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What does a child need to adapt well to school? Adaptation of the child to school. Psychologist's advice

Tips for parents

How to help your child adjust to school


As a rule, the parents of a first-grader are most concerned about issues related to their studies. this is certainly important, but the main parental task during this period is to help the child adapt to school.

although for most children, going to school is a joyful event that they are looking forward to (because for them it means becoming almost adults), for any child this event is a lot of stress, and it takes time to adapt to such global change In my life.

manifestations of stress

first graders are under stress. it happens in different ways. this is often visible to the naked eye: the child becomes lethargic, pale, he may have headaches or abdominal pain, sleep is disturbed, he often gets sick.

Parents do not always understand that changes in their child's behavior are a consequence of stress. the child may begin whims and tantrums, or he suddenly begins to be rude and rude to his parents. if this happened in the first months of attending school, you should not write off such behavior as "".

It should be borne in mind that not always stressful manifestations are clearly negative character. often stress manifests itself in the fact that the child becomes surprisingly disciplined: without reminders in the evening he collects a portfolio, jumps out of bed immediately after the alarm goes off, strives to come to school half an hour before the start of classes. parents rejoice: “wonderful! went to school and immediately matured!” but one should not fall into illusions. such responsibility and discipline, which was unusual for a child before, indicates that he is very worried and worried.

Parents during this period should be especially sensitive and careful towards their child. any changes in the behavior of their baby should be a warning signal for them, because our task is not only to ensure that our children receive a good education but also to ensure that they maintain their physical and mental health.

adaptation to school takes from 2 to 6 months. let's talk about how to help the child go through the period of adaptation to school with the least loss.

leave it for an extension?

in each family, this issue is resolved, of course, in accordance with the capabilities of the family itself, and yet, if there is at least some possibility, then in the first months it is better that the baby goes home immediately after school.

if you are working, you can try to go part-time for a couple of months. maybe your grandmother or some other relative can help you? or will you arrange with a retired neighbor to pick up the child from school? if possible, hire a nanny for a couple of months. if you or your dad have a vacation, then it’s better to take it now so that at least during the first weeks the child can not attend an after-school program.

if this is not possible, then be sure to get to know the teacher of the extended day group better in the very first days and carefully look at her attitude towards children.

do not rely on the fact that the school you sent your child to has a good reputation.

even in a good school, as a rule, high demands are placed on teachers, and not on GPD educators, so everything depends on the personality of a particular educator. someone treats his wards with a soul, seeks to organize for them Interesting games communicates kindly.

but there are also those who allow themselves to yell at children or can “forget” the child on the street, and in response to a parent’s complaint, takes out the offense on the child - only he forbids him to leave the classroom for the whole time until the parents come (I know such a case). it is obvious that during the period of the child's adaptation to school, being "under the wing" of such a teacher is simply contraindicated.

exercise stress

We know how important physical activity is for a child's development. and it is precisely her that is sorely lacking in the child at school! before school, the kid was almost constantly in motion, and now he is forced to sit still in the classroom, and for several hours in a row.

breaks do not count, firstly, they are short, and secondly, usually at school, children are not allowed to run or play too active games during the break. two physical education lessons a week also do not make up for the lack of physical activity. as a result, the child becomes tired of immobility, which gradually becomes chronic.

in addition, during this period, the child experiences a high nervous and mental stress, and in this situation, physical activity is the first "medicine".

be sure to organize the child's leisure in such a way that he compensates for his long sitting at the desk. it can be swimming, cycling or ordinary outdoor games in the yard. average, a child of this age should be in active movement for at least 2 hours a day.

if possible, it is better to walk to school and back. and if the school is located nearby, you can leave early so that, after making a small detour, you can walk an extra 15 minutes.

Fresh air

It has been observed that children attending school walk an average of 15 minutes a day. Agree, when you see such a figure, you feel bitterness. after all, a first-grader is still small, and to visit fresh air he needs it just like a preschooler. to kid, nervous system who is under stress from the loads that have fallen on him, this is doubly necessary.

Now, in connection with the new, school, mode, morning walks are canceled, so in the afternoon it is advisable to fit 2 walks. it is best to arrange the first walk 20 minutes after dinner, and the second one before going to bed, instead of sitting at a computer or TV. Moreover, the child usually lacks communication alone with mom or dad, and walking before going to bed, you can talk heart to heart and play a little. so such a walk would serve two purposes at once.

