Encyclopedia fireproof

How to choose plastic windows: expert recommendations. What are plastic windows and which products are the highest quality? How to choose plastic

Reference edition
/ Compiler N. V. Emelyanova. - Minsk: "Art Prestige media group, 2013 - 36 p.

ISBN 978-985-6473-89-3.
© N. V. Emelyanova, Drawing up, 2013

Error number 1. What, what are you saying, you have a profile?

"What profile are your windows?" - A typical question of about half of people who choose plastic windows. Unfortunately, he is the first step towards a serious mistake that can cost you dearly.

After all, as a result, the unscrupulous manager will start taking you to the profile that is more profitable for him. From his teeth will begin to fly away the memorized phrases about the quality of the profile, the number of cameras in it, its width, the ability to hold the heat and glorious history of the manufacturer.

The window is not only a profile. And if you choose to be guided by one, albeit important, factor, then the probability of error is extremely large.

Profile - this is just half anteen. Not less than a glass and fittings are played in quality. The window is an integrated product, the elements of which are perfectly combined and complement each other. Only in this case works the window as a clock.

The consequences of such a solution are different. For example, inside the windows windows, when choosing a central role played profile, condensate is formed. Front appears on the window, and in the winter there is no worse than an old wooden in the winter. You are kicked in warm blankets and put in each room for two heater, than just increase the cost of heating.

What to do? In 99% of cases, you need to change the double-glazed windows or the entire window. And this is very expensive pleasure. In addition, you will have to spend money on the repair of space around the window, which will inevitably be damaged when dismantling. How then choose the right window?

Just like the refrigerator. What is more important for you when buying a refrigerator: In general, its quality or those who produce compressor, other components and metal? With the plastic window exactly the same story.

What you need to know about the double-blade?

It is on the glass package accounts for most of the window surface. Through it, the main heat loss and noise from the street. And here there are only two options: either the double-glazed glass will be closed on the door of the door, which will not give heat leave the apartment, either turn into an open manner, through which frost and the noise will come to your home as Tatar-Mongolian cavalry.

Therefore, to choose a glass package more than responsibly. And if you want home to be warm and quiet, then we recommend a 2-chamber glass glass with 3 glasses or a 1-chamber double glass with 2 glasses, one of which is energy-saving. Well, an even more profitable option will be a 2-chamber double-glazed glass with 3 glasses, one or two of which are energy-saving.

What do you need to know about the accessories?

There is a great saying: the devil in the trifles. And it has the most direct relation to Eurocons.

Furnitura is the one, it would seem a trifle, which can how to destroy even the most expensive window and turn the cheap to this masterpiece. Therefore, if you do not want your window soon the beginning to eat, divert, kept or stopped opening and closed normally, then in no case do not save on the accessories.

Often, when you choose the window only on the basis of the profile, they forget about the accessories completely. Then the unfinished seller puts a cheap product on which he earns a lot. As a result, he has higher profits, and you have eternal drafts in the apartment. But the profile you can be proud of.

In addition, good fittings are your comfort. It allows you to open the window not only in the swivel, but also in the folding mode, ensuring the ventilation, as well as in the micro and step ventilation mode.

Conclusion: Choose not a profile, but the window as a whole, as an integrated product.

Error number 2. The manufacturer of the window do not know! What for?

How many window profile manufacturers do you know? Ten brands can be called easily. Unfortunately, many on this stop, without thinking about those who produce the windows themselves.

Profile is just one of the components. The window is a finished product that is made from it and other components. At the same time, the manufacturer of the profile is important for many, but not the final product.

Now imagine that you buy a dining table. Obviously you know who did it. But you most likely, even in the head will not come to know where the tree came from, from which the table was made, who this tree fired, who processed into the board, etc. Then why when buying a window do you behave quite differently?

Remember: Profile is only the raw material from which your window is created. And the profile manufacturer does not give you absolutely no warranty on the final product. But the manufacturer and installer of windows from and is responsible for you for the quality of products and its reliability. He also carries all warranty obligations.

The PVC window can be done in the garage. But the quality of such a window will be comparable to the reliability of the Dedov's "penny", half assembled in the same garage from the remedies. And there are a lot of such "garage" workshops. In this case, their windows are almost impossible to distinguish from the factory. Yes, and the protective film on the profile with the name of the famous trademark gives products solidity. But it is worth starting to use this window, as it will immediately become clear, where it was done. After all, such a manufacturer has the products as much as possible by all possible ways.

By the way, do you know what coefficient of heat transfer resistance in old wooden windows? 0.45 m2 * K / W. Good energy-saving plastic windows - 1 m2 * k / w. What is the coefficient of heat transfer in the windows that you ordered? The answer to this most important question can only be given the tests of the window, for example, those conducted during certification. All major, solid companies can afford such tests. Do you think this answer is in the garage?

On large production, everything is different. First, automation works on them, which performs all important operations, which reduces the influence of the human factor to a minimum. Secondly, a serious manufacturer simply cannot afford to use second-rate components. Thirdly, a multi-level quality control system operates at any such enterprise.

How are unscrupulous manufacturers save on fittings?

The simplest thing is to install cheap accessories in your window, which is allegedly a complete analogue of the original. It is even more fun: your window is put in an incomplete set of cheap fittings. What is it fraught with?

At least a tight opening-closing window. Solves. And, of course, forced to ventilate your apartment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year - the slots in such a window are an absolutely normal phenomenon.

The worst thing is that after installing this window you will not do anything with him. The incomplete kit of fittings does not allow you to adjust the window, and its replacement will cost you almost the price of the new window.

How are unscrupulous manufacturers save on the reinforcing profile?

Do you know that in fact plastic windows are called metal-plastic? The fact is that the metal reinforcing profile is held inside the frame, which gives the window stiffness. Hence the name.

The trouble is that this profile is not visible. Often in the handicraft workshops, this is used and put a cheaper and thin reinforcing profile in the windows. As a result, the stiffness of the design is broken, over time the window will be deformed, and its sash is to be saved. In some cases, it is possible to fix such a problem only when replacing the window.

How are unscrupulous manufacturers save on glass?

Take a look at any Soviet building with windows that stand there since the 80s. Look in the window at different angles. They noticed how "floats" the picture and plays different colors, like a rainbow?

The reason for this is cheap and low-quality glass. This can be put in the garage workshop. And "as a gift" you will get irregularities on the glass, bubbles, extraneous inclusions.

Another version of the "garage" savings is the replacement of a standard glass of 4 mm thick per 3-millimeter. Externally, you will not notice this substitution, but you will feel good after installation - with this window at home it will be cold and noisy.

How are unscrupulous manufacturers save on an assembly of the window and personnel?

The production of windows in the garage is something! It is necessary to see it! But it is unlikely that someone will be allowed to such a workshop. Therefore, imagine an ordinary dusty garage with mediocre lighting and raw walls. There is a dirty and untidy man "Shamanit" with a profile and glass, performing almost all operations manually or the simplest tool.

It is necessary to say that in such handicraft conditions here, then defects appear there. For example, dust that cannot be deleted from there fall inside the glass. The use of poor-quality sealant or violation of technology leads to the appearance of condensate inside the glass package.

In addition, in the garage you will never make an energy-saving window. After all, its production is possible only on expensive and complex equipment subject to special technology. Nobody could realize this outside the major factory.

And in general, the quality of products of such workshops is deplorable. After all, who works in them? These are unskilled workers who almost all operations are done manually. Therefore, the influence of the human factor is just huge. It is aggravated by all the fact that receiving a penny, such a worker absolutely indifferent to the window quality.

Is it possible to trust the shed radio?

Of course, you can just ask, for example, at the neighbors who have ordered the windows, and if they are satisfied, contact the same company. Yes, it is an old good sorprofane radio. But does it work 100% in the case of windows? We'll see now.

As a rule, a rare person can from the first time and without preparing to determine the factory before him a window or "garage". Especially in the event that the seller will compare new windows with old, in the colors describing all the advantages of its products.

As a result, it seems that new windows are really great, which is not always so. In addition, none of the neighbors or acquaintances will not say how well their windows keep warm, and it is unlikely to tell you about the minuses of new windows.

So, in the case of plastic windows, the sorrevine radio is not a panacea. Yes, listen to the opinion of acquaintances and neighbors, but blindly and unconditionally trust him - in no way.

Conclusion: Buy windows only at a well-known and large manufacturer, who has experience and impeccable reputation.

Error number 3. This is the price! I take without thinking!

There are two gas stations. One belongs to a well-known company, it looks solid, pure and presentable, and gasoline here is a proven and good quality. In a pair of kilometers, another gas station is a kind of noncain, rusty columns and swollen, the owner of an unknown, as well as the quality of the proposed gasoline. But gasoline on this gas station is cheaper. But will you risk and refuel the car with a penny fuel? After all, saving now the ruble, you can soon spend thousands for repairs.

With windows history exactly the same. The price is formed. Therefore, a high-quality window cannot cost in one company is significantly cheaper or more expensive than in another. And if you are offered a very cheap window, then here is clearly there is a catch.

Attractive preliminary price

You called on the phone to find out the cost of the plastic window for your typical house. When the manager voiced the figure, you were so dumbfatherly cheap, which immediately caused the measurer and have already prepared money. But after measurement it turned out that your window is 2 times more expensive than you promised! How so?

The fact is that the manager is voiced by an estimated price. As a basis, it takes the standard, and the often understated, the size of the window opening and the cheapest package of the window. Well, the measurer already makes a calculation based on real data. Hence the difference.

Sudden rise in price

It also happens that the new price of the window you will learn when you can no longer abandon the services of the contractor. For example, installers, already removing the old window, they say that you have a problem wall, a special installation is required, so work will cost more. Or they ask to pay the dismantling of the old window, because under the contract you do not pay for it, but the window is there and it should be removed.

One-day firms

Unfortunately, unclean on the hand of the company is on any market. Window no exception. Such firms attract clients with a super low price, but after a while, when the service or warranty repair is required, it turns out that the phones do not respond and the firms no longer exist.

Fair low price

We will not smack, indeed, there are cases when you still buy a window at a very low price. True, here with the window you acquire and many troubles. Why? Window - technologically complex product. To make it cheaper, you need to come true, move away from standards and hire inexperienced workers. As a result, it is indeed a cheap window, that's just his reliability and durability leave much to be desired.

Conclusion: Free cheese only happens in a mousetrap, so do not choose the window, relying on the price.

Error number 4. Discount to me, discount!

Recently, the plastic windows market resembles a large bazaar in Istanbul: increasingly buyers start a conversation from what they demand a discount, not even by making an order. And get it, and 30% immediately! But it is worth the buyer to get into another salon, as he sees that here his window is exactly the same. And even without a discount.

And here comes the insight. It turned out that the seller first simply overestimated the price of the window, and then lowered it by offering the buyer a long-awaited discount.

And this is just one reception of the provision of "discounts". There is a more sophisticated method when it really is really a good discount on its basic price. But the trouble is: the discount is done due to the fact that the windowsill, slopes, flow and even fittings are removed from the kit. And the most inventive "discounts" go even further - they indicate the price even without installation!

So what could be the real discount on the plastic window? In fact, small. Even an honest discount in the amount of up to 15% can give a rare company, and then in an exceptional case during a seasonal decline. After all, this market is very competitive, which has long been formed, and, accordingly, the rate of profit is approximately the same and relatively low. And no one will work at a loss.

Conclusion: Before buying a window with a discount, thoroughly examine the conditions for its provision and consider similar offers from other companies.

