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Creative professions for girls. Professions related to creativity, modern types and features

AT modern world long gone are the days when the fate of a girl was determined solely by the choice of a good and rich husband, and she was assigned only a modest role as a housewife. The history of the 20th century gives us many examples of successful women who took place in public and cultural life: politicians, designers, actresses and singers - among them there are many famous female names. A woman has long ceased to play only a companion of a man and has the right to choose for herself what kind of education she will receive, where and what to do in the future.

Today it is extremely wide: technical, economic, humanitarian. It all depends on your natural talents and hard work. Women, unlike men, have better developed creativity, natural intuition, sharper senses. All this helps them to succeed in creative activity. In this article, we will help girls who are starting their career path, as well as women who are looking for their calling, make their choice and go through the list of the most popular of them.

Artist, singer, presenter

What girl didn't want to be an artist as a child? - Home fashion shows and performances - all this must have been in every family. But in order to become a professional in this field, you need to study at a specialized acting university or music school. In addition, to stand out from the mass of graduates of these educational institutions, you need a lot of luck and the ability to show yourself. Alternatively, you can stand out as a successful event host or holiday entertainer. As a rule, popular presenters are very well paid and can earn several hundred thousand rubles in one season. For this special education not required, rich experience and good feedback clients.


The girl will be able to fully embody creative ideas by becoming a designer. wide range: you can become a fashion designer or an interior designer. For each of these specialties, you must have good taste and spatial thinking, as well as love to work with various kinds of materials:

  • fabrics,
  • tree,
  • ceramics,
  • metal.

You don't have to be a designer to become a designer. higher education, - but it is desirable, since when applying for a job, as a rule, they often require a diploma. Designers are trained in educational institutions as: Moscow Architectural Institute, Institute of Business and Design, British graduate School design, etc.

Also in this group can be attributed to the profession of a web designer. But it has a completely different specificity: here you need to work mainly at a computer and design Internet resources. The job requires good programming skills.


Continuing the list of creative professions, we will single out a specialization that does not require a mandatory diploma. This specialty is photography. If you are a girl who appreciates the beauty of the world around you, knows how to capture moments of life and beautifully capture them in a photo, this profession is for you. All you need is a quality camera and clients interested in your photos. They can be various newspapers and magazines, including online publications, and photographers are especially in demand among newlyweds, pregnant women and new mothers.

A professional photographer is always needed at holidays and corporate parties of various large companies. In a word, you will not be left without work. The only thing is that you must first develop an attractive portfolio and get good reviews from your first clients. To improve your skills, you can take special courses. The salary of a good photographer is quite high: for one wedding day, you can earn from 20 to 100 thousand rubles.

Stylist/hairdresser/makeup artist

The services of beauty industry specialists are on this moment very popular: the demand for a haircut, coloring, manicure, creating a wedding image will always exist - because women want to be beautiful. You can achieve success in this area if, for example, you go from a novice beauty salon employee to a manager. On the other hand, you can work at home or open your own salon - this task is just right for a creative person full of enthusiasm. Earnings will directly depend on whether you work simple master in the salon or head it.


For girls and women who love nature and the world of living plants, as well as have good taste and know how to combine colors, no doubt fit job florist. The demand for flowers is also constant due to the love of the weaker sex for these beautiful creatures. Flowers are always needed on March 8 and February 14, for a birthday or a wedding - a florist will not be left without work. You can start your journey with a specialist in flower shop, and further, as you gain experience and, perhaps, after passing special courses in floristry, you will be able to open your own flower workshop. In this case, you will not have to complain about income.

Art critic

Art critic occupies a special place in the list of creative professions. Until recently, this specialty was considered modest and not prestigious. However, recently in our country there are more and more lovers of antiques, and visiting museums is becoming an integral part of the cultural recreation of modern successful people. All kinds of exhibitions, art salons, antique galleries - they all require specialists of various levels: from an appraiser to an art dealer. The world of art is multifaceted and interesting. In order to become an expert in it and make good money, you need to get a higher education. This can be done in such universities as: Moscow State University, Russian State humanitarian University etc.


