Encyclopedia of fire safety

 Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Sparrow Hills. What helps Saint Tryphon

Born in one of the regions of Asia Minor - Phrygia (modern Turkey), not far from the city of Apamei, in the village of Kampsada. His parents were simple and pious peasants. As a child, he grazed geese and did not receive an education. But Saint Tryphon, as a child, was vouchsafed from the Lord the gift of miracles: he cast out demons, healed ailments, and through his prayer did many other good deeds.

Once the inhabitants of the native village of Saint Tryphon were saved from starvation by him: by the power of his childhood prayer, the saint forced the harmful insects that destroyed the crops to leave. On the basis of this miracle, a special order has been established in the Church prayer appeal to Saint Tryphon, which occurs when pests attack crops or plantations.

Saint Tryphon was especially famous exorcism of the demon from the daughter of the Roman emperor Gordian (238-244). A demon possessed the young, intelligent and beautiful Tsarevna and severely tormented her. Once he shouted that only Tryphon could expel him. The emperor ordered the miracle worker to be found and brought to Rome. At that time Saint Tryphon was 17 years old.

When the saint approached Rome at a distance of three days' journey, the evil spirit could not endure his approach and left Gordian's daughter. Saint Tryphon was brought before the emperor, surrounded by court nobility. He begged the saint to show the demon with his own eyes, wanting to make sure that the young man really healed the princess.

After a solitary prayer to God and a strict fast for six days, Saint Tryphon ordered the unclean spirit to appear visibly to the emperor and his entourage.

In the Readings - Menaia of St. Demetrius of Rostov († 1709) this is narrated as follows:

When the retinue of Gordian with the young man was still on the way, the last convulsive seizure happened to the daughter of the emperor. The devil in the girl spoke again.

- I can not! - he groaned hoarsely, shaking his young body. - I can't be here anymore - Tryphon is coming here! On the third day he will be here ... I'm leaving!

And the unclean spirit, forced by the will of God for the second time to tell what he would prefer to keep silent about, left the daughter of the emperor. Eyewitnesses claimed that the girl instantly brightened her face and mind, and since then both grace and beauty returned to her.

And Tryphon, as announced by the adversary, came to the palace on the third day, where he was greeted very joyfully and with honor. But the emperor's doubts remained: the whole story seemed painfully mysterious, it did not succumb to his sober and practical mind. And Gordian addressed the saint with these words:

“I see,” he said, “that Fortune favors you, young man. My daughter is healthy! She is cheerful as before, and even, to my surprise, more than ever. Turns out you're a miracle worker!

“It’s not me,” Tryphon humbly objected, “but my God, the Lord ...

- Do not hurry, young man! Gordian raised his hand in warning. “You shouldn’t interrupt the elders, and now, besides, the emperor is in front of you. Tell me, can you fulfill one of my requests, if it does not contradict your faith?

Yes, emperor. I am listening to you.

- Wonderful. - Gordian smiled, the young man evoked sympathy from him. - Then show us the spirit that dared to disturb the princess's peace by entering her womb. I want to see it with my own eyes and show it to others.

Why are you doing this, Emperor?

- So that no one, - Gordian looked around the assembled courtiers with an eloquent look, - no one has any doubts that it was you who cured my daughter. It's in our best interest, young man," he added quietly.

- Be your way, - agreed Tryphon. - I will fulfill your will, but for this I need some time.

- You will have it...

After six days of solitude, spent in fasting and prayers, Tryphon, having multiplied his spiritual powers, appeared before the throne of the emperor, announcing his readiness. Gordian nodded silently and smiled again, this time not as confidently as a week ago, when he decided on his request. His heart told him that the performance would not be pleasant.

The next morning, as soon as the sun rose, the emperor and his entourage gathered for an unprecedented spectacle, and Tryphon did not deceive their expectations. Filled with the Holy Spirit, contemplating the spirit of malice, invisible to others, as it is, he directly ordered him to appear before those gathered in the flesh or, as they say now, to materialize, which does not quite accurately reflect reality, for the spirits are already material.

- I tell you, unclean spirit, in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ, appear before us, revealing your essence in one of your vile images!

And then, as if from nothing, a terrible black dog with fiery eyes appeared before the hushed crowd. His heavy head dragged along the ground with his tongue hanging out, and it seemed that the very air around him thickened and froze, filled with a stench. There was deathly silence. Now only Tryphon could speak.

“Who sent you, demon, to this place,” the saint asked, “and how did you dare to enter into the maiden created in the image of God, being yourself so ugly and weak?”

- I was sent by my father, Satan, - answered the devil, - the head of all evil and his minion, who is in hell. From him I received a command to torture the king's daughter.

- Who gave you the power to encroach on the creation of God? Explain it to everyone in detail and clearly.

Tryphon offered to look into the depths, revealing to the emperor and his synclite terrible secret, which not all people know about, and the devil, forced by the power of God, had to tell the truth:

- We have no power over those who know God and believe in His Only Begotten Son Christ. From these people we run with fear; and only when it happens to us, we cause them temptations from outside, testing the strength of their faith.

It is a different matter with those who do not believe in God, - the dog managed to raise his head and sparkle with red-hot coals of his eyes in the midst of the crowd. - Obedient to their whims and passions, they do things pleasing to us - and then we get complete power over them. These people fall into idolatry, creating an idol for themselves. They are proud of themselves, slander, envy their neighbor and engage in all kinds of sorcery. By such and similar deeds in spirit, they envelop themselves in networks of lies and thereby alienate themselves from God, their Creator. They arbitrarily follow our path, and therefore, together with us, they accept eternal torment.

The black dog fell silent and wilted, petrified on the spot. His appearance still frightened him, and his posture expressed submissiveness. This event, memorable for those present, ended - Tryphon sent the devil back to hell.

The involuntary revelation of the spirit of darkness, the mere contemplation of which would make the most courageous soul tremble, led many to Christ that day, and the believers were confirmed in the truth and glorified God.

Having generously endowed the saint, the emperor let him go home in peace, and Tryphon, having barely left the gates of Gordian's domain, made many beggars happy with royal gifts. On the way, he distributed everything and returned lightly to his fatherland, continuing to lead a pure and blameless life there in the service of God and neighbors.

And then, having matured, he began to wander, preaching and healing the sick on his way ...

emperor Decius (249-251).

In 249 he ascended the throne Emperor Decius (249-251). With the support of the Roman Senate, Decius attempted to strengthen the administrative apparatus of the Empire. In addition, he decided to toughen the state cult of honoring the “genius” of the emperor, declaring it obligatory for all subjects of Rome. Other cults and religious communities were forbidden, and the open practice or preaching of any other religion was equated with state crimes (A.D. 250). This led to mass repression against the followers of various Eastern cults. Members of Christian religious communities suffered especially cruelly at this time.