Error number 5. Do you think it will be fine? Good, take it!

Imagine: You came to the manufacturer of plastic windows, described your task, in response received a solution option, whose advantage of the seller paints in all colors. What do you think, whose interests are more responsible for the proposed solution?

As a rule, the interests of the manufacturer of windows. Of course, your interest is also taken into account, otherwise you can not. But often decisive is how much the solution is beneficial to the manufacturer, and what he can do.

For example, you live in a panel house with thin walls or in your own home, and you need the most "warm" window. You set the appropriate task to the manufacturer of the windows and in response to get this option: 3-chamber profile with a width of 58-60 mm.

It is not suitable for solving your task! You need a window from a 5-liter 6-chamber profile with a thickness of 70 mm and a wide 2-chamber energy saving double-glazed windows. Why don't you suggest this option? He is or unprofitable for the manufacturer, or he just does not have the opportunity to release such a window.

Well, if your windows overlook the noisy street or rail relocation, then the usual 2-chamber glass is not separated here. With him, you will shudder at night from the noise of the trampling window. You need a special 2-chamber glass with glasses of different thickness and different distances between them. Ideally, it should also be a glass-triplex. Such a window suggested?

Do you live on the first floor? Then the usual window is not suitable again. You need a special anti-burglar option with special fittings and a number of protective elements, as well as external glass with shockproof film or triplex.

Although if you have a pair of wolfhounds, you can put the most ordinary eurowkovo. After all, after in a couple of minutes it will be uncovered, the robbers will not last. And you will also be awarded for helping the authorities.

And do not forget when choosing a window about your comfort. Often, the manufacturer offers a sash with two opening options: horizontal and vertically-folding for ventilation. But this is not all!

For example, there are also micro-taking, which fills the room with fresh air, but as the window is closed, it does not get colder. There is a stepped folding of the sash. The balcony door can be made sliding, and the double window is so that when you open both sesters between them there was no jumper.

By the way, you are not tired of the same, as twins, plastic windows in homes? If so, then be sure to tell the company in which they decided to buy Pvhokno. And require your profile outside the outside. For example, wrapped in the color of the facade of the house or created on it a unique and unique pattern only for you.

At the same time, remember: when the manufacturer offers you various options for opening the windows of the window and additional components, think what kind of design you need it. After all, overpay for unnecessary, unnecessary options you do not want, right?

Conclusion: Determine in advance what you want from your new window, then collect all the information from the windows manufacturer, look at how much this decision is responsible for your desires, and only then make the final correct choice.

Error number 6. Installation - this is where you can save!

So, you spent a week at the computer and became a real specialist in plastic windows. As a result, I ordered a very good window, however, at the last moment they decided to save. On what?

"At least save on the installation! What is in it difficult, there will be anyone to cope, "this is how many people think. At the same time, the root is mistaken. Why?

Because the durability and reliability of the window depend on the quality of installation at least than from the quality of the profile and components. Therefore, the work of good installers is worth good money. Now imagine what they save brigades that work at a rush price. Yes, on everything! In addition, their experience is almost zero, but they did not hear any standards about any standards.

Imagine such employees who put the windows for three kopecks: they arrived late, everything was remembered, untidy, and even with explicit testimony of what evening yesterday was fame. Have you been waiting for someone else?

But even if you are incredibly lucky, approximately as a certain Harry from the USA, who in 2000 won $ 363 million in the lottery, and the installers look more or less decently, to rejoice early. After all, they should save on something, which means that they will do it on materials.

Do not be surprised if your window is shortly after installation with such craftsmen starts to sign, "play" and blow out. All this due to the fact that there were less fasteners when installed, the mounting foam turned out to be disgusting quality, while it was also not protected from moisture and sunlight.

However, sometimes the buyers of windows themselves wonder when installing. Each of us wants to get a maximum for your money. Probably, so some owners of apartments and houses force installers to use more foam and pour it all the space under the windowson.

As a result, when a few hours later, the foam dries and expands several times, you get a picture that resembles the eruption of Vesuvius. That's just instead of the walls of the volcano - your windowsill, and instead of lava, the expansioned foam, which is trying to get free.

Conclusion: Do not save on the installation.

Error number 7. Why do I need service? Stand - and okay

Tell me, if you bought a new car, then you will go on time and do all regulatory work? Sure! After all, you want "Iron horse" for many years served to you faithfully and was always ready "to battle." But then why the attitude of the plastic windows is completely different: put and forgotten?

In this regard, the plastic window does not differ from the car. If you want it to be faithfully serve you, your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, then with the window you need to regularly carry out service work. Otherwise, it will begin to "see" in a couple of years. It happens slowly and imperceptibly, but after 5 years your window can not be at all like it out of production.

What happens to the window? Without proper maintenance, sealing gum dry and over time are covered with cracks. After this, the wind walks in the window.

In addition, in the first 2 years, the window has a little shifting and the design gives shrinkage. This is a normal phenomenon, and you just need to simply "reconfigure" accessories. But if this is not done, then you will begin to constantly clap the sash, close the window with effort than only aggravate the situation.

All this leads to a decrease in heat shields. As a result, the heat is faster leaves your apartment or at home, and your heating costs are as quickly rapidly. At the same time, the main function of the window is the preservation of heat in the house, and not protection against mosquitoes and flies.

Banal service window once a year allows you to avoid similar surprises and identify all the "window sickness" in the embryo. Yes, it costs money, but small, especially if you compare with the amount in which the window is reserved in the event of a breakdown.

It is like health. If you take care of yourself and take care of yourself, then any disease notice in the initial stage, "kill" with small blood and in a matter of days. Well, if you launched and did not start the treatment on time, then you risk taking sick leave for 3-4 weeks and spend money on medicines.

By the way, part of the maintenance work can be carried out on your own. This, for example, regular cleaning of the profile, watches rubber seals with a special solution and lubrication of accessories. All these intricacies must train installers when installing the window.

And remember: if you spend all the work on the maintenance work on time, it will delight you for many years.

Conclusion: Over the course of decades, only the window is perfect, which regularly passes service.

Section II. Technical Directory for Client

Terms that need to know

  • Reinforced glass - Very durable glass, which is difficult to smash. Such effect is achieved due to the well-fused metallic grid.
  • Reinforcing profile - Metal element inside the PVC profile, which gives the window the necessary rigidity.
  • Blocker erroneous opening - Prevents a random opening of the sash in the case when you open it only for ventilation. It is part of the fittings.
  • Valve valve - A device that allows you to air the room without opening the window. It is part of the window, reduces humidity and reduces the likelihood of condensate.
  • Depth profile - The largest size of the cross section of the profile between the facial surfaces. In other words, the width of the window box from the end.
  • Deaf glazing - A window that does not open.
  • Comb - a mechanism that allows you to fix the window sash in various positions.
  • Remote Frame (Spacer) - Serves for separating windows inside the glass package. It can be made of aluminum, galvanized steel or plastic.
  • Closer - Device for smooth closing window or doors without effort.
  • Strained glass - Glass with increased mechanical strength, heat resistance and safety during destruction.
  • Soundproofing windows - Degree of protection against external noise. It depends on the width of the aircases, their number and glass thickness in the double-glazing, as well as from the wall thickness in the PVC profile and the density of the closed flaps.
  • Impost - horizontal or vertical crossbar for separating the window design to pieces.
  • PVC-Profile Camera - Internal profile space filled with air. It largely defines the insulating properties of the profile.
  • Contour seal - The field of adjoining around the perimeter of the window sash formed by the seal and plastic or seal and seal.
  • Coefficient of heat transfer resistance "What is higher, the better the window keeps warm."
  • Lamination profile - Application of the film on the profile of the plastic window to give it the color and textures.
  • Mansard window - A window that is installed in the roof at an angle to the horizontal plane.
  • Microlift. - Part of the window fittings, which does not allow the sash to see.
  • Microwing - Using this feature, the window sash is fixed in a proprietary position to ventilate the room.
  • Concubine - As a rule, a plastic profiled frame framing the door or window opening from the outside in the absence of quarters.
  • Scissors - Element of accessories in frying and swivel-folding structures for fixing a dutched window in the desired position.
  • Slope- Framing of the window from the inside and outside.
  • PVC profile - Hollow plastic form with internal cameras, seals.
  • Profile system - A set of main and additional profiles forming the finished constructive system.
  • Frame- The fixed part of the plastic window, to which the sash is attached.
  • Sash - opening part of the window.
  • Glass windows- Sealed design of 2 or 3 glasses, which occupies the main part of the window. The glass is sealed, and the chambers between the glasses are filled with dyed air or special gas.
  • Triplex- Multilayer glass, consisting by a minimum of 2 glasses glued together. Differs in high strength and good noise protection.
  • False binding (false pad)- a decorative element that passes on the glass and creates a simulation of the window separation into several parts.
  • Transom- Part of the window block is usually the top for airing the room. It opens only in folding mode.
  • French window - Plastic window "To the floor".
  • Furnitura - Handles, Spivenets, locking mechanisms and other devices that provide opening of the sash and their fixation or locking.
  • Sresp - Decorative elements for decorating windows, which are painted in any color and are installed inside the glass.
  • Stocker - Special rack for fixing the glass package in the window.
  • Shlp. - Special profile for the window, in which both sash are opening, and there is no partition between them. It is installed vertically on one of the flaps.
  • Energy Saving Glass - Glass with a special coating, which is characterized by high thermal insulation.
  • Energy saving glass windows - Double-glazed glass, which includes energy-saving glasses and is better than others with the heat in the room.

Selection of high-quality plastic windows

So how do you still choose a high-quality window?

First, you must clearly decide what role there will be a movie, who and how will it be used, that you expect to get after it is installed. For example, from one window overlooking the road, you are waiting for silence, on the windowsill, you plan to break the flower garden on the windowsill. Select the window must be based on such specific tasks.

Secondly, you need to pay attention not only to the quality of components of the windows, but also on who manufacturer. After all, absolutely different windows are obtained from the same profile. And if you get an impeccable product with a large factory, which will serve decades, then the window of the garage workshop "pleases" with a noncainting appearance. Well, his service life causes concerns.

The composition of any window includes 4 elements: profile, double-glazed, fittings. The window without them is like a bike without wheels. Well, and then these basic elements are complemented by a windowsill, a tump, slopes and mosquito net. We will tell about all this now.

What do you need to know when choosing a window profile?

It is the profile that is the main part, and it also defines the main characteristics of the window, including its appearance and service life. The plastic profile takes from 20 to 30% of the window area. It is he who plays the role of a carrier design for the glass package. The profile itself is a hollow plastic form of a complex structure with jumpers, air chambers, drainage channels and seals.

For additional rigidity at the plastic profile there is an internal metal frame.

When choosing a profile, you must pay attention to the number of cameras. As a rule, windows are offered from 3-, 5th 6-chamber profiles. And the more cameras in the profile, the warmer, quieter, thicker and tougher.

For example, if the window comes on a busy road, tram tracks, railroad or is on a windy side, then it is better to use a 6-chamber profile here. If it is a glazed balcony, then there will be a 3-chamber profile.

However, today more and more manufacturers refuse to outdated 3-chamber profile system with a width of 60 mm in favor of more modern. The latter profile width is at least 70 mm, and the number of cameras is 5 or 6.

