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Prayer will miraculously change your life. Always be in the mood. What is morning routine

Nothing can replace persistence: neither talent - nothing is more common than talented losers, not genius - genius - a loser is already proverbial, nor education - the world is full of educated outcasts.

Only persistence and perseverance are omnipotent. The motto "Push / Don't Give Up" has solved and will always solve the problems of humanity.
John Coolidge.

In the event that you ask me what is the biggest reason for all failure, my answer is lack of patience. This, as well as the uncontrollable desire for immediate results and the fulfillment of all desires, is at the heart of most failure.

The reality is that success takes time. Great success takes a lot of time. Richard branson didn't become a millionaire overnight. Madonna didn't wake up one morning as the Queen of Pop. David Beckham didn't turn into a super soccer player in just a few workouts.
However, there is one method that works for any person and in any situation. Most people are well aware of it, but never use it. What for? After all, it is much better to wait until the world itself falls at their feet. However, the world, as a rule, is in no hurry to reciprocate them.

Therefore, adopt my simple method, which will certainly lead you to success. He is called a theory for half an hour. The advantage of this method is that it is suitable for absolutely everyone and can be easily integrated into any schedule. The general idea is that you do one small action every day for half an hour, and then, as you improve, you complicate it. Sounds too obvious, doesn't it? Yes. But you'd be surprised how many people talk about its platitudes, but never be able to do it.

This can mean that you will spend half an hour each day reading. Nonsense, isn't it? But in this way, within one year, you will read about 24 books, and this is more than most people read in ten years!

You can devote half an hour a day to learning a foreign language or acquiring other useful skills. As a result, by the end of the year it will be equivalent to a full six-week course! Not bad, huh?

How to use half an hour theory to achieve success:

Get in-depth knowledge on the issue you are interested in, acquire new specialties, and gain missing experience. In six months you will begin to understand the chosen direction, in a year or two you will become a specialist.

Use half an hour every day to achieve your life's dream. Write a novel, study kung fu, breed rare fish, build your own racing car. Do what you have been putting off all the time due to lack of time.

After following the Half Hour Theory for a while, say six months later, look back and remember where you started. You will be amazed at how much progress you have made in those unfortunate 30 minutes a day.

Don't eat yourself if you stray from your schedule and miss a few days. Just head back and pick up where you left off. Remember, you are already doing a lot more than other people.

Be patient. Don't expect immediate results. Everything takes time and the more ambitious your goal, the more steps you will need.

I want to tell you about one prayer that can miraculously change your life.
Its action is very strong, it always works. The results will be amazing.

After reading this prayer, real miracles will begin to happen in your life - wonderful events that are now even difficult for you to imagine. Distant relatives may show up who want to rewrite part of their real estate for you, there may be an offer for a new job with an incredibly high salary, or just some person decides to give you a gift that will change your life.

The prayer should be read in the morning and evening in a half-asleep state. Read for about a month (although results may appear earlier). I have used it 3 times in my entire life (and all 3 times I got amazing results). At the last moment, when I was completely desperate, things happened to me that changed the whole course of my life for the better. Real miracles happened to me, in which it is even difficult for an ordinary person living his measured life to believe.

This prayer is from The Magic Power of the Mind by Joseph Murphy

“The gifts of God are my gifts. I take advantage of every moment of this day. Divine harmony, peace and abundance are with me. Divine love comes from me, blessing everyone who gets into my environment. Divine love is healing me now. I will not fear evil, because God is with me. I am always surrounded by the sacred halo of Divine love and power. I affirm, feel, know, and believe strongly and positively that the spells of divine love and vigilance guide, heal, and care for all members of my family and those I love. I forgive everyone and sincerely radiate Divine love, peace and benevolence to all people, wherever they are. Peace reigns in the center of my being, this is the peace of God. In this silence, I feel His power, guidance and love of His Holy Presence. I am divinely guided in all my paths. I am a clean channel for Divine love, truth and beauty. I feel His river of peace flowing through me. I know that all my problems dissolve in the mind of God. The ways of God are my ways. The words I say go where I send them. I rejoice and give thanks, knowing that I will receive an answer to my prayer. And so it is. "

Read this prayer sincerely, with feeling. And you are sure to get amazing results. This prayer is universal. Suitable for anyone and will help improve their lives.


