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How to understand that homemade wine spoiled. How to understand that homemade wine is ready. Wine protection from mold

Wine is a living organism that is experiencing the stages of birth, maturity and fading in a bottle. Like any living organism, wine is susceptible to diseases that can be easily identified by several signs.

Color, appearance

Wine is easy to "kill" with supercooling or sharp heating. Such wine immediately will give out a pair of millimeters a tube from a bottle, a torn heat shrink cap, desalted tones in the aroma. It's not a fact that the wine lost the flavor and taste immediately after thermal shock, but most likely, the plug lost her tightness and days of this wine are considered.

White wines (to a lesser degree of red wine) are sensitive to direct sunlight and can spoil in the sun. If the wine shelf in the store is addressed to the Sun is a bad sign. If white wine darkened to a brown shade, then most likely it oxidized. Brown shades in red wine in most cases speak of its solid age, and not about damage.

The color of healthy wine glitters and easily skips light. If the wine has become muddy and dim, then most likely it is hopelessly spoiled.

The precipitate in wine is not always a bad sign, but in most cases a normal phenomenon. Such a precipitate is called "wine stone" and consider the sign of sparing filtration of wine during the rosy.


Bad, repellent and unpleasant smell - a sign of spoiled wine. The reasons may be hundreds - from poorly washed equipment on the winery and underdevelopment in the process of selection of berries to the "tube disease" (the effects of trichlorosol). The spoiled wine can smell the shaggy of the basement, wet cardboard, rotten eggs, mouse litter, vinegar, etc. The main rule is a good healthy wine must smell nice and delight. If his aroma is unpleasant, then something is wrong with wine.


The taste of wine should be harmonious, with moderate acidity and a pleasant aftertaste. He must play alive shades, change as if you tried a ripe fruit or berries and listen to your feelings. But bitterness or taste of vinegar suggest that the wine deteriorated or spoiled it improper storage.

Wine can be healthy, but with an unbalanced taste - this is the case when the acidity, sweetness and the aftertaste of wine work each itself and without harmony. The cause of unbalance in error or inexperienced winemaker.

How much can wine after opening

Sparkling wines are the most delicate in the wine family and usually lose their bubbles and flavors after 24 hours. White, pink and red wines can be stored in an open bottle without a tangible quality loss of 1-2 days. Due to the high percentage of alcohol and the content of sugar sweet and fastened wines can be stored for up to two weeks.

Vacuum traffic jam will help increase the shelf life of any wine to several weeks and more. The more often you open the wine, the faster it will lose its fragrance and taste.

What to do if wine is ruined

If you ordered wine in the restaurant and you have a suspicion that it is spoiled, pay attention to this sommelier or waiter. If the wine is really spoiled, then you must replace it.

If you bought wine in the store and it turned out to be spoiled, then you have the right to return a bottle with commodity check to the point of sale and demand to return money for the spoiled product.

We wish you only high-quality and delicious wines!

Sometimes it happens that wine does not justify the subjective expectations: just do not like, does not fit your taste. Well, in this case you acquire invaluable experience and start to understand the wines even better. However, it is necessary to be able to recognize those cases when wine is really spoiled - with such bottles it is necessary to part without regret.

1. Oxidized Wine

What is it? Did you see how the slices of the apple left in the air are darker? The same process occurs with wine when it is in contact too long with oxygen. Oxidation is susceptible to old, weathered wines, as well as open and for a long time left bottles.

How to recognize? Oxidized wines lose their taste and aromatic qualities. Red wine becomes brownish-orange (brown), it becomes more dry and bitter. White wines are more sensitive to oxidation, as they do not have tanins performing an antioxidant function.

What to do? If the wine is already oxidized, it will not be possible to correct it. However, you can save open wine when using special traffic jams. If you understand that the newly open wine has in contact with oxygen, it says about poor-quality traffic or improper storage.

2. Cork disease

What is it? The chemical substance is 2,4,6-trichustoral, or TCA, which enters the wine through an infected tube or barrel and thereby spoils clogged wine.

How to recognize? Cork disease cannot be confused with anything - in this case, the wine acquires a shaggy smell, resembling dirty basements, wet cardboard or wet dogs. No other shades of flavors can no longer be recognized. According to statistics, about 2% of wines clogged by the traditional cork is rejected due to the insidious trichlorosol.

