Encyclopedia of fire safety

Christian truths for children in phrases. Christian parables - quotes

Words are backed up by deeds.

Gold is known in fire, man is in trouble.

Dawn God's deliverance often engaged when the darkest hour of trials comes.

There is peace in the soul when Christ rules the heart.

Faith in Christ is the bridge over the abyss of death.

The more you strive for heaven, the less you will like this world.

What matters is not how much we give, but how much we give.

Love never asks: "What will it cost me?"

God demands loyalty and rewards it richly.

In God's plan there is a place for every child of God.

If you know the truth, you will recognize the deceit.

Pray to know God, not just to get something from Him.

We praise God's name when we call Him Father and live like His Son.

To love God means to obey God.

The most reliable cleaning agent in the world is an honest confession before God.

When we are filled with pride, there is no place for wisdom in us.

There is nothing stronger than the truth. (Webster)

The one who loses his temper, then finds no place for himself anywhere.

Be tolerant of the shortcomings of others, because they also have to tolerate you.

The less we do today, the more we have left for tomorrow.

When we stumble, God sustains and leads us forward.

When Christ enters into someone's soul, He changes everything in it.

Our spirit will surely fail us if we are not filled with God's Spirit.

If we take care of our character, our reputation will take care of itself! (D.L. Moody)

It's never too early to plan for eternity.

If you get to know Christ, you will want others to know him too.

Is what you live for worth dying for?

Christ cares about us!

Take God's promises to heart, but never take them for granted.

We can stop forgiving others only when Christ stops forgiving us.

Big victories are born from big problems.

Your most expensive capital, life, invest in something that promises eternal dividends.

A good father shows the love of the Heavenly Father.

The noblest reason to be obedient to God is the desire to please God.

We don't have to be victims of circumstance, because Christ conquered all circumstances.

Plan how to pray and pray how to plan.

A good word can say more than whole volumes.

Peace can only be found by submitting to the will of God.

God's love is both strict and tender.

God operates in the shadows, but has complete control over everything that happens in the light.

If grief is shared with someone, it will be half as much.

Live as if Christ died yesterday and will come again today.

Christ takes away our sin and in return gives His salvation.

Christ gave everything for us. Do we give everything for Him?

We must consecrate ourselves to God every day, not once in a lifetime.

When Christians take on a task all together, the burden is shared and the result is multiplied by all.

The affairs of the family are the affairs of God.

Freedom gives us the right to do not as we want, but as God wants.

God's heirs cannot but be interested in the work that the Father has left them.

If we don't bring sin to clean water we encourage him.

We can get through everything if we know that Jesus is with us.

He who justifies his sin will never be justified for his sins.

If you avoid sin, you will never fall into it.

God can give you everything you need, just let Him give it to you.

If you are familiar with Christ as Savior, you have nothing to fear from Him as Judge.

If you look only at God, you will see the whole world more clearly.

The greatest joy on earth is a firm hope in heaven.

The more you love Christ, the more you will strive for heaven.

When we glorify Christ with our lives, even our silence speaks volumes.

In vain we hide our sin - then it turns out that we have warmed a snake on our chest.

Only God has the right to say who is right and who is wrong.

Believers are like coals: together they blaze with heat, but individually they die out.

What someone's life is worth is determined by the One who gives life.

Without labor there is no fruit. With difficulty - it happens, and what else!

Only he who believes is obedient, only he who is obedient believes.

We can't live our Christian lives on your own, his own strength will.

God does not see any other meaning of human life than to bear fruit.

To love God, to love Him truly, means to live according to His commandments, no matter what it costs you.

I decided to follow the Lord with all my heart. I also decided: it doesn’t matter if others are faithful to God, I will be faithful.

Likeness to Christ, spiritual maturity is obedience.

Our relationship with our Heavenly Father, although reliable, is not static. He wants His children to know Him more and more.

Relationship with God is not lower, but higher than any other.

It is not difficult for the God Who created this world to reveal Himself to those who sincerely want to know Him.

