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Dream Interpretation to see red knitted pants on yourself. Why do men's trousers dream - Miller's dream book. What does pants mean in a dream

A dream where you were without pants is a harbinger of solving problems in reality. You may not be able to completely get rid of them, but you can at least find a way active struggle with them.

Don't give up and keep fighting life's circumstances. You can handle most of them.

White pants

White pants in a dream portend the onset of certain events that can have an important impact on certain areas of life, as the interpretation of sleep tells.

Dreaming that you are choosing pants

Dream Interpretation Orakul considers the choice of pants as a test that will not be so easy to pass. You will have to take drastic measures and you may have to sacrifice something important.

Do not worry about the losses you have suffered - you will soon be able to make up for them. The sacrifice made will not be in vain.

I dreamed of a hole in my pants

See holes in your pants in a dream - a vision is a warning. You have an ill-wisher waiting for a reason to sully your honest name.

Do not be overly trusting and open. Someone can use it for selfish purposes.

Why do women's pants dream

Women's pants dream of getting a higher position or new responsibilities. Your commitment to leadership will be noticed the right people and will not go unnoticed.

Don't be afraid to show yourself. Some qualities will help you achieve success in your career. Initiative and activity will help in achieving the plans.

Red pants

Dreamed of red pants symbolize danger, and also indicate the possibility of the onset of certain events that have negative consequences for certain areas of life.

I dreamed that they were measuring pants

The dream where you measured your pants is a symbol of favorable changes. Trying on other people's pants - beware of envious people, they are determined to ruin your life.

Take advantage of this opportunity to change your life. Don't be afraid to take risks if they're worth it.

Dreamed of men's pants

Why do men's pants dream? Vision has several interpretations. For a woman, it means dreams of a closer relationship with her lover. To a man, it speaks of the need to spend some time in silence.

Think about what you really want and how you can get it. Set realistic goals and work towards achieving them.

put on pants in a dream

Putting pants on another person according to the Oracle's dream book means standing on the threshold difficult period in reality. There is a lot to lose. Put on your pants - all the difficulties that arise will be on your shoulder.

You can see trousers in a dream quite often. And let it be pants, jeans or harem pants: all the same, the sign received by the subconscious is perceived in the same way. The important thing is who measures trousers in a dream: a man or a woman. Why pants dream in a dream also depends on their color differentiation. Why white trousers dream, or why red trousers dream, you can find in the dream books below. If a girl dreamed of men's trousers, then this is one interpretation, and if she dreamed of trousers women's man, then it can have a completely different meaning. Space is very far away. It's only an hour away from you. If only your car could go straight up. Dreams, on the other hand, instantly move you to merge with cosmic information. With their help, you overcome space and time, in order to then return to reality and find out the interpretation of trousers dreams. And yet, do not be mistaken that the trousers dream of a man.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

  • Pants in a dream portend you an inevitable clash with deceit and lies. You should not worry about this, because we are all only born sincere, and we lie, sometimes, even lying on our deathbed. This reminder in the form of a trouser symbol gives you the opportunity to reflect on your own lies. Who deceives you so often as you yourself? Sit down in the evening, in a secluded place from other people's views, and write on a piece of paper what you really want, what you expect from life. Be sure to write in pen or pencil. Do not use a computer for this purpose. So you will be closer to yourself, and therefore more sincere.
  • Dream Interpretation: new trousers in a dream - interpreted as a desire to appear in front of others in a new way. Agree that we only eat for our own pleasure, and dress for the pleasure of others. There are people who decorate even a temporary home. They are ready to decorate with their photographs even the reserved seat car in which they find themselves. So in the coming days you will want to harmonize the space around you. And you will do it with pleasure, if only others could breathe at least a little easier.
  • Seeing white trousers in a dream is a sign that some kind of emergency will happen in the near future. significant event, the appearance of which will make your work or educational team rally. White color trousers means the traditional character of the relations that have developed in the team. Even the hitherto ridiculous corporate anthem will seem funny and festive to you. Choosing trousers in a dream means that you have to take sides. You will have to make a choice that you would not want to make at all. You will rush from side to side, and be torn apart. Remember how it was sung in one verse: “People have different legs: one left and one right. Okay, okay, at least one right. Otherwise, they could both be leftists. You still have time and energy to unite the two opposing, but close to your heart sides. It is better to try, no matter how difficult it may be, and no matter how difficult the implementation of such an intrigue may seem. We are all born wet, naked and cold. And this is just the beginning.
  • The dream "trousers are red" speaks of an inevitable clash in your working or educational team of two opposing sides. The god of war has already infiltrated your small social group and sowed enmity in it. You need to remain a passive observer, otherwise, the red trouser leg from your dream will turn into a red rag for all those around you. In this situation, it will be very problematic to dodge attacks pouring in from all sides. Follow simple principle, proven for centuries: “I think I won’t be mistaken if I keep silent.”
  • The dream of "black trousers" is interpreted as an undesirable manifestation of initiative at the workplace or school. Try to avoid familiarity with colleagues in the coming days. Strictly and strictly follow the given schedule. We arrived at 8 o'clock, worked the necessary 12 hours, and went home. Do not linger, and do not recycle, otherwise you will be considered an upstart. You still have time to show yourself and appear in the best light compared to the rest.

