Encyclopedia fireproof

Favorable available effectively wall vapor permeable material budget. Comparison of different types of insulation. Comparison of thermal conductivity of insulation

Virtually any advertising and informational brochure or article describing the advantages of cotton insulation, certainly mentions their property as high vapor permeability - i.e. The ability to skip the water vapor through itself. This property is closely related to the concept of "breathable walls", around which hot spores and discussions on a variety of pages are regularly flared on various construction forums and portals.

If we go to the official Russian (Ukrainian, Belarusian) site of any manufacturer of cotton insulation (Isover, Rockwool, etc.), we will definitely find information on the high vapor permeability of the material that provides the "breathing" of the walls and a favorable microclimate indoor.

Interesting is the fact that such information is completely absent in the English-speaking sites of the above-mentioned companies. Moreover, most of the information materials on portal data promote the ideas of creating fully airproof, hermetic house designs. For example, consider the official website of ISOVER in the domain zone * COM.

We bring to your attention "Gold Instrument Rules" from the point of view of Isover.

  1. Insulation Efficiency (Insulation Performance)
  2. Good Air Tightness (Good Air Tightness)
  3. Controlled ventilation (Controlled Ventilation)
  4. Quality Fitting

Below we present some quotes with the translation from this article:

"On average, a family of 4 people highlights steam equal to 12 liters of water. Under no circumstances, this couple should not go through the walls and roof! Only a ventilation system suitable for a specific home and a living mode in it can prevent the appearance of dark spots indoors, water pips flowing along the walls, damage to coatings and, ultimately, the whole building. "

"Ventilation can not be carried out due to the disruption of the tightness of the walls, windows, frames, shutters. All this leads only to the penetration into the room of polluted air, which violates high-quality air exchange within the house, harms the structures of the building, the operation of chimney and ventilation mines. Under no circumstances, the so-called "breathable walls" should not be used as a constructive solution to ensure the ventilation of the house. "

After reading the English-speaking sites of most manufacturers of cotton insulation, we can find out that the high vapor permeability of the material being produced on any of them is not mentioned as dignity. Moreover, these sites are completely lacking information about vapor permeability, as the property of the insulation.

Thus, it is possible to conclude that the cultivation of the world-permeability myth is a successful marketing course of representative offices of the company in Russia and the CIS countries, used to discredit manufacturers of playproof insulation - extruded polystyrene foam and foam glass.

However, despite the spread of such a misleading information, manufacturers of cotton insulation on Russian sites place constructive decisions on the insulation of roofs and walls using vapor barrier, which makes them reasoning about the "breathable" structures deprived of common sense.

"From the inside of the roof, it is necessary to ensure the presence of a vapor barrier layer. Isover recommends using ISOVER VS 80 or Isover Vario membranes.

When a pair-protective barrier device, it is necessary to maintain the integrity of the membrane, install its flashes, and the joints are sized with a steamproof mounting ribbon. This will ensure the preservation of the roof for many years. "

  1. Outdoor sheath
  2. Waterproofing membrane
  3. Metal or Wooden Frame
  4. Heat and sound insulation isover
  5. Parosolation Isover Vario Km Duplex UV or IsOver VS 80
  6. Plasterboard (for example, Gyproc)

"To protect the heat-insulating material from moisturizing internal air, a vapor insulation film is installed with an inner" warm "side of the insulation. To protect the wall from blowing from the outside of the insulation, it is desirable to provide a windproof layer. "

Such information can be heard directly from representatives of companies:

Ekaterina Kolotkina, head of the direction "Frame house-building", Saint-Goben Isover:

"I would like to note that the durability of the entire roof design depends not only on the similar indicator of the bearing elements, but is determined by the service life of all materials used. To maintain this parameter when the roof is insulation, it is necessary to use steam, hydro, windproof membranes to protect the design from the pair from within the room and moisture from the outside. "

At about the same, Natalia Chuven, head of the Retail Products of Saint-Goben Retail, Magazine "My House" says.

"IsOnder recommends that the roofing" pie "of the next design (layer): roofing, hydraulic protection membrane, a controlled, raftered with thermal insulation between them, vaporizolation membrane, interior decoration."

Natalia also recognizes the importance of the ventilation system in the house:

"When insulates at home from within many, many are neglecting the supply and exhaust ventilation. It is fundamentally incorrect because it provides the right microclimate in the house. There is a certain multiplicity of air exchange that you need to maintain indoors. "

As we see, the manufacturers of cotton insulation themselves and their representatives recognize that the vaporizolation layer is the necessary component of almost any design, which uses such thermal insulation. And this is not surprising, because the penetration of water molecules into the hygroscopic thermal insulation material leads to its wetting and, as a result, an increase in the thermal conductivity coefficient.

Thus, the high vapor permeability of the insulation is rather a lack, rather than dignity. Many manufacturers of playproof thermal insulation have repeatedly tried to draw consumer attention to this fact, leading to the opinions of scientists and qualified specialists in the field of construction as arguments.

For example, known in the field of thermal physics expert, D.N., Professor, K.F. Fokin argues: "From a heat engineering point of view, the air permeability of the fences is rather negative quality, since in the winter time the infiltration (air movement from the inside) causes additional heat losses by fences and cooling rooms, and the exhaustration (air movement outside the outside) may adversely affect the humidity mode of external fences , contributing to moisture condensation. "

The wetchable insulation requires additional protection as waterproofing and vaporizolation membranes. Otherwise, the thermal insulation material ceases to perform its main task - to maintain heat indoors. In addition, the wet insulation becomes a favorable environment for the development of fungi, mold and other harmful microorganisms, which adversely affects the health of households, and also leads to the destruction of structures, which it includes.

Thus, high-quality thermal insulation material must have such indisputable advantages as the low thermal conductivity coefficient, high strength, water resistance, environmental friendliness and safety for humans and the environment, as well as low vapor permeability. The use of such thermal insulation material will not make the walls of your house with "breathable", but will allow them to perform their own direct function - to maintain a favorable microclimate in the house and ensure reliable protection against negative environmental factors.