God is where the humble heart is.

Those who have met God now will have eternity ahead of them to know Him.

All our knowledge of God and all that we need from Him depends very much on how we relate to Christ.

When we accept Jesus Christ, holiness begins. When we revere Christ, holiness increases. But when we cannot even imagine life without Christ, this is complete holiness.

A relationship with God begins with fear, which leads us to security, confidence, and joy in His love.

You can distinguish the right fear of God from the wrong if you look at where this fear leads you - closer to God or away from Him.

To know God closer and closer means to love what He loves and hate what He hates.

Of one thing you can be sure. Your relationship with the Lord will change - either for the better or for the worse, but they will definitely change.

Knowing that Christ died is history. To believe that He died for me is salvation.

We are saved not by diligence, but by faith.

We find the strength we need in the one whom the Father has sent to give us all the fullness of life.

Orthodox parables are not only church, but also worldly knowledge and wisdom that have been accumulated for centuries. They are often, as we see from the Gospel, used by Jesus Christ himself.

What are Christian parables

In fiction and esoteric literature, we often meet different kind educational stories and stories. But they have little in common with the Christian tradition.

Definition and description

As a rule, they, especially Christian parables for children, are short and written in a simple and figurative language. They convey the basic ideas of Christianity.

Authorship of works

As you know, the most important book for Christians is the Bible. Quotes from Holy Scripture are often used by clergy in their spiritual sermons about faith.

They appeared in Palestine in the 1st century AD. And their first author was Jesus Christ himself. Many instructive stories can be found in the Gospel of Matthew, some of them are told by John Chrysostom.

Many spiritual writers and preachers later resorted to this genre, and it is not forgotten in our time.

Orthodox parables

IN different places and different epochs, stories about the exploits of the elders were collected and systematized, telling about their attitude to God and love. The heroes of these stories are simple and unsophisticated, alien to craftiness and self-interest. They are easy to read and remember, morality will endure any student.

Many stories are collected in the widely known collection "Ancient Patericon". Elder Paisios Svyatogorets, not without humor, recalls the hermits of Athos, instilling goodness and peace in the hearts of his listeners. Saint Nicholas of Serbia, like a fiery missionary, with the help of capacious aphorisms and vivid images, attracts new novices under the banner of Christ. And our contemporary, Archpriest Artemy Vladimirov, using contemporary comparisons, again returns to the eternal theme of the fall of man and the atonement of his sins by Jesus.

The most popular stories are on everyone's lips, let's recall some of them:

  • about the return of the prodigal son;
  • about faith;
  • about three friends;
  • about pride and humility;
  • about footprints in the sand
  • about a restless dog.

Let's retell latest story, in which, in apparent simplicity, deep meaning.

Once, a doubting Christian, like the New Testament Thomas, asked a familiar old man a question that had long tormented him:

"How can a person refrain from earthly sin when there are so many temptations around, and sometimes even monks, unable to withstand the test, return to the sinful world?"

Here is the response that followed:

“When a dog chases a hare, the whole pack rushes after him, but only one pursues him to the end. This is how you need to seek God, overcoming all difficulties, until you reach the goal.

Let's take another story.

The woman raised two sons. They were, as they would say now, small entrepreneurs: they sold umbrellas and dyed fabrics. And that's what bothered a loving mother. When the sun was shining, no one needed umbrellas, and when it rained, the fabrics got wet. She was very sad about this, her sons' business depended on the vagaries of nature.

But met her a wise man and here's what he suggested:

“If it rains, then rejoice for the youngest son; if the sun shines, rejoice for the elder.”

The woman took the advice, and peace and joy settled in her heart.

Significance of Scripture

to the bible Orthodox Church looks at something inseparable, and puts the gospel at the forefront. Old Testament regarded as preparation for it, and New Testament, as the most authoritative interpretation of the good news given by the Master to his disciples.

Moreover, unlike Western theological schools, the Orthodox Church does not oppose the Scriptures of the Holy Apostles to the Tradition of the Holy Elders.

