Encyclopedia fireproof

Coniferous titles. Coniferous plants: classes, types of coniferous trees Evergreen coniferous

In Russia, darkened forests occupy fairly significant areas, in the European part and in Eastern Siberia - approximately 15 million hectares, with a total margin of wood in 2.6 billion m3. Coniferous species of trees are growing, both in mountainous areas and plains. In the dark forests, such evergreen, shadowish coniferous trees, are growing mainly as:

  • Fir;
  • Spruce (european or ordinary);
  • Cedar Pine Siberian.

In these forests, there is always gloomy, shady, wet. This is explained by the fact that in them weak illumination and a small heater of the underlying forest plants and soil are observed due to tightly folded crowns of these trees and the high closure of the woods.

The average temperature in the dark forests in July, the most warm month, slightly exceeds 10 degrees. It is at this temperature first, in coniferous trees - "aging" young shoots that appeared in spring; Secondly - the formation on the surface of the cheops and branches of the tank protection layer necessary for the wintering of these plants.

In the dark forests there are both pure trends and mixed types of coniferous trees with other, deciduous rocks. For example, in the Carpathians and in the Caucasus, the fir grows together with the beech; In Siberia - Fir and Pine Cedar Siberian; In the Far East - Pine Cedar Korean, Fir, ash; on about. Sakhalin and Kuril Islands - Fir together with Ayanskaya fir. The mountainy fir forests have a large water protection, climators-incorporate, soil-protecting and water management.


Family pine, spread in the mountains, less likely - on the plains, from the Carpathians to the Kuril Islands. This is an evergreen decorative, coniferous pine tree of a dark forest. It has a direct barrel, the height of which reaches 80 (sometimes - 100 m), diameter - 0.5-2 m, thick cone-shaped with a mutiot branching of the crown and intermoil shoots. At the ends of the shoots - developing kidneys, stupid or slightly pointed, greenish, reddish or brownish, in some types of fir - resinous.

On the smooth crust of the plant, numerous swollen (grats) containing fragrant, transparent zhivitsa are visible.

Fir leaves are a long-term, flat, linear, fragrant non-combat, dark green color, shiny needles. At the top of the needle a little dull, on its underside - two oblong, white stripes. In each strip - 3-4 rows of dust. Observations have shown that each khuminka can be saved on a tree of 7-10 years. Fakes fir in May.

In the lower part of the chrome, on the upper side of the two-year escapes, in the sinuses of the needles, there are male spikelets (microstrobils), single, oblong, with anthers of yellow or red. The transfer of spikelets pollen even over long distances due to the presence of two aircraft in pollen beans.

In the upper part of the crown, the end of last year's escape, there are seed female lumps (megastrobils), single, green or reddish-purple. Inside the bumps spirally arranged scales, covered with a protective layer of resin, in the sinuses of which are sitting in pairs of the kidney seed. Ripe cones. Personal, purple or brownish color, oval or cylindrical. Seeds winged, after ripening on the very first year, in September-October scattered together with scales.

The fir is multiplied by seeds, vegetatively (cuttings and tanks) - rarely. Fir - a shadowless, moisture-loving, soils of the pine family: they should be lungs, sandy, loamy, pretty wet, well-fertilous. The plant does not tolerate air pollution with smoke and gas; Very unstable to fire, so fir forests suffer very much from fires.

A variety of types of this plant are of great importance in various industries and medicine. From the gils, the fir gets turpentine, from conifers of cones - essential oil - raw materials for receiving medical camphore. In folk medicine for the treatment of various diseases, the infusion of needles and decoction of the kidneys are used.

As the main forest-forming breed, is used in construction, in the pulp and paper industry, cargo production. As a beautiful decorative plant, planted it in gardens and parks inhabited.

Spruce european or ordinary

Evergreen coniferous tree, Pine Family. Completed in the European part of Russia, in the Baltic States, Belarus, Carpathians, in Asia and North America. These are elegant, slender, decorative trees of a pine forest, the height of which reaches 20-50 m, have a straight, large trunk, thinning gradually, to the top of the vertex. Covered with scaly bark of red-brown. Krone Slender, thick, pyramidal, which has horizontally distinguished or weakly reversible, at the ends - lifting branches.

