Encyclopedia of fire safety

Adaptation of children to school life. First grader syndrome - how to help your child adapt to school


The transition from preschool childhood to school life is one of the turning points in the mental development of the child. This is a serious test for most children, associated with a drastic change in the whole way of life. They must get used to the team, to new requirements, to everyday duties.

The leading activity of a preschooler is a game. It is a voluntary activity. Having crossed the threshold of the school, the child must move on to the activity of learning,changing the motives of behavior. This activity, in comparison with the game, makes new demands on the development of the child, new type his relationships both at home and at school.

The beginning of schooling coincides with intensive mental development. There is a formation of cognitive activity, develop different kinds memory, verbal-logical thinking.

Thus, entering the first grade, the child begins a new life. Now he has a new social status - he is a student. As a rule, children strive to become schoolchildren: they go to school with great interest and readiness to complete educational tasks. But for many of them, the school requirements are too difficult and the routine is too strict. For these children, the transition to school can be traumatic.

Adaptation is a natural state of a person, manifested in fixture(accustoming) to new conditions of life, new activities, new social contacts, new social roles. The meaning of this entry period into a life situation unusual for children is manifested in the fact that not only success depends on its course learning activities, but also the comfort of being at school, and most importantly, the health of the child, his attitude to school and learning.

The process of adapting a child to school can be divided into several stages, each of which has its own characteristics.

First stage - indicative, characterized violent reaction and significant stress in almost all body systems. Lasts two to three weeks.

Second phase - an unstable adaptation, when the body seeks and finds some optimal options for reactions to these influences. At the second stage, costs are reduced, the violent reaction begins to subside.

Third stage - a period of relatively stable adaptation, when the body finds the most suitable options for responding to the load, requiring less stress on all systems. The possibilities of the child's body are far from limitless, and prolonged stress and the overwork associated with it can cost the child's body health.

There are groups of children who give

easy adaptation, moderate and heavy.

First group children adapt to school during the first two months of training. These children relatively quickly join the team, get used to school, make new friends in the class; they almost always have a good mood, they are benevolent, conscientiously and without visible tension fulfill all the requirements of the teacher. Sometimes they have difficulties either in contacts with children or in relations with the teacher, since it is still difficult for them to fulfill all the requirements of the rules of conduct. But by the end of October, there is a development with a new status of a student, and with new requirements, and with a new regime. it light form of adaptation.

Second group children has a long period of adaptation, the period of non-compliance of their behavior with the requirements of the school is delayed: children cannot accept the situation of learning, communication with the teacher, children. As a rule, these children experience difficulties in mastering the curriculum. Only by the end of the first half of the year, the reactions of these children become adequate to the school requirements. This is the form middle gravity adaptation.

Third group - children whose social and psychological adaptation is associated with significant difficulties; in addition, they do not assimilate the curriculum, they have negative forms of behavior, a sharp manifestation of negative emotions. It is these children that teachers and parents most often complain about. it heavy form of adaptation. Constant failure in studies, lack of contact with the teacher create alienation and negative attitudes of peers. Among these children there may be those who need special treatment - students with neuropsychiatric disorders, but there may also be students who are not ready for learning. If you do not understand the causes of bad behavior in time, do not correct the difficulties of adaptation, then all together can lead to a breakdown, further developmental delay and adversely affect the child's health. One way or another, bad behavior is an alarm signal, a reason to take a closer look at the student and, together with parents, understand the reasons for the difficulty of adapting to school.

Adaptation of children begins at preschool age and is defined by the term "introducing the child to school life". Every child needs to attend pre-school educational institution). It is in kindergarten that children acquire communication experience, skills of their own initiative, and become familiar with cultural values. Preschool education provides the foundation for the development of the child, which will allow him to further master different areas of knowledge.

Everyone knows that on the basis of many schools, structural units for pre-school education of children have been opened (our parents call it “kindergarten at the school”), one of the goals of which issuccessful adaptation of the child to school.Graduates structural unit well adapted to all school conditions. They have great spacious game rooms, bedrooms, classrooms. They are regular visitors to the assembly and sports halls, music class. The school corridor - their way to the cafeteria - is also familiar to them. teachers primary school have an excellent opportunity to communicate with their future students and their parents, to work closely with the educators of the structural unit.

My current students (14 people) are the first graduates of our kindergarten at school. For a more successful adaptation, I got to know the children in advance: I attended their classes, chose a program that was as close as possible to the one they were studying, invited the children to my class, met with their parents at meetings, held open classes with children and their parents. This is a huge job, but thanks to the cooperation of educators, primary school teachers and an educational psychologist, it was easy.

I would like to note that in almost all children the adaptation took place in a mild form, and only in a few - in the middle. This is the first time in my teaching practice. Preschoolers who came to our class from other kindergartens (4 people) easily joined the team, but their adaptation was a little difficult. Most importantly, the incidence of children from the structural unit is much lower than that of graduates of other kindergartens, because the children have already adapted to the new conditions and to each other. And the health of children, both physical and mental, is the basis of successful schooling, which is dear to every parent and teacher.

The child's entry into school means a change in his social position and entails the breaking of old stereotypes of behavior and relationships with others, the need to master new norms and requirements imposed on him by the teacher and parents. All children go through a period of adaptation to school, even those who have good preliminary preparation.

Adaptation (from Latin adapto - I adapt and socialis - public) - 1) a constant process of active adaptation of the individual to the conditions of the social environment;

2) the result of this process.

The psychological dictionary interprets the adaptation of the individual as a process of active adaptation to the conditions of the social environment and as a result of this process. In psychological literature, the concept of adaptation is interpreted with an emphasis on individual, personal qualities and the structure of the personality as a whole (A.A. Aldasheva, F.B. Berezin, N.G. Kolyzaeva).

Of particular importance is the adaptation of the child to school, as a process and result of coordinating the individual capabilities and interaction of the child with the outside world, adapting it to the changed environment, new conditions of life, the structure of relations in certain socio-psychological communities, establishing the compliance of behavior with the norms and rules adopted in them. .

The concept of "adaptation to school" is considered by G.R. Dichev, B.T. Gurusbekov as a complex system of adaptive measures aimed at mastering new social forms of activity, and associated primarily with a change in the status of the child.

According to M.R. Bityanova, the adaptation of a child to school means his adaptation to functioning: the fulfillment of educational and social requirements, the assumption of role obligations of a student. Naturally, such an adaptation occurs not only at the external, behavioral level, but also at the internal, personal level: certain attitudes and personal properties are formed that make the child a good student - obedient and diligent. Consequently, an adapted child is a child adapted to the full development of his personal, physical, intellectual and other potentials in the new pedagogical environment given to him.