The following prayer, used daily, will bring you many amazing results:

“I know that I am modeling and creating my own destiny. My faith in God is my destiny; it means an unchanging belief in goodness. I live in joyful anticipation of a miracle; only the best comes to me. I know what harvest I will gather in the future, because all my thoughts are Divine thoughts, and God is present in them. My thoughts are the seeds of goodness, truth and beauty. Now I sow thoughts of love, peace, joy, success and goodwill in the garden of my mind. This is a divine garden and it will give a bountiful harvest. The glory and beauty of the Lord will manifest in my life. I am happy and prosperous. Thank you, Father. "


Repeat the following words and it will help you solve your problems:

“I know that to prosper is to grow spiritually. God is present now in my mind, body and my works. Divine ideas constantly arise within me, bringing me health and wealth. I am in awe as I feel God animate every atom of my being. I know that now He inspires, sustains and strengthens me. My body is a perfect form, filled with energy and strength. My business is a Divine activity, and it is successful and efficient. I feel an inner wholeness functioning in my body, mind and my affairs. I offer my gratitude to God and enjoy life in abundance. "

“I know that God cares about my prosperity. Now I am leading a wealthy life. I have everything that contributes to well-being, progress and tranquility. Every day I cultivate the fruits of the Spirit of the Lord within me. I am calm, balanced, sincere and peaceful. I am one with the Source of life. All my needs are met immediately. Now I am directing all "empty vessels" to God. Everything that belongs to Him is mine. "

Why do people start failing so often, goals are not achieved, changes do not occur? Because often all attempts to change and improve your life occur chaotically, thoughtlessly and at a swoop.

The time has come, something began to not suit. Jeans hardly come together at the waist, relationships are more tiresome than pleasing, money is over again, and there is still half a month before the paycheck ...

During such periods, there is a strong desire to take and change everything.

That's so sharp. Bang - and a new life. And here I am, all so beautiful and smart. As if from only one desire of ours, based on matured complexity, everything will turn around and change by itself.

This situation is very well demonstrated by the joke: "If a woman pumps her abs, then in two hours she will go to the sea." That is, our changes do not begin when it would be good to start them, but when all the deadlines have already been missed, and we can put our feet forward.
Illustration by: Elena "s pics (Elena Poddubnaya)

If with a figure and sports everything is more or less indicative, and people understand that good results can be achieved only by training hard and hard, then with a new life (personal growth, development, solving difficulties, etc.), for some reason, this obviousness is not clear.

It is clear to everyone that it is stupid to pump the press two hours before the sea and hope that the cubes will appear.

But few people understand that compliments (quick solutions) cannot eliminate a hole in a relationship.

The same is true for any other serious matter.

If you have been creating financial difficulties for yourself for a long time, you should not count on winning the lottery, which will fix everything. Even if fortune is favorable to you, and you can close the most bottomless gaps, the reasons that created them will still remain. Consequently, any money will go away very quickly.

If you are used to postponing important things for a long time, hoping that one day you will change them all in the wake of euphoria is also frivolous.

For a long time I was looking for a magic pill for myself that would solve all problems in one fell swoop. Obviously, I did not find it, because there is no such thing in nature.

But I found one word for myself that can be considered the same magic pill. Now this word has become a panacea for many of my difficulties and difficulties.

Do you know what that word is?


What do I mean by the word "system". The system is constant directed action.

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You can act chaotically - chaotically, ill-considered, inconsistently. And you can act systematically - constantly, unidirectionally, purposefully.

If earlier my attempts to start a new life and achieve change were chaotic, now I understand that only systematicity can change the final result.

What is chaotic change?

  • when you pump the press once a week with a break of three months;
  • starve for a day, and fill your belly with fast food for the next week;
  • say affirmations to yourself for a couple of days, and then drop them until the next reminder;
  • go to the doctor when a toothache leads to seizures, but instead of full treatment, you limit yourself to a pill;
  • after reading tips on how to behave with a man / woman, use a couple of tricks to dull the discontent, but in general you continue to behave the same way;
  • run to a psychotherapist, when the roasted rooster pecked half to death, and abandon work on yourself until the next crisis, having received only temporary relief, etc.

For me, the discovery of the system, oddly enough, was sports. But not the one that I was involved in before - relatively professional, but the sport of low achievements in my current life.

