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Herman: the meaning of a name for a boy, character and fate. The meaning of the male name German

The male name Herman is of Latin origin and means “close”, “native”. It has a strong energy, however, energy rather negative plan. In our country, this name is quite rare, but in the last decade, young parents, when choosing a name for their child, have increasingly begun to pay attention to it.

Characteristics of the name German

Herman, as a rule, has strength of character, will, fearlessness. As a child, this is a cunning, quick-tempered boy who loves to brag and is even capable of meanness. He studies well, is actively involved in public affairs, thanks to his gift as an organizer, he knows how to gather peers around him, to show himself as a leader. Adult Herman always remains independent of people and circumstances. He has his own opinion on everything, can get out of any situation, often ignores moral principles. The owner of this name can still weave incredible stories about himself, with which he usually conquers women. But in general, it is reasonable, assertive, creative gifted person who loves communication very much and often makes only the best impression on people.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

The name Herman is suitable for a boy born under the zodiac sign of Cancer or Scorpio. Cancer (June 22-July 22) is a sign of outwardly cheerful, but deep down pessimistic people, under its influence Herman will retain many of his qualities, but will become a more homely, sensitive, bohemian, risk-averse person. Scorpio (October 24-November 22) is called the most secretive sign of the zodiac, it is similar to Herman in fearlessness, straightforwardness and love of fighting, therefore, in this combination, it will skillfully act behind the scenes, it will be a vindictive, decisive, loving person to criticize.

Pros and cons of the name Herman

What are the pros and cons can be noted in the name Herman? On the one hand, this is a noble, bright and beautiful name, which in about half of the cases goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics. But on the other hand, it is difficult to pick up a euphonious abbreviation or diminutive form for him (most often Germans are called Hera and Hermus, which deprives this name of its charm), in addition, the character of most of the owners of this name leaves much to be desired.


Herman's health is excellent, but in childhood he gets sick quite often. The only problem with many Germans is their passion for alcohol, which affects their health in a specific way.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, Herman manifests himself not in the best way. It is rather difficult to get along with him, because what at first attracted his wife in him (inner strength, some rudeness, boastfulness), eventually begins to oppress her. German certainly will not adapt to his wife, so she has to either endure or leave. Children also do not change the owner of this name, often he cannot reveal his fatherly feelings.

Professional area

In the professional field, Herman strives to make a career (often dishonestly) and he has everything to go through the career ladder to the end. Most often, the owners of this name make good diplomats, entrepreneurs, scientists, engineers, technicians, but they can also show themselves in creative professions, for example, a dancer, musician, actor, sculptor, writer.

name day

Herman celebrates Orthodox name days on May 25, July 6, July 11, July 20, August 9, August 12, August 21, August 25, September 24, October 8, November 2, November 4, November 12, November 13, November 19, 26 November and December 26, and Catholic - February 21, May 28 and June 13.

The meaning of the name Herman is interpreted in different ways, as it has several variants of origin. Its Latin genesis from the word "germanus" means "native, of the same blood, close, true, genuine." The second version of the origin, Germanic, on behalf of Hermann, which means "warrior".

Also, the name Herman used to indicate where this person came from and meant "from Germany or a German." In the old days, the name became widespread in Byzantium, as several commanders were named there. IN modern world to a greater extent comes into use in Catholic countries, in the territories of the village. Soviet space is not popular.

What the name Herman means for the parents of this baby is that no matter how the boy behaves, you should not scrupulously patronize and control him. Otherwise, he will completely lose the desire to act independently, he will not learn to make the right decisions.

  • From an early age, the baby begins to show his self, he is excitable and irritable beyond the norm.
  • He perceives bad luck and losses painfully, for this reason he always shows a temper, while it spreads to the one who is nearby.

A boy named Herman grows up smart and smart, he is different from other children. Initially, he is a realist, does not believe in fairy tales and Santa Claus, which puts his family in an awkward position.

By fate, Herman is assigned to reason wisely, only such opportunities appear very early. Already with a 5-year-old boy, you can talk on any topic, and for those questions that he cannot answer, our hero will think and try to prove his point of view. They love the boy in the company, with his arrival the games become more interesting.

Parents should keep Herman in control, instill in him patience, tact, mercy, but not go too far.

With age, a boy named Herman begins to cheat, he comes to the realization that you can achieve results not only by giving all your best, but also by cheating a little. And such manipulations with Herman pass without a hitch. He can deceive without a twinge of conscience, if there is a benefit for himself.

The analytical mindset promises our hero excellent prospects for the future. Only now, not all boys with the name Herman use this. And all because of restlessness and weak self-control, which do not allow absorbing knowledge to the fullest. Relations with teachers and peers are developing successfully, Herman is not a leader at school, but his opinion is listened to.

Name characteristic

The characteristic of the name German is due to the presence of a huge energy potential. Such power often pushes him to move away from the tradition associated with the consistent acquisition of knowledge at the university and further work in his specialty. The fate of Herman determines, and the character contributes to the rapid adoption of decisions, which sometimes change dramatically.

  • Thus, named Herman can leave the university or switch to another profile in the middle of training.
  • If he gets tired of work, he can easily leave it.
  • Such behavior breaks the established stereotypes, but at the same time makes Herman an irresponsible and windy person.

The name Herman and his energy can also go the other way, when our hero, in the process of existing work or study, begins to study additional development, organization of events, competitions. At the same time, he does not quit his studies or work, but tries to combine these terms into one whole.

  • Herman likes everything new, he tries to create something, to introduce novelty into existing projects.
  • Our hero is full of ideas, he is stubborn and determined.
  • Having set a goal for himself, he will surely succeed.

The bearer of the name Herman cannot be called an evil person, most likely intolerant of some shortcomings of people. He is self-confident, can focus on specific case or question. A man has nobility and a strong core, which is an indisputable plus for him.

Has the name Herman and negative characteristics that may repel people from him. For him, there are no problems of others, there is only himself and his successes and defeats. Herman's energy does not allow him to stand still, he must constantly move up and develop. He does not care about the experiences of others, he will not tolerate their shortcomings and will not enter into a position. Regarding this behavior, a man named Herman has very few friends. But on by and large, he does not need them in significant quantities.

In general, Herman can be called a successful person, because he has all the qualities, strong will, ambition, intelligence, protectionism that are needed for this. Only now our hero does not always use them to the fullest.

