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What is the difference temple cathedral church. What is the difference between a temple and a church: a community meeting or a religious building

Kuznetsova Ekaterina

Research work.



In that academic year taught in our class new item"Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture". Each student completed design work on various topics. I was interested in the topic "Orthodox Church". While working on the topic, I had a question: is there a difference between the word "temple" and "church"? And if there is, what is it?

The relevance of the work

The problem of educating tolerance and moral identity of the younger generation today worries the public all over the world and in our country in particular. It is quite obvious that the educational component, along with scientific knowledge, information about society, its interests and laws, culture and art, cannot be left outside the framework.school program. This work is aimed at this.


  1. search engine (work with materials);
  2. creative (development creativity, expanding horizons, developing interest in the process of activity, involving family members in an active creative process);
  3. research;
  4. designer (development of aesthetic and artistic taste in the process of working on a presentation).
  5. Target:
  6. Find out if there is a difference between the words "church" and "temple".
  7. Tasks:
  8. 1. Learn about the purpose and structure of an Orthodox church, church.
  9. 2. Find the architectural differences between the cathedral, the temple and the church.
  10. 3. Get acquainted with the symbols of an Orthodox church.
  11. 4. Generate interest and desire to learn more about Orthodox culture Russia

The word "temple" has several meanings. First, a temple is a building for worship. In this sense, temple and church are synonymous.Also, the concept of "temple" is applicable to designate a place that causes reverence, reverence, awe.

The word "church" in addition to the above meaning can denote a community of followers of any religion.

The word Temple comes from the old Russian words: “mansions”, “chramina”. The temple is an architectural building or structure intended for worship and religious rites. A Christian temple is called a church. In an Orthodox church, an altar part, where the Throne is located, and a meal - a room for worshipers - are necessarily distinguished. In the altar part of the temple, on the Throne, the sacrament of the Eucharist is performed - a bloodless sacrifice.

In parish churches, in urban - in without fail, there is a remote pulpit - usually a wooden square platform just in case the bishop serves.

The word "church" comes from the Greek word and in translation means the house of the Lord, God's house. Churches have at least an altar part oriented to the east and an adjoining room for worshipers - a meal.

According to another version, the status of the church is determined by the chapel - a dome with a cross. The temple has three or five, seven or 11, 12, or even 13 domes, respectively, aisles. There is usually one priest in the church and he can serve only one liturgy. Even a second priest in the same chapel cannot serve the next liturgy on the same day. In churches where there are several chapels, you can serve as many liturgies per day as there are chapels, but by different priests.

The purpose of the temple is to provide a person with a place where he can pray, repent of his sins and ask for intercession. Any temple is a place of the presence of the Lord God on earth.

The purpose of the church, on the one hand, is consonant with the purpose of the temple: it is the creation of normal conditions for worshiping God and fellowship of believers with each other. But, first of all, the church is engaged in the education and guidance of believers on the true path.

The church is somewhat reminiscent of old testament temple. It has three parts:

1. Altar with throne and altar;

2. the middle (inner) part, intended for worshipers;

3. a vestibule, in ancient times intended for those who were catechumens, penitents and excommunicated from communion.

Only clergy and males participating in Divine Services can enter the altar.

An altar is called an altar, located on a certain elevation. In Orthodox churches, under the altar is meant the part of the temple fenced off by the iconostasis, intended for the clergy. It has a throne, covered with an antimension, on which a cross is placed. The altar part of the temple itself should be located in the eastern part of the building. Sacred sacraments and communion are held behind the altar.

There may be several such altars with thrones in the temple. Liturgy can be served on each of these altars, but only one per day on one altar. Accordingly, as many liturgies can be held in a church in a day as there are thrones in it, but each new liturgy must be served by a different priest.

In a church, as a rule, there is only one altar with one altar, and, therefore, the liturgy, even if there is a second priest, can only be served one.

Thus, I found the following differences between the temple and the church:

The temple, first of all, is a building for worship. The church is a community of fellow believers.

The temple is larger than the church, it has at least three domes.

There may be several altars with a throne in a temple, but one in a church.

Several liturgies per day can be served in the temple if there are several priests. In a church, even if there are two priests, the liturgy can only be served once.

Our city also has a temple, churches and even a cathedral.Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, was consecrated in 1999 in honor of St. Nicholas. In the temple - one throne, a bell tower, a church shop. The temple is painted in icon-painting style.

