Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Transferring the meter to the façade of the house. Do I have the right to refuse to install a meter on the street and install it in the house? We live in the private sector. Is it legal to require the electricity meter to be moved from a country house to the street?


This demand of power engineers is unlawful. The meter must be installed, but not necessarily on the facade of the building.

In accordance with the Basic Operating Provisions retail markets electrical energy approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04.05.2012 N 442:

144. Metering devices must be installed at the boundaries of the balance sheet of electric power facilities (power receiving devices) of adjacent entities of the retail market - consumers, producers of electrical energy (power) in retail markets, grid organizations that have a common boundary of balance sheet (hereinafter referred to as adjacent entities of the retail market), as well as in other places determined in accordance with this section in compliance with those established by law Russian Federation requirements for installation locations of metering devices.

At the same time, cases in which a network organization can refuse to approve the installation locations of meters are strictly limited:

148.... A network organization has the right to refuse approval of installation locations, connection diagrams and metrological characteristics of metering devices or other components of measuring complexes and metering systems only in the following cases:
- lack of technical feasibility of installing a metering system or metering device in relation to the energy receiving devices specified in the request (electric energy (power) production facilities, power grid facilities) at the power grid facilities of the network organization;
- non-compliance of installation locations, connection diagrams and (or) metrological characteristics of metering devices proposed by the owner in the request with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation. Installation of a meter in a house does not apply to any of the above cases.
Moreover, in accordance with the “Rules for the construction of electrical installations (PUE). Sixth edition" (approved by the Main Technical Directorate, Gosenergonadzor of the USSR Ministry of Energy 10/05/1979):

1.5.27. Meters should be located in dry rooms that are easily accessible for maintenance, in a place that is sufficiently free and not cramped for work with a temperature of winter time not lower than 0 degrees. C. Thus, there is no legal requirement to install electricity meters on the facade of the building. This is, of course, an illegal demand by energy workers. It’s just more convenient for power engineers to monitor the readings when the meter is located outside, which is why they are trying to force the meter to be removed from the building. But you have no such obligation.

Replacement is made at the expense of the owner. But replacement is required only if the verification period of the old meter has expired and its accuracy class does not correspond to the required one.

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04.05.2012 N 442 “On the functioning of retail markets for electrical energy” 144. Metering devices must be installed at the boundaries of the balance sheet of electrical energy facilities (power receiving devices) of adjacent entities of the retail market - consumers, producers of electrical energy (power) in retail markets, network organizations that have a common balance sheet boundary (hereinafter referred to as adjacent entities of the retail market), as well as in other places determined in accordance with this section in compliance with the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for the installation sites of metering devices. If there is no technical possibility of installing a metering device at the border of the balance sheet of electric power facilities (power receiving devices) of adjacent entities of the retail market, the meter must be installed in a place as close as possible to the border of the balance sheet where it is technically possible to install it. At the same time, by agreement between adjacent entities of the retail market, a metering device to be used to determine the volume of consumption (production, transmission) of electrical energy of one entity can be installed within the boundaries of electric power facilities (power receiving devices) of another adjacent entity. If the metering device, including the collective (common house) metering device in apartment building, is not located on the border of the balance sheet ownership of electric power facilities (power receiving devices) of adjacent entities of the retail market, then the volume of consumption (production, transmission) of electrical energy determined on the basis of the readings of such a meter is subject to adjustment for the amount of electrical energy losses in order to make settlements under the contract , arising in the network section from the border of the balance sheet of electric power facilities (power receiving devices) to the installation site of the metering device. In this case, the calculation of the amount of losses is carried out by the network organization in accordance with the act of the authorized federal body regulating the calculation of standards for technological losses of electrical energy during its transmission through electrical networks. If, on the date of entry into force of this document, in the energy supply agreement (purchase and sale (supply) agreement of electrical energy (power)), agreement for the provision of services for the transmission of electrical energy, the parties agreed on a measurement methodology certified in the prescribed manner, then when calculating the amount of losses, it is used such a technique, except in cases where one of the parties has declared the need to use the act of the authorized federal body specified in this paragraph. In this case, such an act of the authorized federal body is used from the first day of the month following the month in which one of the parties sent a written application for its use.

