Fire Safety Encyclopedia

How to protect your business from the evil eye and damage. There are two rituals to establish the presence of a negative influence. For promotion

A business that brings good profit creates ill-wishers and envious people next to you. Therefore, it is very important to conduct a ceremony to protect your business from the evil eye. So that no one can influence your material income, you need to adhere to several rules for handling money and periodically perform rituals from damage.

Money handling rules

First of all, you need to know how to borrow money and borrow money, not to the detriment of yourself and your career. Here are some rules to help those interested in protecting their business from the evil eye:

  • Borrow as much money as you can quickly return it later without affecting your budget.
  • 13th and 31st of each month, Monday and New Year you cannot borrow and return the borrowed money.
  • After sunset, also do not lend to anyone or borrow from anyone.
  • Give the borrowed amount immediately, on the appointed date. And completely all, and not separately.
  • If there is an opportunity not to borrow, then do not do it. Or pay back the debt in a short time.

Black magic rite for business

If there is a suspicion of damage, immediately perform a ritual from black magic, otherwise there will be trouble. To commit a conspiracy, you need a container of water, a candle from the church, and five coins, denominated in five rubles. The conspiracy should be done on the night from Friday to Saturday in the place where you work. Except for you, there should be no one in the room. It is necessary to completely extinguish the light. A candle will illuminate the room.

Take a candle in one hand, in the other water and, facing east, read the spell:

“I, (name) will go out into the open field to pray to God. Water, wash out of this room all the dirt and darkness sent by my enemy. Remove the evil eye from windows, doors, walls, ceilings. From me and my clothes too, from my lips and my wallet. Amen".

Then, spray everything that you can and where you can reach blessed water... Don't forget to water the flowers, if any. After all, plants draw in all the bad energy.

After all this, take five coins of five rubles each and put them in your wallet, saying:

“I put a coin - there will be two, a box two - turn into four, a box three - there are already nine, a box four - I get sixteen, a box five - let there be so many of them that you don't know poverty and troubles all your life.”

Then put out the candle.

The next morning, visit the Church and light this candle for the health of your enemies and ill-wishers. Do not forget to donate some money to the Church, and on the way out give alms to those who ask. Do not tell anyone about the ritual.

How to protect your business from the evil eye

If there is a suspicion that your enemy has done the evil eye on business, then next Monday go to Church, buy seven candles and an icon of the Mother of God. When buying things, mentally say: “It was given to me by God to protect myself from bad tongues and eyes. Amen". When leaving the Church, leave charity to the needy.

Perform the ceremony at home alone, after midnight. Insert six candles into a loaf of bread so that there is one distance between them. Leave room for the seventh candle. Place the icon next to the bread. Light the seventh candle with a match, then all the rest from it. Then, stick the seventh candle into an empty spot on the loaf. Read the spell, repeating three times:

"Help me, God, to save the acquired property, my bread from enemies and dark forces... Amen".

After that, put out the candle with your fingers, put the icon in any prominent place and every day read an incantation on it from the evil eye. Return the used candles to the Church and place them next to the icon of the Mother of God. Upon returning home, stand at any intersection with your back and throw a coin back, saying "Paid."

Business corruption acts very unnoticed. If a person's business is not going well, then he is inclined to blame competitors, the situation, and so on. Others scold themselves for not being able to make the right decision, see all the possible consequences, and so on. Of course, business needs a rational approach. And with competitors, you need to keep your ear on the alert. However, not all problems have a simple explanation.

Often, envious people and ill-wishers use non-financial instruments to remove a competitor. Nowadays, magic methods of suppressing businessmen are becoming widespread. This is especially true for people who are smart, far-sighted, and successful. If you can't get rid of them by the usual methods, then they run to the magician. Yes, and you can independently carry out such a ritual that will take good luck from the hands of a businessman and make you suffer losses.

It turns out that a business person starts to make the wrong decisions. Corruption works in different ways. Then I was late for a meeting, then I lost money, then my partner let me down, and so on. All events become negative and wind up like a snowball. It is almost impossible to resist this somehow. Agree that a person can accidentally fall into a dark streak. Only this total it cannot be just like that. Someone has probably “helped” all negative events to come together around you at the same time. If this happens, then you must definitely seek help.