Since spruce is a shadowed plant, its lower branches are well saved and even can be rooted. But, having a surface root system, it is low-resistant and therefore, a strong wind can turn along with roots. At the folds of the bark having the appearance of oblong pads, one by one, spirally, is located needles, which is saved to 7-8 years old. Quad fette, spiny, on the top - pointed; "Flowers" in May. In closer, the tremble begins to "bloom" aged from 25-30 years, in the discharged - from 10-15 years.

In the spring, the ate appears for men spikelets and women's shchers. Male spikelets (microatruts) of greenish yellow color are located at the ends of last year's shoots. They consist of spirally located on the rod numerous scales. Each scaly has two anthers with pollen grains. Each pollen grain has two air bags, which increases its aircraft property. This coniferous pine tree is pollinated.

Women's shores (megastrobors) are spindle-like or ovoid, have a central axis on which scales are located on the edge - wavy, in the sinuses of which other scales containing two seeds are located. Cones until ripening - reprehension, purple, after ripening - stubble, light brown, shiny, the length of which is 10-16 cm, diameter - 3-4 cm. Seeds are oblong, winged, ripen in the year "Flowering ate" in October November, after which they are completely falling out (scales are not scattered). The germination of seeds is good and persisted within 8-10 years.

Spruce Ordinary or European in nature - seeds and vegetatively (goddes). In the culture mainly -, rarely - vegetatively (cuttings and vaccine of the top escape).

The soil for the cultivation of these coniferous species of trees is needed well drained, fresh, sublinous, clay or soup. This frost-resistant plant transfers 40-55 degrees Celsius, suffers from both spring and autumn frosts, air dryness, gaspace.

Eugene ewer, ordinary - an important forest-forming breed. On the territory of Russia, the area of \u200b\u200bspruce forests exceeds 80 million hectares, the stock of the wood is about 12 billion m3. Elastic, soft wood is used in construction, in furniture manufacturing, for the manufacture of paper, musical instruments (alt, violins, doubles).

The ate is mined rosin, tar, turpentine, from seeds of cones - oil for the preparation of olifa, from the bark - tannils. Seeds of cones are beloved protein delicacy. Buckwill kidney spruce, fresh kidney syrup, ointment from the gils are used in folk medicine. As a beautiful decorative plant, it is planted in gardens and parks, as well as in forestry plantings.

Cedar pine Siberian

The family of pine forests is common in the northeastern regions of Russia, in Western and Eastern Siberia, in North America. This is an evergreen, a coniferous tree, whose height is 40 m and the diameter of the trunk - 1.5-2 m. Young pine trees have a crown of the sharp-pyramidal, in adults - conceived multiple, wide-friendly; It has a mutual branch. Top branches are raised up, candelabory.

On the young branches and trunks of the bark of ashot-silver color, with transverse chivichki brownish color. In adulthood becomes a fractured, gray brown. The needles are long (5-12 cm), soft, in the beams of 5 cups, in cross section - triangular, dark green with a naiz of bloom. The tree is preserved within3-7 years.

Early spring on the branches of Cedar Pine Siberian appear men's spikeins and women's cones. In the middle of the crown there are men's spikelets (antheric). At the ends of the upper shoots - women's cones, 2-3 at the vertex bud. Fruit only the upper part of the crown, the length of which is 1-1.5 m (rarely - 2 m).

The egg-shaped bumps, the length of which is 6-13 cm, width - 5-8 cm, light brown color. Chesows cones are tightly pressed with thickened shields. The cones contain from 80 to 140 brown seeds, the length of which is 10-14 mm, width - 6-10 mm. The seeds are mostly stupid, however, rarely meet with a fallen wing.

Siberian cedar pine has a rod-type root system, with lateral, wide open roots; "Flowers" in June. In closed stands, "blooming" begins with 40-50 and summer age, in discharged - from 13-15-year old. For the second year after flowering, seeds ripen in August, and in September there is a massive drop of cones.

In the yammer year, one such large tree of the pine family can be obtained up to 10-15 thousand cones. Proper in nature - samen, in culture - seeds, seedlings, seedlings, vaccinations. Cedar Pine Siberian, being a plant sharply continental climate - frost-building. Slightly in adulthood, growing can grow on different soils, but loves well drained, light, loamy, deep loamy, podzolic soils. Cannot carry air pollution smoke and transplant in adulthood.

Siberian cedar pine is the most important forest-forming and walnut breed. The total area of \u200b\u200bforests, which it utters in Russia is 40 million hectares, the stock of the wood is 8 billion m3. The industrial collection of cedar nuts is mainly happening in the Urals, in Western and Eastern Siberia.

