Fire Safety Encyclopedia

Agricultural technology of radish in the open field. Radish: planting in open ground, care and storage. Photo gallery: early maturing radish varieties

The radish plant (Raphanus sativus) can be an annual or a biennial plant, it belongs to the Radish group of the genus Radish of the Cruciferous (Cabbage) family. The name "radish" is derived from the Latin word "radix", which translates as "root". This early maturing plant is the leader among all fast growing vegetable crops. Radish is quite popular in spring, since at this time only it contains a large amount of live vitamins, which are very necessary for the body after the end of the winter period.

  1. Sowing... Seeds are sown in open soil before winter or in spring from the last days of March to the second half of April.
  2. Illumination... The site must be well lit.
  3. ... You need a light and loose soil, neutral or slightly alkaline (pH 5.5-7.0).
  4. Predecessors... Cucumbers, potatoes, and legumes are good ones. The bad ones are representatives of the Cruciferous family. The area after the radish is suitable for planting tomatoes.
  5. Watering... Water often and abundantly. If it rains regularly in spring, then the bushes should be watered once a day in the morning or after 5 pm. In hot and dry periods, they should be watered twice a day in the morning and evening. The soil in the garden should be slightly damp at all times.
  6. Fertilizer... If the soil is poor, then you will need to feed the radish 2 times, and if it is fertile, then 1. For this, use a complex mineral fertilizer.
  7. Reproduction methods... Seeds.
  8. Harmful insects... Bears and cruciferous fleas.
  9. Diseases... Keela, bacteriosis and black leg.

Features of radish

Radish is a very popular vegetable crop in a large number of countries. Such a plant is a root crop, which can reach 25 mm in diameter or more; it is covered with a thin skin painted in pink, red or pinkish-white color. It tastes pungent because it contains mustard oil.

Such a culture needs a long daylight hours so that the root crop develops within the normal range, its duration should be about 13 hours. The growing season is very short, in this regard, it is possible to grow radishes on your site, if desired, throughout the season, while sowing it regularly once a week.

What time to plant

Germination of radish seeds begins already at a temperature of 1 to 2 degrees. In order for the bushes to develop within normal limits, they need a temperature of 15 to 18 degrees, but if it is hotter, then with a lack of light (at this time of the year the daylight hours are still short), the tops will begin to actively grow, while the root crop will be rough, and its growth will stop completely ...

Sowing radishes is carried out immediately after the soil has thawed and warmed up well. As a rule, this time falls in mid-April, but in regions with a warm climate, early varieties can be sown in the last days of March.

Before you start sowing, you need to prepare the soil. A suitable area should be well lit (at least in the first half of the day), and also have reliable protection from gusts of wind. Light and loose soil, neutral or slightly acidic (pH 5.5-7.0), is best suited for growing. If the soil is excessively acidic, then it must be lime before sowing radish.

If there is such an opportunity, then it is recommended to sow radish in the area that will then be used for growing tomatoes. To do this, sowing can be done 1 time in 7 days until the twenties of May, while it will be possible to get a decent harvest of root crops, and at the same time prepare a plot for tomatoes. If the soil is heavy and cold or poor sandy loam, then before sowing such a culture it is necessary to dig it up with the introduction of humus (for 1 square meter of the site from 2 to 3 kilograms). It should be remembered that it is prohibited to use fresh manure.

Such a root crop grows well in those areas where cucumbers, beans, potatoes or tomatoes were previously grown. And the bad predecessor of this culture is turnip, radish, turnip, daikon, watercress, cabbage and horseradish. Experts advise sowing radishes every year in a new place, while you need to try so that each time it has predecessors from different families.

If the sowing of seeds will be carried out in the spring, then the preparation of the site must be done in the autumn. To do this, the site is digged to the depth of the shovel bayonet with the simultaneous introduction of humus or compost into the soil. Then, in the spring, right before sowing radish, the site will need to be dug to a depth of no more than 20 centimeters with the simultaneous introduction of potassium-phosphorus fertilizer into the soil.

Radish seeds are sown quite thickly, burying them into the soil by 20 mm; for this, grooves are made in advance and spilled with water. The row spacing should be between 15 and 20 centimeters. The grooves must be filled with loose soil, after which its surface is tamped. It is not necessary to water the crops; instead, it is recommended to cover the surface of the garden bed with a two-centimeter layer of humus or peat.

Before the first seedlings appear, at night (from 5 pm to morning), the surface of the bed must be covered with a film. Weather conditions have a great influence on the time of seedling emergence. If the weather is sunny and dry, then seed germination can begin on the third or fourth day after sowing. During the formation of the first true leaf plate, thinning of the plants should be carried out, while a distance of 30 to 50 mm should be left between them. If there is a desire, the sowing of seeds can be carried out by immediately placing them at a specified distance, thanks to this it will be possible to avoid thinning, because during the breakthrough of the seedlings, the roots of the remaining plants can be injured, as a result of which their development will deteriorate, which can lead to shooting.

If you care for the radish correctly, then from the moment the seedlings appear until the harvest, it will take only 20 to 30 days.

Podzimny sowing of radish is carried out in the last weeks of autumn. Sowing of seeds begins after the first frost, and this time falls approximately in the second half of November. Not all varieties of such a crop can be used for sowing before winter. However, the Yubileiny, Spartak, Mercado, Mayak and Carmen varieties are excellent for this, as they can germinate even at low temperatures.

The plot for winter sowing is prepared in the last summer weeks. To do this, you need to dig up the soil, into which you should add 1 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate and double superphosphate, as well as half a bucket of rotted compost or humus per 1 square meter. The prepared bed from above must be covered with a film, while at the edges it is fixed with bricks or stones.

Sowing seeds in autumn is carried out in dry soil, after seeding the seeds, the surface of the site is covered with a layer of mulch (peat or dry soil). Then the surface is tamped, and if snow falls, then they throw in a bed. The advantage of such sowing is that in spring it will be possible to get an earlier harvest. As a rule, it is harvested half a month earlier than when sowing in spring.

When grown in open soil, radishes should be regularly watered, weeded and loosened between the rows. To facilitate the care of such a crop, the surface of the beds after sowing must be covered with a layer of mulch.

How to water

Radish is hygrophilous. In order for the bushes to develop normally, the optimum soil moisture should be about 80 percent. In this regard, watering the garden bed should be very frequent, especially at first, otherwise the taste of the roots will be bitter. If the bushes do not have enough water, then because of this, their shooting begins and the development of root crops stops. If you water the garden too abundantly or very often, this will lead to cracking of the root crops.

How to water a radish correctly? If it rains regularly in spring, then you need to water the garden every day in the morning or in the evening after 5 o'clock. In arid spring, water such a crop every day 2 times a day (in the morning and evening). It is especially necessary to monitor soil moisture especially after the seedlings form the first true leaf plate. In order for the roots to be juicy and tasty, it is necessary that the surface of the garden be slightly damp all the time.

If the culture is grown on poor soil, then during the growing season it will need to be fed 2 times. When growing radishes on fertile soil, it will need to be fertilized only once. Try not to introduce a large amount of nitrogen into the soil, as this will cause intensive tops to grow, and the roots will become elongated, and they will contain a large amount of nitrates.

What fertilizers are best used so that harmful substances do not accumulate in root crops? The best for this is a nutrient mixture consisting of humus or compost, which is taken in the amount necessary for the soil in your area, as well as 10-15 grams of saltpeter, 10 grams of superphosphate, 0.5 liters of wood ash and 10 grams of potassium fertilizer. Thanks to this composition, you can get juicy, tasty and healthy roots. If the soil at the site is saturated with nutrients, then only mineral fertilizers are added to it.


The greatest danger to radish is posed by such pests as bear and cruciferous flea. Other harmful insects do not have time to harm such a vegetable crop, as it grows very quickly. At an early stage of radish development, the cruciferous flea is the most dangerous for plants. The fact is that in just a few days it is capable of exterminating still very weak shoots that have recently appeared. For strengthened seedlings, this pest does not pose a great threat. What to use to treat crops to protect them from cruciferous flea beetles? In order to prevent such a pest from reaching tender seedlings, they must be treated with a solution consisting of 1 bucket of water, 2 tbsp. fresh wood ash and 50 grams of laundry soap, which must be grinded. If desired, the ash can be simply spread evenly over the surface of the bed. However, it should be borne in mind that both the first and second methods are characterized by low efficiency. And in order for the radish to be reliably protected from such a pest, it is necessary to build a shelter for it, for this, arched metal supports must be installed along the length of the entire bed, and spunbond must be put on top of them. This shelter allows the seedlings to breathe quite normally, the aboveground part of the bushes does not burn out under the scorching sunlight, and it also reliably protects against such a pest. When the seedlings get stronger and the tops grow up, the shelter must be removed.

Most often, bears damage early-maturing varieties of radish, which are grown in a greenhouse, they climb there in spring to warm up. When growing such a crop in open soil, such a pest is unlikely to be able to do much harm to it. Getting rid of the bear is very difficult.

For such a culture, bacteriosis poses the greatest danger, in the affected bushes, leaf plates turn yellow ahead of time, and root crops become mucus and begin to rot. If the bushes get sick with a keel, then their foliage will also turn yellow, and swellings and growths form on the root crops. Seedlings can be affected by a black leg, in diseased plants, the foliage turns yellow and curls, and the stems at the base turn black.

For prevention purposes, experts advise choosing varieties that are resistant to such diseases, and you also need to strictly adhere to the rules of agricultural technology of this culture, and do not forget to pull out and destroy diseased specimens in a timely manner. To get rid of the keel, the soil around the bushes should be treated with milk of lime (2 tbsp of fluffy lime is taken for 1 bucket of water), 1 liter of a similar mixture should be taken for 1 bush. Seedlings diseased with a black leg will need to be sprayed with infusion of onion husks 2 or 3 times with a break of 7 days (for this, 1 liter of water must be combined with 20 grams of husks, the infusion will be ready after 24 hours).

When processing such a rapidly growing plant as radish, it must be borne in mind that when using pesticides, harmful substances in them can accumulate in root crops. In this regard, it is better to adhere to the agrotechnical rules of this culture and properly care for such a plant.

If the bushes do get sick, then they will need to be processed. Seedlings affected by a black leg must be treated with a solution of copper sulfate (for 1 bucket of water, 50 grams of household soap, crushed on a grater, and 1 tbsp. L. Copper sulfate). To cure bacteriosis, the bushes need to be sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux mixture (1%). However, remember that all the harmful substances contained in these chemicals will be found in the roots.