Business spoilage: signs

Everything that was previously guaranteed to bring income now leads to losses. This is the main sign of business spoilage.

It is very easy to see this negative program. A person suffers damage, loses not only money, but also useful contacts. His well-being is at stake. All this often leads to nervous tension.

The victim of corruption itself is experiencing some kind of inexplicable pressure. It seems to him that there are only enemies around. Everyone is trying to harm him. Naturally, this leads to quarrels, scandals, the rupture of previously warm and friendly ties. The result is very strong financial difficulties... I just don't want to live, because a person does not see a way out of the vicious circle. Whatever is done by them, everything leads to the exit of the situation to new level losses.

Damage to business: how to bring

To spoil the business, most often they resort to using a banknote. Sensitive people may well understand that something bad is being started. It comes as a sudden insight. Unfortunately, not everyone listens. But those who were attacked say that they felt that you should not take money from a certain person.

To spoil, the ceremony is carried out as follows. You need to take a bill of great denomination. They put it in a black purse (new) and carry it with them for six days. Then they go with her to the stream of water. It could be a river, a stream. Sometimes just tap water is used. Only the more powerful the flow of water, the stronger the energy.

The bill is taken out and read on it eight (infinity sign) times in a row conspiracy:

“As gold comes, it runs away. As the water carries, so everything is by! The old devil came up, quickly drained the water! As the river does not run backwards, so (name of the victim) you will not see success! The word is steel! Keys to the river! "

When the last words are pronounced, the purse must be thrown into the water. On the same day, you need to give the bill to the victim. You can't leave yourself. It must definitely fall into the hands of a person, otherwise it will not work. When transferring money, gently say:

"I paid, you swallowed!"

Business spoilage: how to remove

It is recommended to remove such a negative program with the help of a magician. The fact is that her strength is very great. A person alone may not be able to cope with the power that is directed at him. Magicians, working with ancient forces, will be able to see what exactly is used, how to remove it.

To remove damage to business, banknotes are also used. The magician speaks them in a certain way. This is done on the growing moon so that the profit grows along with the luminary. In addition, a talisman is necessarily made.

The bill should always be carried with you, not given to anyone. She will attract cash flow and good luck. Protect from negative influences from outside. It is often necessary to remove damage to the business from several specialists several times. The fact is that the egregor of fraud and envy, grown by humanity, becomes more and more powerful every year. He doesn't really want to let go of his victim.

How to remove damage to a business yourself: a ceremony

When the opportunity to consult a specialist is excluded, you can try to remove the negative impact on your own. The probability of complete healing is not very high. But, if there is no other possibility, then it is worth considering this method as well. Anything is better than watching the result of one's own labor being destroyed.

Here is an example of a fairly ancient rite.It attracts the forces of the earth, which have high durability and resistance. That is, after the ritual, the victim of corruption receives protection from the planet itself. What it will be depends on the person who performs the ritual. But usually this is enough to prevent the black energy from working for a while. If necessary, the ritual can be repeated many times.

Go out into the field. You need to have a knife with a black handle. Stand with plenty of space around. It is advisable to go to the middle of the field. Keep the knife in right hand, blade to the sky. Raise your arms and face up. You need to pronounce the spell loudly:

“The vow of the earth is given! Thunder on the throne! Angel is my witness! We will defeat everyone who goes to war against us! Thunder will thunder and lightning will flash! The Lord will save the just! I swear on earthly fidelity! May my luck always be with me! I am picking up a black enemy! Let him stay here forever! "

WITH last words the knife must be driven into the ground up to the handle. Turn around and walk away without turning around. If really thunder breaks out, then you are free from damage to business, the Earth heard you and protected you. But this is not always the case. Do not worry. It will be possible to perform the ritual again. Just rest assured that you are now under the protection of your home planet!

How to protect your business from damage

To exclude the possibility of targeting damage to the business, various amulets are usually used. So, it is very good to have Icons in the office. They just cleanse any energy. You can also buy a special talisman, for example, an eye, which will take all negative energy away from your field. But it is better to contact a specialist for an individual amulet so that damage to business you didn't know.

Work takes up a large part of our life. Therefore, if troubles arise in this area, then this significantly lowers our quality of life.