As soon as the cold is coming, many owners of real estate objects are enough for their heads. After all, housing is not ready for winter again! The thermal insulation of the walls is affected directly to how comfortable to be in the house and how will the microclimate will be in it, when it rains will be often fascinated and frost. The house is well protected from adverse weather factors, it is necessary to take care in advance. What insulation to choose from a wide range of offers on the modern construction market? What materials are needed to protect the house?

Most effectively use foam for outdoor insulation

What properties of the material need to pay special attention?

When choosing a insulation, you need to immediately decide on the list of requirements that the material must match. What properties of the material need to pay special attention? The main ones are:

  • thermal insulation indicator;
  • vapor permeability;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • durability;
  • price;
  • fire safety.

The main point is an indicator of thermal insulation. The higher it in the insulation, the better the material will protect the house, providing him with decent heat insulation. Be sure to pay attention to the weight of the material. The lighter the insulation, the less problems will be with him. The small weight of the construction or finishing material is always a double benefit. First, it is possible to actually save on its transportation. Secondly, the installation of such a heater can be performed quickly, even without the help of specialists. If the insulation is heavy, it is able to bring a lot of problems. The fact is that the bearing walls are designed for a certain load. If the insulation material has a significant weight, then you will have to strengthen the supporting structures of the house.

Parry permeability is an important moment in assessing the quality of the insulation. The higher the vapor permeability of the material, the better its quality. If the insulation has good vapor permeability, excessive moisture evaporates from the room, the greenhouse effect does not appear in the building, there is no mold, fungus. At the same time there are no violations in natural ventilation and other "charms". When choosing insulation, it is important to pay attention to the possibility of decorating its surface. If the insulation is easily decorated from above, this is another significant savings on the surface of the walls of the walls. Overhaul of the building usually owners of real estate objects are carried out every few years.

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Sanya must be prepared in the summer!

Options for external thermal insulation of walls.

There are often cases when during the repair it turns out: the old insulation lost its operational characteristics, that is, decomposed or rotted. And then you have to spend significant funds for the purchase of a new material and re-perform the thermal insulation of the walls.

Be sure to pay attention to the environmental friendliness of the insulation, which is supposed to buy. Sellers and manufacturers do not always truthfully answer questions about environmental safety material. Therefore, it is better to spend a little time and look about insulation reviews for construction specialized forums or consult with specialists in construction and repair work. Flavoring insulation is a very important point. The safety of people living in the house directly depends on how fireproof materials applied in its decoration and construction. Choosing a fire hazardous insulation, the owner of the real estate object automatically confronts the life and health of people in the house.

The price of one or another insulation directly depends on its quality. For household owners, it is often the choice determines its price. However, when the cold season comes, an understanding comes: the purchase and installation of the cheap insulation turned into increased costs of heating the building. And one more point: between the inner and external insulation of the house is always better to choose the second. The insulation used for external finishing works is much more expensive, but it will protect the house better, providing it with better thermal insulation than insulation used inside. External insulation is the optimal option for buildings built from any materials.

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List of insulation

Penosol is not susceptible to burning and well withstands humidity and temperature differences.

The modern market offers various types of insulation. In order not to confuse in the huge number of their types, species and brands, it is better to consider insulation from the point of view, which material is in them the main or only component.

Types of insulation:

  • polystyrene foam;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • foofed foam;
  • eco-wool;
  • foamizole;
  • foam glass;
  • fibrololite;
  • penosole.

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The choice is great, but what is better?

Polystyrene foam - insulation, who will serve 25 years without any problems. It is usually not mixed with other components, but is used as an independent heat-insulating material. War down the house on your own with it is very easy. The polystyrene was perfectly decorated. The price of it is small, but for the insulation of the roof, this material is absolutely not suitable. And such a insulation has one significant disadvantage: it is very polishing, it is impossible to use it for the insulation of wooden buildings.

Minvatu can be cut on any pieces, which is convenient when working with uneven surfaces.

Extruded polystyrene foam - the choice of those homeowners who need a heater with a service life of 50 years. He is finished without any problems. But the extruded polystyrene foam has fun 2 minus: it is fire-hazardous and has low vapor permeability. If in the finishing of the house still it was decided to apply this insulation, it is necessary to take care of the additional ventilation of the building and spend additional funds on its arrangement. There is another important nuance: both types of polystyrene are losing their qualities from ultraviolet radiation. The insulation of mineral wool in some cases owners of real estate objects are chosen instead of polystyrene foam, beyond the name with glass gamble.

Mineral wool is much more expensive. Its base is basalt fiber. Mineral wool is easy, but only 25 years will serve. In terms of its technical and operational characteristics, it is significantly better than polystyrene foam.

Sprayed polyurethane is quite expensive, impracticious and requires additional protection against ultraviolet rays, although it is considered fashionable insulation. Fans of environmentally friendly materials assure that the best insulation is Ekwat. Its plus: it is made of natural materials. Her minus: she is fuel. If the choice is to purchase foamizol or foam glass, it is better to analyze those goals for which insulation will be carried out. Penosole is practical. It can be used as fill. But it is afraid of moisture and ultraviolet rays. The foam glass is fireproof and very durable, but the price is significantly higher. It will be necessary to spend additional tools for acquiring an exhaust.
Now there has been a new thermal insulation material - alfol. It is a ribbon of corrugated paper, on top of which aluminum foil is pasted. This type of thermal insulation material has a high reflective ability in combination with low thermal conductivity of air.

Selection of insulation is not always a choice of price.

From how correctly the choice of the insulation is, it depends - in vain or not they will be spent on it.

It is necessary to be able to combine these materials based on the beneficial properties of various materials, and then the house will always be warm.