Ripening of radish occurs at different times, in this regard, it is necessary to harvest root crops selectively, as they ripen. It is recommended to dig up roots in the morning, while the bushes must be watered abundantly beforehand in the evening. From the roots extracted from the soil, it is necessary to shake off the remains of the soil. The aerial part should be cut off, stepping back from the root from 20 to 30 mm, while the roots cannot be removed.

Such root vegetables are not stored for a very long time, because in any case they will eventually become bitter and flabby. In this regard, it is not necessary to grow too much radish, since it cannot be stored for an excessively long time, like, for example, carrots or beets. However, fresh and tasty radish can be grown not only in summer, because it grows very well in the greenhouse.

The dug up roots must be placed in plastic bags, and then on the refrigerator shelf intended for vegetables. There they can be stored for about 7 days.

All varieties of radish intended for cultivation in the open field are divided according to the ripening period into ultra-early, early, medium-ripening and late.

Ultra-early, or early ripening varieties of radish

Ripening of ultra-early (early ripening) varieties of radish occurs in just 18–20 days, the most popular are:

  1. 18 days... Root crops become mature after only 18 days. The cylindrical, bright pink roots have very tender and juicy flesh.
  2. Firstborn... This ultra-early hybrid ripens in just 16-18 days and has a high yield. Large, rounded roots have a dark red color and are resistant to cracking and shooting. The sweet pulp is very juicy.

Ripening of early varieties lasts from 20 to 30 days from the moment the seedlings appear, popular varieties:

  1. Ilka... This variety is high-yielding. Scarlet rounded roots weigh 15–25 grams. The pulp is juicy, dense, pink-white or white, medium-sharp taste has no bitterness. The variety is resistant to shooting, temperature drop, pulp woodiness and porosity.
  2. French Breakfast... This variety is distinguished by its yield and resistance to shooting. Dark red long roots have a cylindrical shape and a rounded white tip, their weight is about 45 grams. The juicy pulp has no bitterness. However, it should be borne in mind that in extreme heat, shooing of the bushes begins.
  3. Sachs... Ripening lasts 23–27 days. Round roots have a deep red color. Juicy and white pulp has a mild taste. On average, root vegetables weigh about 22 grams. The variety retains freshness for a long time, and it is distinguished by resistance to flowering.
  4. White Fang... Root crops have a conical shape and an unusual white color for such a plant. Ripening lasts 33-40 days. The length of the fruits is about 12 centimeters, and they weigh up to 60 grams. The juicy pulp has a slightly pungent taste.
  5. Heat... Ripening of this variety lasts 21 days, it has a high yield. Small rounded roots have a dark red color, their weight is about 25 grams. The pinkish-white or white flesh has a slightly pungent taste. This variety reacts extremely negatively to the heat, in this regard, on hot days, the garden bed must be covered with a canopy.

With an average ripening period, the variety ripens in just 30–35 days. Popular varieties:

  1. faith... This variety is distinguished by its yield and resistance to stalking and cracking. The deep red fruits are almost the same size.
  2. Helios... Round roots are yellow. The juicy pulp is very tasty.
  3. Quantum... This variety is distinguished by its yield and ripens in 30 days. The color of the root crops is raspberry-pink, their taste is delicate, they remain elastic for a long time.
  4. Zlata... Plants mature in 35 days from the moment the seedlings appear. The root crop has a round shape and yellow color, its weight is about 18 grams. The pulp is tender, juicy and dense.
  5. Duro... This variety is one of the most popular and fruitful. Root crops are excessively large (they reach up to 10 centimeters in diameter), they are red and round, and their weight is about 40 grams. When sowing, it should be borne in mind that a distance of at least 10 cm must be observed between the bushes. This variety is resistant to lining, stalking and cracking of root crops. They keep well.

Late varieties ripen in 36–45 days. The following varieties are popular:

  1. Red giant... This variety is distinguished by its yield and resistance to the bear, as well as to the cruciferous flea. Large deep red cylindrical roots reach 14 centimeters in length. The pinkish-white juicy pulp has a mild taste. Root vegetables keep very well, if placed in a container with sand, they will be stored for about four months.
  2. Ice icicle... The variety is very similar to the Red Giant, but the roots are white in color.
  3. Champion... Ripening of the variety lasts 40 days, it has a high yield. Red-raspberry large root crops have an elongated-rounded shape, they weigh about 20 grams. Delicate juicy dense and very tasty pulp has a white-pink color. The fruits do not form voids, they remain soft and flabby for a long time.
  4. Dungan... The variety is frost-resistant. The length of the elongated root crops is about 15 centimeters, and they weigh 45–80 grams. The white and juicy pulp is very tasty.
  5. Wurzburg-59... Rounded large roots have a raspberry color. Juicy and dense pulp remains elastic for a long time.
  6. Rampoush... The variety ripens in 35–45 days. Elongated fusiform roots have a white color. The pulp is also white with a medium-sharp taste, it has no bitterness. The variety is resistant to shooting.

Sowing of late varieties, as a rule, is carried out in the first decade of August.

Radish is the earliest root crop, which acquires a marketable appearance in 20-40 days, depending on the varietal time of receipt of the product. Planting and caring for radishes is straightforward, even in the absence of experience in gardening. To have a root vegetable on the table all summer, you should use some special techniques.

Radish agrotechnology

When growing radish, you need to know the following features:

  • cold-resistant culture with possible podzimny sowing;
  • the soil for the culture should be fertile, but without fresh organic matter;
  • long daylight hours create conditions for shooting, to the detriment of filling;

For planting and caring for radishes in the open field, an illuminated area is chosen. Before sowing, the soil is filled with rotted manure, complex mineral fertilizers and well dug up. It is better to prepare the garden in the fall, and sow in the winter or early spring. It should be borne in mind that the seeds are placed in the grooves to a depth of 1 cm and the ground above them is compacted.

For continuous plantings, it is better to use a marker with 5x5 cm teeth. Then the seeds are placed at the same distance with an even depth and compaction. Seedlings appear at the same time, thinning is not required. Each gardener chooses how to plant a radish. You can sow a separate bed, make markers from seedlings for tightly similar crops, or poke along the edges of beds with other crops.

By sowing seeds with different ripening periods, you can get products from one garden bed within a month. So, the French breakfast radish will delight you with tender crispy pulp 20 days after germination, and the Ice Icicle will have marketable ripeness in 45 days. Thus, it is possible to have fresh radishes on the table within a month from one sowing date.

How to harvest early radishes

In order to have your favorite root crop in May, you need to take care of this in advance. An open place is selected on the site for early planting. Later, it will be possible to plant thermophilic crops here. There are several ways to grow your first crop radish outdoors. For sowing, you need to choose fresh large seeds of early ripening varieties. The seeding rate is 2-3 g / m 2. Sowing of seeds, depending on the region, is carried out at different times - podzimny or early spring under a temporary shelter.

Podzimny sowing is carried out with a steady onset of cold weather in pre-prepared furrows. From above, the sowing is covered with thawed soil prepared in advance. In the spring, the seeds will hatch early, as the shoots appear at 2-3 degrees and withstand recurrent frosts up to 6 degrees. Another way is winter sowing. In the middle of winter, snow is removed from the garden, seeds are laid out along the furrows and covered with peat with a layer of 2 cm.

Sowing radishes before winter and in winter allows you to get the first harvest a decade earlier than with the spring planting method. When the temperature drops, the area with early seedlings is covered, but more often a temporary shelter made of arches is installed over such a bed.

If the early radish is grown as a business, the best way is to sow the seeds using a marker and 40-50 cm spacing between strips with continuous sowing. This crop placement will provide plant maintenance. The entire area is covered with a foil frame with ventilation. Early sowing on prepared soil is done when the ground has thawed by 2-3 cm.If the morning frost on the soil was stronger than three degrees, the plants are watered and shaded before the sun's rays touch the plant. Radishes grow quickly if they have enough moisture and sunlight. Root crops are sampled gradually, as they ripen.

Sowing radishes during the summer

Sowing of early varieties is more often used at several times, every summer month. How to grow radishes at the height of summer, when daylight hours are longer than 12 hours? Radish should go into the arrow at the height of summer precisely because of the illumination regime. Therefore, in the summer, they artificially shorten the day, covering the garden with radishes with dark geotextiles in arcs. It is impossible to cover with a film, as the sun will create unbearable heat under the shelter. It is necessary to light the garden bed for 10-12 hours, only then you can get root crops, and not an arrow with seeds.

Summer heat interferes with floods, dries up the earth, promotes the appearance of pests that eat up leaves, gnaw through roots.

In summer, the bed should be damp, loose and constantly sprinkled with wood ash or tobacco dust. No insecticides can be used on early-maturing crops.

When to plant a radish for the second time depends on the willingness of the owners to maintain a light regime for it every day. If it is possible to provide watering and daylight hours, at the height of summer, the root crop can be grown using non-shooting varieties. But on hot days, the filling is weak. In the shade, the radish will release a lot of green at the expense of the head size. Sowing radish seeds in June is irrational.

Planting a radish in July is more in line with its biology. In the second half of the month, the heat subsides, the sunny day is shorter and the night is colder. Therefore, in August, they get a new wave of delicious root vegetable. Planting and caring for radishes in the open field ends at the end of September, when large roots of late varieties are harvested for winter storage.

To get radishes in September, planting radishes should be done in early August. The beds that have been freed from onions for turnips are the best fit. They are well fertilized, loose and there is enough time before the onset of cold weather to obtain a marketable radish. Planting radishes in August and early September is practiced in areas with a warm climate. There, the favorable development of root crops is ensured even at the beginning of October. Trans-Urals should finish growing in the first half of September. These climatic conditions are used to plan the timing of sowing radish seeds for storage.

Greenhouse growing of radishes

The Siberian climate does not allow for the first crops before May. Therefore, the greenhouse method of growing radishes in spring is widespread in this area. Radishes are the precursor to tomatoes and peppers in stationary greenhouses. Sowing it is done in April in order to get the first roots by mid-May.

When cultivating radishes in a greenhouse, it is important:

  • choose exactly greenhouse varieties that are not prone to shooting;
  • provide the plants with illumination;
  • thin out radish seedlings in time;
  • airing, watering, loosening are required.

If you do not follow the conditions for planting and caring for the radish, a lot of greenery will grow to the detriment of the root crop, but the leaves of the greenhouse radish are tender and suitable for making salads.

In Japan, radish leaves are considered the most valuable vitamin greens and they are eaten.

Obtaining radish seeds

Radish is an annual crop, so you can get the seeds yourself. For this, testes are grown through seedlings. Testes grown in containers are rarely transplanted into open ground, after 30 cm and row spacing of 70. Plants are fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers and are protected from insect pests.

