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Which submersible pump for a well is better: criteria and recommendations on how to choose the right submersible pump. How to choose a reliable and inexpensive submersible pump for water supply from a well

A huge selection of pumping units that differ from each other not only in performance, but also in the device, the principle of operation, can put you in a difficult situation. Which pump to choose for a well and how to work flawlessly, economically and meet all the requirements? It will not be difficult to answer this question if you understand all the nuances, consider not only the characteristic features of various categories of equipment, but also auxiliary equipment, automation. It is equally important to identify the most reliable manufacturers of equipment.

All pumps that can be used to supply water from a well can be classified according to the principle of action:

  • screw,
  • centrifugal,
  • vortex,
  • vibrating.

Depending on the installation method and location pumping units can be:

  • superficial,
  • submersible.

Comparison of surface and submersible models

By the name of these categories, it is clear that some are installed on the surface, taking water from a source using a special pipe or hose immersed in a well, while the latter work in the water column. However, the installation location is not the only difference; models of these types with equal power will have different capabilities and technical characteristics. Comparing pumps for wells - how to choose a unit can be understood by the operational capabilities of the models.

surface models

Surface pumps are most often installed near the well, but in some cases they can work "afloat", for example, on a foam raft or other floating and moisture-resistant material. In the second case, it is important to calculate the capabilities of the floating support and correlate them with the mass of the unit.

When choosing a surface pump, special attention should be paid to the lifting height, this parameter differs for different models, but usually does not exceed 8 meters. For greater depths, it is recommended to choose submersible models, but in the case when the excess of the depth of the well is not large, a surface pump with an ejector can be used. A fairly simple device, the principle of operation of which is based on the formation of a vacuum with an increase in the speed of water flow, increases the ability of the unit to lift liquid from a great depth.

Main advantage surface pumps - ease of maintenance and repair, accessibility for visual inspection.

disadvantages, in addition to restrictions on the height of the rise of water, it can be considered a higher noise level and vulnerability to external factors compared to submersible models.

If the surface unit is used seasonally, it can be protected from precipitation with a canopy. With year-round use of equipment, it will be necessary to install it in a heated, insulated room or in order to avoid freezing.

Submersible units

A deep well pump is usually used when the water is below the level of 8 meters and, as a rule, is installed in such a way that about 50-100 cm remain from its bottom to the bottom. If the bottom is closer, the risk of capturing bottom sediment will increase. The quality of the supplied water will decrease, and the probability of failure of the pumping unit, designed to work with clean water, will increase.

Which submersible pump to choose for a well is determined, among other things, by lifting characteristics, which are higher for this type of units compared to analogues.

In addition, such models are recommended to be installed in cases where the well is close to the house or outdoor recreation area. The mass of water above the unit absorbs sound waves, so the noise level during the operation of such models is noticeably less. When choosing pumps for submersible wells - which one is better decided by the unit meeting the requirements for performance and pressure.

The disadvantage of submersible pumps is the complexity of maintenance. Even in order to inspect and check the unit, it is necessary to stop its operation and remove the equipment from the well using a cable.

Centrifugal and vibration models

Given the characteristics of the operation of various models, it is easier to choose the best pump for specific conditions.

Vibratory pumps

The vibration water pump for a well differs from all other designs in the absence of rotating elements. This nuance can significantly increase the wear resistance of equipment.

Instead of a classic motor, an electromagnetic coil works in vibration pumps, which attracts a piston rod when current is applied. At this time, a vacuum is created in the pump chamber, water is sucked in. The next moment of work is the disappearance of the current, the stop of the stroke of the rod. In order for the water not to go back, the check valve is activated, therefore, under the pressure of the piston, the liquid moves into the space behind the piston. At the next oscillation, the appearance of current and the movement of the piston will ensure not only the absorption of liquid, but also the pushing of water from the space behind the piston into the supply pipeline.

Such reciprocating movements of the rod can be considered vibrations, which is why the pump got its name.

The installation of vibration models is generally safe for the well. The exception is springs on quicksand. Due to the low density and strength of the soil, vibration can cause deformations in the soil layers and, as a result, the destruction of the well structure.

Reliable vibration pumps are also low cost, which makes this option very attractive for equipping a water supply system, if in other respects the selected model is also suitable for specific conditions.

Centrifugal pumps

The principle of operation of centrifugal pumps for wells for water supply is based on the formation of centrifugal force during rotation of the working element, under the influence of which water passes from the filled chamber into the pipeline, forming a rarefaction zone into which the next portion of liquid is sucked. The direction of water movement is determined by the pressure in different sectors of the pump: reduced at the center of the rotating wheel, increased at the walls.

Structurally, the working element is a wheel mounted on a shaft with blades placed on it. The bend of the blades is against the course of the wheel.

Submersible well pump Grundfos centrifugal type

The operation of a centrifugal pump has its own characteristics. The unit can only be switched on when it completely submerged in water. This allows you to avoid a dangerous “dry run” for the equipment and protect the model from damage during a power surge. When operating a centrifugal model, it is important to control the water level, so a submersible well pump with automatic equipment comes with or with the simplest float, which will eliminate the possibility of air entrapment when the level drops.