How to get rid of?Andrew Waterhouse, a professor of wine chemistry from UC Davis, argues that if pouring such wine into a bowl with a plastic film, the latter will attract the trichlooan molecule and thereby relieve wine from it. However, life is too short to spend time on such experiments. Send such a bottle back to the store!

3. Compounds of sulfur

What is it? The presence of sulfur is an ambiguous question for wine. For example, manufacturers are added sulfur dioxide to prevent re-fermentation and stabilize wine. If the technological process is disturbed, it can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant hydrogen sulfide odor.

How to recognize?The defect of wine associated with the presence of a substance mercaptan (servo-carbon) is easily recognized by recognizable disgusting smell (rotten eggs, burned tires, secretion of skuns, etc.). However, sometimes sulfuric gases are so weakly pronounced that only an experienced tastor can notice them.

How to get rid of? It is believed that decantation helps to cope with this defect. Although if the smell is clearly expressed, it is not worth spending on this time, it is not worth drinking such wine.

4. Secondary fermentation

What is it?The smallest gas bubbles in a quiet wine, most often in young red. This happens if the wine is poured with a small amount of residual sugar, as a result of which re-fermentation begins. This is characteristic of countries with low intervention in the process of creating wine, where sulfur dioxide is small.

How to recognize? With this defect there is no problems - bubbles are visible with a naked eye, the wine is poured with a slight hiss. Not every secondary fermentation is considered a defect - for example, in the production of some Gruner Weltlinerov, Vinj Verde and, of course, FRIZZANTE winemakers seek such an effect.

How to get rid of? In no way, however, you should make sure that there really should not be bubbles in wine. If this feature does not spoil the taste, you may even like it!

5. "Boiled Wine"

What is it? Wine is destroyed from exposure to too high temperatures with improper storage.

How to recognize? Wine acquires a shrill smell of jam, jam with shades of nuts and burnt sugar. Wine damaged wine often becomes oxidized, since under the influence of temperatures, the cork does not protect the wine from the contact with oxygen.

How to get rid of? Focus on the storage of your wines, do not allow their overheating.

6. Bacterial damage

What is it?Not only yeast involved in the process of converting grape juice into wine. If something went wrong in technology, the colony of other bacteria and microbes can become too active and change the wine to be unrecognizable.

How to recognize? Any alarming signs that should not be - medicinal flavors, acetic smell, muddy color, the presence of films, etc. Attention! The crystalline precipitate in aged wines exposed to minimal filtering is not considered a defect.

How to get rid of? As soon as possible!

Wine connoisseurs can be determined at first sight or a throat if something is wrong with the drink. Why can wine might spoil how to understand it, and most importantly, how to prevent it? Talk about it more.

What reasons can closed wine crawl?

Wine - a complex drink that requires careful, can be said, even a reverent relationship at all stages of manufacturing and storage. Otherwise, it may be damaged even before the bottle is unfounding. There are several reasons for this, but the most common - "cork disease" and a violation of storage conditions. What is it about?

Cork disease

Traditional and historically preferred material for wing wine in a bottle - cork bark. The winemakers are no coincidence that they enjoy more than 600 years. Natural corks are eco-friendly, pliable, due to the porous structure, they are essentially "light" wine - it breathes through the micro-rigid, and hence it lives and develops.

But natural origin has a negative side. In such materials, it is liked to shave all sorts of microorganisms, including pathogenic bacteria that allocate the substance of trichylocure (2,4,6-tsa). This connection is so powerful that even in microDos can cause a shaft, mold smell, completely killing wine flavors.

If the disease just started to develop, the characteristic smell of "wet cardboard" may not be, but the drink will not suffer anyway. Instead of a tasty saturated bouquet, you will get something dull and flat and probably disappointed, it may not have understood the cause.

One of the ways to protect the products of winemaking from the "cork disease" is to use alternative synthetic plugs or screw caps. The consumer is most often associated with cheap wine. This is an erroneous opinion: now the screw is closed with different wines, for example, pilenses.

Improper storage

The second common cause of deterioration of the taste and flavor of a noble drink is a violation of storage conditions. What factors are able to cause irreversible processes?

