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Dream interpretation of talking to your ex-boyfriend's mother. Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend's mother?

Mother young man in a dream often reflects the girl’s attitude towards this woman - it can be fear, hostility, sympathy, desire to please, and so on. Often the vision foreshadows quarrels with older relatives.

Also see your beloved’s mother in a dream means receiving an important assignment, on the fulfillment of which the future of the dreamer will depend.

Meeting the girl’s mother promises a quick solution to a problem that has arisen in reality. Talking about something with the girl’s mother foreshadows the successful completion of affairs and career advancement.

See your girlfriend's dead mother predicts danger, the likelihood of getting into an accident. Seeing your mother together with the girl’s mother promises dramatic changes in life, changes in worldview.

If a girl’s mother laughs or smiles in a dream, this portends a happy future for lovers, good relationship between the dreamer and the girl's mother.

Quarrel with a girl's mother in a dream predicts financial difficulties, job loss. The dream also indicates the dreamer’s difficult relationship with his relatives, his difficult character and isolation.

Asking a girl's mother for her daughter's hand in a dream speaks of the dreamer’s desire to have a family and children.

The dream indicates an understatement that remains between you and your former chosen one. Your relationship is not so easy to break. However, there is another interpretation of the dream - between you and people unfamiliar to you soon there will be a big fight.

Your ex's mom asks you to return to him in a dream - you are too worried about the breakup in reality.

If your ex's mom calls you to follow her, but you don’t want to go - you haven’t yet fully decided whether you want to get your ex back or start a new life.

Mom of ex-boyfriend, young man

You haven't let go of your past relationship yet. Such a dream also suggests that your boyfriend, with whom you broke up, remembers you and misses you. Perhaps at this time he himself does not realize what he has lost. But another interpretation of the dream is completely different - awaits you quarrel with a female representative.


To see your ex-husband’s mother in a dream means that too much connected you to forget everything so quickly. The dream means that it is difficult for both you and your husband to break off the relationship completely. Perhaps you will meet him again. But a dream can also be a sign that an unpleasant argument will soon occur, or even scandal with a man older than you.

And talking to her

If you talked in a raised voice- wait for a showdown with people from your environment. If the conversation was cheerful and easy, you will easy to get along with everyone.

In addition, the dream suggests that the relationship with the ex has not yet been completed.

Today in a dream, I entered the kitchen of my ex-boyfriend, for some reason there were two tables. His mother was also there, cooking cherry compote. I saw a cherry and put it on the table. Then we sat down at the table, she put pancakes and eggplants on the table.

Oh, yes) then we ended up with him at my late grandmother’s house, where there was beautiful music and he said that he wanted me

I dreamed about my ex’s mother: find out the meaning in the dream book!

A vision associated with an ex-boyfriend or his relatives can upset a girl a lot, especially if her feelings for this person are still alive. What did the mother dream about? ex-boyfriend, and is it worth worrying about the interpretation of what you see?

What if you dream about your ex's mother?

The mother of an ex-boyfriend in a dream is essentially a bridge to the girl’s true desires. Most likely, she still has not forgotten her lover, and the dream directly indicates how much she missed her.

If in a dream the mother of an ex is sobbing, crying bitterly, it means real life It may be your loved one who needs help. Perhaps he is in terrible trouble, and in such a situation he should forget about past grievances and try to help a loved one.

A dream in which the mother of an ex-boyfriend hugs the dreamer and rejoices at their meeting means that in real life the girl really misses her lover. Most likely, her feelings have not yet cooled down, and the girl dreams of restoring the relationship, returning the old romance and trust to them. Such a dream may also mean that in the near future the girl will face trials in her personal life. Her past is trying to warn the dreamer that it is too early to start a new relationship, and before that she needs to say goodbye to previous feelings, trying to free her heart.

A vision in which an ex-boyfriend’s mother dies in front of a girl has a bad interpretation. Most likely, your ex-lover will be in danger, so you need to warn him about your dream, that the guy will face continuous problems in the future.

A dream in which a girl and her lover are trying to be separated by his mother has a special interpretation. The image of the mother in this vision does not necessarily have to be associated with a relative, and usually it has to do with a rival. Perhaps the dreamer and her lover will want to be together again, but some envious person will not allow them to find almost lost happiness. The owner of the vision will have to play by vague rules, because her rival is ready to go to any lengths in order to get a man.

