Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

The best is for children. Design in the fantasy style of Adagio in the airy interior of a nursery

In the photo: The light and romantic interior of the nursery characterizes the little owner of the room as a creative person, directly connected with the world of art.

Graceful ballet lines in a children's design project

The little owner of this nursery is probably well acquainted with such terms as plié, batman tendu jeté and fouetté. Soft flowing fabrics, patterns reminiscent of the decoration of the palaces of the French nobility, classic toys that could well decorate the room of a young lady of the century before last - who, if not a future ballerina, can live in such a charming interior? The smooth and graceful lines of the decor and furniture of the nursery perfectly reflect the essence of ballet, which always strives to demonstrate the beauty of proportions and the charm of curves. It was no coincidence that the light, almost white shades in the room also appeared. After all, gentle ballerinas, unless we are talking, of course, about a black swan, are always associated with the pure white color.

In this neo classic interior the nursery has a lot of light, streaming through translucent and almost weightless curtains. A small dressing table, which is especially highly valued by people of the dance art, was placed next to the exit to the balcony. As if borrowed from the bedroom of a carefree European princess, the bed sets the stylistic direction of the entire interior composition. Around such a luxurious bed under the canopy of the soaring folds of the canopy, no other style other than neoclassicism could be formed. In this case, we can also talk about the influence of the French interior design movement. For all its royal luxury, the interior of the nursery does not look demonstrative because, as you know, the French, being fans of authentic elegant things, do not like pomposity and kitsch.

Adagio in the airy interior of a nursery

In a children's design project, all the details of the furnishings, being self-sufficient, combine together to form a harmonious ensemble. As in a ballet performance, where each artist clearly knows which trajectory to move during the dance, all elements of the room’s furniture occupy strictly defined places in space.

Of course, a classic interior with elements of French style cannot do without an elegant light chest of drawers with curly legs. Upholstery standing nearby with a sofa bed recalls the fabric of the ballroom dresses of countesses and duchesses from centuries when court etiquette and social receptions determined the lives of representatives of high society. Tutu-like lampshade table lamp adds a small touch to the overall airy-weightless picture. Wall painting creates the illusion of the presence of a second window in the children's interior design, from which a view of the idyllic landscape opens.

Thanks to the efforts of our designers, this lightweight french interior, whose owner you wouldn’t want to imagine as anything other than a small and graceful ballerina, appeared in the apartment of an old house in the center of Moscow. Would you like to create such a nursery interior for yourself?

PinWin is an international online platform where non-stop competitions are held for architects, designers, decorators, photographers, as well as students of specialized universities.

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The number of competitions on the site varies. The list of competitions is indicated in the “All competitions” section, which is divided into “Current competitions” and “Competitions archive”. Works from archived competitions are available for viewing and commenting.

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Depending on the goals of the competition, the theme, the wishes of the organizers and partners, architects, designers, decorators, technologists, design organizations, design bureaus, manufacturing enterprises, construction organizations, developers, design studios and workshops, students and teachers of architectural, design and construction universities and faculties, photographers.

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A children's room for a girl ballerina is quite naturally different from an ordinary nursery in that everything in it - from the organization of space to the decor - is subordinated to the idea of ​​dance and is intended to create an atmosphere conducive to classes.

The situation is…

In order to support the desire for excellence in a young ballerina, it is necessary to create a comfortable environment for the development of her talent. In relation to a children's room, this, first of all, means correctly organizing the space for living and activities, creating a room in which the child will not get tired too quickly, where there will be enough space for games and work, where comfort is combined with functionality, and originality with versatility .

First of all, a space that is friendly to a creative child should have a lot of light and air. Of course, a children's room for a girl ballerina should not be cluttered - it is better to remove excess toys or hide them in storage systems integrated into the walls, desk, if needed, put it small size– this also applies to the bed.

Piling up furniture is not allowed, but you shouldn’t deprive the baby of what she needs either.

The ideal option is if the room has a niche in which you can place one of the zones - for example, a relaxation area, thus leaving space for installing a choreographic machine and a large mirror. It’s also a good idea to use “smart” furniture – a transforming bed, folding table and so on.

Organizing a dance corner requires not only pragmatic, but also creative approach. In fact, the very idea of ​​organizing a choreographic corner in the nursery can suggest a stylistic image for the entire room.

