Encyclopedia of fire safety

The rarest work in the world. The most rare, interesting and unusual professions in the world. Highest paid job

Max Rublev, employee of the Career Guidance, Training and Development Service of the Moscow Metro

Where do they train to be a subway driver?

If you are a Muscovite, then you will need to look into the area of ​​​​the Varshavskaya metro station. There is the Training and Production Center of the Moscow Metro, where all specialties of the metro are trained, including drivers. In order to become a machinist, you need to come to the Vystavochnaya metro station, to the Recruitment Center, where everything will be shown, prompted and explained.

Is it possible to become a subway driver at a mature age?

Why not? In our country, employers often indicate in vacancies “not older than 35 years old”, but if you open the Labor Code, you will see that it is not spelled out there until how many years a person can be hired. We are a state-owned enterprise, therefore, we work in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.

A person can come and try to get a job with us at the age of 35, and at 40, and at 55, but the fact is that we have a very tough medical board, and if there are any problems with health, with the heart, with the eyes, then , alas, simply will not take. And if everything is fine, then why not. But it will be very difficult to study, because there is a lot of material, it is very rich, but if a person wants, then who will stop him? In any case, not us.

What does a typical working day for a machinist look like?

Well, let's start in the morning. The driver slept, woke up, rested - this is very important - had breakfast and went to work.

The first thing he does is come to the medical center, where his physical data are checked: pressure and pulse are measured, the tension index is determined using a computer, and he is tested for alcohol - blowing with a tube. If everything is fine, the driver is given a route sheet, stamped that it is ready for work.

After that, he goes to the line point. There he studies papers - briefings that came out during his absence. Then he signs and communicates with the driver-instructor, who checks the knowledge of the current briefings. After that, according to the schedule (everything is already scheduled by the hour), he boards the train and starts working.

Shift duration from 6 to 8.5 hours - according to labor code, with lunches, substitutions and other things. After working eight, seven or six hours, the driver ends the shift, comes to the line point, writes the end of the shift on the route sheet, signs and submits the route sheet. Based on this, payment is made.

What salary? What does it depend on? Is there an opportunity to work?

Our salary can reach 100,000 rubles. It depends on the length of service, seniority and the norm of hours. Every month there is a different norm of hours: officially the Moscow metro operates 6/6 - that is, a six-hour working day, six days work week. And then experience, class, length of service and so on. So when you already work hard enough, you get a really good big wonderful salary.

Not only is there no opportunity to earn extra money, we have it - if I'm not mistaken - even prohibited by law! We carry people, so the driver must come to work rested and well-rested. Other people's lives depend on it.

What skills and character traits does a subway driver need? What are the contraindications?

Accuracy, punctuality, responsibility. If you overslept for work once or twice ... well, how are you going to work here? It's a train, it won't wait. So someone else will leave instead of you.

Vision must be one hundred percent, hearing excellent, heart healthy, lungs ... Of course, smoking is not encouraged here, but some people smoke.

The main thing is that there is no “little bit”, they say, a little up to one hundred percent vision is not enough, or the heart sometimes plays pranks or is a little tight in the ear. I repeat once again - we are responsible for people, this is very serious and there can be no concessions and exceptions. A lot of candidates who wanted to be machinists, but did not pass by sight, did laser correction and then came to work.

As for the psychological side, we have a service on the subway that monitors the psychological state of the driver and other workers.

Are there girls in this profession?

There are no girls in our profession, because in 2000 a document was adopted "On the approval of the list of hard work and work with harmful or dangerous working conditions, in the performance of which the use of women's labor is prohibited." In it, as you understand by the name, professions were listed in which women cannot be. Due to special difficult conditions. And the profession "electric train driver" was included in this list. But perhaps when all the rolling stock is replaced with a new one, this law will be repealed or amended so that women can also work. Because in many countries there are female machinists who do an excellent job and feel great.

What are the pros and cons of this profession?

Plus - of course, the salary. Another broken schedule - for example, in the middle of the week there may be a day off or night shift dump, so you can go somewhere, do something. But, alas, this is also a minus, because - a birthday at work, New Year at work... or people are celebrating and you have to go to bed early because you know you'll be going to the early shift at 6am.

What are the main myths and stereotypes associated with this profession?

Probably one of the biggest myths is that a subway driver is such a romantic profession as a pilot, for example. In fact, it is quite ordinary, sometimes difficult, sometimes boring, sometimes interesting ... and you can learn it quite quickly - you don’t need to graduate educational institution, there is our Training and Production Center of the Moscow Metro, where the driver is trained.

There are also popular myths about the subway - for example, that there are huge rats. In fact, not only huge, but now there are practically no ordinary rats in the subway. In order to live, rats need something to eat. And what to eat in the tunnels, plastic?

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Very. Heavy both physically and nervous tension because of the huge responsibility is very large. The last decision in any difficult situation is made by the driver; all transport services work for the driver - but he is the final authority on which the movement process closes. And the entire responsibility for the safety of passengers and cargo lies with him. Whether the car was left at the crossing, whether the path was washed out, whether the cars were not standing in size, the grandmother decided to run across two meters from the train - the driver must immediately take action.

