Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Classification of fire fighting equipment. What is a "fire class"

Purpose of classification

Classification fire equipment used to determine its purpose, scope, and also to establish requirements fire safety when operating fire fighting equipment.

Classification of fire equipment

Firefighting equipment, depending on its purpose and area of ​​application, is divided into the following types:

1) primary fire extinguishing means;

2) mobile fire extinguishing equipment;

3) fire extinguishing installations;

4) means fire automatics;

5) fire equipment;

6) means of personal protection and rescue of people in case of fire;

7) firefighting tools (mechanized and non-mechanized);

8) fire alarms, communications and notification.

Classification and scope primary funds fire fighting

Primary fire extinguishing means are intended for use by employees of organizations and personnel of departments fire department and other persons for the purpose of fighting fires and are divided into the following types:

1) portable and mobile fire extinguishers;

2) fire hydrants and means of ensuring their use;

3) fire equipment;

4) blankets to isolate the source of fire.

Classification of mobile fire extinguishing equipment

Mobile fire extinguishing equipment includes transportable or transportable fire trucks intended for use by personnel of fire departments when extinguishing fires.

Mobile media Fire extinguishing systems are divided into the following types:

1) fire trucks (main and special);

2) firefighting aircraft, helicopters;

3) fire trains;

4) fire ships;

5) fire motor pumps;

6) adapted technical means(tractors, trailers and tractors).

Classification of fire extinguishing installations:

1. Fire extinguishing installations - a set of stationary technical means of extinguishing a fire by releasing fire extinguishing agent. Fire extinguishing installations must ensure localization or elimination of fire. Fire extinguishing installations according to their design are divided into modular and modular, according to the degree of automation - into automatic, automated and manual, according to the type of fire extinguishing agent - into water, foam, gas, powder, aerosol and combined, according to the method of extinguishing - into volumetric, surface, local - volumetric and local-surface.

2. The type of fire extinguishing installation, extinguishing method and type of fire extinguishing agent are determined by the design organization. In this case, the fire extinguishing installation must provide:

1) implementation effective technologies fire extinguishing, optimal inertia, minimal harmful effects on the protected equipment;

2) activation within a time period not exceeding the duration of the initial stage of fire development (critical time of free development of the fire);

3) the required intensity of irrigation or specific consumption of fire extinguishing agent;

4) extinguishing a fire in order to eliminate or localize it within the time necessary for the deployment of operational forces and means;

5) required reliability of operation.

Classification of fire automatic equipment:

Fire automatic equipment is designed to automatically detect a fire, notify people about it and manage their evacuation, automatic fire extinguishing and activation of actuators of smoke protection systems, control of engineering and technological equipment of buildings and facilities. Fire automatic equipment is divided into:

1) fire detectors;

2) fire alarm control devices;

3) fire control devices;

4) technical means of warning and fire evacuation control;

5) systems for transmitting fire notifications;

6) other instruments and equipment for constructing fire automatic systems.

Article 47. Classification of personal protective equipment and rescue of people in case of fire

1. Personal protective equipment for people in case of fire is designed to protect personnel of fire departments and people from exposure to hazardous factors fire. Means for rescuing people in case of fire are intended for self-rescue of personnel of fire departments and rescue of people from a burning building, structure, structure.

2. Personal protective equipment for people in case of fire is divided into:

1) personal protective equipment for respiratory and visual organs;

2) personal protective equipment for firefighters.

3. Means of rescuing people from heights in case of fire are divided into:

1) individual means;

2) collective means.

The word “fire” evokes horror in every person. Fire is a completely uncontrollable phenomenon that destroys everything in its path. Therefore, people need to know as much as possible about it in order not only to resist it, but also to be able to prevent it. So, let's see what the classification of fires is.

There are several types of classifications:

1. Fires are divided by rank. It should be said that such a division is simply necessary. This is necessary in order to correctly calculate the required number of equipment and people at a crucial moment. There are basically six types of fires:

If a signal about smoke is received, two cars go to the place of the call. If a fire is confirmed, firefighters immediately begin extinguishing it. This is type 1.