Pine nuts are a valuable food product - a source of injection of cedar oil. The gils are obtained from growth trees when they are litter. From the needles - vitamin concentrates, coniferous pastes, coniferous flour. Mild, light, pinkish-yellow wood, make pencils, furniture, musical instruments.

Siberian cedar pine is a very decorative plant, thanks to a thick, golden, bluish, dark green color. Therefore, it is planted in group or single landings in gardens and parks in many countries of the world.

Among plants adorning our gardens, coniferous trees occupy a special place. They give the garden a noble look and decorate it all year round. They love them for the fact that they are very decorative and set the tone in many compositions. But, especially popular coniferous plants in winter - on the eve of the New Year. They look spectacularly in the New Year's decoration in our apartments, under the hats of snow in large parks and squares, and on very small sites.

As for landed coniferous plantsThis can be said that sympathies of gardeners are almost evenly distributed among various types of firings, pines, tui, juniper and larchs. All of them can be called long-livers, many of them live even one hundred years.

Almost all coniferous plants are evergreen. Only some of them, for example, larch, dumps a cheva for the winter. Nevertheless, the rest update their chevy gradually. Once a few years, old needles are falling out, and new young green khiows appear in their place.

The manifold of coniferous plants allows gardeners to choose the most suitable tree or shrub for their garden.

The following merit merchants make them very popular in landscape gardening:

  • Well tolerate the lack of light and moisture
  • Many nature varieties have the right form, and therefore do not need a haircut.
  • Thanks to therapeutic coniferous aroma, widely used in folk and official medicine.
  • Due to the variety of species and forms, are actively used in landscaped compositions in areas of any size.

If you decide to plant a coniferous plant on your site, you need to come to choose very carefully.

Key issues to which you need to answer:

  • What do you want to plant - wood or shrub
  • Is the coniferous composition ready
  • Did you take into account your climatic conditions and the composition of the soil on the plot

Coniferous plants Perfectly combined, in particular with cereals, with roses, etc. If the answers are ready, you can take a selection of varieties, species and shape of a coniferous plant.

Types of coniferous plants


Evergreen monocarbon and wind-sour plant. Latin name (Lat. PĂ­cea.) Spruce is required to large resin content in the wood. Widespread use in industry is due to the softness of wood and the absence of the kernel.

Spruce - Perhaps the most favorite and common coniferous tree in our country. These beautiful slender trees with a pyramidal crown occupy one of the first places in the coniferous kingdom and there are almost 50 species of plants in their family.

The greatest number of fir types grows in Western and Central China and in the northern hemisphere. In Russia, 8 species of ate are well known.

A spruce is considered a sufficiently shadowable plant, however, it still prefers good lighting. The root system is superficial, i.e. Closely located to the ground. Therefore, the land in the roots do not go. Spruce demanding of soil fertility, loves light lighter and samp soil.

Types of firs, successfully used in the gardening of the site:

Sometimes it reaches 40 meters. Fast growing tree. Thanks to the special color of the needles - the top is brilliant dark green, and the bottom - with noticeable white stripes, it seems that the tree is bluish-green. Brown-purple bumps give the plants a special charm and elegance.

Serbian spruce looks great, both in solitary and group landing. An excellent example serve magnificent alleys in the parks.

There are dwarf varieties with a height of no more than 2 meters.

(Picea Obovata.). On the territory of our country grows in Western and Eastern Siberia, in the Far East and in the Urals.

The coniferous tree with a height of up to 30 m. Crown is thick biccins, with a pointed vertex. Bark fractured, gray. Ophid-cylindrical cones, brown. It has several subtypes, differing colorful needles - from pure-green to silver and even golden.

Erendan fir, or ordinary (Picea abies). The maximum height of the coniferous tree is 50 m. It can live up to 300 years. This is a slim tree with a thick pyramidal crown. Spruce is considered the most common tree in Europe. The width of the trunk of the old tree can reach 1 m. Ripe cones of ordinary spruce is an oblong cylindrical shape. They ripen in autumn in October, and their seeds begin to fall out from January to April. European spruce is considered the fastest growing. So, for the year she can grow by 50 cm.

Thanks to the breeding work today, several very decorative varieties of this species are derived. Among them there are spruce, compact, kegletoid. All of them are very popular in landscape landscaping and are widely used in park compositions and as a living hedge.

Spruce, like any other coniferous plant, especially beautiful becomes with the arrival of winter. Any shade of needles effectively emphasizes snow cover, and the garden looks elegant and noble.

