkin about this method, who advises learning to read texts without using a dictionary).
Learn as much as possible by heart.
Place stickers on various objects in the room with English meaning and translation.
Repeat the words regularly, preferably speaking them out loud. Even Russian words are forgotten if they are not repeated and used for a long time.
For hard-to-remember words, use associations. The brighter the image created by the association, the better the word will be remembered.
Language is a fortress, and you need to storm it from all sides and by all means, therefore any practice is the basis of success, so use the slightest opportunity to speak, read, write in the target language.
Don't be afraid of mistakes. Learn from them! Excessive modesty does not help here, and some overconfidence does not hurt.
Use the time that is usually hopelessly wasted - traveling in public transport, waiting for an appointment, etc.
Useful to pay attention
For the article, the material of the vocabulary check site was used:
An example of a good dictionary of the basic vocabulary is the dictionary published by E. Klett in Stuttgart, 1971, under the name "Grundwortschatz Deutsch" ("Basic vocabulary of the German language"). It contains 2,000 essential words in each of the selected six languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Italian and Russian.
The book by E. Gunnemark, in which he talks in more detail about the study of words, is called "The Art of Learning Languages". It is difficult to find it on sale (in the Moscow Biblio-Globus it has been absent since 2005). Therefore, I recommend downloading the electronic version.
The course Minilex and Minifraz Gunnemark, as well as the 2000 most common English words, can be taken on the WordSteps vocabulary development website
N. Zamyatkin's book: “You cannot be taught a foreign language” is recommended for respect for beginners to learn the language.

Aries man and Gemini woman are somewhat less suitable for each other. The thing is that a girl in such a pair loves independence and often shows character. It is extremely difficult for an Aries guy to listen to her opinion, and even more so to agree with criticism. On this basis, lovers can have serious conflicts.

In a love relationship. When an Aries man and a Gemini girl meet, they immediately realize that they are literally made for each other. An ambitious, courageous and at the same time cheerful young man cannot but be attracted by a changeable, sociable and easy-going young lady.

If the lovers do not live together, then they will have a minimum of reasons for quarrels. Aries knows how to organize amazing romantic dates that will allow his soul mate to forget about everything and completely immerse themselves in the world of love and passion.

Married. Problems in a couple can arise already in a joint married life. Each of the partners will try to become a leader. It is unusual for Aries to realize that someone other than him may be right. Therefore, fair remarks from an intelligent, judicious wife will drive a man to madness. The situation will be easily resolved if someone from Aries's acquaintances begins to admire the intelligence and ingenuity of his wife. Then Aries will look at his beloved from a completely different side.

A Gemini woman becomes a great mom. The husband is unlikely to devote as much time to children, but he will definitely demonstrate to them how the real head of the family should behave - a support and breadwinner. A wife in such a pair should never become a housewife.

Gemini definitely needs self-realization, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve inner harmony. True, her frequent absences from work will certainly lead to bouts of jealousy in her husband. It will take a lot of effort to extinguish them and calm him down.

Friendship. The compatibility of signs in friendship is average. If there are common interests, they will rarely meet and discuss that very hobby during the gatherings. Such friends will not have other reasons to see each other.

Sexual compatibility. Aries is self-confident and capable of hitting any girl in bed. The Gemini woman is more reserved in sex. The lack of her emotions will compensate for their violent manifestation from Aries.

In such a pair, a girl need not be afraid of betrayal. Until she suits her partner on all counts, he will definitely not look at another woman, no matter how beautiful and interesting the new acquaintance turns out to be.

Positive and negative sides of the union

The modern horoscope suggests that the union under discussion has its positive and negative sides. Representatives of the elements of Fire and Air need to carefully study such lists in order to know exactly where to expect a trick, and in which issues you can not strain.

Positive sides:

  • Representatives of the signs Aries and Gemini never cheat without a reason. If they are completely satisfied with everything in a partner, then we can talk about loyalty and devotion in such a pair.
  • The relationship between two people will always be bright and interesting. Aries and Gemini really do not like to sit still and are ready to go even to the ends of the world for new emotions.
  • Competing with each other, Aries and Gemini will be able to achieve greater success than separately.

