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Icon of Alexander Nevsky meaning and photo. Blessed Alexander Nevsky embroidered with beads

How prayer helps a saint, it is necessary to at least get acquainted with the life of this person in order to find out more precisely what his merit before the Church is.

Alexander Nevsky, despite his camping and semi-nomadic life, was a real an orthodox person in spirit. As a political leader, he clearly reflected Christian ideals. It is known that Alexander observed the fasts and did not miss a single Sunday service.

Prayer to the holy blessed Alexander Nevsky has a special power. Miraculous healings still occur at the relics of the saint.

Identity secret

One legend says that Ivan the Terrible himself, before going to Kazan in Vladimir, asked for blessings from the shrine with the relics of the holy prince. Prayer to Saint Alexander Nevsky is especially strong on the days of his veneration: this is December 6 - the day of his death - and the day of the transfer of his holy relics - September 12. In ancient documents you can find many descriptions of his miracles. Thanks to the prayers of the holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky, people receive unexpected help.

What is the secret of his personality? What allowed him to be imprinted in the people's mind and become the ideal ruler? For the entire period of the formation of the Russian state, such figures can be counted on the fingers, they are milestones, because, regardless of their will, it was with them that the countdown of a new period in the history of Rus' began.

The beginning of everything was laid by the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, who made pagan Rus' Christian. The next was Alexander Nevsky, who determined the place of Rus' between the West and the East. From that moment on, it began to develop as a special civilization, neither of the Western nor of the Eastern type. The next person of this magnitude was Tsar John III, who turned the Principality of Moscow into an imperial state. From a regional center, he made Moscow almost a world center. Behind him comes Peter I, who took over western forms statehood, standing in fact at the head of the national resistance to the same Western influence. This complex somersault was not completely successful for him, but, as a reformer tsar, he determined the path of Russia for two centuries.

Alexander Nevsky as a person

Returning to the personality of this holy man, it should be noted that all the continuity of national ideals was concentrated in him - patriotism, honor, valor, and most importantly - he was an ascetic of faith and an example of holiness. Nevsky is a descendant of the famous princely family of Monomakhs, who gave Russia 15 grand dukes and 18 saints. This family not only accepted Orthodoxy, but fully realized the full depth of the Christian way of life and showed by their own example what service to God and their people is. It is the Monomakhs who can be credited with the fact that they so skillfully and effectively began to form a single Orthodox state from Rus'. Therefore, prayers are offered to one of them - Alexander Nevsky - for all occasions.

It is almost impossible to find similar examples of consistent life achievement. Alexander Nevsky became an outstanding grand duke, a brave commander, a wise politician and diplomat, who was later glorified by the Russian Orthodox Church. According to historians, his life passed "between the hammer and the anvil."


The Lord gave him only 43 years of earthly life (from 1220 to 1263). He was born in Pereslavl-Zaleski. First he became the ruler of Novgorod (1236). In 1249 he became the Grand Duke of Vladimir and the ruler of all Rus'.

Nevsky led the Russians in a difficult time, when her enemies took up arms against Rus' from all sides - from the south, the Tatar-Mongols, from the west and from the north, German, Livonian and Swedish Catholic knightly orders. He was admired by his enemies, as he showed himself as a talented commander and a wise politician.

In 1240, his army defeated the Swedes on the Neva, after which the prince began to be called Nevsky. In 1242 he defeated the Teutonic Knights at Lake Peipus. He followed the same principles in politics as his father, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. To prevent the ruin of Rus', he skillfully negotiated with the Golden Horde. Once, visiting Batu, he refused to sacrifice to pagan idols, for which he earned respect from the khan. Subsequently, Nevsky managed to create a diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church on the Khan's territory, and these were the first foundation stones for building a new multinational state.

Death of a prince

Returning from the Horde after his diplomatic mission in 1263, Alexander Nevsky died in the place of Gorodets on the Volga. Before that, he took the schema with the name Alexy. His lifeless body was carried to Vladimir for 10 days, all this time it remained incorruptible. The then Metropolitan Kirill, having learned from a messenger about the death of the prince, uttered sad words from the pulpit: “My children, know that the sun of the Russian land has set.”

The canonization of Alexander Nevsky took place at the Moscow Cathedral (1547). On the day of the victory over the Swedes (1721), Tsar Peter I transferred the relics of the Grand Duke from the city of Vladimir to St. Petersburg and ordered them to be installed in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in the Trinity Cathedral, where they are to this day.