The pods obtained on the bush turn yellow in September. Such stems are cut, ripened and dried for two weeks and threshed. In Siberia, a seed plant is grown in a container, in September, it is brought into a greenhouse and grown indoors. The threshed seeds are calibrated, leaving only large ones.

Video about a little trick when planting radishes

Gardener tips: how to grow radishes outdoors

Radish is a fairly early ripening vegetable. It is often grown in greenhouses. But you can do this action in the open field. To do this, you need to know just a few simple rules and even an inexperienced gardener can handle the process.

In order for the radish to fully grow and develop, it needs to prepare a favorable soil. When planting radishes, you must remember that its soil should be as loose as possible. If such soil is not provided for this plant, then cracks will form on its fruits. That is why, before planting radishes, the soil is dug up and the appropriate fertilizers are introduced into it.

The ideal option for planting this plant is super-sandy, slightly acidic soil.

Fertilizing the soil:

  • In order for radish to form root crops correctly, it must be provided with an optimal amount of mineral fertilizers. These fertilizers include potassium salt and superphosphate.
  • Fertilization of the soil directly depends on the planting period of this plant. When applying fertilizers, you need to know that fresh manure adversely affects radishes. That is why it is by no means worth using it as fertilizer.
  • Fertilization of the soil should be done in advance. For example, if radish planting is planned for the spring, then the soil is fertilized in the fall.
  • Per square meter of the area allocated for radish, it is necessary to bring at least one bucket of manure, which is overfilled.

The choice of a place for planting this plant also plays an important role. This culture is very fond of lighting and therefore must be planted in very well-lit areas. Also, the planting site of this plant must be reliably protected from the wind.

There are three ways to grow radishes outdoors:

  1. Spring
  2. Winter
  3. Let's winter

The podzimny method of planting this plant consists in sowing seeds in the month of November. In the event that at this moment the ground is frozen, then dry seeds must be sown into the ground. After sowing radish seeds, they are covered with humus. This method of planting this plant requires the choice of a southern or southeastern site. Also, when planting radishes during the winter period, it is necessary to pay attention so that in the autumn period the place is not flooded with submerged waters.

In order to get radish shoots not two weeks earlier than during spring planting, it is planted in winter.

When using this method of planting, the beds are prepared in the fall. For this, grooves are cut, the width of which is five centimeters. During a snowy winter, snow is removed from the beds before planting radishes. Seeds are sown into the prepared grooves, and they are covered with peat on top.

The spring method is most often used when planting this plant:

  • Planting radishes after the retreat of the winter cold.
  • Radish is planted directly into open ground.
  • The planting time of radishes in spring directly depends on the characteristics of the region.
  • Most often, radishes are planted from late April to early May.
  • Planting radishes is carried out only when a long-term temperature is established at +15 degrees. In this case, the night temperature should be at least +5 degrees.
  • Before planting the seeds, the beds are dug up and grooves are made in them.
  • The distance between the grooves should be at least twenty centimeters.
  • Planting seeds can be done in whole handfuls. Crops are dug in and moistened abundantly.

If the need arises for the emergence of seedlings a few days earlier, the place of planting of this plant is covered with a film. The first shoots of radish appear within five days. Most often, a large number of seeds are used for planting radishes, so the first shoots appear crowded.

In order for the radish not to "stack", it must be weeded out. For this, the strongest plants are selected. 2-3 seedlings are left after 5-6 centimeters. After a few days, the strongest are selected from these seedlings, and the rest are pulled out.

In order for the fruits of the radish to be large and juicy, it needs to be weeded regularly. This not only removes weeds, but also loosens the soil, which has a beneficial effect on the size of the fruit. Also, this plant needs watering. In very dry soils, the fruits of the radish will taste small and bitter, and the ground part will begin to throw out arrows. Thinning of a given plant should only begin when the seeds are mostly germinated. This action is performed approximately 5-7 days after sowing when the rows are clearly visible.

After the final thinning, the radishes must be watered with a watering can for rooting.

This is necessary, since during thinning, the root system of the radish can be disturbed, which may not strengthen without water. Watering the radish is necessary from a watering can. On average, two liters of water must be poured over one square meter of the garden bed.

Also, after planting radishes, he needs to ensure timely fertilization. Urea and mullein are used as fertilizers. You need to take one teaspoon of urea, and one glass of mullein. With five liters of the resulting solution, you can process 1 square meter of the garden. Thanks to the introduction of these fertilizers, the development of radish will be significantly accelerated. In order to limit the radish from the possibility of a pest attacking it, before weeding the beds, it is necessary to pour ground pepper or dry mustard in the amount of 1 teaspoon per 1 square meter.

Harvesting is done as it ripens. If the fruits have reached normal size, then they must be harvested. To do this, you just need to gently pull the plant by the stem.

Radishes can be affected by weevils, cabbage moths, cabbage fly larvae and many others.

In order to limit the possibility of the appearance of these pests, it is necessary to sprinkle the beds with ordinary wood ash. Before planting this plant, you should not use wood ash, as it can cause the appearance of arrows, which will negatively affect the harvest. If radish is damaged by pests, it is necessary to immediately begin to combat them.

  • If you find a weevil beetle in the garden, then you need to spray the plant with special insecticides. Also, to prevent the appearance of this pest, you can plant garlic and onions around the garden garden. Cabbage moth attacks the ground part of this plant, which negatively affects the yield. When this pest appears, the garden bed with radishes must be treated with antibacterial drugs.
  • Cabbage fly larvae are a very dangerous enemy of radishes. Therefore, when they appear, you must immediately begin to fight them. When this pest appears, the plant bed is treated with special insecticides or wood ash.
  • Radishes can also be affected by diseases such as powdery mildew, black leg, white and gray rot, etc. Powdery mildew appears on radish leaves as a white bloom. When the first signs of the disease appear, you must immediately begin to fight it. For this purpose, both chemical and bacterial methods can be used. With the bacterial control method, special spray preparations are used. When using a chemical method, the use of fungicides is required. Also, when this disease appears, it is imperative to remove the affected leaves of the plant.
  • When a black leg appears on a radish, it is necessary to start fighting it immediately, otherwise it will destroy not only the ground part, but also the fruits of the radish. To do this, it is necessary not to overmoisten the soil during irrigation, and also to carry out regular loosening. You can also use insecticides to combat disease. White and gray rot can occur on the tops and tops of radishes above the ground. At the first signs of this disease, it is necessary to remove the affected plants from the garden, and also treat them with special preparations.

Growing radishes in the open field is a fairly simple process, which consists of sowing, caring for and controlling pests and diseases.

More information can be found in the video.

How to plant radish seeds correctly

It is impossible to feel that at last, after a long winter, spring has come, and the long-awaited summer is approaching more and more inexorably, until a radish appears on the table. Delicious and very healthy, on the table in a salad bowl or even just in bulk on a platter, she seems to say with her whole appearance - I came, and wait for the summer. But what is the right way to plant a radish?

A little about radishes

Crispy, slightly sharp and bright radish tubers are a real storehouse of many mineral salts - magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamins - C, B 5, B 2, B 1, enzymes and organic acids. And isn't that why a person has such a positive attitude to the first spring radish that appears on the table at a time when the body needs all of them very much? This article will guide you on how to plant radish seeds.

There are two types of this plant - annual and biennial. The first consists of European varieties and produces seeds with root crops within one year, while the second consists of Asian winter varieties that produce seeds only in the second year. This article discusses the rules on how to plant European radish seeds.

Radish is an early ripening, cold-resistant, light and moisture-loving plant belonging to the cruciferous or cabbage class. Depending on the region of cultivation, it can bear fruit from 2 to 5 times a year. To get a good and consistent harvest, you need to know how and when to plant your radishes.

Preparing the soil before planting radishes

Many people really want to know how to properly plant radishes in the spring. It all starts in the fall, when the beds are prepared (raised by 15 cm) and the necessary organic fertilizers are applied - but carefully, without excessive fanaticism - because from an overabundance, for example, of humus, large "tops" and frail "roots" can grow.

Then, in the spring, after the main snow melts, mineral fertilizers can be sprinkled on the beds under the radish. The snow remaining on them, during thawing, will enrich the soil with the necessary macro- and microelements. But not potash - an excess of potassium will make the roots weak and lead the radish into the arrow.

The beds are made in a sunny and warm place, and for the fastest heating of the soil, it is advisable to cover the beds with black polyethylene for 9-10 days. Before planting the seeds, it remains to remove the film and dig up the beds with a shovel's bayonet depth. That's it - you can plant radish seeds.

Some features of plant compatibility

When planting radish seeds, it is important to remember that all garden plants obey a certain law of compatibility, breaking which you can be left without a crop. What is the correct way to plant a radish with all this in mind?

In this regard, a crop such as radish should be planted next to head lettuce, which will prevent earthen fleas from damaging the plant. And if you surround the radish with beans, then its tubers grow larger and have a more delicate taste. In general, radishes are friends with potatoes and spinach, as well as onions, garlic, beets and cabbage. But it is not recommended to plant radishes with cucumbers.

Radish outdoors under a film

How to plant radishes under a film? When planting seeds in the ground, the "rule of three matches" must be observed. The seeds are planted at a depth corresponding to the length of the match, the bed from the bed is at a distance of the match, and the seed from the seed is planted in a row for the length of the match.

The soil for the radish is desirable loose, and after planting the radish it is recommended to mulch it - sprinkle it on top with river sand, sawdust or peat. Considering that there is still snow when planting radishes, you can throw more of it on the rows with the planted seeds, but not too much. The next step is to install a spandbody material over the shelter beds.

The first shoots appear when the last snow melts. At this point, it is important to pay attention to the density of seedlings and, if necessary, thin the rows or sow the seeds. When spring is warm, be sure to do airing by raising the spandbody for a while. The first radishes on the table can be harvested in three weeks, if a good spring permits.

Radish in greenhouses

How to plant radishes in a greenhouse? Getting earlier from

giving birth to radish is possible when planting it in a greenhouse. The soil in greenhouses is prepared somewhat differently, because radish is not the leading crop in them. He, so to speak, sits down on what is already planned to be planted in the greenhouse. Therefore, seeds are planted not in the greenhouse beds, but between them, and a week or two earlier than the main crop.

How to plant radish seeds in greenhouses can be read on many sites. Basically, the seeds are planted to a depth of half a centimeter and covered with earth. Seeds should not be thickened, and when strongly elongated seedlings appear, it is advisable to sprinkle them with earth, otherwise you can be left without root crops. Mineral fertilizers should be applied twice - at the very beginning, after planting the seeds, and after a week.

