Fire Safety Encyclopedia

Rules for addressing higher powers. Miraculous prayer to the ethereal forces of heaven

The term "Higher Powers" unites many beings. They are different. You can refer to any of them.

And really, how?

You know that everyone has their own Guardian Angels, there are Mentors. There are Teachers. There are Archangels. There are Higher Forces that manifest in our life through channelings.

The term "Higher Powers" unites many beings. They are different. With different intentions. Not all of them are 100% loving creatures, although they may serve you well. The choice with whom to communicate and why, you make yourself. You just need to be aware of what you want to receive from the Higher Forces, and roughly imagine what the result of their help may be.

So let's take a look at the technology.

Technology of communication with the Higher Forces

  1. If you have already turned to them for help consciously, then be so kind as to trust them. After all, when you go to treat a tooth, you do not advise the doctor what to do and how to hold his instruments? You set a task for him, and his business is to cure. Trust in the Supreme follows the same principle.
  2. If you go to the Akashic Chronicles, then everything that they tell you, accept. Then reflect and be aware.
  3. If you want to communicate with other Higher Forces (not their Akashic Chronicle, where you get through the Prayer of the Path, for example), then you simply relax or go into a trance and call to yourself either a specific being or someone who is ready to help. Either the Higher Self.
  4. Greet, get acquainted. And ask for what you need.

How to know that the Higher Forces have "descended" to you

When I turn to my Higher Self, I know that it is next to me by the gentle and loving energy that envelops me. I feel joy, lightness. This is also true for the higher Akashic Chronicles. Their energy is slightly different, but the essence is the same.

You can imagine your Higher Self as any image that sits down next to you.

You can ask the Highest or the Highest to appear before you in some form that will be pleasant and comfortable for you. Or just in any way, without specifying anything.

How to ask the Higher Forces

They are always there for you. Higher Self, mentors, etc.

You just can in unilaterally ask politely for anything you want. And from that moment, except to trust and not to flicker, not to fuss, nothing else is required of you.

And here one caveat appears.

Simple requests that are not very important to us, and on which we emotionally do not get hung up, go with a bang.

But as soon as the request is made to touch upon the fateful topic, at least shout the guard. Because it can happen that in order to bring you to the right line, bring you to a certain place, create necessary conditions, it will take time.

What did you think? With your unworked blocks, fears and all sorts of feelings of guilt or shame. Do you think it is so easy to give you money or an amazing job if you recoil from this money like the plague?

No. First, you will be taken to trainings or coaches, where they will clear your brains, help you work out karma, guide you through past lives to remove all sorts of misfortunes, put in your hands a list of the laws of money to be confirmed as our father.

You will be as new as a cucumber, with the right mindset about money. But only then they will wrap up the flow of money on you, drive you away from the right people, poke their noses into the case to their liking or not very much (depending on the request), give them tools and earn as much as they like.

Is the principle of executing a complex query clear?

An example of a simple request to the Higher Forces

I'll tell you how I make a simple query and how I get the result.

Buying shoes for me always borders on mental anguish. Especially if I get something into my head. Like last season. I was looking for moccasins. I ran through all the nearby shops in my area without any result. That size does not fit, then narrow, then wide, then ugly.

As a result, the task smoothly flowed into the current season.

And when I went out hunting for moccasins in a new way, the beginning of the story was painfully similar to last year.

And then, stepping into our huge shopping center, I, mentally turning upstairs, said: Hello, dear. I need beautiful, solid, comfortable footwear. Organizing?

As always, I walked through the shops trying on moccasins. But somewhere in my heart I understood that moccasins were not so necessary for me. It's actually hot in them.

After making sure once again that the moccasins are either small or large for me, I sighed and headed home. And then I turn my head, look around the rack with shoes and see nice, pretty sandals. I twisted them in my hands and decided to try them on.

And what do you think? Beautiful, solid and COMFORTABLE feet. I haven't felt this way in sandals for a long time. Mmmmmmmmm ... Cool!

There was one nuance in this whole story.

My head was empty. I did not overwhelm her with thoughts about anything. I didn't think I was unlucky again. Inside me there was silence and a slight indifference. I didn’t think about the request. In fact, when I was in front of a traffic light, I immediately forgot about it. And there was a willingness to play in me.

This willingness to play…. It is difficult to describe or explain. It's lightness, acceptance, shrug if it doesn't work out, letting go of the request. Together.

So practice simple. You will catch the feeling of lightness of the game and anchor it in your life.

Want to know more interesting things? Read also:

Would you like to ask something?

Prayers to holy angelic powers

All holy Heavenly Fleshless Forces, deign me the strength to crush all evil and passions under my feet.

Saints Ethereal Seraphim, deign me to have a flaming heart to God.

Saints Fleshless Cherubim, deign me to have wisdom for the glory of God.

Holy Thrones without flesh, honor me to discern truth from untruth.

Saints, Fleshless Dominions, deign me to rule over the passions, so that the spirit will enslave the flesh.

Holy Powerless Powers, deign me to have courage in doing the will of God.

Holy Powerless Powers, deign Me to have the power of victory over evil.

Holy Sacred Beginnings, deign me to serve the Lord God in the integrity of my heart and the deeds of my hands.

Saints Fleshless Archangels, deign me to do the will of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Holy Angels incorporeal, deign me to be guided by the commandments of God all the days of my life.