There is a legend of the "breathable wall", and legends about the "healthy breathing of a slagoblock, which creates a unique atmosphere in the house." In fact, the wall vapor permeability is not large, the amount of pair of passing through it is slightly, and much less than the amount of steam is carried by air, with its placement in the room.

Parry permeability is one of the most important parameters used in calculating insulation. It can be said that the vapor permeability of materials determines the entire design of insulation.

What is vapor permeability

The movement of steam through the wall occurs with the difference in partial pressure on the sides of the wall (different humidity). At the same time, the difference in atmospheric pressure may not be.

Park permeability - the ability of matter to pass through itself. According to the domestic classification, it is determined by the parry permeability coefficient M, mg / (m * hour * PA).

The resistance of the material layer will depend on its thickness.
Determined by dividing the thickness to the parry permeability coefficient. It is measured in (l square. * Hour * PA) / mg.

For example, a brickwork vapor permeability coefficient is accepted as 0.11 mg / (m * hour * PA). With a brick wall thickness, equal to 0.36 m, its resistance to the movement of the steam will be 0.36 / 0.11 \u003d 3.3 (m. * Hour * PA) / mg.

What is the vapor permeability of building materials

Below are the values \u200b\u200bof vapor permeability coefficient for several building materials (according to the regulatory document), which are most widely used, mg / (m * hour * PA).
Bitumen 0,008
Heavy concrete 0.03.
Autoclave aerated concrete 0.12.
Ceramzitobetone 0.075 - 0.09
Slag concrete 0.075 - 0.14
The burned clay (brick) 0.11 - 0.15 (in the form of masonry on cement solution)
Lime solution 0.12.
Plasterboard, Gypsum 0.075
Cement and sand plaster 0.09
Limestone (depending on density) 0.06 - 0.11
Metals 0.
Chipboard 0.12 0.24.
Linoleum 0.002.
Polyfoam 0.05-0.23
Polyurentan solid, polyurethane foam
Mineral wool 0.3-0.6
Foam glass 0.02 -0.03
Vermikulite 0.23 - 0.3
Ceramzit 0.21-0.26
Tree across fibers 0,06
Tree along the fiber 0.32
Silicate brickwork masonry on cement solution 0.11

Data on vapor-permealing layers must be taken into account when designing any insulation.

How to design insulation - vapor insulation qualities

The main rule of insulation - the steam transparency of the layers should increase in the direction of outside. Then in the cold season, with a greater probability, water will not accumulate in the layers, when condensation will occur at the dew point.

The basic principle helps to determine in any cases. Even when everything is "inverted upside down" - insulate from the inside, despite the persistent recommendations to make insulation only outside.

In order not to have a catastrophe with the wetting of walls, it suffices to recall that the inner layer must be most stubbornly resist the pair, and on the basis of this, for internal insulation, apply extruded polystyrene foam thick layer - material with very low vapor permeability.

Or do not forget for a very "breathable" aerated concrete outside to apply even more "air" mineral wool.

Separation of layers of steampower

Another embodiment of the principle of steam transparency of materials in a multilayer design is the separation of the most significant layers of a steam insulator. Or the use of a significant layer, which is an absolute vaporizolytor.

For example, the insulation of the brick wall by foam cell. It would seem that this contradicts the above principle, because moisture accumulation is possible in the brick?

But this does not occur, due to the fact that the directional movement of the steam is completely interrupted (at minus temperatures from the room outside). After all, the foam glass is full of vaporizool or close to it.

Therefore, in this case, the brick will enter an equilibrium condition with the inner atmosphere of the house, and will serve as a humidity battery with sharp surges inside the room, making the internal climate more pleasant.

The principle of separation of layers uses and applying mineral wool - the insulation is particularly dangerous in moisture. For example, in a three-layer structure, when the mineral wool is inside the wall without ventilation, it is recommended to put a parobarrier under your cotton, and thus leave it in an outdoor atmosphere.

International classification of vapor insulation quality materials

The international classification of materials for vapor insulation properties is different from domestic.

According to the international standard ISO / FDIS 10456: 2007 (E), the materials are characterized by a steam movement coefficient. This coefficient indicates how many times the material resists the movement of steam compared to air. Those. In the air, the coefficient of resistance to the movement of the steam is equal to 1, and the extruded polystyrene foam has already 150, i.e. Polystyrene foam in 150 times passes couples worse than air.

Also in international standards it is customary to determine vapor permeability for dry and moistened materials. The border between the concepts of "dry" and "moisturized" is chosen internal moisture content of the material in 70%.
Below are the values \u200b\u200bof the resistance coefficient of steam movement for various materials according to international standards.

Couplel resistance coefficient

First, the data for dry material are given, and through the comma for the moistened (more than 70% humidity).
Air 1, 1
Bitumen 50 000, 50 000
Plastics, rubber, silicone -\u003e 5 000,\u003e 5 000
Heavy concrete 130, 80
Middle density concrete 100, 60
Polystyrene concrete 120, 60
Autoclave aerated concrete 10, 6
Light concrete 15, 10
Artificial stone 150, 120
Ceramzitobetone 6-8, 4
Slag concrete 30, 20
Elander clay (brick) 16, 10
Lime solution 20, 10
Plasterboard, Gypsum 10, 4
Gypsum plaster 10, 6
Cement-sand plaster 10, 6
Clay, sand, gravel 50, 50
Sandstone 40, 30
Limestone (depending on the density) 30-250, 20-200
Ceramic tile?, ?
OSB-2 (DIN 52612) 50, 30
OSB-3 (DIN 52612) 107, 64
OSB-4 (DIN 52612) 300, 135
Chipboard 50, 10-20
Linoleum 1000, 800
Substrate for laminate plastic 10 000, 10 000
Substrate for laminate plug 20, 10
Polyfoam 60, 60
EPPS 150, 150
Polyurentan solid, polyurethane foam 50, 50
Mineral wool 1, 1
Perlite panels 5, 5
Perlite 2, 2
Vermikulite 3, 2
Equata 2, 2
Ceramzit 2, 2
Tree across fibers 50-200, 20-50

It should be noted that the data on the resistance to the movement of steam we and "there" are very different. For example, the foam glass is normalized, and the international standard says that it is an absolute vaporizolytor.

