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Two completely opposite sides of each zodiac sign. Opposite zodiac signs that are attracted to each other like crazy

In astrology, such pairs of opposite signs of the zodiac are called polarities. Each pair of these signs together touches on some problem that unites them. But the solution to this problem is different for each of these signs. Of two incompatible things, everyone chooses one thing, often to the detriment of the other. This is what makes these signs so different from each other.

Opposite signs compatibility

Aries and Libra

This polarity poses the problem of the relationship between the individual and society. How to be realized in life, to win your place "under the sun", to become a leader and at the same time to maintain harmony in life and good relationship with people? Aries chooses the path of self-realization, strives for superiority, the full manifestation of their individuality. At the same time, he often sacrifices relationships, is ready to break them if they bind him, force him to yield and obey. Libra, on the contrary, is ready to abandon the manifestation of their personal qualities, to adapt to others, taking into account their needs and wishes. Libra is tuned in to partnership, it is important for them to interact with society, and not oppose themselves to it.

Taurus and Scorpio

This polarity poses the problem of the accumulation and use of material resources. Taurus is a sign of personal property, preferring to accumulate money, property, create inviolable stocks, which should serve as a guarantee of personal safety. Scorpio is a sign of joint or someone else's property (inheritance, loans), he redistributes material funds received from others. It is important for him that money is invested in something and multiplied, transformed into something useful.

Gemini and Sagittarius

This pair of opposite signs of the zodiac has a problem of receiving and transmitting knowledge. Gemini easily perceive any information, they do not divide it into important and unimportant. After all, it is not known which of the acquired knowledge will be useful and which will not. They are happy to share them with other people, but do not pretend to be a teacher. Sagittarius brings an ideological, philosophical basis under everything, he is not inclined to apply his knowledge in practice, but is often busy looking for the indisputable truth. As a teacher, he seeks to convey main idea, essence, neglecting details.

Cancer and Capricorn

The opposite of these signs raises the problem of social realization. Family or career? Cancer is a sign family life, he chooses a family. Even if he strives to succeed at work, it is all for the welfare of the family. If his career goes to the detriment of his family, he is ready to give up more. Capricorn is more likely to abandon the family, he perceives social success exclusively as an occupation of a high social position and professional realization.

Leo and Aquarius

This polarity poses the problem of love and friendship. In a narrow sense, but in a broad sense, it is a problem of emotional or mental self-expression. Leo makes a choice in favor of feelings and emotional expression in the form of creativity. For him, love is more important than friendship. Aquarius needs more friends and like-minded people who share his ideals and do not constrain his freedom than close emotional ties.

Virgo and Pisces

This pair of opposite zodiac signs has a cultivation problem. Physical or Spiritual? Logic or intuition? The problem is that the development and improvement of some abilities leads to the blocking of others. Virgo prefers to improve on the physical plane, mainly in the professional sphere, and therefore she cares about improving her performance, monitors her health. Pisces strives to acquire unusual abilities that would allow them to learn the unknown. Self-improvement from the point of view of Pisces is precisely this, and for this they often do not spare their health. However, a person does not always make a choice corresponding to his zodiac sign. He often follows the path of the opposite sign. But in any case, the problem of his polarity in life will certainly manifest itself and put him before a choice.


Thinking about the subject of a relationship, you intuitively feel sympathy for some people and antipathy for others, wanting to find your other half. Passion, mistakes and disappointments speak of a lack of knowledge about oneself and others. Astrology provides knowledge and clarity, shaping understanding and bringing precision to the senses. Illusions disappear and you see reality. Astrology also teaches you to wait without experimenting with nonsense. The reward will be the relationship you want. It's like tango. You know the movements, but that is not enough. And finally, you feel each other, you understand the lightest touch and every look. There is no leader and no follower. There is a dance.

You just need to understand that zodiac signs compatibility - too much general indicator relationship of the couple. EVALUATING THE COMPATIBILITY BASED ON THE PARTNERS 'SUNSIGNS IS NOT AT ALL SERIOUS! The union of people belonging to the signs of the Zodiac that are poorly compatible at first glance, in practice, taking into account all the indicators of the synastric card (partner compatibility card), may turn out to be successful.

Before approaching compatibility issues, you need to evaluate what you are going to combine and what it is, in principle, compatible with. Once again, I emphasize that the starting point is your horoscope. If your self-image is vague and you are afraid own strength or ignore your weakness, it is difficult to talk about compatibility with someone. In this case, you are more likely to become raw clay in someone's inept hands. Therefore, a real look at your needs and opportunities eliminates illusions about relationships.

Let's define the terms of tolerance and compatibility. Compatibility goes beyond sympathy and speaks of the possibility of being together as long as you like. Sympathy speaks with attraction, and compatibility also implies common goals, common interests. The demeanor and ways of achieving goals may be different, but the ability to combine them is already an art. Mutual interest with the need to develop, learn, do something together - this is creativity that goes beyond everyday life. When you are interested and happy together, life becomes simpler and does not weigh on you. This means that you can be around, communicate, or remain silent without discomfort or embarrassment. Compatibility - this is trust, honesty and frankness in a relationship, since hypocrisy is inappropriate. You divide and do everything in half without bargaining. The level of understanding in such relationships is the highest. Of course, there are conflicts and disputes, but there is always a desire and patience to understand.

