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Dream interpretation cut wounds. Why does the Wounded dream about the dream book? When a purulent wound dreams

To dream that you are wounded is a sign of misfortune and an unfavorable turn in business. Seeing others wounded means injustice on the part of friends. Soothe pain or bandage a wound - portends that you will have a reason to congratulate yourself on great luck.

Dream interpretation of Nostradamus Rahn

Seeing wounds on your body in a dream - one of your loved ones will become the cause of your moral suffering. A dream in which you hurt someone close to you is a warning. Perhaps one of your ill-wishers will try to provoke you to unseemly act... Heal wounds in a dream - hear good news... To see a wounded dove in a dream is a threat to the world. If in a dream you were wounded with a knife or dagger - beware of imaginary friends. Their evil tongues can hurt you in the heart. Seeing bleeding wounds in a dream - in reality feel remorse. If in a dream you saw how already healed wounds began to bleed, be careful! Beware of injuries and road accidents.

Dream interpretation of Freud Wound

Any bleeding wound symbolizes monthly problems in women. In some cases, such a dream can symbolize the loss of innocence. Injuring yourself, even accidentally, symbolizes your dissatisfaction with your sex life that you tend to blame your sexual partner for. Wounding another symbolizes your attraction to a new sex object. A man's injury to another man symbolizes his homosexual tendencies. If a woman inflicts a wound on a man, then this symbolizes her bisexuality or even her desire to change sex.

Rana's modern dream book

To dream that you are wounded is a harbinger of trouble and an unfavorable course of commercial affairs. Seeing others injured means that your friends will treat you unfairly. Bandaging a wound - predicts that you will have the opportunity to congratulate yourself on great luck.

Rana's intimate dream book

Seeing a wound on oneself in a dream - such a dream indicates that in the near future a love disappointment will overtake you. This is due to the fact that you idealized a person, not suspecting a lot of bad things in him. Naturally, a closer relationship has shown that this person is very different from the image you drew in your imagination. Seeing a wound on someone in a dream means that in reality it is you who will become the cause of a person's love suffering. You are distinguished by mental deafness and do not notice that there is a person living next to you who is suffering. Be more empathetic.

Esoteric dream book Rana

Blow, quarrel, see on what. (For example, on the hand - a quarrel with friends). To inflict a wound is to initiate a quarrel, confrontation. To heal the wound - in the end everything will be settled, after the quarrel there will be peace.

Muslim dream book Rana

Whoever sees in a dream that he wounded a person and the wound does not bleed, he will say the word of Truth and Truth about the one he wounded, and if blood flowed from the wound, then the one who saw the dream will discredit him with what was in reality. And whoever sees that many wounds, or puffs, or something like that have appeared on his body, will acquire wealth. Anything superfluous that appears on the body means wealth.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov Rana

With blood - the loss of a husband, lover (for a woman); slander (for a man).

Ukrainian dream book Rana

The wound on the body is a misunderstanding. Seeing yourself in a dream as a wounded ax, drill or oblique predicts death. A wound with blood - the loss of a man, love; slander.

according to Ayurvedic dream book

If you dreamed that someone hurt you, then this is a warning. Someone will try to destroy you. Be on the lookout. You should change your place of residence.

The meaning of a dream about a wound

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing a wound on oneself in a dream - such a dream indicates that in the near future a love disappointment will overtake you. This is due to the fact that you idealized a person, not suspecting a lot of bad things in him. Naturally, a closer relationship has shown that this person is very different from the image you drew in your imagination. Seeing a wound on someone in a dream means that in reality it is you who will become the cause of a person's love suffering. You are distinguished by mental deafness and do not notice that there is a person living next to you who is suffering. Be more empathetic.

A wound in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Seeing wounds on your body in a dream - one of your loved ones will become the cause of your moral suffering. A dream in which you hurt someone close to you is a warning. Perhaps one of your ill-wishers will try to provoke you into an unseemly act. To heal wounds in a dream is to hear the good news. To see a wounded dove in a dream is a threat to the world. If in a dream you were wounded with a knife or dagger - beware of imaginary friends. Their evil tongues can hurt you in the heart. Seeing bleeding wounds in a dream - in reality feel remorse. If in a dream you saw how already healed wounds began to bleed, be careful! Beware of injuries and road accidents.

I dreamed about the wound

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing in a dream that you are wounded is a sign of unhappiness and an unfavorable turn in business. Seeing others wounded means injustice on the part of friends. Soothing pain or bandaging a wound - portends that you will have a reason to congratulate yourself on great luck.