Miller's dream book

  • Miller's dream book pants prefers to associate this image with the biblical serpent, which will persuade you to commit some illegal act. In the coming week, you may meet such a tempter who will exhort about the sweetness of the forbidden fruit. American psychologist advised in such cases, not to agree to dangerous persuasions, and not to cross the invisible line that can lead you into a dark and impenetrable abyss. Had the serpent been forbidden, Adam would have eaten it.
  • Dream Interpretation: trousers are big in a dream - it means that you are carried away, on someone's advice, by an absolutely unacceptable business for you. For example, your best friend invited you to have fun and go around a bunch of beer establishments overnight in order to make many new acquaintances. But it is contraindicated for you to drink, and it would be nice to get enough sleep before tomorrow's worries. However, if you don't care where you are, it means that you will never get lost.
  • Dream Interpretation: dirty pants in a dream - they dream for a reason, someone is going to involve you in a dirty adventure. Stop before it's too late, so that you don't have to, then suffer bitterly and blush, remembering the mistake you made. In this life, you have to pay for everything, and only dirt will be poured over you for free. (cm. )
  • Why dream of new trousers? Each carelessly thrown word, that is, each lie, gives rise to a new lie. The phrase, once uttered by you, and forever forgotten, gave rise, due to a damaged phone, a series of unpleasant rumors. Some of your friends now have to take the rap for this. Try to make amends and apologize to him. Just remember that in the course of an exchange of pleasantries, you always risk missing an unexpected stab in the back.
  • Why dream of wearing trousers? You have to try on the role of a liar. But it will only be a white lie. It is likely that relatives, knowing about your language without bones, will still ask you not to spill the beans to the birthday man about the planned gift. Sometimes, this symbol will pose a difficult task for you. You have to not let out any of the suspicious relatives about the bad news, which, moreover, torments you. No matter how much you would like to untie your tongue, try to save the chintz nerves of a person close to you and dear to your heart.
  • Why dream of black trousers? Try to avoid in future conversations, jokes, as they say, below the belt or black humor. Your favorite anecdote about the gloves donated to an armless girl will be, to put it mildly, inappropriate on the eve of a charity event for such disabled people that your campaign arranges. Sleep trousers for women - in the coming days you will be very gracefully deceived. Oddly enough, but you will even like it, and you will take note of such a filigree trick.
  • Yellow trousers in a dream mean that you have to keep a secret about someone office romance. You risk compromising, first of all, yourself, when exposing this love triangle. Well, let everything go on as usual, let one of the sides in this love triangle still remain stupid. Time will put everything in its place. Yes, and you don’t need to climb into someone else’s monastery with your charter. Even the most holy monks are able to hit you on a curious neck, that is, a nose.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