Tolerance begins from the moment when you understood, but did not accept, realizing that you will never accept. Specialists of different profiles often talk about compatibility in the context of a specific problem: sexual, intellectual, everyday, etc. Compatibility in other areas may remain questionable. This partial compatibility is more simply called tolerance.

A huge number of psychologists are working to create or maintain a refined unit of society, teaching tolerance where there is no compatibility. Tolerance suggests that you tolerate some of your partner's qualities or some aspect of your relationship. The pain can also be tolerated, and even get used to it, if there is no desire to be treated. Nevertheless, pain obsessively repeats about ill health. Likewise, a relationship based on tolerance can hardly be called healthy. Silent patience is a lack of candor that slowly erodes psyche and health. Hypocrisy is effective on short term and for selfish purposes. Hypocrisy at a distance for a lifetime is dangerous to health, and regret about wasted years will not allow you to enjoy the result.


The opposite sign (180 °) speaks of the aspirations of a person. The elements of opposite signs are compatible. The active couple, Air and Fire, understand each other, although Fire is more drawn to Air than vice versa. A more passive pair, Earth and Water, is compatible, although Water is more strongly tied to Earth than vice versa. The qualities of their mark are usually familiar and acceptable. The opposite sign is the antipode of man. The opposite qualities are attractive because of their unknowingness. As a rule, they are not directly rejected. There is always an explicit or implicit desire to master them. This position corresponds to the seventh house and is responsible for partners and enemies. The union of opposite signs is not easy. If each of the partners insists on his own, then there is little understanding and it is difficult to get along. In some cases, the couple mutually compensates and balances each other, since their tasks, in principle, are common, and the ways of achieving are different. The best option there will be mutual mastery of the missing qualities:

ARIES is impatient, rude, acts without hesitation, openly goes into conflict. LIBRA is conflict-free, relying on others, inactive, tolerant. They are united by themes of relationships, personal and social. Taurus is calm, thrifty, inclined to create and accumulate their own savings. SCORPIO is dissatisfied, disposed to destruction and restructuring, he will take away faster than create his own. Both are concerned with the topic of love and property. Gemini are inclined to variety, study, prefer to process other people's thoughts. SAGITTARIUS is monotonous, inclined to teach, adheres to his philosophy. Both tend towards intelligent problem solving. CANCER is intuitive, receptive, malleable, not too principled, makes everything in roundabout ways. CAPRICORN acts directly, has rigid principles, does not differ in intuition, is cold-blooded. They are united by questions of survival in society and at home. LEO is distinguished by authority, imperiousness, pride, generosity, vanity. AQUARIUS is focused on its principles, freedom-loving, asocial, independent in ideas, does not recognize authorities, acts in its own way. They are united by questions of creativity, social and personal activities. Virgo is distinguished by thoughtfulness, rationalism, realism, a tendency to order, restraint. PISCES are compassionate, irrational, chaotic, dreamy. Both signs excite social problems, health issues, secret and overt.

SIGNS AT 90 and 270 degrees

These are signs of one triad, located on the right and left hand from your sign. This position is called a quadrature, or square. If the sign opposite describes your aspirations, then the qualities of signs at 90 ° and 270 ° are necessary for you in order for aspirations to achieve a result.

ARIES, striving for the justice of the LIBRARY, must combine the dedication and tenacity of CAPRICORN with the intuitiveness and caution of CANCER. Taurus, in striving for self-affirmation, perseverance and effectiveness of SCORPIO, combines the detachment of AQUARIUS with the generosity of LION. GEMINI, in their pursuit of authority and purposefulness in SAGITTARIUS, combine the precision of Virgo and the philanthropy of PISCES. CANCER, in striving for straightforwardness, CAPRICORN combines the patience of LIBRA with the effectiveness of Aries. LEO, in pursuit of the freedom of AQUARIUS, combines the tenacity and calmness of TAURUS with the fanatical perseverance and self-sacrifice of SCORPIO. VIRGO, striving for good nature and kindness, PISCES combines the optimism and love of life of SAGITTARIUS with the sociability and sociability of Gemini. LIBRA, in striving for individualism and capacity for action, Aries combines the tenacity of CAPRICORN and the self-sufficiency of CANCER. SCORPIO, in striving for stability and calmness of Taurus, combines the generosity of a LION with the resourcefulness and altruism of AQUARIUS. SAGITTARIUS, in pursuit of the simplicity of GEMINI, combines the precision of Virgo with the collectivism of PISCES. CAPRICORN, striving for intuition and kindness, CANCER combines the nobility of ARIES with the peacefulness of LIBRARY. AQUARIUS, in striving for the authority of the LION, combines the solidity of Taurus with the intransigence and insight of SCORPIO.