Negative sides:

  • In the common house of Gemini and Aries, disputes can sometimes sound. Finding out who is right and for whom the last word, lovers can have a strong fight.
  • Aries are touchy and emotional, but Gemini may simply not notice the bad mood of their partner and, as if nothing had happened, start making fun of him. This often becomes the cause of serious conflict.

A pair of Gemini man - Aries woman can boast of the best compatibility. In the opposite case, conflicts and quarrels will arise much more often.

Tags: Astrology, Gemini, Aries, Sign compatibility, Characteristics of signs

Aries man and Gemini woman are quite compatible in love relationships and marriage, when they accept each other as they are, without seeking to change anything in the partner. Together they feel great at work, in bed, at a party, in an intellectual conversation, and wherever else. Even some duality of the Gemini woman does not interfere with the openness of their relationship.


Jealousy is also the main problem for this couple: the husband of Aries is used not only to lead a marriage, but also allows himself a little more claims than his wife should. And the point here is not tyranny: remembering his former girlfriend, he knows for sure that all this is smoke, while the romantic memories of his partner seem to him much more dangerous. The more in love he is, the more jealous he becomes, but this does not always delight his soul mate.

The observant mind and sharp tongue of Gemini can plunge the ego of the Aries man into dust. There is nothing to be proud of, because such attacks are stupidity. Gemini is capable of losing once and for all that friendly, strong, generous and admiring man with whom she once fell in love. She should use her eloquence for the good of love, making the relationship open, vibrant and interesting.

ARIES + GEMINI - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Aries Gemini Compatibility

Aries and Gemini. Compatibility horoscope Love and sex horoscope

Aries Man and Gemini Woman Compatibility

Gemini Man and Aries Woman Compatibility

Collaboration can be a good way out for these signs. The Gemini woman is a great generator of ideas, her creative approach to business and personal charm are able not only to sell the product, but also to come up with a completely new modification. There is no danger of getting tired of each other, working together, for these signs. On the contrary, they may have new topics for discussion, which will only serve to strengthen love.

Aries and Gemini zodiac signs compatibility

Aries and Gemini: how well do they fit together? Between them, a very strong relationship can arise, but on condition that they, first of all, learn to compromise. Aries is impulsive, passionate, and Gemini is changeable and prone to romance on the side.

They both dislike routine and dislike boredom in any area of ​​life, including sex. They have a similar temperament, so most often Gemini and Aries are prone to experimentation.

They are perfect for each other sexually. Things will be a little worse in everyday life. However, if there is more than just physical attraction between them, they will be able to find solutions to their problems and create a lasting relationship.

Aries woman and Gemini man compatibility in love, relationships, marriage

The Aries woman and the Gemini man have certain similarities in character. They are both energetic, flexible and resourceful. However, it is difficult for men born under the sign of Gemini to find a suitable partner.

Aries woman is active, loves to travel and learn something new. In turn, Gemini are often couch potatoes who, despite all their desires, are unlikely to be able to keep up with their partner.

A man born under the sign of Gemini can feel forgotten in a relationship with a Gemini woman, and this can push him to cheat.

Aries will never be able to accept such a situation. And this can lead to the end of the relationship.

If the Gemini still manages not to find an affair on the side, their relationship with Aries can develop very harmoniously. These signs can easily get along with each other, as they easily adapt to their partners.

Aries man and Gemini woman compatibility in love, relationships, marriage

Aries man and Gemini woman are not a very good combination for a relationship. There is no necessary harmony between them to create a stable and lasting relationship. They will not want to obey each other.

Each side will strive for domination, initiating quarrels, even over the smallest things.

In addition, a woman born under the sign of Gemini is more of an intellectual, for whom sex is in the background, and this becomes clearly noticeable at a later age. Aries, on the other hand, is anxious about sexual life, regardless of age.

He is constantly looking for new adventures and stimulus for development, including intellectual development. The union of Aries and Gemini is a truly explosive mixture.

Aries and Gemini compatibility in friendship

Gemini can easily make acquaintances, but very rarely they turn into deep relationships and long-term friendships. They lack the time and patience to build trust.

Gemini are also not prone to heart-to-heart conversations or frequent meetings in cafes. Gemini is like that cat that walks by itself.

Aries is almost always a devoted friend, and there is nothing that he would not do for his friend. Aries is fun and loves surprises. This is why the friendship between Aries and Gemini has a great chance of success.