Church of the Nativity Holy Mother of God , divine services at the parish have been held since 1980 in the prayer house. Since 1999 the church has been registered under the name Local Orthodox Religious Organization.

Chapel of Our Lady of Kazan, built on the forecourt square in memory of the natives of the city who died in the 1990-2000s in the North Caucasus and was lit in 2004.The chapel does not provide for an altar, but services may be held in or near it, but relatively infrequently.

Most recently, a snow-whiteHoly Trinity Cathedral, which is visible from afar to everyone who comes to our city. The construction of this majestic temple began in June 2011. The word Cathedral comes from the Old Slavonic words: congress, assembly. This is usually the name of the main temple in the city or monastery. The cathedral is designed for the daily service of God by at least three priests. Divine services of the highest clergy are also held here: the patriarch, the archbishop, the bishop. The new church is striking in its beauty and monumentality. In fact, a whole temple complex was built in the city. In the basement of the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity there is another church - in the name of the holy martyr Raisa. In addition, a beautiful white-stone building with a bell tower was erected in front of the cathedral. It will house various church departments of the Ruzaev diocese, a Sunday school, a refectory, a library and Assembly Hall. The cathedral is decorated with beautiful icons in the academic style. Framed by strict white walls, the magnificent iconostasis looks especially festive. The work on painting the cathedral has just begun, only the dome of the temple is crowned with a large fresco depicting Christ the Almighty. This cathedral was consecrated in the significant year of the 1000th anniversary of the unity of the Mordovian people with the peoples of the Russian state.

Also in my work I would like to talk about the sights of our Republic - one of the most grandiose religious buildingsCathedral of the Holy Righteous Warrior Fyodor Ushakov. The cathedral was opened and consecrated in August 2006 by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II. At 62 meters rises the central cross of the cathedral, built in the Empire style. Along the perimeter of the temple there are 4 belfries, on which 12 bells are placed. The iconostasis of the cathedral is divided into 3 limits: the central one is consecrated in honor of St. Theodore Ushakov, the right limit - in honor of the Monk Seraphim of Sarov and the left limit - in honor of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Mordov. In the basement there are: the baptismal church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, an assembly hall, classes for Sunday school, a refectory, a library, technical and utility rooms.

Love, children, the old days

With her epic centuries,

With its centennial churches,

To the greatness of the leading country ...

Love, children, the old days! ..

Love our ancient way

With majesty and royal glory,

With the courage of boyar valor

And life in our special way -

To the sound of swords and the brilliance of lamps! ..

Love, children, father's house

And the tenderness of a mother's affection,

Love grandma's tales

In the circle of grandchildren in the evening

At the stove with a bright light! ..

Love the roofs of poor huts,

Love our bell ringing,

Character Russian hospitable

And those who, being rich,

I am glad to share goodness with the poor! ..

Love Rus' - a stronghold of shrines,

The world of a meek monastic cell,

The powerful spirit of the heroic rati,

Keeping us all from adversity! ..

Love, children, your people!..

A temple (from the old Russian “mansion”, “temple”) is an architectural structure intended for worship and religious rites. The history of the appearance of an Orthodox church goes back to the event when the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with his disciples took place in an ordinary residential building, but in a special room. Here Christ washed the feet of his disciples and made the first divine liturgy- the sacrament of the transformation of bread and wine into one's body and blood, and talked about the mysteries of the church and the kingdom of heaven. So the foundations of the Christian church were laid - a special room for holding prayer meetings, communion with God and performing the sacraments.

The word "church" comes from the Greek word "ekklesia" and in translation means the house of God, as well as the elect or selected from total number. The church is not only a building, but also a group of believers all over the world, that is, a church is a temple in which Christians, who make up the church, gather to serve the Lord.

A Christian temple is also called a "church". An integral part of the Christian temple is the altar, where the throne and the meal are located - a room for worshipers. The sacrament of the Eucharist (communion or bloodless sacrifice) is performed on the throne.

Usually the main church of a monastery or city is called a cathedral, but each locality has its own traditions. For example, in St. Petersburg, there are St. Isaac's, Smolny and Kazan Cathedrals (not counting the cathedrals of city monasteries). The church where the chair of the ruling bishop (bishop) is located is called the cathedral.


The word church is broader in its meaning and means both an architectural structure and an association of people. The meaning of the word temple is already, the temple denotes an architectural structure intended for worship.

The fundamental difference between a church and a temple is the presence of an altar or altar in the latter. In Christianity, a bloodless sacrifice (eucharist) was performed on the altar.

