Encyclopedia of fire safety

Cool contests for a friendly party. Games and contests for parties

Children are fidgets and at events such as birthdays, New Year, graduation in kindergarten and other holidays, they need to be occupied with interesting contests. When conducting competitions, it should be remembered that their mobile and active types should be combined with calm ones so that children have time to relax. If the contests are accompanied by the presentation of small prizes, it will be even more interesting for children to play.


Competition 1: "Find yours"

A fun competition for children for thinking and fantasy. The child must figure out how best to show pantomime.



Leaflets with drawings of animals are prepared at the beginning of the competition. Each animal must be in duplicate. The leader puts all the leaves in a small bag and mixes thoroughly. Each child in turn takes out a piece of paper with a picture for himself. On command, the children begin to depict the animal that is drawn on the stretched piece of paper. The purpose of the competition: who will quickly find their pair of animals, for example, a giraffe - a giraffe, an elephant - an elephant, and so on.

Contest features:

  • the animal should be depicted with facial expressions, without pronouncing words and sounds.

Competition 2: "Parrots"

An interesting mindfulness game that helps children learn to concentrate.


The leader becomes in the center, children - parrots are located around him. Parrots must repeat all words and actions after the leader. The forbidden word that cannot be repeated after the leader is "parrot". The one who accidentally repeated the forbidden word after the leader becomes a circle, an imaginary "cage". The most attentive child who did not repeat the forbidden word wins.

Contest features:

  • for older children, you can come up with not one, but two or three forbidden words or actions.

Competition 3: "The Breeze"

A fun activity game for kids that kids of all ages will love.



Children are divided into two teams. Place one inflated balloon in front of each team. The task of each team is to help their ball reach the finish line as soon as possible. You should move the ball without touching it, namely: waving your hands, creating a stream of air or blowing on it. The team whose ball reaches the finish line the fastest wins.

Contest features:

  • So that the children do not attack the ball all at the same time, you can tell them to divide into numbers and blow on the ball in turn.

Competition 4: "Snowfall"

A perky competition that will stir up even the most shy child.


  • Sheets of paper in two colors.
  • 2 bags.


Children are divided into two teams with the same number of players. The facilitator gives each team a piece of paper. certain color such as green and red. Two parallel lines are drawn in the center of the room at some distance from one another. The task of each team is to throw snowballs at the opponents without stepping out of their line, crumple their own color of paper. The winner is the team that threw the opponents with a large number of snowballs.

Contest features:

  • You can hold the second stage of the competition by inviting the children to race to collect snowballs of the colors of their team in a bag.

Competition 5: "Indian Name"

An interesting competition for children, which is held at the beginning of the celebration.



The facilitator gives each child a piece of paper and a pen. On one piece of paper, the child writes a noun, on the other - an adjective. Each child throws leaflets into a bag, one with adjectives, the other with nouns. The contents of the bags are thoroughly mixed by the leader. Children take turns taking a piece of paper from each bag. The combination of words on the leaves becomes the Native American name of the child throughout the holiday. Very interesting and funny "names" are often obtained: "jolly corn", "blue beard", "sharp eye" and so on.

Contest features:

  • It is important to monitor the reaction of children to the names given to them so that no one is offended.

Competition 6: "Swamp"

The contest is perfect for birthday celebrations as it instantly makes the atmosphere friendly.


  • Chalk or tape.


Before the start of the competition, the presenter tapes or draws round “hummocks” with chalk across the swamp to fit two feet. The host tells the children that now it is necessary to cross the swamp, which can be done by going through the "bumps". All participants in the competition join hands and begin to walk along the "bumps". If the child stepped over the edge of the "hummock" the trip starts again.

Contest features:

  • The quick holding of the competition makes it not so interesting, so the host can once again find fault with the guys so that they start the journey anew.

Contest 7: "What's your name?"

Highly fun competition for children, which contributes to the development of endurance and patience.



The host writes nouns on pieces of paper that will become the names of children, for example: “Shoe”, “Broom”, “Bread box”, “Pencil” and so on. Leaves are put in a bag and mixed. The children sit around the leader in a semicircle, he approaches everyone, offering to get himself a “name”. Next, the facilitator will begin to ask questions to which the child must answer with the name given to him.

The host approaches the child with the words: “Whoever makes a mistake will get caught! Whoever laughs will have a bad time!” The host begins to ask questions: “Who are you?”, “What is on your head?”, “What did you eat for lunch today?”, “Who is your friend?”, “What do you eat soup with?”, “Who flies across the sky ? and so on. The task of the facilitator is to ask questions in a variety of ways. The task of the child is not to laugh or smile when answering questions. Players sitting around can laugh all they want. Whoever laughs is out of the game. The one who wins is awarded a prize.

Contest features:

  • Losing players can be asked to perform some kind of phantom.

Competition 8: "Turnip"

A fun mobile competition for children with the obligatory presentation of prizes for speed.


  • Chairs - 2 pieces.


