Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Reasons for poor growth of tomato seedlings after picking. Why tomatoes don't grow well and what to do Tomatoes don't grow

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​If the appearance of the sprouts is “cheerful”, there is nothing to worry about.​ ​3. The room is cool - growth may stop, and then resume again (when it gets warmer).​​May it grow more! I noticed that growth is jumpy, then they will quickly catch up!)) Have a good harvest!))))​ Sixth: you need to add urea to the seedlings when they get a little stronger.​There may be a lack of oxygen and the soil may not be suitable.​


Why are tomato seedlings purple?

​Moisturizing - watering should be moderate but regular.​

​What color is it? - 2 years ago

​Tomato stems come in different shades. Consider the case when the tomato seedlings are purple.

Caring for seedlings after picking

The main stages of obtaining seedlings

  • ​Based on what has been said, it is quite understandable to want to grow these vegetables yourself in order to have a guaranteed environmentally friendly product.​

​When growing seedlings of vegetables or flowers, many gardeners are faced with the fact that the seedlings grow weakly or, conversely, become excessively elongated; leaves turn pale or curl; young plants look unhealthy and weakened. Fertilizer feeding does not improve the condition of seedlings. To obtain strong and healthy plants, you must follow all recommendations for growing seedlings.​

  • ​And there is no need to feed at this age.​

​4. Too dry or too wet soil. Tomatoes like infrequent watering (in room conditions 2 times a week), loosening (air access to the roots appears) and hilling (additional roots grow).

  • It’s not bad that they stop growing, it’s worse when they stretch out. They will grow up again!​

If you comply with all these conditions, then you will have excellent seedlings.

​And seedlings may be susceptible to diseases if a lot of water was poured at an insufficiently warm temperature. Then the roots must be washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and transplanted into fresh soil.

  • ​Temperature - excessive low temperatures inhibit the growth of seedlings, optimally 20-23 degrees.​

​Usually, seedlings may not grow well due to bad seeds, maybe even expired.​

The color transition of the stem and the underside of the leaves from green to purple can occur in two cases:

​Basic care for pickled plants is regular watering, observing the temperature regime and carrying out timely feeding (approximately once every 15 days). Important: during the day the temperature can reach +20 degrees, but at night it must be reduced to +10 degrees.​

Diseases of tomato seedlings

Without a doubt, tomato seedlings can be purchased from sellers. But there is a danger that they will sell you the wrong variety that you would like to receive. And it cannot be ruled out that they will sell you weak or diseased specimens. Therefore, self-grown seedlings are optimal.

  1. ​Reasons poor growth there may be several seedlings; all of them need to be excluded, and then your
  2. At this stage, the plant strengthens the root,
  3. ​5. Standard varieties (with limited growth) may seem to develop more slowly at first glance.​
  4. ​Can be fed with fertilizer for growth. I use florist for growth.​

If the tomato seedlings are purple

​Because the tomato needs freedom. Make sure they are not cramped. First, they are planted in rows, and then transplanted (dive, if I’m not mistaken) into a more convenient container so that they can grow in width. It is also worth paying attention to the air temperature and the presence of the sun so that the earth warms up and is warm. The soil must also be nutritious. It may be that you have low-quality seeds with low germination.​

​And the seedlings begin to develop poorly if they are infested with pests - wood lice, spider mite, earwigs. Then the seedlings urgently need to be treated with phytoverm

  1. ​Soil nutrition - if the seedlings have withered and turned bluish - there is not enough phosphorus, if the stem turns yellow and thinner - it’s time to feed with nitrogen.​
  2. ​More important factor is the earth. I always plant in a ready-made soil mixture, which is sold in the tomato store. Of course, taking land from the forest would be even better, but that’s only if there is such an opportunity.​

​Not observed temperature regime for young plants (too low).​

It is useful to fertilize with infusion of chicken manure. Although you can also use a solution of nitrophoska.

​Preparing tomato seeds​


​Therefore, he is in no hurry with the leaves.​


Why don't tomato seedlings grow?

​Good luck and a good harvest!​


​What is your weather like? Seedlings are very sensitive to the weather. If it gets cold, it doesn't grow. It will get warmer...

