Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Educational and entertaining program "Robinsonade". Scenario of the tourist game program “Robinsonade”

Every year our preschool department hosts entertainment for children on the Day of Knowledge. This script is designed for large quantities children participating in outdoor fun on September 1st. The music director can choose the music he wants. My script uses songs from cartoons ("At the Port", "In the Blue Sea", "Surprise" and other songs) and the song "Robinson" from the repertoire of A. Pugacheva.



Holiday script for all kindergarten groups

"On Robinson Crusoe's Island."

Developed by music director M.G. Astakhova.

June 2016.

Characters - Presenter, Robinson Crusoe, Friday.

Attributes: chest covered with cloth, ship, Robinson and Friday costumes, gifts for groups, letter, lock, key.

Children gather on the street. They are met by the presenter.

Background music………………………………………………………………….……………


Hello, dear children, their parents and our most beloved teachers.

Do you know what day it is today? (answers). That's right, today is not an ordinary day, but a day of Knowledge. And of course, on this unusual day you and I will find ourselves in an unusual place. Want to? Then listen to me carefully to get into unusual place you and I will close our eyes and say magic spell, then we’ll stomp, spin around and say a loud whoop, and then open our eyes. Ready? And so, close your eyes, we’ll say the magic words with you………….., we’ll stomp, we’ll spin, we’ll all whoop together, and voila, we’re on a desert island. Guess who you can meet on such an island? (children answer).

Oh, look, there really is someone sailing on a ship there. (Robinson Crusoe and Friday swim out).


Robinson Crusoe:

Hello guys! I'm very glad to see you all! I haven't seen so many kids for a long time! Do you recognize me? (answers). That's right, I'm Robinson Crusoe, and this is my friend. Tell me, what is his name? (answers). That's right, Friday. I named it that because Friday is my favorite day of the week. Do you know what day of the week it is today? (Thursday). How's Thursday? Is it already Thursday? Friday, why didn’t you tell me it’s already Thursday? After all, today we need to open a chest left here by a pirate.


What is needed for this?

Robinson Crusoe:

Oh, he left instructions on how to open it. (takes out the letter and opens it). Read Friday.



Robinson Crusoe:


Children read poems about good deeds:

The baby stumbled at the porch,
He stretched out right in a puddle.
Kostya helped him get up
And he said: “Don’t cry, my friend!”

Nina lost her book
and looked for her everywhere.
And Natasha found it
And I brought it to my friend.

Grandma sees it doesn’t matter.
Natasha gives glasses,
Helps set the table
And water the flowers in the garden.

Grandfather is sick. Grandson carries
A book, an apple, a compote,
Whispers to grandfather: “Don’t be sick,
Get well soon!"

Robinson Crusoe:


Robinson Crusoe:

Friday asks riddles:

We were waiting for mother with milk,
And they let a wolf into the house...
Who were these
Small children?(seven kids)

I bought a samovar
And the mosquito saved her.(Fly Tsokotukha)

She was an artist
Beautiful as a star
From the evil Karabas
Ran away forever. (Malvina)

Like Baba Yaga
There's no leg at all
But there is a wonderful one

That's not difficult at all,
Quick question:
Who put it in the ink
Wooden nose?(Pinocchio)

Lives in Prostokvashino
He carries out his service there.
The post office house is located by the river.
The postman in it is uncle...(Pechkin)

Robinson Crusoe:

Oh, yes, here are gifts for all the kids, I will name the groups, and you guys and teachers and, of course, the parents of the children of these groups, loudly shout the words “This is us, hoot,” so that I can hear you, okay? So, let's begin….

Group 1 (everyone shouts “this is us” and hoots, Robinson hands out gifts)….

Well, our chest is empty. And Friday and I wish you success in your new academic year, but it’s time for us to sail to the next island. Goodbye, guys!(Heroes float away)



Like this interesting journey We visited you on this unusual day! Did you like it?

And now you can return to the group, I wish you all a good new school year!

Goodbye! (Children go into groups).