On weekends and holidays, try to walk with your child in the same mode as it happened before school: in the morning and in the evening, for about 1.5 hours, and in good weather for 2 hours.


It is very important that during this period the child gets enough sleep. if the child experiences a lack of sleep, then he will “fill up” in the first two lessons. it is clear that the effectiveness of training under such circumstances will not be too high.

If the child is used to sleeping during the day, then put him to an afternoon nap.

A child of this age should sleep approximately 11 hours a day. try to get him to bed no later than 9 o'clock in the evening.

Try not to play noisy exciting games or play on the computer before going to bed.

Before going to bed, give him a relaxing massage, offer to take a warm bath. A very good relaxing remedy is a cup of warm milk, drunk before going to bed.

A sleepy child meets the morning in a joyful mood. if your child looks gloomy or lethargic in the morning, then the hours allotted for sleep are not enough for him.

Organize your child's routine so that he has enough time before going to school. the child should not feel rushed and nervous, he should calmly put himself in order, have breakfast and tune in to the “working day”.


according to the law, first-graders cannot be assigned to work on their homework in the first half of the year, but not all teachers adhere to this. so a few suggestions on this topic.

The second peak of brain activity occurs at 14-17 hours (the first - from 9 to 12 in the morning), so it is better to do homework during this period of time.

Before execution homework the child should not only have lunch, but also in without fail take a walk.

First grader shouldn't sit on homework more than an hour. if this does not work, then it makes sense to talk to the teacher.

It happens that in primary school children are given so much homework that there is no need to talk about a reasonable time for its completion. sometimes in this work, to be honest, there is no serious need (for example, the student already writes well, but the teacher insists that all workbooks be filled out in writing). let's say you see that the child has been diligently sitting at home for an hour, obviously already tired, but then it turns out that you still need to learn a poem for the holiday. in this case, I think it is not a sin to help him. by this you will not make the child lazy, but you will preserve his health and will not instill an aversion to learning.

It is best to start homework with reading, and then do the rest of the subjects. this will help the child to tune in to the performance of tasks in other subjects. if the baby wants to start with a task that is this moment seems to him more interesting, then parents need to give him complete freedom in this matter.

Give your child 10 minutes of breaks while doing homework. and let him get used to the fact that a home “break” is not a seat in front of a TV or computer. it is best if he jumps, somersaults or dances.


try to worry less about this topic during this period. be interested in your child's studies, but in moderation.

do not forget that it is very difficult for a first grader to be attentive, diligent and accurate throughout the school day. therefore, do not be discouraged if at first he forgets something or does not have time, the sticks in the copybooks will be uneven, and the numbers will be written the other way around. normally developing healthy child will eventually learn to read, count and write.

teachers are well aware that a girl who does well in elementary school can later turn out to be a very mediocre student, and, conversely, a boy who had difficulty writing penmanship can win all the Olympiads in mathematics and physics in high school.

at this age, the most important thing is to maintain interest in learning and learning new things.

Under no circumstances should you reproach your child for not being good at something, or for listening to or forgetting something.

Don't compare his school performance to other children's or your own when you were his age, for better or worse.

Do not frighten him with deuces, which he will receive if he does not learn to write, count and, in general, be attentive and assiduous, as a diligent student is supposed to be.

Do not tell horror stories, such as "you will study poorly, you will become a janitor."

Don't reward (let alone punish) academic achievement.

But be interested in what the baby has learned, celebrate with joy if he managed to do something well. ask what interesting things he learned today, what he drew at the drawing lesson, what he played with friends at recess. If your child shared something they heard in class that they found interesting, try to develop the topic, for example, tell something more interesting about it.

One hundred parents of first-graders now connect one more argument to their instructions: “shame on you, you got all dirty! You are big - you go to school! or it becomes a new argument for some kind of restrictions or motives: “Give in to your little sister. You're a student now! sometimes parents believe that, having become a first-grader, the child has moved “to a different rank” and therefore must give up some of his childhood habits.

in fact, the first grader is already suffering from the fact that a whole heap of new rules, requirements and duties have fallen on him, and they are not fully understood and not known to him.

it is hard for the kid to cope with this burden, he worries and worries, being in this new school life, and from time to time he needs to feel like a small child who does not owe anything to anyone.