Under the adaptation of children to school V.R. Tsylev understands the process of a child getting used to school requirements and procedures, to a new environment for him, to new living conditions. According to him, the child for school must adapt not only to the organizational side of life, not only to his own social role, but, above all, to the peculiarities of mastering knowledge in the conditions of the lesson. The educational environment organized by teachers and in which the child "lives" consists, on the one hand, of knowledge, skills, rules, activities that the child, as it were, appropriates, on the other hand, of his attitude to these rules, activities, and on the third - from the child's attitude to himself, to his peers and adults around him, from his understanding of his place in this promised environment, his emotional self-perceptions in it.

As noted by V.S. Mukhina, the new social situation makes the child's life conditions more difficult. Adapting a child to school life is fraught with difficulties that he must overcome:

Development of a new school space;

Development of a new daily routine;

Entry into a new, often first, group of peers (school class);

Acceptance of many restrictions and attitudes that regulate behavior;

Establishing a relationship with the teacher;

Building a new harmony of relationships in a home, family situation.

The adaptation of first-graders to school is directly related to the "child's readiness for school" and includes three components: physiological, psychological and personal adaptation.

The process of physiological adaptation of a child to school for many years was studied by specialists from the Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education Antropova M.V., Koltsova M.M. and others. As a result of numerous experiments and observations, they came to the conclusion that the physiological adaptation to school in children takes place in several stages, each of which has its own characteristics and is characterized by a different degree of stress functional systems organism.

The first stage is indicative, when in response to the whole complex of new influences associated with the beginning of learning, the body responds with a violent reaction and significant stress in almost all systems (two to three weeks).

The second stage - the body looks for and finds some optimal options, reactions to extraneous influences.

The third stage is a period of relatively stable adaptation, when the body finds the most suitable options for responding to the load, requiring less stress on all systems.

It is believed that the average duration of all three phases is five to six weeks. The first weeks of training are characterized by a rather low level and instability of working capacity, a very high level of tension in the cardiovascular system, the sympathoadrenal system, as well as a low indicator of coordination. various systems organisms among themselves.

Only on the fifth or sixth weeks of training, performance indicators gradually increase and become more stable, the tension of the main life-supporting systems of the body (central nervous, cardiovascular, sympathoadrenal) decreases, i.e. there comes a relatively stable adaptation to the whole complex of loads associated with training. And although it is believed that the period of acute physiological adaptation of the body to the training load ends at the fifth or sixth week of training, the entire first year (if we compare the indicators for the following periods of training) can be considered a period of unstable and intense regulation of all body systems.

The success of the process of physiological adaptation is largely determined by the state of health of the child. Depending on the state of health, groups of children are distinguished, with easy adaptation, moderate and severe adaptation.

With easy adaptation, the state of tension of the functional systems of the child's body is compensated during the first quarter. With adaptation of moderate severity, disturbances in well-being and health are more pronounced and can be observed during the first half of the year. Some children have a hard time adjusting to school. At the same time, significant violations in the state of health are increasing from the beginning to the end. school year.

The criteria for the successful physiological adaptation of children to school can be the favorable dynamics of working capacity and its improvement during the first half of the year, the absence of pronounced adverse changes in health indicators and good assimilation program material.

Personal, or social, adaptation is associated with the desire and ability of the child to accept a new role - a student and is achieved by a number of conditions.

1. The development in children of the ability to listen, respond to the actions of the teacher, plan their work, analyze the result - i.e. skills and abilities necessary for successful education in elementary school.

2. Development of the ability to establish contact with other children, build relationships with adults, be sociable and interesting to others - i.e. skills that allow you to establish interpersonal relationships with peers and teachers.

3. Formation of the ability to correctly assess one's own actions and the actions of classmates, use the simplest criteria for assessment and self-assessment - i.e. stable educational motivation against the background of the child's positive ideas about himself and a low level of school anxiety.

The emotional state of the child is an important indicator of satisfaction with his stay at school, it is closely related to the effectiveness of educational activities, affects the assimilation of school norms of behavior, the success of social contacts and, ultimately, the formation of the student's internal position.

The degree of adaptation of a child to school is judged by indicators or parameters of adaptation: deviant behavior, anxious shyness, problems in learning, measurement of indicators of educational activity, as a rule, is carried out according to three parameters: self-assessment of the child, assessment of the child by the teacher, objective indicators of academic achievement.

I.A. Korobeinikov analyzes the aspects of successful adaptation of first-graders, summarizing the main success criteria:

satisfaction of the child with the learning process. He likes school, he does not experience insecurity and fears;

the child easily copes with the program;

independence of the child in the performance of educational tasks, readiness to resort to the help of an adult only after trying to complete the task himself;

satisfaction with interpersonal relationships with classmates and the teacher.

According to the degree of adaptation of children can be divided into three groups.

The first group of children adapts during the first two months of training. These children relatively quickly join the team, get used to school, make new friends. They almost always have a good mood, they are calm, benevolent, conscientious and fulfill all the requirements of the teacher without visible tension. Sometimes they still have difficulties either in contacts with children or in relations with the teacher, since it is still difficult for them to fulfill all the requirements of the rules of conduct. But by the end of October, the difficulties of these children, as a rule, are overcome, the child is fully mastered with the new status of a student, and with new requirements, and with a new regime.

The second group of children has a longer period of adaptation, the period of non-compliance of their behavior with the requirements of the school is delayed. Children cannot accept a new situation of learning, communication with a teacher, children. Such students can play in the classroom, sort things out with a friend, they do not respond to the teacher's remarks or react with tears, insults. As a rule, these children also experience difficulties in mastering the curriculum; only by the end of the first half of the year, the reactions of these children become adequate to the requirements of the school and teacher.

The third group is children whose socio-psychological adaptation is associated with significant difficulties. They have negative forms of behavior, a sharp manifestation of negative emotions, they learn the curriculum with great difficulty. It is these children that teachers most often complain about: they "interfere" with work in the classroom.

G.M. Chutkina in experimental studies identified factors that cause high level adaptation (table 1).

Table 1. Factors causing a high level of adaptation (according to G.M. Chutkina)

Favorable factors of the social microenvironment

The percentage of the sample that classifies the group of children with a high level of adaptation according to this factor

Full family

Father's high level of education

Mother's high level of education

Proper parenting practices

Absence of a conflict situation due to alcoholism in the family

No conflict in the family

Positive style of attitude towards children of the first grade teacher

Motivational readiness to study at school

Favorable status of the child in the group before entering the first grade

Satisfaction with adult communication

Adequate awareness of one's position in the peer group

Thus, among the most favorable factors are an adequate self-assessment of one's position, the correct methods of education in the family, the absence of conflict situations in it, a favorable status in the peer group, motivational readiness for schooling, and the level of education of parents.

The influence of unfavorable factors on a child's adaptation to school, according to the same study, has the following descending sequence: incorrect methods of education in the family, motivational unpreparedness for schooling, dissatisfaction in communicating with adults, inadequate awareness of one's position in a peer group, low level of education parents, conflict situation due to alcoholism, negative status of the child before entering the first grade, conflict situation in the family, negative style of attitude towards the teacher's children, incomplete family.