1. To open the chest with my magic key, you first need to check how friendly these children are. I will show you the movements and you will repeat them. The more friendly you do this, the better. Ready?

Music sounds……………………………………………………………….……………………

Children move through Friday's display.

Friday: Wow, well done! Well, Robinson, how does the chest open?

Robinson Crusoe: The key is in the lock! Read on!

2. Friday:

Well, well, well, now we need to check whether these kids did good deeds?

Children read poems about good deeds: 4 people

Robinson Crusoe:

Great, I've already turned the key once! Read on soon!

3. Friday:

We need to test these wonderful guys' wits. How about it, Robinson?

Robinson Crusoe:

How how! Make riddles, Friday! Yes, not simple ones, but about fairy-tale characters!

Friday asks riddles:

We were waiting for mother with milk,
And they let a wolf into the house...
Who were these
Small children?(seven kids)

I bought a samovar
And the mosquito saved her.(Fly Tsokotukha)

She was an artist
Beautiful as a star
From the evil Karabas
Ran away forever. (Malvina)

Like Baba Yaga
There's no leg at all
But there is a wonderful one

That's not difficult at all,
Quick question:
Who put it in the ink
Wooden nose?(Pinocchio)

Lives in Prostokvashino
He carries out his service there.
The post office house is located by the river.
The postman in it is uncle...(Pechkin)

Robinson Crusoe:

Hooray! The key turned a second time and the lock opened. Well, guys, let's open the chest?


We distribute gifts, say goodbye, and sail away.

scripts competition Robinson Competition - script - competition contest

Presenter: Once upon a time, the hero of Daniel Defoe's book ended up on a desert island. This hero's name was Robinson. Tireless work and unshakable determination under the most hopeless conditions helped him survive. Anyone else in his place would have disappeared. But, alas, not our today's heroes.

However, now we will see all this with you.

(Music sounds. Robinsons come on stage.)

Presenter: I will command the parade! Raise the anchors! Lower the main topsail! Turn half way! Keep it up! Attention! There's an enemy ship on the left side! Pirate ship!

I think we will defeat them. Courage, human labor and strong will will help us in this! But first, let's get to know our Robinsons.

(1st “Business Card” competition. Meet the participants.)

Host: How did our heroes end up on a desert island? On a ship, of course. What kind of ships were these?

(2nd competition "Ship Drawing".)

Presenter: Our Robinsons must be strong and agile, so we offer physical warm-up.

(3rd competition “Physical warm-up”. Participants “scrub the deck for speed and quality. Props: mops, buckets of water.)

Presenter: 8 days ago this strange object hit the keel of my ship. Inside it was a note, the contents of which I still cannot figure out. Intuition and many years of experience An experienced traveler tells me that it contains a request for help.

Fortunately, I remembered in time that we had a Robinson competition today. And they will certainly help me.

(4th competition “Compose a letter”. Each participant composes a letter from the list of words suggested in the note. For example: ship, storm, shark, comrade, leg, head, blood, chest, bag of gold, shovel, cannibal.)

Presenter: In order not to remain hungry, our Robinsons must have accuracy.

(5th competition “Hit the Target”. Participants throw balls into a basket with a picture of a lion.)

Presenter: Sometimes Robinson's salvation depended on speed of action and sleight of hand. Of course, your life is not in danger, but I think you should still try.

(6th competition "Weave a rope".)

Presenter: What did Robinson not eat on the desert island: Exotic fruits, turtle meat, eggs. But there were always some ingredients missing to prepare the dish that Robinson was used to at home.

(7th “Dish” competition. Participants prepare a dish at home in advance using the least amount of ingredients.)

Host: Well, what would a trip be without a treasure hunt? Forward! The treasures of Captain Kidd or the pirate William Rogers. Our Robinsons are well versed in maps and plans.

Well, for example, 10 feet from the left leg of the skeleton.

(8th competition “Treasure”. There is an image of a skeleton hanging in the hall and a “treasure” is hidden next to it.)

Presenter: On the sandy shore Robinson found his friend Friday. When all the day's work was finished, Friday taught Robinson his merry dances.

