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The most passionate signs of the zodiac. How different zodiac signs behave in bed

It's no secret that the signs of the zodiac in bed and in love manifest themselves differently. Having dealt with what desires, habits and behaviors each constellation gives to the one who was born under it, it is easy to diversify your sex life, to reach full mutual understanding with the partner. What kind of erotic fantasies do people hide, what to expect from them?

Erotic horoscope: Aries

If it exists, then it was the representatives of the fiery signs who came up with it, primarily Aries. Impulsiveness, impressionability, a tendency to rash actions - all these qualities are clearly manifested at the beginning of a relationship. It is curious that a passion that has arisen instantly can evaporate overnight if the object disappoints the lover in some way.

These in bed are also able to turn into real fire. However, this does not happen with casual partners, since Aries also need spiritual intimacy. Having a long-term relationship, they agree to experiments in sex, a portion of alcohol can simplify this task.

The erotic horoscope says that getting an Aries into bed is not so easy. A potential partner must have an attractive appearance, demonstrate a lively mind and high social status. The longer this zodiac sign experiences sexual attraction to the object of love, the more likely the relationship will turn into a long-term one. Cooling in the intimate sphere for Aries often means the end of the novel.

People who are affected by this sign should not have long-term relationships with Pisces, Capricorns. Perfect Choice for them, Sagittarius, Lions can become.

How do Taurus behave?

Unlike Aries, which are described above, Taurus fall in love extremely slowly. Give them time to discover their own feelings and accept them. The patient object of their love is rewarded with the fidelity of Taurus, his penchant for tenderness and romance. It is interesting that all these qualities are demonstrated only alone with the chosen one, since people born under this constellation are not inclined to show their feelings “in public”.

The erotic horoscope says that Taurus perceives sex as a road, at the end of which an orgasm awaits. They are not able to feel happy, having lost a stable sexual discharge. In bed, representatives of this sign behave like real experimenters, despite some conservatism in life. They cannot be denied intimacy - the main thing that a partner must learn. The rejected Taurus will feel betrayed, may even suspect the chosen one of treason.

Sagittarius and Taurus are a couple in which harmony rarely reigns. The same can be said about the union of representatives of this constellation with Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio. It is best for them to associate life with Cancers, Pisces, Virgos, relationships with Capricorns are also strong.

What to Expect from a Gemini

Superficial love, unfortunately, is typical for Gemini, so their lovers will not soon be able to relax and believe in the reliability of the relationship. They quickly light up, cool down even faster, feeling the first hint of boredom or seeing a more attractive object nearby. Gemini also has pluses: caring, tenderness.

Dominance in bed plays an important role for them - so says the horoscope. Male twins will never give up the opportunity to lead their partner. They gladly agree to any experiments, including the most exotic ones. It is the representatives of this sign that are easiest to lure into the "adult" store, to convince them to connect erotic toys to intimate games. You should not turn off the light, going to bed with such a person, he prefers to see his "victim".

A long prelude is obligatory - so the horoscope teaches. Twin women will never agree to miss their favorite part. But such ladies are able to indulge in love in any setting, little things like candles, silk sheets do not play a special role for them. Young ladies-Gemini, like men, are open to experiments, they are happy to learn new things. Women born under this constellation prefer to indulge in erotic games often, so cold partners are not for them.

Oddly enough, it is best for Gemini to pay attention to Capricorns and Cancers, who are able to balance and restrain them. Their alliances with representatives of the air and fire elements quickly break up.

cancer and sex

Dreaminess, romance, frivolity are qualities by which it is easy to recognize Cancer. A person born under this constellation dreams of perfect love, but tends to hide feelings for a long time. The chosen one of Cancer will have to take the initiative in own hands, in response, he can count on care and warmth.

Compliments are what these zodiac signs love to receive in bed with their lover. The more often a Cancer man is praised, the more he tries to please his partner. Such guys rarely try to persuade the chosen one to have sex, having come on a first date, they tend to be patient. In intimate games, they can show some aggressiveness, show love for dominance. The women in bed with them will do the right thing by relaxing and trusting them to lead.

An intimate horoscope indicates that Cancer ladies are prone to shyness in bed, during the first intimacy they demonstrate stiffness, which passes over time. This does not prevent them from dreaming about achieving a violent orgasm, to which they are gradually moving. Cancer women are not alien to a certain egoism, they primarily care about their own discharge, giving the pleasure of a partner of secondary importance.