If in a vision the mother leads her former lover away from the girl by the hand, then this relationship is in the distant past, and it is impossible to resurrect it. No matter how the girl tries to resume dating with her ex-boyfriend and resurrect their feelings, nothing good will come of it. Between two lovers there will always be some invisible obstacle that, for some reason, will prevent them from being together.

What does it portend?

Seeing in a dream how the mother of an ex-boyfriend yells at a girl or even beats her is a sign of serious problems in her personal life. Perhaps some mistakes from the past will come to the surface, as a result of which the girl’s reputation will suffer a lot. In such a situation, you should prepare for future problems so that it will be impossible to prevent them.

To see in a dream how the mother of an ex attacks the owner of the vision, tries to strangle or stab her, means the appearance of some envious woman from the past. One of the dreamer's former rivals will again go on the warpath with her, but this time, their confrontation will be even more dangerous and serious.

If in a vision the dreamer is trying to hide from her lover’s mother, it means that in real life the girl still retains the memory of the ended relationship. Because of this, her personal life simply cannot turn out well, and the girl herself has to experience one love failure after another. The girl should let go of her past, because in this case, in her future there will be a place for happy and mutual love.

Meeting your ex's mother in a dream does not necessarily foreshadow a similar rendezvous in real life. Often this vision tries to hint to the girl that her past still remains real and present, preventing the lady from building a full-fledged relationship and starting new stage own life.

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Mom of an ex-boyfriend according to the dream book

Miller's Dream Book

If you dreamed that you were hugging or confiding with the mother of your abandoned boyfriend, then this means that the girl who saw this dream, most likely misses her abandoned lover, but she cannot admit this even to herself.

Why do you dream of an embittered and foul-mouthed mother? To hardships and problems, of course. This vision means problems and gossip, says the interpreter.

Dear lady as a symbol of well-being

Did you dream of a sweet, quiet madam who introduced herself as the mother of her ex-boyfriend? If she told you something in a dream, remember the essence of what was said. She says that you are no match for her son, but does it quietly and correctly, then rest assured that in the near future you will be very lucky - you will meet a young man who will be able to help you in a delicate matter.

And if you see in a dream that the mother of the “failed” groom speaks shyly and asks not to leave her son, this is a sign that the dreamer still has hope that she will make peace with the guy.

“Hitler in a Skirt,” or Take Care of Your Nerves!

The ex-boyfriend’s mom in a dream looks like the Gorgon Medusa - is she also evil, like her? Not a good prediction, dream books say. This is a sign that you should try very hard to control yourself. Someone will test your patience “for strength” - don’t give in to provocation, he says Lunar dream book.

When a girl dreams of her ex-boyfriend’s mother and grandmother looking at her angrily, this is a sign that someone is turning your little one against you. Dad and grandma rebelled against you - don't listen to gossip, it can demoralize you. But if a girl dreams of her mother beating her, then she should prepare for problems at work.

An offended mother is a sign of a tense situation

The interpretation of a dream in which you see that your “old” boyfriend’s mother is passing by and pretends that you don’t know each other indicates the dreamer’s internal tension, suggests Eastern dream book.

Did you dream of a mother who was angry with you because you abandoned her son? The time has come when you need to keep your eyes open, because the “current love of your ex” is plotting against you, fearing a return, suggests Nostradamus’s dream book.

Other interpretations: From loss to profit

Do you want to know what else your ex’s mother dreams about? There is nothing simpler, dream books prophesy:

  • a stranger in a dream pretends to be the mother of her ex - to the appearance of a rival;
  • seeing a failed mother-in-law dying means failure;
  • helping the mother of a failed husband - leads to conflicts in his personal life;
  • hitting someone together in a dream means aggression from others;
  • crying together with “mommy” means a quarrel with loved ones;
  • dancing with the mother of the previous boy means more money.

What can a girl expect if she dreams about a guy’s mother?

It is believed that if a girl dreams of a guy’s mother, then she should expect a quarrel with her loved one. This is not entirely true. In many cases, such dreams foreshadow good events. For correct interpretation you need to remember all the details and take into account the mood of the dreamer. You should also pay close attention to dreams in which you dream about the mother of your ex-fiancé or husband. Special attention deserve dreams in which the deceased mother-in-law comes.