Players are divided into two teams with the same number of participants. In each team, depending on the number of children, there can be: "grandmother", "grandfather", "bug", "granddaughter", "cat", "dog", "mouse". At the beginning of the room, chairs are placed on which two "turnips" sit, one for each team.

At the command of the leader, the “grandfather” puts his hands on his hips and starts jumping towards the “turnip”, run around it and jump to the “grandmother”. Now the “grandfather” and “grandmother” jump together by the hands to the “turnip”, run around it and jump back. Each time one jumper is added fairy tale hero. The last participant "mouse" should run around the "turnip", take her by the hand and pull to jump with everyone to the start line.

Contest features:

  • The team that reaches the start line faster with the turnip wins.

Competition 9: "Balloons - animals"

An interesting competition for children in which you need to show your imagination and creativity.



All prepared balls should be inflated, tied with a long thread and hung in different corners of the room in the same amount. Divide children into two equal teams. Give each child in the team several colored markers. The task of the children is to draw a mouth, eyes, nose, ears on the balls to make a little animal. The winner is the team that drew the animals the fastest.

Contest features:

  • The number of balloons should be one for each child in the team.

Competition 10: "Owl"

A fun competition for a holiday to focus the attention of children.



At one end of the room, the leader draws a circle with chalk - an owl's nest. An owl is chosen among the children, the rest are butterflies, bugs and other insects. The host says “Day”, all the children run around, imitating the flapping of insect wings. At the signal "Night", the children should freeze in the position in which they were, as the owl flies out to hunt. The owl slowly, flapping its wings, flies between the children and sees who moves. If someone moves, the owl takes him to his nest. When the nest is filled with three children, the presenter chooses a new owl among them and the competition continues.

Contest features:

  • When the host says “Day”, the owl stands in the house with its back to the children who portray insects, turns around at the signal “Night”.

Competition 11: "Handkerchief and Laughter"

Funny competition for children for speed and attention.



The birthday boy stands in the center of the circle and takes a small silk scarf. Children become around the birthday boy. The birthday boy throws the handkerchief up and laughs, along with him the children should also laugh out loud. If the child stops laughing while the handkerchief is in the air, he is out of the game. When the handkerchief falls on the floor - everyone should stop laughing, whoever stops late - knocks out of the competition. The child who stays the longest in the competition wins.

Contest features:

  • The birthday person can prepare a prize for the winner in advance with his own hands.

Competition 12: "Beads - donuts"

An original and funny competition for children that will not leave them indifferent.


  • Bagels.
  • Threads.


Before the competition, the host must string the bagels on the threads and tie them in the form of beads. The number of bagels should be on each beads, like children in a team. Among each team of children, a captain is chosen, to whom beads are hung around his neck. The children stand in a row, at the signal of the leader, the first child runs up to the captain and eats one bagel from the beads. The next child then takes over. The team wins, the beads from the captain of which were eaten faster.

Contest features:

  • Threads for stringing must be strong so that they do not break during the competition.
  • You can make the competition harder by telling the children to keep their hands behind their backs and try to eat the bagel with one mouth.

Competition 13: "Give a smile to the birthday boy"

A fun competition for which children must try very hard.



In the midst of the holiday, the presenter says that all the children are sitting with a sour face and the birthday boy will now be offended by the guests. All the children begin to smile intensely, but the presenter says that giving a birthday person a smile should be different. The presenter takes out a plate with sliced ​​\u200b\u200blemon slices. Each child in a circle takes a slice, chews it and smiles. The winner is the one whose smile, according to the birthday man, was the most beautiful.

Contest features:

  • Before holding this competition, you should ask the parents of the guests if any of the children are allergic to citrus fruits.

Competition 14: "Guess who eats what?"

An interesting competition for children who have just come to the celebration and are still a little shy.


The host says that the topic of today's feast is "animals." Each child should be asked in turn a question about which animal eats what, for example: “What does the cat eat?”, “What does the dove eat?”, “What does the dolphin eat”. You can ask a few questions to everyone in a circle, starting with ordinary animals, reaching exotic ones. For each correct answer, the child should be rewarded with a candy, sticker, or other small prize.

Contest features:

  • This competition can be held directly sitting at the table.

Competition 15: Turtles

A funny competition is a relay race that will immediately cheer up all the guests.


  • Two basins.


The facilitator divides the children into two teams with an equal number of people. All team members line up in a column. The participants standing in front are given a basin each, with the help of which they must become turtles. The child gets on all fours, puts an inverted pelvis on his back - a shell. On a signal, the child begins to move on all fours to the finish line, then back. Then the bowl is passed to the next participant. The winner is the team whose members complete the test in the form of turtles the fastest.

Contest features:

To make it more comfortable for children to move around, make sure that there is a clean, soft carpet on the floor.


Here are collected games from the category of win-win and universal games that will fit well into the program of almost any holiday and will bring pleasure to participants and spectators. Among them there are already well-known, but still favorite entertainments, there are also relatively new .

Suggested the best games and competitions for any holiday- simple and fun, which are designed for the company itself different composition and age, and, as a rule, go everywhere with a bang. They can be safely held both at friendly parties and at corporate holidays, without fear of embarrassing or embarrassing someone. These are games, and here there are more than 20 of them, just for fun and raising the festive mood!