  • To see trousers in a dream, according to the famous and illustrious seer, turned around a good sign work related.
  • Buying pants in a dream is interpreted unambiguously and strictly. You definitely need to join the labor exchange in order to find an acceptable job for yourself. Good luck, in this case, will accompany you for several weeks. It is possible that the Bulgarian clairvoyant associated the purchase of trousers with the acquisition of labor, in your person. Therefore, discard phrases these days, like: “Work is not a wolf, it will not run away into the forest” and take care of everyone possible ways to search for it. Involve all your acquaintances, go to the relevant resources on the Internet more often and keep the phone always with you, in case your resume is suddenly responded to. Seeing men's trousers in a dream means that you have hard work ahead of you. Reductions are possible in the service, but your zeal to fulfill your obligations should make you strike your candidacy from the black list. It won't be easy, but you can do it. Keep this childhood proverb with you as a prayer: "We shared an orange - many of ours died." (cm. )
  • If some situation made you measure trousers in a dream, then this is a wonderful sign that carries good sense seen. You will be promoted through the ranks. Maybe. That you and your boss had the same dream that night, only his trousers were a little larger. And do not forget that after such movements, he may still remain your leader.
  • The dream "a man gives his trousers to a woman" says that all your hard work will fall on someone's fragile female shoulders. Decide for yourself to enjoy this outcome or not, but the fact remains. Seeing women's trousers in a dream - you will get a pleasant and not very troublesome job. Subsequently, it may show you not logical and empty. You will consider it a purely feminine and routine work. But they don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, and women’s logic is generally a three-edged sword.
  • Dream Interpretation: big trousers in a dream - you have taken on too much work. She moves gradually on your weekends, which is fraught with overwork, nervous breakdowns and depression. Remove this yoke from your neck immediately, otherwise life will move away from you faster and faster, it will simply become uninteresting with you.
  • Seeing in a dream "crap in trousers" is a happy energy symbol. She believed that such a person had a second wind in a dream and now he does not care. He will roll mountains if necessary. The main thing is not to be arrogant at such moments and not to boast of your prowess at every corner. And about this dream you should not tell everyone you meet.
  • If your trousers are torn in a dream, then you urgently need to take a vacation. If this is not possible, then try by hook or by crook to arrange a sick leave for yourself. “Better a crane in the sky than a duck under the bed,” the Bulgarian dreamer used to say more than once. “Dream Interpretation Red Pants” - Some obsessive thought does not let go of you, which runs like a red thread through the entire work or school day. It was recommended to get rid of this annoying idea by taking a glass of milk with honey before going to bed. Thoughtfulness is an easy pregnancy of thought. Don't let her take over your reality.
  • The dream "black trousers" symbolizes black thoughts that do not leave you in relation to some debtor. It is likely that you recklessly borrowed a large sum the money you need now. Do not indulge in this despondency, which will certainly be reflected in your facial expression and spoil your image in the future. It is likely that your debtor, when he took money from you, relied on the ancient and wise thought: “You should only borrow money from pessimists. They know in advance that they will not be given them.

Dream Interpretation Maya

  • “I dreamed of trousers,” the little Maya Indians joyfully cried out after such an awakening. This type of clothing was associated in the ancient civilization, both with growing up and with some new stages in life.
  • Dream Interpretation: leather pants in a dream - you have to go out of your way to finally decide some important task. All upcoming efforts and efforts will certainly prove victorious, and you will achieve your desired goal. No wonder the Mayans believed that the Earth is a huge ball for playing people. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: to buy trousers in a dream was considered an indecent sign among overseas inhabitants. It was believed that you want to buy friendship, position or even love. All these attributes will come only to the strong in spirit. They also believed that for this it is necessary to discard all vain hopes that only unjustified expectations inspire in the soul. “Spring is coming, hopes are melting” - they once said Maya.
  • Dream Interpretation: yellow trousers - in order to achieve your goal, you definitely need to visit more outdoors. Indulge in the beneficial effects of ultraviolet radiation. Without fanaticism, of course. Particularly useful, the Maya considered watching the sunset and sunrise. It was believed that, in this way, you will improve your eyesight and drive away evil spirits from yourself.
  • Dream Interpretation: buy new green trousers - green color Saturn, so such a dream portends that you are afraid of someone else's influence on your life. Your natural nature strives for self-improvement, but you would not like to follow, at the same time, any teacher or mentor. A guru who tries to draw you into his land of advice, you can always reply: "Excuse me for talking when you interrupt."
  • Dream Interpretation: torn trousers - means that you do not have enough to get rid of any of bad habits. It is time to decisively break with her, whether it be: smoking, alcohol or unwillingness to do exercises in the morning. All this evil brings unnecessary infantilism into your life, from which it is high time to get rid of. For example, if you have already quit smoking, then never start again, then excuse yourself with such statements: “Well, now that I have already quit, can I afford one?”. You can not! If you dreamed of white trousers, then you can start life from scratch. Do not wait after such a dream, Monday, the beginning of the next month or the beginning of the next year. Immediately in the pool with his head. We woke up, saw that Maya was talking about this circumstance and forward! Now you know what the pants are for, according to the Maya.