Prayer with petitions to each of the Archangels

according to their ministry.

1. Holy Archangel Michael, winner, conquer my passions.

2. Holy Archangel Gabriel, messenger of God, erect for me the hour of death.

3. Holy Archangel Raphael, healer, heal me from mental and physical illness.

4. Holy Archangel Uriel, enlightener, enlighten my senses of soul and body.

5. Holy Archangel Yehudiel, glorifier, glorify me with good deeds.

6. Holy Archangel Selafiel, prayer book, pray to God for me, a sinner.

7. Holy Archangel Barachiel, blessing man, bless me, sinner, to spend all my life in spiritual salvation.

8. Holy Angel of God, my Guardian, save my sinful soul.

9. O My Most Holy Lady Theotokos, all the Heavenly Powers of the saints Angel and Archangel and all the holy ones, have mercy on me, help me in this life, in the exodus of my soul and in the Future Weets. Amen

St. Archangel of God Michael

Oh, Saint Michael the Archangel, have mercy on us sinners demanding your intercession, save us, servants of God (names), from all visible and invisible enemies, even more reinforce from the horror of the mortal and from the embarrassment of the devil, and grant us the shameless appearance of our Creator in the hour of His terrible and righteous Judgment. Oh, all-holy, great Michael the Archangel! Do not despise us, sinners, who pray to you for your help and your intercession in all this and the future, but grant us there together with you to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Saint Archangel Gabriel

Oh, holy Archangel Gabriel! We all earnestly pray to you, instruct us, servants of God (names), to repentance from evil deeds and to confirmation in our faith, strengthen and protect our souls from seductive temptations and beg our Creator for the forgiveness of our sins. Oh, great holy Gabriel the Archangel! Do not despise us, sinners, who pray to you, in all this and in the future, an ever-present helper will appear to us, let us ceaselessly glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the state and your intercession forever and ever. Amen!

Saint Archangel Raphael

Oh, holy Archangel Raphael! We all earnestly pray to you, wake us a guide in our life, save us from all visible and invisible enemies, heal our mental and physical illnesses, direct our life to repentance in sins and to the creation of good deeds. Oh, great holy Raphael the Archangel! Hear us, sinful servants of God (names), praying to you, and grant in this and in future life give thanks and praise to the common Creator of ours for ever and ever. Amen!

Holy Archangel Barachiel, patron saint of pious families

Oh, great Archangel of God Archangel Barachiel! Standing before the throne of God and from there, bringing the blessings of God to the homes of the faithful, the servant of God, ask the Lord God for mercy and blessings for our homes, may the Lord God bless us and increase the abundance of earthly fruits, and give us health and salvation, in all good haste, and for victory and overcoming of enemies, and will save us for many years, always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen!

To the angel of God, my holy guardian, given to me from God from heaven to keep! I earnestly pray to you: you enlighten me this day, and save me from all evil, instruct me to a good deed, and direct me to the path of salvation. Amen!

Prayer to guardian angels and higher powers



To the Angel of Christ, my saint guardian and protector of my soul and body, all forgive me, the tree of those who have sinned in this day: and save me from all slyness of my enemy, so that I will anger my God in no way, but pray for me a sinful and unworthy servant , as if I was worthy of showing the goodness and mercy of the All-Holy Trinity and Mother of my Lord Jesus Christ and all the saints. Amen.

Holy Archangel Barachiel, who brings us blessing from the Lord, bless me to put a good beginning, to correct my negligent life, may I please the Lord my Savior in everything forever and ever. Amen.

Oh, holy Heavenly Beginnings, pray our Lord Jesus Christ to enable us to start a good beginning!

Holy Archangel of God Michael, drive away from me with your lightning sword the evil spirit that tempts me.

Oh, the great Archangel of God Michael - the conqueror of demons! Conquer and crush all my enemies, visible and invisible, and pray to the Lord Almighty, may the Lord save and preserve me from sorrows and from all illness, from deadly ulcers and vain death, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Oh, holy six-winged Seraphim, lift up your blessed prayer to the Lord, may the Lord soften our hardened sinful hearts, let us learn to entrust to Him, our God, all: both evil and good, teach us to forgive our offenders, so that the Lord will forgive us.

Holy Archangel Gabriel, who brought inexpressible joy from Heaven to the Most Pure Virgin, fill my heart with joy and joy, which is bitter with pride.

Oh, great Archangel of God Gabriel, you proclaimed to the Most Pure Virgin Mary the conception of the Son of God. To erect also to me, a sinner, the day of my terrible death and pray to the Lord God for my sinful soul, may the Lord forgive my sins. O great Archangel Gabriel! Save me from all troubles and from a serious illness, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

O many-read Cherubim, look at my madness, correct my mind, renew the meaning of my soul, let the wisdom of heaven descend on me, unworthy, so that I do not sin with a word, in order to bridle my tongue, so that every deed is directed to the glory of Heavenly Father.

Oh, the great Archangel of God Raphael, the received gift from God to heal ailments, heal the incurable ulcers of my heart and many diseases of my body. Oh, great Archangel Raphael, you are a guide, doctor and healer, guide me to salvation and heal all my diseases, mental and physical, and lead me to the Throne of God, and pray His blessing for my sinful soul, may the Lord forgive me and preserve me from all my enemies and from angry man, and now and before the century. Amen.