To interpret dreams, it is important to remember every detail and take into account the circumstances of the relationship between a girl and a man in real life:

  • If a couple in love is in a quarrel, then a dream with the guy’s mother in the leading role may foreshadow a quick reconciliation.
  • Having a nice conversation with a young man’s mother means pleasant troubles and good news.
  • If a girl tries to prove something during a dialogue adult woman, and the conversation is conducted in a raised voice, in real life the relationship with the guy’s relatives will be strained and very difficult.

Vanga's opinion on this matter was unequivocal. She believed that all dreams associated with the mother of a loved one give clues about the future family life with him.

Troubles in relations with the groom's entourage are promised by dreams in which a possible mother-in-law makes comments to the future daughter-in-law and says barbs about her. If in a dream a girl finds it difficult to be in the company of the mother of a guy she likes, this means intrigues and intrigues on the part of a potential mother-in-law.

If a girl dreams that she was introduced to the boyfriend’s mother, but in reality the dreamer does not know her, this means that her secret desires will come true.

If you dreamed that your mother-in-law was pregnant, expect profit. Many of your problems will be easily resolved.

Night dreams in which a girl tries to give gifts to her mother-in-law actually mean problems. The dreamer will face big troubles in her relationship with her mother-in-law and her son.

The interpretation of the symbol depends on what exactly was presented as a gift. This item is the key to deciphering the dream. So, if a woman was given earrings, then in the dream book you need to look for a decoding of the dream through this word.

Problems are promised by dreams in which a girl lives in the same house with the groom’s mother (especially if such proximity makes the dreamer feel anxious and embarrassed). A favorable dream is one in which a woman, living with the mother of her chosen one under the same roof, feels comfortable. This means that in real life, a young woman will be able to solve all problems and overcome the coldness from her future husband’s relatives, even though she will have to spend a lot of time and effort to achieve her goal.

Seeing a guy’s mother in a great mood in a dream, but not experiencing similar feelings herself, is not very good. Such night dreams foreshadow a marriage in which the wife will be in second place for the husband after the mother.

If you dream that the mother of the man with whom the woman is dating came into the house and cried bitterly, expect good news. In reality, such dreams foreshadow a quick solution to problems.

Scandals and troubles await women who dreamed of a disgruntled mother-in-law. If the dreamer tries to avoid meeting her, hides and runs away, it means that in real life she is afraid of unnecessary conflicts with her man’s mother.

Dreams in which both women are in high spirits preparing food together are favorable. This means that in later life, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will have complete mutual understanding.

Dream books interpret dreams in which the mother of a former fiance or husband appeared in a completely different way:

  • Night dreams in which the mother of her ex-husband came to her daughter-in-law’s house in tears indicate that her son is in great danger.
  • Complete troubles and problems await a guy if his ex-fiancee dreamed of the death of her failed mother-in-law.
  • The deceased mother of an ex-man can warn of impending danger. You should pay close attention to such warnings. Most often, a man is in danger, and his mother, through her daughter-in-law, tries to keep her son from doing something.

Whatever dream you have, you need to set yourself up in a positive way. After all, if you expect troubles, they will certainly happen.

And a little about secrets.

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Ex-boyfriend's mom interpretation of dream book

Agree that seeing the mother of a former lover in a dream, even after a decent period of time has passed, is very unusual. What might you dream about about a lady who could once become your relative? In dream books there is an answer to this question. And not even just one - the interpretation of the dream is noticeably different, depending on the remembered details, the twists and turns of the plot.

What will Miller tell you?

Psychologist Miller believed that the mother of your ex-boyfriend, with whom you communicate nicely and even keep secrets in your sleep, is a sign that you still miss her son. You still have feelings for your past lover, but you don’t dare admit it even to yourself.

If in a dream the mother of the former gentleman scolds or behaves aggressively, then this, alas, does not promise anything good upon awakening. Most likely, spiteful critics are actively gossiping about the dreamer, and this greatly complicates her life.

Kind, sweet woman

In a dream, a woman appeared before you, calling herself the mother of your failed fiance? To understand why you dream about something like this, you need to remember what else this lady told you about. If she calmly, delicately hinted that the dreamer was not suitable for her son for a number of reasons, but did it tactfully, then the dream book prophesies great success in reality. Most likely, this will be a meeting with a young man who is ready to help in an important matter.