Dreamed of blood

according to Miller's dream book

Removing bloody clothes speaks of possible enemies who seek to interfere with a successful career that opens up in front of you. Anyone who sees this dream should be wary of strange new friendships. Seeing blood pouring from a wound is a sign of physical illness or impending anxiety, failure in business caused by unsuccessful deals with foreign syndicates, cartels and other associations. Seeing blood on your hands is failure, fatal bad luck, if you do not immediately take care of yourself and your affairs.

Why does blood dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to see a lot - to money; randomness; from the nose - monetary loss, distress, relatives; from the mouth - property disagreements with loved ones; from a member - divorce with loss of children or reputation; on others, illness in the family; someone else's soiled - benefit through the one whose blood; liberation through loss; unexpected happiness; spills on the ground - to money; unexpected help; clothes are stained - someone's anger; withered - old enmity or envy.

Blood in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

If in a dream you saw blood on yourself - in the near future you will receive news from your relatives. A dream in which you bleed means temporary loneliness and sadness. To see in a dream how you shed someone's blood is to show carelessness in solving a very important problem for you. You should take the initiative in your own hands. See in a dream loved one bleeding - because of your selfishness, your relationship with a loved one will deteriorate. The dream in which you saw the blood-soaked earth portends hardships, conflicts and human sacrifices.

Why is there a dream about blood

according to Vanga's dream book

Blood in a dream is associated with family ties, retaliation, conflicts. The dream in which you are trying to stop the blood pouring from the wound symbolizes your longing for a deceased loved one. If in a dream you saw blood on your clothes, this is a sign that the act of a loved one will jeopardize your reputation. In a dream, you defended yourself and hit your enemy so hard that blood spurted out of his wound - this dream predicts that any intervention in a quarrel between loved ones can end up with serious consequences for you. You dream that you are drinking cold and tasty water from the river. But suddenly the water in the river begins to darken and turns into thick blood before your eyes. You notice with horror that your hands, mouth and clothes are stained with this blood. This dream is a warning. There is a long-standing curse on your family that will not hesitate to destroy your life and the lives of your loved ones. An evil fate will haunt you until you ask the Creator for forgiveness for the sins of which your ancestors are guilty.

See blood in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

This symbol is rarely worn in dreams positive character, perhaps, with the exception of cases associated with the manifestation of anger towards someone. In this case, the blood of the enemy is a sign of your complete victory. But more often than not, blood symbolizes exhaustion, decline, damage, or death. Exhaustion can be both physical and emotional, financial, that is, imply the loss of significant resources. Blood has another direct meaning - it is the source of life. In this sense, she is seen as a symbol of unity with another person - an image inspired by the Indian cult of "blood brotherhood". Blood can also symbolize sacrifice - for example, a lamb given up for the slaughter. In addition, blood has deep meaning for people who are fond of the occult. In dreams of this kind, blood is often drunk, painted or written with. You will find frequent mentions and references to such phenomena in many cult works of literature. Whose blood do you see in your dream? Can you determine who caused her to appear? Did you experience a sense of dread while doing this?

Why is the abscess dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book


I dreamed of an abscess

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing an abscess in a dream, a boil from which pus and blood flows, means that you are in for trouble in the near future. Maybe one of them is the insincerity of your friends, which will give you great anxiety. Seeing boils on your forehead in a dream - speaks of the illness of someone close to you.

The meaning of a scratch dream

according to Freud's dream book

In a dream, to see traces of scratches on your body - a chatty person will appear in your environment who will pester you with his conversations. You can be rude to him, but you should not do this, so as not to interfere with possible cooperation. If in a dream you saw scratches on someone else, it means that you can decide about the bloom that has bothered you for a long time, but for this you will have to resort to someone else's help. It is best if it is provided by one of your relatives or people whom you completely trust, since the problem will be strictly confidential. For the dreamer himself to scratch someone with his nails in a dream - you will have very violent sex.

Dreamed of a scratch

according to Miller's dream book

If you scratch someone in a dream, it means that you will be picky and irritable in your behavior with others. If you scratched you in a dream, it means that you will suffer from the malicious slander of some liar.

See body damage in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Often in a dream we cannot act as a result of injury - such dreams, in particular, are characteristic of periods of uncertainty about own forces... We simply believe that luck bypasses us and is more supportive of others; as a result, a feeling of inferiority and vulnerability arises. It is important to know who and what caused the injury. If you hurt yourself, through negligence, you may be trying to catch yourself in a lie. If the injury is inflicted by another person, and intentionally, with malice, then this is an indication that someone is trying to prevent you from realizing your potential. And, of course, it is very important to track what methods the wound is treated with and what consequences it leads to. What important functions were you unable to perform after your injury?