145. The responsibility to ensure that energy receiving devices of consumers, electrical energy (power) production facilities, electrical energy (power) producers in retail markets, power grid facilities of network organizations are equipped with metering devices, as well as to ensure the admission of installed metering devices into operation rests with the owner of the energy receiving devices devices, facilities for the production of electrical energy (power) and power grid facilities, respectively.

Having submitted an application for connecting electricity, the consumer receives a technical condition, after which, the energy supply organization will connect the electricity, that is, it will carry out the technological connection of power receiving devices. Having become familiar with technical condition connection, you may find that the ESO requires installing an electric meter on the facade of the building or on the nearest support overhead line power transmission This requirement of the ESO is justified by the possibility of unimpeded access for their employees to the electric meter for inspection, verification and reading. Let's look at how legal this requirement is.

When installing a switchboard with a meter and a circuit breaker externally, it will be constantly exposed to atmospheric conditions. It is clear that this has Negative influence on the operational service life, significantly reducing it. Some may argue that everything can be installed in a sealed power panel, but it is not able to protect the electrical equipment housed in it from heat, condensation and frost. You should also know that at negative temperatures, the induction electric meter begins to count inaccurately, and not in favor of the consumer. The error can reach 10% or more, which is a significant additional burden on the consumer’s wallet. These “wish lists” of energy supply organizations are illegal, because grossly violate the requirement of the PUE clause 1.5.27., which states that the electric meter should be installed in dry rooms with a temperature not lower than 0°C.

When placing an electric meter on the facade of a building or on a support, the consumer is deprived of the opportunity to bear the burden of maintaining his property, in accordance with Article 322 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, as a result of which not only employees of the energy supply organization will have unhindered access to the electricity meter to take readings, but also absolutely anyone who wants to profit at someone else's expense.

Some cunning ESO specialists force the installation of an electricity meter on a pole at a height of at least 3.5 meters, citing concerns about protection from thieves, thereby depriving the consumer of the opportunity to control the readings of the electric meter.

I would like to note that you will not see an electric meter on any facade of the city administration, court, prosecutor's office or police building. What is the reason, since the law is the same for everyone: both for authorities and for private individuals?

Now that you already know that the demands of energy supply organizations are illegal, let's figure out what to do in this situation. The consumer should not pay for the “wants” of the ESO and follow his lead. If you do not interfere with access to inspect and check the electric meter, as well as take readings, the energy supplying organization has no reason to oblige you to install the meter on the street.

When concluding an agreement with an energy supplying organization, a “Balance Line Border” is established, which is determined by the “Act of Balance Sheet Delineation”, that is, the point where the electricity meter is installed is determined. And this point can be on the street only with your consent! Therefore, when drawing up an act, request to delineate the balance sheet ownership within the premises in the ASU. Be sure to carefully read the documents prepared by the energy supply organization (ESO), since they register all their illegal wishes there.

Remember that the energy supply organization is a commercial entity whose main task is to sell electricity, and it does not have the right to force the consumer to violate applicable requirements, laws and regulations. The “wants” of energy supply companies can and should be fought, since in the absence of competition they brazenly dictate their terms and solve their own problems at the expense of consumers. Don't forget that your main weapon is knowledge of current laws and regulations!

Meters must be located in dry rooms that are easily accessible for maintenance, in a place that is sufficiently free and not cramped for work, with a temperature in winter not lower than 0 ° C.

General industrial meters are not allowed to be installed in rooms where, due to production conditions, the temperature can often exceed +40 °C, as well as in rooms with aggressive environments.

It is allowed to place meters in unheated rooms and corridors of switchgears of power plants and substations, as well as in cabinets outdoor installation. In this case, provision should be made for their stationary insulation for the winter through insulating cabinets, hoods with heating of the air inside them with an electric lamp or heating element to ensure a positive temperature inside the hood, but not higher than +20 ° C.