(9th competition “Dance”. Participants depict how they think Friday could dance.)

Host: Our journey ends. The jury's word.

(Summing up. Awarding.)

Presenter: We hope that if our participants end up on a desert island, they will not disappear, thanks to their ingenuity, strength, skill and inexhaustible imagination.





sports and educational game by stations

« Visiting Robinson »

teacher - organizer

Chigireva O.V.

"Visiting Robinson"

(sports and educational game)

Target: Creation conditions for children's health, development of motor and cognitive activity.

Tasks: promote creative self-realization of children, team building, and develop leadership qualities; develop imagination and fantasy, enrich knowledge of geography.

Participants: 70 people, 9 -12 years old, teams of 10 people.

Time spending: 45 - 50 min.




Game technology : teachers-organizers of the Children's School


- station game

Equipment: 2 balls, 10 pins, branches, cones, burdock leaves, route maps, markers, encrypted messages from Robinson, drawn fruits, threads, tape, cards with written phrases (depicted with gestures) for teams, a screen wall for fruits.

Progress of the event.

At the start, teams are given a route map with a picture of the Children's Park. On these maps, the dotted line indicates the direction in which the participants should move.

The kids have to go through 7 stages, with gaming equipment at each stage. They give the team points based on the results of completing the stage and record them in the route sheet.

Start of the game.

Leading. Good afternoon dear friends! Welcome to our adventure sports and educational game "Visiting Robinson."

Guys, how many of you know who Robinson is?

(children's answers)

What happened to Robinson?

(children's answers)

Why did he end up on a desert island?

(children's answers)

What is the name of the story about Robinson?

(children's answers)

(children's answers)

What a great fellow you are! Now that everything is clear, you can hit the road.

Leading: Today you will find fun and jokes.

You won't be bored here for a minute.

How can you get bored here?

When adventure awaits you again!

Go with you to a foreign country,

To a wonderful island, to a valley alone.

Robinson has been waiting for us there for years now,

He persistently sends his messages.

The criterion of our game is not the time required to complete all tasks, but the creativity, originality and cohesion of the team when passing the tests. We hope that good mood and a boost of energy will help team members go through all the tests and cope with them. Team captains are invited to receive route sheets. At the end of the game, we will meet with you again here, on this site, and sum up the results of the competition. Happy Travel.

Stage 1 “Sea Message”.

The guys need to restore the text of the message, which was washed away by water during a long swim. The team is given a message.

Fate wanted our... (ship) to crash near... (the equator). For 20 days we had to... (swim) to where they were driving us... (waves). The whole team...(died). Only I, Ro... (Robinson Crusoe) remained alive.

(Waves)... threw me onto... (island), lost in... (sea). I had no idea what this... (land) was. One thing I know for sure: this is undoubtedly part of South... (America), lying not far from the Spanish... (possessions).

Points are awarded based on the number of correctly guessed words. For a correctly composed text of the message, the team receives a maximum of 6 points.

Stage 2 “Erudites”.

Name all the colored seas of our planet. (Yellow, White, Red, Black)

Which continent on the planet does not have rivers? (Antarctica)

The largest lake on earth. (Baikal)

Name the capital of Greece. (Athens)

Which oceans cross the equator? (Atlantic, Indian, Pacific)

Name the river named after the girl. (Lena)

The smallest continent on the planet. (Australia)

Name the main river of the city of Kursk. (Seimas)

The capital of our country. (Moscow)

Name the highest mountain in the world. (Chomolungma)

For each correct answer the team receives 1 point. Maximum amount points at this stage - 10.

Stage 3 “Visiting Robinson”.

At this stage, teams are invited to refresh themselves. There is a lot growing on Robinson Crusoe Island fruit trees. The children need to collect fruits, which are hung on strings on a special stand, with their eyes closed. Each player has one try.

For each fruit collected, the team receives 1 point. The maximum number of points at this stage is 10.

Stage 4 “Hunting”.