It can be vintage, shabby chic light colors or cute Provence style.

But let's get back to the training barre. It comes in several types - stationary, that is, built into the wall and motionless, and a mobile, portable choreographic machine, in which the height of the stand can be adjusted.

From a safety point of view, both machines are good, but most parents prefer organizing a permanent place for ballet classes in the nursery.

In this case, together with the machine it is necessary to install and large mirror in full height. It can be completely integrated into the wall and have no frame, but a mirror with an antique carved frame or stylized one is a great source of inspiration and a magnificent decorative element for a children's room for a girl ballerina.

The floor in the room should be comfortable, warm and safe for activities. Traditionally, beech parquet is laid on the floor in sports and dance rooms. In addition to its useful and practical qualities, it is also incredibly beautiful and will create a warm, bright atmosphere in the room.

Another key moment– storage systems. A ballerina girl will probably have a lot of beautiful and fluffy dresses that need to be carefully stored without getting wrinkled. Traditional wardrobes are of little help in such cases, since due to their high density, clothes in them can become wrinkled. Bold Western designers suggest storing dresses outside of closets, hanging them in the room on special hangers or tailor's mannequins. For example, a fluffy tutu can be put on a mannequin, and bright dresses with loose, light skirts can be hung in the room as decorations.

This is very beautiful and original. Ballet shoes - slippers and pointe shoes - can be stored in wicker baskets, which is both convenient and cute.

Decor and accents

You can’t leave a ballerina girl’s room without decor. Its leitmotif can be the works of artists and photographers who depicted ballet dancers, for example, paintings by Edgar Degas and not only – light, slightly blurry canvases that inspire and delight.

If the young ballerina is indeed still too young to understand impressionism and avant-garde trends in modern illustration, her room can be decorated with appliqués and prints in the form of graceful ballerinas. Their images can also be transferred to textiles - bedspreads, bed linen, and so on.

Artificial lighting is also a kind of interior decor element. Chandeliers, spotlight sources above the machine, LED strips, framing the mirror - all this can be used to advantage in order to make the room beautiful without sunlight. The decor theme can also be seen in practical and necessary interior items in a child’s room.

Another decorative element that will come in handy is the lovely music boxes with figurines of ballerinas. This is a traditional decoration for children's rooms in the past, which has migrated to our time almost unchanged.

Ballet classes, like any other art, require effort, inspiration, a powerful incentive, time and desire - all this can manifest itself in a child on its own, but without support and good conditions the path to perfection will be long and thorny. A children's room for a girl ballerina is a secret place where talent will grow and develop, where the first steps towards the beauty and harmony of the graceful art of ballet will be taken.

The ballerina panel can easily live in a nursery, living room or dining room. It all depends on what colors the composition is made in, and what message the master puts into it. Final result it can be gentle, shocking, bright... whatever you want! Making a painting with your own hands is not at all difficult, so even children can be involved in the work process. If necessary, you can take advice from experienced handicraftsmen who constantly share their own master classes.

The ballerina panel begins with the development of the basic concept. You need to choose an image, imagine exactly how it will look and be sure to prepare the required materials.


  • The base is preferably thick cardboard;
  • Acrylic paints;
  • Organza;
  • Satin ribbons;
  • Decorative decorations.

At first glance, it seems that choosing a general idea is almost elementary. Ballerinas can appear in a variety of positions, which determines further decoration. It is better to choose light, almost flying images that will visually enlarge the room and make it more frivolous and playful.

The ballerina is a miniature character, symbolized with fragility and insecurity. Similar motifs should be seen in the panels.

Also, don't make the picture too big. Everything is good in moderation: a small image has some piquancy and attracts the interest of everyone who sees it. Large paintings often reek of bad taste. It is very difficult to grasp the fine line of this transition. Therefore, in order to avoid disappointment, it is better not to take risks.

DIY ballerina template for a panel

In order to create a panel, you must first select a template. You can make it yourself, which is justified exclusively for people who have excellent artistic skills. For everyone else, it is advisable to use a ready-made product, which will not be difficult to find.

Usually, wall panel performed on a plain background, for which it is better to select pastel shades. The silhouette of the ballerina itself should be either black or white. Then the picture looks most impressive.