Oh, holy God-bearing Thrones, teach us the meekness and humility of Christ, our Master, grant us the true knowledge of your weakness, your insignificance, grant us victory in the struggle against pride and vanity. Grant us simplicity, an eye of pure and humble consciousness.

Holy One, illuminated by the Divine Light and abundantly filled with the fire of fiery love, throw a spark of this fiery fire into my cold heart, and illuminate my dark soul with your light.

Oh, great Archangel of God Uriel, you are the radiance of the Divine fire and the enlightener of those darkened by sins, enlighten my mind, my heart, my will with the power of the Holy Spirit, and guide me on the path of repentance, and pray the Lord God, may the Lord deliver from the hell of hell and from all enemies, visible and invisible, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Oh, holy Dominions, always abiding before the Heavenly Father, pray Jesus Christ, our Savior, may he seal his royal power in weakness and grant us grace, may we be cleansed by this grace, may we grow by this grace, may we be filled with faith, hope and love.

Holy Archangel of God Selafiel, give a prayer to the one who is praying, teach me to pray a prayer that is humble, contrite, concentrated and tender. Oh, great Archangel of God Selafiel, you pray to God for the people of faith, pray to His Grace for me, a sinner, may the Lord deliver me from all troubles and sorrows, and diseases, and from vain death, and from eternal torment, and the Lord of the Kingdom will grant me Heavenly with all the Saints forever and ever. Amen.

Oh, holy Heavenly Forces, pray to our Lord let him bring down into our souls the consciousness of weakness, weakness and limitation, may there always be a place in us for Divine action, at the hour of death give us grace from God, may we gain mercy from the Lord of Forces, it befits Him praise and worship.

Holy Archangel of God Yehudiel, inherent in the haste of all ascetics on the path of Christ, excite me from grievous laziness and strengthen me with a good deed. Oh, the great Archangel of God Yehudiel, you are a zealous defender of the glory of God, you excite me to glorify the Holy Trinity, awaken me too, the lazy one, to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and pray to the Lord Almighty to build a pure heart in me and renew the right spirit in my womb , and by the Lord's Spirit he will establish me in truth both to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Oh, holy Heavenly Authorities, pray for us to the Heavenly Father, grant wisdom and discernment in order to discern, so that with the Jesus prayer we can crush all devilish thoughts by your intercession, so we acquire a pure, clear, prayerful mind, a benevolent heart, will turned to the Lord.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for every day

Various life vicissitudes force a person to seek support in order to cope with the complexities of life. When no one around is able to provide this support, prayer to the Guardian Angel has the power to both strengthen spiritually and give protection in worldly affairs.

The popular belief is that everyone living on Earth carries on their shoulders representatives of higher powers - the Angel on the right, the Demon on the left - which are in eternal confrontation for the human soul. If the carrier does good, the Angel becomes stronger, more influential and provides the carrier with significant support in all endeavors. And if a person sins, then the Demon who has acquired strength begins to control his actions, thoughts. The guardian angel weakens at such moments and can leave a person forever.

How to ask an Angel

It is allowed to pray to your personal Guardian Angel at different times of the day, he always expects requests from his pet and is ready to provide all possible help. Christians believe that the keepers are the saints after whom they are named. Therefore, believers read prayers before the icon - the image of their saint. Gentiles or lay people who have not come to God can read prayers, addressing the guardian with a common common noun: "Holy Angel, Guardian Angel."

It is not the appeal itself that is important, but the content of the request, and the true unshakable faith in the Angel.

Short, generalized prayers to the Angel can be read daily in the morning, before leaving your home. It is better to say prayers with a specific request before performing and starting work on the desired result. The prayer of thanksgiving is usually read before going to bed so that the Guardian Angel can rest after a hard day and gain new strength to serve his confidant.

Prayers to the Guardian Angel: types

There are a great many prayers to the Guardian Angel. They contain requests for protection, for saving from misfortune, death, insanity, serious ailments, sinful thoughts and deeds. There are prayers for children, for success, prayers for happiness and health. How many needs of humanity arose for the intercession and protection of higher powers, so many appeals were received by the Guardian Angels. Exists thanksgiving prayer Guardian angel, the text of which praises angelic kindness and the desire to help.

Monday- Michael (asked to drive away the evil one and save him from ailments, sorrows and death).

Tuesday- Gabriel (they pray for protection from sorrow and serious illness, for deliverance from the sin of despondency).

Wednesday- Raphael (cry for the healing of mental and physical ailments).

Thursday- Uriel (they call to help awaken love in the heart and instruct on the right path of faith, repentance).

Friday- Selafiel (they ask for humility, for obedience, as well as protection from sorrows and ailments).

Saturday- Yehudiel (offer up a prayer for the strengthening of the spirit and deliverance from laziness).

Sunday- Barachiel (looking for intercession and blessing in business).

The most frequent prayers directed to the Guardian Angel are prayers for children.

With faith and genuine reverence, parents ask to protect their child: to keep it in the womb, to give the newborn health, to keep the child from accidents, to heal a sick child. Of course, health, spiritual and physical, is most often prayed for. All godly parents wish good and a healthy long life for their child.

Prayers to the Guardian Angel: comments

Comments - 2,

There are so many situations and various troubles in life that it seems that one salvation is prayer. I did not know before that there are still prayers to the guardian angel for every day. Now I use them, faith in the Lord always helps, any problems with it are easier to solve. I believe that each of us has a guardian angel who protects from misfortune, illness and death. And it's never too late to pray to him.

