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Movement against a new world order. Resistance to a new world order: the struggle for life or war with windmills? How to carry a positive? Through good deeds, even the smallest. Carry it through music, through literature, through painting, any

Any threat, whether it is real or only apparent such, generates opposition, that is, resistance. It is logical that According to which some secret organizations seek to seize power over the whole world, which gained quite widespread, led to the emergence of people who are ready to fight such a threat. Resistance to a new world order is predominantly theoretical character, since this order is usually considered precisely in the theoretical key. However, in recent years, social flows have been formed, whose activities can be qualified as a struggle with an impending new world order.

Unwilling life in the new world

To the greatest extent of the actual social flows and organizations rank of fighters with new world order Correspond to antiglobalists. At the turn of the XX-XXI centuries, it became obvious not only that the world develops according to the scenario of globalization, but also the fact that this scenario implies a lot of negative consequences. Anti-globalists are extremely different in their political, philosophical, religious and other views. Until now, there is no official political party or organization for which anti-globalism would be the basis of the ideological platform.

Speech against individual directions of anti-globalism or, less often, against this phenomenon, is always a supplement to some basic ideas and values \u200b\u200bof a particular organization. The semi-official date of the birth of the anti-globalist movement is December 1999. Then in American Seattle passed mass performances and unrest against the World Trade Organization Summit (WTO) at the city. The active protests against the WTO activities became the first unifying slogan, on the basis of which anarchists, left radicals, different senses and sewing of nationalists, defenders of nature, representatives of alternative religious teachings and many others were united.

  • speech against the policies of international financial organizations responsible for the consolidation of the unequal status of developed and developing countries. First of all, this WTO, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank. Anti-globalists are confident that the policy of these institutions is aimed at protecting the interests of developed countries and to prevent the development of the "Third World" countries;
  • the rejection of modern standards of the global socio-economic sphere, in which the main benefits and resources go to the minority ("Golden Billion"), while the majority of the population does not receive decent living conditions;
  • the dominance of transnational corporations, which, firstly, contribute to the division of labor in the international market, the role of a cheap unqualified labor force, which displaced the residents of developing countries. Secondly, transnational corporations by an alternative and opponent of national states that naturally obstruct the preparation of super-profits. For this reason, according to anti-globalists, corporations contribute to destabilizing the structure of sovereign states, so that they can be easier to manipulate;
  • predatory exploitation of humanity of natural resources and criminal environment. This is fraught with both a socio-economic point of view and in terms of elementary survival of humanity. In the first case, resources are reset in the interests of the "Golden Billion", and the rest of the population does not receive any dividends from it. In addition, the lack of attention to the environmental problem can put humanity on the edge of the catastrophe after several generations;
  • the imposed modern generation through the media and communication standards of mass popular culture leading to the intellectual, moral and creative degradation of people.

From "black block" to homegrown wrestlers with world evil

As a specific examples of modern organizations, ideology, values \u200b\u200band nature of whose activity, it can be classified for anti-globalists, two movements can be called. The first of them is "black block", the movement of radical anti-globalists. The brutal name is not by chance: members of this organization appeared in the 1980s in Germany are black clothes and hide faces for black masks. Due to their frequent clashes with the forces of law and order and participation in disobedience, such a dress code is quite explained. The basics of the organization are anarchists, however, they are joined by other opponents of capitalism, strong state and globalization.

"Black Block" consistently acts:

  • against private ownership of the means of production and real estate;
  • against the state as a man control tool;
  • against any forms of discrimination;
  • against the existence of a repressive apparatus (police, army and so on);
  • against the reckless and not motivated by the real needs of human use of nature;
  • against mass modern culture, media, planting "cult of consumption";
  • ultimately - for the worldwide anti-capitalist library (that is, denying all forms of organized violence) revolution.

In Russia, antiglobalism, like almost any phenomenon on national soil, was transformed into an interesting phenomenon known as the movement of resistance to world order. It was created in 2013 and positions itself as the organization of the fight against the upcoming world order. The ideological basis of this movement is anti-globalism, modern eschatology (waiting for the close end of the world), quite primitively understood the provisions of Orthodoxy, confidence in the existence of a Masonic conspiracy, the purpose of which is to establish the kingdom of Antichrist on the ground. Thus, the ideological filling consists of a variety of conspiracy theories in the religious orthodox shell.

