Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Which springs are better in a mattress? Which mattress to choose? Which mattress is better to choose: spring or springless?

Buying a mattress is not as simple as it seems. Ideally, it is better to consult a physiotherapist before choosing, because the surface on which a person sleeps can affect his well-being. For example, if the mattress is chosen incorrectly, back pain may occur, because people spend one third of their lives in bed.

A surface that is too hard can compress blood vessels, while a surface that is too soft can cause the spine to bend excessively.

Which mattress is better to choose: spring or springless, how they differ, what types there are and what to look for when buying - we will consider these questions in this article.

Which mattress is better: spring or springless, hard or soft?

The production of mattresses today is a very well-developed industry, which offers us many options for its products, ranging from the simplest to “smart” models that can be controlled from a smartphone. At the same time, we can remotely set it to a sitting position, turn on the massage function, and even use the mattress instead of an alarm clock by programming the massage to turn on certain time. In our article we will look at ordinary models, not luxury ones, intended for wide consumption, their advantages and disadvantages.

A person spends almost one third of his life in bed, which is approximately 2300 hours a year. The quality of sleep depends on many factors, including where we sleep. Sleeping for a long time on an uncomfortable bed does not guarantee good rest.

The surface on which we sleep must be consistent with our weight, the condition of the spine, and our preferred sleeping position. Choosing the right model is a decision that affects the quality of life. An unsuitable sleeping surface can cause many diseases. After eight hours spent on a poor surface, the muscles become tense and aching pain may appear in the back. When sleeping on our sides, we especially feel the effects of the wrong surface, including in the shoulders and pelvis. To prevent these phenomena from occurring, the physiotherapists involved in the development modern models, indicate to manufacturers how to adjust the distribution of firmness zones in the mattress in those places where the body presses heavily on a surface (for example, the hips).

There is no rule that says that a firm mattress, spring or springless, will be healthier for the spine. Healthy is one that is properly harmonized with the body. It would be better to have a spring or springless mattress that perfectly adapts to the body of the person lying on it - the shoulders and hips fall slightly into it, due to which the body comes into contact with the entire surface of the mattress.

And if the model is chosen incorrectly, unpleasant sensations may arise:

  • a mattress that is too hard does not provide sufficient support for the spine, since in this case the muscles have little rest and constantly work to maintain correct posture;
  • a surface that is too hard supports the body only in a few places and compresses blood vessels, which can cause numbness in the fingers and toes;
  • a surface that is too soft causes the spine to bend excessively.

Which mattress is better to buy - spring or springless, and whether the chosen option is suitable for us can be checked by lying on it in two positions:

In the supine position, the hips should sink slightly into the mattress so that the spine creates a curved line reminiscent of the number “5”, as shown in the figure below:

After lying in the store for a few minutes, we can evaluate whether the chosen model is suitable for us. However, some manufacturers allow you to exchange this product even after several days of use.

Which mattress to choose based on a person’s height and weight?

The heavier a person is, the harder the surface on which he sleeps should be. The hardness of the mattress is marked with the symbol H with the corresponding number:

  • H2 – medium-hard mattresses;
  • H3 – hard;
  • H4 - the toughest.

For a person weighing about 100 kg or more, the most recommended are the H4 hardness models. For people weighing 60-100 kg, H3 will be suitable; for small children, it is better to choose a medium-hard model. But it may happen, however, that big man It will be more comfortable on a medium mattress, and a small woman will rest better on a hard surface. Therefore, in case of doubt, we can recommend choosing a double-sided model with two degrees of rigidity, for example H3 / H4.

Also important has the height of a man. U tall people The weight is distributed over a larger area and the mattress performs better. Various models, as a rule, have 190 or 200 cm in length. But it should be remembered that the best model will have a length greater than a person’s height by at least 20 cm.

For couples who sleep in the same bed and have a large difference in weight, it is better to choose a combination of two mattresses of varying degrees of hardness to improve sleep comfort. Then it will be possible to avoid the problem of the mattress sinking or a smaller person sleeping on a firmer model purchased with a heavier person in mind.

The easiest way to finally check which mattress is better is to lie on your side and analyze your sensations in the humerus and hips: if a person feels a lot of pressure in these places, this means that the chosen type is not comfortable enough for him.