A Christian temple is called a church.

Anyone Orthodox Christian it is important to have an idea of ​​what a temple and a church are, what is the difference between the concepts. Although the knowledge of differences is not important for the eternal salvation of the soul, it does presuppose a certain level of education of a person, which can be useful in answering the numerous questions of people taking their first steps in the church.

The essence of the concepts of "temple" and "church": what are the differences?

Temple - Russian word, came from the ancient "mansions", "chramina" - this is how the living quarters were designated large sizes. In the modern sense, a temple is an architectural building dedicated to God, in which divine services are performed and. The form of building the house of God is deeply symbolic and can look like:

The structure, similar to a ship, reminds of the temple, as of the ark of salvation in the midst of the raging sea of ​​\u200b\u200blife, leading to eternal life. The shape of the cross indicates the means and instrument of our salvation. The circle symbolizes eternity. The star means the shining light of truth in the midst of the dark sky, which enlightens people.

The temple, as a rule, is crowned with more than three domes and has several altars, divided into aisles, consecrated in someone's honor. The temple is named after the saint or holiday to which the central altar is dedicated.

As many liturgies can be served in a church a day as there are aisles, and, accordingly, different priests must bring each Eucharist.

Church (Greek: House of the Lord) has a broader meaning. IN Orthodox tradition understood as:

  • religious building;
  • community of all believers in Christ.

A religious building with one aisle, where one liturgy can be performed per day. The church is smaller and more modestly decorated compared to the temple: up to three domes and one serving shepherd.

The second meaning is the Church as the Body of Christ. Combines in itself:

  • Church of Heaven Triumphant ( Mother of God, angels, saints, and all saved Christians);
  • Earthly Militant Church (Christians fighting for their salvation on earth).

The Church of Christ is a single divine-human living organism of all Christians, dead and living, bound by the Sacraments, Grace, and the single Gospel Spirit. The head of this Church is Christ Himself. The Savior invisibly governs his flock in the person of the clergy and laity. He performs Baptism, accepts Confession, and communes the believing people with His Body and Blood.

The "Symbol of Faith" prayer refers to the Church as Holy, Catholic and Apostolic. The Lord established the Church more than 2,000 years ago and said that it would stand until the end of time, and the gates of hell would not prevail against it. And all the words of the Savior are fulfilled with accuracy, and we do not need to worry and be afraid of change. God is in control of everything.

Cathedral (from the Slavs. meeting, congress) in the Orthodox tradition has several meanings:

  • Apostolic Cathedral - the first ever meeting of the apostles in Jerusalem.
  • Church Council - a meeting of the clergy with the aim of developing rules of doctrine, worship and discipline, strategies to combat sectarianism.
  • The main temple of the city or monastery, intended for the service of the ruling bishop with a large number priests.
  • Cathedral of Saints - religious holiday, uniting saints of the same territory or famous for a single feat.

In this context, we consider the third meaning of the cathedral - as the main temple of the area. The difference between the cathedral and the church and the temple lies primarily in the impressive size of the first. It holds daily worship services by at least three priests. Services of the higher clergy are performed in the cathedral: patriarchs, archbishops. For this purpose, a special pulpit may be available and, accordingly, the cathedral is called the Cathedral. The church does not have a throne for the primate.

The cathedral is richer and more extensively decorated, and there may be several altars, as in a temple. The title of "cathedral" is assigned to the church for life, even if the chair of the bishop is transferred to another church. In every major Russian city there are majestic cathedrals that captivate the eye, which for believers become a haven of prayer, and for tourists - a local attraction.

The main purpose of cathedrals, temples, churches is the ability of a person to communicate with his Creator and like-minded laity. Bring sincere repentance to God, ask for the cleansing of the soul from passions and sins, for everything and rejoice.

It will be useful for all believing Christians and those interested in religious science to know about characteristic features the concepts of "cathedral", "temple" and "church", what is the difference between them and what are the common features, so that the expectations from participation in worship correspond to the impressions received.

Hello Irina!

The word "temple" is of Old Russian origin and means "mansions", "chramina". In different religions, the temple is called differently: in Christianity it is a cathedral, a church, a church, a church; in Judaism, the synagogue; in Islam - a mosque, etc. The temple building is polysemantic. In Christianity and Buddhism, for example, a temple is a...

What is the difference: church, temple? The difference between a cathedral and a temple.