Alexander Nevsky: prayer

Believers turn to the holy prince with various requests. Before the icon of this saint, they prayed for the protection of their Fatherland from the attack of enemies. He always helps the warriors in their military affairs. Others pray to him to send them wisdom in order to achieve their goals. The human soul during prayer is filled with courage and courage, which allow you to overcome various life hardships.

The holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky became the patron saint of the soldiers. A mother's prayer addressed to him helps their sons to successfully carry military service. You can also turn to him for help in strengthening the faith.

One of the prayers addressed to the saint is healing:

"O holy noble prince Alexander! Look mercifully upon us, unworthy servants of God (names), and grant us a quiet and serene life, and arrange for us a steady procession to the eternal Kingdom by your intercession, may the Lord God save us with His grace in peace, health, long life and all prosperity in the coming years, may we forever glorify and bless God in the Trinity of the Holy Glory, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever.

Alexander Nevsky is a great ruler and commander, famous not only for his numerous victories at a young age, but also for his unshakable faith in the Lord. The icon of Alexander Nevsky can become a real protection for your home and strengthen your faith in God.

Alexander Nevsky was the youngest governor who did not lose a single battle. The prince was born in 1221, and died in 1263. Over the 42 years of his life, Alexander won many victories over the enemies of Rus', showed himself to be an ardent supporter Orthodox faith and after his death he was elevated to the rank of saints. The icon of Alexander Nevsky began to be venerated in 1547, after the official canonization.

Where is the holy image of Alexander Nevsky

Painted in the 13th century, the half-length icon of the Holy Prince Alexander is located in the Pokrovsky Holy Trinity Cathedral. Copies of this image can be found in the Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra and in the temple of the city of Irkutsk.

Description and meaning of the icon

On the icon, Saint Alexander is depicted in armor, with a sword in one hand and Holy Scripture in another. Thus, he carries the Word of God and protects the Orthodox faith from the encroachments of militant unbelievers. The sword on this icon is not only an integral part of the image of the holy commander, but also symbolizes the power of Christianity in the hands of true believers.

What do they pray to the icon of the holy prince

First of all, those people whose activities are connected with military operations and diplomacy turn to Alexander Nevsky with a prayer. Workers of power structures revere the holy prince as their patron, and unjustly convicted, offended or betrayed people ask for help and intercession of Alexander Nevsky.

It is believed that the icon of the saint in home iconostasis can help in promotion, as well as protect the house from thieves and bandits. Prayers to Alexander Nevsky can strengthen faith and bring peace and understanding to your family.

It is believed that the most famous case of the help of St. Alexander Nevsky dates back to the time of the cruel blockade of Leningrad. The inhabitants, dying of hunger, prayed to Saint Alexander, asking for protection and strength to endure and not give up. As the children and grandchildren of the survivors of the blockade recall, St. Alexander appeared to their parents in a dream, giving them the strength to survive and not die during hostilities.

Prayers to the image of Alexander Nevsky

“Oh, most holy and much-venerated Prince Alexandra, defender of the weak, bestowing strength and stamina! We beg you to grant us a peaceful path to the Kingdom of Heaven, may our belly not be darkened by pain, wars and the burden of retribution for our sins. Holy prince, who drove the enemies from the earth with the native Word of God and indestructible courage, grant us your cover, your strength and firmness of the Christian faith, for with it we will drive out the serpent of doubt and sin from our hearts. Amen".

It is customary to read this prayer to the icon of St. Alexander in complex life situations to strengthen faith and receive the patronage of the saint.

“Alexander, the holy governor, who extolled the truth, defeated lies and devilish cunning; we resort to you with weeping and prayer: pacify our enemies and reject all evil from us. Ask our God Jesus Christ to send His holy Grace and His blessing on our heads. Amen".

“Saint Alexandre, the most holy and highly honored governor, who defended Rus' with the sword and the Word of God, drove out enemies and demons, brought peace! I beg you: grant me, a humble servant of God, with your strength and cover, as if with the truth of God and your fire to carry the true faith and know the grace of serving our God. Amen".

This prayer can completely change your life, turning it into the mainstream of the indestructible Christian faith and service to the Lord. The icon of St. Alexander Nevsky must be in your home for everyone who wants to firmly pass his life path easily overcoming all difficulties and obstacles.