1) in the first months of adaptation to school, give your child the opportunity to feel small if he wants to: sit on your lap, read long-known and favorite poems or fairy tales, crawl along the floor with him, playing with cars or dolls, allow him to fall asleep in your bed, etc.

2) do not appeal to the fact that he is now a schoolboy and "big". you will not argue with the fact that a person cannot grow up or change suddenly, just because he now has a new role (a young wife will not become a wonderful housewife the next day after the wedding). the child will not become more conscious from such words, but under the yoke of such appeals it will be harder for him to get used to the new load.

3) during this period, reduce the level of normal requirements for the child.

4) in addition to new school responsibilities, do not burden the child with other new requirements, except for those that are related to the school and are mandatory. for example, to come to school at the beginning of the lessons - mandatory requirement(conditionally), but to prepare clothes for tomorrow is not yet necessary.

5) during these few months of adaptation to school, postpone the visit additional circles and sections, if they are not sports.

6) if you notice that the child is tired, do not be afraid to leave him for one day at home, or let him not do homework. To avoid misunderstandings, warn the teacher with a call or a note.

7) so that the baby feels more confident at school, give him his favorite toys (but not the most beloved ones, as they can be lost at school).

8) give the child mobile phone so that at any time he can contact you, and you can help him cope with the problem that has arisen.

9) for the psychological comfort of the child, it is very important that he has friends and acquaintances in the new community. talk with the child himself, the teacher, observe how the child communicates with classmates.

If you are convinced that your child needs help in this matter, then provide it:

Help the children exchange phone numbers;

Give your child a small treat for new friends: sweets, gummies, etc.

Give your child small interesting toys with you so that it is easier for him to join the game with one of the other children during the break.

Material for the lesson.

The first of September is an important day in the life of every child. However, the joy of going to school for the first time often goes hand in hand with excitement. And this is no coincidence - with the beginning of schooling in a child's life begins new stage. Lessons, homework, new friends ... How to understand whether the child is successfully adapting to school, to warn possible problems and help him?

School adaptation and its features

Under school adaptation it is customary to understand the formation of new habits in the child, allowing him to successfully adapt to school life and its key features. Namely, the new regime of the day, the increased intellectual load, the children's team, etc. It is easy to recognize a good school adaptation: a child who has easily adapted to school attends it with pleasure and willingly shares his impressions of each new school day with his parents. He does not feel discomfort in communicating with teachers and easily finds new friends. Difficulties in adapting a child can give the following signals.

  1. Since entering school, the child's physical well-being has deteriorated sharply; he began to get sick more often and complain about his condition for no apparent reason
  2. The child could not find a single new friend in the class
  3. You often notice that your child comes home from school overtired and depressed. Or, on the contrary, overly disinhibited and excited
  4. The child directly tells you that he is not well at school

The presence of one or more of the signs can be a signal to parents that the child is having difficulty adjusting to school. Consider the most common problems faced by modern first-graders and their parents.

Problems of school adaptation and ways to solve them

1. Emotional stress. The first two weeks of education are considered the most difficult period in the life of every student. It is during this period that the child's nervous system, which has not had time to adapt to the new regimen, can painfully react to stress. The consequence of this may be increased fatigue, irritability, drowsiness, tearfulness.

How to recognize? The main sign of a child's psycho-emotional stress is a deterioration in the general physical condition - sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, as well as frequent mood swings.

How to help? In order for regime moments not to become too serious stress, it is advisable to start accustoming a child to them a few months before going to first grade. Teach your child to go to bed and get up at the same time, allocate time for walking, eating, etc.

2. Fear of failure. As the school curriculum becomes more complicated, the child may begin to notice behind him that not everything turns out as easily as at first. The first failures can seriously knock the child out of the rut, and even for a long time discourage him from doing to learn.

How to recognize? Children who are afraid of failure are extremely sensitive to comments from teachers, they are afraid to take on a new business. A mistake made in writing or reading, as well as doing homework, often provokes violent reactions in him, up to tears.

How to help? Try to encourage every, even the most insignificant success of the child - whether it is a correctly read word or a neatly written hook in the copybook. Remember that each new step in mastering new knowledge for a first grader is given with great difficulty. It is equally important that the child be sure that you love him, regardless of his school success.

3. Inability to cope with the increased intellectual load. School education requires perseverance, increased concentration of attention from the child. All this often requires skills that are not yet fully developed in a child of primary school age.