The hardness and degree of weight resistance of each model is checked in factories using special machines. For example, they lower it onto a mattress wooden beam weighing 140-200 kg, which is imprinted on the mattress again and again and “travels” along and across its area. The test is repeated tens of thousands of times. The machines also measure the degree of air permeability through different layers and elasticity.

Mattresses are classified according to their manufacturing technology, as well as the flexibility that can be achieved as a result of using a particular technology. For example, Bonel type mattresses are characterized by flat flexibility. This means that the weight of a sleeping person deforms the entire surface with the greatest slope at the point of pressure of the body. Therefore, they cannot adapt to curved body lines.

Products with independent spring blocks and springless latex mattresses made from thermoplastic material have point flexibility. All mattresses that have this flexibility are considered more comfortable because they conform to the shape of the body better. The image below shows the difference in mattress flexibility.

Which orthopedic mattress is better: spring or springless?

Manufacturers use more and more modern technologies every year, but still the main division covers two main groups: spring and springless mattresses. Spring models are much more popular than more expensive springless mattresses with modern fillers. Let's look at their main varieties, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

These are the cheapest traditional models with spring block Bonell (BONELL) - in them the springs are located side by side. Their location makes them resistant to heavy loads; they are suitable for people with both high and low weight. The springs are made of wire having a diameter of 2.2 mm.


  • long service life;
  • low weight;
  • low price;
  • good for very heavy people;
  • good price-quality/durability ratio.


  • flat flexibility;
  • the effect of a lighter person falling into a depression created by a heavier person.

In them, the springs can be grouped into small blocks or each spring can be in a separate cell, and they can only connect to each other at certain points.

This design makes it easier for the surface to adapt to changing pressure, so it is well suited for a double bed on which two people of different weights sleep.

This design eliminates the noise of the bending spring. Movable connections of the springs with each other allow each of them to work independently of the others. With this solution, the mattress adapts better to the shape of the body. This model has point flexibility.

As a rule, springs have a diameter of 5 cm, while 1 sq.m includes about 350 units. There is a type of mattress called multipockett (with spring diameter: 3 cm, and spring density 1000 pieces/sq.m). This is a mattress with increased point flexibility. The differences in stiffness are obtained by using a wire spring with two different wire diameters - 1.6 or 1.8 mm.


  • point flexibility;
  • rehabilitation properties (muscle relaxation, improved blood circulation);
  • it is easy to choose the optimal stiffness;
  • quiet spring compression;
  • good ventilation;
  • good price-convenience-ease of use ratio.
  • fragility of the cell blocks in which the springs are located (over time, the fabric of the cells wears out);
  • they cannot be placed in a vertical position and sit on the edge (the springs are easily deformed);
  • heavy weight;
  • Lack of handles in large sizes.

The maximum width of BONELL mattresses and models with independent spring blocks is 160 cm. Models with a width of 180 cm or more additionally use polyurethane foam on the sides.

These models are made of thermoelastic foam. The technology was developed half a century ago in NASA laboratories. It is better for lighter people to sleep on them - their structure bends more easily under the weight of the body. Well suited for people who have problems with blood circulation, get cold easily, as well as for the elderly.


  • the foam reacts to body pressure and, under the influence of heat, adapts to it; if there are two people in bed, the surface isolates the movements of each of them;
  • excellent for rehabilitation and orthopedic beds;
  • have no odor;
  • do not retain moisture;
  • have antibacterial properties;
  • have antiallergic properties.

The main disadvantage of this material and products made from it is the high price.

Latex models have a very high level comfort, ensuring a restful, healthy sleep. They are equipped with a cartridge made of latex and rubber milk, called natural latex (minimum 20%). Holes in the latex provide continuous ventilation and spot-on surface flexibility.

Latex supports the entire body evenly, as it is very flexible and optimally adapts to the shape of the body in any position. At the same time, the material is characterized by a high degree of strength. The symbols H2 and H3 indicate the density of the latex. The H2 symbol means that the product is intended for people weighing up to 80 kg, and for those weighing more than 80 kg, a product with the H3 symbol is recommended.