This is the evolution of aspirations for those wishing to develop. Mastering new qualities is the path to self-sufficiency. Perhaps few decide on it, but intuitive aspirations always remain. Someone comes to change himself, because of internal dissatisfaction, because of the desire to know or under the pressure of life circumstances. A partner personifying a sign located 90 ° or 270 ° from your zodiac sign is of interest in this regard, accelerating evolution. Often these signs seem to be the most incomprehensible. But oddly enough, “square” relationships are interesting and dynamic, they give a lot and can last for a long time. If you have ever experienced the delight of understanding something that did not reach you for a long time, with a joyful cry of "Got it!", You understand what it is about. The potential for development and the fuse of courage in such unions is quite high. Everything is there: discoveries, finds, conflicts. Boredom almost never happens. The ways to achieve the result are certainly different, but the ability to combine them gives great strength. A break can occur if there is a reluctance to evaluate the partner's life approaches and antipathy to newness and change. This is a difficult and hectic relationship, excluding laziness and relaxation.

ARIES combines his impulsiveness with the intuition and caution of CANCER. CANCER learns courage, and ARIES learns discretion. Taurus combines solidity and frugality with the generosity of a LION. Taurus learns to be generous, and LEO begins to appreciate a sense of proportion. Movable Gemini stumble upon the sobriety and thoughtfulness of the VIRGO. The intelligent alliance of the ideal and the practical gives more meaning. A receptive CANCER shares its maturity and depth with LIBRA, helping to add intuition to the selection process. Coldish LIBRA protects the vulnerable emotionality of CANCER. While CANCER slips away, LIBRA makes an agreement. Proud LEO and sarcastic SCORPIO have strong feelings and power. Kindness and skepticism are difficult to combine, but the pressure of a LION and the resilience of SCORPION is quite possible. The practical VIRGO grounds and teaches the accuracy of the philosophical SAGITTARIUS. The optimism and frenzied intensity of Sagittarius life helps VIRGO not to get stuck on trifles. The oscillating LIBRA finds support from the rigid in its directness CAPRICORN. Ascetic CAPRICORN learns with Libra lung attitude to life. A union aimed at justice, ideal, like a LIBRARY, and real, like a CAPRICORN. The passionate SCORPIO learns the detachment of AQUARIUS. Cold AQUARIUS learns the sensuality of SCORPION. Both are willing to use outsiders. A union determined to change through destruction, like in SCORPION, and through reforms, like in AQUARIUS. The purposeful SAGITTARIUS directs the uncollected PISCES in the desired direction. Self-sufficient PISCES teach SAGITTARIUS that beautiful does not mean a lot. This is a union of a spiritual or social plan, where PISCES is compassionate, and SAGITTARIUS guides and helps. The disciplined CAPRICORN teaches Aries a sense of proportion. Impulsive ARIES teaches CAPRICORN to do immediately and quickly. A union of activists, where the stubbornness of CAPRICORN is diluted with the speed and social brilliance of Aries. Not recognizing the foundations of AQUARIUS brings movement to the calm life of Taurus. A solid TAURUS gives shape and puts into practice the ideas of AQUARIUS. Compassionate Pisces teaches inquisitive Gemini love of humanity. Nimble Gemini add a sense of reality to dreamy Pisces.


Relationships through the sign (60 °) can work out pretty well, since the elements corresponding to them are quite compatible (Air and Fire, Earth and Water). Such a connection is reminiscent of the habitability of close relatives who have learned well how to adapt to each other. Rather, it is a tacit agreement that the parties support for the convenience of life. If the agreement is accepted by both parties, the relationship will take place.

The active ARIES gets along with the fast Gemini. The first one does without thinking, and the second one thinks for two. TAURUS and CANCER support each other's sensuality, diluting the measured life of the first with the depth of emotions and wordless understanding on the part of the second. Always different Gemini get along with an authoritarian LION. A malleable CANCER agrees with the practicality of Virgo, although it can compete with her in tediousness. The brightness of a LION is not disputed by diplomatic LIBRA, especially since in return they receive fatherly care for themselves. A practical VIRGO, not sharing the passions of SCORPION, finds a common language with him thanks to the harmfulness, corrosiveness, criticism, sarcasm and similar views on other people's finances. Patient LIBRA is able to endure the moral teachings and horse racing of SAGITTARIUS. A capricious and dissatisfied SCORPIO can endure a cold-blooded CAPRICORN. The breadth of views of SAGITTARIUS, always busy with global projects, does not bind the freedom of AQUARIUS and is even a source of beneficial patronage for the latter. Purposeful CAPRICORN brings dreamy Pisces back to reality. PISCES, in response, simply love and do not get underfoot. Anarchic AQUARIUS breeds ideas, and ARIES pushes them forward. Soft PISCES dilute the practicality and ingenuousness of the TAURUS with intrigue.


The relationship of neighboring signs is complex with too different qualities, and sometimes mutually exclusive characteristics. Different needs, goals and ways to achieve them are the cause of mutual discontent and misunderstanding. Some astrologers say that the next sign rejects the previous one. It makes more sense to talk about mutual learning. Each sign teaches the next one some qualities.