Our list of creative professions is closed by a coach or master class leader. This area of ​​​​activity can not quite be considered a profession, but everything more girls and women leave their former employment and begin to conduct their own master classes.

Their topics can be completely different: creating your own individual style, cooking, cutting and sewing, improving public speaking and communication skills, and other psychological topics. Master classes are gaining popularity as one of the new ways to spend your free time usefully. Master classes on topics personal qualities often ordered in large companies by managers who pay attention to the development of their employees. Prices for such events are appropriate: from 1000 rubles per person.

You can continue the list of creative professions for a long time, but let's focus on the above as the most popular and in demand. Having chosen a creative profession, a girl will be able not only to earn money, but also to reveal her potential inherent in nature, she will be able to help people and decorate their lives with the fruits of her work. In any case, whatever profession you choose, the main thing is that it should bring you joy and satisfaction, and also allow you to be independent and self-confident.

How many professions are there in the world? Probably no one knows this, although their extensive lists are published in special reference books. What are the professions? They are divided into economic and medical, scientific and military, technical and creative, etc. The latter are especially popular today.

What is a creative profession?

There is no exact definition recognized by dictionaries. We can only say that most of these professions are related to culture or art, require a non-standard approach to solving problems, imply the presence creative thinking and the ability to express their individuality. Of course, these qualities are inherent not only to people of art, but it is in them that they should manifest themselves to the maximum extent. The list of creative professions is constantly updated. In the past, it included artists, film directors, actors, etc. Today, the list is replete with names that just a few years ago simply could not exist: there was no necessary environment. DJ, make-up artist, braider (hairdresser who creates hairstyles from braids), web designer, rewriter, designers of various directions (for example, food designer) - these are just some of the types of employment that have appeared in the last decade. The list of creative professions is extremely wide.

What professions are the most creative?

There is hardly an answer to the above question. After all, each such specialist creates something completely new, while simultaneously expressing his view of the world. Nevertheless, the media are trying to create ratings, trying to determine the most demanded, the most creative, the most creative, etc. profession. So, according to RBC, last year the list of creatives was headed by web designers. Artists and animators, models, florists followed… Make-up artists and videographers brought up the rear, and there were 20 positions in the ranking. At the same time, its compilers themselves claim that they have found 640 creative professions that may eventually be at the top of the list. It is interesting that the concept of “the most demanded creative profession” does not correspond to the concept of “the highest paid specialty”. Yes, in this rating such professions as an architect-designer and a colorist are not included, although it is people with such a profile of work who receive the highest income from their creativity. The salary of web designers does not take any place in the ratings.

Women's and men's creativity

Previously, there were male and female professions. Echoes of these traditions are heard in our time. So, a few years ago, the vast majority of web designers, producers, architects were males. But women ruled in beauty salons. Today, these boundaries are completely erased. There are ratings designed to determine the most creative The list, as in the previous case, begins with the web designer. Girls can work as models and architects, makeup artists and animators, designers and photographers. There are no gender restrictions here, but there are qualities that a creative must have. These include:

  • the ability to think figuratively;
  • subtle sense of taste and style;
  • bright, non-standard, well-developed imagination;
  • refined aesthetic sensibility.

The most attractive professions for creative women

Popular in our country prove that most women are sure that it is creativity that allows them to earn money and express their sophisticated nature at the same time. The same surveys allow us to conclude that in some cities of Russia, school graduates are less likely to choose technical and scientific specialties, preferring profiles related to creativity. Of course, not everyone aspires to become actresses. The list of creative professions, compiled according to the results of surveys of graduates, shows that many girls choose such specialties as animator, decorator, stylist. Dancers and models are still popular. However, choosing such specialties for themselves, girls are well aware that the age of a model or dancer is short-lived. Therefore, in parallel, they try to get a second specialty: they study to be screenwriters, heads of art studios or circles, culturologists, critics, film critics or designers.