Participants in the game are invited to go hunting and get “game”. To do this, the team needs to line up in a column, then the players are given a ball. Opposite each player there is a pin. The team's task is to knock down the pin with the ball. The guys take turns rolling the ball. Each participant has one attempt.

The game technician counts the number of knocked down pins. The maximum number of points at this stage is 10.

Stage 5 “Couturier’s Gift”.

This stage helps the guys open up Creative skills. Participants need to make a costume for Robinson in five minutes and present it in a creative way.

For uninvolved children, the “Desert Island” competition is held. If you find yourself on a desert island, what items will be most needed?

- creativity



-usage various techniques and materials for making a suit


Stage 6 “Understand me.”

The game technician informs the participants that Robinson and his friend named Friday could only communicate with gestures. The team is divided into two groups, one is “Robinsons”, the other is “Fridays”. “Robinsons” are told a phrase, which they must explain only with gestures and facial expressions, and “Fridays” must guess the intended sentence.

Phrases options:

What is your name?

Do you want to eat?

Shall we go boar hunting?

Would you like a can of Pepsi?

Would you like some salt on your food?

Will you have some bananas?

Points are awarded based on the number of correctly guessed sentences. For a correctly composed sentence, the pair “Robinson” and “Friday” bring the team 1 point. At this stage, a team receives a maximum of 5 points.

Stage 7 “Exotic dance of the aborigines”.

The team needs to come up with and then dance an aboriginal dance in three minutes; the more original and exotic it is, the more points its performer receives.

The maximum score for a creative competition is 5 points. The evaluation criteria are:

- creativity




-team cohesion

- synchronization of movements

The result of the game.

Game technicians count the points, and the presenter names the winning team. The team receives a certificate, the rest of the teams receive diplomas for participation.

Chigireva Olga Vasilievna


Characters: Robinson, Friday, Monkey, Parrot, sailors, Chief of the Redskins, savages, pirates, two leaders, Bill, Sam

The curtain is closed. The game song “Robinson” performed by Alla Pugacheva is played, and a choreographic ensemble dances.

As a child I loved so much

Play Robinson -

It was my favorite game!

Let's play, shall we?

How? - And like this:

Yes Yes Yes,

I'm Robinson again!

You you you,

And you Robinson!

He, he, he,

And he is Robinson!

In this season

Let's sing about Robinson!


Robie-Robie-Robinson (3 times),

Walks around the planet.

Robie-Robie-Robinson (3 times),

Always be Robinson

Good in the world!

Robinson, where are you?

Hey, Robinson?

Robinson, oh yes Robinson!

How much I like him!

You, you, you, Maybe you're Robinson?

Or maybe I

And most likely it is him!


Today I am Robinson

And you are Robinson,

And he is also Robinson -

In this season

Let's sing about Robinson!


It is difficult to find in our time a person who has not read the world famous novel by D. Defoe “Robinson Crusoe”, the hero of which has become an object of envy and an example to follow for many generations of boys and girls.

Once upon a time, as a result of a shipwreck, the hero of Daniel Defoe's book was thrown onto a desert island; he was then 18 years old, and his name was Robinson. He lived on the island for 28 years, months and 19 days. all alone. His only friend is a parrot.

Having transported tools, weapons, gunpowder, and some grain from the sunken ship to the island, Robinson built himself a hut, grew crops, tamed and bred wild goats, built two boats, learned to sew clothes, and make dishes from clay. Shortly before living on the island, he saved a savage from death.

Tireless work and unshakable determination helped him survive in the most hopeless conditions. Many in his place would simply disappear, many, but not our today's heroes. However, now we will see all this with you.

Music... The presenters appear.

Presenter 1.

Today you will find fun and jokes.

You won't be bored here for a minute.

Presenter 2.

How can you get bored here?

When will adventure await you again?

The curtain opens. The sound of the sea, as if shaking itself off sea ​​foam, a Parrot appears from the sea.

Parrot. Robin! Robin! Robin Crusoe! Poor Robin Kryzo! Where did you end up? How can I find you now? How can I save you now? Robin, Robin, poor Robin!