  • excellent point flexibility;
  • there is no need to turn over periodically;
  • very elastic;
  • recommended for people with scoliosis, have rehabilitation properties;
  • good thermal insulation;
  • hygienic;
  • can be disinfected with steam.
  • not suitable for people with excessive sweating;
  • high weight;
  • odor (up to 3 months can be intense);
  • Not suitable for people with latex allergies.

Operation and care

Research by scientists at the University Hospital in Manchester has shown that during sleep, the body produces about 100 liters of sweat over the course of a year, which is absorbed into bedding and mattresses. Sweat creates ideal conditions for the growth of mold, bacteria and fungi. Thus, even good quality It is advisable to replace the mattress after 10 years of use, and cheap models even earlier.

The growth of bacteria can be slowed down by taking proper care of your mattress.

  • The basic principle is that the mattress cannot lie directly on a solid base. It should be placed on slats that will guarantee it sufficient ventilation.
  • It is also important to turn your mattress regularly. Thus, it wears out evenly, while the springs work with the same pressure on both sides, and their deformation does not occur due to body weight. It is advisable to turn it over at least twice a year, from left to right and in the head-to-foot direction.

Experts say that the mattress determines sleep comfort by 70 percent. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right model. If you have your own opinion on the question of which mattress is better - spring or springless, you can leave reviews about specific models in the comments to this article.

A person spends about a third of his life sleeping, so it is very important to choose the right mattress. Only in this case will a person be able to fully rest, and in the morning will be full of strength and vitality.

Modern ones are divided into two main types - spring and springless, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. We will look at their features and try to figure out which product is better to buy: spring or springless.


Classic products appeared about 150 years ago and still continue to be in demand due to the fact that their design is constantly being improved. They are divided into dependent and independent springs.


The classic Bonnell addiction is the most common in the world. It consists of a five-turn steel wire in the shape hourglass, quantity 100-150 pieces per square meter, fastened together with spiral weaving and united by a common frame.


  • The main disadvantage of addicts is lack of orthopedic properties. When a person lies down, not only those who are under the load are compressed under his weight, but also the neighboring ones. As a result, the product is not able to replicate the shape of the body.
  • If two people sleep on a mattress with dependent springs, they roll towards the middle. And as soon as a person moves, his movement, like a wave, is transmitted throughout the entire product, creating "hammock effect", which also does not contribute to a comfortable sleep.
  • Creak. With every movement of a sleeping person, the filler touches each other and creaks, disrupting sleep.
  • Short service life. Dependents do not have a very long service life, and after just a few years the springs can “sag and dents form.”

Due to their characteristics, addicts are often used as inexpensive option for the cottage or for guests.


Each wire is placed in a separate fabric case and works independently of the others; pressing one of them has no effect on the others. They have a smaller diameter and, accordingly, a larger number per sq.m. compared to dependent. IN quality product Each square meter must contain at least 250 independent springs. The more of them there are, the more pronounced the orthopedic effect you will feel.

Advantages independent springs:

  • Due to the fact that each wire works independently of the others, the mattress has high orthopedic characteristics, it easily adapts to the contours of the sleeper's body. Thanks to this, the human spine maintains its natural curves, blood circulation in the muscle tissue is not disturbed and the quality of sleep improves.
  • Independent springs are separated from each other by covers, so they do not rub against each other and don't creak.
  • Safe spring block design: even if one of the springs breaks, the case in which it is inserted will not allow it to pierce the product and injure a sleeping person.
  • Service life on an independent spring block is higher than on a classic Bonnell block.


  • Mattresses with independent springs: you should absolutely not jump on them or fall sharply on them.
  • Production is a long and complex process, so they the cost is much higher than on a dependent block, but it pays off with the quality and durability of the design.

Springless mattresses

In them no spring block, and body support is provided exclusively by fillers, which are used: polyurethane foam, coconut fiber, natural or artificial latex, struttofiber.