The importance of family factors on the success of school adaptation is confirmed by the studies of Finnish scientists (Taanila A., Ebeling H., Kotimaa A.). So, in incomplete families (when parents divorce or in a family with one parent), behavioral disorders are more often observed during the period of adaptation to school, especially among boys, girls have more frequent emotional disorders. A higher prevalence of adaptation disorders is noted in families with one child, while in families with many children, the prevalence of disorders is less common.

Flay, B.R. confirms the fact that violations of adaptation to school are associated with the specifics of the social situation of the child's development. The author highlights the following features of school maladaptation in younger students:

school maladaptation is associated with the inability to master, first of all, the operational (rather than the social) side of educational activity;

difficulties in learning and behavior are realized by children mainly through the teacher's attitude towards them;

the causes of school maladaptation are often associated with the attitude of the family towards the child and his studies.

Thus, the first grade of school is one of the most difficult periods in the life of children. When entering school, the child is influenced by the classroom team, the personality of the teacher, the change in the regimen, and the unusually long restriction of motor activity, and the emergence of new responsibilities.

Terms of adaptation of first-graders may be different. Usually stable adaptability to school is achieved in the first semester. However, it is not uncommon for this process to not be completed within the entire first year. Low performance is maintained, poor academic performance is noted. These kids get tired quickly. By the end of the school year, they often show deterioration in their health, which is most often manifested by disorders of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Thus, adaptation is not only an adaptation to successful functioning in a given environment, but also the ability for further psychological, personal, and social development.

One of the main factors hindering the normal adaptation of the child, as we already know, is the insufficient level of school maturity, and, in particular, motivational readiness for schooling.

The first year of school is a difficult period in a child's life. He enters a new, adult life. For parents, this period is no less difficult. They require maximum participation in the life of the baby, a competent psychological approach. In the first grade, the child develops an attitude to school and to the learning process in general. In order for the baby to adapt most easily, it is necessary to take into account his mental and physiological state daily.

School enrollment It sets the child a number of tasks, the fulfillment of which requires him to concentrate his physical and mental forces. The educational process is still unusual for the baby, many of its aspects present great difficulties for him. If in kindergarten classes lasted 15-20 minutes, then at a lesson at school this time increases to 40-45 minutes. It is difficult for a child to sit through a lesson, it is difficult not to be distracted from classes, it is difficult to restrain emotions. He gets into a new team, he needs to get to know classmates and teachers, to establish contact with them. The requirements of school discipline are different from the requirements that were imposed on the baby in kindergarten, he has new responsibilities. In order for the child to get used to the school process, to adapt to new conditions, it takes time. If the adaptation is successful, then the baby will be drawn into studies, and school knowledge will be easily given to him. He will learn to meet school requirements.

As experience shows, not all first-graders easily endure adaptation. Many, even with a high level of intellectual development, cannot cope with the school load. Adaptation is especially difficult for children who entered school at the age of six. For them, it is difficult social adaptation since the formation of personality in a child occurs only by the age of seven. A six-year-old kid is not yet able to recognize the school regime, accept the norms of school behavior, and assume all school duties in full. At the age of seven, a child can already arbitrarily regulate his own behavior, adapts better in society, which is why experts recommend sending a child to school at the age of seven, not six.

It is very important to help the child to adapt to new conditions, to painlessly move from a playful form of activity to a learning one. It is difficult to adapt to hyperactive children. They are restless, often jumping up, shouting, interrupting the teacher. Their disinhibition prevents the teacher and other children from studying. It is very difficult for a teacher to find an approach to such kids, a psychological distance arises between them. It is also difficult for hyperactive children to make friends with classmates. They are quick-tempered, sometimes aggressive, often start fights. However, it is impossible to scold and punish hyperactive kids, they need the help of a psychologist.

Some babies have other problems with nervous system. They are constantly distracted, they do not have enough perseverance to sit through the whole lesson. To solve the problem, the student can be offered an individual work schedule so that he can quickly and easily adapt to school. Unfortunately, most teachers want to do more in the lesson, give as much material as possible, they do not have enough time to help lagging students. In such cases, the intervention of parents is necessary, who can correctly point out to the teacher the problems of their baby and suggest how best to deal with him.

Some children ask to be allowed take your favorite toys to school . They don't need to be banned. The main thing is to explain to the kid that you can’t play in the lesson. And if during the break there is a part of the house with the child, then he will more easily endure adaptation. A favorite toy gives a sense of security, especially if the child is shy and timid.

The beginning of education for almost all children is not easy. At first, babies may complain of headaches, fatigue. Children may act up, cry often, sleep poorly and refuse to eat. Sometimes psychological difficulties may arise, for example, fear, mood swings, reluctance to go to school, a misperception of one's abilities, and self-esteem may decrease. During the period of adaptation, the protective functions of the body decrease, children begin to get sick often.

Parents need to be patient and try to avoid conflicts with the child, he needs to be supported in a difficult period for him, and punishment and censure will only aggravate the situation. It will be even harder for the child if he does not meet understanding and support at home.

Adaptation to school is a complex multifaceted process. It consists of physiological and socio-psychological adaptation. The components of adaptation are interconnected. Any of them can affect the health of the child, his academic performance, the interaction of the baby with peers and teachers.

As a rule, kids come to the first grade already having a certain amount of knowledge gained in the classroom in kindergarten. Despite this, the first six months at school are the most difficult for a child. This is due to the difference in the presentation of information to children. In preschool institutions, kids comprehend knowledge unobtrusively, mainly in a playful way, in their usual activities. Everything is different at school. Children are required to understand the learning task.

Even if the child shows interest in learning, sufficient learning motivation is necessary. He must be sufficiently developed and possess leading personality traits.

The period of adaptation is accompanied by changes in the behavior of children. This can manifest itself in the increased excitability of the baby, the manifestation of aggressiveness, or, on the contrary, result in a depressive state, lethargy, a sense of fear of school. It is these changes in behavior that reflect the characteristics of psychological adaptation.

If the child is well prepared for entering school, adaptation is easier for him. Such children, as a rule, get used to the school space within two months, establish friendly contacts with classmates, and find a common language with teachers. Their behavior is distinguished by benevolence, calmness, good mood. The educational process is given to them relatively easily, they fulfill the requirements of the teacher without any problems, follow the school rules. Sometimes they may have some difficulties, for example in contact with other children, because the school rules are still new for them. However, after some time they get used to school and overcome all the difficulties that have arisen.

For many children, the adaptation process is delayed for six months. They cannot get involved in the learning process, are often distracted in class, play, chat with a neighbor on their desk, do not respond to the teacher's remarks, and interfere with the work of the class. These children have difficulty learning educational material. Some babies show negative emotions, they are often offended, cry, behave badly.

There are children who, during the entire first year of study, do not go through adaptation to school. These kids are at risk from the point of view of school neurosis. They can get sick often and for a long time.