If “mommy” politely asks not to break off relations with her son, then the sleeping young lady still believes in the possibility of resuscitating the union with this young man. In fact, she is far from indifferent to him and is looking for ways to reconcile.

Wicked Witch

Why dream of a bilious, irritable aunt who introduces herself as the mother of her ex-boyfriend? This image is considered negative. The dreamer will have to go through a series of tests, during which the main thing is to remain calm and have a sense of dignity. The lunar dream book suggests that everything will work out only if the sleeping woman does not succumb to the provocations of enemies and not too smart people.

If a “vixen” arrived in the regiment in a dream, and you can see not only the mother, but also the feisty granny of her failed groom, then the dream book warns that in reality someone is turning the current boyfriend against the dreamer or trying to lead her away or seduce her.

A company of “as if” relatives, consisting of an aggressive father and an unfriendly grandmother of a former boyfriend, is advice: do not listen to gossip and rumors - you will only ruin your nerves and complexion.

Problems at work, that’s why you dreamed that your ex-lover’s mother beat you.

Is there any cause for concern?

Did you dream that your would-be mother-in-law demonstratively walks by without saying hello? Open the Eastern Dream Book, a similar situation is described there. The reason for this vision is the internal psychological tension of the sleeping woman.

In a dream, did you notice a woman who was offended by you because you did not appreciate her son and did not agree to become a daughter-in-law? Nostradamus comments on this: the current girlfriend of your recent lover is very worried and jealous of him for you.

Other interpretations

It is difficult to imagine everything that can happen in a night phantasmagoria, but we will still describe the most interesting or typical situations. For example, you see that a certain citizen claims that she is the mother of your recent boyfriend. In this case, the dream book warns that a rival may appear in reality. What if the mother of a guy “from the past” dies before your eyes in a dream? Unfortunately, this plot is not interpreted well; defeats and failures in reality are likely.

Helping your ex-boyfriend's mother in a dream means conflicts, and beating someone with her means attacks from others. Did you happen to cry with the parent of your ex-boyfriend? Then, when you wake up, you risk quarreling with your family. But if in a dream you danced together with a “relative,” then the dream book promises you a replenishment of your personal budget.

Dreams from Sunday to Monday (2018-01-15)

The ex-boyfriend's mother - a woman who almost became a relative - is unlikely to disappear from memory even after years. What she dreams about and what to be prepared for – that’s what worries girls after such plot twists and turns. Dream books will reveal all the secrets of this dream, the main thing is to remember all the details seen in the dream.

I dream about my ex-boyfriend's mother, what does this mean?

During sleep, the human brain does not turn off completely. It continues to function, but with less intensity. A person has the ability to see some events, people, nature in a dream.

The dream is the embodiment of the subconscious. What a person devotes his thoughts to, the thoughts with which he lives, then emerge into a picture during a dream. A dream can also be a harbinger of events in the future, or a memory from the past and present. Not everyone is given the ability to remember dreams with all the details. It is the details that are important when interpreting dreams. Sometimes a person, weeks or months later, remembers what he dreamed about while he was sleeping.

Dreams are distinguished by their diversity, coloring, richness, and connection with reality. Some testify that they see only black and white pictures, while others, on the contrary, see everything in bright colors and tones. Now let’s learn more about what the ex-boyfriend’s mother dreams about.

This dream is direct evidence that subconsciously the girl is still dreaming about past relationships and has not forgotten her lover. Even after finding a new relationship, meeting another person, it is difficult to forget the past. Bad, sad moments are erased after time, but joyful moments will remain in the memory forever. Only a new strong love, new emotions and sensations can muffle the longing for the past.

Mother - main man in a child's life. There is a strong, unbreakable connection between them. Therefore, the ex-boyfriend’s mother is his representative in a dream. Mutual understanding is not always established between parents and their son’s lovers.