According to the participants of the resistance of the resistance to world order, the end of the world predicted in Christianity and the totalitarian satanic regime precedes it, the newest world order. Its ideological orientation is defined as antichristian, and the trends of modern globalization are regarded as obvious signs of its approach. It is curious that theoretical questions and practical skills of autonomous survival in the post of the apocalyptic world after the death of the developed civilization are actively being actively studied. To this end, it is considered how to master the foundations of gathering, hunting, fishing, conducting their own agricultural economy, the main crafts, the azes of medicine and applied science.

Alexander Babitsky

After all, each of something seeks to prove in their favor. See how the world is arranged today.

Some Birzhevik, a banker or a speculator that robbed you, is trying to expose its activities as a scientifically based, legitimate, natural, etc. Such a deceiver says that this was given more than; What is the economy that there is macroeconomics that there are formulas proving that the loan is a good thing, and the percentage is justified.

And if you ask this liar - why it is so, then he will say that this is how it is headed. But tell me honestly, will you believe this liar?

All this system is an irrational desire for wealth. No longer worth it. The moral drop in man is the desire for power and exorbitant wealth, we are trying to present everywhere today as Manna Heaven. Everywhere promoted and urge:

"Take everything from life".

"Wealth is good."

"Poor to be shameful."

"Be the leader."

"Become successful (rich)."

"You are worth it."

Read Pushkin, a fairy tale about a goldfish. The old woman wanted wealth in this fairy tale, I wanted to become a pillars, I wanted a magical authority. Pushkin ridicked this moral drop, and at the same time warned thinking people.

Spiritual torments disappear as soon as survival, struggle begins. How to live, where to work, what salary. It is so understandable. But this process imposed by the world elite can be stopped.

To do this, you have to think and talk about it. The world elite has very deeply penetrated all levels, including; They have nowhere to retreat. They disclaimed the final phase of establishing a new order. Save can only resistance to new world order.

In the US, there are politicians - "new conservatives" or just "neocons". They sit at the very top of the American administration, they are sitting in the IMF and other facade organizations of the global elite. These people openly preach the old ideas of a good human race, for which, 10 years ago, it was possible to get a mark "Nazi" or "Racist".

But today they openly declare the reduction of the population, they call the human race "Human breed", hold their programs legally. They checked - everyone is silent. It means further; The test was successful.

So then wonder why there are chosen and there are cattle. There is an elite and are rejected. Why life around is one big rivalry. And so happened because when it was necessary to say the word against this system, everyone was silent.

Everywhere there is a propaganda formation of leadership qualities: to jump out there, go there. And around this is the whole life of a person. Life outside the spirit, isolated from God. The life that globalists invented and implement.

The aggression, which globalists flooded all the media, creates apathy and depression in humans. The number of teleagression is not at all by chance. They achieved that modern person is absolutely inert: it does not go to the polls, does not have a civil position. The world does not remake, but you can change the person yourself - start with myself. Therefore, everyone should carry as much as possible and positive. And it is patiently and persistent, for it is only so possible to turn the situation in our favor.

How to carry a positive? Through good deeds, even the smallest. Carry it through music, through literature, through painting, any available ways. To stretch the hand to help someone who needs it, raise the one who fell, etc. Words are only words. Important things.

And then, when the time comes, this huge and strong, and the full-water river of the good will absorb and solurate the river of violence and the destruction of the occultists. Resistance to new world order Not at all empty words. Everyone can do something for their part. Because, if I'm going to silently together now, when a person will take the name to him and will be replaced by God and will be replaced by a number; When simply, if they want to erase all the information about a person, without his knowledge, from a data bank, it will already be sophisticated and called for help.

Warning: All thoughts here are the stated - this is a private point of view. There are open questions that need to be explored. If everywhere there is solidarity and fraternity, how will the production be developed? After all, in such a society there is no place to compete. Planned Economy? It was already passing.

11 reviews for now ...

Merkulov Viktor Vladimirovich Writes:

An article is fully not an understanding of what is happening in the world. Well, if it is written sincerely, and otherwise it is just harmful. And there is no time and specifically I do not explain anything and, besides, I needed about everything, I wrote a lot in the comments on many sites, including on YouTube's website

admin replied:
May 3rd, 2014 at 21:26

@ Merkulov Viktor Vladimirovich, I do not have a certificate for the truth. There are no harmful or useful information in the world. There are just information and there is the right to choose.