What does the icon of the Holy Prince Alexander look like?

In addition to the original image of the governor, the icon of Alexander Nevsky has several more spelling options. The image of a prince-warrior carrying the Word of God is most often presented as a gift to people whose profession is related to military affairs.

The icon of Alexander Nevsky, depicting the prince in a deed of prayer, humbly bowing before the Voice of God, is called upon to strengthen faith in the family and bring blessing to all household members.

Alexander, the defender of the Russian land, is depicted with the banner of God in one hand and a sword in the other. This image symbolizes the protection and patronage of the saint for all Orthodox people.

Days of celebration of the icon of Alexander Nevsky

Three times a year, all Orthodox Christians pay homage to the icon of the Holy Prince Alexander: June 5, September 12 and December 6. These days, festive services are held in all Orthodox churches and laudatory canons are read to St. Alexander.

Prayers to this saint can help you strengthen your faith in God, see your true path and gain confidence in your strength and God's help. We wish you peace of mind and good luck in all your endeavors. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

The Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky was born on May 30, 1220 in the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky. His father, Yaroslav, in Baptism Theodore (+ 1246), "prince meek, merciful and philanthropic", was the youngest son of Vsevolod III Big Nest(+ 1212), brother of the Holy Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich (+ 1238; commemorated February 4). The mother of St. Alexander, Theodosia Igorevna, the Ryazan princess, was the third wife of Yaroslav. The eldest son was the holy noble prince Theodore (+ 1233; Comm. 5 June), who reposed in the Lord at the age of 15. Saint Alexander was the second son.

He spent his childhood in Pereslavl-Zalessky, where his father reigned. The princely tonsure of the youth Alexander (the rite of initiation into the warriors) was performed in the Transfiguration Cathedral of Pereslavl by St. Simon, Bishop of Suzdal (+ 1226; Comm. 10 May), one of the compilers of the Kiev Caves Patericon. From the blessed elder-hierarch Saint Alexander received his first blessing for military service in the Name of God, for the defense of the Russian Church and the Russian land.

In 1227, Prince Yaroslav, at the request of the people of Novgorod, was sent by his brother, the Grand Duke of Vladimir Yuri, to reign in Novgorod the Great. He took with him his sons Theodore and Alexander. The Novgorodians, dissatisfied with the princes of Vladimir, soon invited Saint Michael of Chernigov (+ 1246; Comm. 20 September) to reign, and in February 1229 Yaroslav and his sons left for Pereslavl. The matter ended peacefully: in 1230, Yaroslav and his sons returned to Novgorod, and the daughter of St. Michael, Theodulia, became engaged to St. Theodore, the elder brother of St. Alexander. After the death of her fiancé in 1233, the young princess went to a monastery and became famous in her monastic deed as St. Euphrosyne of Suzdal (+ 1250; Comm. 25 September).

With early years Saint Alexander accompanied his father on campaigns. In 1235, he was a participant in the battle on the Emajõgi River (in present-day Estonia), where Yaroslav's troops utterly defeated the Germans. In the next year, 1236, Yaroslav leaves for Kyiv, "planting" his son, Saint Alexander, to reign in Novgorod on his own. In 1239, Saint Alexander entered into marriage, taking as his wife the daughter of Prince Bryachislav of Polotsk. Some historians say that the princess in holy Baptism was the namesake of her holy husband and bore the name of Alexander. Father, Yaroslav, blessed them at the wedding with the holy miraculous Feodorovskaya icon Mother of God(in Baptism, the father's name was Theodore). This icon was then constantly with St. Alexander as his prayer image, and then in memory of him was taken from the Gorodetsky monastery, where he died, by his brother, Vasily Yaroslavich Kostroma (+ 1276), and transferred to Kostroma.

The most difficult time in the history of Rus' began: the Mongol hordes marched from the east, destroying everything in their path, and the German knightly hordes advanced from the west. In this formidable hour, the Providence of God raised up for the salvation of Rus' the holy prince Alexander - the great warrior-prayer book, ascetic and builder of the Russian land.

In 1240, the king of Sweden gathered a great army and sent on a multitude of ships to the Neva under the command of his son-in-law, jarl (i.e. prince) Birger. The proud Swede sent messengers to Novgorod to Saint Alexander: “If you can, resist, I am already here and captivating your land.”