ARIES teaches Taurus efficiency, the ability to win, the ability to bestow, as Taurus is slow, lazy, waiting, and greedy. TAURUS teaches GEMINI practicality, frugality, calmness, just as the GEMINI are fussy, they use little of their ideas in practice, they are not able to save and save. Gemini teach CANCER to speak, as CANCER prefers to be guessed about his desires without words. CANCER teaches LEO modesty and the ability to respect the feelings of other people, as LEO is arrogant, vain, and suffers from complacency. LEO teaches VIRGO generosity and the ability to love, as VIRGO is calculating and stingy with feelings. VIRGO teaches LIBRA that any choice must be thought out, as LIBRA is frivolous in choosing and willing to please someone. LIBRA teaches SCORPION patience and justice, as SCORPIO is guided by his own passions and the desire to remake everything in his own way. SCORPIO teaches SAGITTARIUS precision, as SAGITTARIUS expresses itself too vaguely and generally. Sagittarius teaches CAPRICORN openness and optimism, as CAPRICORN is closed and gloomy. CAPRICORN teaches AQUARIUS to be principled, since AQUARIUS is unprincipled and respects only personal canons. AQUARIUS teaches Pisces not to get attached to anything and to anyone, since PISCES become attached, take care of and become addicted because of their own compassion. PISCES teaches Aries self-sufficiency, as Aries always needs an audience. You can be the first when there is someone behind.

Neighboring signs on both sides represent your typical environment. For example, if your zodiac sign is Libra, then a significant part of the people around you will have traits of the zodiac signs Virgo and Scorpio. The sun for such people is not necessarily in these signs, just their qualities and demeanor will fit into the characteristics of Virgo and Scorpio. More often this is due to the presence of other planets in these signs. Relationships with neighboring signs show the peculiarities of survival among the environment. This also explains the absolute consistency of interpretive characteristics in astrology. The representative of each sign is simply forced to have certain qualities in order to survive and live among creatures that are clearly different from him.