There are several reasons why tomato seedlings do not grow. The most common reason is poor seed quality. It is better to buy those that are in demand or on the advice of friends. Also, do not forget to water the seeds, they love moisture. Monitor the temperature and proper seating. You can ask advice from people more experienced in this regard.​

​I can list the reasons why this happens:​

​The reason may be insufficient nutrition.​

​The third reason is the availability of sufficient light. It also has a very strong influence.​


​Tomatoes lack such a nutritional element as phosphorus.​


​Please note: before planting in the ground, seedlings need to be hardened off.​

  1. It will be more effective if tomato seeds are germinated within 2-3 days. To do this, they are placed on damp cloth and put in a warm place. Humidity must be maintained by periodic misting until germination.​
  2. ​will be healthy and strong. The most common gardener mistakes that hinder the growth of young plants are: Sowing seeds in acidic soil Most flowers and vegetables require slightly acidic or neutral soil for successful development. You can check the acidity of soil purchased in a store or brought from your own plot using an indicator - a strip of litmus paper. A handful of soil is poured into 0.5 cups of water, mixed, allowed to settle, and the indicator is lowered into the water. If the litmus paper strip turns red, the soil is acidic. It needs to be limed, but this should be done in advance, 2-3 weeks before sowing the seeds. In this case, it is not chalk or lime that is used, but ground or crushed eggshells (2-3 handfuls per 1 kg of soil). The pH of the soil will approach the optimal value for the development of seedlings. Adding an excessive amount of humus to the substrate for seedlings This contributes to the seedlings becoming infected with the “black leg” viral disease. To avoid this danger, the soil, along with the humus introduced into it, must be sterilized (steamed or calcined in the oven) or treated with biological products (Baikal, Siyanie). Excessively frequent watering of seedlings Young plants tolerate drying out of the soil more easily than waterlogging. Watering should be done about once a week, when the top layer of soil becomes dry to the touch and the leaves of the plants begin to wither. Light deficiency In March, when most gardeners sow seeds for seedlings, daylight hours are still short. Especially in February (some plants need long-term cultivation before planting in the ground). To​
  3. ​The reasons why tomatoes may grow slowly can be varied.​
  4. ​...look at the roots.​


​Add a growth stimulator!)​

​Perhaps there are not enough seedlings sunlight. I also once planted some of the seedlings on the windowsill, and some of the seedlings on the table. So, what was on the windowsill grew perfectly, but the seedlings that were on the table did not have enough sunlight. And nothing appeared beyond the cotyledon leaves.​

​First: bad seeds;​

If the stems and leaves of the seedlings are stunted, thin stems, small pale leaves, then there is not enough nitrogen in the soil

​And of course, when watering, you must not overdo it, but also not dry it out.​

​But do not rush to apply fertilizers, which may be excessive.​

​We list the main diseases of tomato seedlings:​

​Planting hatched seeds​



​The first reason may be low air temperatures, so in such cases there is a slow growth of tomatoes/tomatoes; for good growth, a temperature of +24-28 degrees is important, by the way, this temperature is important even for pollination and growth of ovaries, but not lower than 19 degrees.​

  • ​The root system is growing.​
  • ​Wait a little. It stays in this state (two leaves) for a long time. Then real leaves will appear and growth will begin.​
  • ​There may be several reasons, but one of the most common is heavy soil. When I started gardening, I thought it would be better if I took chernozem soil. but it’s all crumpled up, the roots are weak and there’s no strength to draw out nutrition. I had to dilute it with sand later.
  • ​Second: it’s cold, tomatoes love warmth;​
  • If the underside of the leaves turns red-violet, then there is not enough phosphorus
  • ​Temperature is also important, but I doubt that it’s so cold in your apartment that the tomatoes don’t grow; most likely, some of the previous reasons are at play.​

​After all, these two reasons for color changes are very closely related. The stems turn purple because at temperatures below 14 degrees the roots do not absorb the phosphorus contained in the soil. This is probably where starvation comes from. But if the temperature is normal, and the stems have changed color, then you can try spraying. Make a 0.5% solution of phosphorus fertilizers and spray them on the leaves of the seedlings.​


​Late blight. To prevent it, it is necessary to alternate the usual feeding of seedlings with feeding containing microelements (potassium, iodine, etc.).​


Seeds ready for planting are placed in cups or pots on a layer of soil (you can purchase ready-made soil in the store) and sprinkled with a layer of about 1 centimeter. Good for these purposes peat pots. Their advantage lies in their ability to decompose in the ground. Then all the containers with the planted seeds are placed again in a warm place.