Nikita replied:
May 18th, 2014 at 23:12

@Admin, and whether you watched the film "Sherlock Holmes" 2009 production of the Western Industry? One of the heroes of the film says: "Our secret society leads the world for the better future ..."

admin replied:
May 19th, 2014 at 21:16

@ Nikita, watched a long time ago when he came out. I do not remember one of the heroes of the film. By the ears, apparently, flew, although I have no doubt that these words are there.
If we talk about those societies about which now everyone is spoken, the main ideas of these societies were to the current moment exhausted. Instead of transforming the spirit to the highest, everything rolls up to total control.
What better future do they lead to? To society - a wrapped flock? From their point of view, poverty and hunger prevent the best future and of course they have a solution, the best solution. Through its public, political organizations, with the help of the economic system and through business, they are simply engaged in a reduction in the population to get rid of hunger and poverty.

Greenskin. Writes:

Normal article.
The author was not sent to the little things, but only indicated the main vector of the development of modern world order.
No hysteria and conspirastic horror stories, only a dry forecast based on the analytical work done by the thinking person.
You can agree or disagree with the author. For example, I fully share this view.
But, in any case, do not flood, like a commentator above.

The world on the threshold of serious change. Behind - a new time with the rise of science, technology, humanism. Ahead is the choice of further path for humanity. What will it be? The current "lords" of the economic, political and military instruments of the authorities build a "new world order", where people are separate grain grades engaged in satisfying material needs. Opponents of such a "order" are combined to preserve the most valuable thing, which makes us people, and declare their goals.

I. End of era

Globalization - Association of Markets, Information Networks, Technological Achievements, Life Studies - arose as a result of the development of Western civilization, where in the middle of 2 millennium N. Era was born capitalism and began the rapid development of science and technology.

In the XIX century, capitalism became imperialism, where the markets were controlled by the force of imperialist powers: "the invisible hand of the market" is impossible without a "invisible fist." Free competition was pushed into "market backyards".

By the end of the 20th century, especially after the fall of socialism in the USSR and in Europe, the markets were associated, which is now controlled not only by states, but also transnational corporations - imperialism switched to the stage of globalization. She inherited the worst features of imperialism: The right to strong in solving disputes, the exploitation of the population of whole regions in favor of the Western "Golden Billiona". Capitalism without free competition has ceased to be a progress engine, an increasing share of capital is derived from production to the scope of stock financial speculations - today up to 95% of money appeals in the speculative sphere, the daily revisions of which reach trillion dollars.

Scientific progress has become a source of threat to mankind. To famous hazards (use of radioactive materials, harmful emissions, etc.) added new ones: cloning, genetic engineering, climate management and ionosphere and others, each of which threatens to man and their habitat.

The most important among the latest technologies - methods of management of consciousness: the possibilities of permanent electron surveys almost every every replacement democracy her imitation. Literature, music, theater forcibly, against the will of peoples are displaced by Erzats-culture - a stunning, calculating "entertainment". And even the wealth of languages \u200b\u200bis the most important tool of any modern culture - is replaced by simplified English, sufficient only for primitive "communication." The satisfaction of physiological needs has turned into pursuit of the buzz - the emerging civilization is not only "hedonistic", but essentially narcotic.

II. "New World Order" - the instrument of disastrous unification

The leading globalization forces described by the means are trying to complete the "new world order" for the sake of unlimited power over humanity. What is this for strength? Not only (and not so much) Government of the Golden Billion Countries or Official Supportual Structures - International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank (WB), World Trade Organization (WTO), etc.

Transnational corporations create informal tools of impact on the governments and peoples of countries: a variety of committees, funds, clubs, etc. and now it is already done almost openly: say, many of the Bilderberg Club decisions are published and everyone can observe their execution.

"Committee 300" and "Bilderberg Club" published lists of their members and tasks (possibly incomplete), providing the validity of the former suspicions of their account. Ideologists, designers of "new world order", such as J. Attali, Z. Bzhezinsky - openly write about the values \u200b\u200band prospects of the globalized world, this is the most important: freedom of movement of capital, goods, labor, i.e. The world without countries, without borders - humanity as a lot of "new nomads", seeking maximum income.