Aries have to conquer this world, be assertive, strive for victory at any cost, as it is surrounded by dreamy and compassionate PISCES, inclined to make a secret of everything, and stubborn, practical and rednecky TAURUS. In FISH, the benefits of life appear from nowhere and flow away to no one knows where. It is difficult to beg for something from Taurus without providing a report on where the money will be spent. Therefore, ARIES is forced to take in battle and with the same ease give everything for victory. TAURUS has to be calm, solid, slow and unperturbed, as he is surrounded by a warlike, sharp Aries and fast, unassembled Gemini. Taurus is forced to work, collect and prudently spend savings, since ARIES strives to take away and spend, and GEMINI - to pocket what is bad. Taurus is distinguished by materialism and sensuality, while Aries is hot, and Gemini is cold in their intellect. Gemini are forced to be curious, light, talkative, as they are surrounded by Taurus, heavy on the rise and secretive, taciturn CANCER. GEMINI have to inflate their authority, since TAURUS has enough stability and savings, and CANCER is already self-sufficient and has the gift of secret leadership. Gemini are forced to cognize with the mind and learn, since CANCER has enough depth of his intuition, and Taurus is more inclined to creation than to thinking. CANCER is forced to be careful and secretive, as it is surrounded by imprudent and careless Gemini and expansive, arrogant LEO. CANCER is silent, while Gemini speaks too much, and LEO commands. CANCER is malleable, not very scrupulous and prefers to go around, while LEO is proud and open, and Gemini thrives on the basis of speed and variety. CANCER senses people and secretly influences them, LEO commands, GEMINI exchange ideas. CANCER is characterized by depth of perception, GEMINI know superficially, LEO is concerned about the beauty of an act. LEO seeks to command and teach, loves glory, since CANCER does not want to be a leader, and VIRGO performs better than leads. LEO is generous, VIRGO is tight-fisted and calculating, CANCER protects what it has. LEO is complacent in good mood, VIRGO is stingy with emotions, CANCER reacts to environment ... LEO is proud, arrogant and proud, it is enough for CANCER to be noticed, VIRGO is squeezed. LEO is self-centered, CANCER is touchy, VIRGO is picky. LEO needs a retinue, CANCER needs solitude, VIRGO needs employment. VIRGO survives through thoughtfulness and rationalism, as she is surrounded by LEO and LIBRA. LEO acts rashly, supporting the image of the ruler, and LIBRA chooses rashly, with an eye on others. VIRGO is forced to be critical and accurate, as LIBRA manages to combine different opinions, and LEO insists only on his own. VIRGO is thrifty, while LEO is wasteful, and LIBRA is constantly sharing with someone. VIRGO is forced to take into account the little things, since LEO looks at life as a common holiday, and LIBRA is concerned about justice. LIBRA is diplomatic and tactful, often doing what is convenient for others. VIRGO services are thoughtful. SCORPIO is focused on their needs. LIBRA is patient and fair, while SCORPIO is vindictive and intolerant, and Virgo only recognizes beneficial contacts. Libra is inactive and lack of initiative, while SCORPIO is hardy and achieves the goal by any means, and VIRGO is methodical, persistent and productive. LIBRA is exquisite, while VIRGO is practical, and SCORPIO changes and destroys everything with the slightest feeling of dissatisfaction. LIBRA survives by pushing the VIRGO and SCORPION against each other. At the same time, they themselves slip away and observe the scandal from the outside. This is called diplomacy. SCORPIO is forced to be sarcastic and mischievous, as he is surrounded by idealists LIBRA with ideas of justice and pious romantics SAGITTARIUS. SCORPIO is independent, LIBRA prefers to rely on others, SAGITTARIUS needs to be impressed. SCORPIO is accurate, WEIGHT always has an alternative, SAGITTARIUS's speech is like slogans from the rostrum. SCORPIO is efficient and persistent to fanaticism, SAGITTARIUS will find a performer, LIBRA - an employee or patron. SCORPIO is conflicted and dissatisfied, LIBRA is conflict-free and patient, SAGITTARIUS ignores the opponent from the height of his position or attracts the law and power structures. SAGITTARIUS is aimed at the location of society, since it is surrounded by SCORPIO, seeking to control society, and CAPRICORN, dissatisfied with society. Sagittarius honors generally accepted laws, using them for his own good, while SCORPIO ignores them, and CAPRICORN is guided by deeper rigid canons and the principle of justice. Therefore, social upsurge is easy for SAGITTARIUS, for SCORPIO it is restless, and for CAPRICORN it is difficult. SAGITTARIUS solves issues narrowly, SCORPIO sophisticated, CAPRICORN directly and purposefully. Sagittarius always wants more, SCORPIO wants something else, CAPRICORN has a sense of proportion and innate asceticism. SAGITTARIUS is optimistic and philosophical, SCORPIO is precise and sarcastic, CAPRICORN is cold and sober. CAPRICORN is notable for its toughness and integrity, as it is surrounded by unprincipled AQUARIUS and a SAGITTARIUS enthusiast with a global outlook on his mission. CAPRICORN is forced to be a materialist, since Sagittarius is idealistic and pious, and AQUARIUS is even more idealistic and mental. CAPRICORN is modest and disciplined, SAGITTARIUS is demonstrative and restless, AQUARIUS is anarchic. CAPRICORN survives on its own, by its own labor, SAGITTARIUS organizes and uses others, AQUARIUS enjoys friendship and patronage. CAPRICORN is characterized by firmness and directness, SAGITTARIUS - restlessness and imprudence, AQUARIUS - resourcefulness and originality. AQUARIUS has its own original opinion on everything and does not recognize authorities, since it is surrounded by CAPRICORN, gravitating towards tradition and strong opinion, and Pisces dreamers, dependent on their dreams and other people's opinions. AQUARIUS is idealistic and relies on a mind that constantly generates new solutions, CAPRICORN hopes for its own work, PISCES tends to escape reality. AQUARIUS is unprincipled and can deceive, while Capricorn is principled, and the life of PISCES seems unclear and shrouded in mystery. AQUARIUS is friendly and altruistic, but cold, CAPRICORN is closed, PISCES is compassionate and emotional. AQUARIUS is not attached to anything, PISCES is attached, CAPRICORN is attached to his tough beliefs. PISCES are peaceful, kind-hearted, compassionate and merciful, as they are surrounded by cold AQUARIUS and Aries-individualist. PISCES are relaxed and inclined to enjoyment, AQUARIUS and ARIES are active. PISCES are self-sufficient, Aries needs an audience, AQUARIUS needs freedom and a warm place in society. PISCES are dreamy, logic is replaced by intuition, Aries is aimed at action without thinking, AQUARIUS is preoccupied with an abundance of ideas. PISCES do not get along well with reality, ARIES conquers it, AQUARIUS has its own understanding of reality. PISCES want to love the whole world, Aries love themselves, AQUARIUS is more important than freedom.

I remind you once again that compatibility only by solar signs is too general characteristics and in life it works very weakly. Only synastries will help to find out about the compatibility of two (or more) people.

"Opposites attract" is not just a well-known phrase, but one of the main tenets of astrology, which explains the reason for harmony and balance between certain people. The entire zodiacal circle consists of 12 constellations, each of which is responsible for a specific sphere. At the same time, opposite each sign is another sign, and among themselves these constellations ideally complement each other, although they are considered the most important antagonists. These are two hypostases of the same energy, but they carry a single impulse to the material world in a different "package". Thanks to this connection, 6 pairs of the horoscope are formed, or, in professional language, the Axes, which generate six main aspects in the Universe. Here are the main axes, which complement each other, generate common energy, while being the maximum opposites.

Pisces-Virgo axis

Representatives of mutable (changeable) Yin energy, who tend to adapt to life situations, are responsible for such a thing as certainty, but with a polar attitude. Pisces are dreamer people, for whom the basis of life is lack of certainty, personal freedom, pleasure and the ability to escape into their own dreams and dissolve in fantasies. Virgos, as the main antagonists, but the best partners of Pisces, are responsible for such areas as personal responsibility, a penchant for criticism, the ability to be in the present and grounded in circumstances and today. Virgos are above all discipline, attention to detail, and love of systematization. From the point of view of global issues, the Pisces-Virgo axis is in charge of religion, sacrifice and the ability to invest personal strength for the benefit of other people. Pisces symbolizes faith, ideology and religiosity, and Virgos are the grounding of these aspects and their transformation into material objects. Relatively speaking, Pisces are poets, and Virgos are those who help to print poems and sell these works to others.