In bed with lions

Pickiness is the word that best describes Leo's choice of sexual partner. Representatives of this sign are able to seriously get carried away only by a bright personality; in the chosen one, they want to see confidence and strength. Having fallen in love, Leo will not wait for the initiative from the object of his passion. He will definitely seek him or her on his own, making romantic gestures with his weapon.

How do these zodiac signs behave in bed? Men want to constantly hear about how good they are as lovers. The partner should extol experience, sensitivity, caring and other positive traits his chosen one. Such guys painfully experience any hint of a fiasco. Lions rarely cheat on their women, they prefer only to admire others, without going beyond that.

Lionesses easily seduce men who attract their attention, as they have no equal in the art of flirting. Once in bed with such a young lady, her partners often feel disappointed. Women born under this sign are not able to surrender to feelings; for them, their feelings are always of paramount importance. appearance. Therefore, their chosen ones are forced to adapt to their desires, to have sex in positions in which they look as good as possible.

Capricorn and Leo is a union whose future is difficult to predict. Complete harmony will reign in the relationship of representatives of this sign with Aries, Sagittarius. It is advisable to stay away from them.

How Virgos behave

Virgos are creatures in which sensuality miraculously adjacent to coldness. It is not surprising that people born under this sign often show insecurity on love front which is difficult for them to get rid of. The voice of reason, speaking to the place and out of place, prevents them from surrendering to feelings. But a patient partner is able to awaken a burning fire in them, achieve reliability and fidelity.

How do zodiac signs behave in bed? Virgos should not be contacted by those who are counting on a short-term relationship. They go to bed only with the chosen ones, respecting themselves too much to enter into fleeting relationships. Those who do not try to persuade them to have sex at the first meeting will be rewarded at the end of the journey.

Men and women born under this constellation seem to be conservative. In reality, they avoid standard poses in categorically reject scenarios. It is they who are able to provide partners with an unforgettable experience, they welcome a non-standard approach on their part.

What to expect from Libra

Charm, inherent in almost all Libra from birth, provides them a wide range fans. You should not expect that they will be carried away at first sight, representatives of this sign do not belong to the number of conquerors. In relationships, men and women ruled by this constellation are more likely to expect equality than passion. They will have to be achieved, which can take a lot of time.

What will the horoscope tell about their sexual habits? Libra men charm their partners not with developed muscles, but with a flexible mind. They are always ready to compromise. Such guys in intimate games appreciate a long foreplay, they are ready to explore every centimeter of the “victim's” body, getting rid of their “hunger”. They do not refuse any kind of caresses, enthusiastically begin to realize the most exotic fantasies of their partner.

What will the horoscope tell about women's intimate preferences? Libra ladies also love love games. Counting on sexual contact, partners should definitely take the time to decorate the bedroom. In men, they value experience above all else, the ability to give pleasure. Refinement and sophistication help to win her, they appreciate everything, even the underwear that is worn on the chosen one. Conservatives better not seek the company of such ladies.

How do Scorpios behave?

Strong love - a typical state for this sign, they are not familiar with half measures, having fallen in love, they try to become the main ones for a partner, to subjugate all his thoughts and desires. Legibility, unfortunately, is not one of them. best qualities, Scorpios are prone to fleeting romances. This does not mean that people who obey this constellation are not capable of loyalty. True love can move them to this.

How do zodiac signs behave in bed? Once in bed with a Scorpio guy, any young lady will not want to leave her soon. These men put the partner's orgasm above all else, they are not able to achieve relaxation without hearing her moans and screams. Contact with them is recommended for those who want to take a free master class in the sensual sphere. Interestingly, each night spent with them is not like the past or the next.

How do zodiac signs act in sex when it comes to women? Passion, indefatigability - all these qualities are possessed by young Scorpio ladies. They like to inflame themselves and their partner in advance, exchanging intimate pictures with him, messages containing erotic promises. Whatever fantasy the chosen one has, they are ready to turn it into reality with pleasure.

First of all, Scorpios should avoid representatives of their sign. A wonderful future promises them relationships with Pisces, Cancers.

What is known about Sagittarius

Sagittarius should not be contacted by someone who takes love too seriously and is not ready to compare it with an adventure. Above all, they value the pleasure of the process of winning the person they like. Having achieved the goal, they are able to instantly get carried away by another object. Do not limit their freedom, no matter how long the relationship lasts. In partners, these people are attracted primarily by independence.