Centrifugal pumps will be the best answer to the question of which pump is best for a well in which water contains small insoluble impurities (sand). The content of impurities in water can reach 185 g/m3. To protect against the abrasive action of sand, it is better to choose models with stainless steel cases. If the water is clean and the unit's operating mode is not excessively intense, you can choose cheaper models with plastic cases.

Tip: If there is a large amount of impurities and sand in the water, you should pay attention to the vibration pump, which is more resistant to pollution, of course, if its performance suits you.

Well Pump Selection Criteria

Which pump to choose for water supply from a well is determined by the technical characteristics of the models. They must meet the requirements, therefore, before buying, it is important to determine the required values ​​\u200b\u200bof the main parameters.


The power value determines the ability of the unit to create a certain pressure and affects the performance of the equipment. However, you should not assume that for the effective operation of the system it is enough to choose the most powerful unit. Power that is much higher than the required value can cause excessive pressure in the pipeline, extrusion of gaskets, and the formation of ruptures. In addition, a powerful pump for a well to the country house will quickly pump out the volume of water available in the mine, and this will lead to frequent switching on and off, and rapid wear of the unit.


Productivity is the amount of water that a well pump for house water supply is able to pump over a certain period of time. The correct selection of this characteristic will ensure uninterrupted water supply even during peak loads. For the calculation, it is necessary to summarize the fluid flow at all water intake points in the house.

If the exact value of the parameters is not known, you can use the following guidelines:

  • washbasin - 300 l/h,
  • shower - 700 l / hour,
  • toilet bowl - 83 l / hour.

If a bathhouse and an irrigation system are connected to the water supply system, it is necessary to add 1000 l / h for each of these objects.

Of course, the likelihood that all water consumption points will work simultaneously is not great. Such calculations determine not the nominal, the maximum maximum value of water consumption.

A submersible pump for a well with automation that does not have the required performance means not only interruptions in the water supply at home, but also an increase in the likelihood of accidents during the operation of equipment sensitive to water supply.


The pressure characteristics of the pump determine its ability to lift water to a certain height from the depth of the well and transport liquid along horizontal lines to water consumption points. When summing up the pressure for lifting and pumping, every 10 meters of horizontal distance is equal to 1 meter of lift.

For example, with a well depth of 7 meters and a distance of 20 meters from the house, the calculated pressure is calculated as follows: 7 + 20/10 = 9 meters. If the house has more than one floor and it is planned to install water intake points above the first floor, this should also be taken into account in the calculations. For the example under consideration, when installing a water supply system on the 2nd floor, the pressure value will be equal to 7 + 20 / 10 + 4 \u003d 13 meters, where 4 is the approximate height of the second floor of the building.

Important: When making such a calculation, it is always necessary to choose the head pressure of the unit with a margin, since there are certain losses in the pipeline, which depend on the specific water supply scheme.

One of the popular representatives of vibration units is this. Its main advantages are sufficiently high reliability at a minimum price.

With a small depth of the water source, ready-made surface pumps can be used.

And if you want to learn about using plastic pipes, then we have a separate article on this topic.

Extra options

When choosing a model, additional parameters are important that will help to make the necessary calculations.

Static levels

Static levels are the depth of the mine and the level of the position of the water mirror when the well is filled. Both values ​​are easily measured using a string with a load: the depth of the well - until the load reaches the bottom, the level of the mirror - until a characteristic splash when the load enters the water.

dynamic level

The dynamic water level in the well indicates the intensity of the liquid entering the mine. This value is also called the source debit. You can determine the dynamic level by pumping water from the mine. When, despite the operation of the pump, the water stops decreasing, the dynamic level of the well is reached. In springs with a high dynamic level, the position of the water mirror changes insignificantly during pumping.

Shaft diameter

The diameter (or side length with a square section) of the shaft is needed to calculate the volume.

Optional equipment

The safety of the pump and the efficiency of the water supply help to ensure additional equipment.

  • Floats and level sensors protect against air intake, dry running and air pockets.
  • Continuity of supply and economic operation depend on the presence or storage tank.
  • Hydraulic accumulators are equipped with controls for switching on and off the pumping unit.

Popular manufacturers

Which pump to buy for a well should be decided individually, but it is preferable to choose it from among models of well-known brands.

  • Gardena(Gardena) - efficient and quiet German pumps with double gaskets and reliable engine protection. Built-in non-return valves optimize the operation of the unit.
  • Baby- a series of several models of vibration pumps, characterized by simplicity of design and low cost (for such a submersible pump for a well, the price will be only 2000 rubles). Should not be used for continuous operation. Head - 40 m, productivity depending on the model 432-1000 l / h.
  • - an economical centrifugal submersible pump for domestic purposes from a Kharkov manufacturer. Suitable for pumping drinking water.
  • Gilex- a series of submersible centrifugal units Vodomet A with efficiency increased due to the use of a special design of "floating" wheels. Comprehensive protection against idling and low water levels.
  • Grundfos(Grundfos) - a large range of submersible and surface models made of stainless steel from Denmark, which have proven themselves in the market. Can be used for drinking water.

