Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Instructions in case of fire. Basic measures in case of fire at work. If foreign bodies enter

I approve


preschool educational institution Kindergarten

No. 66 general development

I.V. Nekrasova



on the actions of workers in the event of a fire

In the event of a fire on the territory of the institution, the actions of all employees must be aimed at immediately reporting it to the fire department, ensuring the safety of people and their evacuation, as well as extinguishing the resulting fire. Alarms or sound signals should be used to notify people of a fire.

Building fire protection includes all measures associated with the construction or modification of a building. Fire behavior building material, used fire resistance of building products, standard design of load-bearing and spatial distribution configuration in fire sections using fire walls and safety doors. Separation of evacuation route planning. . Systems fire protection include the technical equipment and equipment of the building with adequate protection and control measures against fires, such as.

1. Each employee who discovers a fire is obliged to:

immediately report this to the fire department by phone “01” (you must provide the address, location of the fire, and also provide your name and position);

take measures to organize the evacuation of people (start evacuation from the premises where the fire occurred, as well as from premises threatened by the spread of fire and smoke;

Passive fire protection with fire retardant

Gas or smoke detectors Lead systems Mixing and heat removal systems Fire protection water inlet. Organizational fire protection complements fire protection measures for buildings and structures, among other things. Fire is a particular problem for building construction. Almost all materials used in construction are subject to fire. Their structural stability suffers from strong thermal effects: concrete breaks, charred wood, steel loses its load-bearing capacity.

simultaneously with the evacuation of people, begin to extinguish the fire on your own and using available fire extinguishing means (fire extinguishers, water, sand, etc.).

inform the manager (director) or his deputy about the fire;

2. An official of the enterprise who arrived at the scene of a fire is obliged to:

duplicate the message about the occurrence of a fire to the fire department and notify senior management;

Fire protection requirements building codes determine the duration of fire resistance for each structural element: the period up to the critical temperature at which the component retains its function when exposed to fire. Therefore, passive fire protection concepts are based on fire retardants. They maintain material stability and maintain load capacity and space closure for the required duration. Insulating layered fire retardant coatings doing exactly that.

Fireproof coatings: thin layer, excellent effect

Insulating layers form an elongation of the resistance of components in the event of fire. Thin coatings are barely noticeable, but they are very effective: when they are exposed high temperature, they foam and take on a multiple of their original volume. They thus form a heat-insulating layer that can be charred very slowly and protected in the event of a fire within a few hours. The structure of the component is maintained for a longer period of time with the help of coatings and the fire safety of steel structures is ensured.

send an employee to organize a meeting of departments fire department and provide assistance in choosing the shortest route to the fire site;

in case of threat to people's lives, organize their rescue;

if necessary, turn off the power, stop the operation of transporting devices and units, take other measures to help prevent the development of fire and smoke in the premises of the building;

Fire retardant coatings also prevent severe smoke development. This makes escape routes passable. Fire protection coatings are available as system solutions and consist of three coordinated layers. The thickness of this layer depends on the type and load of the components and the required fire resistance. The cover coating protects the insulating layer from atmospheric influences and mechanical influences. As a "finish" it also provides desired aesthetic results such as color tone and surface texture. For indoor paving, low emission systems are available that meet high requirements sustainable construction and guarantee a healthy climate.

stop all work in the building, except for work related to fire extinguishing measures;

remove all visitors and workers not involved in fire extinguishing outside the danger zone;

provide general guidance on extinguishing a fire before the arrival of the fire brigade;

ensure compliance with safety requirements by workers involved in fire extinguishing from possible collapse of structures, damage to electric shock, smoke poisoning, burns;

Passive fire protection should be a given, especially for owners and operators of commercial properties and public facilities, to ensure the survival of the building in the event of a fire. In the event of a fire, any additional help can make a difference - and save a human life.

Professional fire protection measures such as fire retardant coatings and waterproofing or fire extinguishing sealants greatly improve the safety of people and property. We are also happy to support you with other challenges: with know-how, experience and innovative products. Our staff will be happy to inform you - by telephone, in the office or on the construction site.

simultaneously with extinguishing the fire, organize the evacuation and protection of material assets.

Upon arrival of the fire department, the head or his deputy is obliged to inform the head of the fire extinguishing all the necessary information about the fire; measures taken to eliminate it; about availability in warehouses explosive and fire hazardous materials, gas cylinders, as well as the presence of people in the premises involved in eliminating fires and in need of assistance.

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When it comes to behavior in case of fire, in most cases it refers to public buildings, office buildings or the like. Often this is not how, for example, or how to care. Instead, it's about how to communicate in public buildings.