Work problems can be dealt with different ways life, including magical ones. Will help defensive plots and amulets for work.

Imaginary amulet from envious people

Everyone should have talismans for the work sphere, but it is especially important to have them for people who have a sense of purpose and are rapidly moving up the career ladder... The fact is that such people especially have a lot of envious people and enemies. Amulets will help protect them from negative energy.

At the same time, making protective amulets for yourself will not be difficult. As soon as a purposeful person feels that they are trying to draw him into some kind of conflict, he can immediately turn to his amulet. He will help create a protective ball around the person. This protective shell can be imagined as a golden waterfall that surrounds you and thus prevents your energy from breaking through. You can put a soapy wall in front of you, lined with bricks. Or it could be a flexible but impenetrable ball. Choose the look that appeals to you the most.

Slavic drawings

As protective amulets for work and successful business development, you can choose Slavic images. They can be carved into wood or applied with a sticker on glass. Or you can just buy ready mascot... Choose one that has a soulful response to you.

It is advisable that the protective amulets are not in a conspicuous place. You shouldn't wear them as a regular piece of jewelry. It will be better if you hide their existence from others.

Raising money: How to avoid conflict at work and be friends with bosses


team conflicts at work and WORKING MOMENTS

Here are a few hidden ways for wearing amulets:

  • You can sew a protective amulet into the lining of your clothes, into a jacket that you wear to work at least once a week.
  • You can choose an amulet in the form of a brooch so that it can be pinned like a brooch, then it can be pinned to clothes from the back every day.
  • Even a simple pin can become a talisman in the work area if you speak it correctly. This pin can be pinned to the lining of the bag.

Charm from the "Ace of spades"

Protective conspiracies for success at work, you can slander playing cards. Rather, specifically on the ace of spades. This card is able to effectively protect you from evil envious people and enemies. It is important the conspiracy, which we propose to memorize, so that you do not stumble when performing the rite. With every hesitation, there is a drop in energy.

Buy a new deck playing cards... Find the ace of spades and place it under your pillow. Sleep with this card under your pillow for three days. On the fourth day, get up at dawn, put the card on the floor and step on it. right foot... At the same time, lock your hands in the lock and say the following conspiracy:

“I support the black ace of spades with my heel, I take the power of this card for myself. It's good for you to lie under my heel, so help me create powerful amulet against enemies and envious people. If necessary, then ask the imp to intercede for me, to give me strength. "

Then let the card sit in your home for one week. This time is needed for the amulet to gain strength. And then put the card in your work bag, it will give you strength and confidence. Protective amulets are needed not only to protect you from conflicts, but also to give you strength when you do enter them.

Pin plots

Among the protective amulets, the pin is the most common item. Grandmothers love to talk pins to children and pin them to clothes so that the kids are not jinxed. You can also speak a pin for success at work.

Buy a new pin, it can be of any size, but it is better to take a larger one, as it is less likely that it will get lost.

Here are some ways to make a pin speak:

  • Light a candle from the church. You need to drop the wax from this candle onto the round end of the pin and say the following words: “Needle, sharp, my words and eyes are sharp. Whoever comes to me with evil only leaves my gaze. The fire burns the witness evil people drives me away from me. "
  • Take a pin and a piece of red thread from the new spool. In this case, the candle from the church will also need to be lit. Close the pin. Pass the thread through the ring of the pin. Tie 13 knots on a pin and say the words: “Each knot protects me, protects me from enemies and envious people. Each node is my shield. It protects my peace of mind. " You need to drop wax on the tip of the thread. Wear a charmed pin on the seamy side of the garment.
  • For this conspiracy, you will need spruce or pine twigs. Light them from the fire of a church candle, then extinguish them. Hold a pin over the smoke and say the words: “With thick, dark smoke I drive away all evil from me. My fence works reliably and strongly. Through that black smoke my envious people do not see me. Amen". Wear the pin on the seamy side too, let the remaining smoke blow in the wind.

Conspiracy from boors

If you have unceremonious people at work who every now and then try to offend someone, then there is a conspiracy against them too. To perform the ritual, you need a candle from the church and a small but new mirror.