Radish in greenhouses

In greenhouses, radishes are also planted according to slightly different rules. Since here he is the leading crop - all others are planted after him - the land is prepared a little differently, and the timing of planting is determined by the weather and the design of the greenhouses. Since radish loves both warmth and sunlight, in greenhouses, suitable conditions can be achieved somewhere after the first ten days of April.

The greenhouse soil must be carefully leveled. If it is too dry, it should be watered just before sowing, and when the ground is excessively wet, dig up the ground to the depth of a bayonet and ventilate the greenhouse by opening a little frame.

What is the best way to plant radishes? To accelerate the emergence of seedlings, seeds intended for sowing in a greenhouse, it is advisable to germinate. They are soaked for two hours, and then poured into an even layer on cheesecloth in plates, covered with calico and kept warm. As soon as the sprouts begin to hatch - it's time to plant them in the ground. The optimum temperature in the greenhouse when sowing radishes is from 15 to 20 degrees.

Radish on the windowsill

If you really want radishes, but there is no summer cottage or vegetable garden, then those who wish can try to grow this plant on their windowsill. Moreover, this can be done without waiting for spring - albeit in December. It is enough to have a potting mix, a box where radishes are planted, and the knowledge of how to plant radish seeds when growing it at home. Excellent light and cool location is required. It may well be a window sill. It is worth noting - despite the fact that radish is a short-day plant, the winter day is still too short, so additional lighting will not hurt the radish.

Radish seeds are planted in boxes to a depth of 1 centimeter, at a distance of 5-7 centimeters from each other and must be rolled. The main feature of growing radishes on the windowsill is the temperature regime, which must be observed.

After the first shoots have appeared at room temperature, you need to cool the plant by keeping it at a temperature of about 7⁰C for about 4 days, and then set it to 17⁰C in good sunny weather and 15⁰C in cloudy weather. Maintain the temperature at about 13⁰C at night. This can be achieved by regulating the flow of cold air using a window.

Of the fertilizers, cow manure is used in an aqueous solution with the addition of 10 g of potassium salt and 15 g of superphosphate per 10 liters of water. The growth of radish roots occurs within one and a half to three months, so the harvest is removed selectively.

Features of care and pest control

Watering for radishes is a necessary thing, so it should be carried out two to three times a day. But if the radish in the open field receives a lot of moisture - in a rainy spring, it can overripe - glassy, ​​crack and rot.

The main pest for radish is the cruciferous flea, which is fought with "pure" solutions that do not have chemistry. This is done because the radish ripens quickly, and the roots do not have time to get rid of it.

It can be infused tobacco dust or ash. Such a remedy not only has a protective effect, but is also an additional top dressing for radishes.

Radish is a good root vegetable

If we hear "radish", then we immediately remember "Gentlemen of Fortune". But in this article, we will not be talking about a "bad person", but about a tasty and healthy plant that every third gardener has in his country. In early spring, it is one of the first sources of vitamins, and radish has antimicrobial properties.

Radish belongs to the cruciferous family (like cabbage). The most common are its annual (European) varieties, which give root crops and seeds in the first year of planting. But there is also a two-year-old radish (Chinese varieties), in which the root crop appears in the first year after planting, and seeds in the second year. We will consider only the first, one-year option, as the most popular in our area.

The roots of such radishes can be round, flat-round or cylindrical. The color can be rich red, pink, white, purple and even yellow.

I confess that I am a lover of round heads and varieties with a minimum amount of bitterness. For the most part, I use radishes for salads and for eating fresh, sometimes I add slightly pubescent leaves to salad.

Planting radishes

I sow radish seeds directly into the soil, I can do this all summer to get a young and tasty harvest. In early spring, radish is one of the first vegetables to come to our table.

Set your radishes in a sunny, wind-free location with light soils. My radish grows in a sunny place, but on one side it seems to be covered by the garden. Therefore, a little more than half of the day there is the sun on the radish area, and this has a good effect on it, the roots are juicy, with tender pulp. On the site where I grow radishes, I have slightly acidic soil, I have never had problems with growth. And radish will definitely grow well on neutral soils. This culture loves light, loose soils (sandy loam).

Radishes are responsive to organic fertilizers in the soil. I plant the radishes in a different place each year so that the predecessors of the radish are vegetables from a different family. It is not recommended to sow radishes after cabbage, horseradish, watercress and other cruciferous plants, as microorganisms accumulate in the soil that can cause diseases inherent in this family.

Preparing the soil for radishes

For autumn digging, add humus or compost. Usually I dig to a depth of about 30 cm. When spring comes and I dig the soil again to form small beds to a depth of about 20 cm, I make sure to apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

Sowing radishes

I always grow radishes in the open field in a seedless way, and even several times over the summer. I do the first sowing at the end of March, when the ground is still frozen. I plant the next batch at the end of April or in the first week of May. But I can plant it on the 20th of May. If I decide that I also want radish in the fall, then I sow it at the end of July.

Radish can germinate already at 5 ° C, but this will take an extremely long time. If the temperature rises to 15 ° C, then the seedlings will appear in a week, and at 23 ° C, the seedlings can please already on the 4th day. The optimum temperature for growth is 20 ° C.

Under the radishes, I make grooves with a distance of about 20 cm from each other. At first I sow radish thickly, but after sprouting I break it out so that the roots do not interfere with each other, at a distance of about 5 cm. I water the grooves when the ground is very dry and cover the seeds to a depth of about 3 cm.If the soil is wet, I do not water it when planting.

Radish care

I water the planted radish every day in a dry summer. If the weather is not very hot, I can reduce the amount of watering to 1 time in 2 days. Moisture is very important for radishes, but if it comes in unevenly, then the roots can crack. With an excess of moisture, radish becomes tasteless and has a watery pulp tissue structure. If there is not enough water, then bitterness, elongation, hardness of the crust cannot be avoided.

On poor soils for early varieties, one mineral dressing can be carried out, for later varieties, two dressings can be carried out, but no more. My first experience with feeding radishes was unsuccessful, because I fed my radishes with large doses of nitrogen fertilizers, this caused huge foliage growth and pulling of root crops. At the same time, they were born very small and collected a lot of nitrates. Don't repeat my mistakes.

Radish varieties

Radish, like many vegetables, is divided into varieties that ripen early, medium and late.

Radish "Zarya"

This early variety is good for both open and protected ground. It will take 20-30 days from grown seedlings to harvest.

Early red radish

It will also take about 30 days from full germination to full maturity. The color of the root crop is dark red, the cultivar is attractive for its resistance to shooting. The pulp is tender, dense, white, very juicy. Good for soil and greenhouse conditions.

Radish "French breakfast"

The cylindrical shape of the fruit of this variety is loved by many gardeners. The color of the fruit is bright scarlet with a white tip. The pulp is tender, juicy, without a drop of pungency. This variety ripens in about 23 days. The mass of the fruits themselves is about 20 g.

Radish "Helios"

It will take 30 days from germination to harvesting with this variety. The variety is yellow in color, rounded root vegetable has a delicate taste and delicate pulp. According to the ripening period, it can be classified as medium early.

Viola radish

Medium early, violet, round, juicy fruits.

Suddenly, inside the greenish-white fruits, bright crimson pulp is found, it looks very unusual and beautiful. The radishes are large, 7-8 cm in diameter, the flesh is dense, not very juicy and crispy, sweeter inside than outside. The richness of the taste decreases as it matures.

Svetlana, Russia

Eh, Vera! Inspired by the longing for spring! I always plant red or pink varieties with a white tip - always round. The fruits of this radish cause me a downright aesthetic pleasure))) But you know, it's somehow strange, I want to eat radishes only in the spring, although I really like its taste! Somehow quickly we gorge on them, so I never sow much. And the post is super, as always, salivating from the photo))) ++!

Vera, Eagle

Light, can you imagine, I also love it until the second half of the summer and in winter something sticks to December, okroshka or prison will blow and the radish is in the air)))))

Svetlana, Russia

Who would doubt that our tastes will not converge this time!))) Yes, and for the New Year we often buy a bag or two of radishes in Magnet. Only I don't really want to buy there, I'm afraid of all sorts of pesticides to eat up (((

Marina, Nekrasovskoe

So it’s the same for me: in the spring I want radish right up to the shivers - I don’t wait until it ripens, but if you knock the hunter down, it’s no longer necessary, it’s like. Well, maybe okroshka. But once I replaced the sowing of radish with a radish (variety Ladushka) - it looks and tastes like a radish, but it doesn't shoot so fast. And we ate this radish with pleasure all season in salads. And from the varieties of radish, I like Sachs - his tops are short, and the roots are round, large and strong. This year she sowed a multi-colored mixture (I wanted beauty :)) - only yellow radish came up and grew ((And there was also (if you believe the photos on the package) and white, and raspberry, and lilac ...)

Lyudmila Uleyskaya, Yalta

Interestingly, the radish came to Europe thanks to Marco Polo. As a vegetable delicacy, it quickly spread, especially in France, where it remains a national food today. That is why it is still often called French radish... Radish was brought to Russia by decree of Peter I, who became interested in this root crop while staying in Holland. By order of the tsar, they began to grow radishes in the gardens, planted near the Summer Garden. He was included in the menu of the royal family every day. After the death of Peter I, the cultivation of radish almost stopped and recovered a century later.

Alla Lankova, Milkovo

As a child, I was very fond of the radish that my grandmother squeezed: long, the size of a large carrot. We peeled it, grated it and seasoned it with sour cream. I don't know the variety. Now, no matter how much I tried, I cannot find the seeds of such a radish. Does anyone know what this grade is?

Marina, Nekrasovskoe

Alla, this description reminds me of the "Ladushka" radish. This is a summer radish, in which the root crops are similar in shape to a carrot, and in color and taste - to a radish. At one time I grew it instead of radish, which in summer, in the heat, does not work well. "Ladushka" is devoid of this drawback, so it can be grown all season without interruption. And then in our stores her seeds disappeared somewhere, and I gradually forgot about her. Thank you for reminding me! We must search in order to sow in the summer

Lyudmila Orlova (Abramova), Yekaterinburg

Alla, maybe it was not a radish, but a daikon? The size is about the size of a large carrot, the taste is like a radish, even a little softer, if not overgrown.

Alla Lankova, Milkovo

I think it's still a radish. Or maybe a radish. The skin color is red. Is Daikon red?

Alla Lankova, Milkovo

Thank you Marina for your answer. I found a description of this radish on the Internet - it is similar. I think that this year I will already sow and remember the taste of childhood)))

Tatiana, Sudislavl

For two years in a row I have been sowing the Red Giant radish, it is bright red, the flesh is white, juicy, with a pure radish taste. I sowed 2 times per season, the latter turned out to be not very red and more pungent in taste, watered intermittently. But they were kept in the basement until the New Year. The largest was 18 cm long. I saw seeds in stores this year.