Strengths and weaknesses of the relationship between Aries and Gemini

The union of Gemini and Aries is based on mutual passion. It is also a challenge for both parties in a relationship. The strong point of this relationship is the relatively high compatibility in sexual terms.

As long as they remain attractive to each other, nothing threatens their relationship. Unfortunately, Aries and Gemini can quickly get bored with this relationship, and then they will start looking for a new partner or easily go for treason.

Opportunities and threats in the relationship between Aries and Gemini

Some time after the start of a relationship, these signs usually take off their rose-colored glasses and begin to notice flaws in each other, which leads to quarrels. The constant search for compromises is what can keep this union.

Aries woman and Gemini man compatibility in business

As proven by historical events, most of all humanity has moved forward thanks to the cooperation of people of these two signs of the zodiac. Gemini always gave ideas, and Aries implemented them into practical deeds, into real things. Even in cases where Gemini men fall into the love captivity of Aries women, they change beyond recognition, but only for the benefit of the cause and this marriage. They become more organized and orderly, more cultured and correct, more disciplined, more polite and friendly, more respectful. And this is already a benefit both for themselves and for the world around them.

By compatibility, the zodiac signs Aries and Gemini are a perfectly understanding and complementary couple. They work at a fast pace, are active and proactive. Where Gemini lacks courage and cannot get out with the help of dexterity and ingenuity, the decisive Aries enters into the matter, and where Aries lacks flexibility, Gemini helps. They work well together and show good results.

When an Aries woman and a Gemini man are colleagues or partners, this is a wonderful union. The Gemini man is not prone to male chauvinism, he gives Aries his due and respects her. Sometimes there can be difficulties with the fact that Aries wants to do everything in his own way, without listening to the correct advice of Gemini, but, in general, they find mutual understanding well.

When the Aries woman is the boss and the Gemini man is the subordinate, it is a good business union. Gemini men have no complexes about the fact that they are led by a woman. They always try to do a good job - working badly for them is beneath their dignity, it's like admitting that they are stupid. Aries sets global goals, but poorly sees nuances and options for action. Gemini, with their quirky, active mindset, are good at specific tasks at each stage and find the best ways to solve the problem.

When the Aries woman is a subordinate, and the Gemini man is the boss, it is good only if the Gemini boss gives the order and switches to other matters. Then Aries can do the work in a rhythm that suits her. It is bad if the Gemini set several tasks at once, equal in themselves. Then the matter may end with the fact that Aries will express to his face everything that he thinks.

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Aries man and Sagittarius woman compatibility

Aries and Sagittarius have similar personalities, so they know how to get along well. This couple has an excellent understanding, their interests in various spheres of life often overlap. Having met once, lovers have a great chance to create a harmonious union.

In a love relationship (compatibility in love 92%)

The compatibility of the Aries man and the Sagittarius woman in a love relationship is considered ideal. Partners are never bored together, they know how to work actively and fruitfully, as well as have a good rest, enjoying mutual communication.

The Sagittarius girl is active, but at the same time does not show fanaticism and this appeals to the Sagittarius guy. The partner always has her own opinion, but at the same time she does not claim leadership in the established union. For a girl, a particularly valuable quality is trust. And the Aries man is an honest and open person, so it immediately becomes clear that he will never deceive the chosen one.

Companions in such a pair are strong personalities, so it is natural that they may have different views on some things.

But the compatibility of a couple in love does not change from this, since, due to the tactfulness of her character, the partner quietly re-educates the partner, but never focuses on the existing disagreements. On a subconscious level, she understands that in order to preserve love, one cannot argue with the chosen one under any circumstances.

In bed (63% sex compatibility)

Aries man and Sagittarius woman compatibility in bed is above average. But this is quite enough to diversify the life of partners who have many common interests in other areas. Therefore, we can assume that the compatibility of these signs in bed is a harmonious continuation of the understanding that exists between the representatives of these zodiac signs in life.

The Aries man is more temperamental in sex, but the chosen one Sagittarius seeks to adapt to his pressure and she does it perfectly. In the intimate sphere, the partner easily agrees to a passive role, giving all the initiative to a loved one. Lovers are open to experimentation in bed, so their intimacy is varied and never turns into a routine. It is noteworthy that the sexual attraction between the chosen one Aries and the young lady Sagittarius against the background of mutual love persists for many years.