  • Straight sun rays. Ultraviolet destroys Tanina, as a result, the drink quickly agrees and acquires a burnt taste.
  • Temperature difference. From temperature fluctuations, wine loses vitality, "tired", its taste and aroma are destroyed.
  • Storage of open wine next to the products with a strong bright smell. Since the drink breathes through the cork, it can have undesirable flavors, such as meat, spices, vegetables.

Signs of spoiled wine

If wine is ruined from the very beginning, it can be determined by characteristic features. Here is some of them.

  1. Target liquid.

Regardless of the color of wine should be transparent. Muddy suspension speaks of bacterial activity inside the bottle. Target should not be confused with a precipitate, characteristic of aged red wines - it quickly sits down on the bottom, and the problem is solved with decanning.

  1. Unpleasant odor.

It can be different - depends on what natural processes have been violated. But always - repulsing.

  • If you are heard vinegar, Drugs, Acute Cabbage, Acetone,so wine under the influence of excess oxygen oxidized.
  • Smell rotten eggs, bow and garlic Appears due to violations of manufacturing technology.
  • Fallen, mold flavors indicate problems with traffic.
  1. A sharp sour taste.

In spoiled wine - a sharp sour taste, giving sharp in his nose, like Khrenu.

How long can I store an open bottle?

Some of the features described above may also appear at the Bottle of Good Wine, if it is wrong to store after opening.

Acetic acid bacteria under the influence of oxygen actively absorb alcohols and turn them into vinegar. On the other hand, due to the same excess oxygen, alcohol begins to oxidize. As a result, we get a drink that gives vinegar and alcohol.

So that this does not happen, the Bottle is recommended to be kept in the refrigerator or another cool dark place and necessarily in a closed form. By timing, the layout is the following.

  • Champagne does not recommend keeping more day under a special stopper
  • Light white and pink wines can stand up to 3 days, although slightly change the taste on the second day. Sweet wine can withstand 5 days.
  • The preservation of red wine depends on their tanninity - the higher it is higher, the duration of storage longer. So, the mild "Pinot Noir" is better not to leave the deposited more than 3 days, and the thick and tart of "Malbec" or "Shiraz" can stand up to 5 days.
  • Fastened and sweet drinks, such as porten, sherry, can resist the oxygen on 28 days.

What if wine is ruled?

If you have just discovered the acquired bottle and realized that the wine is ruined - carry it back to the store and require replace with high-quality products. Is there such an opportunity? Discharge and do not risk your own health.

But the drink that has lost the taste and aroma is already after scolding, it is not hurry to pour. It can be used to prepare a salad refueling or swing meat in it, fish.

Check list: how to choose a wine that will not be spoiled

Immediately make a reservation that when buying it is impossible to do it, except that the color of the drink will be completely implausible. But this can be seen only if the bottle is made of transparent glass.

Here is a list of your actions when opening a bottle:

  1. If the cork is cork, after scolding the bottle, skip it. It should smell wine and tree, but not mold, wet basement or wet paper.
  2. Pour wine into a glass to understand the color and transparency of the drink.
  3. Use the smell to catch primary flavors. You must concern a sharp or sour fragrance, the smell of hydrogen sulfide.

Unfortunately, any wine can discern and, as a result, turn into vinegar. Determine that this trouble occurred, easily on a peculiar smell and taste.

Acetic skew is a very common and dangerous disease. He is subject to both young and old wines.

The drink is pretty quickly turning into vinegar if there is constant oxygen access in wine capacity. Acetic-acid bacteria are always present in a born wine harvesting.

If the mechanism of transformation of acetic fermentation has already been launched in wine, it is impossible to save the drink. Restore wine, retaining its quality, there is a small chance only at the initial stage of the process.

Causes of acetic fermentation

Acetic fly is actively multiplied precisely during winemaking. She will spread the disputes of acetic acid bacteria. These microorganisms in large quantities are on rotten and damaged fruits, on tools and dishes, which are used in the production of wine. Therefore, it is almost impossible to completely exclude their presence in wine.

Under favorable conditions (the inflow of oxygen and the temperature from 10 0 to 45 0), they are activated, begin to multiply violently, splitting the wine alcohol molecules in conventional water and acetic acid.