1. Competition for the holiday "It is forbidden to laugh at monkeys!"

Together with the leader, everyone who wants to play becomes in the circle. Men alternate with women. The main condition that the participants are warned about is not to laugh and repeat everything after the leader!

Leader starts: right hand he takes the neighbor on the right by the left ear. Everyone else does exactly the same. Then the leader with his left hand takes the right knee of his left neighbor. Then, without letting go of his neighbors, he tries to squat or jump on one leg. All - repeat. Those who laugh are removed from the field.

Then everyone starts all over again, only the leader needs to take on completely different places of his game partners. The more unexpected combinations, the faster the winner will be determined. By the way, make an exception that the host is still allowed to laugh.

2. Competition for the Tic-Tac-Toe holiday with a surprise.

This game is to energize the holiday fun.

Prepare in advance playing field for "tic-tac-toe", numbering and hiding a phantom with each square (task). It will open when the player "puts" a cross (the leader then has a zero). By the way, you don't need to split into teams. Just arrange a game host against guests.

What will be the tasks? For example, "Dance a striptease" or "Drink a glass of vodka", and the like. Instead of forfeits, you can attach a present to each cell, but only the winner will receive it and only from the winning line.

3. Cool game "Raskolbas".

This game requires fake sausages or sausages that are attached to the belt and cubes. You also need to mark the gate with something.

By swinging the "sausage" and hitting the cube with it, the player must drive it into the goal. In this way, you can play for a while, or you can gather two teams and arrange a friendly match between them.

4. Casanovas.

Only men participate in this game, five to seven people.

Each participant is given an inflated balloon in the form of a sausage and a felt-tip pen. Of course, the ball in this case acts as a "phallic symbol". And every man should have time to draw on it as many female figures as possible. For everything about everything, players are given two minutes of time.

The winner and recognized by the local Casanova is the one on whose ... the ball will be the most more female silhouettes, and hence "victories".

5. "Modern Superman".

, the lead to it could be like this:

Host: “We all know well that in his life a real man must build a house, plant a tree and raise a son. Nowadays, people interpret this truth as follows: a man must “plant” a liver, grow a stomach and “build” a wife and mother-in-law. Is there anyone who wants to defend the title of real men, superman? Four or five people will suffice.

For them, the leader announces the following tasks:

- "Plant" the liver, players are invited to drink a glass of vodka through a straw at speed (or a more gentle option - a liter of juice through a straw);

We will grow a belly at the expense of balloons, quickly inflate, tie and put under the shirts, then we offer to play one round of sumo wrestling. Players, having broken into pairs, begin to knock their stomachs. Whoever in the pair “burst” the stomach faster, he lost.

For the third test, players are given two minutes, during which they must go to the guests and have time to touch (as if pushing with their shoulders) as many women as possible - the “marked” ladies stand in a row behind the player. Who more "built" women in a row - won.

Superman is announced after three rounds.

6. "In the same harness."

For more excitement, the main prize in this game is to make a bottle of alcohol. And, most logically, the participants in the game will be men. If women also want to compete in competitions for the main prize, then it is better to equalize the chances, let the lady compete with the lady.

In advance, the toastmaster should prepare several "teams" from a wide and strong braid. For example, a “team” can be done like this: cut a braid one and a half meters long, fold it in half, stepping back from the middle of 40-50 centimeters, sew a transverse strip to both ends so that a wide loop is obtained - it is thrown over the head. The transverse ribbon will lie horizontally on the chest, and the free long ends are pulled back.

In one "team" you need to "harness" two people (they will look and pull in different sides), and put a bottle for each on his side. At the command of the leader, everyone pulls in his direction in order to prevent the opponent from taking possession of the prize and to quickly reach out himself.

The winners are determined by themselves - whoever was able to overpower his teammate, he won.

7. "A bag of surprise."

The players stand in a circle, leading with a bag in their hands too. This bag contains shorts, T-shirts, pantaloons, underpants, bras large sizes, headbands and other props (pack the contents of the bag for a specific company).

When the music starts, the host hands one of the players a bag, he passes it on. The music stopped - the one in whose hands the bag takes out of it the first thing that comes across and puts it on. The music began to play - the bag went from hand to hand. And so on until the bag is empty. Then you can arrange for the congratulations of the heroes of the occasion, performed only for dressed up guests - ditties, dance, etc.

8. "Thrice tied".

For this little fun, couples are invited, consisting, of course, of a lady and a gentleman. Moreover, the ladies are blindfolded, but they first explain that it is in this state that they must tie their partners three bows in three different places. Of course, this is a difficult task even with open eyes, so women should be encouraged to turn on fantasy (for example, hint that any outstanding part of .... a man's head - ears, nose) can become a place for a bow.

The title of the winner is given to the one who copes with the task faster than the others.

9. "Rabbit family".

Couples participate in this game: men will be “rabbits” (we dress up in ears, shirt-fronts and ponytails), and women will be “rabbits” (we dress up in ears, skirts, ponytails).