It is difficult to say how many Christians died during this period, but they left this life by the thousands. They were killed mercilessly, tortured endlessly. The angels did not have time to receive their souls ...

The governor of Decius in Asia Minor was someone Aquiline. He was informed that Saint Tryphon boldly preaches Christianity and leads many to Baptism. The hunt immediately began for him.

Hearing that the royal servants were looking for him, Saint Tryphon did not hide himself, but he himself gave himself into the hands of the persecutors. Brought to trial before Aquilinus in Nicaea, he boldly confessed his faith in Christ. Aquilinus was unable to intimidate the young Tryphon with any threats. Then the eparch ordered the hands of the holy martyr to be tied, hung on a tree and beaten for three hours. During the beating, the tormentor did not hear a single moan of the martyr. After this, Saint Tryphon was thrown into prison.

After some time, Aquilinus once again used threats and persuasion, and then, seeing the futility of his efforts, subjected the martyr to new tortures. The body of Saint Tryphon was torn with iron hooks, the wounds were burned with fire, iron nails were driven into his feet, and they led him through the city. And when the martyr was forced to follow the horse on which the eparch went hunting, Saint Tryphon sang the following verses from the psalms of the prophet David: “Make my steps in Thy paths, so that my steps do not move ... Guide my steps, Lord, according to Thy word, and let not all iniquity possess me” (Ps. 16:5; 118:133). He often repeated the words of the first martyr, the holy archdeacon Stephen: “Lord, do not impute this sin to them” (Acts 7:60).

The Lord strengthened His chosen one, and he courageously endured all the tortures. During the torment, an angel appeared before the saint with a precious crown in his hands.

Seeing this, the tormentors were frightened, but Aquilinus became even more hardened. The next day he continued the torture, after which he sentenced the martyr Tryphon to be beheaded with a sword. Before his death, the saint thanked God, who strengthened him in his sufferings.

The Ancient Life conveys the following words of the holy martyr to God: “... Receive my soul in the world, all the same as me, Thy servant, will be remembered, and in my memory the Holy Sacrifice will be brought to Thee, hear from the height of Thy Holy Dwelling, and look upon them from Thy Holy Dwelling, giving them an abundant and imperishable gift, as if Thou art one Good and Generous Giver forever and ever". The saint departed to the Lord before his honest head was cut off.

The Christians wanted to bury the body of the martyr in the city of Nicaea, the place of his suffering. But Saint Tryphon in a vision ordered that his body be transferred to his homeland, to the village of Kampsada. The will of the holy martyr was fulfilled. Subsequently the relics of Saint Tryphon were transferred to Constantinople, and then to Rome.

The holy martyr Tryphon enjoys great veneration in the Russian Orthodox Church.

There is a legend that under Tsar Ivan the Terrible (1533-1584) while hunting, the beloved royal gyrfalcon flew away. The king ordered the falconer Trifon Patrikeev to find the bird that had flown away and threatened him with death for failure to comply with the order. Falconer Tryphon toured the surrounding forests, but to no avail. On the third day, exhausted by the long search, he lay down to rest, earnestly asking for help from his patron, the holy martyr Tryphon. In a dream, he saw a young man on a white horse, holding a royal gyrfalcon in his hand. This young man said: "Take the lost bird, go with God to the king and do not be sad about anything." Waking up, the falconer saw a gyrfalcon, which he was looking for, nearby on a pine tree. He immediately took him to the king and told him about the miraculous help he had received from the holy martyr Tryphon. Soon, on the spot where the saint's appearance took place, the falconer Tryphon Patrikeyev built a chapel, and then a church in the name of the holy martyr Tryphon.

At present, the head of the holy martyr is kept in the city Kotor (Montenegro), in the chapel next to the Cathedral of St. Tryphon.

View of the Cathedral of St. Tryphon (1841)

Part of the relics was brought from there to Russia in 1803. In 1819, this shrine was invested in three shrines in the icon of the holy martyr Tryphon, which was located in the church built in his honor, in Naprudny. This icon is now in the temple in honor of the Sign Holy Mother of God , at the Rizhsky railway station in Moscow, not far from the site of the appearance of St. Tryphon to the falconer. When the church was closed in 1931, the icon, along with particles of the relics, was transferred to Temple of the Icon of the Sign of the Mother of God in Pereyaslavskaya Sloboda. Another icon with a particle of the relics of St. Tryphon is located in the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God unexpected joy» in Maryina Roshcha. Part of the relics of the martyr Tryphon is in the Holy Trinity Kitayevsky Monastery in Kyiv.

During his lifetime, Tryphon responded to the slightest requests and troubles. And now at the Throne of God he prays for us. Sometimes people say - well, this is such a trifle, such an everyday misfortune, well, how to turn to God with a prayer with it? But the Lord hears all our prayers and knows about them even before we ourselves begin to pray. And the martyr Tryphon helps us. Parishioners of the Church of St. mch. Tryphon can talk for hours about the miracles that are performed through prayer to the saint. By prayer with faith. After all, faith does not come from miracles, but miracles come from faith that the Lord is near, that he will help.

Saint Tryphon is the patron saint of hunters and fishermen.

Saint Tryphon was revered in Muscovite Rus' as healer, patron of hunters and fishermen.

Prayer to the Holy Martyr Tryphon

Oh, the holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, an urgent helper to all who run to you and pray before your holy image, quick to obey the representative!

Hear now and at this hour the prayer of us, your unworthy servants, who honor your holy memory. You, the servant of Christ, you yourself promised before your departure from this perishable life to pray for us to the Lord and asked Him for this gift: if anyone in any need and sorrow of his call will begin the holy your name let him be delivered from every pretext of evil. And as if you were sometimes the daughter of the tsar in Rome, the city of the devil, healed the tormented one, save us from his fierce machinations all the days of our belly, especially on the terrible day of our last breath, intercede for us, when the dark eyes of the evil demons surround and frighten we will be started. Then be our helper and speedy exorcist of evil demons, and leader to the Kingdom of Heaven, even if you now stand with the face of saints at the Throne of God, pray to the Lord, may he grant us partakers of everlasting joy and joy, and with you we will be worthy of glorifying the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter of the Spirit forever. Amen.

Troparion, tone 4:
Thy martyr, Lord, Tryphon, in his suffering, the crown is incorruptible from Thee, our God: have Thy strength, put down the tormentors, crush the demons of weak insolence. Save our souls with prayers.