In addition to the above-described species, spruce gardeners spray, East, Black, Canadian, Ayanskaya.

Pine genera consists of more than 100 items. These coniferous plants are distributed almost throughout the northern hemisphere. Also, pine grows perfectly as part of forests in Asia and North America. Artificially planned plantations of pines feel well in the southern hemisphere of our planet. Much harder this coniferous tree is coming in conditions of the city.

It tolerates frost and drought. But the lack of light pine does not really like. This coniferous plant gives a good annual increase. The thick crown of pine is very decorative, and therefore pine is successfully used in greening parks and gardens both in a single landing and in group. This coniferous tree prefers sandy, lime and stony soils. Although there are several types of pines that prefer fertile soils are pine beamutov, Wallich, cedar and resinous.

Some properties of pine are simply striking. For example, he admits the feature of its bark when the bark is much thicker than that at the top. It makes it once again think about the wisdom of nature. After all, this particular property protects the tree from summer overheating and a possible lower fire.

Another feature is how the tree is pre-prepared for the winter period. After all, the evaporation of moisture in the frost can destroy the plant. Therefore, as soon as cold is approaching, pine needles are covered with a thin layer of wax, and the dust closes. Those. Pine stops breathing!

Pine ordinary. The right is considered a symbol of the Russian forest. In height, the tree reaches 35-40 meters, and therefore is deservedly called the first magnitude tree. The trunk circle sometimes reaches 1 meter. The needles at pine - dense, sizo-green. The form is different - the protruding, curved, and even assembled in the bundles of 2 needles.

The life expectancy of the needles is 3 years. With the onset of the autumn of the chewing yellow and fall.

The pine cones, as a rule, are located 1-3 pieces on the legs. Ripe cones have a brown or brown color and reach 6 cm.

In adverse conditions, the pine ordinary may stop growing and staying "dwarf". Surprisingly, different instances can have a different root system. For example, on dry soils, pine may develop a rod root that minor water deep underground. And in conditions of high groundwater running, side roots are developing.

The life expectancy of the pine can reach 200 years. Stories are known when Pine lived and 400 years.

Pine ordinary is considered fast-growing. For the year, its increase can be 50-70 cm. Fruit is a coniferous tree begins with 15 years of age. In the conditions of forest and thick landing - only after 40 years.

Latin name Pinus Mugo. This is a multi-rolled conifer, reaching a height of 10-20 meters. Dwarf varieties - 40-50 cm. Barrels - salting and ascending. In an adult condition can reach in diameter 3 m. A very decorative coniferous plant.

The needles are dark, long, often curved. Bark brownish gray, scaly. The cones ripen on the 3rd year.

To date, more than 100 varieties of pine mountains are registered. And every year this number increases. In landscaped landscaping, dwarf varieties are especially used, which form beautiful compositions along the shores of reservoirs and in rocky gardens.

Magnificent view of a narrow pyramidal crown. Motherland - North America. In our country, it grows well in the southern and middle lane. Grow up to 10 meters. Very bad tolerate urban conditions. Especially in young age often freezes. Prefers places protected from winds. Therefore, the pine yellow is better to land with groups.

Dark and long needles. The bark is thick, reddish-brown, cracks on the large plates. Egg-shaped cones, almost seated. In total there are about 10 varieties of yellow pine.

Very spectacular pine variety. Motherland - North America. The needles has a blue-green shade. The bumps are large and somewhat curved. An adult tree can reach a height of more than 30 meters. It is considered a long-liver, as it can live to 400 years. As it grows it changes its crown with a narrowopyramidal to a wide-frame. It acquired its name thanks to the English Lord Waemut, who took her home from North America in the 18th century.

Poor tolerates salted soils and. Frodules are relatively stable, but does not like winds. For the pine, Weimut is characteristic of a redhead on young shoots.

A relatively low conifer plant is up to 20 m high. This is a slow-growing tree. The bark is light gray, lamellar. The needle is bright green, rigid, curved. Chips are yellowish, shiny, long. The diameter of the crown can reach 5-6 meters.

Some experts consider her pine Heldreyha. Indeed, the similarity is great. However, since there are varieties under the other name, still focus on the pine Belokor. To date, about 10 varieties of this species are known. Approximately the same at the pine of Heldray. Often varieties can be mixed.