Where did the legend come from a breathable wall

A lot of companies produce mineral wool. This is the most vapor-permeable insulation. According to international standards, its coefficient of resistance of vapor permeability (not to be confused with the domestic parry permeability coefficient) is 1.0. Those. In fact, mineral wool does not differ in this regard from the air.

Indeed, this is a "breathable" insulation. To sell mineral wool as much as possible, you need a beautiful fairy tale. For example, that if you insulate the brick wall outside the mineral wool, then it will not lose anything in terms of vapor permeation. And this is absolute truth!

The cunning lie is hidden in the fact that through brick walls in 36 centimeters thick, with a difference of moisture in 20% (on the street 50%, in the house - 70%) per day from the house will be released about the liter of water. While with the exchange of air, should come out about 10 times more, so that the humidity in the house did not increase.

And if the wall outside or from the inside will be isolated, for example, a layer of paint, vinyl wallpaper, dense cement plaster, (which is in general "the most common thing"), then the vapor permeability of the wall decrease at times, and at full insulation - in tens and hundreds of times .

Therefore, always the brick wall and households will be absolutely the same, whether the house is covered with a mineral wool with a "raging breathing", or "sad-sober" foam.

Taking decisions on the insulation of houses and apartments, it is necessary to proceed from the basic principle - the outer layer must be more vapor permeable, preferably at times.

If it is not possible to withstand this, it is possible to divide the layers with solid vapor barrier, (apply a fully steamproof layer) and stop the steam movement in the design, which will lead to the state of the dynamic equilibrium of the layers with the medium in which they will be located.

Recently, a variety of outdoor insulation systems are increasingly used in construction: "wet" type; ventilated facades; Modified well masonry, etc. All of them are united by the fact that these are multi-layer enclosing structures. And for multi-layered designs questions parry permeability Layers, moisture transfer, quantitative assessment of drop-down condensate are of paramount importance.

As practice shows, unfortunately, these issues both designers and architects do not pay due attention.

We have already noted that the Russian construction market is oversaturated with imported materials. Yes, of course, the laws of building physics are the same, and act equally, for example, both in Russia and in Germany, but the methods of approach and the regulatory framework are very often very different.

Let us explain this on the example of vapor permeability. DIN 52615 introduces the concept of vapor permeability through the vapor permeability coefficient μ and air equivalent interval s D. .

If you compare the vapor permeability of the air layer with a thickness of 1 m with a vapor permeability of the material of the material of the same thickness, then we get a vapor permeability coefficient

μ din (dimensionless) \u003d air permeability / material vapor permeability

Compare the concept of vapor permeability coefficient μ SNIP In Russia, it is introduced through SNIP II-3-79 * "Construction heat engineering", has dimension mg / (m * h * pa) and characterizes the amount of water vapor in mg, which passes through one meter of the thickness of a particular material in one hour with a pressure difference in 1 pa.

Each layer of material in the design has its ultimate thickness. d., m. Obviously, the amount of water vapor passing through this layer will be the less than its thickness. If you multiply μ din. and d., I get, so-called, air equivalent interval or diffuse equivalent air layer thickness s D.

s d \u003d μ din * d [m]

Thus, according to DIN 52615, s D. characterizes the thickness of the air layer [m], which has equal vapor permeability with a layer of concrete material thick d. [m] and vapor permeability coefficient μ din.. Parotranslation resistance 1 / Δ. defined as

1 / Δ \u003d μ din * d / δ in [(m² * h * pa) / mg],

where Δ B. - air permeability coefficient.

SNIP II-3-79 * "Building Heat Engineering" determines the resistance to vapor permeation R P. as

R n \u003d Δ / μ SNiP [(m² * h * pa) / mg],

where δ - layer thickness, m.

Compare, DIN and SNOP resistance of vapor permeability, respectively, 1 / Δ. and R P. Have the same dimension.

We have no doubt that our reader is already clear that the issue of linking the quantitative indicators of parry permeability coefficient on DIN and SNiP lies in the determination of air permeability Δ B..

According to DIN 52615 air permeability is defined as

δ B \u003d 0.083 / (R 0 * T) * (P 0 / P) * (T / 273) 1.81,

where R 0 - gas constant water vapor equal to 462 N * m / (kg * k);

T. - temperature indoor, K;

p 0 - average air pressure indoors, GPa;

P. - Atmospheric pressure at a normal state, equal to 1013.25 GPa.

Without going deep into the theory, we note that the magnitude Δ B. to a slight degree depends on temperature and can with sufficient accuracy in practical calculations as a constant equal to 0,625 mg / (m * h * pa).

Then, if vapor permeability is known μ din. Easy to go to K. μ SNIP. μ SNIP = 0,625/ μ din.

Above, we have already noted the importance of the issue of vapor permeability for multilayer structures. No less important, from the point of view of building physics, the question of the sequence of layers, in particular, the position of the insulation.

If we consider the probability of temperature distribution t., saturated pair pressure PH and pressure of an unsaturated (real) pair Pp. Through the thickness of the enclosing structure, from the point of view of the diffusion process of the water vapor, this sequence of layers is most preferable, at which the heat transfer resistance decreases, and the resistance of vapor permeation increases from the outside.

The violation of this condition, even without calculation, indicates the possibility of condensate falling in the cross section of the enclosing structure (Fig. P1).

Fig. P1

Note that the layout of the layers from various materials does not affect the value of general thermal resistance, however, the diffusion of water vapor, the possibility and location of condensate predetermine the arrangement of the insulation on the outer surface of the carrier wall.

The calculation of the resistance of vapor permeability and the inspection of the possibility of condensate falling must be carried out on SNIP II-3-79 * "Construction Heat Engineering".