What the Bible teaches

The main book of believers shows people the way to goodness and love, since God "is love."

It turns people away from evil deeds and bad thoughts, teaches them to live according to God's laws.

bible quotes

Sayings from the Bible are another inexhaustible storehouse of wisdom from which the afflicted quench their thirst in search of their God. The Bible tells us how to build relationships with our neighbors, to solve certain life problems and tasks. In it you can find the answer to almost any question and get advice on any situation.

The most important advice is contained in God's commandments, let's name the very first:

  1. “I am the Lord your God… Thou shalt have no other gods before Me” (1st Commandment).
  2. “Do not make for yourself an idol or any image of what is in the sky above, and what is on the earth below, and what is in the water below the earth. Do not worship them and do not serve them” (2nd commandment).
  3. “Do not take the name of the Lord your God in vain; for the Lord will not leave without punishment the one who pronounces his name in vain” (3rd commandment).

In addition, many more aphoristic phrases and sentences can be cited. The Bible is literally strewn with them.

The most famous of them:

"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."

(Mt. 5:1-12)

"Do not listen to empty rumors, do not give your hand to the wicked, to be a witness of iniquity."

(Ex. XXIII, 1)

“Do not speak into the ears of a fool, for he will despise your reasonable words.”

(Book of Proverbs of Solomon. XXIII, 9)

"Whoever digs a hole will fall into it himself, and whoever puts up a net will himself be caught in it."

(Book of Wisdom of Jesus, son of Sirach. XXVII, 29)

Instructions for every day

Once in a Christian circle, believers do not always know how to behave and need daily guidance. Spiritual fathers do not deprive their flock of attention, taking them under vigilant guardianship and care.

More than 100 years ago it was said:

“Whoever does not read the books of the Holy Fathers now cannot be saved.”

Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov

One of these books is the "messages" of the Monk Abba Dorotheus for all days of the week. The teacher asks not to allow even minor sins, to avoid slander and condemnation, not to lie, not to fornicate, not to show anger and contempt even in the most conflict situations. Otherwise, you are insulting Christ himself.

Christian teaching is a very harsh Way, infinitely far from that sentimental Christianity that has been created by modern preachers.

The center of Christian teaching is the person of Jesus Christ, who was born at the beginning of our era and crucified, according to legend, around 33 AD. His life, short activity and His teaching are described in the Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles of the Apostles and the Apocalypse. There are four canonical gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. But based on the fact that Jesus Christ had twelve close disciples, later called apostles, it can be assumed that there were twelve Gospels, of which only four got into the New Testament. Confirmation that there were more than four Gospels is found in Nag Hammadi (Upper Egypt) of manuscripts from the first centuries of our era. You can get acquainted with some of them thanks to their translation into Russian, made by M. K. Trofimova. The same can be said about the Epistles of the Apostles. But in the New Testament there are fourteen Epistles of the Apostle Paul, one - James, two - Peter, three - John and one - Jude.

The twelve apostles and the twelve gospels associated with them probably have a place in connection with none other than twelve types of people. Since each type of person in the same phenomenon or event sees something of his own, imperceptible to others, but important to him, the most complete picture of what is happening can be obtained only by becoming acquainted with all twelve points of view. Second important point, speaking in favor of this hypothesis, is that the most full perception information is possible when the transmitter and receiver are of the same type of people. For example:

"Why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not feel the beam in your eye? Or how will you say to your brother: let me take the speck out of your eye - but there is a log in your eye? Hypocrite! first take the log out of your eye, and then you will see how to take the speck out of your brother's eye.” (Matt. 7:3-5)

“You see the speck in your brother’s eye, but you don’t see the beam in your own eye. When you take the log out of your own eye, then you will see how to take the speck out of your brother's eye." (Form 31)

The difference between the two statements is only in the way a person defines “the beam in his own eye”: in the Gospel of Matthew - through feeling, and in the Gospel of Thomas - through vision; that is, the channels of perception and transmission of information are: emotional - in Matthew and mental - in Thomas.