Saint Alexander, he was not yet 20 years old, prayed for a long time in the church of Hagia Sophia, the Wisdom of God. And, remembering the psalm of David, he said: “Judge, Lord, those who offend me and rebuke those who fight with me, take up arms and a shield, stand to help me.” Archbishop Spyridon blessed the holy prince and his army for battle. Coming out of the temple, Saint Alexander strengthened the retinue with faith-filled words: “God is not in power, but in truth. Some with weapons, others on horseback, but we will call on the Name of the Lord our God!” With a small retinue, relying on the Holy Trinity, the prince hurried to the enemies - there was no time to wait for help from his father, who did not yet know about the attack of the enemies.

But there was a wonderful omen: the soldier Pelgui, who was standing in the marine patrol, in holy Baptism Philip, saw at dawn on July 15 a boat sailing on the sea, and on it the holy martyrs Boris and Gleb, in scarlet robes. And Boris said: “Brother Gleb, let us row, let us help our relative Alexander.” When Pelgui told the prince about the vision, Saint Alexander commanded, out of piety, not to tell anyone about the miracle, and he himself, encouraged, courageously led the army against the Swedes with prayer. “And there was a great battle with the Latins, and he killed their countless multitude, and he put a seal on the leader’s face with his sharp spear,” the medieval life of the saint tells about this. The angel of God invisibly helped the Orthodox army: when morning came, on the other side of the Izhora River, where the soldiers of St. Alexander could not pass, many slain enemies were found. For this victory on the Neva River, won on July 15, 1240, the people named St. Alexander Nevsky.

German knights remained dangerous enemies. In 1241, with a lightning campaign, Saint Alexander returned the ancient Russian fortress of Koporye, driving out the Germans. But in 1242 the Germans managed to capture Pskov. Saint Alexander, having set out on a winter campaign, liberated Pskov, and in the spring of 1242 gave the knights a decisive battle. On April 5, 1242, both troops met on the ice of Lake Peipus. Raising his hands to heaven, Saint Alexander prayed: “Judge me, O God, and judge my quarrel with the eloquent people and help me, O God, as of old Moses, against Amalek and my great-grandfather, Yaroslav the Wise, against the accursed Svyatopolk.” Through his prayer, the help of God and the feat of arms, the German knights were completely defeated. There was a terrible slaughter, such a crack was heard from breaking spears and swords that it seemed as if the frozen lake had moved, and no ice could be seen, for it was covered with blood. The fleeing enemies were driven and flogged by Alexander's soldiers, "as if they were rushing through the air, and there was nowhere for the enemy to run," says the life.

Contemporaries clearly understood the universal historical meaning Battle on the Ice: the name of St. Alexander became famous "in all countries, to the Sea of ​​Egypt and to the mountains of Ararat, on both sides of the Varangian Sea and to the great Rome."

The western limits of the Russian land were securely fenced, it was time to protect Rus' from the East. In 1242 Saint Alexander Nevsky with his father, Yaroslav, left for the Horde. Metropolitan Kirill of Kyiv blessed them for a new laborious service: it was necessary to turn the Tatars from enemies and robbers into respectful allies, they needed "the meekness of a dove and the wisdom of a snake." The mission was crowned with success: Prince Yaroslav made an alliance with Batu Khan. After this step, in 1246, Yaroslav was forced to leave for Mongolia, where he was poisoned.

In 1252, many Russian cities rebelled against the Tatar yoke, supporting Andrei Yaroslavich, the brother of Prince Alexander. The situation was very dangerous. The very existence of Rus' was threatened again. Saint Alexander had to go again to the Horde in order to ward off the punitive invasion of the Tatars from the Russian lands. Defeated, Andrei fled to Sweden. Saint Alexander became the sovereign Grand Duke of all Rus': Vladimir, Kyiv and Novgorod. A great responsibility before God and history fell on his shoulders. In 1253 he repulsed a new German raid on Pskov, in 1254 he concluded an agreement on peaceful borders with Norway, in 1256 he went on a campaign to the Finnish land. The chronicler called it a "dark campaign", the Russian army went through the polar night, "going through impassable places, as if to see neither day nor night."

In 1261, through the efforts of Saint Alexander and Metropolitan Kirill, a diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church was established in Saray, the capital of the Golden Horde.