First, you need to cross the mirror three times, and wash it three times with running water. This will completely wash away all the accumulated energy of other people from him. After all, even when a mirror is chosen, someone looks into it.

Stay alone. Light a candle from the church. Take a mirror in your hands. You don't need to look into it. Close your eyes, read the text "Our Father" three times. After this text, the result of the ritual will be even higher. Then read the words of the conspiracy:

“Our Lord, the Most Merciful! I urge you to help you turn away from me evil forces, gossips. So that no grugg and envious person could drain the energy from me. So that they all bypassed me, and came to you, to obey. I myself am a sinner, but I ask you for protection, merciful. Amen".

After that, the mirror can be used. Have it in your purse. As soon as you feel uncomfortable, immediately take out the mirror. You do not have to answer the hammam on your own, the mirror will return the offender to his own energy.

Conspiracy on the doorstep

If coming to the office to work has become a real stress for you, then before crossing the threshold of the workspace, you can say:

“I see everything, I hear everything, everyone respects and respects me, I cannot feel anger or grief here and now.”

And after that, put up a figurative energy protection. Again, imagine yourself under the streams of a magical waterfall or in a flexible but impenetrable ball.

Conspiracy - a shield from enemies

If you are restlessly working at work, then you can protect your workplace... The text that we propose must be written on a piece of paper. Come to the office before everyone else, sit down in your seat and read the text from the piece of paper:

“I do not speak words, but I build protective shields. Now I have walls of iron, walls of stone, and all this is built from the very earth to the high sky. Amen. Amen. Amen".

At this time, there are an incredible number of envious people who can do harm. You can provide protection using a talisman. The amulet from evil people at work will be able to remove the negative impact of ill-wishers. You can do it yourself. The main thing is to invest only positive emotions in this amulet.

How your enemies can hurt you

In any work collective there is a person who, possessing a strong negative energy, causes harm to many people. When such a person observes the achievements of employees, the power of his envy is gaining negative momentum. The depressed position transforms into a strong stream of negativity, in most cases, completely unconsciously.

It is elementary to establish such a person, one has only to focus on his behavior. Such people are too flattering or overly judgmental of colleagues behind their backs. There is another kind of people who do harm by taking away your energy - energy vampires.

After talking with them, overwork arises. Such a society always complains about its own life. In the course of communication, a person sheds his own accumulated negative on you.

It is necessary to resort to the help of a talisman in case

  • there is a competitive struggle between personnel;
  • not the happiest people are present;
  • one of the employees constantly complains about personal difficulties;
  • personal accomplishments or losses are not ignored.

Amulet from enemies and envious people

One of the most powerful human instincts is the desire to protect himself from what he does not understand. Suffice it to recall the medieval Inquisition, when people were burned alive at bonfires, if they were noticed engaging in witchcraft.

At the same time, a variety of protective amulets and amulets received great popularity. There is a colossal variety of ways to protect yourself from envy and evil people. Of these, it is possible to note several types:

Guardian Ace of Spades

Amulet pin

Herbaceous amulet

Wax charm


Ancient Slavic amulets

Runic amulets

Embroidery on clothes



Cards can be used not only in fortune telling, however, and in other rituals.

The Ace of Spades amulet is used as protection from unfriendly people.

Under no circumstances should you use ordinary cards to play. The ace of spades card will not give practically the slightest utility without the necessary energy. First, you need to study the conspiracy, and at dawn, put the ace of spades in the center of the room, step on it with your right foot, while your hands are in the lock position.

Next, read this conspiracy memorized in advance. It is also important that the deck is new, just printed. After the work done, put the deck in packaging and take it to the pedestrian crossroads of four roads.

“I cover the black ace with my foot, I take the strength of the deck for myself
I punish with my conspiracy
I order voice protection
You lie under me
Under the heel, listen and heed
Call the hell out of hell
Ask to intercede for me
For a day, for a month, for a century
I put my defense on forever
Who will look askance at me
He recognizes the strength of my ace of spades on his own skin.
Tooth. Lock. Language. Aminu the whole century. "

With such a magical helper, every woman will be a good spouse, a delightful mother.

Each of these amulets contains its own qualities that can help in specific situations... Therefore, first of all, before buying protective talismans, you need to familiarize yourself with the history of occurrence and its capabilities. In addition, it is important to understand how to correctly activate this or another artifact.