Parents need to help their child to accept the position of the student. You can have unobtrusive conversations with the baby about the school, explain to him why it is necessary to study, why follow the school rules. At home, you should simulate game situations that will teach the baby to follow the school rules. You can invite the child to come up with new rules and play them.

If a child in the first grade is distinguished by poor academic performance, constant violations of school discipline, high conflict with teachers and peers, then he a pedagogical diagnosis of school maladaptation is made . There are cases of hidden maladaptation, which manifests itself not at the level of school performance and discipline, but in the psychological experiences of the child.

Disadaptation can manifest itself in active and passive forms. The active form is expressed in the form of protest, hostility, denial. In the passive form, the child has increased anxiety, he tries to avoid difficulties, becomes unsure of his own strengths and capabilities. In some cases, the baby may manifest somatic diseases, he complains of fatigue, headache, it can make him sick. In some cases, tics and stuttering appear.

How the adaptation will go in the child, in many respects depends on his self-esteem . The formation of self-esteem in the baby begins at an early age in the family. He learns that he is loved, how others perceive him. Already in early childhood, a person has a feeling of success or failure. The appearance of such a personality trait in a child as reflection - awareness of his position, allows him to evaluate himself as a good or bad student. This assessment is made up of the attitude of the surrounding relatives towards him. classmates, teachers. In the process of adaptation, a first-grader develops a sense of competence or inferiority.

The teacher and parents should help the first-grader to overcome adaptation to school. The kid at this time needs sensitivity and understanding, he needs the love of his parents, the attention of teachers, and in some cases the help of psychologists. Communicating with the child at home, parents should pay attention to all his achievements, his actions should be evaluated, and not himself. If something does not work out for the baby, it is necessary to support him, to explain that all failures are temporary, soon he will start to succeed. Do not scold the child for having difficulties in learning - this can drastically reduce his learning activity.

If the kid is often sick, then at school he can quickly get tired, so the learning process will be difficult for him, and the load will seem too difficult. These children need special attention from their parents and teachers. It is necessary to find an opportunity to reduce the psychological burden associated with adaptation for them. It is desirable that after classes such kids spend time at home, and not in an extended day group. They will benefit from daytime sleep and walks on fresh air. And, of course, we must not forget about psychological support. The child should feel that, despite the failures at school, he is still loved and appreciated at home.

More difficult to endure adaptation of children who did not attend kindergarten before entering school. These toddlers have little experience with peers, so it is difficult for them to interact with classmates and teachers, as they expect to be treated the same at school as they are at home. Getting into a new environment for themselves, they do not understand why teachers do not distinguish them from other children, but treat everyone equally, and their peers do not want to recognize them as a leader and give in to anything. This can lead the child to a stressful situation, which entails a reluctance to go to school, complaints that everyone offends him.

Many parents respond inadequately to such complaints of their child. They begin to think that their child is really offended by classmates, and the teacher dislikes and is biased. First of all, it is necessary to find out the reasons for the current situation. The kid needs to show that he is understood, to sympathize and at the same time try to analyze the problem that has arisen. The child did not have the opportunity to learn how to communicate correctly in a team, as he was used to being at home with relatives. Of course, now it is difficult for him to find contact with classmates.

He needs to be taught , suggest how to behave in a given situation in order to make friends, win sympathy and recognition. He feels so lonely and defenseless at school, you need to show him sincere faith in his abilities. If the child can believe in himself, then he will cope with all the difficulties.

Almost all children want to start learning, looking forward to the moment when they can call themselves students. As a rule, all first graders want to study well, meet school requirements and follow school rules. In the first month, almost all children have a very high motivation for learning. The task of the teacher is to support the kids at this stage, to let them feel the joy of achieving success, to help them overcome difficulties, to cope with their fears.

The child enters a new environment . He is not yet familiar with the school rules and norms of behavior, he is not used to the new daily routine. All this must be conveyed to him, shown, taught. And this is the task not only of the teacher, but also of the parents. They can explain to the kid at home how to keep a diary and notebooks correctly, sort out with him various situations that may arise at school. For example, what to do if the child wants to go to the toilet during the lesson.

Another important point- the child must understand that mistakes are not a crime with subsequent punishment. They learn from mistakes, this is a common occurrence in the educational process, so do not be afraid to make a mistake. Studying exists for this, in order to learn from your own mistakes not to allow them in the future.

If the first month is accompanied by a strong motivation to study, then by the beginning of the second month there is usually an emotional decline. Kids start to get tired, they don’t like getting up early for classes, sitting at a desk for a long time, learning lessons. The first difficulties arise, but it is they who teach the baby to learn. At this time, the child needs help to cope with difficulties. This is where the teacher comes into play. He becomes an authority for children, they copy him, refer to his words in any situation. Often the teacher remains the idol of the kids until the third or fourth grade. For many parents, this fact can cause injections of jealousy, but you should take it easy. This does not mean at all that the child switches his love for his parents to the teacher. It's just that in the life of a baby, another psychological period begins, changing its social role.

You can make sure that the learning process gives the child pleasure and joy. If at home there are old albums and notebooks in which the child drew and wrote before, you can compare them with new ones and note achievements. This comparison process can be taken as a habit, then the baby will develop a desire for constant self-improvement. new achievements. He will see what he has achieved, emotionally experience success, which will increase his self-confidence. Feeling the moral support of loved ones, the child begins to feel his responsibility in relation to learning. With the right motivation on the part of the parents, by the end of the first year, the first grader develops punctuality, commitment, and cognition. Only after the adaptation period ends, it can begin to demand the fulfillment of obligations and strict adherence to school rules.

If a child has a disadaptation upon entering school, then over time it does not disappear, but turns into complexes. They begin to consider him antisocial, he is labeled a loser. That is why it is so important to help the kid at the very start of school life.

You can’t scold a child for failures, you need to remember that they are all surmountable. Discussing the progress of the baby, you do not need to compare its results with the standard or with the results of other children. You can only compare the child with his own past results, note any improvements. If he does not succeed in his studies, it is necessary to help him find an activity in which he will be successful and will be able to realize himself. It can be sports, music, drawing or something else. Then, noting his success in another field, it can be emphasized that since he has achieved good results here, he will be able to learn everything else.

No need to focus on school grades. The child should not think that he is loved for good academic performance. He must understand that those close to him appreciate him, no matter what, accept him for who he is. Parents should show a sincere interest in their child's school life, not just focusing on grades. School life is full of other interesting events - holidays, events, excursions, which the first-grader will be happy to talk about.

It is necessary to encourage the child to engage in those activities in which he is most successful, this will raise his self-esteem and gain confidence in himself. If parents manage to reduce the child's anxiety, then it will be easier for him to work in the classroom and he will achieve success faster.

Topic for Parent Meeting:

"Adaptation of the child to school".

Prepared by the teacher-psychologist Kostyushkina Yu.A.

Purpose of the lesson: inform parents about

adaptation of first-graders to school conditions.