​grew well during these months, it needs lighting with fluorescent or phytolamps. In February, additional illumination continues from dawn to dusk in any weather and on all windows. In March, in the same mode, seedlings are illuminated on windows facing north; on other windows, the lighting is turned on on cloudy days, sunny weather they don't use it. Premature feeding of seedlings with mineral fertilizers You can only feed healthy, already well-developed plants, approximately 7-10 days after picking. Feeding earlier can only cause harm.​


​Another suspected reason could be a lack of nutrients- that is, fertilizers, fertilizers are especially important when tomatoes grow, as well as ovaries and fruit formation.


​it’s better than it will last for a long time, feed immunocetaphyte tablets, a good growth stimulant and against some diseases


Tell me why the tomato seedlings are not growing, two leaves have sprouted and in this state for the second week they are about 2 cm high

Ekaterina Makarova


Anna Natalia

​You need to know that at a temperature of 14-15 degrees, tomatoes stop growing. Very often this factor is the cause, but there may be others. May depend on soil composition. Feeding is already required here.


​Third: the seeds are planted deep and they take a long time to germinate; a lot of effort goes into germination.​


A lack of potassium is indicated by yellowness along the edges of the leaves and their curling.


If the tomato seedlings do not grow, then perhaps they do not have enough light, heat or watering. It may also be thickened and lacking nutrients. It is necessary to plant the seedlings so that they have a lot of soil, water them well regularly and add light at night. You can also water the seedlings with superphosphate.

Tatiana Tsivilskaya

However, a slight starvation in terms of phosphorus will not harm the seedlings at this stage.


​Black leg. It is necessary to carefully monitor the temperature and humidity conditions, and often inspect plants planted in the ground.​

Evgenia Taratutina

​Picking seedlings​

Lyudmila Venediktova

​Tomatoes, or tomatoes, have long and firmly taken their place in our diet. This is due not only to excellent taste, but also to high level usefulness. After all, tomatoes contain a whole range of important elements and vitamins.​
​The third reason is perhaps not proper watering, it is advisable to always water warm water, especially during initial growth, in a daily ritual.​
​And mine are sitting in the cotyledon leaf phase.​
​1. IN this moment The growth of the underground part - the roots - begins, then the above-ground part will begin to develop.
​Rastuski are expanding their root system - the roots will grow and begin to grow!​
​Fourth: you need to water it once every three days, or even four, so that the soil is moist, but do not overwater them; tomatoes do not like a lot of water.​

​With a lack of iron, tomato seedlings stop growing, the leaves become yellow and discolored.​

kati gender

When assessing the condition of tomato seedlings, several factors need to be taken into account:

Tatyana B

​And with the restoration of the corresponding thermal regime the seedlings you planted will regain their healthy appearance.​

Valentine Capricorn

​Mosaic. If a sign of the disease appears, it is necessary to treat the plants with a urea solution.​

Zhanna S

​Sprouts most often appear on the fifth or seventh day. It is necessary to observe the temperature regime: during the day from +10 to +15 degrees, and at night it is better to reduce it to +8.​
In addition, they are good to eat if there is a stressful period in life: tomatoes contain tyramine, which turns into serotonin when it enters our body. That is why when we enjoy tomatoes, our mood improves.​
​There may be several reasons: the soil is not suitable, hot or cold weather, diseases on the roots of plants. In the first case, now we can’t do anything except add fertilizer to the soil in the fall. In the second case, in hot weather water more often Cover the tomatoes cold with acrylic. And in the third case, we won’t be able to help in any way. But personally, if the tomatoes suddenly don’t grow, I water them with a yeast mixture. I take 100 grams of pressed yeast, dilute it in 10 liters of water, let it sit for a day and water the tomatoes with this solution. The result is already in a week. I repeat the procedure after 2-3 weeks. It is also important to hill up the tomatoes as they grow and trim unnecessary branches so that energy is spent only on branches that contain fruits or flowers.​
​Everything is fine.​

​2. There is not enough lighting - it is cloudy and there is no artificial lighting.​
​Do you remember to water? If not, there is a more complicated reason, Probably, most likely there is not enough space for the roots, there is no place for them to grow.... I am not a professor, but I think so!!!​

Tomatoes are grown in almost every garden - they are an easy crop to cultivate. It is planted in open ground, in a greenhouse, sometimes seeds are sown immediately, and sometimes seedlings are made. Tomato harvests different varieties give satisfactory results, but only with good growth. Unfortunately, it happens that tomatoes develop slowly. Why tomatoes grow poorly and what to do about it will be described below in the article.

Why do tomatoes grow poorly in open ground?

Why tomatoes grow poorly in open ground? Every gardener who grows them has asked himself this question at least once. There can be many reasons and it is quite possible to solve them all.

