Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Where to go about heating. Where can I complain about the lack of heating? How to write a complaint? Permissible heat standards

Outside the window for a long time subzero temperature, are the radiators in your apartment still cold? Yes, the management company knows how to present surprises. Or maybe it’s not a matter of their irresponsibility, but a banal breakdown? Read the article about why batteries may not heat up, and also about where to complain if the heating is simply not turned on for you.

The issue of the beginning of the heating season is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of May 6, 2011 “On the provision of utilities owners and users of premises in apartment buildings."

The heating season period is set individually for each region. It depends on the temperature level outside the window. At what temperature do you turn on the heating in apartments? Heat must be supplied to residential buildings if the outside temperature is below 8°C for five days in a row.

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When the approximate start date of the heating season is behind, and the radiators in the apartment are cold, there may be several reasons for this.

  1. The heating problem is only in your apartment. Find out from your neighbors whether their heating works. If it is confirmed that the breakdown occurred on you, call a specialist for diagnostics and repairs.
  2. Something unexpected happened emergency situation, which delayed connecting your home to the heat supply. In this case, the entire house or even the area will not have heating.
  3. The utility service or management company is delaying the start of the heating season.

About the solution last problem and will be discussed further.

Where can I complain if the heating is not turned on?

According to the Rules for the provision of utility services, interruptions in the heating supply are possible when the season has already begun. The periods for which interruptions are permissible are clearly regulated:

  • no more than 24 hours per month;
  • if the air temperature in the apartment is above 12°C - maximum 16 hours in a row;
  • if the temperature in the apartment is 10-12°C - maximum 8 hours in a row;
  • if the temperature in the apartment is 8-10°C - maximum 4 hours in a row.

If the above standards are not met, the amount of payment for heating is reduced for each extra hour by 0.15%.

If there is no heat, first of all, you should find out the reasons. To do this, call the dispatch service and leave a request about the lack of heating with a request to take appropriate measures. Specialists are required to determine the cause and inform you about it within one to two days.

If the problems are related to a technical breakdown, a specialist must come to the site. Your application will be confirmed by a corresponding act drawn up in two copies. One is for you, the second remains with the specialist. In this case, all heating problems are solved in a short time.

You also have the right to contact:

  • management company;
  • housing inspection;
  • your apartment building's association, if you have one.

If, after taking the measures you have taken, the heating is still not turned on, you can complain to higher authorities. Among them:

  • Rospotrebnadzor;
  • prosecutor's office;
  • municipality;
  • judicial authorities.

It is not in the interests of public utilities to refer the issue to higher authorities for resolution. Therefore, before you write a complaint, inform them of your intention. It is likely that heating problems will be resolved very quickly.

The heating was not turned on: complaint and subsequent actions

If filing a complaint is unavoidable, it is written as follows:

  1. At the top right are your personal details and the name of the organization to which the claim is being sent. You should leave your contact phone number so that you can be contacted promptly to resolve the issue.
  2. The complaint must describe the situation in as much detail as possible. Write down what measures you took before filing a complaint, where you went, and who you contacted. Attach copies of supporting documents, if available.
  3. Then, state all your demands and ask them to take action in the current situation. You can threaten to go to the courts.
  4. Please provide a personal signature and the current date.

There is no established complaint template. If you find it difficult to draw up a document, you can contact a housing lawyer.

The complaint may be handed over to an authorized person in person. In this case, you need to obtain from him a document confirming the receipt of the claim. You can also send a complaint by registered mail or electronically on the official website of the organization.

After solving the heating problem, be sure to draw up a statement sent to the management company with a request to recalculate for the time when you actually did not use utilities. Utilities will not recalculate the payment amount on their own initiative; it must come from you.

Now you know how and where to complain if you didn’t turn on the heating when the season has already begun. If difficulties arise, contact a lawyer for advice and assistance in resolving the issue.

The beginning of the heating season, many residents apartment buildings perceived as another round of struggle against public utilities who do not provide the proper temperature level in their apartments. Escaping the cold in their homes with the help of electric heaters, people are forced to incur costs for heating, which is not available, and for electricity, the consumption of which increases significantly due to the round-the-clock operation of the devices. At the same time, there is no need to talk about comfort, because it is impossible to warm up a poorly heated apartment with heaters. Therefore, residents try to find out the reasons for the cold in their apartments as quickly as possible, but often do not know where to turn if there is no heating. IN Lately Local authorities pay a lot of attention to the issue of providing residential buildings and social facilities with heat. Issues raised are usually resolved in a short time. The main thing is to voice the problem!

