Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Dwarf and early-fruiting varieties of apple trees. Low-growing varieties of apple trees. Caring for dwarf apple trees in winter


For the North-West and northern regions

For Siberia, their winter hardiness is only average, in the harsh winter of 2001-2002. (-46 degrees) they froze with a score of 2.5 points (half of the flower buds).

This resistance to frost is combined with fruits of a very decent size: 100-140 and 90-130 grams, respectively, taste - 4.5 and 4.8 points.

Sverdlovsk selection

Ural apple trees on dwarf rootstocks combine very high winter hardiness with productivity and good taste of apples. Suffice it to remember:

  • Summer Naliv Isetsky(120 grams);
  • Autumn variety Teatralnaya(120-150 grams);
  • Winter Aport Dibrova(150-200 grams);
  • (small, 50 grams, unusually resistant to disease);
  • Dwarf(180-200 grams).

Useful videos

Watch a video with the characteristics of apple tree rootstocks:

Watch a video of how to plant an apple tree on dwarf rootstock:

Watch the video to see what seedlings look like on a dwarf rootstock:

Watch the video on how to form the crown of a dwarf apple tree:


Apple trees on dwarf rootstocks are not just convenient in the garden. Such trees allow you to successfully grow gardens where old tall varieties cannot grow:

  • In flooded areas;
  • With nearby groundwater;
  • On slopes with a shallow layer of fertile soil;
  • On small areas 2x2 meters.

They are convenient to cut and process; no stepladders or various devices for picking apples.

Attention! Low-growing apple trees need to be regularly fed and watered - they are very sensitive to lack of water and nutrition.

All traditional treatments are carried out at the same time as for tall apple trees in the orchard. If you don't miss anything, you will be pleased with the harvest.

In contact with

Recently, more and more attention of gardeners has been focused on dwarf varieties of apple trees, which, of course, have a number of advantages compared to classic varieties of apple trees. They:

  • Occupy less space V ;
  • They tolerate winter better;
  • Harvesting is much more convenient;
  • Just like behind them.

To get this type right, it is necessary to understand what nuances there are in caring for them what to avoid, what to be prepared for and how to create the most best conditions for their .

general characteristics

Apple trees whose height are considered dwarf does not exceed 2.5, and the root system has a fibrous structure, which is located in a meter layer of soil.

This fact is used by gardeners in areas that can damage deep-lying tree roots.

All varieties of dwarf apple trees can be divided into groups, depending on when the fruits fully ripen:

Varieties of dwarf apple trees


Very early ripening variety , apples ripen in the first week of August. The apple tree is distinguished by its excellent quality, round-shaped, aromatic fruits covered with rich green skin and strong, crisp flesh. Average fruit weight is 125 g.

Candy It tolerates frost and sudden temperature changes well.

Important! If frosts nevertheless damage the above-ground part of the tree, then it tends to recover very quickly and resume fruiting.


Read more information about the Candy apple tree.


This is a popular, widespread variety, the very first among dwarf varieties, which have received recognition from breeders.

Attracts gardeners with its precocity(the first harvest can be harvested in the 3rd year after planting), excellent yield(up to 145 - 150 kg of fruits from one tree) and unpretentiousness, however, it is worth noting average resistance to pathogens and severe frosts.

Apples ripen in the first half of August. fruits are not large(average weight 155 g), round in shape, covered with delicate skin, on which there is a crimson blush.

Inside the fruit is snow-white, tender, pleasant in structure, very aromatic. The taste is sweet, with a special caramel aftertaste.

You can find out more about the Melba apple tree.

Moscow necklace

Enough new variety, instantly loved by fruit growers for its large, tasty apples, which reach full maturity in October, and also due to its early fruiting: the primary harvest can be seen already in the 3rd year after placing the tree on the site. The apple tree is resistant to the pathogen and tolerates frost well.

  • Enlarged, leveled, average weight – 173 g;
  • spherical regular shape;
  • Covered with a loose, wine-red skin;
  • They have an amazing aroma, fragile and juicy structure;
  • The taste is sweet and sour, with an unobtrusive sourness.

After harvest can be stored for up to 100 days.

Moscow necklace.

You can read more about the Moscow Necklace apple tree.