Presenters 1 and 2(turn to Parrot). What are you crying about, Parrot?

Parrot. Poor Robin, he sent me to the people, I was supposed to hand over the map where Robinson is, but sea ​​waves they took her away and now my poor Robin - Robinson Crusoe will live on a desert island all his life. Without me, all alone. What grief (cries).

Leaders 1 and 2. Do not Cry. Remember where the island you are talking about is. What threatens Robinson?

Parrot. I don't know where he is. For me there is only big waves, and among them there is one island.

Leaders 1 and 2.

Even though it's not easy to get there,

You have to fly like a bird.

We will find a miracle island,

You just have to want it.

We will help you, Parrot, and we will also help your friend Robinson) You can’t abandon your friend in trouble.

Parrot. Is it true! I'm so glad! You are real friends! What should you do?

Presenters 1 and 2. Take the device. We are sending an SOS signal.

Parrot. Everyone! Everyone! Everyone! Everyone who can hear us, hurry here!

The captain appears.

Captain. Boatswain!

Boatswain. Yes, boatswain.

Captain. Signal in form number 1. (Whistles.)

Boatswain. Yes, call everyone up! (Whistles.)

Sailors run out (ensemble "Kalinka").

Boatswain. Ship crew, listen to my command.

Be equal! Attention!

Comrade captain, the crew is ready to sail.

Captain. Navigator! Report the course!

Navigator. There is a report course! Course in Robinson's footsteps.

Captain. Remove the ladder. Give up the mooring lines. Raise the anchor.

Boatswain. Eat!

Navigator. The wind is fair.

Captain. Sailors, to the yards, raise the sails!

Boatswain. Yes, set sail!

The trill of the boatswain's pipe sounds.

Captain. Attention! Our ship sets off for the shores of the New World, following in the footsteps of Robinson.

Presenter 1.

We are going with you to a foreign country,

To a wonderful island in one valley.

Presenter 2.

Robinson is waiting there, who has already been a year

He persistently sends his messages.


So! Let's hit the road!


All the brave, inquisitive and daring

We invite you on board now.

Instead of a flag, a cheerful dawn

It's burning on our mast.

And neither menacing storms nor calms

They don't scare us guys at all -

And on it we hit the road

We know the laws of the sea:

Die, but save your friends!

Will we help Robinson in trouble?

If we meet him by chance.

Let's sail endless miles

To extend hands to friends,

We composed a ship like a song

And on it we hit the road

(last 2 lines 2 times).

Screams are heard - a Monkey and a Parrot run out.

The scenario "Robinsonade" is ideal for prom primary school. It is perfect for all those who want to give their children a fun and unforgettable prom with a minimum amount of costs for conducting the competitive part.

Parents, primary school teachers, employees of children's art centers and professional animators will be able to celebrate the holiday. The script has audio and musical accompaniment, which is easy to find in any search engine.

A festive atmosphere, interesting competitions that develop thinking, a team spirit of competition, an unusual plot - all this is “Robinsonade”.

The main action of the events takes place on a desert island, where children are sent to grow up and learn to survive on their own, without parental care. The main host of the scenario is Robinson Crusoe, whom the guys meet when landing on a desert island.

Design and attributes of competitions:

  • The decoration of the hall is at the discretion of the organizers.
  • To conduct competitions, you will need to first produce color photographs in A4 format (for each competition there will be a separate description of the cards).
  • Improvised costumes for aircraft captain and flight attendants.
  • Robinson Crusoe costume.
  • Colored ribbons (red, green, blue).
  • Paper, fountain pens.
  • Natural flowers.
  • First you need to prepare seats for children in the form of an improvised airplane, which can be decorated at your discretion. The role of the presenter is played by the captain of the ship.


Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen!