For every fire that occurs at an enterprise, the administration is obliged to find out all the circumstances that contributed to its occurrence and development, for which:

appoint a commission to identify the cause, conditions and circumstances conducive to the occurrence of a fire;

develop a list of measures to ensure fire protection of the facility (after an incident) indicating the persons responsible for their implementation.

The point is to make people understand certain place eg an office building, what to do when it is on fire. This is usually done through different channels. On the one hand, various installations provide information. This includes, for example, displaying escape routes or providing highly visible hand-held detectors. Also remove stations and you can count broadly.

In addition, the so-called emergency arrays also provide precise instructions for behavior in the event of a fire. They then show step by step what those in the danger zone should take into account. Starting with a fire report, to ensure your safety, perhaps try to remove, as well as the meeting place should be reported. can help prepare this plan.

The list of measures, as well as issued orders, should be submitted to the State Fire Supervision Department.

The head of the enterprise is obliged to inform the State fire service about all cases of fires and submit necessary materials to the investigating authorities during their investigation.

INSTRUCTIONS COMPLETED BY ____________________ / ______________ /

Behavior in case of fire at a glance

The following three points must be considered and included in the alarm plan.

How to properly report a fire

State the exact location of the incident. Waiting for questions! Be calm and try to answer all questions as accurately as possible. How will you save yourself and others. Follow marked escape routes. Never use elevators. Public buildings often have fire extinguishing stations that can be used.
  • Fire fire.
  • State your name.
  • What's happened?
  • Be as specific as possible.
  • So that the rescue can adapt to the situation.
  • Where did something happen?
  • Try to take other vulnerable people with you.
  • Help people seek help.
  • Close all doors, as flowing air will push the fire further.
  • Follow the instructions.
  • Fire-resistant blankets may be sufficient for small fireplaces.
  • Use hand-held fire extinguishers for small fires.
  • Don't take risks.
  • If the fire is already too big, you will be safe.
Panic reactions and rashes are never helpful and are not good behavior in the event of a fire.

In the event of a fire, the primary responsibility of every employee of the institution is to save lives.
1. An employee, in the event of a fire or its signs (smoke, smell of burning or smoldering various materials, increase in temperature, etc.) must:
. immediately report this by phone “01” at fire department(in this case, you must clearly indicate the address of the institution, the location of the fire, and also provide your position and surname);
. activate the fire warning system, proceed yourself and involve others in evacuating people from the building to a safe place according to the evacuation plan;
. take, if possible, measures to extinguish the fire using the fire extinguishing means available in the institution and preserve material assets;
. organize a meeting of fire departments;
. notify the head of the organization or his replacement employee about the fire.
2. The head of the institution (other official) in the event of a fire is obliged to:
. check whether the fire department has been notified of the fire, notify the management and duty services of the city;
. carry out general management of the evacuation of people and fire extinguishing until the arrival of the fire department.
. in the event of a threat to people's lives, immediately organize their rescue, using all available forces and means for this;
. check activation automatic systems fire protection (notifying people about a fire);
. organize a check of the presence of all employees evacuated from the building, according to available lists;
. assign a person who knows the location of access roads and water sources to meet with fire departments;
. remove all workers and other persons not involved in evacuating people and extinguishing the fire from the danger zone;
. stop all work in the building not related to measures to evacuate people and extinguish the fire;
. organize a power outage, shutdown of ventilation and air conditioning systems and the implementation of other measures to help prevent the spread of fire and smoke in the premises of the building;
. ensure compliance with the safety requirements of people taking part in evacuation and fire suppression from possible structural collapses, exposure to toxic combustion products and elevated temperatures, electric shock, etc.;
. organize the evacuation of material assets from the danger zone, determine their storage locations and ensure, if necessary, their protection;
. inform the fire department chief about the presence of people in the building;
. inform fire departments involved in extinguishing fires and carrying out related priority rescue operations, information about dangerous (explosive), explosive, and highly toxic substances stored at the facility, necessary to ensure the safety of personnel.

A fire can happen almost anywhere, and it should be kept in mind that a seemingly small fire under control can easily become a dangerous situation if we do not act quickly in the right direction. And the fact is that in the event of a fire in a building, the extent of the fire and especially the production of smoke will occur in a matter of minutes.

The following actions will be taken when a fire is witnessed and additional assistance is needed to evacuate affected persons. It is important to remain calm and make others feel safe, a diligent attitude when evacuating a building makes the process faster and more efficient. Assess the situation, try to determine the source of the fire, see if it can spread and at what speed. If the fire is observed to spread, evacuate the area as quickly as possible. If it is a car accident and the car is on fire, it will automatically mobilize all people and remove them, even if there are unconscious victims.

  • First of all, it is protecting your life.
  • Knowledge of flammable material will be very helpful.
These general measures, well applied in the first instance, are the most valuable and effective resource in the event of an emergency.

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