The holy prince used every opportunity to exalt his native land and facilitate its lot on the cross. In 1262, on his orders, Tatar tribute collectors and recruiters of warriors, the Baskaks, were killed in many cities. They were waiting for Tatar revenge. But Prince Alexander again went to the Horde and directed events in a completely different direction: referring to the Russian uprising, Khan Berke stopped sending tribute to Mongolia and proclaimed Golden Horde independent state, thereby making it a barrier to Rus' from the East.

This diplomatic trip of St. Alexander Nevsky to Sarai was the fourth and last. On the way back from the Horde, Saint Alexander fell mortally ill. Before reaching Vladimir, in Gorodets, in the monastery, the ascetic prince gave his spirit to the Lord on November 14, 1263, completing his difficult life path by accepting the holy monastic schema with the name Alexy.

Metropolitan Kirill, spiritual father and an associate in the service of the holy prince, said in a funeral word: “Know, my child, that the sun of the land of Suzdal has already set. There will be no more such a prince in the Russian land. His holy body was carried to Vladimir, the journey lasted nine days, and the body remained incorruptible. On November 23, at his burial in the Nativity Monastery in Vladimir, God revealed "a marvelous miracle and worthy of memory." When the body of Saint Alexander was placed in a shrine, the steward Sebastian and Metropolitan Kirill wanted to open his hand in order to put a parting spiritual letter. The holy prince, as if alive, stretched out his hand and took the letter from the hands of the metropolitan. This is how God glorified his saint, the holy warrior-prince Alexander Nevsky. The general church glorification of St. Alexander Nevsky took place under Metropolitan Macarius of Moscow at the Moscow Council of 1547. The canon to the saint was compiled at the same time by the Vladimir monk Michael.

The life of St. Alexander Nevsky is known in several editions. The original version was written in 1282-1283 in the Vladimir Nativity Monastery, which was the center of church veneration of the holy prince (there is now a monument to him). It has been preserved as part of the Laurentian and Pskov Second Chronicles. The second edition was included in the Novgorod First Chronicle. The remaining editions date back to the 16th and 17th centuries: the Vladimir edition (1547-1552), included in the Great Menaion-Cheti of Metropolitan Macarius; The Pskov edition compiled by Vasily Pskovityanin (later Varlaam, Metropolitan of Rostov) between 1550 and 1552, the edition of the Book of Degrees (1560-1563) and others.

Almost eight centuries have passed since the birth and life of Blessed Alexander Nevsky, and his name to this day serves as the personification of courage, courage and selfless devotion to his land.

History has brought us many facts from his life, which not only make us feel respect for this amazing person, but also provide an excellent opportunity to think about what our life is and what our true purpose is.

Beaded icon of Saint Alexander Nevsky

Materials used in the embroidery of the icon Blessed Alexander Nevsky: fabric - brocade, the face is painted in oil on thin canvas, beads, rhinestones, truncal, gimp, pearls, aventurine, labradorite, citrine, antique metal (copper) silver-plated spangles of the 17th century.

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Blessed Alexander Nevsky life

The birth, on May 30, 1220, of the little prince Alexander, seemed to have been prepared by history itself. After all Hard times were then for Kievan Rus- from the east, hordes of Mongols encroached on it, and from the west, the threat of an invasion of knightly troops loomed. The state needed a strong and intelligent ruler capable of maintaining the integrity of the lands. And Alexander became such a ruler.

During his reign, he did not lose a single battle. The most famous and legendary were the battle of 1240, when the twenty-year-old prince defeated the Swedish invaders on the Neva River, and this battle forever christened the Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky; and the battle of 1242 - the legendary Battle of the Ice, when the troops of the German crusaders were defeated.

As for the threat from the East, the prince, spending a brilliant foreign policy, succeeded long years hold back the Horde. For a long time, the foundations of diplomacy laid by him were not only revered in Rus', but also lay the cornerstone of all politics. It was not for nothing that learned theologians proved that they are the most pleasant, since they take their origins in the manuscripts of Holy Scripture.

Rus' during the reign of the Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky, using its advantageous geographical position, became link capable of connecting East and West, forcing the whole world to reckon with and respect itself. Unfortunately, the age of the noble prince was not long and in 1263, on November 14, returning from one of the campaigns, he died.

43 years of life were laid not in vain. And it can be said with confidence that the primary task pursued by Blessed Alexander Nevsky was achieved - despite all the military campaigns conducted by him, peace on Russian land was ensured.

