Encyclopedia of fire safety

A mop is a modern alternative to a floor cloth. Mop is a modern alternative to a floor cloth

Regular wet cleaning in the house is a guarantee of good health and normal well-being of its inhabitants. It seems that everyone knows and understands this very well, but no one likes to wash the floors, and the main reason for this is the antediluvian inventory, which is still used in many homes. However, manufacturers of household goods have long offered a great alternative to creepy floorcloths - mops. Today we will find out what a mop is, what types it is and what are its advantages over conventional items used for wet and dry cleaning.

Mop or nozzle for her?

First, we need to clear up some of the confusion resulting from the misinterpretation of foreign terms. Modern cleaning equipment, which we used to call nothing more than a mop, is actually called a flooder in specialized circles. This is the definition given to mops with a flat holder for cleaning floors, walls and glass surfaces. What is a mop? This term is usually called a nozzle that is attached to the flooder. Despite the fact that the English word mop, the translation of which sounds like “mop”, has no other meanings, in our language it is customary to mean not a mop, but only its element.

Surely such confusion arose due to the fact that there is another type of mops, a little outlandish for the inhabitants of our country - this is an inventory consisting of a stick and a nozzle made of long twisted ropes. Such a cleaning device is called a mop mop. Residents of Western countries have been using them for more than a dozen years, while they are common not only in the everyday life of ordinary housewives, but also as working equipment for cleaning professionals. A little further we will understand in more detail the varieties of all these cleaning devices, and also describe their main differences and features.

In general, we have already answered this question, so now you can start discussing household inventory for cleaning in more depth. A mop is an improved floor mop. Usually, rags are used for these needs - old towels, clothes, etc., sometimes - special microfiber floor cloths. But both of them are not very convenient to use, because such rags constantly strive to slip off the mop, do not always absorb water well and often leave stains on the floor.

On the contrary, a mop is a rag of a special design. It cannot even be called a rag, as it does not look like a single piece of woven fabric. The surface of the mop consists of long thick fibers - these are twisted cords, which are sometimes folded and curled into continuous spiral loops, and sometimes cut in the middle. For the manufacture of such nozzles, several types of materials are used, most often it is cotton, acrylic or microfiber.

Types of flooders

Modern mops, first of all, are divided into flat and with a wringing mechanism. The latter are a foam roller with a relief surface attached to a strong handle. The base of such a mop can be metal or plastic. Excess liquid from the foam sponge is removed using a special squeezing mechanism. It is arranged very simply - there is a handle at the bottom of the mop, which, when lifted, sets in motion two slats that wrap around the roller along its entire length and squeeze water out of it. Thus, hands remain dry and clean while mopping, and the cleaning process is easier and faster. Plastic mops tend to be significantly cheaper than metal mops, but they are not as durable as their expensive aluminum counterparts.

Flat mops are arranged a little differently. They can also be plastic and metal, the handle of the device is usually telescopic (it can be extended if necessary), and the holders differ in their functionality:

  • rotary;
  • static.

And in form:

  • rectangular;
  • triangular;
  • trapezoidal.

And for the purpose:

  • for wet cleaning;
  • for dry cleaning.

A mop can be attached to the floater with threads, pockets or straps. Threaded connection is used in rope mops.

Types of mop

We have already figured out what a mop is, now let's figure out how their different types differ from each other. As we have already mentioned, the mop attachment can be a rope one. In this case, soft cotton flagella, which absorb water well and are easy to wring out, are gathered in a bundle on a threaded plastic mount that is screwed onto a holder stick. Such a mop is very convenient to use, with its help you can easily wash the most hard-to-reach corners in the apartment, and due to the fact that the washing element itself is not a continuous sheet, but a lot of ropes, it copes well with dirt in the crevices, seams between the tiles and on thresholds.

Mops for flat mops are rectangular and trapezoidal, triangular rags are less common. They are designed specifically for washing corners. According to their texture, mops are also not the same: the thickness and length of their villi may differ. Often, manufacturers combine materials during the manufacture of nozzles, for example, by rubberizing some elements so that the mop quickly and easily cleans heavy dirt or by adding acrylic fibers to them, which attract dust to themselves. The size of the mop is selected depending on the size of the floater. Usually, all manufacturers standardize their products and produce mop heads from 35 to 100 cm long.

