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Why do I dream of kissing my ex-boyfriend. What psychologists say - what is the ex-boyfriend dreaming of? Why dream of a kiss with the former. Dream interpretation

Why dream of a kiss with an ex-boyfriend? Such a question can excite a girl in the morning if she dreamed of a once beloved man in her nightly dreams. A woman will definitely want to know the interpretation of such a dream.

A woman will definitely want to know the interpretation of such a dream

If you look through the dream book, a kiss with an ex-boyfriend is most often dreamed of by a girl after a breakup. Even if the couple broke up a few months ago, and the lady still has feelings, then the guy will “come” in dreams.

Such night dreams can be interpreted in different ways. True, girls who look at photographs of their once beloved every day, try to remember all the moments spent together, in general, are attached to melancholy. In such cases, night dreams are only secret desires, games of the subconscious, there is no point in deciphering them.

If the girl lives full life and she suddenly dreamed ex-boyfriend, then it is worth thinking a little. Perhaps the dream is a sign. True, in order to understand it correctly, one should remember the details. It is important to know what day the vision was, what emotions the lady experienced, whether someone was watching the kiss, etc. The kissing person most often experiences pleasant emotions, but this is not always the case, so remembering your feelings is important.

If you look through the dream book, a kiss with an ex-boyfriend is most often dreamed of by a girl after a breakup

Very often a kiss with an ex in a dream suggests that in real life a girl cannot build relationships with the opposite sex. Such night dreams should become an impetus, a sign that it is time to decide on your desires, to take up the construction of the future. For all this to work out, you should stop thinking about your ex-lover, let him go. Only in this case will it be possible to move on to a happy life.

If a girl dreams before the wedding that her ex-lover is kissing her, then this is not a good sign. In real life, a lady may face loneliness, betrayal.

In order to most accurately understand the meaning of dreams, the dreamer needs to remember her feelings. If the ex-boyfriend kissed, and the girl at the same time felt sadness, loneliness, depression, then deep down she hopes for a resumption of relations.

If after a kiss the girl becomes ashamed, she begins to regret the act, then in real life she can do something that she will later regret.

If in a dream a woman feels comfortable, a kiss does not spoil her mood, everything is fine, then she has already let go of past relationships and is ready to move forward.

It is worth noting that if a dream brings positive emotions, then it promises favorable changes in life. If, after nightly dreams, an oppressive feeling remains, then trials, problems, and the solution of difficult tasks await ahead.

Why dream of a kiss (video)

Interpretation by days of the week

If a kiss with an ex in a dream was seen from Monday to Tuesday, then this is a good sign. The guy with whom the dreamer broke up treats her well, respects her as a person and wishes well. This person will not build intrigues, commit nasty things.

If you had a kiss with your ex from Tuesday to Wednesday, this is a warning. The young man regrets the breakup and wants everyone possible ways get the girl back. The dreamer must be ready for persistent courtship, it depends only on her whether the relationship will resume or not, the girl has a choice.

If you had a kiss with your ex from Tuesday to Wednesday, this is a warning.

A kiss dreamed from Wednesday to Thursday prophesies heartfelt experiences. The dreamer understands that the relationship with the ex-boyfriend is not over yet, they just moved to another stage when two loving person trying to drown out the loneliness by starting to date others. This is what the dream warns about. The young man tries to forget his ex-girlfriend in the arms of another beauty, but it does not work out. Therefore, the dreamer needs to prepare for possible communication with a former lover.

Kissing in a dream with an ex-boyfriend on the night of Thursday to Friday suggests that the couple was in a hurry to break off relations. Feelings are alive in both men and women. True, the guy suffers more, belatedly realizing that he has lost true love. The dreamer should think carefully and, perhaps, give the former a chance. Sincere feelings are rare.

If a kiss with an ex in a dream was seen from Monday to Tuesday, then this is a good sign

A dream that occurred from Saturday to Sunday is a warning. Soon there will be a difficult conversation with a once loved one. The man left too many grievances, understatement, discontent. The dreamer should prepare to take a hit, listening to barbs in her address. It will be difficult mentally.

A kiss that appeared on the night from Sunday to Monday promises a quick meeting with an ex-boyfriend. For a girl, this will be a complete surprise, but the young man, most likely, specially arranged the meeting, because he is bored. You should not worry about such dreams: a man will not sort things out, quarrel, visual contact is more important to him.