Many sellers pay attention to the fact that their windows are made from PVC profile made in Germany. But it must be borne in mind that a rather small number of PVC profile manufacturers have a production directly in Germany. For economic considerations, enterprises are often placed in Asia and Eastern Europe. At the same time, it is important to understand that regardless of the country production of PVC profile, be it Germany, Russia or other countries, we are talking about compliance with the technology of production, ensuring consistency of quality. Therefore, when choosing a profile system, you must trust the manufacturer's window company.

What do you need to know when choosing a glass package?

Double-glazed windows takes 70-80% of the entire window area. It is a hermetic design of several glasses located at a distance of each other. The space between them is called the chamber and is filled with special gas or dried air.

Special plastic or aluminum frames are delivered for glasses. It is preferable to choose a plastic separator, since in this case the window becomes warmer.

And remember that the glass vehicle must be hermetic! Only in this case, it becomes a barrier for noise from the street and for heat that seeks to leave your home.

Glass accessories are:

  • standard 1-chamber glass. Its width is 24 mm, consists of 2 glasses. Such double-glazed windows are usually used in unheated rooms, as well as if the window or door goes to a glazed loggia;
  • standard 2-chamber glass. Width 32 mm, it includes 3 glasses. This type is the most popular and applies most often because it has good noise and thermal insulation and affordable price;
  • energy saving double glass. Inside such a glass package is a low-emission energy-saving glass with a special silver layer. It works as a mirror: reflects heat and does not allow him to leave the room. The heat loss of such a glass package compared to the usual reduces almost 2 times;
  • noise glass windows. This is a 2-chamber glass with elevated noise protection. This is achieved by the use of glass of various thickness, various integral distances, as well as the use of special noise-protecting glasses;
  • shockproof, or protective, double-glazed. Such double glazing is often called armored, as the glass here is very difficult to smash. Similar strength gives tempered glass, triplex or film reservation.

Please note: when ordering the window in the contract, the formula of the glass package must be specified. This is how, for example, this formula looks like:


From it you will learn: this is a 2-chamber double-glazed glass with 2 energy-saving glasses and 1 conventional glass of M1 brand, all glass 4 mm thick, 8 mm intercole distances, both interconnect spaces are filled with argon.

What do you need to know when choosing sash?

One of the features of the window is the number of sash and their configuration. For example, in the window there may be several opening flaps or one opening sash and "deaf" part. Another option is two drop-down flaps without a partition between them. In this case, the number of sash and the options for their opening directly affect the cost of the window: the more there are more, the window is more expensive.

Therefore, in plastic windows there are various combinations of sash. So, you can take half the window "deaf", and half - the opening flap. This allows you to wash the window without any problems, while you do not overpay for the second sash.

Windows of the opening method, depending on the fittings used:

  • swivels - with a turn of the sash around the vertical extreme axis;
  • folded - the window opens horizontally, forming a cracking slot;
  • swivel-folding - combining the first two ways to open;
  • sliding - To open the window, the sash must be shifted to the sides, like the wardrobe;
  • folding ("accordion") - the flaps are shifted aside and add up to each other;
  • rotating - window turns around the central axis horizontally or vertical;
  • suspended - with a turn around the upper and extreme axis;
  • lifting - with moving the sash up-down, as in American films.

What do you need to know when choosing accessories?

This is the most imperceptible, but very important element of the window, which is responsible for the entire mechanics. And if the fittings led, then, no matter how high-quality a glass and profile, the sash will soon begin to sign, they will appear with opening and closing, as well as many other "joys".

In the modern PVC window, the mechanisms of fittings are located all over the perimeter of the opening sash. And if the fittings are high-quality, then you practically do not notice it: the window "Listening" to you from the first time, it opens up without effort, it closes and takes the right position for airing.

Perfect fittings adjusts the position of the sash in three planes and on two axes of rotation. She is responsible for how dense the window sash is adjacent to the frame.

At the same time, good accessories are calculated at least 10 thousand opening and closing cycles. Some leading manufacturers are the limit of 60 thousand cycles!

So that fittings really serve so long, it must correspond to several criteria. First, from corrosion it is protected by special coatings. Secondly, high-quality fittings in the role of power elements are exclusively metal parts. Plastic is permissible only for decor.

Choose accessories correctly:

  • in the kitchen, use accessories with a swivel-folding window opening. So you venture the kitchen at any time, the opening window in a couple of seconds and does not remove anything from the windowsill;
  • in the bedroom, we recommend foreseen comb or slotted ventilation. This allows you to fill the room with fresh air, while not starting inside the cold and not to create drafts;
  • in the children's room, when choosing accessories, pay attention to the fact that the handle is with a key or special baby lock. Then the child will not be able to open the window without your knowledge.

What do you need to know when choosing a window sill?

The windowsill at the plastic window can be any. For example, wooden, plastic or stone. The only remark - each type of window sill requires appropriate care, otherwise he will last long.

How to care for one window sill?

Wooden window sills It is impossible to be rich in water, clean with abrasive agents, solvents. Also once every 3-5 years, it is advisable to apply an extra layer of varnish, paints or wax.

Plastic window sills Waterproof and not afraid of sunlight. Such a windowsill is durable, durable and promotes the holding of heat inside the house. It is easily clean and safe for health - he has no pores in which microbes can accumulate.

Stone window sills Can be made of natural or artificial stone. They are most resistant to any impacts, have high strength and do not require maintenance and updates. They are most durable, but also more expensive windowsill from other materials.

What is slopes and flows?

Sucks - Part of the wall adjacent to the windows inside and outside the room. They can be plastered, separated by plasterboard, plastic panels, sandwich panels or ready-to-wear systems.

Low tide Installed from the outside of the window. It is necessary for removing rainwater from the bottom of the window opening. Salves are tiny and with a polymer coating. The last option is more reliable, it is more racks to scratches and rust.

Energy Saving Window - What is the "Beast"?

Imagine: You are traveling to the country, and suddenly do not understand where the nail came on the road on the very basis enters your wheel, like a knife in the oil. Through this small hole in a few minutes from the wheel goes all air.

Similarly, it happens with windows - through this relatively small element from the building "thows out" the main part of the heat. And in the design of any home the window is leading the heat loss.

For example, through the old wooden window from the room takes 55% heat. So, the owner of such a premises is significantly increasing the cost of heating.

Installation of the PVC window reduces heat loss. Even the usual plastic window retains much more heat indoors, rather than wooden. But even greater, and sometimes the colossal savings make it possible to achieve the installation is not just a plastic window, and the PVC windows with an energy-saving double-glazed window.

How to determine how well the window keeps heat indoors?

For this, there is a special coefficient of resistance to the windows of the window - R. It shows how much heat will go through one square meter of the window surface at a given drop drop. Ideally, the value of R must be in the area of \u200b\u200bthe unit, and the lower it is, the more heat will go through the window.

For example, today in new homes, windows with R ≥ 1.0 m2 ° C / W should be installed. To fit this value, the double-glazed glass should include at least 2 energy-saving glass. They are also called i-glasses or low-emission glasses.

Table 1. Comparative parameters of various types of glass windows

Why does I-glass gives warmth to leave your home?

Do you know the saying "Entrance of the ruble, yield two"? I-glass almost also works. It freely misses you solar warmth. But if the heat decides to leave, then with the energy-saving glass it is not so easy.

Such glass selectively skips the waves of different lengths of the infrared range. As a result, it reflects that heat that emit heated indoors, preserving 60-70% of thermal energy!

How to find out about the presence of I-glasses in a double-glazing and the correctness of its location?

Ideally, it is worth using special electronic indicators and devices. But not everyone can get them at their disposal. Therefore, we will now tell me how at home and with the help of prickly funds to determine whether there is an energy-saving glass in a double-blade and whether it is installed correctly.

Suppose you have a window with a 2-chamber glass package. To find out if I-glass is in it, take the usual candle and burn it. Now bring the candle to the inner glass window.

What do you see? Before you 6 flame reflections - one from each of the surfaces of 3 glass windows. The second is reflected purple or blue, and the rest are yellow? So you have an energy-saving glass, and it is right.

How do you save all year round with energy saving glass?

Do you think energy-saving glass is good only in winter when it reduces heating costs? Oaky! It works fine and in the warm season.

In the summer, in the heat, such a glass acts in the opposite direction - reflects long-wave radiation from the heated items from the street. Thanks to this, the room for such double-glazed windows does not overheat.

So it turns out that with I-glasses in the double-glazing you save all year round. In winter - on heating costs. In the summer with such windows you are less likely to include air conditioning, and therefore reduce the bill for electricity.

From Table 1, it can be seen that I-glass is the real savings of your money. After all, even a 1-chamber glass with energy-efficient glass is significantly warmer and more economical for you than a 2-chamber glass with conventional glasses.

Conclusion: Plastic windows with energy-saving double-glazed windows really save your money, while they create comfortable conditions in the house and excellent microclimate. And it is always a good mood and good health with you and your loved ones.

Destroy myths about plastic windows

Myth number 1. Plastic windows are harmful

It is also harmful as the presence in the house of the TV, refrigerator, computer, washing machine, telephone, kettle and other techniques, and even water bottles. After all, the window is made from the same plastic as any electronics, household appliances and dishes. In this case, the safety of PVC windows is repeatedly confirmed by independent tests and research.

Myth number 2. Plastic window - expensive pleasure

Yes, good PVC window is not three kopecks. But this is quite acceptable money, and not the translated numbers that were asked for such windows in the 90s. In addition, wooden windows with similar characteristics and quality will be accurately more expensive than plastic. At the same time, remember that the plastic windows market has long formed and is highly competitive. Therefore, if someone offers you a plastic window much cheaper than others, then it is worth alerting and thinking: what did the manufacturer saved here and where is the trick?

Myth number 3. Wooden windows are better and environmentally friendly plastic

If we talk about the price / quality ratio, then plastic windows have no competitors. Here they are the best, which has long been understood in Europe. Not in vain in the old world about 45% of all windows - plastic. Wooden windows account for 30%, aluminum - 25%. What is before the choice between those or other windows, then it is rather a matter of taste, rather than ecology.

Myth number 4. If there are condensate on the windows, they are defective

The appearance of condensate on the windows is the same normal phenomenon as snowfall in January. It is formed on windows from any material due to the temperature difference inside and outside the room. To get rid of him, just ventilate the room.

Myth number 5. PVC windows do not pass cold

The window is the main source of heat loss of any home. And through it, a large part of the heat leaves it, and the street cold penetrates into the house. But modern plastic window systems, especially with energy efficient glasses, are at times better preserve heat indoors than old wooden windows.

Myth number 6. Plastic profile Over time yellow

High-quality profile does not shine. With its production, special additives are used, which provide the snow-white color of the frame during the entire service life of the window. And the conscientious window seller should give you the appropriate guarantee that your profile will always be as white as Dress Merlin Monroe on the very photo. It happens that small and unknown manufacturers of profiles are saved on these additives. In this case, indeed, after a dozen years under the scorching sun, the frame may lose its primary snow-white look.

Myth number 7. Inside the glass package - Vacuum

Inside the glass - dried air or special gas. Why not a vacuum? Because in this case, the glasses would simply burst due to atmospheric pressure. In addition, air or special gas prevents the formation of condensate inside the glass package. Myth number 8. Install the plastic window is better in the warm season maybe, 15 years ago it was relevant. But modern technologies and materials allow you to highlight the windows at any time of the year.

You do not fit the white window? No problems!

What color are plastic windows? Many give to this question a unambiguous answer: white. And very in vain. In fact, the palette of colors profiles is much richer, here you can embody almost any fantasy and pick up a color for any interior. How? Quite simple.

In order to make the window of the desired color, an appropriate film is pasted on the profile.