What to hold on to

It is important to be able to correctly select not only the mops for cleaning directly, but also the mop itself. As a rule, the nozzle wears out over time, the cotton fibers “wash out” and become thinner, because of this they do not remove dirt from the surface as they should. Synthetic mops, under heavy use, are also not very durable. However, when the rag wears out, this is not a reason to get rid of the entire mop, just change the mop, leaving the old flaunder and stick-holder, which is also called a cue stick.

Saving on a stick is not worth it, if you buy the cheapest model, it is unlikely to serve faithfully for several years. Most likely, at the slightest strong pressure on the mop, it will bend or break and the inventory will become unusable. Therefore, it is best to purchase aluminum or high-quality plastic sticks. Some manufacturers offer models with multi-colored markers. This helps not to get confused in the inventory, which is especially important for those who clean residential and utility rooms with different rags.

Rag care rules

In order for the mop to serve the hostess as long as possible, you need to properly store it. So, wringer mops with a foam roller are usually kept in a bucket of water. This prevents the porous sponge from drying out and crumbling. If the foam rubber hardens, then it will have to stand in water for a long time in order to regain its elasticity and suppleness.

Flat mops, on the other hand, should be washed thoroughly after use and dried well without being thrown away. Otherwise, the fibers will rot and become unusable. If you often leave the mop wet and store it crumpled, and even in a bucket, without access to air, it will soon acquire an unpleasant smell, which will remain in the room after cleaning.

Additional cleaning equipment

Cleaning is facilitated by the use of not only mops, but also special buckets. For round rope nozzles, there are containers with spherical "colanders", with the help of which it is much easier and faster to wring out a rag. Such a bucket is divided into two compartments - the first is designed to dip a mop into it, and on the other side, excess water is squeezed out of it.

For rectangular flat mops, you also need to prepare a special container. It should be of a special shape and fit the size of the floater.

mop manufacturers

In wide access for buyers, as a rule, Chinese products are presented. They are inexpensive, usually in the range of 200-350 rubles. Domestic and European mops are more expensive. Some models are priced at 1,000 or more rubles. Such a high cost is fully justified, because such equipment will last in the house for more than one month and even more than one year. The most popular among buyers are products of Italian, German and Polish manufacturers, including Spontex, VILAND, Vileda Professional, APE and others.

Having received receipts for payment of housing and communal services for July, many residents of the Odintsovo district drew attention to a new line in the fat bill - “Power supply of the MOP”. This innovation caused many questions among citizens, and some discontent and indignation. “Another fool and pumping money from the population?”- the forum users of Odintsovo-INFO sounded the alarm.

Previously, apartment owners also paid for energy supply in common areas, only the payment was included in the “Maintenance and repair of residential premises” tariff. And from July 1, the cost of electricity was excluded from this tariff, and brought it to a separate line in the receipt - “Power supply of the MOS”.

“Previously, electricity was included in the tariff for servicing public places, but now it has been allocated in a separate line. And from the amount for "Maintenance and repair of residential premises" the cost of electricity was deducted accordingly,- commented the head of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Housing Department" Mamikon VARTAPETYAN. — It is up to those who develop laws and introduce tariffs to answer why this is done. This is an innovation not only for MUE UZHKh, but for all Management Companies. We are simply executors of those decisions that are made at the level of the Government. Thus, homeowners once again clearly demonstrated that they are responsible not only for their apartment, but for the whole house..

Common areas, attic, basement, elevator facilities - all consumed electricity in an apartment building is displayed on the meter, according to the readings of which the monthly cost of the "MOP Power Supply" is calculated. “We expose the amount for payment according to the counters that are installed in the houses. This money immediately goes to the energy supply organization and does not stay with us for a day. Vartapetyan explained.

If someone in common areas installed additional lighting or illegally connected to the power grid, all residents of the house will have to pay for the leakage of electricity. “The amount for the electricity supply of common areas is decomposed proportionally for all. And calculated by square meters,- said the head of MUP "UZHH". — Thus, if I live alone in a three-room apartment, and five people live in another one-room apartment, this does not mean that I will pay less. Living in a three-room apartment, I occupy a larger share of the house than those who live in a one-room apartment. That's why you have to pay more. Whoever has more space pays more.