Host: “We are well aware that rabbits are excellent family men and breed very well. Everyone knows this, but no one has seen how it is done. And now we can observe the process.” With these words, the players are given balls and felt-tip pens. Rabbits and female rabbits will have to break into pairs and start producing offspring: one inflates a balloon, the other draws a rabbit on it.

Which couple will make more "children" in three minutes, that one won.

10. "A fisherman's dream".

For this game, the host needs to have: 2 children's rubber pools, six to seven makeshift fishing rods (we make them from wooden sticks, fishing line and rings from a children's pyramid instead of hooks). Naturally, not carp and pike are “launched” into the pools, but a dozen and a half bottles of beer, champagne, vodka, wine and the like.

From among those who wish, we recruit two teams, four people for each pool. We hand out fishing rods and loudly warn that the players only have one minute to fish. If any of the players managed to fish out a bottle, they take it for themselves. They didn’t have time, which means they will be left without a memorable gift.

11. "And where am I?"

We select four participants and pin plates with the names of various people on their backs. public places, for example, a public toilet, a hostel, a bathhouse, a clinic, a beach, a shop, a housing office, and so on. (More options: detention center, strip bar, nudist beach, gynecologist's office, cinema, Intimate store, roller coaster, stadium, hostel). We put the players with their backs to the guests so that the people can see everything clearly.

The intrigue of this game - the draw lies in the fact that the participants themselves do not know what the content of the tablets are glued to their backs. At the same time, the presenter “torments” them with questions: how often do you go to this institution? What do you need to bring with you to feel comfortable in this establishment? Do you need training to do this? Do you need help during this activity? What song do you remember when you are there? Who do you usually go there with?

Of course, it turns out funny, because the players answer, so to speak, from the “lantern”, the winner is determined with the help of guests who support the player they like with their applause, the rest also need to be encouraged for the fun they have delivered.

12. "Schumacher".

To play, you need to stock up on five children's cars, with thick ropes of at least three meters tied to them, at the other end of which simple pencils are tied.

Five players stand in one line, they are given the end to which the pencil is tied (we set the machines so that the entire rope is unwound). The task is explained: at the command of the leader, the contenders for the title of the great racer begin to wind the rope around the pencil with both hands.

The winner is the one who winds the rope around the pencil before everyone else, which means that he will drive his car closer to him.

You can also determine two more prizes and arrange for the winners to pour champagne.

13. "Baba" on the teapot.

It's fun. Two teams can participate in it - four men and one lady each. The lady, of course, will be the same “woman” for the teapot, and the men will dress her up. Take care in advance of two huge skirts sewn according to the “sun skirt” principle, of two caps, kokoshniks or puffy bows, shawls and mittens - potholders - everything will come in handy to make the “woman” elegant.

We put the lady at one end of the hall or room, and the men stand at the other. At the signal of the leader, the first player runs to the “woman” and puts on a wide skirt, after which he returns to the “start”. The second participant puts on a kokoshnik or other headdress, returns. The third covers the "woman" with a shawl and also returns to his comrades. All together they again run to the "woman" and climb under her skirt - after all, they are the very teapots on which the famous "women" sit and, as a signal of readiness, shout "And we are already drinking tea!"

If the people are not too drunk, then the following moment can also be made a condition of the competition: the men raise their “woman” and bring her to the finish line (the place where the men originally stood). And if the gentlemen managed to reach the standard, then it’s better not to risk the health of beautiful ladies and limit yourself to “climbing under a skirt”.

They win, as in any relay race - the fastest and most dexterous.

14. "We collect the will into a fist."

This competition requires newspapers according to the number of participants. Then the presenter sets the tone for the contest and says that usually a real man, having learned the news that shocks him, does not cry, but gathers his will into a fist and makes efforts to correct the situation. Let's imagine that the participants learned this unpleasant news from these newspapers.

Task: with one left hand (remove the right behind the back), at the command of the presenter, collect the newspaper into a fist. Despite its apparent simplicity, this task is very difficult. The winner is the one who manages to first crush the entire sheet in his left hand.

15. "People's choice".

In this case, two applicants are needed. These should be active and not particularly shy men. They are given the task of campaigning for themselves the largest number of “voters” in three minutes: kiss on the cheek as much as possible more women and shake hands with as many men as possible. At the same time, the guests are warned that when they are kissed or shake hands, they go out into the hall (on the stage) and stand on the side of their candidate.

The second round is the creation of an "image". Naturally, that “candidate” who managed to “recruit” into their ranks a greater number of people who are ready not only to stand up for their candidate, but also to present him in the light of day will be lucky - to dress him up, literally taking off all the best.

Whose team will win is decided by the applause of the rest of the guests.

16. "King of the evening".

This is a fun trick game. The host announces the competition for the title of “King of the Evening” open, then reports that, according to the readers of Forbes magazine, one of the indispensable qualities of a real man is the ability to kiss the hand of women in the most gallant way and shake it firmly with men. Of course, tipsy gentlemen will really want to show off, so the host should announce that he is timing, and the men are in a hurry to collect as many handshakes and kisses as possible.