Why do tomatoes grow poorly in a greenhouse?

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In greenhouses there is usually a completely different microclimate, so slow growth of tomatoes due to incorrect temperature is extremely rare, but it is still possible, so a thermometer should always hang in the greenhouse, and the temperature should be checked all the time. But most often, the reason why tomatoes grow poorly in a greenhouse is completely different factors.

What to do if tomatoes don't grow?

There are apparently quite a few reasons why tomatoes grow poorly, but how to solve them? Several have already been given above simple tips, now it’s worth studying in more detail how to prevent growth from stopping or correct the situation.

Why don't tomato seedlings grow?

Not only adult tomatoes, but also seedlings may lag behind in development. But why do tomato seedlings grow poorly and how to avoid this?

The reason for the slow growth of seedlings may be excessive watering, poor soil chosen for seedlings, damage to the roots when picking from a common pot into separate containers. Lack of light and fertilizing may also affect growth. This is the most common reasons and are fairly easy to deal with or avoid.

  1. It’s easier to buy soil for seedlings if you don’t have the confidence or practice of mixing.
  2. You need to plant seedlings very carefully, according to all the rules, and preferably in peat cups.
  3. Watering is necessary regularly, but in small doses. Plants should not be flooded, but small holes should be made in the containers at the bottom so that excess moisture did not accumulate in the ground, but came out. Plus this is additional ventilation for the roots.
  4. Grow seedlings only in a lighted place (window sill, veranda, greenhouse or something like that).
  5. Fertilizers are applied in weak concentrations to seedlings, but if this is not done at all, growth may stop. So you shouldn’t neglect this care item.

Experienced gardeners share tips on how to enhance plant development, improve the quality of the resulting fruits and not think about the question of why tomatoes grow poorly.

  • Watering tomatoes should only be done with warm water infused in the sun. This should be done early in the morning or in the evening, when the sun has gone down.
  • Frequent watering is much preferable to rare but abundant watering. The latter lead to cracking of the fruit.
  • You should not collect seeds from sown tomatoes from year to year. It is necessary to update the seed material, otherwise the yield of the variety will rapidly fall every year. Once every three years, it is worth buying new seeds, store-bought in bags, and sowing them, rather than collecting them from tomatoes sown for that year.
  • When choosing a variety for planting, do you need to pay attention to where it should be grown? If tomatoes are intended for a greenhouse, they cannot be grown in open ground and vice versa. If you neglect this rule, tomatoes, having reached a certain height, will simply stop developing or will not bear fruit.

VIDEO - 10 mistakes when growing tomatoes

Tomatoes, although not the most fastidious plant, sometimes cause some problems like experienced gardeners, and, naturally, for beginners. Tomatoes require special individual care and care, because if some nuances are not taken into account, the seedlings may begin to grow much worse or stop growing altogether. In this article we will look at the “requirements” for maintaining tomato seedlings and try to figure out what to do to avoid similar problems in the future.

Conditions of detention

Like most plant species, tomatoes require strict adherence to certain conditions in order to grow and produce good harvest fruits The first of these is the temperature regime. At different stages of seedling life, tomatoes require different temperatures. When the first leaves appear, it is best to remove the seedlings to a cool place with a temperature of about 16 degrees. At night the temperature should not drop below 13 degrees.

After this, the temperature can be raised to 20 degrees during the day and 16, respectively, at night.

Proper watering of seedlings is one of the key things that must be observed when caring for them. Tomatoes should be watered regularly, but rarely. Even though they love water, the main thing is not to overwater them, because if they get too much abundant watering the plant may stop growing due to the lack of sufficient air in the soil.

Causes of poor growth

The reason for the poor growth of tomatoes after picking can be, oddly enough, a poor-quality picking process. This is one of the main reasons why tomatoes stop growing.

Picking, although not difficult, is a very important moment in the life of seedlings and therefore you need to approach it carefully. The greatest attention should be paid to the root system of seedlings. Big problems this could turn out to be:

  • Bent roots during tomato transplantation
  • Severe damage to the root system during picking
  • Poor compression of roots when planting in the ground, which creates air pockets next to them, which leads to stunted growth of tomatoes

It is worth remembering that poor growth can also be caused by external factors, which may not have existed before planting in open ground. These include diseases and pests.