“The number of people registered in the apartment has nothing to do with the lighting of common areas. The amount of payment is calculated according to the area of ​​​​apartments, since the common property is divided in proportion to the area of ​​each apartment, and not to the number of residents,- novichok additionally explained on the Odintsovo-INFO forum. — The light bulb shines for one, for seven, there is only a difference in using the elevator, but, you yourself understand, it is unrealistic to calculate who from which apartment used it how many times. I think now this line of expenses will be easier for residents to track than before, when it was included in the "Maintenance and Repair". It was then that it was generally not clear how the legs grow. Now residents can at least every month request readings from the general house meter and the calculation of consumption for their apartment in the Criminal Code.

Reducing the amount of payment for electricity supply to the MOS is possible if the residents of the house show a masterly approach to business. In those buildings where residents elect an initiative group that will monitor the regularity of taking individual meter readings by all residents of the building in order to identify unauthorized connections to the electrical network, the amount of charges for MOPs may be reduced. If residents have doubts as to whether the wiring of the house is in proper condition, they should contact the Management Company with a request to audit the electrical networks of the residential building. After the elimination of unauthorized connections and losses, residents will be charged real payment for the electricity supply of common areas.

As the head of MUP "UZHH" has already noted, the cost of electricity supply to common areas was deducted from the expense column for "Maintenance and repair of residential premises". Meanwhile, many pay attention to the fact that the amount for "Maintenance and repair ..." has not significantly decreased. “They reduced the ruble - they added two!”- forum users are perplexed. In fact, it is. But this is not due to the "mysterious machinations" of the Management Companies, but to the fact that tariffs have increased since June 1. Electricity was removed from the “Maintenance and Repair” line, but the tariff for “Maintenance and Repair” itself increased. The tariff for electricity has also increased. “Here you have subtracted a rupee, added two, arithmetic for a first grader. If you really want to understand, go to the accounting department. Get a full account!- calls on the forum "Odintsovo-INFO" novichok.

We add that in the administration of the Odintsovo district, Ed works around the clock. other duty dispatch service. In addition to all issues related to the life of the area, there you can report violations in the activities of management companies in the housing and communal services sector and payment of tariffs for services rendered. Tel. services - 596-21-66, 596-14-35.

The reform of the housing and communal services has led to the appearance of a new line in the bills for housing and communal services "electricity MOS". The lack of understanding of what a MOS is in an apartment building and how the amount for paying for electricity is calculated, to this day causes controversy and resentment among residents of high-rise buildings.

The concept of MOS lighting

The abbreviation MOP is deciphered as common areas in an apartment building, to which, in accordance with Article 36 of the LC RF, include: landings, attics, elevators and elevator shafts, corridors, etc. The concept of MOP applies only to an apartment building, since only in this single complex of real estate there is an ownership relationship to them.

MNP lighting is a housing service provided to the owners of the premises, which requires such a communal resource as electricity. A simpler interpretation of the concept is a service for supplying light to a shared space. Previously, this item was part of the article "repair and maintenance of housing." But in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 dated 05/06/2011 "On the provision of public services" there was a separation of power supply in public places of MKD, as a separate service.

Who pays

Expenses for the provided housing and communal services, including the maintenance of the MNP, according to Art. 39 p.1 of the LC RF, are the owners of residential and non-residential premises. Also, in accordance with Resolution No. 354 the owner is obliged to pay monthly for the electricity supply of the MOS,.

Lighting Cost Calculation

To determine the amount of electricity spent on public needs, the following indicators are taken:

  1. Total electricity consumption in the house. The indicator is obtained using a special common house meter, which should be in every apartment building.
  2. The total consumption of electricity in all dwellings. For this indicator, data from individual apartment meters or consumption standards for apartments without them are taken.
  3. Waste of electricity by legal entities connected to the general house network.

Actual electricity consumption in common areas is calculated as the difference between the indicators. It is multiplied by the tariff established in the region and divided among all owners in proportion to their share in the common ownership of the property. It turns out that the area of ​​​​the premises in the property affects the amount of payment. The exact calculation formula is presented in Appendix No. 2 to Government Decree No. 354.