Icon of St. Alexander Nevsky and its meaning

More than eight Orthodox churches have in their iconostasis the Image of the Holy Prince Alexander, on which he is traditionally depicted with a sword and shield in his hands, as a true guardian and defender of his native Russian land.

His eyes are full of wisdom and, at the same time, one can read in them a readiness to make a desperate decision - a decision that history and the whole people have always demanded of him, who, even centuries later, are patronized by the Holy Right-Believing Prince Alexander Nevsky.

Initially, the relics of Alexander Nevsky were buried in Vladimir. Only in 1547, at the Moscow Cathedral, he was canonized as a Saint. And in 1723, by decree of Tsar Peter I, he was solemnly reburied in St. Petersburg, in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

In the same lavra there is a myrrh-streaming icon of Prince Alexander, on which he is depicted in full growth, and a particle of His relics is enclosed in it. Another shrine with the relics of the prince is located in the Holy Trinity Monastery in the Intercession Chapel. This image was painted back in the 18th century; Saint Alexander is depicted on it from the waist up.

The Moscow Church of St. Alexander Nevsky also keeps the image of the Grand Duke. A part of his relics is kept in the Church of the Blachernae Icon of the Mother of God in Kuzminki. In other Russian cities, many churches were also built in honor of the noble prince. Millions of believers come to the image of Alexander Nevsky to pray for success in work, successful service, and simply for protection from ill-wishers.

Icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker embroidered with beads and stones

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How to buy a beaded icon

Buy or order embroidery icons possible by contacting CHATE in the lower right corner of the site.

The term of embroidery is 1.5 - 2 months. We do not make exact copies. Each embroidered image is unique. The embroidery uses precious and semi-precious stones.

For each icon, a wooden icon case is made. The size of the embroidery is 21x29 cm. The size of the icon in the icon case is 28x36 cm. If the customer wishes, we can embroider and bigger size. Icons are embroidered with a blessing and consecrated in the church.

Who and how does the icon of the Blessed Alexander Nevsky help?

Everyone who is connected with military affairs and diplomacy consider him his patron. Men bearing the name Alexander can count on his protection and patronage, you just have to ask for it in a prayer, in which you should turn to the Saint, as the eternal guardian of the Russian land, and ask him to further protect him from all misfortunes and hardships. The relics of the Saint guard the city of St. Petersburg, as well as all its inhabitants.

Having in your house the image of the Holy Blessed Alexander Nevsky, you can protect your home from all enemies - both visible and invisible. The house will be filled with love, devotion and faith. To everyone who turns to St. Alexander Nevsky with a prayer, he will grant health, strength and peace in the soul, as well as selfless faith in the right cause, which he himself possessed.

Days when Orthodox Church revered Blessed Alexander Nevsky fall on June 5 (O.S. May 23), September 12 (O.S. August 30) and December 6 (O.S. November 23).

The icon of Alexander Nevsky is a living reminder of courage and feat, when the ruler does not spare his blood for the sake of love for the fatherland. The significance of his courage and prudence in the history of the formation of the Russian state is enormous. What helps the holy martyr modern people, what is the meaning and meaning of his feat you will learn in this article.

Alexander Nevsky lived only 42 years, but in this short period he managed to do so much that, perhaps, his life alone would be enough for hundreds in terms of the amount of influence on the course of world events.

Icon of Alexander Nevsky: description

On the icon we often see the noble prince with a sword. Sometimes there is an izvod where he holds a cross and a scroll. But basically, on all the images, the warrior is depicted in grand-princely clothes, sometimes in armor. There are many renditions, where, as befits a commander, he is depicted on a horse. This style of writing exists relatively recently - it was introduced by Peter I. Prior to this, the noble prince, according to tradition, was depicted in monastic clothes, since before his death he took the schema with the name Alexy.

Information that has come down to us about appearance describe him as broad-shouldered young man with powerful hands, pretty face, strong-willed eyebrows and all his appearance producing a decisive look.

Icon of Alexander Nevsky: meaning

From the time of the adoption of Christianity in Rus' to the present day, there are many holy intercessors in the treasury of the Orthodox faith. Alexander Nevsky lived in conditions of territorial rivalry and strong religious tension, which characterizes the era of the formation of Orthodoxy. Holy Rus', the heir of Byzantium, inherited from her not only faith, but also enemies. Following the fallen Constantinople, the Latins began to attack the Russian principalities, using a time-tested technique - union or capture.