Herman's professional affiliation and hobbies

The name Herman provides two options for career development, regarding what skills were instilled in him in childhood. The suppression of ambitions by parents leads to the fact that our hero becomes unsuccessful in his professional activities. Another Herman, whose upbringing was carried out without excessive suppression of irascibility, can be called the master of life.

German Oskarovich Gref (statesman, president and chairman of the board of Sberbank of Russia)

  • He makes a successful career only in the industry where decent fees are really paid. Even a hobby he likes will not be interesting to him if his payment is meager.
  • What a man with the name German will like will become his hobby, but the main professional activity will be chosen based on financial gain.
  • The specialization of our hero can be the financial field of activity or management.
  • With a certain upbringing and the availability of data, it can be an athlete or a military man.

Perhaps preference will be given to literature, art, or he will find himself in technology and medicine. But these specialties attract our hero less, as they require accuracy and perseverance.

Home, family, love relationships

For Herman, the meaning of the name predetermines a positive relationship with the opposite sex. Women like our hero with his charm, brutality, strong will and courtesy. For women, he is a target that they want to hit. They do not want to be friends with Herman, women expect love and long-term relationships from him.

There is an opinion that our hero is a passionate lover. At the same time, a man named Herman is not averse to starting an affair, but he just doesn’t see a continuation in it. Our hero can be a bachelor for a long time or live with a chosen one without obligations.

Only when an ardent feeling floods in will he be ready to marry.

Fully devoted to family and loved ones, in the presence of mutual understanding, the marriage becomes strong and lasting. If the marriage happened to the wrong woman, our hero can completely abandon the family, rushing in search of other hobbies.

Not only the beauty of the sound attracts the name Herman. The origin of the name, its meaning and energy have a strong influence on a person. Character, talents, personal life, career development and even health - all this is to some extent determined by the name.


The history of the name Herman goes back to the 10th century. It first appeared in Byzantium. Given the wide prevalence in different countries, there are several versions about the origin of the name Herman:

  • In Latin there is a word germanius. It is translated as "close", "native", "brotherly". There are also translation options "true", "genuine", "real".
  • Another version is connected with the origin of man. That is, Herman is the one who arrived from Germany.
  • In translation from the ancient German language, the name means "warrior". In the Middle Ages, only those who were born into a noble family were called that.

patron saint

In Orthodoxy, several saints bore the name Herman. One of the most revered figures is the martyr Germanus of Caesarea. The pagans seized him along with Saint Nicephorus and tried to force him to renounce the faith of Christ. The captives were unshakable in their faith, for which they were beheaded.

Owners of the name Herman celebrate name day on February 23, April 2, May 25, July 6, 11, 20, August 9, 12, 21, 25, September 15, 24, 8, 10, October, 2, 4, 12, 19, 26 November and December 26th.

Name horoscope

The science of astrology gives some idea of ​​the origin of names. The name Herman is characterized by the following parameters:

  • The patron planet is the Moon.
  • Suitable sign zodiac - Cancer.
  • Suitable color- grey.
  • Tree talisman - birch.
  • Mascot plant - water lily.
  • Totem animal - gazelle.
  • Favorable day of the week - Monday.

Description of personality

The owners of the name Herman are characterized by some similar personal qualities. Here are the key points to pay attention to:

  • The psyche is changeable. It closes in itself, then it turns the soul inside out during a frank conversation.
  • Will is weak. Subject to the influence of others.
  • Excitability is strong. Hermans are characterized by irascibility and imbalance, as well as frequent mood swings.
  • The reaction speed is too fast. They give in to experiences, not yet understanding the essence of what is happening.
  • The scope of activity is wide. Cannot focus on any one direction, which prevents a deep knowledge of the issue.
  • Intuition - female type. He is well versed in the essence of what is happening, but tends to draw hasty conclusions.
  • Intellect - analytical type.
  • Morality is low. Moral principles come last after pleasure and personal gain.
  • Activity is superficial. Outwardly, it shows violent activity, but inside it is somewhat indecisive.

What is Herman as a child

The meaning of the name Herman for a boy begins to appear at a very early age. In childhood, the owner of this name is characterized by the following features:

  • active and very emotional;
  • loves outdoor games and is prone to pranks;
  • prone to sudden mood swings;
  • painfully endures even the slightest setbacks;
  • requires increased attention from parents;
  • seeks independence from an early age;
  • very nervous and irritable;
  • painfully perceives criticism;
  • needs approval and praise.

Features of adolescence

The name Herman affects the teenager in a peculiar way. The origin of the name and its meaning are determined by the following character traits:

  • has natural charm and attractiveness;
  • in some cases, may show impudence;
  • able to adapt to changing circumstances;
  • has amazing creative talents;
  • loves attention;
  • is active in all spheres of life;
  • strives to always win;
  • loves praise and approval;
  • for the sake of profit is capable of deception.

The character of an adult man

When a man reaches adulthood, the meaning of the name Herman is fully revealed. Character can be described by the following main features:

  • strives for success and popularity;
  • hides his true face from others;
  • pays a lot of attention to appearance;
  • tireless in achieving goals;
  • loves crowded noisy companies;
  • noble and honest;
  • generously helps all who need it;
  • somewhat haughty;
  • irascible and irritable.

Letter-by-letter decoding

The secret of the name Herman lies in each individual letter that is part of it. Letter-by-letter decoding is given in the table.

Letter Decryption

Striving for self-improvement;

Good receptivity to new knowledge;

Amazing insight up to clairvoyance;

Propensity to rash risk and adventures;

Courage and fearlessness;

Pickiness and even squeamishness in the choice of people included in the close environment;

Inconstancy of views, beliefs and affections;

Unpredictability of actions and statements


Exceptional perseverance in achieving goals;

The need for self-expression;

The desire to stand out from the crowd;

Tendency to harsh statements and decisive actions;

Excessive emotionality;

Ability to prevent and resolve conflicts;

Simplicity and innate charm;

The ability to manipulate people;

Lovingness and the desire to surround yourself with a lot of friends


Courage and determination on the way to achieve goals;

performance and responsibility;

The desire to delve into the essence of what is happening, and not be content with superficial data;

optimistic outlook on life;

Exceptional self-righteousness in any situation;

The ability not to lose heart in case of failures;

Strong resilient spirit;

Ability to support people in difficult times


Internal energy;