As the dream book says, kissing an ex-boyfriend in night dreams can be done in different ways. The interpretation depends on the details and emotional state ladies. In any case, you shouldn’t take what you dreamed to heart, it’s just information for thought, and not an instruction for action. Sometimes dreams happen for no reason!

If you dreamed of an ex-boyfriend (video)

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Why dream of a kiss with an ex? The dream book gives several interpretations of the plot: it can promise both joyful events, the resumption of romantic relationships, and portend quarrels, parting. Often a vision in a dream reflects dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs or longing for the past.

Be careful with comparisons: conflict is possible

Had a kiss with an ex-fiance? The dream interpretation explains: the sleeping woman is unhappy with her current partner. Perhaps she yearns for the past, without admitting it to herself.

Such a plot about the former groom in a dream often promises a quarrel, misunderstanding between a girl and her real boyfriend. When communicating, she can draw some parallels or oppose one to the other. It is unlikely that anyone can like memories of an opponent and comparisons, even if in their favor.

Joy, unexpected news

To see how you kiss a person who was just a friend - ahead, according to the dream book, joyful, happy events, pleasures, favorable changes.

But for lovers to kiss in a dream former friend promises parting with his beloved.

Why dream that a former lover is kissing? In reality, you will receive unexpected news from him. Also, a dream means: he does not take offense at you.

You need care, love

Seeing yourself in a dream kissing on the lips with a former lover means: you can succumb to frivolity, but this is best avoided. Momentary pleasure can bring big problems, which will be very difficult to solve.

Had a kiss with a former classmate, with whom nothing was connected, on the lips? The dream interpretation indicates: in reality, the dreamer lacks care, support from loved ones. Do not be upset - sometimes it is enough to ask for help. When a classmate is a loved one, the vision suggests: the girl is deficient in romance and love.

What was he like?

The interpretation of sleep depends on how the kiss was dreamed:

  • chaste, on the forehead - resentment for betrayal still remains;
  • friendly, on the cheek - he does not hold evil;
  • on the lips - longing for the old relationship;
  • passionate - this connection can be renewed.

Also, a passionate kiss in a dream of a loved one, when your relationship has already ended, promises problems of a sexual nature, possibly a disease.

Miller's dream book: the pain has already passed

Why dream of a kiss with a former lover, as if you were together and did not part? Vision means: finally, the pain of separation has passed.

Does the former lover kiss in a dream? It is still difficult for him to let go of this relationship, he wants to return it.

A dreamed kiss with a former lover or husband may warn of some event that will happen soon and greatly surprise the dreamer. The dream interpretation promises: surprise will be pleasant.

Kissed in a dream with your husband, and you have not been together for a long time? To see such a plot is to receive additional good income.

Who wants reconciliation?

The meaning of a dream also depends on the mood after it. If the sleeping woman is depressed, upset, she would like to reconcile. When a woman is in a great mood, such a kiss with her ex-husband, as it were, puts an end to their relationship.

Why dream about how you push him away when he tries to kiss? The vision is interpreted by the dream book unambiguously: he wants to resume the romance, but you resist this. Waking up should be more clearly made clear: reconciliation will not take place.


What does it mean in a dream to kiss an ex-husband

This dream may appear very unexpectedly. Especially when you are already divorced or the relationship leaves much to be desired.

The dream interpretation writes a lot about what dreams of kissing with an ex-spouse, however, before proceeding with the interpretation, pay attention to the details of the dream.

A kiss can be erotic, friendly, related or tender when a person needs support, and he gets it if he touches your lips.

Therefore, in order to understand the dream, pay attention to who takes the initiative, whether this person is pleasant or not, and what emotion was traced in the kiss in the dream.

That's why in a dream you start kissing your ex-husband.

Friendly and family hugs

Such dreams may begin to penetrate your nightly rest if there are common children or the relationship is not over, despite the divorce. Usually, many continue to hope that everything will soon be the same again if the other half realizes his guilt, even if everything is very clear.

Against the background of scandals, quarrels and various showdowns in a dream, sympathy for each other may again appear, and for some time people again become husband and wife.

The dream interpretation writes that these dreams in themselves show that relations will improve and can simply become friendly, however, this may not happen immediately. In some situations, modern books on the interpretation of dreams write that you may suddenly be united by some business and problems, or after a while you will make peace.

Often dreams in which a spouse begins to hug and kiss you in a relative way means trouble that will unite you very unexpectedly.

For example, if there are any problems with common children or something unexpected happens. For example, a wife may be abandoned by a lover whom she counted on and with whom she was going to re-marry in spite of her husband.