When the time is up - two or three minutes - the presenter announces that, according to the same magazine, a real man, and even more so a king, never fusses (singles out the most leisurely and imposing among the players), and therefore becomes the “King of the evening”, asks , what is the name of the unhurried guest and hands him the crown.

17. "The Sultan and his wives".

For this competition, you will need to call two men from the hall who independently recruit a harem of six to eight “wives”. Then, each of them, together with his "harem" will fight for the title of the best sultan.

Feed your sultan. The host takes out balloons, threads and scissors. Huge bloomers are put on the sultans. Task: in the three minutes allotted for this test, the girls must inflate as many balloons as possible and fill them with "men's" trousers. The thicker the "sultan", the more caring his wives. To find out whose harem has won, the host takes a needle and pierces all the balls in the pants of the royal spouse. The audience counts their number in unison. The number of inflated balloons is written down on paper.

Sultan's love They say that in harems, not a single wife is offended by attention - it is necessary to demonstrate this. "Sultans" for speed should kiss each of their wives in those two appetizing places on their female body that "husbands" like the most. Point goes to the fastest. (other kissing contests can be viewed)

The most promising. It would be nice to know what are the reserves of each in terms of increasing the harem. Each sultan appoints his beloved wife, and at the command of the presenter, he begins, quickly moving around the hall, kissing all the ladies that get in his way. Beloved wife runs after him and keeps count. The point is earned by the one who managed to kiss more girls.

The winner in the sultan's competition is determined by the number of points earned by men - he has a prize, but both "sultans" receive kisses from their "wives" and applause from the audience.

19. "Invisible clothespins".

We call five couples, consisting of a man and a woman. We give the ladies an unlimited number of clothespins and explain that in forty-five seconds they must fasten as many of them as possible on their partner's clothes. This task will be the first round of the competition. After forty-five seconds, we count the clothespins: how many of them were on the player, so many points and the pair earned.

In the second round, you need to blindfold the ladies and, while the leader explains to them the further plan of action, his assistants change partners. And the task for the girls is simple: in the same forty-five seconds, remove everything that is attached to the gentleman from the gentleman. I mean, clothespins. Whoever took off how much, he will earn so much.

The winner is the pair that, by the sum of the attached and removed clothespins, scored the most points.

20. "Cavaliers pay."

This contest is for . For him, the presenter needs special props, for ladies there are belts with a huge wallet attached in front of thick fabric, and for gentlemen - belts with attached (not rigidly) huge bills (the size of an album sheet).

The essence of the game lies in the fact that male players with "bills" tied in front must get into the "wallets" of their ladies partners. Naturally, the use of hands is strictly prohibited. In principle, the winner is the pair that manages to complete this task faster than the others.

For less "solvent" gentlemen, you can make another version of this game. Tin cans (or plastic buckets) are attached to the belts of the ladies, into which the men throw the change received from the host. The pair with the most hits wins.

21. "In position."

A long-known game in which men have to feel all the inconveniences of an interesting position. For the illusion of pregnancy, a large balloon is attached to each participant's stomach with tape.

Then a box of matches is scattered on the floor, on command, everyone begins to collect matches - bending over each one separately. Whoever collects the most matches wins.

22. Ageless "Crocodile".

In general, this is a toy well-known on television called "Crocodile". But even here you can make some of your raisins.

Those who want to play are divided into two teams. One of the teams makes up a word, which, accordingly, becomes known to one of the opponents. His task is to explain with gestures and facial expressions to “his own” what is conceived by a group of competitors there.

The “raisin” in this case will be that the presenter determines the topic for guessing. He prepares cards with themes. The explanations of the names of dances and sports look especially funny. For example, "aerobics" or "rowing".

If the players are quick-witted, then after the first round you can switch to guessing whole phrases-aphorisms, like "everything flows, everything changes." The winner is determined by the number of guessed words.

23. "An identikit".

For this entertainment, two pairs of players and assistants are called to help the host (who will write down the pluses and minuses in the "questionnaire" of each player, depending on the correctness of the answer). A game of attentiveness, it is proposed to check how the participants will cope with the task: to make an identikit of a partner. But we announce the task after we put the players with their backs to each other so that there is no chance to prepare and remember something on purpose.

Then the facilitator invites the players to concentrate and imagine each other in detail and begins to ask questions. The first question is a warm-up: what is your partner's name? Of course, everyone responds to it.

Second question: what color are his eyes? Then: what color is the hair; we specify how long they are (these are the third and fourth questions).

Then there are questions that would help to recreate the appearance of a person: does he wear a watch, on which fingers does he wear rings, what color is his tie (dress), is there any jewelry hanging around his neck, the style of trousers / skirt, model and size of shoes. In general, it is best to ask about the little things that are not always evident. The more interesting it will be to play. The total number is 10-15 pieces.

The winner is determined by the number of matches with the original.

One of the important components of a fun and exciting holiday are active games and original contests that do not allow anyone to stand aside and unite all party participants. Best games and the contests presented here will decorate any holiday, add enthusiasm and humor to it.