The problem of teaching people of creative professions

Creativity, non-standard thinking, a certain amount of egocentrism, characteristic of almost everyone, often make learning difficult. There are several reasons for this.

1. Education in creative professions in Russia is most often associative. This means that the future specialist is taught logical thinking, expedient activity, skills and abilities necessary for work. But the associative system cannot develop creativity, the ability to find a way out in a non-standard situation and take an extraordinary approach to solving issues and problems.

2. Often teachers have to overcome the lack of culture of applicants. In some circles, there is still an opinion that a makeup artist, singer or florist must know the basics of their skills perfectly, and a broad outlook is not necessary for them. Therefore, teachers are forced to literally force students to read a lot, attend theaters and exhibitions, explain why the success of any creative profession directly depends on the general culture and education.

3. Character traits, egocentrism, the desire to become the best and the first often make communication difficult. Of course, all these qualities are important, and even mandatory for creative professions, but this does not mean that you need to consider yourself a star, or even the center of the Universe.

Beware of creativity!

Statistics show that in about half, by the age of 30, enthusiasm is replaced by disappointment, as a result of which people change their profession. Those who longed for self-realization, recognition, become administrators, accountants. Why is this happening? Looking through the list of creative professions and choosing a specialty for themselves, many people forget that creativity is not subject to any regulations. Artists don't have days off, dancers rarely get vacations, designers have to work hard. And success to some extent depends on the case. There are hundreds of designers and makeup artists, but how many truly successful people are among them? That is why, when choosing a profession for yourself, you first need to think - do you have a calling, are you able to purposefully move forward, despite obstacles and failures?

Creative professions are directly related to art and culture, they require creative solution any task, and out-of-the-box thinking. It is these qualities that must be present in representatives of the following creative professions.


Translated from Latin, "actor" means performer. An actor is a master of disguise, he must have such qualities as:

  • artistry;
  • emancipation;
  • creativity.

Actors always have a good memory and clear diction. This profession requires a lot of effort and daily work on yourself.


Translated from English, "design" means to conceive, design. Designers are people who have artistic abilities. The mandatory qualities of a designer include such character traits as:

  • sociability;
  • creative and imaginative thinking;
  • creative approach to solving any problem.

To date, there are dozens of different directions in design.


The main task of an illustrator is to create an image based on a story or written text. In addition to artistic skills, illustrators have:

  • developed fantasy;
  • creativity;
  • perseverance.

fashion designer

Fashion designer is the main profession in the field of creating clothes. The responsibilities of a fashion designer include:

  • design development;
  • creating patterns;
  • selection of materials;
  • organization of shows.

A high-class specialist has such qualities as:

  • imagination;
  • perseverance;
  • creativity;
  • artistic skills;
  • cutting and sewing skills.

Fashion designers are always in demand in fashion houses, boutiques and garment factories.


The main tasks of the director are to manage all creative processes in cinema, theater and television. It is the director who interprets the script, conveying the main idea of ​​the author to the actors, and then monitors the implementation. The director must have such personal qualities as:

  • natural leadership;
  • creative potential.

The director today is one of the highly paid creative professions.


An animator is a person who skillfully combines children's perception of the world and adult professionalism. Animators combine the role of both the artist and the director. They are engaged in the creation of a storyline for animated products, as well as the creation of a visual series. Good specialist must have the following qualities:

  • developed fantasy;
  • creativity;
  • perseverance.

An advertising agency, a web design studio, as well as animation studios can serve as a place of work for animators.


The profession of a gallery owner is very similar to the profession of an art historian. On the shoulders of the gallery owner lies the presentation of the exhibits for the purpose of demonstration and subsequent sale. In addition, it provides for the organization of advertising, presentation and sale of masterpieces. This profession is suitable for creative people who have:

  • good memory;
  • analytical mind;
  • sociability.

You can find work in a museum, gallery, or open your own business.