Excellent protection against damage and the evil eye are Runic amulets, which must be subjected to special activation, since a simple image does not have the necessary energy. Any talisman must be charged with the power of the elements. Initially, the amulet is washed in water, then burned with a candle flame.

After the ceremony, they are left to lie in salt overnight, and upon completion they are fumigated with fragrances or aromatic sticks. So, the power of Water, Fire, Earth and Air give their protection to the amulet.

Embroidery on clothes is able to protect against negativity. A person's clothes are filled with personal energy. For added protection against negative influences, it is recommended to pattern the garment. It is not necessary to apply a large image; you can make several stitches on an inconspicuous area of ​​the decoration.

Embroidery is a powerful handmade amulet. The main thing is to choose the symbolism correctly.

Before the application stage, investigate the scheme, establish whether the pattern you have chosen is suitable as a talisman or, on the contrary, can only apply a negative. During the work of the stitches, read the required plot. Small embroidery can be made on the lining of the bag. It is recommended to sew on clothes made from natural materials.

Salt used as a talisman against the evil eye, the negative impact of people. Even in ancient times, there was a tradition during the reception of visitors or dinner, salt was initially put on the table. A society with a bad energy did not prefer salt, as it can return all the misfortune to the attacker.

This charm can also improve health by adding it to food. For this reason, when salting food, think only of anything positive in your life. To make a talisman against evil people at work or to protect yourself, when going on a trip, you need to pour salt into a handkerchief.

Water contains magical qualities and significant power. It has a multipurpose ability to cleanse, instantly accumulate energy. It is recommended that washing your face after a working day becomes a daily routine. When the feeling of being overwhelmed has not passed, you need to carry out the following rite: pour into the tank cold water and a separate glass.

Whisper the great phrases you wish for yourself. Put in the power sunlight, the magic of the moon, the beauty of nature, the warmth of the soul and the love of a neighbor. Next, drink a glass of liquid in small sips, and pour the liquid from the container onto the body. The strength and flow of energy is felt immediately after the procedure.

Protected from the evil eye and damage

Variations of handmade amulets for protection:

  1. Quite common however effective option: Take a ribbon of scarlet silk and tie seven knots.
  2. In the office, you need to hang or put a branch of aspen, since this tree drives away a bad influence.
  3. Ancient Slavs, in order to protect themselves from the evil eye, created a talisman "God's eye". To create, you need to take two small sticks, put them crosswise and wind woolen threads of various colors.
  4. At work, you can put a bouquet from a branch of hawthorn or tartar. The dried rowan stem contains special energy.
  5. To protect you from the evil eye, you need to make a small amulet with a small bag of natural matter and charmed salt.

How famous people protect themselves from damage and the evil eye

To many famous people I had a chance to learn the results of damage and the evil eye. Poetmakers, painters, artists lost their creative powers, their own happiness precisely because of the fierce influence of an evil eye and envy, or magical power.

So, almost without exception famous people are regularly in sight, and also prefer to have a talisman on hand against envy and the evil eye. For example, the most popular is the use of scarlet thread, which is worn by all stars.

Most of them practically cannot explain how this scarlet thread directly protects them. The seven knots on the red thread represent the number of levels of protection.

How can you protect yourself from damage and evil eye.

Magic protection is needed when a person observes what is happening in life. a large number of naturally occurring coincidences, and the dark streak may seem long at first glance. The properties of both damage and the evil eye can be:

  • deterioration of health without a noticeable prerequisite;
  • systematic failures in various spheres of life;
  • prolonged nervous tension;
  • constant clashes with relatives, quarrels in the service;
  • mood swings;
  • incomprehensible things that are happening in the house.

As soon as you see something like this in your life, think about whether the period has come to make a defense. However, first of all, make sure that there is only the evil eye, or there is damage and the evil eye at the same time.

There are two rituals to establish the presence of a negative influence:

  1. You need to take a chicken egg, gently break it into a glass of water and leave it overnight at the head of the bed. In the morning, evaluate the result, whether there is the effect of damage and the evil eye or not: when the testicle has preserved its own position, this indicates the absence of influence. When the egg has become cloudy and clots have formed, it is worth taking action.
  2. You will need common salt. Put it in a skillet and heat it up. When, during heating, you notice that the salt darkens quickly, this means that you need to immediately install protection on your own home.