Kontakion, tone 8:
With creative firmness, you destroyed polytheism from the end of the all-glorious, being honest in Christ, and having defeated the tormentors in Christ the Savior, you received the crown of your martyrdom, and the gift of Divine healing, as if invincible.

In life, situations happen that seem hopeless to us, that there is nowhere to wait for help. At such moments, we remember the saints, turn to them for help and often receive it. Here it is important to know which saint helps in what. At present, people are often left without, but not everyone, unfortunately, knows that in this case one should ask for help from the holy martyr Tryphon.

Life story

Tryphon was born in the 1st century in Phrygia, the village of Kampsada, which in our time is the territory of Turkey. He grew up in an ordinary Christian family, grazing geese in a meadow and did not receive any education. From childhood, Tryphon became known as the owner of the gift of God's healing of people, and he could also cast out demons.

So, thanks to his prayers, reptiles and harmful insects eating crops were expelled from their native village of Kampsada, and the inhabitants of the village were thereby saved from poverty and hunger. But Tryphon was especially famous for the fact that at the age of sixteen he cast out demons from the young daughter of a Roman emperor named Gordian 3.

Tryphon was engaged in sermons of Christianity and led many people to baptism. For this he was seized and thrown into prison. Tryphon was required to renounce Christ and acknowledge the Roman gods, but he refused to do so and was subjected to very severe torture.

They hung him on a tree, beat him for about four hours, then pierced his body with metal hooks, then burned the wounds with fire. But in his faith in the Lord and prayer to him, Tryphon courageously endured all the tortures and did not renounce Christ, for which he was sentenced to death by beheading. The martyr Tryphon fervently prayed to the Lord, asked him to take him to the Kingdom of Heaven, and the Lord, having heard the martyr, took his soul even before the execution.

Tryphon was buried in his native village of Kampsada, after some time his relics were transported first to Constantinople, and then to Rome. In our time, the relics of the saint, namely the head, are stored in Montenegro in cathedral city ​​of Cator.

Icon of Tryphon: where is it located, what are they praying for?

This holy martyr is also very revered in the Orthodox Church, so On February 14, the Orthodox Church celebrates the day of his memory.

There are icons of the martyr in many churches throughout. In Moscow, in the church in honor of the Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos, which is located near the Rizhsky railway station, there is an icon of St. Tryphon with a particle of his relics.

Saint Tryphon is most often asked for help in finding employment. It is believed that if a person is haunted by failures and problems associated with work, or if he cannot get a job for a long time, then it is necessary to turn to the martyr Tryphon for help. You need to pray and ask for help from the saint sincerely with faith, and then he will hear the prayers and will definitely help.

Also Saint Tryphon helps in resolving the issue of finding housing, and searching for the lost. They also pray to the saint for deliverance from famine, epidemics and agricultural pests. It also often helps getting rid of diseases, especially in the return of vision.


Many miracles happened through the prayers with which people daily turn to the martyr Tryphon. So back in the 16th century, during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, the saint helped the king's chief falconer. The falconer turned to Saint Tryphon for help, since for three days he could not find the beloved gyrfalcon of Ivan the Terrible, who had flown away during the royal hunt.

The falconer was threatened with death in the event of an unsuccessful search for the bird. Exhausted and deprived of all hope, he zealously asked for help from the saint, and she did not keep herself waiting. On the same day, the gyrfalcon was found and taken to the king. And the falconer at the place of the search for the bird, in gratitude to the saint, built a church in his honor.

As for the present, the parishioners of the temple, in which the saint is located with a particle of his relics, talk a lot about the help of the martyr in various difficult everyday situations, which they just do not ask Tryphon for, and he helps in everything. It is also said that help is often very quick and efficient.

Here are some cases:

The text of the prayer in Russian

Troparion, tone 8:

Thy martyr, O Lord, Tryphon, in his suffering, received an incorruptible crown from Thee, our God: having Thy strength, put down the tormentors, crush the demons of weak insolence. Save our souls with prayers.

Kontakion, tone 8:

With Trinitarian firmness, you destroyed polytheism from the end, all-glorious, honest in Christ, and, having defeated the tormentors in Christ the Savior, you received the crown of your martyrdom and the gift of Divine healing, as if invincible.

Holy Martyr Tryphon! You are my helper, and I hasten to pray before your face. Having appeared before you, I ask you to hear my words and forgive me, an unworthy servant of God (name). As your sincere admirer, I remind myself how you renounced worldly goods, but tirelessly offered praise to the Almighty. It was he who gave you the gift to work miracles. Show your strength for me, do not refuse my request. As you delivered the people of Campsada from the inevitable death prepared by creeping snakes, so deprive me of lack of money, unemployment and a bad boss. May my work path be clean and smooth, bringing income and moral satisfaction. Do not allow me to allow evil actions and thoughts. I promise to give you glory and honor to the last breath. Amen.


Dear brothers and sisters!

On February 1 (14), the Holy Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of the martyr Tryphon, on this day a solemn service is also held in our Tikhvin church, because one of the limits (arranged on November 4, 1917) is dedicated to this amazing confessor of the Christian faith, whose life is an example of stamina and masculinity in the face of suffering for Christ.

19th century icon from the Dormition Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra

troparion, tone 4: Thy martyr, O Lord, Tryphon, in his suffering has received an incorruptible crown from you our God: have Thy strength, put down the tormentors, crush the demons of weak insolence. Save our souls with prayers.

kontakion, tone 8: With Trinitarian firmness, you destroyed polytheism from the end of the all-glorious, having been honest in Christ, and having defeated the tormentors in Christ the Savior, you received the crown of your martyrdom, and the gift of divine healings, as if invincible.

It is extremely necessary for us to know well the life of Saint Tryphon, it clearly shows that when Christ becomes the main thing in life for a person, not only numerous everyday problems recede into the background, but even natural for human nature fear of bodily pain. Lately in modern world The “feast” of “Saint Valentine” is widely celebrated, but it must be remembered that it was on this day that Saint Tryphon was martyred for Christ. February 14 should be for Orthodox Christian only on the day of memory of the martyr Tryphon. No other "saints" of the Western world that has fallen away from the truth should overshadow our memory of the feat of Saint Tryphon. It is important for us, Orthodox Christians, to tell our loved ones and acquaintances about the life of the saint, about the suffering that the martyr Tryphon endured on the day that is associated with a “holiday” alien to the Orthodox world.

It is known that the martyr Tryphon was especially loved in Rus'. Not many people know: his veneration in the Moscow lands was so great that initially this particular saint was depicted on the coat of arms of Moscow - on a horse and with a bird of prey in his hand, and only then the image of the rider became associated with George the Victorious.