However, most people in this model will be superfluous - the ideologues of the NMP do not hide this: will satisfy their needs no more than 20% of the population of the Earth. Developed and created tools designed to prevent the majority protest, which could disrupt the implementation of this model. For the bulk, the entertainment system is proposed ("Titetting") - something like nipples for the baby. The entertainment industry already plays an important role in the graciousness of dissatisfied. Let's say the electronic media form a "planned" attitude to events directly simulate behavior, form a non-critical attitude to the constructed reality, contribute to spiritual degradation - all makes it easier to control the masses. Already, the struggle of the parties is often only imitated, as well as "protest" shares, managed terrorist formations are created. More and more manifestations of public life are paralyzed by imitation.

In the eyes there is such a means of total control of personality, as information on electronic media (plastic cards, microchips), which can be a tool for tracking and even reprisals, because Chip or Card accumulate information about the place of stay of a person, his contacts, purchases, financial transactions - i.e. The whole life of a person is tracked and remembered. If the presentation of such cards, let's say, instead of money, it will be mandatory, a person who broke a certain ban (let's say, who has joined the batch-rode) loses the opportunity to buy, ride around the city, just to be on the streets. The world will turn into an "electronic concentration camp".

Such a model prepares Western civilization to humanity. Obviously, it is a dead end for the whole world. Globalization is war against all mankind, against the Russian peopleAnimal to destroy a huge number of people and the establishment of a single superholitarian state.

If we want the earth to be tomorrow, today you need to clearly see the danger.

III. Other Future

Such a fate has not yet become inevitable, there are forces that can offer another future. This is the mighty moral and cultural potential of Russia and many other oppressed peoples.

Among political concepts, this is primarily a communist teaching, which managed to prove the feasibility of the other concept of the world, despite the extremes and perversions accompanying the incarnation of the ideal. In the face of possible global catastrophes, the ideal of solidarity, cooperation is becoming increasingly in demand, as opposed to the Western principle of competition of all with everyone. Humanity survived thanks to the mutual assistance of people - and will survive thanks to her. The desire for enjoyment (hedonism) - always opposed the curb of momentary whims for the sake of high goals. For centuries, the memory of heroes that sacrificing not only well-being, but also lives - for their country and faith, "put their belly for each other". The priority of the spirit over the flesh made it possible to survive many peoples in the deadly fight against the invaders, in the fights with harsh nature. He filled the lives of people with meaning that was not reduced to the gap between birth and death.

For the millennium of joint existence, many peoples and cultures have developed the principles of mutual tolerance, cooperation, mutual enrichment of cultures. They will preserve the civilization diversity of humanity - the key to his survival, even if one or another civilization went into a dead end. We must use this opportunity.

IV. Our struggle for the future

Different devastating techniques of "new world order", but diverse and diverse resistance to them. This struggle has a place and young, and mature, active and thoughtful. And although the time for total counterattacking has not yet come, there are many possibilities of opposition at different levels: governments of countries and socio-political organizations; advice of self-government and religious communities; Creative unions, associations of entrepreneurs and just friendly associations. Now the main task is to make every effort and stop the most disastrous manifestations of the "new world order": the barbaric operation of most people's population (including all the peoples of Russia); suppressing national sovereignty, destruction of the spiritual basis of society; suppression of personality sovereignty using total electronic control; The use of protected technologies (cloning, gene modification, climate management and others).

In addition to the tasks of opposition, there is constructive tasks. It is necessary to support the forms of cooperation based on our ideals as the sprouts of the future. This is cooperation in economic activities, in scientific and technological developments. This is self-government at different levels, folk tips - production, parental, communal. This is the creation of a cultural and educational environment opposing the primitation and cultural degradation: children's troops, clubs, the spread of literature and video materials.

In provocations today, it is extremely important not to become a toy in the hands of the creators of "orange revolutions" and "protests". It is important to avoid and danger to become a means of meeting the ambitions of politicians, exchangeable coins of election battles. To resist the "new world order" you can only bring together our efforts. This It does not mean that we have to abandon our ideological plants that can differ significantly. We are united in countering "new world order", but outside this struggle we are different and remain different.

We offer cooperation to everyone who understands the danger and is ready to fight with us. And we will win. Live, Earth!

If you want to become an anti-globalist ... be it!

If you understand that the "new world order" is the reason for the current people of Russia and the threat to your future, you took the first step in the fight against him. After all, the purpose of them is to turn our fellow citizens into thoughtless mass, rejoicing beer and a chewing and believing that they are leading "where necessary".