Alla Lankova, Milkovo

Thank you Tatiana. The failure of my search for radish seeds was probably the fact that I bought seeds mainly from the Sedek online store. Now I know that the seeds of such a radish are on sale, so I will definitely find it.

Ramazan Alimgulov

I really love radishes and have been growing them all summer. It is not only tasty, but also very useful. Eat radishes and be healthy!

Elena Efremova

And I sow radishes only in spring, not because only then I want to. I tried to sow both summer and autumn. useless! In the summer, it immediately shoots, in the fall, if the arrows again early, if later it does not have time to ripen. Maybe we need to use some other varieties, or maybe because of our too hot and dry summer (Stavropol region, KMV region). We must try to find the “Ladushka” radish. All the same, in the fall, you want to eat okroshka and nibble on it, but it's scary to buy in stores and even in the market.


The earliest vegetable crop growing in the garden is radish. This is an unpretentious root vegetable, which is appreciated for its unique taste and benefits for the body. Growing radishes in the open field is not a big hassle, any beginner can handle it. However, to get a good harvest, you will have to take into account some of the subtleties of agricultural technology. Growing radishes at home with the right approach will give any gardener a real pleasure.

Due to its early maturity and cold resistance, radish can grow outdoors from early spring to late autumn. In the south of the country, it is possible to harvest up to 4 times from the beds, in colder regions - 2-3 times. The timing of planting and ripening of a vegetable depends on climatic conditions and varietal characteristics.

Early and early maturing radishes are sown in spring, at the end of March or in April, when the soil is already slightly warmed up, and the average air temperature is about 15 ° C. The harvest ripens 17-21 days after sowing. Popular varieties are: 16 days, Heat, Presto, Carmen, French breakfast, Sachs.

Mid-season varieties are preferred in June-July. Accordingly, the seeds are sown 30-35 days before harvesting. Here Cardinal, Rebel, Ilko, Duro, Rubin distinguished themselves.

Late-ripening varieties give the most abundant harvest, which can be stored for up to two months. The crop is planted in August in open ground or in a greenhouse. Representatives of this group are the Red Giant, Rampoush, Ice Icicle, Würzburg.

Sowing preparation

The key point in growing vegetables is site preparation. Unfortunately, even experienced summer residents often forget that it is in the fall that it is best to put the garden in order and apply fertilizers. Then the land will rest during the winter, the fertilizers will dissolve and saturate the soil - the site will be ready for seasonal work. In the spring, the focus should be on crops and their care.

Depending on the type of plants that are grown as seedlings, the soil mixture can be composed of different components mixed in certain proportions. But in all cases, it is necessary to comply with the initial requirements for seedling substrates. You can read more about how to prepare the land for seedlings in our separate

Radish seed prices

radish seeds

Choosing the right place

Radish prefers light, loose, fertile soils with an acidity close to neutral. If the soil is heavy, clayey, it is diluted with sand and peat during excavation - this is a prerequisite, since the root crop cannot form in dense soil. Sandy and loamy soils are ideal.

The site should be open but protected from the wind. Shaded areas are not good - this is good for the tops, but not for the root crop. Good illumination is needed, but not too long, no more than 12 hours a day. For this reason, in regions with long daylight hours, areas shaded after 5 pm are chosen to avoid shooting.

Radish predecessors

Radish belongs to those crops that grow well in a new place. Therefore, for its sowing, areas are chosen where legumes, nightshades, onions, and garlic previously grew. Bad predecessors are cruciferous plants like cabbage, radish, turnip, mustard, horseradish, which have the same pests as radish. Planting after them threatens to lose the crop.

Advice: onions and garlic are ideal neighbors for radishes, as their specific aromas scare off the cruciferous flea - the main enemy of the radish. They can be used in joint plantings with radish.

Site preparation in autumn

Autumn work in the garden begins with the obligatory cleaning of the designated area from the remnants of vegetation. In no case should this vegetation be sent to the compost pit, as it may contain pest larvae. It is best to burn it, of course, in compliance with all the rules established by the new law on waste incineration.

After clearing the site, they begin to dig it up. Previously, fertilizers are scattered in the place of future beds - peat is best suited. If humus is used instead of peat, then with the calculation of no more than 1/2 bucket per 1m 2, it cannot be abused with it, since only lush greenery will be observed in the beds from an excess of nitrogen.

Optionally add potassium salt and superphosphate 1 tbsp each. l per 1m 2, then the site is deeply dug up and left until spring. If the soil is too acidic, lime is added to the soil, but it cannot be combined with organic fertilizer (humus), since nitrogen is lost in this process. If necessary, lime is replaced with wood ash or dolomite flour.

Site preparation in spring

In the spring, with the onset of thaws, about 2-3 weeks before sowing the seeds, the site is again dug up and the weeds that have hatched are removed. Additionally, a bucket of compost and 300 g of wood ash are added per square meter. If the soil is oily, then mix in a little peat. Then the site is leveled with a rake and covered with black polyethylene so that the earth warms up faster. Immediately before sowing, the polyethylene is removed and grooves are made.

Peat prices

Video - How to prepare a site for sowing radishes

Radish seeds before sowing

Sowing dry, unprepared seeds, of course, is possible, but then you should not expect a rich harvest. Seedlings will be uneven and prone to disease, most root crops will be ugly and not tasty. Such a result is not worth the effort, so you need to do everything right from the very beginning.

Table 1. How to prepare seeds.

Seed selectionRadish seeds, like those of other crops, must be sorted out to leave the largest and healthiest ones. This is usually done by hand, but a coarse mesh sieve can be used to select specimens with a diameter of 2 mm or more - only large seeds contain enough nutrients to produce strong shoots. The seed must be fresh from the last harvest.

The best shoots produce seeds with a diameter of 2-3 mm.

SoakSoaking the seeds before planting is the impetus for their awakening. Traditionally, they are soaked in plain water, but biostimulants such as "Zircon", "Epin", "Ecoel" are also used. The use of such products enriches seeds with nutrients, increases resistance to diseases and fungi. In this way, even old seed can be "reanimated". Soaking is done by wrapping the seeds in a damp cloth 8-12 hours before sowing.

Warming upWarming up contributes to additional protection of seeds from pathogens, increasing resistance to external factors. To do this, they are placed in hot water for 20 minutes, after which they are removed and dried on a cloth. This procedure is carried out immediately before landing. It is impossible to store seeds after soaking and warming up.

BubblingSeed bubbling is not an obligatory procedure, but its application allows to accelerate germination by 1.5-2 times. The essence of the procedure is to soak the seed in water and simultaneously saturate it with oxygen. This requires a 1 liter container, an aquarium compressor and a seed funnel. During the process, it is important to ensure that the air jet is always in contact with the seeds, otherwise there will be no effect. Sparging replaces the usual soaking procedure and lasts 8-12 hours.

It is possible to sparge seeds without a funnel, by correctly directing the compressor divider

And although at first glance everything is clear with the timing of sowing, there is one caveat regarding the earliest plantings - the earth must be warmed up well enough for healthy seedlings to appear. Otherwise, condensation forms on the seeds, their damping off occurs, which provides a fertile ground for the development of pathological microbes. As a result, weakened sprouts and poor harvest.

Advice! For very early plantings, there is a proven method for preparing seed: the seeds are poured into a cloth bag, buried in the ground to a depth of 20 cm and left for a week. There they are soaked (do not dry out), after which they are slightly dried, mixed with sand and sown into the ground.

Sowing seeds in open ground

Table 2. Traditional sowing of radishes.

Making furrowsThe grooves for the radish are made shallow, up to 2 cm. If the soil is heavy, the embedding depth can be 1-1.5 cm, so that the seeds receive air for development. Better to make furrows from east to west. So the beds will be better illuminated in the morning, and during the hottest hours they will not overheat.

We water the place of future plantingsWhen the furrows are ready, they are carefully, well watered with plain water, with the expectation that the next watering will be only after the emergence of shoots. After that, the bottom can be sprinkled with wood ash as additional feeding and protection.

We spread the seedsIt is better to lay out the seeds one by one every 5 cm. With this calculation, thinning is not required, and the seedlings will not interfere with each other as they grow - the roots will form normally.

Sprinkle the grooves with earthSprinkle crops only with dry soil. Wet is undesirable, since a thick crust forms on the surface - an obstacle to future seedlings, which cannot be loosened due to the likelihood of damage to delicate shoots. The grooves are covered, slightly compacted and slightly mulched on top with peat or sawdust.

Video - how to sow radishes

Sowing with a marker

The principle of sowing radishes remains traditional with one exception: the seeds are not laid out in furrows, but in holes made with a marker. A marker is a board or a group of connected boards, from which teeth 1 cm high protrude, located every 5 cm. The marker is applied to a flat piece of ground, pressed into the soil, and then removed. There are many holes on the ground where seeds are laid. Planting by this method gives up to 5 kg of yield from 1 m 2.

Winter sowing

If planting radishes is planned for winter, then you need to prepare the beds in October. To do this, choose a site with a southern or southeastern slope, which will not be flooded during the spring melting of snow. Dry seeds are planted with the onset of persistent frosts, around November. However, you can sow in the middle of winter directly into the frozen ground. Then the harvest can be obtained in early April.

Sowing in egg containers

This method has become popular, as it allows the seeds to be rationally laid out at the optimal distance from each other. In addition, the egg containers protect the planting from weeds and at the same time act as a mulch, keeping moisture in the soil.

The technology of sowing radish in egg containers is as follows:

  • The collected containers are heated in an oven at 70 ° C or wiped with alcohol for disinfection;
  • With a clerical knife, on one side, the bottoms of individual cells are cut off;
  • The trays are laid out on the ground with the cut bottoms down, slightly pressing into the soil so that the earth protrudes slightly upward;
  • With the help of wire, they make a kind of brackets and fix containers with them so that they are not blown off by the wind;
  • Seeds are laid out in cells (one seed is enough) and sprinkled with sand or peat.

Further care of the radish consists only in watering - thinning, weeding, loosening and mulching is not required.

Growing and care

In good weather, the seeds germinate in 3-5 days. If the seedlings are dense, they must be thinned out immediately, while the root system is undeveloped. Leave only strong sprouts every 5-6 cm.Otherwise, care for the radish is usual:

  • maintaining humidity;

With a moisture deficit, the roots acquire bitterness, and if you add a higher temperature, the plant will shoot an arrow and the root crop will not form at all. The optimum soil moisture for radishes is 75-80%, so in hot weather it needs daily watering, preferably in the evening. The soil should be constantly moist and not dry out, then the radish will be juicy and large.