Or she realizes that she absolutely does not need such a relationship and understand the value of her husband, unless, of course, respect for him is completely lost. Therefore, frequent friendly kisses and hugs predict reconciliation or distant prospects for you.

If the husband initiated the divorce and left for another woman, then why dream that he begins to show kindred feelings specifically for you?

The dream interpretation writes that this man may realize his guilt and return to you, or he is bored, but has not yet decided on his final choice.

The dream interpretation writes that very soon he will remember you and dream of a meeting. However, it may become very late.

In any case, friendly hugs and a benevolent husband in a dream predicts reconciliation, friendship, or the fact that you will be together again, however, the dream book does not write when exactly this can happen.

However, visions in which such dreams are repeated dream of the fact that you can meet again very soon and that the relationship is not over yet. Perhaps the spouse will remind of himself again.

If he kissed you gently, timidly, beautifully and with great respect, this is a sign that he admits his guilt and mistake in front of you, but does not dare to take the first step himself. Although after such a dream, the husband may even ask you for forgiveness.

And if he tries to kiss you, as if goodbye, then your relationship will improve for sure, or you will part forever, without regrets and tears. However, it will be important for both of you. life stage, which cannot be avoided.

Erotic overtones

If you dreamed of a kissing spouse who shows his erotic feelings, then the dream book writes that you miss him. Pay attention to what scenes began to dream from the past or the future.

In the first case, it is simply playing out one's own emotions and desires, as well as needs for love and erotic feelings.

Modern books write that you lack sensual pleasure and erotic impulses in a dream.

It is for this reason that you may dream that you are together again, and there is an excuse for this, in this way, reflecting emotions that are not enough, your psyche is trying to come to terms with the inevitable changes in life.

The dream interpretation writes that such a dream predicts your release from negative emotions and the fact that relations will soon improve and become much better.

The dream interpretation also writes that a new living space for love and new hobbies can gradually free up. Because, remembering what happened in a dream, you re-experience these emotions and fill in the gaps. This will help you forget the moments dear to your heart and accept a new partner. Sometimes similar dreams mean that he will be somewhat reminiscent of your husband.

If in a dream it was extremely unpleasant for you to kiss your spouse again, this means quarrels, scandals and attempts to influence your life again. The dream book writes that the ex-spouse will again remind you of himself, or you will learn about gossip and bad rumors against you.

It is erotic to kiss the way you once dreamed with him, but there was no such episode in real life, why dream? The dream interpretation writes that this means that changes and positive changes will soon take place in your personal life.

This dream means newness, the end of old relationships and the fulfillment of your dreams. The dream book also writes that soon there will be new and interesting changes in your personal life.

Sometimes such a dream is a dream of reconciliation with your husband and what will come in your relationship. new stage.

Seeing new scenes of love that are not related to your past dreams is a change. It is possible that your love story is not over, and it will have an interesting and unexpected continuation. But in some cases, the dream book writes that soon you will fall in love again.

If kissing your ex-husband was unpleasant, expect quarrels, conflicts, and forcibly dragging you into some kind of story or scandal.


In a dream, she kissed the former: the meaning and interpretation of the dream

Some people do not attach importance to their dreams at all and forget them after waking up. Others, on the contrary, see them as signs, warnings, predictions of events. How to interpret a dream for a girl who kissed her ex in a dream? This is a good sign or, on the contrary, does not bode well, let's look at the material of the article. Or maybe you are a man and you are interested in the question of why kissing with ex-girlfriend in a dream? After all, men are also characterized by a certain amount of mysticism, although this is a big secret for all women.

What does psychology say?

From the point of view of psychology, if a girl kissed an ex-boyfriend in a dream, then this means that she misses him, wants to return the past, but for some reason it is impossible to do this. Most likely, the young man will be against it. You can use social networks in order to talk and remove the element of incompleteness that prevents you from living a full life.

How did your ex-lover behave in a dream?

If you wanted to kiss in a dream with an ex-husband or friend, tried to somehow show your tenderness and warmth, but he pulled away from you, the answer here is unambiguous: find the strength in yourself to survive the gap on your own, stop looking for reasons to restore what is broken. Your lover doesn't need it.

Spontaneous kiss in a dream

If you managed to kiss in a dream with an ex-boyfriend by itself, involuntarily, but the reality remained unchanged, best recommendation in this case, just forget this dream and not wind yourself up. Even if you meet again, the result will end up being zero.