Now - the next effort. Maybe you can reveal the eyes to what is happening all new and new groups of our compatriots. Maybe it will be possible to prevent corrupted our children, turning them into bevelous appendages of televisions and game computer programs. Maybe you can stop the lawlessness of the entrepreneur or official. Maybe save the monument, natural array, scientific center or enterprise from destroying and looting.

It's all not to do alone. But everywhere in Russia there are cells of organizations formed Anti-globalistic resistance. You can choose those who are closer to you and offer them to participate in the fact that you seemed the most important. You can jointly organize a discussion club on which the problems of globalization would be discussed. And you can conduct a demonstration or picket against US actions. You can create a children's organization - Pioneer, military-sports, local history. And you can organize an initiative group against the next arbitrariness of local authorities. Finally, you can arrange an effective "telephone" struggle against television programs or newspapers, allowing the image of violence and indefeasure .. and all of the above are the real actions of our activists who consider them as their struggle with new world order. This is reflected in resistance programs. You can offer a program against those dangers that have not yet been seen.

Go to our website, read about new promotions on the site and in newspapers of resistance organizations. Write about your business by email. Act! While we resist, "New World Order" will not put us on your knees.

For Russia, the day 17 (30) of December 1916 is very important: the day of the submerged and brutal killing of Grigory Rasputin-new (the killers themselves considered him a blow to the back of the Orthodox monarchy) became actually the first day of the goggle revolution, which caused a terrible grief and tests for all Russia , for the whole Russian people. God judges people who are holy, who is not holy, but a person cannot judge, since the court of God is above human. And when someone will blame the elder Grigory (or another devotee or saint), let him better pay attention to his sins, his life and his vice. Because if a person in life and after death is not devoted to Anathema as a heretic or a splitter ...

Sv. Prophet Agga, who commemorates him now, made a prophetic ministry soon on the return of Jews from the prisoner of the Babylonian (at the beginning of the IV table. To R. XP.). He reinforced them, who lived in good homes and neglecting the temple of the Lord, who began to close on return from captivity. "The Lord said that", "reports the Prophet proclaimed by him:" This people says: it did not come again, not the time to build the house of the Lord. And you yourself are time to live in your homes decorated, while this house is in running? ""Therefore, so says the Lord Savaof: Please pay your heart on your way.""You sew a lot, but collect little ...

"Today, in the era of the greatest troubles and the imaginary celebration of lies, we are obliged to keep the feeling of truth as the Zenitsa Oka, and demand from ourselves and from people the right to the truth. For without a feeling of truth, we will not know the liar, and without the right to the truth we will lose all the truth, any conviction, any evidence and all sacred in life ... In the present historical moment, absolutely everything that happens in the world has the causes of spiritual, and the consequences - Apocalyptic! " - Ozrinok Another 15 years ago, a permanent member of the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, Dr. Theology, Metropolitan Odessa and Izmail Agafangel. Here just few people then heard these prophetic words, but every day they are becoming more and more relevant.

"The world evil against Russia", held in Moscow on February 28, 2015, led the conference Tatyana Lemesheva. The main report read V.N. Osipov. The burning problems of our time were affected: the war of international Masonry with Orthodoxy and Russia, the second Vatican Cathedral and the Judisation of Catholicism, Satanism in the United States, the betrayal of Constantinople Patriarchate and especially the faithful ally of Washington and CIA informant Patriarch Bartholomew, Antichrist Globalization, Three Mondial Structures of the World Government, Deceit Judah Gorbachev and the role of its foundation for the creation of the United Religion, etc.

Vice-President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, K.N. Sokolov, spoke about the struggle of world evil against all mankind. He also described the education reform in the Russian Federation, as a complete transition to NATO education.

A bright performance of the honorable lawyer of the lawyer's office of the Moscow Region I.Yu.Chpurennaya absorbed the topic of the myth about the God's love of Jews, destroyed by Christ, the Russian state as holding an evil, the need to confront the world evil, incl. Personal and cathedral repentance, incessant prayer of Jesus, compliance with the gospel commandments and firm standing in faith. It is necessary to continue to work on the protection of the constitutional rights of citizens of Russia, incl. The rights "live and act in accordance with their religious beliefs". It was noted that Patriarch Kirill elevated his voice in the State Duma about a number of anti-people laws, incl. About digital identification. But, unfortunately, there are still questions. The church did not say another word about the spiritual sense of digital identification.