Solving the problem of water supply with the help of a well, you need not only to build it correctly. You also need to choose the right pump for it.

Our article will tell you how to choose pumps for wells.

Well Pump Selection Criteria

To figure out how to choose well pumps correctly, you must first decide on the selection criteria.

They will be as follows:

  1. Purposes and frequency of use - if you plan to use the pump for any narrow purposes and do it irregularly, then you should not buy an expensive model. For example, for watering a small garden plot, an inexpensive device "Brook" or "Kid" will be quite enough. And for year-round water supply to all residents of the house, it is worth looking at more powerful models;
  2. Performance - When solving the problem of how to choose a pump for a well, you need to determine the volume of water needed to meet your needs. In this case, all points of water intake should be taken into account - these are all taps, toilets, washing machines and dishwashers. For the calculation, the amount of water that can be consumed at a time is taken;
  3. Water pressure is another parameter that cannot be ignored when talking about how to choose a well pump. This criterion indicates the maximum height to which the device can supply water. You should choose those devices for which this value is slightly higher than the value that you need. This is due to the need to overcome the resistance of the pipes;
  4. Type of equipment - all types of devices have certain design features that must be taken into account, giving preference to one or another type.

Pay close attention to product performance.
If the device turns out to be less powerful than required, this will lead to various problems during its operation.
In particular, collecting water in large containers will take much longer than you would like.

Types of pumps for a well

All these devices according to the type of placement can be divided into surface and submersible. According to their design features, they are divided into centrifugal and vibration. Let's consider these types in more detail.

surface type

These units are installed at some distance from the water source, which makes them quite popular among owners of country houses. After all, such devices can be installed right in the house, and this greatly simplifies their maintenance.

Thinking about how to choose pumps for a well, Russian buyers often make their choice in favor of brands such as CALPEDA (Italy), WILO (Germany), GRUNDFO (Denmark). Russian products are also in demand, for example, products of the company "Dzhileks".

It should be noted that such devices are capable of lifting water from a depth of no more than 9 meters. This is their disadvantage, because of which summer residents may prefer them to another type of device - submersible.

Submersible type

Such devices are placed in a well, directly in the water column. During operation, they are cooled by the flow of water passing through them. Because of this, it is impossible to turn on such a pump without water, as it may fail.

In addition to this drawback, submersible devices also have a number of advantages:

  • design reliability;
  • simplicity of the device;
  • the ability to supply water from great depths.

Among such devices, a separate subspecies is distinguished - these are well devices. They are characterized by more efficient cooling and tolerance to the presence of solid impurities in the water.

When thinking about how to choose submersible pumps for wells, we recommend that you look at the products of the WILO, LOWARA and NOCCHI brands. They perform excellently during operation, differing in their quality and reliability.

centrifugal type

Devices of this type are equipped with a wheel with blades placed inside the case. It is rotated by an electric drive, due to which a centrifugal force is created that pushes water into the pipeline.

The disadvantage of such a pump is its extreme demands on water quality. The presence of even small impurities in it will inevitably lead to the failure of the device. As for the advantages, they include high performance and ease of operation.

Related articles:

vibration type

The devices related to it are characterized by the absence of an electric motor in them. Its function is performed by electric and vibrational magnets.

Due to its simple design, such a device is very reliable and can last a very long time. Another advantage is its low price. That is why vibration pumps are so widespread.

Optimal technical parameters of pumps for a well

Now it's time to consider how to choose a submersible pump for a well or another type of device with optimal technical parameters.


This parameter is measured in watts (Watts) or kilowatts (kW). It is an indicator of the volume of water pumped out per unit of time. The more consumption points, the greater the power should be.

It is not worth buying a unit with maximum power, as this will lead to unnecessary waste of money.
For the needs of a small family, a device with a power of 250-350 watts will suffice.


This is the amount of water that the well pump is able to lift in a certain time. The unit of measure in this case is the cubic meter per hour (m³/h). For a family of three, a device with this figure of 4.2 m³ / h will be quite enough.

Max head

For a good water supply from a well, sufficient pressure in the pipes is necessary. It's called pressure.

The following instruction will help determine its optimal value:

  1. we add the horizontal distance to the depth of the well, that is, the length of the ground hose or pipe;
  2. for every 10 meters of the resulting gap, we add 1 meter - this is the pressure loss during transportation;
  3. we add another 20% to the resulting figure - this will be the final result.


Having made a well with your own hands, you need to select and install a suitable pump in it. To select the desired apparatus, it is necessary first of all to determine the specific goals and the expected frequency of its use. This will help you choose the type of pump, as well as its specific model with optimal technical parameters.

If you find it difficult to choose a product, watch the video in this article. It will help resolve your doubts.

How to choose a pump for a well, this question always arises when we supply water autonomously. Which pump for a well is better, we will consider in this article. After all, there are dab well pumps and dzhileks well pumps, and here it is completely unclear what to give preference to.