At the same time, it not only gives the frame that the color you want, but can imitate the texture of wood, stone, metal. And this imitation is so realistic that on the touch the plastic window, laminated by the film "under the tree", is difficult to distinguish from the wooden one.

True, such a film is applied on special technology and only in factory conditions. Therefore, if you want to install an atypical plastic window, please inform it in advance. And remember that the cost of such windows is about 10-15% and more higher than that of the usual.

How does the profile laminate?

Depending on your needs, the windows manufacturers may offer several options for applying the film to the profile:

  • only from the outside of the profile;
  • only on the inside of the profile;
  • on both sides on a white profile;
  • on both sides and with additional tinting profile.

How to care for laminated plastic window?

There is nothing complicated in caring for this window. In fact, it is even easier than care for the white plastic window. Why?

First, on the color film traces from rain and dust noticeable much worse than on a white frame. Secondly, the traces of the fingers are not visible on such a profile. So it is possible to wash such a profile less often.

How to be if the film scratched or broke?

An annoying situation, but it happens. For example, when permuting the cabinet damaged the film on the balcony door. Nothing wrong. The window will not have to change. Just fill the scratch, if it is deep, wax, and after painting with a special pencil and polish. Frame will be almost like new.

Wooden windows

Today, wooden windows are very popular in the market. But we are not talking about simple wooden windows that everyone is great. And about modern and technological solutions, which in their characteristics are superior to PVC windows. True, they are more expensive. Why choose wooden windows? First, this is a certain style. Secondly, such windows are prestigious. Thirdly, they fit perfectly completely in any interior. Fourth, these windows themselves look "warm" and create an additional comfort in the house. Make such windows of three- or four-layer glued timber. With increasing and decrease in temperature, it is not deformed, so the window geometry is not violated.

The glass is sealed here as in a plastic window. But the frame itself is well "breathing", what the merit of the microstructure of the tree, which does not interfere with the slow air exchange. Why precisely glued bar? A tree is a living material that does not torment to change the form. Take for example any bar cut from an array of wood. Put in the box and forget about him. After some time, get a bar from the box. How? Agree, the primordial bar cannot know. He rushed, twisted a little and crackled in places. Now imagine that it would be a window frame! Therefore, it is recommended to choose windows made of glued timber. In it pieces of a wooden board glued so that they compensate for the voltage of each other. As a result, the bar is not deformed, does not change its linear dimensions, while it is a stronger wood array.

How to choose wooden windows and not mistaken?

The first thing to pay attention to when choosing wooden windows is a manufacturer. The longer it is present on the market, the better. After all, such a firm has sufficient experience, it has the opportunity to use high-quality equipment and new technologies. Why is it important?

The fact is that the quality of the wooden window directly depends on the production technology. Here are extremely important nuances, details and strict adherence to all regulations and rules. In addition, in the production of wooden windows, a hurry is unacceptable, since it is impossible to break the drying technology of raw materials that takes time.

At the same time, many newcomers seek to attract customers by the fact that they offer to make wooden windows cheaper and faster. At the same time, they do not comply with technology and save on many things. But if in the case of plastic windows, the small flaws of such a manufacturer "forgives" the material itself, making them not so noticeable, then with wooden windows this number does not pass. Why?

The wooden window does not give such concerns. Here, even a small retreat from technology promises a complete loss by the window of his consumer characteristics, and for you it will turn into extra costs for subsequent repairs. Therefore, you should not choose wooden windows, but in terms of quality, reliability and reputation of the manufacturer. However, like any other windows.

No less important and the tree from which the window is done. Today the choice is huge: oak, spruce, pine, beech, alder, walnut, chestnut, cherry, Meranti, Sipo, Mahagony and other breeds.

We recommend choosing wooden windows from oak, larch and mahogany breeds - Meranti or Mahagony. Why? Because these trees are a golden middle - they are easy to handle them, they are pretty durable, do not change their appearance and dimensions over time, well absorb noise and hold warm.

Of course, you can choose windows of coniferous rocks. They cost cheaper, but also serve less. The needles are a sufficiently soft wood and is rapidly wear out, in addition, due to the content of resinous substances, poorly prepared wood can change the color and allocate resin.

Another criterion to be taken into account when choosing wooden windows - profile. What he is wider, the warmer and quieter will be at home. We recommend choosing windows from a bar whose thickness is 80 or 90 mm. If you choose a window, for example, from a 68 mm timber, then from winter cold it will protect much worse.

Now the last touch is the inspection of the finished window. He should not have roughness and uneven joints, and the surface of a good window is smooth and silky-smooth.

Tuning for a wooden window

Imagine: on the street there is a wet snow, so so that the ZGI is not visible. After a couple of hours I hit the frost. In the end, ice-crust "has grown" outside on your window. Add permanent snowfall, hail, livne to this. And all this mercilessly falls on your wooden window.

Agree, conditions, to put it mildly, not greenhouse. And over time, all these natural attacks adversely affect the wooden frame - the paintwork is destroyed, which ultimately cause damage to the tree.

To avoid this, a frame can be protected from an outer side with aluminum or plastic. In this case, with the outside of the window, a lining made from plastic or aluminum, which protects the tree from the aggressive environment.

Myths about wooden windows

Myth number 1. Wooden windows are too sensitive to air humidity

As Mark Twain spoke: "Rumors about my death are greatly exaggerated." A tree, of course, responds to moisture. True, in order for it at least somehow influenced the frame, it is necessary that from all sides of the window for 24 hours a day and for 2 weeks there was 80-100 percentage of humidity.

Myth # 2. Wooden windows need to paint times in five years

In the times of Soviet five years, this slogan was faithful. But now the processing technologies and painting wood reached such a level that the paint coating frame if it will need to be updated, oh how soon.

Myth number 3. Room in which wooden windows are installed, do not need to air

It is no secret that wooden windows "breathe". This means that they are passed into the room moisture and air. But only in order to create a comfortable microclimate in it. Therefore, the room with wooden windows should be aircraft in the same way as any other.

Myth number 4. Wooden windows - it is a constant painstaking care

The share of truth is there. Indeed, the wooden window needs to be careful, however, as for any other. Of course, only if you want the window to serve as faith and truth not only to you, but also your children and grandchildren. The care of this is the special service of the window is only 1-2 times a year.

When do you need aluminum windows?

Aluminum is not only the "winged" metal. It is an excellent raw material for the production of windows. True, low sound insulation of aluminum impose a number of restrictions on the use of such windows. And now you will learn about when it is worth installing aluminum windows and what to pay attention to their choice.

First of all, remember that aluminum windows are worse than others to hold heat in the room and protect you from outdoor noise. Therefore, in residential buildings and apartments they are not recommended to be installed without additional insulation. But for loggias, balconies, storage facilities, veranda, industrial objects Aluminum windows are excellent and in the basic version. Why?

Such windows are very durable and durable. They are not terrible corrosion and aggressive external environment. At the same time, they are light, which greatly facilitates transportation and installation, and when installing such windows, there are much more restrictions in comparison with heavier plastic.

In addition, the aluminum window is a champion on the passage of light into the room. After all, due to the peculiarities of the profile, they have a very large area of \u200b\u200bsurface glazing. At the same time, the aluminum profile itself is quite thin and adds an additional elegance window.

Another 7 advantages of aluminum windows

  • Such windows are ideal for premises with a large area of \u200b\u200bglazing, such as office, warehouse, industrial buildings.
  • They do not require special care.
  • The design of aluminum windows can be almost any, which makes it possible to emphasize the unique style of the building.
  • Aluminum profile is maintainable.
  • The profile color is limited only by your fantasy.
  • Aluminum windows are not burning.

True, there are aluminum windows and cons. In addition to the already mentioned low heat and soundproof properties, such windows are more expensive than similar from PVC

Indoors with aluminum windows cold?

Of course not. It all depends on the task. For example, if you put an aluminum window to the room where heat should be, then there will be heat, even if outside the window -30 ° C. But for this you need to know some features of these windows.

First, aluminum windows are "cold" and "warm." "Cold" are used in unheated premises or serve as partitions, they are used for glazing balconies and loggias.

"Warm" windows are used where there is heating and should be warm. And with their task they copes well.

What is "warm" aluminum windows differ from "cold"?

The first to better hold the heat is slightly improved. They have a glass-filled polyamide, which keep warm.

How to make an aluminum window is still warmer?

There are windows that are called aluminum-wooden. This is a combination of "warm" aluminum profile and wooden decorative linings. The latter are made of valuable wood species and are installed on the inside of the frame. What is interesting, this decision is one of the best both in terms of practicality and prestige. Why?

First, you get a unpretentious and reliable window to which almost nothing is scary and which requires a minimum of attention. Secondly, inside the house your window looks like a wooden one. In this case, the lining on the frame is not only decorative elements. They are quite thick, their natural wood of valuable breeds are made and significantly increase the thermal insulation of the window.

What do you need to know when choosing aluminum windows?

  • The 3-chamber design of the profile with a special thermal master provides the best thermal insulation of the window, higher strength and reliability.
  • Aluminum windows from a cold profile without a thermal master of cheaper plastic, but they are not intended for heated premises. Aluminum windows from a "warm" profile with a thermal master - warm, and they are more expensive than plastic.
  • The aluminum profile consists of conventional window elements: frame profile, profile for sash, expostess profile, shill profile, stroke.
  • Aluminum windows and doors are insensitive to large temperatures.
  • For glazing complex and large opening, a special facade aluminum profile is used.

1. Carefully examine the manufacturer of the windows that you liked

Use for this, such as the Internet. What should be paid attention to first? First, to the reputation of the company. Associated, on experience and how long it works. Third, the presence of all necessary certificates.

Remember. The Internet is a great storage of different information. And it is necessary to relate to it with a certain degree of confidence. Information on sites is often placed without censorship and can be both truthful and unreliable. Up to the fact that there were cases of intentional placement by competitors of the discustering reputation company information.

2. Arrange the Seller windows "Interrogation with Prestrays"

Feel free to ask all your questions. First of all, find out the following:

  • Who and how will it install the window?
  • What materials will be used when installing?
  • Will the sealing tapes be used and vaporizolation?
  • What glassmaker and profile will be used in the production of your window?
  • How many cameras in the profile and who produces it?
  • Who and where does the window produces?
  • What exactly is in the installation of the window?

If the manufacturer is large and conscientiously doing its work, then you will receive comprehensive answers to these questions. Moreover, most likely, you will learn even more than asked. Well, if the company is sewn from replies, it is unlikely to have a deal with her.

3. Fear companies that begin to actively "sneeze" the window, even without listening to you

After all, you already know that each window should solve a certain task. And if the manufacturer did not listen to you, then such a window will not solve this window.

Also carefully examine the certificates on the windows, certificates for components from which the windows are made, and the certificate of installation. Carefully examine product samples. All this should be in the office of any serious firm.

5. Find out which projects have already implemented a company and where you can see examples of its work.

The seller can tell you about your products for a long time, but it is better to see once to hear than seven times. "

6. Before you make an order, learn prices for similar offers from other companies.

If you offered the price below the average, then do not rush to make an order. After all, it's time for super-profits on the window market, and everyone works with a relatively low rate of profit. If you are offered a suspiciously cheap window, then this is not good. After all, on something, the manufacturer saved, and this something will then leave you sideways.