When he himself kissed you in a dream

If you began kissing in a dream with your ex-husband on his initiative, then most likely ex love remembers you and is not against the meeting. In this case, you can try to resume the dialogue. This is what more than one dream book says: kissing the former in a dream at his request can be a good sign For you.

Like a friend

If a girl dreamed that she was kissing her ex on the cheek in a dream, then you should just wake up and forget this dream. Most likely, the young man is neutral towards her and is not interested. Everything else is a play of the imagination.

You are married, but you dream about him

In reality, this can carry conflicts on the family front, a spouse's nagging, or a scandal. A dream will somehow awaken not the best memories. Try not to compare nails and apples. Such behavior will not add warmth to the relationship with the spouse.

What to pay attention to?

When it comes to interpreting dreams, details are very important. Remember how you felt in the first minutes of waking up after you kissed your ex-lover. The following options are available here:

  • If you are depressed, then you still want deep down to return what has already passed.
  • Upset feelings promise a quarrel with a guy, which is unlikely to be avoided.
  • Regret is a sure sign that actions will lead to remorse.
  • A good mood is the best signal. You were able to survive the breakup and put an end to it.

There are a few more details that will be useful to remember:

  1. A kiss with a stranger is a signal that you are not getting enough attention from the stronger sex.
  2. If you kissed the guy you like, this is a sign that a new relationship will begin soon.
  3. A kiss with a loved one portends a quick separation, which will bring your relationship to new round development.
  4. Kiss with someone else's boyfriend - you will plunge into the sea of ​​romance and passion, but it will not last too long.

If you meet a guy and kiss another in a dream, this does not bring anything good. Trust between you will be destroyed for some reason.

A few more options for interpreting a kiss with a former lover

Dream Interpretations interpret kisses with the former as follows:

  • If you had a dream: the former is kissing another girl - good luck on love front turn away on indefinite term. The desire to get married is still unfulfilled.
  • For young man kissing an ex-girlfriend in a dream - get a sign from the subconscious that you yearn for the past and just wait for the weather by the sea. While you need to pull yourself together and begin to actively equip your own life, leaving the past.
  • Several dream books interpret a kiss in a dream as a betrayal.
  • If you kissed in a dream with an ex-boyfriend, and he tremblingly hugged you, an unexpected meeting awaits you, which will give you a chance to renew your previous relationship.
  • Changes in life, unexpected events.
  • If in your dream after a kiss you broke up with your ex-lover easily and calmly, you will have a rare chance not only to meet, but also to bring your relationship to a closer level.
  • If you dream of a kiss with an ex-husband or a guy who annoys you, this is a favorable sign for you. The young man will soon leave your Everyday life and you can start a new relationship with a clean slate.

When asked about a kiss with an ex-boyfriend in a dream, Miller answers with a forecast of an unexpected event, which will subsequently become a pleasant surprise.

The nature of the kiss

An important detail when interpreting a kiss with a former chosen one. There are several options:

  1. A passionate kiss is a sign that there are problems in your past that you could not solve. As in the interpretation above, pay attention to who initiated it: if this is your ex-lover, he is waiting for the moment to explain with you and wants to return the relationship. If this is you, try to forget him as quickly as possible.
  2. A kiss of passion turning into intimacy is a sign that the girl is too temperamental in this piquant issue, and perhaps this was the reason for the breakup. The dream book advises to continue to be a little more restrained in feelings.
  3. A kiss with an ex-boyfriend for a bride is a very bad prediction regarding a future marriage. It won't be simple. Immediately after the celebration, a major quarrel may occur. It should also be regarded as a warning: if you do not stop comparing the groom with former loved ones, an inevitable break will occur.

To believe or not to believe?

This question is asked by everyone who has ever looked into a dream book, regardless of whether the prediction is good or bad. A kiss in a dream with an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend in reality may not carry anything bad. So your subconscious mind is trying to say that you do not have enough attention from men or a loved one. You are too much nervous and worried about relationships. Personal attitude plays an important role here. If you set yourself up for a positive interpretation of sleep, you will definitely find confirmation of this in reality. Do not indulge in mysticism too much and create a problem out of the blue. The past, however good, often takes away the best present. Well, if the present does not please you at all, and you yearn for what was, then it's time to make efforts so that your past has a chance to become a wonderful future.


Why dream of a kiss with an ex?

Everyone wants to know what the future holds for him. People are trying to decipher the signs sent to us by life and analyze their dreams. It has always been, at all times of mankind, which convincingly justifies the existence of a large number of dream books written since past centuries.