Freud's dream book

Of course, Freud, in his dream book, could not ignore such a wardrobe item as trousers, despite the fact that this is the top part of the wardrobe. Everyone has to see trousers in a dream, even if they are harem pants or jeans.

  • Seeing your husband's trousers in a dream means a shortage intimacy with him. It is possible that soon everything will be back to normal, and not when the roasted rooster on the mountain crosses itself three times with cancer.
  • Seeing in a dream "crap in trousers" - fear and insecurity before sex. Perhaps you should tell your partner about the fear you are experiencing. Of course, you should not report a dream - this can complicate an already difficult situation. Seeing white trousers in a dream is interpreted by Freud as insecurity in sex. You want everything to be like in the movies. You should not suppress your emotions or copy someone else's, inserting projected models into your reality. As the saying goes: "What is natural is not without an orgasm."
  • Seeing men's trousers in a dream means a desire to bring into your sex life something revolutionary. Do not be afraid to tell your partner about your secret desires, no matter how outlandish they may sound. Just do it, don't try to do it. Even the criminal code has an article, only for an attempted coup d'état, but there is no article for the coup d'état itself. Ironing trousers in a dream means a desire for foreplay before sexual intercourse. You want to feel like a "gladiator" in a love amphitheater.
  • Trying on trousers in a dream or taking off trousers in a dream is interpreted by Freud as your incurable craving for exhibitionism. Remember that this is by no means a deviation from the norms of sexual behavior. Just think, I wanted to demonstrate to someone the beautiful nakedness of your genitals. And in general, how can there be deviations in such natural phenomenon like sex. Or maybe you just wanted to demonstrate your sirloin to the evil chef. Dream torn pants - You want to rip off clothes from your partner. It's time to use an outdated wardrobe for good purposes. If your partner is not a bore, then he will certainly agree to such game intrigues. And you can check whether he (she) is a bore or not, very easily. If the question is: “How are you doing?” - he will really start talking about how he is doing, which means he is really a bore.
  • Dirty pants in a dream - a clear desire to give free rein to your feelings to the fullest. You will want to indulge in dirty and hard sex. It is likely that you will want to dominate your partner and torture him. Don't overdo it with your ego. As they say: Each person in his own way, but in my opinion not.
  • In a dream, put on trousers for a woman "- as a rule, this male dream, meaning the desire to dress up his partner, before sex, on his own whim.
  • Looking for trousers in a dream is interpreted by Freud as looking for sex on the side. Or, just his search, as such. There is a state when the soul asks for the body. This statement will also be true for such a request for a dream as "I dreamed of new trousers."

Esoteric dream book

Psychological dream book

Dream Interpretation of Health

  • The dream of "putting on trousers" is interpreted as a sign that you have recently begun to eat improperly. This can lead (if not already led) to metabolic disorders. Remember that the inscription in the toilet extinguished: "Nothing good will come of you."
  • The dream of "trying on trousers" has approximately the same character and meaning. Only, if in the first case, your body did not receive virtually any food, then in this dream You are told of minor "terrible" meals. It can be snacking on chips, drinking soda, or eating too much muffin.
  • The dream of "buying pants" means that you urgently need to take measures to prevent poor digestion associated with improper eating. Perhaps you have to radically change the power system so as not to resort to pharmaceutical preparations. However, this needs to be done systematically and definitively. Otherwise, you will find the fate of the patient who went on the mend, but did not reach.
  • Dream Interpretation: husband's trousers in a dream - you have a difficult task of changing the usual diet of your betrothed. All his talk about the fact that alcohol in small doses is useful, in any quantities, nip in the bud.
  • Dream Interpretation: new trousers for a woman - one of your friends urgently needs your healthy and dietary recipe. Do not keep secret information that can help loved ones. If you dreamed of men's trousers, then share this recipe with someone from the male environment. Why do pants dream in a dream, according to the dream book of health, we figured it out a little. Now let's move on to the next dream book and see what is being discussed there.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