  • Natural latex is a material of plant origin. It is soft, elastic and durable, takes shape well human body, creating comfortable conditions for sleep and relaxation.
  • Artificial latex is an inexpensive alternative to natural latex.
  • Very often, layers of latex are combined with layers of coconut coir, which allows for the necessary elasticity and rigidity of the sleeping place. Coconut coir is a natural filler made from coconut fibers. It is rigid and durable, evaporates moisture and “breathes” well. Often used for the production of children's mattresses.
  • Polyurethane foam (PPU) has high elasticity and elasticity, follows the anatomical contours of the human body and provides the spine with proper support.
  • Struttofiber is a synthetic filler made from polyester fiber. Vertically oriented fibers act like springs.
  • Orthopedic foam with “memory effect” Memory foam - modern artificial material new generation. The filler “remembers” the anatomical contours of the body under the influence of heat. The foam material guarantees an orthopedic effect.

The best solution would be to purchase a springless one that combines several materials with different properties. The combination of fillers of different levels of rigidity will provide the necessary elasticity and orthopedic effect. A universal option there will be a choice with sides of different severity.

Advantages of springless:

  • Long service life, since there is no spring block that can break.
  • The absence of springs guarantees noiselessness mattress.
  • Excellent orthopedic qualities.


  • A high quality springless mattress, especially one made from natural latex, will cost more expensive spring analogue with the same orthopedic properties.

We hope that our advice will help you decide which mattress is better to choose: spring or springless. First of all, you need to pay attention to quality and convenience for you personally. The best criterion is to check on site before purchasing. Moreover, all sellers provide the opportunity to lie on them to evaluate its properties.

Spring and springless mattresses are single- and double-sided - this is what unites them. And they differ only in one thing. If we take into account the accepted division of mattresses into very soft, soft, medium, hard and very hard, then there are no spring mattresses.

Why? Because of the design. Both the types of mattresses themselves and the models within each of them differ precisely in the structure of the sleeping block. How significant are these differences and what are they?

Springless mattresses

There are two types: monolithic - from one solid layer of filler, and composite - from several layers of materials with different properties. Moreover, among both of them there are orthopedic options with fillers of zonal density: this is when the padding layer has different rigidity in the area of ​​the head, shoulders, pelvis and legs.

And since there is no spring block in such mattresses, then when choosing one, you need to focus solely on the properties of the padding.

Soft mattresses. Here, fillers are in the lead - they are the most pliable, elastic of materials. In addition, latex is the record holder for service life among natural materials: Manufacturers claim that it retains its properties for up to fifteen years.

It is believed that only those whose weight is less than 90 kilograms and whose age is more than 25 years will have healthy and comfortable sleep on soft mattresses. They will especially come in handy for people over fifty years of age. And also for those who suffer from problems with the lower back, joints, blood vessels or like to sleep on their side. And pregnant women, of course.

Average. Monoblocks are made more often. Composites are made from them with layers of natural fillers: soft latex and hard coir, sisal or others.

Composite springless mattress made of polyurethane foam and memory foam

Medium-hard springless mattress made from a monolithic Holcon block

Composite springless mattress: ergolatex and natural latex

Soft and almost incredible in its properties, it works effectively in tandem with memorial. For example, a two-layer Piacere mattress from TECHNOGEL SLEEPING, having average hardness and a height of 20 centimeters, can withstand a load of 160 kilograms per person. sleeping place and gives the sleeper complete relaxation, improving blood circulation in problem areas.

Moderately soft and moderately hard mattresses are comfortable and versatile: they suit most people. In addition, many of them have an orthopedic or anatomical effect.

Hard. Their sandwich designs use more layers. The upper sides of the mattress are usually made from them. This guarantees a pleasant rigidity. Well, layers of soft material inside give it flexibility and elasticity.

Those who weigh more than 90 kilograms especially need such mattresses, since they provide comfortable back support for the heavy weight of the sleeper. They are also suitable for stomach sleepers and almost everyone under 25 years old.

Very tough. To create increased rigidity, the same coir is used - a monolith or a multi-layer without soft fillers with layers of protective material. Mattresses made from it perfectly hold a lot of weight, strengthen the Spartan spirit in their owners and serve them for a long time.

Multi-layer coconut coir mattresses provide excellent back support

But they are not suitable for those who have problems with joints and blood circulation, as well as for people over 50 years old - their spine needs comfortable conditions for rest, and the bed must be soft. So if you want a super-hard mattress, it’s better to consult an orthopedist before buying it.