How to recognize? A child who cannot cope with the intellectual load is betrayed by excitability, inattention, and lack of interest in anything. They can demonstrate unreasonable stubbornness and negativism, up to a complete rejection of learning activities.

How to help? The beginning of primary school age for a child is marked by a change in the leading type of activity - training takes the place of the game. In order for this transition to become less painful for the child, try to soften it, including in training game moments. As well as diversifying the process of memorizing new material with the help of visual aids. This will “unload” the child’s psyche, turning boring learning into an exciting and interesting game.

4. Unformed cognitive motivation. Lack of understanding of the importance of schooling.

How to recognize? Children who have not fully formed cognitive motivation do not understand why they go to school and why they need schooling.

How to help? Unfortunately, it should be noted that most parents rarely pay due attention to the motivational readiness of the child for school. In fact, already by the time of entering the first grade, the child should understand very clearly why he goes to school and how the acquired knowledge can be useful to him in the future.

5. Painful adaptation in a new team. Quite often, children suffer because of poor relationships with both the peer group and the teacher.

How to recognize? The child does not talk about classmates and how he spends time with children in and out of school. And often - complains about the actions of other children and the teacher.

How to help? To begin with, decide what kind of problems prevent the child from establishing relationships with classmates. Children do not want to play with him because he bullies and beats peers? Or, on the contrary, does your child become a victim of ridicule and bullying? Then - think about what exactly pushes the child to behave in this way. What needs are left unattended? What miscalculations in education did you make? If you are unable to find answers to these questions on your own, do not hesitate to seek help from a school psychologist. The first grade is the period when the child begins to acquire a social role that can be fixed for a long time and largely determine his future.

How can you help your child adjust to school? Tips for parents

1. Praise your child more often and criticize him less. Remember - the main task now is to help him believe in himself and his strength.

2. Encourage your child to talk about his life at school and his class. Show genuine interest in him

3. Take into account the individual characteristics of the child - temperament, comfortable working hours for him, etc.

4. Never compare a child with other children - you can only compare a child with yourself

5. Try to provide the child with the opportunity to fully organize their leisure activities

Simple tips will help your child to painlessly survive one of the most difficult periods in his life and understand that school life is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance.

A seven-year-old child has come to school. A little first grader will have to learn a lot. The level of development and standard of living of children is changing markedly. Each parent must remember that the child is completely in new environment new school doors open before him, where there are a lot of people, where demands are made on the child, where it is necessary to gain knowledge and skills.

Parents and all adults involved in the educational process should be well aware that the child's entry into school is a turning point for him, meaning the transition to a new way of life: from the usual gaming activity to educational.

For two weeks now, the current first-graders have been going to school. Exciting gatherings, a solemn line, the first busy days are behind us. Life slowly gets back into its groove, the child gets used to school. But is everything so smooth?

We all know how hard and even a little scary to take on a new business full of uncertainty. And during this period, the child is required to activate attention and concentration, observe discipline, hard mental work. To this is added the need to sit quietly in the classroom, which leads to a decrease in the child's motor activity.

Let's help the child.This process can and should be helped. After all, a difficult and protracted adaptation of a child to school threatens with serious depletion of the body due to frequent overwork, colds, and emotional overload. Therefore, you need to try to ensure that the child's adaptation to school is as painless as possible.

All first-graders can be divided into three main groups according to their ability to adapt to school.

The first group adapts easily - the process of adaptation takes place during the first 2 months after the start of studies.Such children only sometimes experience difficulties in mastering new norms and rules of behavior, and most often they are calm, conscientiously fulfill the requirements of the teacher.

The next group is distinguished by a longer period of adaptation to school.Children belonging to this group are not immediately ready to accept the requirements of the teacher. In the classroom they can play, talk. They are offended by the comments of teachers, they may burst into tears. The curriculum in the first half of the year is given to children quite difficult, but alreadyby the end of the first semester, the children are fully prepared to fulfill the requirements of the school.

And finally the third group of children is a group that includes children with very difficult socio-psychological adaptation. These children exhibit negative behavior, negative emotions, training program given to them with great difficulty. Often the children of this group become objects of teachers' complaints: they interfere with the educational process, constantly violate discipline.