Finding out possible reasons for the lack of heat

An apartment owner who is faced with the problem of low temperature in his home needs to communicate with his neighbors landing and find out how bad their heating situation is. If in neighboring apartments ah heat, then the problem is of a narrow nature and is associated with a malfunction of the heating system elements in a particular room. To determine it and subsequently eliminate it, a person must contact:

  • to the Directorate for Building Operations (DEZ), which is responsible for maintaining this building;
  • in a HOA, if the owner of the apartment is a member of the partnership;
  • to a management company that resolves all life support issues apartment building.

After receiving an application to the problem apartment, the above organizations send a technician who inspects communications in order to determine the lack of heat, and also takes all possible measures on the spot to eliminate problems in the heating system.

In accordance with the law, utility workers have 24 hours to carry out simple repairs to the in-house heating system. To more complex renovation work utility organizations are given one week, after which heat should still appear in the apartment.

If all residents of the entrance of an apartment building suffer from the cold in their apartments, then the reasons go beyond heating system of this object. Most likely, the current situation is due to major accident that occurred on heating mains or at the thermal power plant itself. In such cases, utility workers have to turn off the heating supply for the duration of work in the emergency area, which can take a very long time. various reasons. What should residents do in this situation and where to call - if there is no heating, and there is no information about the date of its appearance?

A major accident on heating networks may cause a lack of heat in an apartment building

The activity of apartment owners must be adequate to the scale of the problem. Therefore, in such situations, calls to the Management Company are duplicated by calls to the State Housing Inspectorate, for whose employees, with the onset of winter frosts, the “hot time” begins in the full sense of the word. Calls from dissatisfied citizens are received by this organization via a hotline that operates 24 hours a day.

Correct filing of complaints

All complaints and claims regarding poor-quality service provided must be submitted in writing. Therefore, after the phone call, do not be lazy to write a statement, always in two copies, and take it personally to the Management Company.

Upon admission, the applicant must request that the employee of the organization responsible for the proper operation of the house put on the second copy of the application the date and the incoming number accepted for consideration of the document. Having a copy of the application marked with the Criminal Code will help to quickly resolve the issue in higher structures, as well as in the judicial authorities, if it comes to compensation for material and moral damage.

Important! A statement about the lack of heating can also be sent by mail with a letter notifying that it has been delivered to the recipient. In this case, a completed notification form signed by the person who received the mail serves as evidence of the citizen’s appeal to the management company.

If the residents’ oral appeal can be ignored, then the written complaint will have to be considered within the time allowed by law. Therefore, within three days, a specialist must appear at the address specified in the application and take temperature measurements in each individual room of the apartment. Make sure that measuring device was located at a distance of one and a half meters from the floor and a meter from the external walls. Based on the results of the measurements taken, a report is drawn up in two copies, in which the results obtained are noted. The owner of the apartment must keep a copy of this act. Then this document can become the basis for recalculating the amount billed by the service organization to the apartment owner for heating.

Residents have the right to recalculate the cost of housing and communal services in the absence of heat in their apartments

Sanitary and epidemiological legislation regulates temperature standards, both optimal and permissible, in the premises of buildings intended for the residence of citizens. Any deviation from these temperature standards serves as a reason for recalculating the cost of the provided inappropriately services.

If a representative of the organization operating the house does not show up, then you need to draw up a report yourself in any form. To do this, you will have to invite witnesses, who are usually residents of neighboring apartments. When filling out the report, be sure to note that the invited employee of the housing organization was not present during the inspection of the apartment.

Which government agencies should I complain to?

If the struggle for the right to normal living conditions during the heating season does not bring success, then all government agencies that are competent to solve it must be involved in the problem. So, where else can you turn to regarding heating?

  • Firstly, to local governments. Moreover, in addition to calling and recording personal reception to the official responsible for the work of housing and communal services, it became possible to send a complaint by e-mail, the address of which can be found on the official website of the municipality.
  • Secondly, to the authorities of Rospotrebnadzor. It is better not to call this structure, but to immediately write a complaint, in which you must indicate the name and address of your management company. Throughout the winter period, specialists from this regulatory state body deal with heating issues as a matter of priority. Written appeal serves as a reason for an unscheduled inspection, after which Rospotrebnadzor experts send an order to the head of the Management Company with a deadline for eliminating violations temperature regime in a residential apartment building. Failure to comply with the order may result in penalties being applied to the violator.
  • Thirdly, to the Prosecutor's Office with a written complaint, in which to demand the initiation of an administrative case against the director of the Management Company.