  • To dream of putting on trousers - to the road and how long you pulled them on will depend on the time spent on the upcoming trip.
  • The dream of "walking with the matchmaker, losing trousers" means the loss of a vacation that could give you an unforgettable trip. It doesn’t matter exactly how and where you sowed your pants in your dreams, the essence of the rearrangement of the places of the terms will not change.
  • Seeing a husband's trousers in a dream is interpreted by a wanderer's dream book as an ambulance for a spouse. Tell him about this news or not, decide for yourself.
  • The dream of "ironing men's trousers" is a dream for a difficult road, with a favorable outcome at the end of the journey.
  • Why dream of buying pants? You have to buy tickets and go on a long-awaited trip. Accordingly, if a woman dreams of trousers, then the trip awaits her. Now you know that “dream book to put on trousers” is for the upcoming road or travel.


It is not by chance that you dream of such an integral element of the wardrobe as trousers. With the help of our collection of dream books on the topic, you will definitely interpret your dream. The main thing is to remember, and then remember as many details from the dream as possible, because they play a key role. And let only good and pleasant dreams come true!

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

financial situation.

Dreamed of clothes

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing clothes in a dream is a dream prediction. The success of your affairs depends on what the clothes were like in a dream: whole and clean, or soiled and torn. Seeing excellent but unfashionable clothes portends that you will be lucky, but neglect valuable ideas. If you refuse clothes that are out of fashion, then soon you will move away from your current environment, start new business, make new love relationships. All this will completely change you. Seeing yourself and others dressed in white means change, and almost always sad. Walking with a man in white means illness and grief for him, unless it is a young woman and a child. In the latter case, pleasant events can be expected. Seeing yourself and others - portends quarrels, disappointments and unwanted companions on a trip. Commercial activities will not justify your desires. Seeing yellow clothes portends interesting entertainment and financial success. If you see a silently moving ghost in yellow, in unnatural lighting, then you should expect a change for the worse. Good luck will accompany you if you see a beautiful yellow fabric in a dream. Seeing blue clothes in a dream means that your energy will help you achieve your desires. Friends will support you. Seeing crimson clothes in a dream means that you will get rid of terrible enemies by changing your intentions in time. Seeing green robes is a sign of hope for prosperity and happiness. Seeing multi-colored robes portends drastic changes and the interweaving of good and bad in the future. Seeing clothes that do not fit well on you in a dream means the end of some of your attachments. It is possible that you make a mistake in some enterprise. see an old man young man in well-tailored suits - means that you will undertake some unpleasant and troublesome business. If a woman sees in a dream that she does not like her clothes, the dream portends that she will meet unpleasant rivalry in achieving social success. If she admires the clothes of others, the dream promises jealous suspicions of her friend. Seeing in a dream the loss of some detail of the toilet means interference in commercial affairs and obstacles in love. For a young woman to see herself in a dream in a black suit - a dream portends sadness and disappointment. If she sees in a dream another woman in crimson clothes with a crepe mourning veil on her face, this means that she will be surpassed by a rival whom she did not consider equal to herself; bitter disappointment will embitter her against all women. When interpreting a dream about clothes, you should pay attention to whether the objects you see are natural. If the faces are distorted and the light is unnatural, although the colors are bright, be careful, because failure in the implementation of important plans will harm you. Dirty and torn clothes always portends deceit and warns of caution in dealing with strangers. Such a dream may also portend an act with which you can tarnish your reputation. But clean clothes are for well-being. If you dream that you have a lot of bright and beautiful outfits, this dream warns you: be careful, otherwise wrong actions will lead you to losses, as a result of which you will not have enough even the most necessary things. For a young lady, this dream promises unfulfilled hopes. Light, pleasant cotton clothing promises that circumstances will soon turn out not in your favor. Cotton fabric in a dream is a harbinger successful marriage with an enterprising and economic person, for married women- this is a promise of comfort in the house and harmony. Seeing yourself undressed portends gossip around your name. To dream of an important person naked - portends grief and pain for people dear to you. Seeing others undressed is a harbinger of joy stolen from you.