The purpose of the teaching of Jesus Christ is to reach the Kingdom of Heaven. Moreover, it is interesting that it, the Kingdom of Heaven, belongs to a few (and not all), that the gates to it are narrow and the path is narrow, that only a few will be able to pass it, thus achieving salvation, that those who will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven, - just straw that will be burned.

“Already the ax lies at the root of the trees; every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire…” (Matt. 3:10) “His shovel is in His hand, and He will cleanse His threshing floor, and gather His wheat into a barn, and burn the chaff with unquenchable fire.” (Matt. 3:12)

What is the Kingdom of Heaven? Here are some characteristics of the Kingdom of Heaven given by Jesus Christ himself:

“The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field; which, although smaller than all seeds, yet when it grows up, is larger than all herbs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and take refuge in its branches. (Matt. 13:31-32) “The kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took and put into three measures of meal until it was all leavened.” (Matt. 13:33)

This means that the Kingdom of Heaven is at first something small, which, starting to act, captures everything and changes it, that is, what is obtained as a result of the action of this small one completely changes the original.

“The kingdom of heaven is likewise like a merchant looking for fine pearls, who, having found one precious pearl, went and sold everything he had and bought it.” (Mat. 13:45-46)

“Seek the Kingdom of God most of all…” (Luke 12:31)

This means that the Kingdom of Heaven does not come by itself, it requires a search.

“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a net thrown into the sea and seizing all kinds of fish, which, when it was full, they dragged it ashore and sat down, collected the good in vessels, and threw away the bad.” (Mat. 13:47-48)

The kingdom of heaven requires choice and selection; that is, in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, a person must know what is good and what is bad for the Kingdom of Heaven. He must also be able to keep the good and throw away the bad. And since parting with something of one's own is a sacrifice, it means that a person must be able to sacrifice.

“The kingdom of God is like if a man casts a seed into the ground, And sleeps, and rises night and day, and how the seed rises and grows, he does not know; For the earth itself produces first greenery, then an ear, then a full grain in an ear,

When the fruit ripens, he immediately sends a sickle, because the harvest has come. (Mark 4:26-29)

Man is responsible for sowing the seeds of the Kingdom of Heaven and for the harvest, but sprouts and growth no longer depend on man. Another saying of Jesus Christ indicates where the Kingdom of Heaven is located and where it is necessary to throw its grains, and where to throw the net:

“But being asked by the Pharisees when the Kingdom of God would come, he answered them: The Kingdom of God will not come in a conspicuous way, And they will not say: “Behold, it is here,” or: “Behold, there.” For behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:20-21)

This means that the Kingdom of God is the inner world of man. But since the ordinary inner world of a person who has not encountered the teachings of Christ is the world of mammon, a world where wealth is the main value, it must be changed. “I tell you a secret: we will not all die, but we will all change...” (1 Corinth. 15:51) - says the Apostle Paul.

The inner world of a person who wants to enter the Kingdom of Heaven must include the values ​​of this Kingdom. Jesus Christ speaks about these values ​​and ways of achieving them most of all in the New Testament.

One of characteristic features The Christian Path, unlike Judaism, is the necessity of the traveler's own efforts to achieve the traits necessary in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven:

“From the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom Heavenly power is taken, and those who use force delight it.” (Mat. 11:12)

“The law and the prophets before John; From now on, the Kingdom of God is proclaimed, and everyone enters into it by force.” (Luke 16:16)

The primary condition for a person to enter the Path of Christianity is his repentance. A very big problem in understanding the Gospels is that often we do not know exactly what meaning was put into many words by one or another actor because the meaning of words changes over time. The same applies to the word "repentance". In the modern interpretation, the word "repent" is always supplemented by the words "in sins", that is, "repent of sins." John the Baptist and Jesus Christ said:

"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." (Mat. 3:2; 4:17)