Aries-Libra axis

Representatives of the cardinal (decisive) energy are responsible for such an aspect as action. Aries symbolizes the concept "I act", and Libra - "Others are working with me." But it should be noted that both Signs are responsible for making decisions and the ability to establish contacts with people at the moment when some kind of proactive act is performed aimed at achieving success. Aries is a sign that is considered a real geyser and above all helps the manifestation of personality, while Libra takes care of partner issues of this action. How comfortable will others be with me? Aries - the most stubborn and impatient constellation - always acts for the sake of loved ones and family. Show your "I" in order to receive benefits and give it to the benefit of those closest to you. Libra in this duo plays the role of diplomats and aesthetes, helping Aries hone their skills, decorating and improving the created masterpieces.

Taurus-Scorpio axis

Representatives of the fixed Yin energy are responsible for such an aspect as property and what each person possesses. From the point of view of astrology, Taurus is the most material sign in the horoscope, which symbolizes the full cup, one's own well-being and body. While Scorpio is the constellation in charge of money and the power that they give. I will add that both Signs control the values ​​of people - material and spiritual - which ultimately are the main resources that ensure human existence. His material body and intangible, subtle soul. Taurus is considered one of the strongest conservatives of the horoscope and most of all loves certainty (the energy of the Earth), and its antagonist Scorpio is one of those people who constantly gush with ideas and are unpredictable. The main factor that binds these people is the strongest self-esteem, possessiveness and tremendous performance, which contributes to the transformation of energy into material components.

Gemini-Sagittarius axis

Both signs, which, like Pisces-Virgo, refer to changeable, mutable energy, are responsible for such a concept as knowledge. In this case, Gemini is a student who is constantly in search of answers to questions and intellectual research. Sagittarius is considered a teacher, or guru, one who is open to everything new and accepts the world as it is, passing on the experience gained to the masters. The value system of both Zodiac Signs is based on raising one's own horizons and love for life in all its manifestations. Gemini is a Sign of susceptibility, and representatives of this Sign are those who primarily collect and analyze information, often not being particularly selective. Sagittarius, in turn, sorts more and selects the useful from knowledge, distinguished by great pragmatism and the ability to focus on a single goal.

Cancer-Capricorn axis

The representatives of the cardinal energy, Cancer and Capricorn, in their tandem are responsible for status and time. In this case, the status of Cancer is a connection with family and roots (the role of mother, daughter, brother), and the status of Capricorn is a position and place in society (the role of director, head of state, manager). Cancer, having a need to care for others, is in charge of relationships with relatives and needs a close connection with the land and native roots. Capricorn, possessing fantastic reliability and efficiency, in this duet plays the role of a careerist and manages the energy of responsibility to others. Both Signs are all learning the balance between family and social responsibilities, providing an example of how to properly spend your precious time in life.

Leo-Aquarius axis

The fixed representatives of these constellations are responsible for creativity and all forms of creation that help to manifest individuality and influence other people. In this pair, Leo is a creator and a true practitioner who expresses himself and demonstrates his ambitions, often authoritarianly subjugating others and dramatizing circumstances. In contrast to Leo, Aquarius is considered a theorist, often remaining a gray cardinal, and, respecting other people's freedom, he will demand the same attitude towards himself. Representatives of the Leo-Aquarius Signs are sincere, creative and welcome in everything creativity... In this tandem, both Signs are distinguished by patience and condescension, they are ready to wait for a long time and perform actions in order to achieve a result - the transformation of the world around them through the creative process.

/ Love horoscope opposite signs of the zodiac

Each sign of the zodiac has its own opposite - a sign with which it is difficult to find a common language, create a couple or have a mutually beneficial partnership. It is believed that opposite signs are attracted to each other, like a magnet. Then the passion fades away, leaving conflicts and frustrations behind.

Is it so?

Indeed, a pair of opposite signs of the Zodiac is one of the tense aspects in Astrology. But this does not mean at all that such an alliance is doomed!

Opposite zodiac signs complement each other and can be very mutually beneficial. They often have similar goals, but different ways their achievements.

Astrology helps to get around sharp corners in relationships with partners and allows lovers to better understand each other.

Aries - Libra

At first glance, they are completely opposite to each other. If you look at the ruling planets of these signs, you can find the patron saint of all men - Mars and the most feminine planet - Venus. Beautiful Venus and warlike Mars ... It would be ideal if the man is Aries and the woman is Libra.

The couple has a strong mutual attraction. The Libra woman should be less capricious, and the Aries man should be less rude and impulsive. Then the couple has long-term prospects. love relationship and marriage.

What if the woman is Aries and the man is Libra? Everything happens exactly the opposite. The Libra man should not blame the Aries woman for her willfulness and obstinacy. Libra can always curb the stubborn Aries with affection and cunning. Libra is a sign of partnership, and Aries will appreciate Libra if they are able to provide him with psychological and moral support, then the Libra man should not worry that the Aries woman will begin to dominate the pair.

Taurus - Scorpio

Like the previous pair, the signs are ruled by Mars () and Venus (). But these signs of the zodiac have much more in common.