See clothes in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

“They meet by clothes...” Clothes are a reflection of the inner world and individuality of a person. Do your clothes cause admiration or ridicule? It is a mirror of your self-esteem. The loss of clothes speaks of your vulnerability. Don't believe? Try to undress, say, in a department store - let's see how confident you feel while doing this. Of course, it can also be sexual or exhibitionistic fantasies. Giving clothes is an ambiguous business. Who has not had to receive clothes as a gift, which then became a byword as a sign of bad taste? However, buying clothes that fit you perfectly and make you feel confident portends positive changes in your own self-esteem. Sometimes you buy things for special occasions or clothes that are attributed to magical properties. In this case, you are simply looking for understanding or protection.

Why do pants dream

Miller's dream book

If you dreamed of trousers, this means that soon you will be persuaded to dishonorable acts.

If in a dream you put on pants inside out, it means that soon you will be captured by someone's charm.

Why do pants dream

Freud's dream book

Pants, like any kind of clothing, symbolize the nakedness of the person on whom you see it, or is generally a symbol of the naked human body.

If you put on or take off your trousers, this symbolizes your craving for exhibitionistic antics.

Why do pants dream

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Black trousers to wear - patience; white - you will understand your delusion; torn - you will have a decrease; dress - in the house you will have influence; to lose - you will be under the influence of your wife; to impose patches - monetary chores.

Why do pants dream

Family dream book

I dreamed about trousers - you will be persuaded to dishonorable acts.

Put on your pants inside out - you will soon be captured by someone's charm.

Why do pants dream

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Wearing trousers in a dream or seeing how others put them on is a sign that you may need to hide some information that compromises you or someone from your environment.

Pants worn inside out or back to front are a sign that you are ready to trust someone with your secrets, which you may soon regret.

Why do pants dream

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

If a man irons (buys, tries on) trousers - for a quick romantic date; a woman - to a quarrel with a loved one, if she irons the trousers of her man, a stranger - to a new acquaintance.

Why do pants dream

Spring dream book

Ironing trousers for a woman - to divorce; for a girl - to marriage; for a man - bye.

Why do pants dream

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Dreamed trousers - mean that they will try to persuade you to dishonorable acts.

Wearing pants in a dream - you will be overcome by the desire for intimacy with a man, which is impossible due to certain conventions and circumstances.

If in a dream you see a man putting on trousers, in reality you will be brought closer to him by common affairs.

Pants worn inside out - mean that soon you will be captured by someone's charm.

Black trousers - mean patience and endurance, white - insight from delusions.

Why do pants dream

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Pants - Black - patience - white - understand your delusion - torn - you will have a decrease - dress - you will have influence in the house - lose - you will be influenced by your wife - patching - money troubles

Why do pants dream

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Seeing trousers in a dream means that you can succumb to temptation and engage in dishonorable deeds.

You dreamed that you were putting on, trying on trousers - soon you will begin to lie to your neighbors.

Buying or selling trousers - predicts: you will make a dishonest deal, which you will regret later.

If you dreamed that you were sewing, sewing trousers - know that soon you yourself will drive yourself into a hopeless situation.

You watched someone sew up or sew trousers - in the near future, someone close to you will commit a careless act and drive you into a hopeless situation.

In a dream, you steamed your trousers - you will have to work hard to improve your shattered reputation.

You watched someone steaming trousers - soon one of your friends will have to work hard to restore your shattered reputation.

You dreamed that you put on your pants inside out - do not bypass the networks of someone's deception.

Why do pants dream

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

Pants - profit.