Before, when I trained for competition, the question of training frequency was not at all. I just did it every day because I needed to build up the results.

Now I have no competitive goals, I do not need to show the best time on the test race. That is, the development of my physical form completely and completely lies in the plane of my personal motivation.

I want to go to training, I'm going. But if the sun is shining on the wrong side, I can easily find myself lying in bed and chewing candy.

At the same time, I want results with my head: cubes, biceps, splits, but only my actions contradict my desires.

Maybe I want it badly?

No, I want it well.

I just don't understand that only the system can change me.

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Of course, I want results: cubes, biceps, splits, but my actions contradict my desires.
Illustration by: Elena "s pics (Elena Poddubnaya)

Now I do not always go to the gym regularly, but now I have an understanding inside me that I need to invest in the system. And therefore, even if I cannot and do not want at all, then nothing will prevent me from pushing up ten times.

And I do it. That's why it is a contribution to my future.

I recently had this metaphor-understanding: people go about their new life in the breaks and smoke breaks of the old one.

It's like sewing on fresh patches to holes in old clothes.

“Here I have a blockage, let me run to the master class. I’ll quickly learn something, listen, maybe it’ll help. ”

Recently in my practice there was a case: a client said that if you constantly monitor how she behaves and try to change her behavior, then you can get tired.

She's right, you can get tired. But if you do not track your past destructive behavior, then the new will not appear at all.

You cannot come to Moscow by train that goes to Leningrad. Even if you really, really want it.

If you want to change your life, you must understand that only the system can put it on new rails, to a brighter future.

Why is the system important?

The fact that at first you make an effort to create it, then it itself begins to lead you where you need it. The main thing is to set the initial impulse and maintain the direction of movement.

If you need an example not from sports, I can give you this.

The bottom line is that every morning after you wake up, you write down all the thoughts that are in your head on paper, without peer review. The volume is three pages. This is necessary in order to clear your head of mental slags, to unload from it everything that litters your ether and interferes with thinking clearly. By myself, I will say that this is an amazing exercise, its results have always amazed me. After him, brilliant ideas come to mind that cannot be heard until you get rid of everyday mental noise.

You have to write pages every day. It takes effort in the beginning. Because this is a very unusual and inconvenient action. I got used to them for a very long time. But over time it became a part of me, I just could not wake up without them. I heard everything inside me say - go, check out, unload. And she did it already on the machine.

Thus, the system itself began to move me in the right direction. It did not fail and worked, even if I sometimes took a break.

I noticed that there was still a critical period, after which I had to re-roll the program. But every time it was easier to enter it, because the path was already beaten.

The same principle works with personal change.

First, you plow-plow-plow. You read everything, dig deep into yourself, do it without stopping, every day. As if your life depends on it. And then the system starts working for you.

All of a sudden, the right books, the right people, the right knowledge come to you, you start with a half-question to get to the bottom of your true motives, layer by layer you remove the extra husk and change at an unrealistic speed.

However, first you need to create a powerful initial impulse. And for this you have to do-do-do. Systematically, constantly, regularly.

Here, honestly: it's better not to do it at all than to do it chaotically and swooped down.


  • you can strain yourself and get a negative experience that will take hold in you for a long time and will fade in such a way that it will be difficult for you to believe in yourself again;
  • you just get frustrated and start thinking that all this does not work: psychology sucks, everyone lies, the ass is growing, etc.

For me, the most painful example concerns my development in terms of attracting clients.

From time to time I made an effort, made a noise, got a certain result, then I calmed down and after a while I wondered: “Well, where are my clients? I made such a noise a year ago! Don't they remember? "

They don't remember! And it's not just a bad memory. And the fact that a system is also needed here. Constant action from day to day.

The good thing about the system is that it has a direct access to a quantum leap: sooner or later, quantity turns into quality. First you do-do-do, and then everything starts to happen on its own and already on a completely different level.

I often broke down and did not reach the mark as close as possible to this jump. I had to roll back and again do the work that would not have to be repeated if I had followed the system.

Everything that you do - do in order to create this system within you.

I intended this post as a short greeting after a long silence. Like, it's good when there is a system - you write posts all the time :) But when the system collapses, it's very difficult to continue. Because it is not clear what topic to take and what to write about after such a long break.