I.M.chchelov, writer, chairman of the Russian-Serb friendship society, devoted his speech by the secret of lawlessness. The people of God-gathering with the people of the Boyubyans are fighting. Under Debaltsev, the Americans who fought with the people of Novorossia and Israeli special forces were released. Angela Merkel was particularly rooted about the liberation of Israeli warriors.

N.N. Myshistin, Head of the Working Group on the Protection of Family and Children at the Moscow City Duma, said with bitterness, which agree on agreements with other states on the adoption of children from Russia. Such an agreement was signed, for example, with Spain, a country where Sodomy is flourisher, and with a dozen other countries, even with Uruguay. Where did they get such love for our children? Or are they needed to organo? In Moscow, four "blue" theater. The current school card is a children's EEC. Black graftologists flew to Serbia in front of the war to enjoy wounded and children.

T.S. Meshseva reminded that the UN condemned Nazism and other forms of racial discrimination at the same time, the UN Children's Fund recognizes same-sex marriages. Members of the ruling Kiev junta have the second citizenship - Eareski. Bandera dotted with Zionism? Surprised by a tolerant attitude towards homosexuality. An offer to legislative consolidation of the responsibility of deputies initiating the adoption of anti-people laws, which aimed at discrimination of Orthodox Christians in Russia and do not ensure the safety of the Russian people and other citizens of the Russian Federation.

At the conference on February 28, 2015, a resolution on Kolomoisky was unanimously adopted. It will be sent to a pan-European Jewish Congress, the Russian Jewish Congress, the Government of Ukraine, the Government of the state of Israel and the UN. The resolution requires immediate and hard condemnation of the actions of the governor of the Dnipropetrovsk region of Ukraine Igor Kolomoisky, which is part of the persons sponsoring not only bloody shares of the so-called. The Maidan, which then resulted in the state coup in Ukraine, but also now containing militarized units of the fascist sense "Aydar", "Dnipro", the "right sector" and others. Unlike other figures in Ukraine, Igor Kolomoisky is a zealous Jew, the permanent parishioner of the Dnipropetrovsk and Kiev synagogue, strictly observing the canons of Judaism, and therefore the post of president of the European Jewish Congress also occupies ..

"Is it possible to combine such a high post, liturgical activity, and just belongs to the Jewish people with acts of the most casual executions of the Slavic population of Ukraine, the genocide and the Holocaust of the Russian people of the Southeast of Ukraine? ... We believe that the Jewish people who are also affected by world fascist Shocks, it is obliged to stop the atrocities of his one-heater and the head of the pan-European Jewish Congress. "

The poet Nikolai Bogolyubov told about a criminal case initiated against his poetic creativity.

E. B. Malyutina spoke about the arrogance of officials, requiring personal data for any reason. Even the exam refuse to accept without prior surrender of personal data. In Yaroslavl had to go to court. But, unfortunately, against the parents who protect their children from the transfer of personal data to all in a row (including the Bandits and the NATO block) were even Orthodox clerics. They do not have a case to the principal position of Sacrednocal, Personally Patriarch Kirill, condemning the forced delivery of personal data. But the Yaroslavl Court (a lawyer of the persecuted was Irina Yurievna Chepurnaya) In August 2014, he ruled in favor of parents and their children and, despite the court decision, the Ministry of Education and other instances still require personal data

The conference adopted a thorough resolution on legal issues:

We demand to prohibit the assignment of digital identifiers, artificially created digital names of a person. The FZ project "On the main document certifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian citizen" is a pronounced anti-constitutional nature. In case of his adoption, the threat of national security of Russia and its citizens will be created. We demand to denounce (terminate) International Documents (Convention, Charter), recommending or obliging Russia to join a supranational education - a global information society. Cancel federal laws and regulatory legal acts adopted on the basis of these international documents, incl. "The concept of the formation of the information society in Russia" of May 28, 1999 No. 32, "The strategy for the development of the electronic industry in Russia for the period up to 2025", "the concept of formation in Russia of e-government until 2010" et al., For all these documents are aimed at building an illegal "e-government", the abolition of all major constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen. As well as chipping, cloning and destruction of the binary code of mankind. Cancel federal laws: "On the provision of state and municipal services" (No. 210). "On personal data" (No. 152 dated April 1, 1996), "On the individual (personified) accounting in the system of compulsory pension insurance" (No. 27 of December 15, 2001) and them like. To prohibit medical institutions and insurance campaigns to use Human identity identifiers (ENP, SNILS), identification chips, bar codes, nano-devices, cyburnization of the human body and brain.