These methods make it possible to establish whether there is a need to perform rituals of protection.

It is very difficult to get rid of damage and the evil eye. It is more rational to pre-protect not only yourself, but your loved ones in order to avoid negative impact. To avoid damage, you should be guided by the following actions:

  • it is forbidden to give water to drink directly through the threshold;
  • stick a knife into the bread and leave it there;
  • give salt, money, scissors after sunset;
  • give photos of your own family to strangers;
  • pick up found coins;
  • to step on and step over a broom;
  • pick up the thrown property. Found things must be burned, and the remains must be buried in a remote area;
  • give a stranger to drink from their cups.

Defense with assistance has always been a very strong and most basic defender of the apartment. To date, such amulets for the house from evil people are simply forgotten, but in vain. Pay attention to the judgment that each object can be a protection.

You just need to believe that the item you have chosen is able to save you from any kind of evil. WITH protective amulet each person will be able to protect himself and his family. Certain rituals and prayers are recommended not to be read from a book or a piece of paper, but to be read from memory.

Know how to stand up for yourself and for your loved ones.

In this article:

The most effective and strong amulet from misfortunes and troubles, our ancestors, the Slavs, who worshiped the forces of nature and pagan deities, could once have made. Today modern man more and more often returns to the roots, recalling the ancient teachings and practices that helped in everyday life, work, relationships.

If you are interested in protective magic, we strongly recommend that you read the information below, in which you will find many useful and effective ways to protect against troubles and disasters.

Folk amulets

The Slavs no longer used objects as amulets, but symbols that could be applied to anything - from clothes and accessories to them to household utensils and home decor elements. The most popular amulet was embroidery. Each pattern was a carrier of specific information aimed at a particular area of ​​human life. In embroidery, not only the pattern was important, but also the color of the pattern, even the place of the embroidery process.

Embroidering a talisman against misfortunes, one should make sure that on back side the pattern in no case was there any knots that would deprive any amulet of strength. Also, someone else can embroider the amulet for you. At the same time, the amulet should be embroidered with good intentions and a pure heart, which means that only a person close to you, whom you completely trust, for example, mother, sister, wife, can do this. It is blood relatives or spouses who can make a strong amulet, however, for this, relations in the family should be more than harmonious.

In the process of making a talisman, you need to mentally imagine the person for whom it is being made. Before you decide to embroider something, for example, on the handkerchief of a loved one, son or brother, study the symbols in more detail. So, patterns very similar at first glance - fern flower, ladinets and carols have different meanings.

Fern flower - purifies the soul, has healing powers and grants wishes.

  • Kolyadnik - brings changes for the better, the victory of good, gives strength in victory over enemies.
  • Kolovrat - symbolizes the eternal victory of the Sun.
  • Molvinets - protects from troubles, backbiting, curses, damage.
  • Overcome-grass - protects from ailments, cleanses the flesh and soul.
  • Velesovik - protects loved ones who are away from home.
  • Solard - brings prosperity and prosperity, is used in wedding symbols.
  • The bunny is a sign of renewal, a woman wearing a belt with this symbol was supposed to give birth only to boys.

Guardian amulet

In the morning during the full moon period, buy any little thing that can be your permanent amulet that protects you from negative influences. As an amulet, you can use a lock, key, pen, souvenir, small doll and much more.

Place the object on a hard surface and attach three locks of your hair to it, while holding a burning candle in your right hand, which should be tilted and dripped onto your hair with flowing wax in the place where it touches the future amulet.

Wait until the wax hardens, and then fumigate the amulet first with crushed silver wormwood, and then with church incense. Next, take the quaternary salt and "salt" the object.

Holy water, incense and fire perfectly cleanse

During the above mentioned manipulations, sentence:

“As in a solar circle, I, the servant of God (name), mold a reliable friend. He is endowed with the power of centuries and forty-forty castles. Sanctified by the Lord God, overshadowed by the Holy Cross. Attached to the chest. Strong, stucco, with a plan. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

“Serve, do not grieve. Know the case, when you need to help out! "

The amulet must be carried with you for a year, after which it must be burned and the ashes scattered in the wind at the T-junction.