What does the horoscope warn about? The Sagittarius man is the one who can get excited in any field. He himself rarely indulges in exotic fantasies, preferring proven techniques. However, he is easily persuaded to try something new in sex. It is easy to seduce him by wearing erotic stockings and stilettos. Prolonged foreplay is welcome.

Cheerful Sagittarius ladies are rarely left without admiring admirers. Their ability to enjoy life is clearly manifested in sex. Such young ladies are more than men born under this sign, they are prone to experimentation, they like to invent new tricks and immediately use them. In intimate games, the result is most important for them, so a long foreplay is not so necessary.

Sagittarius and Taurus will constantly be in conflict with each other, as the first strives for freedom, and the second loves to control others. Suitable Choice- Lions, Aries, no prospects with Virgo, Gemini.

If the partner is Capricorn

When they first meet, Capricorns give the impression of cold, impassive people. They really tend to struggle long and hard with their feelings, so patience is expected from potential partners. What else does the horoscope signal? Capricorn is a person who is characterized by sensitivity and vulnerability, he is having a hard time with betrayal, he is afraid to show emotions.

Capricorn in bed turns into a hungry beast, which is difficult to get enough of. Such men love to control their partners, so do not be surprised if they want to use the ropes. Women who agree to have sex with them often have to agree to the positions they choose. Interestingly, guys born under this constellation love to cause discomfort, enjoy the contemplation of submitting to their power.

What does the horoscope say about women? Capricorn lady is also prone to dominance. She is always aware of her desires and tries to make them a reality. From a man, such a young lady expects tirelessness and humility, she should not be refused to continue if she insists on it. The posture for Capricorns does not play a role, they are comfortable in almost any position. It is possible that a woman will want to inflict physical pain on her partner.

Capricorn and Leo are a couple that highly likely will have to part. Alliances with Pisces, Libra are not recommended for such signs. Everything can work out in a relationship with Virgo, Taurus.

How do Aquarians behave?

The object of love of Aquarius rarely becomes a person who exists in reality. They tend to idealize a real partner, which often makes them suffer, feeling disappointed. A long-term relationship is something that is difficult for them to decide on, Aquarians prefer light intrigues. Only those who first make friends with them will be able to awaken feelings in them.

How does the Aquarius man act in bed? Sexual Compatibility- a moment on which his relationship with women practically does not depend. Rather, these guys are fascinated by the inner world of the chosen one, they want to understand her. You should not think that men born under this constellation are completely indifferent to sex. They are easy to excite by offering to experience something unusual and new, they are a real find for experimenters. No wonder they say that the world owes the appearance of the Kamasutra to this particular zodiac sign.

What does the horoscope say about the beautiful field? An Aquarius woman cannot imagine foreplay without kisses. She needs to know that the partner is interested in her as a person. It is unlikely that she will turn into a ball of passion, tearing clothes on her chosen one. But if desired, such ladies are able to pretend to be real tigresses. Sex is not the weapon that helps keep them from leaving. Rather, the community of interests and the absence of encroachments on freedom are important. What else will the horoscope tell you? Aquarius woman, like a man, welcomes any experiments.

It's great if they don't get involved with Scorpios. Gemini, Libra are perfect for such signs.

Pisces - what kind of lovers are they

The beginning of a new relationship is the stage at which many Pisces stumble. Indecisiveness prevents the representatives of this sign from being the first to approach, therefore they often limit themselves. They easily yield leadership in relationships to their chosen ones.

What does the horoscope say? A man who was born under this constellation puts the satisfaction of the object of his passion above all else. Her orgasm is a prerequisite for his pleasure. In a love game, it is difficult to compete with such guys, they conquer with tenderness and romance. Experiments are something that Pisces decides with difficulty, preferring tried and tested techniques. It is curious that these men are prone to masochism, they easily allow themselves to be tormented.

How do zodiac signs behave in sex when it comes to a beautiful field? Intimacy for Pisces women plays a secondary role. They never let strangers into their bedroom, they hate to discuss their relationship. Like men, ladies ruled by this sign love to "serve" in bed, fulfilling the slightest whims of the chosen one. Often they choose the “rider” position, which provides the partner with maximum relaxation. Own pleasure for such young ladies is secondary.

They have no future relationship with Aries, Capricorns. Romances with Scorpions, Cancers are welcome.