I pray every day. It seems to me that the person who does not have faith has simply never felt it on himself. When you know and believe that they are looking at you from above and helping you, you only feel calm and serenity, even when it is impossible in the opinion of those around you and those close to you. Pray for your family and friends, and then all people on the planet will be happy.

Prayers to the Guardian Angel

Throughout life, a person periodically experiences a feeling of loneliness, uselessness, despair. However, he is not alone! Nearby - from birth, a personal heavenly guardian is constantly present - a mentor, helper and protector sent by the Lord to the baptized baby.

In some cases, the spirit arrives at the fast much earlier than the baptism was performed. It depends on many circumstances: the mother's health, her desire or unwillingness to have a child, etc.

Prayer to the guardian angel for the whole day:

To the angel of God, my holy guardian, given to me from the Lord from heaven, I earnestly pray to Thee, you enlighten me today and save me from all evil, instruct me to do a good deed and direct me to the path of salvation. Amen.

The presence of a personal defender is recognized not only by Orthodox or Catholics, but also by a number of other religious movements. They call it differently everywhere, but the function is the same: the protection of the soul and body of a person.

Prayer to the guardian angel for happiness:

Benefactor, holy angel, my guardian forever and ever, as long as I live I will. Your ward is calling to you, hear me and come down to me. As you have benefited me many times, do so again. I am pure before God, I have not done anything wrong before people. By faith I lived before, by faith I will continue to live, and therefore the Lord has endowed me with his mercy and by His will you protect me from all misfortune. So may the will of the Lord be fulfilled and you, saint, do it. I ask you about happy life for myself and my family, and it will be for me the highest reward from the Lord. Hear me, angel of heaven, and help me, do the will of God. Amen.

People who do not believe in higher powers reject what they cannot see, hear or touch. However, there are times when a person stands in front of difficult choice often given suddenly, on a whim (as an inspiration, an idea), without relying on common sense or irrefutable facts. Why? Probably something or someone is driving him? It prompts the right actions, even if they look strange from the outside, but in the end they lead to a positive result.

Putting aside false doubts, ask yourself whether the guardian angel whispered a decision, pushed or pulled back? Didn't let you fall?

Prayer to the guardian angel from adversity:

Covering myself with the holy sign of the cross, I turn in earnest prayer to you, the angel of Christ, the guardian of my soul and body. You are in charge of my affairs, you guide me, you send me a lucky chance, and you don’t leave that even in the moment of my failures. Forgive my sins, because they sinned against faith. Protect, saint, from bad luck. May failures bypass the servant of God (name), may the will of the Lord be done in all my deeds, Human-loving man, and I will never suffer from bad luck and poverty. For this I pray you, benefactor. Amen.

Duties of the heavenly protectors

It should be remembered that the functionality of such an angel is very limited. He oversees the health of the ward, helps in earthly affairs every day.

Prayer to the guardian angel for material benefits, read earlier by merchants in Russia:

I appeal to you, the angel of Christ.

If he protected me and protected and kept me, for I have not sinned before, and I will not sin against faith in the future.

So answer me now, come down on me and help me.

I have worked very hard, and now you see my honest hands with which I have worked.

So let it be, as Scripture teaches, that it will be rewarded according to labor.

Repay me according to my labors, so that the hand weary with labor will fill, and I could live comfortably, serve God.

Fulfill the will of the Most High and bless me with earthly bounties according to my labors.

The guardian spirit monitors the work of the pet's fate, if necessary, throws all its strength into energy protection. However, it has no right to interfere or make global changes into a fateful program. This can only be done by the person himself. When he comes to a fork in his own path, fate presents several scenarios. further development, of which only one option should be chosen.

Prayers to the guardian angel strengthen the bond between him and the protected subject. Sent to help a person, he brings his requests to the Lord. She stands before God, tries to justify unseemly acts or, on the contrary, informs the Almighty about the good deeds of his pet. After death, accompanies to eternity, transfers the newly departed soul in the care of other higher powers, and then leaves it before meeting on last judgment.

According to practicing healers who claim to have contact with representatives in the space of angels - the place where the latter live - the keepers will represent human deeds at the Last Judgment. Then they will tell without embellishment about all the sins and virtues that they once knew.

Barren Spirit Personality

In connection with the above, a number of questions involuntarily arise. What is a Guardian Angel? Does he have a name? Is there a patronal feast day dedicated to him?

Icon painters depict a light, wonderful creature with huge wings. The classical image is at odds with the opinion of healers, who report that this is an incorporeal humanoid energy substance that grows like a child and then grows old like us. However, the aging of an angel comes from the loss of energy spent on repelling malicious attacks aimed at the creature it protects.

The custodian is not given an individual name. Therefore, there is no personal holiday for a separate spirit. The church commemorates everything angelic ranks on a certain day: November 21 - for Orthodox Christians, November 8 - for Catholics.

Name, given to man at birth, assigned on the day of the holiday of the nearest saint, and not the spirit protecting you - this should be remembered.

They turn for prayer help both to the heavenly patron and to their guardian angel.

Seeking help and protection

When do you need to contact your personal defender?

Prayers to the guardian angel are constantly raised on various occasions.