A girl who had a kiss with an ex-boyfriend in a dream usually perceives this fact very emotionally. And the point here is not whether warm feelings for the person have been preserved, or perhaps anger is eating the girl from the inside - just no matter how much we internally resist it, but close people remain important for a long time.

If you believe that dreams in a person’s life are not just for nothing, but have a certain meaning, then a kiss with an ex-boyfriend will most likely be alarming.

The variety of dream books does not highlight a unanimous answer, what does a kiss with the former mean. Unfortunately, this happens often, and who to trust in this situation is a difficult question.

Interpret a dream about a kiss with an ex, depending on the reasons for parting in real life and of course the details of the dream itself. It can display the presence of feelings in real life. The girl may regret the breakup and perhaps subconsciously wants to return the relationship with the former.

If the breakup was at the request of the girl, then the dream may mean that the ex-boyfriend wants to return this relationship, and perhaps even reconciliation. If the separation was at the request of the young man, then this dream is a reflection of the girl's emotions.

Many dream books agree on one thing - a kiss with an ex-boyfriend in a dream means that in this relationship, not everything has ended completely, that the lovers have not yet calmed down and have not been able to let go of each other. So, there is a possibility that the relationship will end in a good tone, or start again.

A dream about a kiss with an ex-boyfriend can be deciphered as a harbinger of the fact that soon in reality an event awaits you that can greatly surprise you.

If you had a kiss with your ex-husband. This may have 2 reasons:

First, it's an unfinished relationship. This is not about property and paperwork, but personal grievances and omissions. Perhaps the easiest way to sleep peacefully is to tell your ex-husband about some minor little thing.

Secondly, the cause of such a dream may well be some kind of emotional "anchor".

What portends?

It is enough to smell a familiar aroma during the hustle and bustle of the day, to hear the song that the spouse loved, or to hear a similar voice. Your subconscious mind recorded this for itself, and therefore it was at night, when you are relaxed and calm, that it decided to “work through” these memories. In this case, there is only one solution - give yourself some time. In the near future, these "anchors" will be forgotten and will give way to new pleasant memories and associations.

But there is another point of view on the question of why I had a kiss with my ex-husband. It is difficult and pitiful for him to let go of this relationship. Ignoring various dream books, folk wisdom says that a woman is not to blame at all if her ex-husband dreamed about her. Since the feelings of the former are still very strong, it is he who does not want to forget and let go of his ex-spouse. Remembering the woman and keeping hope in his soul, to return the relationship, he sends a special energy, which “breaks through” to the woman only in a dream.

In this case, it is up to the woman to decide what to do next - wait until the moment when the former realizes that there is no turning back in your relationship, or find ways to improve the former relationship. But the most important thing is not to make decisions rashly.

But Freud's dream book gives an interesting interpretation of why a kiss with an ex is dreamed of.

If a girl dreamed that she ran into, kissed an ex, then this is a very real threat to a real relationship. This may mean a quarrel with the current lover in the near future.


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    Hello, not so long ago we parted with a loved one. now we communicate as friends quite well when we see each other, but sometimes he does not speak as freely as before, as if something is interfering
    Today I have a dream that I’m going with his group to a concert with them, and he suddenly tells everyone that we are together again and kisses me, while giving me something, I can’t remember, but the girl sitting next to me, I don’t know her , began to be indignant, he tells her “This is not for a long time, for a couple of years”, then he paused, laughed at her and said “Joke, I love her and will be with her, and you won’t interfere”, then he kissed me again, and this girl started giving us gifts

    Hello!! I am 27 years old, about 7 months ago I broke up with a girl whom I loved very much. And every night I dream about her, but this time, the dream was very real, there were kisses, courtship, her behavior was all real, kisses were on the neck, lips, on the cheek, she smiled, everything was very cool.

    we kissed as if he wants to return, we broke up 20-25 years ago, in a dream he gave me a gold chain, but somehow damaged, shabby in several places, the chain was long with very wide links and several of them were shabby but I didn't take it

    i dreamed of an ex-boyfriend whom I met a year ago I dreamed that we were sitting somewhere and not together there was someone else he looked at me and I kissed him although I have a boyfriend and he screamed like what I told him yes and he I was told to call the guy govari that you are breaking up

    I met with my ex in a secluded place, then we had a fight and I left strongly resting on the ground, but he held me (with my hands above my chest). Then somehow I ended up on the bus and when I went there, I fell in front of the seat, but then immediately stood up on legs and sat on it (seat). And woke up abruptly.

