Encyclopedia of fire safety

DFM file extension. How to open a .DFM file? dfm extension

- The extension (format) is the characters at the end of the file after the last dot.
- The computer determines the file type precisely by extension.
- By default, Windows does not show filename extensions.
- Some characters cannot be used in the file name and extension.
- Not all formats are related to the same program.
- Below are all the programs with which you can open the DFM file.

PSPad is a very useful code editor suitable for coding programmers who write in multiple languages. Suitable for those who need highlighting the program code. Can easily replace popular tools. PSPad will prove its worth when dealing with complex code syntax. It was created to help all types of users. The program comes with an impressive list of templates. There are features like syntax highlighting, macro recording or search and replace functions that are common to these applications. It comes with a HEX editor, an FTP client so that the user can edit the code directly...

There are a lot of programs on the Internet that allow you to edit the source code of another program, file, etc. However, most of these programs are just a text editor like notepad. They differ from the above editor only in that they have syntax highlighting. However, in some cases, this functionality of the program is not enough. A programmer may need to quickly find different parts of a document. And now, finally, a program has appeared that allows you to solve this problem. The program is called SynWrite. Its distinguishing feature is the presence of a navigation bar with a tree that...

The most common cause of DFM file disclosure problems is simply the lack of proper applications installed on your computer. In this case, it is enough to find, download and install an application that supports files in the DFM format - such programs are available below.

Search system

Enter file extension



Please note that some encoded data from files that our computer does not read can sometimes be viewed in Notepad. In this way we will read fragments of text or numbers - It is worth checking whether this method also works in the case of DFM files.

What to do if the application from the list has already been installed?

Often an installed application should automatically link to a DFM file. If it didn't happen, then the DFM file can be linked with the newly installed application manually. Simply right-click on the DFM file, then from the available list select "Choose default program". Then you need to select the "Browse" option and find your favorite application. Changes made must be approved with the "OK" option.

Programs that open DFM file


Why can't I open a DFM file?

Problems with DFM files may also have other grounds. Sometimes even installing software that supports DFM files on your computer will not solve the problem. The reason for the inability to open, as well as work with the DFM file may also be:

Inconsistent DFM file links in registry entries
- corruption of the DFM file that we are opening
- DFM file infection (viruses)
- too small computer resource
- outdated drivers
- removal of the DFM extension from the registry of the Windows system
- incomplete installation of a program that supports the DFM extension

Fixing these problems should lead to free opening and working with DFM files. In case the computer still has file problems, you need to take the help of an expert who will determine the exact cause.

My computer does not show file extensions, what should I do?

In the standard installations of the Windows system, the computer user does not see the DFM file extension. This can be successfully changed in the settings. Just go to the "Control Panel" and select "View and Personalization". Then you need to enter the "Folder Options", and open the "View". In the "View" tab there is an option "Hide extensions of known file types" - you must select this option and confirm the operation by pressing the "OK" button. At this point, all file extensions, including DFM, should appear sorted by file name.

If your computer has antivirus program can scan all files on the computer, as well as each file individually. You can scan any file by right-clicking on the file and selecting the appropriate option to scan the file for viruses.

For example, in this figure, file my-file.dfm, then you need to right-click on this file, and in the file menu select the option "scan with AVG". Selecting this option will open AVG Antivirus and scan the file for viruses.

Sometimes an error can result from incorrect software installation, which may be due to a problem that occurred during the installation process. It may interfere with your operating system associate your DFM file with the correct software application, influencing the so-called "file extension associations".

Sometimes simple reinstall notepad++ may solve your problem by properly linking DFM with Notepad++. In other cases, file association problems may result from bad software programming developer, and you may need to contact the developer for further assistance.

Advice: Try updating Notepad++ to the latest version to make sure you have the latest fixes and updates.

This may seem too obvious, but often the DFM file itself may be causing the problem. If you received a file via an email attachment or downloaded it from a website and the download process was interrupted (for example, by a power outage or other reason), the file may be corrupted. If possible, try getting a fresh copy of the DFM file and try opening it again.

Carefully: A corrupted file can cause collateral damage to previous or existing malware on your PC, so it's important to keep your computer up to date with an up-to-date antivirus.

If your DFM file associated with the hardware on your computer to open the file you may need update device drivers associated with this equipment.

This problem usually associated with media file types, which depend on the successful opening of the hardware inside the computer, for example, sound card or video card. For example, if you are trying to open an audio file but cannot open it, you may need to update sound card drivers.

Advice: If when you try to open a DFM file you receive .SYS file related error message, the problem could probably be associated with corrupted or outdated device drivers that need to be updated. This process can be facilitated by using driver update software such as DriverDoc.

If the steps didn't solve the problem and you are still having problems opening DFM files, this may be due to lack of available system resources. Some versions of DFM files may require a significant amount of resources (eg. memory/RAM, processing power) to open properly on your computer. This problem is quite common if you are using fairly old computer hardware and a much newer operating system at the same time.