  • loosening the soil and weeding;

The lack of loosening for radish is destructive - from irrigation the earth is compacted, as a result of which the root crop is blocked from access to air and moisture. Therefore, at first, it is necessary to periodically slightly fluff the soil to a depth of 3 cm. In the future, the depth of loosening can be increased to 5-6 cm, while simultaneously removing the hatched weeds.

  • top dressing;

At the growth stage, radishes are fed if, for some reason, the soil has not been fertilized before sowing. In this case, preference is given to complex mineral fertilizers, which are scattered over the beds or embedded in the soil during loosening. Re-feeding is carried out when there are signs of a deficiency of any element. For example, lush greenery speaks of an excess of nitrogen, which means you need to feed with potassium and phosphorus.

  • hilling.

You can huddle radishes while loosening. This helps to prevent shooing of the plant and promotes the formation of a well-shaped root crop.

Diseases and pests

The growing season for radishes is short, so disease problems are rare. However, if the conditions of growth and care are violated, the plant can be affected by such diseases as:

  • keela - develops from growing on too acidic soils. It manifests itself in the form of bumps and growths on the fruit, yellowing and wilting of foliage. It is treated by liming the soil. One plant accounts for about 1 liter of milk of lime;

  • vascular bacteriosis - occurs when waterlogging and damage to the culture by fungi. It manifests itself in the form of blackening of veins on the leaves - the leaves turn yellow, crumble and fall off. As a measure to prevent disease, crop rotation should be observed and seeds disinfected in hot water;

  • mosaic is a viral disease of radish, in which the plant is completely destroyed. It manifests itself in the form of the formation of necrotic spots on the sheets. The carriers are aphids, weevils, ticks, therefore, first of all, you need to fight them.

Having a fresh juicy radish on your table while frost is raging outside the window is not only pleasant, but also useful. The small size, red "festive" color of the root vegetable is able to cheer up with its appearance on a cloudy day and replenish the body's reserves of vitamins and minerals. It is even more pleasant and useful if a fresh, such an appetizing vegetable can be consumed not from time to time, buying it at a high price in the market, but every day, getting the required amount of harvest from an ordinary box on the windowsill of your apartment. Someone may have doubts about the possibility and advisability of growing radishes at home. The question is correct and requires clarification.

Is it possible to grow radishes on a windowsill?

If you want to, then yes. It takes a minimum of time to get the harvest, the costs are purely symbolic, care is no more difficult than for an ordinary flower in a pot.

In addition, growing radishes on a windowsill does not mean placing boxes everywhere, turning rooms into a vegetable greenhouse. It is enough to allocate one room for a month or use an insulated balcony in order to have fresh vitamins in winter. Although the place for sowing is not as important as the observance of certain conditions for the selection and preparation of planting material, land, and care.

Where does the struggle for the harvest begin?

Choosing seeds for winter planting

It is important to know how to grow radishes on a windowsill in winter, but even more important, it is to know how to sort suitable seeds from unsuitable ones. First, we make a visual choice. When buying, we look at the appearance of the seeds.

Qualitative ones will be: - approximately the same in size; - natural brown color; - no traces of gray plaque; - no musty smell.

You can practically check the planting material only at home. To do this, fill the seeds with water, let them stand to swell, look at the result. For landing we take the swollen ones that have sunk to the bottom. We delete everything that floats - this is a marriage.

An important factor in choosing seeds for home growing is the grade of the planting material. We need early ripening varieties (ripen in 20-30 days) that do not require special exclusive conditions.

Of the most famous we can use the following:
Deck - does not throw "arrows";
Dubel and Champion are not hollow;
Zarya, Carmen, Early Red, Quarta - unassuming to lighting and watering;
The 16-day variety is the leader in terms of harvest time. Two weeks, and the table is served.

Cooking seeds, earth, containers

The process of preparing seeds for winter planting begins at the stage of checking their quality. On the one hand, we do culling, and on the other, we increase germination. After all, any grains thrown into the ground slightly sprouted give shoots much better and faster than dry ones.

And further. To ensure the simultaneous germination of all planted radish seeds, a preliminary calibration of the seeds is required. That is, sorting by size. And it's good to do the prevention of planting material - hold the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate. Germination will be better, less pain.

Nothing complicated here, now on the ground.

The easiest option is to collect land, say, in the country or under the house. Something will grow, but we need a healthy harvest, and not single frail seedlings. Therefore, it is better for us to take the "correct" soil for growing radishes on the windowsill. It is quite possible to buy it, an outlet for the lazy, or mix it yourself. The second is more economical, but certain components are required.

Here are some examples of possible soil options for growing radishes in winter on a window.

By composition:
Option one - garden soil, humus, sand in equal proportions.
Option two - garden soil (1 bucket), ash (1 glass), shells of half an egg.
Option three - a mixture of soil and peat in a 1: 1 ratio.

In each of the substrates, in order to increase the yield and accelerate the growth of young shoots, we can add a certain amount of mineral mixtures. Sold in stores, instructions for use for each type of vegetables are attached.

The seeds were taken away, the earth was prepared - it's time to pick up the container.

The best containers are wooden boxes. The tree breathes, and with it the soil. But this is not a rule, but as the best option. It is quite acceptable, which most do, use plastic store containers or separate containers. When growing radishes on a common "field", we make or buy boxes with dimensions according to the width of the window sill of the room, with a minimum container depth of 14 centimeters.

The next step is to plant radish seeds in the ground.

The process available to the layman in practice looks like this:
1. In the ground we make holes, if these are single cups, or grooves, if these are boxes, to a depth of about 1.5 centimeters.
2. Water the indentations with warm water.
3. We distribute the seeds along the groove at a distance of about 3 centimeters from each other, cover them with earth and water lightly again to slightly compact the substrate.
4. We cover the container with glass or polyethylene, which is not a pity, and we expect shoots. For full germination of radish seeds on the windowsill, the temperature on the balcony or in the room is maintained at 18-20 ° C. This is the ideal.

3-4 days after the appearance of the first "joy" (green shoots of radish), we remove the shelter, send the sprouted seeds to a place where the air temperature will be at 8 ° C. This is for hardening. We stood for 3-4 days - we take it back to comfortable growing conditions.

If we need a radish that is juicy, not hollow, and ripens quickly, we must provide the plant with the necessary amount of light. There will be no full-fledged lighting in time, except for green distillation we will not see anything on the "beds". Small daylight hours - add artificial lighting. Using standard incandescent lamps (not cold glow), we can not only provide the seedlings with light, but also raise the room temperature by several degrees. What is important for the winter cultivation of root crops on the balcony with a low air temperature.

Even if we choose varieties that are unpretentious to growing conditions, it is still necessary to monitor soil moisture. The harvest, you know, will not be great on dry land. But an excess of water, as well as a shortage, will not lead to good. We water the seedlings without additional feeding. Minerals that are in clean water and are required for growing a full-fledged crop on a windowsill in winter are quite enough for this vegetable.

If you really want to have a record harvest, top dressing is permissible. The amount of fertilizer is determined by the instructions.

Radish is a culture that does not tolerate heat. If the climate is artificial, then let it be moderate. Therefore, if there is a choice in the arrangement of boxes with seedlings, then we choose a balcony. The temperature is lower there than in the room. There is a possibility not to put boxes with seedlings above the radiators.

That's all, if we talk about the main components of growing such a simple, but valuable in content, root crop in an artificial microclimate. Now we know how to grow radishes on a windowsill in winter, with a minimum of effort. But it should be noted that this type of harvest is suitable not only for winter. In the absence of a land plot, we can successfully grow root crops at any time of the year and in unlimited quantities. After all, the conditions for keeping the boxes with the substrate will depend only on us and our desire.

How to grow radishes on a windowsill

Radish is an annual cold-resistant vegetable crop. Its roots are loved by many for their pleasant, slightly pungent taste. The article Radish is a good root crop tells in detail about sowing this plant and caring for it. And in the middle of winter, it is especially pleasing that you can grow radishes, like other vegetables, not only in the country garden, but also on the home windowsill. True, for this it is necessary to take into account its biological characteristics (high requirements for soil moisture and fertility, illumination and temperature conditions) and create the necessary conditions.

You can grow radishes not only in the country garden, but also on the home windowsill.


In a home garden, the most difficult thing is to provide suitable temperature: ordinary indoor radish is not suitable - the plants stretch out, bend, the roots become flabby and tasteless. Moreover, I would not advise placing containers with crops on the windowsill: warm and dry air from central heating radiators is the worst enemy of radish shoots. In room conditions, I did not manage to get him to form more or less decent root crops suitable for eating.

In general, in the conditions that suit this culture, you and I will not be too comfortable. Therefore, if there is a non-residential room that does not freeze in winter, it is better to move the radish there. Its seeds sprout at +1. + 2 ° С, but it is advisable to keep them at a temperature of +18 after sowing. + 20 ° С, until shoots appear. Seedlings grow well at temperatures from +6 to + 8 ° С; during the formation of root crops, it can be increased to +12. + 16 ° С on cloudy days and no more than + 18 ° С on sunny days. At night, the temperature is reduced to +8. + 10 ° C.


If you want to get a harvest of fresh radish in the first half of winter, you need to take care of supplementary lighting- without this, full-fledged root crops will not form. Use fluorescent lamps by placing them as close to the planting boxes as possible. In conditions of natural light, radishes on the windowsill can be sown after January 20, if the windows face south, and from February 10 - on the west or east. Please note: if there is little light for the seedlings, and there is an excess of heat, then nothing, except for the elongated tops, will be obtained.

I supplemented the crops with a phytolamp "Z harvest", but this was not enough: either the height of the lamp was chosen unsuccessfully, or some other reasons affected, but the scent stretched out, it was often necessary to add soil.

You can choose equipment for supplementary lighting of seedlings and "beds" in your home garden in our catalog, which includes offers from various garden online stores. View a selection of phytolamps and lamps for seedlings.

How to properly grow radishes on a windowsill

Varieties for growing at home

If we are going to grow radishes on the windowsill at home, we need to choose the right variety for this variety. It is best to take early ripening ones, but the most important thing is not even the ripening rate, but resistance to shooting and lack of reaction to a lack of lighting. As a rule, not only those who do not have a vegetable garden, but also those who want to continue the season of vitamins even in winter, undertake to grow vegetables at home, and here short daylight hours and central heating can become a hindrance. Therefore, it is better to choose varieties of radish that grow quickly and do not require ideal conditions.

Perhaps the fastest ripening of all is the 16 days radish. Round, bright red root vegetables can be harvested 16-18 days after sowing, later they become tough. It is very convenient that they are in no hurry to shoot and do not crack, which means that they can be perfectly grown at home.