    I dreamed of an ex-boyfriend with big bruises under 2 eyes, his face was yellowish and we kissed on the lips, after which we talked a little and I told him that I saw his father in a dream, his father died long ago. Then he got into the car and drove off, and I went along the road and saw a tent there was a woman standing there and guessing not by cards. And she just said some words and she had a beautiful dove, the woman guessed so to some woman, but I didn’t have time to tell fortunes.

    It’s as if we are sitting with my ex-boyfriend and he is climbing on the phone, I move towards him and put my hand on his knee and he takes my hand in his and suddenly our eyes intersect and I kiss him first and he himself does not mind, but only hugs and passionately kisses back. Further, as if someone enters the room and we interrupt with him, but then we continued. But I don't remember what happened after the kiss. Everything was cloudy.

    I had a dream where I kissed with my ex-boyfriend, and also met him in secret from a real guy. And I'm also worried about this question of this guy in reality, his name is Oleg, and in a dream he called himself Sasha.

    Please tell me what is it for?

    Hello! I had a dream, a former young man first love! We broke up more than 5 years ago, but for some time we communicated very closely, but for several years we have not maintained any contact at all! I dreamed about my ex-lover, he came to my house, sad, without mood, we start a conversation, he says that he wants to leave here, during the conversation we stood very close each other, I Loving him, I fix his shirt collar, smooth it, after listening to him, I confess my love to him! He hugs him and we start kissing, the initiative came from him, I hugged him too, this moment of the kiss was like I returned at a time when we were together, so many emotions, feelings were in this kiss! we move around the room, he seats me on the windowsill and continue to kiss! what can this mean

    Hello! Today I had a dream involving ex-husband. Allegedly, I came to his apartment, where we once lived. I began to examine the interior (during the trip, in reality, I took out the furniture) and found it not rich. The door to the apartment was opened with a key (in reality, I don’t have one). Here comes the former with his new wife and her mother, the wife is not outwardly beautiful (in reality, I have never seen her, they recently had a child). Then, for some reason, I started collecting water with a rag from the table with her mother, and then he says to me: I heard your child was born, I proudly answered: Yes, a boy (it is so in real life). Without hugging, he kisses me gently on the lips, a salty kiss. I woke up so pleased ... before that, in a dream, I only quarreled with him! The first positive sleep with his participation. In life, she experienced separation and his betrayal hard. What does my dream mean?


    Good afternoon! I dream that I am driving in a car back seat. There are two other girls in the car. We reach the intersection and I ask the driver to stop the car and that I will take another road on foot. The driver stopped, turned to face me and I saw that this was my ex-lover. He gets out of the car with me to talk. He asks to return the relationship, and when he was refused, he kissed me on the lips, saying that it was goodbye.

A dream is a kind of signal that a person receives. As a rule, unfamiliar, familiar and strangers or their images. For unmarried girls very often young guys can dream, and among them are former boyfriends. Therefore, most of the fair sex is often interested in the question of what the ex-boyfriend is dreaming of? In full confidence, it can be argued that if a girl sees a young man in a dream, then she undoubtedly has certain feelings for him. This is a signal that just a little, but it means for a girl. As for ex-boyfriends, the situation here is somewhat different.

Every person has dreams all the time throughout their lives. Everyone sees them differently. Whatever the dream, it leaves an indelible impression in the memory. Sometimes these nightly stories are scary, delightful, alarming or bewildering. Often a person, with surprise for himself, notes that dreams come true in full or in part. In some cases, they can warn of upcoming events, joys and sorrows. And if you know how to interpret them correctly, then you can avoid unwanted events in life or minimize them.

What does it mean to see an ex-boyfriend in a dream?

In fact, a chance meeting with a former lover is a mundane affair that we cannot influence. But why does the image of a former young man pop up in a dream, especially when new turbulent romantic relationship. Scientists say that it's all about the psychological aspect. Sometimes certain life situation may resemble events from the past, or the girl still has a hard time breaking up with a guy. Most girls are sure that a former young man appearing in a dream is a sure sign that he continues to think about her. However, this theory has no confirmation.

Often, dreams project the secret thoughts and desires of a person, demonstrating the development of events that could take place in reality under a certain set of circumstances.

Psychologists advise all girls who do not get tired of exhausting themselves with the question of what the ex-boyfriend is dreaming of, not to take dreams too literally. Indeed, it is possible to correctly and correctly decipher a dream only when all the details and nuances are compiled into a single picture. Therefore, the former in a dream is nothing more than memories of him. Even if the girl has not seen him for a long time, something in her environment may remind of him, or someone from her acquaintances might have mentioned him the day before.