This should be determined by certain parameters. After all, these are just brands of products, but by types they do not differ so much. The video in this article will help you make the right choice.

Choosing a well pump

Specifications influencing pump selection

Which pumps are better for a well according to technical characteristics are determined based on the required performance and pressure.

Calculation example

The calculation takes into account:

  • Overall performance.

A person needs 200 liters of water per day. A family of three will need 600 liters of water. You also need to calculate the maximum flow rate when all family members use water at the same time:

  1. the shower turns on - 9 l / min;
  2. faucet in the kitchen - 6 l / min;
  3. faucet in the yard - 6 l / min.

The total flow is 21 l / min - the maximum figure. If you have a personal plot, you need from three to five liters a day to water the garden. The indicator may vary depending on the composition of the soil and weather.

  • Head.

This indicator can be calculated taking into account the height of the water rise and the length of the pipeline:

  1. the height is calculated by the difference between the height of the area where the pump is located and the highest point of the water intake;
  2. the length of the pipeline is calculated taking into account losses for every 10 meters one meter of loss.

The instruction offers the following formula for calculating the water pressure when choosing a pump:

  • H = Hgeo + (0.2 x L) + 10…15 [m], where
  • H is the required pressure, in meters;
  • Hgeo - geometric height from the installation to the highest point of water intake, in meters;
  • 0.2 - coefficient of hydraulic resistance of the pipeline;
  • L - Lengths of the discharge and suction pipes, in meters;
  • 10 ... 15 - addition to the total value to ensure the required pressure at the outlet.

What is the best pump for the well now we will understand in detail. Here it is necessary to determine the power and method of application.

They are united by one thing, the ability to install with your own hands and on this topic there is a detailed instruction for each type. So, how to choose pumps for a well.

A budget option

"Brook" It has a head up to 40 m and a standard capacity of about 0.43 m3/h. If you want to supply water to several water points at once, the power of this device will not be enough. If you need simple watering or a set of water in the tank, then it can be used with confidence.
"Watering" It has similar characteristics with the previous model, but has increased productivity up to 0.9 m3/h.
TAIFU Pumps of an experienced company operating in the production of these products for more than 20 years. The product range of this company includes more than 600 units.
"Aquarius" It also produces good models of pumps, which in the kit have a fairly long electrical wire and a nylon cable.

Types of pumps for wells

All well pumps that potential buyers can purchase in their respective stores are divided into different types depending on the characteristics underlying certain classifications.

So, pumps can be classified:

  • By the nature of the design: vibration pumps, pumps using centrifugal force, pumps located on a certain surface; pumping complexes or stations.
  • According to the method of water delivery.
  • By the force of pressure (the height to which it is necessary and possible to raise water).
  • According to the quality and composition of the transported substance: water without impurities, water with a small proportion of impurities, water with a large proportion of impurities.
  • According to the power level of the pump.
  • By fault tolerance and the period of normal operation of the device itself.
  • By price.

It is not surprising that many even experienced buyers run up their eyes from such a variety. So how do you choose the right pump for your well and your situation?

Submersible pumps

How to choose pumps for wells by type of immersion in water and functions. Here is some division.

Submersible centrifugal force devices

Outwardly, this pump looks like a cylinder made of stainless steel; it contains:

  • An engine in a sealed space using centrifugal force.
  • Impeller, with the help of which water is brought out.

Attention: Such a device must be constantly immersed under water during operation, as it must be constantly cooled.

To avoid overheating, auxiliary means are used here:

  • "Frrogs" - floats;
  • Switches made of bimetallic materials;
  • Automated digital systems.

Preference in terms of reliability and convenience, perhaps, should be given to a pump for a well with a float.

Attention: As already mentioned, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions when operating a submersible pump.

Also, do not forget that they require uninterrupted power supply during their work, which will lead to the need to lay a power cable to the well. On the one hand, this will allow creating a very convenient, in some cases, remotely controlled operation of the system; on the other hand, such work will require additional investments

Submersible Drainage Pumps

Such pumps are needed if necessary:

  • Pump out a large volume of water in a short time;
  • Clean the well like a pro.
Advantages The obvious advantages of using such devices include:
  • Possibility of pumping both clean water and water with a high proportion of impurities.
  • Large volumes (we are talking about the distillation of tens of cubic meters per hour).
  • Well empty protection system using floats: this unit works reliably in sewers and drainage ditch.
Flaws The cons are:
  • Little pressure.
  • Only up to 10 meters of height to which the water will rise (small excess pressure).
  • Due to the ability to use almost any water, this pump cannot be used for pumping potable water.

Submersible vibration pumps

Such devices are often used by vacationers in summer cottages as "seasonal", especially when it comes to supplying water to the house, as well as watering the site.

Attention: For quicksand wells, centrifugal or surface pumps are suitable.