Meters must be installed in cabinets, chambers of complete switchgears (KRU, KRUN), on panels, switchboards, in niches, on walls with a rigid structure.

It is allowed to mount meters on wooden, plastic or metal panels.

The height from the floor to the meter terminal box should be within 0.8 - 1.7 m.

A height of less than 0.8 m is allowed, but not less than 0.4 m.

Is it legal for regional power companies to install a meter on the street? - My blog - Blogs, photo news, photo reports

Is it legal for regional power companies to install a meter on the street? Adapted to Ukrainian legislation. Is it legal for energy supply companies to install a meter on the street?

Rules for installing an electric meter in a private house on the street

Installing an electricity meter in a private home is a very important issue. Nowadays, not a single residential or industrial facility can exist without electricity, and in the absence of it, all work stops. Appliances and equipment depend on the supply of energy. Using electricity also means accounting for it, because the price is calculated based on the amount of consumption.

There is a certain installation procedure that guarantees the legality of the entire process. Installing an electric meter in a private house has its own characteristics, and owners must take them into account. This is important for the normal functioning of the equipment and the peace of mind of residents.

Installation procedure

Electricity in a private home, as in any other building, has become an integral part of people's lives. It can be used for professional or personal purposes. You need to know how to carry it out correctly so that there are no disagreements with energy supply organizations in the future. The meter is installed when the building is put into operation or if for some reason it is necessary to replace the equipment.

The rules for installing an electric meter in a private house state that there is no specific location for the meter. There is one important condition- control and maintenance services must be given free access to the device. It is not advisable to install it indoors, even though it is more practical - in this case the risk of damage will be minimal. Placing the device outside is due to several reasons:

  • the need to regularly take readings;
  • the need for periodic maintenance;
  • the need to check the seal.

The choice of electricity meter model depends on the decision of the owners. When submitting documents for connection, it is necessary to clarify the required parameters of the device. Knowing them, residents can contact any store where they will help them choose a model that suits the price and requirements.

Separate requirements are put forward for the height of the device. First of all, when carrying out installation, you need to remember that you will have to regularly take readings from the device. It should be placed at such a height that information can be easily accessed. Minimum height- this is 40 cm. The standard placement position is from 80 to 170 cm.

Despite the fact that, according to the recommendations, it is best to install a plug-in electric meter on the street, you need to think carefully about its location. This should be an area protected from moisture. Example correct installation- location on the veranda or under the canopy.

Installing an electricity meter in a private house on the street is subject to a number of rules. The connected device is installed after the input line is de-energized. Grounding is very important. Thanks to it, electronic equipment in the house will be protected from power outages. Installed meter must be sealed. This process is carried out free of charge.

The process of connecting a meter

A meter is necessary because it measures the amount of energy consumed. Based on its data, payment for the service is calculated. A typical question that arises among residents is how to connect electricity to a private home, which device is best to choose for installation. To supply electricity to the house and install an electric meter, you must have an approved connection project. This means that all work must be coordinated with the relevant authorities involved in the supply of electricity.

The project for connecting electricity to a private home should include items such as specifying the installation location of the meter and its connection diagram. In addition, you need to fix how the meter will be attached. The device connection diagram also provides a description of its installation point, mounting method and installation procedure for the input device. The document also includes:

  • list of works required to connect the meter;
  • wires included in the project;
  • instructions with the rules for using the device.

The process of connecting electricity in the house and installing the device, as well as its future operation, depend on the correctly selected model. There are different classifications of meters, which depend on the characteristics of electricity metering of each of them.

Mechanical meters are often attractive due to their reasonable price. They do not have a reputation for being reliable devices; their owners often complain about errors in metering electricity in the house. Electrical apparatus more accurate in calculations, but also more expensive. It is believed that the service life of such meters is much longer than that of mechanical ones. Single-phase - installed in a house, apartment or office, in relatively small rooms. Three-phase ones are designed for larger premises, for example, large manufacturing enterprises.