Partners value their feelings very much, therefore, enjoying tenderness and experiencing passion, they treat each other with care. Over time, for a couple, it becomes more important not the process of sex itself, but the emotional intimacy that arises in the process.

Married (compatibility in family life 67%)

The high compatibility of the couple in marriage suggests that these people very often create families after close acquaintance. But at the initial stage of living together, the relationship does not develop very well among the representatives of these zodiac signs.

The main stumbling block is that the spouse does not know how to take care of the house. She is not a housewife by nature. Therefore, the Aries man cannot count on the fact that when he comes home, he will enjoy the cosiness and comfort with pleasure. If the couple manages to overcome this problem by correctly distributing household duties, then we can say that they will be able to build a strong and harmonious family.

The high compatibility of Aries and Sagittarius in marriage suggests that people give freedom to each other. The married life of these people is full of interesting events. Their family is built on absolute trust. The main requirement of a woman for a man in such a union is to ensure material wealth in the family. But at the same time, the spouse Sagittarius is ready to provide any help in this. That is why such unions often have a common business. Strengthens the family of the couple Aries and Sagittarius, the birth of common children.

In friendship (compatibility in friendship 52%)

Despite the average level of compatibility between a Sagittarius woman and an Aries man in friendship, they often become friends. Friendship often develops if, due to some circumstances, a love spark did not slip between partners at the first meeting. For example, a man and a woman have a big age difference, or they are not free.

In a friendly relationship, partners feel liberated. Very often, friendship arises on the basis of business communication. That is, colleagues, under a certain set of circumstances, begin to be friends. This is due to the fact that Sagittarius and Aries are always happy to share life experiences. By supporting each other, these people become more successful. If the Aries man and the Sagittarius woman are friends, then their halves may not be afraid of betrayal. Moreover, usually in such cases they say that people are friends with families.

Aries man and Gemini woman

In a love relationship


This is a strong tandem in the sexual aspect. The first is always aimed at leadership and takes activity into his own hands, and the second is gentle and resourceful. Therefore, if Aries is too aggressive, then Gemini will soften him.

Such an approach in love will deprive sexual intercourse of monotony. But there is a problem. Gemini are always trying to find something new and will surprise Aries first. But each time the sensations fade, and they have to realize it.

Otherwise, the risk of going to the left will increase, especially if there are household or material disagreements. Aries are forced to maintain interest in themselves, otherwise Gemini will simply leave.


EXCELLENT COMPATIBILITY. In this pair, decisions are made with lightning speed. So they can go to the market for groceries, go to the registry office on the way and submit an application without warning anyone. They don't even need to live together first.

Marriage is just a formality, and they will continue to lead their normal lives. They start up incredibly quickly, so more than one set and set of dishes will be spent on a showdown. But reconciliation will be just as vivid.

In general, their joint stay is devoid of routine and peace. Each new day brings surprises, one more unexpected than the other. They put up without delay, but emotional contact suffers greatly.

Communication is under threat because of the love of signs for freedom and conflicts on the basis of everyday life. Aries may think that his companion is much more stubborn, and he will begin to compete with her. And she, in response, takes offense at trifles.

It will come to a divorce if she notices that her husband is ignoring her requests and desires. Solution - the wife will have to show more understanding and support instead of criticism. Then he will become more attentive to her needs.

In friendship

EXCELLENT COMPATIBILITY. When they meet, it resembles a teenage crush. They cling to their appearance, admire beauty, and at the same time do not delve into the soul and character at all, as if they are creating a fictional ideal.

It is clear that often this does not reach a serious stage, because people cannot stand the collapse of images and prefer to disperse. The chances are better when he becomes not only a good lover, but also acts as a caring guardian and protector.

But mostly men make the same mistake - they appear in a macho mask. If they stop behaving this way, then she will see a kind heart and mind. In this case, this connection will become stronger, although their positions in life are still diverging.

Aries articles

  • Features of Aries men;
  • Features of Aries women;
  • Aries stone;
  • Aries - dates of birth;
  • How to seduce an Aries;
  • Gifts for Aries men;
  • Gifts for Aries women;
  • Who is Aries most compatible with? Aries compatibility
  • Which Aries is in love?
  • Common Aries
  • What to expect from an Aries in a relationship?