What else do you need to know

Does Eastern horoscope on zodiac signs? Does it matter what year the partner was born? Studies repeatedly conducted by astrologers show that intimate habits and desires are determined primarily by the constellation that controls this or that person. This allows us to assert that the eastern horoscope is secondary.

Is it worth it to believe the predictions of astrologers and break off relations with "inappropriate" partners in advance? Or is true love able to overcome any obstacles that arise? Each person must search for answers to these questions on their own.

There are few people like her: against the background of naive, flirtatious, defenseless ladies, the Taurus woman seems to be wise by experience even in her youth. This interesting sign of the zodiac is characterized by incredible willpower, remarkable intelligence, complete calmness in difficult situations and the ability to accept what is happening around. She is fearless and calm, knows how to solve any problems without straining and without fussing. And when everyone around is panicking, she remains calm and finds a way out. The Taurus woman understands the structure of things, she is very strong, but she knows how not to show this strength to men, and anyone is comfortable next to her.

The Taurus woman is not particularly prone to bright and passionate manifestations of feelings, she is not romantic beyond measure, but she is a man of her word. If she said she loves, it's true, and it's forever. If she chose a man, she will be faithful to him. Intrigue, betrayal, coquetry - these are not her features. In bed, this zodiac sign is not very ardent, but she knows how to obey, be gentle and soft, surround with warmth. A Taurus woman can show a man that he is the only and the best, it is calm and pleasant with her.

In a Taurus marriage, a woman is an ideal mistress, wife and mother. This zodiac sign is made for the family, while she finds time for self-care, relaxation and a career in which she can reach the top. She knows how to plan competently, manage everything without fuss, is not afraid of difficulties and is very independent. This wife respects her husband, does not press or limit his space, and will be able to create harmony in marriage.

Sexuality of the Taurus Woman

The determining and dominant influence on the sexual life of the Taurus is the ruling planet, Venus. People born under this sign are distinguished by warmth, friendliness, passion and tenderness towards a partner. In some cases, the bodies can carefully hide this. Taurus are well aware of their desires and needs, to achieve which they make every effort, carefully working to achieve the desired result. Desire and perseverance are the main components of the sexual side of the calves.

Taurus women from early youth dream of sublime and tender feelings. When the first relationship appears in love, Taurus requires a long bouquet-candy period, which will allow him to open up as fully as possible in the first relationship, and in this case he is able to surprise with his sensuality, eroticism and sexuality. The development of passion does not occur instantly in a calf, just as this sign of love does not happen at first sight. Passion develops imperceptibly, gradually and slowly, but when feelings are ready to speak, no other sign of the zodiac can give more sensuality and bestowal in love. Taurus connects feelings and desires into a single whole, so his passion always lasts throughout all relationships, whether they are sweet and happy or full of sorrow and disappointment.

Taurus women are an unsurpassed standard of tenderness and femininity. The impeccability of external data with bottomless eyes ... is able to lure any man into its languid nets. This type of women from birth knows how to properly emphasize their dignity. Has a unique sexual gait and demeanor. Even in home clothes or a sports suit in the guise of a woman - a calf, there is an exquisite excitation, attracting eroticism, which is surprisingly combined with an impression of reliability and fidelity.

A woman imposes an overestimated level of demands on her partners, giving the greatest preference to men with athletic data. Men with refined intellectuality have no chance to conquer a calf - a woman due to the fact that she gives the main thing in a man to tactile sensations and visual perception. At the same time, athletic men should have physical data from nature, because Taurus is given as much as possible to naturalness, naturalness and openness. A Taurus woman, without a twinge of conscience or modesty, can safely demonstrate her natural data, walking in the costume of Eve. Ladies are distinguished by their impressive and formidable appearance, under which amazing eroticism and sexuality are hidden. An increased love attraction can contribute to the appearance of several love affairs in ladies born under the sign of Taurus.

Taurus are distinguished by increased sensuality, which they put at the head of all love and sexual relationships. Because of this, it seeks to push itself or slightly fuss is not acceptable in love and sexual relations. They require a flexible and patient admirer or fan who can quickly and competently adjust to all the expectations and desires of a partner. With maximum devotion to feelings, the bodies can act as one continuous erogenous zone, but they give the greatest preference to stroking the back of the head and neck. Very quickly, the bodies are able to respond to touch in the mouth and nose. And the greatest feeling of sensuality and unearthly being can give to the bodies of erotic massage aromatic oils giving the skin additional silkiness, softness and smoothness. Taurus completely surrenders to love networks, acting as an exquisite lover.