How to understand how easy or hard the school load is given to the child?Attentive parents will be able to find the answer to this question. The following signs may indicate thatthe child's adaptation to school is not going very smoothly:

  • the child does not want to tell parents about school affairs
  • the child became nervous, irritable, violently shows his negative emotions, although previously it was not characteristic of him
  • the child tries to avoid school, is cunning not to go to school
  • at school, the child either actively violates discipline in the classroom, quarrels with classmates, i.e. actively "protests"
  • at school, the child is passive, does not play with classmates, is not attentive, is in a depressed mood - this is a “passive protest”
  • at school the child is anxious, often cries, is afraid

How can you help your child during this difficult time?

The main thing, no matter how trite it may sound, is parental love, affection, care. The child needs them more than ever. Family troubles are the enemy of a child's successful adaptation to school and, conversely, a comfortable psychological environment in the family will help the child to adapt to school more easily.

During the period of adaptation to school, children often begin to behave “like little ones”: they ask to be held, they are capricious. This should be treated with understanding: just during this period, the child wants to make sure that he is still safe, that mom and dad are always there.

Involvement of parents in the adaptation of the child.You can help your child collect things in the evening, then in the morning he will not need to rush. If possible, it is better to take the child to school, rather than let him go himself. The child will be pleased if mom or dad takes him to class.

On the way from school, you can take your child to a bookstore, an ice cream parlor, or perform any other ritual that is pleasant for the child. Then the child will go to school with more willingness.

Primary school teacher: Osiptseva S.V.

School No. 588

Saint Petersburg

Surely there are no parents who would not be interested in how their first-grader adapts to a new life - lessons at school. Contact with peers and the teacher, the level of academic performance and interest in knowledge, fatigue and bad dream- all these are elements of adaptation, that is, the student's getting used to the school.

What should adults know about the indicators of such adaptation, its features and their role in this process? Let's try to figure it out.

Indicators of a good psychological adaptation of a child to the first grade are when he happily goes to school, prepares lessons with pleasure and patience, regularly and sincerely tells his parents about everything school events and lessons. If the reaction to school is the opposite, then this is evidence of poor psychological adaptation of the first-grader to school and a signal for parents that indicates that the child needs their help.

Both dad and mom should delve into the problems that the first grader talks about. If he does not want to talk about school at all, then you should correctly find out the reasons for such unwillingness, perhaps go to school and talk with the teacher.

It is impossible during the adaptation period to raise your voice to the child, and even more so to ridicule and shame him. Parents are fundamentally wrong, who at this time cite other students as an example who are better able to cope with the learning process. After such comparisons, children, as a rule, withdraw into themselves even more and do not want to share their feelings and anxieties with their parents. And they can harbor hatred towards their classmates, who, according to their parents, cope with everything at school, and learn English, and in music school walk.

Support and praise, a calm tone of communication with first-graders should be inherent in their parents. Children, feeling the support of their parents, cope better with psychological adaptation, demonstrate success, although not significant. They should always be encouraged and noticed. The phrase “I’ll look later” or “I don’t have time” should not be in the vocabulary of the parents of first-graders. Praise the child for what he has learned, what he has read, in what he has improved.

Help the little student if he can't cope. Find time to show, explain, but do not do tasks instead of the child. Build self-reliance skills.

The physiological adaptation of a student to school is the physical adaptation of their body to a new rhythm and stress. This type of adaptation is divided into several stages:

  1. Physiological storm. The period lasts the first two to three weeks. At this time, the child's body responds to all the loads and innovations with the tension of all its systems. This means that the child spends most of the energy resources of the body. This explains the trend of frequent illnesses among schoolchildren in September, especially first-graders.
  2. Unstable fixture. The child's body finds acceptable reactions to new conditions.
  3. Relatively stable fixture. During this period, the body of a first-grader reacts to loads with less stress.

Both parents and teachers tend to underestimate the complexity of the physiological adaptation of children to school. And, nevertheless, according to the observations of doctors, many children lose weight by the end of the first quarter in the first grade, some have a decrease (increase) in blood pressure, headaches. And these are clear signs of overwork, which are most often observed in the first quarter. The difficulty of physiological adaptation to school can also be manifested by the capriciousness of children.