7. Do not rush to agree on various promotions, discounts, gifts, for example, such as interest-free installments, free installation, third window as a gift

First, check with what exactly the "freebie". Secondly, carefully examine this proposal, in order not to have underwater stones in it. Thirdly, check how many similar work stands in other companies: it is possible that the "third window as a gift" is already included in the price of the first two.

8. Read the contract carefully

Here, as with a loan, I ran quickly with my eyes, did not read what small fonts, and after received the transcendental interest, the disadvantageous conditions that you did not prevent you and other "joy." Therefore, with addiction to study each contract item. Especially the one where we are talking about warranty obligations, maintenance and repair of the window.

9. Require a check to your contract!

Work without a check is a double risk. First, it is a sign of handicraft production with a violation of technology and the use of poor-quality components. Secondly, it happens that without a check you can not protect your rights and you can lose guarantees on your window.

10. Three times check what guarantee gives the windows manufacturer

It must be the most complete, detailed and without items that can be interpreted in two ways.

11. If you are offered the installation of windows "turnkey", remember that by buying this service, you have no longer pay extra

After all, it includes delivery, climbing on the floor, dismantling the old and installation of a new window, decoration of slopes. All this should be reflected in the contract.

Remember! The contract without a check, as well as a check without a contract, is not a complete confirmation of what your order is legally correct. And if you give one document and do not give the second - this is a reason for doubt, because There may be a situation that when a year-two will be held and you call the "adjust the window", the phone number will not respond or you will simply refuse the service. And at this time, this mountain-producer already under a different name will tell the new client, which "good" windows have.

How are unscrupulous manufacturers save on the window and what is it fraught with?

Do you know what is common in the plastic window and good shoes? And there, and there the quality can not cost cheaply, and the expression "miser pays twice" is true more than ever.

Imagine: There are cool brand italian boots, and there seems to be exactly the same, but a typical Chinese fake. You chose the first, and the neighbor is the second.

As a result, the neighbor has already started to move the sole after a month, and it suffered a repair shoes. After half a year he threw his supposedly Italian shoes and went for new. You do not know for several seasons for care for high-quality shoes.

So with windows. Bought a reliable, high-quality product made in all the rules - you won't know the trouble. We decided to save and chose a cheap analogue - be prepared for unexpected "headaches", spent on repair and spoiled mood. And then the full replacement to the new window.

What exactly can be saved in the production of a plastic window to lure you low price? Now learn.

Savings on the reinforcing profile

This is an element that gives the plastic profile the desired rigidity. In order to save it, it can "start" not all over the perimeter of the frame and sash, but only in those places where the sash is attached to the frame, and where the frame itself is attached to the wall. All this leads to deformation of the window, its displacement, disruption of sealing, etc.

Saving on fittings

It would seem a trifle, but this is one of the most common techniques of savings. Here you instead of high-quality German fittings, which is faithfully served by decades, put a cheap analogue. As a result, be prepared for fast problems with the opening of the window, the "tight" handle, blowing and even a possible separation of the frame of the frame.

Saving on PVC profile

Save sophisticated, but it meets - use in one window of different profiles. It's like one "almost new" car collected by craftsmen of three broken cars. It seems that everything seems to be not bad, but during operation he does not please. So the window-designer. The poor-quality profile in it will yellow, and when the sun is in the sun, it can also begin to smell unpleasantly, highlighting harmful substances.

Savings on seals

They are located in the framework of the frame, sash, stroke and glass. Their task is to ensure a dense fit of all the elements of the window to each other, eliminate the purge and entering water. And some "Masters" manage to save here.

Saving on a glass-paste

In order to save you, you can install a 1-chamber glass package, although 2-chamber is required for the Belarusian climate. As a result, in the offseason, such a window will begin to "cry", in winter you will freeze with it. In addition, the risk of fungus and mold appeared with this window.

Look inside the glass package. See there an aluminum frame with perforation between glasses? It is filled with molecular sieve, which absorbs residual moisture and protects glass from fogging. If you fall asleep less or not to pour at all, the cost of the window will decrease! True, and fogging such glass will be so that you do not envy.

And this is not all the focus with the glass. On the perimeter, it is poured by two-component polyurethane sealant. Yes, it is an expensive sealant, but such a technology.

True, some manufacturers are guided by the principle: "The rules exist in disrupting them." As a result, they change the polyurethane sealant to the usual silicone, which over time can lead to depressurization of the glass unit.

Saving on fasteners

When installing windows you need to use a specific number of fasteners. There are quite a lot of them, and here there is where to raise "economists". For example, even if doubled the number of fasteners, then the window will be kept in the wall. True, almost on honest words.

Savings on sealing joints

No matter how accurately measurement, but the gap between the frame and the wall, albeit small, is always. To provide silence and warmth in the house, this joint must be filled with high-quality mounting foam. But foam foam is mnit, so maneuver for saving here is big.

Savings on waterproofing

Mounting foam, which fill all joints, should not be visible, as it is destroyed under the action of moisture and the sun. Therefore, outside the foam is always protected by waterproofing tapes, and from the inside - vapor insulation. After finishing the slopes, it is impossible to determine the presence of these tapes, so unscrupulous installers do not like to save here.

Covar window traps in new buildings

Do you know where "patient corn" of most modern new buildings, especially economy class? This is the windows. Often they do not withstand a three-year warranty period, namely such a guarantee, as a rule, give windows in new buildings. They begin to eat fittings, and the Siphonite window itself. Although everything seems to be fine. Why is this happening?

One of the main goals of developers is to reduce the maintenance to make it easier to make housing is more affordable. As a result, the price factor when choosing a window producer comes to the fore. And, as you already know, a high-quality window cannot cost three kopecks.

To win tenders, many manufacturers go on tricks and reduce the price of windows in various ways. At the same time, naturally, all the guests are matching. But the trouble is that not all technical parameters of the windows are written in detail in the gtales. So the window can be Gustovo, but at the same time its quality will be, to put it mildly, not at the height.

For example, in Guest, it is written that the profile must have a reinforcing profile in the PVC. In this case, its thickness is not specified. Do you think the manufacturer will set a fine reinforcing profile to reduce the price of the windows and win the tender? After all, GOST and so will be observed.

Another popular way to reduce the cost of windows and win the tender is the use of cheap fittings and low-quality glass. As a result, the window is also obtained, which formally corresponds to GOST. But do you need such a window?

And these are still flowers! Berries begin when in new buildings saved on the installation of windows. For this, for example, the number of fastening elements is greatly reduced, steam-insulating tapes are not used, the window is not sealed enough to foam or use low-quality foam, etc.

Therefore, it is not surprising that many new buildings immediately change plastic windows to new ones. As a result, it turns out that they pay twice for the same window: the first time when buying an apartment, the second time - when settling and replacing the standard window with its own, high-quality and reliable. Do you also want to pay twice for the windows?

If not, we will give you one advice. When choosing an apartment, immediately find out the developer, which windows will be installed in it, and the "interrogation with the addiction". And if it turns out that you have decided to put the simplest windows from low-cost materials, then insist that you choose the firm for installing windows.

If you can not choose the manufacturer of the windows yourself, then when accepting an apartment, pay them high attention. Inspect all window items and check the quality of their installation. This will avoid an obvious marriage.

What trouble can occur with the window and how to eliminate them?


Most often it happens due to the exhaust seal or poor installation. "It is treated" enough simple - adjusting accessories, replacing the seal or installing special repair seals, which cover the gaps.

The appearance of moisture inside the glass package between the glasses

If you observe this phenomenon, then the tightness of the glass package was disturbed. Along this trouble can only be completely replaced by a depressive glass package. Remember: Only the double-glazed glass changes, but not all the window.

Focusing glass package

It happens that the glasses are fisted on the side of the room, even with permissible humidity. This suggests that the window uses an incompetent glass.

It is enough to replace the new one, which is made of energy-saving glasses and is filled with inert gas. As a result, you will forget about fogging.

The handle became tight and began to creak

Indicates problems with accessories. If you encountered such a phenomenon, you need to reinstall the fittings, its maintenance and lubrication.

When opening the sash clings to the frame, the window does not close the window

First, in this case, it is necessary to remove the double-glazed window from the sash and reinstall it. Secondly, the masters should carefully inspect the fittings and make it adjust.

Blowing windows from the side of the slope or the windowsill

If you encountered such a phenomenon, it only testifies only to one thing - on the installation of your window saved. The only reliable way to get rid of the purge is a complete re-editing of the window.

Did you find several such unpleasant phenomena in your window? Then, with a probability of 99%, we can argue that you can only eliminate them only with a complete replacement of the window to a new one, created taking into account all technological advances.

Our readers

This book was created for a wide range of readers. But, of course, her window production professionals will also read it. We ask for forgiveness from our colleagues for telling about the offline of the window business, about the secrets of savings, the tricks of unscrupulous manufacturers. But not today, tomorrow, not we, so someone else had to tell about it. And we took this mission. If you have a sufficient content to our book, contact us and we will definitely take them into account in the next book.


Group of Companies "Excellent Windows" thanks for participating in the preparation of materials for the book Belarusian and foreign companies:

  • SOOO "Window-Invest" - the leading manufacturer of windows from PVC in the CIS;
  • SOOO "NORD HAUZ BAU" - a company offering a large selection of wooden, PVC and aluminum windows from exclusive materials of the highest quality level;
  • Bawaria Window System - Bawaria profile supplier in the CIS;
  • representation of the company G-U Gretsch-Unitas GmbH - the leading global fittings manufacturer for windows;
  • Ege Gmbh. - one of the leading manufacturers of PVC windows, wood and aluminum on the territory of Germany;
  • magazine "Window Market" - the largest sectoral journal in the territory of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation, covering the topic of various translucent structures;
  • representation of Profine GmbH in RB - leading European manufacturer of PVC profiles;
  • representation of Schuco GmbH in RB - the leading global manufacturer of aluminum profiles;
  • representative office of Guardian Industries in RB- leading global glass produce;
  • representation of Wurth in the Republic of Belarus Company IP "Vürtbel" - the leading supplier of fasteners and construction tools;
  • Department of Energy Efficiency State Committee on Standardization of the Republic of Belarus.

Weekend book

Compiler N. V. Emelyanova
7 errors when choosing windows, or let's talk / Compiler N. V. Emelyanova. - Minsk: "Art Prestige media group, 2013 - 36 p.

UDC 692.82 (035) BBK 38.46Я22

ISBN 978-985-6473-89-3.

© N. V. Emelyanova, Drawing up, 2013
© Registration: LLC "Media group" Art Prestige ", 2013

Reference edition
"7 Errors when choosing windows, or let's talk"

  • Compiler: Emelyanova Natalia Vasilyevna
  • Editor N. V. Emelyanova
  • Computer design and layout D. V. Chernyshevich
  • Corrector I. A. Vorontsova

Signed in print 22.08. 2013 format 60 × 90 1/8. Molded paper. Print offset. Ud. l. 4.5

Plastic windows have long and firmly displaced. Newspapers and bulletin boards today literally die offerings from different manufacturers. In such a gluable market, it is difficult, and often consumers are oriented at the lowest prices and attractiveness of advertising. The fallacy of this approach declares itself in the first winter, when there are drafts, warming up, and the glasses begin to sweat. You should not repeat the errors of thousands of users - the selection of plastic windows should be done deliberately. Small knowledge of the theory will help to understand what kind of design will be preferable in a particular home or apartment.

№1. Design of plastic windows

To properly focus on the market of a certain product, you need to know from what and how it is manufactured. The main elements of the plastic window design are frame, sash, fittings, seal and stroke. Rama and sash consist of a plastic profile reinforced with a steel profile.