At birth love relationships with a calf, you should be patient, because all representatives of this sign are distinguished by excessive conservatism, and a preference to gradually go through all the stages of rapprochement. With patient adherence to all stages of the development of relationships, Taurus are able to surprise with their eroticism and excitability. You should not announce your intentions and desires to your partner on the first date, which can frighten or repel her.

Relations on the first date should be filled with exquisite romance with all the necessary attributes. Special attention should be given to the filling of the table and the sophistication of the dishes, because for the Taurus, the luxury and gourmetization of dishes is the prototype of relationships in love. You should behave as naturally as possible with the involvement of a maximum of fantasy.

Taurus, by its nature, will not tolerate one-day relationships, giving all its preferences to the duration and reliability of the bonds of marriage. It is extremely rare to meet a Taurus with many love relationships that quickly replace each other. It's more of an exception than the rule. In a marriage with a calf, everything should be filled with nature and naturalness, starting from relationships with each other and ending with the situation. hearth and meals. Maintaining sensuality and affection will go most smoothly when making evening trips out of town on weekends. Filled with unique romanticism and sensuality, visits to historical sites.

Do you want to know about the intimate secrets of all zodiac signs? About their secret dreams, sexual behavior and true attitude towards a partner? Congratulations, you've come to the right place!


Aries is one of the most passionate signs of the zodiac, but he does not intend to be content with casual relationships. He only needs a loved one with a similar level of sexual activity. Will it intimate life diverse, for the most part does not depend on Aries, but on his partner. Aries is not inclined to create a romantic atmosphere for hours or think about the details of the meeting, he does not plan such things in advance at all.

In bed, Aries loves to be in charge. At the very least, it is important for him that the initiative for intimacy comes from him. With an insecure sexual partner, Aries can behave rudely.


Taurus has a calm attitude towards sex, so basically he adapts to the needs of a partner. The long absence of intimacy does not frighten him, and, even more so, does not push him to search for dubious adventures. If the beloved person of Taurus is more passionate, he will not suffer from a lack of sex. Taurus will always support the initiative and will not complain about fatigue - this zodiac sign ranks first in physical endurance.

Taurus does not like to experiment in bed. An inventive lover can easily be criticized and accused of debauchery.


Geminis love everything new, but this does not mean that they need to change their sexual partner frequently. They are attracted by the brightness, but not the beautiful appearance, which does not change from year to year. They like flexible people with diverse interests and the ability to keep up with the times. Gemini love lightness and unobtrusiveness, they have the spirit of a conqueror, so they themselves choose with whom they should be. Either they dominate the relationship, or they reduce it to equality.

In bed, this person is inventive, therefore, he needs either the same liberated partner, or someone who will willingly support his initiative. Boring and monotonous sex for Gemini can cause a break in communication.


For Cancer, not physical, but emotional intimacy is much more important. A representative of this zodiac sign needs to experience human sympathy for a future partner - he is almost not subject to outbursts of passion. Any unfamiliar person for Cancer is something cold and alien, so his relationship is usually tied up with someone from his environment.

Casual sexual relations are not included in the plans of this person at all. Only a permanent partner that inspires confidence. Most of all, Cancer is afraid of criticism, so it rarely initiates an intimate relationship. For the same reason, he has much more sexual fantasies than real actions. Cancer men are much bolder in bed than women.

a lion

Leo is a passionate and sexually active zodiac sign. He likes prominent representatives opposite sex, but by and large appearance is not the deciding factor. Leo is a conqueror, but he pays attention to those who are already interested in him. Nevertheless, the initiative for the first intimacy should come from Leo.

Leo can not stand boredom and monotony in bed. Intimate life according to the schedule will not suit him either. If a Leo man meets a woman, for example, only on weekends, then very soon he will get tired of it. Leo loves unplanned and stormy sex, which implies the complete dedication of a partner. With coldness and unwillingness to experiment in bed, a representative of the fire element can be pushed away from oneself, and then lost forever, and in a very short period of time.


Of all the zodiac signs, Virgo is the coldest about sex. If this person has no desire, any attempt to seduce him will fail. Moreover, Virgo can criticize obsessive courtship and flirting so much that the poor seducer will lose his craving for sex for a long time.

In Virgo's life, everything goes according to schedule, including intimate life. Unplanned, and even more so, casual sexual relationships of this person are not interested. Virgo only needs a permanent partner who prefers to have sex in the most classic form. Offers to diversify intimate life can be rejected by Virgo, and not in the most delicate way.