According to Art. 13 Clause 5 of the Federal Law No. 291 dated 04.11.09 "On Energy Saving" each multi-storey building until 07/01/2012 must be equipped with collective metering devices for communal resources, which includes electricity. If the owners did not do this on their own, then until 07/01/2013 the meter is installed.

In accordance with Clause 7 of Art. 11 of this law, during the construction of a new apartment building, the developer must ensure that the building meets the requirements for energy efficiency and the equipment of the new building with metering devices.

In a number of old houses, a collective meter is not installed, so the payment for lighting public spaces is calculated according to the electricity consumption norms established in each region, and distributed similarly to the previous method. It should be noted that payment according to the standards involves the use of increasing coefficients. This measure was introduced to increase the motivation of owners to install common house meters.

Problems in MOS Lighting Calculation

Why is the problem of lighting premises related to common areas so acute, because residents have previously paid for this service as part of another article. Until 2012, the amount for the item “repair and maintenance of the housing stock” was calculated according to the tariff, i.e. was fixed.

Currently, having common house meters, actual readings are used, which may vary throughout the year. Resentment over payment for lighting common areas began with the fact that residents began to receive receipts in which the amount for lighting common areas exceeded individual consumption. This is where the problem arises.

Energy losses in MKD

The collective electricity meter shows, in addition to the actual readings, the loss of electricity in the intra-house networks, arising for a number of reasons:

  • Outdated electrical wiring and lack of energy-saving electrical equipment located in common areas. For example, the lack of energy-saving light bulbs.
  • Breakdown of an individual counter. A faulty meter does not reflect the real consumption of the resource. It is not uncommon for residents of a house to deliberately not notify the power supply organization of a breakdown, and they use special devices to prevent the device from working correctly.
  • Illegal connection to the public network. Independent connection to the line, bypassing the meter, and the absence of an agreement with the energy retailer also lead to the non-accounting of the resource.
  • Lack of proper organization of data collection of metering devices in the house. For example, taking the readings of individual apartment meters in the period from the 23rd to the 27th day of the month, and the readings of the collective meters on the 29th, lead to significant data distortions.
  • Inefficient use of electrical equipment that is in common property (turning on lights during the day, strong lighting at night)

It is engaged in the maintenance, repair and maintenance of electrical networks in good condition, to which the owners pay for the maintenance of public property, including intra-house electrical networks. In case of improper performance of duties, leading to possible reasons for an increase in electricity consumption in the premises that are part of common areas, residents have the right to demand high-quality maintenance and replacement of equipment.

An important factor in the indignation of residents associated with the incorrect calculation of the amount for electricity spent on lighting common areas is the so-called "payment for a neighbor." Unscrupulous tenants transmit false data, connect bypassing the meter, etc., which leads to losses, which the management company distributes among the owners.

Liability for non-payment

On the basis of agreements with resource supply companies, HOAs and management companies are responsible for paying for the resources provided, as they are utility service providers. The energy supplier has the right to sue for non-payment with a demand to recover the debt, and the court, in most cases, satisfies these claims. In turn, the Criminal Code and the HOA file lawsuits to recover the debt from the owner, since it is his responsibility to pay for the communal resource provided to him.

The reform of the housing and communal services brings a number of innovations that the inhabitants of the country cannot always immediately understand. The appearance in the receipt of a new item “electricity MOS” was no exception. Poor awareness of the population about what this service is, leads to unwillingness to pay for it. Each owner should be aware that the power supply of premises belonging to common areas is a service that has always existed, but has emerged as a separate type relatively recently, so the responsibility for paying for it lies on his shoulders. To resolve problems or disputes related to the provision of this service, it is recommended to contact the Criminal Code.

Power MOSFET or as it is also called "metal oxide semiconductor". Three-layer structure of the transistor Metal - Oxide - Semiconductor. It has a number of advantages over bipolar transistors. These properties are expressed both when the transistor is operated in linear mode and in switching mode.

Main Advantages of MOSFETs

  • Instant switching;
  • No secondary breakdown;
  • Safe operation is characterized by a wide area;
  • High gain.
  • Higher input impedance.
  • Small power consumption.
  • When laying out integrated circuits using MOSFETs, a relatively small number of operations are involved than with bipolar transistors.