Ability to solve the most complex problems;

Distrust of other people's experience, the desire to try everything and feel it yourself;

Ability to build far-reaching plans and implement them step by step;

Responsiveness and desire to surround loved ones with reverent care;

The desire to take into account other people's interests in any matters;

Sacrifice and self-giving


Active life position;

Craving for new knowledge;

Striving for success in all areas of life;

The desire for material well-being and physical comfort;

Willpower and fortitude;

Striving for popularity;

obsession with appearance;

Striving for complete independence and independence;

Expressed leadership qualities;

Inability and unwillingness to adapt to people and circumstances


Sharp mind and developed logical thinking;

Selectivity in relationships;

Inability to make concessions;

Diligence and responsibility in all spheres of life;

Striving for diversity and vivid impressions;

focus on health;

Exaggerated demands on members of the opposite sex

Hobbies and career

In a certain way, the origin of the name affects the development of a career. The name Herman defines the love of its owner for the bohemian life. From a young age, his main hobby is attending noisy parties and clubs. He likes to demonstrate his attractiveness, to make a good impression on others.

Given such a desire for publicity, the owner of the name Herman is trying to realize himself in a profession that will allow him to constantly be in public. It can be journalism or something related to art. In work for the sake of achieving goals, Herman will not spare himself, he will work hard. But if circumstances so require, he will go over the heads and even be able to substitute his colleagues. If the work does not bring material satisfaction to Herman, he will most likely realize himself in business.

Relationships with the opposite sex

In a close relationship are the meaning of the name and fate. The name Herman defines its owner as an amorous and frivolous person. Surrounded by attractive and charming young man always a lot beautiful girls. They literally idolize Herman, who willingly accepts courtship from the fair sex. There are many short-term novels in his life. The main interest is not romance, but intimate relationship as a vital necessity.

Herman values ​​his freedom very much. In addition, he is fixated on his own person. A girl for him is not so much a partner as part of the image. Moreover, the creative nature requires inspiration, which gives a feeling of love. But true sincere love happens to him extremely rarely. As a rule, strong feelings arise at a more mature age.

Family life

The meaning and origin of the name Herman determines the relationship of a person to the family. Marriage is not something vital for him. It's more of a hard-won solution. Closer to the age of 30, looking at others, the freedom-loving Herman begins to be ashamed of his loneliness. He chooses a spectacular girl as his wife, with whom it is not a shame to appear in society, who shares his hobbies.

Herman cannot be called an exemplary spouse. In difficult moments, he gladly accepts women's care and support, responding with full dedication. But when the clouds over Herman dissipate, the freedom-loving womanizer wakes up in him again, who is not averse to looking for thrill on the side. In this case, all household chores fall on the shoulders of the spouse.

Unfortunately, the Germans' first marriage often ends in divorce. The exception is when the spouse shows wisdom and patience in crisis years family life. As a rule, the birth of children helps the owners of this name to settle down. From this moment on, the Germans begin to pay more attention to the family, to be interested in economic issues.

Compatibility with female names

Interestingly, Germans are not compatible with all women. What name should the fair sex wear in order for the union with her to be harmonious? Here are the most good options:

  • Passionate and vibrant relationships are obtained with the owners of the names Anastasia, Maria, Barbara, Emma, ​​Lyudmila.
  • Strong and trusting relationships are obtained with the owners of the names Alexandra, Diana, Valentina, Lyubov, Nina, Nadezhda, Olga, Sofia, Polina.

But there are also bad combinations. It is quite difficult to establish relations with the owners of the names Alice, Valeria, Elizabeth, Daria, Christina, Natalia, Elvira.

Health status

When choosing the name Herman for a boy, parents should evaluate its impact on health. The first problems begin in childhood. Herman constantly suffers from colds, which do not pass without a trace for his body. TO adolescence chronic diseases of the respiratory organs are formed, some problems with the heart are observed.

For Herman, the problem of overweight is relevant. Therefore, it is important that he eat right and lead an active lifestyle. The problem may be exacerbated bad habits. Therefore, Herman should stay away from cigarettes and alcohol.

Notable name holders

The meaning of the name Herman and fate are closely interconnected. For a boy, the name must be chosen with all responsibility. To assess its impact on a person, check out the achievements of famous Germans. Here is just a partial list of them:

    German Galygin is a famous Russian composer who is considered a follower of Shostakovich and Myaskovsky.

    Hermann Cohen is a German-Jewish idealist philosopher. is the head of the Magdeburg neo-Keynesian school.

    Hermann Hesse is a famous German-Swiss writer and artist. In 1946 he won the Nobel Prize.

    German Lopatin - Russian revolutionary.

    German Titov - Russian cosmonaut.

    German Gref - statesman, chairman of the board of Sberbank of the Russian Federation.

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Herman, its origin, history, learn about the interpretation of the name.

  • Herman's zodiac - Pisces, Sagittarius
  • Planet - Moon
  • The color of the name Herman is dark gray
  • Auspicious tree - birch
  • Herman's treasured plant - water lily
  • Patron named Herman - termite
  • Herman's talisman stone - serpentine

What does the name German mean? consanguineous (name German of Slavic origin).

Historians say that the name Herman has several versions of origin. According to one of them, from the Latin meaning of the name Herman can be translated as “consanguineous”, “native”, “close”, “brotherly”. Also, from the Latin language, Herman can sometimes be interpreted as “real”, “true”, “genuine”.

There is a second version, according to which the name Herman is one of the variants of pronunciation and spelling of the ancient Germanic name Hermann or Hermann, meaning "warrior". However, many do not agree with this interpretation, saying that the name Hermann is independent.

According to the third version, the name Herman is a common noun, denoting the country from which the person came. So, before it was translated as "in Germany". Historians believe that the meaning of the name Herman could subsequently lead to the formation of a name for the Germanic nationality (Germans).

In Russia, the name Ermak is used, in Europe - Erman, Arman, Erman.

Herman Angel Day: The name Herman celebrates name days three times a year:

  • February 23
  • April 2
  • May 25

Positive traits of the name Herman: Solidity, endurance, nobility, self-confidence, courage, good disposition. A man named Herman is able to focus on an important matter, not paying attention to what is happening around him. Herman equally worthily endures both great grief and great joy.

Negative traits of the name Herman: Pride, arrogance, high self-esteem. Herman will not communicate with a person who is not of his circle. He behaves importantly, emphasized independently.