Surface pumps

Their properties:

Positive differences
  • Strong pressure.
  • Low fault tolerance and durability, due to the fact that the pump is not in the water.
  • High performance.
  • Ease of use and prevention.
  • No power cable is required.
  • Permanent readiness of the pump for long-term operation.
  • You can pump clean and dirty water.
Negative differences
  • Low suction lift up to 9 m.
  • The ejector allows you to increase the suction height up to 20 meters by reducing the reliability of the system.
  • Loud noise during operation, which can only be “hidden” by the walls of a separate technical room for a pumping station.
  • The ability to work with the water suction line, that is, to monitor its constant filling.

Overview of surface pumps

Name and photo of the pump Brief description and cost

This series of pumps from the popular Italian manufacturer Pedrollo is designed not only for pumping clean water, but also other non-aggressive liquids. This is a multi-stage centrifugal self-priming pump, the body and working parts of which are made of stainless steel.
  • Such a model can be used not only in a drinking well, but also in a drainage well, as well as for pumping water from a tank or pool. Moreover, it can work with a liquid cooled to negative temperatures, in the range of -10C + 40C degrees.

With a capacity of 7.2 m3 / h, and a suction height of 7 m, this model develops a pressure of up to 50 m. Such a pump costs about 13,000-14,000 rubles.

And this is a single-stage pump, with a horizontal casing, one of the European manufacturers Grundfos (Denmark). It is intended only for pumping clean water, and is used in autonomous water supply systems and for irrigation.
  • The characteristics of the pump are as follows: flow 3.5 m3/h; head 40 m; suction height 8 m. It can operate at an ambient temperature of +55 degrees. Equipped with an asynchronous motor and a built-in ejector, it works almost silently. It costs about 12,000 rubles.

WP9741A from the German company Sturm is also designed for pumping clean water, but can be used not only in drinking water intakes, but also in open water.
  • With a supply of 3.3 m3 / h, it has a head of 20 m, and can even pump hot water. The pump body is made of cast iron, has a fairly compact size of 235 * 315 mm. Weighs only 5.5 kg. The pump costs about 5000 rubles.

This German-made, is designed not only for water supply, but also for watering garden plantings. With dimensions of 573 * 296 * 255, it weighs 13 kg, and, as you can see, it has wheels for moving, as well as a foot switch.
  • In addition, it is equipped with a remote control and built-in automation that allows you to program the mechanism for irrigation. In general, for a country house, this is one of the best options.

The pump housing is plastic. The performance of this model is 6 m3 / h, the suction head is 8 m, and the head is quite large - 60 m. Estimated price is 10,500-11,000 rubles.

Made in Spain, ESPA multistage pumps are equipped with a built-in ejector and self-priming valve. They work without pre-filling the pipeline, and are not sensitive to air entering the water.
  • The pump body is made of reinforced polyamide, the working parts are made of stainless steel. The supply of the model 1250M is 4.5 m3 / h, the head is 39 m. With dimensions of 220 * 385 mm, it weighs 10 kg, the suction height is 9 m. Such a unit costs about 7500 rubles.

The pump is designed for pumping clean water, and can be used to increase the pressure in the system, pump water from reservoirs, supply it to the pool, and water.

Accessories for pumps

Some manufacturers produce not only pumps and, but also various components for them, with which you can supply water at home and automate the operation of the device.

This set includes:

  • Surface pump;
  • Control relay;
  • Hydraulic accumulator.

To get started, you only need to connect these elements to the water supply. Now in stores you can find units that absorb water on their own. Such pumps do not need a filled suction line with water.

The usual laws of physics apply here: the pump begins to operate as soon as water enters through a hole made in the housing. The best type of work for such pumps is periodic short sessions.

Which pump to choose for a well, you can now decide. Their price is quite different, for example espa has a good reputation, so its price will be higher.

Look at the photos, compare the parameters and make your choice. And you will not have a question, advise a pump for a well.

We make the installation of the pump in the well

Here you can apply more than one option.

You will determine this specifically for your option:

Attention: To ensure stable and continuous operation of the pump, one important rule should be followed - the distance from the bottom to the lower edge and the distance from the mirror to the upper edge must be at least one meter. Otherwise, the pump may stop due to clogging with sand or when the water level in the well drops.

  • An example is an attempt to install a borehole pump 60 cm long in a well with a water level of only one and a half meters. Therefore, the choice of pump type and installation option must be considered individually. For example, to prevent sand from being sucked in, it is sometimes advisable to install a circle of harmless, non-corrosive material at a height of 5-10 cm from the bottom of the well.
  • The durability of any electrical equipment depends on the number of turns on and off, so hydraulic accumulators are installed to increase the service life. These devices allow you to accumulate a certain volume of water, smoothing out impulse effects on the system during a short-term supply of water. By introducing a delay element, the accumulator prevents the pump from turning off when the tap is closed and provides a water supply system in the absence of electricity.

Surface installation

This design is best if you use it only in warm weather:

  • We make the installation near the well. The platform must be firm and level;
  • We fill the body with water;
  • We prepare a hose of the desired diameter and lower it into the water;
  • We make a connection to the power supply;

Attention: A hose with a mesh should be used to pump out water. This will be the filter. In this case, you should pay attention to the location of the hose, the smoother the better.