Libra is the most sophisticated sign of the zodiac, so intimacy for them, this is not just a way to get sexual release, but the final part romantic evening. The partner of this person must be constant and reliable. Casual connections to the representative of the air element have nothing to do at all - everything that is somehow associated with vulgarity causes a sharply negative reaction in them.

After all of the above, it will sound strange, but Libra is prone to betrayal. The fact is that this person is rarely completely satisfied with what he has, and striving for an ideal relationship, he continues to search for “the same person” even after marriage. The choice between two partners is always difficult for him. Usually Libra stays with those who are more interested in them.


Of all the zodiac signs, Scorpio is the sexiest and most attractive to the opposite sex. This person knows how to seduce with just one look, in which there is something hypnotic. Many people dream of being in the same bed with Scorpio, but he chooses a sexual partner for himself. With excessive obsession, he can be repelled even by someone who was previously attractive to him.

Erotic fantasies of Scorpio are very diverse. His sexual partner does not have to be liberated - Scorpio enjoys the very process of seduction. If this person is ready for a wide variety of experiments, the intimate life of this couple will not be boring.


Sagittarius is prone to outbursts of passion, and does not try to plan an intimate meeting in advance. Everything in this life happens on the go or along the way, and this also applies to sex. Sagittarius ranks first in propensity for casual sexual relationships.

A representative of this fiery zodiac sign will appreciate a partner who is attracted to unusual places for solitude much more than someone who created a romantic atmosphere especially for him. Sagittarius has no particular claims to the quality of sex itself. How diverse his intimate life will be depends entirely on his partner.


Capricorn women do not need unplanned and casual sexual relationships. As for the men of the earth sign, they are not inclined to seek adventure, but they do not refuse the opportunity to have fun in the company of a liberated beauty. At the same time, they treat ladies of easy virtue disrespectfully, and tear such ties sharply and tactlessly.

Capricorn, regardless of gender, needs a permanent partner, without increased sexual activity. Capricorns love long sex, but are not too inventive in bed. Representative earth element does not like to fall asleep in the arms of a loved one - after intimacy, he needs to rest, so he may well lie down to sleep on a separate sofa.


Aquarius refers to sex freely, and does not look for obstacles where there are none. If he started a relationship with a person who has long been attractive to him, this couple may end up in the same bed and on a first date. At the same time, it is important for Aquarius to have feelings for a partner, but not one-sided. If he is looked at only as a sexual object, he will be offended to the core.

The intimate life of Aquarius is varied, but for the most part depends on the desires of the partner. The representative of the element of air often does not take the initiative, but supports the ideas of a loved one. In this case, everything should be within reason. Everything that is on the verge of vulgarity will cause a negative reaction from Aquarius.


Pisces is the most romantic and sensual sign of the zodiac. Unplanned sex in an unexpected place, or intimacy with a random partner, as a possibility is excluded. To please this person, you need to show sincere interest in him. Too bright appearance, charisma and a reputation as a seducer will only frighten off Pisces - they need romance, and not a meeting that will not be followed by a continuation.

Pisces are very attentive to the partner's feelings - giving pleasure is much more important for them than getting it. Because of the tendency to self-sacrifice, these people often suffer, but this is the result of their own choice, and not coercion.

Zodiac signs in sex: behavior, preferences and needs

Video source: Horoscopes.

Experts say that a person is able to show dominant traits character of your zodiac sign. This is no exception even in sexual terms, according to CureJoy.

Below you can find out what traits are inherent in you sexually and with which sign you are well compatible in bed.

1. Aries.

Aries is a persistent person with a little aggression in sex. Aries love the act of conquest in sex. You dislike emotional drama and love it when your partner grabs your hair and pulls back.

You are compatible with the following signs: Leo, Libra, Gemini and Scorpio.

2. Taurus.

You are more sensitive than sexy. You know very well how to move. Taurus are experts at arousing their lover with scents, sounds, and touch. You also tend to expect sex.

You are compatible with the following signs: Scorpio, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn.

3. Gemini.

You can be comfortable and soft, and at the same time, you can be rough and tough. You can have sex in unexpected places and don't hesitate to say dirty things. You are invincible at flirting and enjoy sexual contact with your partners. You get real pleasure from sex and like to experiment.

You are compatible with the following signs: Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius.