This type of pine in the conditions of our country is best taken out in the southern areas, as it does not tolerate frosts. Pine white light, the soil nutritional is undemutatory, but it is better growing on moderately moisturized, drained and moderately alkaline soils.

It looks good in Japanese, stony and heather garden. Great suitable for both solitary landing and mixed group.


High (up to 60 m) Coniferous tree with a conical crown. A little bit like a fir. In diameter can reach 2 meters. This is a real long-lived plant. Some copies live 400-700 years. The trunk of the fir is direct, colonum. Crown thick. In the young age of Crown, fir has a cone-shaped or pyramidal shape. As the crown form is growing, it becomes cylindrical.

Couplings depending on the variety have different lengths and live 8-10 years. Frequency of fir starts from about 30 years old. A bumps are reprehension and long (up to 25 cm).

This coniferous plant does not tolerate frost, drought and a large heat. The advantages include what is the most shadowed tree. Sometimes shoots can appear under the maternal tree in full shading conditions. With good lighting, fir, naturally grow better.

This coniferous plant is a real find in landscape gardening. Fir uses in a single landing, and to decorate Alley. Dwarf shapes look great in the rocky garden and on the Alpine slide.

Botanical name Abies Balsamea "Nana". This coniferous plant is a dwarf pillowing tree. In natural conditions grows in North America.

In the care of unpretentious. He loves good lighting, but the shadow tolerates too well. For firing balsamic scary, not so much frost, how strong gusty winds that can simply dampen a small tree. The soil prefers a light, wet, fertile, weakness. The height reaches 1 m, which makes it a favorite decorator object in landscape gardening. It is equally good for decorating the garden, gardening terraces, slopes and roofs.

Propagated by seeds and annual cuttings with an upheat kidney.

The needles are dark green with a special reflections. Express characteristic resinous fragrance. Red-brown bumps, elongated, reach a length of 5-10 cm.

This is a very slowly growing conifer plant. For 10 years, it grows no more than 30 cm. Lives up to 300 years.

Fir Nordman (or Caucasian). Evergreen coniferous tree that came to us from the mountains of the Caucasus and Malaya Asia. Sometimes grows up to 60-80 meters in height. The shape of the crown is a neat cone. It is for this neat appearance and love gardeners in Fir Nordman.

It is her who dressed instead of the Christmas tree for the New Year holidays in many European countries. In many ways, this is due to the structure of branches - branches are often located and raised up. This is a distinctive feature of Nordman Fir.

The needles are dark green with some glitter. Young shoots have a light green, even a yellowish tint. Coupling - from 15 to 40 mm, look very fluffy. If the needles are slightly lost between your fingers, you can feel a specific citrus fragrance.

The trunk of an adult plant can reach two meters in the diameter. In the young age, the bark fir is Caucasian grayish-brown, smooth. As adults are cracking into segments and becomes matte.

Fir Nordman is growing quite rapidly. Under favorable conditions, this coniferous tree can live to 600-700 years. Moreover, the increase in height and in width continues until the very last day of life!

Depending on the type of soil, the root system can be both superficial and in-depth with the central rod. This fir bumps have large, up to 20 cm, located on a short leg vertically.

It has a unique property - the cheops on the branches remain even after their drying, right up to mechanical damage.

Coniferous evergreen plant relating to the family of cypress. It can be like a tree and shrub. Juniper Communis (Juniperus Communis) grows mainly in the northern hemisphere of our planet. However, in Africa, you can also meet your juniper - East African. In the Mediterranean and in Central Asia, this plant forms juniper forests. Pretty spread of low-spirited species that are sprinkled on the ground and stony slopes.

To date, more than fifty species of juniper are known.

As a rule, it is a light and drought-resistant culture. Completely undemanding to soil and temperatures. However, as any plant, has its own preferences - for example, it is better developed in light and nutritious soil.

Like all coniferous plants, relates to long-livers. The average duration of his life is about 500 years.

The needles of a juniper bluish-green color, triangular, pointed at the ends. The bumps have a spherical shape, gray or blue. Root rod.

Magical properties were attributed to this coniferous plant. For example, it was believed that the juniper wreath blends evil spirits and brings good luck. Perhaps therefore in Europe a fashion appeared to hang wreaths on the eve of the New Year.

Landscape design is widely used both trees and juniper shrubs. Group landings are good when creating live elevations. Single plants also perfectly cope with the main role in the composition. Calculate varieties are often used as soil plants. They strongly strengthen the slopes and prevent soil erosion. In addition, the juniper is well amenable to haircut.