When the relationship with the guy ended a long time ago, and he still continues to haunt the girl in dreams, this indicates that she, especially morally, is not ready to put an end to this story and end the novel. In this case, the girl is best off this heavy load, which does not allow her to fully enjoy her current life without a partner. Perhaps, at the end of the couple's relationship, a certain understatement remained, or even worse - resentment. For this reason, the subconscious mind tries to let go of unpleasant emotions, and the mind does not allow it to do so.

In addition, the appearance of a former lover in dreams can prove the fact that a girl, on a subconscious level, constantly compares her current relationship with the past, which ended, looking for the shortcomings of her current partner. In most cases, practice shows that such a development of events does not actually lead to what is desired and does not end in anything good for both partners. Perhaps a girl should stop constantly comparing her current partner with her ex, but, on the contrary, look for more positive aspects in him that she likes than negative ones.

So why is the ex-boyfriend dreaming of a young girl? In order to get a definitive answer, one should

immediately after waking up, write down the basic moments of your dream as accurately as possible. An important point will be an analysis of one's own psychological state after sleep.

Often in her dreams, a girl can see her ex-boyfriend with a new darling, a woman she knows or does not know. It is logical that she will immediately have a question about what the ex-boyfriend is dreaming of with another girl. These dreams can also be easily and simply explained.

Ex-boyfriend and another girl

Such dreams can say a lot about the character of the girl herself and the depth of her experiences. The other one next to the ex-boyfriend is a rival that makes the girl not only jealous, but also feel some self-doubt. These dreams indicate that, at the subconscious level, the girl continues to consider the young man, despite the gap, her property. Often, such dreams occur when a guy, after a breakup, began a new relationship, and the girl still continues to build illusions about a possible reconciliation with him.

However, a former lover in a dream with a new passion may be a signal that he will soon appear in the life of a girl. new person, which will help her forget all past grievances and hardships and begin to look at life in a new way. In any case, if after a dream the girl continues to be tormented by doubts or she still feels guilty about the breakup, she should definitely meet with her former partner, talk and put everything in its place. Psychologists say that such a step is guaranteed to save thoughts from obsessions, and the soul from worries and doubts about past relationships.

Kiss with a former boyfriend in a dream

Often after a breakup, no matter how painful it may be for both partners, a girl sees herself in a dream next to a former young man. At the same time, a dream may be accompanied by a passionate kiss. After waking up, the girl, as a rule, becomes perplexed and tries to give herself an answer to the question and figure out why the ex-boyfriend who kisses me is dreaming. It is worth saying right away that such dreams are caused only by the work of the subconscious. In addition, such a turn of events provokes a hidden or obvious longing for a certain person and relationships with him. In this case, we are talking about the former chosen one.

But you should not have illusions about a kiss in a dream and firmly believe that in reality the same kiss will certainly happen again. Perhaps the ex-boyfriend still has feelings for the girl and the dream can be prophetic. But in order to find out, you should meet and talk heart to heart with him. In addition, a kiss in a dream with a former lover may directly indicate that the young man has long forgotten about the girl and is making new plans for life. In addition, there is a widespread version that similar dream may indicate that the ex-boyfriend continues to have an exclusively sexual interest in the girl.

A frank conversation with an ex in a dream and a desire to renew a relationship

After a breakup, a young girl can very often dream that the ex-boyfriend wants to renew the relationship. Sometimes dreams are so colorful and realistic that a girl can try to interpret them for a long time and get an answer to the question of what the ex-boyfriend who wants to return is dreaming of.

Thus, if a girl in a dream clearly saw a guy with whom she was once associated serious relationship, this, most likely, does not mean at all a meeting with the former, but only their own emotional experiences. During a breakup, a girl may feel

  • pain,
  • guilt
  • resentment.

Undoubtedly, being a couple, the girl completely trusted her chosen one and completely relied on him in everything. After the break, she continues to count on his help and support in a difficult situation, as well as help in solving difficult life issues. This dream, most likely, once again proves the fact that the girl has not learned to live in a new way and make decisions on her own without the participation of her partner. The opinion of the partner is still vitally important for her, albeit on a subconscious level, as well as his presence in difficult moments. The girl wants him, and not anyone else, to listen to her and give her useful advice. Despite the fact that the couple's relationship has ended, the girl does not let go of her partner until the end, as she needs his reliable shoulder, help and protection in life. Psychologists say that as soon as a girl lets go of the past and starts a new relationship, such dreams will not bother her.