  • When installing the pump in the winter, it will be necessary to carefully insulate it. To do this, it is necessary to provide xenon made of iron or concrete. As a heater, it is most optimal to use foam. For laying pipes, you should choose a depth, more from soil freezing. Warm her up. It is best to use electric heating, there is a detailed article on this topic on our website.

How to install a submersible pump

The instruction indicates that the installation of a deep pump must begin with the connection of the pipeline.

In addition, submersible pumps for wells, how to choose, you need to consider:

  • The maximum pressure of the mechanism should not be higher than the maximum pressure that the installed pipes can withstand.
  • Ordinary hoses can be used for watering the garden and vegetable garden, as well as filling containers. The elements are connected through a plastic sleeve.
  • The pump is permanently installed when it is used regularly. It is necessary to pull out the device for prevention, if necessary, repair in case of a breakdown.
  • It is necessary to lower into the well very carefully.
  • For connection, metal or plastic pipes are taken.
  • The cable of the unit is fixed.

Tip: It is better to arrange the cord in the pressure pipe, which prevents the cable from damage, and the installation of the pump will be facilitated. It is strictly forbidden to lower the unit by the power cable.

  • The nylon cable must be passed into special eyes located on the device, and a spring suspension must be attached to its ends.
  • After the preliminary work, the pump is installed in the well.

Sanding in vibrating and centrifugal pumps

Experts complain that sanding of wells is a significant problem in Russia. This happens when the well is installed incorrectly.

Many people, wanting to save money, install wells on their own, without using the services of professionals. As a result, wells are not made in the best place.


  • To avoid sanding, you need to opt for centrifugal well pumps.
  • Vibrating structures should not be used for wells, since water is constantly circulating during the reciprocating movements of the engine. Because of this, the well is soon filled with sand. But the vibration pump can be installed in the well.
  • It should be borne in mind that instructions are attached to all models, where the manufacturer informs the buyer about the maximum pressure and performance characteristics. During operation, this will be approximately average.

Submersible pump for well WSN 1000D 1000W, 40m max, 5.5m3/h max, 35.0 m max art. J1000WSND Waterstry

Art. J1000WSND

Multistage submersible centrifugal pumps of the WSN-D series are designed for pumping clean rain, drainage and ground water that does not contain abrasive substances and long-fibre inclusions from wells, storage tanks, reservoirs, etc.
The pump is equipped with a modern multi-stage hydraulic system with closed impellers (4 pcs.) and passes small impurities up to 1.0 mm in size.

For pumping clean or slightly polluted, chemically non-aggressive water from wells, shallow wells with an internal diameter of at least 50 cm, as well as surface water sources.

When the pump is equipped with a pressure regulator (relay, press control) and a pressure membrane tank, an optimal solution is obtained for supplying water to the pressure water supply system in the domestic sector.
Recommended for irrigation systems in agriculture and horticulture.
WSN-D is ideal for wells, rainwater storage tanks, storage tanks, swimming pools, clean ponds, etc.

If necessary, the pump can be used to completely drain new flooded areas.

low weight and dimensions due to the use of composite materials and stainless steel sheet;
sufficiently high pump pressure;
built-in thermal motor protection;
Mounting is allowed in both vertical and horizontal positions.

The upper location of the pressure pipe allows the operation of the electric pump even with partial immersion, because. in this case, the cooling of the electric motor is provided by the flow of the pumped liquid, washing the motor inside the casing.
The pump is equipped with a float switch, which provides reliable protection against dry running, and also allows automatic restart after the restoration of the water level in the source.

Well pump IDROGO M40/08 N07RN-F G 1 1/4 0.6 kW ~3x400V 50Hz with rubber cable 20 m art. 1582030004 Ebara

Art. 1582030004

5" Submersible monoblock well pumps Idrogo (Ebara, Italy) made of stainless steel AISI 304 are used in water supply and irrigation systems. Pumps of these series are ideal pumps for wells, as they provide water lifting from depths that are not accessible to centrifugal ejector pumps. Due to cooling motor pumped by the pump, have better cooling compared to borehole pumps, which minimizes the possibility of overheating during long-term continuous operation.Unlike borehole pumps, they are less sensitive to solid particles contained in water.
Supply of clean water from wells, cisterns and reservoirs.
Household water supply systems.
Garden irrigation.
General pressure booster.
Technical details:
Equipped with a double mechanical seal with an intermediate oil chamber.
Supplied with 20 m power cable type H07RN-F (5 m for IDROGO 40/06 M).
Single-phase version with optional float ("A" version).
Three-phase 230 V ±10% 50 Hz version available.
Mounting: horizontal or vertical.

Pump technical data:
Maximum working pressure: 10 bar.
Max. liquid temperature: 40°C.
with 20 m cable max. immersion depth (version "A")10 m.
with 20 m cable max. immersion depth 17 m.
with 5 m cable max. immersion depth 2 m.
Maximum solids passage 2.5 mm.
Outlet connection G1¼.