Juniperus Scaly (Juniperus Squamata) - Shrub of the poppy form. Thick branches with the same thick cheevey look very decorative.

Evergreen coniferous plant. It has the form of trees or shrubs. Depending on the genus and species differ in color, quality of the needles, the form of the crown, height and lifespan. Representatives of some species live to 150 years. At the same time, there are specimens - true long-livers who reach almost 1000 years old!

In landscaped landscaping, Tuya is considered one of the basic plants, and as any conifer is good and in a group landing, and as a solo plant. It is used for the design of alley, alive hedges and borders.

The most common types of Tui - Tui Western, Eastern, Giant, Korean, Japanese, etc.

Tui's needles - soft needle. A young needle plant has a light green color. With the age of the needles, it acquires a darker shade. Fruits - oval or oblong shishchers. Seeds ripen already in the first year.

It is famous for Thuja his unpretentiousness. It is well tolerating frost, and a noncainting in care. Unlike other coniferous plants, there is a good gaspace in large cities. Therefore, indispensable in urban landscaping.


Coniferous plants with a quay falling for winter. This is partly explained by his name. These are large, light-minded and winter-hardy plants that are rapidly growing, undemanding to soil and do not badly carry air pollution.

Larch is especially beautiful in early spring and late autumn. In the spring of the decoration of the larch acquires a gentle green shade, and in the fall - bright yellow. Since the needle is growing every year, her needles are very soft.

Fruit larch from 15 years. The cones have an ovoid-conical shape, something remotely resembling a rose flower. Reach length 6 cm. Young cones have a purple color. As they ripen, they acquire a brown shade.

Larch - Wood-long-liver. Some of them live up to 800 years. The most intensely plant develops in the first 100 years. These are high and slim trees reaching depending on the type and conditions of 25-80 meters in height.

In addition, larch is a very useful tree. He has very solid and durable wood. In industry, its red core enjoys the greatest demand. Also, larch appreciate both folk medicine. Folk Lekari harvest her young shoots, kidneys and a larch resin, which receives the "Venetian" Terpetin (Skipidar), used in many diseases. The bark is harvested throughout the summer and used as a vitaminer.

Photo of coniferous plants

Admire the beauty of nature with us

You can meet in the United States and Canada near small rivers, in coniferous forests, on the slopes of mountains, etc. - evergreen coniferous, with long branches, which are pressed against the surface. The shoots are painted in a blue-green color, when the first frosts occurs, a brown shade is acquired.

The leaves on the reproductive shoots have the shape of the needle, prickly, retreat from branches by no more than 6-7 mm. Juniper also has leaf in the form of scales, which have an oval shape with a slight pointing at the end.

These leaves have small size and tightly pressed against branches. There is a constant formation of binding, which have a blue-green shade. In each bashing year there are 4 seeds.

Introduced into decorative garden culture in the middle of the XIX century. Today it is often found in botanical gardens and arbetus. In amateur gardens with a decorative purpose began to appear quite recently, so the juniper horizontal only began to gain its popularity.
It is very beautiful at the beginning of the spring, because it was then that his needle acquires a steel shade, which is the main quality of coniferous plants. He will look beautifully on the slopes, rocks, near small water bodies, etc.

It has good frost resistance, normally grows in urban environments, is unloaded to the composition, but slowly develops. Prefers solar or sexual places, moderately wet and elevated air humidity.

Mountain Pine Mugus is widely distributed in the Alps mountainous areas and the Balkans. In the natural area of \u200b\u200bhabitat, this plant can reach a height of 2-3 m, but its crown width exceeds the height and is 3-4 m.

It is because of this formo that the coniferous plant is not related to, but to. Pine Mugus has short shoots that stretched up.

Kiparisa is undemanding to the soil composition, so they are often found on the side of the roads and Alley by long and slender rows. Their branches are dense and practically do not bend under the snow or with strong wind.

Wood cypress is used in shipbuilding, and its oils found their use in pharmacology and medicine.

This coniferous plant will become excellent among landings. Due to the fact that it has a lush and slim crown, it is often planted with groups on the alleys, terraces, etc.

Fir can form an elegant and attractive crown, which will become a unique decoration of any yard, park or garden.

In the natural habitat, balsamic is found on rocky shores of small rivers and lakes. Thanks to genetic predisposition, the plant can be planted near small artificial reservoirs, in which case the harmony will be at the highest level.