The guy is torn between two fires, realizing that his parents are the main people in his life, and at the same time realizing that it is time to break free from parental care and build his own family with his loved one. Children's choices do not always coincide with their parents' vision. This is understandable, because dad and mom want the best for their child. In addition, there is such a thing as maternal jealousy and excessive care; in such a situation, it is very difficult for sons to choose their other half. Mom will always be unhappy, no matter who his girlfriend is. In her opinion, she will not be able to give her son as much warmth, affection, and care. Such a reverent attitude towards your child becomes a real problem, which only a son with a strong-willed, decisive character and capable of conducting a competent dialogue can solve.

You can learn a lot about yourself, about your inner world through sleep. Even though a guy’s ex-boyfriend’s mother can’t just be in a dream, it’s worth delving into yourself and sorting out your feelings. Perhaps we need to take back past relationships, set priorities, say goodbye to past grievances and start all over again.

As stated earlier, there is a strong bond between mother and son. The mother carries all the internal, emotional experiences of the child through her heart, she also suffers and is just as sad when her son feels bad.

Rejected love, a break in a relationship when feelings are still hidden inside, can hurt a young nature. The ability to break up is not given to everyone by nature; it is still worth learning.

According to statistics, it is girls who often initiate breakups. If you do this rudely, lowly, you can seriously injure a young man. It is more difficult for men to cope with resentment, because they do not have the opportunity to complain, pour out their souls, or simply cry into their vest. It just so happens that a man must be an impenetrable rock, and he has no right to tears. But it’s very difficult to carry everything inside yourself, which then results in prolonged depression. A fragile youthful psyche can completely fail, and this later results in tragedy. Unrequited, rejected love is the cause of suicide. Any mother can sense from a distance that something is wrong with her child. Who else besides mom will take a liking and regret it in difficult times. It is such an emotional connection that can then be embodied in a dream. Maybe the mother of an ex-boyfriend is dreaming because of a feeling of guilt in front of her son, because of remorse. Sometimes you become ashamed of your actions after a certain period of time.

Sleep is a very amazing phenomenon that a person can feel. It is important to remember as much as possible more details, images, faces, events, so that later it will be easier to unravel the mystery of this dream.

Ability to see prophetic dreams is not given to everyone; this category of people includes those who have highly developed intuition, sensitive and insightful people. This ability often becomes a helping hand in difficult situations.

Mom is the closest person to every person. Therefore, it can appear in dreams for various reasons and very often. In night dreams you can see a huge variety of subjects. Therefore, the interpretation of dreams often causes difficulties. When a mother who is still alive appears in a dream, this indicates that it will be possible to successfully complete the work started and get the desired results.

But many people are interested in the question of why they dream deceased mother? Such dreams are disturbing and frightening, so you must definitely use information from dream books in order to correctly decipher night dreams.

Mom, mother in a dream

Conversation with mom

When living mother appears in night dreams, and you calmly talk to her, this foreshadows the receipt of pleasant and very important news in the near future. It’s good if the dreamer remembers what his mother told him in a dream. Perhaps this can be used in real life as a guide to action.


If you dream godmother, then this indicates that you have reliable protection from your Guardian Angel. And even if your well-being is currently doubtful, then this dream indicates that everything will soon get better.

Mother's son

The mother's son may also dream. In most cases, such a dream often reflects a woman’s inner experiences. But dream books also often associate such a dream with the onset of a successful period in life.

Why do you dream about your mother’s pregnancy?

Why do pregnant mothers dream? A very good sign is night dreams in which a pregnant parent appears. A mother's pregnancy in a dream indicates that life circumstances will be favorable for the fulfillment of plans.

Many people are interested in the question of why they dream about the death of a mother who is alive. Such an ominous dream actually indicates that everything is fine with mom and focuses on the fact that she will live a long time. If the parent is sick during this period, then such night dreams symbolize a speedy recovery.

If you dreamed that your mother died, you should not be afraid of such a dream. Most often, this plot appears in night dreams when the dreamer is growing up. Such a dream symbolizes that a person is learning to be independent. But sometimes such a dream indicates increased mental anxiety, which, in most cases, is fictitious.

Funeral of a living mother

The funeral of a living mother, according to dream books, is interpreted similar to her death. Most often, this symbolizes a person’s independence. But sometimes, such dreams indicate that life circumstances will lead to severe depression, from which it will be very difficult to get out of on your own. Also, such a dream can be considered as a warning that an extraordinary event will happen in life.