The word “repent” means “to return to the source”, that is, it implies some kind of experience that returns a person to the beginning of his life, when he was closest to God and the human world had not yet imposed its bonds on him. The following words of Jesus Christ resonate with the last statement of Jesus Christ:

"Truly I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven." (Mat. 18:3)

In every tradition, the problem of space and time is solved in one way or another. It is known that space and time are related to each other: the product of the quantity inner space and the rate of passage of time is a constant value. The larger the value of the internal space, the slower the time passes, and vice versa, the smaller the value of the internal space, the faster the time flows: that is, time is a psychological value that depends on the internal state of a person. Remember at least how time is perceived by a person, when he is waiting and when he is late. It has now been proven by science that a year of the life of a five-year-old child is equal to ten years of a fifty-year-old person. And only in ordinary consciousness was the opinion established that the passage of time is a constant value, directed from the past through the present to the future, that time is a one-dimensional value. Astronomical time, which has one measurement coordinate and a constant flow rate, is used by people for convenience. Everyday life. Time, like space, has three measurement coordinates, and eternity is one of these coordinates. Jesus Christ was well aware of this and offered his disciples a method of working on this problem - to repent (to return to the source, that is, to 0 coordinates) and, being in the state of a child, enter another time - eternity. Like any wisdom, the sayings of Jesus Christ have a multi-level system of knowledge, the reading of which depends on the state of human consciousness. Therefore, this interpretation is not the only one.

Great importance in the Christian tradition is given to Sermon on the Mount Jesus Christ as the quintessence of this teaching:

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when they reproach you and persecute you and slander you in every way unjustly for me; Rejoice and be glad, for great is your reward in heaven; so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” (Matt. 5:3-12)

Poverty of spirit, weeping, meekness, hunger and thirst for truth, mercy, purity of heart, peacemaking, exile for truth, reproach, persecution and all kinds of unjust reproach for Jesus Christ - this is what is necessary and what awaits a person who has embarked on the Path of Christianity. "Poor in spirit" is a very cryptic expression that has been interpreted and interpreted in different ways, but the direct meaning of this expression is forgotten. People agree to many humiliations, but they will never agree and did not agree that they are spiritually poor. Spiritual wealth is considered a priori to belong to a person. But if you are rich in something or think that you are rich, then naturally you do not make any effort to increase what you consider wealth. You do not ask God for this, because you have it. And if you do not ask, then you will not be given. We, in fact, are poor in spirit, but, thinking the opposite, we close the door for the arrival of spiritual wealth.

The lie, as it permeated all of humanity, continues to permeate it and, perhaps, has increased even more since the time of Jesus Christ, since before the mind did not play such a big role in people's lives. People lie both consciously and unconsciously, and the latter is more common than the former. That is why “hunger and thirst for truth” is so important for the disciples of Christ, since one cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven without such an ability.

Jesus Christ had twelve disciples close to Him, later named Apostles: Simon (Peter), his brother Andrew. James Zevedeev, his brother John, Philip, Bartholomew (in the Gospel of John - Nathanael), Thomas, Matthew, James Alpheus, Judas Leveveus (Thaddeus), Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot.

Thanks to the direct vocation, numbered among these twelve, Paul also considered himself. Paul's real name was Saul. He was born into a family of Jewish diaspora - wealthy enough to give his son a classical education along with a thorough study of the Torah - and was a Roman citizen and Pharisee. At first he belonged to the persecutors of Christians, but he converted to Christianity, having received a vision of Christ on the road to Damascus. Soon his missionary activity began, which consisted in the spread of Christianity outside of Judaism.

The Christian religion is currently one of the most numerous on Earth. Its story is like a tree in the process of growth: it has large and small branches, some of them suddenly stop developing, while others, having remained small for a long time, suddenly sprout with many shoots, and some of the shoots themselves become large branches.