If you need to change the device

Replacing an electric meter in a private home is a standard process. Despite this, you need to know the procedure so that in case of mistakes and failures you do not have to investigate the reasons for what happened. First of all, the owner should know who is responsible for the procedure and pays for it.

If you need to change the electric meter in your house, then the process of directly installing a new device is preceded by a number of procedures. The procedure for replacing the electric meter will depend on the reason that led to the need to change the device. If these are breakdowns and damage caused by the owner, or the meter was stolen, then the owner pays for the installation. In other cases, the financial side of the issue is decided by the competent organization. The most common reasons for replacing an electric meter in a private home:

Before replacing a meter in a house, you need to obtain permission to carry out the work. The utility company must agree to all changes. Otherwise, interfering with the operation of the device will be considered a violation of the law. The owner who replaces the device without permission may be held liable. The reinstallation procedure is as follows:

  • apply;
  • obtain official permission to replace;
  • change the device yourself or with the help of service workers;
  • draw up a work report;
  • seal the device.

The completed application form is supplemented with the meter passport, requirements for the new device, and a document confirming the conclusion of an agreement with the energy supply company. If the owner of the property applies directly, you must attach a package of documents that certify his ownership of the property; in all other cases, a power of attorney from the owner is required.

A very important document is the act of replacing the meter in the house. It indicates the parameters of the new device, its readings, the date of installation and the last check of the old meter. It is important not to forget to indicate the reasons for the replacement. The document is certified by the signatures of representatives of the supplier, network organization and owner.

Installation of an electric meter in a private house on the street, rules for connecting electricity

How to install an electric meter in a private house on the street: installation procedure, legal side of the issue. Connection project and types of meters. How to legally replace a device.

Rules for installing an electric meter in a house or country house

Normal operation of residential real estate is impossible without the availability of electricity. Connecting a meter that records electricity consumption must be done correctly and very carefully.

It is not easy to carry out such an event when the work is carried out in the country or in country house.

There are quite a lot of difficulties with connecting an electric meter. Safety regulations require that the device must be freely and openly accessible. But often, due to certain technical problems, it is impossible to provide such an opportunity. Therefore, homeowners must first consider where the electric meter needs to be installed. Then subsequently the energy sales company will not make any claims.

What you should know before installing the device

Depending on the principle on which the meter operates, it can be electronic or induction. Experts believe that induction meters are not as accurate as electronic ones, so the former are gradually losing popularity. Before purchasing a device, you need to look at the integrity of the seal that is present on it, as well as at the time of its installation. For three-phase meters, seals made a maximum of one year ago are allowed. In the case of single-phase devices, the period increases to two years.

To install an electric meter, you can invite any electrician. But you will need to have standard contract, which is provided by the energy sales company. An act on the division of balance sheet ownership is attached to it. Such a document indicates how responsibility is distributed between the home owner and the electricity supplier.

Where to install an electricity meter in a private house

To install an electric meter, you must choose a warm room. It is better to place the device in a distribution panel. If we are talking about a country house, then an excellent place to install an electric meter is the hallway or an insulated dressing room. Then it will be possible to protect the device from exposure to humidity and precipitation. In addition, it will always be freely accessible and, if necessary, can be easily repaired.

The counter should be at a height of 80-170 cm from the floor. First of all, the input circuit is connected to the input machine. In the future, it can be brought to the counter. For greater safety of equipment present in the house, grounding must be connected to the panel. The wiring with the machines, in turn, is connected to the output of the device.

Some energy sales companies force owners to install electric meters on the facades of houses. Usually they refer to some kind of their own orders or regulations. In fact, none legal grounds The energy sales company does not do this. But this will be discussed further in a separate paragraph.

Where to install an electricity meter in an apartment

If you need to install an electric meter in your apartment, it is better to contact the staff network company. When there is a need to place a meter in an old high-rise building, a place on the site is usually chosen for this. Distribution panels are installed there. As for new buildings, the meter is placed in the hallway using a closed panel. There is also a group of machines that redistribute electricity throughout the apartment.