Morning, provides patronage for the whole day:

Oh, holy angel, intercession before our Creator for my soul, my body and my life! Do not leave me, and do not depart from me for all my sins. I ask you, do not let the crafty demon take possession of my soul and my body. Strengthen my soul and set it on the right path. I ask you, angel of God and guardian of my soul, forgive me all the sins with which I have offended you in all my unrighteous life. Forgive all my sins that I have committed on the last day, and protect me on the new day. Save my soul from various temptations, so that I do not anger our Creator. I ask you to pray for me before our Creator, so that his mercy and peace of mind may descend on me. Amen.


Holy angel of Christ, protector from all evil providence, protector and benefactor! As you take care of everyone who needs your help in a moment of accidental misfortune, take care of me, a sinner. Do not leave me, heed my prayer and protect me from wounds, from ulcers, from any accident. I entrust my life to you, as I entrust my soul. And as you pray for my soul to our Creator, care for my life, protect my body from any damage. Amen.

From sudden death:

Guardian angel, the messenger of Christ, the conductor of His will on earth, in the water, in the air, too, I appeal to you, I pray for your help. Do not allow my destruction before the Creator intended. Do not allow my soul to be stolen away by the unclean. Let the will of God be done for everything; I will humbly put my soul into His hands when he calls. Protect me from premature death, for it is not the body that is destruction, but the soul. Protect, saint, my soul, take care of my earthly life. As the Creator will receive my soul at the hour of death, so you, angel, take it into charge now, until the Creator calls. Amen.

It is read every day before leaving the house, in case of illness or if something threatens your life.

At a reception with a good spirit

If we listened carefully to our inner voice (read, tips from a personal guardian), then how many mistakes we could have avoided. After all, it is he, like no one else, who knows our weak and strengths... Understands, sympathizes, but not always can reach consciousness. Therefore, try to make time at least once a day for reciting prayers in private, not forgetting to contact the guardian of your physical and spiritual life. Seek advice, blessing. Give thanks for what points to correct decisions, does not allow you to go astray.

Prayer to the guardian angel for guidance on the righteous path:

Angel of heaven, save my sinful soul, pray to the Creator for me, and come down on me. Show me the sign of God, show me the will of God. I am ready to listen sensitively to the will of God, for I have repented of my earthly deeds. Forgive my sins, pray for me to the Lord our God Jesus Christ! Lead me on the right path. Bring me the word of the Creator again. Let our heavenly Father through you tell me his will. As a student at school hears the words of the knowledge of God-pleasing, so I am ready to listen to the word of God from the lips of His messenger, a holy angel. For this I pray you, holy angel. Amen.


At midnight, the guardian angel briefly leaves the ward to give a detailed report to the Lord about everything that a person has done during the day. The keepers of God-loving people bow to God, the angels of sinners with tears pronounce the following words:

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It is no secret that the first place in the number of deaths is taken by death as a result of a road traffic accident. In the modern rhythm of life, you cannot do without the use of a vehicle. So that there are no problems on the road, there is a special "Prayer of the driver".

What is prayer?

Prayer is an appeal to God, expressed verbally or mentally. It is believed that only with pure thoughts and without extraneous and selfish thoughts, it will be heard.

Prayer is an integral part of the Christian religion. She is a guide between the earthly and divine worlds. Unfortunately, modern believers pray only in cases of danger and illness. Often, Orthodox Christians forget about the health of loved ones, preferring to ask for material benefits for themselves.

Help on the road

Divine forces are always ready to help those who ask for it. The road is a place increased danger... So that nothing happens to the driver and passengers, there is a special "Driver's Prayer".

It is an appeal to the Lord with a request to protect people on the way. Driver's Prayer will help travelers on the train and on the plane. Will save the driver and passengers of the car from an accident.

Prayer words

The Divine Driver's Prayer works miracles. This is evidenced by many cases of eyewitnesses. At the last moment, a prayer read saved them from inevitable death.

Its text should be written in large print on a piece of paper. It should be read 3 times before driving. When reading, one should not rush, make mistakes and confuse words. Therefore, it is advisable to write the words of the prayer in a legible handwriting.

In order for the prayer to be always at hand, it must be installed in an accessible place in the car. So, on the front panel you can put an icon of the Virgin, Jesus Christ or Nicholas the Pleasant. And put a piece of paper with the text of the prayer behind the icon.

Its text is contained in the Orthodox prayer book. If he is not at hand, you can ask for help at the nearest temple. The ministers of the church will write its text.

Reading rules

When is it pronounced to the driver? There are basic rules for reading it:

  • Before you sit in vehicle, you should overshadow yourself with the sign of the cross.
  • You should ask the Lord for permission to travel. For this you need to say: "Lord, bless."
  • Now you can say the words of prayer to the driver. First, you can read the written text. In the future, it must be memorized.
  • The prayer should be read 3 times, each time making the sign of the cross.

Patron saint of drivers

Protects drivers from accidents on the road Wonderworker. He is considered the main helper and intercessor of Orthodox Christians.

There is a special prayer of the driver to Nikolai the Pleasant (the Wonderworker). It is also customary to read it before starting a trip. If there is no prayer text, you can simply mentally ask Nikolai the Pleasant to protect and protect him from dangers on the road.