The nature of the name Herman: Herman grows up as an easily excitable and overly active child, which is why others often experience his irritability. The name Herman always perceives failures and defeats extremely painfully, but at the same time, parents do not need to patronize him from childhood in order to develop Herman's ability to cope with difficulties on his own. Moreover, the excessive care of the name Herman discourages - he simply stops learning, acting, does not set new goals for himself. Over time, he begins to realize that he can achieve a lot with the help of cunning. Yes, the nature of the name Herman is such that he will deceive if he finds out that he can benefit from it.

Herman's career rarely goes well. However, for best result he should pay attention to creative professions. For example, Herman can work in the field of literature, painting. A man named Herman is well versed in medicine and science, but does not always decide to associate his professional activity with them precisely because he cannot focus on specific task and he just lacks perseverance.

People around consider the name Herman to be unsociable, and someone sees in him a simpleton who is ready to tell about all his secrets. Indeed, the nature of the name Herman is very changeable, and one can never predict the line of his behavior in advance. Very often in the company Herman is very charming, and this, of course, attracts attention from the female. But the changeability of the nature of the name Herman and haste in making decisions are sometimes alarming, which leads to his failures in his personal life. Another feature of Herman is that he can get carried away by the woman he likes, forgetting about the family.

The name Herman is a cunning, irritable, quick-tempered, but often charming person. He is roguish, businesslike, will not miss the opportunity to make good money. The meaning of the name Herman often closes in on itself or, on the contrary, exposes its soul to everyone. Herman is very sensitive to failures, he has an unstable psyche. Has an analytical mindset, quick reaction, but does not like to concentrate.

Nature is quite contradictory. He achieves success in medicine, in research, artistic, musical and literary activities, has a penchant for technology. Weak spots Herman's body - lungs, heart and nerves.

In the love sphere, the name Herman - Herman's sexuality depends on the state of mind and circumstances. Women like it, marriage with him is difficult - this is an unreliable husband who does not love children too much. When his affairs are unsuccessful, a man named Herman especially needs his own nest, but as soon as happiness smiles at him, he can drop everything and go home; loves the bohemian lifestyle. He does not always achieve honor and titles in an honest way, is capable of deception and does not at all find such acts indecent.

Choosing a profession by name: The support of influential people helps the German name in work, career, business. Herman is given ample opportunities in almost any profession, whether it be science, technical specialties or even literature. A man named Herman can be an excellent administrator, leader. He patronizes executive and talented workers, punishing the negligent and undisciplined.

Herman's business and career: Herman tries to work without losses, and he succeeds. He is able to save, deny himself in many ways. His hardships are usually rewarded.

Love and marriage of Herman: The name Herman is popular with the "weaker" sex. He is never alone, a beautiful and worthy woman is always with him. The marriage of the name with Augusta, Victoria, Diana, Dora, Isolde, Christina, Mirra, Nonna, Susanna, Faina, Cheslava, Yana is favorable. Difficult relationships of the name are likely with Bronislava, Danuta, Eva, Zhanna, Edita.

Health and talents named after Herman: Since Hera's health is not very good in childhood, his parents surround him with attention and love, especially his mother. He has been attached to her all his life. Hera sometimes speculates on her poor health to get attention. It is better that his father raised him, he quickly begins to command his mother. The boy loves to be praised, comes up with various fantastic stories in which he is always the center of the story.

Herman is very attached to his parental home. As an adult, very often recalls the touching events of childhood. A man named Herman shows a weakness of character inherent in female natures. He can be irritable and short-tempered, but quickly pulls himself together.

Herman is a gifted person, in many areas of activity he can achieve great success, if addiction to alcohol does not interfere. Since his will is weak, there is a high probability of going out of the norm. But if Herman can resist this pernicious passion, luck will not leave him.

A man named Herman is artistic in nature, he has a great imagination. He can achieve success in the field of music, dance, clothing modeling, he is an excellent parodist, actor, journalist. "Winter" Herman is more strict, restrained, not succumbing to various temptations, he can be a military man, a writer, a doctor.

In his youth, Herman leads a vibrant bohemian life. He has many friends, he is a lover of women, loves to brag to both. The name Herman is a cheerful, witty, resourceful person. He dances beautifully, plays the guitar, sings. He is welcome in any company. In the maturity of the name Herman, you want to have your own family, but he is an unreliable husband. With a talented versatile bohemian man, it is very difficult for any woman. Everything will work out if Herman manages not to scatter, but to realize at least one of his many talents.

German name in other countries: The translation of the name Herman in different languages ​​​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On English language translated as Herman, on Italian: Ermanno, in German: Herman, in Ukrainian: German.

The fate of the name Herman in history:

  1. Herman of Alaska - saint in Orthodox Church, who was the head of the Russian spiritual mission on the island of Kodiak. Orthodox consider him the patron saint of America
  2. German Galynin - Russian composer, follower of Myaskovsky and Shostakovich
  3. Hermann Cohen - head of the Marburg school of neo-Kantianism, German-Jewish idealist philosopher
  4. Hermann Hesse - German-Swiss artist and writer who received the Nobel Prize in 1946
  5. German Lopatin - Russian revolutionary
  6. German Titov - Russian cosmonaut
  7. Hermann Goering - German statesman, political and military leader, representative of Nazi Germany
  8. German Gref - President and Chairman of the Board of Savings Bank Russian Federation, statesman
  9. Herman (? -?) - "boss", i.e. founder of the Valaam Monastery. His relics rest in the monastery church along with the relics of St. Sergius of Valaam. Other historians attribute St. Sergius and Herman to the time of St. Olga and consider them to be Greek missionaries active in the Finnish North.
  10. Of our contemporaries, the Siberian German Titov became famous all over the world - the second cosmonaut of the planet Earth, Hero of the Soviet Union
  11. Herman Melville (1819-1891) - the largest American romantic writer, author of adventure short stories and novels, the most significant of which is Moby Dick, or White whale". Herman Melville is recognized as a literary classic, and his novel Moby Dick, or the White Whale is the greatest American novel of the 19th century.

Herman: the meaning of the name for the boy, character and fate

When there are so many sciences and scientists proving that the name affects the fate of a person, it is somehow inconvenient to say the opposite. Though questions remain. For example, what do the fates of German Titov and Hermann Goering have in common? Is that world fame. But not all Germans on earth with a population of 7.5 billion are known.