Frame is the basis of the structureinstalled in the window opening. Rama profile Consists of several cameras, each of which has its own purpose: for the condensate removal, the placement of the reinforcing strip, fixing the fittings, etc. Glass windows It occupies the main part of the design of the plastic window, is kept thanks to hidden staps. To give the tightness of the design used seals. An important role is played by accessories, the quality of which largely depends the durability and reliability.

Due to the design features, the plastic window receives several advantages, among which it is worth noting compared to conventional wooden windows, high level and protection from.

№2. What should be the profile?

The profile made from PVC is obtained harmless, pretty and resistant to different chemicals, but plastic would not resist serious deformations and temperature drops, so additionally profile reinforced Steel. Metal thickness should not be less than 1.4 mm: The thicker will be a metal insertion, the less heavy glass can be installed. The profile must be reinforced only by galvanized steel.

Quality plastic It has a homogeneous color, smooth and without graininess, the surface does not have odors. Pay attention to the surface type: Matte plastic will literally absorb contaminants, which will be almost impossible to eliminate from the surface. Glossy plastic, even the most inexpensive, will much more convenient in operation. The high-quality profile is quite durable and calmly must withstand 50-60 years of operation.

Number 3. Thickness and profile width

Under thickness profile usually understand the thickness of plastic profile. From this parameter, first of all, the strength and mechanical stability of the material depends. IN depending on the thickness of the external and internal walls of the profile It is divided into three classes:

  • class A.it assumes the thickness of the outer walls from 2.8 mm and the thickness of the inner walls from 2.5 mm. The European standards are those windows in which the thickness of the outer walls of the profile exceeds 3 mm. Exactly such structures can be installed in residential areas.;
  • classB.. This profile has an outer walls with a thickness of 2.5 mm and the internal thickness of 2 mm. Such structures are not so durable, worse hold heat and not well protected from noise, so they can only be installed in non-residential premises;
  • class S.. This includes profiles that do not meet the requirements of previous classes. Today, such structures are practically not used.

Another important design profile parameter - width, or mounting depth. This parameter is in any way can not be less than 50 mmAnd for normal operation, the window should be 58-70 mm, because then the requirements for the heat and sound insulation of the room will be observed. For the most noisy and cold areas, profiles are suitable with a greater thickness that can achieve even 130 mm.

№4. Number of profile aircraft

The profile inside consists of several cavities, so-called cameras that should not be confused with glass chambers. Profile camera is a cavity stretched on its entire length and filled with air or reinforcing material. In the number of such cavities, 2-, 3-, 4 and even 8-chamber profiles are isolated, but the greatest popularity got 3- and 5-chamber structures. As a rule, manufacturers allow you to look inside the profile, demonstrating their products in the context and showing the design features of the chambers.

With an increase in the number of cameras, the characteristics of the material of the profile increase. If the 3-chamber profile is perfect for the windows that go to the south in a quiet courtyard, then the 5-chamber will be indispensable for the windows that come out the northern side or to the noisy route.

№5. Number of glass chambers

The glass windows, the lighting part of the window, consists of two and more glass, the space between which is filled with inert gas air. The camera is called space between two glasses.

Single-chamber glass windows Find use in quiet areas with a mild climate. We use the greatest demand two-chamber double-glazed windowswho perfectly quench street noise and allow you to maintain an optimal temperature in the room. To maximize noise protection, it is recommended to choose double-glazed windows in which space between glasses has different thickness. It is even better if the inner glass will be thinner than others, which will ensure maximum noise insulation.

You can find on sale double-glazed windows and with lots of cameras - 3 and even 4. But it should be borne in mind that the more double-glazed windows in the design, the greater its total weight, and even more so reliable and strong accessories should be.

№6. Glass type in a double-glazing

The quality of the glass matters no less important than the number of glass chambers. Today manufacturers can use such types of glass, as:

  • float glass. The technology of its manufacture allows you to get exclusively evenly and completely the same glass thickness, which has increased transparency;
  • triplex, or laminated glass. Such glasses consist of several layers of glasses, each of which is laminated by a film or a special liquid. Due to this, the material gets additional strength and hack resistance, it is difficult to break it, and even when damaged, such glass does not leave sharp fragments. Moreover, the triplex will more reliably protect the apartment from noise;
  • selective glass Covered in the process of manufacture or after it in vacuum with special substances that pass long-wave radiation, but delay shortwave, allowing winter to keep warm air to the apartment as much as possible, and do not let the heat. Selective glass can be two types: i-glassesthey have a spraying of silver ions, have high efficiency and excellent translucency, but are afraid of atmospheric influences, because they can only be used from the inside. Unlike them k-glass more resistant to external negative impacts, but have several lower efficiency;

    It is also worth paying attention to method for adjusting ventilationwhich can be automatic, manual or mixed. Automatic regulation Valve valve is ensured by the presence of a hygrorgulation sensor, which is responsible for tracking the level of humidity in the room. The ventilation control process itself is ensured by changing the cross section of the passage valve, which in certain cases can be closed at all. Similarly, it is possible to reduce the heat loss of the room as much as possible, because the air from the street will be admitted only when humidity increases in the room, for example, with a large number of people. For manual setting The user will have to decide independently when performing ventilation, and when not. This setting is coarsable.

    It is worth noting that sometimes the ventilation valves are installed not in the window structure itself, and in the wall near the window. Such an option will require much more serious time and effort.

    №10. Plastic window opening method

    There are several basic window design options:

    №11. Accessories for plastic window

    Whatever high-quality double-glazed windows or window profiles, when using cheap unreliable fittings, the whole design after a few months after use will lose its previous characteristics. To withstand the high weight of the glass package, the window sangs should be very durable and reliable.

    Pens - Another weak place, and often they are smashed. Owners of plastic windows can also call a lot of problems with which they encountered during the operation of these design, many of them related to the accessories. Of all this, we draw conclusions that even such trifles, which at first glance are handles and loops, you need to pay maximum attention.

    Today, windows manufacturers offer a lot of different versions of the elements of fittings. Window fittings are handles, locks, constipation, latches. The people love even the ventilation valves, and, but they are not fittings.


    Used several times a day, therefore should be particularly durable. The handles differ not only on the material of manufacture and color, but also by functions:


    The main thing is that the hinges are made of durable material and kept the weight of the glass. By the method of installing the loop can be such species:

    Castles and blocks

    All sorts of locks and blockers are an optional design element, but if you live on the first floor and fear hacking, or you are afraid that the child can open the window and fall out of it, then you should install additional accessories on the window:

    №12. Required trivia for windows

    By installing a plastic window, you should not save on trifles - it will not bring great benefits. It will be much more reasonable to provide a design with everything necessary that its operation is the most durable and comfortable.

    What kind of necessary elements need to add a plastic window? Among the most important:

    №13. Design of plastic window

    We are accustomed to standard plastic windows in white frames, but more and much more design options. Here are just the main techniques that are used to give the window of an individual style:

    • lamination frame film allows you to make a profile under the wood of any breed;
    • decorative layout - dividing the window on the zones, often rectangular, but can be triangular and rounded. They not only adorn the design, but also make it stronger;
    • toning glass will give the room a unique shade, it will reduce the impact of ultraviolet rays, and it will be difficult for a stranger to consider what happens outside the window;
    • stained Room on glass;
    • smart glass Changes the degree of transparency depending on the illumination. This happens under the influence of electric current. While this solution is rarely used, but this is an excellent alternative to the usual;
    • decorative triplex - This is not only protection and additional safety, but also the opportunity to make the interior unique. Through the use of layers of glass of different transparency and with a certain pattern, you can achieve the most incredible results;
    • mirror glass Protect from prying eyes and sunlight.

    It is worth noting that plastic windows can be not only a rectangular shape, but also oval, arched, etc.

    №14. What manufacturers can you trust?

    Today, dozens and even hundreds of firms are engaged in the production of plastic windows, but not everyone do their job in good faith. Let us dwell on the largest manufacturers who have proven themselves in the domestic market quality, durable and durable products.

    German companywhich has become not just the industry leader, but synonymous quality. The first production arose in Berlin in 1980, and then the company was a pioneer in the field of high-performance extrusion. In a short time, the manufacturer won trust both in Germany and throughout Europe, and in 1995 he was published on the domestic market. The demand for plastic windows of the manufacturer was so high that it was decided to open two plants in Russia: One in Khabarovsk, the other - in Voskresensk not far from Moscow. In Russian factories, German technology and quality control are fully observed, so the windows are identical to all indicators, which confirm various tests.

    Moreover, the company's engineers participated in the preparation of guests on plastic windows, and these documents are accompanied by drawings of the windows of the Kve, and this means that the manufacturer's windows have become a domestic standard. Designs, indeed, very high quality, durable and thoughtful in all respects, but also cost much.


    Swiss company
    Since 1948, it is faithful to its philosophy for creating solutions for minimum power consumption. The production of windows and doors is the basis of the company's activities. Here you try to constantly improve the design to achieve increasingly high heat and sound insulation. Today, Rehau windows - some of the best in Europe and the world. They are able to confront even the most striking frost, winds and abundant sediments, being protection is not worse than the brick wall. For example, a window with a 6-chamber profile and a depth of 86 mm replaces the brick wall with a thickness of 1.3 m. The company's products are distinguished by a wide range, frost resistance and environmental friendliness. Excellent choice for harsh domestic climatic conditions! True, and pay a lot.


    it german companyexisting since 1969. Today it is one of the world leaders in the production of plastic windows and doors. The manufacturer has a huge research center, whose employees constantly work on improving the designs of windows and manufacturing technology.

    Today, dozens of the company's plants work in different countries almost all continents, but everywhere activities are carried out under the close control of employees of the main office of the enterprise. VEKA windows production is carried out in Russiathat allows domestic buyers to receive quality goods at a more favorable price. The windows of the manufacturer are experiencing any climatic conditions and loads: from winter in the extreme north to high humidity and strong wind loads.

    This company the first in the world presented plastic windows, invented multi-chamber profiles, coexoded acrylic coatings, proposed a lot of unique methods of decorative profile design. It all started in 1895 with the creation of "Dynamit Nobel". The concern produced explosives and artificial materials. After numerous transformations in 1954, TROCAL appearedwhich introduced the world the first plastic window. All subsequent years were noted by constant new developments, the introduction of innovative technologies. The result was the popularity of company products worldwide.

    Today the company is paying great importance to producing not just a high-quality and durable window, but also completely safe for health. Assortment of various designs is huge, there is a production in RussiaMade several valuable developments for the production of windows specifically for our market.

    This german company Formed in 2002 as a result of the merger of two well-known manufacturers of the PVC profile: Salamander and Brügmann companies. Salamander is known as the largest manufacturer. The search for new materials for its production eventually resulted in the creation of PVC profiles. Since then, a lot of innovative ideas have been born in the walls of the company, which conquered the whole world. Products today are produced in many countries, incl. and in Russia. In domestic factories, modern German equipment is used, there is strict quality control.

    The company operates since 1951 in Germany. Today, the factories and representation of the company are located worldwide, and the products have become a symbol of high quality, because it meets the most stringent requirements in terms of design, safety, comfort and energy efficiency. Products are developed taking into account the characteristics of various climatic zones, which is widely popular in different countries of the world. The company's products value for its ideal execution, the highest quality and record durability.