Get out, bad luck!

Can't you overcome the black streak of life, failures and troubles follow on your heels? Try the following rite on Friday. Before sunrise, you need to light three church candles and read the following conspiracy on them (six times):

“As you are the extreme of the extreme, gray-haired with gray hair, settled, burned out, decayed misfortune, devastation, poverty, bad luck, from my body, witchcraft. Amen".

Wait until the candles burn out, then leave the room. The ritual should be repeated for the next five days, up to and including Wednesday. And on Thursday, at the same time and in the same place, light three candles and without saying a word mentally draw in your imagination a bright life that will begin with you as soon as the candles burn out to the end.

When luck has turned away

At midnight, take salt and, pouring it on the windowsill, say:

"There are thirteen moons in a year, and there are thirteen witches in a circle, thirteen days of gold in a year and thirteen months."

The ceremony must be performed for thirteen days in a row. This is a very powerful effect on negativity of any kind.

Is it possible to protect yourself from damage and from the evil eye, how to protect yourself and your family from negative influences? Since ancient times, rituals have come down to us that can save envious people and sorcerers from the black energy. Our great-grandmothers knew how to independently make amulets from natural materials who possessed protective properties... These absorbed the black influence or took it aside. Consider several effective protective rituals in case of an energy attack from ill-wishers.

The energy of all people is different - some immediately react to a negative message, others cannot be damaged by any damage. Why it happens? It depends on the human psyche and the strength of his biofield.

Who can not be damaged and the evil eye? Deeply religious people who have dedicated their lives to serving the true faith. It is impossible to spoil those who are more interested in common human problems, and not their own. These are politicians, public figures and fighters for universal human ideals.

First of all, people with weakened energy are susceptible to spoilage:

  • elderly pensioners;
  • Small children;
  • chronic patients;
  • emotionally unbalanced individuals.

The latter category of people can induce self-corruption, succumbing to panic. Self-harm and self-evil are common in modern world... There is no protection against this negative, since the source of the impact is the person himself. However, a change in the way of thinking and engaging in spiritual practices will help get rid of such a scourge.

Consider several rituals to protect against damage and the evil eye, which are directed at a person intentionally - with the help of magical actions.

Protective belt from corruption

This belt needs to be knitted with your own hands from natural cotton threads to make a mesh. The network dissipates negative energy and does not allow it to spoil a person. The nets are used to cover the baby's cradle for the same reason, and at the wedding the bride's veil acts as the net. The tulle on the windows is from the same protection series.

So, crochet or knit a belt for yourself or loved one that needs to be protected from exposure. While working, read the conspiracy by pronouncing your own or another name.

The belt should be worn on the naked body under clothing. After washing, you should re-read the words of the conspiracy 12 times. As long as the belt is on the body, the damage will not stick.

Protective herbs from spoilage

Effective protection against damage and the evil eye - spells of herbs. Some field and forest plants have protective properties, removing dark energy from humans. To make a talisman against damage for six months, prepare the following plants:

  • sagebrush;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Clover;
  • thistle;
  • tansy;
  • sage.

It is advisable to collect herbs with your own hands. If this is not possible, then herbs are purchased on the market from herbalists or in a pharmacy.

For a charm, sew a small bag of red with your own hands natural material... Mix the herbs in a ceramic / glass bowl by hand in equal proportions and place in a bag.

Bend over the bag so that the breath touches the herbs and say three times:

Sew up the bag to keep the herbs from spilling out and hang it on a red string. Such a protective pouch can be made for each family member. You need to wear the amulet on the body, for example, as an amulet. After six months, the herbs need to be burned with gratitude and the bag should be filled with a new composition, following the same steps.

Protection for garlic and onions

Spices not only help to improve digestion and get rid of colds, but also perfectly protect against spoilage. If you have been warned that they will take revenge with the help of magical influence, do not waste time on empty experiences - act.

Before bed, cut a regular onion (2 pieces) into two halves and place in each corner of the room where you sleep. In the morning, take the onion with a plastic bag and throw it into a street trash can or bury it deep in the ground.