Great commanders with the same name

However, there are a lot of examples that confirm the assertion that the name still affects the fate of a person. The most frequently cited is the fate of A. V. Suvorov. Born frail, small, weak, he became a great commander like Alexander Nevsky and Alexander the Great. Although the meaning of their name is translated as "protector". Well, you can’t call the last of the commanders cited a defender - he was a conqueror.

Name meaning

The meaning of the name Herman in translation from Latin has three versions of interpretation - consanguineous and only-begotten, close - fraternal, true and genuine. In a word, native and real - it is difficult to come up with a better description. There is an interpretation of the name Hermann with two "n" at the end. It translates as warrior or German. During the Great Patriotic War, the meaning of the name Herman for the boy was clearly negative. Neighborhood children in games accurately called him "fritz" or "nemchura". And there were plenty of foreign names in that period in Soviet Russia. The children of the war were born at a time when the ideas of world revolution and friendship with the proletarians of all countries, including the German ones, were still in the air.

So different

But in Russia, to which it came from Byzantium back in the 10th century, the name Herman has always been popular, it is enough to recall the “Queen of Spades” by A. S. Pushkin. The main character of this work is Herman. The meaning of the name in the traditional interpretation (whole nature, warrior) is not suitable. This is a person who seeks to get rich in any way, to hit the "jackpot". Although it is precisely these features, as stated in many articles, that the carrier possesses. Herman is an evil name, its owner is quick-tempered, irritable and cunning, capable of meanness and will not miss the opportunity to make money. But there are dozens of articles stating otherwise. In them, Herman, whose name in one of the interpretations is explained as “brother” and “genuine”, appears as a demanding and responsible intellectual, the undisputed leader in children's games and in adult activities. Somehow this bright image does not fit well with the roguish and incapable of faithful relations Herman from other articles. Let's just say, Herman is a name that implies the versatility and diversity of the person who wears it. According to the principle "nothing human is alien to him."

Passion turned profession

The interpretation of names has always been involved, but in our time this hobby has acquired global dimensions. The diversity of approaches and determinants is impressive. There are main versions and side ones, leading experts both domestic and foreign - P. Globa, P. Rouge, B. Khigir. Engaged in the interpretation of names and Pavel Florensky (1882-1937), philosopher and theologian. Based on such authorities, one can consider in more detail what Herman himself is, the meaning of the name, its influence on the character and fate of the bearer, the main features, both positive and negative.

Positive features

As a child, Herman, who is said to resemble his mother in many ways, is often irritable, lies for his own gain, and is highly excitable. However, he grows up as a man with a courageous and decisive character, an analytical mindset, the ability to break stereotypes, because he, in his energy, has a powerful potential. Such a person enjoys the respect of friends and sympathy from women. He has nobility and courage. Considering what has just been said, it can be argued that the significance of the name Herman for a boy is difficult to overestimate. A person with such a name, if one admits the thought of his influence on the fate of a person, is guaranteed a brilliant career. It is emphasized that in his youth Herman is the soul of the company, he is witty, cheerful, easily makes acquaintances and knows how to use connections. If we add that, as a rule, this is a gifted person, a humanitarian, then the image of a typical city dweller, a resident of the capital, a representative of the intelligent stratum of society, is formed.

Just awful

However, the negative traits of the bearer of the name are also significant - childish temper and irritability have not gone away, narcissism and inflated self-esteem, pride, coldness and arrogance have been added - such a person will never communicate with people outside his circle. He loves flattery, praise and is still a rogue. Given these interpretations, the meaning of the name Herman for a child should at least alert parents. But I would like to think that after all, the choice of a name is not a sentence. Millions of people live on Earth, not looking into dream books or interpreters of names, in accordance with their tastes and needs. In the end, their parents gave them a name, they have their own life, and you need to adapt only to the laws of the country in which you live, and not to the recommendations of the interpreters of names.

Winter and summer - not the same color at all

If you believe all these interpretations, then the meaning of the name Herman for the boy and his fate in the future also depend on the seasons. So, Herman, born in winter, is likely to be a fashion designer, since this dandy subtly feels new trends, his outfits are always “on the cutting edge of fashion”. In addition, he is convinced that he is right and knows how to defend his opinion. It should be noted that absolutely all Germans are sure that they are right, no matter what they do. A person with this name, born in the spring, has a cheerful disposition, witty, he is an excellent parodist and is a universal favorite. Summer Herman is a poet and romantic, he loves to dream and fantasize. The complete opposite of him is the bearer of the name, born in winter - a practical, active, sensible careerist. This is the spread of characteristics in one name Herman. The meaning of the name, character and fate are probably in some kind of relationship, but most likely, parents give a name to their child because they like it. After all, the name Herman is very beautiful. And how it corresponds to the photograph of the young German Titov. Blue-eyed, sophisticated, intellectual and clever, handsome, and even the second astronaut in the world.

Cheerful and egoist

You can continue to talk about the name "Herman". The meaning of the name, character, influence on fate, the subtleties of nature, the names of women suitable for cohabitation - all this and much more is widely available. You can find out that Herman is not a fool to drink and dances well, that he can make a successful career not only in the field of culture, but also in military affairs. Herman never loses self-control, he is not capable of a crazy act for the sake of love. An active lifestyle can undermine his health - the most vulnerable are the nervous system, stomach, lungs and heart. These "daffodils" are looking for their ideal for a very long time and often remain bachelors. Fortunately for women - because as a companion in life, Herman is unbearable - neither his wife nor children bind him to the house. The owner is none of him. But for some reason it is very pleasant to work under his leadership.

additional information

Speaking of the name, one cannot pass over in silence astrological characteristic- Herman is approached from the Sun planets, his zodiac sign is Aquarius. Preferred colors are green. The color of the name is dark steel and yellowish red. Herman's stone is chrysoprase.

Among the saints there are owners of this name. Herman of Valaam, reverend - July 11, September 24. Herman of Constantinople, Patriarch - March 25. German Solovetsky, hermit - July 12 and August 21. These days the Germans can celebrate their name days.

What does the name Herman mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate

Charming Witty Cheerful

German Sterligov, Russian political and public figure

Name origin: Latin

When you're lucky: Monday

When there are problems: Thursday

Important years of life: 19, 25, 32

Zodiac sign: Cancer

Lucky number: 4

What does the name German mean?