This problem can occur when the computer is having a hard time completing a task because the operating system (and other services running in the background) can consume too many resources to open DFM file. Try closing all applications on your PC before opening Pascal File. By freeing up all available resources on your computer, you will ensure the best possible conditions for trying to open the DFM file.

If you completed all the above steps and your DFM file still won't open, you may need to run hardware upgrade. In most cases, even with older hardware versions, the processing power can still be more than enough for most user applications (unless you're doing a lot of CPU-intensive work like 3D rendering, financial/science modeling, or media-intensive work) . In this way, it is likely that your computer does not have enough memory(more commonly referred to as "RAM", or RAM) to perform the task of opening a file.

Each module that contains a visual form consists of two files with the following extensions:

Pas - module source code;

Dfm - description of the visual content of the form (objects, their properties and location).

We most often edit the pas file, and some programmers do not even know about the dfm file or simply do not pay attention to it. But sometimes this file is really necessary, and it is desirable to understand its format and structure. In fact, the dfm file format is quite simple. It consists of simple text commands that can be edited in any text editor. If I need to correct something, I open the dfm file in notepad and edit the necessary parameters manually.

For example, I had a project that had 40 Trolle components. Each of them was active and set to a specific database. One day I renamed the database and tried to open the project. The opening took a very long time, because the form designer requested a connection to the database for each component, and if it was not there for a certain period of time (Timeout), then an error message was issued. If the timeout were infinite, then the form with the components would never open at all.

The problem is solved very simply. You just need to manually disconnect the connection to the database, and this is done by editing the dfm file in a text editor (for example, in notepad).

In Listing 2.1, I showed an example of a simple dl "m file, which describes a form containing two components - TRichEdit (input field) and TButton (button). Let's look at the file format using this listing as an example.

Listing 2.1. Contents of the dfm file

object Forml: TForml Left - O Top = O Width = 394 Height - 284

Caption = #1055#1088#1080#1084#1077#1088" "#1089" Example" Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Col or = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = "Tahoma" Font. Style = OldCreateOrder = False PlxelsPerlnch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object RichEditl- TRichEdit Left = 153 Top = 0 Width = 233 Height = 250 Align = alCHent Lines.Strings = ("RichEditl") TabOrder = 1 end object Buttonl: TButton Left - 288 continuation &

Listing 2.1 (continued) Top = 224 Width = 75 Height = 25 Caption = "OK" Modal Result = 1 TabOrder = 0 end end The first line of this dfm file that starts the object description is: object Forml; TForml

The keyword object says that the object will now be described. It must be followed by the name of the object, followed by a colon and the type of the object. Thus, if a form does not open due to the absence of a component, this component can be removed or its type changed to be compatible with it. Suppose you installed a more advanced DBGrid called TExDBGrid, but then the component was lost or you could not port it to a new version of Delphi, and the project does not open properly because of this. To solve the problem, you can change the object type to the standard TDBGrid, and the project will open. However, error messages may appear indicating that some TExDBGrid-specific property was not found and will be removed. But this is not so scary, since the project is still opening.

After the line with the object keyword comes a description of the object, which ends when the parser encounters the word end. Thus, the full view of the object description looks like this:

object name: type

Description end There should be no semicolons.

Objects can be nested. For example, in the following example, the button is nested in a form, that is, the button in the designer is located on the form:

object Form: TForm Description

object Buttonl: TButton Description end end As you can see, there is nothing complicated here. Uncomfortable? Yes. With the help of the designer, creating forms is much easier.

Now let's look at the description. It's even simpler because it only contains lines like:

Property = Value

In the following example, there is only one line in the description that specifies the left position of the object's button:

objectButtonl . TButton Left=O

end All other default values ​​are set by this object's constructor. Thus, if a property needs to be assigned a default value, it is enough to delete its description in the dfm file.

You can create and modify properties manually. The property names (should be written on the left) are the same names you see in the object inspector or in the Properties section of the object help file.

The value depends on the type. If the property is numeric, then it can be assigned a number. But with strings it's a little more complicated, because the Russian language is written in Unicode encoding so that the project is compatible with Kylix (Linux OS). English text is written in simple single quotes, while Russian text is written outside of quotes and with encoding. For example:

"FRQM ["#1Q41#1072#1079#1Q72#1Q58#1077#1083#1077#1092"]* Here, at the very beginning there is a pure English text ("ROM ["), then the encoded word in Russian is written , and at the very end of the string, in quotation marks, there is a closing square bracket character ("]").

Now let's see. How can I solve the problem of opening a module in which ADO components are associated with a non-existent database. If you used the ADOConnection component, then first we look for its declaration:

Object ADOConnection. TADOConnection

Connected = Thie

ConnectionString = "Provider-Microsoft.Jet OLEDB.4.0:Data Source=l.mdb" LoginPrompt = False Mode = cmShareDenyNone Provider = "Microsoft Jet.OLEDB.4 0" Left = 32

Top = 16 end The first line of the description sets the Connected property to Trie. Just change it to False in any text editor and you're done. After that, we look for all descriptions of the TADOTable and TADOQuery objects and manually assign the value False to their Active property.

The Delphi development environment will then be able to open the project without trying to connect to the database.

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