To achieve a more festive look, you can use sparkles that adorn the dancer’s figure. Thus, you can get: a bright and memorable original panel that will never get boring over time.

In order not to make a mistake with proportions and choose the best composition, you can take advantage of master classes in which experienced craftsmen give advice to beginners. When doing the job for the first time, you can take into account their tips that will help you avoid common mistakes. Then, performing the work subsequent times, you can give free rein to your imagination, which allows you to somewhat refresh the picture and give it a touch of individuality.

Where to hang the panel: options for the interior

Due to its versatility, a panel with ballerinas can be suitable for any room:

  • Living room;
  • Dining room;
  • Kitchens;
  • corridor;
  • Bedrooms.

However, there is a place where it will look most harmonious - this is a girl’s children’s room. If your goal is to decorate this particular room, now is the time to act.

The most favorite and pleasing colors to the eye are pink and blue, but sometimes children are delighted with rather unusual combinations: green and yellow, red and gray, etc.
The most important thing is that the colors are not too bright and do not conflict with each other. You can ask your child what shades he likes or observe his preferences yourself. The result of such attention will exceed all expectations.

Children who have paintings in their room develop their imagination several times faster, train their memory and attention.

What if you involve a small resident of the room in the process of making panels? Surely after this, admiring the masterpiece hung on the wall will be much more pleasant for him. Over time, when the child grows up, you can show him a picture, which will now be a pleasant memory of his past childhood.

How to make a skirt: master class step by step

A striking accent of any ballerina is her unusual skirt, called a tutu. And, if in real life While professional designers are engaged in the manufacture of this wardrobe element, in the process of making the panel the responsibility falls on the master himself. Of course, it is not advisable to involve little craftswomen in the sewing process, but they can easily observe the process. However, if the child has already reached school age, entrusting him with this task, even under adult supervision, is quite realistic.

The production of the skirt is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Choosing a suitable fabric (it is best to have a voluminous mesh or light satin);
  • If necessary, the fabric should be lightly starched;
  • You need to cut a suitable piece of fabric and tie it with thread;
  • The resulting tutu must be attached to the ballerina’s waist using glue;
  • Decorate the seam with beads or rhinestones.

How to make a three-dimensional panel of a ballerina (video)

On average, making a ballerina panel takes only a few hours. Once you get the hang of it, you can prepare paintings for every holiday and delight your friends with them. The most important thing is not to overdo it, because even such a minimalist picture can be ruined if you try too hard.

Panel ballerina (photo)

If your daughter is interested in ballet, then bring elements of what she loves into the design of the children's room.

The theme of ballerinas to some extent overlaps with sports theme, dance theme and theme . It is based on the predominance of white and soft pink colors, sparkles, the fluidity of silk, the lightness of chiffon and organza.

It just seems that it’s difficult to let your imagination run wild within the topic. You can play up not only paraphernalia (ballet tutus, pointe shoes, tiaras), but also individual ballet productions (the most famous, of course, “Swan Lake”), and the theater as a whole.

Room for newborns

Someone decorates their daughter's room in ballet style when she was just born. Naturally, we are not talking about the girl’s interests yet; the mother’s tastes are decisive. But look how beautiful it turns out!

And the next room is generally the height of design thought! (But it won’t be cheap either! Just look at a custom-made crib in the shape of a swan...)

A room for an older baby with ballerinas on the bedding, curtains, lampshade and pictures on the walls.

Little ballerina's room


White, pink, mauve, pastel pink, purple, soft cream colors are all suitable for a little ballerina's room. The walls can be plain or with a light pattern (stripes, umbrellas, roses).

If it is difficult to find thematic wallpaper, then you can choose wall stickers in the shape of silhouettes of ballerinas - graceful and light.

And, of course, posters and pictures. This universal option, because you can quickly remove it if your daughter’s priorities change.

Furniture, fittings and textiles

The headboard of the bed can be decorated with a crown or a fresco. If you wish, you can hang a canopy made of light tulle and decorate it with ribbons, bows, pearls, and silk roses.

The mirror is an integral part of a ballerina’s life (it is at the barre in front of the mirror that she spends a lot of time). A great option is to make part of the free wall mirrored. But this option is not suitable for everyone.

It’s easier: take an ordinary mirror, but decorate it beautifully. You can make a drapery, decorate a feather boa, and stick notes around it.

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