Recently, it was necessary to encounter the fact that our designers are given calculations performed on foreign computer techniques. I will express your point of view.

· Such calculations obviously have no legal force.

· Methods are designed for higher winter temperatures. So, the German method "Bautherm" no longer works at temperatures below -20 ° C.

· Many important characteristics as initial conditions are not linked with our regulatory framework. Thus, the coefficient of thermal conductivity for insulation is given in a dry state, and on SNIP II-3-79 * "Construction heat engineering" should be taken under conditions of sorption humidity for zones of operation A and B.

· Balance of the set and giving moisture is calculated for completely different climatic conditions.

It is obvious that the number of winter months with negative temperatures for Germany and, let's say, for Siberia do not match at all.

The concept of "breathable walls" is considered the positive characteristic of the materials from which they are made. But few people think about the reasons allowing this breathing. Materials capable of passing both air and steam are vapor permeable.

A good example of building materials with high steam permeability:

  • wood;
  • clay plates;
  • foam concrete.

Concrete or brick walls are less permeable for steam than wooden or clay.

Sources of pair indoors

Human respiration, cooking, water vapor from the bathroom and many other steam sources in the absence of an exhaust device create a high level of humidity indoors. Often you can observe the formation of Spains on window windows in winter, or on cold water pipes. These are examples of the formation of water vapor inside the house.

What is vapor permeability

The design and construction rules give the following definition of the term: the vapor permeability of materials is the ability to skip the moisture droplets contained in the air due to the different values \u200b\u200bof the partial pressure of steam from opposite sides with the same air pressure values. It is also defined as the density of the steam stream passing through a certain thickness of the material.

A table that has a vapor permeability coefficient, composed for building materials, is conditional in nature, since the specified calculated moisture values \u200b\u200band atmospheric conditions do not always correspond to real conditions. The dew point can be calculated based on approximate data.

Station of walls taking into account vapor permeability

Even if the walls are erected from a material having high vapor permeability, it cannot be a guarantee that it will not turn into water in the thickness of the wall. That this does not happen, you need to protect the material from the difference in the partial pressure of vapors from the inside and outside. Protection against the formation of steam condensate is performed using OSB plates, insulation materials of the type of polyplex and pairsproof films or membranes, preventing steam penetration into the insulation.

The walls are insulated with the calculation so that a layer of insulation is closer to the outer edge, which is unable to form moisture condensation, moving the dew point (water formation). In parallel with protective layers in the roofing cake, it is necessary to ensure the correct ventilation gap.

Destructive actions of a para

If the wall cake has a weak ability to absorb steam, it does not threaten the destruction due to the expansion of moisture from the frost. The main condition is to prevent moisture accumulation in the thickness of the wall, but to ensure its free passage and weathering. It is equally important to arrange a forced exhaust of excess moisture and steam out of the room, connect a powerful ventilation system. Observing the listed conditions, you can protect the walls from cracking, and increase the service life of the whole house. Permanent passage of moisture through building materials accelerates their destruction.

Use of conductive qualities

Given the peculiarities of the operation of buildings, the following insulation principle is applied: the most steam-conducting insulation materials are located outside. Due to this location of the layers, the likelihood of water accumulation is reduced by reducing the temperature on the street. So that the walls are not wet from the inside, the inner layer is insulated with a low vapor permeability material, for example, a thick layer of extruded polystyrene foam.

The opposite method of using steaming effects of building materials is successfully applied. It consists in the fact that the brick wall is covered with a steam-eyed foam glass layer, which interrupts the moving flow of a pair from the house to the street during a period of low temperatures. The brick begins to accumulate the humidity of the rooms, creating a pleasant climate indoors due to a reliable steam barrier.

Compliance with the basic principle when building walls

The walls should be minimal to carry out steam and heat, but at the same time be heat and heat resistant. When using the material of one type of required effects, it is impossible to achieve. The outer wall part is obliged to delay the cold masses and prevent their impact on internal heat-insulated materials that retain the comfortable thermal regime inside the room.

For the inner layer, the reinforced concrete is perfect, its heat capacity, density and strength have maximum indicators. Concrete successfully smoothes the difference in night and daytime temperature differences.

When conducting construction works, wall pies are made by the basic principle: the vapor permeability of each layer should be increased in the direction of the inner layers to the outer.

Rules for the location of vaporizolizing layers

To ensure the best performance characteristics of multilayer structures of structures, a rule applies: from the side having a higher temperature, materials with increased resistance to steam penetration with increased thermal conductivity. Layers located outside should have high steps. For the normal functioning of the enclosing structure, it is necessary that the coefficient of the outer layer five times exceeds the indicator of the layer located inside.

When performing this rule, water vapors that fell into the warm layer of the wall will not work with acceleration to exit the outside through more porous materials.

If this condition fails to comply with this condition, the internal layers of building materials are closed and become heavily conducted.

Familiarity with table vapor permeability materials

When designing the house, the characteristics of the building raw materials are taken into account. The rules set contains a table with information about which coefficient of parry permeability has construction materials under conditions of normal atmospheric pressure and an average air temperature.


Parry permeability coefficient mg \u200b\u200b/ (m · h · par)

extruded expanded polystyrene foam

polyurene Foolder

mineral wool

reinforced concrete, concrete

pine or spruce


foam concrete, aerated concrete

granite, marble


chipboard, osp, fiberboard





The table refutes erroneous ideas about breathable walls. The number of steam overlooking the walls is negligible. The main pair is made with air flows when ventilating or using ventilation.

The importance of the vapor permeability table of materials

Parry permeability coefficient is an important parameter that is used to calculate the thickness of the layer of insulation materials. The quality of the insulation of the entire design depends on the performance of the results.

Sergey Novozhilov - expert on roofing materials with 9 years of practical experience in the field of engineering solutions in construction.