Why do pants dream

Modern dream book

The dream in which you see trousers means profit.

If a man dreams that he is wearing trousers, he is guaranteed success with women and good luck in business.

Pants worn inside out - someone else's influence.

If a woman dreams of trousers, she will have a desire to give herself to a man, with whom she considered it impossible to communicate.

Sewing or buying trousers for a woman is a warning from unseemly act or the wrong choice.

Why do pants dream

Eastern dream book

A dream in which trousers appear warns: you risk succumbing to the temptation to engage in dishonest business.

If in a dream you put on pants inside out, be careful: you may find yourself in networks of flattery and deceit.

Why do pants dream

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

What do Pants mean in a dream - You see pants in a dream - this dream cannot be called good in any way; despite the fact that you are a positive person in all respects - and those around you consider you as such - negative properties are also contained in you (as in any other person); these properties can rise up in the near future and incite you to an act that you can’t call anything other than base; you will be very worried about this.

Your trousers seem to have rolled up trousers - a very pretty young lady will show interest in you; but you will not react in any way to her willingness to get closer; you will not be satisfied with the social status of this woman; you are cowardly, afraid of condemning loved ones for such a low choice; but after some time you will regret the lost time.

You see in a dream your trousers turned inside out - you had a friend or friend whom you completely trusted, whom you trusted many of your secrets; but your paths have parted, and now you are afraid that knowledge former friend your innermost will be used against you; you are not afraid in vain; let everything that happened - this break - serve as a lesson to you. Another interpretation of sleep: you will meet a very charming person and fall under his influence; you will be happy with this influence.

Why do pants dream

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Pants - acquisition; self-confidence; benefit for the woman.

Why do pants dream

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

What do Pants mean in a dream - You may be drawn into some kind of adventure, Imagine that you are tearing or burning the trousers you dreamed about.

Why do pants dream

Combined dream book

The dream in which you saw trousers symbolizes profit.

If a man had a dream about how he puts on trousers, he is guaranteed success with the fair half and good luck in business.

Pants worn inside out - you will be subject to bad influences.

If the trousers were dreamed of by a girl or a woman, she will have a desire to sleep with a man with whom she considered it impossible to have a relationship.

Buying or cutting trousers for a woman is a warning about the possibility of making a mistake in your choice.

Why do pants dream

Dream Interpretation of Stuart Robinson

Interpretation of sleep Pants. If a woman has a dream that she is wearing men's trousers, what is for her real life completely unnatural, this means that she may become a widow and she will have to take care of all the family. Sometimes such a dream predicts that a woman will have to earn her own living. If a man dreams that he has lost his trousers and cannot find them, then soon he will marry a strong and powerful woman who will literally keep him in a tight rein. A dream in which you yourself or someone patches up your trousers portends you with great financial difficulties. If in a dream you are trying to clean the dirt from your trousers, then in life you will become the object of dirty squabbles and gossip and you will have to take care of restoring your good name and reputation.

Why do pants dream

Home dream book

You dreamed of Pants - masculinity.

Pants in a dream - Seeing pants on someone in a dream or just seeing them is a sign of a favorable set of circumstances and a seductive offer. Sometimes such a dream predicts a profit, but warns that your frivolity will not bring you to good. The dream in which you went to the store and tried on trousers blue color, means that you will have a quarrel with a close friend, which will happen on a completely trifling occasion, but it will hurt you painfully. For a woman, a dream about trousers predicts flirting with married man and a lot of trouble because of it. Wearing trousers in a dream is a sign of loss. Wearing them inside out is a strong affection that you will find difficult to hide from strangers.

Why do pants dream

Jewish dream book

What do Pants mean in a dream - For a woman.

Seeing trousers on Monday night is a warning: if you continue to talk too much to unfamiliar people, serious trouble awaits you; on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to the bustle; on the night of Saturday or Sunday - for a drink with friends.

For a man - On Monday night - to tedious work; on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, means that you have to make a choice from several extremely dubious options; To see trousers on the night of Saturday or Sunday is a little money.

Why do pants dream

Magic dream book

You dreamed of Pants - black - you should show maximum patience, white - understanding your delusions, torn - loss of patience, anger, aggression, putting on trousers - having influence in the house, looking for - being under the influence of your spouse, patching - money chores.