Both are equally interested in money and property. When interacting with Taurus, Scorpio learns to manage his emotions and be less "explosive".

Taurus, on the other hand, will appreciate Scorpio's sensuality in the sexual sphere, learn to listen to their desires and show more initiative in sexual relations.

By uniting their material goals, Scorpio and Taurus can achieve a lot together. They are excellent partners in business, science, and also in creative matters. Their subtle strategies and little tricks can keep competitors at a distance.

The inner warmth of Taurus is as if created in order to melt the ice in the soul of the rebellious Scorpio. In love (if both learn forgiveness and compassion), a spiritual connection can arise. Selfishness and intransigence, on the contrary, can make them enemies for life.

Gemini - Sagittarius

And, as a rule, they have a similar temperament and are in no way inferior to each other in intelligence. Their main planets Mercury (Gemini) and Jupiter (Sagittarius) are the planets of communication, information and knowledge. Both signs are seekers of truth, they are curious, inclined towards travel and risks.

A Sagittarius man can be annoyed by the duplicity and frivolity of a Gemini woman, but her optimism and sociability are extremely important for him, because he needs an interesting and erudite companion, not too emotional, but not too cold.

In such a pair there will be no place for boredom and routine. This is exactly what the energetic Sagittarius woman needs. Therefore, she loves to enjoy the company of a Gemini man (provided that he has a strong nervous system). Gemini are not so hardy, therefore, a Sagittarius woman should be able to equip Gemini's rest, allow him to relax.

In partnership with Gemini, Sagittarius can learn to think and reflect more consistently, learn more about the psychology of people and expand their circle of acquaintances. Gemini, in turn, will learn from Sagittarius to benefit from these acquaintances, to make them more profitable.

Gemini and Sagittarius can count on a long love union, provided that they do not openly limit each other's freedom. This does not mean marital infidelity, just each of these signs should have: their own hobbies, the constant opportunity to communicate with people and freedom of expression. If someone wants to limit the partner's freedom, then they will part. It's a pity. After all, they have so much in common.

Cancer - Capricorn

Both signs show qualities that are not characteristic of them in communication with others, or they are not manifested so strongly: initiative and leadership. In this regard, in this pair, both can "hone" these important qualities on each other, but without mutual reproaches and accusations.

It helps to become more sensitive and sensitive, to hear the voice of your intuition, and not your mind. In return, Capricorn will invite Cancer to learn more about ways to become more successful, inspire him to new exploits, help him go towards his goal, and stimulate his ambitions.

The ruling planets Moon (Cancer) and Saturn (Capricorn) have one similar negative trait: despondency (or pessimism). If both partners are prone to depression, then such a union will not be fruitful.

If a conservative Capricorn man teaches a hysterical Cancer woman calmness and self-discipline, then gradually the lunar (emotional, mobile) and Saturnian (stable, slow) nature of the relationship will merge into one, forming a strong union of two hearts, and, as a result, a strong marriage, in which is dominated by the kindest family traditions.

However, if a woman is born in a couple under the sign of Capricorn, then she can hurt sensitive Cancer, and then he will stop trusting her.

The issue of trust in such a couple is very important. After all, both have a lot of complexes, both are often not sure of themselves, but at the same time both are egoists. If they open up to each other, and their communication becomes more sincere and selfless, then the chances of being together increase.

Leo - Aquarius

And - signs of progress, innovation and ideals. Both are great speakers and brave loyal friends. A spark of attraction immediately runs between them, and now they are ready to be together, despite the fact that Leo is more interested in the physical side of the relationship, and Aquarius is more interested in the spiritual.

But Leo has what Aquarius lacks - self-esteem. Leo, on the other hand, lacks indulgence in criticism and the ability to admit his mistakes. Aquarius has all this.

Unfortunately or fortunately, it is necessary to establish a leader in such a pair. If this leader leads the process of creating a family, and does not become the instigator of quarrels as a result of any rivalry or clash of views and ideas, then the spouses will become not only passionate lovers, but also devoted friends.

Both signs are capable of being truly true, despite the external bravado, the desire to please others, the desire to shock and surprise. Settled Lions are wonderful family men, and Aquarians are always able to bring an original zest to a relationship.

All contradictions in married couple easily overcome on condition of mutual sexual satisfaction.

Virgo - Pisces

A strange and very frequent union. Both are cold and pedantic in appearance, but tender and sensitive inside, both dream of "leaning on a strong shoulder." They rarely conflict, but at the same time they are able to silently irritate each other to nausea. Not finding this strong strong shoulder next to them, they are about to leave, but then they realize how deeply alone they are without each other.

Union and awaken the creative core of the relationship, it is able to transform both emotionally and spiritually.

While other sexual partners quickly exhaust the flame of attraction, Virgo and Pisces are capable of a longer intimate interest. After all, they moderately dose their passion. They are attracted by the aesthetics of feelings and poise, and not by the frank touch of the genitals in the cafe under the table. The foundation of a relationship in a couple is mutual respect and tact.

Virgo brings order to Pisces' dwelling, and Pisces manages to teach Virgos to dream. Sober-minded Virgos can be useful for Pisces in everyday life, help them become more calculating, practical and economical, and Pisces helps Virgos relax and soar above boredom and bustle.