But I started writing and realized that the system is much deeper, more and more powerful than just the frequency of blog posts.

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Now I am writing these lines and I understand that new rails are appearing inside me. I understand that my results and my whole life are the answer to whether there is a system inside me.

The self-development system is already firmly built into me. Here I just put a lot of effort, and it already carries me to the necessary knowledge and experience without my conscious effort.

But with the creation of a stable flow of customers, everything is not very happy so far. It was. Now that I have revealed this secret of the magic systemic pill for myself, I have become calmer and more confident.

So I need to write here not only so that you have something to read, but also so that my system gains momentum and starts the flywheel of changes.

And you must understand this too. For yourself. For your life. For your change.

Even if you do not see colossal results now. So far, you are only timidly changing your behavior, but preparing yourself for something better and more.

Those who get the occasional laurels will not rest on them for long. Because they don't know how to stay on top.

Connections, clients, partners, earnings, relationships, athletic performance - all this will be random until you build your system. And then you will not have to worry: you will meet or not meet, they will buy / will not buy, it will / will not work. You will consistently knock out your "tens".

There is a phrase in sports "Stability is a sign of skill."

For me now it takes on a new meaning.

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So if you want a change in your life, define a system for yourself and invest in it. Believe in her. Know that after the hundredth time there will be a quantum transition. But only up to the hundredth time will you have to make ninety-nine attempts. Possibly unsuccessful.

You can't do it right and right and not get the result. It will be, it will definitely be. The main thing is to do it. But not by swoops and not random Mondays and the first of January, but constantly. Better less, but systematically, than zealously, but occasionally.

They say you can't do the same thing and hope for a different result. If you do bullshit, it’s naive to hope that the end result is non-bullshit.

At the same time, it is important to understand that it is hardly possible to achieve a result if you act differently (even if these actions are correct), but rarely, accidentally, from time to time.

  • One week of detox won't cleanse your body.
  • Three hours at the gym won't make you fit.
  • One, even the most mega-super-duper training will not change your life.

Only the system will change your life, consciousness, body.

The text was unexpectedly long. Perhaps the time has come to stop permitted speech. We will talk about how and why the system works next time.

Think about what I said for now. Does this sound like what is happening in your life? Have you had any examples of homing systems and disruptions after chaotic actions?

I would be glad to hear your stories in the comments.

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    I also recently came to the conclusion that there should be a system, a system of small steps. For me, too, it all started with sports (for 3 years now I have been pumping the abs every day, with a break only for pregnancy), and more consciously - with the Fly Lady system

    It's like that! I built a system and moved forward for several months. Then the crashes started. Now I come back again. Now the big question is how not to get frustrated. Found it to be stopped by fear of failure. The funny thing is, the more you get, the more you get scared. It's like in a joke - what you are most afraid of happens, now I am afraid to get rich and lose weight. Now I'm building a system of how to accept my fear. Another point is that the system will not be perfect right away. To be honest, she will never be ideal at all. But having learned how to use the first clumsy system, the second will be easier to create. And the third in general, apparently, will open up unprecedented horizons. Thanks for the stuff. I got caught on time.

    I, too, lately all am afraid to get rich :). And about the imperfection of the system, I don't even think about it now. Although with my perfectionism, this could very well be a problem. But the system opened up a new vision in me. What is important for me now are the actions themselves and the understanding of why I am doing this. Therefore, What comes to the fore, not How.

    It looks very similar. And every time when the system logically leads to good results, I start to think that this is a miracle, and how such a thing could happen. Unfortunately, there are breakdowns - this applies to the body, working with negative thinking and making money. Now I read your post, it became easier, and the drive reappeared, thanks!

    It turns out that we ourselves are the creators of our miracles :). How does this “discovery” help me, that now when I feel bad because something is not going the way I want, then I know that it still goes to my piggy bank and works for my future result. And it gives me the strength to continue. The main thing is not to quit and always believe in the system. She works!

    Thank you, I just lost my way in all aspects. I'm getting it right, everything works for half a year or a year, then the rhythm of life changes (work, husband, hobbies change) and something breaks down. We have to do it first, already better. How long have your systems been running?