Why do pants dream

Online dream book

Pants, according to the dream book, signal the danger of not resisting some kind of temptation.

It is a dream that you put them on - you do not doubt your own success.

The dream in which you dressed them upside down warns that someone under the mask of a well-wisher will stab you in the back.

If you sell or buy pants in a dream, in reality you will neglect morality for your own benefit, which you will have to repent of later.

I dreamed that you lost them - you will become the object of general jokes.

If you dream that you are walking in snow-white trousers - you will soon see your mistakes, in black - you should show restraint.

If they are full of holes, you will find yourself in an awkward situation.

The wardrobe items that we see in our dreams have very interesting and significant interpretations.

Pants got into the dream book as an indispensable attribute of our everyday clothes, without which we really can’t do. And therefore they symbolize the most large-scale and serious phenomena that are coming in life. If you dreamed of pants, and you want to know the interpretation of the dream, you need to remember a few details: what color they were, what kind of pants they were, and what condition the thing was in.

By flowers

It is no secret that every color since ancient times has its own deep symbolism and meaning. Therefore, when deciphering the dream in which the pants appeared, it is worth considering their colors.

  • Red.
  • Grey.
  • White.
  • Black.

1. Red pants. Scarlet tones have always been associated with love, passion, passion.

A man who saw a woman in red trousers in a dream will soon encounter a real fatal passion in real life - akin to one that can only be seen in a movie. She will completely absorb him, making him forget about other things.

If a woman saw scarlet trousers on a man in a dream, an intriguing acquaintance awaits her, followed by romantic relationship and even serious romance.

2. Pants gray color in a dream means that in reality you are striving to establish yourself as a person. This remarkable longing may be due to the strong external attraction of the dreamer.

Often such a dream is dreamed of by women working in a male team, where, alas, she is more evaluated by external indicators. For a man, such a dream is a desire to succeed in his career.

3. White pants are a harbinger of imminent great joy in life. It can be long-awaited travel, or sincere true love. Get ready for dizzying events that will become a new step in your life.

4. Black pants in a dream symbolize the perseverance, determination and patience of the dreamer. You are moving towards your goal, successfully overcoming any obstacles. With this attitude, you really can do anything: success is already on the horizon.


Pants in a dream may appear in different form- new and not so, sports, unwashed or torn. The nuances of interpretation depend on which trousers you saw.

If in a dream you are choosing new pants to buy, this symbolizes your self-confidence. Moreover, it is not at all excessive, does not develop into narcissism. You stand firmly on your feet and know what you are capable of. Sometimes buying pants can be interpreted almost literally: in reality, you will soon make some kind of significant purchase.

Buying sweatpants in a dream is a sign that the time has come to act more energetically, more confidently. If at the same time you like their colors, you are comfortable and comfortable in them, this is a hint - now is the time to take on the business that you have been avoiding for a long time. Now everything will work out.

It's time to sew up

Ripped pants in a dream - very strong symbol. Usually this dream portends an imminent accomplishment in your life of bright, unforgettable and very important points. Your usual everyday life will completely change, some event will break into them unexpectedly, but with pleasant consequences.

At the same time, torn old pants, worn out for a long time socks, may mean your unwillingness to change something. Especially if you dream of your favorite pants that you actually wear. Do not be afraid of change, because life is a journey, and without change it is impossible.

Big Wash

Dirty pants that it's time to send to the laundry are a harbinger of unpleasant events. However, they will not lead to troubles and negative consequences. Perhaps behind your back are gossips and ill-wishers who dream of doing harm. But, since the truth is on your side, their insidious plans will soon turn into dust.

If you are in a dream with soiled pants, this dream promises a pleasant meeting. You will become a participant in a grand celebration or an ordinary friendly meeting. One thing is for sure: this event will visibly invigorate you and cheer you up.

To correctly interpret your dreams, try to remember the smallest details. And if the interpretation suddenly turned out to be not as pleasant as we would like, do not be upset. A dream can sometimes be just a response of our subconscious. Author: Ksenia Maisova

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