To give knowledge about the concept of adaptation to school;

Give an idea about the types of adaptation;

Equipment: lecture material, booklets.

Event progress:

Introductory speech of the teacher-psychologist:

There are parents who think something like this: “Our business is to feed and drink, and the school will teach!” this is a misconception, just like a misconception and the fact that education ends with a diploma or a PhD thesis. A person must always learn - from the moment of his birth to the last breath. Although we, unfortunately, have multiple examples of children who have grown up and have not been taught a lot in time. It has been proven that children who grew up in an impoverished home environment, who were poorly cared for by their mothers, are characterized by low educational achievements, and men - by low earnings. Those who were brought up, surrounded by love and care for development and preschool education, are distinguished by success in education, relatively high income. And, what is very important, having received from parents the baton of concern for the development and education of children, in most cases they pass it on to their offspring.

Do we adults really understand that learning is hard? Do we know why? And most importantly - are we ready for school difficulties and school failures of our children?

School difficulties are inevitable (we must be prepared for this), but someone will pass them unnoticed, and for someone they can become an insurmountable obstacle. Here, a lot depends on us, adults, on our help and our support. Do we, adults, understand that studying is a serious job that requires significant intellectual, emotional and physical stress? Do we know that the beginning of the year is always the most difficult, especially for first graders. Moreover, adaptation to school does not end in a week or two, this takes a lot of time. Therefore, in this manual, we want to tell you how to help your child overcome the first steps on the school path.

Alas, parents are often impatient, intolerant and selfish, although they justify this with “good intentions”. But whatever the excuses, irritation, screams, showdown, punishment, all these are additional stressful situations, it is always a childish pain from misunderstanding and resentment. The main thing is that this only exacerbates the difficulties and creates new problems. Unfortunately, the desires of parents do not often coincide with the capabilities of children. Disappointment, chagrin, confusion can be very bitter when a child on whom you had so many hopes fails one after another.

Why is it so hard to study? Why do hundreds of thousands of girls and boys suffer from various school problems? We are complaining more and more about programs, methods, and the training system. But it is important that this is not one new program, methodology, not one textbook, not strict deadlines when everyone must work as one. After all, they can't all be the same. They are very different, our children. One will listen to the teacher with his mouth open and, absorbed in work, carefully write out each letter, the other will not sit still for a minute, and the dream of neat letters will remain our dream. One grasps everything on the fly, the other will have to explain more than once or twice. One will run out after the lessons still full of strength, and the other, due to excessive fatigue, can fall asleep even in the lesson.

Someone can do all the school work even at the age of six, while for someone it is more useful to spend another year at home or in kindergarten. Not because the child is not ready to study, but because he is not ready for school, for the volume of school loads that he will have to cope with. And the point here is not only in the level of intellectual development of the child, but in age features of his development, in the reserves of his organism, in his state of health.

What is school adaptation?

The beginning of schooling is one of the most difficult and crucial moments in the life of children, both socially and physiologically. These are not only new conditions for the life and activity of a small person - these are new contacts, new relationships, new responsibilities. During this period, the child enters into new social contacts related to school activities. The whole life of the child changes: everything is subject to study, school, school affairs and worries. This is a very stressful period, primarily because from the first days the school poses a number of tasks for students that are not directly related to their experience, it requires the maximum mobilization of intellectual and physical forces.

At school, everything is different: here - work in a rather intense mode and a new strict system of requirements. It takes time and effort to get used to them.

Adaptation (or adaptation) of the child to school does not occur immediately. Not a day, not a week is required in order to get used to the school for real. It's quite a lengthy process..

The optimal time for children to adapt to school is 1.5 - 2 months.

Some children go through this difficult period longer - 3-4 months.

In extreme cases - the entire academic year.

Types of adaptation.

There are physiological, psychological and social adaptation.

ATphysiological adaptation three main stages are distinguished: indicative, the stage of unstable adaptation, the period of relatively stable adaptation.

    Orientation stage ("physiological storm") – lasts 2-3 weeks.

When in response to the whole complex of new influences associated with the transition to high school, the body's systems respond with a violent reaction and considerable stress.

    Unstable fixture ("storm fading") – lasts 3-4 weeks.

When the body is looking for and finds some optimal options for reactions to these effects.

    Relatively stable fixture – lasts 5-9 weeks.

When the body finds the most suitable options for responding to the load, requiring less stress on all systems (mental work, mental load of communication).

On average, physiological adaptation to school takesfrom 2 months to six months, and the most difficult are the first - fourth weeks.

Physiological adaptation - largely determined by the health of the child. According to the degree of adaptation to school, groups of children are distinguished: those showing easy adaptation, adaptation of moderate severity and heavy.

Ateasy adaptation the state of tension of the functional systems of the child's body is compensated during the first quarter.

Atmoderate adaptation violations of well-being and health are more pronounced and can be observed during the first half of the year.

Some children adjust to schoolhard . At the same time, significant violations in the state of health increase from the beginning to the end of the school year.

Psychological adaptation children to school is equally important. It depends on this how much the child will be ready to accept and understand new tasks, as well as his desire to learn and understand knowledge.

Psychological adaptation is closely related to the child's psychological readiness for learning. Evidence of successful adaptation is, on the one hand, productivity in educational activities, on the other hand, the internal state of the child, his emotional well-being, the presence or absence of internal tension.

Once a child has started school, what do parents expect from their child: in behavior and in grades?

Most often, parents expect from their children high marks and diligent behavior. But children do not always live up to these expectations. This can especially manifest itself during the period of adaptation to school. At the age of 6-7 years, children are especially sensitive to the reaction of parents and others to their behavior, to their abilities and capabilities. The child perceives failures and failures most acutely. By the way, that's why they don't give grades in the first grade. However, to assess the progress of the child, his behavior can be from the feedback of the teacher. If the teacher says that the child is inattentive and interferes with the lessons, in no case should he be scolded. The child needs to find out why he behaves this way? What does he not understand? Explain how to behave correctly. The same applies to the changed behavior of the child at home. It often happens that a disciplined and calm child suddenly begins to be rude to his parents and not obey. At the same time, it is possible that such behavior occurs only at home, and at school the child behaves well. The first reaction of parents to the rudeness of the child is punishment. However, it would be right to try to understand the reason for such behavior. Most likely, the reason lies in the fact that the child spends all his strength on the “correct” behavior at school. Calm behavior in the classroom, obedience and attention to the subject requires great stress, and when he comes home, the child tries to relax, hoping that his parents will understand and support him. It is absolutely impossible to punish a child during the period of adaptation to school. But this does not mean that rudeness should be encouraged. Conflict situations should be avoided as much as possible. If the child screams and is rude, do not shout back or apply penalties immediately. It is better to say a neutral phrase:

- You are now annoyed, and it is unlikely that we will have a conversation. We'll get back to him when you calm down.