In order to ultimately analyze what the ex-boyfriend is dreaming of and come to the right conclusion, one should do introspection. First of all, the girl must honestly answer herself whether she has let go of her ex-lover and past relationships. If the answer is yes, then dreams with the former in the lead role are bright moments of memories from the past.

If the ex-boyfriend still appears in her thoughts and does not let her forget the past, then dreams are the work of the subconscious, which sends signals that the girl still hopes for reconciliation and resumption of relations. In this case, it is safe to say that the partner, although a former one, still means a lot to her and remains an important person for her.

With the firm goal of eradicating such dreams, psychologists recommend letting go, and with them the past, and tune in to new life. A fresh breath of air can be a new relationship with a new person, which will help put an end to the past and start life from scratch.

Why is the ex-boyfriend dreaming? Let's look into the soul, head and dream book

One of the most discussed topics by girls is why the ex-boyfriend is dreaming. Girlfriends and peers amaze with their imagination, commenting on such an event. The options are very different: from love for life to terrible troubles. Professional interpretation of dreams various dream books, psychologists and scientists are also very diverse.

Explanation of a strange dream

What do dream books say?

A passionate kiss with a lover in a dream indicates harmony in relationships and promises a pleasant pastime. If he wanted to kiss you, but you did not reciprocate, then this shows that you are not at all sure of your feelings for him.

Why dream of kissing a girl - pleasant surprises await you.

Autumn dream book

Why dream of Kissing in a dream book:

Kissing - To insulting everyone.

Summer dream book

If a girl saw this in her nightly dreams, then this means that in her own life she will do important step and forgive someone, make amends with someone conflict, adjust a good relationship. And in the future she promises a pleasant reward from such an act.

Have a contact

It's one thing to see an ex-boyfriend in a dream. But it’s a completely different matter to hug him, kiss him and even more, marry him!

A real hysteria can happen to a girl after such a dream, and at least such a dream cannot be ignored. What does such a piquant dream mean, which you can’t tell everyone?

1. When a girl in a dream relives a long-term relationship with an ex-boyfriend, feels love for him, this means that ahead in real life she is threatened with some kind of wrong decision, reckless action.

It may seem fun and interesting, but be careful not to cross the line, save your reputation and conscience, and not risk your safety.

2. A kiss with a stranger in dreams - to surprises and something new. And here it plays a special role what emotions and experiences you had in your dreams.

  • If, kissing a stranger, you felt pleasure, you were pleased, then be sure that pleasant and joyful changes, good surprises await you.
  • On the contrary, if you didn’t want to kiss him, felt displeasure, then be careful and get ready for unpleasant surprises or not the most joyful news.

3. Kissing with your beloved, beloved chosen one is always pleasant - even in reality in reality, even in a sweet dream. In addition, this magical dream portends love and harmony.

Kiss with a former boyfriend in a dream

Often after a breakup, no matter how painful it may be for both partners, a girl sees herself in a dream next to a former young man. At the same time, a dream may be accompanied by a passionate kiss. After waking up, the girl, as a rule, becomes perplexed and tries to give herself an answer to the question and figure out why the ex-boyfriend who kisses me is dreaming. It is worth saying right away that such dreams are caused only by the work of the subconscious. In addition, such a turn of events provokes a hidden or obvious longing for a certain person and relationships with him. In this case, we are talking about the former chosen one.

But you should not have illusions about a kiss in a dream and firmly believe that in reality the same kiss will certainly happen again. Perhaps the ex-boyfriend still has feelings for the girl and the dream can be prophetic. But in order to find out, you should meet and talk heart to heart with him. In addition, a kiss in a dream with a former lover may directly indicate that the young man has long forgotten about the girl and is making new plans for life. In addition, there is a widespread version that such a dream may indicate that the ex-boyfriend continues to have exclusively sexual interest in the girl.

Kiss in a dream Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Kissing just a familiar girl in a dream is a joyful surprise.

Kissing a stranger - for real money.

Kissing your beloved - to separation.

Kiss in a dream The latest dream book

Kissing passionately with a person of the opposite sex - this will be the case in reality; with a person of the same sex - to a chronic disease of the genitourinary system.

Kiss in a dream dream book of Tsvetkov

In this case, it is up to the woman to decide what to do next - wait until the moment when the former realizes that there is no turning back in your relationship, or find ways to improve the former relationship. But the most important thing is not to make decisions rashly.

But Freud's dream book gives an interesting interpretation of why a kiss with an ex is dreamed of.

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