In contact with




Moving water vapor

  • foam concrete;
  • aerated concrete;
  • pelitobetone;
  • ceramzito concrete.


Properly selected finish


Structure of ceramzitobetone



Concrete Parry Permeability: Features of the properties of aerated concrete, ceramzitobetone, polystyrene

Often, expression is found in construction articles - the vapor permeability of concrete walls. It means the ability of the material to skip water vapors, in popular - "breathe". This parameter is of great importance, as in the residential room there are constantly formed products of life, which must be constantly output.

In the photo - condensation of moisture on building materials


If you do not create normal ventilation in the room, it will create dampness, which will lead to the appearance of fungus and mold. Their allocation can bring harm to our health.

Moving water vapor

On the other hand, vapor permeability affects the ability of the material to accumulate moisture. This is also a bad indicator, since the more he can hold it in itself, the higher the likelihood of fungus, putrefactive manifestations, as well as damage during freezing.

Wrong moisture removal from the room

Parry permeability denote the Latin letter μ and are measured in mg / (m * h * pa). The amount shows the amount of water vapor, which can pass through the wall material on an area of \u200b\u200b1 m2 and with its thickness 1 m in 1 hour, as well as the difference between the outer and internal pressure of 1 pa.

High ability of water vapor from:

  • foam concrete;
  • aerated concrete;
  • pelitobetone;
  • ceramzito concrete.

Closes the table - heavy concrete.

Tip: If you need to make a technological channel in the foundation, the diamond drilling of the holes in the concrete will help you.


  1. The use of a material as a enclosing structure makes it possible to avoid accumulation of unnecessary moisture inside the walls and maintain its heat-saving properties, which will prevent possible destruction.
  2. Any gas-concrete and foam concrete block has an ≈ 60% air in its composition, due to which the vapor permeability of the aerated concrete is recognized on a good smooth, the walls in this case can "breathe".
  3. Water pairlessly seep through the material, but not condensed in it.

Parry permeability of aerated concrete, as well as foam concrete, significantly exceeds heavy concrete - at the first 0.18-0.23, in the second - (0.11-0.26), in the third - 0.03 mg / m * h * PA.

Properly selected finish

Especially it would be especially necessary to emphasize that the structure of the material provides him with an effective removal of moisture into the environment, so that even when the material is freezing, it is not destroyed - it is supplanted out through open pores. Therefore, preparing the decoration of aerated concrete walls, this feature should be taken into account and select the appropriate plasters, putty and paints.

The instruction is strictly regulating that their parameters of vapor permeability were not lower than aerated concrete blocks used for construction.

Textured facade vapor-permeable paint for aerated concrete

Tip: Do not forget that the parameters of vapor permeability depends on the density of aerated concrete and may differ in half.

For example, if you use Concrete blocks with a D400 density - they have a coefficient of 0.23 mg / m, and the D500 is already below - 0.20 mg / m. In the first case, the numbers suggest that the walls will have a higher "breathable" ability. So, when selecting finishing materials for walls from aerated concrete D400, make sure that they have the parry permeability ratio of the same or higher.

Otherwise, this will lead to a worsening of moisture removal from the walls, which will affect the decline in the level of comfort of living in the house. It should also be considered that if you were applied to the outer decoration vapor-permeable paint for aerated concrete, and for internal - unpaid materials, steam will simply accumulate indoors, making it wet.


The vapor permeability of ceramzite concrete blocks depends on the amount of filler in its composition, namely the ceramisite - foamed baked clay. In Europe, such products are called eco-or bobelocles.

Tip: If you do not work out, cut the ceramzitoblock in the usual circle and grinder, use diamond. For example, cutting reinforced concrete diamond circles makes it possible to quickly solve the task.

Structure of ceramzitobetone


The material is another representative of cellular concrete. Parical permeability of polystyrene bapton is usually equal to the tree. You can make it with your own hands.

What does the structure of the polystyrenebetone look like

Today more attention begins to be given not only to the thermal properties of wall structures, and the comfort of living in the construction. On thermal inertness and vapor permeability, polystyrene concrete reminds wooden materials, and it is possible to achieve heat transfer resistance by changing its thickness. Therefore, the filling monolithic polystyrene is usually used, which is cheaper than finished plates.


From the article you learned that there is such a parameter for building materials as vapor permeability. It makes it possible to remove moisture outside the walls of the structure, improving their strength and characteristics. Parry permeability of foam concrete and aerated concrete, as well as heavy concrete is distinguished by its indicators, which must be considered when choosing finishing materials. The video in this article will help you find additional information on this topic.

Page 2

During operation, a variety of defects of reinforced concrete structures may occur. At the same time, it is very important to identify problem areas in time, localize and eliminate damage, since significant part of them is prone to expansion and exacerbation of the situation.

Below we consider the classification of the main defects of concrete coating, as well as we give a number of tips for its repair.

During the operation of reinforced concrete products, various damage appear on them.

Factors that affect strength

Before analyzing common defects of concrete structures, it is necessary to understand what causes their reason.

Here, the key factor will be the strength of a frozen concrete solution, which is determined by such parameters:

The closer the composition of the solution to the optimal, the less problems will be in the operation of the structure

  • Composition composition. The higher the brand of the cement in a solution, and the stronger gravel, which was used as a filler, the more resistant coating or monolithic design. Naturally, when using high-quality concrete, the price of the material increases, because in any case, we need to look for a compromise between savings and reliability.

Note! Overly durable formulations are very difficult to process: for example, for the fulfillment of simple operations, a costly cutting of reinforced concrete diamond circles may be required.

That is why it is not worth overdoing with the selection of materials!

  • The quality of reinforcement. Along with high mechanical strength for concrete, low elasticity is characterized, therefore, when exposed to certain loads (bending, compression), it can crack. To avoid this, steel reinforcement is placed inside the design. From its configuration and diameter depends on how fast the entire system is.

For sufficiently durable compositions, diamond drilling of holes in concrete is used: the usual drill "will not take"!