Since scientists cannot come to consensus where it came from, the meaning of the name Herman has a different interpretation.

To unravel its meaning, it is necessary to turn to the progenitor of many modern languages ​​\u200b\u200b- Latin. The Latin word Germanus is understood in three meanings, the first of which is "kindred, consanguineous."

According to the second version, its interpretation sounds like "native, fraternal", according to the third version - "genuine", "carrying the light of truth."

Also, this name can be spoken of as a common noun. In Latin, germanicus indicates the place of origin of a person, that is, in literal translation means "inhabitant of Germany" or "German".

In the ancient German language, we find the word “Hermann” close in sound and spelling, the meaning of which is explained as “warrior”.

Would you name your child by this name?
Not really

According to one of the most common versions, the origin of the proper name Herman is due to the common noun germanicus, which is given as "German" from the same Latin.

If we explain the origin of the name Herman from a scientific point of view, then we should turn to the Latin language, in which we meet the word Germanus - “true, genuine”.

For the first time this name appeared in Byzantium and gained wide popularity in the state.

It was given only to children of noble birth, who in the future became important statesmen, generals and even patriarchs.

IN XVIII history Herman's name has acquired a new sound, the name has become incredibly popular in many European countries. Such a turn is associated with the literary creation of Goethe "Hermann and Dorothea", popular at that time.

Forms of the name Simple: HeraFull: HermanOld: HermanAffectionate: Gerusha

As the history of many owners of the name shows, Herman can, without a doubt, be considered a darling of fate, who achieves everything thanks to his unique charm, and often slyness.

The main secret lies in his inner attractiveness and charm, so everything always gets away with it, and life's blessings go just on a plate with a blue border.

If you remember what the name Herman means, you understand how far this meaning is from the truth, since he does not hold cunning and hypocrisy. To attract attention to himself and get what he wants, he will not disdain any methods.

His pride is boundless, he is ambitious and vain. But for really great achievements, he lacks perseverance and hard work.

This does not mean that in Herman's characterization there are only negative traits. He is incredibly talented and can prove himself in the most various types arts from literature to dance.

The character is distinguished by lightness, wit, resourcefulness, an insatiable craving for fun, where Herman appears, it is always a holiday and interesting.

The description of the name cannot be superficial, because its owner, only at first glance, may seem like a carefree simpleton.

In fact, in the soul of someone who at birth received the name Herman, a whole volcano of passions boils. Whatever position he occupies in society, guided by ambition, he always wants more.

Herman's characterization lacks decisiveness and strong-willed qualities. Being a mother's favorite, from childhood she got used to the fact that all whims are satisfied, and at a conscious age she is ready to achieve prosperity by proxy.

For Herman, gifted with truly outstanding talents and intellect, the ways of their implementation are a mystery behind seven seals. The nature of the name Herman does not exclude that its owner will always choose the easiest paths.

The patronymic can soften this name and strengthen its positive characteristics, the most suitable would be Valentinovich, Georgievich or Romanovich.

If success goes to Herman's head, others will stop liking him, and without their sympathy, you can very quickly lose everything you have.

Character traits Charm Creativity Wit Friendliness Optimism Laziness Vanity Irritability Irresponsibility Cunning

The windiness, carelessness and irresponsibility of such a man are the reason that his compatibility in a couple is really close to zero.

Full of contradictions and difficulties, the characterization of the name Herman, as well as his irresistible charisma, beckon the representatives of the opposite sex like a magnet.

Good and bad couples Ada Valentina Larisa Marina Sofia Alisa Valeria Inna Lilia Svetlana

But, recognizing his character, they fly from him like butterflies from fire. However, this does not bother Herman himself, because he has few serious attachments to anyone.

He is alien to the desire for stability, responsibility to loved ones. Life with him is akin to life in a seismically unsafe region - now you are immensely happy, and in a second happiness is completely destroyed.

For Herman, only his own interests and life for his own pleasure are of primary importance. He is unlikely to make a caring father of the family; children do not cause too ardent feelings.

When is the name day?

February 23 April 2 May 25 July 6, 11, 20 July 9, 12, 21, 25 August 15, 24 September 8 October 2, 4, 12, 13, 19, 26 December 26 © Author: Alexey Krivenkiy. Photo: depositphotos.com

Name Herman. Meaning and destiny

The name Herman is originally Latin and is translated from this language as "consanguineous." In German, the name Herman is quite common, but among the Germans it has a different meaning and character.

Name Herman. Meaning in childhood

Giving the baby the name Herman, it is worth considering in advance that his health will be lame - constant colds cannot be avoided. You have to pay close attention to the child.

Most of all, the child is attached to the mother. This will stay with him for the rest of his life. To avoid strong female influence, the father of the baby, who loves affection, attention and does not tolerate loneliness, should take on the main part of the upbringing. Herman grows up as a talented and versatile child. Can easily achieve success in any endeavors. This will stick with him for the rest of his life. He feels comfortable both as a simple worker and on leadership position, although the second is much closer to him. He is demanding of employees, does not forgive mistakes, gets very upset at failures, from which he can withdraw into himself.

Name Herman. Significance in the professional field

The field of activity for Herman can be any: it is science, and literature, and any technical specialty, if it is of interest to him.

Ambiguous male name Herman. Relationships with the opposite sex. Family and marriage

Herman has a natural charm. Popular with women. From communication with him, the girls are completely delighted. He loves noisy companies in which he acts as a ringleader. It is difficult to call Herman a family man, because he strives for a family, but he is in no hurry to start it, which risks remaining lonely for life. He is a useless husband, but if he comes across a persistent woman who can reveal his full potential, perhaps everything will turn out well. He should not get involved in alcohol - this can lead to big problems.

Characteristics of the name Herman. Negative traits

German suffers from high self-esteem from his success in the labor field, because of this he clearly divides the people around him into friends, acquaintances and relatives. If a person is below him in level, he will never communicate with him. He is so arrogant that, while helping his relatives, he will not fail to demonstrate his position. There should be a person next to him who will restrain his obnoxious nature, especially his arrogance. Otherwise, Herman risks losing all his friends, and with them luck in business and life in general.

Name Herman. Significance for the history of Russia

The name Herman came to Rus' along with the rest Christian names in the X-XI centuries. Basically, this name was popular with the church elite. This name became known thanks to Herman of Valaam, who, together with the monk Sergius, built and founded the Valaam Monastery. Subsequently, German received the popular nickname "the miracle worker of Valaam."