After a millennium of united existence, although the Christianity of the East and the Christianity of the West had been different for many centuries, in 1054 Christianity officially split into Catholicism and Orthodoxy. At the end of the XV and the beginning of the XVI centuries. Protestant reformation began in Catholicism, which led to the emergence of Protestantism. In Orthodoxy, there are fifteen autocephalous (independent) churches and several autonomous ones. Protestantism includes three main currents - Lutheranism, Calvinism, Anglicanism - and a large number of sects, many of which have turned into independent churches: Baptists, Methodists, Adventists, etc.

Parables of mankind. (5)

Evening comes, darkness falls on the city and the children go to their beds to fall asleep sweetly. But before enjoying pleasant dreams, every child likes to listen to fairy tales that will remain in your heart for life. Then why not combine business with pleasure and read to your child at night useful and instructive parables for children.

A parable is a short story that contains the wisdom of our ancestors. Often, parables for children are instructive stories on some moral topic. Previously, they were used as one of the ways of raising children, since they are understandable to every child, easy to remember and as close to reality as possible. Thus, parables differ from fables, which are very allegorical and not always clear to young listeners. Children's parables tell about friendship, family and family values, about good and evil, about God and much more.

Biblical and Orthodox parables for children

For centuries, the Bible has been the most famous book worldwide. These are not only sacred texts for Christians, but also the greatest monument of the cultural heritage of mankind. Biblical parables are found on the pages of the Old and New Testaments. Of course, it will be difficult for young children to understand all the sacred meaning that is hidden in biblical texts, but with the help of parents, the child will be able to understand them. The most famous Orthodox parables for children are the parables “ About the prodigal son”, “ About the publican and the Pharisee”, which tell children about mercy and forgiveness, the parable “ About the Good Samaritan”, which teaches kids kindness and compassion, and many others. Jesus Christ very often communicated with his followers through parables, since they help to understand the meaning of all that is hidden.

Short parables for children

Some children, especially very young ones, do not like long stories; it is much easier for them to understand short texts with simple conclusions. In this case, you can read short parables for children to the child every evening. And each time an instructive and interesting story which will remain in memory.

We especially recommend friendship parables for children- for example, the parable of the nails. Very often children say something evil and bad to their friends and relatives. This parable will help them understand how important it is to appreciate loved ones and not offend them with careless words.

Children's parables about good and evil are probably the most useful for our younger generation. After all, a child does not have life experience, so it is difficult for him to distinguish bad from good, good from evil, white from black. You need to teach the kid basic concepts, and parables about good and evil for children will be most useful. We recommend reading: " Good fox", "Grandfather and death".

Parables can teach everything. The most important and useful little stories are parables about family and family values, because there is nothing more important in our life. It is especially useful for children to read parables about a mother, about love, about good and bad, about truth and lies.

Teach and educate your child early childhood, then in the future it will grow up good and kind person responsive to the suffering of others, merciful and honest. Only in this way will our world become kinder and cleaner!

When a person was still a child, his grandmother always told him: “Granddaughter, when you grow up big, your heart will feel bad - you go to the temple, it will always be easier for you there.” The man has grown. And he began to live somehow completely unbearable. He remembered his grandmother's advice and went to a certain temple. And then someone comes up to him: “You don’t hold your hands like that!” The second one runs up: “You’re not standing there!” The third grumbles: “Not dressed like that!” Behind pull up: "Wrong baptized!" And then a woman came up and said to him:

Man, you'd better leave the temple, buy yourself a book on how to behave here, and then come in.

A man came out of the temple, sat down on a bench and wept bitterly. And suddenly he hears a voice:

Why are you crying, my child?

The man raised his tear-stained face and saw Christ. Speaks:

God! They won't let me into the temple!

Jesus embraced him

Don't cry, they won't let me in either.


In Egypt, where in deep Christian antiquity there were many great monasteries, one monk was friends with an unlearned, unsophisticated fellah peasant. Once a peasant said to a monk:

I also honor the God who created this world! Every evening I pour goat's milk into a bowl and place it under a palm tree. At night God comes and drinks my milk. He likes it very much! Never had anything left in the bowl. Hearing these words, the monk could not help laughing. He good-naturedly and clearly explained to his friend that God does not need goat's milk. However, the peasant stubbornly insisted on his own. And then the monk suggested the next night to secretly trace what happens after the bowl of milk remains under the palm tree.