Orthodox driving rules

  • Before getting into the car, make sure you are wearing
  • Dress yourself with the sign of the cross with the words: "Lord, bless."
  • Read the prayer to the driver.
  • Be extremely careful while driving.
  • Do not violate traffic rules.
  • Before a long journey, go to the temple and put a candle on the patron of drivers - Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • After completing the trip, read the prayer "Our Father" or "Prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker" and thank God for the successful completion of the work.
  • Dress yourself with the sign of the cross and say: "Lord, have mercy."

Reading the "Driver's Prayer" before each trip will help protect yourself from dangerous situations on the road and save the lives of those who are praying.

Prayer to the Holy Heavenly Forces All the holy Heavenly Ethereal Forces, deign me your power to crush all evil and passions under my feet. 1. Saints Ethereal Seraphim, deign me to have a flaming heart to God. 2. Saints Ethereal Cherubim, deign me to have wisdom for the glory of God. 3. Saints Ethereal Thrones, deign me to discern truth from untruth. 4. Holy Ethereal Dominions, deign me to rule over the passions, so that the spirit will enslave the flesh. 5. Saints Ethereal Forces, deign me to have courage in doing the will of God. 6. Sanctuary of Powerlessness, deign me to have the power of victory over evil. 7. Saints Ethereal Beginnings, deign me to serve the Lord God in the integrity of my heart and the deeds of my hands. 8. Saints Ethereal Archangels, deign me to do the will of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9. Holy Ethereal Angels, deign me to be guided over the weak in enlightening them in the truth. Prayers to the Holy Archangels 1. Holy Archangel Michael, defeat every enemy and adversary. 2. Holy Archangel Gabriel, messenger of God's Mysteries, pray to God for me, a sinner, and strengthen me from laziness and relaxation. 3. Holy Archangel Raphael, heal the ailments of my soul and body. 4. Holy Archangel Uriel, with the radiance of the fire of God, enlighten me darkened. 5. Holy Archangel Selafiel, pray to God for me and raise me to prayer. 6. Holy Archangel Yehudiel, strengthen me as a sinner to work and intercede for me for reward. 7. Holy Archangel Barachiel, Blessings of God to the giver, seek God's blessings on me. 8. Holy Archangel Jeremiel, because of the paucity of good deeds, put on the scales of justice the tears of my repentance. Prayer to the Archangel of God Michael O, Lord God the Great, King without beginning, send, Lord, Your Archangel Michael to the aid of Your servant (name), remove me from my enemies, visible and invisible! Oh, Lord Archangel Michael, pour out the myrrh of benevolence on your servant (name). Oh, Lord Michael Archangel, demons crusher, forbid all enemies fighting with me, create them like sheep, and crush them like dust before the face of the wind. Oh, Lord Great Michael the Archangel, the six-winged first Prince and Voevodo of Heavenly Forces, Cherubims and Seraphims, wake me help in everything: in grievances, sorrows, sorrows, in the deserts, on the roads, on the rivers and on the seas, a quiet haven! Deliver me from all devilish delusion, when you hear me, your sinful servant (name), praying to you and calling your name holy, hurry up to my help, and hear my prayer. Oh, Great Archangel Michael! Conquer all those who oppose me, by the power of Honest and Of the Life-giving Cross The Lord, through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos and the saints Apostles, and Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, Saint Andrew the Fool and the holy prophet Elijah, and the saints Great Martyrs Nikita and Eustathius, the Venerable Father and the Holy Hierarchs and Martyr and all Holy Heavenly Forces. Amen. Prayers to the Archangels for every day On Monday, Holy Archangel of God Michael, drive away from me with your lightning sword the evil spirit that tempts me. Oh, the great Archangel of God Michael - the conqueror of demons! Conquer and crush all my enemies, visible and invisible, and pray to the Lord Almighty, may the Lord save and preserve me from sorrows and from all illness, from deadly ulcers and vain death, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. Oh, holy six-winged Seraphim, lift up your blessed prayer to the Lord, may the Lord soften our hardened sinful hearts, let us learn to entrust to Him, our God, all: both evil and good, teach us to forgive our offenders, so that the Lord will forgive us. On Tuesday, Holy Archangel Gabriel, who brought inexpressible joy from Heaven to the Most Pure Virgin, fill my heart with joy and joy, which is bitter with pride. Oh, great Archangel of God Gabriel, you proclaimed to the Most Pure Virgin Mary the conception of the Son of God. To erect also to me, a sinner, the day of the terrible death of the Lord God for my sinful soul, may the Lord forgive my sins. O great Archangel Gabriel! Save me from all troubles and from a serious illness, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. O many-read Cherubim, look at my madness, correct my mind, renew the meaning of my soul, let the wisdom of heaven descend on me, unworthy, so that I do not sin with a word, in order to bridle my tongue, so that every deed is directed to the glory of Heavenly Father. On Wednesday Oh, the great Archangel of God Raphael, who received the gift from God to heal ailments, heal the incurable ulcers of my heart and many diseases of my body. Oh, the great Archangel of God Raphael, you are a guide, doctor and healer, guide me to salvation and heal all my diseases, mental and physical, and lead me to the Throne of God, and pray His blessing for my sinful soul, may the Lord forgive me and He will keep from all my enemies and from wicked people, both now and forever. Amen Oh, holy God-bearing Thrones, teach us the meekness and humility of Christ, our Master, grant us the true knowledge of your weakness, your insignificance, grant us victory in the struggle against pride and vanity. Grant us simplicity, an eye of pure and humble consciousness. On Thursday, Holy Archangel of God Uriel, illuminated by the Divine Light and abundantly filled with the fire of fiery ardent love, throw a spark of this fiery fire into my cold heart, and illuminate my dark soul with your light. Oh, great Archangel of God Uriel, you are the radiance of the Divine fire and the enlightener of those darkened by sins, enlighten my mind, my heart, my will with the power of the Holy Spirit, and guide me on the path of repentance, and pray the Lord God, may the Lord deliver me from the hell of hell and from all enemies, visible and invisible, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen Oh, holy Dominions, always abiding before the Heavenly Father, pray Jesus Christ, our Savior, may he seal his royal power in weakness and grant us grace, may we be cleansed by this grace, may we grow by this grace, may we be filled with faith, hope and love. On Friday, Filmed by the Archangel of God Selafiel, give a prayer to the one who is praying, teach me to pray a prayer that is humble, contrite, concentrated and tender. Oh, great Archangel of God Selafiel, you pray to God for the people of faith, pray to His Grace for me, a sinner, may the Lord deliver me from all troubles and sorrows, and diseases, and from vain death, and from eternal torment, and the Lord of the Kingdom will grant me Heavenly with all the Saints forever. Amen. Oh, holy Heavenly Forces, pray to our Lord let him bring down into our souls the consciousness of weakness, weakness and limitation, may there always be a place in us for Divine action, at the hour of our end give us grace, given by God, may we gain mercy from the Lord of Forces, to Him praise and worship befitting. On Saturday, the Holy Archangel of God Yehudiel, an inherent expedition of all those who struggle on the path of Christ, excite me from heavy laziness and strengthen me with a good deed. Oh, the great Archangel of God Yehudiel, you are a zealous defender of the glory of God, you excite me to glorify the Holy Trinity, awaken me too, the lazy one, to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and pray to the Lord Almighty to build a pure heart in me and renew the right spirit in my womb , and by the Lord's Spirit he will establish me in truth both to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. Oh, holy Heavenly Authorities, pray for us to the Heavenly Father, grant wisdom and discernment in order to discern, so that with the Jesus prayer we can crush all devilish thoughts by your intercession, so we acquire a pure, clear, prayerful mind, a benevolent heart, will turned to the Lord. On Sunday, the Holy Archangel Barachiel, who brings us blessing from the Lord, bless me to put a good beginning, to correct my negligent life, may I please the Lord my Savior in everything forever and ever. Amen. Oh, holy Heavenly Beginnings, pray our Lord Jesus Christ to enable us to start a good beginning!