Necessary details of an intimate life

Bed is one of the most important areas of your relationship for Gemini. If you want to conquer the representative of this sign, your sex life should be:

  • regular;
  • emotional;
  • varied;
  • without complexes.

If you have sex with him once a week or less, then most likely he will leave you. By the way, such men have natural sexuality and assertiveness. Most likely, he will often pester you, and you will not be able to resist. However, if you only have sex once a week, then the man is rejected and will leave you very soon. If you pester him yourself - very good. There is every chance that your union will be very strong.

During intercourse, you need to be emotional. There is no need to lie silently. Move more, moan, breathe languidly, talk about your love, scratch and bite. Remember, all of this must be sincere. Gemini has a very subtle nervous organization, and they immediately feel guile. Remember, if this man was unable to bring you to orgasm, tell him about it directly. Gemini loves being straightforward and hates hints. When he realizes that you are investing in a relationship and want to have orgasms, he will try various sexual techniques until he satisfies you.

Variety is also very important. Remember, every person, when they remember having sex with their partner, is either very aroused, or realizes that everything was trite

Feel free to experiment. Vary your posture, speed, and level of tenderness during sex. Try rough sex. Find an option that allows you to have an orgasm at the same time. By his objective assessment, you should only be rated 10 out of 10!

Sex without complexes is very important for a relationship. Gemini dislikes different limits of limitation. But they will be just happy if they have sex in unusual places. By the way, Gemini can love various fetishes. Therefore, if you want to charm this man, hesitate away and give him whatever he wants. Believe me, it will be better for you. After that, unforgettable orgasms await you.

Where to start seduction

How to fall in love with a twin man is a fairly common question that arises in the heads of women.

The first thing you should start with is to get his attention. Just smile at him

If he likes you, he will also look at you and smile. After that, you can fool around a little. Wink at him or stick out your tongue. This will be a challenge for him. He will understand that you are disposed to communicate, and he will come up to you.

If this does not happen, it means that he may simply be afraid to approach you. But do not doubt the reciprocal sympathy. If he already smiled at you, but does not fit, start the conversation yourself. You can ask the guy about his business or plans for the evening. If he liked you, he will immediately invite you on a date. It is quite difficult for Gemini to take the first step. However, the second and subsequent ones are much easier for them.

How to seduce a Gemini man? Chat with him on various topics, and you will quickly be able to interest him. Remember, Gemini are very sociable people. If the conversation has started, then it is very difficult to stop them later. It is very easy to captivate such people. They are easy-going and very fond of movement. Come up with an interesting activity for you to do together. This will help you to lure him, and, remembering about you, this young man will smile.

If you believe in horoscopes, then this information will be useful to you. Gemini men are most compatible with Sagittarius and Leo. However, don't be discouraged if you have a different zodiac sign.

Never try to tame and control this man. Gemini are domineering people and do not tolerate being steered. This, incidentally, is one of the reasons why they are rarely employees. Most often, they provide some kind of private service or own a business. If you put pressure on him, he will not tolerate, and very soon you will part.

Star horoscope signs compatibility

The ease of the native element helps to quickly make acquaintances and build relationships. To introverts and humble people, this quality may seem like a gift from heaven, but it's not so simple. The carelessness that accompanies another romantic relationship can reduce compatibility in love relationships - statistics assign most of the divorces to air signs.

Libra women

The wards of Venus like the very thought of love, so they are always ready for a relationship. The mood and desires of a Libra girl change hourly, but even with blurry search criteria, she wants to see an ideal man next to her. She is approached by a gentleman who knows how to guess her thoughts. The betrothed must in love and marriage provide such a comfortable life that Libra shines with a precious diamond in a gold cut. For this reason, Venus's wards choose an older couple for themselves.

The basic requirements for a satellite are unchanged:

  • good-looking;
  • follows the figure;
  • intellectual;
  • knows how to control feelings and thoughts.

An important criterion remains selfless love for the Libra woman, whom the chosen one is simply obliged to consider impeccable.

Libra men

A romantic and gallant gentleman - the ultimate in women's dreams. However, the Libra-man himself will not reciprocate every lady. It is not enough just to share his views, you need to be imbued with the ideas of your beloved, but not impose your own opinion and not invade his personal space. The ward of Venus is looking for qualities in a companion that he does not have - this is necessary for complete harmony and balance.