Depending on the available oxygen and alcohol, as well as the temperature regime, the product whisen occupies from three to five days.

Bacteria cease their activities when the alcohol in the liquid remains almost no. The content of alcohol in wine vinegar is less than 0.2%.

During the production and storage period, the process of acetic fermentation can begin both home and industrial wines. What can be done so that the fragrant wine does not turn into vinegar?

Chemical preservatives

Winery enterprises make preventive supplements that block the development of microorganisms. These special substances are called preservatives. Most of them are dangerous for a person, so their dose in wines is minimal.

The most common preservatives, which are used in the production of wine - sulphides (sulfur compounds). In some countries, for example, in Australia and the United States, the sulfur content is required to indicate labels.

Sulfidization of wine on large winery Accept to do three times: at the stage of fermentation of mezgi or wort, after the end of fermentation and before the bottle of finished wine.

Use chemical preservatives at home is not recommended, but if there is such a need or desire, then it is necessary to do it very carefully and strictly monitors the amount of preservative, which is added to the drink.

I sulfur, as an excellent preservative, used the ancient Greeks in winemaking. This chemical prevents the beverage oxidation. The sulfutation process gives the guilt clean, fresh, steady fragrance.

The drink that is not treated with sulfur, pretty quickly loses its original fragrance. The sulfur also helps to keep the clean and rich hint of wine, makes it more transparent.

Subject to technology, the dose of sulfur microscopic, so do not affect the taste and smell of wine, and also do not harm human health.


At home, it is necessary to strictly comply with the technology of cooking wine.
Acetic fermentation is a disease that is easier to warn than to treat.
Preventive measures in the preparation of material and fermentation:

To avoid air intake to wort, use high-quality water shutters. It can be bought or do it yourself. Correctly chosen and installed hydraulic cleaning unhinderedly removes carbon dioxide carbon dioxide from the fermentation container, and serves as a reliable obstacle for atmospheric air.

Ready wine is better to pour into standard wine bottles (750 ml) and tightly silent. Home wedge for storage will be prevented in a cool cellar. If there is no such possibility, then the wine should be stored in the refrigerator.

Also prevents the formation of wine vinegar, the fastening of the beverage with vodka or alcohol (more than 17 0).


At the initial stage, the drink can be saved if, which consists in heating to 60-65 degrees, exposure at this temperature and cooling in air. Experienced winemakers advise pre-wine to help.

Make pasteurization is quite simple if the drink is spilled in small glass bottles. To do this, on the bottom suitable in the volume of the pan, laid the towel, and then put bottles with wine. In the pan pour water almost on the neck of wine bottles.

The saucepan is put on the stove, heated the contents up to the specified temperature and withstand 15-20 minutes. The temperature can be monitored using a water thermometer. It is convenient to do if you put a water bottle into the pan in which the thermometer is inserted.

If the pasteurization did not save the drink, then the useful wine vinegar can be made of it.

For this, any proceeding wine will suit. Began to skiss a drink, you can just leave in the room open 2 - three in glass containers.

High-quality wine vinegar is kept under certain conditions. The skin of the wine needs to be poured on the bottles that are covered with a loose plug of gauze. Bottles put in a sold base for 3 months. Then closed hermetically closed. Once a month, the bottles must be opened to remove the gas. When gas formation stops, vinegar is ready.

In the manufacture of wine, technological conditions must be strictly observed. Otherwise, fruit berry wine can acquire undesirable quality or any other drawback. Such a drink can be unsuitable for use.

The disadvantages that appear in wine and the sun worsen its quality, are called the BS of the climbs of wines. Diseases of some wines are caused by acetic bacteria and wine mold, aerobic microorganisms. For the health of a person, these microorganisms are not harassable, but, appearing and multiplied in wine, they can make a drink unsuitable for use.

The best medium for the development and mold and acetic bacteria is the temperature exceeding 15 єС, and the fortress is less than 15%. It should be noted that bacteria develop with abundant access to fresh air. When the wine spilling in the bottle, the capacity should be filled as much as possible, because it is in an incompletely pillable tanks that the wine mold develops in the form of a gray-shaped folded film and destroys the acids of wine to water and carbon dioxide.

The appearance of disease can be warned, and already appearing - evaporate with the help of recipes that we give below.