The word Cathedral comes from the Old Slavonic words: congress, assembly. This is usually the name of the main temple in the city or monastery. The cathedral is designed for the daily service of God by at least three priests. Divine services of higher clergy are also held here: the patriarch, the archbishop, the bishop. The significant size of the cathedral allows you to gather in one place a large number parishioners and clergy. Although the area of ​​the cathedral may not differ significantly from an ordinary parish church, it should be designed for the fact that mainly festive services will be performed by clergy from the staff of the temple. Ideally, there should be 12 priests in addition to the rector - the image of Christ and the 12 Apostles.

Cathedrals have their own gradation: monastic, cathedral. The church where the chair of the ruling bishop or bishop is located is called a cathedral. In cathedrals it happens ...

Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko answers:

Hello Irina!

A temple (from the old Russian “mansions”, “chramina”) is an architectural structure (building) intended for worship and religious rites.

A Christian temple is also called a "church". The word "church" itself comes from the Greek. Κυριακη (οικια) - (house) of the Lord.

Cathedral is usually called main church city ​​or monastery. Although local tradition may not adhere to this rule too strictly. So, for example, in St. Petersburg there are three cathedrals: St. Isaac's, Kazansky and Smolny (not counting the cathedrals of city monasteries), and in the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra there are two cathedrals: Assumption and Trinity.

The church where the chair of the ruling bishop (bishop) is located is called the cathedral.

In an Orthodox church, an altar part, where the Throne is located, and a meal - a room for worshipers - are necessarily distinguished. In the altar part of the temple, on the Throne,...

Church of St. John the Evangelist in Kaneo - a typical cross-domed Orthodox church of the Middle Byzantine period

A temple in Orthodoxy is an Orthodox liturgical religious building that has an altar, a throne, a dome.

1 History 2 Symbolism and device 3 Stages of development of architectural forms 3.1 Russia 3.2 Bulgaria 4 See also 5 Notes 6 Literature 7 Links

Early Christian architecture, which marked the beginning and formation of architectural forms, which later found a diverse embodiment throughout Europe and the Christian East, was also the last period of ancient architecture, with its inherent fine art traditions and organization. inner space temple. There are two stages in the development of early Christian architecture:

From the emergence to the official status given to Christianity by Emperor Constantine; from Constantine the Great to the fall of the Western part of the Roman...

For a believer, visiting a temple is like a holiday. He feels the peace of the soul, the cheerfulness of the body and the infinite happiness from the possibility of touching something higher. He seeks love, protection and blessings for good undertakings. People pray for healing, for the strengthening of faith and guidance on the true path, for heartfelt joy, for the gift of piety and mercy. However, few of them thought about whether there is a difference between the words "temple" and "church". And if so, what is it.

Although, on the one hand, the temple and the church are synonymous, it is far from always possible to replace these words with each other.

The word "temple" is of Old Russian origin and means "mansions", "chramina". In different religions, the temple is called differently: in Christianity it is a cathedral, a church, a church, a church; in Judaism, the synagogue; in Islam - a mosque, etc. The temple building is polysemantic. In Christianity and Buddhism, for example, a temple is an oriented...

Everyone decides for himself to believe in God or not, to go to church or not to go, but it is useful for everyone to know the differences in the world of religion, because, as before, today religion occupies a large place not only in our country, but throughout the globe .

A temple (from the old Russian “mansion”, “temple”) is an architectural structure intended for worship and religious rites. The history of the appearance of an Orthodox church goes back to the event when the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with his disciples took place in an ordinary residential building, but in a special room. Here Christ washed the feet of his disciples and performed the first divine liturgy - the sacrament of turning bread and wine into his body and blood, and talked about the mysteries of the church and the kingdom of heaven. So the foundations of the Christian church were laid - a special room for holding prayer meetings, communion with God and performing the sacraments.

What is the Church? The Church has no difference from the Temple...

Welcome back Orthodox faith Russian land raises many questions. What is the difference between a church and a temple, a cathedral and a chapel? I often asked a similar question, getting confused in the names, and now I decided to clear up the confusion with the help of authoritative sources. It turns out that all people who believe in Christ are called the church, and not just the building. What is a temple and a cathedral? Let's figure it out together.

We know that on the feast of Pentecost (Jewish Shavuot), the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples of Jesus in the form of tongues of spiritual flame. On this significant day, more than 3,000 people repented, which was the beginning of the formation of the Church of Christ. That is, the church is an association of believers, and not just a building and an architectural structure.