In the life of every person there are Hard times, the so-called black streak, when a series of trials, difficulties and problems comes. Very often a person gives up and his soul is filled with despair - everything around is bad and there is no clear opening. This happens to worldly people, and they seek consolation from psychologists or are forgotten in bad habits. Christians who are churched should turn for help to the Lord and the holy and disembodied heavenly powers with a special prayer.

How Prayer Can Help

When a lot of problems and difficulties come in life, it is very difficult to decide which saint he is praying to, because it so happens that a person gets sick, suffers financial problems and family problems, and his spirit is discouraged from this. The problems are completely of different nature and need serious intervention from above.

Each petition must have sincerity to God the Creator

There are several prayers that call for help from numerous Heavenly powers at once, it is considered very effective, provided that the person asking is unconditionally faithful. This prayer helps with completely different needs:

  • family difficulties (disagreements, quarrels, scandals);
  • financial problems (job loss, debts, large unforeseen expenses);
  • difficulties at work (disagreements with superiors, conflicts in the team, deception);
  • deterioration of health (persistent illness, incurable diseases, deterioration of health in general);
  • loss of mental strength (depression, disappointment in God and the Church, despondency, doubts, etc.).

It is common for a person to over-worry and endure difficulties very painfully, especially when several areas of his life suffer at once. "Vanity is vanity, everything is vanity!" King Solomon once said, and he was right. The whole life of a person is worldly and worries about it are taken away vitality... These problems are equally difficult for a person and often take away the last peace and tranquility, but one should not succumb to despondency, because there is the Lord! He is able to save a person from any difficulties and for the Lord there are no barriers and nothing is impossible!

Important! During such a period of life, one should especially intensively pray and attend regular meetings, giving this free time regularly. Reading the Scriptures and the Holy Fathers of the Church will also help calm a rebellious soul and find tranquility and peace.

One should not despair - this feeling never leads to anything good, but it is worth constantly repeating that the Lord is able to save! Therefore, it is imperative to read a prayer every morning to the numerous holy and ethereal Heavenly Forces!

Cathedral of All Saints Who Shone in the Russian Land

Prayer reading rules

Many people think that problems can be solved simply by visiting the church once and ordering a prayer for the salvation, well, you must also donate. This, of course, is important and necessary, but first of all a person must change inside, understand that all this is vanity and turn to God as the only important thing in life.

The prayer should be read every morning and, preferably, in the evening before bedtime, lighting a candle or lamp in front of the Trinity icon. You can put candles in front of all available icons. It is advisable to do this in silence, in a whisper or in a low voice so that the person asking him to hear his words, but no one bothers him. There are a number of prayers that are worth reading in such a period of life, starting with the first to all Ethereal Heavenly forces:

All holy Heavenly Ethereal Forces, deign me your power to crush all evil and passions under my feet.

Saints Ethereal Seraphim, deign me to have a flaming heart to God.