For some time both saints figured in a mirror image. During the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, they even stayed together on the Coat of Arms of Moscow in the form of two equestrian figures of the Patron Saints of the city. Saint Tryphon is revered as the patron saint of hunters and fishermen; they pray to him to protect the fields from hordes of insects. They also turn to the martyr in cases of illness, often asking him to help a lonely person find a good wife, and send a good husband to a girl or a single woman. Here is “Saint Valentine” for you, only a real, faithful and quick helper. Tryfon provides special assistance in finding lost things, as well as in employment.

Mch. Tryphon. Theophanes of Crete. Fresco. Meteora (Nikolai Anapafsa). 1527

We emphasize once again: we must understand that February 14 is the day of remembrance of the saint who gave his life for Christ. And when in secular institutions we are loudly congratulated on Valentine's Day, we need to tell with love and quiet joy about a real saint who glorified Christ with his life, who can really not only help in everyday matters, but strengthen a person in the face of future trials.

Dimitry of Rostov tells us in detail about the life of Saint Tryphon, who writes: “Saint Tryphon was born in the Phrygian country, in the village of Kampsad, near the city of Apamea. From a young age, the grace of God rested on him, and the Lord granted him the power of miracles, so that not only from the mouth of this baby, but also from his miraculous deeds, to make Himself praise. The Great Menaion of the Four tells a lot about healings from all sorts of illnesses performed by the holy lad Tryphon, and about the casting out of demons by him from people who turned to him. We will first tell about one of his many miracles, testifying to the great grace of God that rested on him, and then we will tell about his suffering for the faith of Christ.

In the year 238, the emperor Gordian ascended the throne of Rome, who, although he was an idolater, did not persecute Christians. This king had adult daughter, named Gordiana, - a girl who was distinguished by intelligence and beauty, so that many great and glorious princes wanted to take her as a wife to their sons. But this girl, and with her all her family, suffered a great misfortune: by God's permission, the devil entered into her, with which he cruelly tormented her, plunging her into fire and water; brought to the sick girl, doctors known for their wisdom could not help her. But, behold, the unclean spirit that dwelt in the maiden himself, at the command of God, prophesied: - No one can expel me from here, except the lad Tryphon. The king immediately sent to look for Tryphon everywhere. Many people were brought to the king who bore the same name, but not one of them could cast out a demon from royal daughter. Finally, they brought to the king the holy youth Tryphon, who was found in Phrygia, in the village of Kampsade, where he was tending geese by a lake; The boy was then seventeen years old. When the saint was approaching Rome, the devil, having learned about his arrival and began to torment the girl even more, shouted loudly: “I can’t live here anymore, because Tryphon is approaching, and on the third day he will come here, I can’t stand it anymore. Having shouted thus, the unclean spirit left the girl. On the third day, Saint Tryphon came to the city and was immediately brought to the royal chambers, where he was very kindly received by the king, for the king recognized in him that Tryphon, whom the devil mentioned when leaving the maiden. But in order to be more convinced that it was Tryphon who healed his daughter, the king begged him to show the devil with his own eyes so that he could be seen with bodily eyes. The saint agreed to the request of the king and remained in fasting and prayer for six days, and after that he received from above even greater and stronger power over unclean spirits. On the seventh day, at sunrise, the king came to the blessed one with all his synclites, wanting to see the devil.

Then Tryphon, filled with the Holy Spirit, and with spiritual eyes looking at the invisible spirit of malice, said to him: - I tell you, unclean spirit, in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ, appear with your own eyes before those who are here, and show them your vile and shameless image, and reveal his weakness. And immediately the devil appeared before everyone in the form of a black dog, which had fiery eyes, and dragged its head on the ground. The saint turned to him with a question: “Who sent you here, demon, to enter into the maiden, and how did you dare to enter into the one created in the image of God, being yourself so ugly and weak, and full of all kinds of abominations?” The devil answered: - I was sent by my father - Satan, the head of all evil, who is in hell, from whom I received a command to torment this maiden.

Then the saint asked him again: “Who gave you the power to encroach on the creation of God? The demon, although against his will, but compelled by the invisible power of God, had to tell the truth. - We have no power over those, - he said, - who know God and believe in His Only Begotten Son - Christ, for whom Peter and Paul died here - from these people we flee with fear, and only when we are allowed to, we cause them slight temptations from outside. But those who do not believe in God and the Son of God, and, being obedient to their own lusts, do things that are pleasing to us, over those we receive full power to torment them. The following deeds are pleasing to us: idolatry, blasphemy, adultery, sorcery, envy, murder, pride; By these and similar deeds, people become entangled, as if in snares, alienated from God, their Creator, and arbitrarily become friends with us, and together with us suffer eternal torment. Hearing this, the king and those around him were struck with great fear and were horrified; and many, leaving wickedness, believed in Christ; and the believers received an even greater confirmation of their faith, and glorified God. The king, generously endowing the saint, let him go home in peace, but the saint distributed everything that he received from the king along the way to the poor; he himself, having returned to his fatherland, indulged in his usual occupations, healing the sick and pleasing God with a holy and blameless life. After Gordian, the Roman throne was taken by Philip, who reigned for a short time, being killed by his soldiers; and after him the fierce Decius reigned, inciting a cruel persecution of Christians; during this persecution, countless Christians were killed, and many of the fearful, fearing terrible torments, turned away from Christ, and inclined to idolatry. This king issued an order to his eparchs and hegemons to persecute Christians everywhere and kill them mercilessly. In the east at this time, a certain Akilin was eparch; it was reported to him that Tryphon professes the faith of Christ and, passing through various countries, heals the sick, like a very knowledgeable doctor, and at the same time teaches everyone to believe in Christ and thereby deceives many; Tryphon does not listen to the royal command, mocking all the gods. Warriors were immediately sent to look for Tryphon, whom they soon found: for the lamp could not be hidden, burning with zeal for God and shining with faith and good deeds. But the saint himself, having learned that they were looking for him, did not run into the desert and did not hide in the mountains and abysses of the earth, but, armed with prayer and the sign of the cross, he boldly went out to those who were looking for him and, surrendering into their hands, went with joy to eparch Aquilin , which at that time was in Nicaea. When Aquilinus, surrounded by squires, chiefs, servants and many people, sat on the court, Pompinian, a scriptiary of high rank, said to him: - Here is a young man from the city of Apamea, sent to your majesty, to stand before the bright court of your power.

