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Management of the "Voice mail" service on Megafon. How to listen to a voice message on mts

Everyone, sooner or later, ends up in a place called "out of network coverage" and everyone at this very moment, whoever, let them call. Perhaps this is an extremely important call and information is needed like air, or maybe you are just curious about what they wanted on the other side of the smartphone? No problem, just listen to the voice message on Tele2. The details of this process are described below.

How to listen to a voice message in TELE2

As soon as the hand of civilization touches your phone, that is, it is in the network coverage area, an SMS will arrive with a notification that there is a message in the voice mail.

Attention! connected to all Tele2 tariffs by default.

If you want to disable the service, dial *121*1#. If you change your mind or voice mail is up to date again, connect using the code *121#.

Before receiving and listening to messages, you have a great opportunity to make your mailbox unique by recording a personal greeting for callers.

Via phone

It's simple, call the voice box number 600 if you are in home region. In all other cases, for example, a business trip to distant Uryupinsk or a vacation in Bali, that is, you are roaming or abroad, you need to call an eleven-digit number. Each region has its own phone number, here are the data for several major cities:

Before the trip, call the call center and check the number for your city.

As soon as you dial the box number, you will immediately hear the voice of the answering machine with explanations of the orientation in the menu. In order not to spend extra money on your phone, check out its commands here:

  • "1" - open the previous record;
  • "3" - open the next record;
  • "2" - open the last entry;
  • "4" - listen in turn, not viewed records;
  • "8" - listen to all;
  • "6" - delete the current entry;
  • "9" - delete all.

Attention! There is no separate fee for the service. You pay only the cost of a call to a voice mailbox at the rates of the current tariff.

Free via internet

It would be convenient to open the "Voicemail" section and visually see a list of all messages with the date, time and duration of the call. It would be great if the number of the incoming subscriber and the opportunity to listen to the message for free were immediately indicated there. But while the operator is not ready to provide such an option to its customers. Will wait custom solution from Tele2. For the sake of fairness, let's say that so far not a single supplier cellular communication there is no such possibility.

Information storage rules

The box size is limited to twenty messages no more than half a minute each. The maximum record storage period is twenty days. All SMS notifications are stored in the system for 24 hours, if during this time you do not get into the reception area, then the notification of the voice message will not come, although the message itself will be stored in the box.

Voice mail is a convenient service that allows you to leave messages if mobile phone turned off during a call. Often such a message is enough to convey some information, and a response to it may not be required. And keeping a mobile phone turned on all the time is not for everyone.

How to connect voice messages?

In order for you to be able to leave a message, you must activate the voicemail service. You can do this, as with other services, through a visit to the office, a call to technical support at "0500" or using the Service Guide on the official Megafon website. Well, most fast way is the USSD request "*845#", which will activate the service. Activation of the service is free, but it has a monthly fee - 1.7 rubles per day. Is the service worth the money? Everyone gives an answer to this question himself, but sometimes the course of events may depend on the message received on time, so this service can be very useful in business. It should also be noted that voice mail automatically disables the "Who called" service and vice versa. So you can't use both at the same time.

If you have a very IMPORTANT or URGENT question, ask!!!

What is the charge for voice messages?

There is no fee for receiving a message, but the subscription fee will be charged periodically and amounts to 1.7 rubles per day. If this seems too expensive, then you can disable the service by all the methods described above and by USSD request - "*845*0#". The service works automatically: if you could not get through, the caller will be asked to leave a message. If he dictates something, then the record will be saved.

How to listen to the left message?

When you turn on your phone (or return to range), your phone will display all missed messages and messages. Simply select them from the list and listen. In addition, you can call the number "222" (only within the Russian Federation) and listen to messages from there. If you are outside the Russian Federation, then the number will be "+79262000222". Messages can also be listened to from a landline phone, for this you need to call the number “4955025222”, and then enter your number starting from 7 - “7 92ХХХХХХ # password code”. Whether to use voice mail services is a difficult question, but if you often visit places where the network does not catch well, then it is quite possible to connect it for the duration of your stay, the price for a fairly useful service is not so high.