The main task of the photographer is to capture the bright moments of life with the help of special equipment. This is a creative profession, which is at the intersection of technology and art. A specialist in his field must have:

  • rich imagination;
  • aesthetic taste;
  • a sense of composition;
  • patience.

Photographers are in demand in newspapers, magazines, photo studios, design companies.

The hairdresser

The main task of a hairdresser is the creation of hairstyles and hair care. These specialists make coloring, different types haircuts, styling, and hair treatments. A professional hairdresser needs such qualities as:

  • tact;
  • sociability;
  • delicacy;
  • patience;
  • sense of style;
  • accuracy.

Good specialists are always in demand in beauty salons, hairdressers, stylist schools.


The work of the stylist is to create a bright and harmonious external image. During creation individual style they are based both on the external data of the client, and on his character, aesthetic tastes and type of activity. In order to become a stylist, you must have such qualities as:

  • tact;
  • developed intuition;
  • sociability;
  • creativity;
  • analytic skills.

Stylists can find work in beauty salons, photo studios, image agencies, television.


The job of a jeweler is to create art products from stones and precious metals. During jewelry work, they use such techniques as casting, forging, artistic chasing, embossing, engraving, etc. To become a good master, you need to skillfully combine both artistic skills and scrupulous engineering works. The jeweler must have such personal qualities as:

  • perseverance;
  • creativity;
  • painstaking;
  • good fine motor skills;
  • accuracy.

Jewelers, as a rule, are in demand in jewelry shops and pawnshops.


The main task of a make-up artist is to create an image and correct appearance with the help of decorative cosmetics. This profession is ideal for people with the following skills:

  • sociability;
  • creativity;
  • perseverance.

Stylists, as a rule, work in modeling agencies, theaters, beauty salons, television studios, photography and filming.


The main task of a writer is to create a literary work that is intended for public consumption. The writer is characterized by:

  • developed fantasy;
  • humanitarian mindset.

In addition, he must be fluent in the language, as well as be able to vividly, accurately and figuratively express all his thoughts. As a rule, writers work at home.


An animator is a specialist who conducts festive events, and also speaks to the public in order to create good mood and entertain. This profession is ideal for people who have:

  • artistic skills;
  • loud voice;
  • clear diction;
  • positive energy.

Animators are employed in nightclubs, restaurants, amusement parks, kindergartens and holiday agencies.

If desired, creativity can be found in every profession, but, unfortunately, not every profession is defined as creative. What creative professions exist and are such for sure? Let's find out!

In order not to be mistaken in defining the profession as a creative one, we will first understand what creativity is.

Creativity is the creation of unique, exclusive spiritual or material values, something new and singular, something that is not created in production, not on a stream. No one can repeat what was created by the master in the process of creativity. Only the creator himself can do this, but even with him his creation will not turn out to be completely identical to the previous one. So, what professions are creative?

What creative professions exist?

Let's find out what creative professions are and list them. Professions in the field of art, of course, can be called the most creative.

Actor, painter, writer, poet, singer, theater and film director, dancer, choreographer, musician - masters of these professions create spiritual values, give emotions and impressions.

Undoubtedly, what is created or will be created by these people cannot be repeated by anyone. This list can be replenished with such professions as a cameraman, video director, sound engineer, editor, costume designer, props master, special effects master, illuminator, decorator, screenwriter, animator.

The alluring world of fashion. Creativity is closely woven into any profession related to this magical and beautiful world. What creative professions exist in it? Fashion designer or fashion designer, fashion designer, image maker, stylist and, of course, the most attractive profession for young people is a model on the catwalk.

Rapidly developing computer technologies have given rise to new specialties and professions that are also related to creative ones - graphic designer, animator, computer special effects master, web designer, copywriter

What other creative professions are there?

Are there other professions that are creative? There are also many of them. Hairdresser, make-up artist, manicure and pedicure master, make-up artist, tailor - in all these professions there is creativity, imagination and artistic taste are required to help the client make a choice, help him emphasize his natural beauty, hide flaws.