No sooner said than done: at night, a monk and a peasant hid nearby and in the moonlight soon saw how a fox crept up to the bowl and lapped up all the milk clean. The peasant was struck by this discovery like a thunderbolt.

Yes, - he ruefully admitted, - now I see - it was not God! The monk tried to console the peasant and began to explain that God is a Spirit, that He is completely different in relation to our world, that people recognize Him in a special way ... But the peasant only stood before him with bowed head, and then wept and went to his shack . The monk also went to the cell. But, going up to her, he was amazed to see an angel at the door, blocking his way. The monk fell to his knees in fear, and the Angel said:

This common man there was no education, no wisdom, no bookishness to honor God otherwise than he did. And you, with your wisdom and bookishness, took away this opportunity from him. You will say that, without a doubt, you judged correctly? But one thing you do not know, sage: God, looking at the sincere heart of this peasant, every night sent a fox to the palm tree to console him and accept his sacrifice.

So God bless!

Once upon a time there lived a peasant who loved God. And so his heart fell in love with God that only He lived. The peasant had two sons, and behold, one of them died. “So God allowed!” - said the peasant, grieving with his wife. Some time later, another son was born to him. "So God bless!" - the peasant was delighted, congratulating his wife on the birth of a child. The next year there was a crop failure in his field. “So God allowed!” - said the peasant to his wife, coming from the field. The next year he collected big harvest. "So God bless!" - the peasant shared his joy with his wife. “What did you do all the same - God yes God? It's like you don't know what to say anymore! - the wife flared up. “Well, what do you say now?” - "So God allowed it!" he replied. “Again you are on your own! Anyway! And it’s good that you love to work and feed your family!” calmed down, said the wife. "So God bless!" agreed the peasant.

In order not to walk preoccupied with haste

One day Abba Ammon went to cross the river. He found a ship ready to sail and sat down beside it. At this time, another ship sailed further, going to the same place, and the people who were on it began to call him.

He also replied:

I will only board a public ship. The abba had a bunch of palm branches with him; he sat down, weaving the rope, and then unraveling it again, and weaving until the public ship set sail and he crossed to the other side. The brothers, bowing to him, asked:

Why did you do it?

The old man replied:

In order not to walk preoccupied with haste.

Path to salvation

An old man was asked: "How can a zealous Christian not be tempted when he experiences so many temptations: the world opposes him in every possible way, he sees monks returning to the world, understands his own weakness, etc.?"

The elder replied: “Let him imagine dogs chasing hares. When one of them sees a hare, he immediately rushes after him - the others see only the chasing dog and at first also run after it, and then return back; the first dog that saw the hare is alone she pursues until she catches him, she is not distracted from her goal by the fact that other dogs have fallen behind, turning back, she does not look at the rapids, nor at the forest thickets, nor at the thorny bushes, and, running through thorns, is often injured, but And so the one who seeks the Lord Christ steadily strives for Him, overcoming all the temptations he encounters, until he reaches the goal.

human ways

A certain monk prayed earnestly saying:

Lord, you are merciful and patient, so why is it so hard to save a soul and why is hell full of sinners?

He prayed for a long time, asking God this question. And finally, the Angel of God Appears to him and says:

Come, I'll show you the ways that people walk. They left the cell and the angel led the elder into the forest.

Do you see that woodcutter who carries a heavy bundle of firewood and does not want to throw off even a little for relief? asked the cherub.

In the same way, some people bear their sins and do not want to repent. After that, the angel shows the old man a well with water and says:

Do you see the madman who draws water from the well with a sieve? So people repent. They draw the grace of forgiveness, and then they sin again and the grace flows away like water through a sieve.