IMPORTANT: The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and is current at the time of writing. For more accurate information on certain issues, please contact the official operators.

Today we will talk about the now very popular Voice Mail service. How to connect it, disconnect it, how much it costs, etc.


Voice mail- a very convenient service, ideal for people who value their own and other people's time. With it, you will never miss an important call if at the moment you are busy, out of network coverage, or your phone is turned off. Such situations happen to everyone.

When calling a subscriber with a connected voicemail, if he cannot pick up the phone, or is unavailable, the person calling him will be asked to leave a voice message, which will immediately be transmitted to the addressee by means of: a call, or an SMS message. The service works on all incoming sms, mms, and calls. The saved message can be listened to on the site, from the phone, or read by e-mail.

The service is convenient because it works around the clock. Great replacement secretary!

How much does a personal secretary cost?

Payment for the service occurs in the form of a subscription fee. It is removed daily, and is 1.7 rubles per day. The service works and connects automatically. If the caller did not wait for an answer, he will be offered to leave a record with a voice message, after the end of the speech, the record will be saved and will be transferred to the addressee.

Weighing the positive and negative sides question, not all people connect this option to themselves. But in business, such an assistant is simply necessary. It's convenient and relatively inexpensive. But in business it is very important not to miss a single call.

How to connect voice mail on Megaphone?

To begin with, there is no charge for connecting this option. To connect the voicemail service, and for other people to be able to leave their messages, you need to do any of the following:

  • Contact the operator’s office, where they will definitely consult on this issue and connect everything
  • By number 0500 call technical support
  • Dial a team *845#
  • On the Megafon website, using "Service Guide"

However, it is worth knowing that at the same time services "Voice mail" and "Who called" cannot act, respectively, when the first is connected, the second will be automatically disabled, and when the second is connected, the first will be disabled.

How to listen to voice mail on Megaphone?

Also, if the subscriber is in the Russian Federation, you can make a call to the number 222 and listen to messages. Outside the borders of Russia, you can listen to voice mail by calling the number +7926000222 .

If the mobile phone is not at hand, and you need to listen to voice messages, you can do this from a landline phone by calling 4955025222 , then enter number, #, and code. The service does not always need to be used all the time. It can be connected (for example, in places where bad connection) or disable at any time.

How to turn off voice mail on Megaphone?

There are three ways to disable the service, everyone can choose the most convenient for themselves.

The first is to set the combination *105*602*0 # , and pressing the call button, after which the service will be disconnected.

The second is to visit the official website of the operator, where, with the help of "Service Guide" you can disable and enable services, view available services, find out about your privileges, as well as find out the balance on your account.

The third option is the command *845*0# .

After any of these actions, the option will be disabled. However, if you need to resume it, you can always connect it again, this is done very quickly.

These are the possibilities provided by the service "Voice mail" from Megafon. If you are interested in a similar service from another operator, look at its official website, where you will find comprehensive information.

Video: voice mail on Megaphone

Most subscribers mobile operators received SMS messages informing them that they had left a message that they could listen to. There can be many reasons for this: either you could not get through, and the other subscriber decided to leave him, or you were outside the communication zone, and the same decision was made. But how to listen to the left message? Below we will consider methods for listening to voice messages from popular operators.