From 18 to 25 days the varieties "Diego" (a hybrid with roots up to 5 cm in diameter) and "Dabel" (perfectly tolerates a drop in temperature) ripen, their roots do not dry out from the inside and remain crispy for a long time.

In 20-30 days after germination, a radish of the Deka variety is harvested, whose raspberry roots grow more than 3 cm. This variety is also good because it is not in a hurry to shoot even with a long daylight hours.

"Champion" is ready for use 25-28 days after planting, its roots do not become flabby or hollow.

And the variety "French breakfast", in addition to early ripening, is famous for the fact that it does not require hasty harvesting - its pink roots after ripening remain crispy for a long time, and the pink skin remains tender and juicy.

You can choose one or more of these varieties so that the radish on the windowsill at home will only bring pleasure without disappointment.

The subtleties of growing radishes on the windowsill

Growing radishes on a windowsill at home may fail for two reasons: too high an air temperature and inappropriate daylight hours.

Radish is considered a cold-resistant crop, it can easily survive even small frosts, but excessive heat makes it throw all its strength into shooting, flowering, and not on growing root crops.

If there is an unheated room at home where you can provide an air temperature of 18–20 degrees, then it is there that you will be able to grow radishes on the windowsill. Ideal daylight hours should be 10-12 hours. A window sill, near which there are no heaters, is a wonderful place for this culture. If such conditions can be created, then the radish at home will delight the owners even all year round. You need to sow it every 2 weeks in small batches, then the harvest will constantly ripen and your family will not lack a vitamin-mineral complex with excellent assimilation.

In the summer after 18-oo, the seedlings need to be covered from the sun with an opaque covering material. And in winter, accordingly, supplement the illumination with fluorescent lamps so that the plantings receive light for at least 10 hours daily.

The soil is suitable for the most common that is sold for growing vegetables. If you have the opportunity and desire, you can cook it yourself - mix an equal amount of garden soil (preferably black soil), sand and humus (or compost). You can add some wood ash. Only for use at home, it certainly needs to be disinfected, this is done by exposure to low or high temperatures - by freezing it on the street or balcony, heating it on a stove or stove. If this is not possible, then before sowing you need to spill it with a strong solution of potassium permanganate.

Any dishes that are usually used for seedlings will do - wooden boxes, plastic glasses, clay pots. The main thing is that the depth is at least 15 cm (even more is better) and there are drainage holes. It is very convenient to use special cassettes for seedlings: one plant grows in the cells, and the common pan collects excess water. It is important that each plant has its own place with a diameter of at least 5 cm, and if the description of the variety promises large roots, then even more.

Whatever dish you choose, you need to arrange a drainage layer of expanded clay or any other suitable material, pour soil on top so that a few centimeters remain to the top of the dish, tamp it. Before sowing, seeds are also disinfected with potassium permanganate, they are left in warmth and moisture overnight - just wrap them in several layers of wet gauze.

Sowing is carried out to a depth of 1 cm, then covered with film or glass for several days, periodically moistening with a spray bottle. After the emergence of seedlings, the shelter is removed, and the plants are hardened by lowering the air temperature to + 6-8 degrees for several days. When growing radishes on the windowsill at home, not everyone adheres to this procedure; it is difficult to say exactly how it or its absence affects the harvest.

If vegetables grow at the same temperature, if they are not threatened by freezing, as on the street, then the hardening procedure loses its meaning.

The radishes on the windowsill need to be watered regularly with water at room temperature, you should not overmoisten too much, but you cannot overdry it either. It is advisable to turn the dishes so that the plants do not stretch in one direction to the light source.

If the soil is not fertile enough, then a week after germination, and then during the formation of root crops, the plants are fed. A solution of ash for the first time and mineral fertilizers for the second are perfect. But usually the radishes on the windowsill have enough nutrients that are in a properly prepared soil, and it is impossible to sow in the same soil a second time.

After watering, the soil around the plants must be loosened, if there was a dense planting, then thin it out, it is impossible to prevent the appearance of weeds. That's all the care for this culture on the windowsill. The crop should be harvested in a timely manner, so that it does not turn out that perfectly grown root crops are cracked or become tough.

Video "Homemade radish in winter"

This video is about how you can grow radishes on a windowsill under LED lamps in winter.

Not everyone has the opportunity to grow radishes in the garden or greenhouse for lack of them, but the townspeople can get it all year round in an apartment.

Radish, growing on the windowsill of which any indoor gardener can do, turns out to be no less tasty and healthy than on a garden bed. The main thing is to choose suitable varieties that are unpretentious in care and yield crops even in ordinary seedling containers, and provide the seedlings with the necessary care.

Radish on the windowsill: the best varieties

Radish seeds should be bought in specialized seed or garden shops - no bazaars and purchases "from grandmothers" if you do not want to run into a fake or weed seeds.

On the windowsill, it is better to cultivate early ripening hybrid varieties that ripen in 16-25 days.

The varieties are suitable for obtaining radish on a windowsill by growing from seeds.

  • 18 days... Ripens on 18-20 days in the form of cylindrical reddish fruits weighing 20-25 g with non-bitter tender pulp, pleasant to the taste.
  • Firstborn... Yields a harvest in 17-19 days from round radishes of dark red color with juicy delicate contents, weighing 30-35 g.
  • French breakfast... One of the most popular varieties with long red roots with white tips and a mild, pleasant taste. They weigh about 45 g and mature in 23-25 ​​days.
  • Heat... A hybrid that yields a harvest of dark red round fruits with a whitish or pinkish tasty pulp in an average of 25 days. They weigh 25-28 g. If you want to grow radishes on the windowsill, gardeners often recommend the "Heat".
  • Camelot... Ripens in 23 days in the form of flat - rounded bright red fruits weighing about 30 g. The highlight of this radish is that it gives a decent harvest even with a lack of light.
  • Duro... Ripens on 23-25 ​​days, the fruits are red, weighing up to 40 g, the flesh is slightly spicy, white - pink, crispy and pleasant to the taste, does not crack.

The radish “16 days” ripens before everyone else: 15-16 days pass from the emergence of seedlings, and the harvest is ready to be harvested.

Many agree that green onions or dill can be grown on the window, but the question of radish cultivation causes them bewilderment: how can root crops grow on a windowsill? Of course, they can, if you provide them with suitable conditions for the growth and formation of fruits. This method does not require special costs and difficulties in care.

Preparing soil and radish seeds for growing on a windowsill

This does not mean that you will have to turn the apartment into a radish plantation: growing radishes on a windowsill does not require a lot of space, a warm balcony or a pair of window sills is enough.

Preparing radish seeds for planting

Before growing radishes on the windowsill, you need to prepare the purchased achenes for sowing:

  • We fill the seed material with water and evaluate the result: a high-quality seed will fall to the bottom, a bad one along with debris will be at the top.
  • We remove garbage and seeds - pacifiers and take out the good material on a cloth napkin so that the glass is water.
  • We sort out the remaining achenes, rejecting too small (they may not ascend) and with a gray bloom (already infected with diseases).

After checking the quality of the seeds, and rejecting the unusable material, we dry the radish seed and sow it. You can soak it in a growth stimulator if you want to get a harvest a few days earlier, or germinate in damp tissue - the roots and sprouts will hatch on the third day, and on the fifth you can plant the plants in the ground.

Soil preparation for growing radish from seeds on a windowsill

It is easier to buy ready-made garden soil - universal or for obtaining tomato seedlings: it is ideal in composition. You can dig up land in the garden and make up a soil mixture according to any of the options:

  • 1 part land and 1 part peat
  • Equal parts of soil, sand and humus
  • A bucket of earth, a glass of wood ash and crushed shells from 1 egg

Be sure to ignite the soil taken in the garden, in the oven or steam it in a water bath to get rid of possible pests.

Pour the soil mixture into plastic containers or wooden boxes 15-20 cm deep.

How to grow radishes on a windowsill

Sowing radish seeds in boxes

Having prepared seed material and containers with soil, we proceed to sowing radishes:

  • We cut grooves in the ground with a depth of no more than one and a half centimeters.
  • Carefully, so as not to blur, pour them with warm water.
  • We sow seeds every 3 cm.
  • Sprinkle the crops with earth and water carefully.
  • We put boxes on a balcony or window sills with an air temperature of 18-20 degrees.
  • We stretch polyethylene and wait for the radish to germinate.

On the third - fourth day, the first shoots will appear. We immediately remove the cellophane, keep the radish for three days in a cool place with a temperature of about 8 degrees (for hardening) and put it back.

How to grow radishes on a windowsill

Caring for radishes on the windowsill

For the cultivation of high-quality radishes on the windowsill, we provide the plantings with appropriate care.


To form good fruits, a radish needs a full day of light - 10-11 hours. With a short daylight hours, we provide additional lighting using phytolamps with a warm glow: they are bright and warming, which is also useful for plants.

We do not allow an overabundance of light, otherwise the vegetables will stop growing root crops: you will only get lush tops and flower arrows.

Temperature regime

Radish needs a body, but it does not like the heat: it builds up flabby fruits and sluggish greens. If it is possible to grow it on an insulated balcony, we choose it, since heating radiators are usually located under the windowsills. They dry the air and overheat the soil.


This culture is hygrophilous: we make sure that the soil does not dry out. Water the radish with plain water at room temperature, defending it if it is chlorinated.

Fertilizers do not require radish in boxes: additional minerals enter the ground with water. If you want to grow an organic crop, especially for children, you should not feed the plants with chemicals, it is better to dust the soil a little with ash.


Root crops grown on a windowsill or balcony are eaten as they ripen. As soon as they ripen, we immediately harvest, otherwise the vegetables will become coarse, lose their juiciness and become bitter. We put the radishes in a plastic bag and keep them in the refrigerator.

Do not throw away the tops: there are no less vitamins in radish leaves than in root crops. We use them to make cold soups or add them to salads.

Throwing out the soil after harvesting is not worth it: you can plant radishes in it again, and even without fertilizing.

Now it is clear that radishes, growing on the windowsill of which are not particularly difficult, can be obtained at home all year round. So that he is always present in the diet, we sow seeds in different boxes every 10 days.

Growing radishes on a glazed balcony

Hello dear guests!

First of all, I want to say that for planting radishes on a glazed balcony, it is better to choose varieties that do not shoot.

Here are the varieties: Heat, Novired, 18 days, French breakfast.

It is better to sow radishes in square boxes measuring 60x60 or 50x50 centimeters and 10-12 centimeters high.

Sowing should be done on April 12-15 in a room, and then, after 3-5 days, when shoots appear, take the boxes out to the glazed balcony.