In addition, such a dream can be interpreted as follows:

    If in reality you are in a quarrel with your mother, then her death, seen in night dreams, symbolizes reconciliation in the near future. For girls, such a dream foreshadows serious life changes, most likely related to marriage. If the death in the dream plot was violent, for example , as a result of an accident, then this is a warning that in real life you should not bring unfamiliar people closer to you. When the death of your mother in your night dreams occurred as a result of illness, then you need to take care of your own health and especially great value should be given proper nutrition And healthy image life.

Dreamed of mother in a coffin

A positive omen is a dream in which a mother dreams of being in a coffin. Such a dream is especially positive if the mother is very sick. The dream foreshadows recovery. In addition, such a dream can focus the dreamer’s attention on the fact that he has taken on great responsibility and that, most likely, it turned out to be beyond his strength.

Mother's grave

The mother's grave foreshadows sadness in real life. Such a dream may portend danger. But in dream books there is also another interpretation of such a dream. The maternal grave seen in a dream is a symbol of an addition to the family.

Young girls very often dream about their boyfriend's mother. This is a rather unfavorable dream, which foreshadows serious scandals with relatives. You should not worry in advance, because the dream is a warning and you have time to take compromise measures in advance and prevent conflict situations from arising.

In addition, other plots can be interpreted as follows:

    When you had a chance to communicate with a guy’s mother on the phone in a dream, then, most likely, in reality you will be able to establish a very good relationship with her. If you quarreled with the guy’s parent in your night dreams, then disagreements with your loved one will probably arise in real life. If you argue with the guy’s mother, but no negative emotions arise, this portends the receipt of good news from other people. When, according to the plot of the dream, the mother of your loved one dies, then you should expect that serious problems will arise at work. Also, such a dream can be a harbinger of illness.

A bad sign is a dream in which the plot of your life together with the guy's mom. It is a harbinger of serious life troubles. Moreover, in this case, in order to establish own life it will take a lot of effort and time. If in your night dreams you saw the mother of your ex-boyfriend, then this emphasizes the fact that your lover is experiencing mental suffering after breaking up with you.

If you dreamed about your ex-boyfriend’s mother immediately after breaking up with your lover, then this indicates your strong emotional experiences. On the other hand, such a dream is sometimes interpreted as the fact that the guy really misses you. The mother sees her son suffering and worries about him. That is why a woman appears in a girl’s dreams to push her towards reconciliation.

Groom's mother

When a girl dreams of the groom’s mother, this represents the dreamer’s experiences before the wedding. Such a dream occurs especially often if a girl doubts that she will be received well in someone else’s family.

Husband's mother

The husband's mother in a dream can be interpreted in different ways:

    If your relationship with your mother-in-law in reality leaves much to be desired, then after such a dream a serious quarrel with your spouse will soon come. If in real life you have an excellent relationship with your mother-in-law, then you can expect that in the near future you will receive from your spouse a very dear and pleasant present.

Dreaming about my friend's mother

If you dreamed about your friend's mother, then this indicates that your friend is going through very difficult times in real life. After such a dream, you must definitely contact her as soon as possible. It is possible that she really needs your help.

For a guy, a girl’s mother in a dream is often a harbinger of the fact that in real life he will have to carry out an important assignment.

There are also other interpretations that foreshadow:

    The appearance of a person in life who will help solve serious problems. A prosperous life with your beloved. The beginning of a successful life period.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller’s dream book focuses on the interpretation of the dream plot in which mom is in your house. This is a good sign and portends success in all business projects. For a woman, such a dream is a symbol family well-being and mutual understanding with a partner.

Sick mom

A sick mother in a dream, who looks very bad, foreshadows sad life events. Perhaps she warns of the loss of friends and coming loneliness.

Dying mother in a dream

If you dreamed of a dying mother, then you need to try to remember the reasons why this happened.


    If this happened as a result of an accident or violence, then you need to take a closer look at those around you and tune in to the difficulties that will definitely arise during this period of life. If the cause is illness, then it is important to take care of your own well-being. If you dream that your mother died due to an accident, then this dream warns of the need to postpone important events and affairs.

Vanga's Dream Book

According to Vanga’s dream book, the appearance of a mother in a dream is always associated with the state of family relationships. If the mother was joyful, then everything is going well in family life. And if she looked sad, then the family may be on the verge of collapse in the near future. If a parent hits you according to the plot of a dream, then in unfavorable family relationships It's your own fault.