Saints Ethereal Cherubim, deign me to have wisdom for the glory of God.

Saints Ethereal Thrones, honor me to discern truth from untruth.

Holy Ethereal Dominions, deign me to rule over the passions, so that the spirit will enslave the flesh.

Saints Ethereal Forces, deign me to have courage in doing the will of God.

Sanctuary of Powerlessness, deign me to have the power of victory over evil.

Saints Ethereal Beginnings, deign me to serve the Lord God in the integrity of my heart and the works of my hands.

Saints Ethereal Archangels, deign me to do the will of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Holy Ethereal Angels, deign me to be guided over the weak in enlightening them in the truth.

This petition calls for help from all Cherubim, Angels and Archangels that exist. At the same time, it includes all possible requests, starting with calming passions and ending with serving the Lord. A person thus covers all areas of his life. In this case, it is important not only to read the words, but to find a response to them inside, i.e. experience what is said, accept it in the heart and allow it to be changed.

Do not forget about the Guardian Angel, who is always there and protects a person from difficulties and troubles. It is important to read a prayer to him in situations where there is a threat to life or health:

To the angel of God, my holy guardian, observe my belly in the passion of Christ God, strengthen my mind in the true path, and bore my soul to the love of the heavens, so that by you we direct I receive great mercy from Christ God.
Holy Angel, stand before my accursed soul and my passionate life, do not leave me a sinner, step back below me for my intemperance. Give no place to the wicked demon to possess me, the violence of this mortal body; Strengthen my poor and poor hand and guide me on the path of salvation. To her, holy Angel of God, guardian and protector of my cursed soul and body, forgive me all, for those who have offended thee in all the days of my life, and even if they have sinned in this past night, cover me in the present day, and save me from any opposing temptation, yes, in no sin I will anger God, and pray for me to the Lord, may he establish me in His passion, and worthy to show me a servant of His goodness. Amen.
Covering the forehead with the holy sign of the cross, I am a servant of God, I give praise to the Lord and pray to His holy angel for help. Benefits, saint, in my deeds. For I am sinless before God and people, and since they have sinned, it is not of my own free will, but through thoughtlessness and the intrigue of the evil one. Pray then for me before God and help me to strengthen my work. I was appointed by the Lord in charge of many and a lot of money from Him for the good of people was given to me, therefore, the will of the Lord is that I, a sinner, atoning for my sins, work for the good of people, the Fatherland and the Church, and for the glory of the Lord. Help me, weak and weak, to fulfill the will of the Lord and strengthen my deeds, so that I do not deceive anyone's hopes with my ruin. Amen.

It is intended to petition for the prosperity of affairs. It is very important to read it regularly during difficult times. financial difficulties and problems at work.

These petitions are supplemented by three prayers to the Ethereal Ranks, i.e. to the whole angelic host.

Cathedral of Archangel Michael and other Ethereal Heavenly Forces

Troparion Heavenly Ranks Ethereal

Heavenly armies of the Archangel, we pray that we are unworthy and with your prayers protect us with a roof the krill of your non-material glory; preserving us who crumble diligently crying: save us from all troubles, as the rulers of the highest powers.

Kontakion to the Heavenly Order of the Ethereal

The Archangel of God, the servant of Divine glory, the Angels of the headmistress and the men of the mentor, ask us what is useful and great mercy, like the disembodied Aristratiz.

Exaltation to the Heavenly Ranks of Ethereal

We magnify you, Archangels and Angels and all the armies, Cherubim and Seraphim, praising the Lord.

We magnify you, Archangels, Angels, Beginnings, Power, Throne, Dominance, Strength and Cherubim, and terrible Seraphims who glorify the Lord.

This petition consists of three parts: troparion, kontakion and magnificence, thus a person glorifies all the heavenly powers and asks for their help. You can complete the petition with the words to Archangel Michael:

Oh, Lord God the Great, King without beginning, send, Lord, Your Archangel Michael to the aid of Your servant (name), take me away from my enemies, visible and invisible!

Oh, Lord Archangel Michael, pour out the myrrh of benevolence on your servant (name).

Oh, Lord Michael Archangel, demons crusher, forbid all enemies fighting with me, create them like sheep, and crush them like dust before the face of the wind.

Oh, Lord Great Michael the Archangel, the six-winged first Prince and Voevodo of Heavenly Forces, Cherubims and Seraphims, wake me help in everything: in grievances, sorrows, sorrows, in the deserts, on the roads, on the rivers and on the seas, a quiet haven! Deliver me from all devilish delights, when you hear me, your sinful servant (name), praying to you and calling your holy name, speed up to my help, and hear my prayer.

Oh, Great Archangel Michael! Conquer all those who oppose me, by the power of the Honest and Life-giving Cross of the Lord, by the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos and the holy Apostles, and Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, Saint Andrew the Fool and the holy prophet Elijah, and the saints Great Martyrs Nikita and Eustathius, the Venerable Father and the holy Saints and Heavenly Martyrs Forces. Amen.

Advice! Read these texts measuredly, without rushing. At the same time, not only treat them as magic words that will instantly solve all difficulties and problems, but as an appeal to the most powerful forces on earth.

Very often, after such requests, a person remains in the same problems, but receives an answer how and what he should change in himself, that the difficulties are over. Indeed, very often problems in life come for the inner change of a person. God purifies the human heart through difficulties.

Prayer to all holy and ethereal heavenly powers

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