Despite all the efforts made by authorities at all levels to restore order in the housing and communal services sector, the problems will not be resolved soon. Therefore, citizens need to not only know where to call about heating, but also be able to correctly file their complaints.

Every year, with the onset of autumn, residents of apartment buildings enter a stressful period. To heat residential premises, a variety of household heaters are used. The level of comfort in city apartments during the cold season directly depends on the quality of heat supply services. The work often causes fair criticism from residents of multi-storey buildings. Situations when there is no heating in the apartment, and the question is where to call, are quite common.

Let's try to understand the algorithm of consumer actions in cases where problems arise with heating in the apartment.

There is no heating in the apartment - steps towards solving the problem

In accordance with existing legislation, in the cold season it must comply with the parameters provided for by the standards.

For reference: The temperature in residential premises should not fall below 18 0 C, and in rooms with angular location not less than 20 0 C. The corresponding norm is enshrined in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners of residential premises in apartment buildings” dated 05/06/2011.

The problem may affect everyone in your home. In such cases, the solution to the issue is of a public nature, and vice versa, if the heating does not work only for you, then you will have to individually deal with the problem that has arisen.

It is possible to independently identify the cause of cold batteries and eliminate the malfunction in only one case. We are talking about if you have an air lock in your radiators. You can bleed the air from the battery on your own, or you can invite a mechanic from the management company or from the housing office to do this. For more serious heating problems, you should contact the following authorities:

  • city, district housing inspection (ZHI);
  • management company that maintains your home;
  • a homeowners' association, which includes you, as the owner of an apartment in the same building.

Each of the listed authorities is involved in solving heating problems due to its powers, area of ​​responsibility and responsibilities. Your activity must be adequate to the scale of the problem. If the identified malfunction is corrected central heating it is not possible at the level of the service organization; it is necessary to involve higher authorities, which are in charge of the public sector of public services.

Important! To achieve your goal, you need to contact all authorities at once. Otherwise, resolving the issue may take time. Here we must take into account the sluggishness of the bureaucratic system and the human factor.

First, let's look at filing a complaint at the very first level. If your house is serviced by a management company, call and write there; if it is an HOA, contact the chairman of the partnership.

When homeowners have direct service contracts with energy companies, the situation looks different. The victim himself will have to deal with service providers. The contract must contain a clause providing for the procedure for filing a claim. For example, a heat supplier company is ready to consider customer complaints in deadlines and only in writing. These points are worth paying attention to.

On a note: Any statement (complaint, claim) you make to an official organization must contain the details of the official document (date, incoming number). It is best to submit a complaint in writing and in two copies, one remains with the organization or company, the other remains with you. Without the appropriate details, without a mark indicating that the document has been accepted for consideration, your complaint will not have any legal force.

In cases where you are asked to leave a complaint by telephone, take the trouble to find out: who received your phone call and what number in the registration log is assigned to your request.

Complained - you shouldn’t sit idly by

Regardless of where exactly you turn if there is no heat in the house, the complaint itself must be drawn up on the essence of the issue. In the absence of proper heating, it is worth indicating the actual temperature parameters of your apartment. If the temperature does not comply with SanPiN, request an official temperature measurement. As a rule, such appeals, drawn up in a legally competent manner, with reference to legislative norms and standards, are accepted for consideration much faster.

In accordance with current legislation, utility services have only 24 hours to eliminate technical faults in the home central heating system. Provided that the faults are local in nature. More complex technical problems must be resolved within a week, otherwise fines may be imposed on the heat supplier company, and enterprise managers may be held administratively liable.

In order to consider the complaint, a representative of the management company or housing office will come to you, who must establish the fact that the quality of heating in the apartment is inadequate or completely absent. When a company representative does not agree with your reasonable demands, raise the issue of the need to re-inspect your apartment, only this time with the participation of a representative of the housing inspection.

On a note: The law does not prohibit you from inviting an independent expert - a specialist in the field of thermal energy - for such an examination.

Based on the results of the inspection, he draws up an act, which is an official document for your further struggle with public utilities.