The height of a tree of this variety is from 1.6 to 2 m, depending on the type of rootstock, the crown is sweeping, with cascading branches that descend even lower under the weight large fruits (average weight 210 g).

The fruits are spherical, slightly flattened in the center, leveled, covered with thin yellow-light green skin. Apple has classic dessert taste with barely noticeable sourness, pleasant consistency.

Important! One of the most important advantages This variety is due to the fact that the apple tree tolerates stagnant water very well.

You will learn more about the Wonderful variety from.


Belongs to the category natural dwarfs, its height is 1.1 - 2 m, fruiting is irregular, begins in the 4th year after planting. Productivity 55 -65 kg per tree.

The fruits are flattened-spherical, covered with a delicate but dense glossy dry skin of a yellowish tint, which by the time of ripening is covered with large crimson streaks. Under the peel The apple is grainy, dense, cream-colored, aromatic, with a sweet and sour taste.

Winter hardiness is average, too much low temperatures in winter they can damage fruit buds. Prolonged drought in summer negatively affects the taste characteristics of apples.


Read more information about the Sokolovskoye apple tree.


low growing tree, very quickly entering the fruiting period, the fruits are ready for harvest in September, have a round shape. The top is covered with a dense, thin peel of a yellow-green hue; by the time it is fully ripe, it is covered with crimson vertical streaks.

Taste characteristics are excellent, productivity tends to increase from year to year.

The variety is resistant to pathogens and influence, Winter hardiness is above average.


You can find out more about the Zhigulevskoye apple tree.


This apple variety is genetic dwarfs, reaches a height of 1.5 m, refers to. Very fast-growing, the first harvest can be harvested 3 years after planting.

Productivity is high, but Over time, an implicit periodicity may emerge.

Highly drought-resistant and frost-tolerant, the apple tree can withstand low temperatures down to -40°C.

  • Average in weight, which varies from 135 g to 173 g;
  • The shape is rounded and elongated;
  • The top of the apples is covered with a thin peel, dry and smooth, pale yellow in color with raspberry-pink streaks around the perimeter of the fruit;
  • The apple pulp is juicy and crisp, sweet and sour, aromatic.

The fruits are ready for harvest in early September, universal in purpose, can be stored for up to four months.


You can read more about the Snowdrop apple tree.


Autumn low growing tree recommended for cultivation in regions, has amazing frost resistance and resistance to the influence of fungal pathogens.

Carpet characterized by precociousness, the first harvest should be expected 3 - 4 years after grafting, the yield is high (64 kg per tree), but over time Periodicity may occur.

The fruits are enlarged, average weight - 155 - 160 g, have a spherical, slightly flattened shape, covered with a soft, delicate skin of a yellow-light green color with a bright scarlet blush.

Interior dryish, with active grain, beige.

The purpose of the crop is processing and fresh consumption.

Apples can be stored in a cool place for up to one and a half months.


You will learn more about the Carpet variety from.


The apple tree is of Chelyabinsk selection and belongs to the natural stlanes. The apple tree is medium-late (harvest in mid-September), the fruits are medium (145 - 165 g), round, slightly elongated with subtle ribbing. The peel is smooth, glossy, dry, olive-green in color with an unobtrusive blush.

Inside apple of an active white hue, medium-grained, not juicy, sour-sweet taste with a pleasant aroma. The fruits can be stored for up to 4 months, transportability is satisfactory.

Variety stands out for its resistance to frost. Among the disadvantages, it is worth highlighting the rather weak resistance to pathogens.

Read more about the Bratchud apple tree.


Large-fruited early ripening variety, characterized by excellent yield (up to 135 kg per apple tree), the first harvest can be obtained three years after the tree is planted in the ground.

The fruits are large, weighing on average 145 g, spherical shape. The apple is covered with a dense, thin, aromatic green peel, and by the time of ripeness it is covered with a beautiful even blush, the taste is sweet and sour, which received a high tasting rating.

Important! This variety has excellent scab resistance and high frost resistance.

Down to earth.

You can learn more about the Down to Earth apple tree.


This variety of low-growing baby apple trees is an early winter(harvesting can be done from the beginning of October), enters the fruiting phase in the 3rd year after planting in the garden.

The fruits are slightly ribbed, round, somewhat elongated, the main color of the durable thin skin is light green yellow, the outer color is bright crimson with deep burgundy vertical stripes. Interior juicy, white with creamy flecks, a distinct apple scent and dessert taste. The weight of the fruit can vary from 175 g to 200 g.