In women, the representative of the air sign appreciates:

  • thrift;
  • passion;
  • reliability;
  • purposefulness;
  • prudence.

Gemini women

Wards of Mercury quickly become close to people, starting initially friendly relations. With Gemini it is never boring, the closest circle falls under their charm thanks to their participation and the ability to give good advice.

A sociable woman strives for universal adoration, but she herself chooses a life partner with her mind, not her heart. From the outside, it resembles a bright kite that proudly hovers in the sky, but at the slightest attempt to tie it to itself, it wilts. The owner of incredible composure and patience will survive next to the ubiquitous woman, who at the same time will not arrange scenes of jealousy.

Important criteria for Gemini are:

  • high intelligence;
  • activity;
  • sociability;
  • generosity;
  • confidence;
  • lack of complexes.

If she is a Gemini, then you can leave the venture to conquer her heart with expensive gifts. She appreciates the mental abilities of a gentleman more luxury - you need to provide an element of novelty on dates.

Gemini Men

Women are the source of inspiration for this windy ladies' man, so it's easy to please him. The wards of Mercury do not pay attention to the appearance if the lady values ​​herself highly. The companion must constantly change so that the Gemini has the impression that in front of him is a completely different woman. Metamorphoses affect not only appearance, but also strategies of behavior: calmness alternates with activity, and initiative is followed by complaisance.

Among the key features of a potential darling, astrologers call:

  • lightness of character;
  • sociability;
  • romanticism;
  • solicitude.

Aries and Gemini in marriage

This couple is united not only by passion, but also by friendship. As a rule, over time, they become excellent friends, sharing all the hardships and joys of life together.

It is very important for this couple to assign responsibilities in advance. Money in this family is usually kept in one place.

They are not spenders and may well agree to put everything they earn in a joint piggy bank.

A wife born under the sign of fire should make an effort to direct her husband's energy in the right direction. On the other hand, the Gemini husband will give a few feminine features to his harsh wife. In alliance with the air sign, Aries thaws and becomes less impulsive and aggressive.

Aries and Gemini love compatibility

Men and women of these signs are active, cheerful and temperamental. They love adventure and change of scenery. They easily converge with each other. Representatives of both signs love freedom, but they know how to be faithful to their partner. Born under the sign of different elements, they complement each other well and are able to create a harmonious union.

As a rule, partners quickly become close and start life together early. They feel good together, calm, comfortable. Both are satisfied with this state of affairs. They are different, but they are able to listen to their partner and understand him.

As an air sign, Gemini are light in their thoughts and actions. They:

  • changeable;
  • weightless;
  • dynamic;
  • varied.

This is what attracts active and energetic Aries, who also do not tolerate boredom and stagnation. Their dialogue fascinates both.

Representatives of the two elements find each other in unusual circumstances. Their romantic meeting becomes the beginning of a turbulent and long-term relationship. Both signs instantly light up, the relationship is developing rapidly and violently.

Aries plunges into love headlong. People of this sign:

  • assertive;
  • aggressive;
  • endowed with strong feelings.

The object of his desire should not only be interesting, but unattainable. Then Aries flares up like a torch and cannot be stopped.

The Gemini is romantic and fickle. He does not strive for leadership, he prefers to be sought. A Gemini plays with a sensitive partner, flirting with others, which is completely unacceptable for a jealous and explosive Aries.

The pros of this relationship:

  • representatives of both signs are self-sufficient, therefore there is no competition and there are practically no conflicts;
  • they are not vindictive, not vindictive, not offended, they easily take the first step towards reconciliation;
  • both are guided by reason, do not go on about emotions;
  • representatives of the two elements (Fire and Air) are in perfect harmony, supporting each other;
  • both love bright events, magnificent events, always in the center of events, make others admire them.

There are also disadvantages:

  • The Gemini is constantly looking for new sensations, which causes jealousy on the part of Aries;
  • those born under the air sign easily adapt to a change of environment, which cannot be said about the representatives of the element of Fire;
  • partners often get tired of each other, it takes time to rest separately.