Welcome aboard our airliner. The ship's commander (name) and crew on behalf of Aeroflot Russian Airlines welcome you on board the Boeing aircraft (model number) operating flight number (date of event) on the route (name of city) City City - Grand Five Islands. The length of the route is 2000 km. Travel time is 1 hour 30 minutes. Our flight will take place at an altitude of 17,000 meters, at a speed of 1,300 kilometers per hour. We ask you to take your seats, place the seat backs in an upright position and fasten your seat belts. For flight safety reasons, we ask you not to use mobile phones. We wish everyone a pleasant flight. Thank you for attention!

The sound of an airplane taking off and flying.

Passengers (children) sit on makeshift airplane seats, and flight attendants (2 parents) serve drinks and ice cream.

Any pleasant, light background music.


Ladies and Gentlemen! We ask everyone to prepare for boarding: place the backs of their seats in an upright position and fasten their seat belts. We're going down. Temperature outside is +35. Thank you for attention.

The sound of an airplane landing.


Ladies and Gentlemen! Our aircraft landed on one of the Great Five islands. We ask everyone to leave.

The sound of the sea surf.

Children leave the makeshift plane and go out onto playground, where Robinson Crusoe meets them. Children are divided into three teams for further competitions.

Song "Cha-cha-cha".

Who is it that fell from heaven?
Landed on my island?
How long have I been waiting for you?
My young friends!

The nature here is completely wild,
The weather is terrible
And to hide from the rain,
Build a house for yourself.

You need to find food,
I'm cooking for lunch.
The lesson here is for you to survive,
After all, mom and dad are not around!

Although my island is not big,
I researched it for a long time,
And so that we don’t sit uselessly
And don’t walk around in a noisy crowd,

Now we urgently need
Divide into teams!
Builders, let's step forward,
Hard work awaits you.

Selecting a team of builders

Several people take a step forward and step aside. They are chosen by the leader or the guys themselves decide who will be on this team. We do the same with other teams.

The team of builders will need photo cards depicting the following items: shovel, poles, rope, reeds, mesh, nail, hammer, hammock, board, window, roof, threshold.

There are many animals on my island,
I can't figure them out without you.
And there will be good help for me,
If you tell me about them, my friends.

You have arrived - this is a sign.
I ask you to take the first step!

Selecting a team of animal lovers

The guys from the hunting team take a step forward and step aside.

For a team of hunters, photo cards with images of the following animals are needed: snake, parrot, shark, turtle, spider, monkey, rabbit, goat, cat, bat, lizard.

Who was left out there?
Please come to me quickly.
I will see cooks among you
And I won’t offend you with a competition.

Selecting a team of chefs

Several members of the cooking team take a step forward and step aside.

A team of chefs needs the following photo cards: banana, water, grass, berries, salt, sugar, roots, fish, meat, milk, flour. You can add or replace product names, as long as they are associated with island life.

The result is three teams. It is desirable to have one parent on each team, perhaps those who have previously played the role of flight attendants.

Robinson ties colored ribbons to each participant’s hand:

  • 1 team. Builders. Red ribbon.
  • 2nd team. Animal lovers. Green ribbon.
  • Team 3 Cooks. Blue ribbon.

I see three teams assembled,
There is no place for hostility and quarrel.

I will give you advice
And the items you need

The pilots will be given to us now.
Well, guys, let's get to work!

1. Competition for the construction team

Robinson speaks in poetry about the need to build a home. The members of the construction team are given cards for the competition. The idea of ​​the competition is for children to show in pictures the order of building a house, that is, with where it begins (a shovel) and where it ends (a roof), and not vice versa. Then they need to write a short story about how the construction of the house took place.

Robinson's text:

The skies have darkened
A storm is coming!
Where can we hide, guys?
We urgently need a home!

Guys, look at your pictures and line up in such an order that we can all understand how you built the house. But you not only show, but also tell!

Game music OMFG “Hello”.

After the children have completed the building competition, Robinson praises them in poetry, talks about the second competition and the need to find food.

Excellent built home
The time has come to get you food.
There is no market here, no store,
Here agility, intelligence and strength are needed.

Our island is inhabited by living creatures:
Dives, runs, flies
And sometimes he even crawls.
Now we will show you all.