After harvest can be stored for 90 days.

Moscow red

Variety with excellent productivity, late date fruiting(the harvest is harvested in the first ten days of October), is highly resistant to scab pathogens and other diseases, winter hardiness and frost resistance are satisfactory.

The fruits are smooth, round, the peel is strong, but thin, green in color; by the time of ripening, a continuous crimson blush appears on the side. The weight of apples is 135 - 185 g.

After ripening and harvesting the apple can be stored for up to 120 days.

Moscow red.


The fruits of this apple tree are round, slightly flattened in the center, medium in size, covered with a smooth glossy skin of a yellow-green hue. By the time the hearths are removed, it becomes covered with wide crimson stripes along almost the entire perimeter of the apple.

The pulp is crisp, dense, white-green in color, sourish and very juicy with a classic apple smell.



This variety is late autumn (harvesting is carried out towards the end of September), distinguished by excellent frost resistance and quite satisfactory yield.

The fruits are medium in size (145 g), elliptical-sloping, leveled, covered with a durable, oily skin of green-yellow color, which by the time of ripeness is covered with a bright, continuous scarlet blush.

The taste is unobtrusive, sweet and sour with a pleasant fresh fruity aftertaste. Inside, the apple is dense, homogeneous, juicy, snow-white, with a pleasant aroma.

Every summer resident must have an apple tree growing on his property, at least one. Apples are rich in iron and other microelements necessary for the human body.

Most often, whole apple orchards from different varieties trees, but not everyone has enough space for this. Dwarf varieties of apple trees come to the aid of small areas, which make it possible to plant an entire garden on your own. small space. The features of growing these trees should be considered in more detail.

Varieties of apple trees

All trees, including dwarf trees, are divided into early, medium and late in terms of fruit ripening. They are also heat-loving and frost-resistant, and in terms of taste - sweet, sour, sweet and sour, dessert, and so on. Apple tree rootstocks are divided into seed, clonal and grafted. The former are distinguished by their height, and the latter usually reach medium height, no more.

In general, apple trees can be divided into:

  • Tall - up to eight meters in height and with powerful roots;
  • Medium - up to five meters in height;
  • Dwarf - up to 2.5 meters;
  • Columnar - with a straight trunk.

Varieties of dwarf apple trees

To get a rich harvest, varieties should be selected taking into account the characteristics of the local climate. Fortunately, the choice of dwarf apple trees consists of more than 10 thousand varieties, so you can find perfect tree for any region. Like all fruits, these plants are divided according to ripening time.

Early varieties

The early dwarf apple tree “Melba” is distinguished by high productivity, which begins to delight the gardener with its fruits already in the third year of life. The fruits of the tree are medium-sized, caramel-tasting, juicy and ripen in the July-August period.

Dark green, juicy, aromatic and tasty apples of the “Candy” variety ripen in August and can reach a weight of 120 grams.

The “wonderful” apple is highly resistant to frost and produces its first harvest already in the fourth year of planting. The fruits of this tree are medium, up to 140 grams, juicy, dessert, yellow-green in color with a pronounced bright blush.

Medium varieties

One of the best varieties of autumn ripening is “Zhigulevskoe”. It begins to give the gardener its large and bright red-orange fruits already in the third year of planting. The tree is resistant to many diseases and regularly produces good harvest with timely feeding. You can taste the first apples as early as September.

You can taste the bright sweet and sour taste and greenish-red color of apples of the “Mundane” variety already in the third year of planting. Its fruits are large and the yield is quite high. The tree tolerates winter well.

The Sokolovskaya apple tree produces large fruits, but the yield reaches 85 kg. Rich, sweet and sour yellow-green apples can be tasted after the fourth year of planting.

Very large fruits - up to 200 grams, yellow in color and sweet and sour taste are produced by the "Autumn Striped" apple tree. Its apples can be stored at low temperatures (up to 6 degrees), but it is recommended to cover the tree itself for the winter, since there is a high probability of the root system freezing.

Late varieties

A very popular variety is Podmoskovnaya Grushovka, which has good and stable yields. The tree is resistant to scab and begins to bear fruit in the fifth or sixth year. Its fruits are small, yellow with a red blush.