Pros springless mattresses: pronounced orthopedic properties, long service life and low weight. In addition, many models are so flexible that they can be stored rolled up.

Disadvantages of springless mattresses: Most models have a small thickness - usually 15-20 centimeters. And it is believed that the higher the mattress, the more comfortable it is, the better its anatomical qualities and the longer it lasts.

Spring mattresses

Such mattresses also come in varying degrees of hardness and softness, depending on the fillings in the upper layers. But their middle part always consists of a block with dependent or independent springs. And this springy “filling” does not allow the mattresses to be particularly hard. And what is she like?

Bonnel blocks. Essentially yesterday's technology. They first appeared in the 19th century. These are large springs connected to each other in a mesh with a rigid edging around the perimeter.

The springs in the Bonnel block are connected into a common mesh

The friction of its metal parts against each other often causes creaking, and the dependence of each spring on its neighbors leads to pressing of the surface - the hammock effect. After just a couple of years, pits form in the mattress and it becomes uncomfortable. Even filler inserts don't help. So there is no talk of any anatomical qualities here.

However, in 1925, SIMMONS patented an independent spring unit (Pocket Spring): no squeaks, no pits - a complete victory over the problems of its predecessor.

In it, all the springs are covered in covers made of durable fabric: the parts do not touch and when a load is placed on one spring, the neighboring ones are not pressed through. Today there are several types of such blocks.

Standard independent blocks. They consist of six-turn springs with a diameter of 6 cm; in a mattress there are usually 220-300 of them per square meter.

From below and above they are covered with one or several layers of filler: coir, latex, polyurethane foam or others - a classic inexpensive option.

Multipocket. By reducing the diameter of the springs, their density is increased to 1000 pieces per square meter. A mattress with such blocks is considered anatomical: capturing and repeating the features of the body, it optimally distributes the load between its parts and reacts to changes in the sleeping position - making his sleep serene and comfortable. The cost of such mattresses is quite high.

Pay attention to the Sonberry sensation series one-and-a-half-size mattress with a block of independent springs Multi Pocket 550, which is presented in the store.

Dual Spring (“spring within a spring”). In this system, the outer spring works when the pressure is small, and the inner spring works when the load increases. A mattress made from such blocks allows people of different weights to sleep next to each other equally comfortably. Judging by the reviews, the idea is really good, but the price spoils everything.

Smart Spring blocks, developed by the Ormatek company, consist of springs of different elasticity. Having noticed their multi-colored clothes in photos or in store samples, you can immediately understand: these are orthopedic zonal blocks. In the mattress they are distributed according to the anatomical parameters of a person: in the pelvic area - the hardest springs, in the foot area - the softest.

Zone blocks of independent springs Smart Spring

In total, there are from three to fifteen zones with different loads. Sleeping on such a mattress is very comfortable: the body takes its natural position.

Pros of spring mattresses: serious service life - up to 10 years, affordable price(not for all models, of course), excellent level of comfort and anatomical effect. But all this does not apply to the platform made of Bonnel blocks.

Disadvantages of spring mattresses: There is an opinion that since they are hollow, dust accumulates inside, and where there is dust, there are dust mites. Yes, and getting moisture inside also, as a rule, ends in failure: it takes a long time to evaporate - the springs begin to rust, and the fabric with inside may become moldy.

Comparison by main selection criteria

Of course, without testing models from different manufacturers, choosing a mattress is risky. However, how to give assessments. And yet we need to sum up our battle of mattresses: compare the advantages, disadvantages and count the points.

Safety. Both types of mattresses are beyond doubt. The springs in modern blocks, with the exception of Bonnell, are protected by dense fabric - they are unlikely to be able to break through it. But even so, there is above and below insulating material and usually more than one layer of filler - nothing threatens the sleeper. Here the score is even.

Hygienic, hypoallergenic. The variety of models with hygienically advanced, allergen-free fillers among springless models and their competitors is the same: they contain the same materials. Therefore, the risks of developing an allergy are also equal. Moreover, many are mistaken in believing that artificial filler causes it more often - expert statistics say just the opposite.