If there is no proper response to your complaint from the management company, housing office or service provider company, you need to call Rospotrebnadzor, the local antimonopoly service authority, city and district authorities. As a last resort, file a complaint with the Prosecutor's Office. When you already have in your hands a drawn up Act on the non-compliance of the temperature regime in the apartment with SanPiNam, you can go to court with a claim for compensation for losses and moral damage.

To receive complaints and claims from citizens heating season must work in the housing inspection hotline, calls are accepted 24 hours a day. Today, many official authorities are implementing systems electronic processing documents received from citizens. A complaint about central heating can be submitted electronically. The situation with Rospotrebnadzor is as follows. Only a written complaint in which you indicate the reason for your complaints and the details of the service company will take effect. Rospotrebnadzor has quite a lot of levers of pressure on business entities that violate existing legal norms in the provision of utility services. This is especially true for companies providing heat supply to housing and infrastructure facilities in winter period.

Based on everything written above, when there is no heating in the apartment, you should not panic. By observing the form, timing and order of application, you can achieve tangible results. Typically, utility workers try to quickly eliminate interruptions in the operation of the central heating system, both at the apartment level and on the scale of a district or block. A collective complaint filed by the owners of an apartment building has a better chance of quickly solving the heating problem.

With the arrival of the cold season, health and comfortable life of all citizens largely depends on what temperature will be in their apartments or houses. Timely, and most importantly, high-quality provision of heat is the task of public utilities. If the heating does not work, or works but poorly, this is gross violation from utilities.

Cold or slightly warm batteries will not be able to provide a comfortable temperature for living. Residents faced with a similar problem often simply do not know where to file a complaint. They turn on the heaters and wait patiently instead of contacting the utility company.

The second problem that Russians often face is ignorance of the rules for drawing up such complaints. This is due to the fact that the current Russian legislation has many specific features and nuances, and only a qualified specialist can understand them.

Sometimes the most insignificant mistake becomes the reason for refusal to consider a claim. For this reason, experts strongly recommend contacting an experienced lawyer who will help you correctly formulate the document, give recommendations regarding subsequent actions, and answer related questions.

Of course, today there are many companies operating in the country that provide legal services, however, contacting any of them will be accompanied by significant financial costs. Today, Russians prefer remote communication with specialists.

This is not surprising, since the effectiveness of online consultation is high, but at the same time, help received remotely allows Russians to achieve significant savings Money, effort and time. To communicate with a lawyer online, all you need is a computer, laptop or smartphone connected to the Internet.

Where can I file a complaint if there is no heating in my apartment?

If the heating in a private house or apartment works poorly or does not work at all, residents should take action as quickly as possible. First of all, you need to make sure that you have a document on hand confirming the absence of heat. When drawing up this act, residents, representatives of utility services and government officials must be present.

The corresponding “invitations” to housing and communal services workers and to the city administration are sent in writing through the post office. You should also ensure that you receive notification of delivery of letters. Notification will play a key role in the event that a representative of one of the structures is not present when drawing up the act. If the applicant has confirmation of the sending of the corresponding letter, then only those who are present at its formation can sign the act.

Of course, citizens have a well-founded question about where to send their complaint. First of all, the sample claim is written in utility service supplying heat. If it is not possible to resolve the conflict peacefully, then Russians have the right to take radical measures and file a complaint with one of the following authorities:

  • Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Prosecutor's Office;

Upon receipt of a complaint, employees of the relevant structure will organize an inspection and punish the perpetrators. It is important to remember that going to court is a last resort. You should only file a lawsuit if other means of obtaining justice have failed.

Another nuance that should be taken into account concerns the material side of the conflict. If the case reaches the courts, then the injured party has the right to demand from the utility companies not only to correct the situation with the heat supply, but also to compensate for the moral damage caused.

To achieve justice in court, experts strongly recommend that citizens seek help from a specialist by issuing a power of attorney to represent their interests. If an experienced lawyer deals with this issue, this will guarantee that the interests of the citizen will be under reliable protection.

Features of filing a complaint about lack of heating

In accordance with current regulations, the minimum temperature permissible for a living space is 18˚C. If the actual indicators do not meet the established criterion, this is a valid reason for filing a complaint. It is important to take into account that regardless of which structure the document is submitted to, it must be drawn up in compliance with the rules of the Russian language and not contain errors.