Engine technical data:
Asynchronous self-ventilated 2-pole motor cooled by the pumped liquid.
Insulation class F.
Electrical safety class IP68.
Single-phase voltage 230V ±10% 50Hz, three-phase voltage 230V ±10% 50Hz, three-phase voltage 400V ±10% 50Hz
Always on capacitor and built-in thermal protection with automatic restart for single phase motor.
For the three-phase version, thermal protection must be provided by the user.

Outer casing, motor cover, mechanical seal bottom, filter and circlip in AISI 304 stainless steel.
Impeller, diffuser and spacer in PPE+PS reinforced with fibreglass.
AISI 431 stainless steel shaft.
Upper mechanical seal (motor side) in Graphite/Ceramic/NBR and lower seal (pump side) in SiC/Graphite/NBR.

Submersible well pump SB 3-45 M (without float) art. 97686704 Grundfos

Art. 97686704

Features and Benefits

Submersible well pump SB 3-35 M (without float) art. 97686700 Grundfos

Art. 97686700

Grundfos SB is a submersible well pump for water supply systems. It is used for efficient pumping of clean water from wells and rain storage tanks. The well pump is available in two basic designs:
with built-in mesh filter (perforation 1 mm);
with side entry, which includes a flexible suction hose and a floating mesh filter (perforation 1 mm).

In both versions, the SB Grundfos pump can be supplied with or without a float switch. The float switch can be used for automatic operation or for dry-running protection.
Pump options (model)
Built-in strainer with float switch A
Built-in strainer without float switch M
Float filter with float switch AV

Features and Benefits
Silent operation. When submerged, the SB pump runs silently and is therefore a cost-effective alternative to non-submersible pumps.
High reliability. The SB well pump is made of composite materials and stainless steel, resistant to corrosion. In addition, the pump is equipped with a stainless steel filter that prevents large particles from getting inside.
Built-in protection. The pump is equipped with thermal overload protection.
Float strainer. The float strainer model sucks water just below the surface, where the water is clean and free of solids.

The SB series pump is a submersible auxiliary pump for pumping clean water, particularly suitable for pumping rain water. The pump is supplied in two basic versions:
with a mesh filter on the suction line of the pump (mesh with a hole diameter of 1 mm);
with lateral suction line, which includes a suction tube with a floating mesh filter (mesh with a hole diameter of 1 mm).
If the distance from the wall of the tank (well) to the pump is more than 1.5 meters, it is recommended to use a model with a side entrance.

If the distance from the wall of the tank (well) to the pump is less than 1.5 meters, a model with a strainer is recommended.

Mounting Features:
Maximum immersion depth:
SBA 3-35 - 10m;
SBA 3-45 - 10m.
Maximum height difference from pump to hydraulic tank:
SBA 3-35 - 13m;
SBA 3-45 - 20m.
Minimum free length of the float cable from the float to the fixation point: 10-18 cm.

Submersible well pump SB 3-35 AW (with float, suction hose, filter) art. 97686703 Grundfos

Art. 97686703

Grundfos SB is a submersible well pump for water supply systems. It is used for efficient pumping of clean water from wells and rain storage tanks. The well pump is available in two basic designs:
with built-in mesh filter (perforation 1 mm);
with side entry, which includes a flexible suction hose and a floating mesh filter (perforation 1 mm).

In both versions, the SB Grundfos pump can be supplied with or without a float switch. The float switch can be used for automatic operation or for dry-running protection.
Pump options (model)
Built-in strainer with float switch A
Built-in strainer without float switch M
Float filter with float switch AV

Features and Benefits
Silent operation. When submerged, the SB pump runs silently and is therefore a cost-effective alternative to non-submersible pumps.
High reliability. The SB well pump is made of composite materials and stainless steel, resistant to corrosion. In addition, the pump is equipped with a stainless steel filter that prevents large particles from getting inside.
Built-in protection. The pump is equipped with thermal overload protection.
Float strainer. The float strainer model sucks water just below the surface, where the water is clean and free of solids.

The SB series pump is a submersible auxiliary pump for pumping clean water, particularly suitable for pumping rain water. The pump is supplied in two basic versions:
with a mesh filter on the suction line of the pump (mesh with a hole diameter of 1 mm);
with lateral suction line, which includes a suction tube with a floating mesh filter (mesh with a hole diameter of 1 mm).
If the distance from the wall of the tank (well) to the pump is more than 1.5 meters, it is recommended to use a model with a side entrance.

If the distance from the wall of the tank (well) to the pump is less than 1.5 meters, a model with a strainer is recommended.

    The surface pump is located next to the well or in the house, and the submersible is lowered into the well. In well models, the suction hole is located at the bottom, so the pump works even if it is not completely submerged in water. A float switch activated when the water level drops prevents dry operation. It is recommended to maintain a distance of one meter from the pump to the bottom of the well, no less. This prevents the pump from sucking up silt and sand from the bottom.

    Pumps differ in the way they function:

    1. Centrifugal - with an impeller screw, during rotation, the screw creates an area of ​​\u200b\u200blow pressure, and water is sucked in.
    2. Vibrating - water is pumped by a piston, which is the moving part of an electromagnet.

    Pump models differ in pressure, functionality, performance.