The appearance of a mother in night dreams is interpreted by Freud’s dream book as the presence of any complexes in the dreamer that go back to childhood. Also, such a dream may indicate a feeling of guilt that you have in your soul towards your mother. In this case, in real life you need to make every effort to get rid of it.

Dreaming of a dead mother

Why do you dream about a deceased parent and what does such a dream mean? In most cases deceased mother comes into dreams when he wants to warn about something. Quite often, such a dream hints that in order to make certain decisions it is very important to ask for the opinions of other people. Also, the appearance of a parent in a dream can be a harbinger of the fact that you will soon be able to find out the intentions of people from your immediate circle, which you will not like very much.

Why don't you dream about your dead mother?

And when the question arises, why don’t you dream about your dead mother, then you can answer it unequivocally. This indicates that everything is going well in your life, you are moving in the right direction and there is nothing to warn you about.

Conversation with the deceased mother

It is believed that a dream in which the deceased mother says something to the dreamer is filled with mystical meaning. You definitely need to remember her words, as they can be prophetic and will help you do right choice in life.

See your dead mother aside

When you have a dream in which you see your dead mother on the side, her image in your night dreams symbolizes support. He reminds you that you are not alone with the whole world, but that you have the highest protection and should not be afraid to live.

The plot in which you saw a mother who died, young and beautiful, also has a positive interpretation. In general, this foreshadows a long, bright streak of life, filled with joyful events.

Why do you dream that your dead mother is crying?

If you saw in your night dreams that your deceased mother is worried and crying, then this indicates that your life is not going very well. Perhaps you are making the wrong decisions or have made the wrong choice overall life path. Such a dream is an indication; it hints that it is extremely important to reconsider your actions and adjust your lifestyle.

Interpretation for a pregnant woman

It is very good if a pregnant woman dreams of her deceased mother. This good sign, symbolizing reliable protection. This means that the pregnancy will go well and you will have a healthy and strong baby.

Dead mother nearby

The most asked question is why a dead mother dreams. When you dream of your dead mother next to you, it could be a projection of the fact that you really miss a loved one who has passed away. Other dream plots can be deciphered as follows:
    When you kiss and hug your dead mother in a dream, it symbolizes forgiveness. In real life, you came to a moment when you realized how important it is to forgive all your loved ones who, wittingly or unwittingly, harmed you. When you quarrel with a parent who has died, this indicates that your conscience is not very clear. Perhaps you have done something unseemly act or offended someone very badly. If your mother, who died, scolds you severely, then this means that you are acting dishonestly in life, but it is not too late to change your behavior. If, according to the plot of the dream, you are doing household chores with your mother , then this indicates that the time has come to remove all unnecessary things from your life. For example, you should abandon burdensome relationships. When a deceased parent gives you money in your night dreams, then soon in real life you will receive a good profit or a valuable gift. Also, this dream may indicate that a life problem that has arisen should be solved in the traditional way. But if in a dream you give something to your mother, then you should beware of unnecessary spending in reality. In the coming period of life, you should lead an economical lifestyle.
If you dream that your late mother is leaving you, then this indicates a possible loss of authority. This may be due to your lack of independence and dependence on other people. Sometimes such a dream is a harbinger of some danger in real life for you and your family members.

I often dream about my dead mother

When you often dream about your dead mother, this most likely indicates that you still cannot come to terms with her death. Surely, in the real world, there was a very strong connection between you at the energy level. You have to force yourself to realize that loved one not around, but life goes on.

If you dream of a quarrel with your mother, then this symbolizes that you overestimate your own self-esteem. Such a dream is very useful, as it is of a warning nature. All you need is to look at yourself from the outside and reconsider your behavior. Dreams associated with disagreements with the mother can be interpreted as follows:
    Screaming during a quarrel with a loved one means being overly self-critical of yourself. Also, such a dream emphasizes that the dreamer’s intellect predominates over feelings. If your mother beats you in a dream, it means that you will be able to cope with your bad habits. This way you will be able to resolve unfavorable situations. If you beat your mother in a dream, then in reality old grievances poison your life.

Why do you dream about a drunk mother?