The most common diseases are wine flowers, acetic and lactic acid skewing.

Wine trees (micodemem) appears on the surface of the wine in the form of a film, which should be removed immediately, otherwise the wine will become watery.

Acetic skew is the defeat of wine with acetic bacteria. As a result, the wine acquires the smell of vinegar, and with a large cluster bacteria, it turns into vinegar. Wine having such bacteria is impossible to correct, so it is better to immediately recycle in vinegar.

At the initial stages, the drink can be corrected by pasteurization. Bottles put in a saucepan on wooden stands, poured with water. At a temperature of 60-65 ° C, the bottles are withstanding 20 minutes.

The lactic acid skew (anaerobic disease) is distributed mainly in the southern regions. Such disease is subject to dry and sweet wines. As a result, the wine loses transparency and shine. The aroma disappears and develops an unpleasant smell of sauerkraut.

Proper storage and pasteurization make it possible to prevent the disease and get rid of many unwanted troubles.

How to avoid diseases of wine

In order to prevent unwanted fault diseases, the following conditions should be clearly followed:

1. Dishes, capacities and used in the process of preparation of wine Various devices contain clean.

2. In the manufacture of wine throughout all the steps to comply with cleanliness.

3. In the manufacture of the wort to take such a quantity of liquid or any other wort so that acidity is strictly corresponding to the norm.

4. Do not hardly disperse the wort.

5. Sugar and water must be high quality and clean.

6. Friction processes at all stages are carried out in accordance with the requirements.

7. Wine to use after the desired exposure time.

Determining the quality of wine. And how to find out, high-quality wine in front of us or damaged, is water present in the drink?

First method

Place the wine to 1/2 or 2/3 in the bottle. Close and shake. If the foam will quickly fall, it is a confirmation that we have good, high-quality wine. If the foam holds a long time on the surface - before us spoiled wine.

Second way

Bottle shake slightly and pour wine into a glass. The quality drink foam is going in the center of the glass. In the spoiled wine foam settles the edges. The quality of wine can be defined by smell, sniffing the sleeve, which is closed by a barrel.

Third way

In appearance, we cannot determine whether wine contains water, in other words, whether it is diluted with water. But it is easy to determine by doing the following. A small amount of juniper berries (10-15 pcs.) Place in a glass with wine and observe - if the berries remain on the surface, it means that we are dealing with quality wine.

Berries that were below will warn that wine is diluted with water and use such a drink is undesirable.

Protection of high-quality wine from damage

To protect wine from possible infection by any diseases, use the following method: it is necessary to take 150-200 g of ashes (aspen, bucken or linden, it all depends on what trees are most common in your territory). A dense linen towel to cover the bush in the barrels and pour out sifted ashes into it.

Turn against the bushings 3-4 wells. To put a deunin on the ash, which in a few days to change on fresh. It can be safe to use this method, since the wine will not spoil the taste or smell.

How to fix spoiled wine

If all the wine deteriorated, do not despair. The recipes below will help you cope with wine diseases and return the initial quality and taste.

Recipe number 1.
From IV branches to make a sleeve, that is, to link the desired number so that the barrel is tightly closed. Handful of old nuts put together with the husk in the oven and fry so that they become brown. Put a small number of scribes on hot nuts as soon as they are getting out of the furnace. Nuts with chips to put in barrel and close the sleeve cooked from the pins of willow. Inhabit three days. Wine will improve quality.

Recipe number 2.
The nettle to snatch and rinse thoroughly under running water. Roots to believe the knife, removing dirt and small roots. From the double layer of gauze to sew a bag and put the grass (which is slightly dried after washing). Pouch tie and omitted in wine. Insist for several days. If the taste does not improve, do this operation 2-3 times. Grass will return freshness drink and relieve diseases.

Recipe number 3.
From the barrel, which is spoiled wine, merge 1/4 part into enameled dishes and put on a slow fire. Strangle 30-40 minutes, pour into a container with spoiled wine. Mix slightly and tightly clog. This process will improve spoiled wine.

Recipe number 4.
The wine is focused several times to filter as much as possible yeast. The drink is placed in a clean container and pure yeast pour there.