MOSFET Applications

Use in the design of high-frequency switching power supplies as discrete components, in inverter conversion devices and speed controllers of various types of electric motors. Their use in the design of high-frequency generators used for induction heating, in ultrasonic generators, sound amplifiers and peripheral devices for computers. The use of transistors in speed controllers is limited to low voltage (connected to batteries) and low power, because the silicon surface is able to withstand high off-state voltage and low on-state drop.

MOSFET Operation

The principle of operation of the device depends on the change in the electric field in the semiconductor, the polarization of the insulated gate occurs. This action gave rise to the name of the element, as "metal oxide semiconductor". It is a device in which silicon dioxide SiO 2 was used for the manufacture of the gate, for modern MOSFETs, polycrystalline silicon is used as the material for the gate. There are two types of MOSFETs. The former have hole conductivity - p-channel. Transistors with electronic conductivity are called n-channel. The channel in these semiconductor devices can be depleted or, on the contrary, enriched with carriers.

Rice. No. 1. Basic structure of a MOSFET with hexagonal topology. A positive source terminal with respect to the drain creates current flow through the middle of the source cell via a forward biased p n -transition. The reverse direction of the transistor is typical for the operation of the rectifier on p n -transition.

The main characteristics of the transistor

  • Control voltage: ensuring the conduction and blocking of the component;
  • In the open state (conductive), it is characterized by internal resistance and the maximum allowable direct current.
  • In the closed state (non-conductive), the transistor is characterized by the maximum allowable voltage of the direct type (more than 1000V).
  • The use of such transistors in speed controllers allows you to operate at frequencies up to several hundred kHz.

Main types of MOSFETs

  1. The induced channel transistor, considered the dominant element in the latest integrated circuits. The device is characterized by a positive threshold voltage, from 0.5 to 1 V.
  2. MOSFET with built-in channel

Induced Gate MOSFET

Rice. No. 2. a) the structure of the MOS FET with an induced channel. b) graphic image.

MOSFET with built-in channel

Such a device has a non-zero current value, called the initial value, while the voltage has a zero value. Operates in the mode of depletion and enrichment.

Fig. No. 3. MOS FET with built-in channel: a) transistor structure; b) graphic image.

High Power MOSFET Safety Precautions

When testing MOSFETs and mounting them in a circuit, care must be taken. Although the large capacitance allows you to absorb static discharge, it can still damage them. When working with high power MOSFETs, certain rules must be followed.

  • It is necessary to keep devices in a special conductive and antistatic container.
  • Excessive voltage can break through the gate-source oxide layer, which will lead to cell failure.

    The gate-to-source transient voltage having a negative direction appears in the presence of the startup isolation transformer inductance, the inductance well separates the gate from the trigger circuit during the transition. The junction voltage under these conditions exceeds the gate voltage, which also leads to failure. To solve this problem, it is recommended to use, it prevents the gate-source voltage from exceeding the permissible values. Another effective solution to counter failure is to reduce the gate circuit impedance to the smallest possible value, just to maintain the gate-source voltage rating and keep transients at a level that does not cause accidental turn-on.

    The Zener diode fixes the level of positive transition processes, it automatically fixes the transient processes acting in the negative direction, limits them with its voltage drop having direct conduction.

    Basic rules for using high power MOSFETs

    1. Beware of drain-to-source voltage surges that occur during switching.
    2. Peak current must not be exceeded
    3. It is not recommended to work at an average current value above the normalized value.
    4. It is advisable to stay within the specified temperature limits.
    5. Be sure to pay attention to the topology of the circuit.
    6. Care must be taken when using an integrated body-drain diode.
    7. Extreme care must be taken when comparing the norms of current values.

    With enormous advantages, high power MOSFETs, when used correctly, serve to improve the design of the system, which, with fewer elements, can be better, more compact, more functional than similar devices, but of a different layout and type.

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If you ask yourself how MOP stands for, then on the World Wide Web you can find a lot of definitions. It turns out that the abbreviation MOP is both the junior and (attention!) Ministry of Defense Industry. There are a dozen more serious and not very organizations and places designated by this short word, but a modern hostess will answer the question of what a mop is in a completely different way.