Gemini woman and Aries man

In a relationship, quiet and calm evenings are rarely given out, and sincerity or tenderness is completely absent. Energy, passion, freedom - this is the role of this bright independent couple. In an alliance, there is always a place for new conquests, even with a permanent chosen one. Freshness of feelings, pleasant emotions do not leave lovers indifferent.


The meeting can take place anywhere, but the power of mutual attraction will always be at a high level. In a pair where he is Aries, and she is Gemini, the representative of the fire sign will do everything possible to conquer the mysterious stranger

It is important not to overdo it, since the ward of Mercury cannot stand excessive pressure. Astrologers recommend sticking to the golden mean: demonstrate seriousness of intentions, but not too persistent

The main weapon of a girl born under the sign of air is modesty, a sense of humor. You cannot show excessive independence so as not to scare off a real knight. Aries is used to the fact that ladies need his help, support, protection, so it is useful to create an appropriate illusion.


For the next stage of the relationship between the Aries man and the Gemini woman, the gentleman will prepare himself as for the decisive battle. An elegant formal suit, stylish tie, expensive shoes - the ensemble should impress the lady. The representative of the air element prefers to look bright, unusual, but astrologers advise a restrained image. A modest outfit can be diluted with a catchy accessory - no more.

For a date, it is advisable to choose a quiet, cozy place, avoiding bars, nightclubs or karaoke. It is difficult to communicate comfortably in a loud room, and compatibility in love between Aries and Gemini depends on the development of dialogue. Astrologers do not recommend going directly to intimacy - it is better to darken the partner's fire while waiting. Passion will provoke a violent fire, and it is difficult to build a relationship in the ashes.


In a romantic relationship, there are often breaks provoked by the Aries man, but the Gemini woman has nothing to worry about. A gentleman needs a time-out to stabilize his feelings - he understands emotions and calms down a little in order to return to the subject of adoration with new energy. You won't have to wait long, since harmonious relationships arise quickly enough. Compatibility in love and marriage is due to the equality of partners and the absence of a struggle for primacy. Quarrels or protracted conflicts are extremely rare due to the mutual search for a compromise solution.

How the relationship will turn out

Astrologers advise periodically arranging separate rest, which will have a beneficial effect on the compatibility of the freedom-loving signs of the zodiac - Aries and Gemini. A sense of personal space will help to avoid the accumulation of negativity. Fleeting bickering ends in a stormy reconciliation in bed, and the next day the couple does not remember the reason for the quarrel. It is useful for Aries to remember that only the elusive Gemini can put an end to a relationship. It will take a lot of effort to prove to the elusive person that it will be the ward of Mars that will be her destiny.


The official registration of the relationship will take place at the highest level, since future spouses love to show themselves in all their glory. Having decided on a crucial step, the couple understands the seriousness of the situation. To maintain a romantic atmosphere, it is useful to travel - the compatibility of the signs Aries and Gemini directly depends on the strength, regularity of impressions. Bright spouses will always be in the spotlight, so at some moments it will not be possible to avoid mistrust. The appearance of children will strengthen the union, since the role of parents will not leave time, energy for an endless showdown.


Friendship smoothly turns into a romantic relationship, therefore astrologers consider compatibility in friendship to be very low. A couple will always find interesting topics for conversation, new routes for travel, but travel with joint leisure will only accelerate the rapprochement.


Astrologers advise giving the helm to Mercury's ward in business. Her intuition and decisiveness will help avoid many of the problems that enterprises face at the initial stage of development.

The compatibility of the Gemini woman with the Aries man can be threatened only when the property is divided, therefore all important points should be written in the contract. Ideally, the "production" is divided in half, otherwise the partnership will initially be in jeopardy. Business is built on mutual trust, but it is advisable to resort to verification at least sometimes so that there are no problems with regulatory authorities.

A group of Belgian researchers from the University of Ghent found out how many words are known on average by people in their twenties who speak American English as their native language. As it turned out, this figure is 42 thousand.

Experts note that we are talking about words in the basic form, that is, in the one in which they can be seen in the dictionary. Proper names were also not included in the list. In the course of their research, scientists used a list of about 62 thousand words.

Scientists have tested more than 220 thousand people. Each of them was shown a list of 67 "real" words, as well as 33 combinations of letters similar to English words, but in fact, they are not. The study participants had to be told which of the words in front of them meant they knew. At the same time, the choice of a nonexistent word removed "points" from the participants, so it was not profitable for them to try to name certain words at random. In addition to the testing itself, the volunteers had to provide some data about themselves, including those regarding their age and educational level.