Why dream of hurting

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

(with a sharp knife, you were wounded with a saber) - for lovers - mutual happiness; new friendship; you hurt someone - a good deed; benefit through this person.

See amputation in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Cut off a part of your body. Dreams often paint us pictures in which we damage any part of the body. People dream various forms damage. This often speaks of a person's physical weakness or self-destructive psychological beginning. Try to determine what caused the amputation, how it is carried out, and also analyze the state of anxiety caused by this process. Also see how amputation affects your future life and what inconveniences are associated with it, or maybe it brings a feeling of liberation? Consider how far away a body part you need in real life for the functioning of the body. Sleep amputation can be religious, moral, or ethical. For the followers of some religious sects, their own body is worst enemy professed social or religious principles and values. Christians, for example, piously believe in Holy Scripture, which says that it is better to pluck out the eye that tempts you than to keep it, but commit a sin and go to hell. Adherents of different beliefs follow similar stereotypes at the subconscious level. Cut off a part of someone else's body. To understand why in a dream you cut off parts of another's body, it is important to analyze the relationship between you and that person. Cutting off something from a loved one indicates an area in which you feel hurt. Injury to a coworker may be motivated by a simple desire to get even with him or to benefit from it. If a severed organ regenerates in a dream, it seems that this colleague or rival is lucky: he is not subject to your influence. If you injure to a stranger- This is a manifestation of a feeling of awkwardness in the forced daily communication with different people.

Dreamed of amputation

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing the amputation of any parts of the body in a dream means small losses in the service. The complete loss of arms and legs in sleep is a decline in commercial affairs. For sailors, such a dream portends a storm, loss of property. For people in great distress, this dream is a warning sign.

Why is a wounded person dreaming? Such an image in a dream promises grief, failure, injustice. However, helping him or bandaging him, as the dream book claims, is a harbinger of good luck, an opportunity to get the support of loved ones.

What kind of injury did you dream about?

The interpretation of the dream takes into account what kind of injury you saw:

  • knife - there is a great passion ahead;
  • from firearms- professional threat;
  • easy - problems can be solved;
  • light, but with multiple damages - setbacks for business;
  • heavy - discord with friends;
  • fatal, resulting in a lethal outcome - the health of one of the relatives is at risk.

Miller's dream book: unfair treatment of friends

Why dream as if it is a friend? In reality, the attitude of friends towards you will worsen, they will show injustice. Are you hurt yourself in a dream? A business deal that was counted on to be successful will fail.

Relationship difficulties, possible harm

Did you dream of a wounded person? The dream interpretation informs: in reality the dreamer will quarrel with a friend or there will be some obstacles to achieving the goal.

When the sleeping person himself wounded someone with a knife, his help or advice to this person will only bring harm.

If a relative or friend is injured, expect significant losses and worries. Sometimes this is a warning about the betrayal of someone close.

Do not interfere in other people's affairs and take care of your health

Why does a wounded man dream of a girl? The dream book emphasizes: she needs to beware of her lover's infidelity. They may part ways soon.

Seeing many people in a dream with wounds, injuries means: take care of your own health, as a serious illness is possible.

A dreamed wounded person, if this is a stranger, is a warning: you should not interfere in someone's affairs, since the problem will only worsen.

Where is the wound?

If you yourself turned out to be a wounded person in a dream, dream books interpret the vision according to what was hurt when injured:

  • head - do a stupid act;
  • neck - longing, unwillingness to meet with acquaintances, friends;
  • region of the heart - great suffering;
  • belly - the cunning of enemies;
  • back - betrayal by loved ones;
  • hand - business failures;
  • leg is an obstacle to promotion;

Favorable meanings

To help him - under difficult circumstances, the sleeper will be able to count on the participation and support of his family. A similar plot indicates: the dreamer often shows mercy, love for others.

To cover someone's wound with a plaster means to soon help someone who is in great need of money.

Tying her up in a dream is a great omen. Ahead is great success in business, personal life.

Try to recognize insidiousness and make amends

Why dream of seeing a wounded person with a damaged face? The dream interpretation says: there is a meeting with a friend whom you have very offended once and he remembers it. If you haven't asked for forgiveness before, now is the time to make amends.

Did you dream that you yourself inflicted damage on a friend, relative? You should be careful: it is very possible that enemies will push you to commit an unseemly act.

Unpleasant heavy dreams do not always have an ominous and negative meaning... Often seen at night turns out to be a good sign, a foreshadowing of great changes in life.