Name Herman. Significance for a person and his destiny

The name Herman is very soft, kind, dear, close. But, choosing this name for the baby, you should think carefully, because it carries mainly negative energy. Such a person requires special attention and constant monitoring. Otherwise, his life may turn out extremely badly and in all alone without friends and away from loved ones.

Characteristics of the name German | The secret of the name Herman

German - "one-begotten German" (lat.).

Characteristics of the name German

Health since childhood is not very strong. The nervous system, stomach, lungs, heart - everything needs attention. However, the boy often uses his ailments to attract someone's sympathy or skip school. The characteristic of the name Herman is tied to the house in which he was born. He is decisive and courageous, but sometimes he still shows the weakness characteristic of female natures. This introvert often closes in on himself, but at the same time he is not indifferent to flattery and compliments, he loves to flaunt himself. He tells various entertaining stories about himself that characterize him with the best side but, as a rule, all this is fiction.

The will of the secret of the name Herman is weak, his father should be engaged in his upbringing. Since the child is very excitable, his life is nervous and artistic. He is impressionable, he has an unstable psyche with constant ups and downs. Excessively sensitive to failures, often falls into despondency and even despair. Need this child to lead healthy lifestyle life, and his day was varied and fully occupied. Studying for Herman is the discovery of the world with all its problems, books are the comprehension of truths. It's hard for him to concentrate. Parents should follow the learning process, know what interests him, and guide him along the right path.

The characteristic of the name Herman has a great imagination, achieves success in the field of music, dance, and clothing design. He has a feminine intuition. Thinking is analytical. He needs to have both a parental nest and personal property, he must be sure that in his father's House he will always find shelter and a kind word. Often resorts to the help of the mother. But as soon as luck accompanies him, he forgets about his parents and leaves.

The nature of the name Herman

Herman is not guided by moral principles. From childhood, it is necessary to instill in the boy the norms of behavior, to teach him to stay within the bounds of decency. The degree of his sexuality depends entirely on the state of the soul and the environment. Activity in the work is somewhat superficial, he easily lights up with any idea, builds castles in the air, and then suddenly goes out and loses all interest in the work he has begun. Herman is sociable like a child, full of charm, especially for the female sex and most of all for his mother, whose love he enjoys in an unscrupulous way. The secret of the name Herman has many comrades, in front of whom he likes to show off and brag about his successes. He strong man, but it is not easy for the bearer of this name, it contains huge opportunities that are difficult to realize, but it is also very difficult to keep in oneself.

"Winter" Herman is more resistant to temptations of various kinds, unyielding, has his own opinion, gravitates towards writing, and is well aware of changes in fashion.

“Autumn” is reasonable, medicine and art occupy him most of all, he can become a sculptor, a journalist. Good combination with patronymics: Vladimirovich, Sergeevich, Mikhailovich, Petrovich, Alekseevich.

"Summer" - a poetic nature, this is a restless dreamer, a wonderful parodist, an actor.

"Spring" is a braggart, but he has something to be proud of. He dances beautifully, plays the guitar, is the ringleader in the company, everyone loves him.

What patronymic is suitable for the name Herman

Middle names are most suitable for such German: Arsenyevich, Yuryevich, Emilievich, Maksimovich, Naumovich, Ernestovich.

Herman - "one-begotten German" (lat.)

Health since childhood is not very strong. The nervous system, stomach, lungs, heart - everything needs attention. However, the boy often uses his ailments to attract someone's sympathy or skip school.

Herman is tied to the house where he was born. He is decisive and courageous, but sometimes he still shows the weakness characteristic of female natures. This introvert often closes in on himself, but at the same time he is not indifferent to flattery and compliments, he loves to flaunt himself. He tells various entertaining stories about himself that characterize him from the best side, but, as a rule, all this is fiction.

Herman's will is weak, his father should take care of his upbringing. Since the child is very excitable, his life is nervous and artistic. He is impressionable, he has an unstable psyche with constant ups and downs. Excessively sensitive to failures, often falls into despondency and even despair. It is necessary that this child lead a healthy lifestyle, and his day should be varied and fully occupied. Studying for Herman is the discovery of the world with all its problems, books are the comprehension of truths. It's hard for him to concentrate. Parents should follow the learning process, know what interests him, and guide him along the right path.

He has a great imagination, achieves success in the field of music, dance, clothing design. He has a feminine intuition. Thinking is analytical. He needs to have both a parental nest and personal property, he must be sure that in his father's house he will always find shelter and a kind word. Often resorts to the help of the mother. But as soon as luck accompanies him, he forgets about his parents and leaves.

Herman is not guided by moral principles. From childhood, it is necessary to instill in the boy the norms of behavior, to teach him to stay within the bounds of decency. The degree of his sexuality depends entirely on the state of the soul and the environment. Activity in the work is somewhat superficial, he easily lights up with any idea, builds castles in the air, and then suddenly goes out and loses all interest in the work he has begun. Sociable as a child, full of charm, especially for the female sex and most of all for the mother, whose love he enjoys in an unscrupulous way. He has many comrades, in front of whom he likes to show off and brag about his successes. He is a strong person, but it is not easy for the bearer of this name, it contains huge opportunities that are difficult to realize, but it is also very difficult to keep in oneself.

"Winter" Herman is more resistant to temptations of various kinds, not malleable, has his own opinion, gravitates towards writing, feels well the changes in fashion.

“Autumn” is reasonable, medicine and art occupy him most of all, he can become a sculptor, a journalist. It has a good combination with patronymics: Vladimirovich, Sergeevich, Mikhailovich, Petrovich, Alekseevich.

"Summer" - a poetic nature, this is a restless dreamer, a wonderful parodist, an actor.

"Spring" Herman is a braggart, but he has something to be proud of. He dances beautifully, plays the guitar, is the ringleader in the company, everyone loves him. Middle names are most suitable for such German: Arsenyevich, Yuryevich, Emilievich, Maksimovich, Naumovich, Ernestovich.