icon of the holy martyr Tryphon

Akilin said: Let him who is coming tell us his name, and fatherland, and fortune. The saint answered: - My name is Tryphon, my fatherland is the village of Kampsada, near the city of Apameysk, but we do not recognize fortune, for we believe that everything is done according to God's providence and His indescribable wisdom, and not fortune, and does not depend on the course of the star not by chance, as you believe. In life, I am guided by my free will, serving Christ alone. Christ is my faith, Christ is my praise, and the crown of my glory. To this, the eparch said to the saint: “Probably, until today you have not heard at all about the royal command, according to which anyone who calls himself a Christian and does not worship the gods must die an evil death; so be reasonable and leave your flattering faith, lest you be cast into the fire. But Tryphon exclaimed: - Oh, if I could be honored through fire and all the torments to receive death for the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and God! The eparch continued: - Tryphon, I advise you to sacrifice to the gods, for I see that you, although young in body, have a perfect mind, and I do not want you to die an evil death! “Then I will have a perfect mind,” answered the saint, “when I bring a perfect confession to my God, and if I keep my pious faith in Him unchanged, like a valuable treasure, and become a sacrifice to Him Who Himself sacrificed Himself for me.

icon fragment

Then the eparch, threatening the saint, exclaimed in anger: “I will betray your body to fire, but I will tame your soul with the most cruel executions. - You threaten me with a dying fire, - answered Tryphon, - after which only ashes remain, but I threaten you, unbelievers, with eternal fire, unquenchable; leave your vain faith and know the true God, so that you do not repent later, when you fall into eternal fire. But Akilin, inflamed with the strongest anger, ordered that the saint be beaten, hanging him on a tree. Hearing this order, Tryphon himself immediately took off his clothes and joyfully gave his body to the executioners for torture. The executioners, hanging him on a tree, with his hands tied behind him, severely tortured him for three hours. But the saint bravely endured the torment, not uttering a single cry, not a single groan for the entire time he was beaten. When they finished torturing him, Akilin again turned to him with an admonition: - Think again, Tryphon, leave your madness, promise to bow to the gods, for none of those who do not want to obey the royal command can avoid a terrible death. The saint answered boldly: “And I tell you that no one who rejects the heavenly King Christ can inherit eternal life, but will be sent into eternal fire, which never dies out. The eparch said to this: - There is no other king of heaven, except Zeus, the son of Saturn, he is the father of both gods and people, and if someone does not bow to him, he cannot remain alive; worship him too if you want to enjoy the sweetness of this life. Then the saint, wanting to enlighten the pagan with the light of truth and expose all the abomination of paganism, said to Aquilin: - Let all who worship him and hope in him be like your god Zeus; and it is told about him that he was the first lawless sorcerer and pernicious sorcerer, the father of all wickedness and godlessness, after whose death people who wanted to follow his evil deeds made golden and silver idols for him, calling him a god; and they did this in order to have an excuse for themselves also in their uncleanness and lawlessness, so that no one would reproach them for shameful deeds, because their god was the same; likewise other vile and all-evil men were elevated to the rank of gods by their imitators; but you, believing in these ancient impious traditions and false fables, worship soulless and dumb idols, forgetting about the living God, who established the sky, founded the earth on the waters, and poured out the air; God, who created every creature and gave it a visible image, placed man, created after, as master over everything; but a man, through the envy of the devil, deceived by the evil serpent (Gen. , ch. 3), fell into innumerable disasters; then God the Word, having mercy on him, according to His will, Himself deigned to incarnate, and appeared in the likeness of a man, died on the cross, was buried, rose on the third day, ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father, until all creation recognizes Him; then He will come again with power and great glory, and will reward each according to his deeds. He is the God of gods and the King of kings, and the Judge of the living and the dead; and the gods revered by you will serve to kindle the eternal fire with all those who worship them.

After that, the eparch Aquilinus, having gathered to hunt, ordered that Saint Tryphon be captured, ordering him to be tied to a horse and led. The saint had to endure great torments: his toes were torn off, because, in a terrible frost, his feet were bare, and the horse advanced and crushed them with his feet, and his feet cracked, but the martyr, fixing his spiritual gaze on God and, burning with love to Him, put these torments in vain, and sang the words of David: “Fix my steps in Your ways, let not my steps tremble” (Ps. 16:5), and others: “Fix my steps in Your word and do not let no iniquity shall possess me” (Ps. 119:133). At the same time, repeating the words of the holy Protomartyr Archdeacon Stephen: “Lord, do not impute this sin to them” (Acts 7:60). Returning after the hunt, the eparch called the martyr to him and said to him: Now, unfortunate one, have you thought of wisely offering sacrifices to the gods, or are you remaining in your former madness?

The saint answered: - You yourself, blinded by the devil, are full of madness and ignorance, because you cannot know the Creator of all and worship Him; but I remain wise, not deviating from the truth that saves me. The eparch ordered the saint to be taken to prison; and he himself went to the nearest borders of the country, where he remained for some time. Upon arriving back in Nicaea, the eparch, having appeared at the court, again summoned Tryphon and said to him: “Did not a long stay in bonds teach you to obey the royal command and turn to the gods? - My God and Lord Jesus Christ, - answered the saint, - Whom I serve with a pure mind, teaching, instructed me and confirmed me, so that I could unchangingly and unshakably maintain faith in Him: therefore, I obey Him, the only true King and God, and I resort to Him, I despise your royal pride, and I turn away from the gods you revere. The eparch, very angry, shouted to the servants: - Drive sharp nails into his feet, and, driving around the city, beat him. The servants immediately carried out the order of the tormentor. They began to lead the saint, or rather, drag him around the city, subjecting him to torture, and he endured terrible suffering - both from nails driven into his feet, and from severe frost, on the occasion of a harsh winter. But the great sufferer, having Christ before his spiritual gaze, and looking at future rewards, endured everything with great patience and joy; when he was again brought to the eparch, the tormentor, marveling at such patience of the saint, said to him with great annoyance: “How long, Tryphon, will you be insensitive to torment, and when will you feel all the terrible pain of torment?”

The saint answered: When will you also know the power of Christ that dwells in me; When will you stop, damned, tempting the Holy Spirit? Then, burning with the strongest malice, the tormentor ordered him to be hung again on a tree and mercilessly beat with iron, and scorch his sides with burning candles. All this the servants performed with great diligence; but suddenly the light of heaven shone on the saint, and a beautiful crown descended from heaven on his head; stricken by this vision, the tormentors fell to the ground out of fear. Saint Tryphon, feeling the help that had come from above, was filled with joy and joy and, praying, said: - Thank You, Lord, because You did not leave me without help in the hands of my enemies, but protected me on the day of battle and gave my salvation, and your hand has sustained me. And now I pray to You, Lord, do not leave me, affirming and protecting me, and vouchsafe me to accomplish this feat without fail, in order to be vouchsafed to receive the crown of righteousness with all those who love Your holy name, for You alone are glorified forever. Amen.