Today there is no strict template for writing a complaint about non-working heating, so the form of the document can be free. However, the claim must meet the requirements business letter and etiquette. The text should not contain phrases with an emotional connotation, rude expressions or obscene statements. When writing a complaint, you should strive to be as concise and informative as possible. The document must also contain the following information:

  • The name of the organization to which the complaint is being sent;
  • Exact residential address (if this is apartment house, then indicate the number of residents);
  • Data from the contract with the utility service;
  • Description of the problem;
  • Legal justification;
  • Applicant's requirements;
  • The time during which the complainant waits for a response;
  • Date of submission of the document and signatures of the residents.

Regardless of which method is chosen to solve the problem, experts strongly recommend filing collective complaint. If the appeal comes from several residents at once, it will be considered as quickly as possible. Most often, the period for making a decision on a case varies from 10 to 30 days.

As for the method of sending a complaint, in addition to using the services of the post office, you can write a complaint through the official Internet portal of the selected structure. If the document is drawn up in ordinary written form, then the applicant must keep a copy of it.

What to do if the batteries do not heat up?

When returning home in winter, you want to feel warm and cozy, protected from the street cold. But there are times when the temperature in the living room is not just insufficient, but frankly, low. Turning on the heater is not the best best option, since this is an extra cost for electricity. Yes and by adopted laws and standards there are certain criteria for establishing normal temperature. Therefore, you need to know where to complain about cold radiators in the apartment and how to loyally resolve the problem.

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Established temperature standards for apartments

There is a special adopted standard of the Russian Federation for housing and communal services.

According to this GOST R 51617-2000, in a residential area the temperature should vary from 18 to 25 degrees Celsius. At the same time, there are separate data for staircases, basements and attics, the temperature in which also affects the temperature of nearby apartments.

In particular, according to SanPiN, the temperature in the rooms should be 20-22 degrees. It is acceptable for it to be within 18-24 degrees. For bathrooms, kitchens, toilets, temperatures from 18 to 26 degrees are possible. IN optimal conditions The numbers indicated are 19-21 for the kitchen and toilet, as well as for the combined bathroom and bathroom, ranging from 24 to 26 degrees.

If the indicator is significantly lower than the acceptable standard, then the situation is not normal and requires an immediate solution. Contacting the appropriate service will help with this.

Who is responsible for the cold radiators of the apartment and who should solve the problem?

Where to complain if it’s cold in the apartment? There are several types of management organizations that are responsible for maintaining specified standards and norms of housing conditions. It could be management company, housing and communal services or homeowners association. You need to contact these companies.

The most common problem with cold batteries is either poor design or connections that are too old and no longer usable. Less often it concerns the house itself, which has very low thermal stability.

If the problem lies precisely in the above reasons (one or several at once), then it is the management company that must solve it. And they bear all the costs of the work performed.

The solution period is limited to a week, the only exception being the occurrence of a certain number of problems during repairs (discovery of the complete unsuitability of not only a secondary, but also one of the central branches of communications).

If the problem with cold batteries lies in the batteries themselves, then they will need to be replaced by the owner of the apartment. Work can only be carried out after obtaining the appropriate permission from the management service. But in winter this will be possible only in exceptional cases ( Small child, paralyzed family member). After all, turning off the riser in the house will become a problem for other residents, which is why it is prohibited by the state.

The procedure for contacting housing and communal services to solve the problem

First of all, it is necessary to carry out self-measuring and identify how low the room temperature is relative to established standards. Then do the following:

  1. Write a written statement addressed to the management company, which is responsible for providing utilities. It must indicate exact data and the reason for the request. In this situation, it will consist in inadequate heating quality.
  2. Make a copy of the application and save it. When applying you must mandatory The date of drawing up the paper and signature must be present. The original should be taken to the service and submitted for review.
  3. Any statements or online requests to the management company must be kept even after the problem is resolved. All papers relating to the problem of cold batteries and its solution must certainly be “on hand”. If the difficulty is not resolved, these papers can become a practical aid for appealing to higher organizations or the court.

  4. After reviewing the application, the management company will send an engineer or caretaker technician to the apartment. The specialist will take temperature measurements and check the condition of the water supply. And if the problem is confirmed, a report will be drawn up, which will indicate the details of the inspection and research. A copy of the act will be provided to residents, it is worth remembering. This paper should be kept as confirmation of the problem and a kind of guarantee on the part of the management company to begin solving it.
  5. It is recommended to call in the morning or lunchtime. There is a tendency for housing and communal services to reduce the temperature to heat buildings during the day. This is due to the fact that most homeowners are at work. The temperature rises in the evening. Therefore, to establish accurate data, you need to choose the ideal period.