If the fire intensifies, two additional vehicles are called to the scene of the tragedy. And now 4 departments are working at the scene of the incident. This type- 1BIS

Two additional vehicles are dispatched if the area of ​​the fire increases and there is no source of water nearby. So, if there are 6 branches on a call, this is rank No. 2.

If the situation escalates even more, and 10 squads are involved in extinguishing the fire, this is already rank No. 3.

When calling type 4, 13 departments work at the scene of a fire.

If the situation is heated to the limit, and 15 branches are working on a call, this is rank No. 5.

2. There is also a classification of fires according to the type of fire location:

If the fire occurred in production areas, warehouses or a factory, it is an industrial type.

If the fire happened in a domestic apartment.

And, of course, if forests, steppes and swamps are burning, this natural type.

3. There is a classification of fires based on the density of buildings at the site of the fire:

If a separate building is on fire, and the building density does not exceed the safe one (20%) - this is the so-called separate type fire.

If the fire covers an area that is 20% or 30% built up, this is a continuous type.

If the building density is more than 30%, the fire has a colorful name - “a terrible fire storm.”

And the last type is smoldering.

4. Another classification of fires, depending on what substances are burning:

Class "A" - solids:

Coal is burning or smoldering, textiles - A1;

Plastic burns, but does not smolder - A2.

Class “B” - liquid substances:

Gasoline, ether and petroleum products burn, that is, those substances that do not dissolve in water - B1;

Alcohol or glycerin burns, that is, substances soluble in water.

Class “C” - gas fire, for example, propane.

Class “D” - metals burn:

Light metals - D1;

Alkaline - D2;

Compounds that contain metal - D3.

Class “E” - electrical installations were damaged by fire.

Class “F” - radioactive waste burns.

5. Another classification reflects the types of fires depending on the depth of the fire:

Fire in transport.

Fire of fields or steppes.

Fire at depth, in a mine or mine.

Buildings are burning.

The causes of fires are varied. The main one is - Also, the most common reasons include non-compliance with fire safety, spontaneous combustion of substances, lightning, arson, improper use household appliances etc.

Fire fighting consists of two parts: prevention and immediate action during a fire. Basic methods of prevention: periodic checking of electrical wiring (sockets, adapters, etc.), timely replacement of old household appliances, caution in handling electricity, etc. In order to defeat a fire, it is necessary to first eliminate the source of the fire itself, and then extinguish the rest flame. The most accessible means of extinguishing a fire should always be nearby. These include sand and a fire extinguisher. Water, various tarpaulins or clothing are also used.

Remember, very often fire takes the lives of innocent people, be careful with fire!

Article No. 43 Federal Law No. 123-FZ "Technical regulations on fire safety requirements"

Primary fire extinguishing means are intended for use by employees of organizations, personnel of fire departments and other persons to fight fires and are divided into the following types:

  1. portable and mobile fire extinguishers;
  2. fire hydrants and means of ensuring their use;
  3. fire equipment;
  4. blankets to isolate the source of fire.

Classification of mobile fire extinguishing equipment

Article No. 44 of Federal Law No. 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements"

Mobile fire extinguishing equipment includes transportable or transportable fire trucks intended for use by personnel of fire departments when extinguishing fires. Mobile fire extinguishing equipment is divided into the following types:

  1. fire trucks (main and special);
  2. firefighting aircraft, helicopters;
  3. adapted technical means (tractors, trailers and tractors).

Classification of fire extinguishing installations

Article No. 45 of Federal Law No. 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements"

Fire extinguishing installations are a set of stationary technical means of extinguishing a fire by releasing a fire extinguishing agent. Fire extinguishing installations must ensure localization or elimination of fire.

Fire extinguishing installations by design are divided into:

  • aggregate
  • modular
by degree of automation:
  • automatic
  • automated
  • manual
by type of fire extinguishing agent:
  • water
  • foam
  • gas
  • powder
  • aerosol
  • combined
according to the method of extinguishing:
  • volumetric
  • superficial
  • locally volumetric
  • local-superficial

Classification of fire automatic equipment

Article No. 46 of Federal Law No. 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements"

Fire automatic equipment is designed to automatically detect a fire, notify people about it and control their evacuation, automatic fire extinguishing and activation of actuators of smoke protection systems, control of engineering and technological equipment of buildings and facilities.