Architect, interior designer, landscape design er is one of the most sought-after creative professions at present.

A cook-culinary, a confectioner creates masterpieces from ordinary products, making a magical and delicious fairy tale. The bartender arranges real art shows and performances behind the bar, creating and inventing different kinds drinks. The sommelier will tell you which wine to choose, which wine goes best with the dish chosen by the client, which wine will best emphasize the taste of this dish. He studies wines, their qualities, selects wines and all this also requires a creative streak and good taste.

The barista is a coffee specialist, he always knows what kind of coffee to offer the client, and he can make not just coffee, but a coffee cocktail to please the client with an unusual, but surprisingly delicious combination of coffee and various ingredients. The tea ceremony master is the creator oriental tale. No wonder this profession originated in the East, in Japan and China, where it still enjoys great respect. Sommelier, barista, master of the tea ceremony - these are rare creative professions, but very interesting ones.

Such a profession as a mass entertainer, which is now called beautiful word- an animator, carries a considerable share of creativity. You have to be a screenwriter, and a director, and an actor in order to organize people's leisure, entertain them and help them take a break from everyday life.

Photographer and photo artist - prestigious and interesting professions. They can notice and capture the wonderful moments of life, amazing small parts, sometimes very imperceptible, they visually preserve for people the memory of their life.

Florist - works with flowers, only he can gather in beautiful bouquet the most inconspicuous flowers, highlighting and emphasizing their beauty. Advertising specialist - no business can do without representatives of these professions, they are in demand and their work is well paid.

More and more interest in manual creativity is growing. What are the creative professions in this segment? Master of folk crafts - creates beauty with his own hands without the use of any machines and devices. Painted dishes from Gzhel and Khokhloma, trays from Zhostovo, scarves self made from Orenburg and Pavlov-Posad, felt boots, folk toys from Dulevo, lace from Vologda, jewelry and jewelry boxes from Palekh - every year they are gaining popularity and value, which means that this profession is becoming more popular.

A master glassblower is a magician whose hands produce unique fragile masterpieces. People will always use utensils or decorate their home glass products, which means that this profession will always exist.

Jeweler is certainly a creative profession. Creating masterpieces from precious metals and stones, the jeweler gives joy and a sense of beauty to many people. The master cabinetmaker creates unusual and ecological handmade things from pieces of wood, which are used in everyday life, in the construction and design of houses, decorate our homes.

A blacksmith can forge a simple fence grate from pieces of iron, or he can make a work of art that will live for centuries. Needlework - various embroidery, sewing, knitting, felting, making handmade dolls and toys - all this is becoming more and more popular and can also be related to creative professions. But, even if needlework does not become your profession, then this type of creativity can bring you additional income.

What creative profession to choose?

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. There are no criteria which creative profession is better and more interesting. It is impossible to give a clear and unambiguous answer that it is this creative profession that will allow you to earn a lot of money or help you climb the career ladder.

Everything is individual and depends on the talents, inclinations and desires of a person. And also, importantly, from his ambitions. The most important thing is to choose exactly what your soul lies to, what is closest to you and understand what you are interested in doing. As soon as you understand your desires, then the question “Which creative profession to choose?” will not occur.

And there is also a big plus in favor of choosing a creative profession - most creative professions are successfully combined, intertwining with each other, growing into each other. You can choose several specialties related to creative professions, and successfully engage in all. For example, you can start with a modeling career, and then become a fashion designer.

A craftsman can also work as a jeweler at the same time. An artist can be a writer and a singer, and a director can write wonderful scripts for his films or plays for his performances.

An architect, in parallel with the design of houses, can master the profession of a cabinetmaker and create wooden parts of the interior of the houses that he designs. The photographer can work in parallel graphic designer and use your photographs in your work. And in this way it is possible to combine all existing creative professions.

We often associate our activity with creativity. It penetrates into all spheres of life, it is through the non-trivial solution of issues that humanity moves forward. The creative process is also important at work. Its elements are present in every profession: there are a number of crafts where creativity is in exceptional positions. About such professions in this article will be discussed.