For normal functioning, everyone needs proper rest, one of the types of which is sleep. However, for it to be beneficial and for a person to wake up in the morning cheerful and full of energy, it is necessary to properly arrange the sleeping place. It is very important what we sleep on. Sofa bed or a narrow couch is clearly not suitable for this. Most suitable option is a bed with a good mattress. But how to determine the degree of its suitability? Convenience is a clear indicator, but not an objective one. In addition, even with apparent comfort, the body can take an incorrect position, which is not in the best possible way affects the condition of the spine and internal organs.

According to official statistics, the right mattress is the key to not only excellent sleep, but also good health and even a long life. A person who sleeps in an unsuccessful position is guaranteed to develop, sooner or later. various diseases, including osteochondrosis, leading to headaches. Waking up in a depressed, tired state with numb parts of the body becomes a common thing for him. Naturally, many people try to avoid this, so they choose mattresses with a pronounced orthopedic effect. Sleeping on a bed with this addition can increase your life by at least 10 years. It’s worth seriously thinking about such tempting prospects and updating your interior.

The most popular today are spring and springless mattresses. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, which are worth learning more about.

Advantages of models with springs

Spring mattressesclassic version, time-tested. Such products have been produced for more than 100 years and are in constant demand due to their affordability. Their design includes many interconnected springs made of metal. Compression of one of them entails deformation of all the others. Therefore, these mattresses are often called dependent spring blocks.

Spring mattresses for beds have the following advantages:

 attractive price– such models are the cheapest;

 ability to withstand significant loads– you can even jump on such a product without the risk of damaging it;

 ease of operation– such blocks do not require any specific care or particularly careful handling.

These models also have their drawbacks. First of all, this is the absence of any orthopedic effect. It’s soft to sleep on such a mattress, but that’s all. In addition, over time, dust accumulates inside the textile cover, and the springs begin to rust, squeak and sag.

What is an independent spring mattress?

A modern variation are models with springs, each of which is equipped with an individual fabric cover. When you press on the surface, all elements work independently of each other, thereby ensuring optimal point elasticity. A mattress with an independent spring block is able to adapt to the contours of the human body, due to which the load on the spine and limbs is distributed evenly. This provides an orthopedic effect with health benefits.

Such models are becoming increasingly popular today. Sleeping on them is more comfortable and pleasant than on mattresses with conventional springs. Such products last on average 3-5 years longer and can withstand weights of more than 100 kg, and reinforced variations - up to 200 kg.

Advantages of models without springs

Even more advanced and the most innovative option are springless mattresses. Their prototype is products stuffed with cotton wool or foam rubber, but today they are used in this capacity. modern materials– natural and artificial latex, coconut fiber, etc. The high elasticity of such models provides a pronounced orthopedic effect - they easily take the shape of the body, but do not press down or sag. Mattresses with a latex layer are softer, those with coconut fiber filling are firmer and are great for developing correct posture. Products of a combined type are also produced, combining both materials.

The advantages of springless mattresses include:

 reliability– there is nothing to break in their design;

 long service life– 15 years or more;

 high strength– able to withstand a weight of 120-150 kg;

 no creaking;

 dust does not accumulate inside and there are no ticks.

Such products have only one significant drawback: their cost is much higher than that of spring variations, although it is quite commensurate with the advantages.

Which one to choose – spring or springless mattress?

Before giving preference to one model or another, you should familiarize yourself with the recommendations of experts. Buy a spring mattress with independent blocks it is possible for those who value comfort above all else and like to sleep on an elastic surface. He is also the best option for people with spinal problems that prevent them from sleeping on a hard surface. For a baby crib, on the contrary, you should choose a springless type product filled with coconut fiber. The child’s posture is still developing, so sleeping on a very soft surface is not recommended for babies.

Adults with significant overweight, heart and breathing problems, it is worth purchasing a model without springs with an elastic latex or polymer layer. Young and active people who lead a healthy lifestyle and simply take care of their body are advised to pay attention to products made from combined materials– they have two different sides: hard from coconut fiber and elastic from latex. You can regularly turn the mattress over to correct the orthopedic effect. If you have serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system and internal organs, before purchasing a particular model, if possible, you should consult with an orthopedic doctor.

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