After that, the tormentor, having ordered to untie the bound saint and calling him to himself, began to exhort him with affection, saying: - Tryphon, make a sacrifice to the great Zeus and bow to the royal image, and I will let you go. But Tryphon, with a smile, answered: - If I showed contempt to the king himself and neglected his impious commands, then will I really bow to his soulless image? It will not happen. About Zeus and other false gods, you ask your own wise men, who will tell you about what fables are composed about these gods to cover their vile deeds, applying their name to other things, calling the sky - Zeus, the air - the Hero, the earth - Ceres , the sea - Poseidon, the sun - Apollo, the moon - Diana. These same fabulists also named various bad customs and human passions by the names of your gods, inventing the god of anger and war - Mars, and calling the prodigal passion Venus. And so you, leaving the Creator of all God, madly filled the whole universe with idols and preferred the creature to the Creator; and not only yourselves, being deprived of sound mind and deviated from the true path, fall headlong into a soul-destroying abyss, but you also try to drag us into the same place in order to make us participants in your destruction, but, flatterers, you will not have any success! For you will never be able to deceive from the true path and incline to your idols those who hope in the true and living God.

Hearing these words, Akilin was surprised at such boldness of the saint and, angry, ordered to beat him without any mercy; the soldiers, taking the saint, tortured him for many hours in the most cruel manner. Finally, the tormentor, seeing that he could not shake the unshakable pillar of faith and turn him away from Christ, made the following final sentence about him: - Tryphon of Apamea, who opposes the royal command and, after many different torments, did not want to make sacrifices to the gods, must be executed by beheading chapters. And immediately the soldiers, taking the martyr, led him out of the city to the place of beheading.

Saint Tryphon, facing the east, turned to God with such a prayer: - Lord God, King of kings, most holy above all saints! I thank You for allowing me to accomplish this feat without stumbling. And now I pray to You: do not let the trapping hand of the crafty invisible enemy touch me, so that he does not lead me into the depths of destruction, but lead me into the beloved villages together with Your holy Angels, and make me the heir of Your longed-for kingdom; receive my soul in peace, all those who will remember the name of your servant, and in memory of my holy sacrifices will bring you, hear from the height of your holiness; and look upon them from Thy holy habitation, giving them abundant and imperishable gifts, for Thou alone is the good and generous Giver forever and ever. This is how the saint prayed.

Miniature Minology of Basil II. Constantinople. 985 Vatican Library. Rome

And yet the soldiers did not have time to behead his head, when the Lord took his soul; the honest body of Tryphon remained dead on the ground. The Christians who were in Nicaea wrapped him in clean shrouds and anointed him with fragrances, intending to bury him in their own city for protection. But the saint, appearing to them in a vision, ordered that his relics be transferred to the village of Kampsada, the place of his homeland, and his command was carried out. So Saint Tryphon, from his youth consecrated to God, who led many people to Christ, and healed many of them from illnesses, after great torments, accepted for truth, crowned with an incorruptible crown from the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the One in the Trinity of God, Whom glory forever. Amen".

icon of the holy martyr Tryphon

Special veneration in Rus' of St. Tryphon is associated with a well-known incident that happened to the noble boyar Trifon Patrikeyev, who accompanied Tsar John Vasilyevich on a hunt. Due to absent-mindedness or for some other reason, young Tryphon missed his beloved royal falcon. The king was angry and announced that if the falcon was not found in three days, then the falconer would be severely punished, up to and including execution. For three days and three nights, Trifon Patrikeyev scoured the Sokolniki Forest in search of the loss. Exhausted, he prayed for heavenly help, prayed to the martyr Tryphon as his patron, and vowed to build a temple for him here. By the end of the third day, the falconer, stricken with fatigue, sat down on the bank of a large pond to follow the flight of birds, and fell asleep. In a dream, the martyr Tryphon appeared to him on a white horse and with a falcon in his hands and said that the missing falcon was sitting not far from here, on a pine tree towards the east ... So it was ... And instead of punishment, the king rewarded the falconer. And he built a chapel and a small church on the site of a sleepy vision, which served as the basis for the famous temple of the martyr Tryphon in Naprudny.

The famous Moscow Church of St. Tryphon in Naprudny is located on Trifonovskaya Street of the same name, in the area of ​​​​the old Meshchanskaya Sloboda near the present Prospect Mira. According to historians, this church, which has survived to our time, is the oldest in Moscow outside the Kremlin. It was built as an ordinary parish, not a monastery church.

Church of St. Tryphon in Naprudny

The story of the miraculous help of Saint Tryphon is reflected in the novel by A. K. Tolstoy "The Silver Prince":

“The rider rode at a trot, whistled merrily and held a white gyrfalcon in a hood and bells on a motley mitten. Maxim recognized one of the royal falconers. ... - Yes, it will be a week since Adragan flew away from the field! - answered the falconer, showing his gyrfalcon. - Why, you probably don’t know, Maxim Grigorievich! Well, I was already filled with fear, as the king untwisted me! May the merciful God and holy martyr Tryphon take pity on me! Showed me his miracle! - The falconer took off his hat and crossed himself. - Look, Maxim Grigorievich: the sovereign left, it will be a week, for bird fun. He let Adragan in twice; unfortunately, for the third time the foolishness found on Adragan. He began to beat the falcons, knocked down Smyshlyay and Mug, and let's pull! You wouldn't have time to count ten, as you have him out of sight. I was to ride after him, but where! Gone like it never happened. Here the falconer reported to the king that Adragan had disappeared. The king ordered to call me, and he says that you, Trishka, answer me with your head for him; if you get it - pity you, if you don't get it - off with your head! How to be! Father-king is not joking! I went to look for Adragan; tormented for six days; I felt uncomfortable around my neck; I think I'll have to shake my head. I began to cry; wept, wept, and from grief I fell asleep in the forest. As soon as I fell asleep, a vision appeared to me, sleepy: a radiance spread among the trees, and the ringing went through the forest. And, hearing that ringing, I, sleepy, say to myself: Adragan's bells are ringing. I look, in front of me sits on a white horse, all bathed in light, a young warrior and holds Adragan on his hand: “Tryphon! - said the warrior, - look for Adragan not here. Get up, go to Moscow, to the Lazarev tract. There stands a pine tree, on that pine tree Adragan sits.

icon of the holy martyr Tryphon

I woke up, and, I don’t know why, it became clear to me that the warrior was the holy martyr Tryphon. I jumped on my horse and galloped towards Moscow. Well, Maxim Grigorievich, would you believe it? when I arrived at that tract, I see: in fact, a pine tree, and my Adragan sits on it, exactly as the saint said! The falconer's voice trembled, and large tears rolled from his eyes. “Maxim Grigorievich,” he added, wiping away his tears, “now I’ll sell all my bellies without a trace, even if I myself will go into eternal bondage, but I’ll build a chapel for the saint! I will build on the very spot where I found Adragan. And I will order the image to be written on the wall, exactly as the saint appeared to me: on a white horse, raising his hand high, and on it a white gyrfalcon.