Sometimes the question arises as to why a drunken mother dreams. If your mother is elderly, then such a dream for her may portend a serious illness. But if you dreamed of a dead mother in a state alcohol intoxication, then most likely big troubles await you in life.

Naked mom

If you dreamed of a naked mother in an unsightly form, then this means that the dreamer is ashamed of his desires and aspirations. In addition, such a dream may symbolize that in present moment time you need attention and support. Some dream books have an interpretation related to the fact that after a naked mother appears in a dream, chronic diseases may worsen. After such nightly dreams, you should try to undergo a medical examination. If the naked mother looked very attractive in the dream, then most likely your parents will receive timely financial assistance. And during this period of time, it is hardly worth abandoning it.

Dreaming of the Mother of God

When you dream Mother of God, then this, first of all, indicates that the dreamer currently needs moral support. Very often an icon of the Virgin Mary appears in dreams. In this case, it is of great importance for the correct interpretation appearance image. A dirty and dusty icon seen in a dream is not a very good omen. It is a harbinger of betrayal of a loved one. If the icon in the dream plot lights up, then this indicates that the dreamer in real life will take the wrong steps or make the wrong choice. Mistakes made in life will be very difficult to correct in the future. But, in general, Mother of God is the protector of the family. Therefore, in most cases, her bright face does not portend anything bad, but rather indicates the well-being of the dreamer in the personal sphere.

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Relationships with the parents of the other half are different for each person. Some girls love the guy’s mother as if they were their own, while others feel anger and disgust towards her. If she appeared in a dream, then to interpret what she saw, you should remember other details of the plot. For example, what she did, what she looked like, etc.

Why do you dream about a guy’s mother?

In most cases, such a dream promises serious scandals with relatives, but do not worry, because in the future it will be possible to establish contact. Another plot like this may indicate that your loved one will soon undergo big changes. Let's figure out what it means if you dream about a guy's mother, with whom you had to talk on the phone - this good sign, indicating the emergence of friendly relations with her in real life. If the conversation was negative, it means that a strong quarrel with your loved one may arise. Arguing with a guy’s mother in a dream is a good sign, promising to receive good news. Let's find out why the mother of a beloved guy dreams about dying. A similar dream promises problems at work or a serious illness. A night vision in which the guy’s mother cries predicts the occurrence of quarrels and unnecessary worries. Living with a guy’s mother in a dream means that troubles will soon arise and you will have to spend a lot of time to deal with them.

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend's mother?

Such a dream in most cases indicates that ex-lover worried about the breakup. In some cases, the ex-boyfriend's mother warns of a scandal with an older woman.

Why do you dream about the unfamiliar mother of the guy you like?

Such a dream is a favorable sign, which means strengthening relationships. If the dreamer is with a guy, then such a dream prophesies a quick reconciliation. This plot also indicates that a lot of time in reality is spent on love experiences.

Former young man or ex-husband appearing in a dream symbolizes your excessive preoccupation with the past.

This is what prevents you from moving forward and developing as an individual; ex-love does not want to give up true love a place in your heart.

The dream in which you parted with this person suggests that the time is coming for a change of priorities, the collapse of previous ideals.

After this internal audit, things will go much better for you, in all areas of your life.

Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

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Dream Interpretation - Mother

A dream about your mother appearing in your home foretells encouraging results in any business.

Talking to your mother in a dream means you will receive good news.

For a woman, a dream about her mother promises pleasant responsibilities and marital happiness.

A mother's crying is a sign of her illness or misfortune that threatens you.

A dream about a nursing mother indicates that you are in favorable conditions to realize your plans.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga believed that your mother, appearing in a dream, prophesies the future for your family.

She interpreted dreams about her mother as follows.

If you dreamed of your mother as she appears in at the moment in reality, it means don't expect it anytime soon serious changes, your family affairs are under your control.

Seeing a crying mother in a dream - bad sign, which portends major quarrels, scandal or even family breakdown, but since you received a warning, you have time to prevent and correct all this.

If in a dream you quarrel with your mother or she hits you, then this means that your family will suffer a misfortune for which you will blame yourself, but in fact there are no one to blame for this event, everyone will be victims.

A dream in which your mother is young and sings a lullaby to you means that you are too busy with what is happening outside the family, while she needs your constant attention.

Interpretation of dreams from

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