200 g of yellow wax melted on slow fire, mix with 400 g of pure vodka. To the resulting mass put a clean towel and healed thoroughly. Slash and let it burn in a kerock sleeve, a barrel is tightly clogged. Insist for several days, after which you can use.

Vintage wine

There are various reasons for which wine is obstacious. One of the reasons is the small content of alcohol in the drink, i.e. the fortress is less than 15%. Lounge may appear as a result of late transfusion, especially after rapid fermentation; Mounted on the bottom of a thick mass, reinforcing, also spoil the drink. Wine will be touched and bitter.

Vintage wine is a consequence, as a rule, the incompleteness of the fermentation process. Such fermentation is often violent, occurs at low temperatures, so wine does not have time to choose. From here and a torment appears. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to strictly follow the temperature regime.

Wine brighten with gelatin or fish glue. If it has not sejected, you should give it to kindly, and then brighten.

Muddy wine may appear in barrels, which during processing were quite very coherent gray. Frying in these cases proceeds slowly and is accompanied by strong turbidity, which is weaker than the higher the content of alcohol in wine, and vice versa.

To fix you need to add sugar, which will speed up the fermentation process. One bucket of wort is taken 1-2 kg of sugar.

Recipe number 1.
Put 100 g of Sage, 100 g hop. Tightly tie and put in a barrel with muddy wine. After three days, remove the bag. If it is not dyeing, then repeat the procedure.

Recipe number 2.
A secect to cut a small amount of beech or walnut twigs. Fold into the cooked container and pour water. Put on a slow fire and cook 1-1.5 hours. During this time, unnecessary substances will be disrupted. Water merge, and branches to tie and dry. Dry bundles put in a barrel and leave for a while. When the torment falls, the twigs are removed.

Recipe number 3.
On the string to impose the leaves of the raspberry and put in a barrel. After the fault is mounted, leaves remove.

If at once the wine does not brighten up, then ride fresh leaves and again put in barrel.


The wineflower, as a rule, is formed in a bottle and barrel that is not completely filled with wine and there is quite a large airspace. Because of the appearance of mold in wine, chemical processes occur, as a result of which the wine decays into water and carbon dioxide. For drink is not completely destroyed, the film that formed on the surface is removed. If we consider this film under the microscope, it will present a huge accumulation of film yeast. And before proceeding to removing the film, you need to carefully destroy these yeast.

To do this, take a warehouse and put a sulfur, which is lit and omitted into the container. The hole is necessarily closed. If one wick burned down, then take the second, third. They must be burned before they are burning. As soon as the wick is ground (there is no oxygen), the tank is tightly closed with a sleeve. Cellular yeast will die since they cannot live and multiply in the absence of oxygen.

The next stage is the removal of the film from the surface of the wine. A rubber hose is placed in the barrels below the film formed, the wine is drained into another container. The film with a small amount of fluid will rise last, so it is recommended to merge separately. If nevertheless, a small amount of film fell into the container, then it is removed with a clean cloth moistened in a solution of hot water with soda. Barrels after mold thoroughly wash.

Wine protection from mold

Our recipes will help you keep the fresh wine and improve the taste of the moldy. Choose the recipe that, from your point of view, is more accessible. To check if this composition does not harm or the process of wine, you should try using a small amount of wine. Just making sure the properly selected recipe, it is possible to apply it on a large number of beverage.

Recipe number 1.
To protect the fresh wine from the formation of mold, finely tick the small amount of the boos and fall asleep in the wine.

Recipe number 2.
This recipe also protects wine from mold. In the pan, set fire a little salt and omit into the drink. Barrel to patch carefully. Insist for 7-8 days, after which the wine is strain and put in the cellar.

Recipe number 3.
To improve the taste of moldy wine, from a barrel to fill 5 liters. In enameled dishes put high-quality scented wine and put on fire. Boil, boil for 5-7 minutes, and then pour steep boiling water in the barrel with the steady wine. Tightly clog and leave for 15-17 days. After that, the drink can be consumed.

Recipe number 4.
A small amount of pine bark, which was resin, crushed and lower wine. From the birch bark to push the chips. Lower them two days after the pine crust. All mix and insist 7 ~ 8 days. This method will help to lighten and refresh wine.