  • Permeability of the surface. If a large number of pores are characterized for the material, then moisture will penetrate them in them, which is one of the most destructive factors. Especially adversely affect the state of the concrete coating of temperature differences, in which the fluid freezes, destroying the pores by increasing the volume.

In principle, it is the listed factors that are decisive to ensure the strength of cement. However, even in an ideal situation sooner or later, the coating is damaged, and we have to restore it. What can happen, and how we need to act - we will tell below.

Mechanical damage

Chips and cracks

Detection of deep damage to a flaw detector

The most common defects are mechanical damage. They may arise as a result of various factors, and are conventionally divided into external and internal. And if a special device is used to determine the internal device - a defectoscope in concrete, then problems on the surface can be seen independently.

Here the main thing is to determine the reason why the malfunction arose and quickly eliminate it. Examples of the most common damage for convenience of analysis We were structured as a table:

Pointed on the surface Most often arise due to shock loads. It is also possible to form chosable in places of prolonged exposure to considerable mass.
Skoli. It is formed in mechanical influence on the sections under which the zones of a reduced density are located. Configurations are almost identical to potholes, but usually have a smaller depth.
Detachment It is a separation of the surface layer of material from the bulk. Most often, due to the poor-quality drying of the material and performing the finish to complete hydration of the solution.
Mechanical cracks It occurs with a long and intense effect on the large area. Over time, they are expanding and connected to each other, which can lead to the formation of large pick-up.
Funny It is formed if the surface layer is compacted to completely remove air from the mass of the solution. Also, the surface swells when processing with paint or impregnation (syling) of an unprocessable cement.

Photo of deep crack

As can be seen from the analysis of the reasons, the appearance of part of the listed defects could be avoided. But mechanical cracks, chips and potholes are formed due to the operation of the coating, so they simply need to be periodically repaired. Instructions for prevention and repair are provided in the next section.

Prevention and repair of defects

To minimize the risk of mechanical damage, first of all it is necessary to comply with the technology of arrangement of concrete structures.

Of course, this question has many nuances, because we only give the most important rules:

  • First, the concrete class must correspond to the settlement loads. Otherwise, savings on materials will lead to the fact that the service life will be reduced at times, and for repairs will have to spend power and means much more often.
  • Secondly, you need to comply with the fill and drying technology. The solution requires a qualitative seal of concrete, and during hydration cement should not be lack of moisture.
  • Also worth paying attention to the deadlines: without the use of special modifiers to finish the surface earlier than in 28-30 days after the fill, it is impossible.
  • Thirdly, a coating from unnecessarily influences should be protected. Of course, the load will influence the condition of concrete, but in our power to reduce the harm from them.

Vibration absorption increases strength

Note! Even a simple limit of the velocity of transport in problem areas leads to the fact that the defects of the asphalt concrete coating occur much less frequently.

An important factor is the timeliness of the repair and compliance with its technique.

Here you need to act in a single algorithm:

  • The damaged area is purified by the solution fragments broken from the bulk. For small defects, you can use brushes, and large-scale chips and cracks are usually cleansed with compressed air or sandblasting machine.
  • Using a drink on a concrete or a perforator, we will expand damage, deepening it to a durable layer. If we are talking about a crack, then it needs not only to deepen, but also expand to facilitate the filling of the repair makeup.
  • We prepare the mixture for recovery using either a polymer complex based on polyurethane, or a non-changing cement. In the elimination of large defects, the so-called thixotropic compositions are used, and small cracks are better close to the injection molded.

Filling the grained cracks with thixotropic sealants

  • We apply the repair mixture to damage, after which they equalize the surface and protect it from loads until the tool is completely polymerized.

In principle, these works are easily carried out with their own hands, because on attracting masters, we can save.

Performance damage

Drawdowns, dustiness and other faults

Cracks on a seed screed

In a separate group, experts identify the so-called operational defects. These include the following:

Defect Characteristics and possible cause of occurrence
Deformation tie It is expressed in changing the level of the bonded concrete floor (most often the coating is set in the center and lifted around the edges). It may be caused by several factors: · Uneven base density due to insufficient tamping. · Defects in the sealing solution.

· Difference in the humidity of the upper and lower cement layer.

· Insufficient thickness of reinforcement.

Cracking In most cases, cracks occur not under mechanical exposure, but during the deformation of the structure as a whole. It can be triggered both excessive loads exceeding the calculated and temperature expansion.
Peeling Frelling small scheels on the surface usually begins with the advent of microscopic cracks. At the same time, the cause of peeling is most often the accelerated evaporation of moisture from the outer layer of the solution, which leads to insufficient cement hydration.
Dusting of the surface It is expressed in constant formation on concrete small cement dust. It may be caused: · disadvantage of cement in solution. · Excess moisture when filling.

· Fugging water to the surface when grilled.

· Not enough high-quality cleaning of gravel from the dust fraction.

· Excess abrasive impact on concrete.

Peeling surface

All of the above disadvantages arise either as a result of a violation of technology, or with improper operation of a concrete structure. However, it is somewhat more complicated to eliminate them than mechanical defects.

  • First, the solution needs to be poured and processed by all the rules, not allowing its bundle and peeling during drying.
  • Secondly, no less qualitatively need to prepare the basis. The more tightly we will in the soil under the concrete structure, the less the probability of its drawdown, deformation and cracking will be.
  • So that the puffed concrete does not crack, the damping tape compensating for deformation is usually mounted around the perimeter of the room. With the same purpose, seams with polymer filling are placed on the screed areas.
  • Also avoid the appearance of surface damage can be by applying the material of the material strengthening impregnation on a polymer-based or "ironing" of concrete with fluid mortar.

Surface treated with protective

Chemical and climatic impact

A separate damage group is defects that have arisen as a result of climatic effects or reaction to chemicals.