Specially for the site

joke with candy
Highly fun game able to make everyone present laugh. The main characters of the game are a man, a woman and a candy. There are no losers in the game, just as there are no winners. The meaning of the game is in a joke that will be played with a blindfolded man.

funny essays
All players receive paper and a pen. The facilitator asks a question, the players write down the answers. Each, bending the sheet so that the answer is not visible, passes it to the neighbor. The game continues until 15-20 questions have been asked. Essays are read at the end.

Guess: a cross or a zero?
A prerequisite for the game is seats that can be placed in a circle. The task is to guess by what principle the leader, determining the position of the seated person, pronounces the words: “cross” or “nought”.

fun zoo
Players choose an animal to portray. With sounds and movements, they “acquaint” everyone with their pet. On command, everyone must portray the beast - his own and his neighbor, and so on in turn. The one who confuses the animals is out.

falling whale
Holding hands, the players stand in a circle. The host quietly says the names of two animals to everyone - so that no one hears. When the name of the second animal is heard in the game (for all players it is a whale, only they do not know about it), those who were told it should sit down sharply.

"Failed" focus
Anyone who believes in spiritualism is welcome. The host promises the player to show a trick in which a coin from his plate will end up on the player’s plate if you move your hand along their bottoms for a long time. Focus fails and the player's face is blurred.

Who is sober?
The competition determines the “degree” of sobriety of those who have had a good time in the company. A scale is drawn at intervals of ten degrees. Those who want to determine “their” degree need to bend over and, putting a hand with a felt-tip pen between their legs, leave a mark on the scale.

Find the ribbon
To start the game choose a girl. Two guys are blindfolded. One is given ribbons, he must tie bows on the young lady. Another blindfolded player looks for bows and unties them. Then everyone changes roles.

Who did not have time - he was late
This is a variant of a child's game adapted for several men. On the table are glasses filled not with juice, but with alcohol. They are one less than the number of players. Players walk in a circle, and on a signal they must have time to grab a glass and drink the contents.

The most affectionate man
A joke competition for which two guys are chosen. They are given a task and time to come up with most sweet words for your beloved. But they will joke about the contestants: they will have to say tender words to each other.

Shall we dance?
Competition for couples - dance lovers who know how to famously dance on a tiny dance floor. The contestants dance on newspapers, which are gradually folded in half, which reduces their area. The pair that lasts the longest wins the game.

The most accurate
Competition to determine the most accurate man in the company. Which of the men can get into even a small hole? After all, you need to get a pencil tied to the back of your belt and hanging at knee level, into the neck of a bottle standing on the floor.

Extraordinary striptease
A competition for uninhibited and risky girls, which allows you to determine which of them has the talent of a stripper. Participants do not need to undress. It is enough to have elastic bands of different sizes, which the girls first put on themselves and then take off to the music.

It's not beer that kills people
Glasses of beer are placed on the table. The player hits the coin on the table so that it, flying off, falls into one of the glasses. The one in whose glass the coin hit drinks beer, meanwhile the first one throws the coin again. If he misses, the next one is included in the game.

Let's fill the glasses!
Pair competition. The guy, holding the bottle between his legs, is trying to fill a glass or other container that his girlfriend is holding in the same way. The couple that fills the glass with liquid the fastest and spills the least will win.

Erotic Desire Train
Depicting a train, the guests, connected in a man-woman sequence, move in single file. The leader announces a stop, and the first car kisses the second, that - the next. And the penultimate car does not kiss, but attacks the last one.

Pass it on
The game consists in the ability to pass the bottle by the players to each other. The players form a circle in which the guy and the girl alternate. Clamping a plastic bottle between their legs, the participants pass to their partner. Those who drop it are out of the game.

pissing boys
This competition is suitable for a company in which there are men. For the competition you need 3-4 bottles of beer and the same number of beer mugs or large glasses. Task: quickly pour beer from a bottle sandwiched between the legs into a glass.

Merry suicide
There are two players in the game - a girl and a boy. AT different rooms they are taught the roles they are to play. The audience, knowing about the task, watches how the guy tries to screw in a light bulb, and the girl, not knowing about the role of the guy, tries in every possible way to stop him.

Cool Kama Sutra
Two participants become a square, divided into 16 numbered cells. Body parts are also numbered. The host calls each player a number indicating a part of the body, and he moves this part to a cell with the same number.

heady napkin
The game consists in burning a napkin with a coin, which is covered with a glass of alcohol, with a cigarette. The one whose touch burns the napkin, causing the coin to fall into the glass, must drink its contents.

Sculpture of a loving couple
The host calls one couple and invites them to create a sculptural composition that embodies love. This is done in secret from others. Then all participants are invited, a “sculptor” is selected from them, who must remake the statue.

Fantastic Fantas
This competition is based on the children's game of forfeits. Each player hands over his personal item to the leader, and writes the task on a piece of paper. The facilitator takes out a phantom and reads out a note with the task.