Recipe number 5.
On the bucket of wine take one apple, remove the box with seeds, clean the peel and cut into pieces. To rinse the filament on the thread, and to the very end of the thread to bind the burden to be a little apple pieces on the bottom. In no case do not use iron - being in wine, it will oxidize and spoil the taste of the drink.

Recipe number 6.
Handful of salt to put on a frying pan and carefully please. Lower in a barrel and close the sleeve tightly. Salt will not bring any harm to drink; Only after it passes a little time, it is necessary to strain wine and pour in barrels again.

Recipe number 7.
Laurel leaf is used to improve taste. A small amount of wine pour into an enameled saucepan and boil. Add a bit of the laurel sheet, after which it is booing from 7 to 10 minutes on slow fire. The resulting liquid pour the wine into the affected mold.

Recipe number 8.
Knead the dough and make a thin (5- w cm diameter) and a long (30-40 cm) knotting. Place in the oven and bake until half ready. Then get and put the cloves in the dough. Again to put in the oven and oven until readiness. Put the received bull in the barrel. The presence of it in the container will eliminate the unpleasant smell of wine and destroy the taste of mold.

Acetic coating of wine

If the wine is sufficiently enough, then it is impossible to correct this drawback. Therefore, such wine is best used to obtain vinegar.

Formation of mucus

In wine for various reasons, mucus is based. First of all, this is due to the small content of nutrients due to the strong dilution of the juice of water, whisening, as well as in the case of spill in the bottle of non-black wine.

The process of mucus formation can be prevented by the implementation of all conditions that are necessary for the flow of rapid and proper fermentation. Wine shake in order to break the mucus. The mucus is removed, overflowing wine into another container.

Wine having a yeast taste

Wine acquires a yeast taste if it remains untrained after rapid fermentation in a warm place. The yeast, in the mixture, begin to heat up, and from this there is a unpleasant shift taste blame.

The disadvantage can be eliminated, overflowing wine into clean dishes reinforced gray.

How to fix it

For this there are several ways.

First method
Wine located in a barrel to prevent a stick, after which add 400 g of alcohol or good vodka, once again stir and close tightly. Let it be broken for 10-12 days, after which the wine will acquire lost quality.

Second way
In the cooked container, to lower the egg protein and thoroughly mix the mass. Then the egg mixture is pouring into a barrel and mix thoroughly. Three days later, the wine will be ready. Strain through the double layer of gauze.

How to fix the scene wine

Beat a slightly 4 egg squirrel and omitted in 2 glasses of a pea boiled in Kissel, add 1 bottle of milk and 1.2 liters of water. Salt dissolve in small quantities, and then mix with a total mass. Pour the resulting mass in the barrel and give to settle.

Wine blaracing

Sushlo is black in the event that it comes into contact with the gland, at least quite short. Therefore, during the preparation of wine at all stages of production, the use of iron items is strictly prohibited. The blackery is most often exposed to all white and poor acids of wine: apple, pears, etc. In addition to the dark, the wine acquire an unpleasant taste when contacting iron with liquid.

The taste is slightly improving, constantly overflowing and shaking the mixture. In wine containing a small amount of acid, poured more sour. Such a drink will become lighter, and the sediment is formed on the day, from which the transfusion is disposed.

Recipe number 1.
In the summer, collect flowers of roses and dry them in the sun. In the prepared bag, lay dry petals, firmly tie and put in wine. Two weeks, the bag is removed.

Recipe number 2.
To improve the color of wine to take 1 cup of milk and 1 cup of wheat grains. Wheat is destroyed to come down the outer skin, even better - put the grains in the coffee grinder. In the resulting mass pour milk and stirred thoroughly. Pour the mixture in barrel and close tightly. Insist for 14-16 days. The blackened wine will return the lost color.

Recipe number 3.
Sew a bag and put a 200 g of elast flowers. The bag is firmly tied and omitted into the container where two buckets spoiled, blackened wines.

Such a number of bezin flowers is enough so that after 6-7 days the wine has become suitable for use.

Removal of unpleasant smell of wine

The smell, unwanted for wine, may occur if the process of cooking is broken. In the bag put a big bunch of parsley and firmly tie. Omit into wine, close tightly and insist 10-12 days, after which the bag is thrown away. If still the smell remained, do it again.

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