2. Competition for a team of animal lovers

Robinson speaks in verse about the second competition. Team members are given cards for the competition. The idea of ​​the competition is for children to use their movements to show who is shown in the picture. Spectators in the hall will have to guess them without seeing the picture itself.

Come on, dear guests,
Stop making noise quickly,
Look at the children -
Guess all the animals.

Game music "Dam-Da-Da".

At the end of the second competition, Robinson talks about the third competition in verse and tells the children that they will need to prepare food.

Animal lovers
They tried their best.
Well, while we were having fun,
I see everyone here is hungry.

The pots of food are already boiling,
Please cook for the competition!
We eat like we all want to,
We'll take a look at your talent.

3. Competition for a team of chefs: cooking food virtually

Team members are given cards for the competition. Children prepare, and then they have to tell what dishes they will prepare from these products. Each picture needs to find one pair (two, three depending on the dish).

Game music "Dam-Da-Da".

Oh thank you guys
Both girls and boys
Fed to the fullest.
Rest time has come!

4. Game “Letter to Parents”

The essence of the game is that children need to write adjectives, which will then be put into a pre-prepared text. The number of adjectives is equal to the number of participants or may be more.

We decided to write an essay,
And in bright colors impression
We put it on paper:
What did they do and how did they live here?

What did you learn, how did you grow up?
And who we really are.

But we barely turned away -
The words are all mixed up!
Read this text with a smile,
And of course you will understand everything.

Charging for children « Middle »

An example text of an essay in which you will need to insert adjectives:

That's it over _______ lessons. It rang _______ call and _______ May day we went to _______ journey. Our _______ the plane made _______ landing on _______ island. When we stepped on _______ shore, then we saw _______ nature. Met us on the island _______ Robinson. He had _______ beard and _______ eyes. We liked him because he was something _______ person. To survive we had to build _______ home We have learned to earn for ourselves _______ food and cook _______ I'm going. We really enjoyed swimming in _______ ocean. The water was very _______ And _______ , and we also played _______ games and ran around barefoot _______ sand. We often played with _______ monkeys and even caught with their hands _______ fish One day we saw _______ hare with _______ ears, and then became friends with _______ the goat who gave us _______ milk. The weather on the island was _______ , on _______ the sky was shining _______ Sun. But one day we got wet because there was _______ rain. This _______ it became an adventure for us _______ And _______ event.

Song “If there is sunshine tomorrow” by S. Mikhailov.

To the music, Robinson leads everyone into a dance, and then an announcement is made about preparations for takeoff. The guys sit down in makeshift chairs and prepare for the flight.

The sound of airplane turbines working.


Ladies and Gentlemen!

Welcome aboard our airliner. The captain (name) and crew on behalf of Aeroflot Russian Airlines welcome you aboard the Boeing aircraft (model number) flying from Grand Five Islands to City City.

We ask you to take your seats, place the backs of your seats in an upright position and fasten your seat belts. I wish everyone a successful flight. Thank you for attention!

A sound and music block consisting of the sound of an airplane taking off, background music on board the airplane, and the sound of an airplane landing.


Dear passengers, our plane landed at Grad City Airport. The temperature outside is +25 degrees Celsius, the time is 17:00. The ship's commander and crew say goodbye to you. We wish you a wonderful summer!

Parents meet children

Bright music sounds.

Poem from parents:

Why did you end up on the island?
They learned about it on the news,
We were so worried about you!
We didn't sleep a wink at night!

What will you eat and drink?
How can you live without us?
What if you don’t wash the bananas?
Suddenly the monkeys will scare you,

The breeze will blow from the sea
Or a stream of rain from the sky,
Without phone, internet,
No breakfast and no lunch...

We suffered from you far away,
We couldn't call you.

And now looking at you
Cheerful, smart, tanned,
Beautiful, brave, matured,
We will say that YOU are top class!

What is better than all others in the world,
You are our super children!

May your faces be illuminated with light,
Let there be a lot of sun in the summer,

Let's have fun with you!
Let's sing and dance.
May the holiday last forever, ( 1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

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