Fire automatic equipment is divided into:

  1. fire detectors;
  2. Fire alarm control devices;
  3. fire control devices;
  4. technical means of warning and fire evacuation control;
  5. fire notification systems;
  6. other devices and equipment for constructing fire automatic systems.

Classification of personal protective equipment and fire rescue equipment

Article No. 47 of Federal Law No. 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements"

Personal protective equipment for people in case of fire is designed to protect personnel of fire departments and people from exposure to dangerous fire factors. Means for rescuing people in case of fire are intended for self-rescue of personnel of fire departments and rescue of people from a burning building, structure, structure.

Personal protective equipment for people in case of fire is divided into:

  1. personal protective equipment for respiratory and visual organs;
  2. personal protective equipment for firefighters.
Means for rescuing people from heights in case of fire are divided into:
  1. individual means;
  2. collective means.

What associations do the words “fire” and “fire fighting equipment” evoke in you? Of course, these two concepts are interchangeable and cannot exist without each other. A fire is the uncontrolled spread of fire that destroys property and sometimes claims human lives. Since childhood, we have been taught to handle fire carefully, but nevertheless, fires are a fairly common occurrence in everyday life. Fire equipment is specialized equipment designed to extinguish a fire.

Fire truck is a car equipped with the most necessary material to prevent a fire, as well as to rescue people from a fire.

In order to extinguish a fire, two factors must be taken into account. The first is that the sooner you start extinguishing a fire, the greater the chance of saving property from fire damage. And the second factor is that when calling firefighters, it is necessary to describe in detail the location of the fire so that the fire crew can use the necessary fire equipment at the fire. It is worth considering that when calling the fire brigade you need to be quite calm and say as little as possible. necessary information by phone.
Different types of fires, as well as methods of extinguishing them, have led to the classification of fire trucks according to the method of their use in a fire. There are main, special and auxiliary fire engines. The main ones, in turn, split into two more branches - these are machines general use and target vehicles.

Fire truck classification

TO main fire trucks include:

  • Fire tankers. These vehicles are equipped with a container and a pump for delivering fire extinguishing mixtures. This equipment has a cabin for personnel, as well as specialized equipment that is used when extinguishing fire.
  • Pumping and hose fire trucks. These machines include a pumping and hose device, as well as a cabin for firefighters.
  • First aid fire trucks. Distinctive feature This technique is that it is used at the first levels of fire. Includes pumping unit, a container for fire extinguishing components, a cabin for firefighters and the necessary equipment to extinguish fire at the initial level.
  • Fire truck with pump high pressure. This special equipment is used to eliminate fires at height. Equipped with a high pressure pump.

Target fire trucks include:

  • Firefighting airfield vehicles. They are used to eliminate fires at airfields.
  • Powder extinguishing fire trucks. A distinctive feature of this equipment is the container for fire extinguishing powder.
  • Foam extinguishing fire trucks. The name of the car speaks for itself. This machine is equipped with equipment for foam extinguishing fires.
  • Combined extinguishing fire trucks. This vehicle is equipped with combined fire extinguishing equipment.
  • Fire trucks gas extinguishing. A distinctive feature of this complex is that it has a vessel for liquefied gases, which is often used to extinguish fire.
  • Fire pumping stations. Equipped with a fire pump. Used to extinguish large fires.
  • Fire trucks for gas-water extinguishing. A special feature of this machine is that it is equipped with containers for compressed or liquefied gases.