Since then, the frescoes and icons of Russian churches have most often depicted the holy martyr Tryphon sitting on a white horse and with a falcon on an outstretched right hand. As stated in the first guide to writing icons of the saint: “Like a Roman, young, about 23 years old, a shepherd of geese by the lake, with a beard breaking through, in a shirt a little below the knees, on top of an epancha with a cockle, as the shepherds wore; coarse clothes, barefoot, thin face, curly hair. Charter in hand. In his right hand, you can also write a falcon according to the miracle he performed in Moscow ... ".

At present, the head of the holy martyr is kept in the city of Kotor (Montenegro), in the Cathedral of St. Tryphon. Part of the relics was brought from there to Russia in 1803. In 1819, this shrine was invested in three shrines in the icon of the holy martyr Tryphon, which was in the church built in his honor. Now this icon is in the church in honor of the Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos, at the Rizhsky railway station in Moscow, not far from the place where St. Tryphon appeared to the falconer.

Saint Tryphon, icon. Greece

The memory of the martyr Tryphon began to be revered throughout the Christian world and in the Eastern and Western Churches. Trifon Day is widely celebrated in Bulgaria. In the festive folk calendar, this day is also called Tryphon Slaughtered or Tryphon the Noseless.

Great Martyr Tryphon. Bulgaria Temple “St. Georgi the Victorious", gr. Asenovgrad

In the Balkan tradition, one of the attributes of Tryphon is the vine. In church painting in Bulgaria, Saint Tryphon is depicted as a young man holding tools for cutting grapes. This is due to the legend associated with the work of St. Tryphon in the vineyards. revered as the patron saint of winegrowers. A special prayer sounds on Tryphon in Bulgarian churches. In it, the parishioners are called “the vine of the Lord,” and the prayer is addressed that “grace descend on every vine,” that is, on every parishioner. Water is consecrated in temples, in some places, a special prayer is read from pests. Since the beginning of the 20th century, religious processions with the icon of St. Tryphon have been made, bypassing the settlement and vineyards. The pruning of the grapes itself takes place in a month, when spring sun awakens the vital juices of plants. And on this day, only symbolic pruning is performed. This marks the beginning of a new year for winegrowers.

To the saints Orthodox Church ranks the charitable sufferers for their faith in the Savior, who were martyred. One of them is the Holy Great Martyr Tryphon. We will find out what Saint Tryphon helps in, why, eighteen centuries later, Christians around the world remember and love him, and what they pray to his holy image for.

The Holy Great Martyr was born on the territory of Phrygia (now it is modern Turkey) in the first half of the third century in Orthodox family, about which it is known only that she was not rich. From an early age, he herded geese on the lake near Kampsad, earning a living from this. The work allowed the future saint to indulge in thoughts about the eternal and pray.

Since childhood, he led a righteous life, early began to help people, heal. A fact from his childhood is known, when voracious insects attacked the area where he lived, because of which the entire crop was in jeopardy. AND Small child saved the harvest with his prayers, the insects disappeared. Then the fame of him went beyond the borders of Campsad. They praised a young man who heals people, casts out demons, saves crops from pests, and food in barns from mice and rats.

In 238, when Tryphon was 16 years old, Emperor Gordian's daughter fell ill - she became possessed by demons and no one could help her. Once a demon, by God's suggestion, said that Tryphon could expel him. This name is not so rare in that area, it took a long time to search, but thanks to its fame it was found. Tryphon the Christian went on a long journey to Rome to save the daughter of a pagan emperor. He had not yet arrived, and the demon left the body of the emperor's daughter in fear.

After his arrival, he forced the demon to appear. He appeared to him in the form of a shaggy black dog and told him that he was powerless before the power of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many present believed in the power of the Lord and became Christians.

The future saint returned to his area, herded geese, healed people, helped the poor and did not refuse those in need of help. He led missionary activities, converting pagans to Christians.

Decius Trojan, who hated Christians, came to power in Rome in 249. The new ruler began to persecute them and many were forced to abandon their faith. The local governors, seeking to curry favor, begin to persecute Christians. The eparch of the region, Aquilinus, was informed of Tryphon, who was converting people to the Christian faith. He was arrested and at first they tried to simply force him to renounce his faith, but then they began to subject him to inhuman torture.

The suffering of the great martyr

Tryphon was first tied to a pole and beaten with hooks, and then, wounded and with bleeding wounds, he was tied to a horse and dragged through mud and dust, forced to walk in boots with nails instead of soles. Everything was in vain, the martyr remained true to his faith and prayed to the Lord for the Kingdom of Heaven. He was sentenced to death by beheading, but the Lord called him earlier. It was in the year 250.

Local Christians wanted to bury him in Rome. But Tryphon, having appeared to one citizen in a dream, asked to be buried at home, in Kampsad. The Holy Great Martyr lived a short but bright life. He was martyred under the emperor Decius, when he was not even thirty years old..

what helps the holy martyr Tryphon

Help from a saint

The Holy Great Martyr is especially revered in Bulgaria, Slovakia and Russia. It is known that under Ivan the Terrible, during a hunt, one falconer lost all the birds against his will, among which was a particularly expensive gyrfalcon - Ivan the Terrible's favorite. They searched for a long time, but in vain. Ivan IV gave two days to search, threatening the falconer with death. He went through the fields and forests to look. His name was Tryphon, and he began to sincerely pray to his namesake, the holy martyr. Tired, lay down to rest and saw in a dream a saint on a white horse with a bird on his shoulder. I woke up and a bird was sitting next to me. He brought the bird to Ivan the Terrible, told everything.

Ivan the Terrible rewarded his servant generously and promoted him in the service. This is how the martyr Tryphon, through the prayers of the falconer, saved him from death. The grateful falconer erected on the spot where the saint appeared, first a chapel, and then the first temple in Rus' in his honor.

The temple of St. Tryphon in Naprudny still stands today. In the Maryina Grove of Moscow in the temple of the icon Mother of God"Unexpected joy" is a piece of relics and two icons of the martyr.

in Russian Orthodox icons the holy great martyr is depicted with a bird on his shoulder, sometimes on horseback, in Bulgaria they are depicted with vine, in Greece - with a cross. Simple people often turned and turn to him for help, so many different icons with images of the martyr were painted. Christians around the world revere St. Tryphon, icons with his image are in many homes. Orthodox in Russia celebrate the day of memory of the saint on February 14.