Each mobile operator has its own cost regarding the ability to listen to the left voice message. At the Beeline operator, in order to listen to the message left for you, you need to activate one of the additional services: “ Answering machine" or " Answering machine +". Basically, the “Autoresponder” service is used, which can be activated by dialing *110*011# and pressing the call button. Disconnection is performed by the same method: the command *110*010# is entered, and a call is made. Then you need to call 0600 and press "1" to listen to the message. Exist alternatives services. “Be aware +” also allows you to listen to the message after a while, and the subscriber during the call will hear a corresponding notification with an offer to leave his voice message. Service disconnection/activation numbers can be seen on the screenshot. If the subscriber does not want to make any connections, you can use the Talking Letter service, in which you need to pay only for the messages you listened to, separately. The MTS operator has a service that allows you to listen to messages sent to you, provided in the form of three modifications. The first of these, "Voicemail (basic)", is the most "minimal" option, giving only basic features. To plug this service you can by dialing the command: *111*2919#. The second service in a row is Voice Mail. This modification includes the capabilities of the middle level and is the most optimal solution. To activate this type of service, use the command: *111*90#. And the last modification is “Voice mail +”, which has the most maximum set of functions and capabilities. This option is enabled by the following command: *111*900#. The Megafon operator provides the ability to listen to messages in a similar way. You can connect the Voice Mail service using the *845# command (hereinafter referred to as the call button) or using your personal account on the Megafon website. The service is deactivated using the command *845*0# (call button). Thanks to the service, you can leave your answering machine, which the subscriber who called you can listen to. You can listen to voice messages left for you by simply clicking on them. They will appear as a list when the phone is in range of a network. If you have a TELE 2 operator, then you can use the Voice Mail service for free. The fee is charged only for listening to the voice message left for you, which is charged according to the tariff plan. You can connect this service by *121# (call button). In order to listen to the messages left, just call 600 (hereinafter referred to as the call button). Disabling the service - by command *121*1#. The list of service management commands is located in the screenshot below.

It should be emphasized that all the above information is current at the time of writing. In addition, the same service different regions may have a different cost, terms of provision, etc. In this connection, before connecting the services, be sure to read the relevant information on the website of your mobile operator.

Often we miss important calls due to a busy line, a dead mobile phone, or a lack of network. If this situation is familiar to you and you want to always stay in touch, best solution Megafon voice mail connection will become for you. And how to use the service and how to listen to a voice message on Megafon, you will learn from this article.

Service characteristic

Immediately after installing the service on the phone in automatic mode call forwarding "Subscriber unreachable" is activated. You can change the type of redirect if you wish. In total, there are four types of call forwarding on Megafon:

  • Unconditional - all incoming messages go to the mail, even if the number is available;
  • “Number busy” – calls are redirected to the voice mail number if the line is busy;
  • "No answer" - the call will be redirected if there is no answer within 30 seconds;
  • "Subscriber unavailable" - the call will be forwarded to the answering machine if the phone is turned off.

On the this moment it is not possible to activate the service, as it is listed mobile operator to archive options. However, a new “Who called” service can become an excellent replacement for an answering machine, we will talk about it a little later.

Users who have previously connected the service can continue to use it. The activated option continues to function without any changes. The subscriber, as before, is available not only to listen to voice messages, but also to change the forwarding itself.

To change the type of call forwarding, you must send the following number combination: * * redirect password* phone number # and "Call" key. Each type of redirect has its own password:

  • 21 - unconditional;
  • 61 - "No answer";
  • 67 - "Subscriber is busy";
  • 62 - "The subscriber is unavailable."

Changing the type of autoresponder is provided free of charge.

Using these numbers, you can not only listen to messages, but also check how many SMS are in your mailbox. It is worth noting that here you can delete unnecessary messages.

Messages left for you can be heard in Personal account Megaphone. They can be found by going to the "Voicemail" tab. You can also save or delete letters in the personal account.

Regardless of which type of mail check you have chosen, in any case, the cost of the service will be zero rubles. Access to the service is not limited, that is, it is possible to access the service an unlimited number of times.

If you decide to deactivate the option, remember that reconnection will not be possible. To disable the service, you can use the following methods:

  • send the USSD command * 845 * 0 # and press the "Call" key;
  • deactivate the function in your personal account, after going to the appropriate section;
  • make a call to the operator at 0500 and ask to turn off the service.

An alternative to voice mail is the “Who called?” option.

Since it will not be possible to re-activate the service, since it is archived, if necessary, you can activate the newer “Who called?” service.

This option is an updated analogue of the GPU and is available on any tariff plans Megaphone. The option does not require any additional settings. But if you want to know more about the service, you can always consult with a technical support employee at 0500 or 8 800 550-05-00.

To listen to the messages addressed to you, just dial 0525 and follow the prompts of the online assistant.

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