So, for example, the wound is included in the dream book under very favorable interpretations. But there are a few nuances.

To find out why the wound is dreaming, you need to remember all the circumstances: on whom you see the wound, whether it is with blood, which part of the body is damaged. Only then can you give full description dreaming.

Who was injured?

When in a dream you bandage or treat someone's wounds and wipe off the blood, this is a sign of imminent great luck. Some significant event will not only help you noticeably improve your financial situation, but will also bring harmony and peace to your inner world.

Another meaning of such a dream says that treating someone else's wound means a quick resolution of the conflicts in the family that oppress you. The family hearth will again be filled with warmth and comfort, relatives and friends will be there.

Seeing a knife stuck in someone's wound - incredible love adventures... Blood in a dream usually portends a change in love front... You will meet a person whose passion will overwhelm you completely. It is difficult to judge the development of the novel: both a serious long-term relationship and a fleeting hobby are likely.

If you yourself injure someone in your dream and see blood on your hands, there may be some difficulties in your affairs. However, these obstacles will only inflame your interest in work, and in the end success is assured.

See deep wounds on your own body - in reality in the near future you will end a long and difficult relationship. The tear can be painful, but in the end it will allow you to breathe freely, straighten your shoulders, and start over.

The nature of the injury

The interpretation of the dream depends on the characteristics of the wound that you see. This could be:

  • Laceration.
  • Purulent wound.
  • Ulcer with worms.
  • A wound with blood.
  • Healing wound.

Let's consider what each value means:

1. Torn damage in a dream is associated with love experiences. In relations with the second half, some cooling, misunderstanding is possible. But you can fix this if you listen to each other, pay more attention. Shake yourself up and remember that there is not only work, but also something more important.

2. A purulent wound with blood foreshadows a meeting with rivals in reality. Your enemies are plotting and you will have to face serious opposition. Fortunately, the struggle will turn in your favor - it will give you strength, experience, and you will emerge as a real winner.

3. The dream where you found a wound with worms at first glance seems creepy and certainly does not mean something good. But in reality, this is a harbinger of the imminent exposure of deceitful "friends" and acquaintances. This discovery will undoubtedly turn out to be painful for you, but thanks to this you will get rid of unnecessary people in life that do not allow you to turn around and grow further.

4. If you dreamed of a wound with blood oozing profusely from it, in reality you carry a lot of worries about your personal life and professional searches. But these worries are ethereal and unfounded, it is time to drop unnecessary worries and start living. Do not be afraid, you are not in danger, go for it.

5. An old, lingering wound can symbolize memories from the distant past that will suddenly rush over to you. Such nostalgic influences will make you more sensitive, become a source of inspiration and push you to accomplish something real.

What was damaged?

Probably one of the most important points in the interpretation of dreams with wounds - its place on the body. Each part of our body has its own meaning.

  • On the arms and legs.
  • On the head.
  • On the neck.
  • On the stomach.
  • On the back.

1. Wounds on the limbs - an arm or a leg - portend an imminent acquaintance with a person who will leave a grandiose mark in your life. He may become a close friend, or he may turn out to be a temporary acquaintance who will soon disappear from sight. But his appearance means the coming of significant changes. Be more attentive to the words of your friends.

In addition, a wound on the leg can mean that in reality all your endeavors will be successful. But in order to achieve this, you will have to "run" - to exert maximum zeal and diligence.

2. A head injury in a dream is always closely related to mental activity, subconsciousness. Such a dream is a sign that it is time to rest. You are undoubtedly doing your job professionally, achieving success, but on a subconscious level you are tired. Take a vacation, devote time to yourself and your family.

3. We saw in a dream a wound on the stomach with strongly flowing blood - soon you will be separated from your beloved or beloved. Perhaps it will be a business trip or an emergency trip.

Parting even for a short period will be difficult for you, but in the end, the results will amaze you. Relationships will be filled with passion, calmed feelings will re-awaken, a new stage will begin.

4. A wound on the neck is a symbol of the basis of life, breathing. A wound on the neck promises a conflict with ill-wishers who will really want to deprive you of "oxygen". But the insidious plans will not be realized: with some effort, you will defeat your enemies.

5. "A knife in the back" is a famous saying. If you transfer it to the meaning of a dream, in which a wound on the back appears, a quarrel with a close friend is possible in reality. But by acting wisely, you can smooth out the conflict and keep a friend.