The Bogatyr variety is distinguished by its resistance to diseases and frost. The tree is very branchy, so it requires annual thinning of the crown. Its fruits taste like Antonovka and are yellow-red in color.

Very large, late-ripening dessert apples with yellow-green skin are produced by the “Kovrovoe” variety. The yield per tree is high, and the first fruits ripen already in the fourth year.

The frost-resistant variety “Snowdrop” is not affected by scab and produces apples of a uniform yellow color with a red side. The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour, and its weight is up to 170 grams.

Large apples of the Bratchud variety have a characteristic side seam. This tree is characterized by frost resistance and regular harvests, which begin at the age of three. The apples are yellow-green in color, have a sweet and sour taste with grainy flesh.

The relatively young variety “Moscow Necklace” produces large apples of bright red color and a sweet and sour taste already in the third year of planting.

Distinctive features of seedlings

Since dwarf varieties are grown only as a rootstock for ordinary seedlings, you should choose the material for planting very carefully.

In order not to confuse “dwarfs” with ordinary seedlings, you need to know that:

  • The root system of dwarf varieties is fibrous rather than taprooted;
  • The roots must be fresh;
  • The graft must have a clear protrusion at the junction of the neck and the trunk;
  • The bark must be fresh and undamaged;
  • There should be large buds at the ends of the branches;
  • The height of the seedling is no more than half a meter from the location of the trunk.

The purchased tree should be planted as quickly as possible.

Planting dwarf apple trees

It is best to do this in the spring, in fertilized soil. The location for the new tree must be windless, elevated and sunny or slightly shaded. Groundwater at the planting site should not pass closer than one and a half meters, and the distance to neighboring trees should be three meters. Planting pit, half a meter deep and 0.6-0.7 meters wide, is filled with humus mixed with the top soil, after which a tree is placed in it and covered with the remaining soil. Before this, the seedling is pruned. The graft should remain on the surface, a couple of centimeters above the ground.

Features of care

Young seedlings need to be watered once every seven days with one bucket of water. They also require regular feeding infusion of chicken manure or mullein. This should be done after watering with one bucket of the prepared solution under each tree. In August, feeding can be stopped. After rains or waterings, you need to loosen the top layer of soil.

Already growing trees in early spring should be freed from insulation, pests and frostbitten branches should be cut off. After all sanitary measures, the trees should be fed with complex and nitrogen fertilizers, the soil should be dug up, and all cut branches should be burned. To prevent pests, the trunks should be whitened and the trees should be sprayed three times.

IN summer time It is necessary to water the apple trees in a timely manner and treat them against pests. It is also necessary to fertilize with nitrogen and monitor the condition of the plants. Feed if necessary foliar method iron sulfate or other missing element.

After harvesting, it is necessary to free the trees from debris, prune, mineral fertilizers and loosen the soil. The trunks also need to be insulated.

Advantages of dwarf varieties

All of them are due to the small size of an adult tree. First of all, dwarf varieties make it possible to plant much more on a plot more trees. Also, these varieties begin their first fruiting much earlier than usual, and their yield grows every year and is regular; dwarf apple trees bear fruit every season. Smaller trees are also easier to care for and harvest. Small size makes it possible to apply less fertilizer, and the close-lying root system allows the trees to quickly respond to fertilizers. Also, the small size of the plant makes it possible to better prepare for winter, which means the tree will better withstand frost.

Disadvantages of dwarf varieties

First of all, this is a short period of life. Despite frost resistance, closely lying roots can freeze out and also require fertile soil for planting. High yield sometimes leads to low-quality fruits, and can also simply break tree branches under a load of apples.

The best varieties for different regions

IN middle lane countries to which the Moscow region belongs, varieties such as “Melba”, “Candy”, “Osenneye Polosatoe”, “Zhigulevskoe”, “Bogatyr”, “Grushovka Podmoskovnaya”, “Moscow Necklace” and others will be ideal for planting.

In harsh climates, the apple trees “Spartak”, “Zhigulevskoye”, “Kutuzovets”, “Bashkir handsome”, “Zemlennoye”, “Bratchud” and others will be optimal for cultivation.

Southern regions are ideal for dwarf varieties, so the choice of variety for planting should be made based on soil composition and climate.