    Pumps for ten-meter wells: make the right choice

    The height of water lifting for centrifugal and vibration pumps is up to 60-70 meters. The vibration type range includes pumps with a capacity of up to 1000 liters per hour, centrifugal ones can work ten times more productively.

    The advantages of a vibration pump are simple design and energy efficiency. With the same power, the performance is higher for a vibration model than for a centrifugal one.

    Disadvantage: Vibration sets the ground in motion. The sandy bottom rises during prolonged operation of such a pump. Buildings can suffer from ground vibration.

    Pumps for ten-meter wells: the price depends on the design

    Vibratory pumps are cheaper than centrifugal pumps, with equal power. For intermittent use, not too long, buyers choose a vibration pump. If you need to pump water constantly, then they take a centrifugal one, although it is more expensive.

    Characteristics of pumps for ten-meter wells

    Water must be raised to the surface and delivered to the place of consumption. Therefore, pumps for ten-meter wells are chosen with a margin for the height of the rise of water.

    Models of vibration pumps designed to lift water to a height of more than 10 meters are few in number. Buyers prefer centrifugal well pumps to supply water from a ten-meter well

    The power of vibration pumps is 250-300 W, and centrifugal

    develop a power of 0.5-2 kW.
    The performance of a 300 W vibration pump will be 16 l/min, and the performance of a centrifugal pump with a power of 1.1 kW will be 150 l/min.

The submersible type of well pumps is used most often in the country, although this is not the only option. Considering that basically the depth of wells in the areas does not exceed 8 - 10 m (with a larger value of this parameter, it is more economically profitable to drill mines), it makes no sense to consider other varieties. The difficulty is that even submersible models are different, and sometimes it is difficult to choose the best option for country use. Here we will deal with this in more detail.

Main characteristics

We will focus on the fact that a large family does not permanently live on the site, and the owners come to the dacha only in the season (the most common option).

Pump type

In this case, you need to pay attention to vibration pumps. Their main advantage is ease of use and unpretentiousness. For use in the period spring-summer-early autumn - the best solution, especially since they are cheaper than analogues. Centrifugal pumps, although they are more productive, have a number of significant drawbacks. Therefore, their installation and operation (including repair) is more expensive. For a small cottage, it makes no sense to purchase.


Accurate calculations can only be performed by a professional. Many factors are taken into account - the total length of the pipes (and their cross section), the number of points of water analysis, the immersion depth of the pump, and a number of others. Based on this, they are guided by such indicators as pressure and power (by the way, they are interconnected).

With regard to a small dacha of several acres, where the owners appear only periodically (for watering and caring for the site), so as not to “load” the reader with formulas and coefficients, we can give the following general recommendation - a model with a capacity of 1.2 (± 0.2 ) kW. Although sometimes 0.3 is enough. It is necessary to take into account the specifics of irrigation, then it will become more clear what to buy.

Perhaps this is all the features of the choice, if the purchase of a small-sized pump is meant without a permanent residence on it. Otherwise, the reader should familiarize himself with the materials on issues related to the water supply system. This is a separate and rather voluminous topic.

Before you go shopping, you need to clearly understand some points, since the seller is absolutely not informed what kind of well is on the site and how it is used. What to consider?

  • Required volume of water intake. For what - if watering the territory, then for how long, or only for domestic needs, and so on. This determines the required performance.
  • The length and configuration of the highway.
  • Well parameters (depth, occupancy, etc.).
  • Frequency of operation (year-round or only in the season).

There are products from different manufacturers on the market. For example, models under the ESPA brand (headquartered in Spain) have proven themselves well. There are many other high-quality imported pumps (for example, "WILO", "KERSELF").

However, we can advise you to pay attention to domestic products. And not only out of a sense of patriotism, but also from a practical point of view.

  • They are cheaper than foreign analogues. Already a plus.
  • Russian models are quite simple in design and unpretentious in operation. Their repair, and on their own, as well as the search for spare parts, does not cause difficulties. Plus number 2.

Based on this, we will consider several domestic pumps.

*Prices are for the Moscow region.


Produced in several modifications. The BTsPE 0.5 series with a power of 0.65 kW creates a head of up to 40 m at a capacity of 1.8 m³ / h. For simultaneous, "fan" irrigation of the site is clearly not suitable, but alternate irrigation of segments of the territory will provide. In principle, most summer residents organize work in this way, opening / closing the corresponding valves on the pipes.

Price - from 10,050 rubles.


The Water Cannon - 150/30 series is more powerful - 0.9 kW. With a pressure up to 30 m, the productivity is about 150 l / min. Able to work in turbid water (fractions - no more than 2.5 mm).

Price - from 8,165 rubles.


The cheapest, and therefore popular submersible type pump among summer residents. For example, the model of the P 1500 series has a lower intake pipe (up to 10 m). Power - 0.24 kW; 25 l/min; immersion depth - up to 3 m. Weight - 3.2 kg. Unpretentious in operation and for a small cottage, given the cost, the best option.

Price - from 1,510 rubles.

Well, what exactly to buy, decide for yourself, dear reader. The choice is huge now.

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