If tomato seedlings are exposed to disease, they will naturally re-grow. Among the most common diseases it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Root rot. It occurs if you overwater tomato seedlings at low soil or air temperatures. If you have identified this disease in your seedlings, you should immediately look for plants with healthy roots and replant them in new, fresh soil, but before doing this, wash the roots with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Blackleg is another common tomato disease. This infection develops very quickly, so it is worth responding to it as soon as possible. Its symptom is the darkening of the root collar of the plant.

Tomatoes also have “enemies” among pests. Woodlice, spider mites, earwigs - all of them can have a very negative impact on the growth of tomato seedlings after picking. Therefore it should be processed by special means from pests.

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TOMATO SEEDLINGS DO NOT GROW, WHAT TO DO Even experienced gardeners very often encounter the problem that tomato seedlings suddenly stop growing. If this happens, then there is no need to panic. It is necessary to find out as soon as possible what the reason for such a sudden stop in growth lies, and there may be several of them: 1. Insufficient nutrition If the plant grows and develops poorly, most likely it does not have enough nutrition. Symptoms of a deficiency of one or another element may be as follows: - With a lack of nitrogen, plants look stunted with a thin stem and small pale leaves. The appearance of a red-violet hue on the underside of the leaves indicates a phosphorus deficiency. Lower leaves yellowed at the edges and curled, which means there is not enough potassium. The absence of an element such as magnesium is manifested by marbling of the leaves. In these cases, treatment of seedlings consists of carrying out the necessary fertilizing. - If there is a lack of iron, tomato seedlings do not grow because they develop chlorosis. Plant leaves become discolored and turn yellow. If such symptoms are present, immediately stop illuminating the seedlings. IN advanced cases feed and spray with iron-containing preparations. 2. Incorrect picking Another of the most common reasons for stopping the growth of seedlings is incorrect picking, namely: - The roots are bent. - The roots are too severely torn or damaged. - When planting, the roots were poorly compressed by the soil, which created air cavities next to them. 3. Poor care - Flooded seedlings suffocated from lack of oxygen. - The soil is not suitable. In the first case, you need to clean drainage hole, and in its absence, replant the remaining plants. Secondly, change the soil as soon as possible. 4. Diseases. The most common diseases that inhibit its growth are: - Root and basal rot, which is caused by overwatering of seedlings at low air or soil temperatures. Urgently save the remaining seedlings by transplanting them into fresh soil. Pre-rinse the roots in a solution of phytosporin or magrants. - Black leg - common infection, which develops very quickly in unfavorable conditions. Symptoms: darkening of the root collar, its softening and death of the plant. Control measures: the affected seedlings are watered with a weak solution of potassium manganese. Then it hills up and is placed more rarely. The room must be systematically ventilated. However, plants can only be saved at the very first stage of the disease, so inspect the seedlings every day. - Pests The most common pests are spider mites, earwigs or woodlice. Treat the seedlings with phytoverm. Having figured out why tomato seedlings do not grow, you can begin to eliminate the reasons.

She will be healthy and strong. The most common mistakes that hinder the growth of young plants are: Sowing seeds in acidic soil Most flowers and vegetables need slightly acidic or neutral soil for successful development. You can check the acidity of soil purchased in a store or brought from your own plot using an indicator - a strip of litmus paper. A handful of soil is poured into 0.5 cups of water, mixed, allowed to settle, and the indicator is lowered into the water. If the litmus paper strip turns red, the soil is acidic. It needs to be limed, but this should be done in advance, 2-3 weeks before sowing the seeds. In this case, it is not chalk or lime that is used, but ground or crushed eggshells (2-3 handfuls per 1 kg of soil). The pH of the soil will approach the optimal value for the development of seedlings. Adding an excessive amount of humus to the substrate for seedlings This contributes to the seedlings becoming infected with the viral disease “”. To avoid this danger, the soil, along with the humus introduced into it, must be sterilized (steamed or calcined in the oven) or processed (“Baikal”, “Shine”). Excessively frequent watering of seedlings Young plants tolerate drying out of the soil more easily than waterlogging. Watering should be done about once a week, when the top layer of soil becomes dry to the touch and plant leaves begin to grow. Light deficiency In March, when most gardeners sow seeds, daylight hours are still short. Especially in February (some plants need long-term cultivation before planting in the ground). In order for seedlings to grow well during these months, they need illumination with fluorescent or phytolamps. In February, additional illumination continues from dawn to dusk in any weather and on all windows. In March, windows facing north are illuminated in the same mode; On other windows, the lighting is turned on on cloudy days; on sunny days they are not used. Premature mineral fertilizers Only healthy, already well-developed plants can be fed, after about 7-10 days. Feeding earlier can only do harm.

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