Conversation in prayers

What Saint Tryphon helps with, today every believer knows. The Great Martyr heals the soul and body, heals the insane, returns the terminally ill to a full life, casts out all evil spirits and demons, and finds the missing. The saint is considered the patron saint of hunters and fishermen. In case of various misunderstandings with property, they turn to him:

In the modern world, where there is no stability and confidence in the future, people read prayers to Tryphon the Martyr about work: “The Holy Martyr of Christ Tryphon, an ambulance help, do not refuse sincere request". In his life, Tryphon worked a lot, without complaining of fatigue, so it is not surprising how soon he helps those who ask for work. Holy Martyr Tryphon, what the Orthodox are asking him to do:

The prayers of the saint will undoubtedly be heard, but the people themselves need to try to lead correct image life and work to achieve the goal. Luck does not come to those who sit still.

How to read the prayer of St. Trifon about the work, so that it does not go unanswered and be heard, not everyone knows. It is not enough just to read a strong prayer for the work of Tryphon, you need to prepare. This requires strong faith, stronger than the Riga balm. It is necessary to visit the church constantly, pray there, order thanksgiving prayers, and not just ask for something.

In the church, you can order prayers with an akathist in honor of the great martyr, light candles at the image and pray in your own words or memorize the text. At home, you can read prayers on a piece of paper.

At home, candles are also lit at the holy image and prayers and troparion are read, renouncing the whole world, only you and God. You need to pray for 40 days with a firm faith in success. We must not forget to thank the saint and Lord God for the help. You can pray and thank the great martyr at the image every day, but always before important events in your life. It is important that your desires and actions do not harm anyone. And the quick assistant Tryphon will not leave you, in your righteous deeds all requests will be heard and fulfilled.

When troubles and troubles happen in our lives, we look for consolation in the support of our loved ones. Only such happiness does not always fall out. Sometimes there is no one around. To ease the soul and there is no one to ask for advice. Or it is impossible, because it is not good to shift your misfortune onto other people's fragile shoulders. Then it is recommended to go to the Temple, to share the heavy burden with the Lord. Here, for example, a prayer to St. Tryphon helps, as they say. Only they do not always read it, but only in certain situations. Let's see when.

About Saint Tryphon

It is impossible to come for spiritual help to someone about whom you know nothing. May the Lord always be in the soul of the believer, but your prayer will not be directed to him. Saint Tryphon, as it is written in church books, got a heavy share. He was born on Phrygian soil. In his village (Kampsada) there was not a single sufferer who did not see with his own eyes his unusual kindness and radiance. From an early age, the lad was distinguished by special compassion. Could not pass by the weak or offended. Each was a kind word or a piece of bread. He was engaged in small work - grazing geese. But his power was great. A case is described when a young man saved all the inhabitants of the village from a terrible starvation by prayer. Pests attacked the fields. They did not know how to fight them in those distant times. He offered prayers to his God - and the insects were expelled. Much in the life of Saint Tryphon was evil on the part of those in power. He accepted everything with humility and kindness. Such, as they describe, was the man who was later canonized as Saint Tryphon. Now it will be easier to contact him. His kindness and radiance will reach out to you through the ages, assuring you that he will not turn away from your prayers.

When addressing a saint

Problems with modern man various emerge. Some people want to return their health, others cannot get out of debt, others experience heartache. Yes, and a lot of other things happen, which seems to us a disaster. Prayer to Saint Tryphon, as the clergy say, is offered when problems and troubles occur in the service. If confidence in one's strengths or abilities is fading, or enemies surround, as it seems, then it is necessary to go to the Temple. And the church of the saint is located on Trifonovskaya street (Moscow). Now the temple is small, cozy, white stone. And before the revolution, the building was large, noticeable. Two of its aisles were blown up. But it was not possible to completely destroy the temple dedicated to the great martyr. Of course, not everyone will be able to go to this particular church. Then look for the icon of the Great Martyr in any other icon. Contact her with your troubles.

Prayer of St. Trifon about work

There is ample evidence of how the miraculously problems big and small various people. Sincere prayer to Saint Tryphon helps everyone. Some found a new place, saved the family from begging, others got rid of enemies in the service. Tryphon could not pass by the distressed during his lifetime, and now he helps from heaven. Just do not turn to him for the fulfillment of an evil, selfish desire. Nothing will work. For example, if you want good man“sit out”, then do not rely on prayer. Or when you want to punish the offender (according to your ideas), then look for other ways. Remember the humility and kindness of the great martyr. It is with such feelings that he should be addressed. When you realize that the test is given according to your strength, then only go to the temple. And don't forget about faith. It must come from the depths of the heart.

The text of the prayer to Saint Tryphon

“O holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, who provides ambulance assistance to all who resort to you! Hear the slave (name) praying to you! Now and at every hour, pray for us, who honor your memory, unworthy sinners, at the Throne of the Lord. You, the saint of the Lord, shone with great miracles, healing all who turned to you with faith. You interceded for everyone who was in sorrow. You turned to the Lord with prayers so that He would intercede for everyone who mentions your name, in all hardships and sorrows. To be delivered from all human evil. And just as you healed the daughter of the king in Rome-city from the devil who tormented her, so protect me from evil slander, misfortune, illness, the evil one, the machinations of the enemy. Pray the Lord for me. Be an assistant in my affairs. Drive away evil and evil spirits from me. Ask the Lord for joy for me, glorifying the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

In the most severe cases

Sometimes a person needs something more than just prayer. Akathist to Saint Tryphon then needs to be read. Its text is in the prayer book. It is recommended for forty days in a row before the icon to the saint to read it, mentally asking for help. Well if loving people willingly agree to help at this moment. Akathist, in fact, is a hymn. His strength is in harmony. When it is lifted up by several people, their voices, intertwined, acquire extraordinary power. And when they ask for protection from damage, they go to the monastery. There the monks sing the Akathist. They ask Saint Tryphon for a specific person. That usually makes it easier.

Prayer to Tryphon from corruption

It is also customary to turn to the great martyr for protection from the devil. Among the people, such a situation, when black forces try to take possession of the soul, is called damage. She just needs to be dealt with. Here is a prayer to the great martyr Tryphon, which helps in such cases. “O holy Tryphon! O martyr of Christ! Hear us now (names) and intercede for us before the Lord. By the power of your miraculous daughter of the king, tormented by the devil, you healed. So save us from the wiles of the fierce evil one. Pray to the Lord to keep us all the days of our lives. And when the time comes for the last breath, pray to the Lord for us. To let us partake of his most pure joy and joy. We praise the Heavenly Father with you! Amen!"

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