Features of creative professions

People often choose creative professions based on their hobbies. It can be difficult to simply teach such a craft: the qualities of a character who want to work in this area are important here. Talent and charisma - you can't do without them.

Busy with creativity, they hardly chose their career spontaneously. Usually, the talents needed for this show up from the very beginning. early years. The main thing is to see them and evaluate them correctly. Becoming on the path of art, no one thinks about the rationality of their choice - the soul will be the only adviser.

Creative professions list

There are arts and crafts where only creativity is in the process. There are also specialties that include other elements, such as the technical side. Both can be included in the following list:

  • Actor is one of the professions that come to mind when art is mentioned. What is visible to the viewer? Ovations and glory. But in order to achieve them, you need to make incredible efforts. The whole life of an actor consists of rehearsals, preparation for roles, training. Any artist has the duty to be an example for many. His speech is rich and beautiful. The figure of the body should not differ from the constitution of the best athletes. For these reasons, an actor is not a profession, it is a way of life that will suit those who cannot imagine themselves without acting on stage;
  • Musician. Music is the world. Without music, our days would fade, and the most joyful or tragic moments in them would cease to be such. Music is a language, on a par with all the languages ​​of the world, but capable of conveying the composer's thoughts, which without words will be understandable both to a contemporary and to people through the centuries. You can't just write a beautiful melody. It must be experienced, and then it will pierce the heart of every listener;
  • Producer. You can become a director by studying at the relevant universities. But not everyone can win the right to be one of the best. You need to be a genius in your craft, and then the whole world will know the name. Cinema today is, first of all, an object for investment, so a famous director will become at least rich;
  • The hairdresser must also be highly creative;
  • The photographer is the same artist, only the exposure control and color correction on the camera become his brush, and his whole world around him becomes his canvas.

creative profession designer

Designer. This profession is very popular. It is not surprising, because the literacy rate of the population is growing, and along with it, aesthetic needs are increasing. There are many directions in design: interior design, landscape design, fashion design and others. The earnings of a designer directly depend on the level of his skill and on the popularity of his name.

Creative profession artist

Another profession that has taken its place in art for more than a thousand years is the artist. During this time, hundreds of styles have changed, but the need for art only grows. In artistic activity, a person strengthens his individuality more and more over the years. Over time, the name of the artist becomes his handwriting: techniques, materials, color, choice of plot, peculiar only to his works.

Teacher profession creative

Such a common profession as a teacher is also creative. Needless to say: not everyone can teach in such a way that students are proud and remember their teacher all their lives. After all, what is the learning process? The process of transferring one's abstract thoughts about an object into the words of an existing verbal language. There is no need to prove that even the richest languages ​​of the world will not be able to convey all the versatility of thought. And to describe a complex extraordinary idea, you need to resort to creative talent. In addition, the teacher needs to ideally understand the essence of the object itself, which he is going to teach. The work of a teacher is enormous, as is the respect for him. All good teachers are first of all people of an idea.

Creative professions for girls

History shows how, over the centuries, artists, musicians, writers, often male, became famous. However, over the past centuries, during the period of industrialization of society, a certain stereotype has gradually developed, in which women are represented as representatives of the creative profession. Perhaps this happened because building up progress required a lot of physical effort that only men who had to leave creativity could make. Time has passed, and muscular strength has lost such significance: now adherents of art can be found equally among women and men. Speaking of girls, we can say that absolutely any direction of creative activity will become subject to them.

Problems of creative professions

One of the problems of choosing a creative specialty is the difficulty of learning this craft: many still fail to master this task. Often these jobs are low paying. There are times when a person of art completely becomes unclaimed for any period, or for life, and this can be a severe blow. Another important aspect is that very many people will not be able to understand anyone's art. However, for true creative people there are no barriers, because, as already mentioned, art is a way of life.

This material will help in preparing an essay, report or presentation about creative professions.

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