Other interpretations

  • To inflict a wound on yourself in a dream is a wonderful sign. Soon your innermost dream will come true!
  • The wound on the palm has interesting symbolism. Usually fortune-tellers and clairvoyants predict fate in the palm of their hand. Therefore, the wound is a sign of the real global changes in life. They will not affect just one of its areas, but everything as a whole.
  • Seeing a wound on the face for a girl in a dream is a sign of doubt about her own attractiveness. Moreover, doubts have no grounds. More confidence, you are wonderful!

When figuring out why the wound is dreaming, do not forget that dreams do not necessarily carry symbolic meaning and a harbinger of the future. Do not disturb yourself ahead of time if you see blood and wounds in a dream. Sometimes it's just a response from our subconscious mind to what is happening, thinking and analyzing the events of the day. Tune in to the positive and know that in any case, everything will work out.

Find out what the cards say about your sleep


As a rule, a wound seen in a dream is a harbinger of experiences, troubles or disappointments. If you are injured, you should expect inevitable trouble, as well as the associated loss of money. In some cases, such a dream can warn of an impending danger.

If you see a wound that has already healed, it means that the "black" streak will soon end and things will get better. After like a dream you can safely count on the approaching luck.

Seeing a bloody wound - to the appearance of serious trouble or the disclosure of some terrible secret.

Wounded people are seen - this dream warns against interference in other people's affairs. If you do not listen to like a dream, you can soon find yourself drawn into other people's squabbles and lose your good name.

Your own wounded palms are a sign that in the near future you will have to get into very large debts, while you will hope that the debt will not need to be repaid. However, this is unlikely to work, and the debt will still have to be repaid.

If you are wounded in the chest or even right in the heart, you should beware of emotional distress, love disappointment or humiliation from a loved one. Besides, this dream can warn of an impending quarrel.

If in a dream a large number of them appeared on your body, this dream portends slander, which will bring you mental suffering.

If the wound is prolonged, you can safely count on the improvement of affairs and even great success in the future.


If on your own body, in the near future someone from your inner circle will cause moral suffering.

If in a dream you had to injure a loved one, this dream should be regarded as a warning. Most likely, one of the enemies will try to harm you.

If wounds heal in a dream, you should count on receiving the good news.

A wounded dove - the world in the house can shake.

To be wounded by a dagger - you should reconsider your environment, imaginary comrades may appear in it. These people are capable of bringing emotional experiences.

If you dreamed of a wound oozing blood, in reality you will be tormented by pangs of conscience.

If, in night vision, an already healed wound suddenly begins to bleed, you should be wary of traffic accidents.


I dreamed that you were badly injured - expect a deterioration in relations with close friends, to quarrels.

Injured while making something - get ready for big problems in life.

In a dream, you had an accident or an accident and were injured - warn your loved ones, they are not safe, there is a risk of loss of health.

Received a wound from an arrow or a spear - beware of undeserved punishment, the justice apparatus may be mistaken.

If you hurt your leg in a dream - go on a trip soon.

If you tried to seal it with an adhesive plaster, you will help to solve someone's financial issue; pulled over with a hemostatic tourniquet - get ready to get what you deserve for your misdemeanor.

We saw in a dream many people with various wounds - apathy and depression await you; animals - to unhappy news; birds - say goodbye to your close friend.


In a dream, your whole body was badly wounded - soon someone close to you will commit an unpleasant act, as a result of which you will be tormented by mental anguish.

Dreaming of bleeding wounds symbolizes remorse that will torment the dreamer for a long time.

If in a dream you were injured with a cold weapon, for example, a knife, then in reality you should constantly be on the lookout and not allow ill-wishers to spread rumors about yourself. Probably the person you considered yours for a long time best friend, will commit treacherous actions.

Old healed wounds began to ooze blood again - you need to be as careful as possible, as you are in danger of seriously injuring yourself or even becoming disabled.


A dream in which your body was wounded is a bad omen. You should acknowledge the existence of the spiritual world and divine influence on the life of every person. As soon as you accept this, you will immediately feel the support of the Lord, who will help you in any endeavors.

Someone wounded you in a dream, which means that soon you are guaranteed cardinal changes. Perhaps you decide to tie the knot with a loved one to whom you were afraid to confess your feelings.

I dreamed that you are trying with all your might to help the wounded stop the blood and heal - in real life, you are characterized by boundless kindness and a thirst for justice. Your whole existence is overflowing with love for others and a compassionate attitude towards everything.

In dreams, your long-healed wounds suddenly began to bleed again - in the near future you will have to remember the old grievances that will again cause a lot of suffering and mental anguish.

If you dreamed that someone from your family was seriously injured, then you are predetermined to face a difficult test of illness or loss.

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