To consolidate at the legislative level a ban of the mailing of children from parents without a judicial procedure ... to prohibit the practice of using the Western sample of juvenile justice in Russia.

Cancel the colonial article 15 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on the priority of international laws over intra-state. Restore the state-forming status of the Russian people.

In the Constitution of the Russian Federation as a state religion to recognize Orthodoxy in accordance with the procedure established by law.

To prohibit Russophobia in the media and to introduce spiritual and moral censorship on it. Introduce in schools the subject of the "Basics of Orthodox Culture" with 1 elementary school class.

In order to protect our Fatherland and personal self-defense on the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation, we demand:

- Talmudic ideology and guide to action - the book "Kizzur Shulkhan Aruch" (with its primary sources) on the right and the fact of declare extremist and prohibit ...

- to recognize officially - the Holocaust of the Russian Orthodox People during the organized and held Masonic October Revolution with the ritual killing of saints of royal martyrs and passion recorders, as well as during repression in the post-revolutionary time, the Holocaust of the Kuban, Don and Terek Cossacks in 1919 - 1923 ., in Crimea. ......

We share and support the opinions that deserve serious attention set out in the following documents:

- Memorandum of the Holy Mountain Athos about the need to exit the Russian Orthodox Church from the World Council of Churches.

- the message of June 3, 1998. The Sacred Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, expressed in the fact that "the process of disappearing from God and grace ... now secretly committed in the depths of human hearts", and "... individual identification number (with the above-mentioned Conditions) ... may become antichrist seal. "

- the decision of the Eldelle Orthodox Church, who called on its Chad to the abandonment of electronic documents,

- The voice of the fathers of the Pochaevskaya Lavra, Moldova, deserters, the monk Konstantin with the brother of the Holy Trinity Skit, founded in 1973 in the mountains of the Caucasus for the blessing of the pre. Seraphim of Glinsky and Sukhumsky,

- a sober-minded attitude to this issue of bishops and elders of other local churches that do not approve the adoption of digital identifiers,

... The adoption of the digital identifier is the manifestation of the "humble" submission and the beginning of the service of the coming antichrist in the face of the "new world order" snacks.

To stop disagreements and achieve the proven from Christ the Nonylinity, we believe that it is necessary to continue the consideration of the problem of the problem of interstarial presence

1) Give the theological evaluation of the essence of the sin of the adoption of personal digital identifiers in the light of the New Testament Commandments of Christ,

2) Continue working on a document "On the position of the Church ..." not only in the context of church-state relations, but also in the light of the sacred teaching on this topic,

3) Develop and make public a comprehensive concept of the position of the Church, to convey it to the consciousness of all believers, calling for a more zealous and diligent residence in the Gospel Commandments.

4) We hope that the priestly will find it expedient to continue and deepen the theological discussion of this issue ....

Real resolution: to the President of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the State Duma of the FS of the Russian Federation, heads of the State Duma factions of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, in the Profile Committees of the State Duma of the FS of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, in the FSB of the Russian Federation, the Investigation Committee of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation , Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, FMS of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation ... Governors of the regions, edges and chapters of the republics, in the media ..., as well as the Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Kirill, in OVDS, Archpasters of the ROC MP.

Participants of the Conference "World Evil against Russia": V.N. Osipov, I.Yu.Chpureny, TS. Meshcheeva, I.M.chchelov, E.A. Pavlov, L.S. Malchinova, E.A. Kirichenko , M.M. Bolensky, M.Abdullin, S.A. Matseva et al. (About 350 people).

This resolution is requested to consider as the official appeal of representatives of public organizations and citizens of the Russian Federation.

The conference lasted eight hours, from 12 to 20, and passed on the high-dimensional level.

Conference on the topic: "Miro evil against Russia." (Part -1)

the report read V.N. Osipov. The burning problems of our time were affected: the war of international Masonry with Orthodoxy and Russia, the second Vatican Cathedral and the Jaudisation of Catholicism, Satanism in the United States, the betrayal of Constantinople Patriarchate

Conference on the topic: "Miro evil against Russia." (Part -2)

A bright performance of the honorary lawyer of the Lawyer Chamber of the Moscow Region I.Yu. Stepure

Conference on the topic: "Miro evil against Russia." (Part -3)

Conference on the topic: "Miro evil against Russia." (Part -4)

There are many conference material here.
"Miro evil against Russia"

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