There is no flight so that the driver does not experience some kind of stress. My friend Alexander Ozimkov, a machinist, a veteran of the Ostashkov depot, once collided with a timber truck that was trying to pass in front of it. He applied emergency braking, but he didn’t have time to jump out himself - he didn’t leave the cabin, but you need to understand that the instinct of self-preservation told him, like anyone in his place, to jump to the door first of all, save himself, but he, according to the instructions, first slowed down and then started to get up. But he didn’t have time, and he was so shocked by these logs! The diesel locomotive reared up, everything immediately crashed and the cabin was pressed inward - it was squeezed between the window, the cabin wall and the control panel so that they cut it out with an autogenous from there. The speed of 40 km per hour was enough for the front of the locomotive to go soft - and there are many such cases, the drivers die, sometimes saving passengers like this, and no one will even remember about it later ... Fortunately, Alexander somehow miraculously escaped with only a minor illness in his leg, but he was born in a shirt ...

I myself have been in similar situations more than once, being in the driver's cab. Once, for example, between Bologoe and Tver, they threw a bag of stones. Train St. Petersburg - Moscow, "Aurora", rushing at a speed of 160 km per hour. And suddenly - a blow! The punks were thrown from the bridge - the engineer later said that he managed to notice them. Searchlight on ChS6 was braided iron grate, but even at the same time, the windshield blew to smithereens and the whole cabin was instantly filled with icy cold - we were driving like this, stiffened, to Moscow - as we could with a piece of cardboard we closed up something, for our happiness - April ... We were lucky: the train hit the bag with a searchlight, but it could because it will fall right on the windshield ...

Add to that the sleepless nights: lunch at 1am, breakfast at 5pm, dinner at 3am…

And most importantly: when they knock people down, it is always a trauma, even when the driver is not to blame for anything, as most often happens, but anyway - live with it. I always tell them - it's not you, it's a train. And they answer - yes, I understand everything, but ... Moreover, you saw it all, all this before your eyes. Almost every machinist has been in such a situation, that is, it is literally part of the profession - if you are a machinist, get ready to see people die. And the assistant to run - to get all this from under the train ...

There are many women among the metro employees: they are on duty in the booths at the escalator, they sell tokens, they clean the floors at the stations, but they cannot become highly paid machinists. The Village asked the press secretary of the St. Petersburg metro and the girl who, through the court, tried to obtain the right to work as a machinist, about the reasons for such discrimination.

Julia Shavel

press secretary of the St. Petersburg metro

There is a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2000 No. 162 “On approval of the list of heavy work and work with harmful or dangerous working conditions, during which the use of women’s labor is prohibited.” Under number 374 in this resolution is "the driver of the electric train and his assistant." That is, the rule was not written by the metro: it was adopted at the federal level.

The only women's brigade of machinists in the Leningrad metro was formed in 1955. There were four drivers. One of those women, Natalya Donskaya, is alive. According to her, it was a very difficult job.

Work as a machinist, in addition to a huge physical activity also implies psychological. Let's take a modern rolling stock: in a critical situation, the driver must make the decision. There are severe cases: a person fell under the train - the driver informs the dispatcher and then he, on an emergency basis, begins to pull the person out from under the train. It is difficult to imagine that a woman - both physically and psychologically - could do such a job. Another point: a long stay underground negatively affects the physical condition of a woman, in particular her reproductive function.

for this job and not every man will be taken: the main requirement is
good health

Personally, I think the decision is fair. Every day I observe how difficult the work of the machinists is. Yes, there are strong women who operate cranes at construction sites and work behind the wheel of a taxi. Yes, trains are not prepared for departure by machinists, but by locksmiths and other attendants. But emergency situations in the subway are among the most difficult in the world. And the drivers are responsible for all the people - passengers - behind them: these are six to eight cars.

Not every man will be hired for this job: the main requirement here is good health. Unfortunately, today's youth have a lot of problems. So if a healthy 50-year-old man comes to us, we will take him. There is a big turnover among machinists in the subway: it happens that men who have worked for 20 years have health problems - then they are transferred to another job, for example, a locksmith.

Behind last years none of the women, except Anna Klevets from St. Petersburg, applied to us for employment as a machinist. There are other vacancies for women in the subway.

Anna Klevets

It was the end of 2008, I was then studying at the Faculty of Law. I needed extra income. I could not get a job in my specialty, because work experience was required everywhere. And in the subway, an announcement was constantly sounding that assistant drivers - men - were required. I, having legal knowledge, understood that this was a discriminatory requirement, since according to the Constitution, men and women have equal rights in the field of choosing a profession. I decided to apply to the Metropolitan, and there I was refused a job: they verbally explained that they only hire men.

I decided to go to court because I understood: women are discriminated against on the basis of gender. As a result, she passed all the courts of the first, second instance - reached the Supreme Court. I had two cases in parallel: the first - on the refusal to hire, I went through the district court of St. Petersburg and reached the Supreme Court. Secondly, I appealed against the point of the government decree, according to which women are prohibited from working as an electric train driver. This application was immediately addressed to Supreme Court. Then there was an appeal to the Constitutional Court, to the European Court of Human Rights. The last appeal is to the UN Committee on the Protection of Women from Discrimination. So far there is no response from them. All other instances refused me and supported the government's decision. The European Court of Human Rights declared my complaint inadmissible - they wrote that there were no violations of the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights.

Eat many harmful
, in which
women work

In the case of Decree 162, the logic of the government is as follows: it is concern for women's reproductive health. Those harmful factors that exist in the subway can affect the health of a woman as a future mother. Factors are vibrations, noise, poor lighting and others.

There are many harmful professions in which women work. For example, painters who do not receive as high a salary as electric train drivers, but at the same time work in harmful conditions. There is an opportunity to get more, and this is a choice that a woman should have. If she herself decides that she does not want to work with such harmful factors She won't go into this profession. There are women who have already given birth, women who do not plan to become mothers - they should get the right to be a machinist and receive a decent salary.

Illustration: Nastya Yarovaya

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