4. Cancer.

You enjoy sensual love play. You need to be looked after until you allow the process to begin. You can easily understand what your partner wants. For Cancer, sex is filled with love and lust.

You are compatible with the following signs: Taurus, Leo, Capricorn, Pisces.

5. Lev.

Leos are consistent in sex. You rely on your charm and chemistry to attract a partner. You are a passionate and attentive lover, and you want to practice your skills in sex more often. You love seduction and foreplay, and your back is one of your most powerful and erogenous zones.

You are compatible with the following signs: Scorpio, Aries, Sagittarius, Leo.

6. Virgo.

Virgins are considered virginal and chaste. This sign can be very sexy and sensual. You love touching of any kind as a foreplay. You love a massage that enhances your arousal.

You are compatible with the following signs: Taurus, Libra, Pisces, Capricorn.

7. Scales.

Libras are people with impeccable taste and subtle sensitivity. The act of love is mental stimulation and verbal foreplay. Do you like flirting and love, and additional elements such as lingerie, light music in the background, and sexy environments.

You are compatible with the following signs: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius.

8. Scorpio.

You have a reputation for being a passionate and even lustful partner. You love drama and some excitement in your sex life. Often indulge in scenarios that involve power and control. You combine strong sexual desires and strong emotions, often struggling with your own desires.

You are compatible with the following signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Pisces.

9. Sagittarius.

You are charming, affectionate and very attentive in bed. You love spontaneity in your sex life. You are incredibly flirtatious and open to new experiments in bed.

You are compatible with the following signs: Leo, Aries, Gemini, Aquarius.

10. Capricorn.

Capricorn has a reputation for being one of the sexiest and at the same time very sensual signs. It is not an easy task to arouse a strong Capricorn libido. You have very sensitive legs and knees. You love to court and seduce. You are proud of your sexual stamina.

You are compatible with the following signs: Cancer, Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo.

11. Aquarius.

You love to be seduced, but you don't like to completely give power to your partner. You prefer ingenuity and enthusiasm in intimate terms.

You are compatible with the following signs: Gemini, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Virgo.

12. Pisces.

You feel great with all types of people. It will not be difficult for you to attract those who admire you without resorting to aggression. You are very romantic, sensual and playful. You love unusual poses. You focus more on a pleasant partner than on pleasure.

You are compatible with the following signs: Scorpio, Cancer, Virgo, Libra.

Woman’s Day, together with an expert in the field of astrology, Elizaveta Lileeva, figured out how planets and other heavenly bodies affect the sexuality of men of different zodiac signs.

Our sex life is influenced by many factors, and not just the way of thinking and family upbringing, as some people think. This is the position of the Moon and the Sun in relation to other planets, and moon calendar, and energy flows. It is very important for a woman to fully study her partner: his characteristics, weaknesses and strengths, preferences in order to avoid unnecessary disappointments and resentments in the future.

Sexual habits of each representative of the sign are different. Of course, these are not golden rules, but astrology is an ancient science that has proven its effectiveness for many centuries.


Passionate and sexually active zodiac sign. Eternal experimenters and lovers of something hotter and more original. Most often, they themselves take the initiative and do not tolerate failure. But you will never get bored with them. Guided by the characteristics of the sign Aries, it is safe to say that a person born under this sign is sincere and uncomplicated, this is also reflected in his sexual characteristics. The man of the Aries sign is initially focused only on himself and on his feelings and preferences. And he must be taught to feel his partner. Moreover, it is better for an Aries man to talk about his feelings directly. Because, although female manipulations affect Aries, if he suspects you of them, he will leave. The Aries man does not like deceit. He is attracted to passionate, open, but loyal partners.


They love long games in bed. Very inventive, but not extreme. They prefer slow, measured sex, seasoned with languid conversations and compliments. Romantics, but do not belong to the most faithful categories of men. The Taurus man is often loving, he will absolutely sincerely love his wife and a couple of mistresses.

In appearance, the Taurus man is very reliable, the way it is, they rarely have divorces, among the Taurus there are many caring husbands and fathers. But because of a strong temperament, it happens that one woman is not enough for him, and neither age nor strong feelings for his wife can often stop Taurus.


Indefatigable lovers, love variety. They are distinguished by extraordinary antics and love for role playing. Very active and talkative during sex. Gemini will be interested in everything in you: both body and soul. Gemini is one of the most sociable signs of the zodiac. Loyalty, too, alas, do not differ. But unlike the Taurus described above, their betrayals are based on throwing feelings, they are noticeable.