For example, the Last Supper took place not in a special place, but in simple house. The first liturgy with communion was celebrated there, when the Lord broke the bread and called it his body. Then Christ commanded his disciples to take communion in memory of Him, which Christians do to this day. The apostles sacredly honored the commandment of Christ about missionary work and carried the Word of God to all countries of the world.

However, in the early years, Christians continued to attend synagogues, as they were Jews in their religion, and communion was performed in ordinary homes. This did not affect the sanctity of the spiritual action being performed. After the persecution of believers in Christ, they had to celebrate the Eucharist (communion) in the catacombs.

The structure of the catacombs is a classic example of Christian churches.

There were three compartments in the catacombs:

  1. altar;
  2. prayer room;
  3. refectory.

A hole was made in the center of the catacomb through which daylight entered. Now it symbolizes the dome on the temples. If you pay attention to internal structure Orthodox churches, you will notice just such an arrangement of premises.

During the spread of Christianity and its adoption by the kings, they began to build ground-based temples. The architectural form could be the most diverse: in the form of a cross, round or eight-pointed. These forms reflected a certain symbolism:

  • cruciform symbolized the worship of the cross;
  • the round shape symbolized eternity and eternal life;
  • the octagonal is the symbol of the Star of Bethlehem;
  • balizika - the form of the ship, the ark of salvation.

Basilicas were the first architectural forms Christian temples. But no matter what external form temples are built, they all have an altar part.


This word came to us from Greek like faith itself. Kyriake (church) denotes the house of the god. Believing Christians are already accustomed to calling an architectural structure with a dome and crosses on it a church. However, a church is also a term used to refer to a gathering of believers who confess Jesus Christ as their Lord.

In the architectural sense, a church is a small temple, which certainly has an altar. Each church has one priest who conducts worship. The decoration of the church is more modest compared to the cathedral and temple. Usually one liturgy is served in the church, it does not provide for the patriarch's bed.


How is a church different from a temple? The word "temple" has Slavic roots and is formed from the word "mansions", that is, large room. The temples are distinguished by three domes with crosses, which represent the Holy Trinity. There are more domes, however, at least three. Temples are built on hills so that they can be clearly seen from everywhere.

Each church (building) is a Christian temple.

Over time, extensions (chapels) can be made to temples, which are also crowned with domes with crosses. If the area of ​​the temple increases, new altars may appear. But the main altar certainly looks towards the rising sun - to the east. A fence with a central gate and a gate is built around the temple.

What is the difference between a temple and a cathedral? The word "cathedral" means "assembly". This is the main temple of the monastery monastery or locality. Large cities may have more than one cathedral.

In cathedrals there is a place for a patriarch.

In the cathedrals there is certainly more than one altar, and several priests lead the liturgy. The number of priests in the cathedrals is twelve, equal to the number of Jesus' disciples. Also in the cathedral there is a rector, who corresponds by analogy with Christ himself. Liturgies are celebrated by the highest church ranks - patriarchs, bishops, archbishops.

The main difference between cathedrals and temples is the presence of holy relics.

Is a cathedral different from a temple? external form? Fundamental differences No. This is also a building with domes, but more impressive in size.

Also called a cathedral in Orthodoxy:

  • a meeting of representatives of churches to resolve issues;
  • church holiday "Saints' Cathedral".

A believer must understand the difference between the name of an architectural structure and the assembly of believers, which have the same sound.

Architecturally, the cathedrals are distinguished by their impressive, majestic and even grandiose size. Festive services are sent to them by the highest spiritual ranks. If the chair of the bishop (bishop) is defined in the cathedral, then it is called the cathedral. Central Cathedral Russian Federation considered the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

What is the difference between a church and a temple and a cathedral, we found out. What is a chapel? This is a small building with one dome. A chapel can be built by any Christian in honor of significant events. The main difference between a chapel and a temple and a cathedral is the absence of an altar part, since liturgies are not held there. In the chapels they pray, sometimes they hold services.

Chapels do not require a blessing to be built.

This building is under the care of the one who built it. Sometimes monks or parishioners take care of the chapels. These structures can be seen at crossroads, tombs, near holy springs or memorial sites. As a rule, no fences are built around the chapel.


So, ? Church refers to any Christian buildings in which the liturgy is held and the name of the Savior is honored. All church buildings are designed for communication with God and prayers.