Try once again to hug and kiss the child. Your support will never be superfluous. It is important to help your child cope with learning difficulties. Including homework. But there is one caveat: it is necessary that the child first try it himself, and only after he failed, he asked for help. If you initially sit down for lessons together, then the child simply will not have the habit of independent work. Very often parents who themselves have had a hard time adapting to school, and, as a result, all other school years were negatively disposed to the educational process,mine emotional mood and attitude to school can be passed on to children, thereby creating additional psychological problems for the child during the period of adaptation.

There are also back side. An overly and overly optimistic attitude of parents towards school, which can give the child only rosy ideas about school life. As a result, he does not expect problems at all, and when faced with the first difficulties, he is disappointed in the school as such. After all, he is sure that everyone copes with the tasks set easily, and only he does not succeed: well, how can you not blame yourself for what is happening. The child's self-esteem drops, the desire to learn disappears. It would be much more correct to explain to the child everything about the advantages of school and education, the knowledge and skills acquired there, but do not forget to mention that this is often a difficult task. That everyone faces difficulties, and it is important to learn how to overcome them, that you will help him in any situation. As a result, the child will develop a positive attitude towards school, and an understanding of the upcoming difficulties. Not always manifestations of stress and tension are destructive. In some cases, sloppy and naughty children, on the contrary, begin to show unusual discipline: they themselves wake up and make the bed, do not contradict their parents, and so on. Parents are not happy with such changes, and do not suspect that this is evidence of problems in the child. Such behavior does not need any adjustment, and, most likely, over time, everything will return “to normal”. This is where parental understanding comes into play. Do not blame the child for returning to his "usual" behavior.

Social adaptation.

When a child enters school, many new people appear in his life andnew social role . For successful social adaptation to school, the child will need to be included in the new conditions of school life, namely, in relationships with peers, learn to work collectively and at a certain pace. Teamwork in the classroom involves intense communication and collaboration, both with other students and with the teacher. This is very difficult period in the life of a first-grader, primarily because the school from the first days sets many tasks for students that cannot be solved using the child’s previous experience, and, therefore, require the application of physical and intellectual strength.

In modern conditions, the complication of this situation is facilitated by: a decrease in the educational influence of the family, fast paced life of society and the receipt of a lot of conflicting information from the media. Life in society requires the child to subordinate his own interests to the interests of the whole society. All this undermines knowledge elementary school student about the world around. It will not be easy for him to realize himself in a new environment for him and create strong, trusting relationships in it. In this regard, mandatory assistance is required in social adaptation to the conditions of the school, not only for the school staff, but also for the parents of first-graders.

At the same time, his position in the class throughout the entire training often depends on how the child shows himself in the team during the period of adaptation.

A first-grader should have the skills to communicate with peers, the ability to work together and act together, be able to build friendly relations.Therefore, you should not scold your children for the fact that they often call up classmates not on business, run away to walk with them, or linger after school.At school, the child should feel that he is comfortable, interesting and fun among classmates, since their assessment, their attitude towards him is very important to him. Every first-grader wants to be an indispensable friend and inspire confidence in his classmates.All this is part of social adaptation, and you should not interfere with this process.

In addition, ppositive emotions that the child receives from communication with peers, and accelerate and facilitate his social adaptation.

Also, the first grader must be ready to fulfill the new school tasks assigned to him, be able to consciously accept the new requirements set by the teacher, comply with the rules and norms of behavior, regime

day, the hierarchy of tasks, etc. At the beginning of school life, the implementation and adherence to new rules is a difficult task for a first grader. Therefore, it is necessary to understand that the requirements for compliance with school rules and norms of behavior by a first grader must be clearly and specifically presented to him. An important condition for the social adaptation of children is the same requirements of the school and parents.

Each of the parents was trained at school, and they have experience, their own system of organizing educational and educational activities, which they have known since their own education. But it must be remembered that the school is a constantly changing organism. Concerningit is important that parents are aware of the rules and laws by which the school operates. In this way, it will be possible to avoid the double standards that a child can be subjected to by the family and school, which can complicate an already difficult period in the life of a first grader.

The situation is more complicated with shy and withdrawn children. Such children often tend to take their favorite toys to school. Many parents prevent this, arguing that the child has already grown up and become a student, that the school is not a kindergarten. However, this is not worth doing. The child feels insecure in the new environment, and the toy is like part of the old, familiar

peace - helps him feel more well. So let him take the toy with him, but just explain to the child that you can only play with it at breaks.

Do not forget about the peculiarities of adaptation to school of children with developmental disabilities, in particular, hyperactive children, with developmental delays, children with autism spectrum disorders, etc. It will be much more difficult for parents of such first-graders to cope with the situation, and it would be much more correct for them to contact specialists in advance . Only in this way can parents be sure that they will solve the problem in the best way and help the child to live the period of adaptation to school less painfully.

The most important thing during this period is the observancedaily routine The daily routine at this time changes a lot, but this does not mean that the regime can be completely abandoned. It is important, especially in the first months of training, for the child to organizesleep after class . it best option allowing to remove nervous tension. In any case, after school, you can’t load the child with studies, let the child rest first. Ideally, this time should be spent with him, doing what he really loves, and only after that you can start doing homework.

On the one hand, it should not be asked in the first grade, on the other hand, it happens in different ways. It is strictly forbidden to sit down to do homework before going to bed. It is better to do this during the day, the peak of brain activity in children fallsat 15-16 hours. Before going to bed, it is best to take a walk in the fresh air.

During the child's adaptation to school, and at other times,walk should take at least 3-4 hours a day , this is the duration that doctors advise. it The best way balance the balance of static load and motor activity. It’s not worth counting on physical education lessons, 2 hours a week is not enough. According to research, a first grader needs11 hours of good sleep . It is best to put the child to bed at 9 p.m. Breakfast must be complete.

Rules that will help the child in communication:

The well-known teacher and psychologist Simon Soloveichik, whose name is significant for a whole generation of students, parents and teachers, published rules in one of his books that can help parents prepare a child for independent life among their classmates at school during the adaptation period. Parents need to explain these rules to the child, and, with their help, prepare the child for adulthood.

    Don't take someone else's, but don't give yours either.

    They asked - give, they try to take away - try to defend yourself.

    Don't fight for no reason.

    Call to play - go, do not call - ask permission to play together, it's not embarrassing.

    Play fair, don't let your comrades down.

    Don't tease anyone, don't "buzz", don't beg for anything. Don't ask anyone for anything twice.

    Be careful wherever you need to be careful.

  • Don't cry over grades, be proud. Do not argue with the teacher because of the grades and do not be offended by the teacher for grades. Try to do everything on time and think about good results, you will definitely have them.

    Don't snitch and don't slander anyone.

    Try to be careful.

    Say more often: let's be friends, let's play, let's go home together.

    Remember! You are not the best, you are not the worst! You are unique for yourself, parents, teachers, friends!