    You know, I cannot say that the system has an expiration date. It seems to me that this is some kind of endless process. It's just that every time we go to a new level, tasks and priorities change. Don't think that "something is breaking." This is something just evolving. It develops for your benefit and for you. If the rails always rolled only evenly, then sooner or later this would lead to stagnation, like in a swamp. And I would have to start eating myself. Or maybe this is a variant of grinding. You hone your skill in rising from the ashes. This is also an important skill. But this I am already fantasizing. Just as one of the options.

    I love the system, I want to live in the system. I get slimmer with her. With her, I keep order in the house and improve my life. With her, I correctly distribute time between households in order to be in time everywhere and with everyone.

    It seems to me that you are talking a little about a different system here - when everything is in its place and goes in order. It is more like a way of organizing life when everything is under control. Correct me if this is not the case. But in this case, it can be difficult if something starts to fall out of the system. When life chaos appears, which you do not control. I talked more about the system as a way to achieve the necessary changes. Constant applied efforts in one direction. But if we are talking about the same thing, then ok :).

    Perhaps I do not quite distinguish between the concepts of systems. They are a way for me to achieve what I want. Tool. Yes, most likely I do not distinguish them at all. I think the word "consistency" is more important here. We must understand him in the same way. I define the end result that I want to achieve, create an algorithm of actions and go along the lines, in a circle. In the process, I grow and the ultimate goal can grow in size. Punctures are added or corrected, the radius is increased. Until my action plan becomes my basis. I will not be strained. This allows you to live without quarreling with yourself. It allows you to remember that the result will be even when this damn weight stands still for half a year. I don't need to attract clients now, work on increasing profits. Now systems, no matter how they are called, work to maintain the achieved results. You can eat right, exercise systematically, lose weight and see the cherished cubes on the press. And then what? The goal has been achieved. At this moment, a special and perhaps the most important value of the system appears for me - I know how to keep the result. And then I take a step up to more ambitious goals.

    Yes, the word "consistency" really suits me. And what you described is very much in the spirit of what I said. So we are talking about the same thing :).

    Fast is slow, but constant :)

    It is very convenient to live and work systematically. But I sometimes indulge myself. Now I thought that most likely in order to make it more pleasant to return to the established system.

    It is very important to understand the difference between a system - an established routine of life that has existed for years and between the efforts made to achieve what you want. The first option is more about the desire for control and conditional security, the second is about taking an active position no matter what. In the first version, the function of the system is to bring us peace and stability. In the second case - to give strength and confidence to change life as you want, both in a storm and in a thunderstorm. And indulgences, respites, vacations, rest are always useful. You can't always be at the limit. Concessions are as much a part of building a system as effort.

    To the point of the article. wonderful! Everything important should fit into the system. Even planning a varied vacation is work, but it bears fruit. I call this process of starting a mechanism, which then works itself for you, automatically. This is a powerful way to make breakthroughs.

    Good article for me on time too

    Great article. Femininely embracing and at the same time business-specific.

    The word that can change life is not "system". There is such a word, and it changes life by itself, since it allows you to see any system, because no one ever lives outside the system. It's just that the system in which you are now arriving, for some reason, has ceased to suit you, or it completely suits you, but some external system that is stronger than yours presses, and you have to rebuild one way or another. And what is this word? And this is a commercial secret :), I can only sell. Feel how irritation has risen in you? Curiosity? This works the very thing that "stands" behind this word, and it really changes your whole life at once, and you don't even need to do anything with yourself, change anything on purpose. Of course, if you put some part of the effort into this word, then the changes will be more grandiose, and your life will turn into an exciting game so that it does not happen.

    Maria, thank you for such a wonderful text and, more importantly, so timely written. Another example of how to effectively live "in harmony" with the system is language learning. This is also exactly the case when it is better to devote time to the language every day for 20-30 minutes than an hour and a half once a month. Hence the effect and future result. Thanks again for your experience and great phrases - motivators And yes, Happy New Year!

    You need to understand that stopping to perform actions is also a system. And it depends on you which positive actions will prevail or vice versa.

    paying attention to the comments, I came to the conclusion that only one person who created this article came to this idea and presented it so that the readers did not notice how someone else's thought appeared in their minds, which controls not only the mind but also their life actions

    Drug addicts have the concept of SYSTEM (systematic use). It is one of the main ones. Terrible and heavy. Really capable of changing your life forever. That is why I read and smiled. God forbid someone to see from this inside out.