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How do the opposite signs of the Zodiac match each other: Aries and Libra, Taurus and Scorpio, Gemini and Sagittarius, Cancer and Capricorn, Leo and Aquarius, Virgo and Pisces?

General principles of partnership

In the very general view in partnership, 2 principles of pairing can be distinguished:

1. Partnership by complementarity- when you are looking for a partner who is similar to yourself. With such a partner it is as easy as possible, mutual understanding is formed quickly. In the astrological aspect, the signs of the same element are complementary to each other:

  • Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius;
  • Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn;
  • Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius;
  • Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

2. Complementarity partnership- this is when you choose a partner who is very different from you. It contains qualities that you do not have. And in you there are those qualities that are absent in him. Then you are useful to each other, you are together - you can be as effective as possible in life.

Complementary relationships are formed when you are strong enough to interact with a person who is not at all like you. It is about this principle of unity and struggle of opposites:

  • energetically, you attract each other as much as possible, like opposite poles of magnets;
  • informationally, according to the structure of consciousness - it is difficult for you to come to an agreement, you are so different, everyone will “pull the blanket” over themselves.

From an astrological point of view, the most typical complementarity option is combination in one pair Opposite Zodiac Signs... This is the opposition of the Sun of one partner to the Sun of the other. Such relationships are not uncommon, some of them live up to the golden wedding. These are the pairs of opposites in which:

  • one partner completely subjugated the other;
  • both had enough love and wisdom to negotiate, not compete.

Opposite Zodiac Signs - Compatibility

Aries and Libra

They are very attractive to each other. Libra for Aries is a challenge. Aries for Libra is an invitation.

Aries is sharp and passionate, lights up with a half-turn. Libra is delicate and ethical, hesitates and chooses for a long time.

Aries is the maximum egoist, always “dancing from itself”. Libra is always focused on harmonizing with someone, on the balance of I-Thou.

They complement each other, like the energy of Fire and Air. Conflict as opposite principles of Mars and Chiron (Venus).

Taurus and Scorpio

Taurus loves peace, comfort, and constancy. Scorpio - Power, Oppression and Transformation.

Taurus is a materialist who values ​​beauty and stability of form. Scorpio - lives with the energy of attraction, destruction, passion, sex.

They have the potential to become the richest pair - the Taurus accumulator and the Scorpio money magnet, complementing each other as the fixed signs of Earth and Water.

They diverge from fatigue, betrayal and a large amount of misunderstanding of each other, like Pluto (Mars) and Venus (Chiron).

Gemini and Sagittarius

Gemini is light and airy, immersed in a stream of practical contacts and events, momentary affairs. Sagittarius is looking for meaning. knowledge that inspires him, that will expand his worldview, qualitatively change his life, status and career.

Gemini is a dynamic tactician. Sagittarius is a strategist, successful and far-sighted. One does not always see the forest behind the trees, the other - the trees behind the forest. As soon as the common energy clot ends (sexual and emotional attraction), they may become uninteresting to each other.

For more accurate forecasts, it is necessary to additionally look at how well the planets Mercury and Jupiter interact in the synastry horoscopes (paired horoscope).

Cancer and Capricorn

This is the connection between a child and an old man, the Moon and Saturn, emotions and duty.

Cancer - with its warmth of spiritual relationships and thirst for intimacy. And Capricorn - with the cold determination of the Spirit, without unnecessary sentimentality. Generous sincerity of one and clear "polites" of the other.

The connection between the inner subjectivity of Cancer and the extreme realism of Capricorn.

Complement each other as cardinal signs of Water and Earth. They contradict each other like the Moon and Saturn, the principles of open-close. Most often they diverge from the accumulated grievances of Cancer, who is tired of hiding in his shell from an allegedly close person.

Leo and Aquarius

Leo - loving to be the center of attention, with a strong personality, and a sense of his own self. Aquarius is a friendly-minded altruist, with a sub-twist.

Leo adores the energy of love and thirsts for worship, and Aquarius, seeking friendship and common intellectual interests.

Both Leo and Aquarius are special, what attracts each other. Only Leo-Sun is the star, the center of our system. And Aquarius-Uranus is spinning in the wrong direction as all the other planets. If they do not find points of contact, for example, in creativity, ships disperse like in the sea, disappearing from the horizon of each other's attention.

Virgo - Pisces

Practical Ant and Psyche Butterfly.

Virgo is a lover of order, for whom living idle is a punishment. And Pisces - slowly swimming in their internal states, able to create illusions of well-being and mimic, but they are not enough for a long time.

Virgo - specifics and the word "must" can plow for years. And Pisces - in everyday life, feel like they were thrown ashore, and their main desire is to dive into themselves again, to the depths.

Virgos attract Pisces as well-grounded partners who can protect and provide. And Virgo likes Pisces as a stimulus for their own achievements, but also as a reminder that material life is temporary.

They diverge from the lack of meaning, like Proserpine (higher order) and Neptune (dissolution of any order).

Finally, I note that these characteristics are just one of many, our life is much richer in meanings and nuances.

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