Sometimes owners need to move the meter from the entrance to interior spaces apartments. For this purpose, you will need to prepare a suitable area. As previously indicated, the height of the counters should be 80-170 cm. But in the apartment you can place the counter lower. The most important thing is that it is at least 40 cm above the floor.

When installing the meter, you must comply with the Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). First of all, de-energize the input circuit, then connect it to the machine. The next step is to transfer the circuit from the machine to the electric meter, and then to the wiring. The shield must be grounded, since grounding avoids short circuits.

Where to install an electricity meter at the dacha

When working in a country house, it is better to place the meter on the facade. Then employees of network companies will be able to have access to the device. The problem is that when the temperature drops to 0°C, the counter may not work correctly. That is why it has to be additionally insulated. As an option, you can consider installing the device in a heated garden house.

It should also be taken into account that if the meter is located on the surface of the facade of the property, the owner exposes his property to danger. In addition to representatives of the network company, absolutely any person will have access to it. It follows from this that the owner of the dacha can install a meter in the garden house. But at the same time, he himself should not interfere with checking the indicators and condition of the device.

Is it legal to install an electricity meter on the street?

As previously mentioned, the installation of the meter is carried out on the basis of the PUE. The owner himself can decide whether he will place the device on the street or not. Of course, it is much more convenient for the energy sales company when the meter is located outside. But with this method of placing equipment, there is a danger that the meter will be damaged as a result of exposure to atmospheric phenomena, cold and high humidity.

In addition to the fact that the service life of the electric meter is reduced, there is also a danger that in winter it will not be able to count electricity correctly. Therefore, the requirements of the energy sales company cannot be called correct. Moreover, they may even be called illegal.

The PUE states that the meter for calculating electricity must be installed in rooms with normal air humidity and temperatures above 0°C. If the owner is still required to install an electric meter on the facade, he can resort to a little trick. It consists in the fact that the meter is placed in the place where a warm attic will subsequently be built.

Rules for electrical installations

And in conclusion, it is worth listing some important rules regarding placement electrical appliances. Special attention must be given to paragraphs 1.5.27 and 1.5.29.

According to these points of the PUE, the meter should be placed in rooms where there is no high air humidity and the temperature is constantly at a level of 0°C. In this case, there must be free access to the device. If it is not possible to place the meter in the specified places, it can be installed in special cabinets and substations, but only if there is permanent insulation.

To protect the meter from the cold, insulating cabinets, special caps with additional heating or heating elements. Most often, air heating in outdoor cabinets is carried out using incandescent electric lamps. In this case, the air temperature in the panel or cabinet should not exceed +20°C.

The second of the named paragraphs of the PUE rules says that the electric meter can be placed on special accounts, in panels, chambers of switchgears, and so on. In this case, installation directly on walls or in niches is allowed. The main thing is that the base for the electric meter has a rigid structure. The height of the counter is 80-70 cm from the floor. If it is not possible to place the meter at this height, you can install it lower, but the distance to the floor must be at least 40 cm.

Rules for installing an electric meter in a house or country house

Rules for installing an electric meter in a house or country house Normal operation of residential real estate is impossible without the availability of electricity. Connecting a meter that records electricity consumption,

It is possible to install an electricity meter yourself; it is not necessary to call a certified specialist. It is enough to know and be able to safely carry out work with electricity, follow instructions correctly and understand what the danger of electric shock is. However, before installation, you must obtain permits, and to directly connect to the network, you will need to call a representative of the energy supply company. We will now talk about all the points in more detail, having looked at how to install an electric meter with your own hands in a private house and apartment.

Organizational events

Technical events

Having the technical documentation in hand, indicating the names and location of installation, you can begin installing the electric meter yourself. First of all, you need to purchase materials and elements for self-assembly.