TO special fire trucks The following types of special equipment include:

  • Fire truck ladders. This machine is used to eliminate fires at height; it is equipped with a specialized fire escape.
  • Fire trucks, articulated. This special equipment is also used to eliminate fire at height; it is equipped with a special boom with a platform at the end.
  • Fire hose vehicles. This technique is used to move fire hoses.
  • Fire trucks smoke removal. These vehicles are used to remove excess smoke from the site of a fire.
  • Fire trucks of gas and smoke protection service. These machines are used to suck out smoke and also to illuminate the site of a fire.
  • Firefighter emergency rescue vehicles. Such vehicles are used for emergency rescue operations.
  • Fire command vehicles. This special equipment is used to support communication between the headquarters and all fire crews involved in the fire.

This classification is generally accepted and used in many countries around the world.

Article 41. Purpose of classification

The classification of fire equipment is used to determine its purpose, scope of application, as well as to establish fire safety requirements for the operation of fire equipment.

Article 42. Classification of fire equipment

Firefighting equipment, depending on its purpose and area of ​​application, is divided into the following types:

1) primary fire extinguishing means;

2) mobile fire extinguishing equipment;

3) fire extinguishing installations;

4) fire automatic equipment;

5) fire fighting equipment;

6) means of personal protection and rescue of people in case of fire;

7) firefighting tools (mechanized and non-mechanized);

8) fire alarms, communications and notification.

Article 43. Classification and scope of application of primary fire extinguishing agents

Primary fire extinguishing means are intended for use by employees of organizations, personnel of fire departments and other persons to fight fires and are divided into the following types:

1) portable and mobile fire extinguishers;

2) fire hydrants and means of ensuring their use;

3) fire equipment;

4) blankets to isolate the source of fire.

Article 44. Classification of mobile fire extinguishing equipment

1. Mobile fire extinguishing equipment includes transport or transportable fire trucks intended for use by personnel of fire departments when extinguishing fires.

2. Mobile fire extinguishing equipment is divided into the following types:

1) fire trucks (main and special);

2) firefighting aircraft, helicopters;

3) fire trains;

4) fire ships;

5) fire motor pumps;

6) adapted technical means (tractors, trailers and tractors).

Article 45. Classification of fire extinguishing installations

1. Fire extinguishing installations - a set of stationary technical means of extinguishing a fire by releasing a fire extinguishing agent. Fire extinguishing installations must ensure localization or elimination of fire. Fire extinguishing installations according to their design are divided into modular and modular, according to the degree of automation - into automatic, automated and manual, according to the type of fire extinguishing agent - into water, foam, gas, powder, aerosol and combined, according to the method of extinguishing - into volumetric, surface, local - volumetric and local-surface.

2. The type of fire extinguishing installation, extinguishing method and type of fire extinguishing agent are determined by the design organization. In this case, the fire extinguishing installation must provide:

1) implementation of effective fire extinguishing technologies, optimal inertia, minimal harmful effects on the protected equipment;

2) activation within a time period not exceeding the duration of the initial stage of fire development (critical time of free development of the fire);

3) the required intensity of irrigation or specific consumption of fire extinguishing agent;

4) extinguishing a fire in order to eliminate or localize it within the time necessary for the deployment of operational forces and means;

5) required reliability of operation.

Article 46. Classification of fire automatic equipment

Fire automatic equipment is designed to automatically detect a fire, notify people about it and control their evacuation, automatic fire extinguishing and activation of actuators of smoke protection systems, control of engineering and technological equipment of buildings and facilities. Fire automatic equipment is divided into:

1) fire detectors;

2) fire alarm control devices;

3) fire control devices;

4) technical means of warning and fire evacuation control;

5) systems for transmitting fire notifications;

6) other instruments and equipment for constructing fire automatic systems.

Article 47. Classification of personal protective equipment and rescue of people in case of fire

1. Personal protective equipment for people in case of fire is intended to protect personnel of fire departments and people from exposure to dangerous fire factors. Means for rescuing people in case of fire are intended for self-rescue of personnel of fire departments and rescue of people from a burning building, structure, structure.

2. Personal protective equipment for people in case of fire is divided into:

1) personal protective equipment for respiratory and visual organs;

2) personal protective equipment for firefighters.

3. Means of rescuing people from heights in case of fire are divided into:

1) individual means;

2) collective means.

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