    One more german companyengaged in the production of PVC systems for windows. She regularly enters world rankings of the best in their field. For more than 75 years of existence, the company has conquered more than 90 countries, its factories are in 19 countries. Russia has a wide network of representative offices of the company. The manufacturer offers several types of profile systems with different widths and constructive features, which allows you to find the perfect solution for the home located in any climatic conditions.

    This is a lead domestic manufacturer of plastic windowswhich has been working since 1999 and uses Austrian technology. The company is constantly expanding production, introduces new technologies, introduces new models and structures. Since the manufacturer uses the best world experience and adapts structures under domestic conditions, plastic windows come out reliable, durable, they have excellent performance and are inexpensive. The network of representative offices across the country is very broad, there are special training centers, where they are engaged in the proper installation of structures, which is equally important than high-quality production.

    Domestic manufacturer
    Plastic windows appearing in the market since 2000. Immediately modern Austrian equipment was purchased, thanks to which the company was able to produce high-quality products and sell it at low prices, since there were no transportation costs. Today, there are 4 manufacturer plants throughout the country, which produce windows in a large assortment.

    In conclusion

    Since the plastic window is installed on a sufficiently long period of time, it makes sense to pay the time to study the features of the design, familiarize with the products of different manufacturers in order to select the ideal window on this basis.

Plastic windows have long been and firmly entered our lives. The market of "plastic" is oversaturated, and newspapers and magazines are faster by the ads of window and doors manufacturers. To win customers of the company offer a variety of discounts and bonuses, and most consumers make their choice in favor of a particular company based, mainly on the profitability of a particular offer. The result of such a strategy is not visible immediately, as a rule, a bouquet of problems begins to flourish along with the arrival of cold weather. The windows begin to sweat, injections can appear at the junction of the box and sash, and later several months return the drafts, despite all the assurances of the "tightness" of the window.

Today we will give a few tips on how to choose the right plastic window and what, first of all, you need to pay attention to that later it does not "painfully hurt."

Profile Manufacturer

Despite the fact that many plants for the manufacture of "domestic" plastic profile for windows have been launched in Russia, its quality often leaves much to be desired. This is not even with technology - it is copied by world leaders in this area, and in the peculiarities of Russian mentality and methods of work. An assistance to "maybe" and the desire to save on everything, on which it is possible (after all, competition in the market is very high), it affects the end consumers. Therefore, with a financial ability to choose proven manufacturers, the same German original Rehau. The quality of this profile speaks by itself - the very first windows of it, installed in Russia over 10 years ago, have not yet lost their quality or appearance.

Profile rigidity - reinforcing elements

Inside each plastic window is a reinforcing belt from a metal profile. It is intended to keep the window "within" during seasonal fluctuations in temperature. Many manufacturers also save on this, without considering Russian realities, because in many areas the temperature can vary from -30 ° C in winter to + 40 ° C in the summer in the shade. In such extreme conditions, steel insert in the plastic profile must be in all elements of the window and its thickness should be at least 1.5 mm. Only then the window will not significantly deform, which will provide a long service life and the absence of drafts.

Plastic type

Low-quality profiles are sometimes made of plastic with a matte surface. Know that such a plastic literally absorbs dirt and drop it is very difficult even with the use of special care products for plastic windows. And they also stand very weekly.

At the same time, glossy plastic, not even the most expensive, much less susceptible to dirt and is easily washed. Yes, and it looks much better.

Double-glazed windows - single-chamber or two-chamber?

If you live in a noisy area, or just your window goes to the motorway - we advise not to skip and order a two-chamber glass. It will come out somewhat more expensive, but it is worth it - the noise will be frightened much more efficient and heat loss will be less. Many understand the two-chamber glass windows as a double-glazed glass with two stools, but it is not. This package has three glasses between which there are two air chambers. A package with two stalks creates only one chamber and is called a single-chamber.

Note - for the best noise suppression, the distance between the glasses in a two-chamber windshop must be different, that is, metal spacers inside the package must be of different thickness. Ideally, the inner glass should be slightly thinner than the outer - this will allow to reduce the noise even more.

One nuance - because of the greater weight of the two-chamber glass package, not any fitness is capable of withstanding the weight of the opening sash for a long time without displacements. Therefore, for the choice of fittings, come especially carefully.

Heat-reflecting glass

Double-glazed windows are usually collected from standard float glass - it is a glass of increased transparency. However, if you care about the energy efficiency of your home, you can choose a special energy-saving glass. Sometimes it is also called to-glass or IR glass. It differs from the usual special coating, which reflects the infrared range of waves, that is, heat. Thus, in winter, the heat from your room will not go outside, and in the summer, on the contrary - heat from sunlight will be significantly weakened by the IR glass coating.

Of course, such a glass is more expensive than usual, but also comfort in a house with such windows is much higher.

Ventilation with plastic windows

Ventilation is one of the main problems that get up to the owner of plastic windows. According to the old gtostas, the influx of fresh air in the houses was envisaged through looseness in window frames and entrance doors. Therefore, you will not find in the usual apartment of the supply ventilation, there is only a hood - as a rule in a bathroom and in the kitchen.

Plastic window corresponds to completely different standards. Properly installed and fitted it provides hermetic isolation from the street. And the disadvantages of this are familiar, perhaps, everyone who has changed their old wooden windows on the new plastic - windows sweat, the air in the house becomes "wedge" and stuffy.

Outputs can be several. The easiest and most common is the possibility of folding the sash with the adjustment of the gap - thus you can adjust the stream of fresh air. In addition, there are micronizing systems and even special supply valves that are crashed directly into the box box. However, all these options are technologically distinguished depending on the profile and accessories manufacturer, so this question must be found in place.

The advice from personal experience is not worth putting a car valve type Aereco. It is convenient only in the off-season, in the summer there is not enough opportunities - you have to open the sash for better ventilation, and for the Russian winter it does not suit at all. Even with intermediate warming spacers, the valve quickly fluctuates with a decrease in the external temperature below -5 ° C, is covered with ice and in the future it overgrown with mold. If you need a constant ventilation - select a similar system that provides heat recovery, that is, heating the incoming cold air from the street due to the outgoing warm. And remember that if you decide to install a mortise valve - the frame will be hopelessly corrupted and simply remove the valve in the future it will not work - the hole will need to close something, warm and seal.


The accessories on the right can be called the most important part of the window, since it is she constantly holding the sash in the desired position, provides a hermetic dense adjacent, no cracks and even the security features of the window.

Cheap low-quality fittings on a double glazing furniture are guaranteed problems after six months after installation. Bad accessories does not withstand the weight of the heavy flap with three stalks, the sash gradually falls over the side and even the possibility of adjustment, built into the fitness itself, do not save the position.

In addition, poor-quality accessories are unable to evenly and tightly press the sash to the windows frame. As a result, the gaps and old "good" drafts appear. The only plus in this is the emergence of natural ventilation, but hardly you will greatly please such a "plus" ...

Do not save on trifles

If the need for a window sill is understandable to everyone, then on the other "trifles", like sings, mosquito nets and high-quality slopes, many are trying to save. As practice shows, savings are now turning extra much greater expenditure in the future.

Without waterfront, the rain will fall into the jack of the junction between the window and the wall, destroying the mounting foam (and it absorbs the water as a sponge) and the material of the walls (especially in winter). It does not seem so much need, but exactly until the moment, the mosquitoes and moshcar will not be woken up and you will repeat the fact that they have not installed this grid immediately.

Quality plastic slopes - harsh necessity. Considering that, as a rule, the plastic window is installed with the maximum removal of the outside, then as a result of the displacement of the dew point, constant fogging begins not only the window itself, but also of slopes. And where humidity is there and mold. The slopes made by treasure, especially with the use of hygroscopic materials such as plasterboard, planted on the installation foam, "bloom" in the first winter. And to maintain a normal appearance in the future, you will have to soak their antiseptic a couple of times a year, to scrape the time for the mold, put the affected areas and digest ...

Seal - Another trifle, which should not be overlooked. Standard black seal is made on the basis of rubber and has the "dub" property at low temperatures, forming looseness and cracks. Many firms offer a white or transparent elastomer-based seal as an alternative - it is though more expensive, but much less referred to the temperature regime and has a longer service life. And in any case, do not forget for the winter to lubricate the entire seal or special composition, which recommends the manufacturer or silicone oil.

Installation of plastic windows

Many believe that there are no difficulties in the installation of the plastic window. Indeed, what is there to drill a few holes in the wall, fasten with screws and then pour all the mounting foam? But the devil lies in the details and professional installers perfectly know it, but it is unlikely that you will give you all the secrets of your business.

Important moment when installing the window - adherence to all the trifles. There is a special GOST 30971-2002 "Sewage mounting nodes of window blocks of window blocks to wall openings", in which it is described in detail how to properly install the window of the window into the window opening. Installation seam should consist of three layers:

  1. outdoor waterproofing, but vapor-permeable;
  2. central heat-insulating;
  3. internal vaporizolation.

Most installers do not follow this GOST, trying to save at this stage, because the installation is included in the price of the window. However, we strongly advise you to find a firm in your city that performs installation in strict accordance with this GOST, it will not significantly increase your expenses, but will provide really high-quality work. And then your window will stand for many years, pleaseing you with your appearance and operational characteristics!

4646 0 8

This article is on how to choose new windows in the apartment. It so happened that the choice of window customer usually completely shifts on the seller. My task is to tell you what to pay attention to when buying, and what factors have no important importance. Let's proceed.

Our goal is to purchase a warm, practical and durable window.

The points

  1. What kind of window parameters do we have to choose?

There are several of them:

  • Material Ram. Currently, they are made from metalplastic (PVC with metal liners that increase profile rigidity), wood (glued from lamellae and tested protective compositions) and aluminum;
  • The situation and the number of opening and deaf flaps;
  • Producer Ram and (in the case of metal and metal-plastic products) the structure of the profile;
  • Manufacturer and window fittings design;
  • The number of chambers of the glass chamber;

The camera in this case is called the air layer between the glasses in the hermetic glass. The number of cameras for one less than the amount of glazing threads: double-glazed glass of two glasses is called one-cell, with three - two-chamber and so on.

  • In the case of special requirements for the glass pack - its functionality. It can be energy-saving, sunscreen and noise protection.


  1. What is the best frame - plastic, wooden or aluminum?

With a limited budget - plastic. Why? Here are the arguments in their favor:

  • Service life for less than 50 years;
  • Lack of special care requirements. The surface of the PVC profile can be safely washed using any cleaning products, including weak solutions of acids and alkalis. Only abrasive means are undesirable: their frequent use will make the glossy surface of the rough profile and makes it get to get it faster;
  • The range of permissible operating temperatures from -60 to +60 degrees, which makes it possible to use them in any regions of our wide and immense;

Plastic windows perform their functions in any climatic zone of the country - from the Crimea to Yakutia.

  • The possibility of coloring in any color (including over the entire volume of plastic) or pasting decorative film (including textural, very reliably imitating wood).

What are bad on this background competing solutions?

Disadvantages of wooden frames:

  • High (at least half a day more expensive than when using PVC) the price of the window even when using cheap coniferous wood. The use of noble breeds increases its even at least twice;

  • Only soap water or special detergents can be used for washing window frames;
  • The surface of the frame should be periodically (at least once a year) to process the protective emulsion, compensating for the evaporation of the protective impregnation.

The choice of aluminum profile means an unjustified increase in heat loss: aluminum - metal with high thermal conductivity. Each frame will become a bridge of a cold, contributing to the leakage of heat, and in severe cold it also covers frost (which, at the first thaw, will turn into a dripping water on the floor).