Signs of successful adaptation of the child to school are:

  1. Satisfaction with the learning process: he feels good at school, he goes there with pleasure.
  2. Success in mastering the program. If it is traditional, and the student experiences learning difficulties, then parental and, possibly, the support of a psychologist is indispensable.
  3. The level of independence of the first-grader in the performance of tasks. Often parents show excessive zeal and control, the habit of preparing lessons together for a long time is fixed in the child.
  4. Satisfaction with interpersonal relationships. This refers to the contact with the teacher and classmates, which is very important for further success and support the desire to learn.

Stress and adaptation of the child to school

Quite often, first-graders experience stress during the period of adaptation to school. And children who have not attended kindergarten are especially susceptible to this. First graders experience three types of stress:

  1. Social. This is manifested in the formation of relationships with classmates, the teacher.
  2. Intellectual. It manifests itself with intellectual loads and the assimilation of new knowledge.
  3. Immunological. At the age of seven, children undergo physiological changes in the body, which in itself leads to fatigue and mood swings. And the consequence of this are diseases of strong and healthy children, which are sometimes provoked by the natural exchange of bacteria between classmates.

In order to alleviate all these types of stress, parents should follow certain recommendations developed by psychologists and pediatricians:

  1. Dream. Seven-year-old children need to sleep 10-11 hours a day. At this age, especially in the first half of the school year, daytime sleep is also possible.
  2. Walks and physical exercise. Best holiday- change of activity, so mental activity must be combined with motor activity. Enrolling in a swimming pool, a sports club will make it easier to survive adaptation at school. Doctors advise first graders to spend at least two hours a day outdoors.
  3. Lesson preparation should be carried out in such a way that after 30 minutes of uninterrupted training, there is a 15-minute break. The peak activity of the brain of children in the first grade falls on 9-12 hours and 16-18 hours. This time should be taken into account by parents when organizing the daily routine.

Adaptation of children with mental retardation to school

Children with mental retardation will be easier to adapt to the first grade when they are taught in an educational program that suits their abilities. We are talking about special correctional programs.

Education of such children under programs of mass general education schools in most cases leads to school maladaptation, especially in the first year of study. School maladaptation- this is the inability of the student or student to master the program and violations in behavior. Such a child perceives himself as a loser. Therefore, the leading role in the normal adaptation of such children to the first grade is played by the organization of their education according to a feasible educational program.

It should be noted that children with mental retardation, according to studies, make up approximately 50% of poor first graders. Schools and classes of correctional and developmental education have been created for such children.

Adapting to a new school

Getting used to a new school, the need to change which is often due to family circumstances, is a strong emotional stress at any age. The transition to another school is always associated with many questions that concern the student: "How will I be perceived in the class?", "Will I like the new teachers?". And at first, the child will definitely compare the old school with the new one. When friends remained there, it will not be easy for a student, even a successful one, to adapt. Therefore, his parents need attention and help in getting used to.

You can, for example, invite new classmates home. Walking and spending time with them should be encouraged.

The problem may be a difference in programs or requirements. Therefore, parents at this time require support and patience, attention to the mood of the child. Perhaps, for the period of adaptation, it will be acceptable to release him from household duties. If your student has become overly irritable, then treat this with understanding. Surely this is a protective reaction of the child's body to stress.

If the irritability is aggravated, for several months the child shows aggression, does not want to talk about the school, then you need to go to the class teacher or the school psychologist (better to both) and ask them for advice.

Adaptation to school after summer holidays

After a three-month rest, it is much more difficult for children to get used to school than for adults to go to work after a vacation. In order for them to get involved later in the educational process faster, psychologists advise changing the daily routine from mid-August. It should be the same as in September. The child needs to go to bed earlier and, accordingly, get up at the time at which he usually gets up during the school period. In the second half of August, it is necessary to repeat the previous academic year material, read more.

Over the summer, the child's hand weans from writing, so it is necessary to write several dictations with the child. Let him write an essay at home about the holidays spent and about the best impressions.

In the first days of September, give your student the opportunity to rest after school for an hour or an hour and a half. It is also important to monitor the stay of a son or daughter in the fresh air.

Restless sleep of the child at this time is a symptom of anxiety and fatigue. It will not be superfluous to brew mint tea for the night, a quiet joint pastime in the fresh air. Make sure that your student does not play too active, exciting games an hour or two before bedtime.

Strengthen the children's diet with vitamins in early September. Include more salads and fruits on the menu. Have your child eat a handful of nuts daily to help ease mental stress. Chocolate can also help in intellectual activity. But only black. Pamper your child!

Especially for - Diana Rudenko

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