    I would still replace the SYSTEM with DISCIPLINE

We often take difficult paths to try to get smarter or improve our lives. However, they do not always lead to success.

Life tricks, or life hacks, will simplify your existence, help you save money and nerves. Choose simplicity to easily overcome the difficulties that arise along the way.

1. A trip to the store can take hours. Use a trick: choose foods that are not at eye level. At this level, there are usually those goods that need to be sold first, and sometimes they are not cheap. On the lowest shelves are products that are cheaper, and the quality does not differ from more expensive counterparts.

2. Candles will burn twice as long if you put them in the freezer before use. The wax, cooled to low temperatures, melts much longer than the heated "brother". A simple knowledge of physics will help you not only use candles longer for a romantic dinner or in the absence of electricity, but also save on buying new candles.

3. Checking the quality of color ink in your printer couldn't be easier. To do this, you need to print the Google logo. It contains all the basic colors to help you understand the condition of your printer before printing photos or other important papers.

I want to tell you about one prayer that can miraculously change your life. This is a prayer "The gifts of God are my gifts."

Its action is very strong, it always works. The results will be amazing.

After reading this prayer, real miracles will begin to happen in your life - wonderful events that are now even difficult for you to imagine. Distant relatives may show up who want to rewrite part of their real estate for you, there may be an offer for a new job with an incredibly high salary, or just some person decides to give you a gift that will change your life.

The prayer should be read in the morning and evening in a half-asleep state. Read for about a month (although results may appear earlier). I have used it 3 times in my entire life (and all 3 times I got amazing results). At the last moment, when I was completely desperate, things happened to me that changed the whole course of my life for the better. Real miracles happened to me, in which it is even difficult for an ordinary person living his measured life to believe.

This prayer is from The Magic Power of the Mind by Joseph Murphy

“The gifts of God are my gifts.

I take advantage of every moment of this day. Divine harmony, peace and abundance are with me. Divine love comes from me, blessing everyone who gets into my environment. Divine love is healing me now. I will not fear evil, because God is with me. I am always surrounded by the sacred halo of Divine love and power. I affirm, feel, know, and believe strongly and positively that the spells of divine love and vigilance guide, heal, and care for all members of my family and those I love.

I forgive everyone and sincerely radiate Divine love, peace and benevolence to all people, wherever they are. Peace reigns in the center of my being, this is the peace of God. In this silence, I feel His power, guidance and love of His Holy Presence. I am divinely guided in all my paths. I am a clean channel for Divine love, truth and beauty. I feel His river of peace flowing through me. I know that all my problems dissolve in the mind of God. The ways of God are my ways. The words I say go where I send them. I rejoice and give thanks, knowing that I will receive an answer to my prayer. And so it is. "

Read this prayer sincerely, with feeling. And you are sure to get amazing results. This prayer is universal. Suitable for anyone and will help improve their lives.

Very strong prayers:


The following prayer, used daily, will bring you many amazing results:

“I know that I am modeling and creating my own destiny. My faith in God is my destiny; it means an unchanging belief in goodness. I live in joyful anticipation of a miracle; only the best comes to me. I know what harvest I will gather in the future, because all my thoughts are Divine thoughts, and God is present in them. My thoughts are the seeds of goodness, truth and beauty. Now I sow thoughts of love, peace, joy, success and goodwill in the garden of my mind. This is a divine garden and it will give a bountiful harvest. The glory and beauty of the Lord will manifest in my life. I am happy and prosperous. Thank you, Father. "


Repeat the following words and it will help you solve your problems:

“I know that to prosper is to grow spiritually. God is present now in my mind, body and my works. Divine ideas constantly arise within me, bringing me health and wealth. I am in awe as I feel God animate every atom of my being. I know that now He inspires, sustains and strengthens me. My body is a perfect form, filled with energy and strength.

My business is a Divine activity, and it is successful and efficient. I feel an inner wholeness functioning in my body, mind and my affairs. I offer my gratitude to God and enjoy life in abundance. "

“I know that God cares about my prosperity. Now I am leading a wealthy life. I have everything that contributes to well-being, progress and tranquility. Every day I cultivate the fruits of the Spirit of the Lord within me. I am calm, balanced, sincere and peaceful. I am one with the Source of life. All my needs are met immediately. Now I am directing all "empty vessels" to God. Everything that belongs to Him is mine. "

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