Warm aluminum profiles exist, however, they constitute all the same combination of metal and plastic, only at a higher than that of PVC frames, price.


  1. How to choose a window design - the position of the deaf and opening flaps ?

I would formulate my experience in communicating with plastic windows of different designs as follows:

  • A deaf sash at the top of the window is very uncomfortable even with its considerable height: it is difficult to wash from the outdoor side. Much more practical folding sash in the entire height of the window opening. Exception - So high window that the lock handle, located in its middle, will be on the inaccessible to the owner of the height;

  • It is extremely undesirable to increase the width of the opening flap above 70 - 75 centimeters. It will be saved under his own weight;
  • Window width more than 1.5 - 1.6 meters worth making a three-stranded. At the same time, the opening sash should settle down in the middle, between two deaf. An alternative solution is two opening flaps at the edge edge.

This configuration of the sash again will help wash the glass outside without risk falling out of the window.


  1. What plastic windows are better to choose from the type of profile?

The main advice when choosing windows for cold regions - look at the width of the profile. It can be equal to 60, 70 and 90 mm.

The greater the width, the smaller the heat will be lost through the frames.

The most available at the cost of 60-millimeter profiles; But in the category 70 mm, exceptionally high-quality products from eminent manufacturers are offered.

  1. What is affected by the number of air chambers inside the profile?

On thermal conductivity of frames and sash. More cameras - less heat loss. The reduction mechanism is rather obvious: the inter-chamber partitions limit the convection of the air inside the frame carrying thermal energy between the outer walls of the profile.

  1. Who produces the highest quality plastic profiles for windows?

Germans are REHAU, VEKA and KBE. All these manufacturers have their own factories for the production of profile in Russia, so they can offer a competitive price for their products.


It is possible that this statement looks cramlessly, but with the same width and number of aircraft, the products of different manufacturers (including profiles of famous German companies and inexpensive products of Russian and Chinese brands) differ little among themselves in terms of operational characteristics.

The fact is that all products entering the domestic Russian market undergoing mandatory certification. It eliminates the non-compliance of the profile by environmental requirements or low resistance to ultraviolet.

German profiles have only one important difference from competing products - a large rigidity in relation to bending loads due to the greater thickness of the metal mortgage part. However, stiffness is important mainly with a large area of \u200b\u200bwindows and significant wind loads, and it is rather limited.

I will give as an example glazing my own. Two panoramic windows with an area of \u200b\u200b13 square meters each are collected at the inexpensive HAUTECK profile of Chinese production. The glazing transfers the strongest winter winds characteristic of seaside areas, without any excesses.



  1. What do you need to know when choosing accessories? Whose products should be closed ?

Here, the manufacturer, on the contrary, is very important: in the process of operating windows, fitness is experiencing significant loads, therefore the duration of its structural use of the window of the window as a whole depends on the quality of its design and on the quality of the metal.

Here are four producers who have won an impeccable reputation in this market sector:

  • Siegenia-Aubi;

  • Roto;
  • Maco;
  • Winkhaus.

As a rule, the sellers of the windows themselves offer to include in the package of windows the fittings of one of the manufacturers listed by me. It is understandable: why do they need unnecessary problems with disgruntled customers?


  1. How to choose fittings on functionality ?

Here is a set of functions that I consider a reasonable minimum:

  • Block error action. It does not allow to turn the handle of an open sash, completely freeing its top edge out of the loop;
  • Framuga mode (folding the sash on yourself). The folding sash will allow you to ventilate the room into a windy and rainy weather, not bay with a window sill with rainwater;

  • Microwing mode - fixation of the leaf of the sash in intermediate positions. Installation of sealed plastic windows instead of wooden for the apartment means a violation of a well-thought-out system of the ventilation of rooms through the windows: through ventkanals continues to work, and the inflow is completely stopped.

As a result, the increase in humidity leads to the appearance of condensate on the glasses, frames and slopes, and after it - and to black spots of fungus. Microwing provides a constant dosage influx of fresh air without the risk of cold drafts: the cold stream is mixed with a heating device aside from the heating device under the warm air window;

If windows are already installed, microwing can ensure installation on the frame and the sash of the window retainer. This product costs 100 - 200 rubles; You can fasten it to the window in 5 - 10 minutes.

  • With a significant width of the sash, the microlift is very useful - a simple device, lifting its edge when closing;

  • The sash must be recorded not only by the central lock, but also the clamping rollers at the top and bottom. Otherwise, the top and bottom of the sash will inevitably move away from the frame, leaving in the sealing slots for cold air from the street;
  • Another instruction on the choice of fittings is important in the cold regions: its clamping rollers must have Summer-Winter modes. The turn of the oval roller changes the clamp of the sash: in winter it is pressed stronger, which compensates for the reduction of the linear dimensions of the profile during cooling, in the summer is weaker, which eliminates the deformation of the seal.

Rotate the video - eccentric allows you to adjust the clamp of the sash.

Glass windows

Number of cameras

  1. What plastic windows choose the type of glass package - single-chamber, two-chamber or three-chamber ?

It all depends on the climatic zone.

In the warm regions (Crimea, Kaliningrad, Volgograd and Krasnodar region), single-chamber glass windows are most in demand.

In areas with a temperate and moderately cold climate (the center of the country, the near-sural and most of the Far East) in the assortment of sellers predominate windows with double-chamber windows.

In the extreme north (primarily in Yakutia and in Chukotka), three-chamber prevails (in 4 threads) glazing.

Energy saving

  1. What it is - energy-saving double-glazed?

One of the glasses in its composition has a metal spraying (a multilayer coating based on silver oxides and titanium with a thickness of everything in several molecules), which has limited transparency in the infrared spectrum. At the same time, glass skips up to 90% of visible light.

What does it give?

In winter, when the temperature in the apartment is higher than on the street, the coating reflects the infrared rays towards the sprinkled room, cutting the heat loss. In the summer, the energy-saving glass filters the sunlight, selecting the thermal part of the spectrum, and reduces the heating of the rooms on the sunny side.

Not the air, but inert gas, is often used as a filling of the energy-saving double-glazing glass (most often in this role acts inexpensive argon). Due to lesser thermal conductivity and greater compared to air viscosity, it further reduces heat loss due to convection.

A potential buyer is useful to know several curious facts, one way or another associated with energy-saving glass packages.

  • The market offers two types of energy-saving glasses: K-glass with solid spraying is obtained by applying a metal layer on a hot substrate, and the I-glass with a soft layer - the emission of metal molecules in a vacuum to a cold surface. I-glass features greater translucency with less permeability for IR radiation, but its coating is very unstable with respect to mechanical effects;

On the left - the open balcony door, on the right - energy-saving double-glazed windows. How to easily notice, it almost does not darken the field of view.

This problem is solved extremely simple: still at the stage of the assembly of the glass-glass package I-glass is mounted by spraying.

  • Co-glass spraying has sufficient strength so that it can be used in the glazing into one thread;
  • Single-chamber energy-saving double-glazed windows on a quarter warmer compared to a two-chamber package with simple glasses and 40% warmer compared to the usual single-chamber. At the same time, the cost of a single-chamber energy-saving and two-chamber conventional packages is approximately equal, and the weight of the first one is one and a half times less, which reduces the load on the profile and increases the service time of the fittings;
  • Two-chamber glass, including two I-glasses, the quality of thermal insulation approximately corresponds to a brickwork in 70 centimeters. At the same time, the second I-glass in the package increases its heat-insulating quality by only 2-3%;

  • Argon in the energy-saving package increases its thermal efficiency by 8 - 12%, and in normal - only 4;
  • During the year, due to the molecular diffusion of argon through the sealant, up to 3% of its total volume is lost;
  • It is impossible to determine the presence of argon in the chambers of the glass chamber: you will have to completely rely on the honesty of the seller. But the I-glass is easy to know, after looking in the reflection in the lights of a light match or lighters: a metal coating shifts the reflected image into a red part of the spectrum;
  • Due to the smaller permeability for IR rays, the I-glass is heated on the plain seven degrees more than usual. Therefore, to reduce heat loss in winter, the double-glazed windows need to be installed in this glass, and to reduce the heating of the room in the summer months - outward.

In my attic (reminded - with the total area of \u200b\u200bwindows 26 m2 at room area 60 m2) set single-chamber packages with one i-glass. Climatic zone - Crimea, Sevastopol. The average temperature of January - +3, at least the winter temperatures observed by me - -20c.

The effectiveness of energy-saving glazing functions speak two facts:

  • Outdoor coating opposite the open balcony door, brightly lit by the sun, heats up a few degrees more than the adjacent section of the floor, illuminated through glazing;
  • At -20 on the street to maintain comfortable +20 in the attic enough 4.1 kilowatt thermal power (28.47 watts per cubic meter), which is noticeably less than the calculated value for the systems of the heating of modern houses with insulated facades.

The photo is clearly visible to the thermal power of the inverter air conditioner - the only source of heat in the attic.


  1. How is the light glass windows?

Partial permeability in the visible part of the spectrum is ensured by a method already familiar to us - by spraying a metal coating with a thickness of nanometers. Glass can have translucency in the range from 30 to 70% and have an arbitrary color - blue, green, gray, brown and so on.

The main function of light protection is a decrease in the insolation of the room on the south side of the house. However, in addition, the owner receives and protection against immodest views from the street: spraying has a metal glitter and thanks to the mirror effect does not allow to see the interior of the room from outside until the street lighting is brighter internal.

The light-protective and energy-saving glass can be combined into one double-glazed. This decision is popular in the south of the country.

Noise protection

  1. How to choose the right plastic windows overlooking the lively street ?

The main problem for you will be noise from the street. Solution - two- or three-chamber noise glass windows. Noise protection is provided by two factors:

  • Different glass thickness (typically 4 and 6 mm);
  • Different width of the remote framework forming air chambers between the glasses.

In noise protection glass, you can also combine the glass of any types - ordinary, light-protective and energy-saving.

After the assembly to modify the file

  1. What if you have already installed windows that do not suit you with your functionality?

Here is a list of typical problems of inexpensive windows that are installed by builders or are offered by dealers in the lowest price category:

  • The absence of tightness due to the lack of presser rollers. It is treated by replacing the kit of fittings. The replacement itself goes in the amount of up to 1000 rubles per window. The cost of accessories is quite predictable is determined by its manufacturer and functionality;

  • The absence of tightness due to the deformation of the seal. Eliminates the replacement of the seal on the frame and the opening sash. The seal is welded to the profile only in the corners and is usually easily removed from the groove with their own hands, and to install a new insulation, you can use a blocked steel spatula;

  • The absence of micro-leveling system compensates for the installation of the window retainer or supply valve already mentioned by me;

There is a simpler way to organize ventilation: it is enough to cut on a frame and sash a couple of segments of the insulation of 3-5 centimeters each. On the frame, it is cut from below, and on the sash on top: then all the dust from the street will not be transferred to the air in the residential premises, but to settle between the frames.

  • Turn the double-glazed glass into an energy-saving or sunscreen is easy to stick on the glass film with appropriate functionality. The glass is washed off clean and abundantly wetted with water with the addition of liquid soap or a children's shampoo. Then the film with a liner, carved in size, is pressed to it and smoothes from the center to the periphery with a rubber spatula or a plastic card.

Double-glazed glass with a glitched film will look careful if you take it out of the frame before the sticker. To dismantle it, it is enough to remove the strokes around the perimeter of the glass, up following them with a knife or steel spatula. When installing the strokes, pressed into the frame and achieve a rubber hammer.

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