  • A church is any place of worship where Christians meet for liturgies.
  • A temple is a building where worship is held.
  • A cathedral is a temple in which holy relics are kept.
  • A chapel is a building for conducting the prayer service of individuals or a group of people.

A church can only be built with the blessing of the clergy. The place is chosen specially, before the work the priests pronounce a special blessing.

In the cathedrals, a daily liturgy is served, in the temples services do not depend on the schedule. Liturgies are never held in chapels; people come there to pray.

How is a church different from a cathedral? The cathedral is also called a church, as this is the general name for any Christian liturgical building. However, in the cathedrals, the service is carried out by the highest church ranks. There is also one altar in temples/churches, and many more in cathedrals.

What is the difference between church and temple? The temple is called only an architectural structure, and the church has a wider range of meanings up to the assembly of believers in Christ.

If a religious building of adherents of any faith can be called a temple, then the church definitely belongs to the Christian religion.

If a church as a building can be erected on the outskirts (for example, on Kulichki), then a significant and central place is always chosen for the temple.

The church as a building is designed for a small parish, and the temple always impresses with its grandeur of architecture and magnificent interior decoration.

However, churches (churches) should not be confused with chapels, since they always have an altar. The chapel may look like a church in appearance, but it does not have an altar.

Can a temple be called a church? It won't be a big mistake. However, if a person wants to emphasize the cult significance of the house of the Lord, then he can call it a temple.

At Orthodox people People often ask what is the difference between a temple and a church, and is there any? People are interested in life and charter Orthodox Church out of curiosity or trying to understand and comprehend faith.

In any case, a Christian should know how to answer this question and explain in detail what is the difference between a temple and a cathedral, a chapel and a monastery. Knowing this difference will not save the soul, but it determines the education of a person in the teaching in which he is.

Differences between a temple and a church

The Russian word "temple", which comes from the ancient Russian "choir" or "chramina" - these words used to be used to call large living quarters. Today, this concept has been transformed and already means an architectural building in which divine services and Sacraments are held.

Prince Vladimir Church in Irkutsk

In its form, which has a certain meaning, it can be:

  • a ship - as a symbol of the ark of salvation in the midst of a raging world;
  • a cross - in honor of the subject on which Christ's death saved people;
  • circle - as a symbol of eternity;
  • star - as a symbol of truth.

According to its architecture, the temple has from 3 domes and several altars, divided into limits. Usually the temple is named after some saint or holiday.

The word "church" comes from the Greek language (translated as "House of the Lord") and means something much more than a building. Orthodox theology distinguishes 2 meanings of this word:

  • building for worship;
  • community of believers in Christ unlimited in time or space.

The church as a building has the following differences from the temple:

But the second meaning, more global and spiritual - a community of people who believe in the Death and Resurrection of Christ and worship the same Lord.

Read about Jesus Christ:

This value combines:

  • the heavenly Church, which triumphs (the Mother of God, angels, a host of saints and saved ones);
  • the earthly Church that is at war (Christians).
Important! These two churches are united into one Ecumenical and represents a single divine-human organism, which is bound within itself by the Sacraments, Grace and the Holy Spirit. Christ himself stands at the head of this organism and governs his flock. He created her 2000 years ago with 12 disciples and will be reunited with her at the second coming.

The difference between a cathedral, a monastery and a chapel

There are also the concepts of "cathedral" and "chapel", many people think that these are synonymous words, but they are not.

Kazan Cathedral in Stavropol

A cathedral in its exact meaning is a meeting, but in Orthodoxy it has as many as 4 definitions:

  • Apostolic Council - the first historical meeting of the apostles after the death of Christ in Jerusalem;
  • Church Council - a meeting of the highest clergy to determine and control Orthodox doctrine, tradition and charters;
  • main temple - i.e. the main temple of the city, where the chief bishop of the city serves;
  • The Cathedral of the Saints is a holiday.

The cathedral is decorated with many icons and decorative elements to distinguish it from the number of simple temples.

In addition, he:

  • large sizes;
  • worship daily;
  • 3 or more priests serve;
  • the higher clergy serve;
  • there is a throne for the primate.

About famous temples and monasteries:

  • Rylsky St. Nicholas Monastery in the Kursk region

The concept of a chapel means a small structure that serves only to perform prayers in it and read akathists. Often they are erected in honor of some event, and in ancient times monasteries and temples grew out of the chapels. It has no altar and no liturgy is served.

Chapel of Nicholas the Wonderworker in Rybinsk

The monastery has 2 meanings.

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