It should be noted that in the decorative and landscape design, Nana and Hudzonia are considered the most popular species of balsamic.

But there are other varieties that differ in different color of the needles (from the sizogo to the silver), the form of the crown (keglet, pyramidal, cone-shaped), speed of growth.

Did you know?Fir balsam, which is isolated from balsamic bark, is able to clean and rejuvenate the body. Such balm was known for a long time, residents of Kiev Rus were actively used.

The needle has a comb-arrangement on branches. It is slightly stupid, has a greenish tint, and in the lower part there are small white stripes. The length of the needles varies from 20 to 25 mm.

The balsamic fir borses have a cylinder form, which is narrowed at the base. Their length reaches 10 cm, width - 25 mm. The shishcheke color varies from dark purple to olive-brown.

The coniferous plant with proper care brings decorative value for 40-50 years. In the natural habitat of fir balsamic lives for about 200 years.

Another representative of evergreen coniferous plants, which is distinguished by an exceptional longevity. In the natural habitat area (North America, East Asia and Europe), shrub can grow for 3000 years!
There are many varieties, some of which have beautiful and lush decorative forms, the second - large sizes that do not represent interest for landscape designers.

In decorative art, acids are often used in the form of bushes or dwarfs, which do not grow more than 3 meters in height.

Symbolizes the power of the Spirit, it is also a symbol of overcoming death. Guides in the Botanical Garden of Yalta often remember that Tis guarded the entrance to the kingdom of Aida for many millennia, he looked like a magnificent and slightly, like an ardent Cerberus with a mountain of muscles.

It looks gorgeous and in solitary landing, and in an intricate composition. It will become a bright decoration and the main character of any garden, Alpinaria, Park. Decorative needles will be an excellent background for elegant mountaineering and unusual alpine slides.

This decorative coniferous shrub has a thick crown and mutual branches. Its needles has moderate stiffness, located alternately on short stiffs.

The fruits of Tias are hitch, which have a cherry-red octolar. The decorative types of shrub are demanding of the composition of the soil, but these are the only coniferous plants that are capable of growing in shady places without much difficulty.

Spruce Canadian

The decorative appearance of the coniferous plant, which because of its low sizes is more like a shrub. In the literature, other names are often found, which accurately display bright conifers color: spruce spruce, spruce a spruce, spruce spruce white conic.

It is a miniature hybrid of Size ate, so it is often used for decorations of alpinarias, rocky gardens, terraces, alleys. For the first time, the plant was found in the Canadian mountains at the beginning of the twentieth century.

From that time, a miniature tree began to fill the estates, yards, parks and gardens around the world. Due to its compact sizes, the plant is used in art. Moreover, the spruce Canadian plant plant and put on and even window sills.

Canadian spruce grows slowly and with fitness and regular trimming reaches a height of 1-1.5 m. It is thick and very beautiful, the diameter varies from 1.5 to 2 m.

114 once already

Coniferous plants are one of the most popular plants in landscape gardening. Almost all coniferous plants are evergreens and retain their decorativeness and appearance all year, and only some breeds are discharged to the winter chew.

Most coniferous plants - tall trees: spruce, pine, thuja, fir

Among the coniferous and evergipers there are many plants growing in the form of shrubs:

  • samsit
  • many types of juniper (Cossack juniper)
  • magonia Padoliste
  • lavr (Daphne)
  • fatsia (Fatsia) Japanese
  • aucuba (Aucuba)
  • camellia

Sofviks for live hedges

Spruce, Tui, fir, cypressives are used by gardeners, as an ideal background for garden and park plants. A chic alive fence from evergreen plants (see more about plants for hedge) not only outlines the boundaries of your garden, it will cover the curious views, but also hobs the landscape flaws.

If the plants are for living hedges - ate, then after 3-4 years of regular haircuts, you can get a tight green barrier, which can not overcome a person or animals.

With the help of a few thuv or firs, the garden space can be zonied and change its perception, while planting plants, taking into account various shades of the color of the needles.

Without the use of additional materials, you can organize a quiet nest for reflection, Japanese-style kindergarten or can be a regular English park. And all this will not lose their decorativeness all year!

In order for each season, your garden looks in a new way, you will only need to be satisfied with the coniferous and evergreen shrubs, beautifully mixing perennials, annual and bulbous flowers.

The combination of coniferous breeds of plants and roses is considered the most spectacular and noble, by the way, roses also belong to evergreen plants and have roughness and care requirements with conifers.