For radishes, a soil mixture consisting of 1 part black soil and 1 part peat is suitable. Add 1 tablespoon of nitrophoska or nitroammophoska to a bucket of such a mixture.

The boxes need to be filled with potting soil and grooves should be made, 1.5 - 2.0 centimeters deep, at a distance of 10 - 12 centimeters from each other.

If your sowing turned out to be thickened, then they must be thinned out to 3 centimeters between adjacent shoots.

Water the radish sparingly. You can loosen a little and spud the seedlings while they are young.

Radish is a cold-resistant plant and loves a lot of light, but nevertheless in April the nights can still be very cold and it is better to cover our crops with foil, and open them on warm days.

The soil must be kept in a moderately moist state all the time, not overdried or overmoistened.

The overgrown radish must be removed on time, as the overgrown radish begins to crack.

In spring, you can grow up to 3 harvests of radish on a glazed balcony. In this case, the second sowing should be carried out on April 25, and the third before May 10. Later produce growing radishes at home on the glassed-in balcony it is very difficult, since the temperature for the development of the plant becomes very high and the daylight hours are very long. And radish is a culture of short daylight hours.

Growing radishes at home: how to avoid bad luck

They decide to sow radish seeds, knowing that this culture is unpretentious, early ripening, and already 20 days after the emergence of seedlings, you can count on a harvest.

My friend, inspired by the bright prospect of feasting on "her radish" in early spring, sowed the seeds in pots and put them on the window.

Radish is a cold-resistant crop, its seeds are sown into the ground, as soon as the temperature rises above 5 °, and in podzimny crops, radishes are excellent. After 4 days (nevertheless, at the window the temperature was 18 °), shoots appeared and quickly began

Varieties and hybrids of radish for central Russia

grow. And then she sounded the alarm: the bushes, although they sat freely, each in its own pot, but stretched out, did not grow, but languished. In general, she did not wait for crispy root crops.

The failure is explained by the fact that radish needs special conditions. Seeds germinate at a temperature of about 20 °, and when the seedlings barely hatch, the temperature is reduced for 4–5 days to 6–8 °. Only when the bushes get a little stronger, the temperature rises again to 14-17 ° in the afternoon. However, the night (for good growth and development of radishes) should be cool - 8–10 °.

It is worth approaching carefully and to the choice of soil. The best soil is the one for cucumbers or tomatoes, pH 6–8, containing 140 mg of nitrogen (N), 40 mg of phosphorus (P) and 280 mg of potassium (K) per liter.

Shade-tolerant, high-yield varieties and hybrids with a compact rosette of leaves, resistant to flowering and forming a large rounded root crop are best suited for window crops of radish. These requirements are met 16 days, Carmen, Beauty, Ultra early red, F1Dabel, F1Donar, F1 Firstborn, F1 Tarzan and others.

Radish good lighting required(these varieties and hybrids are no exception). In March, of course, there are more and more sunny days, but this is not enough. There is enough light on the south window on a sunny afternoon, but the temperature is too high for radishes, and the bushes can literally "burn" if they are not protected with a light curtain. In cloudy weather, especially on the northern windows, you cannot grow radishes: due to a lack of light, the plants stretch out.

Under industrial conditions, sowings of radish develop well under illumination from 9 to 14 thousand lux, with a day length of 10–12 hours. It cannot be made longer, otherwise you can get rows of not root crops, but flowering plants.

In an apartment or house, in order to bring the growing conditions of radish closer to ideal, you will need a lamp with a reflector for several fluorescent lamps.

The illumination of the "bed" with an area of ​​60x50 cm was handled by a lamp for two fluorescent lamps. It was hung at a height of 30 cm from the plants. In addition, we installed a small fan working with a USB input plug. He provided a light breeze, consuming a minimum of electricity, and the crops did not overheat.

True, there is a radish and one more requirement, which is difficult to comply with in an apartment with centralized heating: plants need moderate but constant soil moisture.

Radish grows in small pots, so with daily morning watering in the evening, a lump of earth is already dry as gunpowder. Even if the plants do not die, they will form roots that are bitter, rough, ugly.

The easiest way to cope with the problem is to pour a layer of sphagnum or sawdust into the pallet where these pots are. Any fibrous moisture-absorbing neutral substrate is suitable, which will save moisture, giving it as needed, and will not deprive the roots of oxygen.

You will also need top dressing. The first is carried out at the beginning of the formation of the root crop, the second - during the period when the root crops are gaining weight, using water-soluble fertilizers that contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in equal amounts.

For most people, radish is a favorite spring vegetable, without which it is impossible to prepare various salads and dishes. Due to the content of a large amount of vitamins and minerals, the use of this vegetable crop will bring many benefits to the body. Self-grown radish will be of great benefit, since it does not contain nitrates.

Video about a super way of growing radishes:

general information

Radish belongs to annual or biennial plants, belongs to the cruciferous family. Annuals are European varieties, and biennials are Japanese or Chinese.

Description of appearance:

  • Leaflets are simple, petiolate, whole or lyre-dissected, with an edge of hard hairs, collected in a rosette;
  • Leaf sizes vary from 5 to 20-25 cm, with a wide variety of colors from light green to deep green;
  • Core type of the root system;
  • Flowers 1.5 cm in diameter, white, pinkish or purple;
  • After flowering for 30-35 days, the formation of pod fruits with a length of 2.5 to 7.5 cm, each with 6-12 round light brown seeds;
  • A root vegetable with a diameter of 1.5-10 cm can have a tangy taste, due to the content of mustard oil, or it can be juicy without bitterness;
  • The root crop is round, oval-cylindrical or elongated cone-shaped, like carrots;
  • The root crop is red, pink, yellow, white, purple or green in color. There are also specimens with a white tip;
  • The pulp is snow-white, white-pink or pink in color;
  • The average weight is determined by the variety and varies from 5 to 35 grams, however, there are giant root crops weighing up to 100 grams.

Tricks and secrets when growing radishes:

When to sow?

It is optimal to sow radishes in spring, as this is due to the biological characteristics of the crop. Planted no earlier than the end of March. Radish has good frost resistance, the seeds perfectly tolerate temperatures down to -5 ºС. Planting radishes in spring allows you to plant other vegetables on this site after harvesting, since it is an excellent predecessor for most vegetables (potatoes, cabbage, eggplant). Radish has a short growing season, and harvesting just falls at the beginning of planting the rest of the cultivated plants. Therefore, it is possible to reuse the same site twice a season.

The best varieties for home

When choosing a variety, the following conditions are taken into account:

  • Boarding time:
  • Landing site (open ground or greenhouse);
  • Region.

Suitable varieties for spring planting outdoors:

  1. Early red. Differs in early maturity and high yield. The dark red roots have a delicate flesh. Almost no arrows;
  2. "16 days". It belongs to the early varieties, the growing season is 16 days. Pink roots with snow-white pulp have a slightly tart taste, almost not subject to cracking;
  3. "Heat". Also an early variety, full ripening occurs in 20 days. Raspberry roots with pinkish flesh have a slightly pungent taste;
  4. "French breakfast". The ripening period is 23 days. Elongated root vegetables with white flesh and delicate taste.

Early maturing varieties are grown in the regions of Siberia and the Urals:

  • "Duro";
  • "Presto";
  • Poker F1.

REFERENCE: These varieties have increased resistance to low temperature conditions. Thanks to this, they perfectly tolerate short-term frosts and are able to grow in unfavorable climatic conditions.

Soil preparation and fertilization

How to prepare the soil:

  • Before planting radishes, the soil is plowed and harrowed;
  • Small beds are dug up and processed with a rake in order to crush large earth lumps;
  • Manure is introduced into the soil only a year before planting, not earlier. This is due to the poor response of radish to fresh manure;
  • It is recommended to feed the soil with fertilizers with potassium and phosphorus (superphosphate and potassium nitrate) in the fall. It is necessary to feed strictly following the instructions.

Sowing time and rate

When to sow:

  • In Siberia. In the Siberian region, the culture is planted in the spring in the last days of April. A prerequisite is a well-warmed soil;
  • In the Urals. In the Ural region, landing is carried out in mid-April, after the snow cover has melted, in the finally thawed soil, and there are no possible return frosts;
  • In Central Russia. Planting begins at the end of March, not earlier. The main requirement for planting is the absence of frost and snow cover on the ground.

The timing of the harvest is determined by the variety and quality of the seed. Nevertheless, these terms can be adjusted by monitoring the temperature regime of the soil and air. The most comfortable temperature conditions for growing radish and its seeds in the open field:

  • For seed material to germinate, the air and soil temperature must be from +5 to +8 ºС;
  • For radishes to grow actively, the air temperature is +14 ºС, the soil temperature is from +10 to +12 ºС;
  • Rapid growth will provide air temperature +20 ºС, soil temperature from +16 to +18 ºС.

Planting and growing radishes in the open field

Presowing preparation:

  • Before planting, the seed must be sorted out. Give preference to large seeds, 3 mm in diameter, since they will provide good germination and a rich harvest;
  • Some gardeners ignore pre-planting seed processing. However, in order to improve seed germination, it is worth keeping the seed material for 24 hours in a damp cloth. It will also ensure early germination by keeping seeds in water (temperature + 45 ºС) for 15 minutes.

Basic landing rules:

  • On the landing site, grooves with a depth of 2 cm are made;
  • Sand and wood ash must be added to the bottom of the furrows;
  • An interval of 5 cm is maintained between the seeds, the row spacing should be 15 cm;
  • The planted seeds are sprinkled with one centimeter of soil. Overly buried seed gives root crops with a fibrous structure;
  • Planting is carried out manually, using a rake and a hoe as inventory;
  • Upon completion of planting, the beds are watered and mulched to keep moisture in the ground.


IMPORTANT: Moisture deficiency in the soil causes radish to bloom.

How to care:

  • Moderate watering is necessary every two days;
  • Get rid of weeds in a timely manner. If the plantings are thickened, the culture is thinned out;
  • During a long daylight hours, the period of illumination must be reduced - after six o'clock in the evening, the beds must be covered;
  • In the presence of diseases and pests, immediately treat the plantations with insecticides and fungicides;
  • It is not recommended to feed it with nitrogen-containing fertilizers;

Radish has the ability to accumulate nitrates in root crops.

  • Fertilize the soil in the fall using potassium nitrate and superphosphate.

Observing the rules of agricultural technology, as well as creating favorable growing conditions, you can guaranteed to get an excellent harvest of radish without much difficulty. Growing radishes in spring will provide a tasty and crunchy vegetable in your diet. Radish has a pleasant taste and a lot of vitamins.

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