Again the angel shows the man to the monk and says:

Do you see this one who put a log across the horse and tries to ride into the temple of God, but the log gets stuck in the door? So people do their good deeds - without humility and in pride - not knowing their price. And now, judge for yourself, is it easy for God to save such people, conforming mercy to His justice?

An unprofitable gift

It was said about one of the fathers that for seven years he asked God for a gift, and it was given to him.

After that, he went to one great old man and announced to him about the gift. The elder, having heard, was grieved, saying: great work! and said to him:

Go, fulfill another seven years, praying to God that your gift be received from you; because it's not good for you.

He went and did so until it was taken away from him.

Perfect and supreme obedience

Once Francis of Assisi was sitting among his comrades and, sighing, said:

You can hardly find a monk all over the world who would completely obey those who rule over him.

Surprised, his comrades asked him:

Explain to us, father, what is perfect and supreme obedience.

And he presented the truly obedient in the form of a dead body:

Take the lifeless body and put it wherever you like; you will see, it will not object if they start moving it, it will not grumble wherever it is placed, it will not cry out if it is carried away. If you put it on a pulpit, it will not look up, but down. If you put it in purple, it will appear doubly pale. This is the true obedient; he who does not reason why he is moved, does not care where he is placed, does not insist on being moved. Raised to some position, he retains his habitual humility. The more he is revered, the more unworthy he considers himself.


A fierce storm that broke out in the open ocean sank the ship. The indifferent element did not spare anyone, except for one person. He woke up at dawn, washed ashore by a wave, the only survivor.

The man wandered along the shore in the hope of finding people and soon returned to the place from which his path began. It was an island - a small island, lost in a vast ocean. There were no people here. The man was left alone.

Like Robinson Crusoe, he made himself a hut from branches and shipwrecks thrown ashore by the waves. Every day he prayed to God to send him salvation. But day after day, week after week, month after month passed, and the man was still alone. Once, after spending the whole day in search of food, the man returned to his wretched dwelling and saw ashes in its place. What little he possessed turned into smoking coals.

God! the man cried out in despair. - Really few trials fell to my lot? Why are You punishing me by depriving me of the little that I had?

Sobbing from grief, and even more from impotence, he fell to the ground, not knowing how to live on. He lay on the ground without looking up, feeling the heat of the day give way to the cool of the evening. And he was still lying on the ground and could not get up, because he had no more strength left.

Suddenly he heard sounds - so familiar on the ship, but forgotten on the shore. Quiet at first, then louder and louder. He raised his head and saw a ship sailing in full sail towards his island. Still not fully believing that this ship was real, the man realized that he had not seen anything more beautiful than this ship.

How did you manage to find me? the man asked the sailors.

We saw the signal fire that you kindled on the shore! they answered him. How difficult it is to humbly accept your share. Unable to comprehend the Creator's plan, we often grumble. But only in sorrows and sorrows is spiritual strength acquired.

Once upon a time, in the past, a few brave and courageous people who lived far from the ocean wanted to know what the ocean is. They asked knowledgeable old men how to get there, and immediately set off. They walked for a long time and finally reached the ocean. “It turns out that the ocean looks like a big field!” - exclaimed the first of the brave pioneers. “But it seems to me that the ocean resembles an endless forest!” - enthusiastically said the second traveler. “But in my opinion, the ocean is a huge desert!” - the third traveler expressed his opinion. A fisherman passed by and said to them: “Don’t argue among yourselves, looking at the ocean from the shore, but rather dive headlong into the water, and what you see there will be the ocean!” The travelers did just that - they followed the advice of the fisherman. Soon they emerged from the water and caught their breath. “Well, what does the ocean look like now?” the fisherman asked with a smile. The ocean explorers looked at each other and said: “We don’t know what the ocean is like, but it’s just very salty!”

Rich is he who sees the Eternal Soul

Once the master asked the old man,
Asking for alms from the church:
“I see a poor man before me,
That in all his life he did not make a fortune.

Here I am rich! And my life is sweet
And I will get what I want, of course!
Your fate is undeniably not easy,
And I dreamed, probably, to be more successful?

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