This variety was developed as a result of crossing Skryzhapel and Pepin saffron. These works were carried out by I.V. Michurin.

Region of natural growth

Autumn Low-Growing is a variety that was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements for the Central Black Earth Region.

additional characteristics

The apple variety has the average size, they are slightly flattened, with clearly visible ribs on their surface. The peel is smooth, dry and shiny.

The main color is greenish-yellow, although there is a red blush in some places. The backing is thick and curved.

The pulp is green, its consistency is dense, it is juicy and sweet and sour.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the variety include:

  • high productivity;
  • resistance to low temperatures;
  • precociousness;
  • long-term storage and high transportability.

The disadvantages include scab damage, the formation of which is influenced high humidity.

Tree height and crown width

Already from the name it is clear that the height of the tree is insignificant - 1.5-2 m. The crown of the tree is horizontal, its width does not exceed 3 m.

Features of ripening and fruiting

Harvesting takes place at the end of August and until September.


Next you can see the photo of the Autumn Low-Growing apple tree:


Site selection

For an apple tree of this variety, it is unacceptable to choose a darkened area. Need an open and sunny space.

Soil preparation

For the Autumn Low-growing seedling, it is necessary to choose fertile soil, but it should not be too acidic. So before planting, the soil can be deoxidized using dolomite flour or lime. They need to be added during digging.


Dig planting holes a month before planting. Its depth should be 0-75 cm, width - 1 m. Fill it with fertile soil and rotted manure (20 liters per tree). Add superphosphate and ash (1 kg each). After filling the hole, a mound should form.

Landing technology

After everything preparatory activities were hung, you can proceed to direct planting, following the following action plan:

Below is a useful video on the topic “How to properly plant an apple tree seedling?”:



Irrigate according to weather conditions. If the apple tree has not yet begun to bear fruit, then water it 3 times a day. One tree will require 50 liters of water. The last time to moisturize is in August. Apple trees that bear fruit should be watered 3-5 times a year - before flowering, during it and before the ovaries fall off. When a tree grows on sandy loam soil, it will require 40 liters of water.

Attention! It is impossible to carry out pre-winter filling in areas where there is a high elevation groundwater.

Top dressing

Feed in the 2nd and 3rd years of life. To do this, use liquid complex fertilizer. It takes 30-40 g per tree. Use mullein solution 2 times per season. To prepare it, take manure and water in the following ratio - 1:10. One tree requires 10 liters of solution.


Tree pruning is carried out according to the following scheme:

Diseases and pests

If the basic rules of agricultural technology are not followed, the Autumn Low-growing tree can be affected by various pests and diseases.

Black cancer

This pathology is characterized by the following symptoms::

  • formation of black dots on the leaves, and their number and size increase every day;
  • black rot on fruit;
  • darkening of the tree bark, formation of numerous cracks, turning it in the opposite direction.

Reference! Bordeaux mixture is used to treat black cancer. Treatment is carried out only on affected areas on the trunk. But carry out such events only after the trees bloom.

To prevent the onset of the disease, it is important to carry out timely prevention.

To do this you need:

  • remove small pests in a timely manner;
  • fertilize and disinfect the soil.


This disease makes itself felt almost immediately after infection. The very first symptom is considered to be rust on the leaves of the apple tree. Scab is fungal disease, so you need to fight it early in the spring using Topaz. Dilute the substance in an amount of 2 ml in 10 liters of water. Process until flowering.

After flowering, spray the trunk again. Instead of Topaz, you can use Hom. To prepare the solution, you need to take the drug in an amount of 40 g and dilute it in 10 liters of water. Treat the trunk before and after flowering. Colloidal sulfur gives good results. Take 80 g of it and dilute it in 10 liters of water. When using the above formulations, it is important not to overdo it with the dosage. Otherwise, it may cause burns to the bark and foliage.

Below is a useful video on the topic “How to deal with scab on an apple tree?”:

Powdery mildew

This is another fungal disease that affects the shoots and buds of the apple tree. This disease is characterized by rapid spread. A tree under the influence of a fungus can die within a month. Topaz and Skor are used for treatment.


This pest very often affects apple trees of this variety. Aphids feed on the sap of leaves and branches. If treatment is not started in time, the tree will wither. To combat, a soap solution is used. Take 200 ml of soap for 1 liter of water.

leaf roller

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