During the night, the bow will absorb any negative that comes from outside and will not allow its penetration into the subtle bodies of a person. The same can be done with garlic - scatter the cloves around the room, and in the morning collect and remove from the room. Do this as long as you are threatened with magical reprisals.

Photo protection from damage

In today's world, most negative impacts take on a photograph. To protect yourself and loved ones from targeting damage to the photo, do the following.

When the sun will rise, light a church candle, take a photo and baptize it with a prayer candle. Then turn the photo over and write the following words on the back:

Read the conspiracy words out loud three times and hide the picture in a bible or other place. After a year, repeat the ceremony. The defense must be updated constantly, otherwise the magical effect will weaken.

Protective circle of fire

If a purposeful witchcraft effect is being conducted on you, you need to put fire protection for six months. It is necessary to prepare for the ritual in advance - to cleanse magical negativity in any way. Then, on a full moon after sunset, lock the room and place three candles on the floor in the shape of an equilateral triangle with apex to the west.

Put a cut in the center white material and stand on it barefoot, facing west. Your clothes should be made of natural fabric without a belt or fasteners. Light the candles with a match, close your eyes and say the conspiracy 5 times:

Stay in a circle with your eyes closed and imagine how a wall of flame stands around you, in which any evil burns out. The wall gradually turns into a sphere and surrounds you from all sides. You are surrounded by flames, and are now completely protected from any impact.

Open your eyes and put out the candles with your fingers - you cannot blow out. Wrap the cuts in linen white and put it under your pillow. Go to bed right away, do not walk around the apartment. After six months, repeat the ritual with the same candles.

Protection from the evil eye of luck and money

Every person should have protection from the evil eye. There is a lot of envy and unfriendliness in the world, and energetically strong people envy easily turns into an evil eye. Perform a simple ritual on the growing moon that is reliable.

Trim your fingernails and toenails with the words:

Wrap nails along with hair and dust from shoes in a sheet of white paper and bury them in the ground near or near your house. Cross the hole with three crosses. This amulet is long-term.

Charm-prayer from the evil eye

You should always have this amulet with you. You can talk about a pin, earrings, a ring, a brooch - any thing. You can talk about house / car keys or key fob.

Perform the ritual with lit church candle, which should completely burn out. Before the plot, say prayers in front of the icons of the listed saints and archangels - it is possible for one icon.

You can also talk about any thing of your loved one, which he will carry with him at all times. Just instead of your own name, say the name of the person you are talking to. He needs to explain that the amulet must be worn constantly.

So that damage does not come back

Sometimes removed damage can go back to the person. The reasons may be changes in the phases of the moon or the activity of the sun. Celestial objects affect the human psyche and his subconscious - it is with these categories that sorcerers work.

Wait for the last lunar days- 29th day lunar calendar... In the evening, boil the water and throw two flowers into the boiling water - a blooming one and an unblown one. Flowers can be bought in the store or picked on the street, the variety does not matter, but the color should be yellow.

Then throw a lock closed with a key into the water and read the plot over the steam three times:

Let the water cool down. Take out the lock and pour out the water at the intersection. The castle should be taken to the cemetery gate and left there. When returning home, do not turn around and do not talk to anyone. At home you need to take a shower.

Drive out evil spirits and put protection on the house

If you have been sent with damage to evil spirits in the house, you need to carry out the rite of exile, and then put protection. Save the following magical items for the rite:

  • twigs or shavings of aspen;
  • a candle from a church holiday;
  • juniper branches or St. John's wort / wormwood herb.

Place the aspen shavings in a skillet or metal sheet and light on all four sides. Each time you set it on fire, read the prayer to the Honorable Cross. When the branches flare up, read the conspiracy words to the fire 9 times:

Then take a church candle with your left hand, and hold a cross in your right hand (if there is no large one, take a pectoral one) and go around the house around the perimeter with a conspiracy:

Then light the juniper / wormwood / St. John's wort twigs and fumigate the entire room. Then sprinkle the house with holy water, sprinkling crosswise with a bunch of parsley / dill. During sprinkling and fumigation, read the prayer "Our Father".

Guess today with the help of the "Card of the Day" Tarot spread!

For correct fortune-telling: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

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