If the electricity meter is planned to be installed on the street (for private houses and dachas this is optimal place placement), on external wall at home (facade) or on a pole, it is necessary to install YUR-NG (external metering and distribution box, sealed box). It is already equipped with a place and elements for attaching the metering device, as well as a separate lockable box for input. In addition, the box is equipped for the installation of modular machines. You can see an example of installing an electric meter in an outdoor box in the photo:

In order to install an electric meter indoors, you can use the YUR box for indoor installation or mounting board, it also provides space for installing additional machines.

Described in our article. It is better to move or replace a meter, as well as install a new meter, from one to a new one. In addition, it is recommended to install protection elements (RCDs, automatic devices) in the panel instead of outdated plugs, having previously laid down the possibility of switching to modern system electricity supply You can read about that in our article. The figure below shows a connection diagram for a single-phase electric meter with grounding:

If you decide to install an electric meter yourself, according to the rules of the PUE (see), you need to fulfill the following requirements:

  1. The electricity meter can be installed in electrical cabinets, on switchboards and panels with a rigid structure.
  2. The installation height at the electric meter terminals varies from 0.8 meters to 1.7 meters.
  3. In places where there is a risk of damage, contamination, or access by unauthorized persons, the electric meter must be installed in a box and locked with a key.
  4. The location of the meter should allow easy access for maintenance, reading, and replacement.
  5. The input cable must meet the design requirements and be of appropriate cross-section for trouble-free supply.
  6. Twisting and soldering on the input cable are not allowed; it must be one solid piece from the access input to the metering device.

When connecting the cable to the meter, know that the core should be like this, according to accepted rules - brown, black, red, white are conductors connected to the phases, designated as L. Blue - zero wire N, yellow-green insulation protective conductor RE. Remembering color coding It's hard to get confused.

Please note that installing an electric meter under voltage is strictly prohibited! All electric installation work should only be done with the input machine turned off!

In a private home, as well as in summer cottage, in the event that the newly installed electric meter is located on a post at the border of the site, it is possible to connect the house from the nuclear power supply system by laying it, or by doing it at a height by air. We recommend that you read these articles on our resource, which describe in detail methods for laying cables in a trench and self-production cable wiring.

By the way, the cost of installing an electric meter by a specialist varies from 1000 rubles for a single-phase model and from 1500 rubles for a three-phase device.

Installation of a single-phase model

Rules for installing a three-phase meter

As for the methods of connecting devices, as well as, we have discussed in detail in the relevant articles, which we strongly recommend that you read. Otherwise, we hope that you liked our information about how to install an electric meter yourself and what documents are needed for this.

Light / Electricity meters and metering

Situation: a long-installed and successfully operating meter is reaching the end of its service life. Or, alternatively, the verification interval is expiring. The owner turns to the power supply for a replacement (verification). And in response to him - of course, we will change the meter (we will believe it), but the location of its installation must change. The metering device must be placed on the facade of the house. Or to the pole closest to the site.

At the same time, they refuse to put a new (verified) electricity meter into operation until it is installed in the place indicated to the power engineers. The owner of the house is transferred to payment according to the standard, he begins to receive noticeably higher bills for electricity. And if the “old” meter was removed independently, without notifying the energy supply (which is interpreted as unauthorized interference in the operation of the meter), then the bills are completely astronomical.

What to do in such a situation? Agree with the demands of the energy workers and take the meter outside? Or fight, even to the point of legal proceedings?

The requirement to place the meter on a pole: what is the basis for the energy companies’ requirement?

So, why do power engineers require meters to be placed on the façade of the house or on a pole? If we talk about the real problems that energy companies are trying to solve by installing a meter outside the house, there are two of them:

- fight against theft. If the meter is located inside a residential building, then the owner can connect to electricity even before it (for example, make a “tap” in the thickness of the wall)

— ease of checking readings. If the meter is on a pole, then energy sales inspectors can easily get to it and check the readings. And, at the same time, make sure that the meter is working properly and there are no signs of unauthorized interference in the operation of the meter.