Phrases for communicating with a child:

Not recommended phrases for communication: - I told you a thousand times that...
How many times do you have to repeat...
What are you thinking about...
Is it hard for you to remember that...
-You become…
-You are just like...
Leave me alone, I don't have time...
-Why is Lena (Nastya, Vasya, etc.) like this, but you are not ...

You are smart, handsome (etc.).
- It's good that I have you.
- You're a good guy.
-I love you very much.
- How well you did it, teach me this too.
- Thank you, I am very grateful to you.
If it wasn't for you, I would never have made it.

School is the most important stage in a child's life, preceding his full entry into adulthood. It is here that he will acquire all the necessary knowledge, skills, skills for further creative, professional and spiritual development.

As practice shows, even successful and loyal children in kindergarten, it is difficult to perceive a completely new society for themselves, with a lot of strict requirements, the need for full-fledged and systematic study, discipline, not to mention those future first-graders who did not attend preschool at all. All of them require proper, systemic adaptation.

It is necessary to start ahead of time, preferably with senior group kindergarten. Naturally, within the framework of the preschool educational institution, the work of a local social teacher is carried out to familiarize children with the principles of the school curriculum, behavior, discipline, and a short-term simulation of the work process of a first grader is carried out. However, as practice shows, these procedures are often clearly not enough - the baby still perceives the above activities in a purely playful way, regular visits to the preschool group contribute to this.

The main areas to be worked on in this context are:

  • Creating the right psychological atmosphere and focusing on a comprehensive learning process. It should be explained in an accessible form and regularly repeated to the child why the school is needed, what he will do there, what rules must be followed and how to behave. Separately, it is necessary to focus on the obvious advantages of the school over the preschool educational institution, especially if the baby did not like certain aspects of attending a preschool institution (the need to sleep during the day, being in the institution until late in the evening, and so on);
  • Imitation of the school learning process at home. If the child has days off and free days, you can play school at home. The role of students and teachers can be played as children, toys, adults;
  • Normalization of circadian rhythms and bringing them into line with the school schedule. This nuance is especially relevant for those children who have not attended preschool and are not used to the standard schedule with early rising, clearly marked periods for eating, sleeping, and so on;
  • Pairing the efforts of parents and the future teacher. It is necessary to maintain feedback with the teacher, teaching staff and parents of other children, jointly discussing potential problems and ways to resolve them in the field of child adaptation, discipline and other factors;
  • Compliance with classical medical recommendations. The child must be ready for school not only psychologically, but also physically.

Features of the child's adaptation to school

Today's children find it difficult to adapt to school. A number of social and pedagogical research shows that only every fifth first-grader joins the team without any problems and almost immediately gets used to the standard educational process. About half of all future first-graders, even attending regular kindergartens and having good psychological characteristics, as well as successfully passed tests for school readiness, eventually have problems with adaptation, mainly related to discipline and academic performance. The reason for these problems in the absence of other negative factors (negative social situation in the family, the presence of health problems, and so on) is the focus on the gaming component of the described social unit of society. The child, not being properly and in advance prepared, does not adapt well to new conditions for himself, both mentally and socially.

All of the above problems can only be dealt with in a comprehensive manner, helping the child to correctly place emphasis in the process of learning and cognition, encouraging him for any success in education, forming a clear disciplinary framework for behavior at school.

Psychological adaptation of the child to school

If the child's social adaptation to the future school largely depends on the society and the children's environment, as well as the pedagogical influence of the preschool educational institution, home conditions, then the psychological adaptation vector is a holistic complex system of interrelated components. They include motivation, sufficiency of cognitive, speech and intellectual development, regulation of the child's actions in relation to a number of situations, the type of relationship the child has with peers and adults.

In modern practice, three components are considered priority:

  • personal readiness. Indicates whether the child wants to study, go to school, establish new levels of cooperative relations with peers, realize other needs in the context of socially significant activities;
  • The presence of will and motivation. Correlates with the ability to control actions and actions by willpower, listen, understand and delve into the instructions of the teacher, act within the rules, hold attention for a certain period of time;
  • General intellectual level. It is interpreted by the level of cognitive development, the ability to assimilate new objective knowledge, to distinguish between individual aspects of the subject, to be able to form one's own opinion, compare, generalize, and show other mental activity.

So, the child finally went to primary school. The first days of school as part of the introduction educational institution are usually positively perceived by any children - the atmosphere of a holiday, novelty, new sensations after a while is replaced by the classical educational process. Exactly on this stage the first problems may arise - if they are not resolved in time, then the student begins to show signs of maladaptation.

Comprehensive work to provide assistance during the period of getting used to school should be carried out in two directions - these are activities by the teaching staff, a teacher and a psychologist, as well as providing support at home.

Basic procedures within the school:

  • Diagnosis of first-graders and their families for readiness for the educational process;
  • Providing personalized assistance to children with severe signs of maladaptation;
  • Organization and proper implementation of psychological and pedagogical classes (both individual and group), which are aimed at mastering a new social space, the ability to interact with peers, to comply with the rules and norms of school life;
  • Correct positioning of the first teacher with an emphasis on a systematic learning process, diluted with periods of rest, easy communication and a smooth transition from the concept of a teacher to the role of a teacher from the point of view of children.

Home activities:

  • Maintaining the most favorable psychological climate without quarrels and tantrums;
  • Encouragement of even small successes in the first stages of education;
  • A detailed analysis of the school day - how it was spent by a first grader;
  • Reducing the requirements for grades in the context of the fact that a child is loved not for good grades, but, of course;
  • Search and finding an additional area of ​​activity where the child wants to express himself within the framework of school circles or other activities, naturally not to the detriment of recreation and entertainment;
  • Maximum optimization of daily rhythms of rest and activity, ensuring a full 8-hour sleep;
  • Complete varied and balanced nutrition, as well as the organization of additional dry rations for school (even if there is a school lunch) - cookies, apples, water, juice;
  • During epidemics of acute respiratory viral infections (usually they begin in October) - additional vitamin-mineral complexes, preventive use of anaferon.

The period of adaptation of the child at school

There is simply no exact time frame that could interpret the successful completion of the first grader's adaptation period - too many factors affect this complex process. However, 3 main categories of children are conditionally distinguished in this aspect:

  • Group 1. Children adapt to school during the first two months of the educational process. A child belonging to this category quickly joins the group of peers, masters the basics of behavior and study at school, and makes new acquaintances. His psychological background is stable, the requirements of the teacher are fulfilled without tension. During the first weeks they may feel some discomfort in relations with children or the class teacher, but by the end of October they are fully accustomed to their new status, are mostly in a good mood, externally and internally calm, friendly and conscientious;
  • Group 2. Children in this category have a longer period of adaptation - usually up to six months. They find it difficult to perceive a new learning process for themselves, have problems with discipline, often play in the classroom, react negatively to the teacher's remarks, have slight or medium difficulties in mastering the basic school curriculum, and often go into conflict with their peers. By the end of the first half of the year, the main negative manifestations of the above are significantly weakened or disappear altogether;
  • Group 3. The social and psychological adaptation of this group of children is associated with serious difficulties. Negative and negative emotions prevail in them regardless of the circumstances, often even by the second half of the year there is a partial or complete rejection of the school curriculum and knowledge. In the classroom, the child of the third group is practically not controlled, moreover, he systematically interferes with the educational process and the work of the teacher. In this case, it is not possible to achieve tangible results with classical adaptation measures - an individual systematic work of a psychologist and a social pedagogue is necessary, moreover, both in relation to the first-grader and his family (in the vast majority of cases, it is the family factor that plays a key role in the rejection of the school as such).