Tufts of the mating season
The competition consists in the ability of a girl to adequately prepare her boyfriend for the “marriage period”. The host distributes multi-colored rubber bands to the ladies, with the help of which they, on the heads of male contestants, create intricate “marriage” tufts of hair.

ladies love money
Have you ever found your husband's "stash"? If not, you can try to find money hidden by other people's husbands. This competition is good for those who always know where to find a bill or two.

Games and fun. True, with age, our games change, entertainment and toys become different and everyone is different. Here are the games for holiday programs, everyone chooses to their liking.

Here are collected games that are especially good in a friendly drunk company. These games are for those who like to fool around on holidays, run around in huge shorts or fins, who like to laugh at themselves and others.

We offer our cool contests for a close company- and play them or not, you decide.

1. Cool competition of "captains".

The competition is funny for the audience, but somewhat traumatic for the participants. We need two men. We dress them up in everything related to maritime theme: caps, swimming goggles, inflatable children's circles, fins, life jackets, binoculars and so on - these will be sea captains.

Then we put the "captains" in plastic basins and give out two plungers in each hand - they will be oars. The task is to “swim” from start to finish as quickly as possible. To get moving, players are allowed to push off with their hands and feet literally from everything that gets in their way.

Or a variant without basins - then the task is to go through an obstacle course with fins and binoculars at the ready.

2. Competition - draw "Brook or boy".

it . On a strip of wallpaper we draw a streamlet, that is, many, many winding blue lines and different fish. We call 3 participants and invite them to cross the stream blindfolded, but so that not a single fish is crushed. The host constantly reminds the girls about the fish, asks them to be more careful and spread their legs wider - the girls, of course, obediently follow his instructions. When the girls pass the “streamlet”, the host is in no hurry to untie their eyes, distracting them with comments about how they passed the “distance”, at this time a man face up or even a videographer with a camera fits on the “streamlet”.

When the bandages are removed for the girls, and they look back at the "streamlet" - the first reaction, at the sight of a lying man - embarrassment and shock, the host should explain everything to them after a while. Sometimes girls do not wait for clarification, but simply try to break the camera or the host's nose, be on the lookout.

3. "Grandfather for a turnip" for a friendly company.

For a change, a cool game on a garden theme. The host invites couples who have a garden, a summer house, etc.

We make “beds” out of men: we invite them to sit on the floor, folding their legs in Turkish style, and hiding their hands behind their backs. Ladies will be "turnips". They sit in the space between the male legs and stretch their arms up, like the tails of a turnip. The role of the grandfather - Michurin, is first played by the presenter.

To lull vigilance, the “Michurinets”, walking through an impromptu garden, begins to “rub” something about the timely watering of turnips and suddenly suddenly grabs one of the nearest “turnips” by the “tail” and pulls it towards him. If the man - the "bed" did not hold his "turnip", then the man becomes the "grandfather", and the woman returns to the hall. Now this "grandfather" must improve the moment and pull the "turnip" out of someone else's "bed".

A couple wins: a “bed” and a “turnip”, which the “Michurinets” cannot separate.

4. "Remember the golden childhood"

This is a fun entertainment from the series - for an amateur. For him, you need to prepare in advance several "family" underpants of a huge size, pots, and children's caps can be used to complete the picture.

You put this “beauty” on the players who, while the music is playing, are just dancing. As soon as the melody stops, the players must quickly sit on the pots that have been placed throughout the hall and shout very loudly: "Mom, I'm all!".

Then the audience award for the best reaction is awarded.

Sometimes a team relay race is arranged from this idea, the meaning of which is as follows: the first player of each team (dressed in big shorts) runs to opposite side the room where the pots are. He runs up, takes off his underpants, sits on the potty and shouts: "Mom, I'm all!". Then he quickly puts on his underpants and runs to his team. There he takes off his underpants and passes them to the second player, who puts them on and quickly does the same as the first player. The smartest and fastest team will win.

5. "Oriental martial arts".

The competition is in the same series as the previous one, only in the style of sumo wrestling, and it will require adult diapers (larger size) and balloons.

We invite two men who are ready to undress to the waist. We dress them in diapers, and on the stomach with the help of double-sided tape we fasten one large or two small balls. In the process of fighting, they must burst these balls, pressing against each other with their stomachs. Naturally - without the help of hands. It is quite possible to limit the circle for them to fight (it is correctly called dohyo), beyond which they will try to push each other out.

To increase interest, you can arrange several rounds and even accept bets from guests - fans. The winner, of course, is the one who crushes his balls faster or pushes the opponent out of the doha.

6. "Running in shorts."

For this competition, in addition to two or three teams, you will need huge family shorts. Each team member puts them on at the start, runs to the finish line, takes off his underpants and returns to the start line with underpants in his hands. Thus, this wonderful part of the wardrobe turns into a relay baton.

The fastest team whose members overtake rivals wins.

You can complicate the game and add a second round to it: first, we do everything as described above, and the second race takes place together in the same shorts. Did you two run back and forth? We add a third. In this case, the team should be no more than five people, but panties will have to be sewn more.

Playing for an "amateur": on the one hand, it is most fun to play it on a heated audience, on the other hand, it can be unsafe for them.