Topic art - giving plants of different forms with the help of a haircut - one line of using coniferous evergreen trees and shrubs in the art of creating an ideal garden.

A variety of forms are far from all the advantages of coniferous plants. Coniferous plants do not require special care and are rarely damaged by pests and diseases.

Healing air charges us with energy. Coniferous plants are decorative in summer, but especially they are beautiful, in the winter season, when they create a pleasant contrast with deciduous plants. Therefore, coniferous plants for the garden - an indispensable choice.

Due to its impressive size and amazing color of the needles, compositions with coniferous plants will decorate any territory.

Experiment, plan the conifers - dwarf, slowly growing forms of firs, pines, tui and juniper in rocky gardens and alpine slides. Camely juniper legs of a rocky garden can be comfortable to grow even on the sun.

How to care for coniferous trees and shrubs?

Watering. Basically, young trees need in watering. They are abundantly watered at least once a week at the rate of 15-20 liters under the plant.

Coniferous trees need to be abundantly watering in the fall - evergreen cultures often dry in winter not from cold weather, but from lack of moisture. Drought-resistant rocks (for example, pines) do not need additional watering, and trees such as thua suffer from lack of moisture.

Sprinkling. All coniferous plants are needed in the spray, especially in the spring-summer period. In dry weather, sprinkling well in the morning or evening. During the first year after planting coniferous plants, it is carried out in a day. Due to the sprinkling of the needles is cleaned from dirt and dust.

Mulching - prevents the earth drying, limits the growth of weeds and maintains the necessary soil temperature in the root zone. As a mulching material, a bark of coniferous rocks, peat and fallen foliage are used.

How to choose the right place in the garden for a coniferous plant

Many conifers prefer plots protected from bright sun and cold winds, sufficiently moistened soil and good drainage. Plant your coniferous plant in such a place, and it will completely reveal its decorative qualities. Most coniferous plants are better in winter if they are placed by groups.

Coniferous plants are better suited as solitizers, normally carrying wintering outdoors. This may be pine, spruce, larch. Suggest such coniferous plants along with other decorative evergreen and leaf padded plants, and you will create a warmer and protected microclimate.

Coniferous trees include almost all their species whose seeds are matured in cones. Contrary to generally accepted opinion, evergreen grows not only in our latitudes, but also in tropical countries.

On the area of \u200b\u200bits distribution, they can safely argue even with the forests of South America. In total there are about 800 species, many of which remember even dinosaurs. Most of the modern coniferous - trees, but there are many shrub forms.

In taiga biotopes, it is coniferous rocks (as the most enduring) make up most of the local flora.

As we have already spoken, almost all evergreen coniferous trees form a bump, although juniper multiplied with berries. They received their name due to the fact that they have no seasonal change of deciduous cover: the needles are gradually updated all year round throughout the entire life cycle of the tree.

It is this circumstance, as well as the fact of the presence of shrub forms, made them extremely popular among landscape designers.

It was from coniferous trees that many palaces and castles have been created, which are distinguished by a stunning appearance. In addition, all their types allocate many phytoncides, effectively cleansing air. Unfortunately, evergreen coniferous trees can not be used to landscap the cities, because they are not tolerated.

Along with fern, these plants belong to the category of the oldest. Thus, coal layers largely consist precisely from the fabled wood of coniferous trees.

Now consider some particularly outstanding varieties

Sequoia evergreen can reach a height of 115.2 meters (as a house in 45 floors) and grow more than one millennium. But all evergreen coniferous trees look simply "weeds" before it is assumed that some of the now growing copies of this tree over 3000 years! But even this is not a record.

Even these achievements are blunt, if you look at durable pines (Pinus Longaeva), whose age is approaching five thousand years! It is assumed that these are the most old living organisms on the whole of our planet.

Taxodium Mexican is considered the thick coniferous tree, the diameter of which is 11.42 meters.

I wonder, and among them there are dwarfs? Yes, and what else! So, the Southern Coniferous Dacridium Rykhloliste grows in New Zealand. All its growth does not exceed five centimeters.

Conifers are the most common trees in the world. Despite the small species diversity, they play an extremely important role in the ecology of the planet. In addition, it is them that they are used for the workpiece most of the businesswood, actively used in almost all spheres of human life. Even their resin, being petrified, turns into a jewel: enough to remember one only

Practically any coniferous evergreen tree of pine family can be fully used by a person: it will go not only to produce wood, but also on the production of drugs.

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