The meaning of the name Herman option 2

1. Personality. Jumping men.

2. Character. 77%.

3. Radiation. 79%.

4. Vibration. 79,000 vibrations/s

5. Color. Orange.

6. Main features. Excitability - speed of reaction - sociability - intuition.

7. Totem plant. Euonymus1.

8. Totem animal. Gazelle.

9. Sign. Twins.

10. Type. By character, these people are divided into two groups: those who are attached to their home, like their totem plant, the euonymus, and more restless and decisive with some features. female character, similar to their totem - a gazelle.

11. Psyche. They are introverts and often withdraw into themselves, but at the same time they are characterized by a certain exhibitionism - in the sense that they like to turn inside out. They tell numerous stories about themselves, most often fictional.

12. Will. Very weak.

13. Excitability. Such men lead an unbalanced, bohemian life. Herman is very impressionable, the psyche is unstable, subject to ups and downs.

14. Speed ​​of reaction. Excessive. Too sensitive to failure. They have many attachments, often dubious. Parents should try to ensure that their boys lead a healthy lifestyle.

15. Field of activity. Education for them is the discovery of the world and its problems, the knowledge of book truths. It is difficult for them to concentrate, so it is useful for parents to follow the studies of their sons. Some of them have a great imagination and achieve success in the artistic field or in music.

16. Intuition. Possess female intuition.

17. Intelligence. They have an analytical mindset.

18. Susceptibility. Here the inconsistency of the nature of such people is fully manifested. They need their own nest, and if they fail to build it, then they resort to the help of the family, especially the mother. But as soon as fortune smiles on them, they can leave him and go into the world.

19. Morality. In their actions they are not guided by moral principles; It would be good to teach these boys from childhood how they should behave in certain situations, so as not to lose their heads when faced with difficulties.

20. Health. Not very good. They often speculate on their poor health in order to draw attention to themselves. Weaknesses - lungs, heart and nervous system.

21. Sexuality. Such men have absolutely no destructive tendencies. Their sex life depends on the state of mind and circumstances.

22. Activity. Their activity is somewhat superficial. Easily catch fire, build castles in the sand, and then suddenly completely lose interest in the matter.

23. Sociability. As a child, Herman is full of charm, especially for his mother, who is sometimes simply pushed around. They are very sociable, they have many friends in front of whom they like to brag and show off.

24. Conclusion. It's an exciting name, though not easy to own; it holds great potential. A shrub plant containing gutta-percha.

The meaning of the name Herman option 3

Borrowed from the Latin language ("germanus" - native, uterine). This name, although beautiful, is evil - it rewards a person frankly bad temper and by no means the best.

Herman is cunning, irritable, quick-tempered. He is even capable of meanness and does not at all find such acts indecent. Businesslike, will not miss the opportunity to earn an extra ruble. Rogue.

Outwardly similar to his mother, Herman is often charming, women like him. But marriage with him is difficult - this is an unreliable husband, and even the children whom he does not really love are not able to bind him. Meanwhile, the Germans, as a rule, make a good career, doing science, literature, technology, medicine. They achieve honor and titles, however, not always in an absolutely honest way.

Not to be confused with the ancient Germanic name Hermann (with two "n"), meaning - a warrior (literally: a military man). A. S. Pushkin knew this well: he named the hero of The Queen of Spades precisely Hermann. “Hermann is a German,” he remarks through the mouth of another hero.

The meaning of the name Herman option 4

German - from lat. consanguineous.

Derivatives: Germa, Germusya, Musya, Hera, Gerunya, Gerusya, Gerukha, Gerusha, Gesha, Gema, Gemulya.

Folk omens.

If on September 24 the cranes fly south, then there will be frost on Pokrov, but if not, then winter will be later. Wheel road! - they shout to the cranes so that they return in the spring.


There is an opinion that this beautiful name promises a person not the most successful fate and a bad character. Courage, contempt for danger, the ability to always get your way - is that bad?

At the same time, Herman is cunning, irritable, quick-tempered, and sometimes rogue, capable of small and large dirty tricks. But he does not consider such actions forbidden for himself, because he is sure that all this is nothing compared to his business abilities, ability to work and earn money. Herman is charming, women like him, but as a rule he remains a faithful, reliable husband. Over the years, he begins to prefer career, honors, titles, money to everything.

famous namesakes.

Herman is one of the founders of the Valaam Monastery.

German (Kononovich) (? - 1737) - Archimandrite of the Chernigov Ilyinsky Monastery, an outstanding figure in church education.

German Wilhelmovich Abikh (1806−1877) - Russian geologist, explorer of the Caucasus.

Hermann Bloch (1886−1951) - Austrian writer.

German Stepanovich Titov - USSR pilot-cosmonaut, the second cosmonaut in the world. Hero of the Soviet Union.

The meaning of the name Herman option 5

GERMAN - consanguineous (lat.).

Name days: July 11 - Rev. Herman, Valaam miracle worker; together with Reverend Sergius founded the Valaam Monastery on Lake Ladoga and spread the Orthodox faith in Karelia in the 14th century.

September 12 - Rev. Herman and Rev. Zosima laid the foundation for the Solovetsky Monastery in the 15th century.

  • Zodiac sign - Cancer.
  • Planet - Moon.
  • Color - dark gray.
  • Auspicious tree - birch.
  • Treasured plant - water lily.
  • The patron of the name is termite.
  • Talisman stone - serpentine.


It is believed that this beautiful name rewards a person who is not the most good fortune and frankly bad temper. However, if courage, contempt for danger, the ability to always achieve one's own are bad qualities, then so be it. Of course, Herman is cunning, irritable, quick-tempered. He is rogue, capable of small and large dirty tricks, but does not at all consider such actions indecent. At work, he is quick-witted, businesslike, and will not miss the opportunity to earn an extra ruble. Herman is charming, women like him, but as a husband he is not very reliable. With age, he begins to prefer career, honors, titles, etc. to everything.

The meaning of the name Herman option 6

Herman is a hard, hard-sounding name. Cunning, irritable, quick-tempered. He is capable of meanness, although he understands that such actions are disgusting. Acquaintances makes only profitable ones, calls “the right people” friends.

In essence, in life he is alone, but does not suffer from this. Herman is businesslike, he will not miss the opportunity to earn an extra ruble, he can do private commerce. Rogue. Outwardly similar to the mother. Charming, like women. However, marriage with him is difficult, he is an unreliable husband, even the children whom he loves very much cannot tie him to the family.

Herman, as a rule, makes a good career, doing science, literature, medicine. Everywhere he achieves honors and titles, however, not always in an honest way.

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