7. "Rip it off with your teeth!"

Couples participate in the game, first they need to properly tie each other's neckerchiefs. Then we put the couples facing each other and offer to untie these handkerchiefs with the help of teeth alone. Whoever is faster wins!

8. "Karapuz"

This fun relay race for men. Three to four volunteers are called from the hall. They are dressed up in bonnets, bibs, pacifiers are hung around their necks, and they are given a bottle of juice each. Task: while the music is playing, they can drink juice through the nipple, as soon as the music stops, the “little ones” should take a pacifier in their mouth and say loudly: “Yum-yum!” repeatedly. The most important thing is that the music and pauses alternate very quickly and be of different duration.

The winner is the one who drinks the juice faster. The main prize for him is a bottle of beer, the rest are consolation prizes - rattles.

For more comical and in your company, you can arrange this contest, for example, with eating porridge from children's pots

9. "Explosion" of emotions.

If there is a desire to shout loudly, then the host can play such a fun game. The first one pronounces the word "well ..." very quietly. The next one should say a little louder, and so on, until the last in the chain of participants have to yell with all their might.

For more fun, you can meet each incoming phrase with a phrase; “Hello, we were waiting for you” and again in chorus favorite word. However, this game can be played with any of the most stupid words, the main thing is that emotions grow with each utterance.

10. "Funny football".

For this cool team competition, stock up plastic bottles volume of a liter - one and a half and fill them with water by two quarters. We strongly advise against using glassware, as it can hurt the player and seriously injure.

So, recruit two teams with the same number of players. It can be mixed or only men's and only women's teams.

Tie the said bottles to the belts of the participants so that twenty to twenty-five centimeters remain to the floor. You're giving soccer ball and designate with chairs the gates on both sides of the room or hall. What should players do? Use bottles to score a goal for the opposing team. Moreover, it is strictly forbidden to kick the ball with your feet - only bottles are used (they need to be used almost like a club).

Set up two halves of three to four minutes. Be sure to assign free throws - they will become additional comic moments. The result of the game is summed up as in ordinary football.

11. "Fights in the chicken coop."

Any event will become a bright and memorable event if you prepare funny contests. A holiday will take place at home or away - it doesn’t matter, the moment will still come when you want to have fun and laugh. Most often, the organization of the holiday is entrusted to one person, who comes up with entertainment for the whole company. On the one hand, such a step seems quite reasonable - the organizer prepares contests, funny toasts, decorations in advance, buys souvenirs and does a thousand other little things to make the holiday bright, interesting and memorable. Everything is concentrated in one hand, and if these hands are chosen correctly, then the event will go like clockwork.

On the other hand, coming up with contests, funny entertainment and directing the fun in the right direction all evening (and possibly night) is not an easy task. It turns out somehow not entirely fair - everyone is having fun, but one is working. Therefore, we can offer guests the following option: everyone prepares one or two competitions, and during the feast, everyone takes turns becoming the hosts. Below you are offered different or not, it's up to you, but as field tests have shown, they can be included in entertainment program almost any event.

1. "Piglets"

For the competition, you will need two dense two teaspoons and two yogurts. Everything is very simple: we choose a couple of participants, blindfold them, after which they must feed each other.

Important advice: It is better to choose men, as beautiful ladies can kill because of a stain on a dress. Or prepare protection in the form of giant bibs.

2. "Funny toasts"

Here you can go two ways. First: prepare cards with letters, and the participants take them out of the bag one by one and make toasts starting with these letters. Second: come up with words or even whole phrases with which you need to start your speech.

Tip: skip all the boring letters, better prepare more cards with the letters “Sh”, “X”, “C”, etc. Phrases are best taken funny or unexpected, for example, “waste paper collection”, “ferret disease”, “ when was the last time I saw a psychiatrist, etc.

3. "Inflate the balloon"

The task for the participants is to simply inflate the balloon at speed. The catch is that the balls need to be taken very small (when inflated, they are about 15-20 cm in diameter). It is not easy to inflate them, so all the participants will build very funny faces. Important tip: don't forget to take pictures!

Funny contests for adults

Below are various activities that are suitable only for adults. And for close friends who can afford such jokes.

1. "Kiss"

Props: two bags of cards, in one - parts of the body, in the other - the action. Participants sit at a table (preferably scheme M-F-M-F-M etc.) and draw cards in turn from both bags. The result is funny combinations: “kiss - ear”, “lick - eye”, “pinch - heel”.

2. "Magic bag"

This competition is quite simple: we collect swimsuits, pantaloons, funny hats, glasses, wigs in one big bag - in general, all old and Participants take turns taking out objects by touch and putting them on to the music. Why is this considered an adult contest? Everything is very simple - sometimes the task is complicated, and the participants must give their things in return.

Last tip: contests, funny entertainment and all other attributes of the holiday do not have to be original. Of course, it's nice when something new is offered, but don't forget about the old time-tested jokes. For example, always go with a bang mummy wrap toilet paper for speed or a game of forfeits. Happy holiday to you!

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