The Gemini man is not the most reliable spouse, he can be very carried away by another woman, believe that this is “the one”, but after a year or two change his mind, try to return or go to a new marriage. If you connect your life with a Gemini, establish strong and warm relationships with his family so that in case of danger to your marriage, they can help you save him.

Also, you should prepare for any experiments in bed, and actively offer them yourself, be aware of the latest sex shops, and in any case, give the capricious Gemini a lot of your time and attention!


Restrained, shy, but very constant lovers. Appreciate tenderness and care. In sex, they are consistent and selective. First, carefully study the partner. Very unhurried. Do not expect passions and ripping off your clothes from them. Foreplay is important to Cancers. Cancer will be very pleased if, before making love, you close the curtains, light candles, give him a warm bath, and give him an oil massage.

All this will always bring somewhere inside the insecure Cancer a feeling of unconditional acceptance. Cancer is the most motherly sign of the zodiac. And, of course, he will choose a partner who looks like his mother. Be ready to be an affectionate and warm mother for him from time to time, whisper tenderness in his ear, warm him up after a hard day's work. Then your Cancer man will answer you with care and loyalty. And you will have to make friends with his real mother - without this, nowhere!


Passionate lovers who start the foreplay long before the X moment. They love publicity. In bed, praise and admiration are appreciated. Not the most affectionate and attentive lovers, often fixated on themselves.

With a Leo man, use two recommendations. 1. Praise him always. Even reaching the point of absurdity, praise. With Leo, you can't overdo it, don't worry. 2. Manipulate! If you could tell Aries directly about what you like and what not, this is not the case with a Leo man.

He may be offended and go looking for glory and praise on the side. Therefore, it is better to convey information about your sexual preferences to them in a roundabout way: talking about girlfriends who ... watching movies. And then, when your Leo does everything the way you like, be sure to praise him.

Leo is not the most faithful sign of the zodiac, unfortunately. But his lioness will be the one that surpasses everyone in praise and manipulation. For a Leo man, his mother is also very important, he usually competes with his father, but his mother! .. And if you want to live happily ever after with your Leo, enlist the support of his mother.


The sexuality of the Virgo man is highly dependent on the beginning of his sexual life. The first experience for him is a kind of initiation. As a result, comes the understanding that this is the way it should be, and the only way! And if your Virgo man once had a not entirely successful sexual experience, this can be a problem. Uncertainty, coldness, obsession with their fears.

On the other hand, the Virgo man is a loyal and calm person. What to do if your Virgo man is timid in bed, cowardly, not sure? Play a game with him. Replay this one for the first time! He will gladly agree to the experiment, for him it will be part of the psychotherapy of that painful incident that affects his entire sex life. In return, you will receive a faithful and gentle man who will appreciate you for the rest of your life!


Libra men are manipulators. They care about playing with a partner, as well as her mind and soul. They choose smart, outstanding, deep women. Lovers of preludes and long love games. They love to study their partner. Appreciate beauty and aesthetics. Ready for experiments, but within the limits of what is permitted. They will stay close to the one that they will know all their lives. If you try to tie the Libra man yourself, he will leave.

Often a Libra man chooses a woman for whom he will suffer: a married woman, a bitch, in love with another, the one that will wipe her feet on him. But as soon as a woman is conquered, she can leave without discovering depth and mystery.


One of the hottest zodiac signs. Passionate, fiery, fatal. Those born under the sign of Scorpio are considered natural magicians, they are sensitive and get to know their partner not only with their mind and heart, but also with their magical, inherent ways.

Ready to study the partner to the last. Well versed in technology, a wonderful and attentive lover. Can change partners until he meets his one and only love. After that, he does everything so that she is next to him, wins, any means are used, and then lives with her until her death. Perfect monogamous.


Gambling lovers who love themselves and try to be leaders. It is important for Sagittarius men to conquer a woman, to recapture her from another. If you are looking for a relationship with a Sagittarius, in no case do not run after him, do not call him, do not show your interest. Be mocking, independent, but don't get too cynical, they don't like that.

In bed, you need to show that he conquers you. Sagittarius are important feelings, emotions, romance. If he thinks that you are not in love with him, sex will not work. And I would recommend next to the Sagittarius man not to run ahead of the locomotive: let him decide where, when and under what circumstances. Sagittarius men are wild savages who explore new possibilities.

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