Agree, even for a zealous adherent of perfect cleanliness, the need to use a floor cloth causes a feeling of some disgust and a subconscious desire to postpone wet cleaning the next day. But progress does not stand still: thanks to the mop cloth, this unpleasant procedure has become much more comfortable and effective.

Mop: a brief description, history of occurrence

A mop is a tool used to clean floors. It may consist of a bundle of rope or a piece of cloth, sponge or other absorbent material hinged to a handle.

The word "mop" (English mop) appeared in English in the middle of the 15th century and meant nothing more than a mop. The first homemade mops were primitive products, where old pieces of fabric cut into strips were attached to the handle with the help of the so-called "mop nail" (a long nail with a wide flat head).

The evolution of the mop from a doormat to a high-tech product

Since that time, mop has undergone many changes and improvements. So, in 1837, the American inventor Jacob Howe created a mop holder, in 1893 Thomas W Stewart patented his version of a yarn well mop, and also developed a clip that allowed changing its washing part.

In 1950, Thomas and Peter Vosbikian (Piter & Tomas Vosbikian) received a patent for a sponge mop, which became the prototype of mops of our time. This design used a lever and a flat strip of metal to squeeze out the mop. In 1999, Scotch Brite suggested using natural cellulose as the cleaning surface of the mop, which, unlike ordinary cloth, does not leave lint on the surface being cleaned.

As you can see, the modernization of the mop continues, but at the same time, all flooders are structurally almost unchanged, they consist of four main parts: the mop head, replaceable cleaning material, handle and mechanical fastener that connects them.

The sequence of application of different types of mops for cleaning

To get the perfect result, cleaning companies consistently use several types of mop. The first step in cleaning is to use a vacuum cleaner or dry mop (dry-mop), made of yarn or microfiber-based fabric and designed to collect dust, sand or other dry dirt. After getting dirty, these mops are perfectly cleaned in the washing machine.

At the second stage, wet mops (wet-mops) are used, which are strips of microfiber fabric or a bundle of twisted yarn ropes. They serve to clean grease, dirt, as well as to remove excess water or other liquid from the floor.

Then use pre-moisturizing mop - these are flat microfiber-based mops that are pre-moistened with a solution of detergents and do not require large amounts of water. They are attached, as a rule, with Velcro, thanks to which they can be quickly replaced, and do not leave puddles on the surface.

After that, cut end mops are used, consisting of cotton yarn with cut ends. As a rule, they are inexpensive, and it is not recommended to use them after contamination.

Loop end mop is a cleaning tool that, unlike a trimmed one, has a loop at the free end. It captures a larger area of ​​the treated surface, can absorb more water and lasts a little longer.

Finally, microfiber mops based on polyester and polyamide. During use, they retain the dirt being removed from the surface inside until rinsed out and can hold more water than any other type of mop. At the same time, they can be washed more than 500 times, which does not affect the properties and characteristics of the material. The use of microfiber mops requires fewer chemicals, making them considered environmentally friendly.

Mop marking

For a number of premises (hospitals, schools, kindergartens, etc.), in order to protect people with a weakened immune system from harmful bacteria, increased requirements for cleaning thoroughness have been established. In this regard, there are standard color coding systems for marking mop according to their possible places of use.

Red is for high risk areas such as toilets and urinals. Yellow ones are designed for cleaning laboratories, educational institutions, cleaning sinks and mirrors. Blue is used for universal cleaning. Green markings are put on mops that serve to maintain cleanliness in public catering facilities, such as kitchens, canteens, and restaurants.

For domestic needs, mops are classified according to two main criteria - for wet or dry cleaning.

Mops for wet cleaning

Wet mops usually have a sponge or cloth backing and are used to clean kitchen or bathroom floors with detergents. At the end of cleaning, they are perfectly washed out with running water, while wet mops should be well dried for storage between cleanings.

Mops for dry cleaning

Dry mops are sometimes referred to as dust mop. They feature a large flat head and a swivel, making it easy to get into any hard-to-reach places. A dry mop can be cleaned by simply shaking it in the open air, and if it is especially dirty, it can be soaked overnight in soapy water or washed in a washing machine.

So, if we define a mop, then this is a modern cleaning tool that allows you to quickly and efficiently carry out both dry and wet cleaning of the premises, making this work easy.

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