In the first year of schooling, parents of a child often face systemic difficulties in adapting their child to a new society. In some cases, they can be eliminated painlessly, while individual problems can haunt a family for a long period of time, up to high school. Typical negative situations and methods of their possible resolution:

  • Poor progress. It is necessary to separate the child's real dislike of the school curriculum and some lagging behind it - in the latter case, the main negative is often brought in by the parents themselves, who expect unreasonably high achievements from the child. In their absence, even a hidden demonstration of discontent can negatively affect a first grader. The inevitable adaptation difficulties associated with incorporation into a new society are induced and developed by excessive requirements, which ultimately does not allow one to assimilate new material. Instead of a longer and smoother entry into the educational process, the child is falling further and further behind the main program. The solution to this problem lies in a more loyal attitude towards the performance of children of primary school age and the encouragement of any, even minor, success in the field of education;
  • Laziness. This problem is well known and there can be many reasons for it. Most often, this is a low need for cognitive motives (the child is passionate about something else), the general slowness of the pace of his own mental activity due to temperament, anxiety and self-doubt, lack of clear motivation, fear of failure, and also being spoiled. You can overcome laziness only by long-term systematic work with the child (including doing homework), additional motivation and other methods without hard pressure on the child's psyche and scandals;
  • Withdrawal from productive activities. The child is present at the lesson, but is not studying at the same time? A typical problem can be associated with increased distractibility, withdrawal, and lack of attention, love and warm feelings from parents. He perceives pastime at school as a vacation from domestic problems. Possible ways corrections - this is the allocation of more attention to the child, minimizing quarrels in the family;
  • Demonstrative disobedience. If a child is overly demanding of attention, loves to be always in its center, then he often provokes situations associated with public disobedience, including gross violations general norms discipline and rules of conduct, despite the requests of the teacher. "Playing for the public" sometimes leads to disruption of lessons and the forced call of the head teacher, director and parents, who partially satisfy this need with their personalized attention. The true punishment in this case, which often helps to overcome the problem, is a temporary deprivation of attention. At the same time, it is necessary to carry out an educational measure in a comprehensive manner, correlating the efforts of the teaching staff and parents;
  • Verbalism. A very contradictory and deeply problematic situation associated with a violation of the processes of a child's adaptation to school is a high level of speech development in a first grader along with a delay in thought processes. At preschool age, many parents pay the maximum possible attention to the speech of the child, while not working with the abstract, practical, logical thinking of the child, as a result of which glib speech, inflated self-esteem on the part of parents and the student himself are not supported by high-quality assimilation of knowledge. This gives rise to many problems, including the negative attitude of the mother and father of the child towards the teaching staff - they cannot understand why their child, who speaks and recites poetry well, chronically does not learn the basic school curriculum. The resolution of this situation lies in the forced development of figurative thinking (mosaics, applications, drawings, and so on) with the stimulation of productive activity and inhibition of the speech flow.

How to understand that the child has adapted to new conditions for himself and his adaptation process is coming to an end? To do this, it is worth making a qualitative assessment of the child according to a number of criteria:

  • School norms of behavior. Monitoring lends itself to the behavior of the student in accordance with the norms of school discipline, perseverance in the classroom, compliance with the regime;
  • The effectiveness of cognitive activity. How much effort does the child need to make to complete the initial school assignments how is the independent work of a first-grader on materials, what General characteristics success denotes a teacher;
  • The presence of social contacts. The level of the child's relationship with classmates and the teaching staff is assessed;
  • General emotional well-being. Levels of calmness, benevolence and attitude towards the educational process, as well as the child's value judgments about the school as a whole.

If, according to all the above criteria, you can put an average or high score, then with a high degree of probability, the child has adapted to a new society for himself and will be able to successfully master new knowledge.

Methods of adaptation of children to school

There are many methods for adapting children to school, including those of a specialized nature for students with specific needs (inclusive classes). We offer the simplest general approaches that can help a typical child with no special health problems (physical or mental) quickly settle into school. In case of serious difficulties associated with special factors of socio-psychological integration of children, in any case, parents need the help of qualified specialists.

General scheme:

  • Praise, not scold. The temporary poor progress of a first-grader, especially at the initial stage of attending school, is explained by the difficulties of integrating into a new society for him. You can’t scold a child for poor results or express dissatisfaction in any way - this will cause a lot of negative emotions in him and reduce his interest in learning. Praise the child at the slightest opportunity and even a small success;
  • Comparison with others is unacceptable. Quite often, not too far-sighted parents begin to publicly compare the abilities and talents of their child with any other (the son of a friend, the daughter of an acquaintance, and so on), pointing out the shortcomings of the child. Doing this is not allowed! Thus, self-esteem is significantly reduced and motivation for further study disappears. You can only compare the child with him, focusing on improving his own results;
  • Gentle assessment. Do not expect quick and high results in the child's educational activities - the first year the cognitive process is formed in such a way as to instill in the child interest and love for school, while grades fade into the background. Moreover, to mitigate the process of adaptation in the 1st grade of primary school, there is no official assessment at all, and homework is minimal;
  • Development of hidden potential. If a child loves public attention, is very inquisitive and has energy unspent at school, then it is worth finding the most suitable area for him where he can realize himself as part of a productive process. It can be sports, dancing, various circles. Naturally, additional classes and activities must necessarily be agreed with the child and not interfere with rest, as well as basic schooling;
  • Reward. The best reward for a first grader is not toys and sweets (they should be provided in moderation and not as payment for good result learning or behavior), but trusting, open communication and praise.

Signs of successful adaptation of children to school

How can you understand that the child is fully accustomed to school? First of all, watch it!

Signs of completion of adaptation and transition to a productive educational process with social integration into a new society:

  • The child likes going to school, he talks with great pleasure about all aspects of being in the classroom, his small victories and failures;
  • The kid sleeps well, cheerful, active, curious, does not complain of various pains (including imaginary ones), rarely gets sick;
  • The child independently dresses and changes clothes (both at home and at school), is well oriented in the building of an educational institution, goes to the dining room and toilet without problems, and if necessary, can turn to teachers for help;
  • The child has friends in the class, he knows them by name and common interests;
  • The child has a positive attitude towards the main teacher and other teachers, and resolutely refuses the offer to return to the preschool institution.

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