This can be attributed:

  • The appearance on the surface of divorces and light spots is the so-called heights. Typically, the cause of the formation of a saline is the violation of the humidity regime, as well as the ingress of alkalis and calcium chlorides into the solution.

Solutions formed due to excess moisture and calcium

Note! It is for this reason in areas with strong courbonate soils, experts are recommended to use imported water to prepare a solution.

Otherwise, the whims of a raid will appear a few months after the fill.

  • The destruction of the surface under the influence of low temperatures. When moisture in a porous concrete, microscopic channels in the immediate vicinity of the surface are gradually expanding, since during freezing water increases in the amount of about 10-15%. The more often freezing / thawing, the more intense the solution will collapse.
  • Special anti-sample impregnations are used to combat this, and also cover the surface with compositions that reduce porosity.

Before repairing reinforcement needs to be cleared and process

  • Finally, this group of defects can also be attributed to corrosion of reinforcement. Metal mortgages begin to rust in the locations of their exposure, which leads to a decrease in the strength of the material. To stop this process, before filling the damage to the repair makeup, the reinforcement rods are determined from oxides, after which they are processed by anti-corrosion composition.


The defects described above are concrete and reinforced concrete structures may manifest itself in the most different form. Despite the fact that many of them look quite harmless, when the first signs of damage is discovered, it is worth taking appropriate measures, otherwise the situation can sharply deteriorate.

Well, and the best way to avoid such situations is strictly observing the technology of arrangement of concrete structures. The information set forth on the video in this article is another confirmation of this thesis.


Parry permeability of materials Table

To create a favorable microclimate in the room, it is necessary to take into account the properties of building materials. Today we will analyze one property - the vapor permeability of materials.

Parry permeability is called the ability of the material to skip the pairs contained in the air. Water pairs penetrate the material due to pressure.

They will help to understand the question of tables that cover almost all materials used for construction. After examining this material, you will know how to build a warm and reliable home.


If we are talking about prof. Construction, it uses special equipment to determine vapor permeability. Thus, the table appeared in this article.

Today uses the following equipment:

  • Scales with a minimum error - an analytical type model.
  • Vessels or bowls for experiments.
  • Tools with a high level of accuracy to determine the thickness of the layers of building materials.

We understand with the property

It is the opinion that the "breathable walls" is useful for the house and its inhabitants. But all the builders are thinking about this concept. "Breathable" is called that material that in addition to air is missing and steam - this is the water permeability of building materials. Foam concrete, clamzit tree possess a high indicator of vapor permeability. Walls made of brick or concrete also have this property, but the indicator is much less than that of the cerazyt or wood materials.

This graph shows the permeability resistance. The brick wall practically misses and does not admire moisture.

During the adoption of a hot soul or cooking, steam stands out. Because of this, an increased humidity is created in the house - fixing the position can extract. To find out that the couples do not go anywhere on the condensate on the pipes, and sometimes on the windows. Some builders believe that if the house is built of brick or concrete, then in the house "hard" breathing.

In fact, the situation is better - in a modern housing, about 95% of the pair goes through the vehicle and extract. And if the walls are made of "breathable" building materials, then 5% of the steam go through them. So residents of houses from concrete or brick do not particularly suffer from this parameter. Also, walls, regardless of the material, will not pass moisture due to vinyl wallpaper. There are "breathable" walls and significant drawback - in windy weather from the housing goes warm.

The table will help you compare the materials and find out their permeability indicator:

The higher the indicator of the paronymestility, the more the wall can accommodate moisture, which means that the material is low frost resistance. If you are going to build walls of foam concrete or gas block, then you should know that manufacturers often creep in the description where vapor permeability is indicated. The property is indicated for dry material - in such a state it really has a high thermal conductivity, but if the gasoblock wet, the indicator will increase 5 times. But we are interested in another parameter: the liquid has a property to expand when freezing, as a result - the walls are destroyed.

Parry permeability in a multilayer design

The sequence of layers and the type of insulation - this is what primarily affects vapor permeability. In the diagram below you can see that if the insulation material is located from the facade side, the indicator pressure on the saturation of moisture is lower.

The drawing demonstrates the pressure and penetration of steam into the material in detail.

If the insulation is located on the inside of the house, then condensate will appear between the supporting structure and this construction. It adversely affects the entire microclimate in the house, while the destruction of building materials occurs markedly faster.

We deal with the coefficient

The table becomes clear if you figure out the coefficient.

The coefficient in this indicators determines the number of vapors measured in grams that pass through the materials with a thickness of 1 meter and layer in 1m² for one hour. The ability to skip or delay moisture characterizes the resistance of vapor permeability, which in the table is indicated by the symbol "μ".

Simple words, the coefficient is the resistance of building materials comparable to indirectness of air. We will analyze a simple example, mineral wool has the following vapor permeability coefficient: μ \u003d 1. This means that the material misses moisture no worse than air. And if you take aerated concrete, then it will be equal to 10, that is, its steadyness is ten times worse than the air.


On the one hand, vapor permeability is well affected by the microclimate, and on the other hand destroys materials from which houses are built. For example, "Vata" perfectly misses moisture, but as a result, due to excess steam on windows and cold water pipes, condensate can form, as the table also says. Because of this, he loses its quality insulation. Professionals recommend setting a layer of vapor barrier from the outside of the house. After that, the insulation will not skip steam.

Paramondcy resistance

If the material has a low vapor permeability rate, then it is only plus, because the owners do not have to spend money on insulating layers. And get rid of a couple to be drawn from cooking and hot water, help extract and the fortage - it is enough to maintain a normal microclimate in the house. In the case when the house is built from the tree, it is impossible to do without additional insulation, while special varnish are needed for wood materials.

Table, schedule and scheme will help you understand the principle of action of this property, after which you can already decide on the choice of a suitable material. Also, you should not forget about climatic conditions outside the window, because if you live in a zone with high humidity, then about materials with a high indicator of vapor permeability costs at all forget.

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