Speaking from a formal point of view, in their claims, energy companies rely on the requirements of the “Basic provisions for the functioning of retail electricity markets” (approved by Government Decree No. 442 of May 4, 2012).

According to the “Regulations”, the metering device must be located on the border of the balance sheet of electrical networks and the electrical installations of consumers. If there is no technical possibility, then the meter should be installed as close as possible to this border.

Literally this provision is formulated as follows:

... Metering devices must be installed at the boundaries of the balance sheet (electric power facilities (energy receiving devices) of adjacent entities of the retail market - consumers, producers of electrical energy (power) in retail markets, grid organizations that have a common balance sheet boundary (hereinafter referred to as adjacent entities of the retail market), as well as in other places determined in accordance with this section in compliance requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for the installation sites of metering devices.

In the absence of the technical possibility of installing a metering device at the border of the balance sheet of electric power facilities (energy receiving devices) of adjacent subjects of the retail market, the metering device must be installed in a place as close as possible to the border of the balance sheet, in which it is technically possible to install it. ...

Here, however, the question arises: where is this border? The options may be: either along the wall of the house, or along the border of the site.

In case we are talking about installing a meter during the initial connection to the electrical networks of a private house or land plot, where residential buildings have not yet been registered, power engineers usually proceed from the fact that the boundary of the zones of responsibility comes along the border of the land plot.

If we are talking about replacing an existing meter, then the boundary of the consumer’s electrical installation can be considered outer wall Houses.

This concerns the position of energy workers. But there is another side to the coin.

Leave the meter inside the house. Rationale

One of the key regulations governing the electrical power industry in the Russian Federation is the “Rules for the construction of electrical installations” (PUE). This is a set of standards that regulate the construction and operation of facilities in the industry.

The court supported the requirement to place the electric meter on the façade of the house

But here is a story with the opposite ending. The essence of the matter is this: a resident of the city of Solikamsk (Perm region) replaced the electricity meter and contacted the local power grid company Permenergo with a request to put the meter into operation. The energy workers refused and demanded that the meter be removed from the house.

The woman was given three options for placing the meter: on the nearest pole, on the border of the land plot, or on the facade of her house. The power engineers justified their position by the fact that when installing the meter in the same place (i.e. in the house), the energy company is deprived of the opportunity to check the condition of the electrical wiring leading to the electric meter.

A resident of Solikamsk did not agree with these demands and contacted the local prosecutor’s office. She, in turn, filed a lawsuit against Permenergo. And in the Solikamsk City Court she achieved a decision in the interests of her ward. The court ordered the power engineers to put the new meter into operation, leaving it in the old place.

The power company, however, filed an appeal to a higher court. And the power engineers have already achieved success there.

The court decision, in particular, states:

...metering devices must be installed at the border of the balance sheet electrical networks owned by the defendant and electrical networks (energy receiving device) of the consumer.

At the same time, Section X of the Basic Provisions [of the functioning of retail electric energy markets] provides for the possibility of installing electric energy metering devices in other places only in one case: in the absence of the technical possibility of installing a metering device at the border of the balance sheet ownership of electric power facilities (Power receiving devices) of adjacent entities of the retail market. ...

And such a possibility, according to the judge, quite exists. Moreover, Permenergo offered the consumer as many as three options (on a pole, on the border of a site, on the facade of a house). As for the requirements of the PUE to install metering devices only in warm rooms, the court found that the energy company has the right to indicate "metrological characteristics of metering devices that can be installed (replaced).” And they can easily be installed in “cabinets” located on the street.

The full text of the decision is available on the website of the Perm Regional Court.

And what is the summary regarding judicial prospects? It’s like this: you can achieve your goal, such cases arbitrage practice provides. But overall the process looks like a lottery. There are also many refusals to satisfy the demands of home owners. And if the owner nevertheless decides to enter into legal proceedings, then he will need the help of a lawyer specializing in energy issues. It will not be possible to do without this, “help” will not be free, and the result will not be guaranteed.

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