Based on the number of correct answers, scientists using a previously developed algorithm were able to guess how many words of the English language each of the people who passed the test knows in total. For participants who were 22 years old, this figure turned out to be approximately 42 thousand.

According to scientists, after reaching the age of twenty, a person continues to replenish his vocabulary with new words about once every two days, that is, by the age of sixty, the number of words known to a person grows by about six thousand more.

The average active vocabulary of a Russian-speaking person, according to estimates already by Russian researchers, is as follows:

  • By the beginning of school, a child knows on average 20 thousand words (including derivatives), by the time of graduation this value increases to 51 thousand, that is, 2.5 times.
  • Adults who have just graduated from school know on average 2-3 thousand words more than those who did not graduate in due time.
  • The vocabulary of adults who have received secondary or specialized secondary education practically does not differ and averages 75 thousand words.
  • Those who studied at universities and institutes (and not necessarily graduated from them) know an average of 81 thousand words.
  • Candidates and doctors of sciences know on average 5 thousand more - 86 thousand words.

« Vocabulary William Shakespeare, according to researchers, is 12,000 words. The vocabulary of a Negro from the cannibalistic tribe "Mumbo-Yumbo" is 300 words. Ellochka Shchukina easily and freely got along with thirty ... "

Are you out of words to express your thoughts correctly? If you are faced with the question "?", This article will be useful to you.

In the modern world, beautiful and rich speech speaks of culture and good education. Rich Russian vocabulary indicates the level of intellectual development of a person. Society perceives a person with a rich vocabulary as an intelligent and creative person. People with a rich vocabulary get a job faster, move up the career ladder more successfully, and are generally listened to more often and more attentively. The more human vocabulary, the higher the likelihood that he will succeed in life.

The following recommendations will help you to improve your Russian vocabulary:

Methods, methods and techniques for increasing vocabulary

  1. Think about which of the banal, hackneyed, hackneyed words and expressions you are used to using daily in standard communication situations. Write them down on a piece of paper. Have you recorded it? Now take an explanatory dictionary or a dictionary of synonyms from the shelf. Find these words that you yourself are already listening to and which are tired of hearing from day to day. Explore a long list of alternatives and say each of these words out loud. Which one reflects your personality? Which one suits you personally? Try each of them as you try on a suit, and see which ones seem comfortable and cozy to you. Pick a few of these words and practice saying them out loud until they become a natural part of your vocabulary;
  2. Communication is the main source of replenishment of a person's vocabulary During a conversation, each of its participants replenishes their vocabulary from the arsenal of the interlocutor, word exchange takes place between them. Talk to your friends, acquaintances, and family as much as possible. Use new words in your vocabulary, knowledge about the word is nothing without its use;
  3. Read, reading books is useful... Start with those authors who are more understandable and close to your interests. Gradually add more difficult literature. The text where there are interesting words and expressions that you want to remember and apply in the future, re-read aloud (while reading to ourselves, we also replenish our vocabulary, but not so quickly, because in this way we only see words, when reading aloud, we besides this, we also hear them and, most importantly, we pronounce them, therefore we memorize them better);
  4. When you notice a new word, don't just look at the definition in the dictionary. Pay attention to the turn of speech this word is used in, try to replace it with an appropriate synonym for yourself. Try to rhyme, come up with as many suitable phrases as possible. The more you know about a word, the faster you will learn to use it, without hindering your memory. This will immediately affect the beauty and personality of your speech;
  5. Write. Rewrite other people's articles and your favorite literary works following the example of Demosthenes, who rewrote Thucydides' History eight times in a row.
  6. Crosswords are not just fun, but also a way to vocabulary development... Use this opportunity on the road, on vacation. Choose crosswords from well-known publications or those that have a good reputation;
  7. For those who spend a lot of time on the road, driving or have absolutely no free time to use books and dictionaries there is a unique opportunity develop your speech and increase your vocabulary using audiobooks. This method will also be acceptable for an audience that perceives better by ear. In any case, while away the time in traffic jams reading good literature is much more useful and effective for your development.

Ways to memorize new words

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