  6. If the problem has not been resolved within 7-10 days, you need to find out the number to call if the cold batteries remain cold. You can also pay a visit to the housing and communal services department and get clarification directly. A positive response to the ongoing resolution process must be supported by specific dates by which all required work will be completed. If they abdicate responsibility for the decision, they will have to turn to higher institutions for help.

What to do if the problem of cold batteries has not been resolved?

There are quite common cases when a written application to the management company and a study by an engineer did not cause an increase in the temperature in the apartment.

If, after 2 weeks after drawing up the report, the problem has not been solved, and there is no answer from the housing and communal services or there are only excuses, then more serious measures must be taken. Contact special organizations will make it possible to influence the irresponsibility of utility companies and finally achieve the provision of quality services.

The first thing you should do is contact someone who is higher in rank - State Housing Inspectorate. The organization will repeat the research and draw up another act or use an existing document. Then proceedings will be carried out with housing and communal services and, in the best case, the problem will be eliminated. Is it true, this method may not work. In this case, you must visit the following authorities:


The institution protects the rights of consumers and provides them with all possible assistance in solving numerous problems. In particular, residents who did not receive quality utility services can be considered affected consumers. Based on the next application, the attached act and other requested documents, influence on the housing and communal services will be carried out. In most cases of this appeal quite enough to bring an incompetent service to justice.

Regional/district/city authorities

The person responsible for the city or region/district can assist in taking appropriate measures to punish housing and communal services and, through legal authorities, bring him to administrative responsibility in accordance with Article 7.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. But the problem is at this stage consists of the permanent employment of the mayor or governor. Often such “minor” violations are ignored. Although a truly responsible head of regional or municipal authorities will be able to solve the problem quickly.

If the appeal is collective, then it is very likely that it will not take much time to consider the application and resolve the problem. In most cases, a mass complaint from residents has a greater impact.

Prosecutor's office

At its core, this organization is also designed to help consumers. Therefore, a complaint to the authority will allow us to launch a mechanism for investigation and finding out the reason why the housing and communal services did not solve the problem. You will need to submit an application and demonstrate a document indicating the research certified by an engineer.

Federal Antimonopoly Service

The organization often has influence over utility providers. Therefore, there is a possibility that a complaint to the service will allow them to influence the speed of consideration of the application and resolution of the problem in accordance with the drawn up act. The service itself is responsible for monitoring the provision of services.

Mass media

It is quite important to contact not just one media representative, but a number of such organizations. It is recommended to communicate not only with city newspapers or television, but also with higher-ranking regional commissioners. This will allow us to attract as much attention as possible to the problem and thereby highlight it to a mass of consumers, services and officials. Most likely, this stage will be successful, because “denigration” in the media reduces the reputation of the authorities and can result in legal liability for them.

The appeal to the media should be presented in such a way as to really “interest” the service. Otherwise, assistance may be refused.

Judicial authorities

The final measure will be a trial that will put an end to the problem of low temperatures in the home. You need to be prepared to provide all the required documents and, in addition, to pay the amount for the examination. It is recommended that you consult with a qualified attorney in advance. He will help you correctly draft a statement/complaint and describe the problem in the right form. Next, you just need to be patient and wait for meetings, trials and a decision on the issue.

Will there be a recalculation of heating fees?

Solving the problem is a clear plus in the relationship between consumers and housing and communal services. But there is another difficulty: paying for heating. Receiving heat insufficiently and paying the full cost brings the apartment owner into a dead end. But there is still a way out of this situation.

Based on the drawn up report on low temperature in the living room, a study is carried out and a conclusion is made. If the temperature was 10 degrees below normal, the heat bill will be recalculated. In most cases, reducing even 5 degrees will not bring results.

Proceedings with the assistance of other authorities (for example, the court) are unlikely to have a positive effect. But in any case, it is necessary to consult with a lawyer and clarify this issue. If a family with a child lives in the apartment or the housing and communal services took too long to resolve the problem, it is possible to obtain a decision on recalculation. Each situation has its own nuances and exceptions.

It’s worth trying to prove that you’re right in any case. After all, the problems of the management company should not fall on the shoulders of consumers, much less bring them inconvenience or losses.

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