Blessed Prince Alexander appears on the icon as the defender of the fatherland. In St. Petersburg, on the supposed site of the Battle of the Neva, Peter I founded a monastery in his honor. Now the desert has become the Holy Lavra, bearing the name and keeping the holy relics of the defender of the Russian land. It was just before the battle on the Neva that the young commander uttered his famous words: “God is not in power, but in truth. Others - with weapons, others - on horseback, and we will call on the Name of the Lord our God! They staggered and fell, but we rose up and stood firm.” The prince conducted the first major and most famous battle when he was not yet 20 years old. The Russians perceived the victory as spiritual: in an unequal ratio of troops, Alexander won it with the clear help of God.

Unlike Western culture, another enemy future Russia- the Mongol khanate - respected all religions without exception and did not impose his own. It was this principle of theirs that became decisive: the young but talented politician Alexander made the khanate his ally for the benefit of the Russian lands.

The significance of the reign of the noble prince is characterized by historians positively, several theses can be distinguished:

  • the destruction of the army of the Swedes on the Neva;
  • the defeat of the Germans in the Battle of the Ice;
  • protecting the interests of the state on the world stage;
  • preservation of the purity of Orthodoxy;
  • establishing a wise order in the country;
  • the abolition of the Mongolian tax in a number of areas.

The veneration of the holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky arose immediately after his blessed death, as the people loved and highly appreciated his merits. “We are already dying,” the subjects exclaimed, having learned about the death of the ruler. Prayer to him as the patron of the whole people began after the miracle before the Battle of Kulikovo, and the acquisition in 1380 of the holy relics of the prince by his great-grandson Dmitry Donskoy, the winner of the Tatar-Mongol yoke.

Alexander Nevsky: what helps the icon?

Orthodox pray before the icon for the acquisition of courage and wisdom, courage and valor, for self-sacrifice for the sake of a higher goal. Alexander Nevsky is the patron saint of all warriors who wear his icon under their hearts so that the holy commander keeps a person with his prayers.

Those exploits were not forgotten during the years of the Second World War - the aviation squadron with the inscription “Alexander Nevsky” on the board was named with a glorious name. There is a Soviet and Russian military order for special merits, bearing the name of the saint.

The huge popularity of the noble prince goes beyond the current Russian state: the Orthodox peoples of Serbia, Greece, Georgia pray to him to preserve their borders and erect churches in his honor. This gives hope for the strengthening of relations and the growth of cooperation between Orthodox people around the world.

Prayer before the icon of Alexander Nevsky

Prayer to the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky for healing

O holy noble prince Alexander! Look graciously upon us, unworthy servants of God (names), and proceed to us a quiet and serene life, and to the eternal Kingdom, arrange for us a steady procession through your intercession, may the Lord God save us with His grace in peace, health, longevity and all prosperity in the coming years May we forever glorify and bless God in the Trinity of the Holy Glory, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever.

Prayer to the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky for health

An ambulance helper of all those who diligently resort to you, and our warm intercessor before the Lord, holy noble Grand Duke Alexandra! Look mercifully upon us, unworthy, who have created many iniquities for yourself, who are now flowing to the race of your relics and crying out from the depths of your soul: you were a zealot and defender of the Orthodox faith in your life, and we are unshakable in it with your warm prayers to God. You carefully passed the great service entrusted to you, and with your help to stay every time, in which you are called to eat, instruct. You, having defeated the regiments of adversaries, drove you away from the borders of the Russian verses, and overthrow all visible and invisible enemies who are taking up arms against us. You, having left the perishable crown of the kingdom of the earth, have chosen a silent life, and now, righteously crowned with an incorruptible crown, reigning in heaven, intercede for us, we humbly pray to you, a quiet and serene life, and unswervingly arrange for us to the eternal Kingdom of God. Standing with all the saints at the throne of God, praying for all Orthodox Christians, may the Lord God preserve them with His grace in peace, health, long life and all prosperity in the coming years, may we ever praise and bless God, in the Trinity of Holy Glory, the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

The icon of Alexander Nevsky has importance for the present: she is an example of devotion to the beliefs that shaped the Russian character. It is important to remember what the noble prince helps in, and to use his help.

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